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[QUOTE=TheJoshRollins;455013]I can't stand Chris Harris at all. I don't need him shoved down my throat. It would only make me hate him more.[/QUOTE] ... Um... Good? Because it was a heel push that was being described. ;) As for the lack of Main Event Heel situation. I personally would be extremely hesitant to turn someone just to balance out the roster. If there's a logical reason for the character to be turn against the fans, then I'd be all for it, but just turning for the sake of it never sits well with me. For RAW, the top babyfaces are John Cena, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio and CM Punk. Cena sells too much merchandise. Rey is too sympathetic. Shawn is similar, plus his heel tendencies have cheered recently. Batista could... If you put him in a feud with any of the other 4 I'm sure he's the one who will get booed, but I'm not too sure how many t-shirts he sells, and whether the dominant heel would become would end up being cheered again (fans love to support the winning team, look at Man Utd.) There's an opportunity to turn Punk. I don't think they should, the straight edge gimmick is a great message for kids, but with him holding his first major piece of gold, the chance for arrogance is there. Starts believing his own hype, refusing title shots. Target it at Shawn or Cena and I'm sure they can get people booing Punk. Smackdown you've got Triple H, Undertaker, Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy. It's too late in the career for Undertaker. Jeff really isn't a heel kind of guy. I'd love to see him try someday, but it's too risky for this point in his career, where he's so close to the top. Mr. Kennedy was a face even when he was a heel. Triple H is the safest bet, being, you know, a jerk, but I have so much apathy for a Hunter turn. I mean, who would care? I'm sure he could get good heat off things, but he's turned back and forth so many times, I just... meh. Oh yeah, there's also Big Show... possible... None of the options thrill me. I'd prefer to push up a midcard guy. MVP could do with getting in another long feud, like he had with Benoit and Hardy, but with someone higher up. An Undertaker - MVP thing would be interesting if 'Taker isn't dead set on being around the title. William Regal is there, but will they push him again? Similar Carlito, who has been jobbed like crazy lately. I don't think there's a problem really. Face vs Face feuds are of more interest to me nowadays, as long as their about something more than a belt.
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I think the perfect candidate to be turned is Batista. I think soon enough he'll turn on Punk on the basis that "you only won the title because of me" and demand a shot, start playing the bad guy from there-on in. And to me that seems like the most valid reason for any of them to turn, and I think he'd play the role well. Batista's promos are good when there's a valid premise behind what he's saying, such as during the HBK feud, whereas when he's just trying to work the crowd and spouting meaningless hype he's bland as anything. Add to that the fact that Punk could definitely get a good match out of him (against solid workers I really like Batista, sure Punk isn't on the level of Edge and Taker in terms of main event experience but I still think it'd be worth watching) and it seems like the best route to go down, though not immediately. I see Punk fending off JBL for a while, then Batista perhaps being by his side now and again, before eventually pulling the trigger and chasing the title for a few months, eventually winning it ready to face Cena at Wrestlemania - it wouldn't be a classic by any means but the build up behind it and the occassion as a whole would mean it went down very, very well.
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[QUOTE=The Shape;455057]I think the perfect candidate to be turned is Batista. I think soon enough he'll turn on Punk on the basis that "you only won the title because of me" and demand a shot, start playing the bad guy from there-on in. And to me that seems like the most valid reason for any of them to turn, and I think he'd play the role well. Batista's promos are good when there's a valid premise behind what he's saying, such as during the HBK feud, whereas when he's just trying to work the crowd and spouting meaningless hype he's bland as anything. Add to that the fact that Punk could definitely get a good match out of him (against solid workers I really like Batista, sure Punk isn't on the level of Edge and Taker in terms of main event experience but I still think it'd be worth watching) and it seems like the best route to go down, though not immediately. I see Punk fending off JBL for a while, then Batista perhaps being by his side now and again, before eventually pulling the trigger and chasing the title for a few months, eventually winning it ready to face Cena at Wrestlemania - it wouldn't be a classic by any means but the build up behind it and the occassion as a whole would mean it went down very, very well.[/QUOTE] Would be pretty good if it happened like that. Can anyone see Kane being a main-event heel for a while? I'd still really like to see that but doubt it will happen. Kane is best when he plays a heel psychopath. The program he did with Shane O'Mac some years ago (when he electrified his man bits) was brilliant. Even if he doesn't get to the main-event, please turn him into a monster heel :(
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I like Kane as a heel but I feel that's a fixture in the past now, don't really see what reason he'd have to turn and it'd never be as good as when he first had the mask removed, which is when he should have been pushed all the way to the top. Now his disposition just depends on who he fights really, and it'd be nice for him to have a slightly tweener-ish edge by taking no crap from the good guys either. But all in all his characters been destroyed and watered down over the years, so the role he plays now is probably the best we can hope for.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;454836]I've always had a problem with people recruiting "Stronger" people to protect them. I don't have a problem with the "Edge Head" thing, because I don't believe for a minute they are tougher then Edge. Him being able to manipulate them seems.... right. Chavo hiring a guy twice his size though... Don't work for me.[/QUOTE] I'll preface by saying that I'm not watching 'E at the moment but I think I have seen the guy you mean debut on ECW. Anyway, do you feel that way about "bodyguard" gimmicks in general or just in this instance? I ask because, personally, I think it depeneds on the kind of heel you're trying to portray. For instance, the weasel-like coward who does anything to avoid a fair fight, I think it can work for quite well... as well as giving an opportunity for someone else to get over without actually doing much :p. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;455114]I'll preface by saying that I'm not watching 'E at the moment but I think I have seen the guy you mean debut on ECW. Anyway, do you feel that way about "bodyguard" gimmicks in general or just in this instance? I ask because, personally, I think it depeneds on the kind of heel you're trying to portray. For instance, the weasel-like coward who does anything to avoid a fair fight, I think it can work for quite well... as well as giving an opportunity for someone else to get over without actually doing much :p. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] This is true, but in the instance of Bam Neely (the bodyguard in question), since he's been brought in as Chavo's protection, Chavo's done just as much, if not more of the heavy lifting. To the best of my recollection, since he's come up, Bam has had 1 match, against Matt Hardy, which served to soften up for Chavo. I also think it doesn't work for Chavo, because of the La Familia storyline. The whole thing is built around Edge, with the Major Brothers getting their experience by being puppets and Chavo aligning himself to his namesake. He's, essentially, a lackey to Edge, so his having a bodyguard makes Bam a lackey to the lackey. It's like 17 rungs down on the evolutionary ladder. lol
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;455114]I'll preface by saying that I'm not watching 'E at the moment but I think I have seen the guy you mean debut on ECW. Anyway, do you feel that way about "bodyguard" gimmicks in general or just in this instance? I ask because, personally, I think it depeneds on the kind of heel you're trying to portray. For instance, the weasel-like coward who does anything to avoid a fair fight, I think it can work for quite well... as well as giving an opportunity for someone else to get over without actually doing much :p. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] I think Prophet gives more detail to the issue here, I will answer your question below his answer about Bam. [QUOTE=Prophet;455158]This is true, but in the instance of Bam Neely (the bodyguard in question), since he's been brought in as Chavo's protection, Chavo's done just as much, if not more of the heavy lifting. To the best of my recollection, since he's come up, Bam has had 1 match, against Matt Hardy, which served to soften up for Chavo. I also think it doesn't work for Chavo, because of the La Familia storyline. The whole thing is built around Edge, with the Major Brothers getting their experience by being puppets and Chavo aligning himself to his namesake. He's, essentially, a lackey to Edge, so his having a bodyguard makes Bam a lackey to the lackey. It's like 17 rungs down on the evolutionary ladder. lol[/QUOTE] To answer your question, Nevermore: IF Bodyguards are used for legitimate protection and "Bullying".. As in how Paul Heyman used his, I'm fine with it. However, for a guy that's supposed to be a "MAIN EVENT", even if it is on the "B" show... Just doesn't cut it for me. Edge has the "Edge Heads" that work well for him. I don't mind that at all, fact is like a New Faction in itself. Pretty sure when he breaks off with Vickie, this can still be around. I don't mind a bodyguard for anyone that might "NEED" one. For example, A heelish Manager. A Heelish Stable (for the whole stable). For one person though, No....... Not if the "Bodyguard" could easily whip the guy he's being bodyguard for. I could for example, go for someone "Deciding" to do this, because they are Great friends (supposedly). Or because their is a reward at the end, or something in there somewhere to make me go... "ahh, I get why he's hanging around him now". With Chavo, the guy gets nothing. No respect, no ringtime, no belt on the line, nothing... nada. Why is he there? I don't "Believe" it, it looks too "Phony" for me to care. Give him a motive, and I'll be with it though. Give me a reason he's there (Perhaps a "Dear Family Friend" or something). It's like a guy being a "heel", just to be a "heel". He does nothing "Heelish" himself, but he's around someone that does (sometimes). He doesn't do anything more then anyone else would do that is trying to help Chavo... without being a bodyguard (or wrestler, for that matter). Jericho's self righteous attitude is a "Great Heel" in my eyes. He has a reason for everything he does that is Heelish, and we hate him for it. Hate in a good way though. There is a reason (weather we aggree or not), and there is a goal to it. Lance Cade being their with a reason (He believes Jericho IS right), gives its' effectiveness 100% better then Bam's allignment with Chavo.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;455270]To answer your question, Nevermore: IF Bodyguards are used for legitimate protection and "Bullying".. As in how Paul Heyman used his, I'm fine with it. However, for a guy that's supposed to be a "MAIN EVENT", even if it is on the "B" show... Just doesn't cut it for me. Edge has the "Edge Heads" that work well for him. I don't mind that at all, fact is like a New Faction in itself. Pretty sure when he breaks off with Vickie, this can still be around. I don't mind a bodyguard for anyone that might "NEED" one. For example, A heelish Manager. A Heelish Stable (for the whole stable). For one person though, No....... Not if the "Bodyguard" could easily whip the guy he's being bodyguard for. I could for example, go for someone "Deciding" to do this, because they are Great friends (supposedly). Or because their is a reward at the end, or something in there somewhere to make me go... "ahh, I get why he's hanging around him now". With Chavo, the guy gets nothing. No respect, no ringtime, no belt on the line, nothing... nada. Why is he there? I don't "Believe" it, it looks too "Phony" for me to care. Give him a motive, and I'll be with it though. Give me a reason he's there (Perhaps a "Dear Family Friend" or something). It's like a guy being a "heel", just to be a "heel". He does nothing "Heelish" himself, but he's around someone that does (sometimes). He doesn't do anything more then anyone else would do that is trying to help Chavo... without being a bodyguard (or wrestler, for that matter). Jericho's self righteous attitude is a "Great Heel" in my eyes. He has a reason for everything he does that is Heelish, and we hate him for it. Hate in a good way though. There is a reason (weather we aggree or not), and there is a goal to it. Lance Cade being their with a reason (He believes Jericho IS right), gives its' effectiveness 100% better then Bam's allignment with Chavo.[/QUOTE] I now see esactly where your coming from on this sitch but I still wonder abour your Main Eevnt comment. Could that not be a good enough gimmick for wrestler x... that is, the fact that he only stays in the main event 'cos someone has constantly got his back. I only pick up on this 'cos I loved Raven's Nest back in the 90s and one could arguably say it stopped Raven from being a legitimate threat in anyone's eyes but that was almost the point. I just really quite like the weaselly heel who needs some outside interference to get the job done, which often comes in the form of a bodyguard/enforcer. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;455300]I now see esactly where your coming from on this sitch but I still wonder abour your Main Eevnt comment. Could that not be a good enough gimmick for wrestler x... that is, the fact that he only stays in the main event 'cos someone has constantly got his back. I only pick up on this 'cos I loved Raven's Nest back in the 90s and one could arguably say it stopped Raven from being a legitimate threat in anyone's eyes but that was almost the point. I just really quite like the weaselly heel who needs some outside interference to get the job done, which often comes in the form of a bodyguard/enforcer. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Actually, the Raven's flock (if memmory serves me right) was a great addition. Notice the reasoning... This guy Bam is NOT "into" Chavo, like Raven's flock was him. Raven did something (Poetry was it?), and connected with his "Flock" in a way that they kind of worshipped him....... In that time period he was perfect for that, it was kind of parrelled in music with Kurt Cobain (spelling?) of Nirvanna. He "Spoke" to them... kind of. I never bought into Nirvana, but I liked Raven and his Flock. Chavo doesn't have a "Flock", or even a "Follower". I don't know what you would call this guy, but he doesn't even act like a bodyguard. This guys is just there. He doesn't "bully" anyone around really. To me, it seems as though he is just there to get "us" used to seeing him, till he does get to wrestle... To date, I think he has had one match.
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I think a bodyguard should be twice the size of the guy he's protecting. The Million Dollar Man had Virgil, not really a convincing bodyguard because my grandmother could beat up Virgil. Shawn Michaels had Diesel, now there's a convincing bodyguard. A bodyguard should be able to whup the person he's protecting, because if it's the other way around then why would the employer need protecting in the first place if he's such a bad-ass? It'd be like giving Undertaker, Kane or Big Show a bodyguard, what would be the point? A bodyguard should be big and intimidating, it shouldn't matter who they're protecting. If they're big enough then that alone is a deterrant to anyone planning on trying something, but then if the potential attacker still fancies his chances the bodyguard is big enough to protect his employer. I don't see The Edgeheads as bodyguards, they're lackeys, but Bam Neeley is a bodyguard to Chavo. [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;455561]Chavo doesn't have a "Flock", or even a "Follower". I don't know what you would call this guy, but he doesn't even act like a bodyguard. This guys is just there. He doesn't "bully" anyone around really. To me, it seems as though he is just there to get "us" used to seeing him, till he does get to wrestle... To date, I think he has had one match.[/QUOTE] Maybe that is what they're doing with him. Don't forget that Batista started out as Deacon Batista, who was essentially a bodyguard for Reverend D-Von.
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I think the reason Virgil worked, though, not so much as a bodyguard, but as a body, was because we all knew that if Dibiase ever got in trouble, Virgil would jump right up and take the beating for him, thus earning his paycheck. I would consider Virgil to be more a "decoy" than anything. I realize he was billed as a bodyguard, and would try to portray the role during Ted's promo's, by standing silently to the left, and clutching the wrist of his other hand, which was balled up, but still, more a decoy. I think Diesel is the best example of a bodyguard, in that he was the fearsome presence, he made himself an obstacle, and demonstrated there was more to him than just a foul look. Mr. Hughes could also work, but I can't, for the life of me, remember who he used to bodyguard for. [Edit: I looked it up, and in his two stints, it was Harvey Wippleman in a feud against `taker, and a few years later, he came back to bodyguard for Triple H, when he was still Hunter Hearst Helmsley.] As for Bam, I believe this is all just a "look at our new guy" thing, as has been said. I mean, even the backstory is convaluted. He used to be a border patrol guy, and calls himself the one man fence. Okay, great. Why is he working for Chavo? Why did he come down in a suit, and now wrestles in his underwear? The whole situation is forced, in my opinion.
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