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DOTM: Hall of Records

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Needs some help I have almost completed the 2006 award ceremony update Xtreme Pro Wrestling Federation: Indyriffic! by D16NJD16 I can not find this dairy. I am sure someone who read it will have no problem throwing out the right key word and pulling this one up. (i hope) once that is done I think this thread will move to a new home. (for a cleaner presentation and more room) thanks for the help [thread]169071[/thread] that is the thread from below, but it no longer appears to be a valid thread [thread]18832[/thread] this is what infinity sent me still seems to have been deleted
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I I tried to look it from the TEW07 dynasties, but came up short. D16NJD16 has started only two topics there, and there's a mentoin about the diary in the awards. [url][/url] EDIT: In this post there's a link to the diary but it doesn't work [url][/url] "No input file specified".
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;492399]Then your URL-foo is better than mine, my good man. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18832[/url][/QUOTE] seems to have been deleted/removed it is thread 18832 according to the link you posted up. but no such thread is found when i request it from the server. did D16 have it deleted for some reason maybe?
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This months Rookie has been updated and split between the tie-ing diaries, the Winner has received a permanent position at the bottom of the page. I think the Diary Tips are a great concept, but the consensus seem to be that it should not qualify as a diary. as such Rookie Diaries are required to have posted at least one wrestling show. I am still looking for opinions on categorizing some of the more popular diaries in order to create a reference table, to help spur ideas for new diaries based one some of the good work that is out there, but has long since vanished from the top pages.
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2006 Diary of the year awards are finished and are now at the bottom of post 2. I know the Black marble back ground is not as nice as the red, but I needed something to differentiate the 07 awards from the 06. I promise to try harder when I post up the 08. As well I will so begin to add the Avatars to the DOTM posts. I think it will help set that distinction apart from the Hall of Fame that is at the top of Post 1
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It's done, the pictures are all in the DOTM section. I think it really did kick it up another level. you can now easily see how often some writers have won. and how consistently great others have been over a long period of time. Unless someone can think of something else. I think I am done with the upgrades. Thank you to all the writers for all of their hard work, hope fully this page does you some honor. Thank you to every one who has lent a helping hand. And Thank you to every one who has stopped through to take a look, a Memorial isn't much good if no one visits it.
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One suggestion, actuially - in the DOTM table, would it be worthwhile putting the CV diaries in the first column? They have the longest history, after all - and it [I]is[/I] the world the game is built on. On the other hand, it makes sense to have them in the middle column for that reason, too :p
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just a bump to the top, asking your opinion on the rookie category? as the nomination thread for September will be up some time late Thursday afternoon. (can't believe we are a week from the end of the month already!) as well I want to make sure some of the new people I've seen post are aware of this thread, and keep it from falling into obscurity. ;)
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the Voting polls are up for september: [thread=35461]nomination[/thread] [thread=35566]Real World[/thread] [thread=35567]Cornellverse[/thread] [thread=35568]Rookie[/thread] (the purpose of this post is so that should some one ever want to take a look at these polls or nominations in the future, they no where to go, rather than having to hunt for them)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Congratulations go out to NoNeck Wildfire And D-lyrium For great writing in the month of September Phantom Stranger also gets and honorable mention, for coming in second by a nose in the Rookie Category, getting swindled out of a tie for first by voting for himself :( . but i don't doubt he will compete strong in the real world category this month!
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[QUOTE=FINisher;505215][SIZE=1].. And just a really small mention to me since it was my first diary ever and I was left just 1 vote behind NoNeck.. [/SIZE]:p[/QUOTE] And hey next month could be your month! the cornellverse writers just bring so much talent to the field. as long as J-silver does not return, it is pretty much up for grabs every month, you really just have to step up and swing for the fences. but you are quite right, you did great in the polls for this being your first diary, now just keep it up for another 3 weeks and you could be in the running again! Personally I'm still nursing my wounded pride for not even getting a nomination for [thread=35203]A World From Scratch (A Watchers Diary) [/thread]. eh but there is always this month :)
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Yeah, you're right. And I think that my diary suffered from the changing of the writing style, and the lack of ambition during the second tour, which created a total slump in the diary. But there came a great storyline etc.. Blah. :P And also, doing a diary of a Japanese touring hardcore entertainment promotion is a lot harder than doing one of a promotion that runs just annual shows. Not taking or disrespecting anyone from their credit etc, but I've done about 80 shows in the whole diary. O.o I don't know. I'll keep up the good work, if WEXXV won't go to bankrupt.
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  • 4 weeks later...
the Voting polls are up for October: [thread=36016]nomination[/thread] [thread=36097]Real World[/thread] [thread=36098]Cornellverse[/thread] [thread=36099]Rookie[/thread] (the purpose of this post is so that should some one ever want to take a look at these polls or nominations in the future, you know where to go, rather than having to hunt for them)
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  • 3 weeks later...
I apologies to the September winners, I have fixed my over sight (read laziness) and updated the front post. To every one who stops through here, a question. Should I run a December diary of the month? or should i let the annual awards take their place? G-prime if you read this, I would love to help with the presentation of the awards, maybe a write up section and then and award table with Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies? (just a thought) thanks all for your patience and thoughts.
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I'm not exactly sure what do you mean with the annual awards, but I'd say do them both. In my opinion it would be quite weird to miss one month in the DOTM, especially as December's no different month from any other. Do them both, I say! :) Thank you for the effort mistaken! :)
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