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-Raw. The New Era.

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/MainPicture.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] No real fancy backstory about lottery wins or phonecalls. Basically I created Vince McMahon in game, and i'm taking over the real Vince's duties. Apart from I am running RAW only.This diary starts 2 RAW's after Night Of Champions, and the RAW after CM Punk cashed in his Money In The Bank to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Not all fueds will be continued, although a few may. I am starting with the RAW roster as of now with a few signings i felt were appropriate ;). Now onto buisness. [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE="6"]Champions[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/BigGold.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CMPUNK2.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk[/B] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kofi Kingston[/B] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CODYRHODES1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/TEDDIBIASEJR2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase Jr. - The Second Generation[/B] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][U]The Roster[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/Roster.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAWQuickPicks.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs World's Greatest Tag Team[/B] [U]Non-Title Match[/U] [B]Kofi Kingston vs Paul London[/B] [U]#1 Contender's Match for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship[/U] [B]Batista vs Kane vs Shawn Michaels[/B] [SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] Thanks for reading so far guys, any critisisms? Comments? Predictions? Anything is appreciated ;).
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[SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAWQuickPicks.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs [U]World's Greatest Tag Team[/B][/U] [I]Hmm.. Cade & Murdoch broke up in real life, but that doesn't mean, that you have to do it also. I think you will keep it together, because there aren't really much tag teams. If you break them up, it's going to have an effect to this match, and the result, but I dont know. Ill just hope that WGTT win with a surprise "flash" "roll-up" pinfall. [/I] [U]Non-Title Match[/U] [B][U]Kofi Kingston[/U] vs Paul London[/B] [I]It would be stupid from you to job Kingston to London, altough, I hope London could pick up a win :)[/I] [U]#1 Contender's Match for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship[/U] [B]Batista vs Kane vs [U]Shawn Michaels[/U][/B] [I]Kane and CM Punk had some matches already, and I don't think that Kane is going to win the match. Batista & CM Punk wouldn't click, altough, it did happen in real life. Shawn Michaels, "The Heartbreak Kid" "Mr. WrestleMania" is going to take the win and face CM Punk and they have a wonderful match.[/I] [SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] Pretty good, but I just don't know, why you signed Bobby Lashley & where have all of your Women workers go? Development?
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[QUOTE]Pretty good, but I just don't know, why you signed Bobby Lashley & where have all of your Women workers go? Development?[/QUOTE] Yeah, I probably should of explained that. I released all Divas because I just hate booking them on TEW, their ratings are always poison. Regarding Lashley, I had to fill up some empty space on the roster and I am using a BETA mod, with only about 150 people init, and Lashley was obviously one of the most over free agents. Same for tag teams aswell, rather than signing a bunch of single midcarders, I figured I'll bring in some tag teams and workers who's tag team partners I already posess, and beef my Tag division up, because I only had 4 teams to start, and 2 of which contained Cody Rhodes lol. Hope this clears things up.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]RAW - Week 2, July 2008[/U][/B][/CENTER] *The show kicks off with a recap of all the going ons of last week, including CM Punk cashing in his money in the bank breifcase before going on to defeat Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship.* [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/M-R/MICHAELCOLE2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JERRYLAWLER2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Michael Cole[/B] Hello ladies and gentlemen, tonight I am very previlidged to be sitting alongside Jerry 'The King' Lawler. And Jerry, tonight we have a major card. [B]Jerry[/B] Thanks Cole, and yep your right. We're ready to blow the roof off the arena tonight with our MEGA main event. [B]Cole[/B] Thats right Jerry, Batista will take on 'The Big Red Machine' Kane and 'The Showstoppa' Shawn Michaels in a number one contenders match for the newly won World Heavyweight Championship of CM Punk. [B]Jerry[/B] Yep, and speaking of Punk, here he comes, ready to kick off tonight's show! [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CMPUNK2.jpg[/IMG] Our new World Heavyweight Champion confidently struts to the ring, slapping all the fans hands on the way down. After taunting to the crowd for several minutes, Punk grabbed the microphone. [B]CM Punk[/B] 9 years. [I]The crowd goes nuts, even if they had no clue what he was talking about just yet.[/I] [B]Punk[/B] 9 years, and finally I have acheived what I set out to do. Become the World Heavyweight Champion! [I]The crowd goes bonkers.[/I] [B]Punk[/B] From competing in backyard combat in a company known as Lunatic Wrestling Federation in the late 90's, to joining ROH in the early 2000's, where incidently I won [I]their [/I]World Championship, an honour which means jack all compared to what I wear now. [I]The crowd don't particularly like it, but cheer anyway.[/I] [B]Punk[/B] Back in 2005, I was signed to a development promotion known as OVW. There I won every single one of their titles in just 1 year before I was promoted into 'the big time'. I was brought up by WWE to compete on ECW. I went on a 6 month winning streak before winning the ECW World Title on 2 seperate occassions! [I]The crowd are still going bananas.[/I] [B]Punk[/B] I dominated ECW week in week out before winning Money In The Bank IV. I have to admit, since that point, I didn't do an awful lot. I didn't know wether I was coming of going. Then things took a turn for the better and I was drafted to the A show, RAW! [I]The fans are popping like mad[/I] [B]Punk[/B] Then I decided it was time for me to seperate myself from the pack, 9 years and I was ready to capture the moment. I captured the moment and in a bold move, I cashed in MITB and defeated Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship, and that is where I stand today. I did this for me, I did this for everyone who said I would never make it. But most importantly, I did it for every single one of you! *points to the crowd* [I]The crowd lap up his every word, and are going absoloutly apesh*t[/I] [B]Punk[/B] Therefore, not only am I going to defend this belt with pride, but I am going to... [CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KANE4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Before he can continue however, he is interupted by 'The Big Red Machine' Kane's pyro. Kane then apears on the titantron and gets a fair bit of heat, despite being a crowd favorite. [B]Kane[/B] Punk. 9 years ago you started your career in attempt to become the World Champion. 9 years ago I won, and was screwed out of the World Title within the space of 24 hours. It's about time The Big Red Machine is on top of the wrestling world again. My first reign may have lasted 24 hours. Yours aint going to last much longer after I win tonight and defeat you at the bash. [I]*Kane then bursts into a psycotic laugh*.[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/LANCECADE2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/TREVORMURDOCH2.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/SHELTONBENJAMIN1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CHARLIEHAAS3.jpg[/IMG] Our first contest of the evening is a battle between 2 newly reformed teams, The Redneck Recking Crew and The World's Greatest Tag Team. Many times during the match we cut backstage where the World Tag Champs, Cody Rhodes and Te Dibiase Jr. are following the match closely. And that can also describe the match. Very Close. Seemingly out of nowhere however, Shelton catches Murdoch off guard and hit's him with a T-Bone, and that is enough to score the 3. Rhodes and Dibiase Jr. look on c0ckily, but with a slight bit of worry on their face. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]The World's Greatest Tag Team[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JOHNCENA5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JTG2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/SHAD1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]*The camera's cut backstage where Shad, JTG and John Cena are, standing next to a stretched out limo with bullhorns on the bonnet. No prizes for guessing who it belongs to.*[/I] [B]Shad[/B] Man, check out that ride! [B]JTG[/B] Sweeeet! [B]Cena[/B] You thinking what I'm thinking? [I]*At that moment, Cena and Cryme Tyme all pull out cans of black spraypaint!*[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Limo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JTG[/B] Yo John. You think he'll like it. [B]Cena[/B] In all honesty J. I think he's gun' love it. [I]*Cena and Cryme Tyme (The Chaingang) walk off with big chesire cat like smirks on their faces.*[/I] [B]Michael Cole[/B] Man, JBL's going to flip! [B]Lawler[/B] Tell me about it! Anyways next up is a non-title match between the new Intercontinental Champion, and the first Jamaican WWE Superstar, Kofi Kingston and recently split up from his tag team partner, the man that is no stranger to danger, Paul London. [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/M-R/PAULLONDON3.jpg[/IMG] Kofi dominates the opening, but it's not long before Paul London's experience shows. Kofi however fights back and looks to be putting London away, when from the back Chris Jericho emerges. [B]Cole[/B] Oh what the hell does he want. He's lost twice to Kofi fair and square, so what's he doing getting involved in Kofi's buisness! [B]Jerry[/B] He isn't, he's stopped at the top of the ramp. I guess he just wants to watch this match perhaps? He may not be interfering, but just his prescence is enough to discract Kofi long enough to be rolled up by London for the 3 count. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Paul London.[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] Kofi takes the defeat in good graces, and shakes London's hand post match, as Jericho starts walking down the ramp, but he doesn't head to the ring, he heads to the announce table. [B]Y2J[/B] Michael, Jerry. [B]Cole[/B] Err. Hey th.... [B]Y2J[/B] Quite. You speak when spoken to. Understood? [B]Cole[/B] Ye..... [B]Y2J[/B] Enough. You may be wondering why I am at your announce table. Well seen as though old Jimmy is on Smackdown, i figured I may aswell give the audience at home a glimpse of entertainment, and save_us from you jibberish. [B]Cole[/B] Yeah but... [B]Y2J[/B] Silence! [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]*Our camera's are rushed backstage just in time to see JBL arriving at his limo.*[/I] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JBL6.jpg[/IMG] He takes a look at his limo, before snapping and kicking off. He pushes camera men over, punches walls and even boots the limo a couple of times. [B]JBL[/B] I'm going to kill you no good crooks! JBL then continues his rage, as we head back toward ringside. [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Cole[/B] Well ne... [B]Y2J[/B] Next up we have our main event. For a shot at Punk's title, it will be Batista vs Kane vs The Has Been Kid Shawn Michaels and it is scheduled for 1 fall. See Cole, I could take your jobin 5 minutes if I wanted to. [I]*Jerry Laughs at Cole*[/I] [B]Y2J[/B] You too King! [I]*Y2J gives Jerry the evil eye, to which Jerry falls silent*[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/BATISTA7.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KANE4.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/SHAWNMICHAELS3.jpg[/IMG] It's a very open match, all three men having various periods of offense. Batista set's Michaels up for a spear. [B]Jerry[/B] And don't forget the history between these 2 men [B]Y2J[/B] It was only a month ago these 2 last met, the only person who could forget that would be either you or Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Batista goes for the spear, but Shawn kicks him right in the chops! [B]Y2J[/B] And it's my time to shine! [B]Cole[/B] Hey where you going! Jericho enters the ring, and looks to hit Michaels with a superkick of his own, Michaels however almost has a 6th sense experience, and ducks the superkick when he turns around. Unfortunatly for Jericho, Kane had just gotten up and was ready to attack Michaels before Jericho went after him. Very unfortunatly for Jericho, he connected with Kane instead of HBK. Unfortunatly for Kane, he was knocked out and Batista was getting up. Shawn and Jericho then continued to battle up the ramp and to the backstage area. With Kane down and Batista the only one left, Batista made the cover on Kane, thus becoming the number 1 contender to CM Punk's World Heavyweight Championship. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Batista[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KANE4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/BATISTA7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CMPUNK2.jpg[/IMG] Kane, now up is at ringside and is destroying everthing in anger. The ringpost, the barrier, the stairs, the announe table. Nothing is protected against the monsters rage. Meanwhile in the ring, CM Punk has entered and is in a staredown with Batista. Punk and Batista, despite the amminosity between them, shake hands. Kane still in his blind rage, however, attacks them and puts and end to their little meeting and beats both the number 1 contender and the champion down. Kane looks like he's going to slaughter both of them till some familiar yet unfamiliar music plays. [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/BOBBYLASHLEY1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jerry[/B] It's Lashley! Bobby Lashley is back! And he's here to save Punk and Batista from this onslaught by Kane. Sure enough, Lashley steams to the ring, which makes Kane back away. He then celebrates as the crowd cheers and chants Lashley. That soon turns to boo's and jeer's however, as he spears the just recovered Punk, followed by the just recovered Batista. He then celebrates, as he get's the heat of the night from the crowd. Lashley then signals that he wants a title match before Kane rejoins him and they laugh instantaniously! [B]Cole[/B] Well, these two big men ued to be two of the crowd's favorites, but just look at them now, they are absoloutly hated. [B]Jerry[/B] Indeed. Well folks, that's all we've got time for, join us again next week on RAW to see how Punk and Batista will respond. [B]Cole[/B] I can't believe this! [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [U][B]END OF SHOW[/B][/U] [SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/BATISTA7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/BOBBYLASHLEY1.jpg[/IMG] After the controversial surroundings following last week's main event, Vince McMahon has decided that Batista will defend his spot as number 1 contender against the man who speared him to the ground last week, Bobby Lashley. Also, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels will be on opposite sides of the ring, as Chris Jericho will team up with a former Shawn Michael's protege, Paul London as they take on The Heartbreak Kid himself, and Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. But it's not just Shawn Michaels who wants a piece of Jericho. Kane has sworn revenge on 'The Saviour' after Jericho cost Kane his Title Shot on Monday. Tune in also to see the aftermath of how JBL reacted to The Chaingang vandalizing his limo and aswell as all that, Shelton Benjamin is scheduled to face off against one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes. Don't miss it! [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAWQuickPicks.jpg[/IMG] [U]Number 1 Contender's match for the World Heavyweight Championship[/U] [B]Batista vs Bobby Lashley[/B] [B]Chris Jericho & Paul London vs Shawn Michaels & Kofi Kingston[/B] [B]Cody Rhodes vs Shelton Benjamin[/B] [/CENTER]
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I haven't read diary's since.. since.. I don't know, but I think im going to read this. Good to have both London & World's Greatest Tag Team win, but Batista's win is.. well.. not good. Also, the matches weren't long, you could write a little longer, like what did the match offer, with an overall look. I hope you understand. Im going to read this..
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Oh yeah, forgot the predictions. -- Number 1 Contender's match for the World Heavyweight Championship [B]Batista[/B] vs [U][B]Bobby Lashley[/B][/U] I hope Bobby Lashley wins, because Batista is all the time around the championships. Lashley could dominate the whole roster for a few months, and then lose surprisely to CM Punk, altough their match is in the next pay-per-view. I think Batista is going to win, but I hope Lashley wins. [U][B]Chris Jericho & Paul London[/B][/U] vs [B]Shawn Michaels & Kofi Kingston[/B] I have absolutely no idea, what's the idea of this match. Maybe RAW's one of biggest heel's at the moment, teaming with Paul London, a babyface, versus two face's. It just doesn't work. London takes a surprise pin out of Kofi again, or Jericho cheat's the win by pinning HBK. [B]Cody Rhodes[/B] vs [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] Rhodes vs Benjamin? Umm... it's going to end into a no-contest, because Hardcore Holly interferences. - - And the same I said to Colt Cabana's diary thread. It would be better if you wouldn't use the same segment's WWE did.
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[QUOTE=DZ-3479;458084]How are you managing to run only one roster. I'd love to be able to do that as it would mean a lot less work for me.[/QUOTE] Hey ADeezy62. I just took a BETA database, deleted all the Smackdown! & ECW bit's of it and run just RAW ;). [QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;458232]I haven't read diary's since.. since.. I don't know, but I think im going to read this. Good to have both London & World's Greatest Tag Team win, but Batista's win is.. well.. not good. Also, the matches weren't long, you could write a little longer, like what did the match offer, with an overall look. I hope you understand. Im going to read this..[/QUOTE] Thanks for that :) And yeah, I just wanted to get the first show out of the way lol, I'll try to make match write up's a little longer in future. I just don't really like those diaries where the matches are that long, that it get's unreadable and you have to skip the write up to view the result ;). [QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;458301] I have absolutely no idea, what's the idea of this match. Maybe RAW's one of biggest heel's at the moment, teaming with Paul London, a babyface, versus two face's. It just doesn't work. London takes a surprise pin out of Kofi again, or Jericho cheat's the win by pinning HBK. And the same I said to Colt Cabana's diary thread. It would be better if you wouldn't use the same segment's WWE did.[/QUOTE] Who says worker's aint getting turned? I'll leave it at that ;). Thing is, I haven't seen this Monday's RAW yet, I can only get it on Thursdays, and didn't realize things actually happened, such as the limo incident, until i went on wwe.com. But I think I'm building this RAW into my own style, even if it takes a while ;). Thank's for your predictions and comments to everyone who is reading so far, and continue reading, it is very much appreciated ;).
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Week 3, July 2008[/U][/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JERRYLAWLER2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/M-R/MICHAELCOLE2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cole[/B] Hey it's Michael Cole and I'm alongside Jerry 'The King' Lawler. [B]Jerry[/B] That's right Michael, and what a show we have instore tonight. [B]Cole[/B] Tell me about it. [B]Jerry[/B] OK I will. Following the controversy of last week's main event, and the return of Bobby Lashley... [B]Cole[/B] And didn't he look great back in shape? [B]Jerry[/B] *choughgaycough*, anyways, tonight, Vince Mcmahon has made a huge main event for the number 1 contendership of CM Punk's World Heavyweight Championship. Feels like i've said that alot these past 2 weeks. Anyway, 'The Animal' Batista will take on the returning Bobby Lashley, and we know Punk will be at ringside for that match. [B]Cole[/B] Correct Jerry. And it looks like we'll kick off the show with JBL, who hasn't arrived in his limo like normal - unsurprisingly. Why? Last week he had his limo graffitti'd by The Chaingang, lets go back and have a look at that... [QUOTE]*Our camera's are rushed backstage just in time to see JBL arriving at his limo.* [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JBL6.jpg[/IMG] He takes a look at his limo, before snapping and kicking off. He pushes camera men over, punches walls and even boots the limo a couple of times. JBL I'm going to kill you no good crooks! JBL then continues his rage, as we head back toward ringside. [/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JBL6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JBL[/B] Last week, I had my limo trashed by a group of thugs. A bunch of theives. Krooks. 'The Chaingang' stand for everything I'm against. How can we build a great country, when there is trash like Cena, Shad and JTG around. Simple answer, we can't. That is why I'm here to plead to the management of RAW. One buisnessman to another, I beg you to please, please, get rid of 'The Gaygang'.[I]*The audience don't even snicker at his pun, where as JBL laughs his head off*[/I] If not, then I will have to get rid of them myself...WHAT THE HELL! [CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JOHNCENA5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JTG2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/SHAD1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The Chaingang appear on the titantron, dressed up as JBL's! They are driving around the parking lot in his limo, and are generally just taking the p*ss out of JBL, calling them selves [B]J[/B]ust A [B]B[/B]ig [B]L[/B]oser. They then continue to scream 'WREESSSTLLIIIIINGG GAWWWDD!' and other things along them lines. The camera is then focused onto JTG and Shad who bust open the central console in the limo, where they find thousand's of dollar notes. [/I] [B]Shad, JTG and Cena[/B] Erm.......... *Pause* [B]Shad, JTG and Cena[/B] Money, Money, yeah yeah! Money, Money, yeah yeah! Money, Money, yeah yeah! [I]*The camera's then cut back to a furious and embarrassed JBL who again kicks off, this time in the ring, punching turnbuckles and things like that. He then realizes he aint getting nowhere, and sprints off to the back whilst shouting,[/I] [B]JBL[/B] I'm gunna kill you stealing b*sterds! [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CODYRHODES1.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/SHELTONBENJAMIN1.jpg[/IMG] Cody Rhodes c0ckily makes his entrance, accompanied by Ted Dibiase Sr. and Jr. Shelton is accompanied by Charlie Haas. The ringside 'help' does give Rhodes the advantage throughout the match, as both Dibiase's get involved in the match time and time again. Haas then has enough of the interference and goes after the Dibiase's. The Dibiase's get the advantage of the scuffle and beat down Haas. In ring, Cody avoids a T-Bone Suplex attempt and nails Shelton with a Snap-DDT. That is enough for the win, but the action aint over there. Cody continues to beat on Benjamin post match, and when the Dibiase's are finished with Haas, they too join in the 3 on 1 assault of Shelton. [B]Cole[/B] Come on! Someone has to stop this! [B]Jerry[/B] I dunno, i'm quite liking this. [B]Cole[/B] Are you kidding, or just turning heel? (what a great line to turn an announcer heel :p) [B]Jerry[/B] Yeah, something like that. [CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/HARDCOREHOLLY3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Right on cue, Hardcore Holly comes sprinting to the ring, making The Second Generation flee. Holly then helps up both Charlie and Shelton and helps them to the back. [B]Jerry[/B] Damn Holly! Shouldn't you be in a home, reading a paper and smelling of pee? [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Cody Rhodes[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [URL=http://s344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Videos/?action=view¤t=MVPDebutHypeVideo.flv][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Videos/th_MVPDebutHypeVideo.jpg[/IMG][/URL] (Click to view video)[/CENTER] [B]Jerry[/B] Well it looks like the higest paid superstar in Smackdown! history could be making his way to RAW! Man i'm stoked! [B]Cole[/B] I think Vince must have struck a deal with him to come to RAW, because as Vince says - It's all about the money! [B]Jerry[/B] Whatever. [B]Cole[/B] Anyhow, next up we have a big tag team match. [B]Jerry[/B] That's right, but I don't get it. A fan favorite and a man the fan's hate teaming together? What kind of whacky, out of touch booker do we have here? [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CHRISJERICHO5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/M-R/PAULLONDON3.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/SHAWNMICHAELS3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG] Kofi and Paul start the match off in a very colourful opening few minutes. That's until Michaels and Jericho get tag's off their partners and the match turns into a very gritty, yet still vibrant affair. Then it turns into an all out slogfest, and when the two continue to battle all the way to the back for a second straight week, the referee turns the match into a 1 on 1 match, London vs Kingston. Dejavu strikes, and just like last week, it looks like London is going to get a flash pin out of nowhere. Unlike last week, Kingston also rolls through and manages to reverse the pin into one of his own, and it is enough to secure him the victory. [B]Winner:[/B] [I]Kofi Kingston (and Shawn Michaels)[/I] Post match, Kingston goes to shake London's hand, just like he did last week. [B]Cole[/B] And Paul London the sore loses refuses the handshake. What disrespect. [B]Jerry[/B] Nah Michael, he does right. He was this close to victory, before being cheated out of it. [B]Cole[/B] Cheating? What match were you watching? [B]Jerry[/B] Paul London vs Kofi Kingston [B]Cole[/B] Technically it was Paul London & Jericho vs Kofi Kingston & Michaels. [B]Jerry[/B] Technically....shut up! [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/KANE4.jpg[/IMG] Kingston remains in the ring, just standing and watching as Paul London mopes to the back. Then diaster in paradise for Kinston. Kane's pyro hits and he storms to the ring. [B]Kane[/B] WHERE THE HELL IS JERICHO!! [B]Kingston[/B] I...erm...don....don't....know. [B]Cole[/B] Oh come on. Kingston is just an innocent kid. [B]Jerry[/B] Innocent? He's provoked Kane. [B]Cole[/B] Seriously, what are you watching? Young Kofi has done no wrong to Kane, so why is Kane intimidating him. [B]Jerry[/B] I don't know, but I do know what i'm watching....chokeslam by Kane :D! [B]Cole[/B] Oh come on Kane! Pick on someone your own size, if ther is such a person. Kane then lays the boots into poor Kofi, who is down and out for count. That is until Kane's massacre is stopped by the music of... [CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/M-R/REYMYSTERIO3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Cole[/B] Go get 'em Rey! [B]Jerry[/B] Like you said, Rey should pick on people his own size, if there is such a thing :p. [B]Cole[/B] Shutup Jerry, he's only sticking up for the little guys on the roster. [B]Jerry[/B] What, like your c*ck? [B]Cole[/B] Shut the f*ck up. [I]*Rey enters the ring and immedietly goes after Kane, and looks to bring the 'Big Red Machine' down, but Kane uses his physical edge to hault Rey's progress. Kane then runs at Rey, looking for a big(ish) boot, but Rey avoids it and hits a drop toe hold.[/I] [B]Cole[/B] 619! 619! [I]*Rey conks Kane with a 619, causing the monster to roll out of the ring, and back up the ramp. Rey then taunts in the ring, and helps Kofi up. The two then celebrate together.[/I] [B]Cole[/B] I'm glad someone has finally stood up to Kane and stuck up for the little guy. [B]Jerry[/B] Well what do you expect? Rey aint going to stick up for the big men when he's only3 foot tall himself! [B]Cole[/B] Give it a rest Jerry. [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/H-L/JERRYLAWLER2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/M-R/MICHAELCOLE2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/CMPUNK2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jerry[/B] Well anyway, tonight Bobby Lashley makes his long awaited in-ring return and will take on 'The Animal' Batista in a Number 1 Contender's match for CM Punk's World Heavweight Championship. [B]Cole[/B] And speaking of Punk, here he come's, ready to do some announcing for the upcoming contest. [I]*Punk makes his way to the ring and joind Michael and Jerry at ringside[/I] [B]Punk[/B] Michael, Jerry, thanks for letting me have some of your time here and watch this match, where one of these men will be my next challenger. [B]Cole[/B] No pr... [B]Jerry[/B] [I]*Butting in*[/I] Its no problem, infact it was my idea for you to come and do some commentry with us. [B]Cole[/B] Stop sucking up to him Jerry. [B]Punk[/B] Is he always like this? [B]Cole[/B] Unfortunatly. [I]*Cole and Punk laugh whilst Lawler sits there frowning[/I] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/BATISTA7.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/A-G/BOBBYLASHLEY1.jpg[/IMG] Batista and Lashley square each other up for the first few minutes, and a few lock ups later, it's still a stalemate. A portion of the crowd starts a boring chant. Just after they do, the action soon follows, and Batista and Lashley really slug it out, things get really heated. The action then spills to the outside, where Lashley goes to clothesline Batista, but instead he accidently hits Michael Cole, who performs a sell job [B]really[/B] badly. Punk tries hard to bring Cole back into conciousness for a few minutes, but it doesn't really work. The match itself is now back in the ring. [B]Jerry[/B] Woohoo! Michael's dead! Oh wait he's breathing. Oh nuts. Punk then gives up on his friend Cole, and instead makes his way to the ring and goes after Lashley. Batista holds him back at first, realizing if Punk attacks Lashley, then he will get disqualified. Lashley see's his advantage and jumps Batista from behind. Punk is now free however, and jumps Lashley, hitting him with a series of strikes to the face. The referee is unhappy with this development though, and rings the bell. He then announces the match a non-contest. Punk doesn't care though, he keeps hammering big rights into a bloody Lashley's face. [B]A voice[/B] If you want stripping of the title, your going the right way about it Punk, now get off him or else that will happen. [CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/S-Z/VINCEMCMAHON1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]*Vince emerges from the back, to the disappointment of the fans, who were loving Punk beating all over Lashley*[/I] [B]Vince[/B] Punk. Lashley wins the match so he will face you at The Great American Bash. But you cost Batista his shot, so he will also be involved in the title match at 'the bash. CM Punk you will be defending your World Heavyweight Championship at The Great American Bash in a triple threat match. CM Punk vs Bobby Lashley vs Batista! [I]*The crowd pop at the prospect of such a match*[/I] CM Punk looks abit upset at this decision but accepts it, and goes to leave the ring, only for him to turn around and a recovered Batista spear the hell out of him. Batista then stands on the top turnbuckle holding Punk's title aloft, standing over his Bash opponents as RAW goes off the air. [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]End Of Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]---------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAW.jpg[/IMG] Last Monday, Vince made CM Punk vs Batista vs Bobby Lashley for the World Heavyweight Championship at The Great American Bash. This Monday on RAW, the 3 of them will sign contracts. But what will happen when these 3 men meet in the ring for the first sanctioned time? After a straight 2 weeks of embarassment, JBL will have an opportunity at some revenge, as he takes on Cryme Tme of The Chaingang. Another heated rivalry will take another twist this Monday, a Shawn Michaels will be a guest on The Highlight Reel. Who knows what will happen when these 2 egotistical maniac's are face to face. Plus our Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston will adress Paul London and his respect 'issue'. Paul London has been a little bit of trouble in the paradise of Kofi Kingston recently. But will Paul London accept Kingston's offer of respect this monday? We have all that, plus Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase Jr. and for the first time in many years, Ted Dibiase will compete against The World's Greatest Tag Team and Hardcore Holly. 'The Big Red Machine' Kane is also set to go one on one with Jamie Noble, don't miss this Monday's RAW! [IMG]http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p352/tew2008raw/Workers/RAWQuickPicks.jpg[/IMG] [B]JBL vs Cryme Tyme Kane vs Jamie Noble The Second Generation & Ted Dibiase vs The World's Greatest Tag Team & Hardcore Holly[/B] [/CENTER]
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Pretty good show, longer matches and stuff. The show's are pretty much based on announcer stuff, which isn't bad, but it's unique. Or what I've seen in other forums. Paul London heel turn, as you winked :) I hope you'll push London, as he should be. Cena / Cryme Tyme again the best segment of the show. I will be following.. [OFFTOPIC]DZ-3479: "So how have you got your game set so you only have to do RAW's shows?" He has a different small database, which only contains raw roster, if I understanded right.[/OFFTOPIC]
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:( My savegame got deleted :(. I had run that game into November, and then it got accidently deleted. This diary will be put on hold for a while until I can find the energy and will to start the game again. Thanks to everyone who has been reading so far, but the New Era aint over just yet ;).
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