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Do we ever get emails from the dev territory to tell us how the workers are improving and wether or not they can learn anymore from being in development, so if the head booker of RIPW think that Nevada Nuclear is ready, will I get an email saying he's ready to be called up? Also, i thought I read somewhere (I may be mistaken) that you recieve emails from workers ala. EWR of old, when you hire their friends, alter their pushes etc. Did I imagine this or did it make the game? Because I am yet to recieve one of these.
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[QUOTE=Sigilistic;451972]Yes. Try firing someone's sibling or best friend, and they'll pop up bitching at you.[/QUOTE] Yeah, seems to have to be family or close friends. When I hired Debbie Rose, Wanda Fish said bubkus (Debbie is Wanda's protege). However, when I signed Lucy Stone-McFly, Tamara popped up lauding the move.
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