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TNA: The New Face of Pro Wrestling just got a New Face

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Credit: Wrestlinginc.com [QUOTE][SIZE="4"]TNA SIGNS MULTIPLE STARS[/SIZE] According to inside sources with TNA. Not only have they signed former TNA members Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens and TNA short timer, Shannon Moore, they have also been rumoured to make advances to at least 3 other people. One name being rumoured is a former TNA member, Sean Waltman. We don't know how good of a move that is but Kevin Nash was very high on TNA re-signing Waltman. Scott Hall was such a great idea from Nash that turned out horrible. Will Waltman abandon TNA like Hall did? Or can he bring the heat back to TNA that they desperatly need? We'll have an update on this as soon as more info is known.[/QUOTE]
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I resigned Waltman in my TNA diary and had no problems with him. I also signed Sandman, Sabu, and RVD as part of my Heyman/ECW storyline in TNA. All of them have been great additions to the roster. Still, i think as soon as Val is available you lock him up long term and send him into a title push asap. Good work, keep it up.
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[QUOTE=chopps4312;483380]Still, i think as soon as Val is available you lock him up long term and send him into a title push asap. Good work, keep it up.[/QUOTE] OOC In good time.. Val will be a member of the TNA roster. And thank you on the comment.. It's comments like that, that keep me going on this dynasty. The other diaries I had I put too much work into that I couldn't keep up with. [SIZE="3"]UP NEXT...[/SIZE] [QUOTE]TNA reacts to rumours of expanding their roster.[/QUOTE]
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Well a two hour program is much easier than the 5 hours of the WWE plus TNA is a challenge with how up and down it can be. I tend to write a lot about Val, but i can't help but look up to and respect the guys who have been nothing but a good worker for who ever they work for. Be it P.J. Axelsson for the Bruins, Sean Morley for Vince, they are just to come by. Reactions on the rumors? I wonder if Heyman will bring in some old ECW guys, or even WWE guys he had worked with. Lesnar, Lashley, and Heidenreich are all guys from the WWE who are available and worked for him either on SD or ECWWE. Plus RVD, Sandman, Mahoney, Sabu from the old ECW to name a few. This should be very interesting. Enjoying your write ups and booking, you got a fan here for a long time. Well, until you let Russo book lol.
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Well, I'll tell you what.. I'll let Russo book once I get fired. Also, I am giving 5 pick 'em points to whoever guesses the new signees per person. So 3 people being rumoured that could be 15 extra points to whoever. Remember winner of the Pick 'Em League gets to pick a wrestler to go for a belt on the next Impact after the PPV. First Pick 'Em winner will make a match for Week 4 of August. Sunday Week 3 is Hard Justice so that would be the Impact following the PPV.
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Credit: Wrestlinginc.com [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]Sitdown Interview with the new face of TNA Wrestling.. Paul Heyman[/SIZE][/B] Ryan Clark: So Paul, it's been awhile since we've seen you with a wrestling promotion. What made you decide to come back? And for TNA? Paul Heyman: It has been quite some time, hasn't it? You know what really made me come back. The smell of the mildewy locker rooms, the feeling of power you get when you come out to a live audience and make the rules. The way everyone feels like a family backstage. I chose to go with TNA because I honestly see some potential that previous management was un-able to see. It also reminds me alot of my cultural birthplace.. ECW. Which I do miss dearly but I couldn't afford to keep it going. So I did the next best thing and sold it to Vince to let someone else deal with it. Hell, Vince had half my roster by the time I sold him it. Clark: Now, along with all the fans, I have heard rumours that you are bringing in some more new faces to TNA. Not only did you already re-release The Naturals, but you also brought back "The Reject" Shannon Moore. Can we get any hints as to who the other 3 are? Is one of the Waltman, and are any other's former ECW stars that you feel deserve a job. Heyman: All my boys from ECW deserve jobs honestly. As for me bringing Moore back in. WWE couldn't see his potential like I could. He started out with Matt & Jeff Hardy who are larger than life sex symbols to all the little girls out there but are also dare devils that ECW was about. Shannon Moore definately has potential to be a HUGE star in this business too bad he won't do it with WWE.. hahaha. Uhh, as for the other 3 that are being talked about.. I can confirm 1 is Sean Waltman and he will debut at Hard Justice with a partner of his choice against Team 3D. The other two, one is an awesome Indy wrestler that deserves a call up. And the other will be Kurt and AJ's Guest Enforcer at Hard Justice. Clark: Well, I for one definately can't wait til Hard Justice to see these two new members of the TNA roster. As for your little grudge against Team 3D, it seems, why are you treating them like the way you are? Heyman: Team 3D know I have nothing but Love & Respect for both of them. They understand that I came from a generation where you have to earn what you want. You don't just get to sleep with someones daughter and wake up champion. So, they will get another Tag Title shot as long as they earn it. Along with any other member of the roster. Clark: Well I think that wraps up all the time we have. I look forward to catching up to you later down the road. Actually, can we schedule an interview for tomorrow? Heyman: You know you wanting to see me in secret like this is starting to get creepy. Hahaha, I'm just kidding. Yeah, we can definately do another interview tomorrow.[/QUOTE] UP NEXT... Heyman's second Interview OOC... Hard Justice Preview won't be up probably until late... late saturday or Sunday. Also, you can keep guessing as to who the other members are only you get 3 points now per person for a total of 6 extra bonus points.
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[B][SIZE="4"]Sitdown Interview Part 2[/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE]Ryan Clark: Hello Heyman once again. Now we were supposed to have an interview two days ago. What happened? Paul Heyman: To be honest Ryan, I was completely busy talking to Sean Waltman about what he wants to do with his time here in TNA, he also told me that he had his tag team partner picked out. Clark: That would be?... Heyman: Waltman told me that him and his partner would be known as [B]oWn World[/B] and would consist of Sean Waltman & Kevin Nash. Clark: So we can confirm now that it is Sean Waltman & Kevin Nash teaming up to take on Team 3D. What other matches are confirmed for Hard Justice? Heyman: I will be holding a press conference about this later today or tomorrow depends on how busy I am. But I will tell you that there will be some shockers at Hard Justice so you better be watching. Clark: I know for one I am, I look forward to this PPV to see who these new signees are. Any other hints you can give us about these signings? Heyman: Well I'll give you a hint about the Indy worker, She is a phenominal worker that gets into alot of mischeivious activities. The other you'll have to wait till Hard Justice.[/QUOTE]
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This Diary will not die yet! I've been really busy lately with wrestling and making posters for that so I never had time to whip up some actual posters for this Diary for Hard Justice.. Well I finished the posters so let the show continue.. [CENTER][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/HJPWvsCCvsAB.jpg[/IMG] After weeks of not being able to succeed to capture the X Division Title, Consequences Creed gets another shot at Hard Justice. But he will aslo have to face the man stopping him from getting the belt, Sheik Abdul Bashir. Petey Williams has to defend against two men, can he over come the odds? [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/TaylorvsAngelina.jpg[/IMG] After getting a cheap win on Impact, Angelina Love, finally gets her attempt at the TNA Knockouts Championship. Will Velvet Sky help her win the title or will Taylor stop them both cold in their tracks? [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/BookerTvsAbyss.jpg[/IMG] Booker T seems to be a man possessed after attacking innocent people, Abyss would come down as the Avenging Angel and save the poor victim. Booker T always had a problem with Abyss getting in the way of his dirty work, but it the tension became worse when Abyss, Black Hole Slammed, Sharmell. Now not only is Abyss out to Avenge his fallen co-workers, but Booker T is out to get revenge for his wife. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/Team3DvsoWnWorld.jpg[/IMG] We've been hearing rumors for weeks about a possible Sean Waltman return. When it was confirmed the first thing we heard was he was in a tag match at Hard Justice against Team 3D. Well Waltman went back to his WCW days and picked a partner, that partner being the near 7 foot Kevin Nash. Will Team 3D pull out another cheap win or will oWn World rule the business once again? [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/AJvsKurt.jpg[/IMG] It may be Kurt's pick for Special Enforcer but Heyman assured us that this man wasn't one sided in any way. Will the Enforcer let whatever go or will he step in to help one of them take the win. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/hj.jpg[/IMG] To get redemption on Sting, Joe, had to put his Title on the line. But Sting to get a shot at that title, put his Career on the line. Will Joe be the reckoning force to drive Sting out of TNA and into Retirement? Or will Sting keep his job on the TNA roster and become the New World Heavyweight Champion?[/CENTER] Quick Pick League: TNA X Division Title Match "Sheik" Abdul Bashir vs. Petey Williams© vs. Consequences Creed TNA Knockouts Title Match Taylor© vs. Angelina Love Avenge or Revenge? Booker T vs. Abyss TNA Tag Team #1 contender's match Team 3D vs. oWn World Special Guest Enforcer AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle Career vs. Title Anything Goes Samoa Joe© vs. Sting Bonus Points... Guessing who the Mischeivious Indy Worker is. Also, Guessing who the Special Enforcer is. OOC Should have the show up by Friday. Also, Credit to gazwefc83 for the Sting vs. Joe poster.
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Quick Pick League: TNA X Division Title Match "Sheik" Abdul Bashir vs. Petey Williams© vs. [B]Consequences Creed [/B]probably wrong here, but it may be time TNA Knockouts Title Match [B]Taylor©[/B] vs. Angelina Love the beautiful people don't even belong in the ring Avenge or Revenge? Booker T vs. [B]Abyss [/B] TNA Tag Team #1 contender's match T[B]eam 3D[/B] vs. oWn World Special Guest Enforcer AJ Styles vs. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] I wish it weren't true but it never makes sense to me when aj wins over Kurt. Kurt >= wrestling god Career vs. Title Anything Goes [B]Samoa Joe©[/B] vs. Sting as well you will be my pick for Rookie DOTM, when i post my picks!
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TNA X Division Title Match "Sheik" Abdul Bashir vs. Petey Williams© vs. [B]Consequences Creed[/B] TNA Knockouts Title Match Taylor© vs. [B]Angelina Love[/B] Avenge or Revenge? [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Abyss TNA Tag Team #1 contender's match Team 3D vs.[B] oWn World[/B] Special Guest Enforcer AJ Styles vs. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Career vs. Title Anything Goes [B]Samoa Joe[/B]© vs. Sting Bonus Points... Guessing who the Mischeivious Indy Worker is. [B]Ms Chif[/B] Also, Guessing who the Special Enforcer is. uh, no idea.
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TNA X Division Title Match "Sheik" Abdul Bashir vs. Petey Williams© vs. [B]Consequences Creed[/B] TNA Knockouts Title Match [B]Taylor©[/B] vs. Angelina Love Avenge or Revenge? Booker T vs. [B]Abyss[/B] TNA Tag Team #1 contender's match Team 3D vs. [B]oWn World[/B] Special Guest Enforcer [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kurt Angle Career vs. Title Anything Goes Samoa Joe© vs. [B]Sting[/B]
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TNA X Division Title Match "Sheik" Abdul Bashir vs. [B]Petey Williams[/B]© vs. Consequences Creed TNA Knockouts Title Match [B]Taylor[/B]© vs. Angelina Love Avenge or Revenge? Booker T vs. [B]Abyss[/B] TNA Tag Team #1 contender's match [B]Team 3D[/B] vs. oWn World Special Guest Enforcer [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kurt Angle Career vs. Title Anything Goes [B]Samoa Joe[/B]© vs. Sting Bonus Points... Guessing who the Mischeivious Indy Worker is Ms Chif Also, Guessing who the Special Enforcer is Bobby Lashley
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TNA X Division Title Match [B]"Sheik" Abdul Bashir[/B] vs. Petey Williams© vs. Consequences Creed TNA Knockouts Title Match Taylor© vs. [B]Angelina Love[/B] Avenge or Revenge? Booker T vs. [B]Abyss[/B] TNA Tag Team #1 contender's match Team 3D vs. [B]oWn World[/B] Special Guest Enforcer: RVD (guess) [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kurt Angle Career vs. Title Anything Goes [B]Samoa Joe©[/B] vs. Sting
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[SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Total Nonstop Action Presents... [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/HJBackground.jpg[/IMG] Live, from the US Bank Arena in Ohio. Attendance: 11,141[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Dark Matches The Naturals defeated Rock 'n Rave Infection[/SIZE] Rating: D- [SIZE="4"]Main Show[/SIZE] We are welcomed to The US Bank Arena with very loud pyros. As soon as the pyros finish we are welcomed by.. The sound of Matt Morgans music plays. He comes out and demands that he has a match since he hasn't been used lately. Then out comes Shannon Moore to accept the challenge. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] The Match was extremely one sided as Morgan felt he still had to prove himself so he just destroys Moore. WINNER: Matt Morgan RATING: C- [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/DonWest.jpg[/IMG] Mike Tenay: Sorry everybody for that rude welcoming to the show. So I have to say it.. Welcome to TNA's Hard Justice! Don West: YES Mike we have a wonderful card for everyone tonight. We see the re-union of Sean Waltman & Kevin Nash as they take on Team 3D for a shot against Beer Money for the TNA Tag Team Titles. Mike: Now for our opening match we get Petey Williams defending against two people that have a hatred between them. Can he over come the odds and retain his title or will Bashir or Creed take the title away from him.. Let's find out. RATING E+ [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/HJPWvsCCvsAB.jpg[/IMG] The match is very tense. Petey doesn't try to interfere too much between the two men so he stays outside of the ring for most of the match, while in the ring Creed & Bashir do nothing too spectacular. The finish came when Petey sets up Creed in a Canadian Destroyer and almost hits it but for some reason Bashir throws some kind of dust in the eyes of Williams. Creed chases Bashir out of the ring. Creed then nails Williams with a huge left hook. He covers Williams for the pin. WINNER AND NEW TNA X DIVISION CHAMPION.... CONSEQUENCES CREED! Time - 15:40 RATING: D After the match Bashir is still just staring at Creed. The ring announcer gets up to give the ref the belt to hand over to Creed. Instead of allowing this to happen "Sheik" Abdul Bashir rips the belt out of the hands of the Ring Announcer and laughs at Creed as he walks back up the ramp holding the belt high. RATING: F [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/AngelWilliams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/JeremyBorash.jpg[/IMG] Jeremy Borash: So Angelina, on Impact this past week. We saw you get some help from Velvet Sky to get the win. Now you have a match against Taylor for the Knockouts Title. Is Velvet Sky gonna help you win this too? Angelina Love: Are.. are you accusing the Beautiful People of cheating, JB? JB: I .. I never said... Love: Well you know what JB. Yes, yes Velvet Sky will be out by ringside with me tonight to help cheer me on. Nothing else. I don't need help to beat that ugo Taylor. Velvet Sky walks up looks at JB and then says "let's go" to Love and they leave. RATING: E+ [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/TaylorvsAngelina.jpg[/IMG] The match is very brutal as they both have harsh feelings towards each other. Taylor gets quite a bit of offence until out of nowhere she gets attacked by some female that came from out of the crowd. The ref has no choice but to call for the bell. WINNER: And Still TNA KNOCKOUTS CHAMPION... Taylor via DQ Time - 6:41 RATING: D- After the match the mystery chick walks up the ramp alone and turns back to the crowd and shows a smile... [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Ms_Chif3.jpg[/IMG] Mike Tenay & Don West are talking over a video of recent weeks of Impact to show the heated rivalry between Abyss & Booker T. RATING: E+ [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/BookerTvsAbyss.jpg[/IMG] The match is very high impact filled. Big moves are done left and right. After a couple minutes they decide to take the fight outside the ring. Referee Slick Johnson decides to let the match continue. They end up brawling back to the Tunnel where Abyss gives Booker T a Black Hole Slam... THROUGH THE STAGE! The ref quickly raises his hands above his head and signals the X and calls for the bell. WINNER: DRAW Time - 16:51 RATING: B- A Video airs showing us a replay of Booker T getting Black Hole Slammed THROUGH the Stage. RATING: E+ In a match where each participant represents his team. Winner gets a match on Impact against oWn World or Team 3D for #1 Contendership. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/AlexShelley.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/JamesStorm.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/RobertRoode.jpg[/IMG] Now the only thing we know for certain is, if Cage or Shelley win this match they face the winners of Team 3D vs. oWn World on Impact. If James Storm wins for his team then they get the night off of Impact and will face the winners of Team 3D vs. oWn World at No Surrender but no sooner than that. Needless to say. The match was very action packed with Storm being on the recieving end of almost everything. Once when Storm was outside of the ring being attended to by Roode, Shelley decides to do a suicide dive to the outside onto both members of Beer Money, Inc. After Shelley gets up Cage is about to go for a dive when Rhino decides to nail Cage with a Chair. Shelley quick gets back into the ring and pins Cage. WINNER: Alex Shelley Time - 7:35 RATING: C [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Homicide.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Hernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/HectorGuerrero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Salinas.jpg[/IMG] The camera cuts to the back where we see all four members of LAX argue about something. No one can comprehend what is going on as it is all in Spanish. Hernandez doesn't really say much just shaking his head. Homicide decides he's had enough and storms out of the locker room. RATING: E- [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Sting.jpg[/IMG] A pretaped video airs of Mike Tenay having a sit down Interview with Sting. Mike: Now Sting, me and you go way back. Back to the glory days of WCW. And I wanna know what drove you to want this Career vs. Title match at Hard Justice? Sting: Simply put Mike if I win, then I become TNA World Champ and teach Samoa Joe a lesson in respect. If I lose, then there is obviously no respect for me in this business anymore and the only option I have is to retire. Mike: Sting.. Steve .. I know and you know there are better ways going about to get respect than to beat it into someone. Sting: You know what Mike I don't think you're showing me respect anymore. What happened to those good 'ole days when I was WCW Heavyweight Champ and everyone loved me? What happened to the Crow that everyone knew and worshipped? What happened to the brains in everyone in this business to just turn around and disrespect everyone they look in the eyes of? HUH MIKE?!? Sting just gets up and walks away. RATING: C [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/Team3DvsoWnWorld.jpg[/IMG] Don: Oh man Mike, that was a different man. That was not Sting. Nor was it Steve Borden. I don't know what is going to happen later on tonight in the main event. Mike: You are correct Don. That man I interviewed was a stranger to me. I have never seen him act this way, ever. But right now we get to see the return of Sean Waltman & Kevin Nash teaming up. In a #1 Contender's Match they will take on Team 3D. Now getting to the match. Team 3D tries every underhanded move they can only to be stopped by oWn World. The finish sees Sean Waltman hit an X Factor on Brother Ray the same time Devon is met by a Big Boot from Nash. WINNERS: oWn WORLD! Time - 17:31 RATING: D After oWn World leaves the arena to a standing ovation the PA System sounds off with a huge... [SIZE="4"]WOOOOO!!!![/SIZE] Don: OH MY GOD! MIKE IS IT WHO I THINK IT IS??? Mike: Only time will tell Don! Slowly out walks a familiar yet new face to TNA... [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] The Crowd goes absolutely beserk. Ric Flair: Now I may be retired but I can still enforce! (Crowd yells WOOO) Flair: I Will be the special Enforcer for Kurt & AJ's match. I may have worked with Kurt before but I see so much potential in AJ Styles that I will not screw him out of his match. WOOOOOO!!! RATING: B [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/AJvsKurt.jpg[/IMG] During the insane match between AJ & Kurt they both end up being outside the ring going up to Flair who meets them both with HUGE CHOPS that the crowd WOO along too. Kurt nails an Olympic Slam.. 1.. 2... AJ kicks out. After a few more minutes AJ nails a Styles Clash on Kurt.. 1.. 2... Kurt Angle Kicks out. The two men keep up the great match then the Ref accidentally gets nailed and is out. AJ Styles hits another Styles Clash on Kurt but there is no ref to count the three. AJ looks at Flair and points to him. He then rips off the ref shirt off the ref and tosses it to Flair. Flair puts on the shirt and climbs in the ring. AJ then climbs to the top rope to go for a Spiral Tap but Kurt Angle springs up and climbs the turnbuckles and gives a huge Belly to Belly off the top rope. He then locks in the Ankle Lock with a body scissors. Flair checks AJ if he taps... WINNER: Kurt Angle Time - 28:35 RATING: B [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/JeremyBorash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/SamoaJoe2.jpg[/IMG] JB: Samoa Joe, we were just amazed by the appearance of the legendary Ric Flair. And now you are gearing up for your legendary match against Sting. If you win, you send Sting home with his tail between his legs. If he wins... Joe: You know what JB. I'm sick of everyone saying that I don't stand a chance against Sting. Sting you better have your bags packed already 'cause after I beat you I don't want to see your face in the back. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20dynasty%20Posters/hj.jpg[/IMG] The match is very good with some very impressive spots. It is very evenly match even half-way through the match. Everyone in the crowd cheers for there favorite.. Crowd: Let's go Sting.. Let's go Joe.. Let's go Sting.. Let's go Joe! Sting hits a Scorpian Death Drop but Joe kicks out. Sting locks in the Scorpian Death Lock, Joe easily gets to the ropes. Sting finally goes outside to grab a baseball bat at the 20 minute mark. He swings for Joe but Joe ducks it and locks in the Cochina Clutch. Sting fights it for a couple minutes before... He makes it to the ropes. Joe goes outside to grab a weapon. He pulls out a guitar and looks really confused then the music of Jeff Jarrett hits and he comes out Joe jumps back in the ring facing Jarrett. Sting comes up from behind Joe and hold Joe against the ropes. Jarrett grabs the Guitar and swings it... He purposely missed Joe and nailed Sting with the guitar. Joe pins Sting.. 1.. 2.. WINNER AND STILL TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... SAMOA JOE!! Time - 23:56 RATING: B- After the match Jarrett grabs another Guitar and raises it up and pyros shoot from the back of it as Jarrett raises his hands smiling. Also, after winning possibly the biggest match in his career Samoa Joe celebrates his victory against Sting. Sting stares Joe down and then holds out his hand and mouths "You've earned my respect". Sting then looks as if he is about to cry then just gets out of the ring and looks back at the crowd smiling. The fans chanting "Thank you Sting!" RATING: E+ OVERALL: C+[/CENTER] [QUOTE]Quick Results Pre-Show Naturals def. Rock n Rave Main Show Matt Morgan def Shannon Moore Consequences Creed def. "Sheik" Abdul Bashir & Petey Williams Taylor def. Angelina Love Abyss draws with Booker T Alex Shelley def. Christian Cage & James Storm oWn World def. Team 3D Kurt Angle def. AJ Styles Samoa Joe def. Sting[/QUOTE] Post Show notes: Creed, Rave, Rock were used far too much. Petey was slightly over-used. Show can be considered a success, it should have increased popularity.
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Quick Pick League Show Results... mistaken - 4points dse81 - 8points iceman - 4points MattitudeV2 - 5points TracyBrooksFan - 3points Overall Points... LEADER: MISTAKEN - 23points 2nd Place: dse81 - 18points 3rd Place: MattitudeV2 - 5points 4th Place: chopps4312 - 4points 5th Place: iceman - 4points 6th Place: TracyBrooksFan - 3points 7th Place: MaxxHexx - 2points WINNER OF THE PICK IT LEAGUE... MISTAKEN. PM me your choice for wrestler(s) and what title you want him/them to go for.
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[CENTER]IMPACT PREVIEW [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/TNAX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/ConsequencesCreed.jpg[/IMG] These two stars face off for the first time in the "MISTAKEN" Challenge. Not much can be said about the match-up. But there is one X-Factor.. If Matt Morgan wins, will he get the belt that, currently, is in Bashir's possession? [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/AlexShelley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/KevinNash.jpg[/IMG] After one hell of a show at Hard Justice. oWn World was able to defeat the terror reign of Team 3D. They now face the Machine Guns to determine who will face Roode & Storm at No Surrender for the Tag Team Titles. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/BookerT.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] These two men went all out on there last meeting, Abyss even ended up putting hole in the Entrance way using Booker T to do it. The ref had no choice but to stop that match. Now these two men face off again when there must be a winner. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Hernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Homicide.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/CurryMan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/EricYoung.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/SharkBoy.jpg[/IMG] In a match made directly after the arguement between LAX members, Paul Heyman had announced they would face all three members of the Prince Justice Brotherhood where losing team disbands and can never re-team again! [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] These two men, after such a long battle for friendship, are again, at war with one another. This time it was Rhino that had turned on Christian at Hard Justice causing him to lose his triple threat match. These two massive egos will meet in the ring in the Main Event of Impact. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TEW%20Cuts/TNA%20Dynasty/Sting.jpg[/IMG] After Sting's gigantic match against Joe for the World Title. He will hold up his end of the deal and say his goodbyes.[/CENTER] Quick Pick League: [QUOTE]X-Division Championship Match Matt Morgan vs. Consequences Creed #1 Contendership to the Tag Team Titles Motorcity Machine Guns vs. oWn World There can only be one winner... Abyss vs. Booker T Losing Team Disbands LAX vs. Prince Justice League MAIN EVENT Christian Cage vs. Rhino[/QUOTE] I don't know how long til I put the results up... Long weekend ahead of me.
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X-Division Championship Match Matt Morgan vs. [B]Consequences Creed[/B] #1 Contendership to the Tag Team Titles [B]Motorcity Machine Gun[/B]s vs. oWn World There can only be one winner... [B]Abyss[/B] vs. Booker T Losing Team Disbands [B]LAX[/B] vs. Prince Justice League MAIN EVENT Christian Cage vs. [B]Rhino[/B]
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X-Division Championship Match Matt Morgan vs. [B]Consequences Creed[/B] #1 Contendership to the Tag Team Titles Motorcity Machine Guns vs. [B]oWn World[/B] There can only be one winner... [B]Abyss[/B] vs. Booker T Losing Team Disbands LAX vs. [B]Prince Justice League[/B] MAIN EVENT [B]Christian Cage [/B]vs. Rhino
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