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WWF: Bret is Back

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[CENTER][FONT="Arial"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="2"][B][CENTER]Monday, Week 1, January 1998[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7259/wwfrawtc0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG] JR: “Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. We thank you for joining us tonight for Monday Night Raw!” King: “Like they had a choice, JR, have you heard the news?!” JR: “Well, I've certainly heard the rumours, King.” King: “Rumours? Wait, is what's being said actually true?” JR: “I don't know either way.” King “What use are you? I want to know right now if...” JR (Interrupting): “Woah, King, be careful. We don't want to get sued. Let's just call him a 'well known wrestling talent'.” King: “Whatever you say, JR, but I'm still excited about the show and hearing more about this 'well known wrestling talent'!” JR: “I think every single person in the building and around the world is excited watching RAW, too!” [I]Raw intro plays, then we return to the ring...[/I] [IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/3568/owenhartuj3.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/2733/dlobrownqn6.jpg[/IMG] Owen Hart's music plays. The fans give a large pop. He struts to the ring as fans pat him on the back and shout “Bret is back!” In the ring already is D'lo, who gets little attention. The bell rings to begin the match. Quickly, a loud “We want Bret” chant breaks out in the crowd. King: “You hear what they are saying, JR?” JR: “I hear it, but I dare not say it.” In the ring, the pair engage in a fast-paced, aerial contest. Owen on occasion allows D'lo an opportunity to fight back when he employs some light-hearted, comedy offence for the crowd's enjoyment but he uses the Hart family's renowned technical skills and his own high-flying abilities to control the match. In the fifteenth minute of the contest, Owen is looking to finish D'lo with a tornado DDT. He's sitting on the top rope, waiting for D'lo to turn. He waves to the crowd whilst he's waiting. King: D'lo! Wake up! Oh no, I don't like how this is going... D'lo does turn, and Owen snaps forward to catch him in the DDT. JR: Sky high powerbomb! King, that was out of nowhere! D'lo, anticipating that Owen would eventually lose focus, catches Owen in mid-air and drives him down into the Sky High. JR: A cover! No, wait, Owen's tangled in the ropes. That's a rope break, although I don't think Owen's got the awareness in him right now to call that deliberate. D'lo argues with the referee, before dragging Owen up to his feet. He slams him down, before ascending to the top for the Low Down. King: Here it is – his splash! JR: No! And, King, this time I think that was deliberate. D'lo took off, but only came down on the raised knees of Owen. Both men stay down. JR:What a great contest to begin RAW! The pair attain a vertical base, but Owen's still recovering from the Sky High. D'lo drags his opponent's head into the powerbomb position. JR: Could he be looking for a version of that powerbomb? D'lo can't manage the move however, as Owen takes his legs out from under him. King: Sharpshooter! D'lo writhes for a few seconds, but soon taps out. King: It's a sign, JR, I'm telling you. He's back! JR: I don't know about that, King, but I do know that was an impressive, gutsy effort from Owen Hart. [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1917/vincemcmahonig9.jpg[/IMG] [I]Camera cuts to back. Vince McMahon is seen getting out of his limo. [/I] King: Here he is, JR. JR: And I'm just being told that he's got something to say later tonight! [I]A promo video plays, hyping the Royal Rumble.[/I] [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG] JR: That's the Royal Rumble, coming to you live in four weeks on Pay Per View. King: Every year I look forward to this match, JR. It's a whole bunch of guys fighting it out in the roughest multi-man endurance test in the WWF. Yes, it's very tough, but for that lockeroom there's nothing they want more then to walk out to compete in the main even at the biggest show of them all: Wrestlemania. JR: You're right there, King, and in my opinion the Texas Rattlesnake is one of the front runners to win this match. Here's what he had to say about the upcoming Royal Rumble. [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6645/steveaustinov2.jpg[/IMG] [I]Cuts to video package of Stone Cold Steve Austin seated, talking to the camera about the Royal Rumble.[/I] “You know, for the past two years all I have heard about is Shawn Micheals – the Heart Break Kid. He's won the Royal Rumble twice, two years running. Well Stone Cold Steve Austin has never been in a Royal Rumble match, and Shawn Micheals has never had to face me in one. All I see is 29 other pieces of trash ready for whoopin' that they ain't never going to forget. One by one, Stone Cold is going to look them in the eye, beat the crap out of them, give 'em a Stunner, and send 'em over that top rope. And then, when it's all said and done, when Stone Cold has kicked the crap out of every single person in that match, has drank a beer or two, and flipped the bird to Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Degeneration X, Nation of Domination, Mankind, or anyone else that's tried and failed to stop me, I'm going to be coming after the “Heart Break Kid” Shawn Micheals. And at Wrestlemania, you can bet your ass that Steve Austin is going to become the World Champion for the very first time.” [IMG]http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/3693/hawkmc9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7999/animalgj7.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/4356/ronharrisoz7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/5726/donharrisbj8.jpg[/IMG] [I]Cuts back to ring, in which are the Disciples of Apocalypse.[/I] JR: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, we are live, and looking forward to some tag team action. The arena speakers play the Legion Of Doom's theme, as Animal and Hawk head down the ramp. King: Here's a veteran tag team that needs no introduction, JR. JR: No doubt about it, LOD have held titles everywhere they have been, and are one of the best teams ever inside that ring. The match begins as LOD are jumped whilst taking of their shoulder gear. Skull and 8-Ball double team an isolated Hawk, until the referee forces one of the pair out of the ring. For much of the match, DOA manage to keep Hawk isolated, but eventually he gets the hot tag. He bursts into the match, unloading brutal shots into the Disciples of Apocalypse. Skull attempts a cheap shot, but Animal sends an elbow into his jaw. King: Oh my! Animal then picks up the 300 pounder Skull in a Gorilla Press. He then tosses him right over the ropes to the arena floor! The lone 8-ball is now a prime target for the Doomsday Device. Hawk snaps his opponent's head back with special stiffness, sending 8-ball down to the mat – landing high on shoulders and neck. JR: And there's the 3 count, Legion of Doom win. It's no surprise that this is over, King. I don't think DOA will ever be the same! [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1917/vincemcmahonig9.jpg[/IMG] [I]Cut to Vince McMahon's office backstage. Vince is on the phone.[/I] Vince: Yes, well I know what you have heard. I know about it. I'll be speaking later on tonight, but I.... [IMG]http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5218/mankindvd5.jpg[/IMG] [I]The door swings open. It's Mankind.[/I] Mankind: Hello, Vince... [I]Vince puts the phone down. He's watching Mankind closely.[/I] Vince: Hello. What can I do for you? [I] Mankind steps closer and closer to Vince's desk. Vince leans away, intimidated.[/I] Mankind: Put me in the Rumble, Vince. I want the best spot. Give me that spot. Vince: I'd like to do that, Mankind, I really would, but I can't just give away entry number 30 to you. [I] Suddenly, Mankind throws the phone on Vince's desk away. He's erratic, and Vince steps to his feet, backing to the wall.[/I] Mankind: That's not the spot! I don't want to be last. I want to be first, I wanna fight! I want to hurt 29 other people for over 60 minutes, Vince. Vince: First? That's insane, I mean... [I] Mankind grabs Vince and pushes him against the wall.[/I] Mankind: I'm not insane! Don't.. do not call me that. I just want to do what I like to do. Let me do it. Now. Vince: Mankind... I can't let you have that. That spot is reserved for The Undertaker, he earned a spot in the Rumble last month and made me give him the number one entry. Please, I mean, sure we can work something out here, right? [I] Mankind's grip tightens for a moment. He then releases Vince, before walking away. Vince dusts himself down.[/I] [I]The camera cuts back to ringside.[/I] [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG] JR: Well, King, I guess we know The Undertaker's plans for the Royal Rumble – he wants to go the distance. King: It's crazy! Why would you ask to be first? Judging by what we've just seen, however, I don't think Undertaker is the only fruit loop in the building. Mankind gives me the creeps. [I](Shudders)[/I]. [I]Camera cuts to back, Micheal Cole is standing infront of a RAW logo.[/I] [IMG]http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/2462/therockcd7.jpg[/IMG] Cole: Well, we've already heard a lot about the Royal Rumble tonight, but I'm here with a man who has great designs for the match, and that's the leader of the Nation of Domination, Rocky Maiavia. Rocky, where would you like to enter the Rumble? [I]Boos chorus as the camera pans to Rocky.[/I] Rocky: Frankly, Cole, I don't give a damn where I enter the Royal Rumble. I'm the Great One, and that means I can go toe-to-toe with anyone in this damn Federation. Undertaker, Mankind, Triple H, Steve Austin (Large pop from the crowd) – anyone you like, Rocky will kick their candy ass and send them over the ropes and on the long walk home back to Jabroni Boulevard. Cole: It seems likely that the Nation of Domination will enter the Royal Rumble, are you worried about the loyalty of the group with such a huge prize as the main event at Wrestlemania on the line? [I] Rocky stares intently at Micheal Cole. He slaps him, before taking the mic and pushing Cole off away.[/I] Rock: Micheal Cole, you stupid son of a bitch, I don't need you asking your stupid questions. We are the Nation, and we always will be the Nation. We fight together as we stand together. There is no question of loyalty. The only question here is whether I will have to beat 29 other men or 1, or any number in between before I put my name in the main event of Wrestlemania. [I]He throws the mic to the ground and walks away.[/I] [I]“You've got no chance!” Back in the arena, the owner of the WWE Vince McMahon is strutting out to the ring. [/I] [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1917/vincemcmahonig9.jpg[/IMG] [I]Fans are booing him, with some litter being thrown. One fan in the crowd is wearing a pair of Bret Hart's sunglasses. Vince stops as walks near him. He laughs, before taking the glasses from the fan and putting them on. He swaggers into the ring, laughing to himself. Fans begin chanting “You screwed Bret.”[/I] Vince: Oh, I did, did I? You're still talking about him? Well, it seems so many of you are talking about a certain former superstar of the WWF. [I]The fans cheers loudly in recognition of Bret.[/I] Vince: Well, I told you I had an announcement to make tonight. I do have something to say. But it's not about a bitter Canadian, oh no, I have better things to do with my time. [I]He takes the sunglasses off, throwing them down to ringside.[/I] Vince: Suffice to say, that's the last trace you will see of him here in the WWF. Don't believe everything the internet tells you. (Laughs). King: Wait? So we were wrong? Damn. JR: Damn, indeed, King, it's a shame – but it did seem impossible. Nay, it is impossible, you just heard it. Vince: No, the announcement I have to make, and what you all should have been typing about on the internet, is about the great showcase that is the Royal Rumble. Now, as you all now know, The Undertaker will enter first. Good luck to him, the world needs more suckers. JR: I wouldn't be so quick to call him stupid, Vince, The Undertaker is a phenom, and even entering at #1 he still has every chance of winning that match. Vince: I'm here to tell you that there will be a lottery, where every WWF superstar will have the chance to be entered in the Rumble. They also have a chance of not being in the Rumble, so over the next 3 weeks they can petition me to be part of the Royal Rumble qualifying matches. Each week, a match will be held with the winner gaining a spot in the Royal Rumble. Immediately after that match, on the same night, they will have their entry number drawn. You can look forward to that. [I]Vince walks to leave the ring.[/I] Vince: Oh, and Rocky Maiavia. You seem to think you are already in the Royal Rumble. Well, like I said, you have to qualify, or win a lottery. I suggest you and the Nation of Domination put all your brain cells together and think of a plan, because there will be no easy rides. Stone Cold Steve Austin, the same goes for you, but I doubt you have any friends to swap brain cells with. [I]Immediately, a pane of glass shatters. The crowd goes crazy.[/I] [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6645/steveaustinov2.jpg[/IMG] JR: Vince, far be it for me to call you stupid, but you never, and I mean never, talk smack about the Texas Rattlesnake and expect to get away with it. [I]Austin enters the ring. He goes from corner to corner, flipping the bird along with the fans. Vince realises he's not being watched for a moment, and crawls through the ropes. Steve turns though, and grabs Vince. [/I] Austin: Woah, woah, woah. Slow down, Vince. Heck, I love you, Vince. King: This is a first! Austin: I love you you rich SOB, because I know I only have to hang around the back there five minutes before you slip up and end up with your Italian shoe right in your mouth. Well, now I have to come out here and make things balanced by putting my size 12s right up your ass. [I]The crowd cheer.[/I] Austin: You think I'm worried about having to fight someone to qualify for that Rumble? Stone Cold loves to fight, and he's not letting anyone get in his way. So, tell me, Vince, who am I going to have to stomp a mudhole in? [I]Vince pauses. He's clearly considering what he's about to say.[/I] Vince: Well, Steve. I don't know about that. I mean... I'd have to think. Austin: What? Think fast, Vince. Now. Vince: Right, fine. Tonight, in this very.... ring. In front of the sold-out crowd.... for the entertainment of the fans around the world watching at home... Austin: You got some sorta speech problem, boy? I'm getting tired, and I'm getting ready to kick your sorry ass. Vince: Hold up, hold up! Right. Now, if I have to, you can face.... [I]“Are you ready?...”[/I] [IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/2408/billygunnje5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/5740/bgjameseo1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Triple H, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn all walk down the ramp. Steve turns to face them. Vince smiles.[/I] King: Thank goodness, JR, DX are here to sort out this redneck! Stone Cold turns to Vince, who's laughing. He walks across the ring and separates the ropes, allowing DX to enter the ring. [I]All 3 men line up, cutting the ring in half.[/I] Triple H: Woah, Steve. Don't get so angry, chill out. Vince McMahon doesn't need to answer to you, he can do what he likes. I mean, come on, he's a billionaire – he doesn't have time for trash like you. I think... Austin: (Interrupting) Stone Cold Steve Austin doesn't give a rat's ass what you think, so why don't you and your gang just back up the hell out of my ring? Triple H: (laughs) Your ring? That's pretty big talk. I know counting isn't your strong point, so I'll do it for your. There's one of you, and there's one...two...three of us. So why don't you back out of the ring. [I]Steve steps forward, going nose to nose with Triple H.[/I] JR: Oh my, that's a stupid decision. King: I know, why is that idiot getting in Triple H's face. He doesn't even need to count, it was done for him. 3 versus 1 is simple, JR, it's going to end badly for the one. JR: You've got me wrong, King. It's stupid for Triple H and DX to poke the Rattlesnake. If there was 50 men in that ring, I don't think we would see Stone Cold back down. [I]Triple H separates himself from Austin.[/I] Vince: Woah, woah. Stop. Triple H, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn – thank you for being here. As a matter of fact, Steve, I do have a match for you. Tonight, you can face Triple H. If you win, if you beat him, you can have your Royal Rumble entry. But if you lose, you will have to get used to seeing that Intercontinental Championship around this man's waist. JR: Stone Cold versus Triple H, tonight! [I]All members of DX and Vince begin to laugh.[/I] Steve: Well, that's just fine. I'd love to get a piece of this guy. And once I'm done with you, I'm going on to that Royal Rumble, and I'm kicking everybodys' ass, then I'm going on to that pretty boy you call a leader, and I'm going to kick the Heart Break Kid's looks right off his face, dammit. Triple H: Steve, Steve, you think that's going to happen? You're messing with me, the “Cerebral Assassin”, and DX. You're messing with Shawn Micheals, and you're playing with Vince McMahon. We don't lose. We'll take care of you tonight, and you can watch the Royal Rumble from the sidelines. And if you're not down with that, we've got two words for ya..... JR: Stunner! Stunner! [I]Stone Cold cuts off Triple H with the Stunner. Immediately, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn pounce on him. They take him to the corner and start pounding hin. It doesn't last long though, as Steve rolls out of the ring. [/I] King: There you go, JR, Austin is backing up! He's yellow! [I]Steve grabs the foot of Road Dogg, and drags him to the outside. He stamps all over him, before meeting Billy Gunn as he leaves the ring. He reels off punches, before throwing him headfirst into the announcers' table. It's done with so much force that Billy is sent flying over to the other side of the table.[/I] JR: He's not backing off, King, he's just not as stupid as you think! Stone Cold is taking it to every member of DX! [I]Steve goes back to the ring. He kicks Triple H for good measure, before staring right at Vince. Vince immediately tries to leave the ring, but Steve once again catches him, throwing him to the mat in the centre of the canvas. He calls for a beer, and gets two thrown to him. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn recover a bit on the oustide, staring at Austin who's waiting in the ring.[/I] JR: Steve just gave 'em the finger! [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3571/shawnmichaelslz6.jpg[/IMG] [I]Down the ramp comes Shawn Micheals, who's sprinting. He's looking to attack Austin from behind, but Steve turns and throws one of his beer cans at him. There's a standoff – Stone Cold in the ring, HBK on the ramp. Stone cold is smiling,[/I] R: Low blow! [I] Triple H uses the distraction to cripple Steve with a low blow. All members of DX jump in the ring to beat Austin. Shawn orders them to pick him up. He puts his hand around Steves face, talking trash.[/I] JR: Looks like Shawn's planning some Sweet Shin Music. King: Yes, yes! Do it, champ, do it! [I] Shawn superkicks Austin, who's laid out. Vince laughs. He then whispers to Shawn, and they share a laugh. All of DX pick up Steve, as Vince removes his jacket, laughing a lot.[/I] JR: What is this? [I]Vince kicks Stone Cold, before delivering a Stunner.[/I] King: I love it! A billion dollar Stunner from our boss! JR: This is awful. They look tough now, when it's 5 on 1, but I doubt any of them would be so arrogant if they had to face Stone Cold alone. King: I dunno, JR, Triple H has to face him later tonight, and he looks pretty pleased. [I] Vince opens Steve's beer. He makes to drink it, but just pours it on a prone Steve Austin. Everyone laughs, before RAW cuts to a break.[/I] [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG] JR: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, folks, you're joining me JR and The King at ringside. We've just seen Stone Cold Steve Austin subjected to an attack at the hands of DX and Vince McMahon. You've got to wonder how Steve can win his match tonight with that sort of opposition. King: Vince is a clever man, JR, and I can't see a drunked redneck like Austin overcoming the boss. [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2812/theundertakersx1.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9331/golddustng5.jpg[/IMG] JR: Well, in the ring now we have Goldust. He's a creepy character, indeed, but a talented competitor nonetheless. King: He's another one of these freaks in the WWF that I can't stand. But he's no where near as scary as The.... The lights go out. Undertaker's eerie, slow theme booms out. Torches burst into flames down the ramp as the Deadman makes his way to the ring. JR: I just know you were going to say The Undertaker, King. He's a phenom, with a presence like no other in the WWF, and he's the first man into the Royal Rumble. King: He's going to have to beat 29 other men, JR, but even I have to admit that The Undertaker is so resilient, so tough, and so dominant that he's the man who could do it this year. Undertaker stalks along the apron, as Goldust stands in the corner. He enters the ring, and removes his hat. The lights go on, and the white, empty eyes of The Undertaker strike fear into everyone wat. Undertaker's presence clearly intimidates Golddust, who takes a while to even attempt offence on the Deadman. Still, he recieves a brutal throat thrust for his troubles. He then proceeds to take a beating. JR: Undertaker seems on top form, King, and hasn't even broken a sweat yet. King: That's true, JR, but this match hasn't gone 5 minutes yet. Imagine how much sweating he's going to do when he's been fighting for 50, 60, or 70 minutes. Eventually, the Undertaker seems to tire of hitting Golddust. He raises his hand, waiting for a Chokeslam. Golddust staggers, and is about to be hit. King: What the hell?! [IMG]http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5218/mankindvd5.jpg[/IMG] Mankind springs up throat the ring! He tares right through the canvas. The Undertakers is even taken aback by this. He stares at Mankind, before walking over to him. Mankind pulls a fire extinguisher out, and sprays it into the face of the Deadman. JR: Mankind with a fire extinguisher! Right into the eyes, that's got to blind Undetaker. The Deadman begins to flail as he struggles without his vision. The referee, confused by the sudden carnage, throws the match out. Golddust leaves the ring, struggling with the beating he just received. Mankind climbs out of the whole he made, and stalks the Undertaker. The referee moves to get Mankind to leave the ring, but he's pushed aside. Undetaker begins to turn, still wiping his eyes clear, but Mankind charges. JR: Holy hell! Mankind, Mankind, he just caved the Deadman's skull in! Mankind lays a brutal swing of the Fire Extinguisher in onto the head of The Undertaker – who simply crumbles. JR: Oh my.. get some help, please. [I]The show cuts to a break.[/I] [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG] [I]The show returns from break. A replay of the attack is shown on the screen, as well as the medical crew's assistance to the Undertaker which took place during the break.[/I] JR: Right now, ring crews are trying to fix the canvas that was broken during the attack of Mankind. During the break, EMTs managed to stretcher out Undertaker, who was knocked out by a shot with that Fire Extinguisher. It looks bad, with the Deadman losing a lot of blood. We'll keep you updated on his condition as we hear more. King: If you didn't already know it, now you know that Mankind is a sick freak. He may well have caved his skull in with that shot. JR: Maybe. Well, we will have to recover from that and look forward to the Main Event for tonight – Stone Cold Steve Austin versus Degeneration X's Triple H. If Austin wins, he claims a spot in the Royal Rumble, with his position in that match being immediately drawn following the win. If he loses, however, his Intercontinental Championship, which he has held for 4 months, will be handed over to Triple H. King: Here's hoping, JR! [I] Cuts to backstage. Steve Austin is putting on his knee brace, watching the monitor. He looks mad. [/I] JR: And there he is, the current reigning, and tonight defending, Intercontinental Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin. [I] The camera cuts to Triple H, sitting in the locker room laughing with the rest of DX. The crowd boos loudly.[/I] King: And there is his opponent, JR. He's looking confident, he's looking calm, and he looks ready to earn some championship gold. I can't wait! JR: It's next! [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6645/steveaustinov2.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG] W/ [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3571/shawnmichaelslz6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/8551/chynanw4.jpg[/IMG] [I]The camera cuts to the crowd, panning around the fans. “Austin 3:16” signs are visible, as well as a number of “Welcome back, Bret” banners. Over the speakers comes Triple H's theme music. More boos for the DX member, who makes his way to the ring flanked by the World Champion Shawn Micheals, and the 9th Wonder of the World Chyna. He walks the apron, before spitting his wate into the air. He points at the camera, before pointing to his waits – where he believes Steve's championship will soon reside. Glass breaks, and the arena rises to their feet to see Stone Cold march down the ramp. He stops outside the ring to stare at Shawn and Chyna, mouthing warnings to them. Shawn ****ily smiles. [/I][I] The pair are in the ring, Triple H receiving some last-minute advice from Shawn, and Steve waiting in his corner.[/I] JR: We are about to kick things off in this main event! [I]“You've got no chance”... Vince McMahon comes down the ramp, strutting. He shakes Triple H's hand, before joining JR and King at the commentary table.[/I] [IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1917/vincemcmahonig9.jpg[/IMG] Vince: Hello King, Hello JR, I hope you don't mind me joining you. I thought I'd get a first hand look at what Triple H is going to do to that pain in the ass Austin. JR: Well, it's your company, and you're always welcome, Vince, but perhaps you're a little too sure Triple H is going to win this one. King: Quiet, JR! He's a millionaire. He's rich because he makes good guesses and predictions. You work for him, so keep your mouth shut. The bell rings, and the fans instantly start chanting for Austin. He smiles, whilst Triple H turns to the crowd – clearly irritated by the Rattlesnake's support. The match builds as a stalemate, with Triple H not quite managing to out wrestle Austin, but Austin never quite managing to land many shots on Triple H. King: That Triple H is a genius. He's just waiting for Austin to make a mistake, and then he's going to take him out. Vince: I agree, King, and that's why they call him the “Cerebral Assassin”. His mental game is unparalleled in that ring. Steve's frustrations grow with Triple H's extremely conservative tacticts. Every time Austin starts to land shots on him, he rolls to the outside and allows Chyna and Shawn to massage him. JR: Stone Cold has had enough! Austin dives from the ring. Triple H bolts, but Shawn is left to take a right hand from Steve, who then turns to face Chyna. Vince: He can't hit a woman! That's disgusting. Steve turns away from Chyna, who clubs him in the back of the neck, before ramming his face into the guard rail. The referee tells her to back off, but Triple H swoops to take control of a stunned Austin. Triple H continues to beat on Austin, taking advantage of the opportunity his cheap short afforded. Triple H applies a sleeper, but Austin manages to come back from the hold and land elbow shots on Triple H. Steve whips him into the rope, going for the Back Body drop, but Triple H catches him with a knee. Triple H rolls his opponent to the outside, where Shawn and Chyna can get in cheap shots behind the back of the distracted referee. JR: Come on, Vince, you're the boss of the company. Do something! Vince: What? I appoint my officials to enforce the rules. If he sees nothing wrong, then I'm not going to undermine him. Why, there would be chaos if I started arguing with officials! Austin attempts a few comebacks throughout the match, but each time DX manages to thwart his efforts. JR: Was this your plan all along, Vince? Let those vultures pick away at the Intercontinental Champion in what's really just a handicap match? Vince: JR, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just here to enjoy the wrestling. Triple H has Austin hooked for a DDT. He signals to the crowd, but Steve pushes him into the ropes, but Chyna hooks Steve's feet as he runs at the opposite ropes. The referee, having had enough, throws DX out from ringside! King: What? Ridiculous! He can't do that. Vince, don't let him do that! Micheals and Chyna are furious, and Shawn comes over to Vince, asking for help. Vince comes from behind the announcers table and throws the referee out instead! He shouts a message to King. King: Ha ha! Vince just told me he's going to referee the rest of this match. I love it! Steve eyeballs Vince, but is caught from behind with a cheap shot by Triple H. Austin is hurting, having taken a beating from all of DX under the officiating of Vince. Triple H is signals for the pedigree. King: It's going to be over, here! He hooks the arms of Austin, but loses his hold as his opponents struggles lose. He's then caught in a small package. JR: Pin attempt! Vince goes to the mat, but counts very slowly, with Triple H still only escaping at 2. Austin is up, and he's pissed. Shawn's on the apron, distracting the Rattlesnake, but Austin charges and sends him crashing from the apron onto the Ninth Wonder of the World Chyna. Triple H looks to sneak attack, but Austin turns and cathches him with a Lou Thesz press. Vince tries to pull him off, but Steve gives him the finger and continues. King: He can't do that! That's the boss! JR: I think he just did, King. Austin waits for Triple H to stands, measuring him for a kick to the gut. It's blocked, though, and Triple H spins his opponent around before attempting his own kick. That's blocked too, and Austin throws the leg away before delivering a Stunner. JR: Stunner! The counter, it's the Stunner! He covers Triple H, but Vince is distracted arguing with fans. Steve turns him around, but Vince pushes him away. JR: And now a Stunner on Vince! King: That wasn't clever! Every member of DX now rushes the ring and attacks the Rattlesnake. Vince, barely conscious, calls for the bell, disqualifying Austin. JR: It's not like he wasn't provoked! King: You never put your hands on an official, JR, never! JR: This is wrong, Austin is getting screwed here. [I] The beat down continues, as Austin is left helpless. Triple H takes the Intercontinental Championship, before smashing it into the Champion's face. The camera moves round to show that Austin is bleeding from the blow. [/I] [I]Vince recovers slightly. He is hurt, and seething.[/I] Vince: I hope you enjoyed that Austin, because that's the last time you will ever touch that belt. You're stripped of it! You can't touch officials! You don't cross the boss! [I] Shawn Micheals delivers another Superkick, before RAW goes off the air. The last shot is of Austin lying in his own blood on the mat.[/I] [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/CENTER]
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Hi, gang, this is the first entry in a diary. I attempted it a while ago, but lost interest as I struggled with the length of show writeups. Believe it or not, this is a shortened version of RAW! Still, I'm happy with this. I'll be including RAW previews as well as Internet reports in this diary, which you can look out for soon. The first internet report will contain a slice of this diary's backstory. Thanks to anyone that read it.
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[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][CENTER][IMG]http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/4080/onlinebt4.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]1/1 RAW is War Rundown[/B] Here's the results of last night's RAW for those that missed: Owen Hart overcame D'lo Brown via submission in a decent match Legion of Doom dominated Disciples of Apocolypse, getting a pinfall. Both teams were exhausted, this was a stinker, folks. The Undertaker versus Goldust contest ended a draw after interference from Mankind. Even with the dodgy finish, this was a great contest – my Match of the Night pick, readers. Triple H got the win over Steve Austin, after Vince McMahon disqualified the Rattlesnake. Later, Austin was stripped of his Intercontinental Championship. A good main event, Triple H certainly looked good coming out of this one. The show was a sell-out crowd of 15,000, and was one of the best RAWs in recent memory. [B]Triple H and Billy Gunn Brawl Backstage![/B] After last night's RAW, Triple H and Billy Gunn had to be dragged apart before they hurt each other. It's unclear exactly what happened, but it's felt that Triple H had antagonised Gunn leading to the beginnings of a fight. Backstage crew pulled the pair apart. It's not the first time Triple H's attitude has rubbed someone up the wrong way. Many feel that this young worker could become something of a backstage problem in the years to come if he continues down this path – or nobody corrects him. [B]Bret Hart Rumours Crushed on RAW[/B] Vince McMahon is the man with the power in the WWF, and on last night's RAW is War he spoke out on rumours that Bret Hart was returning to the company. He stated that Bret would never be seen on TV again. It's worth nothing that no-one would mention Bret's name on the broadcast, which demonstrates that he is not undert contract with the company, and they have no right to use his image or name as a result. Bret's status with WCW may be unclear at present, but it's wrong to assume that he is now once again part of the WWF. [B]Management Pleased With New Booker[/B] WWF appointed a new head booker recently, and this was the first RAW he handled. They were pleased that he put together such a great show. [B]Owen Hart Impresses[/B] The feeling is that management were impressed with the performance of Owen Hart. He shined in his match. His in-ring skills have always been well regarded backstage, however, although management have always felt that his weak mic skills stop him from becoming a franchise player and carrying the World Championship – and the company. Still, it's felt that Owen is more then capable of holding a key role elsewhere in the singles division. Or, indeed, the tag division, if a suitable partner could be found. [B]WWF Looking for New Stars[/B] It's said that WWF management is pushing for new stars to be developed. Likely in a move designed to avoid the issues of WCW, who rely more on aged superstars to draw, WWF powers would like to see new talent being developed that could one day be a big part of the company. They are opposed to bringing in older names to draw ratings, again as opposed to the booking of WCW. It's felt that the independent scene holds a great deal of good, untapped talent, and there's a negativity felt towards any raids of World Championship Wrestling or even Extreme Championship Wrestling, or any other recognisable promotion.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][CENTER][IMG]http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/4080/onlinebt4.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]World Wrestling Federation Grabs Development Territory[/B] We've just learnt that WWF has signed up small wrestling outfit Empire Wrestling Federation to become its new development territory. The move makes sense considering the recent emphasis put on growing new talent. EWF has been running since 1996, owned and booked by respected trainer Jesse Hernendez. It's thought that the WWF approached many different small companies with an offer. EWF was likely settled on due to the tested quality of its owner/booker Hernendez with regards to bringing up new talent. The deal took place earlier this week. Plans were well underway regarding which talent would benefit from a spell in development, and so many have already been told to report to EWF for training. The people believed to already be enrolled in development are: Andrew Test Martin Jesus Castillo Jr. Prince Albert Glen Jacobs Mark Henry Not all of these workers are due to stay for an extended period. Some have been told to work on their physical condition, whilst others simply need time to imporve their skills. One or two may be used to train the younger talent and help develop their performance. More talent is due to be sent down soon. The promotion is holding a show later this week, and would no doubt hope that the WWF crew would take a look at some of the EWF's existing talent who will also appear on the show alongside developmental workers. Since getting the deal with the WWF, EWF has signed a number of people. No doubt many will be more willing to consider working with the small outfit now that it offers the best opportunity to be seen infront of the WWF. We'll bring you the results of that up coming EWF show soon.[/FONT]
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[QUOTE]Pretty good write-up. I guess your are bringing Hart back a little later down the line I suppose? Nice details...good interviews. I'll try to keep up.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET WE WANT BRET!!! lol good stuff so far[/QUOTE] Thanks for feedback, all (including GingaRob) Bret may or may not be coming back, I just couldn't tell you. It's not even decided, the whole diary was formed on the idea of there just being rumours of his return! Still. That's not to say he's not coming back.
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You obviously put a lot of work into this first show, and it came out pretty well. That said, it's almost [I]too[/I] wordy. A lot of the time you've got JR telling us what's happening as you're telling us what's happening. Also, it's a minor thing, but JR rarely if ever called Steve Austin "Steve" or Vince McMahon "Vince." It just stuck out as a sore spot because I can't even imagine him saying the words- it's always "Austin" or "Mr. McMahon" or some nickname. Really great diary otherwise, and solid characterizations from Austin, Rock, Mankind and McMahon. Triple H came off a little bland, but he was really just filling a minor role. I want to see where this diary ends up- please, please don't let Vince win the rumble.
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[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][CENTER][IMG]http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/4080/onlinebt4.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Random Drug Test in World Wrestling Federation[/B] Sources tell us that the lockeroom of the WWF are shaken by a recent random drug test carried out. We can confirm that a number of workers have failed for various drugs, but their identities are currently unknown. Any punishment given is also unknown, although some workers have received reprimand. Currently, the WWF has no drug testing policy, and it rarely carries out any tests on its workers. Murmurings have long suggested that Shawn Micheals, Triple H, and Chyna (in fact, all Degeneration X members) engage in recreational or other drug use, among other WWF stars. This is purely conjecture however, and isn't fact. The promotion has had little to say regarding drug use, although it's a known fact that an array of drug abuses are a plague to the entire wrestling industry – WWF included. It has no requirement to publicise the result of these tests. We'll work hard to try and get the scoop. Look out for more on this in the coming days.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][CENTER][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7084/wwflogofs6.jpg [/IMG][/CENTER] [B]8/1 RAW Is War Preview: Intercontinental Championship Tournament[/B] Last week on RAW, Vince McMahon stripped Steve Austin of his Intercontinental Championship in a highly controversial manner following Austin's disqualification loss to Triple H. Following the match, Degeneration X beat Austin bloody. As of yet, Austin is still struggling to recover – the wound from the belt shot alone requiring 13 stitches. Today, Vince has decided to hold a tournament to crown a new champion, which will begin this week on RAW. 8 superstars will face off in 4 singles matches, with the victor in each of these contests going on to a 4-way match on the following week's RAW. The final victor of that match will be crowned the new champion. [CENTER][IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So far, the only announced name for the tournament is Degeneration X's own Triple H. Vince McMahon said: “More names will be made known on RAW. Right now, I'm throwing my support behind Triple H. Before Austin's despicable attack on me, borne out of frustration at not being able to defeat such a world-class athlete, I believe Triple H was well on his way to winning that Championship. It's my privilege to give him a chance at this title -- a chance he has earned. He'd be a champion I would be proud of.” [B]Mankind to Compete for Royal Rumble Position[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5218/mankindvd5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mankind made an impact when he hospitalised The Undertaker after nearly crushing his skull with a fire extinguisher mid-match. The attack came mid-match, following Mankind's bizarre, although consistent, behaviour pattern of breaking through the ring. This upcoming week, Mankind will be one of the competitors fighting for a spot in the Royal Rumble. He's made it known that he will be filling the injured Undertaker's #1 spot in the contest if (“when”) he wins his match this week. Unsurprisingly, many are afraid to face the deranged Mankind in a match after seeing what he did to the usually unstoppable Undertaker. Regardless, Vince McMahon has made it known that he will find an opponent for Mankind on the broadcast – if he chooses himself, Mankind does, or he even picks names out of a hat. [/FONT]
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[FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][CENTER][IMG]http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/4080/onlinebt4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Intercontinental Championship Tournament Names Leaked[/B] We have been able to discover the identities of many of the performers in this week's Intercontinental Championship Tournament on RAW. [CENTER][IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/3568/owenhartuj3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/9237/kenshamrockoq7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/1430/alsnowzm6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/1746/jeffjarrettuq4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9331/golddustng5.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Above are 6 competitors in the upcoming tournament. It's more then likely one of these names will be the eventual winner in the tournament. Sources say that WWF management would be happy to see the belt on any of these workers. The remaining two worker's identities are unknown. At such a late stage, it'd doubtful that whoever would take these last spots would be receiving any real consideration to win the championship. [B]Ahmed Johnson Made Example Of[/B] Regarding the recent drug testing, we've learnt that Ahmed Johnson has been fired as a results of failing his testing. While the specific substance is unknown, it's said that he was released regarding the use of a hard drug. Many backstage are shocked at the severity of the punishment, but feel that he is being made an example of. We can reveal that Degeneration X's entire roster of members tested positive, although they received just a verbal warning. It's felt that the group consider themselves untouchable, and that those in power wouldn't want to irritate them and see them jump ship to WCW or elsewhere. Other workers tested positive too, although we couldn't confirm who they are. More if and when it's available. [/FONT]
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Just as an aside and from someone who knows nothing about the past of the WWF/WWE, I'd find it useful if you put wrestler's names underneath their pictures to make it a bit easier. Sure, I can right click and find out who they are (like I just did with Jeff Jarrett there), but for the sake of reading simplicity it'd be a good addition. You're putting in so much effort here it'd be a shame to have people not read just cos they have no clue who people are :)
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Thanks guys. I appreciate Lazorbeak and Rathen's criticisms/advice and I hope you find the future entries more to your taste :) Obviously I appreicate Welshy's love the most tho lol Oh, and hopefully you can all look forwad to seeing RAW tomorrow or Monday.
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[CENTER][B]Monday, Week 2, January 1998[/B] [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7259/wwfrawtc0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The RAW is War intro plays. We then cut to ringside...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to RAW is War this Monday evening! King: JR, I'm excited, JR! Remember last week, what Mr. McMahon did to Austin? It can only get better this week! JR: Well...certainly we have a great night of action ahead of us tonight, King, with the recently announced Intercontinental Championship Tournament. [CENTER][IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1917/vincemcmahonig9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]”You've got no chance!” Vince McMahon comes to the ring. He's booed viciously. He takes a mic and stands in the center of the ring.[/I] “Well, welcome to RAW. As you all know, we have no Intercontinental Champion.” [I]A loud boo echoes throughout the arena.[/I] “Tonight, that changes. Tonight we will see the first half of a great tournament to decide who will hold that championship from now on. 8 of our superstars will compete in 4 matches tonight, with the winner of those matches going on to a Fatal Four Way Final next week. Well, that just brings me to the competitors... Triple H [I](another loud boo)[/I] is already announced for the tournament, and I can't blame anyone who has called him the “favorite” for this tournament. For my money, and, as you know, that's a hell of a lot of money, he's the one to win this! There will be others, though, and they will be revealed in due course. They are superstars I think have a certain...quality about them. But places are still up for grabs, so if anyone wants to come into Mr. McMahon's office and petition me, well, I'm a man of reason. Anyone is welcome to do so!” [I]A loud chant of “Austin, Austin, Austin” breaks out.[/I] Oh, yes, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Well, of course, I'd love to have him wrestle this evening, but, unfortunately, he can't be here. He's hurt, it seems, after a certain beating he received, and is not cleared to wrestle. As a caring, concerned employer I have told Steve that he can rest this evening – I have told him not to turn up. Heck, I even took the time and effort to cancel his flight here...for his own damn good, of course. [I]Vince smiles, but the chant continues.[/I] Cheer and chant all you want, he's not coming. Oh, and Mankind has....requested that he be given a Royal Rumble qualifying match tonight. So, I would like anybody interested in facing him tonight to make themselves known, and I will make a decision. Enjoy the tournament and enjoy tonight. I know I'm looking forward to it.” [I]We return from a break, with a match about to begin in the ring.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/3693/hawkmc9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7999/animalgj7.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/618/phineasgodwinnqs9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/2883/henrygodwinnmn9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Here we have the Godwinns facing off against the Legion of Doom, with Hawk and Animal coming into this match off the back of a win last week against the Disciples of Apocalypse. King: Oh, don't remind me, JR! Just thinking what I saw happen to those poor souls last week... JR: LOD certainly dominated that pair, who I'm told have not yet returned to in-ring competition. Hawk is hot from the bell, and he takes it to Phineas of the Godwinns. He sends some harsh punches in, before whipping his opponent into the ropes and delivering a high back body drop. He tags in Animal, who adds his own punishment. The match continues with LOD keeping the momentum. They are just pounding the Godwinns, as the crowd lap up Hawk and Animal's brutality. King: This is awful! How can these idiots cheer for what we are seeing here? After eight minutes, and after both members of the Godwinns have had several exposures each to LOD's offense, the match looks set to come to a finish. Animal's in the ring, with Henry struggling to get to his feet. JR: Look out, now! Phineas, frustrated, had picked up the bucket he'd brought to the ring and is now sneaking into the ring. Animal can't see what's coming, as Phineas winds up to swing... JR: Hawk puts a stop to that! Hawk managed to sneak around the outside, grab Phineas's legs, and pull him from the ring. He spends a moment or two smashing his opponents head off the barricade before joining Animal in the ring. King: Oh my, they've really angered them now, JR... Animal hoists an extremely dazed Henry up on his shoulders as Hawk climbs the turnbuckle. Pausing, Hawk turns to the crowd and gives them a thumbs-up sign. Then he gives them the thumbs down. He keeps switching between the two, looking for the fans to decide Henry's fate. Hawk gives the thumbs up; the crowd boos and several wave in protest. Hawk gives the thumbs down; the arena explodes – even the faint noise of a “**** 'em up, Hawk” chant can be heard from some part of the crowd. The LOD member nods in agreement, and launches a brutal clothesline that looks destined to break the Henry's jaw. JR: Holy hell! This is over! The referee quickly raises the hands of the Legion of Doom, before anxiously checking on the condition of Henry O. Godwinn. King: Dominance, sheer dominance, JR. That was brutal. JR: And it looks like they have something to say. [I] Hawk grabs a microphone.[/I] “Legion of Doom loves kickin' ass, and we've being doing it longer then anyone. [I]Crowd cheers.[/I] More then that, we have been dominating tag team wrestling for longer then anyone. And that's why we get so sick when we see punks like the New Age Outlaws holding those tag team titles. Just last week, they come out and attack a guy 4-on-1. They think they're pretty big when they got the numbers, but how about they step in the ring with two real men? When are they going to put those championships on the line against the two biggest dogs in the park? We are coming for you two punks, and we just dare you to get in our faces. We're going to rough you up, take those belts, and leave you lyin'.” JR: Well, there's a challenge from the Legion of Doom to the New Age Outlaws! Somehow, I doubt Billy Gunn and Road Dogg are happy about it, too. King: Are you kidding? After seeing what they just did to the poor Godwinns? Those muscle-head brutes shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a team of the class the New Age Outlaws belong to! [I]The camera cuts to the back. Vince is in his office, with some guests.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1917/vincemcmahonig9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG] http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3571/shawnmichaelslz6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shawn: Vince, are you sure you know what you're doing here? I mean, anyone? Do you know the kind of people that might want in this tournament? Come on, Triple H is a world-class athlete – he shouldn't have to fight just anybody. Vince: Well, I understand your concern, Shawn, I do. Don't think I don't remember what DX did for me, and don't think I'm not grateful. Vince McMahon shows his gratitude. I think I know just the person to step into the ring with a future champion like Triple H tonight. Triple H: Thanks, Vince. Oh, and once again, congratulations on a golden moment last week on RAW. Seeing you give that redneck Austin the Stunner is a memory I will treasure forever. Vince:[I](Smiling)[/I]It was pretty good, wasn't it? I'd love to do that another time, really kick that son of a bitch... Heck, I should enter myself into that Royal Rumble! I'd beat some respect into this entire company. Say, that's not a bad idea... [CENTER][IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/3568/owenhartuj3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The camera swings round to show Owen entering the room. A large cheer is heard. He steps up to Vince's desk and leans over to speak.[/I] Owen: Tonight's Intercontinental Championship Tournament should be great. There's a lot of good guys in the lockeroom looking for a chance. But I'm better then good, and everyone saw it last week when I tapped D'lo Brown out, Vince. There's bigger fish to fry in this company, and there's no one in this lockeroom that I can't beat at any time, I know it. [I]A figure steps behind Owen and clears his throat loudly. Owen stands up to face him. It's Shawn Micheals. A huge cheer goes up in the arena as the two go face to face. “We want Bret” once again begins to echo throughout the building.[/I] Shawn: [I](After pausing to look at the World Heavyweight Championship resting on his shoulder)[/I] Is that so? Owen: Yes, I could take anyone. I'm the best... [I]Shawn interrupts.[/I] Shawn: I knew a man who said he was the best. In fact, he said more then that... I can't remember it, though. Can you, Hunter? Triple H: [I](Mockingly)[/I]Nope. Can't remember either. Shawn: Oh, wait, there it is: he thought he was the best there is, the best there was, and the best that there ever would be. [I]Shawn steps closer. They are nose to nose.[/I] Do you remember what happened to him, Owen? [I]Owen is visibly angry, but doesn't speak.[/I] Shawn: That's right: I beat him. I took his championship and sent him running from the WWF. Nobody remembers...nobody cares about the Hart name any more. It's all about Michaels and Degeneration X. [I]Owen, face red with anger, swings for Shawn, who just manages to duck the punch. Just then, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and Chyna all enter the room. The surround Owen.[/I] Shawn: Woah. You wouldn't want tonight to see the last of the Hart family scrubbed off the WWF, would you? [I]Owen's clearly intimidated by the numbers, but he's clearly ready to fight Shawn and DX anyway.[/I] Shawn: [I](laughs)[/I] Vince, as a favour to me, would you put this joker in the tournament? [I](He looks to Triple H)[/I] I'm looking forward to Degeneration X knocking him off his perch. Vince: [I](Clearly wanting to avoid a situation)[/I] Yes, fine, Owen you are in the Tournament. Go and get ready, I'll have an opponent for you. [I]Owen looks Shawn in the eye a few moments longer, before walking away.[/I] Vince: Right, now that's done we can get some work done... [CENTER][IMG]http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/2462/therockcd7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The camera pans to see Rocky Maivia standing in the doorway.[/I] Rocky: Your plans better include putting the Great One in they Tournament, Vinny Mac. [I]It's a surprise, and everyone turns. Degeneration X all stand together and step towards Rocky.[/I] Rocky: Do it! Come on! I'll kick all your candy asses if I have to. You don't scare Rocky. [I]DX seem happy to oblige, but Vince stops them.[/I] Vince: Stop it, leave it. Just what do you want? Rocky: Can't you hear no good anymore, Vince? I guess you're getting old. I'll say it slowly, then... “Maivia” should be in the tournament...tonight... Vince: Just why the hell.... Rocky: [I](Interrupting)[/I] What in the blue hell are you doing? Interrupting me? I wasn't done speaking... Vince:[I](Interrupting him)[/I] You are done! Get out of my office! Get him out of here. Rocky: Woah! Chill out, I'm just joking. Rocky's just having a little joke. But what I never joke about is just how great the Great One is. You see, I'm the ball-busting, jabroni crushing, elbow dropping, [I](he looks directly at Shawn)[/I] show stopping, eyebrow raising, title chasing....Rocky Maivia. Vince: You're a ****y son of a bitch, and I'm going to see to it you get what you deserve. Tonight, for your match in the tournament, you can face the [I](imitates Rocky in whiny tone)[/I] never-faking, ankle breaking Ken Shamrock. Honestly, I hope he screws you up... [I]Rocky Smiles. He eyeballs everyone in the room one last time.[/I] Rocky: That's all I wanted. [I]Monday Night RAW returns from a break. The camera cuts to King and JR at ringside.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Welcome back, folks. RAW certinaly is shaping up to be big tonight, as Vince McMahon has announced that both Owen Hart and Rocky Maivia will be taking part in the Intercontinental Championship tournament that's going to begin tonight and be decided next week. King: Well, the tournament is going to last for two weeks, but I don't see Rocky Maivia surviving tonight. There's no denying that Ken Shamrock is an animal in that ring. There's a chance at the Intercontinental Championship on the line, JR, do you think Shamrock is going to let anything get in his way? JR: Well, we'll find out how that match is going to end in our Main Event, but the first match of the competition is about to begin. [CENTER][IMG]http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/1430/alsnowzm6.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9331/golddustng5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Al Snow's music plays and he gets a cheer from some section of the crowd. He stalks to the ring, and even gets a few fans patting him on the back. [/I] JR: I'm told that Al Snow has something of a cult following among the WWF fans, King. King: Really? That freak? [I]Golddust's lavish entrance begins. He parades to the ring, receiving a lot of boos. Some even chant “Un-der-tak-er” in his direction.[/I] JR: Golddust a multi-time champion, Al Snow actually a reputed technical wrestler and resiliant brawler – who do you pick to win this one? King: JR, I honestly don't care. I hope these freaks kill each other so I don't have to put up with any of them later when I'm trying to appreciate a ring-general like Triple H wrestle later on. The contest is even display between the two slightly bizarre characters. Golddust would often get an advantage with some of his pelvis-centered offense. Then, Al would counter with a submission hold that would have Golddust screaming like a girl. At around the fifteenth minute, Al Snow manages to get Golddust hooked for the Snowplow. He attempts to hoist him, but receives a rake to the eye that sends him reeling to the ropes. Golddust takes the opportunity to hit his bulldog, leaving Al sprawled. JR: That was cheap, right there! He then drags Snow to the corner by his hair, and hoists him up to the turnbuckle. He loops his opponent's legs around the outside of the rope, looking for the Shattered Dreams. JR: The referee should stop this, that move is illegal. The Bizzare One steps to the opposite turnbuckle, and points out a trouble making fan to the official. The referee keeps focused on the match, however, so Golddust is forced to “accidentally” trip the referee out through the ropes. King: Well, without that referee I think we can kiss goodbye to ever seeing anymore little Al Snows in the world! JR: No, a forearm! Snow manages to cut off Golddust with a forearm that cuts him dead. Al pulls himself free, as Golddust takes to leaning against the turnbuckle to recover. Al takes a quick look around, before unleashing his own brutal kick to the groin! The fans cheer loudly for Al, Golddust in agony at the taste of his own medicine. JR: I think Al Snow was a little bit impressionable here, King, and I have to call it fair play! King: Rollup! The referee is in the ring again -- 1,2..3. That idiot Snow has won it.. [I]Al has his hand raised in the ring, as a few of the hardcore Snow fans begin an “Al, Al, Al” chant. The camera cuts to a dark room in the back.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5218/mankindvd5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Mankind is barely visible, obscured by the darkness.[/I] “You all saw what I'm willing to do. You all saw it when I broke Undertaker's skull with that fire extinguisher. It's supposed to help. It's suppose to protect. I use it to hurt! I used it to bring him down... That's what I'll do. Anything. I'll make a weapon out of anything, and if I can't do that then I'll use myself. We've been here before. Everyone knows what we can do to each other 'Taker. But I've finished you off...now it's about what I'm going to do to 29 other men in the Royal Rumble. I have to qualify tonight -- that's what the rules say. But I will qualify because there is nobody alive...or dead... that can stop me. And when I win, I will take Undertaker's place as the first man in that Rumble. So, I dare anyone to face me! I want you to! Do it! I'll do anything...I will do anything. I killed a Deadman to be number one! That's my message, now get out of here..” [I]The footage ends as Mankind pushes the camera away, which falls to the ground. We return to ringside.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Welcome back fans. King: [I](Shudders)[/I] Mankind is another one of those freaks that gives me the creeps. JR: In the ring we have a young competitor named Adam Copeland. We must apologies as we are unsure of his opponent right now. I've been told that Copeland is a potential-filled young talent who's been wrestling just under a year now. [I]”It's time to play the game...”[/I] JR: No...surely not, King? King: Ha ha! I love it! JR: No, Copeland hasn't been wrestling for a year yet. This is a joke! This is a slap in the face of anyone who's held that championship... [I]Triple H walks to the ring smiling. He's full of confidence.[/I] JR: Of course you're going to look confident, Triple H, this kid's got no chance! [CENTER][IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/1826/sextonhardcastlexj3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The referee hesitantly rings the bell, and Triple H immediately gets on the offense against Copeland, who's just overwhelmed. He's battered in the corner, until the referee pulls him away. JR: This is just awful.. The match continues with the Cerebral Assassin dominating. Copeland can't get any offense mounted. By the ninth minute, Triple H looks done with this cruel game. He calls for the Pedigree. JR: Thanks heavens. He delivers a kick to the midsection and hooks the arms of Copeland. King: Rollup! Oh no! The referee counts one, he counts to, but doesn't get three – Triple H kicks out. JR: That was out of nowhere, King, Copeland might have had him. Copeland's surprise pin attempt seems to have fired him up, and he gets to his feet. King: Pedigree! Yes! Triple H wasted no time delivering his finisher. He's clearly annoyed that Copeland could break through his game like that. JR: And another Pedigree! Just cover him, damn it! After another Pedigree for good measure, a visibly pissed Triple H gets the 3 count for the win. JR: What a surprise, Triple is the second man to advance to the final of the tournament. Mr McMahon is playing favourites here! [I]We see another shot of the beaten Copeland, before RAW goes to a break.[/I] [I]The return of RAW sees Micheal Cole standing backstage with Ken Shamrock.[/I] Cole: Welcome back to RAW, I'm here with Ken Shamrock, the man Mr. McMahon has chosen to take on Rocky Maivia of the Nation of Domination later on tonight. How do you feel about acting as the hired gun? Shamrock: I'm no hired goon, Cole. I hurt everybody in that ring. I've been given a chance to take that Intercontinental Championship, and whilst everyone's watching Maivia and the rest of the roster talk big and argue, I'm getting ready. I'm getting ready for my shot, and I'm going to make things happen. Cole: From the rest of the competitors in the tournament, who would you like to see in the final? Shamrock: After I take out Maivia and teach him a lesson, I want everyone else who's talking big to be in that final. I want everyone talking smack about me in that final, so I can teach them a lesson. I'm going to take them down, and I'm going to tap them out. [I]Shamrock leaves looking pumped.[/I] [I]We cut back the arena.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/1917/vincemcmahonig9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5218/mankindvd5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Vince McMahon is standing at the top of the ramp with Mankind. Vince has a mic, whilst Mankind is pacing back and forward.[/I] Vince: Now, at the top of the show I asked if anyone wanted to face Mankind. Unsurprisingly, we didn't find an opponent. There's no one to face Mankind. [I]At hearing this, Mankind stops. He looks at Vince for a moment. He then starts punching and kicking the RAW stage in frustration, letting out wild screams.[/I] Vince: Woah, woah! Stop that! Stop that you idiot, now! [I]Mankind steps over to Vince.[/I] Vince: [I](Intimidated)[/I] Ok, I'm sorry. I have got someone for you. Go to the ring, Mankind...go to the ring. Just wait there. [I]Mankind runs to the ring. He rolls through the bottom ropes. Whilst he's waiting, he walks from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, tearing at them and leaving bits of foam on the canvas.[/I] Vince: So, in place of a volunteer, we are holding a lottery. Right now, in fact. Bring it up on screen. [I]The Titantron is running through pictures of every person on the WWF roster. We see Vader, Undertaker, Owen Hart, and more.[/I] Vince: Any of these could be called to wrestle right. They are the....lucky person who will get offered the opportunity to compete for a guaranteed spot in the Royal Rumble. We will pick that person....now! [CENTER][IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/1133/hardcorehollyel4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The Titantron shows Hardcore Holly has been selected to face Mankind. His music plays. After a few more seconds then usual he comes from behind the curtain and tentatively makes his way to the ring. [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5218/mankindvd5.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/1133/hardcorehollyel4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Well, for better or worse, Hardcore Holly has a great opportunity here. Who knows, he's as tough as they come, he could steal one here... Just as JR says this, Mankind floors him with a clothesline. The whole match sees Mankind brutalize Holly all over the ring. Sometimes Holly gets few shots in, but his opponent simply seems to spend a few seconds relishing the abuse, then deals worse back to him. Eventually, Mankind puts on the Mandible Claw and Holly taps. He wont break the hold, but drags Holly back to his feet. He tosses him over the ropes. For a moment he stares down contently at his handiwork. JR: And that's the man who's set to be first into the Rumble, can he do that to 29 other men? [I]Raw takes a break.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/3568/owenhartuj3.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/1746/jeffjarrettuq4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Welcome back, folks, you're joining us as we begin the third of our Intercontinental Championship Tournament matches this evening, which looks set to be a slobber knocker. We've been joined at ringside by the Cerebral Assassin, and fellow tournament competitor, Triple H. Triple H: I just had to be at ringside for this one, JR. Everyone's backing Owen, and but I think he's all talk. He won't get the job done. Jarrett's my man. King: I'm a fan of Jeff Jarrett too, Hunter. Sure, he's ****y, but look at what he does in the ring. He backs it up, JR. Anyone that talented should tell the world. We saw Owen shoot his mouth off earlier to Mr. McMahon, but I've barely been able to see Owen his whole career – he's always hidden beneath his family's name! JR: Come on, King, Owen Hart is a great young performer. He's got the technical ability associated with the Hart name, but he combines it with an athleticism and an aerial game unlike anyone else of his namesake. This is certainly visible in the match, where Owen often uses his speed and agility in some impressive offense. We seem him follow a retreating Jarrett to the outside with a plancha, which draws cheers from the crowd. The whole contest is even, however, with Jarrett's crafty moves and tricks keeping him in the match. By the nineteenth minute, both men are showing fatigue. Jarret's trying to apply his figure four, but Owen's fighting it. He tries to kick Jarret off, but can't shake his grip. Triple H: Look at this, JR. This is a Hart stuck on his back in the ring, and he can't fight off a submission. Pathetic. Owen manages to pull Jarrett down into a small package, however, which only draws a 2 count – but forces Jeff to break his hold. JR: Well, there's a counter for you. Immediately, Owen switches the whole match around, pulling out the legs of Jeff and trying to lock in the Sharpshooter. King: No! Jeff, fight it! Jarrett can't escape it though, and Owen flips him into the hold. Triple H: This isn't right, I'm doing something... [CENTER][IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Cerebral Assassin jumps over the announcing table and to the apron of the ring. He makes to enter, but the referee stops him. [CENTER][IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3571/shawnmichaelslz6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Shawn Micheals! The world champion in the ring! Owen spots him, but the time he needs to release the sharpshooter is too much... JR: Superkick! Owen is out, here. Jarrett crawls over, his legs still hurt from the submission hold, and drapes an arm over. Triple H ceases to distract the referee, who turns to make a 3 count. JR: Screw-job! A screw-job by DX! [I]Shawn Micheals comes over to the announcers' table.[/I] Shawn: [I](Laughing)[/I]See? Nobody messes with me, nobody messes with us. He's nothing – he's a loser. Come on, Hunter, lets get out of here... [I]RAW has a break.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/2462/therockcd7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/2808/markhenryad8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/2733/dlobrownqn6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/6114/ronsimmonsry2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The camera cuts to the Nation of Domination walking through the backstage area. Rocky Maivia leads them. Laughter can be heard in the distance.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3571/shawnmichaelslz6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Degeneration are walking back from the ring laughing about what they just did. Triple H bumps into Rocky, and Degeneration X are vastly outnumbered.[/I] Rocky: [I](Feigning laughter)[/I]Ha, ha... What are you boys doing out here? Alone? Feeling tough, are you? Feeling rough? Are you feeling pretty strong, Triple H? Well, Mark Henry is pretty damn strong too. [I]Henry steps up to them. The camera shows how much he outsizes them.[/I] Rocky: What about you, Shawn? You feeling quick? D'lo Brown's pretty quick. [I]D'lo, too, steps up.[/I] Rocky: Any of you feeling tough? Cos Farooq is pretty damn tough. [I]Farooq joins the rest of them. Triple H and Shawn look intimidated.[/I] Rocky: I tell you what, I'm feeling confident. You two like to laugh, I'd like to see how much you laugh when take out Ken Shamrock and then face you in the ring next week, man to man. [I]Triple H makes to take a drink of his water bottle. Mark Henry grabs it, crushes it, and throws it away.[/I] Rocky: [I](Really laughing this time)[/I]Thirsty, Triple H? Is your throat dry? Triple H: It's n... [I]Shawn cuts him off.[/I] Shawn: Come on, lets go. [I]They walk off in the other direction, as the Nation laugh loudly. We then cut back to ringside.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/5816/jimrossit3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8404/jerrylawlerll5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Well, from that confrontation in the back, we come to another in the ring. Rocky Maivia, leader of the Nation of Domination, will take on Ken Shamrock for the final place in the Intercontinental Championship Tournament final next week. [CENTER][IMG]http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/2462/therockcd7.jpg[/IMG] Vs [IMG]http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/9237/kenshamrockoq7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Ken Shamrock burst from below the Titantron full of fire. He's psyched, shouting things to himself as he heads to the ring. He even sends few punches into the ring steps on the way.[/I] King: Look at that man, JR, he's a machine. He's ready for war, and he's ready to take out that trash-talking Rocky. JR: Certainly, he is an intimidating specimen. Ken Shamrock, always aggressive, has that extra level as we know. He calls it “the Zone”, and if you're in that ring with him when he gets into the Zone then you're in trouble. [I]The Nation's theme comes over the speakers. Rock comes out, flanked by all his troops. He walks to ring, the fans offering a mix of admiration and disdain – they're not sure how they feel about him right now.[/I] JR: Well, the fans must appreciate Rocky's pluck and guts standing up to Degeneration X and Mr. McMahon, but I'm not sure they can forgive him easily for everything he's done in the past. Both Ken Shamrock and Rocky Maivia go nose to nose in the center of the ring as the referee speaks to both of them. Rocky has the Nation lined up at the base of the ramp, covering his back in case of any run-in attacks. The pair talk trash to each other. Immediately, when the bell rings, they start firing off punches at each other. Shamrock seems to have the advantage, until Rocky fires back with a few punches of his own. Eventually, Maivia kicks Shamrock in the stomach to break this pattern, and the match continues... Both men put their all into the match. To his credit, Rocky hasn't received any help from the Nation. However, after more then twenty minutes of back and forth action, Shamrock clearly starts to take control when he delivers a belly to belly suplex on the outside of the ring! JR: Just look at Rocky writhe here, he's hurt! Rocky rolls in the ring on the eight of a ten count. Shamrock, the shoot fighter, stalks him, waiting to his another suplex. When he tries, however, Rocky a surprise DDT. The both rise together, and return to how the match began: sending punches at each other. Rocky, then Shamrock; Rocky, then Shamrock; Rocky, then Shamrock; Rocky, and then...Rocky ducks! JR: Rock Bottom! Rocky covers. The refree counts 1, 2....kickout! King: That's how tough he is, he can take his opponent's best move and still come back. Rocky's stalking Shamrock for another Rock Bottom. [CENTER][IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3571/shawnmichaelslz6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/5899/triplehdu4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shawn and Triple H both appear, and start walking down the ramp. Rocky tells the Nation to go after them, and they advance on the duo. A brawl erupts, but Rocky turns back to dealing with Shamrock. The referee tries to get both groups to leave. [CENTER][IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/2408/billygunnje5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/5740/bgjameseo1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: New Age Outlaws, coming through opposite side of the crowd! Rocky manages to spot Bily Gunn as he comes over the barricade, and meets him with a series of punches when he gets in the ring. He doesn't manage to spot Road Dogg on the other side though, who's carrying a chair. He sends a shot into the back of Rocky, who goes down. JR: The referee should stop this! Maivia tries to get back up, but just as he manages to get to his feet Billy Gunn delivers the Fameasser. They leave the ring and join the brawl with the Nation on the outside. Ken Shamrock's only just managing to get up from the Rock Bottom he received, and looks annoyed. He lets out a scream of frustration. King: Oh my, here it is... Ken Shamrock, in the Zone, pulls Rocky to his feet. He drives him into the corner with his shoulder and then continues to ram him into the turnbuckles brutally. Rocky's wind is knocked out of him, as he falls to the mat clutching his midsection Shamrock slits his own throat with his thumb, and hoists Rocky one more time for the Belly to Belly suplex – which he delivers. He covers... JR: The referee's not here to see this either! I think DX have got themselves into a tougher fight with the Nation of Domination on the outside then they were expecting, and they're stopping the referee counting for Shamrock! The fight isn't stopped, but heads backstage and the referee manages to come back to the ring. Rocky's crawling towards the corner, looking to avoid getting further punishment from the enraged Shamrock. Maivia pulls himself up in the corner, but Shamrock charges at him. At the last moment though, the shoulder tackle is avoided. The miss only serves to fire up Shamrock though, who turns to have another go at more punsihment. JR: Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! Rocky covers quickly, and the referee counts 3. King: No! JR: Yes! Rocky Maivia has done it! He's beaten DX tonight, and he's going to the final next week where he can beat them one more time to be the new Intercontinental Champion! King: But he has to compete with Al Snow, Jeff Jarrett, and, best of all, Triple H. JR: That's the four way next, week folks. This has been an explosive Monday Night RAW, we will see you next week! [I]In the ring, Rocky has his hand raised as RAW goes off the air[/I].
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Really enjoyed that edition of Raw, and I really get a feel for the characters as you write them. The buildup for the Intercontentinal Fatal Fourway has been great and, thanks to McMahon and DX's interference you've got to feel that Triple H is the firm favourite. It'll be interesting to see what part the Nation will play though.
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