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Nashville Wrestling: Here Goes Nothin', brother..

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[I]Hello, my name is Chris Kramer. I got to say that I have always managed to get myself into some kind of mess, but I think that this time I have really done it. I have recently taken up the career option of being a professional wrestler. I have done nothing but train for this career for the past three years... and work at the local gas station outside my hometown. I have been working local independent shows to make up a few extra dollars, but the fact that I am only getting ten dollars a show is starting to make me mad. I know that I hadn't made a name for myself, but I have been that 'I have natural talent'. I'm starting to think that they are throwin' verbal 'bologna' at me. My natural skills have done nothing for me until.....[/I] CHRISTMAS WEEK, 2007 .... [I]I was working just another holiday shift. I saw nothing but hookers and strippers that night. I'm not complaining, but I don't have the money for either one of them right now. I am forced to shack up with a buddy of mine and split the rent. I have been praying for something great to happen to me. You know, maybe a contract to MAW?! A contract to RIPW?! Anything.. I'd settle working for a company that has just open from a washed up...Just as I was ringing up one of my regular strippers, Bunny.. a man that I noticed from my childhood comes stumbling in all drunk. He makes it half way to the beer and stumbles all over the 'Slim Jim' display that I had just put up like two hours before. I asked Miss Bunny to.. *sigh*.. leave and walked over to the drunken man on the floor to see if I was right and to see if he was ok. As I walked over to the man, I noticed that without a shadow of a doubt.. it was a one Mr. Marcus McKing. [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/MarcusMcKing.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] 'Sir... Mister McKing. Are you ok' I said. 'Im okaish' replied the drunken McKing. 'Um, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be AAA as they head to Washington for their first show in January?' I asked. 'NO! SCREW STARDUST, BROTHER!' screamed McKing. [I]McKing helped himself up... to a sitting position and tried to focus on me. McKing reached into his right shirt pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper and handed it to me. I opened it up.[/I] 'Go on, brother. Read it out loud. You got to soak in all in, my brother. You got to take the information and grab it! I have been soaking it in for about a week now. This has been my christmas gift to myself! I am large and in charge, brother!' he (drunkenly) stated. 'NASHVILE WRESTLING! Owner, Mister Marcus Alexander McKing.' I read. Nashville Wrestling? Didn't this man own a huge house up in the Seattle area? I had to ask.. I look back now and wish that I hadn't. 'Nashville Wrestling? How? Why? Don't you live up in Seattle? But--' I was cut short by McKing. 'Wow, brother. WOW! You have to talk very slowly for me, young brother. I WAS living in Seattle before I sold my whole estate and moved down here to Nashville! I have taken all my wrestling knowledge and decided to open up my very own by-gawd "Wrasslin" federation as you people like to call it down in these parts. I have even already gotten myself a roster with some promises to a few of them. I have gotten everything, but a head booker. I asked Barry Kingman 'bout it, but honestly brother.. I don't think he can do it. He is too bland! He is too dull! I need somebody new! I need somebody hype! I need..' McKing stopped from his long-winded statement and looked at me with a smile I still think was part pre-vomit, part drunken, and part old and crazy. He continued, ' Hey.. you look like a 'wrasslin' type, brother. I bet that you can throw some punches. Come on, punch me! Show me what you got!' [I]I stared at this man for a second. This man has just asked me to throw a punch at him. I remember him wrestling that DeColt fellow from some of my dad’s old wrestling tapes. He has just asked me to throw a punch at him. He is sitting.. well.. was sitting in front of me. Marcus stumbled to his feet and taking out a ‘Beanie Weenies’ display with him. I had no choice really. I would be fired from the mess anyways. Before I could think much more, he started talking again.[/I] ‘Come on, brother! Are you some kind of wuss or something? Are you a girly-man?! Are a man or are you just some kind of dumb hick!? What are you..’ [I]I cut him off this time. Well, here goes nothing! [/I] [I]I hit McKing with a right hook as hard as I possible could. McKing fell back into another display.. this time it was the Coca-Cola display. Coca-Cola cans and bottles went everywhere. I stood there with a sort look of shock on my face at what I had just done.. and the fact that I’m going have to clean all this mess up when he leaves. I hung my head when I heard these words..[/I] ‘You’re hired, young brother.’ stated McKing. Marcus McKing hired me without even knowing my name. Well, I guess this means I don't have to clean up this mess. I'll leave my (ex)manager a note. I am just hoping that this is the right thing to do. Marcus McKing doesn't seem like the sharpest spoon in the drawer. [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/logo2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B](OOC: This is my first try at a C-Verse diary or actually a diary of any sorts. Wish me luck)[/B]
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January 2008 So it is the first week on January… which means that I have been employed by Marcus Alexander McKing and the Nashville Wrestling company for about two weeks… and we have done nothing! I haven’t seen McKing in about two weeks. He called me from a New Year’s Eve party telling me that he will fax me a roster of who he has already talked to and that I need to do the rest. He said he will fax me a small set of rules he is looking to up hold along with some other information. It is really hard to hear what he was saying with people shouting in the background. I take my job very seriously. I have always believed in that rule. I just hope that this isn’t just some quick stop job and actually something that I can look forward to. I’ve loved wrestling (or ‘wrasslin’ as McKing wants me to call it because I am from the south) and I have always wanted to be a BIG part of it and my chance is finally here. Anyways, here I am… sitting in the Nashville Wrestling ‘office’ that is nothing more than the new house that I am house sitting for McKing. It is nice here. It reminds me or something that I’d see off of ‘Cribs’. I mean… this guy has got to be loaded with some major cash. I can see myself one day living in a place like this. As I daydream about my future house and my future bride, Devil’s Daughter’... the fax machine goes off. HOT DAMN! McKing has finally pulled through for me! I slapped myself in the head when I looked at his small roster that I have to fill the gaps with. Oh lord. Oh Jesus. Oh god. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [U]Barry Kingman[/U] – Barry Kingman has been signed in as the 1st Nashville Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. I guess this was what Marcus was telling me ‘bout some people being ‘bought’ into the federation instead of ‘brought’. I need to learn to understand his northern accent better. Barry Kingman is a Upper Midcarder Face under the No Gimmick Needed moniker. He can work. I’m ok. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BigDaddyHorne.jpg[/IMG] [U]Big Daddy Horne[/U] – Baz ‘Big Daddy’ Horne?! I thought that he only stunk up the wrestling in Australia?! I guess that Marcus has friends from all over the world. He is big. Very big. He is coming in as a opener heel under the Evil Doer moniker. Oh, the first chance that I get… this waste of space is gone. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BlackjackRobbins_alt.jpg[/IMG] [U]‘Black’ Jack Robbins[/U] – Terry Robbins is coming back to wrestling under the name ‘Black’ Jack Robbins. He is teaming with Joey ‘Bad News’ Bruno as ‘Rough Justice’. I can understand that Robbins being apart of SCCW years ago… when I was like 12, but he is wayyy past his prime. Robbins and Bruno are coming in as the 1st Nashville Wrestling Tag Team Champions. Oh… that is just great! He is a midcarder heel under the old school heel moniker. This just keeps getting worse and worse. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/TheBigProblem_alt.jpg[/IMG] [U]Chris Boone[/U] – ‘New York City Bad Boy’ Chris Boone is actually the artist formerly known as The Big Problem. McKing thinks that repacking this guy will make the fans forget his former stint in a wrestling company. I can actually see Boone going places. I might actually take a hand in this guy. All he needs is a mouth piece… but he is a face?! Oh great! Repacked as a Main Event Face under the Bad Ass moniker. Oh great… I’m next. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/Random_Male14.jpg[/IMG] [U]Chris Kramer[/U] – He labeled me as ‘C.K. George’. I can handle the name change. I just really don’t think that Chris Kramer is a great name myself, but ‘C.K. George’… he is the owner. I am a main eventer face playing a redneck character?! Oh what the. McKing and I are going to have a talk when he comes back. I’m not ready to main event! I’m not going to be a damn redneck, either. I’m going to continue looking over his notes. I KNEW he had Alzheimer’s. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG] [U]Fearless Blue[/U] – Well, I’ve heard a lot and a little about this guy at the same time. I know he was in a group of backyarders looking to make it big, but I really don’t know much about him from there. He is set as a midcarder face under the thrill seeker moniker. It fits… I guess. Only time will tell with this kid. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] [U]Giant Redwood [/U]– Another big ol’ wrestler?! Another waste of time, space, and money?! You have got to be kidding me! Ah… come on, Marcus. Giant Redwood and Big Daddy might as well team up and just sit on their opponents since that is how the matches will look. I don’t see why Marcus has such jollies for big useless wrestlers. Anyways, Main Eventer, Heel, Giant. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BadNewsBruno_alt.jpg[/IMG] [U]Joey Bruno[/U] – Joey ‘Bad News’ Bruno. Ukrainian powerhouse that doesn’t speak a lick of English and doesn’t have a lick of wrestling skills will be teaming with Robbins. This has got to be a brain child of McKing. I can see this going bad already. It is going to be a monstrous mess when Robbins and Bruno are trying to communicate inside and outside of that ring. It will be bad. Note to self: sign somebody that can translate for Bruno. ½ of Nashville Tag Team Champions, Lower Midcarder, Heel, and Old School Heel. Yep, that sums it up for Bruno. And the name Joey?! [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [U]Mafia Mike[/U] – ‘Murderous’ Mikey is a brawler from Calgary. He is a big man with a very menacing look. I really don’t want to meet this guy. I’ve heard about things he has done outside of the ring. ‘Murderous’ Mikey isn’t just some nickname that he was given. I’ve heard that is his ‘second’ job. McKing has him down as a FACE?! You have got to be kidding me?! Again, Marcus! Hell man! He is being teamed with Abraham Slam as ‘American Gangsters’. Well, I see where this is all going. Midcarder, Face, Gangsta. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/MikeyJames.jpg[/IMG] [U]Mikey James[/U] – ‘The Last Dragon’ Mikey James as McKing has labeled him. I hope that McKing doesn’t make James don a dragon costume because that would just be plain stupid. Mikey was giving the chance to be the 1st Nashville Lightweight Champion. I think the only reason this was actually done was because so far… he is the only light heavyweight on the roster. He is a Upper Midcarder that is wrestling as a face and using the fan favorite gimmick. Last… but sadly not least [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/AbrahamSlam_hit1.jpg[/IMG] [U]Poppa Slam[/U] – Austrian brawler, Abraham Slam is going gangsta! McKing has gotten to be still drinking! He told me he would quit after what happen at the gas station. He got to be lying! Poppa Slam can at least brawl a little. Lower Midcarder, face, gangsta! Well, looks like McKing has a big ol’ buttock of a mess that I am going have to work around. I really don’t see a light at the end of this very long and dark tunnel. Oh… what is this other piece of paper?! More bad news!? No… no… I mustn’t think that way or IT WILL BE! Dear Kramer, Below I have given you four small rules to follow. I know that they don’t seem like a lot, but these are just some things that I need for you to keep in mind so that Nashville Wrestling can become a great wrestling federation that everybody will love. Each one of these goals has an importance as well. I hope you don’t mind. I will see you soon so that we can add more people to the roster and talk about the first ‘wrasslin’ show. ‘M.A.M’ Rule 1: Nashville Wrestling cannot fall into debt at any point. [B]CRITCAL[/B] (Fair enough.) Rule 2: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- in Stamina. [B]AVERAGE[/B] (Looks like there will be some cleaning to do after all) Rule 3: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- in Toughness. [B]AVERAGE[/B] (BRIGHT SKIES! SHINY DAYS!) So my first fax… oh, I feel like I am really in the business now. I can’t wait to talk to Marcus because I already have some names in mind for the first show. Damn… note to self: Come up with catchy name for first show.
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[QUOTE=kowalewski;480072]Wow, I know they say one man's trash is another man's treasure, but McKing's gimmick should be garbage collector! (with the exception of Mikey James and Barry Kingman)[/QUOTE] I figured that I have McKing pull some bonehead move to start the promotion. It'll probably be an ugly first card, but that will be the fun of it. Working against the grain with nothing to work with.
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Second Week of January 2008 [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/MarcusMcKing.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/Random-Suit.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I had a small amount of hope in the back of my mind that I was going to be rich and famous merely overnight. HAHA! I am… currently… broke! I’ve had to borrow money from my mom and ‘borrow’ money from McKing (well he doesn’t know about it). I haven’t been noticed by anybody as a big celebrity in my hometown yet or nothing. One thing I can say about McKing though, he has some good taste. McKing went and got me my first real suit to make me look a little more business like when we are conducting business. OHHHH YEEEAHHH… WATCH OUT LADIES BECAUSE HERE I COME! So Marcus call me into the ‘booking room’ (as he calls it) which is a huge room with multiple small and large plasma televisions on the wall and a decent size table with each seat having a plaque in front of it to designated where everybody would be sitting… if we had more than two people on our current booking staff. McKing starts the ‘meeting’. ‘I’ve been thinking…’ he said Oh great, the master thinker is at it again. He continued ‘We don’t need to hurt our rep, brother. So, I’ve come up with another rule for you. So it will be rule number five, right brother?’ I nodded ‘yes’ He went on ‘So rule number five will state: You cannot hire or extend the contract of anybody who industry reputation of less than a D-. Now this isn’t a big deal, but I thought that I’d put it out there for you, brother.’ ‘Do these rules apply to you?’ I asked ‘Nope.’ he quickly stated ‘WHY?! This is your promotion! You are supposed to follow by the rules just like I am.’ I argued ‘Right… this is MY promotion. I give you the rules to follow and I just merely look at them and smile.’ he bluntly stated So this is how it is. I heard that Marcus had an ego but this is just insane. So when contracts come up, he can decide to resign Horne and I can’t do anything about it?! I wonder if my job is still open at the gas station. ‘So how you like the suit?’ he asked ‘Oh it’s great, man. I’ve come up with a name for the first show and even booked where it is.’ I told ‘Really, brother?!’ he ask shocked ‘Yeah, the name for the first Nashville Wrestling show is: ‘Nashville Wrestling Presents: Showdown in M-Town’. It will be in Murfreesboro, Tennessee the next Friday.’ I told ‘Damn, brother. You are really taking this job seriously. I like it! So what you think of the starting roster?’ I said nothing, but had a grimace look on my face when it said the word ‘roster’. I have been having nightmares of Giant Redwood and Big Daddy Horne sitting on my face night in and night out for the past two weeks. I have been waking up screaming and sweating. I swear… I have just decided to try to go without sleep as long as possible. ‘So you are speechless! Great! I knew you would love it!’ McKing exclaimed I had been looked for people to fill the holes of a roster that Marcus forgot to fill. I had gotten some calls back from people who are actually interested in working for us. I was quiet surprised. I had brought a folder with me to show him who I had talk to and see if he would hire them. ‘So I have a list of people to fill some of the gaps that we have opened. I have some pictures and some small information for some of the people.’ I stated ‘Well let me see ‘em, brother.’ McKing said So, I handed him the portfolio and he went over each people one at a time. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/JezMcArthuer.jpg[/IMG] ‘Jez McArthuer. Hmm… we do need some officials, I guess. He looks like he is a highly respected individual. We will hire him.’ Said McKing I interjected ‘Jez wants some of his travel expenses paid and he wants a percentage of the merchandise too. He argues that he is a family man with four kids and he needs some extra money.’ [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/CurtOMalley.jpg[/IMG] ‘Well, brother… if he has four kids than I say ok. We do need officials and we will take them when we can get them. Let’s see, you have Curt O’Malley next. I like the name, brother! Maybe I should change my name to Marcus O’McKing. What you think, brother?’ McKing responded ‘Um, why don’t you just keep looking at his resume and decided if we need him.’ I stated. I had to change the subject. I’m really starting to wonder how many drugs and how many legit piledrivers that Marcus took over his career. I have always heard that he was a little weird, but he is really pretty screwed up. ‘Oh right. Well, we need a good road agent other than me… so he is hired. McKing stated. McKing stopped before he made his next statement and looked bewildered at the picture of the person in front of him. I knew right ahead who he was stared at. ‘Who is the hell is that, brother?!’ asked McKing [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/Random_Midget07.jpg[/IMG] ‘The name below the picture states ‘Ray Smalls’. He is a 17 year old announcer that has just enter the business so I figured I’d try to sign him before anybody else did to give him some test. He--- ‘ I stated before I was cut off. ‘He is a MIDGET! I don’t know about midgets, young brother. I have had my fair share of run-ins with the midget community and it isn’t pretty. Are you sure his real name is Ray Smalls. You have got to be kidding me. He will have to be a ringside announcer. We will need a high chair. Sign ‘em, brother. Who is the young thang?’ stated McKing. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/KarenBilous_alt01.jpg[/IMG] He had to be looking at Karen Bilous. I knew that we needed somebody to speak for Bruno and she happened to have an e-mail address on her homepage. I sent her an e-mail and she replied to me saying that she would work with Bruno. She’d be pretty cheap since she normally doesn’t work in the States. We just have to pay for her traveling. No big deal. McKing is loaded! ‘That would be Karen Bilous. She would be helping Bruno as more or less his translator. You knew Bruno speaks basically no English, right?’ I looked at McKing as I asked. ‘What you talking ‘bout, brother? He spoke perfect English hours before I first meet you. I had just meet him at a party down in Florida and than got on a plane flew to Tennessee and continued to party. Which is were I meet Terry Robbins and decided to quit my job in AAA and start my own federation. They were the first two people I meet…’ McKing stated but I cut him off. ‘He spoke ‘perfect English’ because you were drunk! Anyways, Karen will be cheap and Bruno needs a manager anyways. So…’ I knew it was only time before a light went off in Marcus’ head, but it usually takes some time. ‘I got a great name for her!’ McKing exclaimed as he slammed his first on the table. ‘Name? Why? She already has one. She—‘ I was cut off again. ‘She needs a name to go with ‘Rough Justice.’ Great. I wonder what he will have in mind for her. Reason number twenty I regret working for him. Wait… did I ever sign a contract and accept this job? I might have to look into that. ‘Karen Bruno! Bruno’s little sister! Yes! It works out great! Sign her up. He could be a silent worker and Karen speaks for him in her sexy, sexy little voice. It will be gold, brother! GOLD! I promise you gold, brother! Next we have… Jack Griffith. Oh, he is signed. No worries there.’ McKing smiled when he saw Griffith’s picture as he was talking. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] I had to bring him back down to earth because there were a few things that Jack wanted. ‘Well Marcus, Jack wants a promise for a midcard title reign and a lot of extra cash since he has all of those lawyer fees and probation hearings that he has been going through for the past seven years have put him on rock bottom when it comes to cash.’ I stated. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] ‘I don’t care! Get him here! I have ideas for Griffith and when Marcus Alexander McKing has ideas… they will SELL! Let’s see who are next Donnie J & Frankie Perez… I like both of these young guys. The usually, brother?’ asked McKing ‘Yep. Donnie J wants merchandise and a travel expenses, but Frankie is pretty humble about it. He doesn’t really want anything special. Frankie is just happy to be wrestling period.’ I told McKing. ‘Good… good. I can see a push for this kid if he decides to stick around. I have a perfect gimmick for him too. You see Kramer; I am going to give a lot of these guys ‘Nashville Wrestling exclusives’. You see I am going to push these guys with all new personalities. I gave you a new one. Bruno. Robbins. The American Gangstas. It will all come to pass that I was the creative genius behind AAA and now that I am gone it will be nothing!’ McKing states as he looks like he could be coming up with the new formula for the next Frankenstein monster. I better not say that too loud or somebody could get that gimmick. ‘Next…’ states McKing as he finally comes down from outer space. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/Gargantuan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/RudyVelasquez.jpg[/IMG] ‘Well I talked to Cal Sanders, Gargantuan, and Rudy Velasquez. They are all ready to come on board as well. Velasquez wants a low title run which is very possible since I think a match between him and Mikey James will be spectacular. Cal wants the usually. Gargantuan is on board for the same as Sanders.’ I stated. ‘Well, I don’ think that Gargantuan can really run a match for too long, but I love that guy’s look. I have just the idea for Gargantuan. Oh… we are going to be rich, brother! RICH! R-I-C-H!’ states McKing as he jumps to his feet. Marcus is walking out of the ‘office’ before I could really notice as I gather my information together. ‘WAIT!’ I yelled. ‘Where are you going? We still have some things to work out like the first show. We need to get the word out for the show and we need to do it fast!’ I continued to yell. ‘Don’t worry about it, young brother. I have to go talk to the costume designer that I hired and have her work out these gimmicks I have in mind. A gimmick has to have a look! You will see, brother.’ He stated. And with that… McKing left. I was left to make the phone calls to the people that were given the ‘ok’. I don’t know what I should tell that they could be ALL being receiving new names and gimmicks or not. I’m still waiting on a few phone calls before I can get the idea on who is coming and who isn’t. Oh… I feel sorry for these guys now that I think of it. I just wonder who will be behind a mask...
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Second Week of January 2008 [Still] …the phone rang. And rang. And rang. And rang. I thought who in the blue hell be calling me at four o’clock in the morning. I had just had some very long days over the past couple days. I’ve been calling people trying to explain McKing’s reason behind certain things. I’ve had to talk to the costume designer about certain aspect about my ring attire that I wasn’t going to wear. My dream involving myself and a one Miss Cordelia Krauss was a… um… great dream to say the least, but somebody had to go ruin it with a damn phone call. I decided I had to answer or whoever it was would keep calling back. ‘Hello. Who is this?’ I stated ‘Are you a sleep, young brother?’ McKing said over the other end of the phone. ‘Marcus shouldn’t you be at home? Don’t you remember that we are scheduled in a week?’ I questioned ‘Oh, I am home. I just didn’t feel like walking out to the guest house to talk to you. I am in a middle of a very important procedure. I am playing the new ‘SWF’ game on 360. I love being able living hell out of Big Smack Scott with Elmo Benson. I swear… whenever that kid’s contract comes up… we have to get him Kramer. We have to get him, brother.’ Said McKing I am still trying to figure out what the hell he wants. He told me just to live in the guest house to make it easier on the fact that we could work out business quicker than fax or e-mail. Yet, this man called me in the early hours of the morning. Those damn chickens he bought haven’t even started crowing. Whenever I get my gun permit… I am going to shoot those damn chickens. The fact that this guy is playing a game system at 4 am in the morning deeply troubles me because he is my boss. He is the only piece between me and the unemployment line. You know, that is a very frightening thought. They say ‘curiosity killed the cat’ so here is my death march. ‘What do you want anyways?’ I forced myself to ask. ‘I thought I’d let you know that I did some hiring. I am so proud of---‘ McKing continued. As McKing continued, my mind started to wonder off. I heard him correctly. He has just hired some people. I bet he signed that Japanese wrestler, Booger Man because he thought his name was cool. Or maybe The Chaos Demons… yeah, we need another big tag team to stink up the ring. I know I signed Gargantuan, but at least he has some kind of hope and potential. Oh there is so many horrible, terrible people he could have signed… ‘Are you listening to me, brother?’ asked Marcus as I snapped back into reality. ‘Oh yeah, sorry… you were saying.’ I responded as I brushed off my thoughts. [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BretGraveson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/QueenEmily.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/RemmingtonRemus.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ‘I hired us some more backstage people. I figured we were pretty staffed when it comes to the ring for the time being, but that we needed some people to work other parts of the company. I know we needed an announcer. I knew that we needed at least one more official and I will not work with just two road agents… so I hired one of each. I grabbed Bret Graveson as referee, Queen Emily as announcer, and Remmington Remus is going to act as ring announcer for the matches.’ I was actually surprised in my boss. He has done something that bosses normally do. He actually made a decision. He had finally done something that is highly productive. The gods must have finally signed down the goodness down upon us. I had gone back into thought that I forgot about McKing talking. ‘I have high hopes in Bret and Remus. I feel that both of these young men have what it takes to be apart of the Nashville Wrestling family, brother. Queen Emily though… ugh… she isn’t really a looker. I feel that we are going have to try to keep the fans attention away from Emily and sadly more on the midget. I am going have to think of something when we get a television deal. Cause right now, brother, we have a midget and a woman with a hell over an overbite as a our announce team. I’m sure when we get a television show… we can get somebody.’ McKing stated to come to an end. The pictures of Cordelia Krauss started to come to my mind. I can always pray that maybe one day that we have a women’s division as well. I will put out my thoughts to McKing one day soon. McKing’s voice rings back in my ears as I heard the words: ‘card for our first show’… McKing continues ‘Our first card is out on the main page of our website.’ I thought to myself… I didn’t that we have a website. Ugh, I hate to see the picture of myself on there. McKing was still talking… ‘You should go look at it. It is a pretty good card if I do say so myself. OH YEAH, BROTHER! I AM KICKING SOME SERIOUS BUTT!’ yelled McKing I hung up the phone to go check the card: [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]Nashville Wrestling Presents: Showdown in M-Town[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Main Event – Heavyweight Champion: Barry ‘No Gimmick Needed’ Kingman © versus Giant Redwood Tag Team Champions: Rough Justice ‘Jack Robbins & Joey Bruno’ w/Karen Bruno © versus C.K. George & Jack Griffith ‘New York City Bad Boy’ Chris Boone versus ‘V.I.P.’ Cal Sanders Junior Heavyweight Champion: ‘The Last Dragon’ Mikey James © versus ‘Lone Rider’ Rudy Velasquez Big Daddy Horne versus Fearless Blue Donnie J. Walters versus Megadeth w/Kill Switch
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3rd Friday of January aka The Big Night… I have been pacing in the back of the Murfreesboro fairgrounds for the past…um… two hours. Marcus is late. Bruno is late. Robbins is late. I figured that these three men had decided to meet up and ride in together. I figured that they might stop to grab a couple of beers since that what kind of man that Robbins is… and Marcus is in the same line of thought with him. I feel sorry for Bruno. I really do feel sorry for that big lug of a guy. I know that it is still five hours until show time, but I have already gotten in my gear and I am nervous along with the pacing. It is my very first show and I… feel like I’m about to crap myself. I hadn’t had these butterflies since I was going to ask my ex-girlfriend to marry me and she said ‘no’. Oh yeah, that was a bad day. I am hoping that these aren’t the same butterflies. I will just sit down in this chair and close my eyes. I need to rest. I need to--- ‘Wake up, young brother.’ Said McKing I must have fallen asleep. My whole body feels stiff from sitting here for… ‘Ho—how long have I been a sleep?’ I asked ‘Well, I asked Emily and she said that you had been a sleep for about three hours. I figured I’d wake you up now since we are getting close to show time.’ Stated McKing ‘I was a sleep for THREE HOURS?!’ I exclaimed as I began to panic. I had so much to do on my mind before I went to sleep. Oh this isn’t good. I got some much to do… ‘Don’t panic, young brother. We have gotten everything all worked out. I have Karen and Bruno working with the ring crew. Myself and Terry has been getting everybody ready for there matches. Remus and Smalls are getting the announcing gear together. I had them to get the microphone that Queen Emily was going to be using to be lower a little bit because of her little than usually higher voice. Curt and myself already gone over the matches with everybody. Everything is working out well, young brother.’ Stated a confident McKing ‘Yea, hoss. Everything running as smooth as good leather. You are going to have to come yourself down. You going to be ok, son? You look like you are ‘bout to throw up. Butterflies? I had mine when I first wrassle many and many years ago. You will be just fine.’ Said Terry Robbins in his very noticeable southern drawl. Even though they were trying to clam my nerves… it just didn’t really help. I guess I should just put it all behind me and get ready for the first day of my professional wrestling career. Well it goes nothing… [CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"]Nashville Wrestling Presents: Showdown in M-Town[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] I was again pacing back and forth as the fans started to roll in. I was actually surprised. We had filled every seat in the building. I felt the butterflies get bigger. I guess McKing’s face value along with some of the decently known names in the indy scene was bringing people as well. McKing had set up a table in the back with a closed circuit television fixed up so we could watch the action. I looked at what McKing had fixed up for promo wise and I really was hesitate on it. McKing signal to the ‘music man’ as he was being called in the back to fire up to first entrance of the night. [I]Barry Kingman’s music started to play as the Nashville Wrestling Heavyweight Champion walked out to the ring. Kingman slapped the hands of the fans as he walked to the ring. Kingman had a big smile on his face as he looked down at the title on his shoulder and patted it. Kingman walks up the stairs and into the ring where Remmington Remus, our ring announcer is waiting for him. [/I] [B]RR[/B]: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the Nashville Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, Barry Kingman. [I][They could see this, Remus.] [/I]Barry, how are you feeling? [B]BK[/B]: Remus, I am very excited to be in Murfreesboro for our first show. I would like to thank the fans for coming out and showing us so much support. I have been all over the North American scene and I have to say that there is no place better to be than right here in the south. *cheap pop* [B]RR[/B]: How are do feel about having the honor of being the first Nashville Wrestling champion thrust upon you? [B]BK[/B]: Remus, I feel that McKing has given me this golden opportunity to help this federation go higher and go big. I have to say that I am very honored. I’d hope to make these fans proud. [B]RR[/B]: Your first title defense tonight is against a huge step in Giant Redwood. [B]BK[/B]: I will not put anything past Redwood because he is a very dominated force. He is a former USPW Heavyweight champion for a reason. I’m not scared though. I have all of these fans here backing me and that is all I need. [B]RR[/B]: Well, thank you Barry. Once again, fans Barry Kingman! [I]Barry waves at the crowd as he shakes the hand of Remmington as he exits the ring and walks to the back.[/I] ‘Great job, Barry.’ I said as he walks pass me and he nods. He was really playing up to the crowd. I can actually see him being the face of Nashville Wrestling. The crowd loves him. McKing cues the music again… [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BigDaddyHorne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Remmington Remus is still in the ring ready to introduce both men. Fearless Blue’s music played first as Remus introduces this young man. Fearless looks like he has as many butterflies in his stomach as I do. Fearless makes it to the ring, climbs on the top turnbuckle and proceeds to do a back flip off of it. The next music heard is that of Big Daddy Horne’s. Remus introduces this giant of a man as he walks to the ring and threatens a few fans to get them booing him. Horne slowly slumps to the ring as his opponent looks on.[/I] The match was straight up ugly! It was scheduled way too long. Basically everybody knew that this was a scheduled squash match for Baz Horne. Horne weighs in at 360 pounds and I think that Fearless might weight a buck sixty at best. Big Daddy Horne basically put Fearless through about… crap… forgot to set the stop watch. Horne started to lug around the ring as Fearless started to run around the ring at hit him with closelines. Fearless plays off to the crowd and goes up top. Fearless jumps off only to be caught by Horne and dropped for a Sidewalk Slam. Horne drags Fearless Blue’s body over to the rope and climbs up on the second rope and drops with the Man Mountain Splash (Vader Bomb) with an ugly sound and even uglier look. The victory comes three seconds after. [I]As the Horne makes his way to the back and Fearless Blue ‘plays off’ the beating with the help from Bret Graveson take to the back, the crowd boos and throws stuff at Horne. Yep this is a southern crowd. [/I] ‘Um, Marcus… maybe next time that Horne is in a match, we set it a little shorter. I didn’t set the stopwatch, but I know that it went way too long. Horne could barely climb up the ropes to hit his move. He is almost out of breath and look at Blue… he looked like he was about crushed to death from the screwed up second rope splash.’ I stated to McKing. ‘Yeah, I see that. Yeah, next time… it will be shorter for sure.’ McKing states ‘YOU OK, BROTHERS?!’ McKing yells at Horne and Blue Both men give thumbs up as Horne tries to catch his breath and Fearless Blue is having his back checked on by the medics I hired because you have to keep your wrestles healthy. Well it was time for what I thought would be the match of the night. McKing cues for the music of the challenger. [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/RudyVelasquez_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/MikeyJames.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Remmington Remus was back in the ring to introduce Rudy Velasquez, who is going under the name ‘Lone Rider’ Rudy Velasquez. Rudy comes out in regular wrestling attire minus his usually ‘street’ look that most fans are used to when he was wrestling in DaVE. Rudy makes it to the ring and settles in as the music for the Nashville Wrestling Junior Heavyweight champion’s music comes on and he comes out dressed in his ‘dojo’ attire. (i.e. Ricky Steamboat’s original look) James plays on his fan favorite gimmick by taking off his headband half way to the ring and giving to a kid before he gets to the ring. James makes it to the ring and walks steps in with his eyes on Rudy the whole time. James goes to hand over the title to Graveson, but Velasquez steps in and takes the title, polishes it off, smiles at James and than hands the title back to Graveson. Before James can finish taking off his entrance attire, Rudy attacks.[/I] The match was basically what it was expect to be for us. I had already figured that all of the matches were going to run quiet long tonight because we had scheduled two hours and with such a small roster than it was expected. The match saw some great move exchanges between James and Velasquez. After each exchange, the fans show their enjoyment by cheering and clapping. Following a miss cross body block, Velasquez takes control of the match for most of the match. The match looked to be over until Velasquez went for a Top Rope Elbow Drop, but James moved out of the way and swiftly rolling Rudy Velasquez up in a cradle and getting the victory to retain his title. [I]Mikey James rolls out of the ring and pick up his title from Remmington Remus. He walks to the back and slaps the fans’ hands. Rudy gives Mikey James time before he walks to the back as well. [/I] ‘Awesome match, guys. It would really been better is we had shorten it a little bit. Seventeen minutes is a hell of a time for the two of you.’ I stated. ‘Thanks.’ Mikey James said as he walked pass me. ‘Yeah, man…thanks ya.’ Rudy Velasquez said in his heavy Mexican accent. I overheard Remus telling the fans that we were going to have a short intermission before we continued with the rest of our card. I figured this was to keep everybody from getting bored with the rest of the matches after the match that they just witness. I let out a big sigh after I saw what was lined up next after the intermission. The intermission had ended and I turned to McKing… ‘You sure that this is really necessary? I mean neither one of these men are great talker and one of them don’t even speak any English!’ I stated ‘No, I have hope in them. Terry has been working with Bruno. Karen has been working with him too. I can tell that Bruno’s speak is coming along quiet well. When myself, Robbins, and Bruno were out earlier for a couple of beers before the show started… when he wanted something to drink than he would write down what he wanted and we would order it for him.’ Stated McKing I felt the look of bewilderment go across my face. I don’t think Marcus has actually thought this whole thing through. I said something before I could actually stop myself. ‘You realize that speaking and writing are two different things… right? I mean being able to write it is great, but isn’t writing anything… HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE SPEAKING! Oh god.’ I said as I put my head in my hands ‘cause of embarrassment and realization. I had just yelled at my boss. I had just put my foot in my mouth. I began to wait for the moment when Marcus told me where to go, but he didn’t. ‘Oh…yeah. My bad, brother. I had a small mental lapse. I guess that Robbins is going to be doing all the talking for the both of them. Maybe next time I can get Karen to talk for Bruno.’ Marcus said as he smiled. That was a close one. Robbins, Bruno, and Karen walked pass me as Bruno gave me the thumbs up and I gave one back. I don’t really want to make this guy made since I am going to be in the ring with him later. I still hadn’t seen Jack to talk about the match. McKing told me that he got with him about it already. He knows his role and I already know mine. I will get the living hell beat out of me for the whole time that I am in the ring. AWESOME! I saw McKing cue the music which meant… [I]The Nashville Wrestling Tag Team Champions, ‘Black’ Jack Robbins & Joey Bruno walked down to the ring with Joey’s ‘sister’, Karen Bruno. The fans hated these two guys mainly because as they walked to the ring, Robbins knocked a drink out of a little kid’s hand and laughed about it. Bruno grabbed somebody’s sign and ripped it into half than threw it down and walked over it. Rough Justice walked to the ring looking like they had just left the backlot of a western movie. Robbins stepped into the ring and held the rope open for Karen Bruno to enter the ring followed by her big ‘brother’ Joey. Remmington Remus is back into the ring to interview these guys. [/I] [B]RR[/B]: Ladies and gentlemen, standing with me are two of the toughest men that you will ever meet on the face of this earth. Hailing from Sweetwater, Texas… ‘Black’ Jack Robbins and currently residing El Paso, Texas… Joey Bruno… together they are the Nashville Wrestling Tag Team Champions, Rough Justic— [I](Robbins yanks the microphone out of Remus’ hands…)[/I] [B]BJR[/B]: You are staring at Bruno’s sister ain’t ya, you low life sum of a gun? [I](Remus shakes his head and slowly backs out of the ring as Bruno stands in front of Karen)[/I] Yeah, you better get out of here right this minute if you know what is good for your hide. Joey and I are here in Nashville Wrestling to keep justice in tack. We are here to make sure these yellow, belly varmints keep along that middle road of life. We are here to keep everybody in check… through ROUGH JUSTICE! [I](Bruno grabs the microphone out of Robbins hands)[/I] [B]JB[/B]: *Speaking language that nobody in the building understand, but Karen* … justice! Karen has Bruno give the microphone back to Robbins, who is the only one that can really speak for the two… not well but at least it is in English. [B]BJR[/B]: Calm down, my friend. I will explain for you that can’t understand the strong Texas accent like I can what he was saying. Tonight, Jack Griffith and C.K. George will enter to break the law. They have been fed to us. We are the lions and they are the prey. We will show them the true and pure meaning of JUSTICE! [I]Rough Justice’s music plays again as they exit the ring and walk to the back. The fans boo them because they are heels, but during that whole promo… they were either a sleep, getting food, or in the bathroom. Oh yeah… it bombed![/I] As Karen, Robbins, and Bruno walk back to the back… I smile at them as they smile at me. Three more matches and than I step into the ring for the first time in my life against professional wrestlers. I just need to keep calm and everything will be just fine. I just wish I knew were Griffith was so we could talk. I noticed the cue from McKing and the music started to play for the next match. Megadeth and Donnie J. were going over the last couple things about their match when the music starts. Nobody stirs for a moment than Donnie J gets up and starts walking from the back to the ring… [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/Gargantuan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Donnie J. Walters, the dual sport athlete (boxer/wrestler) walks out to the ring with his boxing gear on. He looks like he is about to take part in a championship boxing fight as he shuffles to the ring. Donnie J has quiet a few females ‘woo’ at him as he comes down and he acknowledges the pretty ones, but ignores the really ugly ones around the ringside area. Donnie J enters the ring and walks over to Jez to get him to take his boxing gloves off. The next hard hitting riffs come on as the duo if Megadeth and Kill Switch walk down to the ring. The fans boo the two just by the look of them. Megadeth is a huge, scary look individual and he really knows it as he jerks at the crowd. He evens causes a little kid to run off. Megadeth and Kill Switch keep in stride to the ring. Kill Switch stays on the outside and Megadeth simple jumps on the ring apron and climbs over the ropes and into the ring. [/I] Donnie walks up Megadeth as the bell sounds to tap fist with him but Megadeth grabs his throat and tosses him into a corner which starts the match. Megadeth and Donnie J keep a fairly even match up with Megadeth using his size and strength along with the help of Kill Switch from the outside. At one point in the match, Megadeth distracted official, Jez MacArthur as Kill Switch pulled Donnie outside the ring and took the boots to him than rolled him back into the ring in which Megadeth covered for only a two count. Megadeth’s fatigue started to show as his punches were starting to look weak and weaker as the match went on. Donnie J started to us his ‘lightning fast’ feet and jabs. The end came when Megadeth has Donnie J up in a walking suplex and set him up on the top turnbuckle. Donnie J hit Megadeth in face with a push off kick sending the big man down to one knee. Donnie J circled Megadeth like a buzzard circling a dead animal. Donnie J waited for Megadeth to slowly rise to his feet. Megadeth got to a bent over position and Donnie J underneath and hitting a vicious leaping upper cut which has been dubbed the ‘Knock out Punch’ which sent the big man crashing to the canvas. Donnie quickly made the cover for the victory. Kill Switch entered the ring as Donnie J and Jez exited the right with Jez holding Donnie’s arm up to signal him victorious. [I]Donnie J jumps around the ringside area as he shuffles to the back like he has just won the most important match in history. He is followed by the loser and Kill Switch. [/I] I turned to talk to McKing when I gasped. It… it ….it was JUMBO JACKSON! I actually squealed like a little school girl. I totally marked out for him. I had been paying attention to the match that I didn’t even notice Jumbo and McKing talking… ‘Oh, Chris… let you introduce you to our newest signee, Aaron Jackson.’ Said McKing ‘Hel---hel---‘ I stammered ‘You ok, man?’ asked Jackson I just nodded ‘yes’ since I couldn’t speak. ‘Yeah, I was just talking to Marcus about my new character. I will be playing a guy named ‘Freeze’. I can’t wait to get into the ring and actually get into character. I have to get everybody to look past that ‘Jumbo Shrimp’ gimmick and see me for what I really am. I’m not just some comedian, but I am a straight up street fighter. I like the character. I just think it looks too…’ stated Jackson ‘White?’ I asked I was speaking the truth. Aaron Jackson stood there with his hair dyed a heavy white, his goatee white, and even his eye brows were white. The long jacket he was wearing actually sparkled (?) white, his boots were plain white, and his trunks made to look like a glacier. So white was the answer I gave. ‘Yeah. It is a little white.’ He said with a smile. ‘That is the look, though. You got the look already. You got the abilities already and I just gave you a little something-something extra.’ McKing stated. ‘Poppa Slam is already heading out to the ring… so you better get ready, Aaron.’ ‘Yeah. I’ll be seeing ya, Chris.’ Said Jackson. I nodded and waved again. I still hadn’t gotten over the mark feeling yet. At least I didn’t say something stupid and end up a dart in the wall. ‘White’?! Oh man, I need to think before I talk. [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/AbrahamSlam_hit1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/JumboJackson_AV1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]American Gangsters’ music has already sounded as Poppa Slam came down to the ring. He is being billed from Las Vegas, Nevada. I can see that working as long as he doesn’t talk. His tag team partner, Mafia Mike, didn’t come down to the ring with him because they are the good guys and they do things cleanly. The sound of the words ‘ICEBERG STRAIGHT AHEAD!’ is heard as music picks up soon afterwards and Freeze walks down to the ring with to some cheers which have to be changed when he starts acting heelish. The man formerly known as Jumbo Shrimp walks to the ring with a cold demeanor on his face as he stares at Poppa Slam. Freeze slides into the ring to start the match.[/I] This match was made to make Freeze look very dominate and look like the heel that he was playing. Freeze made Poppa Slam look like his punches were doing nothing. Freeze basically ‘no sold’ majority of what Poppa threw at him. Bodyslam! No sell! Clothesline! Didn’t go down! Freeze caught Poppa Slam as he came running off the ropes and with a vicious clothesline. Poppa Slam drops to the mat, but is quickly picked up by Freeze. Freeze stands him in the corner and gives him a couple of quick boots to the chest followed by a foot choke which he has to break because of the ref’s count. Freeze whips Poppa into the opposite corner and quickly charges the corner too and hits with a vicious spear in the corner which is known as ‘Jumbo Avalanche’. Poppa crashes into the mat as Freeze celebrates to the crowd. Freeze pulls Poppa out of the corner and places a foot on his body for the three. [I]Freeze exits the ring as his name is called to signify his victory against Poppa Slam. Slam lies in the ring long enough for Mafia Mike to rush the ring after Freeze has left the ringside area to help his partner up and to the back.[/I] ‘Awesome job, Jumbo.’ I said before I thought ‘Is it ok if I called you Jumbo?’ I asked ‘Oh yeah, I am used to the nickname. I had that nickname for years and I’m used to answering to it now. I still really don’t pay much attention when somebody calls me Aaron. So yeah, Jumbo is fine.’ He said. I was surprised. The Freeze/Poppa Slam squash match went quiet well. The crowd was into it, which is more than I can say for the first squash match of the night that went too long. I was quiet proud of the match, but I knew it was going to be hard to follow. Luckily though, I could sit and wait since the next match was ‘New York City Bad Boy’ Chris Boone versus ‘V.I.P.’ Cal Sanders. I don’t really understand either of these gimmicks that McKing came up with, but I guess he thinks they will work. Boone will be playing the face as ‘no-nonsense New Yorker’ and Sanders will be playing a ‘business exec’ that is a heel. I guess it works. We will see, I guess. The music is cue! [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/TheBigProblem_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/CalSanders_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]‘The New York City Bad Boy’ Chris Boone (formerly known as The Big Problem) comes walking out to a mixed reaction. Boone has actually slimmed down some since he was in NYCW. I guess he was on the roids. He has to make it known that he is the babyface for the match so he starts slapping the hands of the fans that have them stuck out. No sooner as Boone is half way to the ring, a much smaller Cal Sanders rushes down the aisle and attacks him. Sanders and Boone brawls to the ring as the bell is sounded…[/I] The match just felt awkward and forced. Boone and Sanders didn’t click well together in this match and it showed. Sanders’ abilities were used to hide the lack of abilities of Boone. Sanders’ actually controlled the tempo of the match for the get-go, but kept Boone looking great. Sanders had Boone fighting for survival through out the match. Sanders kept going up top and hitting clothesline, cross body blocks, dropkicks, and even using the shoulders of the referee to hit a Leap Frog Plancha on Boone. Sanders was the heel, but the crowd loved what he was doing in the ring. Sanders went up top once again, but when he came off for a cross body block, Boone caught him in a Powerslam and proceeds to hook the leg for the victory. [I]The match is over and Boone crawls to his feet and get his arm raised for the victory as Sanders rolls to the outside and leaves the ring first. He slaps a few of the kids’ hands as he leaves. Boone soaks up the glory before leaving the ring and slaps a few hands as well. [/I] Oh god… I’m next! I…AM…NEXT! I feel sick. I bet I look sick. I wonder if I can use that like I did in school. I--- ‘You’re Chris Kramer, right?’ said the man behind me. I turned around to see Jack Griffith standing behind me in a 70’s looking suit. I almost laughed when I saw him. I know he saw the look on my face because he smiled too. ‘Another one of Marcus’ masterpieces, I suppose.’ I said to Griffith with a smile. ‘Yep. He has deemed me ‘Dance Fever’ Jack Griffith. I took it though. I just wanted to be back in the spotlight and I love wrestling in the south. I found my fame here with SCCW. I loved it.’ Griffith said. ‘Are you ready? You know the outcome, right?’ He asked ‘Yes and yes.’ I responded ‘Good. I have to go get ready. I am going to cut a promo before the match. I’ll see you out there.’ He said with a smile. I have to wonder though… is his ‘demons’ gone. I have overheard that McKing wants to build the federation on Griffith and Kingman, but what if Jack is still on the ‘blow’. What does that mean for Marcus’ plans? What does that mean for Jack? I had just noticed Marcus was gone and I looked on the television to see him in the ring. I wondered how long he had been gone. He stood in the ring with a microphone. [B]MM[/B]: I have a special announcement for the next two matches, folks. Each one of them will be fought under ‘Tennessee Street Fight’ rules! (My mouth had dropped. I didn’t know about this! I--- oh great! I have to pay attention more next time.) I know that these matches will deliver like we are hoping and bring wrasslin’ back to the south! First folks, I’d like to introduce to you one of the south’s favorite sons… ‘Dance Fever’ Jack Griffith! [I]McKing points toward the entrance area where Griffith comes dancing down to the ring area looking very much like Disco Stu in his get-up. Griffith jives his way to the ring with a few more dance moves on the ring apron before entering the rings and shaking hands with McKing before he exits. [/I] [B]JG[/B]: What is up my cats? It is I, the cool cat daddy, ‘Dance Fever’ Jack Griffith. I am here to make sure that everybody knows how zoot and jive just like the most funkadelic individual that you know… ME! I will be looking for some nice, fine bunnies to be taking back to my crib with me after the match because as everybody in here knows that I am a Casanova when it comes to the ladies. The sign-up sheet will be passed around soon to some selected ladies that I see in the audience. You may ask, why you want to leave here with me? The answer is quiet simple, because when I and this young blood, C.K. George, are done with those Rough Justice chumps… we will have the gold. Now, Can you dig that, babies?! [I]As Griffith finishes his last few words, Rough Justice rushes the ring and catches a Griffith from behind while he plays to the crowd and dances. A few good double team shots and it is my cue to come shooting down to the ring.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BlackjackRobbins_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BadNewsBruno_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/Random-Singlet.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/JackGriffith_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The match looked pretty good from my point of view, which was getting my butt kicked for majority of the match and the crowd seemed to be in it as well. I never knew what the rules of a ‘Tennessee Street Fight’ really were until I was in one with two huge guys like Robbins and Bruno. I could tell that Robbins and Bruno were both holding back a little on their punches, but I really couldn’t tell from the chair shots that I was taking. The official, Bret Graveson, wasn’t sure of the rules himself. He made this into a tag-in, tag-out tag team match instead of a tornado tag team match from which I was told that it was suppose to be while Robbins had me down in a side headlock. Griffith came rushing into the ring to stop a Full Nelson and Bruno came into the ring to attack Griffith which caused it to go all to hell and we were all in the ring fighting. I finally had gotten a sense of were I was following the full nelson to slide out to the ring and grab one of the title and bring it into the ring. Robbins and Griffith had parted up and I had climbed to the top rope with the belt. Karen came over to the apron to try to stop me, but I kicked her off. The scream of Karen caused Bruno to turn around allowing me the opportunity to jump off of the top rope and hit him over the face with the belt. Bruno dropped as the belt connected to his face. (Maybe a bit too hard) I threw off the singlet straps and climbed up the turnbuckle one more time. I came flying off with a move that I like to call ‘Picture Perfect’ (Pump Leg Drop) and actually landed on Bruno with a screw up. I quickly cover Bruno and hooked the far leg to get the victory and win the titles for my team! [I]I rolled out of the ring with the official behind me as Robbins and Karen enter the ring yelling at myself and Jack as Graveson hands us the belts that he picked up when he exited the ring. Griffith and I raise the belts in the air as we walk to the back. Rough Justice soon comes following as they are still yelling at the crowd.[/I] I couldn’t believe how much that the old adrenaline starts pumping and you just get all into the match. I loved every minute of it and even when I was getting powerbombed by Bruno or getting hit by a clothesline by Robbins. ‘Thank you so, much!’ I said to Marcus as I shook his hand. ‘I know it was a gamble by taking the belts off of Bruno and Robbins and putting them on me and Jack. Why you do it? I asked. ‘Jack is a seasoned veteran. I figured if I stuck you with him than he’d be able to do something with you. It was Terry’s ideas anyways. He thought it be more fun playing the heels that are chasing after the champs than playing the heels with the titles. Terry gave me the idea after he heard how much time you had been putting into this federation.’ Marcus said. I shook the hands of Jack, Bruno, and Terry. I went over to see if I kicked Karen too hard, but she just simply gave me a hug which caused me to blush a little bit. I thank everybody for their help in the match. Robbins and Bruno went over to their cooler and pulled out some beer. Griffith went to look for some ‘bunnies’ to take out later. I went back to my spot beside of McKing. I sat down next to him and he slapped me on the back. I never thought that I’d win in my first match or even hold a title. I didn’t--- AH! The adrenaline is coming to a halt and I am starting to feel those powerbombs and clotheslines. I felt the slap that Marcus just gave me on the back and it hurts more than usually. Oh yeah, I am going have to see the doctor before the next show. Whew, at least the show is almost over and I can go home and sleep some of this off. ‘Ready to end this, young brother? Marcus asked. ‘The show is about over. It is time for the main event.’ I gave the thumbs up as much as I could without showing the pain that I was currently in. Marcus gave the cue and the music started. [CENTER][IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/vs.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/CVERSE/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Remmington Remus announced Giant Redwood to the ring first. Redwood is billed from The Northeastern Forest. Redwood is booed by the crowd since they know a little about him and they know that he is booked to face Barry Kingman. Redwood stomps down to the ring and finally makes it in. I can say that his music is actually different. It is nothing more than a bunch of chainsaw noises and people yelling ‘Timber!’ and ‘Look out!’. Kingman’s music plays for the second time of the night and the Nashville Wrestling Heavyweight Champion comes walking out to the delight of the fans. Kingman rushes the ring in order to get the match underway.[/I] Another surprising good match was put on between these two guys. I think that it had to do with the fact that the match played to both men’s strengths and it wasn’t really that long of a match. Giant Redwood kept up quiet well. Redwood wore Kingman down and worked on his back. Kingman began to rally late in the match which brought the fans to their feet. I was trying to keep focus on the match, but for a good portion of it I kept noticing that Remus and Emily were actually arguing and clashing during the main event while Remus and Ray Smalls were playing off each other quiet well and leaving Emily out of the equation. Anyways, Kingman started to rally back by working on the left leg and knee of the big woodsman. Kingman and Redwood brawled for a bit until the Giant got the upper hand, and sent Kingman into the ropes. Redwood went for a big boot, but Kingman ducked under and hit a chop block looking move into a roll-up to get the three count and the victory. [I]Barry Kingman hand is raised and he is given back his gold belt. Kingman celebrates and is thanking the crowd when Freeze rushes the ring and starts the attack on Kingman. Freeze puts the boots to Kingman. Redwood rolls out of the ring as Freeze is beating on Barry and heads to the back. Some NW ‘officials’ come to the ring to try to stop Freeze from the attack only to get punch or kicked themselves. Finally Freeze feels that enough is done and leaves the ring. Kingman finally gets up a short time afterwards to the cheers of the fans and heads to the back.[/I] McKing turns to me and asks ‘So… what you think?’ I could only respond with what was on my mind ‘I think I need to get me a massage.’ -------------------------- [U]Quick Results:[/U] Barry Kingman interview E- Big Daddy Horne defeated Fearless Blue F Mikey James defeated Rudy Velasquez D+ Rough Justice interview F- Donnie J. Walters defeated Megadeth E+ Freeze defeated Poppa Slam D- Chris Boone defeated Cal Sanders E+ Marcus McKing talks E- Jack Griffith interview E C.K. George & Jack Griffith defeated Rough Justice D- Barry Kingman defeated Giant Redwood D- Freeze attacks Barry Kingman E [B]So, thoughts/feedback/comments?[/B]
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[I]I just now remember how much of a pain it was to do results that way. So I will start sticking to a much smoother and easier format with last of the backstage interactions and more to have to do with the actually match. With that said, he is the monthly rundown for January 2008.[/I] [B]NW News[/B]: Our first show went down pretty well for a small promotion. As expected James/Velasquez was the match of the night. The worst match was Big Daddy Horne squashed over Fearless Blue, but the worst segment of the horrible promo put on by Rough Justice. For the most part, Showdown in M-Town 2008 went down quiet well. They next show is ‘Broken and Battered’ set for the third Thursday of February. Regional battles were posted with Nashville Wrestling being third in Mid South, Great Lakes, North West, South West, and Hawaii. Finished last in Tri States, New England, and the Mid Atlantic. [U]Hiring[/U]: Joey Beauchamp signs with 21CW. UK Dragon signs with 21CW. Roger Dodger signs CGC. Eisaku Hoshino signs with BHOTWG. Munenori Umari signs with 5SSW. Vita signs with UEW. Lawrence Young signs with UEW. Akahito Miwa signs with 5SSW. Katsuhiko signs with WEXXW. Hell Monkey signs with BHOTWG. Mokumai Maita signs with GCG. Totoya Munakata is recalled to PGHW. Tsugiharu Odaka signs with GCG. Davis Wayne Newtown signs with CZCW. Ryuzaburo Sugiyama signs with WEXXV. Shingen Miyazki signs with SAISHO. Hijo Del Mephisto signs with SOTBPW. Carl Batch signs with PSW. VENOM signs with CGC. Whippy the Clown signs with 4C. Masutaro Kataoka signs with GCG. SUKI signs with GCG. Puerto Rican Power signs with USPW. Jungle Jack signs with NOTBPW. Taka Kajiwara signs Hinote Dojo. Mainstream Hernandez signs with USPW. Julian Watson signs with SAISHO. General Hayashi signs with WEXXV. Washchi Inao signs with GCG. Stone Yoshikawa recalled to PGHW. [U]Releases/Firing[/U]: Marcus McKing left AAA. James Prudence left CZCW to sign with SWF. Chris Caulfield left USPW to sign with SWF. Steven Parker left PSW. Darryl Devine left USPW & 4C to sign with SWF. Samoan Machine left GCG to sign with BHOTWG. Bali So’oialo left INSPIRE. [U]Title Changes[/U]: In WLW, Koji Kojima defeated Magnum KOBE for World Level Streetfighting champion after zero defenses. In GCG, Eagle Kawasawa defeated Harumi Okazawaya for Openweight champion after zero defenses. In GCG, Kiminobu Kuroki defeated Eagle Kawasawa for Openweight championship after one defense. In WEXXV, Larry Wood and Koichi Kajiwara defeated Naga-Mori for Blood Brothers championship after one defense. In WEXXV, Kimitada Ohishi defeated Munemitsu Senmatsu for Warrior Heart’s championship after three defenses. In WEXXV, Hiroshi Morisue defeated Koichi Kajiwara for King Death Match championship after zero defenses. In CGC, Dan DaLay defeated Ricky DeColt for the World championship after zero defenses. In 21CW, Daniel Black Francis and Adam Matravers defeated The Anglo-Scots Connection for the Tag Team championships after zero defenses. In SWF, High Concept defeated The Amazing Bumfholes for the World Tag Team championships after zero defenses. In USPW, The Forces of America defeated The Towers of Power for World Tag Team championships after zero defenses. In NOTBPW, The McWade Brothers defeated The Kelowna Playaz for Tag Team championships after zero defenses. In WLW, KOKI Ishibashi defeated Magnum KOBE, Silver Shark, and Kazuma Narato for World Level Show Stealer championship after five defenses. In MAW, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Citizen X in finals of Rip Chord Invitational. In EWA, The Force defeated Double Dutch for Tag Team championships after zero defenses. [U]Television/PPV Deals[/U]: SWF signed pay per view deal with United Kingdom Choice. USPW signed pay per view deal with Public Access Select. [U]Relationships[/U]: In CGC, Masatake Hori and Kiminobu Kuroki have developed a dislike for each other. In MAW, Cameron Vessey and Flash Savage have developed a strong friendship. In CZCW, Farrah Hesketh and Jakki White Trash have developed a dislike for each other. In EWA, Anni Ki and Roberto Milano have developed a strong friendship. In 5SSW, June Butler and DEVIL Karbue have developed a strong friendship. In PGHW, Ryoma Muruyama and Keiji Takeda have developed a dislike for each other. [U]Injuries[/U]: Mamoru Nagahama is out for 2 months and 2 weeks with Floating Knee Cap. Loco Blanco is out for 28 days with Minor Concussion. Alysian Scottsfield is out for 28 days with Reverberating Bicep. Nanobu Murkami is out for 2 months and 1 week with Spinal Disalignment. [U]Bookers/Owners[/U]: Harley Neill takes over the booking position for Ring of Fire in the UK.
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