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Post your best written storylines

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I play smaller companies, so I had one storyline where Sgt. Bubba Lee West would show up to NYCW events posting propaganda flyers for a few months. Soon, Sammy The Shark and New York Doll join him and form the stable "Boot Camp". About four months in, Boot Camp commandeers a tank and invades Staten Island. This prompts American Machine to call for a militia and he, Whistler and Steve Flash (I know he's Canadian, but w/e) form "The Patriots" to go against Boot Camp. They feuded, with The Patriots winning most of the matches, but Boot Camp using sneak attacks to get even. The storyline lasted the better part of my first year and actually had a pretty nice pay off. While Lee West actually lost overness at the end, American Machine solidified his place in the Main Event and I actually got Sammy The Shark over nicely.
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