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USPW: Red, White, and Bruised!

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[SIZE="3"][I](ooc: my last diary TCW: On the Brink feel through. I felt I rushed through it, mainly because I played 07 for about a week before Vista drove my away for the rest of the year. So now I've basically got it out of me now and can dedicate more time into making this diary something special. Or at least enjoyable.)[/I] [FONT="Arial Black"][center]United States Pro Wrestling[/center][/FONT] [center][COLOR="Red"]RED[/COLOR], WHITE, and [COLOR="BLUE"]BRUISED![/COLOR] [I](No backstory as I like to focus on the in ring stuff.)[/I] [B]Owner's Goals:[/B] [B]#1[/B] Increase financial balance to 7,500,000, 23 months, 3 weeks. [B]#2[/B] Must not fall below #7 in Promotional rankings, 23 months, 3 weeks. [B]#3[/B] Keep Bruce the Giant a B- momentum, 17 months, 3 weeks. [B]#4[/B] Peter Valentine must remain his B momentum 17 months, 3 weeks. [B]#5[/B] Can't hire any worker with less than C- atletic ability. [B]#6[/B] Can't hire any worker considered to be a spot monkey. On that note, I have 4 roster spots open in order to get us to an ideal level. I will hire only the amount we need. Also, I have not taken any measures to keep Chris Caulfield from signing with SWF (as he does every single time!!), nor Darryl Devine. So, if they leave I will fill the roster accordingly.[/SIZE][/center]
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[center]Photobucket [center][SIZE="3"]Live From Perry Hall[/SIZE][/center] Photobucket[/center] [SIZE="3"]The show opens with a giant ovation from the audience as Jefferson Airplane's 'White Rabbit' echoes throughout the arena. The USPW World Champion emerges from the entrance wearing flared jeans, Jim Morrison 'Lizard King' t-shirt, and ever present head band. He makes his way down the aisle, up the ringside stairs, and into the ring. The ringside announcer hands him a microphone. Justice pauses as the cheers die down and the fans begin to be seated. [center][I][COLOR="blue"]Justice: It's great to be here in Kentucky! [/COLOR][/I] [/center] Justice pauses as the cheap pop fires up the crowd once again. [center][I][COLOR="blue"]Justice: You know, I often get asked the same question, whether it's by the fans, or by my family and friends. They ask what's next for James Justice? Where do you go from here? You're 37 years old, held every company's World tile you've been with, what else is there to prove? And I tell them that I'm just livin' the dream. L-I-V-I-N! At 37 years young I just had the biggest match of my life against the biggest opponent I have ever stepped in the ring with not two months ago. So, the only logical answer to their questions is, right here in this ring, defending this title night in and night out. Any and all challengers, I... [/COLOR][/I] Photobucket[/center] Justice is enterupted by the sound of Commissioner Doom's music. Doom holds a mic as he stands at the foot of the stage. [center][I][COLOR="RED"]Doom: Sorry to enterupt whatever it was you had going on out here but this is a WRESTLING show after all. But as I was in the back bored to tears I thought I hear you say something about defend that title night in and night out.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Justice: That's what I said.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Doom: That's nice to know. You see, that's what I like about you, Justice...your spirit. Work ethic, determination, not neccessarily your wardrobe. Especially that shirt with that god awful mongrel on the front. It's your sheer, blind stupidity, always out to please the idiot fans (chorus of boos). So tonight I will grant your wish as you will be putting that World Championship on the line against Giant Redwood![/COLOR] [/I][/center] Doom stares down Justice who remains in the center of the ring. Justice is worried about facing Redwood and Doom clearly sees that. [B]C-[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Bruce the Giant vs Lex Appeal [/U][/center] The look on Lex's face said it all as Bruce the Giant towered over him at the start of the match. Bruce easily dispatches of Lex in a quite dreadful squash match that saw Bruce almost drive Lex through the ring with a Giant Choke Slam for the pinfall. [B]D[/B] [center]Photobucket Photobucket[/center] Backstage where the Tag Team Champions Mike Muscles and Danny Rushmore, otherwise known as the Towers of Power stood starring menacingly at the camera. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Rushmore: My name's Danny Rushmore and this is my tag team partner Mike Muscles.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Muscles: Mike... Mike Muscles![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Rushmore: We're simply known as the Towers of Power. Both standing 7'0' tall, weighting over 700 lbs. There isn't a team in USPW can compete with us. Look at this freakshow, he has muscles on his tongue! [/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]Muscles: Mike... Mike Muscles![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Rushmore: We are the most dominent, physically imposing team around and there isn't anyone that can take these titles from around our waistes.[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] [/I][/center] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Alicia Strong vs Nadia Snow [/U][/center] Alicia Strong was able to pick up the victory with an Angel Driver. And being the only female babyface in the division it was the wise decision not to weaken her cred. Not to mention she's the best pure wrestler on the roster! Though she wasn't able to carry Snow to a decent match as it garnered as a disappointing rating. [B]D+[/B] [center]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/center] After the match the USPW Women's Champion Cherry Bomb showed up to blindside Alicia, laying her out with her championship belt. Snow pulled herself together and the two girls did a number to the fallen first lady of wrestling. [B]E+[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Nicky Champion[B](c)[/B] vs Anger (Non-Title)[/U] [/center] Anger was not thrilled when I broke the news that he would have to do the job to the young up-and-comer. Doesn't bother me one bit though as I have my orders from Sam Strong. Champion finishes him off with the Hawkeye Hammer for the victory. Anger thinks he should be pushed at 48 years of age. Anyway, another stinker. [B]D-[/B] [center]Photobucket[/center] Jumbo Jackson hit the ring in his wrestling gear ready for the next match. Before his opponent came out he got on the stick and said a few words. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Jackson: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the man that will soon be laying in the center of this canvas starring up at the ceiling, the hardcore monkey boy, Chris Caulfield![/COLOR] [/I][/center] Caulfield's music hits as he and Seduction make their way down to the ring. Caulfield looks none to pleased at the introduction. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Jackson: Come on, Monkey! Hey, honey, after I dispatch your boyfriend how would you like to be laying on your back starring at the ceiling later on tonight?[/COLOR] [/I][/center] With that comment Caulfield sprints to the ring, slides in and we have ourselves a fight. [B]C-[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucketw/Photobucket [U]Jumbo Jackson vs Chris Caulfield w/Seduction [/U][/center] With rumors swirling that SWF has contacted Caulfield about a contract of course I'll job him out to Jackson. I've got big plans for Jumbo. Of course being the sneaky heel that Jackson is he reverted to using dirty tatics to get the pinfall. Kicked Caulfield in his curlys and finished him of with a Jumbo Avalanche. [B]C-[/B] [center]Photobucketw/Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket[/center] T-Rex and his manager Skeik Mustafa came down to the ring. A video began to play on the jumbotron featuring some Jim Force match clips, urging fans to buy his new t-shirt 'the force is strong with you'. T-Rex took offense to plugging another stars ad during his 'tv time'. So what does he do, he decides to attack poor announcer Danny Jillefski. As Shane Sneer looks on T-Rex grabs him up out of his chair and throws him in the ring. He gets in and begins to circle around Jillefski as a shark around his prey. Before he could attack Jim Force ran down to the ring like a coked up chimp and cleared the ring. Sending the Jurrasic Powerand Sheik backstage. [B]D[/B] [I]*commmercial break*[/I] [center]Photobucket PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]James Justice[B](c)[/B] vs Giant Redwood (USPW World Title)[/U] [/center] Justice was actually able to carry the 460 pounder to a respectable match. Hopefully, saving the show. We saw Giant Redwood get counted out after the two men brawled up the ramp which led to Redwood not being able to make the 10 count. Yeah, dull end but I wanted to keep Redwood strong. For what reason? Good question. [B]C-[/B] [center]Photobucket Photobucket[/center] After the match James Justice celebrated his title victory when out of nowhere Peter Valentine ambushes Justice sending him crashing to the canvas. Once down Valentine continued to assault Justice, putting the boots to the Champ. Valentine taunts the crowd as they rain down a chorus of boos. The show goes off with Valentine starring at the World title over James Justice fallen body. [B]B-[/B] [U]Final Rating:[/U] [B]C-[/B] [/SIZE]
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[center]Photobucket [B][SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]NEWS AND NOTES:[/FONT] [/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"][I]Chris Caulfield signs a written deal with SWF. He will make his last appearance in USPW this wednesday on American Wrestling when he goes one on one with Nicky Champion in a farewell match. USPW have come to terms with the following workers: Roger Dodger, Davis Wayne Newton, Zeus Maxmillion, and Jack Griffith.[/I][/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"][B]American Wrestling Preview:[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [SIZE="3"][I]The Towers of Power, Danny Rushmore and Mike Muscles blasted the tag team division in USPW, claiming there isn't a tandem in the company that can compete with them. The Hillbillies, Pete and Al will attempt to discredit the statement as they challenge for the Tag Team titles. As said above, Chris Caulfield will have his farewell match against the up and comer, Television Champion Nicky Champion. Jim Force will take on Jumbo Jackson. After saving announcer Danny Jillefski's hide from T-Rex last week, one has to believe that Force will be looking over his shoulder during the match. Last week after a successful World title defense by James Justice over Giant Redwood, Justice was viciously attacked by Peter Valentine. Valentine will be in action against Des Davids while the World Champ will have the night off, but no doubt will be present for what will seemingly become an explosive night. Tune in this Wednesday live![/I][/center][/SIZE] [U]Quick Picks:[/U] Peter Valentine vs Des Davids The Hillbillies vs Towers of Power(c) Tag Team Championship Jumbo Jackson vs Jim Force Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion, Farewell Match
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[B]Peter Valentine[/B] vs Des Davids Well if he's gonna be the No. 1 contender then there is no reason for him to job this one. The Hillbillies vs [B]Towers of Power[/B](c) Tag Team Championship The Hillbillies suck, enough said :D [B]Jumbo Jackson[/B] vs Jim Force This is the tricky one, but you said you have big plans for Jumbo. Chris Caulfield vs [B]Nicky Champion[/B], Farewell Match The Bastard who signed with SWF will surely job this.
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[center]Photobucket [SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]American Wrestling [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Live From War Memorial Auditorium[/SIZE][/center] [SIZE="3"]Peter Valentine's music hits as we open American Wrestling. Valentine's ambush of World Champion James Justice just one week ago is still on the minds of the fans as they he's met with a chorus of boos. Valentine soaks it up with a smug smirk as he enters the ring for thefirst match of the night. [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Peter Valentine vs Des Davids[/U][/center] Valentine was clearly overconfident as he wasn't ready for what the young powerhouse brought to the match. Davids gives Valentine all he can handle as he has to resort to using a pair of brass knuckles to get the kid down for the 3 count. [B]D[/B] [center]Photobucket Photobucket[/center] After the match Valentine places the brass knuckles back in his trunks. Out of nowhere the World Champion James Justice slides in the ring after him. Valentine spots Justice at the last minute and is able to slip away. Valentine retreats back up the ramp. Justice lays his title on the ground and motions Valentine to come after him, Justice is itching for a fight. Valentine taps on his head as if to say i'm too smart for that. Justice watches as Valentine dissappears backstage. [B]C+[/B] [center]Photobucket Photobucket[/center] James Justice is still in the ring when Commissioner Doom's music plays and he comes out holding a microphone. [center][COLOR="Red"][I]Doom: Security! Security! Please escort this man from ringside and see him to the parking lot![/I] [/COLOR] [/center] Five armed security guards emerge and head down to the ring. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Doom: I won't have him causing anymore trouble tonight![/COLOR] [/I][/center] Justice is confused as he doesn't know what he's done wrong. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Doom: Be extremely careful, gentlemen. He doesn't hold any regard for authority. Use excessive force if you must.[/COLOR][/I] [/center] The guards get in the ring and surround the Champ. Justice picks up his belt and peacefully exits the ring, followed by the guards. They walk up the ramp, stopping when they get to Doom. Justice stares down Doom for a moment. Then... [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Doom: Get him out of my sight! I don't want this degenarate anywhere near my building. If he shows his face arrest him![/COLOR][/I] [/center] Doom watches as the guards escort Justice out of the arena. [B]C-[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketvsPhotobucket Photobucket [U]Towers of Power[B](c)[/B] vs The Hillbillies (Tag Team Championship) [/U][/center] The Towers of Power destroy the Hillbillies finishing off Al with a Tower of Terror (A 3D) to defend their tag team titles and for now backing up the claims made last week about no other team in USPW could compete with them. P.S. an atrosious match. [B]E[/B] After the match Danny Rushmore called for their belts and a microphone. The Hillbillies are still laid out on the canvas. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Rushmore: Is this the best you've got? Is this it? A couple of pathetic, back woods hicks? I said it last week, I'll say it again. There isn't a team in the USPW that can compete with us! We're too big, too dominant! [/COLOR][/I][/center] Muscles pulls the mic, as well as Danny's arm over to him. [center][I][COLOR="red"]Muscles: Too big! Too...too dominant![/COLOR][/I][B]D[/B][/center] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion (Farewell Match)[/U][/center] Caulfield puts over Champion in his last appearance in USPW before heading to the SWF. The match went back and forth with several near pinfalls by both competitors before Champion hits the Hawkeye Hammer and gets the victory. [B]D+[/B] In a show a great sportsmanship the Television Champion Nicky Champion helps Chris Caulfield to his feet and the two celebrate together for the fans. The audience gives a Caulfield a thunderous standing ovation as we cut backstage to... [B]C-[/B] [center]Photobucket Photobucket[/center] Bruce the Giant was backstage starring at the camera silent. Something beside him catches his attention and he looks down to find someone standing there starring up at him. [center][I][COLOR="Blue"]???: You must be Bruce the Giant. I've heard alot about you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Preston Atwood. I graduated from Yale with a 3.8 grade point average and was an all american LaCrosse player. I'm more athletic, definitely better looking, and (looks down) more well endowed than you can ever imagine to be. And I'm challenging you to face me in the ring tonight one on one.[/COLOR][/I][/center] Preston slaps Bruce hard across the face. Bruce does not budge. He continues to stare down Atwood who wisely steps away. [center][I][COLOR="Blue"]Atwood: Yeah, well...I'll see you in the ring tonight.[/COLOR][/I] [B]C+[/B][/center] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Preston Atwood vs Bruce the Giant[/U][/center] After a few minutes in the ring with the Giant it's obvious to Atwood that he may have made a mistake challenging the monster. Bruce udderly dominants Atwood leading Preston to run out of the ring to be counted out. [B]D[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/center] Back from the break as the Women's Champion Cherry Bomb and Nadia Snow stand in the ring. Cherry has the stick. [center][I][COLOR="Blue"]Cherry: Last week Nadia and I took little Miss Princess Alicia Strong and nearly wanked every strand of hair out of her pretty little head. If she thinks just because her daddy owns this company she's entitled to special priviledges she's in for a rude awakening. Listen up, Alicia. I am the number one female in this company not you. So, why don't you go home and spend daddy's money like the spoiled little rich b....[/COLOR][/I][/center] Before she could finish the sentence Alicia Strong hit the ring. Cherry drops the mic and shoves Nadia in the direction of Strong. Alicia begins to furociously pound on Nadia as the Women's Champion escapes the ring leaving Snow to endure the wrath of the pissed off 'princess'. [B]D[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [center]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Jumbo Jackson vs Jim Force [/U][/center] Only Sam Strong's road agent skill could have possibly made this match at least bareable. Jackson and Force basically beat eachother around the ring for 11 minutes or so until T-Rex and his manager Sheik Mustafa come down to the ring and distract Force allowing Jackson to hit the Jumbo Avalanche to get the victory. [B]D+[/B] [center]Photobucketw/Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/center] After the match T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson began assaulting Force while Sheik Mustafa directed the beatdown. Jumbo grabs a chair from ringside as both men stand over Force. Commissioner Doom's voice can be heard throughout the arena. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Doom: Hold it one minute![/COLOR][/I] Photobucket[/center] Doom emerges from the entrance. [center][COLOR="Red"][I]Doom: I said hold it! I will not have this kind of garbage on my show! You understand me? We need some help out here! Get out here now and remove this filth from ringside! [/I][/COLOR] Photobucket[/center] Peter Valentine's music hits as he makes his way down the aisle and into the ring. Once inside he snatches takes the chair from Jumbo's hands and begins to drive it into Jim Force's knee. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Doom: That's right, get him out of here![/COLOR][/I][/center] All three men continue stomping away as Force goes unconscience. [center][I][COLOR="Red"]Doom: Pick him up! Get him out of here![/COLOR][/I][/center] On Doom's orders Jackson, T-Rex, and Peter Valentine slide Force out of the ring then carry him up the ramp. The show goes off as Doom watches the three men exit the arena with the limp body of Jim Force. [B]D+[/B] [/SIZE]
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[center]Photobucket [SIZE="3"][B]NEWS AND NOTES [/B][/center] Darryl Devine has signed a written deal with the SWF. He has not been on American Wrestling the past two weeks and there are no plans to use him before his contract runs out in 6 days. The following workers have been signed to ppa deals by USPW: Marty Papin, Riley McManus, Stan 'The Man' Manna, and Zoe Ammis aka Agent 69. [center][FONT="Georgia"][B]American Wrestling Preview[/B][/FONT] [I]Two weeks ago in a singles match we saw Alicia Strong pick up a victory against Nadia Snow. After the match USPW Women's Champion Cherry Bomb along with Snow viciously attacked the number one contendar. Last week saw Strong get a little payback as she broke up an interview between her attackers, leading Cherry Bomb to save herself by feeding Snow to the wolf, so to speak. Commissioner Doom has booked Strong to face both Snow and Bomb in a handicap match this Wednesday as punishment for her actions. The Tag Team Champions The Towers of Power dismantled the Hillbillies in defense of their titles backing up their claim that they're the most dominant tag team in USPW. This week they go up against Captain USA and Happy Elwood. Will their dominance continue or will the Captain and Elwood prevail? New superstar Preston Atwood made his debut picking a fight with one of the largest men in all of wrestling in Bruce the Giant. Atwood got himself counted out after he realised he was clearly over matched. This week Bruce takes on Anger and Atwood has put The Giant on notice that he will be present in some sort of fashion. Another superstar will debut as Mercury Morris (formerly Zeus Maxmillion) will take on the Television Champion Nicky Champion. Last week Commissioner Doom banned the World Champion James Justice from the building after Justice's attempted attack on Peter Valentine, then allowing Valentine along with Jumbo Jackson and T-Rex to attack Jim Force later that night. What is the condition of Force's knee after having a chair driven repeatedly into it by Valentine? Is there an alliance froming between the Commissioner and Valentine? All this and more this Wednesday live on American Wrestling.[/I] [/SIZE][/center] [QUOTE]Quick Picks: Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb(c)/Nadia Snow Bruce the Giant vs Anger Towers of Power(c) vs Happy Elwood/Captain USA (Tag Team Championship) Mercury Morris vs Nicky Champion(c) (Non Title)[/QUOTE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[center]Photobucket [SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]American Wrestling[/FONT] Live from The Den[/SIZE] Photobucket Photobucket[/center] [SIZE="3"]One week after being banned from the building The World Champion James Justice along with Jim Force are already standing in the ring to open the show. Force is wearing a knee brace after last week's attack by Peter Valentine with a steel chair. Both angry, both looking for a fight. Justice has the mic. [center][COLOR="Blue"][I]Justice: Valentine, Rex, Jackson! You three goons come down to this ring right now and face us like men![/I][/COLOR] [/center] Force takes the microphone from Justice. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][I]Force: You cannot escape the wrath I shall rain down upon yoouuu! You're about to feeeel the fuuull fooorce first haand![/I][/COLOR] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Jackson, T-Rex, and Peter Valentine come down to the ring and surround Force and Justice. Force throws the first punch then all hell breaks lose. The numbers are too much to over come as the trio take the upperhand. As the attack continues Des Davids music hits as he runs down to the ring and cleans house. Davids,Justice, and Force stand tall in the center of the ring whilethe trio tucks their tales between their legs and leaves ringside. [B]C[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [CENTER]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket[/CENTER] [U][CENTER]Nicky Champion(c) vs Mercury Morris (Non Title)[/CENTER][/U] Mercury Morris was successful in his debut against the Television Champion Nicky Champion after a solid back and forth match that ended with a roll up and the 3 count as Mercury had a handful of tights. [B]D[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The Tag Team Champions the Towers of Power make their way down the aisle, arguing with a few fans at ringside before getting in the ring. Danny Rushmore grabs a microphone. [I][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Rushmore: Last week the Hillbillies got a first hand demonstration of just how physically imposing and dominate we are. Like I said before, there is no team in the USPW that can defeat us. So let's get this over with, send out the next victim.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]Muscles: Next victims![/CENTER][/COLOR][/I][B]D[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketvsPhotobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [U][CENTER]Towers of Power[B](c)[/B] vs Happy Elwood and Captain USA (Tag Team Championship)[/CENTER][/U] The Towers defend their titles in another squash match when the they were able to isolate Happy Elwood the entire match not allowing him to get the tag in to the Captain. They finish with a Tower of Terror for the 3 count. [B]E[/B] Happy Elwood is still down in the ring as Rushmore and Muscles set their sights on his tag team partner Captain USA. The Captain tries to fight the champs off but to no avail as they deliver a Tower of Terror leaving him laid out along with Elwood. [B]E+[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [CENTER]Photobucketvs Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [U][CENTER]Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb/Nadia Snow[/CENTER][/U] Great teamwork demonstrated by Bomb and Snow as quick tags kept both women fresh and they were able to dominate Strong all match. The tides were turned when an unknown female came down to the ring and laid Nadia Snow out with a right hand leaving the Women's Champion Cherry Bomb left one on one with her number one contendar. Strong took advantage of the newfound oppertunity and hit the Angel Driver for the pinfall victory. [B]D[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Newcomer Preston Atwood made his way down to the ring to do guest commentary for the next match which will feature Bruce the Giant, whom he had targeted last week. He arrives at the commentators table where his is met with a headset and a handshake from Shane Sneer. [COLOR="blue"][I][CENTER]Atwood: How are you doing Mr. Sneer? It's truely an honor to be working along side a true legend in this business.[/CENTER][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][I][CENTER]Sneer: Thank you very much. I can already see you have a bright future ahead.[/CENTER][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][I][CENTER]Jillefski: Welcome, Mr. Atwood.[/CENTER][/I][/COLOR] [I][CENTER][COLOR="red"]Atwood: Shut your mouth, Jillefski![/COLOR][/CENTER][/I] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER][I]Jillefski:Anyway, Bruce the Giant takes on Anger one on one and that match is coming up next.[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR][B]D[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [CENTER]PhotobucketvsPhotobucket [U]Bruce the Giant vs Anger[/U][/CENTER] Bruce the Giant defeats Anger with a Giant Chokeslam in a match that saw a lot of missed spots and very little selling. [B]D+[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] After the match was over Preston Atwood got up from his seat at the announcer's table, grabbed a steel chair and slide into the ring behind Bruce the Giant. Atwood blasts Bruce in the back with the chair but the big man is unphased. An angry Giant turns around to face his attacker. Atwood turns white as a ghost and quickly escapes from the ring and back up the ramp. [B]C[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Jillefski and Sneer alert us to something going on backstage as a cameraman runs to the scene where Des Davids lies on the floor unconcious. A lead pipe lies next to him and the attacker has fled the scene before anyone was aware of what happened. [B]D-[/B] [I]*commercial break*[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Back from the break where James Justice and Jim Force are already inside the ring waiting on their opponents. Jumbo Jackson, Peter Valentine, and T-Rex make their way down the aisle. Before they get in the ring they are interupted by Commissioner Doom. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER][I]Doom: I have an announcement to make. Des Davids has been taken to a local hospital for precautionary observations. A partner could not be found for Jim Force and James Justice on such short notice so I've decided to make the match a 2 on 3 handicap match.[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketvsPhotobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [CENTER][U]Jumbo Jackson/Peter Valentine/T-Rex vs Jim Force/James Justice[/U][/CENTER] Force and Justice did all they could to survive the match but the odds were too much in the other favor. Jackson and T-Rex subdued Force as Valentine got the clean victory against Justice with a Heart Breaker. [B]C-[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Justice and Force are still out in the ring as the Jackson, T-Rex, and Valentine celebrate their victory. The trio begin making their way back up the aisle looking back and taunting Force and Justice as Freddie Datsun comes out on crutches to a huge ovation. The three men turn toward the entrance and are met with a crutch upside the head. One by one Datsun takes each man out. The show goes off the air with the crowd going crazy as Datsun holds his broken crutch high up in the air. [B]C-[/B] [/SIZE]
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