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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[CENTER][B][U]Wrestling World Overview- Part Three[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Pittsburgh [COLOR=dimgray]Steel [/COLOR][COLOR=olive]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Mitch Naess/[B] Head Booker: [/B]Alex Braun [B]Prestige:[/B] D- / [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,100,368 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in Tri State, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions[/B]: PSW Championship- Johnny Martin (since October 2012), PSW National- Henry Lee (since December 2012), Tag Team - 'Pitch Black' Paul Huntingdon & Tank Bradley (since September 2012) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] J D Morgan (44), Johnny Martin (43), Paul Huntingdon (27) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C: 1 ( 8 %), C-: 1 (8 %), D+: 9 (75%), D: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] D+, D+, D+, D+, C [B]Summary[/B]: PSW shockingly managed to put on a good show (by their lowly standards) at the end of the year with their PSW Exile show (rated C), whether this signals a turning of the corner for the promotion remains to be seen. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=teal]Pride [COLOR=royalblue]Glory[/COLOR] Honor [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Sadaharu Jimbo/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Nobuatsu Tatsuko [B]Prestige:[/B] B+/ Mo[B]ney:[/B] $ 53,008,258 [B]Size:[/B] National B in Kanto, B- in Kinki & Hokkaido, C+ in Chubu, Chugoku & Kyushu, C in Shikoku & Tohoku. Mostly E's everywhere peaking at E+ in Hawaii and lowest in Central Australia (F+). [B]Current Champions:[/B] Glory Crown- PRIDE Koiso (since August 2012), Glory Tag Crown- Akinori Kwakami (since August 2012), Historical Japan- Akinori Kwakami (since December 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Alexander Robinson (40), Eisanaku Kunomasu (42), Nobuatsu Tatsuko (42), PRIDE Koiso (36), Yoshimi Mushashibo (37) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 63 Shows (Touring Schedule: 7 months on, 5 months off- 2 shows a week + 7 Supercards ) A: 14 (22 %), B+: 24 (38 %), B: 18 (29 %), B-: 7 (11 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B, B+, A, B-, B [B]Television:[/B] PGHW The Kings Road- One Hour Tour Higlights Package Tuesday Evenings on Japanese Sports Vision 2. Coverage across Japan. Current show ratings around 1.78. 38 episodes left on contract. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown across the whole of Japan via Emperor Choice. Biggest Buy Rate: 1.89 (Night of Honour 2012- August), Last Buy Rate: 1.81 [B]Summary:[/B] Whilst it shouldnt be seen as a crisis, PGHW have a fight on their hands to maintain their spot as one of the top promotions in Japan. Out of the Big Four in Japan it appears PGHW have had it the hardest this year. PPV buy-rates are on the whole down from what they were last year and despite their best efforts to elevate some new blood into what was a rather static main event scene over the past year the likes of Alexander Robinson and PRIDE Koiso have failed to convince in their runs as Glory Crown Champion. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=teal]Pro [COLOR=darkslategray]Wrestling[/COLOR] SAISHO[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Sadakuno Nishimuraya / [B]Head Booker:[/B] Hirokazu Yamanoue [B]Prestige:[/B] D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,107,969 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in Tohoku, E in Kanto, F+ in rest of Japan, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Destiny- Hirokazu Yamanoue (since November 2010), Destiny Tag Team- Kenichi Komigata & Toshinobu Taku (since July 2011). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Hirokazu Yamanoue (36), Kazuma Narato (34), Torajiro Sekzowa (37) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C: 9 (75%), C-:2 (17 %), D+: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C, C, C-, C, C [B]Summary:[/B] Neither the Destiny or Destiny Tag Titles changed hands in SAISHO this year and they still haven't got anyone on a PGHW Developmental contract despite apparently being a feeder promotion. In a nut-shell things are pretty much exactly the same as they were this time last year in SAISHO. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][COLOR=navy]Rhode [COLOR=royalblue]Island[/COLOR] Pro [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Wrestling[/COLOR][/B] [B]Owner/ Head Booker:[/B] Professor Nero [B]Prestige:[/B] D/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 2,091,398 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in New England, E- in Tri-State, F- Everywhere Else [B]Current Champions:[/B] RIPW Championship- Avalanche (since October 2012), RIPW Tag Team- 'Rising Force' Mick Muscles & Ernest Youngman (since April 2012) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Avalanche (37), Ernest Youngman (19), Johnny Martin (43) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C: 1 (8 %), C-: 5 (42 %), D+: 6 (50 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C, C-, D+, D+, C- [B]Summary:[/B] The feeder promotion of the currently ailing SWF, started to put on a few shows in the neighbouring Tri-State Region, showing that they have an ambition to expand their prescence beyond their home region of New England and whilst their shows still aren't going to challenge the likes of CZCW or FCW for some of the best action to be seen on the independent circuit, RIPW have shown improvement in the general quality of the shows they have been putting on this past year. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Ring [COLOR=dimgray]of [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Fire[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Robert 'British Samurai' Brown/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Harley Neill [B]Prestige:[/B] E+/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 374,198 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in South, E+ in Midlands, F+ Rest of UK, F- everywhere else [B]Current Champions:[/B] Ring of Fire Championship- Merle O'Curle (since August 2011), Talisman - Kevin Jones (since July 2012), Tag Team- Rolling Johnny Stones & Kevin Jones (since September 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Joss Thompson (31), Kevin Jones (36), Merle O'Curle (35), Stevie Stoat (36) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B: 5 (42 %), B-: 6 (50 %), C+: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B-, B, B, B-, B- [B]Summary:[/B] ROF continued to put on shows the quality of which far exceed the expectations a promotion of their size and stature. Slowly and steadily word is getting round that ROF are the promotion to see, if you want to watch some of the best wrestling to be seen in a UK ring. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=olive]South [COLOR=black]of the[/COLOR] Border [COLOR=black]Pro[/COLOR] Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Jorge Ibanez/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Pablo Rodriguez [B]Prestige:[/B] C/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 5,410,493 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C+ in Northern Mexico, C in West Central & South Eastern, C- in South West U.S, E in rest of mainland U.S, E- in Puerto Rico and Hawaii, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Campeon de Mundo- Pablo Rodriguez (since November 2012), Campeones de Parejas- Marcos Flores & Tijuana Vampire (since May 2012), Campeones de Trios- Tijuana Vampire, Nicolas Lopez & Hurcan Sandoval Jr (since November 2012), Campeon de Menor- Pirtata Malvado (since December 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] El Demonio (38), El Fuerza (34), Marcos Flores (37), Mayan Idol (40), Pablo Rodriguez (34). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV show + monthly super-show) B+: 7 (12 %), B: 23 (38 %), B-: 23 (38 %), C+: 4 (7%), C: 3 (5 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, B-, B, B, C [B]Television:[/B] SOTBPW Lucha Libre - 2 Hours Friday Evenings on Los Deportes Hoy. Coverage across Mexico and in South West USA. Current show ratings around 0.50. 21 episodes left on contract. [B]Summary:[/B] SOTBPW maintained their spot as the top promotion in Mexico, but with OLLIE gradually returning to form and MHW rising fast...they could have a battle on their hands to maintain their place as the top promotion in Lucha Libre. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=teal]Supreme [COLOR=royalblue]Wrestling [/COLOR]Federation[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Richard Eisen/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] The Masked Mauler [B]Prestige:[/B] C-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 158,935,411 [B]Size:[/B] Cult B- in Tri State, Ontario & South UK, C+ in Mid South, Quebec, Northern Mexico, Kanto, Kinki, Central Europe, Meditteranean, C in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, Mid West, New England, North West, South West, South East, West/Central Mexico, South/Eastern Mexico, Chubu, Chugoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido, C- in Puerto Rico, The Prairies, British Columbia, North UK, Scotland, Midlands UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, D+ in Hawaii, Tohoku, Shikoku, Eastern Australia, Western Australia, D- in Maritimes, New Zealand, E in Central Australia [B]Current Champions:[/B] World Heavyweight- Squeeky McClean (since December 2012), World Tag Team- ''Biggz Boyz' Bart Biggz & Brett Biggz (since August 2012), North American- Kirk Jameson (since December 2012), Shooting Star- Ryan Powell (since September 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Christian Faith (46), Frederique Antonio Garcia (37), James Justice (42), Remo (30), Runaway Train (48), Squeeky McClean (38), Steve Frehley (29) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 108 Shows (2 Weekly TV Shows + 12 Monthly Supershows) A: 3 (28%), B+: 12 (11 %), B: 27 (25 %), B-: 19 (18 %), C+: 16 (15 %), C: 13 (12 %), C-: 10 (9 %), D+: 4 (4 %), D: 3 (3 %), D-: 1 (1 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] D+, B, B, D, B- [B]Television:[/B] SWF Breakin' Out 2 Hours Thursdays Late Evening on Sports America and Mondays Late Evening on Prime TV Japan. Coverage in whole of USA (except Hawaii) with Sports America, and Japan with Prime TV Japan. Rating around 0.80 on Sports America and 0.65 on Prime TV Japan. Show has completed run on both networks and is up for renewal. SWF Supreme TV- Wednesdays Prime Time on Arcadia. Coverage in whole of USA. Current ratings around 1.55. 35 episodes left on contract [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown via 1 Choice TV (Australia), PPV Japan (Japan), Premier Pay EURO-TV (Europe), Premier Pay-UK TV (UK), Seleccion Mexico (Mexico), U-Demand (USA) [B]Biggest Buy Rate:[/B] 11.79 (The Supreme Challenge 32- July), Last Buy Rate: 2.86 [B]Summary:[/B] On the plus side for the SWF they have so much money in the bank, they wont be going out of business anytime soon but the once dominant promotion are coming off the back of what turned out to be pretty humiliating year. Things were actually starting to quite look positive again for the SWF after they rose back to Global status in August but things began to un-ravel in the fall after they failed to maintain their status as a global company and this time it looks to have hit them hard. The loss of a glut of main event/potential main event talents that most recently include Tom Gilmore, Jack Bruce and Brandon James many of whom seem to be finding their way over to rivals TCW will have had not only have done short term but also potentailly long term damage to the SWF. Out of the current main eventers only really Christian Faith, Steve Frehley and Remo Richardson can be considered true stars of he level SWF could once boast throughout their main event. The SWF's fall to Cult Size also saw them lose their most important PPV contract with North America Prime Select and whilst they did re-sign with another provider in the U.S, U-Demand does not have the same coverage as NAPS and they lost their PPV prescence in neighbouring Canada. This resulted in a severe downturn in PPV buy-rates for their final two PPV's of the year. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Total [COLOR=darkslategray]Championship[/COLOR] Wrestling[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Tommy Cornell/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Joel Bryant [B]Prestige[/B]: A/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 71, 347, 313 [B]Size:[/B] Global B+ in Tri-State, Kanto, B in Mid South, Mid West, New England, South East, Quebec, Ontario, South UK, Northern Mexico, Kinki, Hokkaido, B- in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, North West, South West, British Columbia, West/Central Mexico, South/Eastern Mexico, Kyushu, Chugoku, Kyushu, C+ in Prairies, C in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Midlands UK, North UK, Ireland UK, Tohoku, Shikoku, C- in Scotland UK, Eastern Australia, D+ in Martitimes, Central Europe, Mediterranean, Western Australia, D in Scandinavia, New Zealand, D- in Eastern Europe, E+ in Central Australia [B]Current Champions:[/B] World Heavyweight- Rick Law since July 2011), International- Ricky Dale Johnson (since June 2012), World Tag Team - Rocky Golden & Shawn Gonzalez (since August 2012), All Action- Fumihiro Ota (since August 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Eddie Peak (36), Joey Minnesota (30), John Anderson (37), Randy Bumfhole (28), Rick Law (30), Scout (34), Tommy Cornell (34), Zimmy Bumfhole (29) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 108 Shows (2 Weekly TV Shows + 12 Monthly Supershows) A*: 8 (7%), A: 25 (23 %), B+: 38 (35 %), B: 20 (19 %), B-: 15 (14 %), C+: 2 (2 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] A, B-, A, A, A [B]Television:[/B] TCW Action Packed (2 Hours)-UK : Fridays Early Evening on UK Broadcasting Prime, Current Rating around 0.55, 32 episodes left on contract/ USA: Mondays Late Evening on America-Sports 1, Current Rating around 3.0, 21 episodes left on contract/Japan: Thursdays Prime Time on Japanese Sports Vision, Current Rating around 1.75, 20 episodes left on contract/ Australia: Tuesdays Early Evening on Australia Channel 1, Current Rating around 0.07, 31 episodes left on contract /Canada: Tuesdays Early Evening on Canada-On-Air, Current Rating around 0.80, 56 episodes left on contract/ Europe: Tuesdays Early Evening on European Network Ace, Current Rating around 0.04, 19 episodes left on contract TCW Presents Total Wrestling (2 Hours)- North America: Saturday Evenings on GNN Total Sports, Current Rating around 5.0, 32 episodes left on contract/ Japan: Tuesday Evenings on J-Network East 2, Current Rating around 1.90, 20 episodes left on contract /Europe: Tuesday Evenings on Euro Cable Sports 1, Current Rating around 0.18, 8 episodes left on contract [B]PPV:[/B] 1-Choice TV (Australia), PPV Japan (Japan), Premier-Pay CAN -TV (Canada), Premier Pay EURO-TV (Europe), Seleccion Mexico (Mexico), U-Demand (USA), United Kingdom Choice (UK) [B]Biggest Buy Rate:[/B] 5.73 (Psycho Circus - December), Last Buy Rate: 5.73 [B]Summary:[/B] 2012 saw TCW cement their place as the top promotion in the U.S and arguably the World, whilst their rivals the once dominant SWF continue to falter, a major reason behind that has been the defection of many SWF talents to TCW recent years, resulting in the promotion having one of the most stacked rosters ever seen in the history of wrestling. Somehow TCW have managed to blend in the new-comers with the established talents without much trouble but having 4 Hours of TV time per week, and a monthly PPV to showcase those talents surely helps. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=olive]Ultimate [COLOR=darkslategray]European[/COLOR] Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Ali Bloxsome/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Joey Beauchamp [B]Prestige:[/B] D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,745,371 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D+ in Mediterranean, F+ in Central Europe and Scandinavia, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] World- Sergei Kalashnov (since June 2012), Nations- Jay Heartbreak (since January 2012), Tag Team - 'Heartbreak Connection' Jay Heartbreak & Scott Van Den Berg (since March 2010). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Edward Cornell (29), Louis Figo Manico (44), Sergei Kalashnov (33) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C+: 4 (33 %), C: 3 (25 %), C-: 5 (42 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C, C, C-, C, C+ [B]Summary:[/B] Relationships between EWA and UEW can't be that strained when the owner of the EWA promotion holds one half of the Tag Titles (which he's done for almost 2 years) and the secondary singles belt of the rival promotion. Out of the two UEW continue to put on the better quality shows but who outside of Europe really cares ? [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=red]United[COLOR=navy] States[/COLOR] Pro Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Alicia Strong / [B]Head Booker:[/B] Corporal Doom [B]Prestige:[/B] C+/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 12,038,343 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C in Tri-State, C- in Mid South, Mid West, New England, South East, Quebec, Ontario, D+ in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, North West, South West, Prairies, British Columbia, D in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, D- in Maritimes, F+ in Mexico and Japan, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] World- Darryl Devine (since September 2012), Television- Jumbo Jackson (since September 2012), World Tag Team- Java & James Hernandez GRedwood (since February 2012), Intercontinental- Hollywood Brett Starr (since July 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Big Smack Scott (37), Darryl Devine (29), Kirk Jameson (26), Robbie Retro (26) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV Show + Monthly Supercard) B: 1 (2 %), B-: 4 (7 %), C+: 14 (23 %), C: 16 (27 %), C-: 15 (25 %), D+: 7 (12 %), D:3 (5 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, C, B-, C+, B- [B]Television:[/B] USPW American Wrestling- One Hour Sundays Late Evening on NCTV, Thursdays Late Evening on Maple Leaf Sports. Coverage in whole of USA on NCTV and in Canada on Maple Leaf Sports. Current ratings around 1.50 on NCTV, 0.30 on Maple Leaf Sports. 32 episodes left on NCTV contract, 20 left on Maple Leaf Sports contract. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown in USA and Canada on Public Access Select [B]Biggest Buy Rate:[/B] 0.59 (Made in America- December), Last Buy Rate: 0.59 [B]Summary:[/B] 2012 saw Sam Strong hand over the reigns of USPW to his daughter Alicia Strong, it also saw the retirement of several veterans such as Randall 'The Bandit' Hopkirk and Giant Redwood who held positions at the top of the card, this resulted in USPW becoming younger and most will say better. But despite the SWF's recent troubles they remain a distant third and seem a long way off becoming a National sized promotion. Also somewhat surprisingly Alica Strong has not decided to resurrect the Womens Division, deciding instead to ply her wrestling trade elsewhere and many USPW fans wonder if her 'heart' is really in promoting the promotion she inherited from her father. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]World Level Wrestling[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Koji Kojima/ He[B]ad Booker:[/B] Haru Kurofuji Pr[B]estige:[/B] A/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 117,127,790 [B]Size:[/B] Global B+ in Kanto, B in Kinki, Hokkaido, Tri State, B- in Mid South, Mid West, New England, Ontario, Quebec, C+ in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, North West, South East, South West, C in Shikoku, Tohoku, The Prairies, British Columbia, South UK, C- in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Mexico, D+ in Midlands UK, North UK, Ireland, D in Maritimes, Scotland, Western Australia, Eastern Australia, E+ in New Zealand, E in Central Europe, Mediterranean, Scandinavia, Central Australia, E- in Eastern Europe. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Universal- Antonio Maxi Marquez (since November 2012), Show Stealer- The Great Hisato (since November 2012), Tag Team- Haru Kurofuji and Koji Kojima (since August 2012), Street Fighting- Ryu Kajahaa (since November 2012), Tap Out- Hirokazu Yamanoue (since October 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Americana (32), Antonio Maxi Marquez (31), Emerald Angel(26), Eisaku Hoshino (38), Extraordinario Jr (24), Golden Scorpion (36), Jacob Jett (26), Mr Lucha III (25) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 96 Shows (Touring Schedule: 8 months on, 4 months off- 3 shows a week + 8 Supercards ) A*: 7 (7 %), A: 21 (22 %), B+: 40 (42%), B: 27 (28%), B-: 1 (1 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B, B+, B+, A, B [B]Television:[/B] WLW Combat TV- 2 Hour Tour Highlights Package-Mexico: Fridays Late Evenings on TV-Mex . Current Ratings around 0.21. 8 episodes left on contract/ North America: Mondays Late Night on CBA. Current Ratings around 3.45. 58 episodes left on contract./Australia: Thursdays, Late evening on Australia Channel 2. Current Ratings around 0.03/ 20 episodes left on contract/Japan: Wednesdays Prime Time on Japanese Sports Vision. Current Ratings around 3.05. 12 episodes left on contract [B]PPV:[/B] 1 Choice-TV (Australia), Emperor Choice (Japan), North America Prime Select(USA/Canada) [B]Biggest Buy Rate:[/B] 10.38 (Destiny & Desire- August), Last Buy Rate: 10.38 [B]Summary:[/B] WLW maintained their position as one of the top promotions not only in Japan but also in the World throughout 2012. Lead by an incredibly over main event scene, there seems to be no stopping WLW from cementing their place as the dominant force in Japan, despite strong competiton from the likes of BHOTWG, PGHW and GCG. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][COLOR=darkred][U][COLOR=darkslategray]X[/COLOR]-Wrestling America[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Mamoth / [B]Head Booker:[/B] Bob Casey [B]Prestige:[/B] F+/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 63,659 [B]Size:[/B] Small F+ in Mid West, F- Everywhere elsee [B]Current Champions:[/B] International- The Insane Heat (November 2012), All American- Joey Poison (since November 2012) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Knuckles (30), Nevada Nuclear (29), Paul Steadyfast (37), The Insane Heat (42) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] Only 2 shows so far, D+ and C-. [B]Summary:[/B] XWA was founded by former NOTBPW wrestler Mammoth late in the year and have so far only put on two shows. They are promoting themselves as a company that puts over wrestling as 'serious sporting competition' however it remains to be seen if they can make a success of it, especially as current head booker Bob Casey was involved with a similar project in Europe (ELPF) that was doomed to failure. On the bright side Casey he has managed to attract a better standard of talent to XWA to help get the promotion up and running, than he did when he was handed the booking reigns of the ELPF. [CENTER][I][SIZE=3]4C and ELPF both went out of business in 2012.[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] [I]The current position with........[/I] [B][U][COLOR=darkorange]Freedom [COLOR=darkred]Caribbean [/COLOR]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Wilson 'Da Power' Lopez/ Head[B] Booker:[/B] Charles Rainier [B]Prestige:[/B] D-/ Money: $ 362,303 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D in Puerto Rico, E- in Tri State, F+ in South East, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions[/B]: Undisputed Championship- Vacant (since December 2012), People's Championship - 'Speed Machine' Marc Speed (since December 2012), Tag Team Championship: 'Mainstream Nation' Mainstream Hernandez & Soul Krusher (since July 2012) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Darryl Devine (29), Dean Daniels (37), Malilli Umaga (30), Phoenix Negra (32 ?), Puerto Rican Power (41), Ultimate Phoenix (37) [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]2012 Tournament Winners[/U][/B] [B]Best of the Super Juniors (BHOTWG):[/B] Elemental III (bt Sensational Dragon) [B]Rey De Reyes (FCW):[/B] Darryl Devine (bt Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Dean Daniels, Phoenix Negra and Speed Machine) [B]Rip Chord Invitational (MAW):[/B] JD Morgan (bt Darryl Devine) [B]Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup (NOTBPW):[/B] Jeremy Stone & Dan Stone Jr (bt Johnny Bloodstone & Art Reed) [B]Elite Series (PGHW):[/B] Mito Miwa (bt Bryan Vessey) [B]Elite Tag Series (PGHW):[/B] Kozue Kawashima & PRIDE Koiso (bt Notuasto Tatsuko & Noryori Sanda)
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Awesome report. I LOVE reading about the future game world. My notes and predictions: [LIST] [*]5SSW has amazingly young main event scene right now. My prediction is that 5SSW will reach National this year. The only way is up for these women and once they reach National they will reign supreme until the current main eventers retire.[/LIST][LIST] [*]It's not a surprise that APW is in trouble following the rise to Cult. They will surely go bankrupt soon.[/LIST][LIST] [*]BHOTWG's situation is interesting. The heavyweights are getting older and the likes of Hoshino and The Rebellion getting closer to retirement. The Junior scene looks interesting and I love seeing Masked Cougar with the Openweight title. A quarter of Burning Hammer's shows were rated "A" which is fantastic.[/LIST][LIST] [*]CGC: Funny how Soldiers Of Fortune haven't yet retired and instead are the Tag champs. The main event players are getting old.[/LIST][LIST] [*]CZCW is getting good grades and slowly making progress which is awesome. The only thing they lack is TV and PPV coverage, once they reach them they will be Cult in no time.[/LIST][LIST] [*]With only ~500,000, no PPV coverage, two shows a week and with only D+ being the highest popularity, EXODUS will go to bankrupt this year.[/LIST][LIST] [*]GCG: Oh yeah. :cool:[/LIST][LIST] [*]INSPIRE is in big trouble when the old guard will retire. Just look at the age of the main event players. Their body's will not last that many years anymore and even minor injuries could end careers.[/LIST][LIST] [*]NOTBPW, wow. Ricky and Jack DeColt in there, but again the main eventers are getting old. Interesting to see McWade as the Canadian champion.[/LIST] [LIST] [*]PGHW seems to be in small trouble with GCG and WLW being so good. However none of their shows were rated below B- and over half of their shows were rated B+ to A. The Japan wrestling industry seems incredibly interesting like always.[/LIST] [LIST] [*]ROF is just like CZCW. Providing great shows but they lack PPV and TV coverage but once they will get those contracts they will skyrocket to new heights.[/LIST] [LIST] [*]I always enjoy seeing SWF in crisis, I don't know why. 158 million, wow. It'll be interesting to see who gets stolen when the written contracts expire.[/LIST] [LIST] [*]TCW seems unstoppable.[/LIST] [LIST] [*]The easiest promotion in the whole Cornellverse, WLW seems as unstoppable as TCW. The main event group is just ridicolous: American Elemental, Lover, Emeral Angel, Hoshino and others, it's no wonder that WLW had seven A* shows during the year.[/LIST] Sorry to say this but one thing strikes me odd. I can't help but to wonder how on earth are you still in D in Puerto Rico and so low in everywhere else, with no PPV or TV coveage. I just don't get it. [B]4[/B] years of game time. I got MAW to Global in four. It could be of course different gamestyles and goals, etc., but still. :o
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[quote=FINisher;661764] Sorry to say this but one thing strikes me odd. I can't help but to wonder how on earth are you still in D in Puerto Rico and so low in everywhere else, with no PPV or TV coveage. I just don't get it. [B]4[/B] years of game time. I got MAW to Global in four. It could be of course different gamestyles and goals, etc., but still. :o[/quote] I've never made out that this is the way FCW should be run, in fact I've admitted that I probably could have done things differently in hindsight. If I wanted to play the game to perfection, I probably should have just rode on Power's popularity and have a cheaper albeit less skilled roster underneath him, sure my show grades wouldn't have been as good out of the gate, but they still probably would have been good enough for me to grow, whilst getting more money in the bank. With more money behind me in the bank, I would have had more confidence to run more shows (including more shows outside of Puerto Rico) and to also pull the trigger on getting a TV Deal (I could possibly get one now, but I don't think I'm in strong enough of a financial position to do so). Maybe I'm playing it too safe, and should just go for broke ? Also what you have to remember is though FCW and MAW start on the same money. Puerto Rico has lower importance, lower community size and lower affluence, not that I'm using that as an excuse...just stating it as one of the factors that comes into play when choosing to run FCW. At the end of the day putting together a diary that is enjoyable for me to write and for people to read is more important to me than 'beating the game'.
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[quote=Tigerkinney;661780]Also what you have to remember is though FCW and MAW start on the same money. Puerto Rico has lower importance, lower community size and lower affluence, not that I'm using that as an excuse...just stating it as one of the factors that comes into play when choosing to run FCW.[/quote] Yeah I just realised that right after I had posted my reply on world overview. That is probably the mean reason why FCW is actually quite hard promotion to run, due to the finances. I've hardly ever had any problems with finances in my games (Except WEXXV that went to bankrupt but hey.. That was because of going Cult) because they have started in a bette region or I've instantly moved myself into another (Like with WEXXV I focused in Kanto and not in Tohoku). Altough I always stay at the home region/biggest region until I'm in the C- zone atleast. Maybe not realistic but gamewise wise thing to do. [quote=Tigerkinney;661780]At the end of the day putting together a diary that is enjoyable for me to write and for people to read is more important to me than 'beating the game'.[/quote] That is an interesting subject and probably why my diaries tend to (suck) be somewhat different because I play it first and foremost with the mentality of 'beating the game': Succeeding in running the promotion, gaining popularity and rising in size (However I don't sign everyone right from the start or ever just because that tends to ruin any promotion I'm running, I want to create my own stars). No matter what diary or what promotion I've done I'm always doing my decisions on who to push to what signings to where to hold my shows based on 'beating the game', etc.. Not progressing in my game usually kills any interest in me to running the promotion in the long run (I really wouldn't want to start with, let's say, 21CW or 4C. Altough challenging I could end up getting frustrated when I wouldn't get more popular when running most of my shows within about half a year or so).
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[QUOTE=FINisher;661793]Yeah I just realised that right after I had posted my reply on world overview. That is probably the mean reason why FCW is actually quite hard promotion to run, due to the finances. I've hardly ever had any problems with finances in my games (Except WEXXV that went to bankrupt but hey.. That was because of going Cult) because they have started in a bette region or I've instantly moved myself into another (Like with WEXXV I focused in Kanto and not in Tohoku). Altough I always stay at the home region/biggest region until I'm in the C- zone atleast. Maybe not realistic but gamewise wise thing to do.[/quote] My strategy from Regional on is pretty aggressive at the beginning. The moment my promotion gets to the magic popularity of 41.1% and spills over, that's when I start adventuring out of my home promotion. The reason for this is simple, I want to get a National TV deal ASAP. With the TV deal, my promotion will start to round the promotion's popularity out so when I finally hit Cult I'll be able to pick up a PPV deal right away.
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[quote=foolinc;661847]My strategy from Regional on is pretty aggressive at the beginning. The moment my promotion gets to the magic popularity of 41.1% and spills over, that's when I start adventuring out of my home promotion. The reason for this is simple, I want to get a National TV deal ASAP. With the TV deal, my promotion will start to round the promotion's popularity out so when I finally hit Cult I'll be able to pick up a PPV deal right away.[/quote] That's funny since I always get a PPV deal before getting a TV deal.
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If you would have ended the diary without revealing Negra, I would have booked two tickets out to London to hunt you down and beat it out of you :D As for the second ticket? It'll be for my masked accomplise whom I wilL NEVER REVEAL ARRRRRGHHHH!
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[QUOTE=praguepride;661884]If you would have ended the diary without revealing Negra, I would have booked two tickets out to London to hunt you down and beat it out of you :D As for the second ticket? It'll be for my masked accomplise whom I wilL NEVER REVEAL ARRRRRGHHHH![/QUOTE] Something tells me Tiger would have done a couple of epilogue posts and actually revealed who Negra really was. ;)
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Well, caught up again and noticed TK's post about diary fatigue. I can only imagine... I get diary fatigue after a couple months, and this here's been going on for a year. But anyway, some ideas to breath in new life and new storylines: 1) Breaking up the Unified Belts. They've been Unified for what, 3 years now? 2) Bring back Messiah's Circus. With WoV finally out of commission, we need another heel stable. Currently F-5 vs. D-R is going to be the main event, but what about the rest of the card. It'd be interesting to see Messiah's Circus end up feuding with the Sons of Lucha Libre, maybe over hardcore vs. traditional wrestling? How about Leper Messiah coming back as the secret puppet master behind Emo Hernandez 3) Introduce a new low level belt. Alex Braun's a nice step in the right direction, but there needs to be some shake up. Maybe a low-level hardcore belt or at least a "NO DQ" belt to let the low-level heels really run wild. This would be a good way to prevent "Fall Guy Syndrome" where there's always that one heel that is just there to lose. 4) "Invasion" angle. Maybe Fox & Cougar bring in some more of their CZCW buddies and try and "convert" FCW? 5) Women's Division...you know you want to :D 6) NWA but with NYCW, CZCW, and MAW. This would require extensive editing for contracts and the like, but could be done with time and effort. Anyway, I hope these ideas inspire you to completing another year of wrestling!
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Hey TK, finally got caught up. I was interested to see you go with the Cage Wars concept. It's a tough one to get right in any fed without the requisite brawlers, and even with workers like Devine and PRP in there, having someone like ADB in the match must have affected things. In a way, it's a little like WWE running the Royal Rumble - without throwing in a high enough number of main eventers, you have an hour of Jimmy Yang and Hornswoggle... But regardless of that, it's cool to see that FCW is doing well. Plateauing can happen, yes, but I'd not worry too much about that. I've wondered myself about running a game where I concentrate just on a single region until spillover puts me at Cult or so before I venture out - might be an idea for you? As for diary fatigue, well, been there, done that - and just as I start to think about dropping it, I get hit with an idea that keeps me running. Some people are just born to write. Hope you don't decide to move on - but even if you do, there's a heck of a story here for people to get caught up on.
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[quote=James Casey;662830]Hey TK, finally got caught up. I was interested to see you go with the Cage Wars concept. It's a tough one to get right in any fed without the requisite brawlers, and even with workers like Devine and PRP in there, having someone like ADB in the match must have affected things. In a way, it's a little like WWE running the Royal Rumble - without throwing in a high enough number of main eventers, you have an hour of Jimmy Yang and Hornswoggle... [/quote] I think it's a problem with any multi-man match in the game, you're always in danger of those with lower-skills/ lower overness pulling down the match rating. I knew I was risk at the match being a bit of a let-down but I had this idea in place for a while and I was determined to see it through. [Quote] But regardless of that, it's cool to see that FCW is doing well. Plateauing can happen, yes, but I'd not worry too much about that. I've wondered myself about running a game where I concentrate just on a single region until spillover puts me at Cult or so before I venture out - might be an idea for you? [/quote] Heading into the new year (and following the one month hiatus in Jan) my feeling is that I run a two show, I should run at least one show outside of Puerto Rico. Right now C+ shows aren't going to build upon my current pop in Puerto Rico (Pop is currently at C) but they could make a difference of I decide to run shows elsewhere. I think for the promotion to progress, I have to be prepared to lose money, if I want to expand. [quote] As for diary fatigue, well, been there, done that - and just as I start to think about dropping it, I get hit with an idea that keeps me running. Some people are just born to write. Hope you don't decide to move on - but even if you do, there's a heck of a story here for people to get caught up on.[/quote] Well if this diary was going to end now, I would have either revealed who Negra was in the show, or done an epilogue piece revealing his identity. Basically the diary won't end until Negra is revealed. It was probably a few weeks back, that I was having the feelings about FCW reaching a plateau, which was beginning to result in some diary fatigue. The most frustrating thing about a promotion not progressing, is when certain roster members progress their popularity at a much quicker rate. I lost KC Glenn to the 'you're not big enough' for me excuse and I look set to lose Devine for the same reasons. The feedback from readers obviously helps as motivation but this diary is basically carrying on because I did have a few idea's that popped into my head. Idea's that might not necessarily take FCW to the next level but certainly idea's I think that will see storylines become freshened up. Devine's imminent departure, though a loss could actually end up being a positive. Kirk Jameson's departure, was the catalyst for Dean Daniels rise to prominence in FCW, someone on th FCW roster right now could well benefit from the departure of Devine. Anyway I'm working on the annual roster review at the moment, which I'll be looking to get at least part of posted up by tomorrow and then the rest on Thursday.
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I finally get the chance to read some diaries and one of my new faves is talking about stopping. May I suggest some new workers to help freshen things up, even created ones you've made yourself and imported in. This is a cool story so far, I'd hate to see it end now.
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Just to make things clear.... This diary is [B][COLOR=red]NOT[/COLOR] [/B]coming to an end. I was thinking of bringing it to an end a few weeks back whilst I was booking Batalla Final, but a combination of the fact that alot of people are still really interested in this and more importingly some new storyline ideas have popped into my head, means that this diary is carrying on. False alarm over !! :D
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[quote=Tigerkinney;663475]Just to make things clear.... This diary is [B][COLOR=red]NOT[/COLOR] [/B]coming to an end. I was thinking of bringing it to an end a few weeks back whilst I was booking Batalla Final, but a combination of the fact that alot of people are still really interested in this and more importingly some new storyline ideas have popped into my head, means that this diary is carrying on. False alarm over !! :D[/quote] [B]Awesome.[/B] :cool:
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[quote=Phantom Stranger;663487]I always love those moments.[/quote] Seconded. Just when you think there's nothing left and your mind seems to be empty, it can be just one little idea which expands into a whole new network of ideas and storylines for months ahead.
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[SIZE=2][CENTER][SIZE=3][B]2013 Starting Roster Assessment[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [/SIZE] [B][U]In Ring Talent (A-F)[/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR=sienna]Amazing [/COLOR][COLOR=darkorange]Fire [/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]Fly[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affililiation:[/B] Lucha Equity Alliance [B]From:[/B] Guadalajara, Mexico / [B]Billed From:[/B] Anywhere and Everywhere. [B]Age:[/B] 22/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Midcarder [B]2012 Record: [/B]5-0-8 / Avg [B]Match Rating[/B]: C- [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 5, [B]Weight[/B]: 155 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Sky High Fire Fly [I](Shooting Star Senton)[/I] Inferno DDT [I](Twisting, springboard Tornado DDT),[/I] El Cristo [I](Spinning Headscissors into Crucifix pin), [/I]Infest Hazard [I](Spinning Head Scissors into a Triangle choke)[/I] Fire-Fly enjoyed a solid first full year with FCW and impressed the fans with this exciting fast paced style. He perhaps just needs to work a little on his performance skills (psychology) so that he can put on great rather than just good matches. So far he's generally been picking up wins against lower carders or workers on their way down the card and coming up short against those higher in the pecking order. He recently aligned himself with Angel De Mexico's Lucha Equity Alliance stable. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]********************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Amo [COLOR=gray]Del[/COLOR] Gato[/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmoDelGato.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Leon, Mexico / [B]Billed From:[/B] Hellcat City [B]Age:[/B] 29/ [B]Current Push[/B]: Lower Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 2-0-3 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10, Weight: 195 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Ninth Life ([I]Corkscew Flipping Neckbreaker), [/I]450 Splash Former Messiah's Circus 'Fall Guy' Amo Del Gato returned to FCW after winning the second chance poll back in September and cementing his roster spot by winning a 'Do or Die' 4 Corner Survival match at Anniversario. So far he's done in OK in his return but has generally been drifting along in the lower card without much direction, which is to be honest what he ended up doing in first run. However because he was voted to return by the fans, I see it as my duty to find him some direction and I have had a few ideas currently sitting on the backburner. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*********************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=red][COLOR=darkgreen]Angel De[/COLOR] Mexico[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Lucha Equity Alliance [B]From:[/B] Acapulco, Mexico / [B]Billed From:[/B] Acapulco, Mexico [B]Age:[/B] 30/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 7-0-8/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10, [B]Weight:[/B] 200 Ibs F[B]inishers[/B]: Mexican Death [I](Flying /Tilt-A-Whirl Armbar),[/I] Aztec Rana ([I]Reverse Huracanrana),[/I] Aculpulco Twist ([I]Corkscrew Neckbreaker)[/I] Angel ended the year with an identical win-loss record to last year (batting just under 500), the leader of the Lucha Equity Alliance stable has basically settled into a role as as sort of 'measuring stick'. Those who get a victory over the patrotic masked man, are probably at the time in the midst of a focused push. His seemingly perma upper mid-card position on the roster means that he can either provide a solid test for a main eventer or help put over a rising star from the mid-card. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*********************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Arthur [COLOR=teal]Dexter [/COLOR]Bradley[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ADBFin.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Devine Right [B]From:[/B] Malibu Beach, California / [B]Billed From:[/B] Malibu Beach, California [B]Age[/B]: 22/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 6-0-9 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft, [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Cool Dee Tee [I](Flapjack onto top rope, followed by a spike DDT), [/I]Superstar Splash[I] (Frogsplash)[/I] The half Samoan youngster (he's still only 22) cemented his place in the Devine Right stable by turning on his tag partner Matt Hocking, when the Heat Magnets and Jared Johnson were all struggling to prove their worth in the stable. At the back end of the year he started to tag with fellow Devine Right member Bulldozer Brandon Smith on a fairly regular basis and even though they have yet to really cement themselves in the Tag Title picture yet, the pairing shows promise. Bradley is a promising talent but at this stage of his career probably best, being part of a Tag team rather than as a singles performer. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Bradford [COLOR=indigo]Peverall[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Dance2Win [B]From:[/B] Edison, New Jersey/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Edison, New Jersey [B]Age:[/B] 28/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 2-0-12 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 4, [B]Weight:[/B] 265 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Totally Totalled [I](Twisting inverted Brainbuster),[/I] Rock Hard Uppercut [I](Wind Up European Uppercut),[/I] Rapid Eye Movement [I](Series of Left Hand Jabs, followed by a Discus Lariat).[/I] 2012 is probably a year Bradford Peverall would want to put behind him in FCW. The early part of the year saw Mainstream Hernandez turn on him and put an end to their Totally Einstein tag team once and for all. After his feud with the self proclaimed leader of the Mainstream Nation then fizzled out, Peverall went back to the Tag Division this time teaming up with Mr Electricty to form the Dance2Win duo but thus far the tandem has found little in the way of success. To be honest even though far from the most talented member of the roster, Peverall probably does deserve better because he is such a good company man. He's basically done two years of doing jobs, that have seen him fall to the lower end of the mid-card but there is only so many workers I can push at the same time and someone has to fall into the sort of jobber to the stars role Peverall finds himself in. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Bulldozer [COLOR=darkgreen]Brandon[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Smith[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Devine Right [B]From:[/B] Robinsdale, Minnesota/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Robinsdale, Minnesota [B]Age:[/B] 29/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 7-0-7/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 4, [B]Weight:[/B] 300 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Atomic Driller[I] (Texas Piledriver[/I])/ Back Drop Driver [I](High Angle Belly to Back Suplex)[/I] The enforcer of the Devine Right stable held the People's Championship until June, but since losing the title to myself has probably fallen back a little in terms of prominence/card position. He's stiill considered an upper mid-carder but more one slipping back towards the mid-card, rather than one who could be on the cusp of pushing on into the main event. Towards the back end of the year he began to tag fairly regularly with Arthur Dexter Bradley, and they thus far they have shown promise working together as a unit, so much so they could become fixtures in what is an improving Tag Division going into next year. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]************************************[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=olive][COLOR=darkgreen]Capitao [/COLOR]Brasil [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jr[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrasil.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Sons of Lucha Libre, Lucha Equity Alliance [B]From:[/B] Tijuana, Mexico/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [B]Age:[/B] 24/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 4-1-10/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 9, [B]Weight[/B]: 185 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Fall From Rio [I](Swanton Bomb),[/I] A Prayer For Mercy [I](Inverted Figure Leglock[/I]), Samba Roll [I](Forward Roll Senton Bomb).[/I] [B]Tag Team Finisher (with El Mitico as The Sons of Lucha Libre):[/B] Lucha Dreams[I] (Springboard Doomsday Rana).[/I] Definitely one of those cases where the win-loss record doesn't really tell the whole picture, as 2012 saw Capitao Brasil really begin to cement his Tag Team with El Mitico Jr as the Sons of Lucha Libre established themselves as serious contenders for the Tag Team Championship. Kayfabe terms when it has come to the big matches they have come up short, in reality they have really begun to raise their game the past few months and have played a part in putting on some of the best Tag matches seen in an FCW ring since the promotion began. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkorange]Charles[/COLOR] Rainier[/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesRainierF5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] FREEDOM-5 [B]From:[/B] Providence, Rhode Island/ [B]Billed From[/B]: Providence, Rhode Island [B]Age:[/B] 27 / [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 11, Weight: 200 Ibs [B]2011 Record:[/B] 11-0-5/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Finishers[/B]: C.R Driver [I](Double Underhook Piledriver),[/I] Raindrop [I](Dropsault),[/I] Moonsault 2012 was undoubtly my best year in an FCW ring, winning the People's Championship in June and holding it almost until the end of the year, where I lost the title to Speed Machine. After years of being content to help put others over, I decided to reward myself with a mid-card title run. I feel that with position on the FCW roster re-strengthened (the fans now see me as a threat and not as a glorified jobber), it will be of some benefit to FCW in the long run, as when I do put others over in the future their victories will have more weight behind them. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***********************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=teal]Darryl[/COLOR] Devine[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarrylDevine_nfalt3.jpg[/IMG][B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ReyDeReyes.jpg[/IMG] (2012 Champion)[/B] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Devine Right Fr[B]om: [/B]Seattle, Washington/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Seattle, Washington [B]Age:[/B] 29/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Main Eventer [B]2012 Record:[/B] 8-3-6/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 1 , [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Devine Dream Drop[I] (Double Underhook Facebuster),[/I] Devine Dreams [I](Sleeper[/I]), Devineplex [I](Northern Lights Suplex),[/I] DFA [I](Flying Elbow Drop),[/I] Devine Nigtmare Drop [I](Top Rope 'super' Devine Dream Drop)[/I] Darryl Devine was one of the lynch pins of the FCW main event scene during 2012, as the lead Devine Right into battle against Dean Daniels FREEDOM-5 unit, became the first man to successfully defend the Rey De Reyes Trophy and capture the Undisputed Championship. However his reign with the Twin Belts was cut short at Batalla Final, due to a stipulation that stated if Devine Right lost the Steel Cage Warfare match to FREEDOM-5, then Devine would lose the title. Devine Right lost the match, and we head into the new year with the Twin Belts currently vacant. Behind the scenes, Devine's contract comes for renewal in January and given his popularity levels all round the U.S (due to his exposure as the current USPW World Champion) it seems unlikely he will re-sign with us. We actually knew this could be the case, when we had him win the title back in September but decided to go ahead with the original plan. Our working relationship with NOTBPW means that we might be able to bring him back again sometime down the line to try and bring some closure to his time in FCW, especially with the fact he never actually lost the Undisputed Championship. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkorange]Dean[/COLOR] Daniels[/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDanielsF5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] FREEDOM-5 [B]From:[/B] Ann Arbor, Michigan / [B]Billed From:[/B] Ann Arbor, Michigan [B]Age:[/B] 37/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Main Eventer [B]2012 Record:[/B] 9-0-6/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 250 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Raise The Stakes [I](Cradle Piledriver),[/I] Relentless (Trapped) Knee Strikes Dean Daniels may have still been unable to win the Undisputed Championship, though he came mighty close to winning it at December's Sienta A La Energia show, where he defeated Darryl Devine but didn't win the twin belts. However the leader of the FREEDOM-5 stable ends the year on the high, after leading his team to victory in the Steel Cage Warfare match against bitter rivals Devine Right. He also earned the right to a guaranteed title shot at any show during 2013, after being the one of make the winning fall, after he rendered Jared Johnson near unconcious with the Relentless Knee Strikes. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]********************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=silver][COLOR=gray]El [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mitico[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=gray] Jr[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMtico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] The Sons of Lucha Libre, Lucha Equity Alliance [B]From:[/B] Mexico City, Mexico / [B]Billed From:[/B] Mexico City, Mexico [B]Age:[/B] 21/ [B]Current Push[/B]: Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 6-1-8/ [B]Avg Match Rating[/B]: D+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 2 , [B]Weight:[/B] 245 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Mitico Driver [I](Scoop Slam Piledriver[/I]), Quicksilver Suplex [I](Swinging Fisherman Suplex)[/I] [B]Tag Team Finisher:[/B] See Capitao Brasil Jr Much of what can be said about El Mitico, was covered with my assessment of Capitao Brasil, because right now they are very much intertwined together as a Tag Team, with the Sons of Lucha Libre establishing themselves as one of the lych-pins of the Tag Division by the end of the year. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***********************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=olive][COLOR=darkred]Fox[/COLOR] Mask[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Animal Magic [B]From:[/B] Portland, Oregon / [B]Billed From:[/B] An Undisclosed Woodland Location [B]Age:[/B] 32/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 7-1-6 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 7 , [B]Weight:[/B] 190 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Fox Hunter [I](Shining Wizard Enziguri),[/I] Fox Flip Off DDT ([I]Shiranui)[/I] [B]Tag Team Finishers (with Masked Cougar as Animal Magic):[/B] The Last Hunt [I](Stereo Enziguri's),[/I] Assisted Fox Flip Off DDT. 2012 saw Animal Magic win the Tag Titles for a third time in March, but that reign could only last a few months, as it was brought to an end by the new 'team to beat' in the Tag Division 'Mainstream Nation' and thus far the popular masked duo have been able to win the belts back. Animal Magic remain one of the lych-pin teams of the Tag Division, and have been part of some stellar matches in the second half of the year against Mainstream Nation and fellow masked duo The Sons of Lucha Libre.
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[CENTER][B][U]In Ring Talent (J-U)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=navy]Jared [/COLOR][COLOR=teal]Johnson[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson_nachalt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Devine Right [B]From:[/B] Chapel Hill, North Carolina / [B]Billed From:[/B] Chapel Hill, North Carolina [B]Age:[/B] 22/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 3-0-9 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Carolina Crossface [I](STF into Crossface[/I])- often proceed by Tar Heel Stomp [I](Curb Stomp), [/I]MDK Powerbomb[I] (Sunset flip Powerbomb)[/I] Double J often found himself in the position of being a 'fall guy' in matches between Devine Right and FREEDOM-5, which resulted in a non too stellar win-loss record this year. However as I said before W-L records aren't the be all and end all and he managed to get himself into some high profile matches including Steel Cage Warfare and even challening Ultimate Phoenix for the Undisputed Championship back in May (yeah I'm struggling to remember why he got a title shot). Johnson is a wrestler with plenty of potential but right now I can't see him really breaking out of his current midcard position. He's actually one of a few workers who would benefit from us being able to run more shows per year. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]******************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=mediumturquoise]Java[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Java.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Chicago, Illinois by way of Jakarta, Indonesia / [B]Billed From:[/B] The Jungles of Borneo. [B]Age:[/B] 40/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 3-0-1 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 9 , [B]Weight:[/B] 335 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Greeting From The Island [I](Double Handed Choke Slam)[/I] The Indonesian monster was brought in as a hired gun/associate of Akima Brave, unfortunately plans to have them team up fairly regularly were scuppered when I found that they had absolutely no chemistry as a tag team. Since then Java has mainly been used in short squash matches to gradually get him over as a threatening monster heel. Not a great wrestler by any stretch of the imagination, he does however look like a constant threat, due to the fact that he genuienly does look like and carry himself like some un-tamed savage. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Joseph [/U][/B] [B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RegularJoe_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]Affiliaition: [/B]Mainstream Nation [B]From:[/B] Waterville, Maine/ [B]Billed From:[/B] An undisclosed location [B]Age:[/B] 23/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Opener [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 2 , [B]Weight:[/B] 250 Ibs [B]2012 Record:[/B] 1-0-5 , [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D- [B]Finisher:[/B] Misery Be-Shared [I](Wrist Clutch Fisherman Brainbuster)[/I] In September, Joe Benning lost a do or die 4CS at the Anniversario show that saw the perennial jobber kicked out of FCW. However just four months later he returned as a member of the Mainstream Nation under the name of Joseph, intefering in a Tag Title match between MN and The Sons of Lucha Libre. With the heel turn/gimmick change Benning isn't going to be suddenly shooting up the card over-night but with a less bland gimmick he should at-least find a bit more success in FCW than he did during his first five years with the promotion. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Mainstream [COLOR=darkred]Hernandez[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Mainstream Nation [B]From:[/B] Toronto, Ontario/ [B]Billed From[/B]: The Mainstream Nation [B]Age:[/B] 26/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 10-0-3/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Height: [/B]5 ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 210 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Apparition # 14 [I](Moonsault Leg Drop)[/I] , Pontiac to Home [I](Swinging Reverse STO)[/I] , Super Kick [B]Tag Team Finisher (with Soul Krusher):[/B] Death to the Mainstream [I](Diving Bull-Dog 'Doomsday Device')[/I] The Mainstreamer may no longer have the support of the fans, or the love of his former girlfriend Sara Silver behind him, but that wont worry the leader of the Mainstream Nation one bit, as he had what was arguably his most succesful year in FCW. Hernandez captured the Tag Titles alongside Soul Krusher in July and the team look to have had an iron grip on the belts ever since, despite the best efforts from the likes of the Sons of Lucha Libre and perennial challengers Animal Magic. Late in the year he began to recruit others to join his 'Mainstream Nation' cause. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************************************[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=mediumturquoise]Malilli [/COLOR][COLOR=darkorange]Umaga[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AkimaBrave.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Miami Beach, Florida, via American Samoa /[B] Billed From:[/B] Miami Beach, Florida by way of Samoa [B]Age:[/B] 30/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Main Eventer [B]2012 Record:[/B] 4-0-2 / [B]Avg Match Rating[/B]: C [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 240 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Samoan Suplex[I] (Double Handed choke suplex),[/I] Suicide Headbutt [I](Top rope Diving Headbutt).[/I] Umaga's FCW career started with a bang when he won a non title match with Ultimate Phoenix to earn a shot at the Undisputed Championship. Since his failure to win the twin belts in the re-match that impact has begun to fizzle out. Plans to have him team up with Java an possibly lead a new stable were brought to a screeching halt when he had no chemistry what so ever when tagging with the Indonesian beast. To be honest the former SWF/TCW man's performance has been slightly disappointing, considering the salary he is on and the reputation he had preceeding him, so unless he drops his pay demands or really begins to up his game he could be one who could be heading out of the door by the end of his contract. He has half a year left on his contract to make up my mind on him one way or another. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]******************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkorange]Masked [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Cougar[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Animal Magic [B]From:[/B] San Diego, California/ [B]Billed From:[/B] An Undisclosed Mountain-Top in California [B]Age:[/B] 29/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 6-1-9/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 215 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar [I](Wheelbarrow Chicken-wing Facebuster)[/I] , High Rise Cougar Pounce [I](Top Rope/Springboard Spear)[/I] , Cougar Pounce [I](Leaping Spear)[/I] [I]For Tag Team finisher, see Fox Mask[/I] Along side Fox Mask, Masked Cougar continues to be part of Tag Division lynch-pins Animal Magic. He did come out on the losing end of a singles match against his partner at this years Anniversario show but plans for a friendly singles rivalry, resulting in a mini series between the two were shelved, when they had a somewhat disappointing match against one another. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]******************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkorange][COLOR=navy]Matt [/COLOR]Hocking[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] 'HockPrime' [B]From:[/B] Lansing, Michigan/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Lansing, Michigan [B]Age:[/B] 23/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Midcarder [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 225 Ibs [B]2012 Record:[/B] 4-0-9 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Finishers:[/B] Shock Drop [I](Inverted Facelock Tornado DDT),[/I] Shock Drop II [I](Front Flip Neckbreaker)[/I] Hocking turned face once again, after being kicked out of the Devine Right stable in April. In August he began to tag with FREEDOM-5 member Primus to form the 'HockPrime' Tag Team to a reasonable amount of success, but it appears he has yet to be fully accepted as a member of the FREEDOM-5 stable. Hocking isn't going to be a great wrestler by any means overnight but with time he could become a good one and over the years he has been gradually improving his skills. Like a lot of younger members of the roster he is probably best serving his formative years in the Tag Division. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=lime][COLOR=magenta]Mr [/COLOR]Electricity[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Dance2Win [B]From:[/B] Calcutta, India/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Studio 54, New York City [B]Age:[/B] 35/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Lower Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 4-0-11 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 230 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Move #54 [I](Forward Russian Leg Sweep)[/I] Lightnin' Rod [I](Falcon Arrow)[/I] 2012 saw Mr Electricity turn face and form the Dance2Win tag team with Bradford Peverall, however despite their fun loving ways the pair have failed to find much in the way of success in terms of stringing together wins to put themselves in contention for the Tag Team Titles. Time may well be running out for Singh to really start making an impact in FCW. During his time in FCW with both the Sensational Singh or Mr Electricity gimmicks, the Indian born wrestler has never really made a run at any of the titles and it comes down to the fact that he is a solid but not exactly great worker, the sort of guy who is good to have around in a gate-keeper to the mid-card type role. Part of me wants to give guy's like him and Bradford Peverall (his current tag partner) more of a push, due to the fact that they are good 'company' men who aren't going to bitch and moan about their lack of success, but in this business sentimentality has to go out of the window. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**********************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Nicky [COLOR=teal]R!ot[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Devine Right [B]From:[/B] Norfolk, Virginia / [B]Billed From:[/B] Seattle, Washington [B]Age:[/B] 28/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Mid Carder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 6-0-8/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 4 , [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] 'Charles Peterson'[I] (Exploder Suplex)[/I] , Sub Pop Bop [I](Crooked Arm Lariat)[/I] Nicky R!ot began the year as one half of the Tag Team champions, along side long time (well in FCW) tag partner Harry Allen. However after they lost the belts to Animal Magic in March, Allen disappeared from FCW. At the time R!ot and Allen had only just recently joined the W.O.V Gold stable after turning their backs on UNITY. However W.O.V Gold were weakening and being the mercenary that he was starting to show himself to be R!ot turned on that stable to defect to Devine Right. Stable allegiance changes aside R!ot didn't really move up or down the card this past year, however since he joined Devine Right I've been moving him away from the Tag ranks and am looking to steer him towards being more of a singles wrestler. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=blue]Patrick [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Cudelli[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR=#ff0000][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HappyElwood.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]From: [/B]Des Moines, Iowa / [B]Billed From:[/B] Des Moines, Iowa [B]Age:[/B] 27/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Opener [B]2012 Record:[/B] 0-0-3/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] E [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 9 , [B]Weight:[/B] 185 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] American Dream [I](Flying Cross Body),[/I] School Boy Roll Up The former USPW man, has brought in to do exactly what he did in USPW and that's to job. Has actually started complaining about doing too many jobs (seems like the fact that he worked for a promotion that has a TV deal may of went to his head) so he probably wont last beyond his contract. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Phoenix [COLOR=red]Negra[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Location Undisclosed / [B]Billed From:[/B] 'The Ashes' [B]Age:[/B] 'Early 30's'/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Main Eventer [B]2012 Record:[/B] 10-1-5 / [B]Avg Match Rating[/B]: B- [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11 , [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Phoenix Firebird Splash[I] (Phoenix Splash)[/I] , Certain Death [I](Vertebreaker),[/I] Last Chancery [I](Bridging Arm Triangle Choke)[/I] Phoenix Negra reign with the Undisputed Championship at the start fo the year was a relatively short one, as he lost the twin-belts to perennial rival Ultimate Phoenix. However he did go on to have another stellar year, putting on many great matches....many of which were against Ultimate Phoenix that culminated in the Mask vs Mask (2/3 Falls) match at Batalla Final that, Negra won. However Negra's decision not to de-mask his 'brother' shocked fans and left them guessing just as to what the mysterious masked man's motives were behind that decision. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]********************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=red]Puerto [COLOR=blue]Rican[/COLOR] Power[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] San Juan, Puerto Rico/ [B]Billed From:[/B] San Juan, Puerto Rico [B]Age:[/B] 41 /[B]Current Push:[/B] Main Eventer [B]2012 Record:[/B] 6-0-3 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 7 , [B]Weight:[/B] 320 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Atomic Full Nelson[I] (Swinging Full Nelson),[/I] San Juan Rush [I](Running Big Boot, normally included as the last move in the 'Four Moves of Doom'[/I]) , San Juan Impact[I] (Full Nelson Slam)[/I] Senor Lopez worked a reduced schedule in FCW last year, this was due to the fact that we had plans to turn him from 'hated' heel to heroic babyface and we felt the best way to do that was to have him be beaten out of FCW by the dominant heel stable (Devine Right) and then have him return at the end of the year. Power did just that when he was revealed as the final member of Dean Daniels FREEDOM-5 team in the steel cage warfare , where he returned in his original Puerto Rican Power get up, as opposed to that of the arrogant 'Da Power'. With his face turn completed, expect Power to return to prominence next year. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*****************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=darkorange][B][U]Primus[/U][/B] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllenF5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] FREEDOM-5, 'HockPrime' [B]From:[/B] Durham, North Carolina / [B]Billed From:[/B] Compton, California [B]Age:[/B] 23/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Midcarder [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 4, [B]Weight:[/B] 315 Ibs [B]2012 Record:[/B] 6-0-5 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Finishers:[/B] Rrruuussh [I](High Speed Shoulder Tackle)[/I] , Power Plant [I](Running Power Slam)[/I] Primus was recruited as the enforcer of Dean Daniels FREEDOM-5 stable and it's a move that seems to have re-focused the 315 Ib powerhouse, following the implosion of the W.O.V stable the previous year. Late in the year he began tagging with fellow re-formed heel Matt Hocking (who was kicked out of the Devine Right stable) to form the tandem dubbed 'HockPrime'. Right now Primus has all the physical tools to be a success in the ring but he really needs to improve his performance skills, those will hopefully with time. Like his current tag partner, it's probably best for him to stick around in the Tag Division for a good few more years yet. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*******************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=navy]Quentin [/COLOR][COLOR=purple]Queen[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR=#800080][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR] [B]From:[/B] Los Angeles, California/[B] Billed From[/B]: Los Angeles, California [B]Age:[/B] 19/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Lower Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 0-0-1/ [B]Avg Match Rating[/B]: C- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 2, [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Q-Ball [I](Spinning Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)[/I] Teenager Quentin Queen only just joined FCW at the end of the year, making his debut at the Batalla Final show in a non title match against the People's champion Speed Machine. However his performance in that match showed alot of promise and though he'll probably have to be patient regardings a 'push' he showed me enough in that debut match that he could be one for the future. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**********************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=navy]Remmy [/COLOR][COLOR=darkorange]Honeyman[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RemmyHoneyman.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Madison, Wisconsin/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Madison, Wisconsin [B]Age:[/B] 25/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Opener [B]2012 Record:[/B] 0-0-7/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 3, [B]Weight:[/B] 240 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Implant DDT, Flying Leg-Drop. There's a joke going round that Joseph is not Joe Benning at all, and that Joe Benning actually returned to FCW as Remmy Honeyman. Honeyman is a decent wrestler but he's so devoid of charisma that the best he could ever hope for is for a spot in the mid-card. You get the feeling that Honeyman actually realises this, so unlike say someone like Patrick Cudelli...he just gets on with (doing) the job. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkred][COLOR=black]Soul [/COLOR]Krusher[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affilation[/B]: Mainstream Nation [B]From:[/B] Knoxville, Kentucky / [B]Billed From:[/B] The Land of Nightmares [B]Age:[/B] 42/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Midcarder [B]2012 Record:[/B] 11-0-1 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 5 , [B]Weight: 330[/B] Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Dead Man Walking [I](Swinging Side Slam)[/I] , Life Taker[I] (Bear Hug)[/I] [I]Tag Team Finisher see Mainstream Hernandez[/I] Soul Krusher was brought back to FCW by Mainstream Hernandez, as the first recruit to his Hernandez Mainstream Nation stable. In July they captured the Tag Team Titles from Animal Magic, and despite the best efforts of the former champs and The Sons of Lucha Libre the pair managed to hold onto the belts till the end of the year. BJ Shearer is not the greatest worker by any stretch of the imagination but he is a competent big man, and up against or alongside workers who can do the heavy lifting in a match, his weaknesses can be hidden. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]******************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#4169e1]'Speed Machine'[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray]Marc Speed[/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=#2f4f4f][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-SubZeroFIN.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/U][/B][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Sacramento, California / [B]Billed From:[/B] The Distant Future, The Year 2000. [B]Age:[/B] 29/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Upper Mid Carder [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11, [B]Weight[/B]: 220 Ibs [B]2012 Record:[/B] 9-0-5 / [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] C- [B]Finishers:[/B] Deadly Heel Hook [I](Single Leg Boston Crab/Ankle Lock combo)[/I] , Speedbreaker 2000 [I](Cross-Arm Breaker)[/I] , Speed Strike [I](Shining Wizard[/I]) , Speed Snap [I](Double Arm DDT)[/I] One of the success stories of 2012, Marc Speed went from someone who was just about hanging onto his place in FCW, to one of the hottest acts in the promotion by the end of the year. The former W.O.V member succesfully repackage himself as a sort of 'silent assassin' type character, giving himself the monicker of Speed Machine and coming to the ring wearing an intimidating half mask (similar to the Mortal Kombat character Sub Zero) during his ring entrances. It got him over as a ruthless submission artist and by the end of the year he had been to the Finals of the Rey De Reyes tournament and goes into 2013 as the current People's champion. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**********************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkred]Spirit[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EvilSpirit.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]Affiliaition:[/B] Mainstream Nation [B]From:[/B] Okasa, Japan / [B]Billed From:[/B] The Sea of Souls [B]Age:[/B] 28/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Opener [B]2012 Record:[/B] 1-0-2/ [B]Avg Match Rating:[/B] D- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Dead Calm Drop II (Inverted Brainbuster) The Japanese weirdo Spirit was another recruit to the Mainstream Nation, thus far his impact has been felt more as an inteferenc runner during the Mainstream Nation's defence of their Tag Team Titles, than what he has done so far in the matches he has actually wrestled. Behind the mask is Konnosuke Hama a competent but far from outstanding worker, but his creepy look fits in well with the Mainstream Nation stable. He'll probably be one of those workers that will stick around, as long as we feel he adds something to the current angle he is involved in. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*****************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#4169e1]Ultimate[/COLOR][COLOR=#000080] Phoenix[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] San Antonio, Texas, [B]Billed From[/B]: 'The Ashes' [B]Age:[/B] 37/ [B]Current Push:[/B] Main Eventer [B]2012 Record:[/B] 9-2-6/ [B]Avg Match Rating[/B]: B- [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11, [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ibs Fi[B]nishers:[/B] Phoenix Firebird Splash [I](Phoenix Splash)[/I] , Flaming Driver (Sunset Driver), Elemental Clutch [I](Koji Clutch) [/I] 2012 was another stellar year for Ultimate Phoenix, who has become one of the lynchpins of the FCW main event for the past three years. In April he captured the Undisputed Championship for a second time after defeating perennial rival Phoenix Negra. He then held the twin belts until September, where he lost them to Darryl Devine at Anniversario. After that his feud with Negra still rumbled on, resulting in the mask vs mask match, which Negra one however Negra declined to de-mask Ultimate Phoenix and it will be interesting to see where things are heading for Ultimate Phoenix following his defeat to his nemesis/brother in what should have been the conclusion to their feud.
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[CENTER][B][U]Out of Ring Talent[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Alex Braun[/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AlexBraun-FIN.jpg[/IMG] [B]From[/B]: Brooklyn, New York City, New York/ [B]Age:[/B] 51 The former DaVE, SWF and RPW star was brought in as the 'face' of previously faceless FCW Championship comittee in the role of FCW Commissioner late in the year. His attributes of being a good communicator and the fact that he is a well respected figure amongst wrestling fans made him the ideal candidate for the role [CENTER][COLOR=olive]************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Michael 'No BS' Bull[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/MichaelBull.jpg?t=1247094008[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Rochester, New York / [B]Age:[/B] 52 [B][U]Dewey Libertine[/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeweyLibertine.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Newark, New Jersey/ [B]Age:[/B] 51 This pair of veteran referees were brought in late in the year. Libertine was brought in to intially work along side Brett Graveson with the intention to now run with two referees in the promotion , but we then brought in Michael 'No BS' Bull as well when contract re-negotiations with the increasingly troublesome Graveson broke down. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Duncan Kendall[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuncanKendall.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Cleveland, Ohio/ [B]Age:[/B] 52 Veteran road agent Kendall, was brought in to replace Crippler Ray Kingman , who retired from the wrestling business in April. Kendall doesn't have quite the same wealth of knowledge that Kingman did but he is well respected by the locker room for his tough-yet- fair attitude. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Cueball Lynch[/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Harrisburg, Pennsylvania / [B]Age:[/B] 39 [U][B]Dane O'Hara[/B][/U] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Wichita , Kansas / [B]Age:[/B] 38 Would FCW truly be the same, if these two weren't at the announce table....O'Hara and Lynch are practially part of the furniture. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***********************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Lisa Bowen[/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation:[/B] Devine Right [B]From: [/B]Manhattan, NYC, New York / [B]Age:[/B] 23 Spent the entire year as the valet for the Devine Right promotion. Because Darryl Devine could handle his own promos, her role as a mouthpiece became reduced, instead her main role in Devine Right was a ringside inteference runner, using her 'assets' to distract the opponents of any Devine Right member during their matches. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***************************************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Katie Cameron[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Toronto, Ontario, Canada / [B]Age:[/B] 28 Katie Cameron quietly arrived as Sara Silver's replacement as the resident backtage interviewer in FCW late in the year. She offers the same attributes as Silver (good microphone skillls, easy on the eye) for a considerable fraction of the money Silver was asking for when her contract came up for renewal. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]Gone But Not Forgotten[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Dean Waldorf[/U][/B] [B]Departed[/B]: March [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 0-0-1 Waldorf was heading out of the door by the end of 2011, it was just a case of his contract running down. His final match saw him job to a ring-rust riddled Rudy Velasquez. [B][U]Marv Statler[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] March [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 0-0-1 The Tag partner of Dean Waldorf, Statler departed at the same time. Like Walforf his final appearance with FCW was also doing a job in singles competiton, this time to Mr Electricity. We perhaps could/should have done more with the Ring Generals, as they are in fact a solid team, but we never pushed them as anything more than being just a little above job fodder. Only slight regrets though, as our Tag Division is really beginning to thrive. [B][U]Rudy Velasquez[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] March [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 0-0-1 Velasquez returned to FCW last June, but failed to impress in his second run as he struggled to shake off ring-rust, that aside he probably would have been kept on but when his contract came up for renegotiation he was asking for too much money, in relation to the sort of performance he was given us. He then went on to join NYCW in the summer and most recently signed on with the recently formed XWA promotion. His performances in NYCW thus far have been rather average, so on the whole it looked to have been the right decision not to have renewed his contract. [B][U]Ronnie V.Pain[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] April [B]2012 FCW Record[/B]: 0-0-1 Was brought in for a one off appearance, as the mystery Tag partner of Bradford Peverall in a match against Totally Einstein. Failed to impress in his only appearance, and thus is unlikely to ever step foot in an FCW ring again. [B][U]Harry Allen[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] April [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 1-0-1 A four time FCW Tag Team Champion, Harry Allen was quietly shown the door, when we basically were no longer willing to meet his over inflated contract demands. Allen basically wanted guaranteed title runs every time he renewed his contract and main eventer money, when he was delivering midcard performance. His final appearance in an FCW ring saw himself and Nicky R!ot's latest tag title reign come to an end at the hands of Animal Magic. Allen went on to split his time with CZCW and USPW, until he was snapped up by SWF, on a written contract (during the period they returned to Global size). He's since gone on to establish himself in their mid-card but with their roster depleted due to talent raids, being a mid-carder in the SWF doesn't have quite the same cache these days. [B][U]Crippler Ray Kingman[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] April The legendary 'Crippler' decided to retire from the wrestling business all together and thus left his position as our resident road agent. Even though we have brought in Duncan Kendall to take on the role (and this is meant as no offence to 'Big Dunc') but Kingman has been somewhat missed as there are very few in the wrestling business who had his grasp of psychology. [B][U]Aaron Andrews[/U][/B] [B]Departed[/B]: May [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 2-1-0 The NOTBPW man was brought in for a string of appearances over the spring. There was no doubting that he was a quality talent but due to his refusal to do put anyone over, we only really able to put him in what was a basically a series of glorified exhibition matches that only served to put over Aaron Andrews, rather than FCW. [B][U]Leftie Wilkes[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] August [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 0-0-6 The former tag partner of Joe Benning, Wilkes was basically an out-right jobber during his time with FCW. The main reason for his departure out of the door, was the fact that according to Senor Lopez, his in-ring psychology was not at an acceptable enough level to warrant him still being employed by FCW. [B][U]Thomas Morgan (Captain Morgan)[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] October [B]2012 FCW Record[/B]: 0-0-8 Despite the fact Morgan hads a potentially awesome character, his lacklustre in-ring performances meant that he never rose above lower card status, that saw him end up either stuck in pre-show jobber vs jobber matches or being squashed, thus he was not able to get himself over. [B][U]KC Glenn[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] October [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 5-0-3 The highly talented K.C Glenn enjoyed a good year with FCW and by the end of his run has begun to put a foothold in the FCW main event. Unforutnately for us though he was also rapidly gaining popularity within other promotions, notably WLW out in Japan and when it came to renewing his contract he told us we were no longer big enough for him. The fact he appeared in CZCW (another Regional sized promotion) was rather galling to us and even though he is a great talent, his decision to join the west coast based promotion after telling us we were too small for him has angered both myself and Senor Lopez. [U][B]Eddie Howard (Big Eazy)[/B][/U] [B]Departed:[/B] November [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 3-0-9 Eddie Howard's time in FCW basically fizzled out in his final year, which coincided with the winding down of the W.O.V stable/angle. In the end he had become un-happy that he wasn't get more of a push/was doing too many jobs and thus decided that he wanted to leave. With a bit more of a push behind him, he perhaps could have amounted to something more in FCW, but it's unlikely he would have ever made it to the main event. [B][U]Sara Silver[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] November Quite simply Silver's contract demands had become too expensive for us to justify re-signing her, when we could find cheaper alternatives who could do the same backstage interviewer role she had returned to once she had broken away from Mainstream Hernandez. We covered our backs in kayfabe turns, by having her act as of the break-up from Mainstream Hernandez had effected her emotionally, with her 'breaking down' in interviews and the door is most definitely open for her to return, as she left on good terms, it was just a case of what Sara feels she is worth currently not meeting what we feel she is worth. [B][U]Bret Graveson[/U][/B] [B]Departed:[/B] December Long time the head referee in FCW, Graveson departed because despite being very competent at his job, he was becoming a backstage cancer. We came to realisation that there are other referees out there who can do the job, without the unwanted baggage. [U][B]Carl Batch[/B][/U] [B]Departed:[/B] December Afte the W.O.V stable fizzled out, Batch basically had nothing to do and at this moment in time we just don't have anything for him. A loyal servant to FCW from the first day, the door is defintely open for Batch to return, if the right project comes along that would benefit having him on board as a manager. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [B]Departed:[/B] May (full time status ended), December (end of loan) [B]2012 FCW Record:[/B] 4-1-3 Steve Flash originally departed in May, after I quietly let his contract run-down, due to some ridiculous owner goal Senor Lopez set me, to get his momentum up to some near nigh on impossible obtain level. The boss thinks Flash left to concentrate on his work with NOTBPW, with whom he signed a contract, Flash thinks it was an over-sight on my part. The well respected veteran was then brought for a string of guest appearances towards the back end of the year, and to be honest if he was delivering the sort of performances he was delivering in his 'guest run' rather than the somewhat disappointing efforts he was putting in as a full time FCW roster member, he probably would have been with FCW for the whole year. With our working relationship with NOTBPW in place and with him looking revitilized at the end of the year , it's likely Flash could be brought in for a few more guest apperarances next year.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;663490]Seconded. Just when you think there's nothing left and your mind seems to be empty, it can be just one little idea which expands into a whole new network of ideas and storylines for months ahead.[/QUOTE] Thirded. I think pretty much any diary that runs for awhile is going to run into those moments for the writer. Its interesting what can pull you through, though. I'm thrilled to hear things are continuing. At the same time, we get the roster reviews, which I always enjoy, plus the year-end world view the other day. Those are always fun to read.
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:( about Mr. Electricity. Kashmir Singh has always been my favorite male worker due to his incredibly nice personality, and willingness to work cheap :D I'm telling ya, you need a low level belt to give these jobbers something to work for, something to alleviate your guilt at creating an army of jobbers :D
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[CENTER][B][U]January in Review[/U][/B] [/CENTER] For the past few years January has always been FCW's quietest month, simply for the reason that we have decided to use it as a sort of off season. We saw our bank account rise about another $40,000 last month, taking our overall finances over the $400,000 mark. This year the general feeling is that we need to run more shows outside of Puerto Rico, we may well end up being down on the year but we need to get our prescence up in other regions, in turn that could ultimately help us earn a TV deal, which in turn would us more exposure. However looking at the collapse of promotions like 4C and APW we don't want to rush into these sort of things either until we are on sound financial footing. At the end of the day, we need to be a little less cautious if FCW is going to grow. Senor Lopez has categorically stated to me that he does not want to see FCW go into doubt but I feel that we are currently on a strong enough financial grounding right now that we won't be running debt by the end of the year. Sadly as expected Darryl Devine is no longer going to be with FCW after he rejected a contract extensio, so there will be a guaranteed change of champion with whoever claims the vacant Undisputed Championship. Despite losing Devine we were able to secure the services of several others this month with Bulldozer Brandon Smith, El Mitico Jr, Marc Speed (Speed Machine), Kashmir Singh (Mr Electricity) and announcer Dane O'Hara all extending their stay with us. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW kicked off the year with a strong effort, with their Revolution 2013 show (B-). The semi main event that saw 'Dark Star' Erik Strong go over KC Glenn was said to be amazing match an early 'indie' MOTYC (B+), other strong matches saw Joey Poison defeat Nelson Callum (B-) and Ultimate Phoenix & Mick Muscles go to a no contest over the vacant Tag Titles against Andre Jones and Fox Mask (B). The main event that saw Ernest Youngman succesfully defend the Coastal Zone Championship against Donnie J however was a bit of a let-down (C+) and adds further fuel to the fire that Youngman isn't ready to regularly main event shows. MAW held the 2013 edition of the Rip Chord Invitational, in what was a pretty well received version of this years tournament. The Finals itself were a bit disappointing (C) but there were a couple of B- matches. More details on the results of the tournament will be revealed later on in the title changes section of the news and notes from around the wrestling world. NYCW's Rush Hour was another rather average effort (C-) with Andre Jones making another uninspring defence of the Empire Title this against Erik Strong in the main event (C-). Match of the night saw Rick Sanders defeat the Cannonball Kid (C) Both PSW and RIPW seem to be raising their game at the start of the year and look like they might have the potential to put on shows as good as NYCW, so if I'm still going to be keeping an eye on NYCW...then I'll also take a look at PSW and RIPW once again. PSW followed up their strong end (by their standards) with another show that is beginning to show some long awaited improvement from the Pittsburgh based promotion, with WrestleNation (C-) The main event saw JD Morgan team with The Punisher to defeat Henry Lee and Delicious Danny in a Steel City Streetfight, whilst Johnny Martin succesfully defended the PSW Championship against The Wolverine in the semi main, both matches earned a C- rating. RIPW put in an even more stellar effort than both NYCW and PSW this month with their Suckerpunch show (C). The main event saw Avlanche succesfully defend the RIPW Title against Johnny Martin, whilst Ernest Youngman went over Trent Shaffer in the Semi main, with both matches rated at C. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]January News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] The writing had been on the wall for a few months, but APW..Australia's only promotion has gone out of business. Like 4C in Canada, they just could not cope with the extra financial burdens of running a promotion at cult size. So many promotions have an ambition to grow and when they get to a certain level, they find they simply can't cope. APW's unfortunate collapse pretty much signals the death of any chance of a home grown wrestling industry in Australia. Many of the APW will now be searching for work elsewhere, but how many of them are going to find work ? On a more positive note 5SSW the World's leading all Women's promotion has now risen to National Size. Incredibly Japan now has 5 promotions at National or above, showing that Puroresu is perhaps more popular than ever before. [B]Worker Signings[/B] AAA snap up Brooke Tyler, the daughter of current NOTBPW head booker Eric Tyler who has just turned professional. Brooke is thought to have the combination of alluring looks and more than competent wrestling skills to really make her mark in womens wrestling. Former ELPF Arena Champion Mr Evilness made his return to EWA. Panda Mask II, Reaper Dante and American Machine will all take part in Exodus 2010 up coming spring tour. Nicky Champion (known as Nicky R!ot in FCW) has expanded his work schedule by joining MAW. OLLIE snap up former MPWF talent Atlantis Jr. SAISHO sign veteran Battle Sakata on a PPA deal. SOTBPW add Jack 'Wrath of God' Giedroyc to their roster. Giedroyc still remains with SWF but the fact he only re-signed with them on a PPA basis means that he is able to sign with other promotions. Lassana Matsuki has finally been called up by the SWF after spending almost six years their development territory RIPW. Colussus (Hells Bouncer) returns to USPW (like Giedroyc he also remains with the SWF). [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contracts of Mister King, announcer Steve Smith, valet Kathleen Lee plus referees Karl Dexter and Jacob Bailey. 5SSW extend the contracts of Umeko Hotta, Joanne Rodriguez, Dragon Assassin, Jaguar Endo, Tsuki Kawamata, Gorgon, Yu Hashimoto, Thea Davis, manager Seishiro Hiraga and retired wrestler turned backstage hand Saeko Hiroyuki AAA extend the contracts of Alison Capone and annoucner Jim Lou Freebush. A busy month for BHOTWG in terms of renegotiating new contracts with Duane Stone (Black Cobra), Seji Jimbo, Super Joshuya, Sanetomo Shiraishi and VENOM all putting pen to paper on new written deals. Free-lancer Eisaku Hoshino will also continue to appear for them on a PPA basis, BSC extend the contract of roster mainstay Dharma Gregg. CGC extend the contracts of Slim V and Matty Phatty. CWWF extend the contracts of Kristabel Plum and Kate Lilly. EWA extend the contracts of Scheming Behemoth, Doctor Insane and manager Stetson Hatt. It puzzles me how that jerk-off Hatt still has a job. GCG extend the PPA deal of Burning Takash!ta. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Beetle Kimura, Toju Munkata and referee Masami Aizawa. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Kazuma Narato, Kadonomaro Kamisaka,Stuart Ferdinand and referee Yo****ora Shigemitsu. MAW extend the contracts of veterans JD Morgan and Henry Lee. A busy month for MHW as they extend the contracts of Mexican Beast, Hijo Del Mephisto, El Sucio, Slayyer, El Hijo Espada Roja, Laberinto Jr, road agent Oceano, referee Domingo Castillo and backstage interviewer Soledad Iglesias. * [FONT=Courier New][B]* O.O.C Note:[/B] Soledad Iglesias is a computer generated female announcer.[/FONT] MOSC extend the contract of road agent Tyrone Hughes. MPWF extend the contracts of Magnifico and announcer Carlos Moreno. NOTBPW offer new written deals to Robbie McNamara, womens division worker Jame Quine and road agent Grant Truman plus Cliff 'Dark Angel' Wilson. Wilson suffered a career spinal injury back in May of last year and it's highly possible he may not return to an NOTBPW in a full time wrestling capacity. NYCW extend the contracts of Rudy Velasquez, Casey Valentine and Xavier Reckless. OLLIE extend the contracts of Phoenix I, Championa Jr, Hijo Del Relampago and Laberinto Jr. Burning Takash!ta also extends his PPA deal with PGHW. PSW extend the contract of roster mainstay Johnny Martin. RIPW extend the PPA deals of Mick Muscles, Matt Sparrow and Kentucky Bill ROF extend the contracts of Merle O'Curle, Stevie Stoat, Danny Patterson and announcer Justin Blackham. SAISHO extend the PPA deals of Simon Flemmingway, Matsudaira Morioka and Hirokazu Yamanoue. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Pablo Rodriguez, Lobo Blanco, El Hijo Del Zonk, Huracan Sandoval Jr, Delirium and Miguel Marquez. Kirk Jameson, manager The Guru and road agent Chief Two Eagles all sign PPA contract extensions with the SWF. TCW secure Engyma, Danny Fonzarelli, Jack Griffith, Kurt Laramee plus the former owner of USPW and announcer Danny Jillefski to new exclusive written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Stig Svensson, Beast Bantom and announcer Matthew Morris. USPW extend the contracts of Big Smack Scott, Ernest Youngman, Damian 'The Natural' Carvill, Java, Ash Campbell, wrestler turned manager Randall 'The Bandit' Hopkirk plus womens division workers Raven Nightfall and Lauren Easter. Eisaku Hoshino also extends his PPA deal with WLW. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Steph Blake and Charlize Angelle both fail to agree new contracts with AAA. Ash Campbell is allowed to leave CGC after they decide against offering a new contract. Philip Cooper does not renew his contracts with EWA and MOSC. Phoenix III leaves MHW, citing that he wishes to re-concentrate on working for his true 'home' of OLLIE. Matt Hocking decides against renewing his contract with NYCW. Justin Sensitive and PSW fail to come to agreement over a new contract. Quick Kick Nakao leaves SAISHO stating that he wishes to concentrate on his commitments with Exodus 2010 and Hinote Dojo. Rebelde Loco surprisingly leaves SOTBPW, after he fails to come to agreement over a new contract. SWF were rocked further when their World Champion Squeeky McClean rejected a new contract extension, others to leave citing that the promotion is no longer big enough for them are Remo Richardson and Runaway Train. McClean and Remo are tipped to head to TCW or perhaps NOTBPW, whilst Train seems likely to retire. Meanwhile Greg Rayne was let go by SWF themselves. WLW decide against renewing the contract of Giant Tana. [B]Injuries[/B] INSPIRE were rocked by the news that one of their key roster members will be out of action for the rest of the year, after Raul Hughes suffered a Torn Rotator Cuff. GCG's Roy Edison is currently working through a Percussive Ankle stretch and Harley Neill of ROF and MOSC stated on his blog that he was suffering from Chronic Lower Back Pain, I guess taking umpteen chair-shots to the back and being put through tables and such like on a regular basis does that for you. [B]Title Changes[/B] Golden Delicious and Jaguar Endo upset Culture Shock (Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata) for the 5SSW Tag Team Titles. Culture Shock however won them back a week later to begin their fifth reign with the titles and gaijin veteran defeated DEVIL Karube to win the All-Asian belt for a fourth time. Joanne Rodriguez ended the 13 month reign of Raven Nightfall to become the AAA Femme Fatale champion for second time, seven years after she first held the belt. Meanwhile Jana Marie Bowen and Charlizze Angelle combined to end Lily & Rose's near two year long reign with the Tag belts, only to vacate them due to Angelle being unable to agree a new contract with AAA. Akima Brave defeated Zeus Maximillion to capture the CGC Canadian Title. Masutaro Kataoka captured the GCG Openweight Title for a second time and Hitomaro Suzuki and Mabuchi Furusawa combined to end the seven month long World Tag Team Title reign of Yasuhide Tayama and Barry Griffin. Jay Chord certainly isn't shy about putting himself over as they he won the 2013 edition of the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament in MAW, the first one to be held since the passing of Jay's father. Jay defeated James Hernandez, Paul Huntingdon and Henry Lee on his way to winning the title. Lee scored wins over current Mid Atlantic Champion Johnny Martin and Nicky Champion to reach the finals. Knuckles and Andre Jones rounded out this years field. To be fair to Jay Chord, his first round and semi final matches with Hernandez and Huntingdon respectively were said to be the best matches of this years tournament. Emma Bitch defeated Cherry Bomb to become the NOTBPW Womens champion for a third time. SWF were plunged into further disarray when the World Heavyweight Championship was left vacant following the sudden departure of Squeeky McClean. John Anderson became the TCW World Heavyweight Champion for the first time, ending the half year long reign of Rick Law and Jay Chord won the All Action Title. Casey Valentine regained the USPW Intercontinental Title from Hollywood Brett Starr, to hold the belt for a second time. Power Trip's (Haru Kurofuji & Koji Kojima) reign as WLW Tag Team champions came to an end at the hands of Magnum KOBE and Rhino Umaga and KOBE completed a highly succesful month for himself by defeating The Great Hisato for the Show Stealer title. The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg & Lead Belly) defeated the somewhat surprising pairing of Dazzling Dave Diamond and Slim V to become the inaugral XWA International Tag Champions.
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