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Booking a feud in ROH

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I only play TEW as WWE really and I only watch WWE and TNA. After watching some ROH I would really like to start a game as them but I am not sure how to book a feud without many angles. I know this sounds a bit stupid but how do you book a feud without angles?
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A lot of TEW mods write ROH's product TERRIBLY. Most don't leave room for angles, which ROH [I]does[/I] have. ROH has promos, post match attacks, backstage beatdowns, etc to promote a feud. Most TEW mod have ROH's product be nothing but matches, so even when you book a 1 minute promo, the crowd despises it because they came to see wrestling.
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[QUOTE=Brak;452781]A lot of TEW mods write ROH's product TERRIBLY. Most don't leave room for angles, which ROH [I]does[/I] have. ROH has promos, post match attacks, backstage beatdowns, etc to promote a feud. Most TEW mod have ROH's product be nothing but matches, so even when you book a 1 minute promo, the crowd despises it because they came to see wrestling.[/QUOTE] This is true to a point. Unless it's some one popular the RoH fans crap all over angles. Chants of this is boring are common when people down the card try and do promos. Also a lot of the angles you see on RoH DVDs are pre taped and the live crowd never sees them. So while angles should definitely be allowed for RoH they should only work if they're good, meaning being done by top card workers who do them well because even McGuiness who is way up on the card will get boring chants when he's on the mic. I'd set RoH's match to angle ratio at 90% you can use angles but unless you get a C or over with them the crowd will crap all over them. As for storylines in RoH yeah Tiger's BHOTWGs diary ran stories where teh match promos build up the story. I did the same with my 5SSW diary and it worked beautifully, although basically it means unless you are writing a diary no one will see the match promos but you.
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