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WCWA- It's Kudoriffic!!!

Guest The Aussie

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Guest The Aussie
Jamie Dunne is probably a name that you will have heard of. I've never wrestled in front of massive crowds and never won a major title. Hell, I don't even have my own character. I'm better known as Hyper Kudo, a variation of the famous character portrayed by Haruki Kudo which is done totally over the top. I've even personally received the right to use the gimmick from the original Hooded Kudo. I've even racked up a fair amount of money over the last few years as smarks and marks alike really do seem to enjoy the gimmick. So now I have chosen to kick the wrestling buisiness into overdrive by opening up my own promotion called the West Coast Wrestling Association, a western spin on the popular promotion World Level Wrestling. It's actually kind of funny that my promotion is about as original as my gimmick. But there is one thing I should always remember... [I]Professional Wrestling is serious Bizness[/I]. (Yep, Comedy diary being run in TEW 07. Nothing more and nothing less)
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Guest The Aussie
[I]-The First Hirings-[/I] Being the only employee of my promotion made me feel lonely. It is also quite impossible to have a show be all about you unless your surname is Eisen or you are Tommy Cornell. As I have already confirmed my identity, I felt that it was time to bring in some guys. Not in that way... Sickos. [QUOTE] [B] Velocidad[/B] Style- Luchador My thoughts- It's way too early in this kids career to actually say stuff like this but he is the future of Lucha Libre. The runt is still very green and spotty but at 20 years old, he can only improve. With all of the flippy crap that he does, I think that it's only fair to make him a show stealer character. Everyone loves people who almost cripple themselves in order to look good... right? Prospects in WCWA- Good[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]DeCipher[/B] Style- Luchador My Thoughts- Admittedly, at this stage of his career. DeCipher is a pretty weak worker. However, his mask is cool looking and the gimmick that I'm planning on giving him should be fun. Prospects in WCWA- Few [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B] Silver Shark[/B] Style- Cruiserweight My Thoughts- A veteran of the Japanese and American independent scenes, S.S is a guy who I plan on using to build up the promotion. He has talent and is popular but the best thing of all is that he knows how to work WLW style. Understanding LuchaResu is probably the first step in doing well here. Prospects in WCWA- High. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B] Mad Dog Mortimer[/B] Style- Brawler My Thoughts- I couldn't turn this guy away even if I tried lest some members of the IWC break my limbs for turning down Leisure Suit Morty. He himself is not a bad wrestler, It's just that his style is completely different to what I'm aiming for. He will probably be nothing more than a midcard fixture here Prospects in WCWA- Low [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]K-Squared[/B] Style- Entertainer My Thoughts- K-Squared is another average wrestler who could probably never get by in a straight up wrestling promotion. Hell, he didn't do particularily well in CGC whcih focuses just as much on storytelling. I guess a comedy place is the only remaining place for him to go to. He does seem to be a bit of a brat at times but I'm hoping to spin this into a character Prospects in WCWA- Low [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Dwight Kumas[/B] Style- No Style. Referee My Thoughts- Eh, he's a referee. What am I gonna do? Push him because of his killer Afro? Prospects in WCWA- N/A[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Fox Mask[/B] Style- Cruiserweight My Thoughts- You could almost literally take what I said about Silver Shark and just change the names around. Fox Mask doesn't have the international experience of Shark but he does seem to be a better wrestler. He's also a good ten years younger than him so there is still room for him to surpass Shark. Prospects in WCWA- Higher than Remmy Skye (I feel dirty for rhyming now)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B] Stretch the Chicken Boy[/B] Style- Regular Wrestler My Thoughts- Have I hired the ugliest guy in Pro Wrestling here? Who ever fulfills that role would certainly be challenged by this lad. He is not terrible in the ring but he doesn't really have a presence out there. I don't expect him to amount to much here, let alone anywhere. Prospects in WCWA- Pretty damn low[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B] Myself aka Hyper Kudo[/B] Style- Entertainer of the masses My Thoughts- Man, this man is deadly handsome and suave. He literally cannot do any wrong out there. Okay, I'm not great but there is talent and charisma in this studly shell of a man. Prospects in WCWA- Whatever the booker (aka me) wants to do with him[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------- So far, I think that I'm doing a pretty decent job with my initial roster. No real pains in the asses and some real talent there. I'm still down an announcer, a colour commentator, a road agent, more wrestlers and possibly some eye candy but I cannot complain yet.
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Guest The Aussie
-More Signings- [QUOTE][B]Jesse & Joe Gilbert[/B] Styles- Cruiserweights My Thoughts- Jesse & Joe are a solid high flying tag team who just happen to have a stupid gimmick. Perhaps it is fate that a team wit hsuch comedy potential wind up in a comedy promotion? Prospects in WCWA- Medium. Neither are good enough to break into singles action but I don't really have anyone better as a team.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Shane D. Pain[/B] Style- Regular Wrestler My Thoughts- Bloody hell, This guy considers himself too sexy for his own good. He came in with a girl hanging on his arm and dressed like he'd just finished a job as a stripper. I wouldn't be suprised if he had because he seems like the type of guy who would work as one part-time. He's good enough but I just plain don't like him. Prospects in WCWA- None if I have anything to say about it [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [B]Gentleman Jim King[/B] Style- Technician My Thoughts- He has an... interesting character about him. I have enjoyed his independent work previously but he does seem rather eccentric out of the ring. Perhaps his in-ring persona isn't too far of a stretch from his regular personality. Prospects in WCWA- Medium[/QUOTE][QUOTE] [B]Evil Spirit[/B] Style- Entertainer My Thoughts- E.S is possibly the most insane person I have ever met. I mean this in the best way though, he plays his psychopath character perfectly and lives in kayfabe. It also helps that barely anyone at our shows speak Japanese. He gets in character early and doesn't exit it until behind closed doors. Prospects in WCWA- Low. Not knowing English will probably hamper him but he could grow.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Too Hot[/B] Style- Entertainer My Thoughts- He's pretty good as Main Event fodder. However, his actual ability to break dance has guarenteed him spot for years to come because he makes me laugh. Prospects in WCWA- Probably Nil but he may suprise us all[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]"100% Real American" Ben Williams[/B] Style- Regular Wrestler My Thoughts- Nothing more than a jobber really. He is a compotent flyer but there really isn't much going for him except that he can make other people look good. Prospects in WCWA- Very low[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Tic and Panda Mask II[/B] Styles- Entertainer & Spot Monkey My Thoughts- These guys are a high flying comedy team. Nothing much can really be said about these two as both have enough talent to get by and play comedy based characters. Prospects in WCWA- Decent. Both men could feasibly move up the card if they get over[/QUOTE] ------------------------------- My motley wrestling crew nears completion as plans to put on my first show commence. I'm still missing a few vital roles but I plan on filling all of that in.
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