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CGC - Charles Avatar heads to Canada

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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][B]OOC Note:[/B] Ok, this is my 1st attempt at doing a diary (since EWR anyway) so go easy on me :D[/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE="4"]Youngster takes over booking of CGC in shock move[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] “If you'll just sign there, Mr Avatar.” Said the legendary George DeColt, pointing to the bottom of the contract. After a brief moment of pause, I signed my name on the sheet of paper and that was that. It was official – I would be the new booker of Canadian Golden Combat, the number 2 promotion in Canada. “Congratulations, Charles.” Said DeColt, offering his hand, which I shook firmly. His son Alex, stood behind me, patted me on the back with a smile. I had worried that he might be a little upset, but it appeared he had accepted his father's decision and there were no hard feelings. I needed all the support I could get if I was to be a success after all, so I was glad of Alex's support. Even though his other sons weren't in attendance, George assured me that I had their full backing, and although he couldn't speak for the rest of the roster he said he didn't envisage any problems. I'm not sure what it was that lead to Mr. DeColt giving me the opportunity to take over from his own son as head booker. Clearly he wanted a change in direction to try to finally over-take NOTBPW, but why pick an in-experienced 19 year old who was new to the business? “I see potential in you Charles.” He said when I first met him, as he explained why it was time for a change – he and his sons had done a good job with the company, but he felt that to take it to the next level he needed someone from outside the family to offer their input. Still, a big risk to take.
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][B]OOC Note:[/B] I think ideally I'd have rather had my user character older than 19, but I just used one of the originals (Charles Avatar, as I'm sure you'll have guessed).[/FONT] [SIZE="4"][B][I][U][CENTER]Two for the price of one[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] Of course I'm sure the fact I was a competent worker in my own right was taken into account – killing two birds with one stone so to speak. He got a new head booker, and an active competitor thrown into the bargain as well. People said my wrestling ability was way above that of people of a similar age. Truth is it came pretty naturally to me. I hadn't been wrestling for long – I was more into athletics at school, 100m was my thing, but when a friend invited me along to join in with his wrestling class I thought why not. The move into professional wrestling grew from there. I'd always had a passing interest in it and when I was offered the chance to earn some money wrestling on a few local shows I wasn't going to turn it down. It wasn't too long before I was giving the bookers my insight, and although many of the things I mentioned simply weren't possible in the small local organisations I was working for I think it certainly helped to get me noticed, although never in a million years did I think I'd be getting a phone call from the legendary George DeColt. “Hi Charles, it's Mr. DeColt” He said when I answered the telephone to him for the 1st time. “Pardon?” I replied, sure I had misheard. “George DeColt. From Canada.” He confirmed. “The George DeColt?” I said, my voice raised in excitement. I did allow my mind to speculate, and wondered if he may be inviting me for a trial. “Yes,” He replied with a chuckle. “I was hoping I might be able to talk to you...” And it went from there. I went to meet him a few days later, and it was then that he sold me his ideas. He'd heard about my enthusiasm for the business from some of the buzz created by the few local shows I'd worked. With the Canadian economy and wrestling industry way down there was simply a lack of interest in people wanting the role, not wanting to risk their reputations if they weren't successful. I was concerned that it may be too much for someone of my age to take on, but I knew that if I didn't at least give it a go then I'd end up regretting it for the rest of my life. There's no way this sort of opportunity comes up twice.
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[SIZE="4"][B][I][U][CENTER]Meeting the guys[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] With all the fine details finally sorted, it was time for me to get down to business. I'd met my new boss and one of his sons, that was no problem, so I arrived at CGC Headquarters in high spirits ready to meet the rest of the guys. As I pulled up in my car, I saw Alex stood outside, who it turns out was waiting for me. “Hey, Charles.” He said with a smile as he greeted me. “I thought you might want some support, a friendly face before you met the rest of the guys.” “Thanks Alex, I appreciate it.” I did as well, he could easily have left me to it, but he was really doing his best to make the transition as easy of possible for me. So with that, Alex lead me in to the CGC locker room. All the guys were there, sat chatting amongst themselves in their little cliques. It certainly seemed a harmonious locker-room, everybody appeared to be pretty cheerful. The first person I met was Dan DaLay, Alex's best friend, a huge bloke, with a deep, gruff voice. “Nice to meet you, boss.” He said, shaking, nay, almost crushing my hand. “You too, Mr. DaLay.” I replied, my face a mixture of a grimace and a grin. “Dan. Call me Dan.” He said, finally letting go of my aching hand. He seemed friendly enough I thought. Steve and Jack were the next to introduce themselves, with Ricky following on behind. Steve and Jack were both very pleasant, although clearly a little apprehensive as to what their roles would be now their brother wasn't in charge of booking. Ricky on the other hand was very quiet, and avoided making any eye contact with me. He struck me as being fairly rude, and came across more than a little spoilt. Nevertheless I shrugged it off and put it down to his youth. In fact, Ricky was one of just two roster members who weren't perfectly pleasant when I spoke to them. The other was veteran Eric Tyler, and I'd be pre-warned about him by Alex whilst walking down the corridor to the locker-room. The general consensus was that Eric had taken one too many chair shots to his head. He had a tendency to drift off mid-sentence, or to go off on a complete tangent. “Hello Mr. Tyler” I said, putting my hand out to shake his. Eric just stared blankly towards me, although he seemed to be looking through me rather than at me. “Eric?” Alex said, trying to help me out. “Ah! You must be the new guy.” He said, over-eagerly shaking my hand, almost pulling my arm from its socket. “Nice to meet you, little dude, nice to meet you.” There was a glazed look over Eric's eyes, certainly a strange looking character – a wrinkled up face, with uneven eyes, his bald head displaying a number of impressive scars. I'd be surprised if he was still active in 2009. “Listen little man,” He said. “You ever need anything, I'm you man.” He added with a wink and a grin, revealing a mouthful of wonky teeth, a number of which I'm sure weren't his own. The other more memorable introduction was with the Gilbert twins, two young high flyers who had recently returned to Canada after a spell with CZCW. Certainly a pair of odd balls, it was almost impossible to tell them apart, except for Joe's noticeable stubble. “Hey there boss!” They said in unison, both offering their hands at the same time. I took one in my left hand and the other in the right, as they giggled to themselves like school kids. 27 years old they may be, but they acted more like a pair of 17 year olds. According to Alex the two of them were rarely apart, and spent all their time watching Ice Hockey on the television. “Best to just leave them to it, Charles.” He said. “Eric might be weird, but he's got nothing on these two.” Alex continued. “They were OK until they went to the US. Must be something they put in the water over there.” And with that I'd met the CGC roster. First impressions had gone well I thought – most people had been very friendly, particularly Alex. Now I just had to convince them I could book, and more importantly I had a surprised to spring on George tomorrow that I didn't think he'd be too keen on.
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[SIZE="4"][B][I][U][CENTER]Meetwith with George[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] "Come in." Said George as I knocked on his office door. I entered. George had requested a meeting with me so he could go over some of the goals he had for me. I was pleased, as I had a few things I wanted to run by him myself. "Good morning Charles, have a seat.” He said motioning for me to sit down opposite at him at his desk. “Thank you.” I replied. “Now that you've met everybody, I thought now would be a good time to go over some things.” He began. “I want my company to be successful, but I also want my company to make money - and I think the two go hand in hand, don't you agree Charles?” I don't think it mattered if I agreed or not, I didn't really get a chance to answer anyway. “So my first 'goal' if you like, for you as head booker of my company is to increase the company's cash reserves by 50%.” He explained. “Are you good at maths Charles?” He asked. I wasn't, but I knew that this meant we had to have at least $7.5m in the bank in 2 years time. I had little idea how the financial situation was at CGC but George insisted that this was the most important goal. “Now, I may be handing the reigns over from my son to you, but I have to protect their futures. I wouldn't be doing my duty as their father if I wasn't.” He said. “Of course George. Your sons are all very important to my future plans.” I replied. “I'm glad to hear it, however, I want you to protect young Richard. He's the youngest, but I can see him doing great things – I want you to keep him strong Charles, keep him riding his wave of momentum, let's see just how far he can go.” Said George. The thing is, I didn't agree with him, whilst undoubtedly Ricky had potential, I didn't think he was ready to carry the company yet. I did want to talk to George about his son, but I didn't feel this was the best time to spring my plans onto him. For now I would bite my tongue. “Now, onto Steve. He's always happy to take the back seat, and let Alex and Jack be the main men, but let's be honest, all my boys are good but Steve's the best wrestler out of all of them.” Continued George. “If we are going to be successful, he's the man to do it. I want you to keep Steve's popularity high – don't let him look weak, Charles” “OK, George.” Now this I did agree with him on. Steve was the best out of the DeColt brothers, and it was about time he took centre stage. “Finally, Charles, these next items aren't so much 'goals' as recommendations from me.” He added. Yeah right, I knew damn well that if I didn't follow his recommendations I'd be out the door sharpish. “Go on,” I uttered. “I don't have time for workers spending time off with injuries. We run a tight ship, we don't have a massive roster – don't go hiring workers who can't take the punishment. I want resilient guys, not guys who are going to fall apart.” George said. I couldn't argue with that, what he was saying was true. “Just one more thing, Charles.” He added, “We're a Sports Entertainment promotion, I can't see MMA crossovers getting over here, so keep away from them.” And with that our meeting was over. I knew my goals, now I just had to achieve them.
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[SIZE="4"][B][I][U][CENTER]CGC Roster Overview[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [b]Main Event[/b] [u]Alex, Steve and Jack DeColt[/u] The four DeColt brothers are pretty much the top boys in CGC, all working an old school face style. The three in the main event scene currently are all fairly similar – all work a brawling style, all have a good look, with bags of charisma and can put on a good match. Certainly I'll be looking towards them for my ratings early on, until I can build up some new stars at least. [u]Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler[/u] On the heel side of the main event scene are the Elite's two main players – Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay. Whilst Dan can only really be described as an average worker, Eddie is undoubtedly the top heel in the company. A good all-rounder who has pretty good charisma and mic skills. He'll rarely put on a poor match either. Dan won't be pulling up any trees, but he can do enough, and he's very over. [b]Upper Mid Card[/b] [u]Ricky DeColt[/u] Ricky works a more high flying style to his siblings, although he shares their charisma and look. Currently the World Champion, you do have to wonder about his ability to lead the company. Only 23, he's some way from being the finished article. [u]Charles Avatar[/u] That would be me. Whilst I have no immediate plans to begin a monster push for myself, I'll hopefully be some use either training up some fellow young workers or battling with some of the workers higher up the card when needed. [u]Whippy The Clown[/u] It's difficult seeing a clown ever progressing beyond the midcard, but Whippy is a very talented high flyer and has a look that's very popular with the crowd. Plus CGC is a sports entertainment promotion currently so who knows what can happen? At the very least I can see a profitable feud with fellow high flyer Trent Shaffer in the future. [u]Ed Monton[/u] Ed maybe well past his prime, but he's tough and remains fairly popular, plus he knows how to tell a story in the ring about as well as anyone on the CGC roster, if not all of Canada. He'll certainly be useful in helping out some of the younger guys. [u]Eric Tyler[/u] Veteran worker Eric can still put on a good match with the right opponent, and can connect with the crowd well enough. It's difficult to see where he'll fit in though with the Elite stable keeping all the DeColts busy. [u]Ryan Powell[/u] Another good young all rounder, who plays his young, ****y character pretty well. He could be a big star in the future – generally that's how the DeColts have viewed it, and who am I to argue – but he's not quite there yet. [b]Midcard[/b] [u]Youth Energy[/u] Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson, two workers approaching 30, probably have the wrong name for their team these days but they are a solid addition to a slim tag team division in CGC, and are also the only full time face team (if you discount the many DeColt variations). For a pair of high flyers, they are both pretty safe workers and rarely put on poor matches, although it's hard to see them breaking out as singles stars. Lee Rivera has some star quality, but Shane looks to be stuck in the tag division for the rest of his career. [u]Shooter Sean Deeley[/u] Another Elite member and a fine technical worker. He has a big future ahead of him at just 22, and if he can learn to work the crowd better with his speaking he could have a big future. Sadly, that looks a long way off at present and he may be stuck playing back-up to Chandler and DaLay for a while. [u]The Soliders of Fortune[/u] The two men aren't getting any younger but are still a solid addition to the tag team ranks. Unfortunately there aren't a great number of opponents around for them at present. [u]The Specialists[/u] Fortunately, being a part of the Elite they should have enough to keep them occupied, and are at present the Tag Team Champions. They are both pretty solid, although neither is spectacular in the ring. [u]Trent Shaffer[/u] The current Canadian champion, and a man with hopefully a big future with the company. A good looking guy with decent charisma, his in-ring work is a bit behind at the moment – particularly he could do with becoming a more rounded worker – but he plays his prima donna character exceptionally well. [b]Lower mid card[/b] [u]Nathan Black[/u] They call him the Ice Man, but that's probably down to his lack of character. A solid technical worker, it's difficult to see him moving up the card any time soon. [u]Zeus Maxmillian[/u] Zeus is a pretty good worker, with a good look and decent charisma. He also plays his egomaniac character really well. If handled right, he could have a big future. [u]Phillipe LaGrenier[/u] Still a rookie at the moment, but one with some potential. Decent charisma, which is always a bonus in CGC, he could go far. [b]Openers[/b] [u]The Gilbert Brothers[/u] A pair of high flyers with decent skills. Their main problem could be the lack of opponents for them. The roster is very heel heavy down the bottom which is a problem that may need to be addressed. [u]Grimm Quibble[/u] Probably the ideal candidate to switch to a babyface, Grimm is a decent high flyer, but has little else going for him at present. He does have some potential though. [b]Enhancement[/b] [u]Christian Price[/u] He's unlikely to be winning many matches at this stage of his career, but at 23 there's plenty of time for him to improve and move up the card.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;453205]I promise to read as long as you push Whippy the Clown, without changing his gimmick.[/QUOTE] Haha deal. After the DeColts there aren't too many top faces anyway, so I don't think I'll have much choice but to push him :D
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][B]OOC Note:[/B] Any feedback would be greatly appreciated (good or bad). I'd like to know any areas you think I could improve on, any ideas, etc. Hope you enjoy it[/FONT] [SIZE="4"][B][I][U][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/COLOR][/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B][I][U][CENTER]Sunday week 1 January 2008[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] The show opens with the camera on George DeColt sat in his office flicking through some paperwork when Eddie Chandler barges in, his 'consultant' Adrian Garcia following not far behind. Chandler looks angry as he slams his fists down on DeColt's desk, causing him to jump slightly. “Listen here old man,” He begins. “You're going to do something for me tonight. You're going to give me the match that I deserve to bring my title back into the hands of the Elite.” He continues, as Garcia nods and grins smugly behind him. “You're runt of a son, Ricky, isn't championship material DeColt, you know that, I know that and the people out there know that,” Chandler's comments lead to a chorus of boos from the live crowd. George looks up at Chandler, thus far he's look disinterested in what he has to say, the last comments appear to have awoken him from his trance. “Eddie, my son will be carrying on the DeColt name long after we've driven you out of CGC. You'll not get your title match tonight, that much is for certain. Now if you don't mind, I have nothing further to say on this matter.” He says as he ushers Chandler and Garcia towards the door, looking back down at his paperwork. Chandler looks on at DeColt, clearly fuming. Garcia steps forward to lead his man away, whispering in his client's ear as he does. [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Although they didn't get a great opportunity to show it here, Garcia and Chandler have excellent chemistry together, and should work well in the future. Obviously these two are central to my immediate plans.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]The Specialists defeat Youth Energy in 5:05 by pinfall to retain the CGC Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [I]Decent opening match to see how these two teams match up. The CGC Tag Team division is a little light at the moment, which is something that may need to be addressed eventually.[/I] After the match, Jerome Turner, CGC's lead announcer, says he's just heard news that George DeColt has signed a 6-man tag match for tonight – with Alex, Jack and Ricky DeColt going up against Elite members Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay and Shooter Sean Deeley. [B]Rating: C+[/B] We immediately head backstage where the three DeColt boys booked for tonight's match are stood. “Tonight, our father has given us what we want.” Began Alex. “A chance to get the Elite in the ring, and show them that they can't mess with the DeColt family and get away with it.” “We didn't appreciate Eddie's action before,” Continued Ricky, “If Chandler wants to face me for my belt, he can come to me anytime, but if he goes ahead intimidating my father with that weasel Garcia then his life won't be worth living.” “We'll see you in the ring!” Finished Jack. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]You can always rely on the DeColts to cut a decent promo. The Elite vs. The DeColt family is the leading storyline in CGC at the moment, so we'll be doing out best to get the fans interested in all involved.[/I] Next we see Steve DeColt walking around the backstage area, of course left out of tonight's 6-man tag match in favour of his 3 brothers. Steve crosses paths with the veteran worker Eric Tyler, his shrivelled face covered with scars and dents from years of work with US promotion DaVE. “Watch where you're going punk!” Cries Eric, before spitting in the general direction of the elder DeColt sibling. “Huh?” Replies Steve, seemingly confused by the sudden outburst from Tyler, who just mumbles some incoherent response towards him. “What's your problem, pal?” Steve says, getting visibly more irate. “You are you big idiot – stupid Canadian.” Eric says, laughing manically. “Listen. If you've got a problem with me, I'll settle it the way I always settle my problems – in the ring.” “Any time, punk. Any time.” Eric says, walking off chuckling to himself. “I think Eric may have taken one too many chair shots, Garcia!” Jerome Turner yells. [B]Rating: B[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Trent Shaffer defeated Ed Monton in 6:45 by pinfall to retain the CGC Canadian Title[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [I]A big win for Shaffer over the veteran Morton to cement his place as Champion. Monton seemed somewhat off his game tonight though which hurt the flow of the match. Shaffer has big potential, but he's far from the finished article in the ring at the moment. Hopefully Monton can help him some in that respect.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Steve DeColt defeated Eric Tyler in 9:38 by disqualification[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]Pretty good match from the two experiences men, who both know how to put a decent match on. The finish came when youngster Ryan Powell ran in, and looking to make a name for himself lay a beating on Steve DeColt giving the referee no option but to call for the bell.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]The DeColts drew with the Elite when the referee called for a double DQ after losing control of the match in 8:36[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]Not the best match here, which maybe was to be expected as it got out of hand towards the end, with the referee eventually losing control of proceedings.[/I] After the match was officially finished, with his two older brothers laying prone on the outside, the three Elite members took the opportunity to deliver a savage beating to World Champion Ricky. First with the massive Dan DaLay delivering a vicious powerbomb, before Sean Seeley slapped on a boston crab, leaving the youngest DeColt screaming in agony as Chandler took the opportunity to trash talk the youngster. [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]Giving us an opportunity to build towards an eventual match between Ricky DeColt and Chandler, the Elite taking the opportunity to leave their mark on the current Champion.[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Overall: C TV Rating: 0.45[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;453233]I nice show with a disappointing ending. Plus no Whippy. You may want to consider hiring Jon Jetson and bring back his team with Ed Monton. They'll have tag team experience and make a good training tag team.[/QUOTE] That is pretty much the same result I got with my first CGC show. So you are doing fine. Apu hasn't seen it yet in my diary, but I did reunite the Canadian Enforcers, however, they don't seem as good as they may have been in the 07 game. Oddly though, Jetson, even though he is the 'lesser' partner, is actually defaulting higher on the roster than Monton.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;453233]I nice show with a disappointing ending. Plus no Whippy. You may want to consider hiring Jon Jetson and bring back his team with Ed Monton. They'll have tag team experience and make a good training tag team.[/QUOTE] Whippy will become more involved as it goes along, I promise - I've played through about the 1st month so far in game, just need to write it up. [QUOTE=sabataged;453299]Card was great I would just suggest some more angles at the end of the card. I think if you would re-arranged the card a little bit you might have pulled off a higher rating. Just waiting for that Sean Deeley push![/QUOTE] Yeah I'm still a bit all over the place at the moment, first time I've ever played as CGC so I'm getting used to how it works. Thinks are going to get worse before they get better just to warn people, although where I'm up to now they are starting to pick up again.
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[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][B][I][U][CENTER]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B][I][U][CENTER]Sunday Week 2 January 2008[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] The show kicks off with the cameras showing a live press conference on the big screen. Sat at the table are Adrian Garcia, and to his left Eddie Chandler. Garcia thanks the press members for coming at such short notice, but says it's very important, and that Eddie has something to say. “Last week, I asked George to give me my chance to regain the World Title from his youngest son, Ricky.” Eddie begins, “But that old fool rejected my request, for no other reason than he was scared for the safety of him son. George knows what I'm capable of when I want something. So I have come here today, not to appeal to George, as I know I won't get anything from him, but to appeal to the man who currently holds my title – Ricky DeColt. I want you to face me at Elimination. I want you to be a man, Ricky, and give me the chance I deserve.” [b]Rating: B[/b] [i]Good opening to the show. Garcia and was helped greatly just by Garcia's presence in the press conference.[/i] [COLOR="Red"]Youth Energy d. The Gilbert Brothers in 5:40[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D-[/b] [i]Joe Gilbert was well off his game, but overall this wasn't the worse match seeing as the Gilbert brothers aren't exactly house-hold names in CGC. Youth Energy pick up the win to build up some momentum hopefully.[/i] Backstage we see Zeus Maxmillian, who is shown doing some impressive weight lifting. Noticing the camera, he stands up and faces it. “Tonight, CGC management have insulted the great Zeus, by making him fight a clown! This isn't a circus, this is a wrestling arena, it's no place for clowns. Whippy the Clown will be no match for me tonight, for I am wrestling God.” [b]Rating: E[/b] [COLOR="Red"]Whippy the Clown d. Zeus Maxmillian in 6:08[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D+[/b] [i]Whippy was all laughs and jokes as he made his way down to the ring, but Zeus was not amused. Although he clearly held the height and strength advantage, Whippy was far to quick for Zeus, and was able to pick up a win out of nowhere with a quick roll-up.[/i] Eric Tyler comes down to the ring next with a microphone in his hand. Eric says he's sick and tired of the lack of respect a veteran like himself receives from people. He's gets thrown in with the Elite and made to do their dirty work in their battle against the DeColts. “It's an outrage!” He screams. “I deserve respect for my own accomplishments, not to be tacked onto the end of the Elite. I've come out here to issue a challenge, an open challenge, for anyone in the back to come and wrestle a legend like me.” [b]Rating: C+[/b] Newcomer Antonio Maxi Marquez comes out from the back, dressed in some very flashy leather outfit. He clearly has an aura about him,and although many of the crowd have no idea who he is, he gets a decent reception as he answers the challenge. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [COLOR="Red"]Eric Tyler d. Antonio Maxi Marquez in 4:51[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D-[/b] [i]Unfortunately there was a lack of chemistry between these two which hurt the match, but it was good exposure for Antonio (the former Champagne Lover from Mexico) and a momentum building win for Tyler[/i] Next we head backstage again, we the camera struggles to follow Dan DaLay as he charges around the backstage area, we soon find out where he is heading as he bursts into George DeColts office and charges straight for him. He lays him out with a vicious right hand that knocks the old man down, clearly unconscious. He laughs as he looks menacingly into the camera. “This is a warning DeColt. You made a big mistake turning down my pal Eddie's title request. Presumably Ricky won't be so stupid. [b]Rating: C-[/b] [COLOR="Red"]Dan DaLay d. Jack DeColt in 9:31[/COLOR] [b]Rating: C+[/b] [i]With the match taking place just moments after Dan had knocked his father unconscious, Jack's mind clearly wasn't in the right place, as he charged into the ring like a mad man. Dan's attack had clearly had the desired effect of unsettling Jack, and gave him a clear advantage, allowing him to pick up a big win with a little help from the ropes.[/i] After the match, Dan DaLay took the opportunity to rub salt into the wounds, by collecting a steel chair from the outside and beating down Jack. [b]Rating: B[/b] [b]Overall: C[/b] [b]TV Rating: 0.45[/b] [i]Well, a similar rating to last week, and the TV rating stayed the same. Still, I get the feeling that we can do better and hopefully we can achieve that in the coming weeks and months. This show helped to build us towards the PPV which is coming up next.[/i]
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][B]OOC Note:[/B] Predictions are obviously welcome, and would be much appreciated.[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="4"][B][I][U][CENTER]CGC Elimination Preview Coming Friday Week 3 January 2008[/CENTER][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] As CGC goes into the first PPV of 2008, we can confirm that Ricky DeColt has accepted Eddie Chandler's request for a match and will face him in the main event, with the title on the line. Steve DeColt faces up against Ryan Powell who two weeks ago ran in and distracted him in his match against Eric Tyler. Steve has promised to put the young up-start in his place. Meanwhile, Elite members The Specialists will put their tag team titles on the line against Alex and Jack DeColt as the two brothers look to get the titles back in the family hands. Trent Shaffer defends his title against Whippy the Clown, who's riding high after defeating Zeus. Youth Energy will take on the Soliders of Fortune. Plus: Eric Tyler in expected to issue another open challenge, whilst Ed Monton takes on rookie Phillipe LaGrenier. Finally, The Soliders of Fortune go up against Youth Energy in tag team action. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Full Card Predictions:[/b] [b]CGC World Title Match:[/b] Ricky DeColt (champion) vs. Eddie Chandler Steve DeColt vs. Ryan Powell [b]CGC Tag Team Titles:[/b] The Specialists (champions) vs. Alex & Jack DeColt [b]CGC Canadian Title:[/b] Trent Shaffer (champion) vs. Whippy The Clown Ed Monton vs. Phillipe LaGrenier The Soliders of Fortune vs. Youth Energy Eric Tyler vs. ????
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