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WWE: Removing The Suck (Slowly)

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(OOC: I know the last dynasties I've done haven't lasted after the first show, but this time it will change, I'll get to that milestone of...two:D) [COLOR="Blue"]"What the hell is your problem Russo?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"I just don't think Joe's character is marketable."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"His character isn't marketable?! Who the hell has put those asses in the seats for the past year?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "Kurt Angle, or maybe Sting."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] "Listen I know the whole "being senile" thing hasn't registered on your radar yet, but I those two are novelty acts, who knows how long it's going to be until Angle drops dead from the painkillers, and Sting has almost completely rode off into the sunset."[/COLOR] And just as I was getting to the good stuff, Dixie butts in. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"What's going on here?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Russo is being a retard with the booking again!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "All I wanted to do is make Kurt the champ again in the match on iMPACT! tonight. It will lead to more buys for Slammiversary."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"That's bull and you know it, you only want to give it back to Kurt because I was the one to convince Dixie that Joe is a viable champion."[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] "That's enough you two! I have had it up to here with your bickering! Now, I'm sure you both have fine ideas, we just need to compromise."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"How are we going to compromise? Make them co champi....ons. (Crap! You did it again!)"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"That's a great idea!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You know why iMPACT! can't get above a 1? It's because of you and Mantell, we had something going with Serotonin and he killed it, and you...you're just an idiot! I QUIT!"[/COLOR] For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mike Magnum the one who's made the X-Division much more interesting lately, and the one who made Joe champ and almost got AJ back into the picture. Over an incredibly short time, I was able to make much of myself by using my charisma and my great in ring skills, but I also have a great mind for the business, and now once again...I'm out of a job.
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I was bored the night after I quit, so I decided to read a few TEW diaries. [COLOR="Blue"]"It's always a phone call."[/COLOR] Suddenly, my phone started ringing. [COLOR="Blue"]"Hello?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "Mike Magnum?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Speaking."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"This is Stephanie McMahon from World Wrestling Entertainment, I've called to offer you a job."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You're joking right?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"I assure you I'm not."[/COLOR] Damn you irony! [COLOR="Blue"]"So...then what time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"How about noon tomorrow? The WWE will pay all travel expenses."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Okay. (Man, that time sucks when you usually stay up until 1 AM)"[/COLOR] The next morning I was surprised to find out there was a flight actually booked for me, either this was an elaborate prank or I was actually going to get a job. I walked into Titan Towers. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Mr. McMahon is expecting you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Thank you."[/COLOR] As soon as I got in there I was overwhelmed, not by the giant desk, not by the man standing in front of me, but the smell of the coffee I haven't been able to afford in years. [COLOR="Red"]"Ah, Mr. Magnum is it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Yes, I prefer not to use my real name."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "You're the youngest guy I've seen to ever keep kayfabe even when you're out of the ring."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Actually, Magnum is easier for the retards at the banks, take out restaurants, and pretty much everything where they have to spell my last name."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Ooookay, so, many of the boys in the back speak very highly of you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Which ones?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "CM Punk, Chris Jericho, the unimportant guys, but they have not left me alone about you for a few days now."[/COLOR] I just shrug, even though inside, I'm so excited that guys I've looked up to in my short career speak highly of me. [COLOR="Blue"] "So, when do I report to FCW."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "Oh, I guess Stephanie didn't tell you, your the new booker."[/COLOR] My jaw just drops, of all the people to ask, they ask me. [COLOR="Blue"]"Excellent."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"You start tomorrow."[/COLOR] So, that's the insane way I somehow went from undercard booker in TNA to head booker of the WWE.
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June, Thursday, Week 1. We've had two decent shows, and the internet is abuzz about the sudden heel turn of Cena and the lights out attack he recieved after beating Chris Harris in his debut. [QUOTE]Raw: Cow Palace Attendance: 10,000 Mickie James def. Ashley to retain the WWE Women's Title John Cena def. Chris Harris Paul Burchill def. Santino Marellla for the WWE European Title Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly def. Jim Duggan & Ron Simmons to retain the World Tag Team Titles. CM Punk def. Kofi Kingston Chris Jericho def. Mike Magnum to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]ECW on Sci-Fi: Laramie Arena-Auditorium Attendance: 8,932 Super Crazy def. Boogeyman, 'The Perfect Son Joe Henning' and Gregory Helms for the ECW Television Title Mike Magnum def. The Miz Deuce & Domino def. Finlay & Hornswoggle for the ECW World Tag Team Titles Elijah Burke drew with Tommy Dreamer John Morrison def. Matt Hardy[/QUOTE] Originally Matt was going to beat Morrison, but he was a little baby about me stripping him of his US Title. (OOC: I've taken some liberties with Henning's skills, and some of the new guys that will coming in's popularity) [QUOTE]From WWE.com: With all of the changes in the WWE lately, none have been more shocking than John Cena turning on all of our great fans, as well as the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin as he is once again the general manager of Raw. There have also been a few surprises in ECW as well with general manager Teddy Long bringing back the ECW Television and World Tag Team Titles. Another interesting devolpment, Matt Hardy has been stripped of the WWE United States Championship and the title has been returned to Smackdown, and speaking of Smackdown what interesting devolpments will occur on the first Smackdown of June? [CENTER]Current Smackdown! Card: Morrison & The Miz have issued an open challenge to any team in the WWE for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Through his agent I.R.S. we have learned that 'The Perfect Son' will be wrestling the newly acquired Brian Kendrick. Edge will also be facing Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Title.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Quick Picks: Morrison & The Miz vs. ??? 'The Perfect Son' Joe Henning vs. Brian Kendrick Edge vs. Jeff Hardy[/QUOTE]
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[B]Morrison & The Miz[/B] vs. ??? ... I think the opponents will be HHH & Big Show(I really think HHH but can't think of another smackdown star to team with him. So I said Show.) [B]'The Perfect Son' Joe Henning[/B] vs. Brian Kendrick ... as much as I love Kendrick .. I think you're giving it to Hennig Edge vs. [B]Jeff Hardy [/B]
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Friday, Week 1, June 2008 Friday Night Smackdown from Continental Airlines Arena the Live on The CW Attendance: 15,000 *The intro plays and the pyros go off, must be time to start* [COLOR="Blue"]Jim Ross: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to my first show of Friday Night Smackdown, and boy do we have a great show for you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Mick Foley: You couldn't be more right J.R. because tonight, "The Most Exciting Superstar in the WWE" Jeff Hardy will take on the World Heavyweight champion, Edge.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: Not only that but who will answer The Miz and John Morrison's challenge, and we've also got a match between the newest WWE Superstar, Joe Henning and Brian Kendrick.[/COLOR] *Wooo! The Music of Ric Flair starts blaring* [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: And just when I thought my first night couldn't be more interesting.[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Ric: I know what you're all thinking, Naitch, aren't you retired? Yes, yes I am, but the Nature Boy has come to light wrestling world on fire with his protege...Colt Cabana![/COLOR] *Cabana walks out to Coba Cabana by Barry Manilow.* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Ric: This young man standing next to me is the next big thing in the WWE, and he won't ditch us for football, now bring out his opponent.[/COLOR] Match 1 Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Wang Yang Started out very even until about the 4:30 mark, then, Colt just began dominating, finishing things off with a Colt 45. Rating - C- *As we come back from commercial, Vickie Guerrero is on the entrance ramp* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Vickie: Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me! (Just had to put that in:D) It has come to my attention that nobody has come up with an idea of what to do with the *Looks at clipboard* WWE United States Title, so therefore I announce a four man tournament for United States Title, the competitors will be, Trevor Murdoch, Carlito, Shelton Benjamin and Kenny Dykstra. Also, I have come to an agreement with Steve Austin and the Women's Title will from now on be shared by both brands.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: An interesting decision by our general manager wouldn't you say so.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Foley: If I say yes, will it stop her from talking for the rest of the show and kissing Edge?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: I can't guarantee that Mick.[/COLOR] Match 2 Women's Title Match Mickie James vs. Victoria Victoria was in control most of the match, almost every time Mickie would come back, Victoria would kill her momentum. And when it seemed like we were going to have new champ, Mickie got her second wind and was able to hit the Mickie-T for the win. Rating - C+ *Evolution by KoRn begins to play and 'The Perfect Son' comes out accompanied by I.R.S.* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]I.R.S: Before we begin, I would like to remind all you mindless apes, that this is 'The Perfect Son' Joe Henning the hottest free agent in the WWE and if any of you idiots have a good memory, he has the same last name as 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Henning, you know why that is? He's Curt's son, and that makes him the second generation of perfect....[/COLOR] *Kendricks music begins to play* [COLOR="Red"]Foley: It's a revelation, you [I]CAN[/I] shut I.R.S. up.[/COLOR] Match 3 'The Perfect Son' Joe Henning vs. Brian Kendrick A very even contest until near the end, when Kendrick started getting the momentum, until I.R.S. distracted the ref long enough for Joe to hit a low blow and follow it up with a Perfectplex. Rating - B- [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: Joe is such a disrespect to his father's name.[/COLOR] *Joe, apparantly able to hear this, walks over to the announcer's table* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Joe: What did you say about my dad BBQ boy?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] J.R: I said you're a disrespect to his name![/COLOR] *The argument then just delves into complete gibberish, with Joe ending it with the hardest slap you will ever see* (OOC: I won't always write up the entir promo, because sometimes I just use it to fill space) *Trevor Murdoch cuts a promo talking about match with Carlito, which is next* Match 4 Carlito vs. Trevor Murdoch In the beginning Trevor is able to get the upper hand which he keeps until near the middle of the match when Carlito switches the whole thing around and finally ending his beat down of Murdoch with a Back Stabber, Carlito moves onto the next round. Rating - C *The cameras cut backstage where Jeff is warming up for his match, when Edge walks in* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Edge: So, Jeff I hope you know that you're going to lay down for me tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jeff: Oh, [I]absolutely[/I], I would totally lay down for a loser who screwed my brother's ex-girlfriend, and only wins titles because he now screws the boss and win the Money In The Bank by sheer idiot's luck![/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Edge: Hey! Don't talk about Vickie like that! I do love her![/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jeff: You know I've also been wondering, how is it that you have been successful only when Christian isn't around? [/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Edge: It's just a coincidence.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jeff: No, I think it's because Christian is more talented than you.[/COLOR] *And with that Edge punches Jeff out* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Edge: Look at that, my fist is more talented than your face![/COLOR] *After a commercial MVP's music starts playing and out he comes to the ring* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]MVP: You know, I find it strange that I have held the United States belt the most in the past year than anyone else and yet, I'm not in the tournament, so Smackdown's MVP would in his spare time while waiting for our GM to realize her mistake, I would like to issue an open challenge to any of the new guys on Smackdown.[/COLOR] *And with that, MVP made the comment he would probably like to take back as Umaga comes down into the ring* Match 5 Umaga vs. MVP Very much a squash match with the exception of MVP getting a two count off of the player's boot. Umaga ends it, as usual with the Samoan Spike. Rating - C *Even after the match ends Umaga continues to beat MVP down with the beat down ending with another Samoan Spike, but this time blood begins to flow out of the mouth of MVP* [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: MAH GAWD! The brutality of the Samoan Bulldozer![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Foley: You've sure got that right J.R. Umaga seems to be even more aggressive than usual.[/COLOR] *The Miz and Morrison come out and remind everyone of thier open challenge, after a few minutes of no one coming out they are about to go back to the locker room until....* *Are You Ready? The crowd goes completely nuts as DX make their usual entrance except, they do the pyros on the ramp instead of the ring.* [COLOR="SeaGreen"]HHH: You know, it's funny, had you idiots never said "a tag team from any brand, you wouldn't had to have even faced me, but now you have to deal with the greatest tag team in the WWE: D-Generation X.[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Shawn: And if you're not down with that, we just got two words for ya. [/COLOR] Crowd: Suck It! Match 6 WWE Tag Team Title Match The Miz and Morrison vs. DX The match starts off with Miz and Shawn, and Miz pretty much dances around Shawn avoiding everything he does, until Shawn finally hits him with a punch that stuns him, and DX controls it for most of the match until Morrison gets tagged in. After the back and forth action, Triple H finally gets some momentum going for DX which is finally killed by The Miz when he low blows Triple H right in front of the ref and disqualifies his team. Rating - B- *The Miz and Morrison scurry back as DX is complaining to the ref in the ring, when all of a sudden...Kennedy!* [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Kennedy: I would just like to remind you..that I weigh in tonight at two hundred and forty-six pounds, I hail from Green...Bay..Wisconsin! And I am the number one contender for the WWE Championship! Mmmmmmmisterrrrr Kennedy.....Kennedy.[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]HHH: I didn't agree to that match! [/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Kennedy: Sorry chump, but what our GM says, goes.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: What a huge announcement from Mr. Kennedy, we now have our first official match for Night of Champions![/COLOR] *We cut to backstage, where Howard Finkel is standing by with Jeff Hardy* [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Fink: Jeff, the on question on everyones minds is this, do you think you can beat Edge tonight?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jeff: Of course I think I can, and I know I could win easily if he didn't have his fanboys in his corner.[/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Fink: Well Jeff, anything else you care to add.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Jeff: Yes, J.R. get your voice ready, so you can start screaming: Jeff wins! Jeff wins![/COLOR] [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Fink: Back to you guys.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] J.R: Well Jeff, if you can win tonight I'll be sure to scream that as hard as I can.[/COLOR] Main Event World Heavyweight Title Edge vs. Jeff Hardy A very back and forth contest main because of all the interference by Hawkins and Ryder, every time Jeff would get any momentum going, The Edgeheads would stop him dead in his tracks. That finally came to an end when the ref ejected them, however the ref got knocked out later in the match and Hawkins came back out, but when he got onto the apron, Jeff saw him and made Edge ram into Hawkins instead, with Edge down Jeff went up top and hit the Swanton. [COLOR="Blue"]J.R: 1...2...3! Jeff wins, Jeff wins! He's finally achieved his dream! Jeff is our new World Heavyweight Champion![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Foley: Whoa deja vu![/COLOR] Rating - B- *With belt in hand, Jeff ran out into the crowd to celebrate with his fans and for once the good guy triumphs on TV and not just PPV* Overall Rating - B- [CENTER][B]Post Show[/B][/CENTER] I had found out that Triple H had tested positive for steroids. [COLOR="Blue"]"Paul, I don't want to suspend you because of your program with Mr. Kennedy, but if you do this again you will get suspended."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Ok, I'll try harder to keep clean."[/COLOR] (What the hell else was I going to do? Vince would kill me if I suspended him.) We also got the best ratings for the live Smackdown than we have gotten for Raw with Smackdown getting a 3.91, I think I'll talk to Vince about doing the show live from now on. [B]Disclaimer: If you read and don't post about the show, I can't be held responsible for men in black suits showing up at your house.[/B] :D
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