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The NWA: Back from the Brink

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Hi everyone, Brian Henegar here, this is the first time I've tried posting a dynasty on here, so a few notes first. I am using TEW 2008, and the TZone 2007 real world mod, with a few obvious modifications (i.e. deletion of Gary Hart and He who shall not be named, et al). Other than that this is as accurate as I can make it. let me know what you guys think, feedback is appreciated. Here we go. [IMG]http://s335.photobucket.com/albums/m455/JepMasta/nwa_logo.jpg[/IMG] National Wrestling Alliance Back from the Brink By: Brian A. Henegar Part I: The History Lesson The legend of the NWA is one of excellence. Born out of a meeting by six promoters in Waterloo, IA in 1948, the NWA grew to become the gold standard by which all other wrestling promotions were judged. Standing in stark contrast to the “sports entertainment” peddled by Vince McMahon, the NWA grew alongside such legendary stars as Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes, and the great Ric Flair. Tradition, honor, and glory were the pillars of the NWA, and they served the company well. Sadly, the NWA’s star began to fade, and by the 1990s what respect and prominence the NWA had were shattered, when Shane Douglas infamously threw down the NWA world championship after winning the ill-fated 1994 tournament. However, success seemed to be returning in 2002, when the TNA promotion co-opted with the NWA to help re-build the glory, however, in 2007, the agreement was dissolved, leaving the NWA in the lurch, as it were. And that is where our story begins. Part II: Fear and Loathing in Kansas City. January 1st, 2007. As I watched the signing of the final paperwork completely severing all ties with TNA Wrestling, I couldn’t help but feel angry. Dixie Carter was there, smiling her million-dollar smile along with Jeff Jarrett, watching as I prepared to affix my signature to the documents. The pen in my hand seems to weigh a ton, but I must do my duty. “It didn’t have to be this way” I thought to myself, “We had a twenty-year contract for chrissakes. We were all making good money…why?” Sorry, a little introduction is in order. The name’s Brian A. Henegar, the newly-minted General Director of the NWA. I had been executive VP of the NWA, before the trouble started. The guy who used to be in charge was Bob Torbich, but due to him completely punting the TNA deal, he was voted out last month, and I was thrust into his place. It was weird, not six months ago both of our groups were happy. Then all of a sudden, Torbich started posting these long, meandering screeds on wrestling sites about how the TNA was holding the NWA down, and about how Jeff Jarrett was a complete jerk. We all could guess something was wrong with him, but none of us could guess what happened next, when Torbich called an emergency meeting to announce he, Dixie, and the Jarretts had agreed to an amicable and unconditional split. And as a encore, Torbich followed that with his resignation, which is how I got the gig (after a vote by the board of directors). I am still reeling from the entire goings on, but nothing about any of this makes sense. Why pull out now? The NWA was finally getting the recognition it deserved, and TNA had a measure of credibility. I guess I’ll never understand, but I had to finish it off. In the weeks since we had heard the news of the pull-out, I had consigned myself to the fate that there was no stopping it, and that instead it was best to accept my losses and move on. However, as I began to sign the paper, my Executive Vice-President Sophie Morris ran in and whispered something into my ear: “Brian, don’t sign it yet.” “Why?” I replied “Just don’t” she said “Not until I show you something.” Intrigued, I politely excused myself, and with Sophie I went to my office, and pulled out the contract we had signed with TNA five years ago. As we looked it over Sophie began pointing out her findings. According to her, when we signed the contracts with Jeff and Jerry they were shrewd enough to include a codicil in the contract that allowed entitled them to opt out of our agreement at any time if it was shown that the promotion had not shown a marked improvement. “See?” Sophie said “We have an out!” “What do you mean?” I asked. She then proceeded to show me our ratings from the last fiscal year and while it was small, there WAS an uptick in our “iMPACT!” ratings through the year. She also showed me the pay-par-view buyrates…they had improved slightly. And Panda Energy wasn’t losing nearly as much money as they had been. All in all, it seemed like we had enough evidence to keep the agreement together for at least another year. But I knew the truth. I had tried all of these arguments with Jeff and Dixie…but they were having none of it. “Sophie” I said sadly, “It’s no use. I’ve tried all of those arguments, but they’re not listening. ‘Why didn’t hiring Kurt Angle spike the rating?’ they asked me. These guys are just determined to get rid of us…and quite frankly, I’m tired of fighting it. I just wish I knew why.” Sophie dejectedly decided to leave with me and go back to our impending doom, but as we were about to leave, I happened to see something out of the corner of my eye. It was a paper sticking out of one of the drawers of Torbich’s desk (I got it when I got the job.) It was odd, because I knew Bob, and he was like Tony Shaloub on “Monk.” The dude kept his desk neater than a pin, so it stuck out, believe me. Anyway, I pulled the paper out, and was shocked at what I saw, It was a letter from Dixie Carter to Bob Torbich talking about a massive cash payout if the NWA broke the deal. It was unbelievable. Carter had decided she didn’t trust the NWA, nor did she like the fact that we actually cared about the tradition and legacy of the sport of Professional Wrestling. She also wanted more control over the titles (which I had already said we were willing to be flexible on), and by reading the paper, I could tell that she really didn’t like me. For example, one of the passages of the letter says “You and I both know that little mealy-mouthed boy from Tennessee and his limey ‘assistant’ (her imaginative term for Sophie) are holding us back.” Sure, like I was the only one who hated the reverse battle royal, that ignorant mascot “Stomper”, and bringing in Pacman Jones (thank you, Vince Russo.) We clashed over stuff like this all the time…but we had always been civil with each other. And now, she was going behind my back offering Bob a boatload of money they would never find, even if they sent Sherlock Holmes to Switzerland, to break it off. However, even though she wanted out, she couldn’t find an excuse to break the 20-year contract, since our ratings hadn’t nosedived like she thought they would. Everything suddenly made a lot more sense. Torbich, blinded by greed, quit cooperating with TNA and started the process of severing ties to get all that dough, which also explained why he left so abruptly. “Well,” Sophie said “I guess now we have our out. Once we show this to the press, TNA will be ruined…serves ‘em right. C’mon Brian, let’s sign the papers, and then we call the major wrestling sites, and they’ll never know what hit them.” “Hold on” I said, as the wheels of progress began to turn in my mind, “It would appear we have a golden opportunity, literally. Oh, we’re going to talk to Ms. Carter and Mr. Jarrett…but we have a chance to make things work for us, if we play it right.” “What do you mean, Brian?” said Sophie. “Oh…you’ll see. Come on, let’s have that talk now.” End installment 1. let me know what you guys think. Brian~
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Part 2 Okay guys, this is the second half of the backstory, I hope you like it. National Wrestling Alliance Back from the Brink Part III: I just may be the lunatic you’re looking for. “THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! YOU CAN’T PROVE ANYTHING, FOR ALL YOU KNOW THAT COULD BE FAKE!” Dixie Carter wasn’t taking our discovery well, as I could tell by her angry screaming. For his part, Jeff Jarrett was sitting there, trying to get Dixie to calm down, all the while me and Sophie just sat back and silently let her spew her anger on us. “Do you think you guys scare me? HA!!! You guys are a joke already. You’re running spot shows that draw maybe, MAYBE 500 people a night. If you release this, I’ll sue you for defamation, and you don’t have the war chest to survive a legal battle. By the time we got done, the NWA would be run into the GROUND!” with that she slammed her fist on the desk. Finally, after half an hour of vitriol, Jeff sternly told Dixie to be quiet, so we could talk. “Listen Ms. Carter,” I said, “even IF this paper is fraudulent, and I doubt that it is, we have the upper hand. TNA cannot afford to this kind of bad publicity, and despite what Vince would have you guys believe…not all publicity is good. Once this hits the papers…and believe me, I intend to sing like Maria Callas to every wrestling website and sports page in America, you’ll be ruined. What credibility and legitimacy you have will be evaporated…and you and I know you won’t be able to survive that.” “Well, what do you guys have in mind?” drawled Jeff Jarrett. “Simple” I replied “We make a deal. For the right price, I can forget that this letter ever existed. In fact, for the right price, I will burn it in front of you right now. Because no matter what happens, you and I both know you can’t afford to let this leak out.” Jeff and Dixie chewed on that for a while then Dixie came back to the table, somewhat more relaxed than before. “Okay. As much as I hate to admit it…you’re right,” said Dixie. “This would ruin us if it came out, even though I deny it.” Sensing her defeat, she exhaled sadly, and wrote a figure on an index card and slid it towards me, “Is this price to your liking?” I leaned down and read the figure on the card, “$1,000,000.” Both of us had eyes the size of dinner plates, we looked at each other, and back at Dixie and said simultaneously, “DEAL!” Dixie leaned over, shook our hands and proceeded to cut os the very large check. She tore it out of the book, but before she could hand it over she had one final thing to say: “You two did something that is very hard to do. You got one over on me and Jeff here. For that you should both be commended. However, I want you to both know one very important thing. This is a one-time-only deal. This paper still absolves us from you forever. If you fail, we’re not bailing you out again. You have lucked into a golden opportunity, so do yourselves a favor…don’t waste it.” With that she handed us the check, and we signed the paperwork. As both of them left Jeff looked back at us, smiled at us and said, “Good luck you guys.” I watched as they left, leaned over to Sophie and said “We’ll need it.” We had just dodged a bullet, but the war had only just begun. But we were ready; we had faith, a dream, and now a golden chance to make it come true. It was time for the NWA to rise again.
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National Wrestling Alliance Back from the Brink Chapter 3: We need Talent. May 1st, 2007. To put it bluntly, we needed talent. For the last five months, my life has been in a constant state of insanity. Ever since I deposited that large check in our corporate bank account, we sent feelers out to all the “free agents” of the business, trying to get some guys to sign up for the new NWA. But it wasn’t going well. Jushin Liger, Steve Corino, and Bryan Danielson all said they were spread too thin, and a lot of others made no excuse, they just said we were too small. The truth hurts sometimes doesn’t it? Still, after several months of strenuous negotiations (thank you Teddy Long), we were finally able to get a cohesive roster together. Thus, we scheduled our first event since our emancipation, titled “NWA Rebirth” for the first Friday in June. After all that I called a meeting with our board of directors to get some scope of where we were. Here is what Me and Sophie discovered. STATUS REPORT Promotion Name: National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) Location: Mid-Atlantic, USA Funds: $1,000,000 Size: Small Popularity: F’s in all regions except for E-‘s in South East USA, and Western Australia. ROSTER: (Red for Heels, Blue for Faces) OPENERS [COLOR="Red"]Apollo Khan EZ Money[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Eric Angle[/COLOR] LOWER MIDCARD [COLOR="red"]Alex Kozlov Josh Prohibition[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Consequences Creed[/COLOR] MIDCARD [COLOR="Red"]Chad Collyer Johnny Kashmere “Sterling” James Keenan Trent Acid[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Chad Parham Scott Fowler[/COLOR] UPPER MIDCARD [COLOR="Red"]Brent Albright[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Andy Sumner “Reckless Youth” Tom Carter[/COLOR] MAIN EVENT [COLOR="Red"]Rob Conway Jerry Lynn[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Ron “The Truth” Killings[/COLOR] TAG TEAMS The Backseat Boyz (Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere) MANAGERS Bill Alfonso (Client: Alex Kozlov) ANNOUNCERS Ring Announcer: Bob Artese Play-by-Play: Scott Hudson Colour: Nate Stein MISC. PERSONNEL REFEREES Brian Hebner – Head Official Tommy Thompson Sean Hanson ROAD AGENT Tully Blanchard The meeting was eye-opening. But things, for whatever reason, seemed to finally be falling into place. I was finishing up some paperwork, when I got a phone call. It was Sophie, she was on the road finishing up the last signing we had. I could tell in her voice that she was excited. “Really? You got him? Yeah I know it set us back a pretty penny, but if we have this guy as our Commish, it will give us no end of mainstream pub. Okay, I know you’re on the road, let me know when you get home. Bye.” I smiled as wide as the Grand Canyon with that. We needed a big name to get us some credibility, and with this guy as the on-air face of the NWA, things were DEFINITELY looking up. Anyway I finished out the paperwork, and I decided to get to work on booking the show. And start planning the rebirth of the NWA. And sadly, you will have to wait to see who he is. But I promise you, you will NOT be disappointed. Next post will contain the show
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OKay guys, I am working on the first show, as we speak. However, here is something to tide you over in the mean while. [IMG]http://s335.photobucket.com/albums/m455/JepMasta/RebirthPoster.jpg[/IMG] See you tomorrow with the first show. Brian~
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  • 2 weeks later...
The first event. Okay guys, I have wasted enough time, working on this. Please be honest with your critiques, I hope you enjoy the show. Here goes nothing. EVENT 1 “REBIRTH: CROWNING A CHAMPION” JUNE 6TH, 2007 Bayou Le Batre Community Center – Bayou Le Batre, AL. Backstage, Sophie and I walked into the main dressing room. All the wrestlers were back there, getting ready for the big event this evening. The crowd was beginning to file in, and so I decided it was now or never to talk to the boys. I cleared my throat, and all the boys looked at me and I began to speak. “Gentlemen, Six months ago, we all had a dream. We were cast away from TNA Wrestling, and sent out alone in the world of Professional Wrestling. We are here because we all believe in something. We believe that tradition, history, and pride STILL have a place in professional wrestling. We believe that midgets dressed like the guy on Lucky Charms and reverse battle royals are not what our forefathers in this sport sacrificed everything they had for. Now tonight, we have two options. We can lay down, and let that dream die, or we can give this every opportunity to succeed and show that we are a lot more than hype. We can show the world that the National Wrestling Alliance is STILL, after nearly sixty years, the real major leagues of pro wrestling. Now I ask you…is everyone ready to do this?” Slowly everyone began to clap, “Tonight give it all you guys have, because tonight The NWA is REBORN!” The applause got louder, and I yelled at Bob Artese: “START THE SHOW!” No Dark Matches Bob Artese is standing in the ring, and begins to speak. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the new Commissioner of the National Wrestling Alliance…J. J. DILLON!” The crowd explodes as “Four Horsemen” by Metallica blares out over the loudspeaker system. Dillon walked out, resplendent in a nice suit, carrying a leather case with him. Dillon acknowledges the crowd, enters the ring, and asks for the mic. “THANK YOU ALABAMA! For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is James J. Dillon, and for several of the greatest years of my life, I was a proud member of the NWA. And when I heard that The NWA was restarting, I decided to make my move. I petitioned the Board of Directors, and I am now here as the Commissioner of this fine organization. To wit, I hold in my hands something that means more to me than any of you could ever know.” With that, Dillon reaches into his leather case and pulls out the legendary “Ten Pounds of Gold”, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Belt. “This belt has been a part of this business for nearly sixty years. It has the longest lineage of any world title in ANY wrestling organization. I mean, think of the people who have held it. Guys like Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, and even, my good friend Ric Flair. (the crowd pops hearing that!) Come to think of it that word, ‘wrestling,’ is a dirty word these days isn’t it? Vince would as soon call his guys ‘Extremists’ than wrestlers. It’s almost as if he’s ashamed of what we do. Well I’m not, and I know you aren’t. And tonight, we are bringing WRESTLING back into the wrestling world. Now, tonight we are having a 15-man “Gambler’s Delight” Battle Royale for this belt…” With that Jerry was cut off by the instrumental version of “Trust” by Megadeth, and out strides, with a purpose, is The one and only Jerry Lynn. Lynn scowls at the audience, grabs a second mic, and begins to speak. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t J. J. Dillon. You know, that was a right pretty speech you gave there. Talking about the legacy of the NWA, and how this belt will represent history and blah, blah, BLAH! Personally I could care less about the legacy of that belt in your hands, because all I care about is becoming the next person to hold it. Because you’re right, ‘wrestling’ is a dirty word these days. The problem is back when the NWA still meant something, you were too busy ‘WHOOOOOOOO’ flying on Lear jets and riding in limos to CARE! You know, when you were getting that stupid face lift of yours back in the 80s (Dillon gets a little uncomfortable hearing that), I was out there busting my ASS, sleeping in my CAR because I couldn’t afford a hotel room at night! And when you were playing with the Honky Tonk Man down in Atlanta, I was living on PB&J sandwiches, because I didn’t have enough money to EAT! So how dare you, HOW DARE YOU, give that belt to anyone but ME? Because there’s only one man in the arena worthy to hold that belt, and…his…name…is…JERRY…LYNN!!!!!” Lynn’s tirade is (thankfully) cut off by the strains of “Crank Dat, Soulja”, and out comes Ron “The Truth” Killings, much to the delight of the fans. Ron slaps a few hands, and gets in the ring, grabs J. J.’s mic, and begins to speak. “HOLD UP! First of all, Lynn, you would know everything about “playing at Atlanta” don’ cha MR. JL?! (Lynn begins to get angry hearing that). Second of all, what right do you have coming out here and demandin’ this, and demandin’ that? Dude, this is the NWA, you get what you want by EARNING IT! And tonight I will BE in that Battle Royale, and If I have to go through everyone in the back, especially you Jerry, I will become the next NWA world champ. So if you want that belt Jerry, you gonna have to come through ME to get it…AND THAT’S THE TRUTH!” (Rating, E+) Opening Match Alex Kozlov (W/ Bill Alfonso) Vs. Eric Angle This opening bout is hard fought, but the audience is dead during it, and stayed quiet, even with Fonzie working the crowd. Kozlov ends it at 8:51 with the Soviet Strike. Rating: E+ 2nd Match Josh Prohibition Vs. Consequences Creed Creed and Josh have a good, back and forth little match. But the youth of both wrestlers shows, and the crowd, not having any name recognition, was just sort of there. Creed get’s the win with the Right Hook at 9:31. Rating E+ 3rd Match Backseat Boyz Vs. Chad Parham & Scott Fowler Well, it was great to see the Backseat BoyZ together again, too bad no-one in the crowd understood what that meant. Still the two teams put on a good match, Kashmere takes the win, hitting the Cradle Buster on Fowler at 14:56. Rating E Promo: Lynn is backstage taping himself up for the Battle Royale tonight, all he has to say to the camera is: “Tonight, the NWA title will be mine. And everyone, especially YOU Ron Killings, will have to give me the respect…the glory…and the AWE that I deserve!” Rating E- 4th Match Rob Conway vs. “Reckless Youth” Tom Carter Conway and Carter have a very decent match, and the crowd finally makes some noise for the match. Conway gets the duke at 15:44 with the Whiplash. D- Segment Conway Poses for the crowd, soaking up the boos and catcalls of the audience. C- 5th Match Andy Sumner vs. Brent Albright Albright and Sumner have a good back and forth match, though they have some real chemistry problems. Albright gets the win with the Crowbar at 15:29. D Segment Ron Killings is backstage walking through the corridors, he turns to the camera and gives a small message. “Jerry, you betta be ready, because tonight, I am going to become the new NWA Champion…And that’s the TRUTH!” E+ MAIN EVENT 15-MAN GAMBLER’S DELIGHT BATTLE ROYALE FOR NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Bob Artese is in the ring. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the “Gambler’s Delight” 15-Man Battle Royale for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship! The rules are simple, earlier in the evening, 15 individuals drew a number between one and fifteen, when the bell rings, the wrestlers who drew numbers 1 and 2 will enter the ring and the match will begin. Every 90 seconds thereafter a new man will enter the ring. Elimination occurs when a wrestler is thrown over the top rope, and both feet touch the ground. The last man standing after all 15 men have entered the ring will be named the winner, and will be crowned the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion!!!” Participants: Alex Kozlov, Andy Sumner, Brent Albright, Consequences Creed, EZ Money, Jerry Lynn, Johnny Kashmere, Josh Prohibition, Rob Conway, Ron Killings, Scott Fowler, James Keenan, Reckless Youth, & Trent Acid Final Four In the Battle Royale Jerry Lynn, Ron “The Truth” Killings, Rob Conway, Trent Acid Acid is the first of the final four to be eliminated, clotheslined out by Ron Killings (who was number one into the ring). The three wrestlers who are left are battling furiously, each of the three knowing how much this means. Conway grabs Killings, and attempts the Whiplash neckbreaker, but Killings uses his last ounce of strength to kick away from the ropes, and is able to reverse the move into a spinning DDT. Lynn (who was number four in the match) decides to capitalize on the moment, and he shockingly picks up Conway and ejects him from the ring. The crowd is shocked, but suddenly it makes a world of sense. Conway who is fresher than both of them is gone, leaving Lynn to pick at the bones of Killings. True to form, Lynn attacks early stomping and kicking at the prone body of Killings. Lynn picks Ron up and tried to throw him out to win the belt, but Ron’s amazing drive to survive is too strong, and Killings manages to keep a death grip on the top rope. Gradually, Killings is able to mount a comeback, hitting several high-risk moves on Lynn to gain the upper hand. Killings is ready to try to put Lynn out. But as he is preparing to toss Lynn out, Rob Conway comes back out, wielding a steel chair hoping to get some revenge on Lynn. All of the referees come over to get Rob to leave, so they don’t see Killings hit a running dropkick on Lynn that knocks him out of the ring. Killings thinks he has won the match, but he looks and sees all the referees dealing with Conway. Ron walks over to the ropes yelling at a referee to look at the ring, but as his is distracted Lynn sneaks back in the ring, spins Killings around and hits him with a vicious Cradle Piledriver! The rest is academic at that point, Lynn all but scraped Killings off the mat and easily deposits him over the rope to win the title. The boos are deafening, as Jerry Lynn celebrates in the ring. Lynn looks over at Conway, who winks at Jerry, implicating that the whole thing was just a set-up. Rating: D POST MATCH CELEBRATION Lynn is awarded the Title, and he celebrates like he has just won ten Super Bowls. Killings is able to get to his feet, and he stares a hole through Lynn as he leaves, bringing our show to a close. Rating: E+ Total Attendance 212 Total Rating, E+ let me know what you think Brian~
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Hey guys, sorry for the delay, but real life snuck up on me lately. But I have beaten it into submission, and thus I am ready to go. June 6th, 2008 Well, the show hadn’t been the rousing success I thought it would be. BUT, it was considered a success insofar as we did better than we should have in our area. And, only one wrestler came through with an injury, Johnny Kashmere, who sustained a bruised eye socket. Things went well, so we quickly announced our next event, “NWA Fight Night 1” to be held in three weeks. The only real announcement of note was the signing of a new talent, One “Slyk” Wagner Brown, a technical powerhouse from Jamaica. Things had been going rather smoothly, and in no time at all, the three weeks passed, and we started getting ready for our second show, when J. J. Dillon came into my office. I will spare you the details of the talk, but Dillon told me that he’s getting too old for this business…and he was announcing his retirement. As is customary, he was giving me his 30-day notice. I told him I was saddened by his leaving, but I understood that he knew it was his time to go. However, as he left, I was painfully depressed. Things had been going so well for us, and this was NOT a loss we needed. Still, “whatever didn’t kill us, would only make us stronger,” I kept telling myself. And I went back to work planning the second show. [CENTER]FRIDAY, JUNE 28TH, 2007 THE NATIONAL WRESTLING ALLIANCE PROUDLY PRESENTS NWA FIGHT NIGHT I MAIN EVENT NON-TITLE MATCH JERRY LYNN {C} VS. RON “THE TRUTH” KILLINGS ALSO IN ACTION “THE GANGSTER OF LOVE” ROB CONWAY BRENT ALBRIGHT THE BACKSEAT BOYZ AND MAKING HIS NWA WRESTLING DEBUT: “SLYK” WAGNER BROWN TICKETS, $6 AT THE DOOR[/CENTER] Let me know what you guys think so far, second show up later tonight. Brian~
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Hey guys *sigh* long story, but work crept up on me again. Anyway, as advertised, here is the second NWA show. NWA FIGHT NIGHT I Venue: Booneville National Guard Armory Location: Booneville, Arkansas PRESHOW No Dark Matches Segment 1 “Four Horsemen” by Metallica blares out over the PA system, and out walks J.J. Dillon, walking a little slower than he did at the last event. Word gets around fast in the wrestling world, and Dillon’s impending retirement is on everybody’s mind. Dillon takes the mic and talks to the audience. “Thank you. As you are no doubt well aware, I announced a few days ago, that I was, as Danny Glover once said, ‘getting too old for this…crap’. I have grandkids now, and even though I still love this business and I always will, I don’t want them to grow up without me there for them. So, the next show, which will be in 2 weeks, will be the last NWA event for James J. Dillon.” The audience sits aghast, but understanding of Dillon’s wishes. “However, tonight is the second night of the new NWA, and tonight we have a main event like you wouldn’t believe. After what happened at the end of the Battle Royale, tonight we are having a non-title match between Ron “the Truth” Killings and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jerry Lynn!” the audience explodes upon hearing that. “And I just have one thing left to say, To all of you guys, I will always love your support over the years. Thank you.” With that Dillon leaves the ring, as we get ready for our first match of the evening. Rating, D+ Match 1 EZ Money vs. Eric Angle EZ Money seemed kinda off his game tonight, but these guys have good chemistry, and they had a nice little curtain jerker won by Angle in 10:29 with the Ankle Lock Rating F+ Segment 3 “Gangster of Love” by Johnny “Guitar” Watson starts to play. Out comes “The Gangster of Love” Rob Conway. Conway poses for several of the young ladies at ringside as he climbs in the ring and grabs the mic. “Ladies and Gentlemen, for those who don’t remember me, my name is Rob Conway. I am the sexiest…strongest…most athletic wrestler in the World today! And to prove that, I am announcing the start of the Gangster of Love Invitational! Any wrestler in the back, anyone at all, I challenge them to come to the ring…if they can last five minutes with me…*pulls out a wad of bills*…I will personally pay them $5,000. So, anyone in the back, if you want the cash…come kick my ass!” With that “Living in America” by James Brown plays, and out comes Consequnces Creed, eager to win some money. Rating, D- Match 2 “The Gangster of Love” Rob Conway vs. Consequences Creed Short, but entertaining squash match, won by Conway in 1:45 with the Whiplash Rating D- Match 3 The Backseat Boyz vs. Chad Parham and Scott Fowler This match went on for too long, both Fowler and Parham ran out of gas, but it was entertaining for what it was. Johnny Kashmere picked up the win in 16:02 with Cradle Breaker on Chad Parham Rating E Segment 6 Scott Hudson hypes tonight’s Main Event…like you need to hear any more :) Rating E Match 4 Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Josh Prohibiton Brown made his debut here against Prohibition. Problem is, they just couldn’t click. The crowd also began to die near the end, which saw Brown win with the Drop of Xtacy in 19:51 Rating: E Match 5 Brent Albright vs. “Awesome” Andy Sumner This one woke up the audience, Albright and Sumner put on a good, physical match which was won by Albright with the Crowbar in 24:52 Rating: D Segment 9 Jerry Lynn is in the back, admiring himself in the reflection of the World Title belt. He looks at the camera and says: “Truth…last month I embarrassed you…and tonight, I will BREAK you.” Rating: E+ Segment 10 The unmistakable scream of a whistle can only mean that the Manager of Champions, Bill Alfonso is on his way to the ring. Fonzie grabs a mic and starts to talk. “People, for those who don’t know, I’m Bill Alfonso…the man who always calls it RIGHT DOWN THA MIDDLE BAY-BEE! And over the years, I have brought the wrestling world some of the greatest people ever to set foot in a ring. Guys like Rob Van Dam…and my man TAZ! But tonight, I may have the most vicious wrestler I’ve ever brought you. He’s a man who was built to win, and bred for victory. He’s a man who cannot be defeated. He’s a strong as an ox, and smarter than a FOX. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, The New Russian Nightmare…ALEX KOZLOV! Rating: E Match 6 Alex Kozlov vs. “Reckless Youth” Tom Carter This oe was a brutal, back-and-forth battle. Fonzie tried to interfere on behalf of Kozlov, however, when he swing a chair to hit Carter, Carter ducked, and instead Kozlov was cracked between the eyes with a steel chair, enabling Carter to roll up Kozlov for the win at 14:51. Rating: D Main Event Ron Killings vs. Jerry Lynn This is a hard fought contest, seeing an amazing physical contest. Lynn dominates early, but even though Killings is able to get some offense in, Lynn is truly the aggressor. However as Lynn cinches Killings up for the Cradle Piledriver, Killings shifts his weight, and he rolls Lynn up to get a surprise win at 28:26. Rating: D+ Post Match Lynn grabs the mic angrily from ring announcer Bob Artese and yells at the victorious Killings: “HEY! No-one…but NO-ONE, embarrasses Jerry Lynn! In two weeks we are having Fight Night 2, and if you’ve got the testicular fortitude, I want a rematch! And just to make it more interesting, I’m putting up The NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! (the crowd erupts in cheers) And I promise you Ron, I will get my revenge, because if you’re good, you’re good…but when you’re great, you’re JERRY FREAKIN’ LYNN!” End of Show Attendance: 209 Rating: D
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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay guys, I am SO sorry this has taken so long. Real life intervened again, but I am going to try this again. Here's the next chapter. Much Improved Well, to say that all of us were thrilled to see our show be the success it was would be an understatement. We were all happy to see our show get rave reviews from our audience. I was setting on my office, my blood pressure not as high as it had been, and began mapping out our next show. It was going to be a semi-tribute to Dillon, while also introducing the new commissioner. I was done booking, and posted the following on our website: NWA FIGHT NIGHT II “THE HORSEMAN’S LAST RIDE” MAIN EVENT FOR THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP RON “THE TRUTH” KILLINGS VS. JERRY LYNN PLUS: “THE GANGSTER OF LOVE” INVITATIONAL CONTINUES JJ DILLON’S RETIREMENT CEREMONY AND MUCH MUCH MORE! TICKETS $6 AT THE DOOR As we got everything together, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. We had come so far in just the last two shows, and I couldn’t help but feel happy. “We just might make it.” I said to myself, as Sophie walked in and sat down. We had a nice long talk about the long-term viability of the NWA. She was happy that an audience was seeing things our way, but like me, she was worried about us. "We need to get on TV," she said. "Patience, Sophie. First things first. We need to worry about this next show, THEN we'll worry about TV." She smiled and left to go back to work...man just what I needed. More things to worry about. Next show coming up this week. Brian~
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hey guys, sorry for the delay...real life has been a pain so far. But better late than never I always say. So here's the third event for you. NWA: FIGHT NIGHT II Venue: Crystal river National Guard Armory Location: Crystal River, Florida The show gets off to a flying start as we show Ron backstage lacing up his boots, preparing for tonight’s main event, for the World Heavyweight Championship. As he is readying himself, he hears a knock at the door. He goes to it, finds no-one there, and is about to go back to his business when all of a sudden, we see Jerry Lynn come running in like a bat out of hell, walloping Killings with the World Heavyweight Title Belt from behind! Lynn keeps kicking and punching at the prone challenger, busting him open in the process, after what seems like forever, security finally runs in and separates the two. As Lynn leaves, he spits on his fallen prey, as EMTs arrive to tend to Ron. Grade: E Match 1: Josh Prohibition vs. Consequences Creed Prohibiton was off his game tonight, which hurt matters for the contest. But still, it was a very entertaining curtain-jerker, won by Creed at 11:55 with his patented right hook. Grade: E+ “Gangster of Love” hits, and out comes Rob Conway, dripping with confidence, and oozing machismo. “You know” he says, “I still have my five thousand dollars, and I am still better than all…of…YOU! So, once again I ask, who out there wants to take me on, and take my money from me?” with that “Fanfare for the Common man” hits, and out comes Eric Angle, setting up our second match. Grade: D- Match 2: “The Gangster of Love” Rob Conway vs. Eric Angle This one is again, a total mismatch. As Conway easily beats Angle with the Whiplash after only 47 seconds. Grade: D Match 3: The Backseat Boyz vs. Consequences Creed & Chad Parham (Creed filled in due to an injury of the scheduled opponent) A good, solid tag team match…which totally failed to get the crowd going. Johnny Kashmere gets the win at 14:37 with the cradle buster. Grade: E Killings is shown backstage, nursing his wounds, and his obviously sore ribs. He takes a microphone and gives a short statement to the camera. “Jerry…somehow I shouldn’t be surprised. I always knew you were a coward, but you must me REALLY scared of me, to beat me up before our match tonight. Well, there’s one thing you forgot buddy. After you do a stretch in the big house…you don’t get scared of @$$holes like you anymo’! I don’t care if I got two broke legs, tonight I am still getting into that ring…and I promise you, I am gonna take your NWA World Title. And THAT’S…THE…TRUTH! *winces in pain* Rating: D Match 4: Slyk Wagner Brown vs. “Reckless Youth” Tom Carter Another good match, which sadly, could have beena whole lot better. The winner is Carter by pin at 14:52. We cut to Lynn backstage, caressing his World Title belt. “Ron…what’s the matter? Did you bweak your widdle wibs? WELL BOO FREAKIN’ HOO! You have to remember something buck-o, when you enter my world, you do so at your own risk! I did what I did, to prove a point. You don’t DESERVE to even be in the same BUILDING as me, much less the same ring. Now tonight, we’ll see just how good of a man you are, because, As I have said before…When you’re good, you’re good…but when you’re great…YOU’RE JERRY…FREAKIN’…LYNN! Rating: E Match 5: “Awesome” Andy Sumner vs. Brent Albright This was a good match, which really got the crowd excited. Both men got in a good amount of offense, and at the 15-minute mark, Albright got the win with the crowbar. Rating: D+ The ring is cleared, and ring announcer Bob Artese says: “Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, one last time, the commissioner of The National Wrestling Alliance…J. J. DILLON!” “Four Horsemen” by Metallica hits, and out walks Dillon in a tuxedo, acknowledging the crowd around him. Dillon steps through the ropes, takes the microphone and speaks: “You know, I will make this short and sweet. I’ve never been one for big speeches. I just want to say that the last 25 years in this sport, have been a true blessing. I have made a lot of good friends, a lot of good money…and a lot of very good memories. If it hadn’t been for you fans, who were there for me every step of the way, I never would have made it. I just want you all to know…that I will never forget my time with this great company. I began my career with the NWA…and I am very proud to say, that I will end it, with the NWA. That’s all I have to say, thank you.” With that we see a familiar face walk out…its NWA official Tully Blanchard, an old charge of JJ, who steps in and hugs Dillon and then raises his hands to the audiences applause. Blanchard takes the mic and says the following: “JJ, I have always been blessed you know you as an employer, a manager, and most importantly a friend. And I would like everyone in the arena to give this man one final standing ovation, to show him, that he will always been the true manager’s manager!” With that, the crowd stands out of respect, and cheers one last time for Dillon who leaves the arena, weeping openly to Tully. Grade: D+ MAIN EVENT Jerry Lynn vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings For the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Let’s go to Bob Artese: “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN…THIS IS YOUR MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! It is scheduled for One Fall with a sixty-minute time limit, for the National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Championship! *Crank dat Souljah” hits and out comes, and obviously injured Ron Killings* “Introducing first, the challenger. From Detroit, Michigan, weighing 243 pounds…RON “THE TRUTH” KILLINGS! *Followed by the instrumental version of “Trust” by Megadeth and out comes Lynn* “And his opponent. From Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 241 pounds…he is the NWA WORD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION…JERRRRRRRRRRRRY LYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYNN!” After that referee Brian Hebner explains the rules and holds the belt up for the audience. After that the bell is rung, and the match starts. The match is hard fought, and hard-hitting. Lynn hits numerous high-impact moves, all of which are extra-painful to the injured Killings. Killings is able to hit a few flashy dropkicks and top-rope maneuvers, but in the end, his injuries get the better of him, and at 24:31, Lynn hits the infamous Cradle Piledriver to end the match, and successfully defend his crown. Rating: D+ After the match Lynn, celebrates in the ring, looks down at the prone Killings, and picks him up, and delivers a SECOND thundering Cradle Piledriver for good measure, to the boos of the crowd. Doctors again check on the injured Killings, as Lynn leaves he ring to a round of boos Rating: E END OF SHOW Final rating: D Attendance: 194 please read and review Brian~
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