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NOTBPW - War in Canada

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[B](OOC: Have scrapped my other dynasty, partly because I sucked at the game and partly because I wasn’t happy with the writing… I’m aiming to make it more in depth here, focusing on the backstage aspects. As always, feedback hugely welcome.)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“So, Mr Avatar, what makes you think you can replace my daughter?”[/COLOR] Dan Stone asked. [COLOR="Red"]“Well, I’ve been a long time fan of NOTBPW since the mid 90’s – Jeremy, you and Steve and Rob Oxford were the first guys I ever really ‘marked out’ for.”[/COLOR] I smile at Dan’s son, who smiles back at the compliment. [COLOR="Red"]“And since I took more of an interest in the workrate in matches and the psychology guys like yourself, Dan and Sean use, I’ve come to realize there’s no other company in the world which can put on consistently good shows like this one.”[/COLOR] Jeremy nods. [COLOR="Lime"]“Hey, dad, I like Jack already!”[/COLOR] Dan Sr smiled at him. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, he can talk a good game. I believe you’re interested in wrestling for us as well, if you get the job, Mr Avatar?”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="Red"]“Yeah, I’d love to. I flatter myself to think I’ve built up a reasonable fan base in TCW and USPW. I’m certainly not on the level of anyone in this room, but I’d hope to slot myself onto the roster as a babyface.”[/COLOR] Dan Jr cut in.[COLOR="Purple"] “I’m assuming you realize that the promotion has been built for several years, very successfully, around the three of us here as lead babyfaces?”[/COLOR] Gesturing apologetically, I turn the full force of the Avatar charm on Dan Jr. [COLOR="Red"]“Of course, I wouldn’t be thinking of myself as anywhere near your level, Dan. In fact, one of the only complaints I’ve heard from any of your – hopefully OUR – fans over the past few weeks when I’ve taken in some shows is how long it’s been since your fifth title reign. I appreciate you like long title reigns here and you’ve been building up Bloodstone, but a lot of your biggest fans feel that you’ve been unjustly overlooked, at least as an on-screen character, for the past 20 months. I’d be aiming to rectify that situation pretty quickly.”[/COLOR] I can see Sean McFly smiling to himself as if he’s less than convinced by my sincerity, but the 3 Stones here are lapping this up. Dan Sr looked pleased by my response. [COLOR="Purple"]“So you’d be aiming to push my sons as much as possible? And Sean, of course?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Hey, why change what works?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]“You’d be amazed,”[/COLOR] Jeremy said snidely. [COLOR="Lime"]“One of the previous candidates wanted to run a DAVE Invasion!”[/COLOR] They burst out laughing at the thought. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, Mr Avatar, we still have another 3 candidates to interview…” [/COLOR]Dan Sr shook my hand, [COLOR="Blue"]“… but if I were in your shoes, I’d be starting to think about the card for the upcoming Big City Brawl!”[/COLOR] Less than 24 hours later, the job offer has been finalized, and I’ve signed on the dotted line. To get things off to a quick start, I call a meeting with Johnny Bloodstone, Harrison Hash, Harlem Haynes, the Can-Am Blondes, John Maverick, RK Hayes, Tim Westybrook and the Stone family. These are the guys on written contracts, and I have something to discuss with them. [COLOR="Red"]“Hey, guys. Great to meet you all, have been a big fan of some of you for years. Tim, loved last week’s match against Dallas McWade, incredible! Best I’ve ever seen either of those two brothers look. Johnny, fantastic reign so far, champ. By the time you actually drop that strap, the fans will be ready to cheer anybody who beats you! Anyway, I could go on, and on, about what a fantastic bunch of guys you all are.”[/COLOR] Sean McFly definitely has my number, there’s a half-smile on his face again here. [COLOR="Red"]“I just wanted to call this meeting to inform you of an idea we’ll be trialling out. We’re going to run some house shows on Monday nights, alternating between the Prairies and right here in the Maritimes. We’ll be using them as ways to test new ideas out, and to keep our exposure up – and for us to have fun. Obviously, with the written contracts you’re under, it makes sense to give you all big roles in this company in the coming months, and we can see here the very best ways to use you all.”[/COLOR] For a bunch of guys who’ve just been told the amount of dates a month they work is practically doubling, they’re buying this surprisingly quickly – I just hope they carry on trusting in me. A few minutes later, as I sat in my office, John Maverick knocked on my door. [COLOR="Red"]“John, come in.”[/COLOR] I greeted the fed’s resident submissions expert. [COLOR="Red"]“Something to discuss?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]“Yeah… I got some information you may be interested in.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Oh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]“I was talking to Sean Deeley a week or two back. He was telling me how much he’d love to work over here, and said Zeus Maxmillion feels the same way.”[/COLOR] I smile, [COLOR="Red"]“Good to know how popular we are, but it’s a no-go, unfortunately. As I’m sure you’re aware, Dan and George DeColt have got a non-aggression agreement.”[/COLOR] Maverick nodded.[COLOR="Orange"] “I know that. But have you asked him what good it is yet? Because the way I see it, we have more fans than they do and we’re rising more quickly. Call me bitter for the way I was treated there, but it doesn’t seem like an equal agreement. And rumor has it you’re working on setting deals up with TCW and USPW, making it even less so.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]“I’ll speak to Dan about it.” [/COLOR]I reply.
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In fact, I e-mail him, deciding I don’t want to be in the same room as him if he takes the idea badly. From all I’ve heard of my new boss, he has a fairly explosive temper. About half an hour later, I get a reply asking me to step into his office. Heart trembling slightly, I follow the instruction. He growls at me. [COLOR="Blue"]“I just got off the phone to George DeColt. He made it very clear that if we ditched the non-aggression agreement stopping people working from both companies, he’d take it as a statement of intent to pursue his workers – and he’d try and do the same thing to us.” [/COLOR] I nod. [COLOR="Red"]“I see…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“So I told him if that’s what he saw it as, then that’s what it would be. From now on, we’re going to try and run that no-good louse out of business.”[/COLOR] My jaw drops.[COLOR="Red"] “What? I thought the pair of you were old friends.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Nah, never liked him that much anyway. You think this’ll work, we’ll go for it. Now, go get Maxmillion, Deeley, and anyone else you can take.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Okay… can I ask how much money we’ve got?”[/COLOR] “Five million in the bank. Try not to spend it all at once.” [COLOR="Red"]“Five million? What sort of return are you looking at, Mr Stone?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I’m looking at the ‘return’ of getting this company to the top of the wrestling mountain, where it belongs. If it takes a lot of money, so be it.”[/COLOR] My jaw was now practically at floor level.[COLOR="Red"] “Mr Stone? Can I ask you why the sudden change of heart? From what I’ve heard before, you’ve always been a hard-headed businessman and you’ve never seemed too interested in conquering the wrestling world.”[/COLOR] He nodded slowly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Alright, kid, I guess you should probably now the full story. I’m telling you this because Sam Strong thinks you’re a stand-up guy, and Sam’s a fairly good judge of character. I’m expecting this to stay between the two of us, and I’m only telling you because it will affect the future of the company, and therefore your future as well.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“I understand,”[/COLOR] I replied – not convinced that I did. [COLOR="Blue"]“I saw a doctor a few months ago. He told me, to be blunt, that I might not have more than a couple of years left.”[/COLOR] My head swum. [COLOR="Red"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, could be longer, but on the other hand, I could keel over tomorrow. The point is, son, for years I’ve listened to all the rumor sheets talking about Eisen looking to take over Canada, how the SWF will crush North of the Border if it comes to it, and I’ve always known that that wouldn’t happen. But I’ve been content to let them talk, never even trying to do the opposite and break through in the US. The thought that I may not have much time left has got me restless… and I’d like to go out knowing that we were taking the fight to them. If it costs me a ton of money, who cares? Won’t have long enough to spend it on anything else, and the four kids are well enough provided for. And if that arrogant moron George DeColt is going to throw a hissy fit because we want Sean Deeley, then let him, and we’ll bury him as a warm up!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Wo…wow.”[/COLOR] I stutter, shocked by the news of Stone’s health problems and by the attitude he was taking to it. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, and while you’re here, a few other things. I don’t want anyone who can’t grasp the importance of telling a story in the ring. Also, Victoria was talking about bringing back the Unlimited Action belt – I can’t say I ever liked that type of wrestling much even when that jumped up little twerp Edd was here doing it, but if you think it’ll draw, I’ll let you. But if you do that, none of those spot monkey guys, they make me dizzy just watching them. Finally, I like the thought of Dan getting another World title reign, and I’m expecting you to push him hard, but I also want to see Jeremy get a fair deal. He’s probably going to look at retiring in the next few years and I want him to go out on top. – got that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Got that.”[/COLOR] [QUOTE] [B][CENTER]OWNER GOALS[/CENTER][/B] NOTBPW must not fall into debt – 2 years Jeremy Stone must be kept above B+ popularity in Canada – 28 months Dan Stone must be kept above C+ momentum – 22 months You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than C- in psychology – 18 months. You cannot hire any wrestler classed as a Spot Monkey - 22 months. [/QUOTE]
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The first Championship Wrestling of the new year looks set to be explosive, as we build up to the Big City Brawl in less than 2 weeks! On that show, [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] will challenge for Johnny Bloodstone’s Canadian title, but first, the[B] Dark Angel [/B]awaits in what’s sure to be a phenomenal main event! Speaking of the Brawl, at that card, we’ll see the Dark Angel take on Jeremy’s brother [B]Dan [/B]– and tonight, he’s in action against [B]RK Hayes[/B]. And as well as seeing Canada’s two favorite sons in action, we also get to watch two title matches, with [B]Melody Cuthill [/B]defending against [B]Stephanie Hazel[/B], and the tag champs the [B]Kelowna Playaz [/B]taking on the[B] Can-Am Blondes. [/B] Also up,[B] Omar Brown vs Mighty Cavanagh[/B], [B]Dallas McWade [/B]against [B]Tim Westybrook[/B], and an extra special show starter – as North American sensation [B]Jack Avatar [/B]will debut, taking on the submissions expert [B]John Maverick [/B]in what’s sure to be a great technical bout. [B][CENTER]QUICK PICKS[/CENTER][/B] John Maverick vs Jack Avatar Tag title match: The Kelowna Playaz vs The Can-Am Blondes Omar Brown vs Mighty Cavanagh Dallas McWade vs Tim Westybrook Women’s title match: Melody Cuthill vs Stephanie Hazel R.K. Hayes vs Dan Stone Jr Dark Angel vs Jeremy Stone [B][CENTER]ANNOUNCED FOR BIG CITY BRAWL[/CENTER][/B] Dark Angel vs Dan Stone Jr Canadian title match: Johnny Bloodstone vs Jeremy Stone
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[B](OOC: Wallbanger's Generations diary has 'inspired' this layout somewhat - I avoided putting pictures in so it wasn't quite that blatant a copy. Or because I'm lazy. One of them, certainly.)[/B] [B][CENTER]Championship Wrestling Week 1 January - from Waterloo University Hall, Ontario [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]Pre-show [/B] [B]Alyssian Scottsfield and Lord James King vs Fighting Irish[/B][/CENTER] [I]I should probably have gone with my instincts and got them to run this one before the live crowd turned up. I’m fairly sure I can’t actually be sued for exposing people to the horrors of Jason O’Conner vs Scottsfield, but if there was any justice in life, it probably would be possible. This may start a big push for the Fighting Irish – but only if every other worker who’ll come to Canada turns me down.[/I] [B]The Fighting Irish defeated Alysian Scottsfield and Lord James King in 6:24 when Robbie McNamara defeated Lord James King by submission with a Subway STF. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Alysian Scottsfield is improving in Flying skills. Robbie McNamara is improving in Technical skills. Robbie McNamara is improving in Performance skills. E[/B] [B][CENTER]Emma Bitch vs Grace Harper[/CENTER][/B] [I]I beg these two to wake the crowd up in time for the show to go live, and they do a fairly good job. Emma has something of a problem, though – no doubting her skills, but she doesn’t fit in particularly well with any of the other girls on the roster, who are all much less comfortable at brawling than she is, and I’m not sure whether I can pick anyone much up for her to work with.[/I] [B]Grace Harper defeated Emma Bitch in 7:54 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Emma Bitch is improving in Performance skills. D-[/B] [B][CENTER]Main show[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]John Maverick vs Jack Avatar[/B][/CENTER] [I]My debut goes reasonably well – I’m not arrogant enough to book myself to go over one of the fed’s top heels, but we have an open match and John lets me get a fair bit of offense in before eventually taking the submission win from me. [/I] [B]John Maverick defeated Jack Avatar in 15:39 by submission with a Deadly Silence. The announcing quality lifted the match. John Maverick is improving in Technical skills. John Maverick is improving in Performance skills. C- [/B] [CENTER][B]Tag title match: The Kelowna Playaz vs The Can-Am Blondes[/B][/CENTER] [I]I feel slightly sorry for the Playaz, who were given a ridiculous push when they first came into NOTBPW, meaning many fans turned against them very quickly. On the other hand, that doesn’t hide the fact that they suck. We’ve gone through the match about five times with Dan Stone and Craig Prince talking through the spots, but Boone still manages to screw up three spots before finally, mercifully, jobbing to a dominant Owen. Owen and Damian, who have been on a fairly long losing streak under Vicky’s booking, are in a different class from the faces here and it’s a relief to move the belts across. [/I] [B]The Can-Am Blondes defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 10:37 when Owen Love defeated Gregg Boone by pinfall with a Love Gun. The Can-Am Blondes win the NOTBPW Tag Team titles. Gregg Boone was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Natural came out of the match looking good. The performance of Owen Love stood out as being good. The Tag storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. The Natural is improving in Technical skills. The Natural is improving in Performance skills. Gregg Boone is improving in Performance skills. Craig Green is improving in Technical skills. D-[/B] [I]The new Jeremy Stone music video plays – we’re determined to really push production values up, given Dan Sr’s willingness to spend some of his money. [/I][B]B[/B] [CENTER][B]Omar Brown vs Mighty Cavanagh[/B][/CENTER] [I]Oh god… at least we were EXPECTING the Playaz and Irish to suck. These two look absolutely horrendous, and if we didn’t have so few recognizable faces, Cavanagh would have a pink slip straight away. [/I] [B]Mighty Cavanagh defeated Omar Brown in 9:25 by pinfall with a Sit-Out Spinebuster. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Mighty Cavanagh is improving in Rumble skills. Mighty Cavanagh is improving in Technical skills. E+[/B] [B][CENTER]Dallas McWade vs Tim Westybrook [/CENTER][/B] [I]This is more like it – Dallas McWade has been around for years without ever being a particularly good wrestler, but he sure looks the part of a menacing big man, and Westybrook talks him through a surprisingly watchable match. The McWades have been on a huge roll for the past six months and their momentum means they’re far more useful than casual fans might think. [/I] [B]Dallas McWade defeated Tim Westybrook in 8:44 by pinfall with a Murder On the Mountain. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. C-[/B] [B][CENTER]Women’s title match: Melody Cuthill vs Stephanie Hazel[/CENTER][/B] [I]These two look good enough for me, in more ways than one! Nothing special, but equally miles away from some of the abysmal earlier action.[/I] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Stephanie Hazel in 13:20 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defence number 1 of her NOTBPW Womens title. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Melody Cuthill is improving in Performance skills. D[/B] [B][CENTER]R.K. Hayes vs Dan Stone Jr [/CENTER][/B] [I]And this is where it gets good… Dan’s undoubted skill can’t hide the fact that Hayes is lousy at convincing selling, but Dan deals with that by giving Hayes a lot of offense before eventually working over Hayes’ right leg to get the submission win. It’s streets ahead of anything earlier. [/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated R.K. Hayes in 12:41 by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. This match lifted the crowd. B- [/B] [B][CENTER]Dark Angel vs Jeremy Stone[/CENTER][/B] [I]The bad news is, Jeremy looks poor by his standards here. The good news is, poor by Jeremy’s standards is awesome by most people’s, especially with an opponent like Cliff Wilson. The pair tear up the place for half an hour, with the 3,926 in attendance going crazy for every near fall and submission event, and Jeremy eventually getting the win by resorting to an unexpected tornado bulldog counter of an atomic drop attempt, then finally locking on the Stone Hold for the tap out victory.[/I] [B]Jeremy Stone defeated Dark Angel in 29:49 by submission with a Stone Hold. Jeremy Stone seemed off his game tonight. The Main storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Jeremy Stone is improving in Flying skills. B+[/B] [B]B- overall[/B], and there's a huge celebratory mood at the end of what is generally considered to have been the best show for a few months. This booking stuff seems pretty easy...
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