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Multiplayer Needed

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ALL READERS NEW GM WANTED FOR COMPANY Looking for Owner for WWF,WCW or ECW to play against via MSN and email each day by day Rules 1. Both will use same data and pics 2. Player one will be first then send data to player 2, and so on until a complete cycle of a week is done and that will continue for the rest of the game 3. Must have good Knowledge of 2001, IF INTRESTED EMAIL ME YOUR INFOMATION 1. Name 2. Pic 3. Bio Pic 4. Bio about you 5. Company applying for...... IF Intrested apply and send email to [email]thewrestlingportal@yahoo.com[/email] [email]thewrestlingportal@yahoo.com[/email] Name: WWF or WCW: Bio: Knowledge of 2001:
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