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WWE: Tales of the Near Future

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another high octane monday night of WWE RAW! After last weeks main event we now know that HHH will face Randy Orton at No Mercy in a falls count anywhere match, and SOS will put his Unified World Title on the line against Mr Charisma Ken Kennedy in a steel cage JBL: And tonight they sign the contracts, but can these four men keep their hands off each other long enough to make it to No Mercy? [/B][/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER ONE MEXICAN MEGASTAR MISTICO VS ASIAN REDNECK JIMMY YANG [IMG]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc267/Mr_EWR/Mistico.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JIMMYYANG1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] A great high flying match which benefitted from both men getting roughly the same amount of offence. Jimmy Yang really pushed Mistico to the limits as the crowd cheered on both superstars. In the end, Mistico had just too much for Yang to handle, picking up the win with La Mistical. [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Another highly impressive outing from Mistico who is on a major roll JBL: Sure he's undefeated but he's only three matches into his WWE career. The more he wrestles the more the other superstars will adjust to his style. GOLDBERG: Be that as it may, its going to take a huge effort to end this streak. Wait a minute...! Whats he doing out here??[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAMESMITCHELL1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DimGray"] James Mitchell comes to the ring alone, dressed in a white jacket and safety goggles.[/COLOR][/CENTER] MITCHELL: A lot of people have me pegged as a religious man, which I guess is a fair assumption given my....contacts, but you see deep down, Im really a man of science. The WWE is my laboratory, and everybody else is just a rat in a maze. So tonight, for the first time in RAW history, I am going to conduct a live science experiment for you all! First of all I need a volunteer from the audience..... [COLOR="DimGray"][CENTER]He scans the crowd for a suitable candidate before the Titantron flickers into life[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/BATISTA1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] MITCHELL: Ahhh, Leviathan! I was wondering where you had got to....oh and it looks like you found a volunteer! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDGE6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] MITCHELL: Bring him to the ring so we can get this underway! [CENTER][COLOR="DimGray"]Leviathan drags a prone Edge to the ring[/COLOR][/CENTER] MITCHELL: For those at home keeping score, the name of tonights experiment is "How Many Demonbombs does it take to attract Kevin Thorne to the ring?" [COLOR="Gray"]Leviathan lifts up Edge and delivers a vicious Demonbomb. Most of the crowd boo but a few smart guys in the front row count "ONE!"[/COLOR] MITCHELL: Hmm just as I hypothesised, no reaction after Demonbomb one. Lets add a little catalyst to the mix. Take him to the outside Leviathan and initiate Demonbomb two [COLOR="Gray"]Leviathan does as he is told and Demonbombs Edge on the outside. There is still no response.[/COLOR] MITCHELL: You know Kevin Thorne, it really does take a sick individual to allow this kind of torture to continue when all you need to do is accept our challenge....Oh well. Carry on Leviathan! [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Somebody needs to stop this! JBL: Kevin Thorne could end it all right now if he wanted to![/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Gray"]Leviathan delivers Demonbomb number three four and five and still Thorne stays away.[/COLOR] MITCHELL: Does friendship mean so little to you Kevin Thorne? You left Leviathan for dead and now your prepared to do the same to the only person who has shown compassion to you since? People of the audience, do you see what Kevin Thorne has done to this innocent bystander Edge? Lets go Leviathan, I think we can call this experiment unsuccessful. Oh...and bring Edge with you.... [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: What those men just did to Edge is despicable! Edge was bleeding from the mouth John! He was bust up inside and out by this monster. JBL: I dont agree with the lengths they just went to, but they proved a huge point. Kevin Thorne cannot be trusted to help anybody. GOLDBERG: Somebody needs to get Edge away from those two before they do any more harm. I dont mean to sound callous folks but if that left a bad taste in your mouth, there is still plenty of action on the way tonight[/B][/COLOR] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER TWO MATTHEW HARDY VS SHAD THE BEAST GASPARD [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTHARDY6.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHAD1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Matt ducks and dives away from Shad who hasnt had the best of luck in the ring lately. His frustrations are clear as he swings and misses hardy time and time again. Hardy dominates but Shad is too powerful to keep down for a three count. Shad gets Hardy up for a Torture Rack but Hardy slips out and rolls up Shad for the three count! [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Matthew Hardy looks completely at ease out there at the moment. He really is stepping up in the ring lately. JBL: Matthew has lived in the shadow of his brother for too long and he knows it. He's stepped up bigtime[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MARIA3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] MARIA: Very impressive Matthew. You really know how to make all the girls in the audience scream! I mean, I just don't get it, they cheer your ugly ass like your the second coming of The Beatles, yet they boo my man, The Sexiest man in Jamaica, Kofi Kingston! We'll Kofi has got something that you never will. Its something huge and it hangs from his waiste...... I mean The Intercontintal Title, perverts! HARDY: I can't believe he sent you out here! If Kofi has a problem with me he can say it to my face! MARIA: Kofi didnt send me out here, Im the Queen of Kingston! I do what I want when I want, so I'm calling you out Hardy! My man could kick your ass any night of the week...he's just not here tonight. HARDY: I'll tell you what Maria, tell Kofi to bring his Intercontinental title to No Mercy! MARIA: Your on Hardy! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: Calm down wench! I book the bloody matches around here! I knew it was going to be another one of those nights...Listen up jezebel. Im going to give you a week to calm down and think about this. When Kofi returns next week, if he agree's to put his title on the line against Matthew, then the match is set. Now please let me get some peace! [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]Regal walks back to his office and is confronted by Cliff Compton[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/DOMINO2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] COMPTON: Hey! Mr Regal Sir! Did you manage to read the letter I sent to you? REGAL: Hm? Oh.....oh yes indeed. I want you to know that I'm going to take all of your issues under advisement and I'll get back to you as soon as possible... COMPTON: Did you like my match Idea? REGAL: Your match Idea? I...I loved it. Very creative. COMPTON: What part did you like best? REGAL: Well, Carlton... COMPTON: Its Cliff REGAL: Right...I think that every part of your match idea was as good as the last. To highlight one particular area would demean the integrity of the match as a whole. COMPTON: Can you at least tell me what you thought of the lava pits idea? REGAL: Well of course the lava pits! How could I not mention the lava pits!? an excellent Idea...now if you will excuse me COMPTON: Mr Regal.. there are no lava pits in my letter. You didnt read my letter at all! REGAL: Sigh...Listen Clive. There are far bigger issues in my life than you at the moment. Orton and SOS want to kill HHH and Kennedy, James Mitchell and Leviathan are determined to kill anybody, Kevin Thorne has apparently gone AWOL, Edge is missing, Lethal and Punk have got me looking for contract loopholes, and now Maria is handing out title shots! So you see, my schedule is full. There just isnt time to worry about you at the moment, I've got far bigger things to worry about. Now just leave me alone, I've got a contract signing to attend. [SIZE="5"][CENTER][COLOR="Sienna"][B]MATCH NUMBER THREE MR CHARISMA KEN KENNEDY VS WILDCAT CHRIS HARRIS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CHRISHARRIS1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] This is a hard hitting contest from start to finish. Harris knows that a victory over the number one contender would put him right in the running for a title shot. Harris takes control of the match with a series of hard suplexes. Kennedy doesnt panic though and waits for his chance to turn the tide. The amount of punishment Kennedy can take is just phenomenal. Eventually Kennedy gets on the attack and makes Harris pay. Mic check ends a brutal and punishing match. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: The number one contender gave as good as he got and then some in that one! JBL: He knows that he was lucky to get a second chance at SOS and he looks like he's planning on making the most of it![/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DimGray"]SOS makes his way down to the ring for his match and applauds Kennedy as they pass on the ramp. Kennedy gets to the curtain but changes his mind and joins JBL and Mike on commentary[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Its a pleasure to have you out here with us Kennedy.. KENNEDY: Alright Goldberg enough of the ass kissing! We all know I'm great, theres no need to rub peoples faces in it. JBL: HAHA I like this Kid Mike! [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="5"][LEFT][CENTER]MATCH NUMBER FOUR THE IRISH CURSE SOS VS LANCE CADE [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/LANCECADE2.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/LEFT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Lance Cade doesnt stand a chance in this one as SOS just tears through him. SOS stops and signals to Kennedy at the commentary booth before delivering a fiery red hand for the accademic win. He tells Kennedy that he's next. Kennedy has had enough and enters the ring and the two men are face to face. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: Don't do anything you might regret fellows! Since we are all out here anyway, why dont we get this contract signing underway eh? [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]A table and two chairs is set up in the ring around Kennedy and SOS who are still toe to toe.[/CENTER][/COLOR] REGAL: Now, this contract states that there will be no more rematches after this match, this is final. That means that if you lose SOS you will also lose the rematch clause in your standard contract SOS: Rematch? I've never needed a rematch in my life! Those clauses are for cowards! Anybody who can't get it done first time round doesnt deserve a second chance. KENNEDY: The thing is SOS, I know you now, I know your weakness. SOS: I dont have any weaknesses! KENNEDY: Oh but you do! It just took a genius like me to figure it out. SOS: You think your so funny and clever Kennedy, but I can smell your bull**** from here. I know your bluffing, and No Mercy will be no different than Unforgiven. Your good Kennedy, but your not good enough. [CENTER][COLOR="Gray"]He signs the contract[/COLOR][/CENTER] KENNEDY: At Unforgiven SOS, I had you where I wanted you but I took my eye off the ball for a split second and you got lucky. The thing with luck is that it always runs out when it comes face to face with MISTAAAAAAAAAAAH [CENTER][COLOR="Silver"]He signs the contract[/COLOR] KENNEDYYYYYY![/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: That makes this one official John, I can't wait to see what kennedy has up his sleeve! JBL: Smoke and mirrors Mike, smoke and mirrors![/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER FIVE HOMICIDE AND HERNANDEZ LAX VS ORLANDO AND EDUARDO THE COLON BROTHERS [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/HOMICIDE2.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/HERNANDEZ2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CARLITO4.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDDIECOLON2.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Homicide and Hernandez take control of the match until Orlando cheapshots Homicide and the Colons doubleteam him. Their style is simular to that of Chavo and Eddies but without the fan support as the crowd boo them mercilessly. Homicide rallies back and gets the tag to Hernandez who cleans house until Eduardo gets a chair shot in plain view of the ref causing the DQ after about seven minutes. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: And once again The Colon Brothers weasle their way out of another beating that they thoroughly deserve JBL: Way to stay impartial Mike! The thing about the Colons that impresses me is that they realise that a win/ loss record really doesnt amount to much, its the championships that matter, and they've held onto their Tag Titles for a hell of a long time.[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CMPUNK6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAYLETHAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ORLANDO: Well if it isnt the super special mega buddies! LETHAL: Thats THE SUPER DUPER DOUBLE TROUBLE BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER BROTHERS to you, brother! EDUARDO: I dont care what your called you idiots! There's no way your getting another title shot against us, we've got the best lawyers in the business behind us baby! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: The thing is, sunshine, that you can have all the lawyers in the world behind you, because Mister Lethal and Mr Punk have ME behind them! This case is really unprecidented. However, I rule that the Super whatsit thingimies... PUNK: Its THE SUPER DUPER DOUBLE TROUBLE BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER BROTHERS! Brother. REGAL: Quite. You are officially the newest tag team in the WWE, and are eligable for a title shot. The thing is, after tonights shenanigans, I think that LAX should have a chance to get a measure of revenge also. So at No Mercy, were going to have a triple threat tag match between LAX, The Colon Brothers and PUNK AND LETHAL TOGETHER: THE SUPER DUPER DOUBLE TROUBLE BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER BROTHERS! Brother! [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Well it looks like we have a new tag team round here! JBL: Don't you dare say their name or I will rip your tongue out and use it to paint my limo.[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/THEODORELONG1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] LONG: Let me hollar at ya playa's! Me and my main man Elijah Burke have been thugging and bugging all week, trying to come up with the perfect workout plan. Well Im proud to anounce my super secret three step plan to success, The Third and Long programme! My patented programme has taken Elijah from illin to chillin in just five days. He's lean and mean and keeping clean! He's on the scene like a wrestling machine! With one part persperation, one part inspiration and a whole lot of concentration, Elijah Burke is in the best shape of his life! So without further ado, the main man on the Third and Long Plan, The Express to Success, Elijah Burke! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ELIJAHBURKE1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] LONG: No we aint out here to just blow smoke. No, we came out to prove what a superior athelete Elijah Burke is. So any of you scrubs in the back whose gots the balls to step up, get out here now! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MIKETHEMIZ1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Its The Miz! I thought he was given the night off because of the beating he got from Leviathan last week! JBL: How gutsy of The Miz to step up like this![/COLOR][/B] LONG: Now Miz, we aint met before have we? MIZ: What are you talking about? You just gave me $500 to come out here when my music played. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Ahh, now it suddenly makes sense! JBL: I...I think Miz is still a little concussed from last week![/B][/COLOR] LONG: Ring the damn bell! [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER SIX MIKE THE MIZ MIZZANIN VS EXPRESS TO SUCCESS ELIJAH BURKE [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MIKETHEMIZ1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ELIJAHBURKE1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Elijah makes quick work of The Miz who is still suffering from the effects of the Leviathan attack and wasnt ready to compete. Elijah works through all his signature moves before finishing with The Elijah Express for the three count. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Look at Long and Elijah, celebrating like they just won The Superbowl! JBL: And so they should! The third and Long programme is a complete success from that showing! GOLDBERG: The Miz didnt even know he was coming out for a match! It proves nothing. [/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: I know your all sick of the sight of me by now but this is the last time I promise! There is one small piece of business still to attend to tonight. The second contract signing for the falls count anywhere match at No Mercy. First, allow me to introduce The Legend in His Own Lifetime, Randy Orton! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: Thanks for joining us Randy, take a seat please. Next, The King Of Kings, The game, Triple Haitch! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: Thankyou gentlemen. Remember to keep this civil or you know the consequences. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/STEPHANIEMCMAHON3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Oh my god! Thats Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley! JBL: And if im not mistaken she's with her daughters Aurora and Murphy! What's she doing out here?[/B][/COLOR] STEPHANIE: Hey Hunter. Im sorry to come out here like this but I couldnt let this happen. The last couple of years have been great. You were getting good movie roles, you spent more time at home with me and the kids, everything was fine...but your throwing it all away for one more run! Last time you were here our daughters where too young to understand what you did for a living. Now, they ask me questions all the time. Why does daddy hate that man? Is daddy really Hurt? Is daddy dead? I can't put my children through this anymore. I can't let them watch you get beaten up anymore because I can't lie to them and tell them your OK when your not! If you sign that contract Hunter, your turning your back on me and your family. Please, for me....for us...don't sign it. [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]Hunter rises from his seat and walks up the ramp towards his family[/CENTER][/COLOR] ORTON: Don't you walk away from me Hunter! This isn't over! We have unfinished business and you know it! If you walk away I promise you will regret it for the rest of your life!
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Call me an attention whore if you like but is anybody still reading? This is the the longest Ive stuck with a diary and Im really enjoying writing but would like to know if people think its worth keeping going with it? Also, if you are reading, do you prefer the shorter recent match descriptions or the old longer ones. I enjoy writing the matches up but I find that I skip over them when I read it back so I figured if I didnt bother reading them then others probably werent either! Feedback is appreciated!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]RAW PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] Tune in tonight for another unmissable episode of RAW! As last weeks show went off the air, HHH was poised to turn his back on his wrestling career for the sake of his family, events which long term nemesis Randy Orton was less than pleased about. HHH is scheduled to appear but has been unavailable for comment all week. Will The Game return to address his fans? Will Randy Orton have more to say on the issue? With Mr Charisma Ken Kennedy vs Celtic Warrior SOS confirmed for No Mercy, GM Mr Regal has booked each man in a singles match tonight. In his infinite wisdom, Mr Regal is letting the superstars themselves chose each others opponent. A clever move or a recipe for disaster? Speaking of Mr Regal, following the stress he has endured recently, the British Gent is now looking for an assistant and will be interviewing potential candidates during the show. In a disturbing scene last week, James Mitchell and Leviathan tortured The Five Star Superstar Edge, delivering five spine shattering Demonbombs to him, in the hope that Kevin Thorne would confront them. Thorne never materialised and Edge was badly injured and has not been seen since. Will Thorne accept the challenge tonight or must more blood be shed? Is Edge still in the hands of Leviathan and Mitchell, and if so, what condition is he in? Kofi Kingston returns to RAW tonight to find out that "The Queen of Kingston" Maria accepted a challenge from Matthew Hardy to an intercontinental title match at No Mercy in The Sexiest Man in Jamaica's name. How will Kingston react, and will he allow the challenge to stand? Either way, Kingston will have his hands full as he is scheduled to face Jimmy Yang one on one in a non title match. Matthew will also be in action as he teams up with Mexican Megastar Mistico and The Thoroughbred Cody Rhodes in a classic Mexican style six man tag match. Their opponents, Ron Killings and The Colon Brothers, will be no pushovers Elijah Burke puts the Third and Long training plan to the test again as he faces Matt Striker, tag partner of The Miz, who he beat last week. Will the express to success continue full steam ahead? Also, THE SUPER DUPER DOUBLE TROUBLE BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER BROTHERS! prepare for their shot at the tag titles at No Mercy as they take on the impressive duo of Ryder and Hawkins. All this plus much much more on another exciting three hour installment of Monday Night RAW! MATCH KEY SOS VS ??? KENNEDY VS ??? SDDTBFAMB LETHAL AND PUNK VS RYDER AND HAWKINS ELIJAH BURKE VS MATT STRIKER HARDY/RHODES/MISTICO VS KILLINGS/COLON BROTHERS
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe_raw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Gray"]SOS starts the show in the ring[/COLOR][/CENTER] SOS: So it's official, The Celtic Warrior vs Ken Kennedy one last time at No Mercy. And I can't fecking wait! I came out here to talk about tonight though. Kennedy, tonight you have to face whoever I say. There was really only one man I could think of...or should I say animal! That's right Kennedy, you’re going up against Leviathan! [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]Mr Regal makes his way to the stage[/CENTER][/COLOR] REGAL: Steady on now you little toe rag! Leviathan has no business in the WWE let alone a WWE ring! I am officially boycotting this match! SOS: You made the rules Regal, you said anybody on the roster was eligible and Leviathan is technically on the roster. REGAL: Yes I know but I didn’t mean.... SOS: I don't care what you meant Regal! The fact is this match will go ahead and there's not a damn thing you can do about it! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]Kennedy joins Mr Regal on the ramp[/CENTER][/COLOR] KENNEDY: Whoa cool your jets hotshot! You think you’re so clever Shaemus? Huh? You don't know who you’re messing with! I don't care who I go up against tonight because NOTHING is going to stop me taking that Unified Title away from you at No Mercy. Regal, with all due respect from one Mr to another, let the match stand. REGAL: Have you lost your mind Kennedy? That brute could half kill you!! KENNEDY: Maybe you’re right...but what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger. I've watched you Shaemus hold onto that title for ten months now against all the odds. You’re perhaps the strongest champion ever. And if I can paraphrase another great champion, "To beat the man, you've got to BE the man. I can be as strong as you, champ, I can beat the odds. I can be as good as you. Hell, I can be better than you REGAL: I still think it’s a bloody suicide mission... KENNEDY: You know, I wasn’t sure who I should pick as your opponent tonight SOS. I wanted to pick somebody who really hated your guts and would give you everything they have, but that really doesn’t narrow the search down much. Then I made my way out here and it was clear I only had one option. Tonight SOS will take on.....RAW General Manager Mr Regal! [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Wow what a blockbuster announcement! Kennedy vs Leviathan and SOS vs Mr Regal and their both going to happen tonight! JBL: It doesn’t get much bigger than this! After tonight, Kennedy won’t be walking to No Mercy, He'll be crawling! GOLDBERG: Tonight will be the first time in over six months that we have seen either Leviathan or Mr Regal in competitive action here on RAW, And I for one cannot wait![/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"]MATCH NUMBER ONE "EXPRESS TO SUCCESS" ELIJAH BURKE WITH HIS MANAGER EDWARD LONG VS "THE AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL" MATT STRIKER [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ELIJAHBURKE1.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/THEODORELONG1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTSTRIKER4.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Striker starts off strong trying to avenge the beating dished out to his protégé last week. Striker has Elijah reeling, who seeks solace in his manager. Whatever advice he is given seems to do the trick as Elijah quickly turns the tide and makes short work of Striker, finishing him with the Elijah Express. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/THEODORELONG1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"][CENTER]After the match, Edward Long enters the ring with a microphone in hand[/CENTER][/COLOR] LONG: You see that playa's? Just another showcase of how you can't go wrong with Third and Long! Elijah Burkes work here is done, but the best is still to come! At No Mercy, we want a real challenge, so if you’re listening Mr Regal, make it happen. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Gray"]Cody Rhodes comes to the ramp[/COLOR][/CENTER] RHODES: Hey Eddie! You know I was in the back and I just realised, a lotta things you say kinda rhyme. You’re a poet and you didn’t know......it. LONG: What do you want suckah? RHODES: I’m just saying, I think it’s really cool! Let me try! Ummm All the ladies gotsta kiss a load of toads before they bag a Cody Rhodes! LONG: That weak man, real weak! RHODES: Ok ok, let me try again. Elijah Burke....I hope you’re feeling thirsty.....Because I’m going to open a can of whoop ass on you.....Next week at No Mercy! BURKE: You really want a piece of this Rhodes? Aiite, I'll see you at No Mercy if you really think you can hang onto the Express to Success! RHODES: I don't know much about the Express to Success but I know about a little engine that could, and to quote the great train "I THINK I, CAN I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN!!!! WHOOOO WHOOOOOOO" [B][COLOR="Red"]JBL: Cody Rhodes just embarrassed himself big-time in front of 15,000 people GOLDBERG: I think, judging from their reaction, the fans disagree with you John! And what a great match at No Mercy that could be if it happens. JBL: That a big IF Mike, we all know that Mr Regal doesn’t take kindly to Superstars making their own matches. GOLDBERG: I think the fan interest alone will be enough to see that this one goes ahead.[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="5"]MATCH NUMBER TWO "THOROUGHBRED" CODY RHODES, MATTHEW HARDY AND "MEXICAN MEGASTAR" MISTICO VS RON KILLINGS AND THE COLON BROTHERS EDUARDO AND ORLANDO [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CODYRHODES3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MATTHARDY6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc267/Mr_EWR/Mistico.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RONKILLINGS2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CARLITO4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/EDDIECOLON2.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] A hot start to this one see's lots of quick tags with each man getting in a flashy move or two as the crowd can hardly keep up! Orlando ends up on the outside, and Cody follows him with a suicide dive through the ropes! Orlando and Eduardo enter the chaos as Orlando tosses his brother over the top rope onto both men! Hardy clotheslines Orlando over the top, taking them both to the outside! Mistico runs the ropes and....swings and fakes everybody out before launching himself over with a corkscrew moonsault! The match settles down and the heels take control. Hardy gets a hot tag to Mistico who looks to have the match won after locking in La Mistical on Eduardo....but Killings makes the save and hits a scissors kick on Mistico! Eduardo rolls him up for the victory. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MARIA3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/KOFIKINGSTON1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] MARIA: Hardy, my man The Tropical Storm can't wait to kick your ass.... KINGSTON: I and me queen bin chattin bowt Matthew Hardy da Chi Chi man an mi don’t wanna dutty I belt wid dat fenkeh fenkeh!!Wha yu tek dis fah Hardy? HARDY: Seriously Kingston....I have no idea what you just said! MARIA: Honey? I thought we agreed you were gonna accept? KINGSTON: Gwan Gal! Hush yu mout. Mi betta dan aall dis! MARIA: But you know I love to see you in action... I promise that after the match I'll.... [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]She whispers in his ear and Kingston starts to smile and shake his head[/CENTER][/COLOR] KINGSTON: No Mercy, I and yu Hardy, Its on! [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: I don't know what Maria just said to Kingston but it seemed to do the trick JBL: It never fails to amaze me how quickly a normally sane man’s head can be turned when there’s a woman involved! GOLDBERG: As we all saw last week, HHH has backed out of his match with Randy Orton due to family concerns. Well folks, I can confirm that HHH is in the building tonight as well as his wife Stephanie and they are going to address the matter after the break. Randy Orton meanwhile has been given the night off to avoid further violence, but he will be joining us via satellite linkup later in the show.[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/TRIPLEH20.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/STEPHANIEMCMAHON3.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Gray"]HHH and Stephanie make their way to the ring to a mixture of cheers and boos[/COLOR][/CENTER] HHH: I came out here tonight to clear a few things up. The last time I left the WWE I made a vow to my wife and my family that I would never return. As much as I love performing for all of you, I have other priorities in my life than I did when I started out. When Mr Regal invited me back at the contenders tournament I jumped at one more chance to be the man...but I broke a promise to those closest to me. So to everybody here tonight, to all the fans watching around the world, I just wanted to say....Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the opportunity to entertain you and live my dream for all these years... [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/RANDYORTON21.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Gray"]Randy Orton appears on the Titantron sat on a sun lounger in a garden.[/COLOR][/CENTER] STEPHANIE: (To Hunter, barely audible) That garden looks familiar Hunter... ORTON: Bravo Hunter, quite a little speech. I’m flattered that you'd rather retire than face me one on one, but I'm not letting you get away that easily Hunter. HHH: Come on Orton, you’re a family man yourself, you know there are more important things in life than... ORTON: There is NOTHING more important to me than kicking your ass one last time and putting you on the shelf for good! I’m a fair man, Hunter. That why I'm giving you one last chance to be a man and sign the damn contract! HHH: Don't you get it Randy? No....It’s over. ORTON: Very well Hunter, you leave me with no choice. You think this is over? When are you going to realise that things are never over until I say they are over! [CENTER][COLOR="Gray"]He gets off the chair and walks towards the house[/COLOR][/CENTER] STEPHANIE: Hunter, I know that house! ORTON: You see last week, not only did you show everybody how *****whipped you where, you also showed me your biggest weakness. You’re Kids! [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]The camera pans around to show Aurora and Murphy playing in the window of the house with their childminder[/CENTER] [/COLOR] ORTON: Now are you going to accept the match or do things have to get interesting around here? STEPHANIE: Orton you sick son of a bitch! If you lay one finger on my girls I swear to god... ORTON: Hunter, you wanna tell your old lady to shut the hell up?! I get a little crazy when I'm stressed! STEPHANIE: Give him what he wants Hunter! Just keep him away from our kids! HUNTER: Randy, don't do anything you’re going to regret, I'll sign the contract just stay away from my kids dammit! ORTON: That's all I wanted Hunter. Seeya at No Mercy. [COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]Orton walks off camera laughing. Stephanie and HHH run up the ramp to the back.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBEG: What disturbing scenes! What kind of sick human being goes to those lengths to get what they want? JBL: I’m not saying I agree with what Orton just did but he has had to put up with HHH's mind games for most of his career and it looks like it’s finally pushed him over the edge! GOLDBERG: Come on John! You’re saying that HHH brought this on himself? JBL: If Hunter had kept his promise in the first place, none of this would have happened.[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Sienna"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]MATCH NUMBER THREE THE SUPER DUPER DOUBLE TROUBLE BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER BROTHERS JAY LETHAL AND CM PUNK VS HAWKINS AND RYDER [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAYLETHAL2.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CMPUNK6.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CURTHAWKINS1.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/ZACKRYDER1.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] Lethal and Punk put on a good show in a winning effort before their tag title match. They control the match from the get go busting out several double teams. [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Another great victory for this fledgling team who are going into No Mercy with all the momentum in the world. JBL: They're a joke, Mike! I can't believe Mr Regal caved in and gave them a rematch![/COLOR][/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DimGray"]Mr Regal is in his office, preparing for his match.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/DOMINO2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] REGAL: What now Clive!? I really don't have time for this! COMPTON: I..I heard you were looking for an assistant? REGAL: And you thought YOU were qualified? Look, all my other commitments for tonight have been postponed. I've got a match to get ready for. Just.... COMPTON: I know, I know! Put it in a letter and leave it with you. REGAL: That's my boy Clarke COMPTON: Actually it’s....never mind [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"] MATCH NUMBER FOUR THE CELTIC WARRIOR SOS VS MR WILLIAM REGAL [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/SHEAMUSOSHAUNESSY.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/WILLIAMREGAL2.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Regal is clearly relishing the opportunity to get back into the ring against The Irish Curse, who has been a constant thorn in his side. Regal actually takes the early advantage but falls prey to the sheer size and power of Shaemus. SOS finishes with the Celtic wars word in around 6 minutes [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: A valiant effort by our GM here, but there is no stopping SOS when he has his game face on. JBL: It's so easy to get carried away with the thought of wrestling "just one more match" in front of a hot crowd like this, but I think this was one match too far for our esteemed manager. GOLDBERG: Perhaps you’re right John...Oh what’s this now! The match is over dammit SOS![/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR="DimGray"]SOS picks up Regal and delivers a Fiery Red Hand, adding injury to, well, injury. SOS leaves the ring and Cliff Compton comes down to ringside to check on Regal. He picks him up and helps him to the back.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG:SOS sickens me sometimes! He has all the tools in the world yet he consistently has to break the rules! On the plus side, what a display of sportsmanship by Cliff Compton who hasn’t exactly been in the GM's good books lately. JBL: What a suck up Cliff Compton is! He needs to prove himself by kicking ass not kissing it! GOLDBERG: Let’s take things backstage where Steven Richards has the unenviable task of interviewing James Mitchell before tonight’s main event.[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/CENSORSTEVEN1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] RICHARDS: Thanks guys...I think. James Mitchell, tonight Leviathan makes his first in ring appearance since his return against the number one contender, Mr Kennedy. [CENTER][IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAMESMITCHELL1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] MITCHELL: How incredibly observant of you Steven! Give this man a coconut! Tonight we prove a point. Tonight we prove that a man with no soul is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Tonight we prove that a man with no heart is unstoppable. Tonight we prove that a man with no spirit is far from crushed. He is free to wreak havoc. Tonight we prove that nobody can stand in the way of The Leviathan! RICHARDS: Before you leave for that match James, Edge has not been seen since the vicious attack last week. Do you have any news regarding his whereabouts? MITCHELL: Put simply Richards, Edge as you know him is dead. Long live DOOMESDAY!! [CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TEW%20Pics/EdgeOld.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Sienna"][B]MATCH NUMBER FIVE MR CHARISMA KEN KENNEDY VS LEVIATHAN WITH JAMES MITCHELL [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/MRKENNEDY1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/BATISTA1.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg267/Chrisox/wwe/JAMESMITCHELL1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Nobody has heard from Edge all week and now we know why! It looks like Mitchell has got into his head the same way he did with Batista JBL: Well it’s Leviathan and Doomsday now Mike, and I certainly wouldn’t like to get in either mans way[/B][/COLOR] Leviathan totally overpowers Kennedy to begin with, taking him apart with methodical punches and clotheslines. Kennedy looks out of things early, but rallies and mounts some offence of his own. Leviathan endures all of Kennedy's punishment without once leaving his vertical base. Leviathan gets back on the attack and charges Kennedy in the corner...but he misses! Kennedy uses the shift in momentum to hit a neck breaker then goes up top. Doomsday pushes Kennedy off the top, drawing the DQ finish after about 12 minutes. [COLOR="Red"][B]GOLDBERG: Kennedy was more than holding his own in there until Doomsday’s interference! James Mitchell is signalling for both men to continue the assault! Kennedy has a title shot in less than a week for god’s sake! Stop this carnage![/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="Gray"]The lights go out. A voice is heard in the darkness[/COLOR][/CENTER] Voice: Leviathan. I said I would never fight you. I am a man of my word, so don't think of this as a change of heart...think of it as a change of soul! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mordecai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]GOLDBERG: Oh my god! That Mordecai! Kevin Thorne has been forced to return to his dark alter ego![/COLOR][/B] MITCHELL: Well well well! My old friend Mordecai! I wondered if we would see you again. So I take it you want a piece of my Leviathan and Doomsday machine? Find yourself a partner and it’s on at No Mercy! MORDECAI: I already have a partner "my old friend" I flew too close to the sun, Mitchell, and I came back burnt! [CENTER] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TEW%20Pics/KaneMask3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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