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The Dawning of the American Wrestling Federation

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I had known Pistol Pete for some time now. Our friendship started when we were both rehabbing our knees. He was coming off of another arthroscope surgery. I was coming off of a scope job and an ACL surgery. We would talk about wrestling during our rehab. Mostly I was listening while he was telling war stories of the past. The years went by as we stayed in touch. His stories lit a fuse under me as I wanted to get into the business, not as a wrestler, but in some kind of backstage worker. I worked in several organizations, telling Pete bits and pieces as I continued to make a name for myself. He would often advise me of some of the pitfalls of various organizations. Fast forward to today. Pete and I decided to catch up on old times as we would meet for lunch. Little did he know I had a hidden agenda. Pete had “The Rev” Joshua Barris with him as I made my way to the restaurant. Both talked about how there was a real lack of great workers today. They lacked the skills to become impact players like the workers of old. I announced that I had often thought about starting a Federation myself. Which was met by Pete and The Rev;s response, ya go for it. You know your way backstage pretty well Mike, as Barris added. [COLOR="Red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I’m serious. Look at you two, both of you just told me there was a lack of skill in today’s workers. And I offer a solution, and because both of you have become so jaded and set in your ways you just automatically dismiss it. [COLOR="red"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Look Mike, ain't nobody here dismissing anything. I just don’t think you have thought your way all the way thru with this. [COLOR="red"][B]The Rev:[/B][/COLOR] Look brother, Pete’s been in the biz for so long now he knows what he is talking about. Besides that do you know the amount of money that is needed to maintaining even a decent organization? I throw a folder onto the table with various charts, Contacts from other organizations, TV Executives, and a business plan. [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] You mean like this? Both Pete and The Rev pour over the information. Soaking it up, and both seemed to be surprised in the amount of effort I had put into this. [COLOR="red"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Looks all good on paper, what’s holding ya up partner? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] You. [COLOR="red"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Say what? You cant afford me, even if my knees where good. You just couldn’t afford me at all. [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Try me. Look Pete, write down what you last contract you had. Now add in some variable for todays standards what that contract would be. [COLOR="red"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Ok partner, done. Now what big man? [COLOR="red"][B]The Rev:[/B][/COLOR] Watch it Pete, I smell trouble brewing. [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Trouble is I have a friend here that is worried about his knees when some of the class from his day are still growing strong and have changed their styles. He should have been one of them. [COLOR="Red"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] You still can’t afford me Mike. Even if your right, ya I'm scared to death about going under the knife for my knees. [COLOR="red"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] Look my friend, I understand as well as you about the knife. How many surgeries have I had? A ton, now back to my motive here. I have already started paper work for this. I am going into the wrestling business. I want you Pete. Hell, I need you Pete. No offense Rev, but I got room for you as well. [COLOR="red"][B]The Rev:[/B][/COLOR] No Offense taken. [COLOR="red"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] I just don’t think you have the money to first off get this thing off of the ground. Let alone pay me. Even if my knees do hold up, but for how long? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] You got that number wrote down Pete? If so double it and I’ll get you a cashiers check drawn up tomorrow. [COLOR="red"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Ok big man, I’ll bite. You show me you got that kind of cash flow. I’m game. But what are you gonna do when my knees go south? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Pete I just need you on the roster. You're experience alone is enough to show these guys they have a lot to learn. Don’t look so glum Rev, Your next. So What’s it gonna take for you to come aboard this as well? [COLOR="red"][B]The Rev:[/B][/COLOR] Some how I get the feeling I’m dealing with the Devil.
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With the basic understanding on what I was trying to accomplish Pistol Pete and The Rev reluctantly signed on. My next move was to meet with my step brother who designed the logo we are using. We then made our website. [QUOTE][CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] We at the American Wrestling Federation, are honored to represent the finest athletes today. We want to embrace not only the future, but to never forget wrestling’s glorious past. Our mission statement is simple. To entertain, you the fans. Come join us for a journey in our quest. [/QUOTE] Our next phase is to put together a roster. As I meet with several workers over the next couple of weeks it became apparent that many were excited to be on the same roster as Pistol Pete and The Rev. Pistol Pete was working out daily. He seemed to be just as excited as the youngsters were. And for the first time in years he was moving in the ring with out much pain. Sure it hurt after his workouts. But the pain that had plagued him for years was not there. He as well as I was relieved, the last thing I wanted to do was be known as the last owner that Pistol Pete worked for before his knees blew out. We both knew the risks, but both willing to take a stab at it. [QUOTE][CENTER] Photobucket Roster [/CENTER] Brent Hill is a superb all-rounder, whose incredible versatility means that he can comfortably work any style, at any time. Teddy Flame is best known as 1/2 of the long-time tag team, the Blazin' Flames. Adonis the former SWF Superstar. He is currently managed by The Guru Whistler the brawling red blooded American. Pistol Pete the Internationally know superstar. Joey Flame 1/2 of the long-time tag team, the Blazin' Flames. Fumihuro Ota Super ninja who has blazed daring new trails in this industry for the smaller guys. Brian Bounds is a former amateur wrestler who made the switch to pro wrestling. Bryan Holmes is one of the most versatile, consistent workers around, blessed with the ability to have great matches with just about anyone. Jd Morgan the English born wrestler who brings his unique European Style with him. Alex Robinson the Canadian born star who has traveled abroad honing his skills. Rich Money known for being arrogant and snobby. But has a world of talent in him. Blue Sky the Lucha Libra star brings his skills to the AWF. The Human Arsenal The dangerous well rounded and very much respected Indy star. Jack Bruce the Flamboyant star of both sides of the coast. The Punisher who is known for having hands of stone. The Rev the Preacher man brings his good word and his good skills to the AWF. Rolling Johny Stone a solid worker best known for his work over seas. Nobuatsu Tatsuko is known as the 'Iron Man' thanks to his supreme conditioning. Christopher Hart is a powerful young man looking to make his name in the AWF. The Natural is a well rounded competitor. Donnie J don’t let his laid back approach fool you. He is a dangerous competitor. Pecs has been rising slowly in the independent feds. Flex just like his tag team partner Pecs Jean Cattley solid worker looking to add to his experience. Dario Shelton solid youngster. Snap Dragon the mysterious young man has a lot of potential in this business. Managers The Guru known as the brain behind many a champion around the world. Shane Sneer always looking to add to the fortune of the Sneer Corporation. Ashley Amazon a veteran wrestler who as of late has decided to manage some of the best young men today.[/QUOTE]
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With our rosters set, I am now left to try and secure a TV deal for us. Thru my various sources I heard NCTV was looking to land a show. I finally got thru to Joey Mathews running the network and we agreed to meet. [COLOR="Red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Mike, damn glad to finally meet you. So what do we have on the agenda bub? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR]Well Joey, I hear thru the grape vine that your looking to add to you schedule with a wrestling show. I just happen to be looking for a network to show my guys off on. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Who told you this? O never mind, who am I kidding. Yes I am looking for some kind of combat show, either wrestling or MMA. I can’t make up my mind. [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Well allow me to put you in an arm bar today, and let’s see if I can persuade you. Can’t speak for the affairs of MMA. I know of several of the bigger names and they do have a lot of talent. But let me ask you this. What has it been that has always captured America’s fighting spirit? Wrestling has, why because even we know deep down it is staged, but damn does it look so real. Imagine your favorite movie that you have watched a thousand times, now imagine that movie never ending but the characters always evolving, some being changed, some new ones brought in. That wrestling’s in a nut shell. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Who you got in your lineup? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] A lot of new faces with a mix of old. Maybe you have heard of him, Pistol Pete? [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Interested in him but one man don’t make a show. [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Well, The Blazn Flames are making their way back, Adonis from SWF, and Whistler are the established stars. Have a lot of new talent that made their names in the smaller Indy feds, Rich Money, Jack Bruce. Here Joey, take a look at their profiles. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Interesting characters. What kind of length are you thinking of. [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Two hours should suffice. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] You know as well as I do I won’t put a new show on the air for no two hours. How about an hour? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] How about this, hour and half for 4 shows to gauge the response. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Settled, terms on financing? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Well Joey this is where we might butt heads. 70% to on Revenue. 100 % me on costs. I hold the rights to the show. I will need to rent some of your equipment for tapings. And I am responsible for up keep and maintaining equipment. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] No on the revenue. Why should I give you 30% of my money? [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Joey, I am taking the risk here. I am putting on the shows with my writers, my time; I just need your air wave, and some of the heavy equipment. I know you rent them out from time to time and I am looking for the same deal. I know you’re making money on that considering I said I would be responsible for the Maintenance and upkeep of said equipment. Therefore advantage to you. I also stated that I am responsible for 100% show costs. Again advantage to you. All you got to do is pop the tape in and push the button or whatever you do to get a show on the air. No editing cost to you. You’re getting a free show with no work. Plus with my product I can see a large amount of sponsors down the road lining up to give us money in large sums. I’m doing all the leg work for only 30% of the pay. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Sounds like to me you have done your home work there Mike. I’ll tell ya what; have your people draw up the paper work so it gives my people something to read. [COLOR="red"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] If I may be so bold MR. Mathews, I already predicted we could come to terms and already have them done for your approval. [COLOR="red"][B]Joey:[/B][/COLOR] Have you done this before?
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[CENTER]Photobucket [COLOR="red"][B]AWF Showcase Preview[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] This is a very exciting time for us. Not only have we secured a television deal with our new found friends at NCTV. We have been diligently working with other Independent federations in an effort to bring the very best competitors for you the fan to witness. We are announcing a tournament to crown our 1st World Champion. Yes we said world, because we have scoured the world in bring in both familiar warriors and unknown warriors hungry for championship gold. This Thursday you will see in first round action. [CENTER]Pistol Pete VS John McClean Whistler VS Fumihiro Ota Travis Century VS The Rev Alex Braun VS Stuart Ferdinand Nobuatsu Tatsuku VS The Stomper The Human Arsenal VS Jungle Jack Steve Flash VS Sheik Mustafa JD Morgan VS Jack Bruce[/CENTER]
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Almost forgot to give you guys the setup. Sorry folks. I'm using the 97 mod for this. I created this fed gave myself 50% Pop in Great Lakes and Midwest, all others are at 40%. Product settings Traditional: Key Mainstream: Heavy Comedy and Cult: Low Modern: Medium Realism,Hardcore and Lucha: Low Pure and Daredevil: Vlow If it ain't listed its at nothing. Match Danger and Intensity: 40% This is one that I plan on doing something I haven't done in awhile and thats try and develop the actual character. My works in the past as some of you may or may not know, I either gave up do to losing my direction and not keeping good notes, or gave up due to lack of participation. This is my keeper. Now I do not every say that I am a great writer, no, I'm weak. But I do have a desire. Some cards may be long, some short, depends on what kind of mood I'm in I guess. But either way, hopefully I will do a decent job at keeping you entertained. Either way boys, see you around the boards.
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I gather the troops around as we put on the final touches on the preparations for the show. And I say the following. “Tonight you find yourself surrounded by those who have done this before you. These gentlemen and ladies have defined this business and this tradition. Their sacrifices have made it possible for you to be here, for this organization to exist. They all did this with heart, passion, and conviction. They performed through pain, through adverse conditions, and when they were over-matched. They performed when they were hurt, when they were tired, and when others counted them out. They continued that tradition that was handed down from those who did this before them. They are all here in spirit to support you. They know your sacrifices; they know what you are facing tonight. And, they know that you can succeed. They know, because they succeeded before you! You are walking in the same foot steps that they walked in. You owe it to them to continue this tradition! You owe it to them to protect and enhance this tradition! Just like them - you know that you can succeed! And you will! Tonight, that tradition continues! "Tradition" is an inspiring word. The word tradition comes from the Latin word "tradition" which means "to hand down" or "to hand over." You all know how important traditions are in families and in communities. The traditions that get passed down through the generations are the traditions that everyone enjoys. The traditions that have a place in our hearts and we look forward to them each year. That is the way it is with this organization’s tradition! We enjoy it! We look forward to it! Some of us live for it! Like the saying goes... "Tradition never dies!" Tradition lives within each and every one of you. You are born into it, you continue it, and when the time comes, you hand it down to the next generation! Now lets go show them what we are made of.” The locker room clears out as we get ready to put on the very first AWF Showcase. Pete walks up to me and say ”Where the hell did that come from?” I shrug my shoulders and respond “ Don’t know Pete, guess it’s pre show jitters. Besides it seemed fitting to fire em up on the very first show.”
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[CENTER]Photobucket [B]AWF Showcase Thursday, Week 1, January, 1987 Perry Hall Attendance: 2,000[/B] [/CENTER] A video package airs containing highlights from some of the greats in the past while blending in some of our stars of today. While our announcers Karl Jackson and Carl Batch hype over our card for this evening. I come out to the ring with microphone in hand while I pace the ring searching for the right words to say. [COLOR="Blue"]Me:[/COLOR] Welcome to a history making show tonight. Thank you for supporting us and all of our competitors this evening. The AWF wants to be known for bringing you a wide variety of styles. You want to see high flyer's, watch AWF, you want to see technical based, well we got that too. You just want to see some good Ole fashion mud hole stomping, well you guessed it we have that as well. We here at AWF want to never forget the blood, sweat, and tears shared in this ring from around the globe, from some of the greatest entertainers who gave us their body and soul to entertain us for all of those years. While letting some of the best talent today, run with the ball to show us what the have. We are starting our adventure together as we will be crowning our very first World Champion later this month. But to kick off our show tonight, I present to you, a warrior from the past, A warrior who has traveled the globe, I give to you, PISTOL PETE HALL! Pete’s music hits and he makes his way to ringside with a good pop from the crowd. He gives us a big toothy grin and gives high fives to the fans while he makes his way down. He enters the ring, and starts to warm up while waiting for his opponent John McClean. If Pete had any ring rust it was not apparent in this match as John was tossed around like a rag doll mostly thru the match. [B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] defeated John McClean in 6:42 by pinfall with a Pistol Whip Lariat. Pistol Pete Hall asks for a microphone so he can addresses the crowd. [COLOR="blue"][B]Pistol Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Howdy all! For those who do not know me, my name is Pistol Pete Hall. I use to be a big star back in the 80’s. Well boys and girls, Ole Petey is back. I figured what a better way to comeback than to go back to work with some hungry newcomers in this business. You see Ole Pete here has some things he has to prove to himself. I want that big Ole fancy hunk of gold. I also want to say thank you to all of you older fans who supported me thru all them years. Whoa doggy, we gonna have some good times now. Thank you. [COLOR="Red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] Who, is this wrinkly old fart in the ring holmes. Why he getting so much air time anyway? [COLOR="Blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] Mind your manners Carl and show some respect. The Whistler makes he from the backstage area. Star n Stripes forever is played as he is carrying Ole Glory. And the fans sure do love him. [COLOR="Red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] Great, another cracker head cracker. When we gonna get some brothers on this show? [COLOR="Blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] Carl, For once in your life just do you job. Your job is color commenter, not commenter who adds color. [COLOR="Red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] Ok, here comes another old wrinkly cracker making his way down to ringside. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] I give up, your impossible. The Whistler stops at the broadcast table and exchanges hand shakes with Jackson. Carl Batch does a complete two face and exchanges handshakes as well. [COLOR="blue"][B]The Whistler:[/B][/COLOR] So I hear American Wrestling Federation is looking to crown a new champion. Well anything American you can count The Whistler as in. USA, USA, ….! And right on cue, The Guru and Fumihiro Ota make their way down. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Guru:[/B][/COLOR] You need to shut your mouth old man. Not everybody in the world cares about the big bad Whistler. My ninja warrior here included. Now get your big *** in the ring. I’ve got places to go and I don’t want stay in this second rate city any longer than I have two. The bell rings and Whistler and Ota start to tie up. Whistler backs off and once again starts the USA Chant. The Guru is beside himself, pounding the mat in frustration. Whistler and Ota eventually do tie up and we got a match. The end saw Whistler making another one of his comebacks when Ota reaches into his waist band and produces a white powder which he throws into the eyes of The Whistler. The Ref sees it and calls for the bell. [B] Whistler[/B] defeated Fumihiro Ota in 5:33 by disqualification. As the ring announcer declares The Whistler the winner, The Guru orders his client, Fumihiro Ota to attack. Ota does so with quick lightning kicks and thrusts to The Whistlers throat. Finally after the Ref threatens to suspend Ota and The Guru does he finally stop. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] I cant believe I have ever seen The Whistler be so brutalized like that before. [COLOR="Red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] What, I didn’t see a thing. I saw clean match when that dumb ref calls for the bell for no reason. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] Let me guess, you didn’t see Ota throw powder in Whistler’s eyes? [COLOR="red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] Nope, I saw Ota doing the right thing after realizing he had a illegal substance in his possession. He promptly got rid of it. [COLOR="blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] (while shaking his head) Up next folks we have Travis Century and The Rev. Travis come out first. He walks slowly to the ring, chanting something unrecognizable. [COLOR="Red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] You know what holmes? I have become a very peaceful man now that I attend the church that Travis Century preaches in. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] Somehow I doubt that. Out next is The Rev and the crowd gives him a decent pop. He jogs down to ringside managing a few high fives for the fans. The Rev and Travis are in the ring as they start to circle one another. They stop for a moment as its Travis who extends a hand to the Rev. The Rev looks to the crowd who tell him not to do. But against their pleas Rev shakes the hand of Century. A clean handshake, and we got ourselves a match. Both men put on a pretty good technical match. Neither of them able to sustain any offense for an extended amount of time. The Rev went for a clothesline as Travis came off the ropes, and he ducks it. Travis turns around and kicks The Rev in the gut, then delivers a thunderous DDT. Travis goes for a cover and grabs a hold of the tights and gets the victory. The Rev gets to his feet as Travis Century rolls out of the ring. Travis points to his head as he walks back to the backstage area. [B]Travis Century[/B] defeated The Rev in 7:33 by pinfall with a handful of tights. [COLOR="blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] What a travesty of justice, And to think I thought Travis had changed his ways. [COLOR="Red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] What did I miss? [B]Alex Braun[/B] defeated Stuart Ferdinand in 5:31 by pinfall with a fast roll up. Shane Sneer, Rich Money, Brent Hill and Human Arsenal are seen backstage talking about strategy. Each of them are clamoring to Shane why they should be pushed to be champion. Sneer tells them all to keep quite, He tells them that they wall will be champions soon enough. But for now John Anderson needs to get ready for his match. The Stomper comes out as he starts yelling New York City Rules on his way down. Nobuatsu Tatsuko is out next. He makes his slow and methodical way down to ring side and he looks like he is very focused. Stomper starts the match very aggressively and he threw out every kick, scratch and bite that he could muster but Tatsuko was too much as he lands the Tatsuko Driller to pick up the win. [B] Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/B] defeated The Stomper in 6:34 by pinfall with a Tatsuko Driller. Human Arsenal and Shane Sneer make their way down to ringside. Out next heavy metal music starts to play and Jungle Jack comes running down. He dives into the ring as Arsenal tries to meet him but Jack is a step ahead. Jack punishes Arsenal from the start with power move after power move. Sneer has other plans as he constantly interferes giving Arsenal time to catch his breath. Eventually Arsenal land a Ammo Dump to pick up the win. [B]Human Arsenal[/B] defeated Jungle Jack in 6:45 by pinfall with an Ammo Dump after Shane Sneer interfered. [COLOR="red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] Now that’s just plain old smart managing there by Shane Sneer ladies and gentlemen. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Karl Jackson:[/B][/COLOR] Are we even watching the same action tonight? I see nothing but out right cheating almost match after match, and your saying it’s fair. [COLOR="Red"][B]Carl Batch:[/B][/COLOR] You say potato, I say patatoe. Sheik went for a slow and methodical approach to this match. Flash was able to match him with some great counter wrestling. Flash picked up the win with a Flash Bang. [B]Steve Flash[/B] defeated Sheik Mustafa in 7:55 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. In a great match up. JD has more experience and is a better mat wrestler, but Jack is ****y and shows no fear and is probably a better total package. But tonight It’s JD who picks up the win. [B]JD Morgan[/B] defeated Jack Bruce in 15:23 by pinfall. I get up from the announce table with microphone in hand. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Hey, you two. Shake hands, that was a great match you two. (They stare at each other obviously tensions after fighting each still there, but the reluctantly agree and shake hands.) There you go folks. What a great night tonight was, wouldn’t you agree? This is just the beginning. Next week we finalize the first round of action and continue on to round two. With that Adonis and The Guru come down and interrupt me. Adonis starts to talk but do you remember the first time you heard Mike Tyson talk? [COLOR="Red"][B]The Guru:[/B][/COLOR] Calm down there big man. We all know how excited you get when your mad. Mike, how dare you not include my man here Adonis in tonights card. How dare you not include one of your greatest stars here in the AWF in the Tournament for the World’s Championship. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Whoa, Whoa there big man. Who said he wasn’t included? He is, as a matter fact he will be wrestling next week. The Guru and Adonis high five one another. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Guru:[/B][/COLOR] Great. I’m glad you have come to your senses. So, drop me a clue. Who will be Adonis’s sacrificial lamb be next week? [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Lamb, no, Sacrificial, I don’t think so. But your opponent next week will be…..Chris Rockwell. Adonis and Guru are upset as Rockwell comes thru the backstage area. Standing there and staring Adonis down as we come to the close of the show.
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The show went off pretty well with out a hitch. Most everybody backstage were really amped. I took a mental picture of those who seemed to go out of their way to ensure the show was a success. After the show went off the air. I was still feeling the adrenalin rushing thru me, but I began to second guess myself. Did I do everything? Was this the best show possible? You know those little things that creep into your mind when your a rookie head booker. When I got back to the hotel I was still shaking from the nerves. My stomach was in knots. I poured over the data I had compiled on SWF and HGW from the night before. HGW in the Irvine center, sold out with 5,000 Best angle involved Rip Chord and Sam Strong Best match was Dread defeating Larry Vessey Swf was in The Evanovich Riverside, sold out with 10,000 Best Angle was a brawl between Christian Faith, Sam Kieth, and Nemesis. Best Match was Sean McFly and Sid the Kid defeating No Way Jose and Warlord Agony I checked the net to see how much of a buzz our show had created if any. Damn them, they have to steal my thunder don't they? SWF sign two. Eric Tyler From DAVE and CGC, Roger Dodger from AMW and NEW HGW Sign Gilmore? Tom Gilmore apparently was signed to a PPA agreement last night Buried again I see. I'll check later to see if anything has changed. A knock on the door. I get up and answer it to see Pistol Pete there. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Pete. Is the knee ok? What are you doing here? [COLOR="blue"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Knee is fine Mike, relax. Any word from the rating? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] No, still to early. Just checked the net and SWF signed Dodger and Eric Tyler. Stallings signed Gilmore from Canada. [COLOR="blue"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Damn, bad luck on our part. That will happen in this business so get use to it kid. Hey, me, Stomper, and some of the boys are down stairs getting some drinks and telling stories. you should come down. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I would Pete, but I got alot of work to do. [COLOR="blue"][B]Pete:[/B][/COLOR] Mike, you will always have work to do. Come down stairs, have a drink or two. Laugh and relax for a moment. Otherwise you will burn yourself up. Trust me on this one, how many times do you think I have seen it happen? Against my better judgment I agree. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I guess a one drink won't be a bad thing. Ok I'll meet you downstairs. How many times have I said that before. Just one drink. Drinks are like chips, can we ever have just one?
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