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TCW: Is it a Cornellverse Without Cornell?

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[b]Your News For December 12, 2007[/b] Rumors are floating out of Total Championship Wrestling headquarters today that Tommy Cornell, figurehead and owner of TCW, has grown frustrated with handling both his in-ring duties and booking the company. Cornell reportedly feels that handling both roles has stretched him too thin and has started to negatively impact his in-ring performance. It is not known who Cornell would tap to replace him. [b]December 14 - Your Weekly Rumor Mill Who Replaces Tommy Cornell?[/b] Word around the water cooler is that Cornell is looking to bump himself from the head booker spot in TCW. I've got some names floating through my mind here about who could replace him: Eric Tyler, Nemesis, Phil Vibert? [b]Cornell Names Replacement! December 21, 2007[/b] It has been revealed internally that a relative unknown, Marty McDaniel, has been chosen to replace Tommy Cornell as the head booker for TCW. McDaniel has worked with TCW for several years as a public relations and marketing figure. In the past few months, McDaniel has apparently been brought in by Cornell as a consultant on some storylines. McDaniel has no in-ring experience, but according to our sources does closely follow the professional wrestling game. It is planned that McDaniel will take over for Cornell on the first of January, immediately after Total Decemberhem. It is not though that there will be a change in the preferred style of the promotion or a major shake up of storylines; Cornell and company seem content with the current direction of the product. [b]TCW Total Decemberhem Preview! December 27, 2007[/b] ... And in the main event, we will see Tommy Cornell defends the TCW World Championship against long time rival Ricky Dale Johnson. These two have started their feud again over the past few months, with Cornell's stable The Syndicate interfering on his behalf and helping prevent RDJ (and others) from gaining the title. Tomorrow night, however, there will be no such interference. The TCW Championship Committee has announced that any party interfering in the match will be fired and banned from TCW and that the match will be held in a steel cell. Regardless of who wins this match and the title, this contest will be a classic and is very much looked forward to by wrestling fans around the world. [b]TCW News Update! Cornell hurt? December 28, 2008[/b] We just received a text message from a friend of the site, reporting that Tommy Cornell's match with Ricky Dale Johnson was stopped after about 25 minutes of action by the referee and Cornell is lying motionless on the ring mat. More news as we get it. ... Further reports from the arena indicate that the match was ruled a no contest due to the injury. It's not known if this is a legit injury or part of an angle, though. We hope to have an update in the morning. [b]Tommy Cornell suffers broken neck January 1, 2008, 4 a.m.[/b] It has been confirmed that Tommy Cornell's neck was broken last night during his match with Ricky Dale Johnson. A planned spot in the match featured the two fighting on top of the steel cell that encircled the ring. RDJ delivered the Southern Justice to Cornell; the move worked such that RDJ landed on one portion of the cell ceiling and Cornell on another. The portion Cornell landed on broke away from the rest, leading to Cornell falling to the ring below. There is no heat on Ricky Dale Johnson due to his incident, as people are looking at it as a freak accident that Johnson could not have possibly prevented.
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TCW at a Glance [SIZE="3"][B]Current Roster[/SIZE][/B] Aaron Andrews American Buffalo (with manager Floyd Goldworthy) Billy Jack Shearer Brent Hill Chance Fortune Charlie Thatcher Clark Alexander Danny Fonzarelli Edd Stone Eddie Peak Freddy Huggins (with manager Laura Catherine) Genghis Rahn Giant Tana Guide Harry Allen Joel Bryant Joey Minnesota John Anderson Koshiro Ino Randall Hopkirk Rick Law Ricky Dale Johnson Robert Oxford Rocky Golden Ronnie V Pain Sam Keith Sammy Bach (with manager Karen Killer) Scout Steve Gumble Texas Pete Tommy Cornell (out due to injury) Troy Tornado (out due to injury) Tyson Baine Wolf Hawkins [B][SIZE="3"]Tag Teams[/SIZE][/B] Aaron Andrews and Clark Alexander Painful Procedure (Randall Hopkirk and Billy Jack Shearer) The Machines (John Anderson and Brent Hill) The New Wave (Guide and Scout) The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford) The Young Guns (Steve Gumble and Harry Allen) [B][SIZE="3"]Stables[/SIZE][/B] The Syndicate: Brent Hill, John Anderson, Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins [B][SIZE="3"]Champions[/SIZE][/B] [b]TCW World Heavyweight[/b] Vacant! [b]TCW International[/b] Wolf Hawkins [b]TCW World Tag Team[/b] The Machines John Anderson and Brent Hill [b]TCW All Action[/b] Sammy Bach
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Detroit, Michigan, June 1, 2008 - During Total Championship Wrestling's Total Mayhem event last night, Tommy Cornell suffered a serious freak injury in the midst of a match with Ricky Dale Johnson. After being examined by some of the best doctors in the world, it has been determined that Tommy suffered fractures of the C3 and C4 vertebrae in his neck in addition to a major concussion. Tommy is still under evaluation at this time; while long term effects of such an injury can be serious, it is still thought at this time that Tommy will be able to recover full use of his arms and legs. Everyone in Total Championship Wrestling will continue to keep Tommy in our thoughts and prayers, and look forward to his full recovery. Cornell was at the time of the match the defending TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Due to this injury, he will be unable to continue defending his title. The TCW Championship Committee has ruled that the title must be vacated. Starting tomorrow night on GNN Total Sports' TCW Presents Total Wrestling and lasting for several weeks, a 16-man tournament will be held to determine the new TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Competitors will be announced on tomorrow night's episode of TCW Presents Total Wrestling, and the tournament final will be held at TCW Excessive Force on June 28, 2008 in Orlando, Florida. Watch [url]www.tcw.com[/url] for further information on Tommy's condition and any updates regarding the World Championship tournament.
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[b]June 1, 2008, 5 a.m.[/b] The phone wouldn't stop ringing, no matter how much I cursed Alexander Graham Bell. And not just from the dirt sheets, either - ABC, AP, CNN, CBS, ESPN, BBC and every other acronym in the world wouldn't stop calling and leaving messages. Of course, I didn't have an administrative assistant yet, so all they got was my voice mail. Not that I didn't feel bad for the guys - I worked journalism for three years, on the local government level back in Tennessee. You basically try to make a living on other people's words, and if you can't get those words, you have problems. Not every editor's like J. Jonah Jameson, but enough of them are. So far, the doctors seem optimistic about Tommy. Granted, being alive and being likely to regain the use of your limbs isn’t what most people would consider optimism, but given the circumstances, I’ll take those odds. Given Tommy’s work ethic, I wouldn’t be shocked if he wasn’t just walking, but wrestling again. But that’s awhile away. A long while away. The simple fact was that Tommy wouldn't be back, at least any time soon, no matter how much I or anyone else want it to be otherwise. That's a damn hard fact that we're going to have to deal with. Might as well answer one of these calls.
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[b]June 2, 2008, 10 a.m.[/b] Well, yesterday was a hell of a day. After the long hours of talking on the phone, I finally got things cleared up. Yes, Tommy was hurt. Yes, it was bad. No, Ricky did not try to hurt him. No, this was not planned or a publicity stunt. No, he’s not dead – thank God. No, the Eisens had nothing to do with this. How people come up with these rumors, I’ll never know. Actually, the Eisens and practically anyone else who’s a somebody in the world of wrestling have sent get well wishes. DeColts, Stones, Rip Chord, Sam Keith, Sam Strong, Kaneie Komine, Sadaharu Jimbo… anyone. Everyone. Cornell may not have a lot of friends, but he at least has respect. Cornell’s doing all right, the doctors say. Not ready for visitors yet, but that’ll be a few weeks. I feel bad for RDJ. He’s taking this pretty hard. But, no one is saying anything to him about this. Not even a bad joke from Edd Stone. I think he’ll feel better after some time, but he didn’t want any time off. I don’t plan on turning this into an angle. I just think that’d be disrespectful to Ricky and Tommy, and not worth it. I finalized a peace of business yesterday. I worked out a deal with Rip yesterday to set MAW up as a developmental area for us. I’m also going to do some scouting for young talent in the next few days, make some contract offers, starting with MAW talent. Nearly forgot. Tommy wanted me to promise to do certain things when I was the booker. Even with him heavily doped up. Otherwise, when he does find out, he’ll be pissed, vertebrae or not. Ok, so the rules: Become more popular in America in the next two years Do not hire anyone currently in the employ of a company size “cult” or larger Keep Wolf Hawkins’ momentum strong – above B- at all times Do not hire spot monkeys New wrestlers must be athletically competent – at least rated as a C- Booking meeting time.
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[b]TCW Championship Committee Announce Tournament Competitors![/b] TCW.com Exclusive! July 2, 2008, Milwaukee, WI In an emergency meeting of the TCW Championship Committee, the following 16 wrestlers have been determined as participants in the tournament to determine a new TCW World Heavyweight Champion. American Buffalo Brent Hill - Two-time TCW World Tag Team Champion Eddie Peak - One-time DAVE Unified Champion, three-time DAVE Tag Team Champion Genghis Rahn - One-time TCW International Champion, five-time TCW Hardcore Champion Joel Bryant - Two-time TCW World Tag Team Champion, one-time TCW International Champion, one-time TCW Hardcore Champion Joey Minnesota - Final DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion John Anderson - Two-time TCW World Tag Team Champion Koshiro Ino - One-time BHOTWG World Tag Team Champion Rick Law - One-time TCW International Champion Ricky Dale Johnson - One-time TCW World Heavyweight Champion, three-time TCW International Champion Rocky Golden - One-time TCW International Champion Sam Keith - Ten-time world champion Sammy Bach - One-time TCW All Action Champion Texas Pete - A rising star in the promotion Tyson Baine - One-time TCW World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins - One-time TCW International Champion
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Nice backstory - and if you can succeed in those owner goals (specifically the gaining popularity one) without Tommy - then that will prove to a lot of people that TCW isn't that hard to run! Good luck.....cos I think you're gonna need it! :D
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Thanks! [b]Welcome to 311wrestling's live coverage of Total Championship Wrestling with Smarky Mark![/b] We open the show with a pre-taped segment from Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes, letting everyone know that Tommy’s injury last night was real but that he is in stable but serious condition and still hospitalized. Everyone in TCW sends their best wishes to Tommy, and the camera pans out, revealing they were standing on the top of the ramp with the complete TCW roster. The normal intro plays. We open with Azaria and Rhodes hyping the 16-man tournament and what a great opportunity it presents to those involved. It is single elimination, and tonight’s matches are revealed! [b]Ricky Dale Johnson vs. American Buffalo Rocky Golden vs. John Anderson Genghis Rahn vs. Joel Bryant Sam Keith vs. Eddie Peak[/b] And we go to Ricky Dale Johnson standing backstage. He says that he's sorry about what happened Sunday night, and that never in a million years would he have imagined what had happened would have happened. But he’s now focused on American Buffalo, and he’s coming after him tonight. Next, we get Rocky Golden walking to the ring. He’ll take on John Anderson – next! [b]Rocky Golden vs. John Anderson[/b] John Anderson is accompanied by Brent Hill and both look a little shook up over the Cornell injury. Golden starts the match out hot with some power-based offense, but Anderson manages to keep Golden slowed down by various cheating tactics and then tries to wear him down with submission moves and attacks to the legs. At one point Brent Hill snaps Golden’s neck off the top rope, leading to an Anderson roll up for a two count. This match is coming off as pretty disjointed – I don’t think these two are capable of working with each other. End comes when Brent Hill distracts the ref, allowing Anderson to go for a brass knuckle shot. Golden ducks though and hits the Rocky Road for the win. [b]Rocky Golden defeated John Anderson in 15:49 by pinfall with a Rocky Road.[/b] ** Disappointing match here – I would have hoped Anderson could have carried Golden more, but I also hoped for a nude photo of Emma Birch to be on my doorstep today. Can’t win them all. We go backstage, and Sam Keith is standing in front of a locker room door labeled “The Syndicate.” He literally grabs the cameraman and stares into the camera, informing us that RDJ will get his, but he has other things on his mind, like the madman Eddie Peak. He informs us that he, Sam Keith, is a perfect technician who should not have to face a psychopath like Peak. But tonight, he will fall to the Proton Lock as well. [b]Edd Stone vs. Harry Allen[/b] Azaria mentions that Stone demanded a match tonight due to how upset he was over being left out of the tournament. So, he gets Allen. Allen tries to start the match off with a springboard dropkick, but he slips off the rope and hits the mat, pretty hard. He looks pretty shook up. Stone goes on to dominate the match, and it doesn’t look like a rush job either – Allen must be okay, just had the breath knocked out of him or something, but he never looked good in this match. Stone finishes Allen off with a Party’s Over to advance. [b]Edd Stone defeated Harry Allen in 7:12 by pinfall with a Party's Over.[/b] ** Filler intended to get Stone over. He’ll have to do more than beat one half of the jobber team to do that, though. The Syndicate is now gathered in their dressing room, all dressed formally as usual (except for the somewhat groggy John Anderson). They inform Ricky Dale Johnson that they are coming for him and that he will regret what he did to their leader. Eddie Peak heads to the ring and grabs a microphone intensely. He intensely screams into it and tells Keith that he will end his career (probably not the best choice of words) and that tonight he will advance in the tournament. Intensely. Honestly, not a bad promo, but it’d help more if he would stop acting like Jim Force on the stick. [b]Eddie Peak vs. Sam Keith[/b] This was the match of the night, which was somewhat surprising since I expected Keith to come out looking golden. The time was for Peak to shine, though, as he got more offense in, lasted twice as long as what one could have expected and came out looking pretty good. Still, Keith uses veteran tricks to distract the referee, throw Peak into an exposed turnbuckle and lock in the Proton Lock for the tap out. [b] Sam Keith defeated Eddie Peak in 26:28 by submission with a Proton Lock.[/b] *** ½ Damn good match. We go to commercials, and when we come back we see Giant Tana and Danny Fonzarelli talk. The Fonz likes the ladies, and the ladies like him. But Tan’s okay – he’s similarly loved and loves donuts and dancing. The ladies like the dancing too! Fonz looks dismayed… but impressed? [b]Joel Bryant vs. Genghis Rahn[/b] This started out like a normal Rahn squash, but six minutes in Robert Oxford snuck in a chair shot on the big man. Bryant wasn’t able to immediately capitalize, but he did begin a submission based attack to try and get the win. However, this would backfire, as when Bryant was working an sitting armbar, Rahn managed to get to his feet and pick Bryant up for a one-armed Rahn to the Hills, leading to a pinfall victory. [b] Genghis Rahn defeated Joel Bryant in 15:07 by pinfall with a Rahn To The Hills.[/b] ** ¼ Looks like these two work well together, but they’re pretty old at this point, so that only goes so far… Floyd Goldworthy hypes Buffalo v RDJ, telling us this is Buffalo’s breakthrough and he will reach become the head of the pack. [b]American Buffalo vs. Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] Match was formulaic – Buffalo is strong and Goldworthy is sneaky, but RDJ is tough. Both got winded about 18 minutes in, and the next seven minutes dragged. RDJ hit the Southern Justice, but it wasn’t what one would call his best looking version of it. [b] Ricky Dale Johnson defeated American Buffalo in 24:50 by pinfall with a Southern Justice.[/b] ** That went about 10 minutes beyond their capabilities. I bet they’re regretting not putting Peak-Keith in this spot. RDJ stands tall to end the broadcast. Overall, not a bad show, but not good either. They’re trying to build new stars and it’s pretty obvious, but it’s probably going to end up with a predictable RDJ vs. Keith. Thumbs in the middle.
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[b]311wrestling.com Newswire – June 2nd[/b] SWF trounces TCW in ratings, 4.24 to 2.80… Smarky Mark says SWF was notably better than TCW last night, with an overall *** ½ to SWF compared with just ** to TCW... TCW has announced an agreement to set MAW up as a developmental territory. They will begin contracting workers from MAW as official developmental talent, before bringing in other talents... Citizen X wins MAW Rip Chord Invitational Challenge! He defeated Erik Strong in the final to get the trophy... Charlie Thatcher has been sent to MAW for development work by TCW management! Apparently they are not yet happy with Thatcher’s in-ring abilities, and since he’s not doing much at this time, the thought is now is the best time to get him to learn some more. TCW is still optimistic he could become a solid roster member with work... [b] 311wrestling.com Newswire – June 4th[/b] Preston Holt, former owner of California Pro Wrestling and Rapid Pro Wrestling, has announced his intention to leave the business… Kevin Jones takes the book at Ring of Fire... [b] 311wrestling.com Newswire – June 5th[/b] SWF signs with United Kingdom Choice to have PPVs broadcast… USPW signs with U-Demand for PPV broadcasts… Roger Dodger signs with CGC… [b] 311wrestling.com Newswire – June 6th[/b] Eisaku Hoshino signs with Burning Hammer… Saionji Omura wins WEXXV Warrior’s Heart title and Hiroshi Morisue wins the King of Death Matches title… [b] 311wrestling.com Newswire – June 7th[/b] Chris Caulfield signs with SWF! Cameron Vessey signs a developmental with TCW! Cameron, son of Larry Vessey and nephew of Bryan Vessey, will continue to work at MAW as a developmental worker… Burning Hammer signs Samoan Machine… [b] 311wrestling.com Newswire – June 8th[/b] SWF signs Steven Parker and Darryl Devine! Both are expected to be future stars… Huge influx of TCW talent for their developmental program! They’ve signed Steve Flash as trainer and Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Citizen X, Erik Strong and Mean Jean Cattley as developmental workers. They’ve also signed Crippler Ray Kingman as a road agent… Hell Monkey signs with Burning Hammer… GCG star Julian Watson has suffered damage to knee ligaments and will miss the next month…
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Well, that’s one way to start a job – the utter screw up way. I should have known that Buffalo wasn’t ready for the main event or for a long match, either. Keith-Peak should have obviously been in the main slot, but for whatever reason I didn’t see that. Maybe I felt that the main spot would help RDJ get some confidence back. That may have worked, but the show suffered from it. Rahn-Bryant didn’t set the house on fire either, hurting us through the semi-main too. Hell, the only one that worked was Keith-Peak At least things are clear backstage. Not a bit of trouble, and I figured somebody would say something to me by now, start some kind of drama. Truth is, by time around the locker room has been really limited – I’ve spent far more time in our Phoenix headquarters than I have with our workers. I need to change this, but I’ve just been overwhelmed with making sure everything is in order with MAW, watching tape of possible new workers, reviewing our finances I stopped in to see Tommy last week, but I was turned away at the door. He’s not ready for visitors yet. I did leave him a voice message, leaving well wishes, but I’m told he can’t be on the phone yet, either. Next week, we finish the first round match-ups in the tournament, and after that we’ll be able to expand the view of the show to more than just a few guys. [b]Scheduled card for January 9th, 2008 edition of TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/b] The Tag Team Specialists vs. Clark Alexander and Aaron Andrews [b]First Round Tournament Matches[/b] Rick Law vs. Brent Hill Koshiro Ino vs. Wolf Hawkins Sammy Bach vs. Joey Minnesota Texas Pete vs. Tyson Baine
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Scheduled card for January 9th, 2008 edition of TCW Presents Total Wrestling [B]The Tag Team Specialists[/B] vs. Clark Alexander and Aaron Andrews First Round Tournament Matches [B]Rick Law[/B] vs. Brent Hill Koshiro Ino vs. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Sammy Bach vs. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] Texas Pete vs. [B]Tyson Baine[/B]
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[SIZE="3"][B]TCW Announces Drug Testing Program[/B][/SIZE] Phoenix, Arizona – Total Championship Wrestling announced today that they are instituting, effective immediately, a drug testing program for their employees. The drug testing, done on a basis of random selection, will test employees for abuse of alcohol, steroids and illicit drugs, varying from marijuana to crack cocaine and everything in between. Acting company president Marty McDaniel stated, “This program will help protect our employees by ensuring that they are in the safest work place possible. We intend to help our employees dealing with these issues.” An employee’s first confirmed positive test will result in that worker being sent to a rehabilitation treatment for a month. Future positive tests will be handled on a case-by-case basis, with a minimum penalty of a month’s suspension without pay in addition to rehabilitation treatment paid for by TCW.
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[B][SIZE="3"]January 9th, 2008 TCW Presents Total Wrestling, live in Santa Fe, New Mexico![/SIZE][/B] The show opens with [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] walking backstage, but as he goes through a door he’s attacked by The Syndicate! He’s thrown around by those four, being thrown into a stack of crates. The segment ends with [B]The Syndicate[/B] standing over a bloodied RDJ (though, for the sake of the network and our being fairly family friendly over, the blood is shown for just a split second). Keith says, “That’s for Tommy,” as the group walks off against the group of road agents and referees running to the scene. We cut to commercial, and when we come back to [B]Rick Law[/B] standing backstage. He stares at the camera. “You know, Brent, you’re running around with a real rough bunch right now, who think they know a thing or two about how things work. But let me tell you something, Brent – all of your rule breaking, your cheating, your disrespect to others, that will catch up to you. It will catch up to you tonight, because when I face you in the first round of the TCW World Heavyweight Championship tournament, you will feel the Long… Arm… of the Law!” [B]Tournament First Round: Rick Law vs. Brent Hill[/B] This was a typical face-heel match, where Hill cheated as much as he could and got heat by working Law over with submissions, while Law would occasionally fight back and show off his high impact maneuvers. Fortunately, Brent and Rick have work well against each other, and this helped the match out. One downside of this match was that Rick was visibly tired by the time it was over, and his work suffered towards the end. [B]Rick Law defeated Brent Hill in 16:25 by pinfall with a Long Arm Of The Law. ***1/2[/B] [B]The Tag Team Specialists vs. Clark Alexander and Aaron Andrews[/B] Clark and Aaron work very well off each other, and Jason Azaria came across well tonight. Everyone – even the Specialists – showed some signs of improvement in this match, but this was still just a run of the mill tag match. [B]The Tag Team Specialists defeated Clark Alexander and Aaron Andrews in 6:03 when Robert Oxford defeated Aaron Andrews by pinfall with a Top Rope Kneedrop.[/B] ** Backstage, [B]Danny Fonzarelli[/B] is standing with [B]Giant Tana[/B] at the buffet table, having a friendly conversation… Fonz: “Hey hey Tana, my man, how you doing?” Tana (through a mouthful of food): “Good, good!” Fonz: “Great, baby, great. Now, how are the women working out for you, huh, buddy?” Tana freezes for a moment and looks downtrodden before he replies, “Not so good, Fonz, not so good. They just don’t respond to me.” Fonz: “Well, look, Tana baby, you just need to work ‘em right.” At this moment, a nice looking young woman walks by them. “Now, watch the master.” The Fonz walks up to the woman and says, “Now, since I am Dr. Love, I need to ask you, my fine looking friend: are you in need of a love examination?” The woman gets a very disgusted look on her face, slaps Fonzarelli and shoves a pie in his face. Fonz stands there, shocked, as she walks off. Tana enters the picture and runs a finger down Dr. Love’s face, gathering up the pie filling. “Mmm, chocolate crème. Now that’s the stuff.” Fonz looks at Tana as frustrated as he can with a face full of pie, as we go to commercial. [B]Tournament First Round: Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach[/B] This was a very solid high flying match-up, fast paced enough to leave Kyle Rhodes lagging behind and looking off. My road agents say that it looks like Bach is becoming better-rounded with help from Minnesota. [B]Sammy Bach defeated Joey Minnesota in 21:25 by submission with a Bach on Your Back. ***1/2[/B] [B]Tyson Baine[/B] is backstage with [B]Jasmine Saunders[/B]. Jasmine: “Tonight, Tyson, you face Texas Pete in the first round of the TCW World Heavyweight Championship tournament. What are your thoughts on this upcoming match for you?” Tyson: “Pete, you talk about how your home state, Texas, is the home of the toughest men. But there’s one thing you should know, Pete. My power dwarfs your power. My strength crushes yours. Tonight, the Hades Bomb will be delivered to you, a feeling you will never forget, and I will be one step closer to winning the World Title.” [B]Tournament First Round: Texas Pete vs. Tyson Baine[/B] This was supposed to be a showing of the unstoppable force and the immoveable object, but these two took that a bit too literally, as neither sold enough to make the match work properly. It does look like Pete has learned some things as a result of working with Tyson tonight. [B]Tyson Baine defeated Texas Pete in 14:47 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb. **[/B] A music video is shown of highlights of [B]Genghis Rahn[/B]’s past matches and successes. We come back from commercial, and we [B]Sam Keith[/B] staring [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] in the eyes next to the curtain behind the ring entrance. Keith: “There is one man in this company who is the biggest rising star in the world. There is one man, outside of myself, who is capable of winning this tournament. Who is it?” Hawkins: “Me!” Keith: “Who’s going to become the biggest superstar with my guidance?” Hawkins: “Me!” Keith: “Who will fulfill the promise seen by the great Tommy Cornell?” Hawkins: “I will! I will bring down Koshiro Ino tonight, and anyone else who crosses me in the future.” Keith: “That’s right Wolf. Now, it’s time to take care of business.” With that, Keith and Hawkins walk towards the curtain. [B]Tournament First Round: Wolf Hawkins vs. Koshiro Ino[/B] Wolf Hawkins wasn’t firing on all cylinders tonight, but this match still worked, and after a great back and forth contest, the interference of the rest of the Syndicate helped Hawkins get the win. [B]Wolf Hawkins defeated Koshiro Ino in 27:56 by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising following interference from John Anderson, Brent Hill and Sam Keith. ***1/2 [/B] Overall show rating: *** [B]On next week’s show: TCW World Heavyweight Championship Quarterfinals![/B] Genghis Rahn vs. Wolf Hawkins Rick Law vs. Tyson Baine Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sammy Bach Rocky Golden vs. Sam Keith [B]Plus![/B] Brent Hill of The Machines vs. Guide of The New Wave Giant Tana and Danny Fonzarelli vs. Painful Procedure
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Oh, and the person with the most correct predictions of winners for next week's TCW Presents Total Wrestling gets to name the newest TCW tag team, Aaron Andrews and Clark Alexander. Tiebreaker goes to whoever predicts first, card will be posted no earlier than Thursday night, diary author reserves the right to reject bad names.
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Yeah, that was an extension of me treating the write-up of the shows as a coverage site's review, but I found it uninteresting. I just didn't go back and change it before I posted it, but I'll try to do that this evening. This is my first try at a diary, so any further advice would really be appreciated.
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