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CZCW - Fear the ReapeR

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“Here you go Cliff; I just finished the new CZCW Championship belt.” “What was wrong with the old one?” “Well… nothing, I guess. I just didn’t like it.” “You know I’m not paying for that, since I didn’t ask for it…?” “Umm, well, how about a couple of tickets to this month’s show?” “I have a better idea. Come with me.” Now, how I got from creating title belts, to being the head booker for CZCW is kind of a blur. First, let me introduce myself, My name is Gregory R. Eapers, but all my friends just call me ReapeR, and I create title belts for wrestling promotions. You might have seen a couple of them… .
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As I followed Cliff to the small conference room, which was actually just an old card table in the back with some chairs and an old TV/VCR combo, Farrah Hesketh came into the office and took a seat. “Cliff, you really need to get with the new. VCR’s are a thing of the past." "Shut up, this thing works just fine for me." "Whatever you say Cliff. So, what exactly are we doing back here? Got a card game getting ready to start of something?” “Not exactly. Look, I’ll cut right to the chase. I’m having trouble running the day to day operations for this promotion as well as doing the head booker duties. Farrah here helps out quite a bit, but she’s been pretty adamant about not wanting the job. She wants to be just one of the “guys”, so to speak.” “Ok, what does all this have to do with me?” “I have a crazy idea…” “Yeah, what is it?” *Cliff looks over at Farrah who kind of shrugs her shoulders* “Kid, I want you to be our head booker. What do you say?” *Later I would be told that I actually stayed standing four about 3.5 seconds after I fainted.* I came to looking up at the underside of the card table, with Farrah kneeling at my head, fanning me, with what would be my contract. * After the moment of embarrassment passed, I asked the question… “Cliff, why me? I have absolutely no experience booking a wrestling promotion. I wouldn’t know where to start. And what about the locker room? What do you think they will think about a belt maker telling them what to do?” “Look, I’ll take care of that, plus I’m sure you can earn their trust. You’ll have to give it time. So what do you say?” “One question…” “Shoot.” “If you fire me, will you still buy my title belts?” “Sure kid.” After about another hour of paperwork and a handshake, I put my oversized hood over my head and walked out of Cliff’s office, the new head booker for [SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/SIZE]… .
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Well Cliff said he would handle the locker room, and he sure did. I’ll give him credit; he came up with a pretty ingenious way of making the locker room listen to me. There is a wrestling myth, an urban legend in the business if you will. That of a mysterious person whose name we don’t speak for fear of “them” listening. Cliff had told the guys that he had found him, and that he would be our new booker. The locker room was a buzz with anticipation as well as some eye rolling from some of our veteran workers. Plague for one was not impressed at all. Apparently he thinks he’s enough of a mystery for the entire world of wrestling. Anyway, Cliff handed me a matte black hockey mask and told me to put it on. “Cliff, what is this for?” “The majority of the locker room believes in this Grand Avatar character. So, we’re going to give it to them.” “…” “Just put the mask on and then put your hood up. Keep your head down and don’t talk unless you absolutely have to. When you do talk, talk deeply. Go out there and put on a show.” *This should be fun. I did what I was told and followed Cliff into the locker room. As I walked in behind Cliff, I hit the light switch, turning off the light in the locker room. I stood in the doorway, with the light in the hallway keeping me in shadow and my head down. The room got instantly quiet and even Plague was seen squinting trying to get a view of my face. I took a full minute to scan everyone, before nodding slightly before I turned and left the locker room.* So it begins… Announced card for: [SIZE="2"]CZCW Revolution ‘08[/SIZE] James Prudence © v Matt Sparrow – [B][I]CZCW Championship[/I][/B] Donnie J v Al Coleman Plague v Ultimate Phoenix The Zoners (Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez) © v Snap Dragon/Marc Speed – [B][I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/B] Flying Jimmy Foxx © v Jeremiah Moose – Ladder Match - [B][I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/B] Fox Mask v Masked Cougar .
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CZCW Revolution '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Revolution “08[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1 January 2008 The Snake Pit (South West) Attendance - 703 The Zoners (Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez) © v Snap Dragon/Marc Speed – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I] The Zoners defeat Snap Dragon and Marc Speed to retain. They make defense number 1 of their CZCW Tag Team Championship (D) Donnie J v Al Coleman Donnie J defeated Al Coleman with a Death on Miami Beach (D) Flying Jimmy Foxx © v Jeremiah Moose – Ladder Match - [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Foxx defeated Moose after retrieving the title. Foxx makes defense number 1of his CZCW Xtreme Championship (D) Fox Mask v Masked Cougar Fox Mask defeated Masked Cougar (D) Plague v Ultimate Phoenix Ultimate Phoenix defeated Plague (C) James Prudence © v Matt Sparrow – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] James Prudence defeated Matt Sparrow. He makes defense number 1 of his CZCW Championship (C) Overall (C-)
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Backstage issues already... I threw open the locker room door and timed my light turn off just as it slammed against the wall. Everyone stopped and stared. I stood in the shadow of the light from the hall once again. My heart was pounding so hard I could have sworn that everyone in the room could here it. I mustered up my deepest commanding voice I could: “COLEMAN!!!” I snapped it off like a drill sergeant and I saw Coleman in the back look up at me then back to Jean, who mouthed “I told you so.” Coleman made his way toward me and about 3 feet before he got to me I held out my hand to stop him. I raised my head slightly; pretty sure he could just catch a glimpse of the dark black under the hood. I dropped the volume on my voice about 2 notches, but loud enough that all could here. “If you ever get into a confrontation with a fan again, I’ll rip your head off and feed it to my piranha. Do I make myself clear?” Coleman shook his head yes. “Sorry boss, it won’t happen again.” “It better not, those people pay your salary, and you better not forget it.” Before anyone else could say anything, I turned and left the locker room, slamming the door closed, leaving everyone in the dark. *Pirahna??? What the hell was I thinking...?
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Vendetta '08 announced "Kid, I think you might have been a little too harsh on Al." "I can't let them think this is a joke, which it is by the way. How long do you expect me to keep this up?" "As long as it takes, I guess. I suggest you try and have fun with it." "Cliff, you know that when everyone finds out about this, they are going to hate you for it." "Maybe..." "Anyway, what do you have for next month?" *I handed Cliff my clip board with the card for Vendetta: Announced card for: [B]CZCW Vendetta ‘08[/B] Fumihiro Ota v Thomas Morgan The Zoners (Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez) (C) v Masked Cougar/The American Flash – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I] Flying Jimmy Foxx (C) v Snap Dragon v Mikey James v Marc Speed – 4 way ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Fox Mask v Al Coleman Mean Jean Cattley v Angel de Mexico Ultimate Phoenix v Jeremiah Moose Donnie J v Matt Sparrow James Prudence (C) v Plague – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] .
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[B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Vendetta ‘08[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1. Feb. 2008 The Snake Pit (South West) Attendance: 685 Fumihiro Ota defeated Thomas Morgan – (D) The Zoners (Skye/Perez) (c) defeated Masked Cougar and The American Flash. The Zoners make defense number 2 of their CZCW Tag Team Titles. (D) Flying Jimmy Foxx (c) defeated Snap Dragon, Mikey James and Marc Speed by grabbing the title. Foxx makes defense number 2 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship (D) Fox Mask defeated Al Coleman (D-) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Angel de Mexico (D-) Ultimate Phoenix defeated Jeremiah Moose (D) Donnie J defeated Matt Sparrow (E+) These two don’t click at all, and it showed. James Prudence (c) defeated Plague to retain the CZCW Championship (C) Pretty good chemistry here. Very nice match. Over all (C-) OOC: These write up are going to be fairly to the point. I’m further along in my game, but didn’t take good notes for a dynasty/diary. Wasn’t planning on doing one, but changed my mind, obviously. So once I get caught up to where my notes are, write ups will be a little more descriptive.
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Owner's Goals I sat in the back, just waiting for Cliff to come by and tell me that something happened in the locker room. It never did. Instead, he came by to tell me he thought the show was pretty good. "Kid, keep up the good work. Oh, by the way, we never did sit down and establish some guide lines, did we?" "No, not that I can remember. Why?" "Look, I don't want workers with less then a D- in Charisma." "Um, Cliff, we don't do angles or promos. Don't we rely on wrestling ability?" "Are you going to question me about everything? Don't answer that. Just do what I say. Trust me." "Sure, Cliff, whatever you say. But what if I find a worker that is worth not having Charisma?" "We'll talk about it then." "My main concern here is that we don't fall below Regional at any time. We fall, you're fired. It's just that simple." "..." "Along those same lines, if we fall into debt, you're fired. This shouldn't be a problem, since we have a pretty good nest egg, but nonetheless, if it happens, you're gone." "Last two. Do not hire or rehire anyone that has had run ins with the law. It's bad for business and our reputation. Also, we need workers that can sell each others moves. If they are rated below D-, don't hire them." "These don't sound to bad Cliff, however, you do know that we have someone on the roster who has had a run in with the law before. I think he might be worth keeping on when his contract comes up." "When that happens, we'll cross that bridge then." With that, Cliff slapped me on the back and left the office, leaving me to ponder these restrictions that had been placed on me.
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CZCW Uprising '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW UPRISING[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1 Mar 2008 Snake Pit (South West) Attendance: 672 The Zoners (C) vs Angel de Mexico/The American Flash – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I] The Zoners defeated Angel and Flash. The Zoners make defense number 3 of their Tag Team Championship (D) Flying Jimmy Foxx (C) vs Thomas Morgan – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Foxx defeated Morgan by retrieving the title. Foxx makes defense number 3 of his Xtreme Championship (D-) Fox Mask vs Marc Speed Fox Mask defeated Marc Speed (C-) These two have great chemistry together. Snap Dragon vs Insane Machine vs Masked Cougar Snap Dragon defeated Insane Machine and Masked Cougar (D) Mean Jean Cattley vs Mikey James Cattley defeated James (D-) Plague vs Matt Sparrow Plague defeated Sparrow (D) Fumihiro Ota vs Ultimate Phoenix Fumihiro Ota drew with Ultimate Phoenix after the match time limit expired (C-) James Prudence (C) vs Donnie J – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] James Prudence defeated Donnie J. Prudence makes defense number 3 of his CZCW Championship (C-) Overall Rating (D+) “Cliff, what did you think?” “Honestly, I think it could have been better.” “Yeah, me too. At least no one is fighting in the locker room.” “That’s a plus…” *I gave out a slight laugh to that remark and handed Cliff my plan for next months show.* Announced card for: [B]CZCW Spring Break Bash ‘08[/B] Al Coleman vs The American Flash vs Jeremiah Moose vs Thomas Morgan A lower card 4-way The Zoners (C) vs Rich and Famous – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I] Not much going on in our tag division right now. 2 of our current named tag teams do battle. Fox Mask vs Plague – Submission Match These two asked for this type of match. I’m not sure why though. Flying Jimmy Foxx (C) vs Mikey James – [I]CZCW Extreme Championship[/I] Cattley turned me down for this match. He said he didn’t want to go after this title. Mean Jean Cattley vs Marc Speed Speed requested this match and Cattley accepted Donnie J vs Insane Machine Machine lost last month, but still wants in the top tier of the company. Let’s test him then. James Prudence (C) vs Fumihiro Ota – Ladder - [I]CZCW Championship[/I] I’m still trying to get a grasp of this whole booker thing. Thought I’d try a ladder match in the main event.
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CZCW Spring Break Bash '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Spring Break Bash ‘08[/SIZE][/B] Thurs. Wk1 Apr 2008 The Snake Pit (South West) Attendance: 1,000 [B]SOLD OUT[/B]! Al Coleman vs The American Flash vs Jeremiah Moose vs Thomas Morgan Jeremiah Moose wins the lower card 4 way. (E+) The Zoners (C) vs Rich and Famous – [I]CZCWS Tag Team Championship[/I] The Zoners defeat Rich and Famous. The Zoners make defense number 4 of their CZCW Tag Team Championship Fox Mask vs Plague – Submission Match Fox Mask defeated Plague with his version of the Dragon Sleeper. (E+) The crowd didn’t really get into this. Somehow I knew this. Flying Jimmy Foxx (C) vs Mikey James – [I]CZCW Extreme Championship[/I] Foxx defeated James to make defense number 4 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship Mean Jean Cattley vs Marc Speed Cattley defeated Speed. (D) Donnie J vs Insane Machine Donnie J defeated Insane Machine. Ouch! Couldn’t get on the same page in the ring. (E+) James Prudence (C) vs Fumihiro Ota – Ladder - [I]CZCW Championship[/I] James Prudence defeated Fumihiro Ota by retrieving the title. Prudence makes defense number 4 of his CZCW Championship Overall Rating: (D) “Cliff... You could have told me about the submission match.” “Kid, sometimes it’s better to learn something on your own. Hopefully you won’t forget that and make the same mistakes again.” “Next time, just slap me upside my head and tell me when something won’t work.” “Sure thing. By the way, Farrah is in the back spreading rumors about Sunshine.” “What?” “Go get ‘em kid.” *I entered the locker room area once again with my, I guess trademark entrance. Door slams open, lights go off and I stand in the doorway.* “Farrah.” I said with just a slight rumble in my voice. *Farrah walked over to me and stopped in front of me. She raised and eyebrow, that I’m pretty damn sure no one else could see.* *I stared at here for a few seconds, thinking on how I can pull this off on someone that knows who I am. “Farrah, would you like it if someone started rumors about you?” *Farrah’s eyes dropped to the floor as she shook here head no. “Not really.” “You are supposed to be one our leaders here. Next time think before you try to be one of the “guys”. This is not the way to go about doing it.” “You’re right. It won’t happen again.” Farrah turned and apologized to Little Miss Sunshine, who accepted it. As soon as Sunshine accepted it, the door closed and once again the locker room was left in darkness.
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Oops... The boss is mad! “You signed WHO?!!” “Cliff, why are you so upset?” “Do you not remember that talk we had about guidelines and goals?” “Well, yeah, but you said we could cross some of those bridges when we got there.” “Yes, but did you consult me first?” “But he’ll make a great addition to our roster.” “That’s not the point!!!” *Cliff turned and walked out of the office, leaving me to ponder if I had really done the right thing. Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Welcome to the Coastal Zone[/SIZE][/B] Al Coleman and Thomas Morgan vs Rich and Famous Trying to find some tag teams. Masked Cougar vs Jeremiah Moose vs The American Flash Remmy Skye vs ??? Remmy has put out an open challenge for anyone to face him. Who will it be? Des Davids vs Kirk Jameson 2 of our newest signees do battle against each other. I have high hopes for this match Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs Fox Mask vs Marc Speed – Ladder match – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Really thinking about changing the name of this title, but for now, trying to get a good match out of it. Fumihiro Ota vs Mikey James Honestly, it just looked good. Donnie J vs Mean Jean Cattley Cattley has expressed his desire to start going after the CZCW Championship. Donnie doesn’t think he’s ready yet. James Prudence © vs Matt Sparrow – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] Yes, I know it’s a repeat of Revolution, but I’m hoping for the same magic they had that night.
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CZCW Welcome to the Coastal Zone '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Welcome to the Coastal Zone[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1. May 2008 The Snake Pit [B]SOLD OUT!!![/B] Al Coleman and Thomas Morgan vs Rich and Famous Al Coleman and Thomas Morgan defeated Rich and Famous. Nothing Special. (E+) Masked Cougar vs Jeremiah Moose vs The American Flash Masked Cougar defeated Moose and Flash. Once again, nothing special. (E+) Remmy Skye vs ??? Steve Flash defeated Remmy Skye. (D) This is who Cliff was upset about me signing. I think we all would have bucked that “restriction”. Des Davids vs Kirk Jameson Davids defeated Jameson. A solid match for our new guys. (D+) Flying Jimmy Foxx © vs Fox Mask vs Marc Speed – Ladder match – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Fox Mask defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx and Marc Speed when Fox Mask used Speeds shoulders to spring board to the title. Fox Mask wins the CZCW Xtreme Championship. (D+) Fumihiro Ota vs Mikey James Ota defeated James with a Ninja Strike. Decent, solid match. (D-) Donnie J vs Mean Jean Cattley Donnie J defeated Cattley with a DoMB out of nowhere. (E+) These 2 just weren’t able to get it together out there. Which really sucks. James Prudence © vs Matt Sparrow – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] Prudence defeated Sparrow with his Prudential Pain Plan finisher. James Prudence makes defense number 5 of his CZCW Championship. This match did not give me a warm fuzzy like their last encounter. (D) Prudence celebrates in the ring when Steve Flash steps out onto the ramp. Without saying a word, he motions across his waist. A very nice pop from the crowd. A few seconds later, Ultimate Phoenix steps out behind Flash and gets the loudest pop of the night. Phoenix hasn’t been seen in two months. “Flash, welcome to the Zone. Wrestling is an honorable sport, and I here you’re an honorable person. So how about at Surf Slam next month, the three of us do battle for that title?” Flash immediately shakes the hand of Phoenix as Prudence just glares at both of them. Overall Rating: (D) “Cliff, look I’m sorry about not talking to you first about Steve, but come on, tell me he’s not worth it?” “That’s not the point to all this.” “I know, this is still your company and I over stepped my boundaries. It won’t happen again, I promise.” *Cliff finally let a small smile come across his face. “He is pretty good isn’t he? Should be great in the locker room as well. He’s a true leader.” “Couldn’t agree with you more.” Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Surf Slam[/SIZE][/B] Rich and Famous vs Angel de Mexico and Masked Cougar Yet another match in our pursuit to find tag teams. Flying Jimmy Foxx and The American Flash vs Jeremiah Moose and Marc Speed See above. Mean Jean Cattley vs Remmy Skye Remmy’s laid back style ticked off Cattley, so a match was signed. Works for me. Plague vs Thomas Morgan Plague let me know he was available for this show and asked for a match. Des Davids and Kirk Jameson vs Snap Dragon and Al Coleman Here’s hoping Davids and Jameson can make a good team. Fox Mask © vs Matt Sparrow – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Sparrow bumped into Fox after his championship win. He asked for a shot and Fox agreed. Donnie J vs Fumihiro Ota Donnie has plans of staying on top, Ota has the same plans. James Prudence © vs Ultimate Phoenix vs Steve Flash – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] This match was set up after Flash and Phoenix both came out with intentions of taking the title off of Prudence. Prudence has held the title for 5 months and doesn’t look to relinquish it that easy. However, he doesn’t have to be involved in the finish to lose.
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[SIZE="2"][B]CZCW Surf Slam ‘08[/B][/SIZE] Mon. Wk1 June 2008 The Snake Pit (South West) Attendance: 620 Rich and Famous vs Angel de Mexico and Masked Cougar Angel de Mexico and Masked Cougar defeated Rich and Famous. (E+) [I]Nothing special here as we search for competent tag teams.[/I] Flying Jimmy Foxx and The American Flash vs Jeremiah Moose and Marc Speed Moose and Speed defeated Flash and Foxx. (D-) [I]A very good match between these 4. I’m actually impressed.[/I] Mean Jean Cattley vs Remmy Skye Cattley defeated Skye with a Mood Swing. (D-) [I]Skye actually looked fairly good out there. But I was hoping for at least a D+ rating.[/I] Plague vs Thomas Morgan Plague defeated Morgan with a NJT. (D) [I]Nice match between these two. Plague actually let Morgan get in his offence for the first couple of minutes. Morgan might actually live up to his hype this time.[/I] Des Davids and Kirk Jameson vs Snap Dragon and Al Coleman Davids/Jameson defeated Dragon/Coleman. (D) [I]Another fairly decent match. Coleman takes the fall after a Davids QB Sack.[/I] Fox Mask © vs Matt Sparrow – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Fox Mask defeated Sparrow by retrieving the title. FM makes defense number 1 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship (D+) [I]These two went at it with everything they had. Finish came after FM hit Sparrow with his Fox Flipoff (Stunner) off the top of the ladder. He must have a hit a sweet spot cause he bounced right onto the bottom rung of the ladder, before scurrying up to claim his title.[/I] Donnie J vs Fumihiro Ota Donnie J defeated Ota with a Death on Miami Beach. (D+) [I]Ota just about dominated this match. Using every heel tactic a ninja can muster to keep Donnie off his game. Ota make one mental mistake and took his eye off of Donnie for a second. That was all it took for Donnie to hit his finisher for the win.[/I] James Prudence © vs Ultimate Phoenix vs Steve Flash – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] Steve Flash defeated Prudence and Phoenix. Steve Flash wins the CZCW Championship. (C) [I]These three battled hard throughout the match, with Prudence taking a few seconds to catch his breath and allow Flash and Phoenix to go at each other. Prudence tossed Phoenix out of the ring, but turned right into a Flash Bang to lose his title.[/I] Over all Rating: C- A great show overall for us. Prudence has done a great job for us with the title, but it’s time to move away from him. I brought Flash in just for this, so he can help train our guys while adding some more prestige to our title.
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“Great show Kid.” “Thanks Cliff.” Cliff headed out the door as I stared in disbelief. “Uh, Cliff?” “Yeah…” “That’s all you have to say?” “Yep, g’night.” I leaned back in my chair as the benefits of having Flash in the locker room were already making themselves clear. Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Battle on the Beach ‘08[/SIZE][/B] The Zoners (Perez/Skye) © vs Angel de Mexico/Mikey James – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I] Continuing our search for tag teams. Will Angel and Mikey be the one we find and will they take the titles off the champs? Fox Mask © vs Marc Speed – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Ultimate Phoenix vs Snap Dragon Phoenix has just come off his chance at gold. We he get back on the winning track here? Fumihiro Ota vs Mean Jean Cattley vs Des Davids Basic triple threat match. Will Cattley or Davids take this and move up in the hierarchy of CZCW or will Ota bounce back from his loss to Donnie J? James Prudence vs Kirk Jameson Prudence just off his loss of the CZCW Championship looks to take out his aggression on Jameson. Steve Flash © vs Donnie J – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] Flash has just won gold and now is the proud owner of both our title as well as the NYCW Empire championship. However, we don’t let him take both to the ring. Donnie J has been on a roll as of late. Will he dethrone Flash before he even gets started or will the uncharismatic veteran find a way to Live on Miami Beach?
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CZCW Battle on the Beach '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Battle on the Beach ‘08[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1 July 2008 The Snake Pit (Southwest US) Attendance: 1,000 – [B]SOLD OUT!!![/B] Beach Battle Matt Sparrow won the over the top Beach Battle Royal. (D-) [I]Basically we used everyone not booked in a match tonight in this. The plan is to eventually make this a more prestiges match during this event. Sort of a Royal Rumble w/Money in the Bank type guarantees. Who knows what the future holds.[/I] The Zoners (Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez) vs Angel de Mexico/Mikey James – CZCW Tag Team Championship The Zoners defeat Angel de Mexico/Mikey James when Mexico tapped out to the P-Clutch. The Zoners make defense number 7 of their CZCW Tag Team Championship (D+) [I]We continue to search for tag teams while the champs defend. A pretty decent match to say the least.[/I] Fox Mask © vs Marc Speed – Ladder – CZCW Xtreme Championship Fox Mask defeated Marc Speed by retrieving the title. Mask makes defense number 2 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship (D+) [I]Speed gave FM a good run for his money as their chemistry in the ring paid off. The end was never really in doubt however, as a Fox Flip Off allowed Mask to climb the ladder fairly easily for the win.[/I] Ultimate Phoenix vs Snap Dragon Ultimate Phoenix defeated Snap Dragon with his Phoenix Firebird Splash. (C-) [I]I’m glad these 2 wear masks, cause I could have swore they were smiling under there. They seemed to be having loads of fun as their chemistry made this match even better.[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs Mean Jean Cattley vs Des Davids Ota defeated Cattley and Davids with a Ninja Strike. (D) [I]I had no idea what to expect with this. I told the three of them to just go at it and they could decide what happened. I expected Cattley to take it, but he and Davids gave the nod to Ota. Finish came when Davids tossed Cattley out of the ring and turned right into a Ninja Strike off of the top turn buckle.[/I] James Prudence vs Kirk Jameson Prudence defeated Jameson with a PPP. (C) [I]Well, well, well… Jameson gave Prudence all he could handle in this match. Prudence was able to kick out of Jameson’s finisher and that seemed to frustrate Jameson. He took a minute to regain himself and that was all it took for Prudence to rebound for his finisher and the win.[/I] Steve Flash © vs Donnie J – CZCW Championship Steve Flash defeated Donnie J via Flash Bang. Flash makes defense number 1of his CZCW Championship. (D+) [I]A fairly decent main event, that was actually overshadowed by the previous match. Donnie J controlled most of the match, as Flash just seemed to be biding his time for a mistake. That mistake came when Flash played possum and hit his finisher as Donnie came off the top rope.[/I] Overall Rating = D+ [I]“Another good showing out there tonight. I’m impressed.” “Thanks Cliff. How’s everyone in the back doing tonight?” “They are re-watching tonight’s show… together.” “…” “I thought the same thing. Do you already have the card ready for next month?”[/I] I handed Cliff my notes with next month’s card on it. Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Wave of Fury[/SIZE][/B] Matt Sparrow vs Thomas Morgan [I]Sparrow came out on top of the Beach Battle Royal. Morgan, was the last one eliminated and looks to get his revenge on the man who eliminated him.[/I] Angel de Mexico vs Marc Speed [I]Mexico is coming off a loss in the tag ranks. Speed had a good, but losing effort against Fox Mask for gold. Tonight these two will do battle to start back up the ladder.[/I] The Zoners © vs Mean Jean Cattley/Nathan Casino – CZCW Tag Team Championship [I]The Zoners continue to beat all comers for their titles. Casino has asked Cattley to team up with him to claim gold in his debut. Cattley seems to have taken a liking to him and has accepted.[/I] Kirk Jameson vs Snap Dragon [I]Jameson continues to impress and tries his mettle against another CZCW mainstay in Dragon.[/I] Flying Jimmy Foxx/Masked Cougar vs Jeremiah Moose/Mikey James [I]Our search continues.[/I] Fox Mask © vs Des Davids – CZCW Xtreme Championship [I]Davids met Fox Mask after his match and challenged him for his gold. Fox started to say something, but Davids told him he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then he turned and left. Fox shrugged and went the other way.[/I] James Prudence vs Donnie J vs Ultimate Phoenix – CZCW Championship Number 1 Contender. [I]These three are at the top and have been battling against each other in one way or another since I arrived. Tonight, they have a shot a Flash’s title if they win.[/I] Steve Flash © vs Fumihiro Ota – CZCW Championship [I]Ota defeated Davids and Cattley and I guess Cliff has made that a number 1 contender match, after the fact. Flash is a fighting champion and doesn’t look to be stopping yet.[/I]
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CZCW Wave of Fury '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Wave of Fury ‘08[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1. Aug 2008 The Snake Pit (Southwest US) Attendance: 616 Matt Sparrow vs Thomas Morgan Sparrow defeated Morgan via finisher. (D-) [I]Morgan put up a good fight, but was not able to pull it out against the more experienced Sparrow.[/I] Angel de Mexico vs Marc Speed Speed defeated Mexico via flash pin. (D+) [I]In the battle of potential, this might be an upset. These two sprinted around the ring at each other the entire time. Finish came when Speed caught Mexico with an inadvertent poke to the eye followed by a flash roll up for the win. These two showed great chemistry with each other.[/I] The Zoners © vs Mean Jean Cattley/Nathan Casino – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I] The Zoners defeated Cattley/Casino and make defense number 8 of their CZZW Tag Team Championship. (D-) [I]Cattley seemed content to just let Casino stay in the ring and take his lumps. Cattley took his moments but didn’t seem to be really into it however. He tagged out after hitting a Mood Swing on Skye close to The Zoner’s corner. Casino came in over confident and ****y by playing to the crowd. Skye made a tag without Casino seeing it. He then turned into a snap DDT which Perez floated over and locked in his P-Clutch for the win.[/I] Kirk Jameson vs Snap Dragon Jameson defeated Dragon via finisher. (D+) [I]Another fast paced match as Jameson tried to use a more technical style to counter Dragon’s flying. It worked as Jameson wore down Dragon and picked up the win with his Kirk Hold submission. (Cross Face)[/I] Flying Jimmy Foxx/Masked Cougar vs Jeremiah Moose/Mikey James Foxx/Cougar defeated Moose/James. (D-) [I]A very average tag match as our tag team search continues. Foxx defeated Moose with his Flying Foxx finisher (Diving Fameasser)while Cougar kept James at bay. [/I] [I]I’ve got some decent tag team pairings, but I think I’ve set my standards to high. Let’s lower them a bit.[/I] Fox Mask © vs Des Davids – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I] Fox Mask defeated Davids via Fox Hunter. (D-) [I]This matched was announced that it would not be for the Xtreme Championship due to Davids exceeding the weight limit. Davids was clearly unhappy about that while Fox could be heard trying to tell Davids that he tried to tell him that last month.[/I] [I]Davids tried to take his aggression out on Fox but got to aggressive and got hit with a Fox Hunter out of nowhere.[/I] Yes, we have changed the weight limits to none for the title matches in the future. James Prudence vs Donnie J vs Ultimate Phoenix – [I]CZCW Championship Number 1 Contender.[/I] Prudence defeated Donnie J and Phoenix with consecutive Prudence Pain Plans. (D+) [I]A straight forward match that saw each form an alliance with each other from time to time if it suited them. End came when Phoenix hit Donnie J with his Phoenix Firebird Splash in the corner, then turned into a PPP from Prudence, who then did the same thing immediately to a groggy Donnie J for the win and right to face the winner of Flash/Ota for the CZCW Championship.[/I] Steve Flash © vs Fumihiro Ota – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] Steve Flash defeated Ota by Flash Bang. Flash makes defense number 2 of his CZCW Championship (D-) [I]Back and forth action as Ota tried everything to defeat our uncharismatic champion. Ota tried for his Ninja Strike finisher, but Flash side stepped it into a Flash Bang for the win and successful title defense.[/I] Overall Rating: D [I]“Are we hitting a plateau already?” “Umm, I hope not. Hold on, I’ll be right back.”[/I]
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Backstage Shenanigans I slammed open the locker room door again, insert trademark entrance. Door slams open, I hit the light switch, stand in the shadows as everyone looks at me. [I]“DAVIDS!!!” “Get over here… NOW!!!”[/I] Davids turned from where he was talking with Farrah, and rose slowly before heading in my direction. I noticed out of the corner of my eye the Jimmy Foxx was pacing back and forth, his head band in his hands as he was ringing it out for all it was worth. [I]“Des…?” [/I]As I raised my head some since he stood a few inches taller then me. [I]“What in the HELL are you doing? “I wa…” “That was a rhetorical question. Don’t let your ego get the better of you just because you work for USPW. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again for your benefit. I will not tolerate backstage shenanigans (sp) in my locker room.” “…” “If you think to question me, just ask Al Coleman about my piranha...” “Oh, that’s right… HE’S GONE!!!” “Do I make myself clear?” “Yes sir.”[/I] Insert trademarked exit. Door slams shut leaving locker-room in darkness. Ok, apparently Davids was starting rumors about Foxx. I’m not sure exactly what about, but Foxx was visibly upset about it. Davids actually took the stern warning very well. [I]“Kid, you are starting to get good at this.” “Not really, I actually hate doing that.” “I understand. By the way, do you have next months card ready?” “Uh, I’m still working on it. I’ll get it to you in a day or so.”[/I]
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CZCW Reach for the Sky Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Reach for the Skye[/SIZE][/B] Des Davids/Matt Sparrow vs Rich and Famous [I]Idol and Jordan gave Davids some grief after his Xtreme title weight issue. He took offense and challenged them to a tag match.[/I] Mean Jean Cattley vs Nathan Casino [I]Casino came up short in his CZCW debut. Granted Cattley didn’t give him much help, but figures he’ll show him the “ropes” in a match.[/I] The Zoners (Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez) © vs Jeremiah Moose/Thomas Morgan – CZCW Tag Team Championship [I]Moose has been bouncing around in our tag team ranks and has come up short each time. This time he teams with the “Trademarked One”, Thomas Morgan at a shot at gold.[/I] Donnie J vs Angel de Mexico [I]Both have come off of losses last month. Donnie J has been in the top of our promotion for quite some time. Mexico continues to impress and tries his hand at the upper card.[/I] Fox Mask © vs Marc Speed vs Mikey James vs Snap Dragon – Ladder – CZCW Xtreme Championship. [I]Fox Mask continues to make his claim as the best in CZCW. Speed, James and Dragon all were seen in Cliff’s office asking for a title shot. That was pretty easy, 4 way.[/I] Ultimate Phoenix vs Fumihiro Ota [I]These two are once again on the outside looking in at the Championship. In a battle for honor, so to speak, these two warriors will do battle.[/I] Steve Flash © vs James Prudence – CZCW Championship [I]Prudence earned this title shot after defeating Phoenix and Donnie J last month. Flash continues to quietly dominate.[/I]
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CZCW Reach for the Sky [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Reach for the Sky[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1. Sep. 2008 The Snake Pit (Southwest US) Attendance: 1,000 [B]SOLD OUT!!![/B] Des Davids/Matt Sparrow vs Rich and Famous Davids/Sparrow defeated Rich and Famous. (E+) [I]Well, yeah. Moving on.[/I] Mean Jean Cattley vs Nathan Casino Cattley defeated Casino with a Mood Swing. (D-) [I]Cattley toyed with Casino the entire time. I think he finally just got bored and ended it with the Mood Swing.[/I] The Zoners (Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez) © vs Jeremiah Moose/Thomas Morgan – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I] The Zoners defeated Moose/Morgan after Sky pinned Morgan. The Zoners make defense number 9 of their CZCW Tag Team Championship. (D) [I]Moose/Morgan put on a good effort, but the tag experience of the champs came through in the end.[/I] Donnie J vs Angel de Mexico Donnie J defeated Angel de Mexico. (D) [I]Mexico definitely held his own here. He’s not ready to move that far up the ladder, but in due time he should be a great draw for us. Death on Miami Beach ended it.[/I] Fox Mask © vs Marc Speed vs Mikey James vs Snap Dragon – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I]. Fox Mask defeated Speed, James and Dragon by retrieving the title. Mask makes defense number 3 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship. (D+) [I]A very good 4 way ladder match that saw everyone hold nothing back against each other. At one time, all 4 performed a top rope springboard from each side of the ring and collided in mid-air, in the center of the ring. James took out Speed, Dragon took out James leaving Fox to take out Dragon with a Fox Hunter to allow him to climb the ladder once again for the win.[/I] Plague vs Insane Machine Plague defeated Insane Machine with a New Jersey Turnpike. (D-) [I]Plague came out to the delight of our fans, who booed him. He made an open challenge for anyone to face him. Insane steps out to a huge pop, since we haven’t seen him in months. Decent match, but these two couldn’t get on the same page at all and it made for some very awkward moments. [/I] Ultimate Phoenix vs Fumihiro Ota Phoenix defeated Ota with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. (D+) [I]With these two, I expected a better rating, but it gets the job done I guess. Other than that, nothing really special about this one.[/I] Steve Flash © vs James Prudence – [I]CZCW Championship[/I] Steve Flash defeated James Prudence with a Flash Bang. He makes defense number3 of his CZCW Championship. (C-) [I]A great way to end our event tonight. A very even match with both workers getting in a fair share of their move set in. End came as Prudence was going for his PPP finisher, that saw Flash squirm out of and hit the Flash Bang for the win and another title defense.[/I] Overall Rating: D+ [I]“We’re treading water.” “No we’re not. We’re testing out match ups. “…” “Yeah, that’s what were doing.” “Are you kidding me? I’ll be back Cliff…”[/I]
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