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I was wondering if anyone has any advice on creating new stars when a promotion is only based in one part of the country. I'm playing as AAA and all the existing main eventers have popularity across the USA. It's only viable to run AAA in the North West to start with though, which makes it very difficult - no matter how popular a worker becomes in the North West they still don't rise to main event level due to their low popularity in other parts of the country. Any advice would be much appreciated. TrishFan
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I wouldn't worry about it. For the regional stars, I'd manually edit them to the main event to stop the "wrestler was used to much" penalty. The only thing you are going to have to worry about are primma donnas who don't want to job to "lesser stars" even though they have less overness in the region you run shows in.
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Aye thats the problem with the current auopush it factors in the entire country not just the region or regions U are exposing your stars in. I have comented on thsi problem before. Best thing you can do is overpush some workers but never underpush any as some will get pissed. This is Because thye use what comes out of autopush as what position they think they should at least have on the roster. Its a problem even for big feds.
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