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CZCW - Fear the ReapeR

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Backstage yet again... Trademark door/light entrance. This time, I came hood to hood with what could have been my mirror image. [I]“Plague… What are you doing?” “Just having some fun with the guys.” “Did you really tell Dylan Sidle that he was fired, while impersonating me?” “Well… yeah, but it was just a joke.”[/I] Plague pulled down his hood to reveal his own mask still on his face. [I]“Don’t do it again. Do I make myself clear?” “Whatever boss, it was just a joke.”[/I] Cue exit. I got back to my computer, and printed out a copy of next months event. Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Hardcore Halloween[/SIZE][/B] Angel de Mexico/The American Flash vs Nathaniel Casino/Thomas Morgan Remmy Skye vs Marc Speed Giving the tag champs some singles action tonight. Des Davids/Kirk Jameson vs Mikey James/Flying Jimmy Foxx The Lords of Wrestling (Plague/Snap Dragon) vs Matt Sparrow/Masked Cougar Giving the occasional team of Plague/Dragon some work together. Donnie J vs Frankie Perez Giving the tag champs some singles action. Fox Mask © vs Fumihiro Ota – Ladder – CZCW Xtreme Championship James Prudence vs Ultimate Phoenix Steve Flash © vs Mean Jean Cattley – Non-Title [I]Honestly, booker's mistake on this match when I ran it.[/I]
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CZCW Hardcore Halloween '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Hardcore Halloween[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1 Oct. 2008 The Snake Pit (Southwest US) Attendance: 674 [B][U]Angel de Mexico/The American Flash vs Nathaniel Casino/Thomas Morgan[/U][/B] Mexico/Flash defeated Casino/Morgan. [B](D-)[/B] [I]Mexico and Flash showed some great teamwork out there as Mexico was able pin Casino.[/I] [B][U]Remmy Skye vs Marc Speed[/U][/B] Marc Speed defeated Remmy Skye. [B](D)[/B] [I]In what could be looked at as an upset, Speed pins Skye cleanly. Speed then challenges Fox Mask for his Xtreme Championship.[/I] [B][U]Des Davids/Kirk Jameson vs Mikey James/Flying Jimmy Foxx[/U][/B] Davids/Jameson defeated James/Foxx. [B](D-)[/B] [I]Fairly even tag contest between these four. Davids pins James after a QB Sack.[/I] [B][U]The Lords of Wrestling (Plague/Snap Dragon) vs Matt Sparrow/Masked Cougar[/U][/B] LoW defeated Sparrow/Cougar. [B](D)[/B] [I]Strong showing for the Lords of Wrestling. Plague hit Cougar with the New Jersey Turnpike for the win.[/I] [B][U]Donnie J vs Frankie Perez[/U][/B] Donnie J defeated Perez. [B](D)[/B] [I]Perez sold Donnie’s moves like they were the most lethal things ever. Death on Miami Beach seals it for Donnie.[/I] [B][U]Fox Mask © vs Fumihiro Ota – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] Fox Mask defeated Fumihiro Ota by retrieving the title. Fox Mask makes defense number 4 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship. [B](D-)[/B] [I]Another decent match that never saw the ending in question. Fox Hunter from Fox enabled the title defense.[/I] Fox Mask raises his Xtreme Championship above his head, and accepts Speed’s challenge. [B][U]James Prudence vs Ultimate Phoenix[/U][/B] James Prudence drew with Ultimate Phoenix. [B](D+)[/B] [I]I asked Phoenix to slow it down a step or two out there. These two battled to a time limit draw. After the match, Prudence and Phoenix argue about who should have won, when Ota leaps over the guard rail and Ninja Strikes both of them, before leaving back through the crowd.[/I] [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Mean Jean Cattley – Non-Title[/U][/B] Steve Flash defeated Cattley. [B](C-)[/B] [I][I]A superb match between these two veterans. Cattley took the fight directly to our uncharismatic champion, who in turn, deflected what he could before finding an opening and hitting Cattley with a Flash Bang, and the win.[/I]Even being non-title, Flash raises the CZCW Championship over his head as the fans cheer, when the lights go out. When the lights come back up, Flash is laid out in the ring, with Ota, title belt in hand, is standing over him. Ultimate Phoenix comes running down the ramp, followed shortly by James Prudence. The tree of them stand around Flash’s prone body, arguing and getting ready to come to blows as security is able to reach them and break it up.[/I] Overall Rating: [B]D+[/B] [I]“How are your legs and arms doing?” “Cliff, what are you talking about?” *Cough* “Treading water…” “Maybe, but we’re still making money and increasing our popularity.” “Never said I wasn’t happy about it, just that we’ve leveled out…for now.”[/I]
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From a ref... Are you kidding me?!!! Crap, here we go again. Cue entrance. Door slams, lights out, me in shadow. [I]“Brett, get your @ss over here now!!!”[/I] Brett Graveson sauntered through the locker room, as everyone cleared a wide berth for him. [I]“First off, you are an over paid, spare ref. Give me one good reason I shouldn't fire you on the spot?!”[/I] Brett’s mouth sprung open at my remarks, as he tried to spit out his answer. [I]“Never mind that, I’ll tell you the reason. Because I forgot you even worked for us.”[/I] [I]“It was just a jo…” “I DON’T CARE WHAT IT WAS!!! IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN, I’LL JUST SKIP THE FIREING AND JUST LET JAMES (Prudence) KICK YOUR @SS!!!”[/I] I turned on my heel and slammed the door shut, once again leaving the locker room in darkness. Seems that good ‘ol Brett Graveson, our overpaid second ref, pulled a prank on James Prudence. I’m not even sure what the prank was, but I was so pissed off that something like this happened again, that I snapped. I think I’ll just let his contract expire without using him. I dropped next month’s card on Cliff’s desk as I walked by, not even stopping to talk with him. He looked up and opened his mouth, but I just held a hand up as I left and went home. Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Showdown at Sundown[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Rich and Famous vs The Border Runners (Angel de Mexico/The American Flash)[/U][/B] Looks like we might have us another tag team on our hands. [B][U]Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Nathan Casino[/U][/B] [B][U]Kirk Jameson vs Jeremiah Moose[/U][/B] [B][U]Fox Mask © vs Marc Speed – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] Speed challenged Fox Mask after his upset win against Remmy Skye. Mask happily accepted. [B][U]Matt Sparrow vs Mikey James[/U][/B] [B][U]Mean Jean Cattley vs Des Davids[/U][/B] [B][U]The Zoners © vs The Lords of Wrestling – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/U][/B] LoW had a good showing last month, and look to capitalize on that momentum and take the tag titles. [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Fumihiro Ota vs James Prudence vs Ultimate Phoenix – Ladder – [I]CZCW Championship[/I][/U][/B] This match came about after Ota took out Phoenix and Prudence after their match, and then took out Flash after his match. Prudence and Phoenix came down as well, to state their claim at the title. After Flash came to, he requested this match.
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CZCW Showdown at Sundown '08 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Showdown at Sundown[/SIZE][/B] Wed. Wk1. Nov. 2008 The Snake Pit (Southwest US) Attendance: 1,000 SOLD OUT!!! [B][U]Rich and Famous vs The Border Runners (Angel de Mexico/The American Flash)[/U][/B] The Border Runners defeated Rich and Famous. [B](E+)[/B] [I]Our newest tag team looked great out there. They definitely show great team chemistry. Other than that, nothing else special.[/I] [B][U]Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Nathan Casino[/U][/B] Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Casino. [B](D)[/B] [I]A surprisingly good match between these two. They showed pretty good chemistry against each other. End came when Casino was mocking Foxx’s dance routine before getting hit with a Flying Foxx.[/I] Insane Machine is in the ring and makes an open challenge for tonight. Out from the back steps Thomas Morgan and Masked Cougar, at the same time. They begin to argue who was first and who should get the match. Insane tells them to shut up, he accepts. Right on cue, Morgan and Cougar both at the same time, say[I] “Accept what?” “Both of you idiots, of course.”[/I] [B][U]Insane Machine vs Thomas Morgan vs Masked Cougar[/U][/B] Insane Machine defeated Morgan and Cougar. [B](D-)[/B] [I]Morgan and Cougar continued to bicker back and forth while Machine just shook his masked head. Cougar caught a Termination Kick that got a rise out of Morgan who proceeded to taunt Cougar still, before turning into a Termination Kick of his own. Machine than knelt between both of them with a hand on each for the 3 count.[/I] [B][U]Kirk Jameson vs Jeremiah Moose[/U][/B] Jameson defeated Moose. [B](D+)[/B] [I]Moose impressed me out there tonight, giving the talented Jameson a very good run for his money. However, he wasn’t able to escape the Kirk Hold, and tapped out.[/I] [B][U]Fox Mask © vs Marc Speed – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] Fox Mask defeated Speed. Fox Mask makes defense number 5 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship. [B](D+)[/B] [I]Great chemistry between these two. Yes, we knew that, right? Speed avoided a Fox Hunter, but was unsuccessful at avoiding the Fox Flip of DDT.[/I] [B][U]Matt Sparrow vs Mikey James[/U][/B] Mikey James defeated Matt Sparrow. [B](D-)[/B] [I]James hit his Scything Side Kick for the win.[/I] [B][U]Mean Jean Cattley vs Des Davids[/U][/B] Davids defeated Cattley. [B](D)[/B] [I]Davids came out focused and determined. Cattley used just about every trick in the book to stay ahead of the ex-football player. End came after a QB Sack (Clothesline from Hell).[/I] [I]Davids then goes on to challenge Fox Mask for his Xtreme Championship. Fox steps out and tells Davids that he’ll need to beat someone a little higher up for him to take notice. Davids just glares at Fox as he steps back through the curtain.[/I] [B][U]The Zoners © vs The Lords of Wrestling – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/U][/B] LoW defeated The Zoners. The Lords of Wrestling are the NEW CZCW Tag Team Champions. [I](D+)[/I] [I]Plague and Snap Dragon come out on fire, taking it to the champions. Momentum swings back and forth, before Plague hits his New Jersey Turnpike on Remmy Skye for the win and titles.[/I] [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Fumihiro Ota vs James Prudence vs Ultimate Phoenix – Ladder – [I]CZCW Championship[/I][/U][/B] Steve Flash defeated Ota, Prudence and Phoenix by retrieving the title. Flash makes defense number 4 of his CZCW Championship. [B](C-)[/B] [I]Fast paced action from all four guys. Everyone at least touched the title before someone else knocked them over. Ota and Prudence started to get winded, and ended up being taken out by Flash and Phoenix. The two of them raced up each side of the ladder to the top. Once on top, they both began to wail on each other. Flash pulled a Jackie Chan moment by sliding through the rungs of the ladder to take out Phoenix’s legs, sending him crashing to the mat. Flash, then took down his title for the win.[/I] [I]After the match, Phoenix shook Flash’s hand, before telling him, he still thinks he can beat him. So he challenges Flash for a 30 Minute Iron Man Match next month. Flash, with one word accepts. [/I][I]“Deal.”[/I] Overall Rating: [B]D+[/B] [I]“I know, I know.” “I didn’t say anything.” “You didn’t have to.” “Um, kid…” “Again?” “Looks that way.”[/I]
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More backstage issues... This is happening way too much. I took a deep breath, once again, before slamming the door open and hitting the light switch. [I]“PLAGUE!!!”[/I] Plague took a visible breath and ****ed his head slightly, almost like he was annoyed, before heading towards me. [I]“Yeah, boss, what’s up?”[/I] [I] “Please tell me you are not doing it again? Didn’t we just have this talk last month?” “Yeah, boss. I’m not impersonating you.”[/I] I almost lost it after that nonchalant answer from him. [I]“Did we not just resign you?” “Yes.” “I put my @ss on the line for you with Cliff, knowing he doesn’t want workers with, let’s say, less than respectable pasts!” “…” “And this is how you repay me? I resign you, I give you a pretty good push with the Tag Titles, and you do this?” “It was a joke. I thought he could take it.” “Doesn’t matter if he can take it or not. I have half a mind to strip you of the tag titles, but that would be punishing Dragon for your screw up.”[/I] Plague’s eyes narrowed as I think I might have hit a nerve with talking about taking the titles from him. [I]“Knock it off!!!”[/I] I turned and slammed the door behind me, too frustrated to even think. If I didn’t like Plague’s work so much, I would have fired him on the spot, but I just resigned him, do the dismay of Cliff, who didn’t want us to sign anyone with law problems. What did Plague do, you ask? Oh, he had some legal type paper typed up, saying that Thomas Morgan was being sued by the government for the use of his nickname: Trademark. I turned the corner, and saw Cliff sitting behind his desk, staring at me with his arms across his chest. [I]“I know Cliff, but if we can get his pranks under control, his ring work will make up for whatever past issues he’s had before.” “Plus, it’s not like he’s doing anything remotely related to law problems with us.”[/I] Cliff just shook his head. [I] “Kid, you just don’t get it, do you? He’s not going to stop, he may not be breaking any laws, but he’ll continue to degenerate the locker room.” “I don’t think…” “Trust me, it’ll continue. Not even Steve Flash can control him back there.” “Just give me next month’s card.”[/I] I dropped it right there and handed Cliff next month’s card. Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Christmas Chaos[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Remmy Skye vs Nathan Casino[/U][/B] [I]Perez is touring right now w/PGHW so Skye is on his own for awhile.[/I] [B][U]Matt Sparrow vs Thomas Morgan[/U][/B] [B][U]Fumihiro Ota/Insane Machine vs The Border Runners (Angel de Mexico/The American Flash)[/U][/B] [B][U]Fox Mask © vs Mean Jean Cattley – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] [I]Cattley took some offense to Fox’s statement to Davids last month about needing to fight someone higher up the card for Fox to notice. He’s challenged Fox for his title to prove that you don’t need to go any further than the Mean One for a fight.[/I] [B][U]Lords of Wrestling (Snap Dragon/Plague) © vs Mikey James/Kirk Jameson – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/U][/B] [I]James and Jameson met backstage in passing and starting talking. They decided to try their hand at the tag titles.[/I] [B][U]Donnie J vs Marc Speed[/U][/B] [B][U]James Prudence vs Des Davids[/U][/B] [I]Davids has challenged Prudence to prove to Fox Mask that he’s championship material. [/I] [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Ultimate Phoenix – 30 Minute Iron Man – [I]CZCW Championship[/I][/U][/B] [I]These two were the last two during last month’s ladder match. They respect each other and Phoenix challenged Flash to this match to see who is the best.[/I]
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CZCW Christmas Chaos [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Christmas Chaos[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1. Dec. 2008 The Snake Pit (Southwest US) Attendance: [B]SOLD OUT!!![/B] [B][U]Remmy Skye vs Nathan Casino[/U][/B] Remmy Skye defeated Nathan Casino via finisher. [B](D+)[/B] [I]I’m actually very pleased with Casino in this match. End came when Skye landed his Skye Diver finisher from the corner for the win.[/I] [B][U]Matt Sparrow vs Thomas Morgan[/U][/B] Matt Sparrow defeated Morgan via finisher. [B](E+)[/B] [I]The fans didn’t really get into this. We also had Masked Cougar run in and distract Morgan. Why? We’re not sure.[/I] [B][U]Fumihiro Ota/Insane Machine vs The Border Runners (Angel de Mexico/The American Flash)[/U][/B] Ota/Machine defeated The Border Runners. [B](E+)[/B] [I]The talent and experience of Ota and Machine were just too much for our new tag team.[/I] [B][U]Fox Mask © vs Mean Jean Cattley – Ladder – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] Fox Mask defeated Cattley by retrieving the title. Fox Mask makes defense number 6 of his CZCW Xtreme Championship. [B](D)[/B] [I]Des Davids came down to ring side during this match. He never got involved, but his presence seemed to irritate Fox. Cattley seemed to not care either way. Finish came when Fox looked over at Davids which caused Cattley to look in that direction, allowing Fox to hit a Fox Hunter, and then scamper up the ladder for the win. Davids just backed back up the ramp as Fox raised his title while staring down Davids.[/I] [B][U]Lords of Wrestling (Snap Dragon/Plague) © vs Mikey James/Kirk Jameson – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/U][/B] LoW defeated James/Jameson. LoW make defense number 1 of their CZCW Tag Team Championship. [B](D)[/B] [I]A very open match that saw James and Jameson hold their own as a team. No real chemistry, but no lack of it either. Fairly straight up match, with a clean pin for the win by Snap Dragon over James.[/I] [B][U]Donnie J vs Marc Speed[/U][/B] Donnie J defeated Speed via finisher. [B](D-)[/B] [I]Nice little match up that ended with a Death on Miami Beach.[/I] [B][U]James Prudence vs Des Davids[/U][/B] Des Davids defeated Prudence via finisher. [B](D+)[/B] [I]Davids took it right to the former CZCW Champion. A very intense match as Prudence didn’t have an answer for Davids focus and intensity. One QB Sack later, and Davids is on a roll.[/I] [I]Davids then calls out Fox, saying that other than the current CZCW Champion, you don’t get any higher than the previous one. Next month, at Revolution, he’s taking the Xtreme title from him. Fox Mask steps out, with said title in hand, to a huge pop. “I’m impressed. Next month, you’re on, but, you won’t be taking this.” Fox then raises his title over his head, before leaving.[/I] [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Ultimate Phoenix – 30 Minute Iron Man – [I]CZCW Championship[/I][/U][/B] Steve Flash drew with Ultimate Phoenix at 1 fall each when the time limit ran out. [B](C-)[/B] [I]Superb match, which just cements why these two are at the top of our company. These two went all out, with the first fall coming from Flash at the 12 min. mark, via a Flash Bang out of nowhere. Second fall came from Phoenix at the 22 min. mark, after he avoided another Flash Bang, and landed his Phoenix Firebird Splash. End came when Flash hit another Flash Bang in the middle of the ring, he made the cover but the bell rang at the count of 2.[/I] Overall Rating: [B]D+[/B] [I]“Cliff, you were right.” “Sorry to hear that. Go take care of it.”[/I]
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[QUOTE=ReapeR;479977]What did Plague do, you ask? Oh, he had some legal type paper typed up, saying that Thomas Morgan was being sued by the government for the use of his nickname: Trademark.[/QUOTE] That's hilarious. I never imagined one roster could have so many problems.
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Insert foot in mouth! *Deep breath* Trademarked (I hope the government doesn’t sue me over that) entrance. The door was slightly open to begin with, so I just kicked it in, slammed the light switch down, which actually bruised my hand. [I]“IAN!!!”[/I] Oooh, that might have pissed him off, I don’t think he likes being called by his real name, if that is his real name. Plague, stepped around Jimmy Foxx, who didn’t even try to get out of the way. He stopped in front of me, his hair obscuring his face, along with his mask, that I don’t think he ever takes off. [I]“What did you call me?” “Listen punk, don’t get coy with me, I pay your salary here. I thoug…”[/I] The little bastard actually cut me off at that point. As we had a half circle starting to group around us, like it was a school yard fight. [I]“No you don’t. Didn’t you tell Coleman awhile back that the fans pay our salary?”[/I] *Ok, now I’m pissed off!* [I]“You know what I mean.” As I raised my voice a few levels up, and deeper. “Whatever! When you get your story straight, then you can….”[/I] Ok, my turn to do the interrupting. [I]“LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE ACID WANNABE! THE NEXT TIME YOU CAUSE F*&$#N PROBLEMS BACK HERE, WE’LL SEE WHO PAYS WHO, AND WHO TAKES SAID PAYMENT FROM WHO!!” “ARE YOU THREATENING ME?”[/I] At that point he started towards me, but was headed off by, of all people, Snap Dragon, who physically moved him to the back of the locker room. Farrah, stepped between me and under her breath told me I should leave. They’d take care of this. I left, just as Cliff was hurrying around the corner. [I]“Kid, what the hell…” “Screw you, I’m out of here!”[/I]
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Ok, I'm back... A few days later, I met up with Cliff at his office. [I]“Cliff, look… umm, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said to you the other day.”[/I] Cliff, gave me one of those fatherly type smiles. [I]“I know kid. It upset me at first, but Farrah filled in some of the gaps.” “I think she would have been better at this job than I am.” “Maybe, but she’s not here, you are. By the way, exactly what did Ian do? Farrah wouldn’t tell me.”[/I] I actually started laughing, as I thought back to what actually started the quote, unquote, fight between me and Plague. [I]“Well, Plague had taken all of Marc Speed’s clothes and well… he replaced them with numerous sets of Speedo’s in different sizes. It wasn’t until about 5 minutes before his match with Donnie, that he found them.” “Are you serious? Who knew Ian was such a prankster.” “Yeah, who knew.” “Listen kid, sooner of later, you and Ian are going to have to get over this.” “I know, I’ll call him later.”[/I] I got up and laid next month’s card on the desk. [I]“I’ll see you Cliff.” “Yeah kid, see ya.”[/I] And with that, I went to my little office to call Ia… I mean Plague, to straighten this all out. Announced matches for: [B]CZCW Revolution ‘09[/B] [B][U]Lords of Wrestling (Plague/Snap Dragon) © vs The Border Runners (Angel de Mexico/The American Flash) vs Thomas Morgan/Nathan Casino – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/U][/B] [B][U]Matt Sparrow vs Marc Speed[/U][/B] [B][U]Fumihiro Ota vs Kirk Jameson[/U][/B] [B][U]Mean Jean Cattley vs Masked Cougar[/U][/B] [B][U]Fox Mask © vs Des Davids – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] [B][U]Ultimate Phoenix vs James Prudence[/U][/B] [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Donnie J – [I]CZCW Championship[/I][/U][/B]
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Year in Review '08 [B]End of Year Review 2008[/B] [B][U]Top 5:[/U][/B] 1. Eisaku Kunomasu 2. Johnny Bloodstone 3. Nobuatsu Tatsuko 4. Jeremy Stone 5. Bryan Vessey [B][U]Wrestler of the Year:[/U][/B] Eisaku Kunomasu [B][U]Young Wrestler of the Year:[/U][/B] Magnum KOBE [B][U]Veteran Wrestler of the Year:[/U][/B] Yosuke Narita [B][U]Female Wrestler of the Year:[/U][/B] Thunder Hike [B][U]Promotion of the Year:[/U][/B] SWF [B][U]Most Improved Promotion:[/U][/B] TCW [B][U]Match of the Year: [/U][/B] Johnny Bloodstone double DQ w/Dan Stone during NOTBPW Championship Wrestling [B][U]Card of the Year:[/U][/B] SWF Supreme TV [B][U]Zoners in the top 100:[/U][/B] 75 - Ultimate Phoenix And that about sums it up. On to my second year and more [I]cowbell[/I].
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CZCW Revolution '09 [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Revolution ‘09[/SIZE][/B] Mon. Wk1. Jan. 2009 The Snake Pit (Southwest US) Attendance: 1,000 [B]SOLD OUT!!![/B] [B][U]Lords of Wrestling © vs Border Runners (Angel de Mexico/The American Flash) vs Thomas Morgan and Nathan Casino – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/U][/B] The Lords Of Wrestling defeated The Border Runners and Thomas Morgan and Nathaniel Ca$ino in 8:08; the order of elimination was Thomas Morgan and Nathaniel Ca$ino first, and finally The Border Runners. During the match we also had Masked Cougar distract Thomas Morgan. The Lords Of Wrestling make defense number 2 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles. [B](D-)[/B] [I]Very decent contest between all guys. I was so close to having Plague job to The American Flash, but logic got the better of me. Underlying story is Morgan and Cougar going at each other.[/I] [B][U]Matt Sparrow vs Marc Speed[/U][/B] Marc Speed defeated Matt Sparrow in 9:48 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. [B](D)[/B] [I]Pretty good chemistry between these two and it helped carry the match.[/I] [B][U]Fumihiro Ota vs Kirk Jameson[/U][/B] Kirk Jameson defeated Fumihiro Ota in 10:44 by pinfall with The Bullseye. [B](D+)[/B] Ota was off his game tonight. Maybe because he knew he was taking the loss. [I]Jameson then challenges the winner of Flash/Donnie J to a match next month.[/I] [B][U]Mean Jean Cattley vs Masked Cougar[/U][/B] Mean Jean Cattley defeated Masked Cougar in 14:33 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. During the match we also had Thomas Morgan run in and attack Masked Cougar. [B](D)[/B] [I]Morgan then tells Cougar to get a partner, cause next month, he’ll have one.[/I] [B][U]Fox Mask © vs Des Davids – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] Des Davids defeated Fox Mask in 16:33 by two falls to one after losing the first, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. Des Davids wins the Coastal Zone Xtreme title. [B](D+)[/B] [I]A great match between these two, but I had to pull the trigger on this way early, since I didn't keep track of Davids' contract, which had a title run in it.[/I] [B][U]James Prudence vs Ultimate Phoenix[/U][/B] Ultimate Phoenix defeated James Prudence in 19:43 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. [B](C-)[/B] [I]Match of the night, but I'm a big fan of the title being the Main Event, no matter what, usually.[/I] [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Donnie J – [I]CZCW Championship[/I][/U][/B] Steve Flash defeated Donnie J in 21:58 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 7 of his Coastal Zone Championship title. [B](D)[/B] Flash is in the ring celebrating when he raises the title and quietly accepts Jameson's request. Just as he's finishing, the lights go out, and when they come one, Flash is laid out, but no one is around. [I]I know, the 'ol lights go out attacker schtick. Hey it works.[/I] Overall Rating: [B]D+[/B]
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Backstage issues??? [I]“Plague…”[/I] I had positioned myself so the light would be at my back as Plague walked to the locker room. [I]“What?” “Look, I might have over reacted when dealing with you.” “…”[/I] Man, how do you tell a guy that you mark out for them, and want to push them to the moon, but their locker room behavior prevents that? [I]“You are one of the most talented workers on our roster, but you attitude and “practical jokes” backstage are causing issues.” “It was just a little joke.” “I know, and a funny one at that. Look, all I’m asking is that you knock it off for awhile. If you do it again, I’ll have to fine you, since I already threw it out there in front of everyone.” “I know.”[/I] And with that, Plague entered the locker room as I crossed my fingers. . . . . . . . Well, all is quiet and nothing going on in the locker room. Maybe our little talked worked. I picked up my cell phone and dialed Cliff’s number. [I]“Cliff, did Phoenix really turn down MPWF?” “Yep, I hope he stays loyal to us while he’s trying to go to larger pastures.” “Me too.”[/I] So with that, I crossed my fingers for the second time tonight and got to finalizing next month’s show.
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CZCW Vendetta '09 Announced matches for: [B][SIZE="2"]CZCW Vendetta ‘09[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Border Runners (Angel de Mexico/The American Flash) vs Rich and Famous (Jackpot Jordan/Jake Idol)[/U][/B] [B][U]Thomas Morgan/Jeremiah Moose vs Masked Cougar/Mikey James[/U][/B] [I]Cougar and Morgan have been going at each other for a couple of months now. Last month, Morgan told Cougar to get a partner for a little tag match.[/I] [B][U]Marc Speed vs Nathan Casino vs Flying Jimmy Foxx - #1 Contender for Xtreme Championship[/U][/B] [B][U]Des Davids © vs Fox Mask – [I]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/I][/U][/B] [I]Fox Mask cashed in his rematch clause immediately after his loss and looks to regain his title right away.[/I] [B][U]Lords of Wrestling (Snap Dragon/Plague) © vs The Zoners (Remmy Skye/Frankie Perez) – [I]CZCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/U][/B] [I]Perez returns from touring oversees and looks regain the tag titles they lost to LoW.[/I] [B][U]Fumihiro Ota vs Matt Sparrow[/U][/B] [B][U]Donnie J vs James Prudence[/U][/B] [I]Once again these two seem to always be in the title hunt. This time they have to go through each other.[/I] [B][U]Ultimate Phoenix vs Mean Jean Cattley[/U][/B] [B][U]Steve Flash © vs Kirk Jameson – [I]CZCW Championship[/I][/U][/B] [I]Last month, Kirk upset Ota and went on to challenge Flash for his title. After Flash accepted, he was laid out by an unknown assailant. Will we find out who that is or will Flash have to start looking over his shoulder all the time?[/I]
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