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SWF: Next Stop... World Domination!

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No one seems to be doing a SWF diary (however I just saw one as I came to post this). Would be cool to see how they compaire! Anyways... there isn't going to be a big complicated backstory (however some backstories are great, some not so). I'm going to be as realistic as possible in writing this diary. Owner goals are on and my main aim will be to break into new markets and try to destroy our main competitors... WWE Style! I've just finished writing my first show (I've simulated the next two shows and PPV already) so expect to see it soon! Regards, Jamie
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Good luck and there are some SWF diaries out there, only because there are so many diaries they are not always on the first page. SWF the dangerous years and Secrets of the ring volume 2 SWF 2011 come to my mind. BTW im a TCW player hit global same day as SWF dropped to cult killing them wwe style at the mo hehe.
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SWF Supreme TV - Preview - Week 1, August 2008 [CENTER][COLOR="Teal"][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="5"]Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="3"]Week 1, August 2008[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Teal"]Overview[/COLOR][/B] This weeks show will open up with a special announcement from SWF CEO and Owner Richard Eisen. It is expected he will unveil plans for SWF's August Pay Per View - Welcome to the Jungle! Angry Gilmore will also be making a return appearance and Brandon James has promised that he will be making an impact. All this and a lot more on SWF Supreme TV! [B][COLOR="teal"]Matches Booked[/COLOR][/B] Lobster Warrioer vs Squeaky McClean The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs Joe Sexy & Marc DuBois SWF North American Championship: Eric Eisen vs Rich Money [B][COLOR="teal"]Predictions[/COLOR][/B] Anyone want to have a go at making a prediction? Whoever is closest will get a mention on next weeks SWF Supreme TV!
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[B]Lobster Warrior [/B]vs Squeaky McClean [B]The Amazing Bumfholes [/B]vs The Biggz Boyz [B]Christian Faith & Jack Bruce[/B] vs Joe Sexy & Marc DuBois SWF North American Championship: Eric Eisen vs[B] Rich Money[/B] Here's my predictions - but you can't expect people to comment / predict regularly until you've got into the diary and shown that you can actually write decently.
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Here's my predictions although it is hard not knowing the stories and things happening yet... [B]Lobster Warrior[/B] vs Squeaky McClean Gotta love lobby [B]The Amazing Bumfholes[/B] vs The Biggz Boyz The Biggz boys are on the out, while the bumfholes are on the up and up, gotta go with them on this one. [B]Christian Faith & Jack Bruce[/B] vs Joe Sexy & Marc DuBois A push in line for Joe Sexy and Marc DuBois? maybe, but i don't see them going over the two top faces...not just yet SWF North American Championship: Eric Eisen vs [B]Rich Money[/B] *chants* Eisen's a wanker (clap clap, clap clap clap!) =) look forward to reading the show
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I love the SWF and I was hoping someone would start one sooner or later :D Lobster Warrioer vs [b]Squeaky McClean[/b] - I like Squeeky [b]The Amazing Bumfholes[/b] vs The Biggz Boyz - I like the Biggz, but the fans don't in my experience :p [b]Christian Faith & Jack Bruce[/b] vs Joe Sexy & Marc DuBois - I dunno how over Sexy and DuBois are now, but I'll assume Faith and Bruce are still in the main event SWF North American Championship: Eric Eisen vs [b]Rich Money[/b] - I've always liked Money
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SWF Supreme TV - Supreme TV Goes Wild! - Week 1, August 2008 [CENTER][COLOR="Teal"][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="5"]Supreme TV Goes Wild![/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="3"]Week 1, August 2008[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Teal"]Segment 1: It’s Time To Throw In A Wildcard[/COLOR][/B] The theme tune of SWF’s owner, Richard Eisen plays and the CEO himself makes his way out to the ring. He is carrying a microphone which he takes into the ring, his music stops and he waits for the fans to quieten down. [B]R Eisen:[/B] As dumb as all you folks are, you will still notice that we are two weeks away from SWF’s Welcome to the Jungle event, and we still have no matches announced! So to put it bluntly, I’m not happy, so tonight I will be announcing a serious of matches and contendership matches for our next pay per view, starting with the main event! The fans cheer. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] Tonight we will find out who will be the next number one contenders to the SWF World Championship... that’s right, you heard me, contenders! R. Eisen points to one corner of the ring. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] On this side, we will have Steve Frehley and Vengeance in one corner... R. Eisen then points to the other corner. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] And in this corner, we will have the team of Remo and Runaway Train! The winners will face Jack Bruce for the SWF World Title! Richard Eisen’s music plays and he goes to leave the ring, he goes to walk down the steps but stops, turns around and steps back into the ring. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] Wait, wait, wait... cut the music! That’s not enough, were only two weeks away from Welcome to the Jungle... we need something else. Richard Eisen looks lost in thought. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] That’s it! I’ve got it! Welcome to the Jungle... it’s not going to be any ordinary Pay Per View... oh no no no! It’s going to be a Wildcard Pay Per View were no match will be predictable and the norm! It will be different... creative... unprecedented! And ladies and gentlemen, this won’t be a lame fan vote night, or a random match selection, no, no, no! I... Richard Eisen will select the matches, I Richard Eisen... will be... Master of the Wildcards!!! [B][I][COLOR="Teal"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][COLOR="Teal"]Segment 2: Singles Match - Lobster Warrior vs Squeaky McClean[/COLOR][/B] Lobster Warrior and Squeaky McClean face off. The match is back and forth until Lobster Warrior finally gets the upper hand after a huge splash in the corner that winds Squeaky McClean. Lobster Warrior begins to beat down on Squeaky McClean softening him up for the Lobster Lock. Squeaky McClean attempts to fight a comeback, but as Lobster hits the Shellfish Shock he is knocked over the head by Brandon James. As the bell rings, indicating the DQ win for Lobster Warrior, Brandon James hits the Brandon Bomb Drop on Lobster. Brandon James them stands over Lobster Warrior indicating his dominance as Squeaky McClean gets some revenge in getting some kicks in on Lobster Warrior. [B][I][COLOR="Teal"]Result: Lobster Warrior wins by DQ in 5:46 minutes Rating: B+[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 3: Lobster Warrior's Beating Continues[/B][/COLOR] Squeaky McClean and Brandon James continue beating down on Lobster Warrior. As they do Emma Chase walks down to ringside, as she walks past the ring announcer she grabs the microphone from the ring announcer and she begins to speak as she gets into the ring along side her client Brandon James. [B]Chase:[/B] We... are... fed... up!!!! Emma Chase pauses to watch James and Squeeky continue the beat down. [B]Chase:[/B] We are fed up watching stupid idiots like this [she points to Lobster Warriors] dressed up as a big... red... thing! Coming out here, getting matches, exposing how stupid he is, well it’s not on! Not any more! I am demanding that my client Brandon James gets more air time! If not... this will continue every night until we get what we want! Brandon hits the Big Brandon Bomb, looks over the Lobster Warrior before leaving the ring with Emma Chase. [B][I][COLOR="teal"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 4: Richard Eisen Responds...[/B][/COLOR] The music of Richard Eisen plays and he makes his way out to the entrance way. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] Emma... Brandon... never say I’m not listening! You want a match... you’ve got it! Up next we were meant to have a match between the Amazing Bumfholes and The Biggz Boys to determine whether or not the Biggz Boyz were worthy of a title match at Welcome to the Jungle. I’m going to mix that one up... just for you! So Squeeky... get out that ring... Brandon... roll Lobster Warrior out the ring because you’r teaming up The Biggz Boyz to take on the tag team champions The Amazing Bumfholes... and... Enygma! [I][B][COLOR="teal"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B][/I] [B][COLOR="teal"]Segment 5: Six-Man Tag Team Match - Brandon James & The Biggz Boyz vs Enygma & The Amazing Bumfholes[/COLOR][/B] Brandon James remains in the ring as the rest of the participants make their way into the ring. The bell rings to start with and it’s very clear that Brandon James is first up for his team as he basically doesn’t budge from his space in the ring. Zimmy Bumfhole is first up against James, and James throws him around the ring like a rag doll. James them gives Zimmy the space to tag in his brother Randy. Randy takes the fight to James, but it has very little impact. James plays around with Randy, throwing him around the ring having no realy impact. James gets close enough to his corner where Bart Biggz tags his back. Bart climbs into the ring, which James doesn’t like, he stares down Bart as the referee forces him back into his corner. A more even fight between Bart and Randy until Randy tags in Enygma. Enygma takes the fight to Bart, wearing him down ready for the pinfall. Enygma hits the Enygma Variation and makes the pin cover. Brett breaks the pinfall as Brandon James comes in and wipes out the rest of Enygma’s team with successive Big Money Shots. As the referee is distracted caring for the knocked out stars, Brandon ducks a clothesline from Enygma which sends Enygma outside the ring. James hits his own team mate Bart Biggz with a Brandon Bomb Drop and he then slumps him over Zimmy Bumfhole and indicates to the referee to make the count, in amongst all the confusion the referee makes the three-count without realising that Zimmy was not the legal man. [I][B][COLOR="teal"]Winner: Brandon James & The Biggz Boyz win by pinfall in 9:50 minutes Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B][/I] [B][COLOR="teal"]Segment 6: Tag Team Match - Jack Bruce & Christian Faith vs Joe Sexy & Marc Du Bois[/COLOR][/B] The match starts off Champion vs Champion as Jack Bruce goes head-to-head with Marc Du Bois. Both men put on a great display but Du Bois is no match for the World Champion who makes easy work of Du Bois. Du Bois makes a quick tag to Joe Sexy who takes the fight to Bruce. With a similar fighting style Sexy gets more offense than his parter exchanging left and rights with Bruce. Bruce gets Sexy in an arm lock, allowing him to drag him over to his corner for the tag. Faith comes in and focuses in on the arm of Sexy. Sexy manages to fend of some brutal shots using his legs, getting in a few hard hitting kicks and knee shots. Sexy tags in his parter Du Bois, who still isn’t keen to take on either of his opponents. With gusto Du Bois goes flying at Faith and hits him with a swinging neckbreaker getting him to the floor. Du Bois gets a number of kicks and hits into Faith while he is on the floor before climbing to the top rope. Du Bois goes to hit his opponent with the Marc of Excellence, but Bruce rolls out of the way and makes the tag to Bruce. Bruce picks up the winded Du Bois and hits him with the New York Minute. He makes the cover but Joe Sexy climbs into the ring and interrupts the pinfall attempt. His courage isn’t rewarded as Bruce clotheslines him right over the top rope, Marc Du Bois then gets the distracted Bruce into the Dubious Du Bois pin, Faith breaks it straight away with a blow to his head. Christian Faith looks as if he is returning to the corner, but he actually climbs the turnbuckle and hits Du Bois with the Leap of Faith, allowing Bruce to then make the cover for three! [B][I][COLOR="teal"]Winner: Jack Bruce & Christian Faith win by pinfall in 11:44 minutes Rating: C+[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][COLOR="teal"]Segment 7: Christian Faith Gets His Wildcard[/COLOR][/B] After winning his match, Christian Faith goes to leave the ring with the music of Richard Eisen plays. As Eisen makes his way down to the ring he tells Faith to stay just where he is. Eisen eventually makes it into the ring and begins to speak. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] Watching your match backstage I was thinking... this is the biggest start in SWF!!! He’s HUGE!!! The fans love him... the guys backstage love him... hey even I had a soft spot for you! Then I thought... wait a minute, this is one of SWF’s MVP’s and I’ve closed him off from the main event at Welcome to the Jungle. Christian Faith nods in agreement. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] So, I want you to take part in the Ultimate Wildcard Match! So wild your not even going to know who your opponent is! Faith looks very angry at this decision. [B]R. Eisen:[/B] Yeah, that’s right, you’ll know who your opponent is the minute he... or she... makes their way out that entrance way, down to the ring. Last night, I made a new signing and he... or she... will be ready to take you on! Faith: Well you know what Richard... you’ve stacked the cards against be before, and I’ve come through the other end not only better and stronger, but I’ve even come through the other end as SWF Champion! I might have never been in the ring with this guy... or girl... you’ve matched me up with, but neither has he... I’m just as ready as he is! [B]R. Eisen:[/B] I don’t like your tone Christian, I don’t like it at all! And you know what, I come out here, give you a match other folk in the back would be envious off and you throw it back in my face. Well you know what?!?!? I knew you would do this!!!! I knew you would turn it back on me!!! That’s why, I called this guy!!! Richard Eisen turns towards the huge screen above the entrance way where none other than the injured Angry Gilmore appears. [B]Gilmore:[/B] That’s right Christian! I’m back, and I’m training your opponent... they may not have stepped into the ring with you, but I have! I know your every move! I know your every idiosyncrasy, and at Welcome to the Jungle... so will your opponent! [B][I][COLOR="teal"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][COLOR="teal"]Segment 8: SWF North American Championship Match - Singles Match - Rich Money vs Eric Eisen[/COLOR][/B] Rich Money and Eric Eisen are no strangers to one another and it showed as these two men cautiously entered the ring. As the bell rings these two men circle one another waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Eisen takes the risk and charges towards Rich Money. It doesn’t pay off as Rich Money ducks out of the way and he beats Eisen in the corner after he runs into it. Rich Money continues his domination as he takes the fight to Eric Eisen. Eric is obviously frustrated as Rich Money dominates the match, not allowing Eric the opening to fight back. Eric eventually rolls out the ring and considers whether to walk away and get counted out. Instead he looks under the ring and pulls out a ladder. He sets it up, outside the ring, however as he does Rich Money climbs out and rolls him back into the ring. This gives Eric the upper hand as he gets to his feet and attacks Rich Money as he tries to get into the ring. He then throws Rich Money into the ladder which is set up outside. As Eric gets himself together into the ring, Rich Money grabs the ladder and slides it into the ring. Rich Money climbs into the ring and both men grab the ladder. The referee tries to remove the ladder from the ring, however both them hit the referee with the ladder, disqualifying both men. [COLOR="Teal"][B][I]Winner: Double Disqualification at 11:57 minutes Rating: C+[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="teal"]Segment 9: Eric Eisen Continues His Assault[/COLOR][/B] Eric floors Rich with the ladders, as Rich is down on the floor Eric continues his assault with the ladders until Rich Money gives out a huge scream - My Eye!!!!!! My Eye!!!! A pile of referees pull Eric away from Rich Money who is has both his hands over his eye as he screams in pain, paramedics come out and talk Rich Money out the ring and straight to hospital! [B][I][COLOR="teal"]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][COLOR="teal"]Segment 10: Tag Team Match - Steve Frehley & Vengeance vs Remo & Runaway Train[/COLOR][/B] All four superstars take their time getting to the ring - adding to the tension, obviously trying to psych out their opponents... and maybe even their partners? Remo is the last superstar to make it to the ring, once he steps into the ring the bell sounds. Suddenly they all fly towards one another and start brawling. Frehley and Remo are eventually nominated as the initial two competitors as Runaway clotheslines Vengeance over the top rope and the referee decides it’s easier to get Vengeance into the corner - the one superstar in the ring without an opponent. Frehley and Remo have a pretty open fight, both men getting in a number of good moves. Runaway Train tags himself in by slapping the back of Remo quite hard causing him to fall to his knees and fall victim to a stiff kick from Frehley. Runaway Train uses his size advantage against Frehley - throwing him about the ring. Runaway Train makes rookie mistake number one by throwing Frehley into his own corner, Vengeance makes the tag, which Runaway Train fails to see. As Runaway goes to pull Frehley out of the corner Vengeance grabs Runaway’s head, knocks a few punches into him, grabs his head and jumps off the ring apron onto the floor, causing Runaway Trains head to bounce off the top rope. Vengeance climbs into the ring and both Frehley and Vengeance double team Runaway before the referee sends Frehley out of the ring. By this point Runaway Train is on the floor and Bengeance keeps him there kicking and punching in between headlocks, leg locks and submission moves. Frehley gets the crowd riled up, cheering away for the unlikely team of Frehley and Vengeance. Vengeance sets Runaway Train up for the Six Feet Under, but The Guru jumps onto the ring apron and distracts the referee as Remo hits Vengeance with a clothesline. Steve Frehley runs in for the rescue but Remo hits him with a Lumber Puncture. With Vengeance and Frehley winded, Remo uses his power to drag the massive weight of Runaway Train into their corner, within reaching distance for the tag just as the referee gets back to work inside the ring. Frehley is first to get to his feet and he argues with the referee trying to explain what happens as he is ushered back into his corner. Both Vengeance and Runaway Train slowly get to their feet, as Remo reaches for the tag. Instead of tagging, Runaway stumbles towards Vengeance and he walks into a stiff kick and the set up for the Six Feet Under. Frehley flys acorss the ring and knocks Remo off his feet as Vengeance hits Runaway Train with the Six Feet Under and covers him for three. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Winners: Steve Frehley & Vengeance win by pinfall at 15:25 minutes Rating: B-[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="teal"]Segment 11: Runaway Train and Remo Argue?[/COLOR][/B] After the match as Runaway Train is getting to his feet Remo pushes from behind. Runaway Train turns around and as Remo shouts at him for not tagging him in Runaway Train gives him a look that could kill. Remo starts shouting right into the face of Runaway Train. The Guru clambers into the ring and gets between the two men. The show closes with Remo and Runaway Train staring into each others face with the look of anger. It looks like this isn’t the end for these two men. [B][I][COLOR="teal"]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR="teal"][B]SWF Supreme TV Results[/B] [I]Rating: B- Attendance: 10,000 (Sell Out) C.A.N.N. Viewing Figures: 3.02 UK Broadcasting 2: 0.09[/I][/COLOR] Comments are more than welcome!
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Enjoyed the show (and may I say the layout is just so easy on the eyes, heh). The wildcard stuff's certainly interesting, whenever I'm SWF I can't help but use Eisen as a prominent Vince-like figure even if his entertainment skills aren't quite top drawer, so it's cool to see you doing things in a similar way. Would have liked Brandon's opponents to at least get some offence in against him personally, I'm not really a fan of his and with the tag division it is I think you need to keep what talent that's there as strong as possible. Chase FTW though of course, she at least makes him bearable. Good to see DuBois getting involved further up the card but hopefully he gets a feud more on his level soon, whilst the Faith angle is certainly a curious one...given the time of the year you're at any number of big signings are possible, though Gilmore being his trainer suggests it's a young up-and-comer. Push Gilmore btw...his stats always scream "bald Jericho" to me :D Frehley/Vengeance/Bruce should be interested but will definitely be in need of the "script" RA note as a PPV main event, lol. Frehley's someone I've never really found a consistent role for, but his massive overness definitely warrants an extended push. Remo/Train feud...I can see Guru eventually winding up by Remo's side possibly, though I'd prefer Remo to just put both men's TV time to an end and cement his place on the road to superstardom. So yeah all in all promising start, look forward to see where this goes ;)
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SWF Supreme TV - Preview - Week 2, August 2008 [CENTER][COLOR="Teal"][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="5"]Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="3"]Week 2, August 2008[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Teal"]Overview[/COLOR][/B] Last week Richard Eisen revealed that every match at SWF Welcome to the Jungle will be a 'Wildcard' Match where he will add an element of unpredictability to every match - what we don't know, but knowing Eisen, he will have some more tricks up his sleeve on this weeks show! We also saw The Biggz Boyz with the help of the destructive Brandon James win a chance to face The Amazing Bumfholes for the Tag Team Championship. In another tag team contest the unusual pairing of Vengeance and Steve Frehley defeated the team of Runaway Train and Remo winning a spot in Welcome to the Jungle's main event facing Jack Bruce for the SWF Title. More interesting was the altercation between Remo and Runaway Train - Will this spill over onto this weeks show? The injured Rich Money has been discharged from hospital, he has confirmed that he will be on this weeks show and that he will looking to dish out some revenge following Eric Eisens attack. All this and a lot lot more is set to take place on this week show, including the apperances of Angry Gilmore, Christian Faith, Enygma, Brandon James and many many more of SWF's stars! [B][COLOR="teal"]Matches Booked[/COLOR][/B] Squeaky McClean vs Jack Giedroyc All other matches to be announced! [B][COLOR="teal"]Predictions[/COLOR][/B] Anyone want to have a go at making a prediction? Whoever is closest will get a mention on next weeks SWF Supreme TV!
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SWF Supreme TV - The Road To The Jungle Has Begun - Week 2, August [CENTER][COLOR="Teal"][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="5"]The Road To The Jungle Has Begun![/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="3"]Week 2, August 2008[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 1: Welcome to the Jungle Just Got Wilder![/B][/COLOR] For the second week in a row Supreme TV opens with the theme tune of SWF Richard Eisen. Eisen makes his way to the ring carrying a microphone with a huge grin on his face. He steps into the ring and he begins to address the crowd. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen last week you all saw Steve Frehley and Vengeance win an opportunity to face the SWF World Champion Jack Bruce at Welcome to the Jungle! The fans cheers in appreciation. And that’s not all! Not only will you the fans in this arena get the opportunity to see three of SWF’s greatest superstars face off against each other, they will be facing off in a Triple Threat Match, one of the most unpredictable matches out there, but not only that! I made a promise to you the fans that I’d throw in a Wildcard... a stipulation or measure that would make this match even more unpredictable and open than usual. So on the stipulation that none of you guys put one finger on one another, I’d like to call out Vengeance, Steve Frehley and SWF Champion Jack Bruce. The fans go nuts, and as they do the theme tune of Vengeance plays as he makes his way down into the ring carrying his own microphone. Vengeance steps into the ring and looks as if he is ready to speak. [B]Vengeance:[/B] Now before these two wasters get out here I want to get one things straight with yo... Vengeance is interrupted by the entrance music of his tag team partner last week Steve Frehley. Frehley is carrying his own microphone and begins to speak as he gets into the ring. [B]Frehley:[/B] No, no, no, no! Let ME get one thing straight Vengeance. You have no right, NO right whatsoever to call me a waster! You forget, you may have got the pinfall last week but it was my quick thinking and my quick-as-a-flash athleticism that made sure you got that pinfall. So as far as I’m concerned - you owe me a thank you! As Frehley gets into the ring Vengeance can be seen saying “Come right here and I’ll give you a thank you”. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Remember guys, you lay a finger on one another and you can say goodbye to your title shot! There are plenty of other guys backstage who are willing to take your place. The music of Jack Bruce plays and the champion walks out carrying his SWF World Title. Before he can even make his way down to the ring. [B]R Eisen:[/B] You know what Jack... you just stay right here! If these two guys who were on the same page last week can barely keep their cool in this ring, I don’t want to add you to the mix, that’s a mix I don’t quite like, and I’d much rather keep it that way until Welcome to the Jungle. Richard is standing in the middle of the ring with Vengeance and Frehley circling each other around him. [B]R Eisen:[/B] So now that I have you all here, I can announce that on Thursday night you three guys will be participating in SWF’s first ever Triple Wildcard Match! The fans cheer, I don’t know why, a Triple Wildcard Match means nothing to me! [B]R Eisen: [/B]That’s right, a Triple Wildcard Match! Three competitors, Three wildcards, Three pinfalls but only one winner! The fans cheer a little louder, now that they know what they are cheering for. [B]R Eisen:[/B] And to give you three guys a fighting chance, tonight I’m giving you the opportunity to choose what one of those wildcards! All you have to do is defeat your opponent tonight, and as a preview to Welcome to the Jungle your opponent will be a wildcard opponent! You will have no idea who they are till they walk out that entranceway a minute before the bell rings. There is a mixed reaction from the competitors, but it is obvious that they are none the wiser about their opponents tonight or the type of matches they will have to compete in at Welcome to the Jungle. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Now Jack, get your ass backstage, Frehley, you leave next and Vengeance your staying here till he is gone [pointing to Frehley]. I don’t want to risk you three knocking heads before Thursday. Jack quickly steps backstage followed by Frehley’s exit out the ring leaving Vengeance and Eisen in the ring. Vengeance stalks over Eisen before saying. [B]Vengeance:[/B] Before I was rudely interrupted I was just going to ward to Mr Eisen... don’t mess me about or else. There is a long pause. [B]Vengeance:[/B] You’ve just messed me about! Vengeance dropps his microphone and leaves the ring, leaving Richard Eisen a little confused and shaken. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: B+[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 2: Singles Match - Jack Giedroyc vs Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR] Jack Giedroyc takes the fight to Joe Sexy flooring him with a take down tackle at the beginning of the match and following it up with a number of punches. The referee eventually pulls him off him, giving Joe Sexy a bit of breathing space, as the referee gives Giedroyc into trouble Joe Sexy capitalises by pulling the referee out the way and leveling Giedroyc with a big clothesline, followed up with his own punches. When the referee tells Sexy to get off him, he gives him a number of kicks. Giedroyc fights back by grabbing Sexy’s foot and twisting it - forcing him to the floor. Geidroyc follows it up with a few submission holds, wearing the arms, legs and torso of Sexy down. Sexy eventually powers his way out of a head lock. Sexy runs into the ropes and comes bounding back with a dropkick that floors Jack. Joe Sexy then poses for the fans ready for the One Night Stand finishing move. He climbs to the top rope, Giedroyc notices from the side of his eyes and drags himself over to the ropes, knocking Joe Sexy off his feet and onto the top of the turnbuckle. Jack Giedroyc gets onto his feet, grabs Joe Sexy and he hits him with the Crashing On followed by the pin for the win. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Result: Jack Giedroyc wins by pinfall in 5:32 minutes Rating: C+[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 3: Giedroyc to the Rescue![/B][/COLOR] After giving Joe Sexy his comeuppance Lobster Warrior walks towards the entranceway but Brandon James explodes out from behind the curtain and strikes Lobster Warrior down. Joe Sexy runs up towards the entranceway to join in the beating of the defenseless Lobster Warrior. Jack Giedroyc can been seen watching from the ring looking completely perplexed. He quickly climbs out the ring and the fans cheer wildly as he floors Brandon James and Joe Sexy, coming to the rescue of Lobster Warrior. The unexpected threat of Jack Giedroyc forces both Joe Sexy and Brandon James to back off, once they are gone Giedroyc helps Lobster Warrior to his feet getting lots of cheers from the fans. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: B-[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 4: Is That A Bumfhole?[/B][/COLOR] Enygma is making his way through the corridors backstage - all is quiet. There is a small squeak which causes Enygma to stop and look around, but there is nothing there. He goes to walk on when there is another noise, as if a few wooden boxes have fallen. He stops and says “is there anyone there”. He gets no answer and goes to walk when the sound of metal tubes hitting the cement floor rings through the empty corridor. “Hello, anyone there? Are you ok” he says as he starts to look around. As he does his tag team partners from last week pounce and attack him with a chair and a pole, winding him and knocking him to the floor. It looks like the Amazing Bumfholes weren’t too happy with Enygma’s role in pitting them against the Biggz Boys at Welcome to the Jungle. The Amazing Bumfholes go to walk away, but the see something off screen which makes them stop in their tracks. [B][I][COLOR="teal"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 5: Mr Eisen isn’t a Happy Man[/B][/COLOR] The camera pans out, and the man that stopped them in their tracks Richard Eisen. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Do you think that is acceptable behavior? The Bumfholes are stunned into silence. [B]R Eisen: [/B]Well.. do you? The Bumfholes hesitate but go to answer. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Don’t talk back to me! You know what, I made a big mistake I should never have put you in the same team as Enygma last week, it should have been Brandon James, because you two are just like him - you think beating people up outside the ring is the answer to everything... well I’m going to correct my mistake, because you two are going to team up with Brandon James and Enygma! You can hear the fans in the arena cheering. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Oh and your match... it starts now! Enygma... take them away. As the camera follows Richard Eisen walk away, we see that Enygma is back on his feet. He grabs The Bumfholes by the scruff of the neck and heads down the corridor. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: D[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 6: Six Man Tag Team Match - Enygma & The Biggz Boyz vs Brandon James & The Bumfholes[/B][/COLOR] The Biggz Boyz make their way to the ring followed by Brandon James, Enygma’s music plays and he comes out dragging the Amazing Bumfholes with him. Enygma gets to the ring area and hurles both Bumfholes into the barracade before climbing into the ring. Enygma and the Biggz Boyz triple team Brandon James taking turns and punching and kicking. Soon enough the Amazing Bumfholes make it into the ring and begin brawling with the Biggz Boyz. The bell rings and they take it outside, leaving Enygma and Brandon James inside the ring. Engyma maintains the upper hand and beats down Brandon James to the point where he can afford to take his time tagging in Bart Biggz. By this point Brandon James is on his feet, The Amazing Bumfholes reach for the tag, James walks over to them and rather than tag them he throws them off the ring apron to the floor. Brandon James makes little effort with Bart Biggz and takes his time in beating him down. Brandon sets Bart Biggz up for the Big Brandon Bomb, Bret and Enygma go to make the save, but what we don’t see is that The Amazing Bumfholes have sneaked around to their side of the ring and the pull Bret and Engyma off the ring apron allowing Brandon James to get the clean win. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Winner: Brandon James & The Amazing Bumfholes win by pinfall in 5:56 minutes Rating: C-[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 7: Rich Money is a Pirate?[/B][/COLOR] The music of Rich Money plays and the richest man in wrestling makes his way down to the ring... wearing an eye patch! He steps into the ring and begins to speak. [B]Rich:[/B] Yes... before you ask... I am wearing an eye patch! This eye patch is a result of the vicious attack on me by Eric Eisen! Roll the tape! A replay of the attack on Rich Money plays where Eric Eisen attacks Rich Money with a ladder, resulting in Rich Money covering his face and screaming “My eye! My eye! My eye!” followed by him being rushed off by the paramedics. [B]Rich:[/B] Now tonight, Eric Eisen has some mixed fortune, as I’m not cleared to wrestle tonight, but that only leaves me one option... to kick him a good old fashioned ass kicking outside in the parking lot! So Eisen... get your ass out here! Richard Eisen’s music plays and he comes out to the ring carrying a microphone and a clip board. Unlike usual, he is looking quite humble. He steps into the ring and Rich Money doesn’t look amused. [B]Rich:[/B] What’s wrong, Daddies little boy too scared to come out to play. [B]R Eisen: [/B]No, no, no. Rich, I’m here to... I’m here to... I’m here to say sorry. [B]Rich:[/B] [Laughing] What? [B]R Eisen:[/B] I’m here to apologize on behalf of my son and the Eisen Estate. [B]Rich:[/B] Oh I see! You’r little boy has goofed up and your lawyers have told you to come out here and kiss my ass, is that the case. [B]R Eisen:[/B] No Rich, it’s not like that, what happened to you, was... an oversight. It should never have happened and you should have never have put yourself in that situation, so I would greatly appreciate it if you could sign this contract stating that SWF had no responsibility for your injury. [B]Rich:[/B] Oh I see, I didn’t understand... Richard looks over the contract and looks as if he is about to sign in before ripping it up in the face of Richard Eisen. [B]Rich:[/B] Do you think I’m stupid! I’ve spoken to my lawyers! I know I can sue you for every penny you have! I know I can take this company to the cleaners, hey, I don’t even need to do that! You and I both know that I have the money and the fame just to walk away from SWF and walk into another wrestling promotion tomorrow and help them make it to the top. Rich Money pauses. [B]Rich:[/B] Or I could be really spitefull and let the tax man know about your off shore accounts in ... [B]R Eisen:[/B] Ok! Ok! Ok! I get the picture Rich! I get the picture! R Eisen is looking very worried. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Just.... please... sign the contract... I beg of you, just sign it and... and... anything is yours! You can be in the the World Title Match at Welcome to the Jungle... you can be in every PPV Main Event for the next five years! Just... PLEASE! SIGN IT! [B]Rich:[/B] Anything? [B]R Eisen:[/B] Anything! [B]Rich:[/B] Ok... at Welcome to the Jungle I want your boy! In this ring! [B]R Eisen:[/B] He’s yours! He’s all yours! Rich signs the contract and drops the clip board on the mat. As Rich leaves the ring Eisen gets down on his knees and crawls over to the contract, to make sure that Rich has signed it. He has! Rich then gets up onto his knees with a cheeky grin on his face. He grabs the microphone. [B]R Eisen:[/B] Oh Rich! There is just one thing! Your match has still to be given a Wildcard stipulation to be chosen by me, and seeing as you just put me through hell your match against Eric... it’s going to be... a LADDER MATCH! Rich doesn’t look to impressed whereas Eisen is grinning from ear to ear. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: B+[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 8: Singles Match - Christian Faith vs Marc DuBois[/B][/COLOR] Christian Faith and Marc DuBois put on quite a good technical match, however, Faith still does make light work of Marc Du Bois. Marc DuBois hots Faith with a number of high flighing moves but DuBois doesn’t have the weight behind him to make any impact, however, Christian Faith does! Three minutes into the match Christian Faith catches Marc DuBois mid flight and hits him with a modified back breaker nearly splitting DuBois in two. Christian goes for the decicive move that will get him the win but DuBois slips out, bounces off the ropes and hits Christian Faith with a Hurricanrana. DuBois goes for the Marc of Excellence but it has no impact on Faith. Faith floors DuBois and locks in the Test of Faith for the win. [B][I][COLOR="Teal"]Winner: Christian Faith wins by submission at 5:54 minutes Rating: B-[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 9: Have Faith in the Wildcard[/B][/COLOR] Rather than Faith’s music playing after his victory a slow clap can be heard, it is revealed to be Angry Gilmore who walks out onto the entranceway. [B]Angry:[/B] Well done Christian! However, I must say... I’m not impressed, I could have tied that match up in half the time. Faith just ignores his comments. [B]Angry:[/B] Hey! I’m talking to you! Look at me when I talk to you... [bleep]! It’s obvious that Angry has touched a nerve and Angry realises it. [B]Angry:[/B] That’s right... you’re my [bleep]. And if I was cleared to wrestle, I’d be showing you right now that your my [bleep]. Faith begins to give Angry some verbal back. [B]Angry:[/B] And on Thursday, your wildcard will prove that not only are you mine, but you could be anybody’s [bleep]. The last comment pushed Faith over the edge and he climbs out the ring and runs after Gilmore. Gilmore runs backstage and Faith follows. By the time the cameras have caught up Faith is laid out on the floor and there is no one arround. Angry Gilmore steps out from around the corner. [B]Angry:[/B] Faith, just to let you know, it looks like your already your Wildcard opponents [bleep] because he has just laid you out! [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: B+[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 10: Wildcard Preview Match - Steve Frehley vs Mystery Opponent[/B][/COLOR] Steve Frehley makes his way to the ring, and stands in wait, not knowing who his opponent is. The music of Squeaky McClean plays as he makes his way down to the ring. Before Squeaky can even make it into the ring Frehley knocks him to the floor with a dropkick under the bottom rope. He then rolls him into the ring and begins to beat him down as the bell ring. Squeaky eventually fights his way back onto his feet and the match goes back and forth with neither competitor gaining the upper hand. The turning point in the match comes when Squeaky McClean goes for the Clean Out a little prematurely, Frehley still has the energy to reverse it and hit the Dark Destroyer Spear, Frehley makes the cover but only gets a two count, Frehley gets back to his feet and waits on Squeaky to get to his feet, unlucky for Squeaky Frehley hits him with another Spear this time giving him the three count. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Winners: Steve Frehley wins by pinfall at 9:26 minutes Rating: B-[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 11: It’s Time for a Father Son Talk[/B][/COLOR] The camera cuts to show Eric Eisen entering Richard’s office. [B]E Eisen:[/B] You wanted me dad? [B]R Eisen:[/B] Yes, it’s about Rich Money... [B]E Eisen:[/B] Yeah, nice move with the ladder match - I bet he wasn’t expecting that! [B]R Eisen:[/B] Yeah, about that... There is an akward silent. [B]R Eisen:[/B] What the hell were you thinking!!!!! [B]E Eisens:[/B] I just thought I... [B]R Eisen:[/B] ‘I just thought’ nothing! You nearly cost me Millions, and knowing the lawyers Rich Money could get his hands on Billions!!! [B]E Eisen:[/B] Well... he signed the contract... no harm done! [B]R Eisen:[/B] No harm done?!?!?! no harm done?!?!?! He doesn’t know if he’s going to see again... he could still sue us over that! And I’m telling you, he’s out for revenge! He’s going to be the one dishing out the pain on Thursday! You better hope he is still wearing that stupid eye patch and his depth perception is a mess! [B]E Eisen:[/B] Oh... [B]R Eisen:[/B] You know what! I hope he gets all the revenge he wants! Maybe that way you’ll learn a lesson! Now get out of my face!!! [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: B[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 12: Wildcard Preview Match - Vengeance vs Mystery Opponent[/B][/COLOR] Vengeance stands in the ring waiting to find out who is opponemtn is. The music plays and it’s none other than the Lobster Warrior! Lobster Warrior is limping, looking as if he’s still hurting from his attack earlier on that night. As Lobster gets between the ropes Vengeance hits him with a big knee to the side, knocking Lobster Warrior to the floor. The crowds boo Vengeance, but he doesn’t care, he has the upper hand. The referee keeps Vengeance a good distance away from Lobster Warrior allowing Lobster Warrior to get into the ring and the bell to ring. A fresh Vengeance takes the fight to the beaten up Lobster Warrior, however, Lobster is still able fend of Vengeance for a while, but soon it enough Lobster’s injured state starts to show as Vengeance hits a few big moves. Vengeance know’s Lobster is ready to go and hits him with the Skull Crusher. Vengeance makes little effort to cover Lobster nd he still gets the three count. Giving him the opportunity to pick one of the Wildcard stipulations at Welcome to the Jungle. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Winners: Vengeance wins by pinfall at 6:51 minutes Rating: B+[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 13: No Need for a Wildcard, this is Just Wild![/B][/COLOR] The music of Runaway Train plays and he makes his way out to the ring with The Guru. They make their way into the ring, The Guru grabs a microphone whilst Runaway Train lurks about the ring. [B]The Guru:[/B] Last week... you all saw how Remo destroyed his chances but must importantly the chances of Runaway Train to face Jack Bruce for the SWF Championship. That is why my client Runaway Train feels as if he should be part of Welcome to the Jungle’s main even, Triple Wildcard Match on Thursday night! It wasn’t his fault that he lost - and the idea of a tag team match qualifying you for a world title shot does not reflect the skills and abilities needed to be the SWF Champion - I know this, Runaway Train knows this, because he has held that title before! The fans cheer wildly, [B]The Guru:[/B] Listen Runaway Train! The fans out there tonight, they agree. However, the fans aren’t cheering for them , they are cheering for Remo who has climbed into the ring behind Runaway Train and The Guru. The Guru eventually spots him and drops the microphone, he tries to warn Runaway Train but it’s too late as Remo hits Runaway with the Lumber Puncture. The Guru runs away and Remo grabs the microphone. [B]Remo:[/B] Guru... seeing as your client is unable to speak at the moment, I have a proposition to make! On Thursday night at Welcome to the Jungle, me in that corner [Remo points to one of the corners of the ring] and Runaway Train at the other. [B]The Guru:[/B] Ahh, well you see, errr, I... At that point Runaway Train is back on his feet but Remo doesn’t notice. The Guru grins with delight. [B]The Guru:[/B] Why don’t you ask him yourself? Remo looks around, expecting to see Runaway Train on the mat, but instead Runaway Train hits him with the Train Wreck. Runaway Train grabs the microphone and leans over Remo who is riding with pain. [B]Runaway: [/B]You’re on!!!! Runaway Train and The Guru leave together as Remo eventually gets to his feet, still in pain. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: B[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 14: Wildcard Preview Match - Jack Bruce vs Mystery Opponent[/B][/COLOR] The SWF World Champion makes his way to the ring closely followed by his mystery opponent who turns out to be Eric Eisen! Eric is also carrying a ladder, obviously sending a message to his Welcome to the Jungle opponent Rich Money. Eric sets the ladder up outside the ring, Jack, fed up of the posing and time wasting rolls out the ring and slams Eric’s face against the ladder. Eric falls to the ground and Jack picks him up and slams him into the steel steps before rolling him into the ring. He then climbs in and the bell rings. Jack Bruce continues his beat down on Eric, making use of his early advantage. The fans start to cheer as they notice Vengeance is watching from the entrance way. Jack in unaware and continues to wrestle. As Jack sets Eric Eisen up for the New Your Minute when he notices Vengeance. Jack stops what he is doing and beings to argue with the referee, trying to get him to tell Vengeance to go back backstage. It gets worse, Vengeance begins to walk towards the ring, knowing that it’s bothering Jack. Distracted, Eric is able to recuperate and he rolls Jack into a pinfall attempt, nearly getting the three count. By this point Vengeance is at ring side, rather than watch the more evenly fought match, Vengeance eyes up the title before picking it up. As Eric hits Jack with a hurricanrana, Vengeance slides the title into the ring and climbs up onto the ring apron to distract the referee. Eric Eisen grabs the title and looks poised to level the champion with his own title, when from out of nowhere Steve Frehley climbs into the ring and he hits Eric with a Dark Destroyer Spear, the impact causes the referee to turn around, unsure of what took place he makes Frehley leave the ring along with the title belt. Both Eric and Bruce struggle to get to their feet, but Bruce is just that bit quicker allowing him to set the stumbling Eric into the New York Minute. Vengeance who pulls Bruce off Eric, Vengeance help Eric to his feet as Frehley climbs into the ring with the title belt. Frehley goes to hit Vengeance over the head with the title belt, but as he does Eric stands up anf gets inthe way, taking the blow and the DQ Victory. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Winners: Eric Eisen wins by Disqualification at 10:52 minutes Rating: B[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]Segment 15: Triple Threat Carnage![/B][/COLOR] After the match, Vengeance and Frehley stand face to face in the ring staring each other down talking trash to one another. Bruce is being heled to his feet, you can see him ask the referee what happened. As the referee explains Bruce doesn’t look happy and looks straight at Frehley. It looks as if Vengeance and Frehley are just about to exchange blows when Bruce levels Frehley with the title belt screaming “Lets see how you like it!”. It’s then Bruce and Vengeance’s turn to stare each other down, it doesn’t last long before both competitors are exchanging punches. From nowhere, Eric Eisen hits Bruce in the ribs with a ladder shot allowing Vengeance the opportunity to follow it up with the Six Feet Under. The show ends with Vengeance standing over his PPV opponents Bruce and Frehley holding the SWF World Title high in the air. [COLOR="teal"][B][I]Rating: B[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="teal"][B]SWF Supreme TV Results[/B] Rating: B- Attendance: 10,000 (Sell Out) C.A.N.N. Viewing Figures: 2.76 UK Broadcasting 2: 0.08[/COLOR] Comments and thoughts are more than welcome!
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