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Midcard title run demand.

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Does winning a midcard level tournement count towards this? Bryan Vessey incisted on a title run no matter how much I paid him. And I want to keep my current title holders so I thought to set up a tournement for him to win. As I dont want to cheat and create a title give it to him and then retire the title.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;454068]Does winning a midcard level tournement count towards this? Bryan Vessey incisted on a title run no matter how much I paid him. And I want to keep my current title holders so I thought to set up a tournement for him to win. As I dont want to cheat and create a title give it to him and then retire the title.[/QUOTE] How about this yes create a new title and have Vessey win it and keep it around but here's the catch it's the Cameron Vessey title. Write a story where he always keeps the title no matter what. Every time he would lose the title he makes up a rule as to why what happened doesn't count and he keeps the title.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;454072]How about this yes create a new title and have Vessey win it and keep it around but here's the catch it's the Cameron Vessey title. Write a story where he always keeps the title no matter what. Every time he would lose the title he makes up a rule as to why what happened doesn't count and he keeps the title.[/QUOTE] Priceless, Apu! Would be especially cool if you set Vessy as an Authority Figure (either push, gimmick, or even just as a story 'say-so') so he has the authority to make such claims and 'guide' the title along. I definately am going to stea... er... I'm going to have a look at AAA and see if it's something that might work there... *smirk*
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Aaah the allure of the million dollar belt just doesn´t go away does it? for those of you who dont know was belt owned and always kept by The million dollar man Ted Dibiasi Sr. In the wwf 80´s, now to ad some Force to the mix trying to get the belt and its dynasty time!!! lol
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;454407]Aaah the allure of the million dollar belt just doesn´t go away does it? for those of you who dont know was belt owned and always kept by The million dollar man Ted Dibiasi Sr. In the wwf 80´s, now to ad some Force to the mix trying to get the belt and its dynasty time!!! lol[/QUOTE] that would be incorrect. virgil beat him for it at one point.
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The Jim Force Belt of Champions....where's that Force thread when you need it? edit: Thanks to google I discovered that you too can own a Million Dollar Belt, and for only $399.99 [URL="http://www.highspots.com/product.asp?id=11857&category=188"]The Million Dollar Belt[/URL]
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Hehe I also reverenced to go(o)d (g)old Jim Foce if ya noticed it man hes becoming quite the cult phenenom cant wait to see al the Jim Forces walking around in MMORPGs hehe Grey Dog get the merchandise rights while you can before wrestlecrap.com does lol.
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