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MAW- Youth Energy Movement

Guest The Aussie

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Guest The Aussie
[I][SIZE="3"]The great Chaim “The Brain” Silverman would often speak about the fact that the only way for the wrestling industry would move forward is to focus just as much on the stars of tomorrow as you do on the stars of today. It is a shame that in 1984 he passed away from heart failure, taking from us one of the greatest personalities the world of wrestling had ever seen. It often brought me to tears to watch DAVE sometimes and see Carl Batch doing the same thing that Silverman would do. I almost quit the industry because it reminded me of him… my family… my grandfather. [/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="2"]-October 23rd, 2006- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing after another night of heavy drinking. I’d been depressed as of late, resorting to the bottle to hide my pains after every independent show tat I wrestled or attended. “H’lo” I muttered into the phone as I attempted to hold it the right way around and just barely accomplishing such a feat. “Hello Robert” A voice sounded from the other end, sounding like the person was yelling. “Who’s this?” I asked as I pulled myself to a seated position. “It’s me” The voice on the other end of the line announced, sounding like I’d just curb-stomped his family and kicked his dog. “Why would I ask who this is if I don’t know who the hell this is?” I stated, trying to remain as calm as possible while horribly hung over. “It’s Jean, Jean Cattley.” The person said bluntly on the other end. ‘Oh crap’ I thought to myself as I jogged my memory of the events of last night ‘I think that the hobo that I puked on might not have been a hobo’. “I just got back from talking with Rip and he’s come to a conclusion” “Rip? Conclusion? What…the…hell…are…you…talking…about?” I slurred as I tried to piece together these two pieces of my alcohol caused haze. I believed that I may have met up with Jean last night but I couldn’t be sure. “The position is yours” “What position?” “The booking spot in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, I secured you as assistant booker” My brain froze at this, Robert Silverman being a booker. This was a revelation that I wasn’t sure that my body could handle at this time… which was proven correct moments later when I expelled whatever it was that I had consumed last night out of my window. It proved to not amuse my neighbor who had just evaded the spray and was now glaring at me menacingly. I lifted the phone to my ear cautiously and muttered to Jean “I’ll meet you at the sports ground at 12 okay. I think something unpleasant is about to happen” ~OOC: After the spectacular failure of my WCWA diary, I figured I'd attack a promotion that was not so centered on comedy through write-ups. I know that I will never touch the quality of [URL=""]MAW: 10 Simple Rules... [/URL]by James Casey but I'm happy with this. So now then, Let's roll.[/SIZE]
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Guest The Aussie
“How drunk was I when I agreed to this?” I rudely asked Jean as he sat in the seat opposite to me in the restaurant that we headed off to once we found each other, thankfully calling the police on someone that was intent on feeding me to their pit-bull was a sobering experience. I was now able to think relatively clearly and was quite agitated. “You were the one who made the offer, dumb@$$” Jean replied in the smarmy way that he usually talked. I didn’t like what he had just said: Had I gone so off my face that I applied for one of the hardest roles in wrestling. “I was that drunk” I asked, not knowing how this came to be. “You were so drunk that you thought I was a woman.” He stated bluntly. Alcohol must have helped a lot because if he was a women than he was the manliest looking woman ever. God bless alcohol for making people forget about embarrassing incidents. “Your contract begins in January. Rip has made it clear that he doesn’t want the money that he’s putting into MAW go down the pisser. If we have less than 15 grand in the bank at anytime over the next year then he’ll fire you.” Jean said abruptly. “Why wouldn’t you be fired since you’re the head booker” I quizzed Jean over why I was the fall guy. “Ha, Ha, Ha… **** you” “Did I hit a nerve? Anyways, is there anything else to bring up” “Sure. Rip doesn’t want any incompetent individuals competing in his ring. We’re building up the next generation of wrestlers here” “So then, no pressure?” “Piece of cake” “I was being sarcastic” “I wasn’t”
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Guest The Aussie
[SIZE="3"]-Hirings- [QUOTE]“Next!” I yelled out as I sat in my makeshift office (i.e a shack), I wanted to bolster our current roster with a few talented individuals. In walked a pair of scruffy little guys. This is of course relative to the usual size wrestlers one meets. They identified themselves as James Fox and Jason Evans although Evans preferred to be called Too Hot for some weird reason. These two guys acted really weird, I don’t know if they turned up high or something but they were doing this kind of bouncing about in their seats and looking about everywhere. They did however have a fairly impressive track record at CZCW and 4C respectively and I didn’t see what harm could be done by offering them contracts so I could see how they work with the rest of the roster.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The next person that I interviewed was a big fat guy who called himself “The Big Problem”. He seemed like a decent enough person and I had seen him wrestle in NYCW and thought that he was pretty good for a guy his size. Things did get a little surreal for a while with one memorable exchange going as: “You’re the Big Problem?” “Yea” “Do you have a name?” “Yea” “What is it?” “The Big Problem. I’ve already said it multiple times” “That’s your in-ring name. What’s your actual name” “The Big…” “I’m going to cut you off there and assume that you hit your head as a child” I put in, preventing him from talking further. “You’d think that but you’d be wrong” “That’s good to know” Take that sort of exchange and do it twice in one job interview and you’ll be feeling pretty pissed. Thankfully, I thought highly enough of his work that I let this slide, thereby slotting him in as our newest monster heel. At least my next acquisition could be a bit easier to work with…[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]“So then, before we get started… what’s your name?” I asked The young guy seated in the other chair was hesitant to say his name and let out a little mutter that I didn’t catch. “What was that?” “It’s Kenny Kuntz” he whispered quietly “Lemmy Lintz? What kind of stupid name is that?” “It’s not Lemmy Lintz, its Kenny Kuntz” “You just taking the mickey now “ “I’m being serious. My name is really Kenny Kuntz” “Seriously?” “God dammit yes” “We’ve gotta get you a new name” He seemed like a good kid, perhaps a little touchy about his name but Rip and I felt like he could really develop into a good wrestler. I just really need to think of something better for him to go by. However, I cannot quite shake the feeling that this is going to be a long day.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] The final two people were a breath of fresh air (i.e not freaks) who had just arrived a day after a show in Canada for 4C. One was “The Amazing” Jacob Jett, an up and coming independent name, while the other was his girlfriend, the super-hot Katie Cameron. It was weird talking to two normal people after today, what with the (probable) stoners, the guy with problems about his own name and the guy who doesn’t even have a damn name. Things went so well that I actually got Katie to sign a contract for $100… Considering how charismatic and well spoken she is in real life, you’d think that I’d have to pay more money. Jett may be costing me more than her but this may be the biggest coup in the history of our sport… Besides Jack Bruce going to SWF, and Texas Pete going to TCW… and all the guys that went to the big two while working for USPW. But in the context of the situation, this is a pretty damn good deal.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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Guest The Aussie
[CENTER] [COLOR="Red"] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"] [IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x10/The-Aussie/MAW.jpg[/IMG] Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents [IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x10/The-Aussie/MAW_Rip.jpg[/IMG] THE RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL-[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][/CENTER] -Competitors- [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR]-[/B] Last year’s winner of the RCI and a constant face here at Mid Atlantic Wrestling, Hernandez has proven himself to be ultra-flashy in the ring and is one of the most likely competitors to take out the prize in the open. [B][COLOR="Red"]“The Future of Wrestling” Steven Parker[/COLOR]- [/B]The self-proclaimed next big thing in professional and the current Mid Atlantic Champion; Can Parker add to his already impressive resume by taking home the RCI trophy or will The Future reach a shocking conclusion? [B][COLOR="Blue"]“The Incredible” Jacob Jett[/COLOR]- [/B]Coming to us from 4C and CGC is Jacob Jett, a superstar on the rise. So far, Jett has only made a splash in Canadian promotions but will he hit the ground running in MAW or will he fall at ring side? [B][COLOR="blue"]Des Davids-[/COLOR] [/B]One of the strongest and toughest wrestlers on the MAW roster, Davids is a home-grown superstar. Can a RCI victory cement his position as one of the guns of MAW? [B][COLOR="Red"]The Mean Machine-[/COLOR] [/B]A former Mid Atlantic Champion, The Mean Machine has proven time and time again to be a true machine in the ring because of a mixture of brilliant technique and controlled aggression. Does another title beckon for him? [B][COLOR="Blue"] “Flying” Jimmy Fox- [/COLOR][/B]The only other worker from another promotion, “Flying” Jimmy Fox is a former CZCW tag champion (he and Snap Dragon dropped the tag titles to Plague and Matt Sparrow just a week ago) and is becoming one of the most popular wrestlers on the West-Coast but will his success there expand out east? [B][COLOR="Red"]Robert Silverman-[/COLOR] [/B]This show will mark the MAW debut of Rob Silverman, the grandson of the legendary Chaim Silverman. Will he move out of the legendary shadow of his grandfather or will the young Silverman be nothing more than a flash in the pan? [B][COLOR="red"]“Party Boy” Oscar Golden-[/B] [/COLOR]In the surprise of the year, Oscar Golden has somehow gained entry into the RCI. Can the Golden Boy of the Canadian Blondes somehow take home the big one or will he be proven as the pretender that so many think he is? [CENTER]-Tournament Brackets- -Round 1- [B]Steven Parker v “Flying” Jimmy Fox Jacob Jett v Des Davids The Mean Machine v Robert Silverman Oscar Golden v Mainstream Hernandez-Round 2- The winner of Parker/Fox v The Winner of TMM/Silverman[/B] [B] The winner of Jett/Davids v the winner of Golden/Hernandez -The Final Round- The winners of each match in the second round will face each other for the Rip Chord Invitational Trophy.. ~Also featuring on the card will be~ [COLOR="Red"] Huey Cannonball & Flash Savage [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Natural Storm (D.C Rayne & Eddie Howard)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] Ricky Douglas[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] ------------------------------------------------------- Be at Stanley Hall, 8:00 on Friday the 28th of January or you will miss out on a night of hard hitting action.
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Guest The Aussie
God, I must say that doing larger write ups takes it out on a person. I'll try and get the show up tomorrow though.
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Guest The Aussie
I'm deciding to post this show in two parts to spread out the workload of writing up matches. ---------------------------------------------------------- Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents The Rip Chord Invitational ---------------------------------------------------------- [B]Welcome:[/B] The show opens with Marv Earnest standing in the middle of the ring holding the Rip Chord Invitational Championship. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Ladies and Gentlemen in attendance here at Stanley Hall; welcome to the Rip Chord Invitational. We have a great night of wrestling for you but allow me to introduce to my new broadcast partner, the lovely Katie Cameron!”[/COLOR] Out comes Katie Cameron, looking (and I’m going to put this very bluntly) totally sexy in a business suit. She climbs into the ring and takes the microphone from Marv [COLOR="Blue"]“Thank you Marv. Who here is ready for the Rip Chord Invitational?” [/COLOR]Katie pauses for a big pop from the crowd before continuing. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, then… I suppose Marv and I should clear the ring for our first match-up of the tournament: ‘Flying’ Jimmy Foxx versus ‘The Future of Wrestling’ Steven Parker”[/COLOR] [B]Rating: F[/B] [B]Steven Parker v Flying Jimmy Foxx[/B] Write Up: Flying Jimmy Foxx comes out to an alright pop while Steven Parker is literally serenaded by boos from our passionate crowd. The two open up the match by throwing some forearms and kicks, with Parker gaining the upper hand before being taken down out of nowhere with an enzuigiri. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Excellent backbrain kick from Fox. I think Parker is seeing stars”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“An enzuigiri by any other name…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Nothing”[/COLOR] Back to in-ring action and Fox is stalking Parker. As Parker makes it to his feet, Foxx runs in and attempts to hit a leaping clothesline which Parker evades by dropping to the ground, causing Foxx to land awkwardly on his right arm. Parker toys with Foxx after this, nailing brutal shots to the injured arm before locking in a painful triangle lock. Foxx faces difficulty getting up but a quick roll over allowed Foxx to put Parker in a pinning predicament for a two count. Both men make it to their feet and Foxx attempts a spinning neckbreaker which Parker counters with a painful looking reverse DDT for another two count. Foxx begins to stand up again but Parker runs in and nearly removes his nose from his face with a Mafia Kick done with a jump off of Foxx’s right knee. Foxx is practically out of it, leaving him open to the Future Shock (Cradle DDT) and a pinfall victory. [B]Result: [/B]Steven Parker beat Flying Jimmy Foxx by pinfall after a Future Shock. [B]Rating: D+[/B] Des Davids v Jacob Jett Write Up: Both men come out to huge pops, as well as Jett getting huge cheers from the female portion of the audience (and announcers). Davids doesn’t seem to take too kindly to Jetts favorable reaction and crushes him with a brutal spear on the outside of the ring before the start of the match. Davids rolls Jett back into the ring and drops a pair of elbows before lifting him back up to his feet. [COLOR="blue"]“You leave him alone *******”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Calm down Katie”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“This isn’t a match, it’s a mauling”[/COLOR] Not all is lost as Jett begins unloading a series of kicks to Davids’ knee before rebounding off of the rope and planting a nasty forearm smash to his opponents face. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“High elbow out of nowhere, Jett got all of him with that one”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s the thing about Jacob, Marv. He’s a gutsy guy and usually doesn’t know when to quit”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I assume you know this from experience and you and him are not quite so clean cut?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Don’t be so juvenile. Keep your mind on commentary”[/COLOR] Back into the ring and Jett has finally dropped Davids to the mat and immediately plants him with a standing moonsault for a two count. Quick as a flash, Jett gets to his feet and nails a very crisp guillotine leg drop to the back of the head for another two count. Des slowly makes it to his feet and catches Jett in a bear hug as Jett attempted a cross body. A Belly-to-Belly suplex later and Jett was sent tumbling over the top rope and to the ground below. It was elementary for Davids to roll him back in and almost break him in two with his Seated Powerbomb before pinning him. [B]Result: [/B]Des Davids beat Jacob Jett via pinfall after a Seated Powerbomb [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]-Interview-[/B] After the match had concluded and both men had headed backstage, I decided to make my presence known by heading down to the ring with a microphone. The fans, obviously not thrilled at a general unknown taking up time on the show began yelling friendly (in the smallest sense) remarks ordering me to leave the ring immediately. [COLOR="Red"]“My suggestion for all of you is to shut your damn mouths. I’m not out here just to be heckled by punks and brats such as yourselves who don’t even have an ounce of the athletic and physical talent that I do. You all probably don’t even know who the hell I am”[/COLOR] At this, the crowd gravitated from a “Get the hell out” chant to a “Shut the hell up” chant so I think I must be doing a good job at making them hate me. [COLOR="red"]“My name is Robert Silverman, grandson of the brilliant Chaim Silverman although I suppose so many of you will be nursing hangovers tomorrow that you may forget my name. I guarantee that you all will remember me and I plan to make sure of this by winning the Rip Chord Invitational Trophy”[/COLOR] After a quick brush of my ring jacket which I flung at the announce table, I made one final announcement, [COLOR="red"]“I don’t care if I piss off anyone backstage and if they think that I’m arrogant, they can all kiss my ass for not recognizing greatness”[/COLOR] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]The Mean Machine v Robert Silverman[/B] Write Up: And at this challenge, out comes The Mean Machine looking pissed off as usual and he comes out swinging, planting a fist right in my throat and nailing an uppercut to the crotch while referee Jay Fair couldn’t see. A quick knee to stomach takes away Mean Machines momentum followed by a quick DDT, driving Machines head into the canvas. I went for the pinfall but as arrogantly as possible, using his prone body to do my push ups on. Machine breaks the count easily and I slap him across the face for interrupting my workout before taking a quick breather while kneeling on his throat. The referee makes it to four before I get off of Machine and argue with the ref that I wasn’t really choking him. [COLOR="Blue"]“I really don’t know what Silverman is trying to prove? That keeping his knee pressed on the opponents’ windpipe doesn’t count as choking?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Perhaps it is legal in whatever company he used to wrestle for… Did he ever work in DAVE or WEXXV?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Not that I know of”[/COLOR] Unknown to me, The Mean Machine has gotten up to his feet and is cracking his knuckles right behind me. I slowly turned around and receive a headbutt right between the eyes, sending me stumbling backwards while complaining to the ref that Machine had pulled my (non-existent) hair before being pulled back in and received another headbutt. I respond to this latest act of violence against my person by attempting a swing at Machine before falling flat on my face. It is merely elementary for The Mean Machine to lift me to my feet and plant me with a Swinging Uranage for the pinfall victory. [B]Result: [/B]The Mean Machine beat Robert Silverman by pinfall with a Mood Swing [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez v Oscar Golden[/B] Write Up: Both men walk down to the ring, Golden doing his pre-match dance routine in the middle of the ring to the fans ire. The match starts off with a pre-match lockup with the stronger Hernandez overpowering Golden and whipping him over with a quick Arm Drag. Two more follow and Hernandez is like a house on fire as Golden is seemingly out of his depth in this bout. Golden is able to counter a third attempted armdrag with a quick armbar before getting up and hitting a stiff dropkick to the face. [COLOR="Blue"]“That kick hurt my face”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Considering the current state of your face, it would only improve it”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Ouch. Very catty right there Katie”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I try my best”[/COLOR] While this exchange is going on, Golden has kept Hernandez grounded with a side headlock while taking a breather. The crowd wills Hernandez back to his feet and he breaks the headlock with a back suplex for a two count. Both wrestlers make it to their feet but Golden slides out of the ring before Hernandez can take a shot at him. Golden grabs a chair from under the ring and threatens to swing it at Hernandez who takes a step closer to the ropes. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look at the Golden Boy. I don’t see how he got into the Invitational if he acts like this.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Knowing Canadian Blondes, they probably have photos of Rip Chord hidden somewhere for just a situation like this”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You do know that I’m Canadian and blonde?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yeah... I never would have guessed”[/COLOR] On the outside of the ring, Golden seems to throw the chair at Hernandez who dodges to the side. Referee Jay Fair takes the full brunt of the thrown chair and is knocked silly. Almost on cue, Huey Cannonball and Flash Savage run down to the ring carrying chairs (as well as Cannonball carrying a Disco Ball attached to a stick) and nail Hernandez with a pair of chairshots. As Hernandez is lying in the ground, Oscar Golden enters the ring again and stands just above his opponents head. All of a sudden, the lights begin to dim and Cannonball begins to make the Disco Ball attached to the stick spin. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I wonder what is going on?”[/COLOR] Oscar Golden actually begins dancing on the spot before bouncing across the ropes and landing on Hernandez’s chest with a Senton. However, down to the ring come Eddie Howard and D.C Rayne who clear their rivals from the ring and Rayne plants Golden with the Storm Damage (a Reverse STO) in the middle of the ring. As the members of Natural Storm chase off their opponents tonight, Hernandez makes his way to the top rope and nails Golden with the Apparition #14 for the win. [B]Result: [/B]Mainstream Hernandez beat Oscar Golden by pinfall after the Apparition #14 [B]Rating: C- [/B](holy good chemistry Batman) Ricky Douglas v Erik Strong Write Up: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“After that match, it may be impossible for Ricky Douglas versus Erik Strong to top such a match”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Quite right Marv, Hernandez and Golden tore down the house and now these two men are going to have to rebuild it before it can be torn down again”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Ah… That line was terrible”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I made it up on the spot. Am I not a genius?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Evidently not”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well screw you too pal”[/COLOR] While this little exchange has gone on, Erik Strong has already made it down to the ring and is doing his usual in-ring warm up routine. Ricky Douglas then begins to make his way down to the ring, jawing off with some beer drinking fans at ringside who obviously don’t follow the straight edge lifestyle that Ricky Douglas follows. One of the fans (in actuality a plant, in this case K-Squared wearing a strategically placed hat and sunglasses) decides to throw his beer at Douglas which earns the fan a nicely placed bitchslap. As Douglas puts a little bit of distance between himself and the fan while still throwing abuse at him, Strong has climbed the turnbuckle and is waiting for Douglas to turn around. Douglas does so and is crushed by a Seated Senton from Strong who immediately bounces to his feet and taunts for the fans. As he turns around though, Douglas nails him with a low blow before kicking the back of Strong’s knee sending him face first into the ring post. Both men roll themselves into the ring with both already showing signs of damage, Douglas was favoring his ribs while Strong was already bleeding from just above the eye. [COLOR="blue"]“My god. Both men look like hell and we are only a couple of minutes into this”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Technically speaking the match has just begun”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Excuse me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“They just rung the bell to start the match”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh… I knew that. I was just testing you”[/COLOR] Ricky Douglas starts things off with some chops to the chest before a quick inside cradle from Strong gets a two count. Strong then comes in with a flurry of elbows but Douglas pulls a chinbreaker from nowhere for a two count. Both wrestlers then trade kicks before Strong eats knee to the face followed by a number of kicks to his left knee that takes him down to the ground. Douglas then begins to wear down the left knee with a grapevine leg lock that Strong breaks by reaching the ropes. As Strong is pulling himself up to his feet using the ropes, Douglas takes out his knee again with a chopblock that nearly causes the leg to crumple in half before locking in a Boston crab. The match remains further one-sided as Douglas constantly prevents any attempt from Strong to get in some offense before putting him out of his misery with a Figure Four Leglock. [B] Result:[/B] Ricky Douglas defeated Erik Strong via submission after a Figure Four Leglock [B]Rating: D-[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This concludes the first half of the Rip Chord Invitational
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Guest The Aussie
[I]And now for part two of the Rip Chord Invitational...[/I] [B]Des Davids v Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Write Up: [COLOR="Blue"]“After that brutal matchup, I think it’s time to move on to the second round of the Rip Chord Invitational”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s right Katie. Up first are Des Davids and Mainstream Hernandez”[/COLOR] Both men make their way down to the ring and Davids immediately takes the offensive by nailing some powerful punches and forearms that force Hernandez back against the ropes. As referee Jay Fair forces the break, Hernandez explodes with some elbows and kicks of his own. However, Davids is the least physically drained of the two and rushes Hernandez with a clothesline. Davids then begins to stalk around Hernandez like a hunter [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What do you think is going through his mind at the moment, Katie?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’d be surprised if he actually had a brain with higher functioning”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Are you insulting the intelligence of Des Davids?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m just saying that, having been a Footballer, Davids’ brain may have been rattled a little bit too much in one too many tackles”[/COLOR] It becomes obvious that Davids wants to finish this match off quickly as he is actually sets up Hernandez for a powerbomb. Hernandez is able to counter the attempted powerbomb with a Frankensteiner that gets him a two count. Hernandez then begins to get some offence into this match, hitting Davids with a running cross chop and a Tornado DDT that puts down Davids for a two count. When both men make it to their feet, Hernandez attempts the very same thing that Jacob Jett did earlier in the evening by trying to cross body Davids. Instead of a Belly-to-Belly suplex, Davids hits an impressive Front Powerslam for a two count this time. [COLOR="blue"]“And Davids exploits his size and strength advantage with that devastating front slam”[/COLOR] Davids begins to stalk Hernandez once more and crushes him with a Running Shoulderblock before lifting Hernandez up again and nailing him with the Seated Powerbomb for the pinfall and to advance to the finals. [B]Result:[/B] Des Davids beat Mainstream Hernandez by pinfall after a Seated Powerbomb. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [B]The Mean Machine v Steven Parker[/B] Write up: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And in the match for biggest ******* wrestling in Mid Atlantic Wrestling today… We have The Mean Machine and Steven Parker”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“FYI: This is the Rip Chord Invitational. Have you been calling the wrong show altogether?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I was just ma…. Look, would you stop trying to steal my thunder?” [/COLOR] As Katie and Marv argue amongst themselves, both men have come down to the ring abusing fans left right and center. As both wrestlers face off in the ring, both of them attempt an eye poke on one another which causes both men to complain to the referee that the other man had attempted to cheat. Both men then get chest-to-chest and begin to stare down one another before Parker stomps on the toes of Mean Machine and performs a crisp Snap Suplex that takes Machine to the ground. Machine pulls himself into a seated position but receives a kick across the back for his troubles, followed by a kick to the face. As Machine rubs his chest trying to get rid of the stinging sensation, Parker begins to rain punches on Machine. Jay Fair forces Parker off of Machine but as Parker is standing up, Machine punches him a couple of times in the areas around the groin area. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That is just playing dirty”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well Marv, Mean Machine was only punching Parker in the general area. It’s technically legal”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Wait. You know that punching someone in that area is legal but didn’t know that Erik Strong attacked Ricky Douglas before the match started?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Would you just be quiet! A person knows these sorts of things”[/COLOR] Back to in-ring action and Mean Machine has caught Parker in a standing front facelock. As Parker begins to stumble, he pulls an awesome modified Northern Lights Suplex out of the bag except he plants Machine face first into the canvas. Parker than makes his way to the top rope and pulls off a pretty sweet moonsault which only gets a two count. Now with Momentum going his way, Steven Parker pulls off the Glittering Magician-esque move that he debuted earlier this show. This only gets him a two-count as machine somehow kicks out. In a fit of frustration, Parker begins to argue with the referee over what he saw as a slow count and accidentally sends his head whipping forward after getting pushed from behind by Mean Machine. Unfortunately for Parker, Referee Jay Fair believes that Parker struck him on purpose and disqualifies him which grants Mean Machine the win. [B]Result:[/B] The Mean Machine beat Steven Parker by Disqualification after Parker struck the referee [B]Rating: [/B]C- [B]Natural Storm v Canadian Blondes (2.0)[/B] Write Up: And in our second last bout of the evening is our tag encounter between The Natural Storm (D.C Rayne and Eddie Howard) and The Canadian Blondes 2.0 (Huey Cannonball and Flash Savage) with a direct contrast in styles, The Blondes favor a high speed offense whereas The Natural Storm prefer to brawl or grapple. Eddie Howard and Flash Savage start off the bout but before Howard can get his hands on Savage, he rolls out of the ring and takes cover in his corner of the ring. [COLOR="blue"]“What a little wimp”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Maybe he’s trying to get into the head of Howard?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“How? By acting like a little wimp? Yeah, He’s [I]clearly[/I] a genius”[/COLOR] Whatever it is that Flash Savage is attempting to do, it appears to have backfired as Eddie Howard snaps Huey Cannonball into the ring and presses him over the rope on top of Savage. As Huey gets back on the apron and Savage begins to climb back into the ring, Howard attempts to grab at Savage. It seems that Savage was ready for this as he grabs Howard’s head and jumps off of the apron, driving Eddies throat into the top rope. While Howard was struggling to breathe, Savage quickly tags out to Huey Cannonball who takes the opportunity to begin stomping the upper chest of his downed opponent. To his foolishness, Cannonball decides to taunt D.C Rayne who is standing on the apron by doing some more of the dancing that Oscar Golden had been doing earlier. Eddie Howard takes advantage of this by pulling a leg out from underneath him and tagging out to D.C Rayne. Rayne begins by slamming the right knee of Cannonball into the mat before turning him on his back and locking in a spinning Toe Hold. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How much must that hold hurt?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I can’t imagine. Look at how his leg is wrapped around Rayne’s” [/COLOR] Flash Savage gets in to break up the hold but is removed from the ring soon after. Rayne then picks Cannonball up from behind and attempts a release German Suplex but Cannonball flips out of the move and backs into his corner. Rayne hops back up to his feet and charges the corner but Cannonball drop toe holds him into the corner and tags out to Savage. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Those two are smarter than I gave them credit for”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Maybe D.C Rayne is just not as intelligent as you thought?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That could be true but the fact is that Huey Cannonball just pulled off a very cunning trick”[/COLOR] Savage performs some very nifty knees to the back of the head (by slinging himself forward using the ropes) on D.C Rayne who looks visibly rattled by the strikes. The Blondes begins making quick tags and performing double team maneuvers, hitting a few double team hip tosses and dropkicks. It isn’t until Cannonball attempts to hit the Cannonball Run (Frankensteiner from the top rope) which is countered by a powerbomb that Rayne can get back into this. Rayne and Cannonball both make the tags to their teammates but Howard is a house on fire, exploding with some big clotheslines on The Blondes before hurling Huey Cannonball over the ring and drilling Flash Savage with some big headbutts. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Come on! Belt his stupid face in!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Little bloodthirsty, eh? Can’t blame you”[/COLOR] And to finish this tag bout off Howard delivers a big Spinebuster on Flash Savage and pins him cleanly in the middle of the ring, capping off a huge title defense. [B]Results: [/B]The Natural Storm defeated The Canadian Blondes 2.0 (Huey Cannonball and Flash Savage) by pinfall after Eddie Howard hit a Spinebuster on Flash Savage. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]The Mean Machine v Des Davids[/B] Write Up: [COLOR="blue"]“That was a hell of a match but now it is time for our Main Event”[/COLOR] “It’s been a great show and what better way to cap it off than with Des Davids taking on The Mean Machine for the Rip Chord Invitational trophy” As both men make their way down to the ring, The Mean Machine actually takes the time to grab a microphone from ringside. He enters the ring after Des Davids has gone in and begins to speak [COLOR="Red"]“Now Des, you and I have never seen eye to eye but I would like to applaud you making it to the final round of the tournament. That is no easy feat as you even beat the previous winner of the Rip Chord Invitational to make your way here. I’m afraid that I’m the final barrier in your road to the trophy.”[/COLOR] Des Davids looks a little surprised by how calm Mean Machine is, not being sure what to make of how composed he is. Machine continues to speak now… [COLOR="red"]“I have also faced some hardship in the tournament. I beat the grandson of Chaim Silverman and I defeated our current Mid Atlantic Champion. I’m confident that I can beat you. I do have a request though, let’s make our bout an ‘Anything Goes’ match. Let’s not have any bitter thoughts on not having given it our all, alright?”[/COLOR] Davids c0cks his head considering the offer then nods, obviously confident about being able to win. Machine smiles arrogantly and nods knowingly. [COLOR="red"]“Thank god for that, I thought that I was going to have a Big Problem if you didn’t agree”[/COLOR] However, from the backstage area comes a huge behemoth of a man who looks nearly 7’0 and over 350 pounds. Only Mean Machine and the fans seem to notice his arrival as Davids is now stretching in preparation for his match. Machine also takes off his ring jacket and seems overflowing with confidence. He raises the microphone once more and adds; [COLOR="red"]“So then, shall we begin?”[/COLOR] At this, the gigantic wrestler now enters the ring and clotheslines Davids from behind. Mean Machine starts laughing like hell as Davids tries to fend off the gigantic wrestler but falls victim to a big boot. [COLOR="red"]“Des Davids, people in the audience here at the Stanley Hall… May I introduce you to The Big Problem”[/COLOR] At this, The Big Problem lifts Davids up off the ground and delivers a thunderous chokeslam. He looks to Machine who shakes his head and raises three fingers in the air. TBP turns back towards Davids and chokeslams him into the mat once more. He looks to Machine once again who laughs into the microphone and asks [COLOR="red"]“How about one more?”[/COLOR] At this, The Big Problem lifts Des Davids up again and finishes him off with a third chokeslam. Mean Machine sits on Davids chest and orders the referee to count. Jay Fair, against his better judgment, slaps the mat three times and we have a winner. While remaining seated on Davids, Machine decides to arrogantly add [COLOR="red"]“Looks like I win”[/COLOR] Result: The Mean Machine beat Des Davids by pinfall after inteference from The Big Problem. [B]Rating: C-[/B] As Davids is still lying in the ring knocked out, The Mean Machine and his massive cohort have grabbed some microphones and begun to talk [COLOR="red"]“So then Davids, I trust that our bout was not what you had expected? You agreed to the stipulation for our match and can only be blamed for it.”[/COLOR] The Big Problem nods and then begins to talk in a somewhat hyperactive way. “[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Yeah Des, You should have seen your face! You were like ‘Oh I’m so going to win the trophy” and then you were like ‘Oh no, you tricked me’”[/COLOR] The Mean Machine looks at The Big Problem, who stands still like a child wanting appreciation, and mouths a rather unpleasant word. Not seeing this, The Big Problem adds… [COLOR="sandybrown"]“Right, Mean?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Right BP. Have a cookie”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sandybrown"]“YAY COOKIE!”[/COLOR] The Mean Machine seemingly pulls a cookie out of nowhere and passes it to The Big Problem who holds it up and acts as if his prize is the holy grail of cookies. Machine ignores his cohort and begins to talk once more. [COLOR="red"]"Now, Davids. Next month, I have a title shot to cash in on courtesy of my victory tonight so I’m afraid that you cannot feasibly get your revenge against me. Feel free to complain to someone that cares as I certainly don’t." [/COLOR] At this, The Mean Machine exits from the ring and grabs the trophy from ringside and carries it backstage. The Big Problem bails out of the ring and heads backstage soon afterwards, with his cookie in tow. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D-[/B] [I]I'm considering on using a more abridged way of writing up for matches, I'll do my next show that way and I'll let my readers choose what I should use.[/I]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest The Aussie
OOC: My bad about not doing anything, I just never got round to posting it. "[COLOR="darkslategray"]Nicely done kid[/COLOR]" Rip called out to me as the audience filed out. The crowd had been abysmal, the wrestling industry and the economy were both in the crapper at the moment so we had barely broken 50 fans for the show that was usually our biggest of the year. "[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Penny for em[/COLOR]" Jean said as he handed me a beer. [COLOR="Red"]"I can't help but shake the feeling that this may prove to be difficult" I muttered as I popped open the beer. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"It was a good start and it also proves that you're not a total egomaniac"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"How so?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]"You jobbed to me in your debut. That there means that you don't want to have all of the glory around here and I think that most of the kids respect you for that"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Can I expect you to pay back the favour?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]"Ha Ha... No"[/COLOR] As Jean shuffled off in search of someone else to frustrate, Katie Cameron and Jacob Jett gravitated in my general direction. Jacob seemed to have something on his mind at the moment as Katie was doing most of the talking to other people. [COLOR="red"]"What's going on?"[/COLOR] Jacob seemed uncertain of what he had to say and had a little bit of difficulty speaking up [COLOR="Green"]"Err... It's not really much but..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Jacob is going to be doing a tour of Japan over the next month"[/COLOR] Katie cut in as she adjusted her glasses, if it wasn't for the fact that I really did like Jacob then I would be putting the moves on big time with his girl. [COLOR="red"]"Really? That's awesome news"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"It's for WEXXV"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"The awesomeness of the news has taken a severe downturn"[/COLOR] Jacob smiled akwardly as he shifted himself into a slightly more comfortable stance, having anticipated tat I might have been a bit peeved about this development.[COLOR="Green"]"Sorry about that. They've offered some pretty decent money per show. I'll still work here though"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"And there I was wetting my pants for nothing. Just make sure you don't break your neck over there... or get stabbed because that may hamper your career"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] "He'll try and keep that advice in mind"[/COLOR] Rip hurried over to me as the others wandered off and pulled me to the side. seemingly wanting my attention desprately. [COLOR="darkslategray"]"What would you say if I told you that a wrestler with true pedigree debuted the other day?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] "I'd say that you are a stark raving drunk but go on"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslategray"]"I was on the phone with Larry Vessey and..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"I'm going to stop you there"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslategray"]"Why? We have a kid with serious potential"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] "Yeah, for attitude problems. His father and uncle are both egotistical douchebags so based on the law of averages, this kid will be a douche also"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Look, fine then. I'll just contact my old friends who are friends with Dread and inform them that my subordinate thinks that their son will be a brat"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] "You have fun doing that. You'd want the kid to be a c0cky generic heel anyways"[/COLOR] Having heard the fairly legendary exploits of Rip Chord from behind the scenes, I decided not to chance and of my limbs by causing conflict and headed home. I was already hard at work planning everything that I wanted to do.
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