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WWE: Tales of the Near Future

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]The show opens with William Regal in the ring[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bloody hell, has it really been 5 years since they begged me to take this job from that clown Mike Adamle? Well a lot has happened in that time; wrestlers have come and gone, champions crowned and dethroned, but one thing has remained constant. Monday night RAW is still the most watched show on television, thanks in no small part to my visionary leadership. And so ladies and gentlemen, you join me here for a very special edition, the first three hour long monday night RAW! The smart amongst you will likely say that there have been countless three hour specials of RAW in the last few years but I can officially anounce that this is a permanent deal, we will be broadcasting live for three hours every week! To commemorate this I have put together a tournament to declare a number one contender to Sheamus O' Shaunessy's Unified World Title. There will be four first round matches tonight, the first of which will take place right now, and it will feature Kofi Kingston taking on Edge! [COLOR="Red"]Mike Goldberg: Wow what a blockbuster announcement from William Regal! JBL: Thats Mr Regal to you Goldberg! Mr Regal is first and foremost a business man like me and he always makes good decisions. I cant wait to see Kingston kick that hippy edge all over the ring Goldberg: Dont be too hasty there partner Edge is on a real roll lately now that he has denounced his hedonistic past...and here he comes now[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][B]MATCH NUMBER ONE THE FIVE STAR SUPERSTAR EDGE VS KOFI "THE TROPICAL STORM" KINGSTON[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDGE6.jpg[/IMG]vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kingston tries to control the early part of the match with a range of stiff kicks but edge counters with a single leg takedown and begins to work over Kingstons legs. Kingston fights his way to his feet and gets an Inziguri to swing the momentum. Kingston hits the double leg drop and gets an early two count. He whips edge into the corner and leaps onto his shoulders for the mounted punches. Edge tries to counter into a powerbomb but kingston continues punching and slides down Edge into a DDT. Kingston applies a sleeper which Edge powers out of as the crowd clap in unison. Elbows to the gut of kingston break the hold, Edge whips Kingston against the ropes and goes for the spear but Kingston leaps over and bulldogs Edge on the rebound. Kingston covers for a long 2. Kingston signals the end is near and sets up for the Trouble in Paradise. Edge sees it coming and ducks underneath, takes Kingstons legs out from underneath him and locks in the Sharpshooter! The crowd goes nuts as Kingston slowly makes his way towards the bottom rope but Edge is having non of it and pulls him back to the center of the ring. Kingston cant stand the pain and taps out at 13.42! [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][B]WINNER: FIVE STAR SUPERSTAR EDGE[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: We've seen Edge use that move a lot lately JBL and thus far it has always signalled the end of the match. JBL:The sharpshooter is one of the most effective moves in wrestling history when performed correctly. It guarantees victory even if you are outclassed like Edge was tonight. Goldberg: Well thats certainly a debatable point...Hold that thought, im being told we have Ken Kennedy ready and waiting to talk to Steven Richards in the back. Steven?[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CENSORSTEVEN1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Thanks guys, Im here with Ken Kennedy who has just been informed that he has a first round match against Shad "The Beast" Gaspard. Kennedy, your thoughts? [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] My thoughts? Well I've been thinking about trying out a few new catchphrases lately, maybe one the guys in the back could put onto a T-shirt for me. Im thinking I really should go watch the Pistons whilst Im here in Detroit... Richards: The match Kennedy....What are your thoughts on the match!? Kennedy: I have no thoughts on this match Steven! Whats there to think about?? Heres whats going to happen. Im going to kick the heaven and hell out of this joker, hit him with the mic check, get the 1-2-3, maybe dance with time keeper Mark Yeaton, the crowd will rejoice and chant my name and I will join them for copious amounts of alcohol and a kiss from the hottest woman in the front row! Or my name isn't MISTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.....You know the rest. [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER TWO KEN KENNEDY VS SHAD "THE BEAST" GASPARD[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHAD1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shad jumps Kennedy before the bell to gain the early advantage. He punches Kennedy down into the corner and stomps a mudhole in him. He lets off as the ref counts 4. He talks smack to Kennedy and the crowd elliciting boo's. He goes back to pick up Kennedy but Kennedy pushes Shad off and gets some haymakers of his own! Kennedy and Shad trade blows until Shad knee's kennedy in the mid section and goes for a suplex. Kennedy blocks and gets a suplex of his own. Kennedy picks Shad up and for an inverted atomic drop followed up by a hard clothesline. Kennedy whips Shad into the corner and follows up with a stinger splash. MIC CHECK! Kennedy covers 1...2...3!! [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"]WINNER: KEN KENNEDY[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Kennedy leaves the ring and starts up the ramp, but he notices Mark Yeaton sat at ringside! Kennedy heads back to ring side and starts to do the Robot with the time keeper! The crowd eat it up and chant KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY. Kennedy takes it all in before stealing a mug of beer from a guy in the front row, taking a big swig before kissing the girl next to him! [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Goldberg: What d'ya think about that John? You cant say Kennedy isnt a man of his word! JBL: I think its disgraceful! Nobody wants to see Mark Yeaton do anything except keep the time! Goldberg: I think these fans disagree with you, especially that young lady in the front row![/COLOR][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]Cut to the back where Matt Striker and The Miz are reading in their locker room[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTSTRIKER4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MIKETHEMIZ1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Striker: You know something Miz, when I first took you under my wing I was a little worried that we wouldnt get on. I didnt think we would have anything in common. But now I see how far you have come I realise me and you are not so different afterall. All you needed was a little guidance. [CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"]The Miz looks up from his copy of War and Peace[/COLOR][/CENTER] Miz: Huh? Oh year right, guidance. Striker: How far have you got? Its a great book isnt it? Miz:....Oh, er, its still pretty much war. I havent got to the peace yet. Striker: Ok, well Im going to go and stretch out before our match later, maybe you should do the same? Miz: Yeah, Im right behind you buddy, I'll catch you up. [COLOR="Silver"][CENTER]The camera pans around to reveal a comic hidden inside the book[/CENTER][/COLOR] Miz: Oh Jughead! What will you do next!? [COLOR="Silver"] [CENTER]WWE Unified World Champion Sheamus O Shaunessy is in the ring with the Tag champions Eduardo and Orlando Colon[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDDIECOLON2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CARLITO4.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] SOS: When you look around this ring what do you see? Nothing but pure gold from head to toe! Me and the Colon brothers here were talking backstage, and it seems that in all the fuss of making a three hour RAW, our esteemed general manager has forgot to give us matches. Most of the underachieving slackers in the back would take this as an excuse to relax and take the night off, but thats not our style. I am the Celtic Warrior and Im ready for battle, so Im making my own match. Me and The Colon Brothers are challenging any three of you in the back to a match tonight! So if anybody thinks they have what it takes.... [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hey champ! Sorry for interupting you guys but my intercontinental title was getting lonely back there! Wow, I havent seen this much gold in one place since the last time I was in my brothers dressing room. SOS: Did you come out here to make jokes or what lad? Cody: I came out here because Im in the same boat as you guys. Three hours of RAW and no time for the IC champ?? Im taking you up on your challenge SOS. SOS: Oh yeah, you and whose army?? Cody: Wellllllllll....... [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CMPUNK6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAYLETHAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ..... this army! SOS: Bring it on!!!! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Wait right there! SOS, your skating on thin ice sunshine, I make the matches around here, not you. As it happens I already had a match lined up for each of you tonight. In tonights main event its going to be the team of SOS and the Colon Brothers taking on Cody Rhodes, CM Punk and Jay Lethal! SOS: Wait a minute, thats.... Regal: Bloody brilliant, I know. Sometimes I even surprise myself. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"] MATCH NUMBER THREE THE AFTER SCHOOL SPECIALS STRIKER AND MIZ VS CURT HAWKINS AND ZACK RYDER[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTSTRIKER4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MIKETHEMIZ1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CURTHAWKINS1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ZACKRYDER1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Miz and Striker attack before the bell but Hawkins and Ryder turn the tide and clear the ring. The match starts and Hawkins and Ryder isolate Striker. Striker gets a cheap shot to the nuts of Ryder behind the back of the ref and tags out to Miz. Miz dominates the offence getting a side russian leg sweep into an arm bar. Ryder breaks the hold and counters to mounted punches to the Miz, which the Miz then counters into a rollup for 2. Ryder irish whips Miz but Miz reverses. Strikers pulls down the top rope sending Ryder crashing to the floor. Hawkins tries to make his way round to his partner but the ref stops him. Miz and Striker double team Ryder behind the refs back. Striker throws Ryder back into the ring and Miz tags him in. Striker goes for a top rope leg drop but Ryder moves and gets the hot tag to Hawkins! Hawkins is a house of fire and takes out both Striker and The Miz with clotheslines. Hawkins signals for the Long Island express but its broke up by the Miz for the DQ ending at 7.14 [B][COLOR="Sienna"][CENTER] WINNERS: RYDER AND HAWKINS BY DQ[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Ryder and Hawkins had this match in the bag but Miz took the deliberate DQ to save his partner. JBL: See, this shows how far The Miz has come these last few years. Being a good tag team wrestler is knowing when to go on offence and when to fight another day. Goldberg: If you ask me... JBL: Nobodies asking you anything Goldberg! I'm a three time tag team champion, I know what I'm talking about! [/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Sienna"][CENTER]MATCH NUMBER FOUR THE LEGEND IN HIS LIFETIME RANDY ORTON VS MATTHEW HARDY[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTHARDY6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hardy offers the handshake before the match but Randy just stares at him. Matthew backs off but Orton kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: This is a much more focused Randy Orton than we have seen for a long time John JBL: Randy is a multiple time world champion but he has never held the Unified World Championship. I dont care who you are, thats enough to focus anybody.[/COLOR] Orton locks in a front face lock. Matthew tries to struggle out but Randy hits him with knees to the face. Matthew tries again and is successful. Matt gets in a few right hands and takes Randy down with a side effect. The second rope leg drop connects and Matthew covers for a two count! Matthew stalks Randy, ready to apply the twist of fate. Orton shoves Matthew off and gets the RKO out of nowhere for the win at 6.30! The ref tries to raise Ortons arm in victory but Orton shoves him off and walks to the back [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][B]WINNER: RANDY ORTON[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: A very impressive display from Randy Orton there. Does this make him the favourite to win the tournament in your eyes JBL? JBL: Without a shadow of a doubt. Its going to take somebody pretty special to beat the legend when he's in this kind of mood. Goldberg: Well there are still two superstars left to compete in first round matches... and I believe that match is up next[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KEVINTHORN2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"]Kevin Thorne makes his way to the ring for the final first round match. He gets into the ring and...the lights go out! The crowd scream with excitement! Is it a returning undertaker after all these years? Is it sting? Did they forget to pay the electricity bill? The lights go back up and the ring is empty. There is no sign of Thorne.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Well this is certainly unexpected! What the hell just happened? JBL: Kevin Thorne is a strange individual Mike. Who knows what he's thinking? Goldberg: I dont believe that with so much on the line that Thorne would just disappear. What does this do to the tournament?...Wait.....Im getting word from the back.... [/COLOR] [COLOR="Silver"]The camera cuts to backstage where smoke is seen coming from one of the lockerrooms. The door is locked and various officials are trying to break it down. They get the door open and Kevin Thorne collapses through the doorway, choking on the fumes. He is clearly shaken and confused.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: How in the world did Thorne get locked inside the locker rooms? JBL: From the look on his face I think he knows as much about it as us Mike. More importantly, is he still going to be fit to compete??[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CHRISHARRIS1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] I came out here for the most important match of my career but my opponent cant even be bothered to show his face. Thorne. I'll give you till the count of ten to get out here or you forfeit the match! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steady on you cheeky bugger! Im getting sick and tired of you wrestlers thinking your above me. Due to Kevin Thornes...complications, there will be a last minute substitute in the match. You see Chris Harris, it just so happens that have a special guest with me tonight. And as a favour to me, he has agreed to compete tonight. Ladies and Gentlemen, the king of kings, Triple Haitch! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER FIVE CHRIS HARRIS VS HHH[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CHRISHARRIS1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The crowd is ecstatic for the returning hunter! He starts with a flurry of lefts and rights which rock Chris Harris back into the ropes. [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Can you believe this JBL!? We havent seen HHH in a WWE ring for nearly three years but he doesnt look like he's missed a step! JBL: Looks can be decieving Mike. Hunter is running off pure adrenaline at the moment, lets see how he fairs as this match progresses[/COLOR] Hunter whips him and hits the AA spinebuster for 2. He picks Harris up and clotheslines him down. He keeps hold of the arm and drags him up for another. He tries a third time but Harris pulls Hunter through the ropes to the floor. Harris takes over on offence, ramming Hunters head into the security barrier. He tries to whip him into the ringpost but HHH counters and sends Chris Harris into the steel steps. HHH throws Harris back into the ring . Harris is first to his feet and gets and elbow drop to the back of Hunter. Harris locks in a camel clutch but Hunter overpowers him. They trade punches and HHH gets the better of the exchange. Kick, wham, PEDIGREE and its all over in 5.32! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]WINNER HHH[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: The returning HHH made short work of Chris Harris. The competition to be number one contender has just been thrown wide open! JBL: No offence to Chris Harris, who is a phenomenal talent, but I gotta believe that when Hunter steps into the ring with a more seasoned competitor his time away in Hollywood is going to catch up with him. Goldberg: Well thats all ifs and buts at the moment. All we know for sure is that Triple H is back and he has progressed to the semi finals. And if you want to hear more from the cerebral assassin be sure to log on to WWE.COM this thursday for The JR show as Hunter will be Jim Ross' special guest.[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER SIX THE CELTIC WARRIOR SHEAMUS O SHAUNESSY AND THE COLON BROTHERS ORLANDO AND EDUARDO VS THE THOROUGHBRED CODY RHODES, STRAIGHT EDGE CM PUNK AND JAY LETHAL[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Orlando and Lethal to start. They lock up and Orlando powers Lethal back into the heels corner. Tag to Eduardo and the Colons double team Lethal. They try a double suplex but lethal lands on his feet an tags in Punk. Stiff kicks by Punk send Eduardo back into his corner and SOS tags himself in! Punk backs off and the two men circle. Lock up and SOS throws Punk to the mat. Leg drop attempt by SOS misses. Punk tries to kick SOS whilst he is down but SOS catches the leg and suplex's Punk. Punk tags out to Cody. Cody ducks and dives and gets a few shots in at SOS and attempts a back body drop which goes nowhere. SOS clubs Cody's back sending him to the canvas. SOS whips Cody into the corner and hits him with shoulders to the mid section. Tag to orlando who continues the to work Cody's ribs. Tag to Eduardo who locks in an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. Crowd chant for Cody who slowly makes his way to the ropes. Eduardo gets more leverage by holding the ropes and applying more pressure. The ref see's it and counts to four but Eduardo wont break the hold! The ref kicks his arm away and Eduardo staggers backwards allowing Cody to roll him up for two. Cody gets the hot tag to Lethal who clears Eduardo and Orlando from the ring with a double clothesline over the top. SOS goes to check on them and Lethal hits a diving elbow through the ropes on all three men! Punk ascends the top rope and hits a dive to the floor! Cody is left on his own in the ring. He runs the ropes and hits a springboard senton on SOS! Lethal drags Eduardo back into the ring. LETHAL KICK! 1...2...NO! SOS drags Lethal off Eduardo! Punk runs in to make the save but SOS puts his hand around Punks throat for the Fiery Red Hand! But in comes Cody with a drop kick to the legs of SOS. SOS falls down onto Punks knee for a modifed Go2Sleep! The ring is cleared once more leaving Lethal and Eduardo as the legal men. LETHAL COMBINATION is enough for the victory! Lethal wins at 17.32!! [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"]WINNERS: THE THOROUGHBRED CODY RHODES, STRAIGHT EDGE CM PUNK AND JAY LETHAL[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Goldberg: What a victory for these three men! They gave their all tonight and it payed off! This is the first loss SOS has suffered since winning the title, and with four superstars gunning him down, does this spell trouble for the title reign of the Irish Curse???[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JIMROSS1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]THE JR SHOW[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] JR: Good evening folks and welcome to the most talked about show on WWE.com The JR Show. Im your host Good Old Jim Ross and after an action packed three hours long RAW we certainly have a lot to talk about. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"][B][U]HARD NEWS[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] The biggest news this week is surely the return of The Game Triple H. The cerebral assassin had not been seen in a wrestling ring for the better part of three years but he returned to winning ways this past monday, beating Chris Harris. [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]Highlights of the match are shown[/COLOR][/CENTER] I managed to track down The Game back stage after RAW went off the air and he had plenty to say. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: Its great to have you back Hunter, how does it feel to step into the ring after all this time? HHH: God its good to be back! To tell you the truth it feels like ive never been away. JR: It certainly doesnt look like it took you long to shake off the ring rust. HHH:Im THe Game JR! Seriously though, I feel in the best shape of my life. Ive been training hard for my role as Conan and the time off has healed up my old wounds. I didnt even expect to be competing tonight, I was just coming to watch the show and support Stephanie. JR: So whats your main focus in life now, the movies or the wrestling? HHH: You know what JR, The movies are amazing experiences, but wrestling has been my life for so many years. This industry has been so good to me. It gave me a steady income, my wife and my family, and a chance to perform in front of the best fans in the world. JR: So are you back for good HHH: Im back for as long as people want me around and as long as I feel I can compete with the best. JR: Speaking of which, your now in the hunt for the Unified title, a championship you have never possessed. Do you feel you have it in you to win it? HHH: I wouldnt have come back if I didnt think I could win it. Im going to give it my all and see what happens. Of course HHH wouldnt have had the chance to compete if it wasnt for the bizarre set of circumstances surrounding Kevin Thorne. [CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"]Highlights are shown of Kevin Thorne being locked in the smoking locker room[/COLOR][/CENTER] Nobody knows for certain what happened but that hasnt stopped people speculating. Some believe that it was Chris Harris in an attempt to progress through the tournament, others think that Kevin himself had something to do with it, whilst others claim that HHH himself could have orchestrated events to gain entry to the contenders tournament. Unfortunately Kevin Thorne has been unavailable for comment but is expected to make an appearance on next weeks RAW to address the situation. The final four in the contenders tournament are Five Star Superstar Edge, Mr Ken Kennedy, Legend in his Lifetime Randy Orton and the returning King of Kings HHH. Im joined by two former World champions JBL and The Nature Boy Ric Flair to help make the draw for the Semi Finals [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RICFLAIR9.jpg[/IMG] WHOOOOOOO! Number 3![/CENTER] JR: Number 3 is Edge [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JBL6.jpg[/IMG] Number 2[/CENTER] JR: He'll be facing number 2, Mr Kennedy Flair: To be the man, you've got to beat....number 4! JR: Number 4 is Triple H JBL: And finally number 1 JR: And of course number one is Randy Orton! So confirmed for monday night on RAW its going to be Edge VS Kennedy and Randy Orton vs HHH! Thanks for your help guys, what do you make of the draw?? JBL: I was ringside for all the first round matches and I gotta repeat what I said on commentary, I cant look past Randy Orton at the moment. He's got the fire in his belly and I think he's got what it takes to derail the HHH return party comfortably. Flair: I know Hunter better than most. Ive kept in touch with him whilst he's been away and he's never completely took his eye off the WWE. He's got a lot to prove and I think he will show why he's still the game. I see Edge and Hunter progressing to the final. [CENTER] [U][B][SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]NEXT WEEKS RAW[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] Confirmed for next weeks RAW are the semi final matches in the contenders tournament, as well as tag team champions Eduardo and Orlando taking on Jay Lethal and CM Punk and Cody Rhodes vs Irish Curse SOS after the events of last weeks main event. Also scheduled is a tag match between Kofi Kingston and Chris Harris against the team of Matt Hardy and Shad "The Beast" Gaspard. All these four men lost their first round matches in the contenders tournament so will be desperate not to lose more ground. Thats all for this week folks. Thanks for watching and be sure to tune into RAW live on monday night and I'll be here same time next week for another edition of The JR Show! Boomer Sooners! KEY Cody Rhodes vs SOS Triple H vs Randy Orton Mr Kennedy vs Edge Kingston and Harris vs Hardy and Shad The Colon Brothers vs CM Punk and Jay Lethal
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Mike Goldberg: Over 10,000 fans are in attendance here in our nation’s capital Washington D.C. for what promises to be another explosive episode of Monday Night RAW! I’m joined as always by New York’s favourite adopted son John Bradshaw Layfield who was responsible for making the draw for the semi final matches on The JR Show this past Thursday. JBL: That’s right Mike and what a draw it is. Tonight we’ve got front row seats for two main event calibre matches as Edge takes on Mr Kennedy and The Game HHH meets somebody he knows only too well, The Legend in His Lifetime, Randy Orton. [/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]HHH comes to the ring[/COLOR][/CENTER] Man is it good to be back home! Crowd pops Being away from the ring all this time makes me feel like I’ve lost a part of myself. This canvas is an extension of my body, you fans are an extension of my voice, and this sledgehammer is an extension of..... well, you can use your imagination for that one. The point is that this is where I truly belong. And if you’re listening SOS, thanks for keeping the title warm for me, but it belongs around my waist. Everybody I’ve asked about you says you’re the toughest champ they’ve faced since....well, me. Around these parts though, you’re not a true champion until you can say that you went one on one with The Game and came out victorious. But I guess I’m getting ahead of myself because tonight I’ve got to beat Randy Orton. The last time I was here you were a Legend Killer, picking the bones of those who dined on their past. Now I see your the legend in your own lifetime, and remind me, how many championships have you won since I’ve been away? None. You’ve become what you fought to banish Randy, and it’s about time somebody killed you. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"] Randy comes to the Ramp.[/COLOR][/CENTER] I’ve missed you Hunter. I’ve missed the way you distort the facts to your own end. The truth is I beat everyone there was to beat. The undertaker is retired because of me. John Cena can hardly walk because I put him out for good. Shawn Micheals? I did what nobody else could and permanently wiped the smile off his face. Which brings us to the man in the ring that I beat to within an inch of his life in a Hell in a Cell match three years ago in a Loser Leave WWE match. You want to talk about legends? I destroyed them all. And when there were no legends left to kill, I created my own. I’m not you Hunter. Your motivation has always been titles at the expense of everything else. My motivation was to reshape the company in my own image, and when the time was right, ascend to my rightful place as its champion. That time is now. Stand in my way at your peril. [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Strong words there from both men John. This one got personal in a hurry. JBL: Those two men know each other inside out. They’ve been a tag team, running buddies, sparring partners, opponents and bitter enemies. Personal is the only way they know how to be.[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER ONE CM PUNK AND JAY LETHAL VS THE COLON BROTHERS[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CMPUNK6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAYLETHAL2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CARLITO4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDDIECOLON2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Punk and Eduardo to start. They lock up and punk applies a headlock. Eduardo whips him against the ropes to break the hold and shoulder blocks Punk down. Punk back up and they start with the lock up again. This time Eduardo goes for the headlock but Punk counters with a go behind. Stiff elbows to the face of punk and Eduardo reverses with a go behind of his own. Punk swings and misses, allowing Eduardo to hit the bridging German suplex for a 1 count. Eduardo tags in Orlando. Orlando hits a double axe handle off the second rope to the arm of CM Punk. He folds the arm behind Punks back and hits a hard back suplex for a two count. Orlando twists Punks arm and tags in Eduardo who continues to work the arm. Eduardo whips Punk into the corner. He places the injured arm of Punk over the top rope and leaps over whilst holding on. Back in the ring, Eduardo locks in a cross face! Punk is clearly struggling and nearly taps but he won’t give in. He makes the ropes! Eduardo drags him back to the centre and tries to reapply the hold but Punk rolls through and counters to an Ankle Lock! Eduardo somehow manages to get to his feet and hits an Inziguri! Both men are down and struggling to their corner for a tag. Eduardo tags to Orlando and....YES! Punk gets the red hot tag to Lethal. Dropkick to Orlando! Dropsault to Eduardo! Delayed dropkick to Orlando! Eduardo charges but Lethal see’s it and gets a high back body drop. Lethal to the top rope and he drops the elbow on Orlando! 1...2....NO! It’s broken up by Eduardo. Punk rushes the ring and sends Eduardo and himself over the top rope! Lethal sets up for the Lethal Kick....And he hits it! Lethal covers. 1...2...3! Lethal gets the pinfall victory at 10:06 [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: What an impressive victory for Punk and Lethal! These two really seem to have great chemistry out there. JBL: What’s more impressive is that they just beat the reigning tag champions. The Colon Brothers are no slouches in the ring. Goldberg: Lucky for them this match was non title, but you got to believe that Lethal and Punk just earned themselves a title shot somewhere down the line.[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] SOS: So tonight I have to go one on one with Cody Rhodes because one of his little buddies got lucky last week? Only in America! In Ireland we have to earn every last bit of success the hard way. Through hard graft and determination. It seems that over here anybody can get what they want as long as they’re in the right place at the right time. You elected a bloody golfer to run the country for Christ’s sake! Crowd Boo Washington DC, home of democracy, and you still chuffing boo me. What happened to free speech, or is President Woods banning that too? I’m actually glad I’m facing you Cody. I need a warm up match before I face a real wrestler at Unforgiven anyway. Your team got lucky last week, but the thing with luck is that it always runs out when it comes face to face with an Irish Curse. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"] MATCH NUMBER TWO FIVE STAR SUPERSTAR EDGE VS MR KEN KENNEDY[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDGE6.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Handshake to start. Both men circle. Kennedy ducks a wild punch and gets three right hands of his own. Kennedy taunts Edge and shouts KENNEDY! Edge shakes it off and whips Kennedy against the ropes. Kennedy ducks a clothesline but gets hit with a hard back elbow on the rebound. Edge takes control of the matchup with a spinning heel kick to Kennedy. The big boot misses and Kennedy gets a roll up for 2. Kennedy whips Edge to the corner and beats him to a sitting position. He steps back and hits the facewash! He puts edge on his shoulders and goes up top for a Green Bay Plunge but Edge struggles out and pushes Kennedy off the rope. Kennedy to his feet but Edge hits him with a diving cross body off the top rope for a two count. Both men are up and exchanging hard right hands. Edge gets the upper hand and goes for a side Russian legsweep. Kennedy anticipates it and reverses to the Mic Check! 1..2...3! Kennedy wins at 12:31! [COLOR="Sienna"][CENTER][B]WINNER MR KEN KENNEDY[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] Both men get to their feet. They stare each other down...before shaking hands and raising each others hands. [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: A great victory for Mr Kennedy see's him advance to the finals of the Contenders Tournament! JBL: Kennedy is really coming up on the rails of this tournament. Goldberg: Do you see him as a winner? JBL: Hard to say Goldberg. Im not sure he has the killer instinct to win the big matches.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]In the back, A triumphant Kennedy bumps into SOS[/COLOR] [CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/CENTER] Kennedy: One step closer, champ, one step closer.... SOS: Your going to have to bring more than that to beat me ya pansy! Whats the deal with shaking the mans hand after yer beat him? Kennedy: Dont worry Champ! If you dont like it, I wont shake your hand...after I beat you. SOS:Tough words Mr. Bring on all you've got! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"] MATCH NUMBER THREE CELTIC WARRIOR SHEAMUS O SHAUNESSY VS THOROUGHBRED CODY RHODES[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] SOS and Cody meet in the center of the ring and trade insults. Cody Pushes SOS. SOS returns the favour and sends Cody flying across the ring! SOS picks Cody up and knee's him in the mid section several times and throws Cody over his knee. He slaps on a chinlock. Cody claps to try and get the crowd back into the match. Cody back to his feet, breaks the hold, runs the ropes, and runs straight into a big boot for a 2 count. Both men are up. Cody uses his quickness to duck the offence from SOS. Dropkick to the knee takes SOS down to his knee's. Cody runs the ropes again and hits a dropkick to the head for a count of 2! Cody hits the bionic elbow on SOS! 1...2...NO SOS kicks out. Cody looks for a bulldog but SOS pushes him off. SOS back in control now. CELTIC WAR SWORD! Cody looks out of it! SOS waits for Cody to get to his feet and delivers THE FIERY RED HAND! 1...2...3! SOS Picks up the win in 10.51! [COLOR="Red"] Goldberg: Cody put up a hell of a fight but nobody kicks out of the Fiery Red Hand. JBL: Its the champs signature move for a reason Mike. What an impressive display of strength, athleticism and resiliance from The Celtic Warrior. What he's just done to our intercontinental champion sends a clear message to the remaining competitors in the Contenders Tournament. Goldberg: Hey wait a minute, whats he doing out here?![/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"]Kofi Kingston slides into the ring as Cody slowly makes his way to his feet. TROUBLE IN PARADISE![/COLOR] Kingston: Irie!? I hear all the labrish dat you is the big bway around here. Mr Intercontinental champion? Mr Big time? I bowed ova wid laff an fawl dung out of mi bed! Its nothing but a pantomime, a pappy-show! Yuh inna big chobble Cody Rhodes. De tropical storm is blowin bway! [COLOR="Red"]JBL: I dont know what that boy just said but I like his style! Goldberg: How can you condone attacking somebody like that after they just had the fight of their life against SOS? JBL: Its all about making your intentions known Mike, and I guess Kofi intends to take Cody's Intercontinental title. [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KEVINTHORN2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]Kevin Thorne comes to the ring with a microphone in hand[/COLOR][/CENTER] All week long people have been asking me what the hell happened on RAW. The truth is...I dont know. The lights went out and I felt a presence take hold of me and my body ran cold. In the darkness i couldnt see what it was, but I did see one thing. The eyes.... The eyes that have haunted my dreams for the last week. They...they didnt look human....they were animalistic. I have waited all week for a second encounter. And now here I am, calling you out. REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME!! [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]The lights go out once more. The titantron flickers into action and we see the cold dark eyes. A distorted voiceover begins[/COLOR][/CENTER] Kevin Thorne. I have walked around inside your future. I have eaten, drank and slept your past. Heed these words. The creature is waking from its hibernation and its eyes are fixed on you. I only offer you up as a sacrifice so that the sins of others may be absolved through you. Fear not, your pain, though intense will be swift. When will it happen? Only the wild one knows. Make peace with your demons Kevin Thorne, and you will be lead to a better place. [COLOR="Silver"]Thorne stares at the screen in disbelief. If he is any the wiser it is not clear from the look on his face. He drops the microphone and slowly heads to the back.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: I've seen some bizarre sights in my time here in the WWE but that has to top them all John. I can't get my head around what we've just seen! JBL: If I was Kevin Thorne right now I'd tell my driver to hightail the Limo out of here! Did you see those eyes?? No wonder Thorne has been creeped out all week![/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"] [B]MATCH NUMBER FOUR KOFI "TROPICAL STORM" KINGSTON AND CHRIS HARRIS VS MATTHEW HARDY AND SHAD "THE BEAST" GASPARD[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CHRISHARRIS1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTHARDY6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHAD1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match begins and Cody Rhodes makes his way down to ringside. Kingston gets in his face but Cody gives as good as he gets. Hardy and Shad take control of the distracted Kingston, but Kingston comes back with the trademark kicks that have made him famous. Kingston runs the ropes but Cody grabs his leg on the outside. Kingston turns to admonish Cody and Matt rolls him up for the the pin at 3.12! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]WINNERS MATTHEW HARDY AND SHAD "THE BEAST" GASPARD[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Silver"] Kingston cant believe what has happened! He flies over the top rope at Cody and the two brawl all the way around ringside. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Gentlemen stop that right now or both of you will be suspended! [COLOR="Silver"][CENTER]They carry on brawling.[/CENTER][/COLOR] WITHOUT PAY!! [CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"]They stop and look towards the GM[/COLOR][/CENTER] Thats better! Now I dont know where all this pratting around came from but I know where its going to end! At Unforgiven in two weeks time, Cody Rhodes will defend his Intercontinental championship against Kofi Kingston. There will be no rematch clause, this is a one time thing gentlemen, so make sure you get all this out of your system. And If I catch you up to no good before then, the match is off, and you will be both suspended...without pay! [COLOR="Red"]Mike Goldberg: Up next ladies and gentleman, our main event of the evening, the second of our semi final matchups. The returning HHH up against his biggest nemesis Randy Orton. Lets take a look at the storried feud this two have had over the years[/COLOR] [CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"]A Video is shown hyping HHH vs Randy Orton[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Sienna"][CENTER]MATCH NUMBER FIVE THE CEREBRAL ASSASSIN HHH VS THE LEGEND IN HIS LIFETIME RANDY ORTON[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The crowd is on its feet in anticipation for this match. Huge Triple H chants fill the arena. They lock up and Randy wins the first push off to unanimous boo's. HHH applauds and gets back to his feet. They lock up again and this time HHH gains the advantage, shoving Randy all the way to the turnbuckle. The ref calls for a clean break, and HHH slowly backs away....but Randy pokes the eyes! Orton now with the upper hand. European style uppercuts send HHH reeling back to the ropes and he gets tied up. Orton senses he has Hunter where he wants him and makes sure to make every blow count. The ref finally gets HHH free and admonishes Randy. Hunter falls to the outside and Randy follows him. He tries to smash Hunter headfirst into the ring steps but Hunter counters and sends Randy crashing into the ring post. The refs count is upto seven, so Hunter tosses Randy back in. Hunter makes his way into the ring but Randy catches him off guard and hits a DDT with Hunters feet on the second rope! Hunter kicks out at two! Randy locks a leg scissors on Hunter. [COLOR="Red"]JBL: This is where we see just what shape Hunter is in. Randy knows what he's doing, cutting off the airflow and making it harder and harder for Hunter to breath and get any kind of momentum in this matchup.[/COLOR] HHH starts to move towards the ropes. He gets one arm on the bottom rope. The ref gets to four and Randy finally breaks the hold. Randy picks up The Game and whips him against the ropes. Hunter ducks a clothesline and gets a high knee strike on Randy! HHH looks to take control with a falling neck breaker. Orton off the ropes, AA SPINE BUSTER!! Hunter hulks up and signals for The Pedigree. He kicks Randy and sets it up....but Randy gets the low blow on HHH! The ref didnt see it!! RKO!!! 1...2....3! ORTON WINS! Orton gets the dubious pinfall victory at 18.21!! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"] WINNER: RANDY ORTON[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: HHH had that match won dammit! Orton knew he was beat and had to resort to the dirtiest trick in the game! JBL: Randy Orton should be commended not admonished! Orton did what he had to do to win Mike, and if the ref never saw it, it never happened. And now he moves even closer to the prize at the end of the road, a shot at the Unified Championship![/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JIMROSS1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"][B][CENTER]THE JR SHOW[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] Welcome back to another edition of The JR Show. As always, I am your host good old JR bringing you all the latest news and views from the WWE [B] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]HARD NEWS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Another action packed edition of Raw this week saw Randy Orton and Ken Kennedy progress to the final of The Contenders Tournament. We also saw some disturbing footage involving Kevin Thorne and an unknown "presence" that seems to be stalking him. To talk about this and other news, I’m joined today by Head Booker of RAW, Mr Freddie James Prinze. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/Freddie.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hi JR, great to be here! JR: Before we begin Freddie, could you shed a little light on what exactly your role is here in the WWE Prinze: Sure, basically it’s my responsibility to make sure we put on the best shows possible. Whether that be making matches that the fans want to see, scheduling interview time for superstars or coming up with fresh and exciting concepts such as match types and new wrestlers. JR: But isn’t that Mr Regals job? Prinze: Actually me and Mr Regal work together very closely. He is much closer to the Superstars through the week so he knows more about which wrestlers have good chemistry, who doesn’t get on with whom, and who’s most deserving of big matches. We get together at least two or three times a week to discuss what’s going to happen on RAW. And of course, RAW is a 100% live and unpredictable show so we need a strong authority figure presence. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control, for example, two weeks ago Kevin Thorne was scheduled to compete in the Contenders Tournament but we all saw what happened there. William Regal didn’t panic and turned it into a positive, bringing back to the ring HHH! JR: Now you were hired five years ago by Vince McMahon as a consultant on the now defunct Smackdown. A lot has changed since then. Prinze: I’m glad you brought that up JR. The McMahon family have really supported me to help me get to the position I'm in now. I was just a fan five years ago, but I guess Vince saw something in me he liked on my Fan Nation blogs. That was always Vince's strong point, seeing potential in people that perhaps they didn’t even know they had. I try to follow that blueprint for success that he laid down. He was a great man. JR: Indeed he was... If I can move forward now to recent happenings on RAW, are you pleased with the last few shows? Prinze: Absolutely. As you've mentioned, Randy Orton will face Ken Kennedy in the final of the Contenders Tournament this week. The Tournament has already thrown up some excellent matches and this one will be no different. I really like the tandem of CM Punk and Jay Lethal, and as reported on WWE.COM last night we feel they have earned a title shot at The Colon Brothers, and they will get it at Unforgiven. JR: What do you make of the situation regarding Kofi Kingston and Cody Rhodes? Prinze: This is another example of where Mr Regals input is invaluable. He took a volatile situation and turned it on its head and now we have a stellar contest for the intercontinental title ant Unforgiven. Let’s not forget that Kofi is a former World champion himself who brings a lot to the table if he can stay focussed. JR: Finally, events took another bizarre turn when Kevin Thorne made his way to the ring on Monday. How is Kevin taking all this and will he be on RAW this week? Prinze: Kevin is physically fine and able to compete. Mentally? I’m not so sure. He assures me and Mr Regal that he has no idea who or what this presence is. We have issued 24 hour security for Kevin, against his wishes I might add, and he is determined to be at RAW this Monday night. You know Kevin as well as I do JR and you know he's not one to back down from any challenge. JR: Thanks for your time Freddie. Prinze: Thank you [CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]RAW PREVIEW[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Already confirmed for RAW this Monday night is the final of the Contenders Tournament as Legend in his Lifetime Randy Orton goes toe to toe with the charismatic Ken Kennedy. Kennedy is on a major roll lately and will be looking to continue the trend. Randy meanwhile had to resort to a low blow to pick up the win against The Game. Also in action, CM Punk and Jay Lethal will have another chance to work on their tag team chemistry before their tag title shot at Unforgiven. They will be taking on the formidable duo of Matt Striker and The Miz. Also scheduled for singles competition, Kofi Kingston will face Matt Hardy and Cody Rhodes will take on Elijah Burke as both men prepare for their Intercontinental title showdown. As we just heard, Kevin Thorne is set to make another appearance despite recent events. Will the mysterious presence make itself know once more? Triple H will be in attendance along with Unified World Champion Celtic Warrior Sheamus O Shaunessy who will both be looking to make their mark. That’s all for this week. Thanks again to my special guest Freddie James Prinze. I'll see you all again next week for another edition of The JR Show! BOOMER SOONERS!
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It would be interesting to hear whether people think that The JR Show is worth carrying on with? The idea is to give characters more time to develop and to help progress storylines and shape the games world. Im not sure if its working though so I wonder if people think it should continue or whether theres any changes people can suggest? Thanks in advance
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]SOS is in the ring[/COLOR][/CENTER] All week long I’ve had to put up wid people asking me who I want to face at Unforgiven, Randy Orton or Ken Kennedy and its making me sick to me back teeth. When are you eejiots gonna get it into your thick skulls that I don’t give a rats arse who they put me up against? Lets make it perfectly clear that there’s a reason why Ive held this glorious slice of gold for over nine months. I know everybody on this roster better than they know themselves. I know their strengths, their weaknesses, their training regimes, their diets, everything. A true Celtic warrior leaves nothing up to chance. So Ken Kennedy, Randy Orton, Triple H, Edge, Cody Rhodes, or anybody else back there in that locker room, it really doesn’t matter which one of you is lucky enough to face me, because luck always runs out when it comes face to face....with The Irish Curse. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]Out comes Regal[/COLOR][/CENTER] What a marvellous speech that was Mr Shaunessy! It really is inspiring to hear such strong words from a champion. As you know you weren’t scheduled to compete tonight, but after what you just said I feel compelled to put your theory to the test. Tonight, your going to face an opponent that you have never faced before. Im not going to tell you who it is just yet, in fact the first you or anyone else will know about it is when his music starts before the match. SOS: Wait a minute Regal did I piss in your chips or something? You’ve had a problem wid me for ages! Regal: Calm down Sonny Jim! Believe me you’d bloody know about it if I had a problem with you. Two weeks ago you came out here and complained you didnt have a match, now your complaining when I give you one? The only reason I push you is because as champion, you represent this company, and you represent my show. I need you to be the best you can be, and if that means upsetting the applecart now and again, so be it. Oh and your match tonight....its next. [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: I cant think of too many superstars on the roster that Sheamus hasn’t faced and defeated JBL. Who do you think it could be?? JBL: I don’t care! This is despicable Mike! SOS isn’t even dressed to compete! Its an outrage that Mr Regal continues to abuse his power this way. Goldberg: SOS said himself he doesn’t need time to prepare and now he gets to prove it.[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/HOMICIDE2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"] Out comes Homicide![/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Whoa, things just got interesting in a hurry! Homicide is one tough individual, and a pinfall over the champ would do his fledgling career here in the WWE a world of good.[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER ONE CELTIC WARRIOR SHEAMUS O SHAUNESSY VS HOMICIDE [/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/HOMICIDE2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] SOS looks apprehensive to start, but quickly composes himself. Collar and elbow tie up which SOS gets the better of. He sends Homicide into the corner and charges him with a clothesline. Homicide back up and SOS goes for a suplex but homicide blocks and counters into a release suplex of his own. SOS is more shocked by it than hurt. He gets up and charges but Homicide catches him again with another suplex. SOS slowly back to his feet and decides to change his game plan. Hard right hand is blocked and Homicide gets in some vicious chops as the crowd WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SOS returns the favour with some knife edge chops of his own. SOS begins to gain the advantage, pummelling Homicide with hard right hands sending him back into the corner. Shoulder blocks in the corner by SOS. He takes Homicide up top and gets a huge superplex. SOS signals for the Celtic war sword...but Homicide ducks and hits a sweet superkick. T-BONE SUPLEX! Homicide goes for the cover, 1...2...NO Kickout at 2. Homicide goes up top looking for a frogsplash but SOS get his knees in the way! He sets up for the Fiery Red Hand...and hits it! 1....2...3! SOS wins at 9.36 [CENTER][B] [COLOR="Sienna"]WINNER SOS[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/HERNANDEZ2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] SOS celebrates and leaves. Hernandez comes to the ring to help his partner. They make their way to the back and are confronted by Ron Killings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RONKILLINGS2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Killings: Nice try Homicide, but I think its about time you faced the truth. Why don’t you stick to tag team matches in future so you can hide behind your boy Hernandez. Homicide: You know what Ron? Maybe your right. Regal gave us a tag match against whoever we want at Unforgiven, so why don’t you find yourself a partner and me and “my boy “ Hernandez can kick the crap out of you! Killings: Yeah, I like the way that sounds, “essa”. In fact, I already got me a tag team partner. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHAD1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]They turn around to see Shad “The beast” Gaspard[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CENSORSTEVEN1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steven Richards: Backstage reporter Steven Richards here and joining me is Contenders Tournament finalist Legend in His Own Lifetime Randy Orton. How does it feel to be this close to winning a Unified World title shot at Unforgiven? [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Randy Orton: I don’t feel any different tonight than any other night. I’ve made it clear in the past that my career will not be judged on the number of titles I’ve won but on the path of destruction I leave in my wake. If this leads me to kicking the crap out of Ken Kennedy tonight, so be it. If that leads me to destroying SOS at Unforgiven then bring it on. As for you Triple H, I’ve ran you out of the WWE once already and if you’ve any sense you wont be back after the beating I gave you last week. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] HHH: Please, carry on Randy, don’t let me stop you. I know how much you love the sound of your own voice. Orton: Im surprised you can even stand up let alone walk. HHH: Dont give me that crap, you know you only beat me because you cheated. So much for your path of destruction, Legend. I came back after three years away and I could still outwrestle you. Orton: You can wrestle HHH, I’m not denying that, but you can never, EVER, outfight me. I’ll always be better than you because I can take it to the next level. I’m more ruthless than you ever where Hunter. HHH: You want to talk about ruthlessness? I’m right here Orton. Take your shot. Randy shoots him a **** eating grin and walks off screen. Hunter turns his back and Randy SMASHES him with a steel chair leaving him down and out. [COLOR="Red"] Goldberg: What a vicious attack from Randy Orton. That was uncalled for to say the least. JBL: Hey, HHH gave him the opening to attack and Randy took it. Hell, ten years ago Hunter would have done exactly the same thing.[/COLOR] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"] MATCH NUMBER TWO THE THOROUGHBRED CODY RHODES VS EXPRESS TO SUCCESS ELIJAH BURKE WITH HIS MANAGER EDWARD LONG[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ELIJAHBURKE1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/THEODORELONG1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/CENTER][/CENTER] Elijah runs his mouth to Cody and slaps him in the face. Cody smirks and backs off, before unloading on Elijah with rights and lefts. Elijah uses his boxing training to try and cover up but Cody keeps punching forcing Elijah to hightail it out of the ring. Long consoles Elijah and gives him advice on the outside. Elijah back in. He ducks another wild swing by Cody and beats Cody down to the mat. Elijah gets a powerslam and follows up with a top rope fist to the face for a 2 count. Elijah goes up top again but Cody gets to his feet and crotches him on the top rope. Cody gets Elijah in the tree of woe and connects with a delayed drop kick to the face! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kofi Kingston comes out to the ramp to get a better view of the action. Cody turns and see’s Kingston. [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: These two better be careful, if they lay hands on each other then both men will be suspended without pay. [/COLOR] He talks smack to Kofi and turns around...right into The Haymaker! Elijah covers for 2! He cant believe it! He sets Cody up in the corner and charges in for The Elijah Express, but Cody moves out of the way! DDT to Elijah! 1...2...3! Cody Rhodes wins at 8. 56 Kofi Kingston applauds him on the ramp. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]Out comes Ken Kennedy[/COLOR][/CENTER] Kennedy: Hello New York City!! Tonight, in THE MAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN EVENT OF THE EVENING, you will witness Mr Charisma himself, the most searched for person on the internet, The man who gets your girls panties wet, he’s sexier than Shawn and better than Bret, and as the song goes, you aint seen nothing yet. His friends call him Ken, but you can call him MISSSSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH....you know the rest. He will be facing off against a very talented athlete, The Legend In His Own Living room, The Crowd Killer, Master of the RK-Oh my god will you please give the headlocks a rest? His friends call him.....who am I kidding, he doesn’t have friends! Randy Orton! For those keeping score at home, this one is for a shot at The Unified World Title at Unforgiven. SOS, you’ve held that belt for nine long and painful months! I’ve seen you beat challenger after challenger after challenger, but you haven’t beat Randy Orton and you sure as hell haven’t beat me! You say that you know everything about me? You only know what you’ve seen. When I beat Randy Orton tonight, you better start preparing for the unexpected. [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER THREE STRAIGHT EDGE CM PUNK AND JAY LETHAL VS THE AFTER SCHOOL SPECIALS MATT STRIKER AND THE MIZ (COLON BROTHERS INTERFERENCE) [/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CMPUNK6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAYLETHAL2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTSTRIKER4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MIKETHEMIZ1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lethal and The Miz start off. Lethal is his usual house of fire and hits Miz with a huge crossbody sending him to the outside. Mizz and Striker threaten to leave but Punk and Lethal throw them back into the ring. Miz Attacks Lethal as he makes his way back to the ring and points to his head showing just how smart he is. Miz tags out to Striker who continues the offence. Striker hits a swinging neckbreaker and locks in a headlock. Lethal works up to his vertical base and elbows Striker to the midsection. Off the ropes and Lethal hits a swinging DDT! Both men are down, but Lethal is first to his feet and gets the hot tag to Punk. Punk cleans house taking out both Striker and Miz. He whips Miz into the corner and hits the charging high knee strike into a bulldog. Striker charges punk but Punk takes him out with a spinning wheel kick. Punk signals for the Go To Sleep...and nails it! Punk covers for the 1...2...3! Punk wins at 6.23 [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]WINNERS: STRAIGHT EDGE CM PUNK AND JAY LETHAL[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Another impressive display from the duo of Lethal and Punk! They really are rolling into Unforgiven with all the momentum in the world. JBL: Agreed Mike, but The Colon Brothers will pull out all the stops to remain champions.We all know never go in against a Puerto Rican when tag team gold is on the line! Goldberg:Next up, in what has quickly escalated to one of the most bizarre and disturbing incidents we've ever seen on RAW, I will be conducting an in ring interview with Kevin Thorne. First lets take you back to two weeks ago and see how this all started.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]Video is played showing the Thorne bloodbath and the cryptic message of last week.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KEVINTHORN2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]Kevin Thorne and Mike Goldberg are in the ring, flanked by security all around the outside of the ring.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Goldberg: Kevin, first things first, have you had any more contact with this mysterious presence? Thorne: Every time I close my eyes I see it waiting for me..... Goldberg: But physically you havnt been confronted? Thorne: Physically, mentally, its all the same.... Goldberg: Have you any idea who or what could be behind all this? Thorne: It could be anybody.... Goldberg: I..Im sensing your not exactly focussed right now Kevin and I can't say I blame you, but could you possibly be a bit more specific? The fans want to know whats going on. Thorne.......................... Goldberg: Kevin? [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDGE6.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]Edge makes his way to the ramp and slowly walks down towards the ring with microphone in hand[/COLOR][/CENTER] Kevin? Are you OK buddy? I know what you must be going through but if you know anything at all you need to tell us. People want to help you, Thorne, poeple like me! Its not healthy to keep it all inside man, let it out. Let it all out. [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]Thorne turns to Edge.....and starts to beat the hell out of him! Thorne kicks Edge in the mid section and hits him with the Crucifix Powerbomb! Edge is out cold, and Thorne storms backstage followed by security[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]JBL: Thorne looked like a man possessed! It serves Edge right for sticking his nose where it doesnt belong. What did he expect?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Silver"][CENTER]Mike Goldberg rejoins the announce table[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Kevin Thorne is a troubled man, I dont think he fully realised what he was doing in the ring. Maybe he thought Edge was behind it all?[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"] Mr Regal is in his office when in bursts...[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KEVINTHORN2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Thorne: Regal! I dont care who its against, but I need a match tonight! I need to make somebody feel my pain! Regal: Im sorry Mr Thorne but thats not possible tonight. I'll tell you what though, at Unforgiven, you can dish out all the punishment you want against the man you just attacked, Edge! But mark my words, if you ever pull another stunt like that I wont be so forgiving! [COLOR="Silver"][CENTER]Thorne leaves looking frustrated[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Say what you will about what just went down, but thats sure to be a hell of a match at Unforgiven![/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][B]MATCH NUMBER FOUR MATTHEW HARDY VS KOFI "TROPICAL STORM" KINGSTON[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTHARDY6.jpg[/IMG]vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Matthew offers the handshake which is refused by Kingston. They lock up and Matt takes control with a headlock. Kingston works his way out and whips Hardy into the ropes. He gets a huge leap over Hardy and hits him with a monkeyflip on the rebound. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Silver"]Out comes Cody Rhodes with his intercontinental title in hand.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]JBL: What's that punk Rhodes doing? He has no business being out here! GOldberg: Turnabout is fair play, John! Rhodes is out here to scout his opponent at Unforgiven, just like Kofi did earlier![/COLOR] Kofi doesnt see Rhodes so continues on offence. Kingston charges Hardy into the corner and gets a corner springboard into the mounted punches. He gets upto 7 and hardy blocks. He keeps hold of Kingston and adjusts his body into a side effect from the top rope! Matthew is too groggy to go for the pin straight away but finaly covers. 1....2....NO! Kingston kicks out at the last second. Matthew goes back up for the second rope legdrop....but misses! Kingston and Hardy battle back to their feet. They exchange stiff kicks. Hardy catches Kingstons leg, but Kingston hits him with an Enzuigiri! Kingston covers for 2 but he thinks it should have been 3! He admonishes the ref but then he see's Cody on the ramp. Kingston leaves the ring and heads towards Rhodes. Rhodes encourages him to take the first shot, and Kingston looks to level him, before realising that he will lose his shot at the intercontintal title. The referee meanwhile is counting Kingston out of the ring and is upto 7! Cody points towards the ring and Kofi realises what is happening. He rushes to try and make it before the ten count but cant make it in time! Matthew Hardy wins via count out at 7.21! [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][B]WINNER: MATTHEW HARDY[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Kingston just got outsmarted by the Intercontinetal champion! JBL: What a lowlife Cody Rhodes is! I can't wait for Kingston to be able to get his hands on him! Goldberg: Kingston should never have left the ring in the first place John, thats what you get for being hotheaded. Now ladies and gentlemen, we turn our attention to tonights main event, and it doesnt get much bigger than this. Mr Ken Kennedy will face off against Randy Orton with a shot at the Unfied World Title on the line. Lets take a look at how both men got to this point. [/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]A video is shown recapping The Contenders Tournament[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER FIVE LEGEND IN HIS OWN LIFETIME RANDY ORTON VS MR CHARISMA KEN KENNEDY[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lillian Garcia announces both men when they are in the ring for the super special main event introductions. Both men are tentative to start. They lock up twice but nobody gets a clear advantage. They back off and circle the ring. Kennedy tries to get the crowd involved by clapping and they lock up again. This time Kennedy takes control and back Orton into the corner. The ref calls for a clean break and they do. Then Orton slaps Kennedy in the face! Kennedy snaps and unleashes with wicked punches in the corner causing the ref to step in once more and break it up! Kennedy signals for Orton to get up, he charges into the corner for the facewash but Orton moves in time and Kennedy goes crashing into the turnbuckle! Orton gets to his feet and takes control with a wheelbarrow suplex. He whips kennedy into the ropes and floors him with a textbook dropkick. Orton seems in total control now. Inverted headlock backbreaker by Orton gets a count of 2! Orton reapplies the headlock grounding Kennedy. The crowd clap and chant for Kennedy to get up and Kennedy starts to stir. He works his way upto his knee's punches to the gut of Orton wont break the hold, so Kennedy whips him into the ropes...but Orton gets Kennedy in a sleeper! Kennedy looks to be out of it. The ref raises Kennedy's hand... and it falls to his side. He raises it again and again it falls. The ref raises Kennedy's hand a third time....and Kennedy keeps it up! Elbows to Orton send him reeling! Kennedy throws everything he has into his punches! Mr Kennedy hits a side slam backbreaker for a 2 count! He whips Orton into the corner but Orton counters into a whip of his own. The ref is in the way, but Kennedy stops before he hits him. Orton tries to boot Kennedy in the face but Kennedy moves and Orton levels the ref! The ref is out so Orton goes to the outside and finds a chair under the ring. Orton raises the chair high above his head as Kennedy makes his way to his feet. Orton swings and misses! Kennedy kicks Orton who drops the chair, Kennedy looks for a Mic Check, but Orton counters into the RKO on the chair! Orton goes for the cover but the referee is still down. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A battered and bloody HHH makes his way down to the ring! [COLOR="Red"]JBL: What in the blue hell is Hunter doing out here! Can't we see one fair match tonight? Goldberg: Orton was the one who introduced the chair to this matchup! [/COLOR] Hunter hits Orton and sets him up for the pedigree! Kennedy grabs hold of Hunters leg to stop him. Kennedy says: "Not this way!!" To Hunter. Kennedy makes his way to his feet and nails Orton with the MIC CHECK! HHH revives the referee who makes the count. 1...2...3! Kennedy wins at 19.45!! [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][B]WINNER MR CHARISMA KEN KENNEDY[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: Ken Kennedy is going to Unforgiven as the number one contender! What a moment for this amazing athelete! JBL: Kennedy needed all the help he could get Mike! This wasnt supposed to be a handicap match! Goldberg: Did you see what I just saw John? Kennedy begged Hunter NOT to help! He wanted to win this match his way, with his move. Now only SOS stands in his way! JBL: ONLY SOS? Thats a pretty big only! SOS is undefeated in singles competition since winning the title more than 9 months ago. [COLOR="Silver"][CENTER]Hunter and Kennedy are celebrating in the ring.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/CENTER] SOS charges down to the ring and attacks Kennedy! He lays him out with the Celtic Warsword! HHH retaliates and trades blows with SOS! Hunter gets the better of the exchange and sets SOS up for a pedigree! Orton makes his way back into the ring in time and levels HHH! Orton RKO's HHH and Orton and SOS stand tall in the ring. [COLOR="Red"]Goldberg: What a vicious attack from those two men! I hope they are proud of themselves. JBL: Im sure they are Mike! Orton and SOS just showed why they should be headlining Unforgiven against each other. They are the most superior atheletes on RAW! Goldberg: With Unforgiven less than a week away, Kennedy wont have long to wait to show why he deserves to be number one contender. What a main event![/COLOR]
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Updated card for Unforgiven UNIFIED WORLD TITLE MATCH Celtic Warrior SOS vs Mr Charisma Ken Kennedy INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH The Thoroughbred Cody Rhodes vs Kofi "Tropical Storm" Kingston TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Straight Edge CM Punk/ Jay Lethal vs The Colon Brothers Eduardo and Orlando Kevin Thorne vs Edge Homicide and Hernandez vs Ron Killings and Shad "The Beast" Gaspard
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Unforgiven will be up either later tonight or early tomorrow so get your predictions in now! Card for Unforgiven UNIFIED WORLD TITLE MATCH Celtic Warrior SOS vs Mr Charisma Ken Kennedy INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH The Thoroughbred Cody Rhodes vs Kofi "Tropical Storm" Kingston TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Straight Edge CM Punk/ Jay Lethal vs The Colon Brothers Eduardo and Orlando Kevin Thorne vs Edge Homicide and Hernandez vs Ron Killings and Shad "The Beast" Gaspard Mistico vs Elijah Burke added on WWE.com
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  • 4 weeks later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/brand.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]MIKE GOLDBERG: Welcome one and all to the WWE PPV spectacular that is Unforgiven! Tonight three titles are on the line and a host of other top calibre matches are in store! What do you think is going to steal the show tonight partner? JBL: Whoa there who are you calling partner Goldberg?! I think any one of tonight’s fights has match of the year potential. Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston always bring the goods and with the intercontinental title on the line this one could be epic. Saying that, how can you look past Ken Kennedy vs SOS for the Unified World Title? GOLDBERG: Well we are just moments away from the match that I personally am most looking forward to seeing. As anybody who has visited WWE.COM this past week will know, The WWE has signed one of the most decorated athletes in Mexican Wrestling history, the one and only Mistico! He will make his WWE and PPV debut next against Elijah Burke. JBL: What an exciting talent this guy is. I’ve had the opportunity to see him live a couple times in the last few years and he is nothing short of phenomenal. That being said, Burke is no slouch in the ring, and is more than capable of derailing the welcome wagon GOLDBERG: Bearing in mind that this match was only signed three days ago, how prepared do you think each man will be John? JBL: Well I can’t speak for Mistico but I have known Elijah's manager Edward Long for more years than I care to mention and I know he will have been watching tapes and working on holds and counter holds. One of Mistico's major strengths is his unpredictable ring style so I don’t know how prepared anybody can really be for him. [/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER ONE EXPRESS TO SUCCESS ELIJAH BURKE WITH EDWARD LONG VS MISTICO[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ELIJAHBURKE1.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/THEODORELONG1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc267/Mr_EWR/Mistico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A highly energetic start with both men getting in nominal offence and working to a standstill. Mistico eventually takes over with some deep diving arm drags sending Elijah to the outside. Elijah takes a walk but is consoled by Edward Long [B][COLOR="Red"]JBL: That’s a wise strategy against somebody like Mistico. Slow the guy down and make him work at your pace.[/COLOR][/B] Mistico runs the ropes and takes off over the top! He lands on Elijah and Long with a corkscrew cross body! [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: I think Mistico only knows one speed John, and that’s full speed ahead![/COLOR][/B] Back in, Elijah gets a cheap shot and takes over on offence [B][COLOR="Red"]JBL: This is where Elijah's boxing background really starts to pay off.. GOLDBERG: What dya mean? Are you watching the same match as me? The man hit him with a low blow! That’s an instant disqualification JBL: But the ref didn’t see in Mike so it never happened. Look at the impact of those lefts and rights by Elijah! Goldberg: Wicked uppercut by Burke leaves Mistico dead on his feet! There’s no doubting Burkes athletic ability I only have a problem with his tactics. JBL: Well boohoo Mike, I’m sure he's gutted that you feel that way. Call the damn match and leave the opinions to me.[/COLOR][/B] Elijah gets a 2 count off a side Russian leg sweep and locks in a deep abdominal stretch. [COLOR="Red"][B]What a simple yet effective manoeuvre, applying constant pressure to the abdominals of Mistico. GOLDBERG: Don’t count Mistico out just yet. These fans are trying their best to rally him, and it looks like its working! Wow! Mistico just powered out with a hip toss! Impressive strength there! And he locks in an arm bar of his own.[/B][/COLOR] Elijah works out of the arm bar and tries to rush Mistico but walks straight into a wicked super kick. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Goodnight Elijah Burke! That’s gotta be it! But Mistico doesn’t look finished yet! What a springboard moonsault by Mistico! He covers for the pin...and....HE GOT HIM! Mistico wins in an impressive debut match for the Mexican superstar. JBL: No arguments from me this time Mike, Elijah looked a little off his game tonight, only showing what he can do in fits and starts. I hope these two have a rematch somewhere down the line because I think a fully prepared Burke would push Mistico a lot harder. Impressive debut nonetheless. [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="4"]WINNER: MISTICO[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Somebody else with victory on his mind tonight is our number one contender for The Unified World Championship. Mr Charisma, Ken Kennedy is standing backstage with Steven Richards. Over to you Steven[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CENSORSTEVEN1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]RICHARDS: Thanks guys. Mr Kennedy, you beat Shad Gaspard, Edge and Randy Orton to get this far, but tonight you go one on one with SOS. Do you think you have what it takes to go 4 and 0 and become the Unified Champion tonight?[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]KENNEDY: Well I'm glad you asked Stevie...may I call you Stevie? We'll Stevie, I'm going to answer your question with a question if I may...WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!?? Seriously, what kind of question is that? Get outta my sight! So it finally comes to this, Mr Charisma himself Ken Kennedy one on one with the Septic Worrier SOS with all the marbles on the line.... Am I ready? Oh I'm ready SOS so you better bring everything you've got. I'll stand toe to toe, hit you blow for blow, and we'll see just who the better man is. And I know I might be biased, but I have a feeling that man is going to be MISTAAAAAAAAAAAH...oh wait a minute, before I forget. Randy Orton....If you feel like poking your nose into somebody else’s business, well that’s just fine by me, because I'm bringing the biggest schnozz in the business... [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Can you believe it? HHH is going to be in Ken Kennedy's corner tonight! JBL: That doesn’t surprise me in the least Mike, we saw on Monday that both these men are grade A cheaters. If I was Mr Regal I would ban him from ringside.[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][CENTER] [COLOR="Sienna"][B]MATCH NUMBER TWO HOMICIDE AND HERNANDEZ VS RON KILLINGS AND SHAD GASPARD [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/HOMICIDE2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/HERNANDEZ2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RONKILLINGS2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHAD1.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] Killings and Homicide start things off with Homicide dominating proceedings. Killings tags out to Shad who catches Homicide coming off the top rope with a spine buster. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: That move just changed the complexion of this match up in a heartbeat. Shad now dragging a prone Homicide into his and Killings corner JBL: Sound tag team wrestling from this first time duo, isolate the man in your own corner. GOLDBERG: Killings and Shad are just decimating Homicide with their quick tags and punishing offence JBL: It’s hard to tell who the more experienced team is at this point Mike [/B][/COLOR] Killings and Gaspard try to double team Homicide but he ducks and Killings nails Shad with a flying scissors kick sending him to the floor! Homicide uses the confusion to hit Killings with a shining wizard! [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Both men are down in the ring now. Homicide is desperate to tag out to a very fresh and motivated Hernandez, but can he get to the corner? JBL: I’m calling it now, Homicide has withstood far too much punishment to make it to his feet. It’s just a matter of time now. GOLDBERG: Don't speak to soon, John, Homicide is stirring and quickly! He's inching ever closer....YES! He gets the tag![/B][/COLOR] Hernandez cleans house! Big boot to Shad, big boot to Killings! He picks Killings up...Border toss! 1....2....3! [COLOR="Red"][B]JBL: That man is what you call a game breaker Mike. The strength and agility of Hernandez is scary, just scary. GOLDBERG: It sure is. Killings and Shad had this one under control but the big man can change things in a matter of seconds. And so now we move on to the first of our triple header of title matches here tonight, and this one is for the intercontinental title. JBL: Both men have held the title on numerous occasions, Kingston is a three time champion and Cody is a two time and defending champion, so they know how to step up when titles are on the line. GOLDBERG: How highly do you regard the Intercontinental title John? Would you say it’s a fair assumption that the title often gets overlooked compared to the Unified Title? JBL: Well let me start by saying that I think Kingston and Rhodes have done a lot to change people’s perception of the IC Title and have brought a lot of prestige back to it. Back when I was breaking into the business this was the title that we all aspired to. It was often thought that the IC champion was the best wrestler in the company and we all wanted to prove ourselves. You only have to look at the long list of people who have held this title and gone onto have World Championship reigns. [/B][/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"] MATCH NUMBER THREE FOR THE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP KOFI "TROPICAL STORM" KINGSTON VS THE THOROUGHBRED CODY RHODES (C)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They circle to start and feel each other out. Cody gains the advantage and grounds Kingston [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Rhodes really has matured greatly in the last few years. He understands that the majority of Kingston’s offence is going to come from those educated feet. JBL: I may not understand a word Kingston says but I love his ring presence! There’s no way Rhodes can keep him grounded for the whole match. GOLDBERG: It looks like your right John! Great escape there from Kingston and he's immediately on offence. JBL: Just look at the explosiveness of Kofi Kingston! I think the tropical storm needs upgrading to full on hurricane status! [/B][/COLOR] Kingston gets a series of near falls as he dominates Cody Rhodes. Cody refuses to accept defeat and turns the tide with a bulldog. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: After the punishing offence from Kofi, does Cody Rhodes have it in himself to capitalise on that bulldog? Both men to their feet now....wild swing by Kingston, but Cody ducks and just goes to town on Kingston! JBL: Closed fists referee! Come on! GOLDBERG: Cody needs to keep his emotions in check here. He has Kingston backed up in the corner, and looks like he's setting up for the Rhodes Rage! And it connects! Rhodes with the cover. 1....2....Kingston kicks out! JBL: What resilience from Kofi! We've seen Rhodes end more than one match up with that running splash! GOLDBERG: Cody has much more in his locker though...and he's signalling for the DDT! Kingston slips out and that’s a WICKED kick to the head from Kofi! TROUBLE IN PARADISE! Kingston covers! 1...2...3! We have a new Intercontinental Champion! JBL: Cody Rhodes three-month title reign is over! From what I saw of Kingston tonight I think he's going to hold on to it for a lot longer than that! Emphatic victory for the new champ, quite frankly I expected more from Rhodes tonight. GOLDBERG: Steady on John, Cody put up a hell of a fight in there, nobody can question his passion and desire to be the best he can be. I don’t think this is the last we have seen of this young man. Up next is our World tag team title match. The fledgling duo of CM Punk and Jay Lethal will be hoping to continue their roll as they take on the formidable duo of Eduardo and Orlando, the Colon Brothers [/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER FOUR FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES JAY LETHAL AND CM PUNK VS ORLANDO AND EDUARDO THE COLON BROTHERS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAYLETHAL2.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CMPUNK6.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDDIECOLON2.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CARLITO4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Punk and Lethal start off strongly as they have in their previous outings. They dominate with a mixture of high flying offence and sound technical manoeuvres. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: I gotta say, I'm more than impressed by the pairing of Punk and Lethal. Sure they may not be a great tag team in the classic sense but they have a great dynamic and they are winning matches. JBL: You hit the nail on the head buddy, they aint a great tag team, and every thrown together team in history gets found out sooner or later, they've just been lucky so far. GOLDBERG: I think even you have to credit them with more than just dumb luck John. Every team has to start somewhere and their styles certainly are beginning to mesh...Oh my! A powerful swinging neck breaker out of nowhere from Orlando! JBL: This is where Lethal and Punk get found out Mike, I'm telling ya! [/B][/COLOR] Orlando and Eduardo take over on offence, isolating Lethal in their own corner. [B][COLOR="Red"]JBL: This is just great double team offence from the champs. Now this is what tag team wrestling is all about. Quick effective tags keep both men fresh and limit any opportunities for the other team GOLDBERG: There's still plenty of time to turn this one around. Eduardo up on the top rope now, what does he have in mind? It looks like he's going for a moonsault...and it misses! That's why they call it a high risk move folks, that miss just levelled the playing field quickly. JBL: It looks like Lethal was playing a little possum on that one, good move, but cowardly as hell! GOLDBERG: Cowardly my ass! Both men are slowly but surely making their way to their feet. Lethal with a swing and a miss, and he eats a huge back suplex! Eduardo with a tag to Orlando, and they continue on offence.[/COLOR][/B] The Colons continue to pick apart Lethal, setting him up for Eduardo's finisher The San Juan Slam. [B][COLOR="Red"]JBL: Here it comes! Nobody kicks out of this one! GOLDBERG: But Punk breaks it up! The referee takes him back to the corner....come on! The Colons are just blatantly double teaming Lethal behind the refs back! JBL: You do what you gotta do to win in this business Mike. If Punk hadn’t got hot headed and interfered in the first place they wouldn’t have had the opportunity. GOLDBERG: Be that as it may, Jay Lethal looks dead in the water at this point. It looks like Eduardo's going to try and end things again with the San Juan Slam... But Lethal counters! Whoa! Where did that come from! I thought Lethal was knocked out! Hot tag to CM Punk! Punk is just steamrolling right through the tag champions on his own! JBL: This this is blatant cheating at its worst. There is no need for Punk to attack both men here! GOLDBERG: And we all know what’s coming next! Punk has Eduardo up for the GO 2 Sleep! Oh my god Super kick by Orlando! The referee has no choice but to call the DQ on this one! JBL: The champs retain despite about a hundred infractions of the rules by Punk and Lethal! I don’t blame em one bit for hightailing it out of this arena. GOLDBERG: What an unclassy move from those two in a tag title reign strung together with DQ's and cheap finishes. JBL: At the end of the day they retained their titles and that’s all that matters, another mark in the W column. GOLDBERG: Well folks, it looks like we are going to be joined by our General Manager Mr Regal at this time, let’s hear what he has to say. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]REGAL: As you are all no doubt aware, Kevin Thorne is scheduled to take on Edge tonight. Now I have been in contact with Mr Thorne all this week and he is still a very troubled man due to recent events. As a result, I am imploring whoever is responsible for these bizarre and unusual physical and mental attacks to stop now and make themselves known to me! [/B][/COLOR] He waits but there is no response [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]REGAL: So be it. Mark my words though, I will find out what is going on, and when I do, there will be hell to pay, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR! Now, if anybody tries to interfere in the match, they will be met with a wall of security surrounding the ring so don't bloody bother! Thank you, that is all[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Strong words from our General Manager there JBL: I hope he knows what he's doing! You dance with the devil, you make sure you stay till the last dance![/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER FIVE KEVIN THORNE VS EDGE [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KEVINTHORN2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDGE6.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Thorne is clearly still in a state of total confusion, not sure whether to be angry or afraid. He flies at Edge with a flurry of rights and lefts but quickly backs up and looks over his shoulder. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: This is certainly a very different Kevin Thorne than we are used to seeing around here, and who can blame him? Hell, I’m scared just sitting this close to the ring. I hope these guards at ringside are enough to fend off whoever or whatever it is. JBL: Don't get your tighty whities in a bunch Goldberg! Thorne needs to stay focussed on Edge, there was a time in the not to distant past when this guy was called the ultimate opportunist, and it wasn’t without reason. GOLDBERG: Well Thorne did ask for this match and he got his wish, but I think he might be regretting it now.[/B][/COLOR] The arena lights go out [B][COLOR="Red"]What in the......? I’ve got a really bad feeling about this! [/COLOR][/B] The lights come back on [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Oh my god!!! That’s....That’s..... [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/BATISTA1.jpg[/IMG] BATISTA![/CENTER] JBL: What in the world!!?? Batista has been missing presumed dead for six months!! GOLDBERG: I thought we would never see him again! And here he is, standing face to face with Kevin Thorne!![/B][/COLOR] Thorne is confused but happy. He goes to embrace Batista but eats a spear for his troubles. Edge tries to intervene but Batista sets him up for a Batista Bomb. The security rushes the ring and attack Batista but he is too powerful and decimates them. Spears all round and a huge Batista bomb! In the meantime, Edge and Kevin Thorne make their escape through the crowd. A small, maniacal figure makes his way towards the ring. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAMESMITCHELL1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]JAMES MITCHELL: Hush hush now, you've made your point my friend. Put him down![/B][/COLOR] Batista does as he is told [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]MITCHELL: Did you miss me my children? I’m sorry that daddy was gone a little longer than he said he would be, but I've been running a few errands for the big guy downstairs. You see, when you make deals with the devil, you better prepare for a little legwork. For those of you who can't remember the last time we met, it was exactly six months ago at WrestleMania. My how time flies. And what did you witness on that fateful night? The death of none other than The Animal Batista! He was buried alive in front of your very eyes by my former protégé Kane! Its funny how things work out isn’t it? As I left the arena that night, my body was struck with a feeling it had never felt before...guilt. That’s right, I was ashamed of my part in the decimation of a human being where once there was only glee. So I returned to the burial sight, spade in hand, and I dug the poor bastard out! As my spade hit the cold hard flesh I stopped and I dug with my bare hands to free the fallen animal. I looked into his dead eyes and I wished there was something I could do, some way I could make amends. Luckily, I have friends in low places... Whilst the mind was long gone, the soul and the body was still repairable, and so I struck a deal and this man joined the halfway to hell club. And then, like a flash in the dark, it hit me. It was 2 hours after the match when I first started to dig....Had nobody attempted to save this poor lamb? It seems humanity had given up on Batista long before me. Where were you Kevin Thorne? The self professed best friend of Batista couldn’t even be bothered to check to see if he was still alive? You see, people only care about another’s life when they themselves have something to gain from it. Batista learnt that the hard way. And so it is not David Batista who stands before you today, for David Batista is dead to this world. From this day forward, the world will know the wrath of....LEVIATHAN! [/B][/COLOR] The lights fade again, when they return, Leviathan and James Mitchell are nowhere to be found. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Man, how do you follow those comments John? I’m at a total loss here. JBL: I had many run ins with Batista in my active days but I would have never wished for him to pass away. At least we now know he was saved. GOLDBERG: But at what cost? It really did seem like a new person out here, this....this Leviathan. It almost seems crass to mention it at this point but we are still scheduled to see SOS vs Ken Kennedy for the Unified World Title here tonight. Let’s take a look at how this one came about.[/B][/COLOR] A video airs highlighting Kennedy's progression through the Contenders Tournament as well as his various run ins with the champ. [CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="5"][B]MATCH NUMBER SIX FOR THE UNIFIED WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP KEN KENNEDY VS SOS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Well there’s a sight I thought I would never see, Triple H accompanying Ken Kennedy to the ring! JBL: We all know about HHH's blatant disregard for the rules, so this is basically a glorified handicap match now! GOLDBERG: Well steady on there because it looks like Mr Kennedy's predictions were right! Randy Orton is out here with SOS! Hopefully these two will cancel each other out and we will see a fair fight.[/B][/COLOR] They face off in the ring and trade insults. It degenerates into a pushing contest which SOS gets the better of. Kennedy smirks and lays into SOS with wild lefts and rights! [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Kennedy certainly came here to fight tonight! JBL: He knows that this is his big chance to become the Unified Champion and thats enough to motivate any man, even a bum like Kennedy GOLDBERG: Kennedy is far from a bum! He has shown in the last month or so why he belongs in the world title picture and that he can win the big matches. JBL: Well SOS is a different kettle of fish. He has been unbeatable in singles competition since winning the title 9 months ago, and tonight will be no different. [/COLOR][/B] SOS turns the tide and hits Kennedy with a big boot and a running front powerslam [COLOR="Red"][B]JBL: And now we see the dominating offence that has made SOS such a strong champion. Seriously Mike, who in the last 5-10 years has been as dominant as SOS as champion? GOLDBERG: Well I can think of two straight away and they are both at ringside tonight. SOS just nails Kennedy with a right hand that sends Kennedy to the outside! It looks like Randy Orton is going to get in a cheapshot of his own...but HHH makes him have second thoughts! Now HHH and Orton are face to face! JBL: HHH has no business out here at all Mike! Send him to the back ref! GOLDBERG: Kennedy back in the ring now, and SOS just spears him right out of his boots and back to the outside! JBL: If SOS can get Kennedy back into the ring for the pin, this one is over![/B][/COLOR] SOS makes his way outside and is confronted by HHH [COLOR="Red"][B]JBL: Come on referee! HHH is clearly interfering in this match! Thats a DQ right there! GOLDBERG: HHH hasnt done anything wrong at all John, he has just as much right to be out here as Randy Orton.[/B][/COLOR] HHH and SOS are face to face until Randy Orton tosses HHH into the ringsteps! He goes to attack Hunter again but HHH low blows him and they trade viscious blows on the outside! [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: The tension between these two has finally errupted! They are brawling all the way around ringside! JBL: Get him Orton! Send him back to Hollywood! GOLDBERG: They are brawling their way through the crowd now as SOS can only look on in disbelief![/B][/COLOR] SOS finally tosses Kennedy back into the ring, but Kennedy kicks out at two. Kennedy fights to his feet and ducks a Fiery Red Hand attempt [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: It would have been lights out for sure if SOS hit that! Kennedy looks for something of his own now...He goes for The Mic Check! But its countered by SOS into the Celtic Warsword! JBL: The very move that SOS used to take out Kennedy this past week on Raw! GOLDBERG: Is it enough to end things tonight? 1...2...NO! Kennedy kicks out! JBL: I demand an instant replay! Theres no way Kennedy got up from that! GOLDBERG: Both men up now and ITS A MIC CHECK FROM KENNEDY! He goes for the pin! 1...2...3....NO! The ref says SOS had his shoulder up! Kennedy is....is he trying to get SOS up for the Green Bay Plunge? He is! JBL: Kennedy doesnt have the strength to get a guy like SOS up on his shoulders! GOLDBERG: Oh but he does John! He ascends to the top rope.....but SOS has his hand around Kennedy's throat! He's going to try and hit Kennedy with the Fiery Red Hand from the top rope! Is he mad? JBL: Oh my god this is great! SOS is going to slam Kennedy through the canvas if he hits this....and he does! GOLDBERG: What an awesome move from SOS! This crowd is in total shock! He crawls over to the prone body of Kennedy for the pin....1....2...3! He got him! SOS retains his Unified World Title! JBL: What an epic finish to a great match! SOS is unbeatable, no question. He has proven time and time again that he is the best of the best. GOLDBERG: Kennedy looked like he had this one won on more than one occasion but in the end nobody can kick out of a normal Fiery Red Hand, let alone one from the top rope! Kennedy left everything in the ring tonight and he may not feel it right now, but once the pain of defeat has passed, he has got to be pleased with the effort. JBL: It is a very exclusive club of people who have ever beaten SOS so there is no shame in defeat here tonight. GOLDBERG: Thats all from me, I leave you with the images of SOS celebrating yet another victory in his one man dynasty. Goodnight! [/B][/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Welcome everybody to RAW! We are only 24 hours removed from a blockbuster PPV in Unforgiven! JBL: Thats right Mike, Unforgiven is one you dont want to miss, so I urge anybody who missed it to check out the replay as soon as possible.[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Sienna"][B][CENTER]MATCH NUMBER ONE THE AFTER SCHOOL SPECIALS THE MIZ AND STRIKER VS HAWKINS AND RYDER[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MIKETHEMIZ1.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTSTRIKER4.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CURTHAWKINS1.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ZACKRYDER1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] As soon as the match starts the lights go out [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/BATISTA1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Its Batista! JBL: No, Its Leviathan, Goldberg! He looks like he means business![/COLOR] Leviathan just decimates all four men and clears the ring [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAMESMITCHELL1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] MITCHELL: Ahhh, I love the smell of blood in the evening! That was for those of you who didnt see our little demonstration last night. As I look around this arena, I see a lot of confused faces. I see a lot of people who can't quite grasp why me and Leviathan would cause such damage. Let me make things as clear as day for you oh simple minded masses. The WWE has always been a breeding ground of sin. Take a look at your heroes...each is consumed by wrath , envy, greed and pride. HHH didnt get to where he is through honour and respect, he took what he wanted with a sledgehammer and dirty tricks, and now you cheer him. Edge spent years decorating himself with powerful women and all the trappings of success, and now you cheer him. Kevin Thorne left his best friend for dead....and. now. you. cheer. him. Hey, Im not saying I'm above any of those things, dont misinterpret this rant as misplaced higher ground! In fact, I embrace sin! It is time for us to celebrate our desires, not brush them under the carpet in the quest for success! We targeted Kevin Thorne because he needs targeting. He is a symbol of the decline of humanity and the more he fights it the more we will destroy. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: I've had just about enough of this claptrap! You've got a bloody nerve Mitchell! Neither of you swines are authorised to be in that ring so I suggest you stop assaulting my atheletes and clear out of here before the police are involved MITCHELL: Ah Mr Regal! I wondered how long before I had the pleasure! The thing is, Sir, Leviathan and I have just as much right to be here as anybody else. DO you remember the contract you signed when Leviathan dissappeared? You promised to keep him on the roster to support the Batista family in their time of need. So you see, we can do whatever the hell we want, when we want! REGAL: Is that so? You may be correct about the contract but I can still have you removed from this ring, forcefully if necessary. MITCHELL: Oh yea, I hope you dont send the goons that surrounded the ring last night, for their sake! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KEVINTHORN2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] THORNE: I've sat back and listened to this for long enough! First of all, Batista...Do you really believe I would leave you burried alive?? I checked as soon as I could but you where already gone! I swear! MITCHELL: Its no use talking to him, Thorne, he hears my voice alone! THORNE: In that case, perhaps you could pass on a little message for me. I will walk through the gates of hell before I let a piece of crap like you, Mitchell, abuse a great man like Batista! MITCHELL: Strong words my friend, but we all know you never back up your claims! If you want to prove your loyalty then why don't we make this interesting? Mr Regal I'm glad your out here because you can make this official. Me and Leviathan are challenging Kevin Thorne and a partner of his chosing to a boiler room brawl at No Mercy. If you win, Leviathan is yours. REGAL: If this is what you both want then I will sanction this matchup against my better judgement.... THORNE: No! My best friend returns after six months of thinking he is dead and you want me to fight him? I will never fight you! There has to be another way MITCHELL: Very well Thorne, I hope you know what you have started, October will be very red indeed... [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Sienna"][CENTER]MATCH NUMBER TWO MATTHEW HARDY VS RON KILLINGS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTHARDY6.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RONKILLINGS2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] A good blend of skills leads to an above average matchup. Killings is dominated in the early goings but regains his composure enough to get two near falls on Hardy. Hardy rallies and gains the upper hand on offence, finishing the match with a twist of fate after about 15 minutes Hardy is stopped on his way back up the ramp [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JIMROSS1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JR: A hard fought victory there Matt. Any words for our online fans? HARDY: You aint seen nothing yet.... [CENTER][COLOR="DimGray"]Backstage, Ken Kennedy enters Mr Regals office[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: Kennedy, for what do I owe this pleasure? And keep it short its already been a long night. KENNEDY: I wanna rematch! REGAL: Sigh....I thought you might. And what makes you think you deserve one after SOS beat you last night? KENNEDY: I saw the look in his eyes...I was this close to beating him! And now I know I've got what it takes to put him down for a three count, and I know exactly what its going to take to do it! REGAL: And what might that be prey-tell? KENNEDY: Book the match and you and everybody else will see for themselves REGAL: I'll tell you what, I'll take it under advisement. You and Hunter have got a tag match against Orton and SOS tonight, so theres your opportunity to show me you deserve a second chance. Now leave me be! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="4"]MATCH NUMBER THREE MISTICO VS ELIJAH BURKE WITH EDWARD LONG [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ELIJAHBURKE1.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/THEODORELONG1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc267/Mr_EWR/Mistico.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Elijah keeps pace with Mistico and seems to have learnt from their first encounter. Mistico however displays even more unorthodox offence catching Elijah off guard. Mistico finishes with La Mistica after around 10 minutes [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][COLOR="Gray"] HHH is backstage with Steven Richards[/COLOR][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CENSORSTEVEN1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] RICHARDS: Hunter, last night you and Randy Orton engaged in an arena wide brawl during the main event. Tonight you team up with Ken Kennedy to take on SOS and Orton. Do you think you can keep your cool and keep the action inside the ring? HHH: When I came back here last month I had unfinished business with Orton, but I was prepared to be the bigger man and let it lie. I was prepared to believe that Orton had grown into a man since I was away. Then he low blowed me in our contenders tournament match, so thats strike one. A week later he RKO's me after his match against Kennedy...strike two. Last night Orton, you blindsided me and threw me into the ring steps. By my count thats strike three. So tonight, whatever the result of the match...your out! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ELIJAHBURKE1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/THEODORELONG1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DimGray"]Elijah Burke is backstage with his manager Edward Long[/COLOR][/CENTER] LONG: Now don't sweat nothing playa you nearly had him tonight! BURKE: Nearly isnt good enough anymore Long! I pay you the big bucks because I believed you could help me get on a winning streak, but I won more when I was on my own! LONG: OK, I hear you, I hear you. Let me hollar at ya, Im gonna go back to the drawing board, change a few things in our training regime, add a little somethin somethin here and there and I promise I'll turn you into a new man. And thats an Edward Long guarantee! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Sienna"] MATCH NUMBER FOUR FOR THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE KOFI KINGSTON VS CODY RHODES[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cody Starts like a house of fire punching Kingston into the corner. He domintates a large portion of the match with controlled aggression. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MARIA3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Wait a minute, thats Maria! What's she doing out here?[/COLOR] Maria observes from ringside not making her intentions clear. Cody continues on offence and hits Kingston with a DDT! Maria jumps on the apron and distracts the ref as Rhodes goes for the pin. Rhodes wonders what the hell is going on and goes over to talk to Maria. Kingston uses the distraction to roll up Cody for the win! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MARIA3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] KINGSTON: Irie Cody Rhodes. Amma introduce you da Queen of Kingston, Missus Maria! MARIA: Thanks baby! Its been a long time since theres been a strong woman on this show, what a sausage factory! Me and the sexiest man in Jamaica are putting the entire roster on notice. You want a piece of this? Come get it! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CMPUNK6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAYLETHAL2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DimGray"]Jay Lethal and CM Punk go to Mr Regals office[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: Does nobody knock anymore? Gentlemen, to what do I owe this "pleasure?" PUNK: We want another shot at the tag titles! REGAL: Believe me, If I could give you another match I would, but you know that the Colons have a no rematch clause in their contract. LETHAL: Yeah, uh, we were thinking about that brother. Me and the Punkster had a little Idea we wanted to run past the main man, bro. When we got cheated by those no good lowlives at Unforgiven we were Jay Lethal and CM Punk... PUNK: And when we beat them for the tag titles at No Mercy we will be... LETHAL: THE SUPER DUPER DOUBLE TROUBLE BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHERS! BROTHERS! REGAL: THe super what? PUNK: THE SUPER DUPER DOUBLE TROUBLE BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER BROTHERS! REGAL: Riiiight. Well, you certainly raise an interesting point....leave it with me guys, I'll need to consult the rule books, but you may have a case. Now please leave, I dont want any more distractions tonight! [CENTER][COLOR="DimGray"]They leave and there is a knock at the door[/COLOR][/CENTER] REGAL: Bloody hell what now! Come in! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/DOMINO2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] CLIFF COMPTON: Hey Mr Regal, Sorry to bother you, I wont take up much of your time... REGAL: Who shall I make it out to? COMPTON: What...? REGAL: Your autograph...thats what you came here for right?? COMPTON: Mr Regal...its me! Cliff Comtpon. You know...WWE television champion? REGAL: Oh Im so sorry! I didnt recognise you for a moment Carl COMPTON: Ummm, its Cliff sir REGAL: Sure it is! Now how can I help you. COMPTON: Well Mr Regal Sir, the thing is Im the WWE television champion and...well, I havnt actually been on television since I won it! I had an Idea for a match..... REGAL: Look Chris, I understand your upset but I have quite a lot on my mind at the moment, so if you wouldnt mind putting your complaints in a letter and I'll get round to it just as soon as I can, OK? COMPTON: Well actually Sir... REGAL: Good good, now close the door on your way out. [CENTER][COLOR="Gray"]Compton reluctantly leaves[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER FIVE SOS AND RANDY ORTON VS HHH AND KEN KENNEDY [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Kennedy and Orton start off. Kennedy plays to the crowd for too long and is blind sided by Orton. Orton tags to SOS who starts to really punish Kennedy. Kennedy counters and stuns SOS with strong punches. Orton swings for Kennedy on the outside behind the refs back. HHH see's it and runs around the ring gunning for Orton. Both men again brawl around ringside, Kennedy can't believe it. He goes out to try and split them up but he gets levelled by Orton making it a three man brawl. SOS remains in the ring. The ref isnt sure what to do but starts to count out Kennedy! SOS wins the match via countout! When Kennedy realises what has happened he storms into the ring and floors SOS! All four men are now brawling inside and outside the ring! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: Stop this at once or I will be forced to suspend you all! It's clear that nothing was resolved at Unforgiven and that I'm not going to get any peace until you all get this out of your system. Thats why at No Mercy its going to be Randy Orton vs HHH! Seeing as you two cant seem to keep it in the ring, you can knock each other senseless in a falls count anywhere match! As for you SOS and Kennedy, there will be no count outs when you go one on one in a steel cage match at No Mercy! Next week on RAW we will have the official contract signings for both matches, but get this through your thick skulls....If there is any, and I mean any, physical contact between you four men between now and No Mercy, all matches will be cancelled and you will all be suspended, do I make myself clear?
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[SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][B][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] RAW PREVIEW[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] The road to No Mercy goes full steam ahead tonight as Ken Kennedy and SOS as well as HHH and Randy Orton sign the contracts for their No Mercy matches. GM Mr Regal has vowed that should any physical contact occur then all matches will be cancelled and each man suspended. Will they be able to control their emotions when they come face to face tonight? Kennedy and SOS will also both be in singles action. SOS is scheduled to face off against Lance Cade whilst Kennedy will go one on one with Chris Harris. Also James Mitchell promised a red October if Kevin Thorne continued to refuse his challenge. What will Mitchell and the powerful Leviathan have in store for Thorne or anybody else who stands in their way? The impressive and unorthodox Mistico will face a new challenge when he takes on the high flying Jimmy Yang. Mexican Megastar Mistico has beaten Elijah Burke twice so far in his WWE career and will be looking to go 3 and 0 against the Asian Redneck. Matthew Hardy promised last week that we “aint seen nothing yet” Tonight he faces the challenge of Shad Gaspard who will be no pushover. WWE tag team champions The Colon Brothers will be in action against the always impressive LAX in a non title match up. Punk and Lethal (Or the Super Duper Double Trouble Brothers from another Mother Brothers) have been pushing for a rematch against the champs but a win for LAX tonight would certainly put them in the running for a title shot. All that plus much more on tonight’s edition of WWE RAW! MATCHES. KEN KENNEDY VS CHRIS HARRIS SOS VS LANCE CADE MATTHEW HARDY VS SHAD THE BEAST GASPARD MISTICO VS JIMMY YANG LAX VS THE COLON BROTHERS All thoughts and predictions are welcomed and appreciated as always!
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