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TCW - Failure is not an Option....Or is it?

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TOTAL WRESTLING: [B]Sammy Bach (c)[/B] v Gino Montero (for the TCW World Title) [I]Bach wont lose the title (not the belt as Wolf has that) at a free to air T.V event, especially to someone (as good as they are) that hasn't been built as a serious World Title threat.[/I] [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v RDJ [I]RDJ's days as World Champion material appear to have past, so I don't see anything but a win for Tommy in this one.[/I] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Bruce the Giant [I]Bruce has been booked as a joke so far[/I] Nemesis v [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]Nemesis via cheating, it gives him another young guy to feud with and eventually put over.[/I] Matt Keith v [B]Human Arsenal[/B] [I]Arsenal's getting the stronger singles push[/I] Jacob Jett v [B]Scout[/B] [I]Jett is most likely the fall guy for the Hell on Earth stable, about as likely to win a match against a quality opponent as Inky the Squid Boy is in my diary.[/I] [B]THE FUTURE:[/B] Constant Motion v [B]The Dudes[/B] (Tag Title contenders tournament) [I]The Dudes have paid their dues more[/I] [B]Texas Pete[/B] v Clark Alexander v Aaron Andrews (for No 1 contendership to the All Action Title) [I]I've got a bad feeling Pete is going to win[/I] [B]Wanda Fish[/B] v Agent 69 [I]Squash[/I] Genghis Rahn v [B]Teddy Powell[/B] [I]I didn't think Rahn could get any lower, but he will here when he loses to Teddy Powell, who has been booked (brief one sided feud against Bach aside) like some no name enhancement talent since coming into TCW.[/I] [B]Amber Allen[/B] v Katherine Goodlooks [I]Amber Allen has more potential, can't really buy into Goodlooks as anything other than a tag wrestler. [/I] [B]Grease Hogg[/B] v Erik Strong [I]Haven't seen much from Strong, so he will likely do the job[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] v Steve Flash [I]Flash puts another youngster over, in a match that is guaranteed to be ruined by bad chemistry.[/I] [B]Lead Belly[/B] v Randall Hopkirk [I]PP member = looking up at lights[/I] Jaime Quine v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]I could happily watch these two all day and not necessarily for their wrestling skills. Rodriguez seems to be a more viable threat to Fish right now, so she'll get the win.[/I] [I]_________________________________________________________[/I] Just out of interest how long are your shows ? As you seem to pack more matches onto your B-Show compared to your A-Show.
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Yes...it's...skills :P TOTAL WRESTLING: [B]Sammy Bach[/B] (c) v Gino Montero (for the TCW World Title) [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v RDJ [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Bruce the Giant Nemesis v [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Matt Keith v [B]Human Arsenal[/B] Jacob Jett v [B]Scout[/B] THE FUTURE: Constant Motion v [B]The Dudes[/B] (Tag Title contenders tournament) [B]Texas Pete[/B] v Clark Alexander v Aaron Andrews (for No 1 contendership to the All Action Title) [B]Wanda Fish[/B] v Agent 69 Genghis Rahn v [B]Teddy Powell[/B] Amber Allen v [B]Katherine Goodlooks[/B] [B]Grease Hogg[/B] v Erik Strong [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] v Steve Flash [B]Lead Belly[/B] v Randall Hopkirk Jaime Quine v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] On second thought, it is kinda prdictable ;)
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;510889]Just out of interest how long are your shows ? As you seem to pack more matches onto your B-Show compared to your A-Show.[/QUOTE] Both shows are 2 hours - the reason there are more matches in the B show, is that I'm a bit wary of over-using the lower guys so their matches are rarely more than 8 mins - they don't have huge amounts of momentum anyway, so losing a couple of grades for no reason is not good! Besides - how long does squashing Genghis or a PP member need to be? :p [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 3 May 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In Mid West, USA, Attendance 7810[/CENTER] Before the show starts, the cameras cut backstage where [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover and Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] are continuing their war against [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bruce the Giant,[/COLOR][/B] as they attack him. Once Bruce is off his feet, it is all one way traffic, and he takes a beating, before [B][COLOR="blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] appears and chases Lover and Bloodstone away, wielding a kendo stick. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Lover faces Bruce later on, and gets in the first shot tonight to weaken the jovial giant. [B][COLOR="blue"]Scout [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR][/B]with a Danger Ahead. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Scout gets some revenge on Jacob Jett for his interference against them on Hell on Earth’s behalf recently, and it is a fairly easy win, despite [B][COLOR="red"]The Angel of Death[/COLOR][/B] helping his smaller partner. However, a big cheer from the crowd signals the entry of [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law,[/COLOR][/B] who jumps on The Angel, and allows Scout to pick up the win. As [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett and The Angel of Death [/COLOR][/B]back up the ramp, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] issues a challenge to The Angel to face him next week. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Law has beaten the Angel before, and is obviously looking to stop his bad run of form recently. [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Bruce the Giant[/B][/COLOR] after low blowing him. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Decent match here. The earlier attack may have hurt Bruce, but it has also got him annoyed, and he flings Lover around early on. But Lover is quicker, both physically and mentally, and he leads Bruce on a chase round the ring, which gives him the advantage once they get back inside the ropes. With the referee’s back turned, he blatantly low blows the giant, and then flys off the top rope to take him down for the pin. As Lover leaves the ring, he makes a sign to Bruce that he is more intelligent than him, and that Bruce can’t beat a quick thinking wrestler. But as [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] gets towards the top of the ramp, he is faced by [B][COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino,[/COLOR][/B] who tells Lover that [U]he[/U] isn’t stupid, and that Lover can’t outwit him – if he is man enough to fight him next week? Lover agrees to the match, but seeing Bruce lumbering up the ramp behind him, he jumps the barriers and escapes through the crowd. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] So Lover will have a slightly different challenge next week – he’ll have to actually use his wrestling skills if he wants to beat Ino! [B][COLOR="Red"]Nemesis[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Mainstream Hernandez,[/B][/COLOR] when [B][COLOR="red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] successfully interferes in the match. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] After Mainstream defeated Jay Chord two weeks ago, Nemesis is trying to show his protégé how to get the job done here, but struggles against the agility of The Dude. Instead, it is only the arrival of Jay at ringside that turns the match in Nemesis’ favour, and for once at the end, Nemesis looks pleased with what Jay did! [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and says that he has had the tradition of facing the [B]International Champion [/B]a couple of weeks before each PPV – to put them in their place! Therefore he demands that [B][COLOR="Blue"]RDJ [/COLOR][/B]face him tonight – a match that will give him greater pleasure than normal in winning, given how much he dislikes RDJ. Ricky comes out and says that the pleasure will be all his, as he gets another chance to show Tommy that he is no longer the top dog in TCW – his little b*tch [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] has that honour! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] These two have so much history that the fans love to see them fight – and RDJ’s comment won’t have eased the hatred between them! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Human Arsenal[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Matt Keith[/B][/COLOR] when Matt was DQ-ed following [COLOR="red"][B]Greg Keith’s[/B][/COLOR] interference. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Well I wasn’t expecting this – given that their previous matches at the beginning of the year managed C+’s! But it’s a great exhibition of technical wrestling from both men, as Arsenal tries to reverse the defeats to Matt that cost him his place in the Syndicate three months ago. The match spills out of the ring, and Greg Keith appears, but instead of waiting for Matt to distract the referee, he just lays into Arsenal, causing the immediate DQ. [B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] now appears and says that given [B][COLOR="Blue"]Human Arsenal’s[/COLOR][/B] unbeaten streak since leaving the Syndicate, he is officially making him the No 1 contender to [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ’s [/B][/COLOR][B]International Title[/B] – and they will face off at Total Mayhem next week. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] The crowd like the announcement, as two fan favourites will do battle at the PPV. [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ[/B][/COLOR] with the Guilt Trip. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] And it’s another barnstormer between these two as they lay it all on the line. RDJ gets as close as he has to a win against Tommy on a couple of occasions, but even without the backup of the Syndicate tonight, Tommy fights back, and once he traps RDJ in the Guilt Trip, there is no escape for the International Champion. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] now comes out and hypes up his match tonight against [COLOR="red"][B]Sammy Bach,[/B][/COLOR] telling Sammy that he spoilt the greatest match in TCW history last week between Gino and Tommy Cornell by his interference. He says that Sammy needs to consider the fans as well, and that when he takes the title off Sammy tonight, it will just be “rough justice” for the current champ. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Gino gets a great reception – his performance in last week’s main event has maybe now elevated him in the eyes of the fans as a genuine threat for the title – let’s see if he can repeat the dose tonight against Sammy. [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Gino Montero [/B][/COLOR]with a Bach on your Back to retain the [B]TCW World Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] It’s a superb match again, despite seeming to drift a touch in the middle. Both men pull out their full armoury of high risk moves, and Bach takes charge. But then the big screen comes to life, and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] appears on it, holding the World Title belt, and asking Sammy if he wants it back any time soon. The distraction allows Gino back into it, and he nearly stuns the champ with a quick roll up. However, Sammy is not to be denied, and after a sequence of chain wrestling from both men, he reverses an attempt at the Montero Press into his patented submission move, and retains the title – well I can’t say 'retains the belt' now can I? – given that he doesn’t actually have possession of it! [B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert [/COLOR][/B]appears once again and tells [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]that they decision on his opponent for Total Mayhem has been made. It will be Sammy Bach versus [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law.[/COLOR][/B] Sammy goes berserk, yelling at Phil that [B][COLOR="red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] beat Rick last week, so why should Law get his re-match. Phil says that Sammy has a very good point there – and so he adds Brent Hill to the match as well, making it a triple threat match for the title! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Law is entitled to a re-match, despite Nemesis’ attempts to block it, and Hill did beat him last week, so also has a legitimate claim to the title shot. Will Sammy and Brent work together to keep the title in the Syndicate, or will personal glory come between them? Once again the big screen comes to life, and it is again [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] who appears, with the World Title belt slung over his shoulder. He asks [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] if he wants the belt back – to which Sammy nods and beckons Wolf to come out and face him now. But Wolf tells Sammy that he wants something in return – he wants another shot at [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] – one on one, no interference, may the best man win! Cornell joins Bach in the ring and says that there is no way that he will face Wolf again, to which Wolf shrugs and says that Sammy will never see the belt again then! The two Syndicate members run up the ramp and out back, to try and find Wolf, but he calls after them and tells them that this is a recorded message – he has already left…with the belt! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Well now we know the reason why Wolf stole the belt – to use it as a bargaining tool to get Cornell back in the ring. [COLOR="red"][B][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = A.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]TV Rating = 1.98, 0.27 and 0.21.[/B] An internet report suggests that I am about to push [B]Texas Pete[/B] to the moon. Well if getting into the race for the All Action title counts as that – then yes he’s getting a big push! [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]TCW The Future Thurs Week 3 May 2009[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] In North West, USA, Attendance 1446[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] hypes up a future match with [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Excellent promo – but pretty random seeing as a match between the two hasn’t even been hinted at yet on Total Wrestling! [B][COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Agent 69.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] Another straightforward win for the women’s champ, as she goes into her title defence in 10 days time on a roll. [B][COLOR="blue"]Teddy Powell [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="red"]Genghis Rahn.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Rahn continues to do the job reluctantly. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Katherine Goodlooks [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Amber Allen.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating E-.[/SIZE][/B] Forgot about the jobbers rule again. Kat gets the win though, in a match that was might have been good if the crowd wasn't so restless. [B][COLOR="blue"]Erik Strong [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Grease Hogg. [/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Grease dominates, Erik makes a quick comeback and hits the Strong Sault for the (not so) shocking win - in case you didn't guess, I've decided not to renew Hogg's contract when it comes up in a couple of months time - his law problems go against Tommy's owner goals, and he's been replaced permanently now in the DWB by Bulldozer. [B][COLOR="red"]Kirk Jameson [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] with his feet on the ropes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] And yet another case of bad chemistry - as you predicted TK! Flash is jobbing his way out of the door as well now, but unlike some (see Rahn, Genghis and Hopkirk, Randall) he doesn’t moan about doing the job. [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR][/B]comes to the ring. He addresses [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bruce the Giant,[/COLOR][/B] saying that it was probably unfair to expect Bruce to have a chance against the most intelligent, charismatic, good looking wrestler in the world this week. Instead, he is here to offer Bruce a chance to redeem himself next Tuesday, as he wants to give Bruce a match against a youngster, a man who is primarily a tag team wrestler, and therefore someone that Bruce should beat easily. Bruce comes out and says that he will face whichever of Lover’s friends that he picks. Lover replies that Bruce will therefore fight [B][COLOR="Red"]Greg Keith [/COLOR][/B]on Tuesday! [SIZE="4"][B]Rating B-.[/B][/SIZE] Continues the Lover/Bruce interaction - but gives Bruce a different opponent next week. [B][COLOR="red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="Blue"][B]Randall Hopkirk,[/B][/COLOR] with a little help from [COLOR="Red"][B]Bulldozer.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D-.[/SIZE][/B] Lead is in total control of the match from the word go, and Bulldozer had no need to interfere, but did anyway just to make doubly sure his partner takes the win! [B][COLOR="blue"]Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR][/B] really is a glutton for punishment, as he takes the mic and challenges [B][COLOR="Red"]Bulldozer[/COLOR][/B] to face him next week. Funnily enough, Dozer agrees! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Sets up a match for next week, as Randall wants revenge. Now give me odds on him actually getting it? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Jaime Quine.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] And J-Ro completes the hat trick of losses for Jaime this month against the top three women in TCW. Not the greatest match but enough for… …[B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] to come out and announce that [B][COLOR="Blue"]J-Ro[/COLOR][/B] will face [COLOR="blue"][B]Suzanne Brazzle [/B][/COLOR]next week with the winner to face [B][COLOR="Red"]Wanda Fish [/COLOR][/B]at Total Mayhem. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] J-Ro and Suzanne both have claims to the title shot – so will fight it out next week. [B][COLOR="red"]Texas Pete[/COLOR][/B] defeats[COLOR="Blue"][B] Clark Alexander [/B][/COLOR]and [B][COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] The battle to get the [B]All Action title[/B] shot is very competitive, but in the end, perhaps it is decided purely on the size and intensity of Texas Pete, as he pins Clark to advance to a PPV match for the first time in a long time! Sorry TK! :p But hey - on the bright side - the match is actually quite watchable! And just to confirm that fact, [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] makes the official announcement – [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] v [COLOR="red"][B]Texas Pete[/B][/COLOR] will be for the [B]All Action Title[/B] at the PPV. [B]Rating C.[/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]The Dudes [/COLOR][/B]defeat [B][COLOR="blue"]Constant Motion.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] The final match in the tag tournament – and predictably it sees the Dudes advance to their expected re-match against the Keiths, as they take out the young Japanese pair. And [B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] confirms this match too –[COLOR="red"][B] The Keith Brothers[/B][/COLOR] will defend their [B]tag titles[/B] against [B][COLOR="Blue"]the Dudes[/COLOR][/B] at Total Mayhem. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] And so the night closes with a couple more matches set for the PPV. [B][COLOR="blue"][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = C.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]TV Rating = 0.15.[/B] [B]NOTBPW[/B] have finally risen to national size. Signed [B]Darryl Devine,[/B] who was released a few weeks ago by [B]SWF[/B] and has been unemployed since. [B]Davis Newton and Guide[/B] are apparently now the best of friends backstage. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Predictions Contest:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Tigerkinney:[/B] 6/6 + 7/9 = 13/15 [B]Astyn:[/B] 5/6 + 8/9 = 13/15 [B]Azzmartin:[/B] 5/6 + 8/9 = 13/15 And you're all equally as good again! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 4 May 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE="5"]TOTAL WRESTLING:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach and Brent Hill [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]RDJ and Human Arsenal[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Greg Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Bruce the Giant[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Angel of Death[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Sam Keith [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="blue"]THE FUTURE:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle v Joanne Rodriguez [/COLOR] [B](Womens No 1 Contenders match)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Casey Valentine[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Genghis Rahn[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Chance Fortune[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Katherine Goodlooks v Jaime Quine[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Primus Allen[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Bulldozer[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Amber Allen[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Grease Hogg[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Seiji Jimbo[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Freddy Huggins [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble[/COLOR]
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TOTAL WRESTLING: Johnny Bloodstone v [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] [I]Should be a good match, but for me Hawkins needs the win more to build up momentum for his eventual showdown with Tommy.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach and Brent Hill[/B] v RDJ and Human Arsenal [I]Could go either way but I think the Syndicate will get the win to keep the World Champ looking strong[/I] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Koshiro Ino [I]Ino will give Lover a much tougher match, but I can see the Mexican lothario finding some screwy way to come away with the victory[/I] [B]Greg Keith[/B] v Bruce the Giant [I]It's obvious you are using Bruce for 'overness transference', so young Gregory gets the win in this one.[/I] The Angel of Death v [B]Rick Law[/B] [I]Can't see Angel of Death getting back into the World Title picture, whilst I can with the Lawman. [/I] Sam Keith v [B]Eddie Peak[/B] [I]The so not retired Sam Keith puts over Peak, who to be honest seems to be spinning his wheels in the upper mid-card, stuck in a feud with a couple of guys who have apparently hung up the boots but really haven't. [/I] THE FUTURE: [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] v Joanne Rodriguez (Womens No 1 Contenders match) [I]Brazzle gets the win after Fish inteference, as Fish will see J-Ro as more of a threat. These heels never learn though as it will just lead to a 3-way for the PPV.[/I] Casey Valentine v [B]American Elemental[/B] [I]AE is more talented and could, no actually should be built as a contender for the All Action Belt[/I] Genghis Rahn v [B]Chance Fortune[/B] [I]I was going to make some joke about Genghis luck running out, but it run out a year ago.[/I] Katherine Goodlooks v [B]Jaime Quine[/B] [I]Did I mention that Jaime Quine is hot ? ;) That doesn't seem to be helping her win matches though but you know what because Goodlooks isn't in the same league as the ladies she lost too, I'm going to tip Jaime for the win.[/I] [B]Primus Allen[/B] v Steve Flash [I]Steve gracefully does the job in another match cursed by awful chemistry. With this much bad chemistry, one has to wonder how Steve ever got a good reputation in the first place.[/I] [B]Bulldozer [/B]v Randall Hopkirk [I]Will Randall get his revenge ?[/I] [I]No[/I] Amber Allen v [B]Raven Nightfall[/B] [I]Amber's got plenty of potential but Raven has the edge at the moment.[/I] [B]Grease Hogg[/B] v Seiji Jimbo [I]Jimbo's more talented, but I've got a gut feeling Hogg will get the win[/I] [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] v Steve Gumble [I]The lesser spotted Freddy Huggins gets the win over the even lesser spotted Steve Gumble.[/I]
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TOTAL WRESTLING: Johnny Bloodstone v [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Sammy Bach and Brent Hill v [B]RDJ and Human Arsenal[/B] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Koshiro Ino [B]Greg Keith[/B] v Bruce the Giant The Angel of Death v [B]Rick Law[/B] Sam Keith v [B]Eddie Peak[/B] THE FUTURE: Suzanne Brazzle v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] (Womens No 1 Contenders match) Casey Valentine v [B]American Elemental[/B] Genghis Rahn v [B]Chance Fortune[/B] [B]Katherine Goodlooks[/B] v Jaime Quine [B]Primus Allen[/B] v Steve Flash [B]Bulldozer[/B] v Randall Hopkirk Amber Allen v [B]Raven Nightfall[/B] Grease Hogg v [B]Seiji Jimbo[/B] [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] v Steve Gumble
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TOTAL WRESTLING: [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] v Wolf Hawkins Sammy Bach and Brent Hill v [B]RDJ and Human Arsenal[/B] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Koshiro Ino [B]Greg Keith [/B]v Bruce the Giant [B]The Angel of Death[/B] v Rick Law Sam Keith v[B] Eddie Peak[/B] THE FUTURE: Suzanne Brazzle v [B]Joanne Rodriguez [/B](Womens No 1 Contenders match) Casey Valentine v [B]American Elemental[/B] Genghis Rahn v [B]Chance Fortune[/B] Katherine Goodlooks v [B]Jaime Quine[/B] [B]Primus Allen [/B]v Steve Flash [B]Bulldozer[/B] v Randall Hopkirk Amber Allen v [B]Raven Nightfall[/B] [B]Grease Hogg[/B] v Seiji Jimbo [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] v Steve Gumble
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 4 May 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In Great Lakes, USA, Attendance 8363[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] makes his way to the ring, wearing the World Title belt round his waist. He addresses [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell and Sammy Bach,[/COLOR][/B] reiterating his demands from last week – he will give Sammy the belt back as soon as he gets a re-match with Tommy. The two Syndicate members come out to the top of the ramp, and Tommy once again tells Wolf that there will be no match between them. Sammy clearly disagrees, and he grabs the mic from Tommy and yells at Wolf that he will do anything it takes to get his belt back. Wolf smiles and invites Sammy to try – right now. Bach charges the ring, but Wolf quickly rolls out the other side, vaults the guard rail and escapes, with the belt, through the crowd. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Wolf seems to be getting to Sammy, whereas Tommy is keeping his cool, and doesn’t seem to care that Sammy’s belt isn’t in the Syndicate’s possession. [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/B]with his feet on the ropes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] A very solid opening match, and Lover is stretched by Ino this week, although once again he does pick up the victory, but in his usual underhanded way. [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] makes an appearance as [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] is celebrating the win. He sarcastically applauds the Mexican, and asks him if he knows how to win a match without cheating? Troy goes on to suggest that, despite his recent loss of his title, he is still a far better wrestler than Lover. They argue about this, and they agree to sort it out on Sunday at Total Mayhem. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Both men go into that match needing a victory – Troy to get back on track, and Lover to prove that he can beat the top stars in TCW – something he really hasn’t done so far. And it also makes the match that was hinted at last week on The Future! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]The Angel of Death [/B][/COLOR]with the Long Arm of the Law. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] And this match slows the pace down somewhat, as the two big brawlers go toe to toe. Law simply won’t give ground though, and he gets the win that he needs to go into the PPV with some confidence. As [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] celebrates the win, he is attacked from behind by [B][COLOR="Red"]The Angel of Death, [/COLOR][/B]and soon joined by both his PPV opponents, [COLOR="red"][B]Sammy Bach and Brent Hill.[/B][/COLOR] But their advantage doesn’t last, as the two men who will contest the International Title at the PPV, [B][COLOR="Blue"]RDJ and Human Arsenal[/COLOR][/B], rush out to make the save. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] RDJ isn’t going to let the Syndicate get away with anything, while Human Arsenal has his own agenda with them, as the two men fight together tonight. [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Eddie has been out of the limelight since his suspension, and he picks up another win over a member of the Keith family here, having beaten Matt a couple of weeks ago. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] is shown backstage, a bit battered and bruised after the attack from [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach and Brent Hill,[/COLOR][/B] but he looks straight at the camera and promises the pair of them that they can’t keep him down, and he will be 100% by Sunday, when he is going to regain HIS title. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Just a bit of hype for the PPV main event, but the odds are stacked against Rick once again this month. [B][COLOR="Red"]Greg Keith[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Bruce the Giant [/COLOR][/B]with the Proton Lock. [SIZE="4"][B]Rating C.[/B][/SIZE] Not great, as Greg is off his game, and Bruce didn’t want to take another defeat here. Bruce uses his size to dominate the early exchanges, but is then distracted when [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover’s[/COLOR][/B] music hits, and Lover strolls casually to the top of the ramp. This distraction allows [COLOR="red"][B]Rhino Umaga[/B][/COLOR] to jump the guard rail and take out Bruce from behind with a vicious Rhino Charge, before Greg locks in his father’s patented submission hold and forces the tap out, much to Lover’s amusement. [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach and Brent Hill [/COLOR][/B]come to the ring. They announce that they will be teaming up tonight to face [B][COLOR="Blue"]RDJ and Human Arsenal,[/COLOR][/B] after their altercation earlier. Sammy asks Brent if he has got his back tonight, to which Brent replies that of course he has. Sammy continues on to say that’s good, as Brent will be there to back him up when he forces their opponents to tap out tonight, and then goes on to retain his world title on Sunday. RDJ and Human Arsenal also come out at this point, as Brent looks less than pleased at Sammy’s planning of events, and they tell the Syndicate pair that they aren’t here tonight to just take a defeat – they are going to throw a spanner in the works for both Sammy and Brent. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Both teams have issues internally, as they will be opponents on Sunday. Who will work best together? [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach and Brent Hill [/COLOR][/B]defeat [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ and Human Arsenal[/B][/COLOR] when Brent pins RDJ following a King of the Hill. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Unfortunately RDJ and Arsenal don’t work well together (game wise), which the commentators pass off as lack of trust, given their match in 5 days time against each other. The tension between Human Arsenal and Brent Hill is also clear to see, as the former partners find themselves on opposite sides. Both teams make several blind tags to try and get the win for themselves, but it is Brent Hill who does take the victory for his side when he nails RDJ with his finisher and makes the pin, as Sammy cuts Human Arsenal off from making the save. [B][COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] is out for tonight’s main event next, and he is angry that all the talk at the moment is about his opponent, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins,[/COLOR][/B] and his theft of the World Title belt. He tells Wolf that sulking and trying to blackmail his way to what he wants isn’t the way to go about things, and that he should let his wrestling do his talking for him – oh yeah, he says, that might be a problem for you though! Wolf now emerges, minus the title belt, and tells Bloodstone that the title isn’t his aim – just justice and another chance to face [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell.[/COLOR][/B] He then addresses the Syndicate and tells them that the belt is in a safe place – so no point in trying to find it! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] A bit of hype for the main event, as both these men will be looking to make this their best performance of the month, as neither is on the PPV card at the weekend. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] when Johnny is DQ-ed after interference from [COLOR="red"][B]Sammy Bach and Tommy Cornell.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Fantastic end to the night as both men give it their all. Both have periods of dominance, and several near falls, but neither gets a decisive win, as Cornell and Bach come out and gain some measure of revenge on Wolf by destroying him – after all, they don’t care if Johnny takes a loss! And their assault on [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]continues, as [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach and Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] try and beat the whereabouts of Sammy’s title belt out of Wolf, until eventually they just leave him slumped on the floor. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Good job for Wolf that he didn’t bring the belt with him to the ring – it would now be back round Sammy’s waist if he had! [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = A.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.73, 0.22 and 0.19.[/B] We take a hit in the ratings this week – don’t really have any clue why though, especially as this show is rated as my best ever! There is an incident backstage between [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] and[B] The Angel of Death.[/B] After ticking Dragon off, he didn’t seem to care what I said, and I asked Koshiro Ino to have a word with his countryman instead. [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B] was caught in possession of soft drugs this week – there is no word yet on whether any charges have been laid. Signed [B]Lauren Easter[/B] away from (amongst others) NOTBPW. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]TCW The Future Thurs Week 4 May 2009[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] In South East, USA, Attendance 1394[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Hell on Earth [/COLOR][/B]open the show with an eerie promo about their re-match with [B][COLOR="Blue"]The New Wave[/COLOR][/B] on Sunday. Basically they threaten to bury their opponents, once and for all. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Although a re-match was always on the cards, hyping it has never fitted into this month’s shows – so here is the last chance to remind people that it is occurring. [B][COLOR="blue"]American Elemental [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Unfortunately they don’t click, which I should have known as they have fought before. Elemental gets the win here in a solid enough match. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Chance Fortune[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Genghis Rahn.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] Chance is the beneficiary of some overness from Genghis tonight. [B][COLOR="blue"]Katherine Goodlooks [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Jaime Quine.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D-.[/SIZE][/B] Not a good match at all – Jaime taking another defeat, as Kat tries to move up the rankings. [B][COLOR="Red"]Primus Allen [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Steve Flash.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] Wow, this is some improvement on their last meeting – but still the same result as Primus ploughs through the veteran. [B][COLOR="red"]Bulldozer [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="Blue"][B]Randall Hopkirk.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] Dozer needs no help to put away Hopkirk here. [B][COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Amber Allen.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] An excellent match as Raven tries to put forward a case for inclusion in the title picture next month. J-Ro and Suzanne are a bit ahead of her at the moment though, so more matches (and wins) like this are needed. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota [/COLOR][/B]cuts a (boring) promo about his upcoming [B]All Action Title[/B] defence against [B][COLOR="Red"]Texas Pete. [/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Well let’s be honest – Pete isn’t someone that the crowd give a toss about! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Seiji Jimbo [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Grease Hogg.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] A most surprisingly good match, as the youngster keeps his good form up, and Grease continues his slide out of TCW. [B][COLOR="blue"]Shawn Doakes[/COLOR][/B] catches a few words with [B][COLOR="Red"]Freddy Huggins[/COLOR][/B] about his match against [COLOR="blue"][B]Steve Gumble,[/B][/COLOR] where Freddy complains about not getting a chance to face [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Minnesota,[/B][/COLOR] and promises to make it impossible to ignore him in future. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] Another chance for the crowd to buy their merchandise here, as Freddy doesn’t exactly whip them into a frenzy with his comments. [B][COLOR="red"]Freddy Huggins [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble [/COLOR][/B]with his feet on the ropes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] The match is an improvement though, and Huggins claims the win, although in slightly dubious circumstances. [B][COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="blue"][B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B][/COLOR] both cut fairly generic promos about how they are going to win their match tonight and then go forward to defeat [B][COLOR="Red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR][/B] on Sunday. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] Standard stuff – but far better than either of the men’s promos tonight! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Joanne Rodriguez.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] Unfortunately their lack of chemistry stops the match from being very good, but it is Suzanne who gets the win and a chance to win the [B]Women’s title [/B]in 3 days time. [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith [/COLOR][/B]comes out and confirms the matchup – it will be [B][COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish [/COLOR][/B]defending against [B][COLOR="Blue"]Suzanne Brazzle [/COLOR][/B]on Sunday night. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Even Sam can’t get the crowd’s attention tonight – it’s a pretty lackluster show all round! [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="blue"]OVERALL RATING = D+.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]TV Rating = 0.14[/B] Apparently [B]Jay Chord[/B] is forming political alliances inside [B]TCW[/B]. Well given his reaction to me nowadays, it’s probably to try and get me kicked out of my job! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Predictions Contest:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Tigerkinney:[/B] 6/6 + 7/9 = 13/15 [B]Azzmartin:[/B] 5/6 + 8/9 = 13/15 [B]Astyn:[/B] 4/6 + 6/9 = 10/15 Once again a tie - looks like the PPV will decide this month's champion tipster!! All others welcome to try and steal their thunder though! :) [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Total Mayhem PPV, Sunday Week 4 May 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach (c)[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill [/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] Sammy Bach took advantage of Wolf Hawkins taking out Tommy Cornell in the three way title match last month, but Wolf subsequently stealing his title belt has put a real downer on Sammy's first world championship. Can he keep his mind on the job to retain tonight, or will Rick get his title back? Brent Hill adds a different aspect to the match tonight - will he back up the "senior" man in the Syndicate, or will it be every man for himself? [COLOR="blue"]RDJ (c) v Human Arsenal [/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] RDJ took the belt from Troy Tornado a couple of months ago, while Human Arsenal has been on a good winning streak since leaving the Syndicate. Will the perennial super-face beat the man who was formerly one of his sworn enemies? [COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers (c)[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]The Dudes[/COLOR] [B](for the Tag Titles)[/B] The Keiths ended the impressive reign of the New Wave, and beat the Dudes last month to defend their titles. But the young surfers proved they were a force to be reckoned with by winning both matches in the qualifying tournament against the DWB and Constant Motion. Will their momentum see them overturn the odds and shock the second generation stars? [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish (c) [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] [B](for the Women's Title)[/B] Suzanne Brazzle became the No 1 Contender by beating J-Ro this week. Can she de-throne the women's champ, or will the experienced champ overcome her newest challenger? [COLOR="red"]Texas Pete [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the All Action Title)[/B] Joey Minnesota has been confronted out of the ring by the powerful Texas Pete in recent weeks. Pete hasn't really proved himself inside the squared circle much, so a win for him would be considered a major upset by most. [COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] Lover has run roughshod over the slow, stupid Australian giant (Lover's words - not mine!) in recent weeks. Troy will prove a different test for the slippery Mexican, who is looking to move into the main event with some big wins. Troy in turn is looking to regain some momentum following a disappointing spell after losing his International Title. [COLOR="red"]Hell on Earth [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]The New Wave[/COLOR] The New Wave took the first meeting between the two rival groups last month, but only by DQ when Jacob Jett interfered. Will they win again, or can the mysterious Hell on Earth level the score? [QUOTE]Quick Picks: [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach (c)[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill [/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]RDJ (c) v Human Arsenal [/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers (c)[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]The Dudes[/COLOR] [B](for the Tag Titles)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish (c) [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] [B](for the Women's Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Texas Pete [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the All Action Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Hell on Earth [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]The New Wave[/COLOR] [/QUOTE]
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[B]Sammy Bach (c)[/B] v Rick Law v Brent Hill (for the TCW World Title) [I]The Syndicate keep it together, as Bach retains the World Title[/I] RDJ (c) v [B]Human Arsenal[/B] (for the International Title) [I]Human Arsenal's transition from Tag Team lackey (albeit one with great success) to break away singles star is complete as he claims the International Title.[/I] [B]The Keith Brothers (c)[/B] v The Dudes (for the Tag Titles) [I]The Dudes have come a long way but I can't see anything else but the Keith's retaining the belts.[/I] [B]Wanda Fish (c)[/B] v Suzanne Brazzle (for the Women's Title) [I]I see Wanda seeing off all her initial competion, to really cement herself as a dominant first champion, so her title run will go on for a while yet.[/I] Texas Pete v [B]Joey Minnesota (c)[/B] (for the All Action Title) [I]Joey to retain via DQ, as I don't see this feud being a one shot thing.[/I] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Troy Tornado [I]Possibly the hardest match of the night to call, as Lover is on the rise, whilst Tornado has stalled but could with a good run get himself into the world title mix. I'll say Lover goes over here via 'cheating'...meaning that Lover gets a big win but Tornado has a definate excuse for the loss.[/I] [B]Hell on Earth[/B] v The New Wave [I]New Wave won last time out, so I'll go for Hell on Earth to take the win this time round. [/I]
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[B]Sammy Bach[/B] (c) v Rick Law v Brent Hill (for the TCW World Title) RDJ (c) v [B]Human Arsenal[/B] (for the International Title) [B]The Keith Brothers[/B] (c) v The Dudes (for the Tag Titles) [B]Wanda Fish[/B] (c) v Suzanne Brazzle (for the Women's Title) Texas Pete v [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] (c) (for the All Action Title) Champagne Lover v [B]Troy Tornado[/B] Hell on Earth v [B]The New Wave[/B]
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[B]Sammy Bach (c)[/B] v Rick Law v Brent Hill (for the TCW World Title) [I]Keep going to pick Hill but i dont think he will be champ just yet so, bach gets win[/I] [B]RDJ (c) [/B]v Human Arsenal (for the International Title) [I]i want human arsenal to win but RDJ hasnt had it for long so[/I] [B]The Keith Brothers (c)[/B] v The Dudes (for the Tag Titles) [I]Keith Brothers wont lose to The Dudes at least not yet[/I] [B]Wanda Fish (c) v [/B]Suzanne Brazzle (for the Women's Title) [I]guess dont know much about the womens division so[/I] Texas Pete v[B] Joey Minnesota (c)[/B] (for the All Action Title) [I]I HATE TEXAS PETE FAN CLUB says Minnesota wins[/I] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Troy Tornado [I]Champagne Lover seems to be getting a push[/I] Hell on Earth v [B]The New Wave[/B] [I]Just a guess its a hard decision[/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Firstly apologies for the delay - you can blame creative block for that (well that and the Football Manager 09 Demo :p) - but hopefully I can now get back into the swing of the game, and start posting regularly again. So on with this month's PPV: [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Total Mayhem [COLOR="Red"]PPV[/COLOR], Sunday Week 4 May 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In South West, USA, Attendance 17004[/CENTER] The show opens with [COLOR="red"][B]Phil Vibert[/B][/COLOR] in the ring. He introduces the opening match, which will be between [COLOR="red"][B]Champagne Lover [/B][/COLOR]and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado.[/COLOR][/B] He explains that the championship committee has been reviewing Champagne Lover’s recent matches, and agree with Troy’s comments last week that there is not one clean victory amongst them. Therefore, he says, they have added a stipulation to the match that a pinfall or submission will only count if no foul play has occurred to cause it. Lover goes mad at the announcement, claiming discrimination, but Phil tells him he has no choice. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Vibert puts a stop to Lover’s antics with this announcement – can the Mexican manage to fight clean, and still beat Tornado? [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy Tornado [/B][/COLOR]with a Lover Stunner. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] The answer is yes – but he makes very hard work of it. Early on, Lover is up to his usual tricks – a low blow, a rake of the eyes etc. Troy kicks out of the pinfalls that follow though, and fights back, nearly picking up a three count of his own. Lover again cheats, and makes the cover. The referee counts – 1-2-3, and Lover jumps up and celebrates, before [COLOR="red"][B]Phil Vibert[/B][/COLOR] appears at the top of the ramp, and tells everyone that Lover’s cheating was spotted on TV – and therefore the pinfall does not count! Once again, Lover is absolutely incensed at the decision, and it nearly costs him as Troy rolls him up for a 2 ½ count. This happens twice more – Lover cheating, making a “victorious” pinfall, and Phil over-ruling each time. The match wears on, and Lover gets more and more frustrated. However, even without his illegal tactics, he is still a fantastic wrestler, and eventually uses that skill to hit the Lover Stunner, and finally, at the fourth time of asking, he makes the legal cover and puts Troy away for good. As [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] celebrates the win, still pointing at [B][COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] and telling him that he can’t do this to him, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bruce the Giant [/COLOR][/B]clambers over the guard rail from the crowd, and as Lover jumps down from the turnbuckle, he walks straight into a Giant Chokeslam from Bruce, much to the crowd’s delight. Bruce bellows and grabs Lover by the throat once again, but then he in turn is felled by a Rhino Charge – once again, the big Samoan, [B][COLOR="Red"]Rhino Umaga,[/COLOR][/B] has attacked him. Bruce tries to regain his feet, but Rhino takes him down once again, knocking Bruce through the ropes and out onto the floor. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Continuing Lover’s feud with Bruce, and Rhino is becoming more involved now. Bruce can’t beat the smaller quicker men – can he out-muscle the powerhouse? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]appears on the big screen, and tells [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]that beating him up on Tuesday hasn’t changed anything – Tommy is clearly still afraid to step into the ring with Wolf on even terms – even with the added incentive of taking back [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach’s[/COLOR][/B] belt if Tommy wins their match! He tries to sow some dissention among The Syndicate, by telling Sammy, and the other three, that it is clear that they are only there to cover Tommy’s arse – and that Cornell doesn’t care that Sammy’s first World Title reign is being devalued by not actually owning the belt! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Tommy and Wolf’s feud continues with more words – how are the Syndicate going to get that belt off him, given that he has been very cagey about when he appears in person with the strap, since stealing it nearly a month ago? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Texas Pete[/B][/COLOR] with an Empire Spiral to retain the [B]All Action Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] Texas Pete makes his first PPV appearance in a very long time, and although the match is solid enough, it is never more than a bathroom break for many of the crowd. Tex tries to overpower Joey, but Minnesota is too quick and agile for him, and slowly wears him down with clever hit and run tactics, before dropping Pete with the Empire Spiral. [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]comes to the ring, accompanied by the rest of the Syndicate. He is clearly not a happy man, and he rips into [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins,[/COLOR][/B] telling him that every time he shows his face in a TCW arena, The Syndicate will destroy him. [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]chimes in and says that they are going to get the belt back very soon – but Tommy takes the mic back and says that the way they are doing that certainly doesn’t involve him facing Wolf – he is not being blackmailed into anything. Sammy doesn’t exactly look happy at this, and stares off into the distance, as Tommy verbally lays into Wolf some more. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] The war of words between Tommy and Wolf continues, but the lack of progress at getting his belt back seems to be getting to Sammy a bit now. [B][COLOR="Blue"]The New Wave [/COLOR][/B]defeat [B][COLOR="red"]Hell on Earth [/COLOR][/B]despite [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR][/B]once again interfering. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Another good tag match between the two teams, and tonight the New Wave take the match cleanly, as they take advantage of the referee being occupied sending Jacob Jett to the back, to double team The Angel of Death, allowing Scout to force a submission with the Special Force. The New Wave, who were well known heels in DAVE, use some of those tactics to take the win here. [B][COLOR="red"]Greg and Matt Keith[/COLOR][/B] hype up their [B]Tag Title[/B] defence against [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Dudes,[/COLOR][/B] questioning why they have to face a team that they beat last month, that they have beaten before that, and who, they claim, they will once again easily beat tonight. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Again just calming the crowd down a little, as the champs disrespect their challengers. [B][COLOR="Red"]Wanda Fish [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B][/COLOR] to retain the [B]Women’s Title[/B] when[COLOR="red"][B] Primus Allen [/B][/COLOR]interferes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Wow – easily the best women’s match in TCW history, as Wanda and Suzanne go at it, using their good chemistry to good advantage. Suzanne refuses to go down under some questionable tactics from Wanda, and seems to be getting on top as she sets up for the Miracle Connection. Primus Allen jumps up onto the apron, and when the referee tries to get him down, he puts his arm round the ref’s shoulders, seemingly in some kind of friendly gesture, and then jumps down, bouncing the referee’s neck onto the top rope. He goes down clutching his throat, and this allows Primus to roll into the ring and grab Suzanne. Wanda rolls outside, grabs her title belt and smashes Brazzle in the face with it. Primus grabs the belt as Wanda makes the cover, and when the referee is sufficiently recovered, he makes a slow, dazed count, for Wanda to retain the title. [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Dudes[/COLOR][/B] now respond to [COLOR="red"][B]The Keith Brothers’[/B][/COLOR] comments earlier, telling the champions that the reason they got another shot was that they proved beyond all doubt that they were the No 1 contenders by winning this months tournament for that position. Not only that, but they pushed the Keiths to the limit last month, and so deserved a rematch anyway! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] The crowd love the Dudes, and are fully behind them tonight. [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/COLOR][/B] now comes to the ring and thanks the crowd for their support. He tells [COLOR="blue"][B]Human Arsenal [/B][/COLOR]that the [B]International Title[/B] is going nowhere tonight and…. Arsenal comes out and interrupts, asking RDJ who was the weak link last week when they faced Sammy Bach and Brent Hill? That’s right he says, it was you Ricky – you were the one who lost – not me. And the same is going to happen tonight – only this time it will the right member of the Machines who gets the winning pinfall! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] They may both be the “good guys”, but both of them want the title badly. [B][COLOR="Red"]The Keith Brothers [/COLOR][/B]defeat [COLOR="blue"][B]The Dudes [/B][/COLOR]when Frankie Perez is forced to submit to the Proton Lock. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Not as good as last month’s match, probably cos Mainstream was off his game. However it is Frankie Perez who takes the loss, but it is caused by the appearance of [COLOR="red"][B]Jay Chord[/B][/COLOR], who works Frankie over on the outside, weakening him sufficiently for Matt Keith to get the win. Jay gets a little revenge over the Dudes, who have embarrassed him in front of Nemesis somewhat as Mainstream beat him in a match recently. [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach and Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] come out together and cut a promo, with them both claiming to be on the same page, working for the same goal of keeping Sammy’s title in the Syndicate, I mean round Sammy’s waist… Brent promises to back Sammy up, and they tell [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] to keep his nose out of the match, and promise [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] that his time is past – tonight will be his last shot at the title, and it will be a painful and unsuccessful shot! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Some unity between two of the three men in the main event – but will that last once they get to the ring? [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Human Arsenal[/B][/COLOR] to retain the [B]International Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] A very nice solid match, in which Arsenal shone. His greater skill stood out clearly, and made it a little hard for the crowd to still buy into RDJ taking the win. Overall it’s a good match though, and won’t (I hope) overshadow the main event. [B][COLOR="blue"]RDJ[/COLOR][/B] celebrates the win, but is then stopped mid-ring by [B][COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal,[/COLOR][/B] who, just in case any of the crowd still haven’t bought into him as a face now, offers his congratulations to RDJ, and raises his arm graciously in defeat. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Hmmm, don’t think he’d have done that a few months ago while in the Syndicate! [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law [/COLOR][/B]comes out to the ring first for the [B]World Title[/B] match, and says that once again he is up against it – he faces two members of the Syndicate for the second month in a row – indeed, two men who have both pinned him in the last few weeks. He tells the crowd that he will never give up his quest to regain the title, and he will go down fighting tonight if that is what is in his future. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Apparently Rick performed poorly in this segment – well you’d never know it from the crowd reaction to him! [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill [/COLOR][/B]and [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law [/B][/COLOR]to retain his [B]TCW World Title,[/B] when he forces Rick Law to submit to the Bach on your Back. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] And it’s a great way to end the show, as three very different styles of wrestling seem to mesh well here. We have the big brawler, Rick Law, the technician, Brent Hill, and the risk taking high flyer, Sammy Bach. Hill and Bach work smoothly as a team for most of the match, but it breaks down a little when Brent tries for a quick pin, and is pulled off by Sammy. They have words, but [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] on the outside calms them down. Rick Law has had a chance to recover, and is on fire as they re-join the battle, but although he fights gamely, any pin attempts by him are easily broken up by the third man. Sammy now makes a cover on Law, but both he and the referee are distracted by the big screen crackling to life, and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] posing with the belt appearing on it. He asks Sammy if he wants the belt back, and again, this nearly costs Bach the match, as Rick Law tries for a quick cover. Brent Hill makes the save, and he and Rick start brawling to the outside, where, after a couple of minutes, they are both taken out by a suicide dive off the top turnbuckle from Sammy Bach. Sammy drags Law into the ring, and with Brent Hill still down on the outside, he forces the tap out from the former champ, to successfully retain the title. Once again though, [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach’s[/COLOR][/B] celebration is cut short, as [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]appears on the big screen. He is clearly in a practise area, and he poses on the turnbuckles of his own ring with Sammy’s belt, before cheekily turning to the camera and telling Sammy that at least someone in TCW could pose and celebrate with the title for the fans tonight. Sammy is absolutely livid at this, and yells at the screen for Wolf to come and fight like a man – he wants his belt back. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Wolf has really begun to get under Sammy’s skin now – and Wolf seems to be loving every moment of it. [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]PPV Buy Rate = 2.74.[/B] Well, I’m pretty pleased with that show rating, given who WASN’T involved in matches – Tommy, Wolf, Eddie, Gino, Johnny. [B]Arnold Westberry[/B] once again got into an argument with a fan outside the arena. I called him into the office and once again reminded him that this was the entertainment business, and that the only fights that I was prepared to watch were those inside the ring, not from my employees with fans. I told him that this was a final warning – if this happened again, then he would be fired – a response that went down badly, with him claiming that nothing actually happened and that I was over-reacting. My reply was that I was the boss, and if he didn’t like it, he could find other employment – there are plenty of road agents that would jump at the chance to work with our talented wrestlers. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Predictions Contest:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Tigerkinney:[/B] 5/7 [B]Astyn:[/B] 7/7 [B]Azzmartin:[/B] 5/7 And we have a clear winner tonight - Astyn gets to pick the merchandise of his choice after a perfect set of predictions.
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[B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 1 June 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE="5"]TOTAL WRESTLING:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Scout[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Greg Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Matt Keith [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Rhino Umaga [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Bruce the Giant[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Angel of Death[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]THE FUTURE:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR] v[COLOR="Blue"] Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Ronnie V Pain[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Sensational Dragon[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Clark Alexander[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]BJ Shearer v Darryl Devine[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Genghis Rahn[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Lauren Easter[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Davis Newton[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Amber Allen[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Freddy Huggins[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Chance Fortune[/COLOR] All predictions are welcome - that's if you can remember who was doing what after the break!
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[B]TOTAL WRESTLING:[/B] [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Scout [I]There's more chance of Jason Statham winning an academy award, than Scout winning this match. [/I] Greg Keith v [B]Eddie Peak[/B] [I]Peak's done his time in the doghouse, so it's time to start building him as a threat again. [/I] [B]Matt Keith[/B] v Koshiro Ino [I]One of the tag champs, gets a win in singles competition.[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] v Bruce the Giant [I]Umaga's been getting something of a gradual push, while Bruce has basically been the Worlds Biggest Jobber. [/I] [B]The Angel of Death[/B] v Gino Montero [I]Gino's alot more talented, but sometimes talent does not always count and I see Angel of Death 's (aka Tyson Baine) size coming into play in this one.[/I] [B]Jay Chord[/B] v Frankie Perez [I]Chord's involvement in the tag title match and alignment with the Keith's seems to suggest that you might be ready to push him a bit more, so I think he takes this via some form of cheating.[/I] THE FUTURE: [B]Jacob Jett[/B] v Randall Hopkirk [I]PP on job duty[/I] Ronnie V Pain v [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] [I]PP on job duty 2[/I] Kirk Jameson v [B]Clark Alexander[/B] [I]Whilst I think Kirk has more long term potential, I actually think Clark should be shown a little more respect and actually come away with the victory in this one.[/I] BJ Shearer v [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [I]PP on job duty 3[/I] Genghis Rahn v [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Who hasn't Genghis jobbed to yet on the roster ?[/I] Lauren Easter v [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] [I]Brazzle just took Fish to the limit in a great women's match, so I'll doubt she'll lose here.[/I] [B]Davis Newton[/B] v Steve Flash [I]Mr Bad Chemistry does the job again[/I] Amber Allen v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]More experience[/I] [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] v Chance Fortune [I]This one's literally a coin toss, these are two wrestlers similar in size, similar in style, similar in skill level and similar in lack of push during this diary.[/I]
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TOTAL WRESTLING: [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Scout [B]Greg Keith[/B] v Eddie Peak [B]Matt Keith[/B] v Koshiro Ino [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] v Bruce the Giant The Angel of Death v [B]Gino Montero[/B] [B]Jay Chord[/B] v Frankie Perez THE FUTURE: [B]Jacob Jett[/B] v Randall Hopkirk Ronnie V Pain v [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] v Clark Alexander BJ Shearer v [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Genghis Rahn v [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Lauren Easter v [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] [B]Davis Newton[/B] v Steve Flash Amber Allen v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Freddy Huggins v [B]Chance Fortune[/B]
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TOTAL WRESTLING: [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Scout Greg Keith v [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Matt Keith v [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] v Bruce the Giant The Angel of Death v [B]Gino Montero[/B] Jay Chord v [B]Frankie Perez[/B] THE FUTURE: [B]Jacob Jett[/B] v Randall Hopkirk Ronnie V Pain v [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] v Clark Alexander BJ Shearer v [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Genghis Rahn v [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Lauren Easter v [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] [B]Davis Newton[/B] v Steve Flash Amber Allen v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] v Chance Fortune
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just like to say now that I have finished reading this from page1, how much I am enjoying it. It has convinced me to stop playing silly mods and to concentrate on a TCW game of my own (which I am trying now to rip off too many of your ideas). Fantastic. Can I also say how much I understand the pain of Football Manager addiction. [U]Total Wrestling[/U] [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Scout Greg Keith v [B]Eddie Peak[/B] [B]Matt Keith[/B] v Koshiro Ino [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] v Bruce the Giant The Angel of Death v [B]Gino Montero[/B] [B]Jay Chord[/B] v Frankie Perez [U]The Future[/U] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] v Randall Hopkirk Ronnie V Pain v [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] Kirk Jameson v [B]Clark Alexander[/B] BJ Shearer v [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Genghis Rahn v [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Lauren Easter v [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] [B]Davis Newton[/B] v Steve Flash Amber Allen v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] v Chance Fortune
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