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WWE Rebirth: Conquering the Big Four

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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/PrimeReb.jpg[/IMG] Presents... [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/rawlogo.jpg[/IMG] Monday, April, Week 1[/CENTER][/B] We open with a recap of WrestleMania, focussing on the WWE Championship match between Ken Anderson and The Undertaker, the inter-brand match between John Cena and Kurt Angle, the career match between The Big Show and Randy Orton, Lance Storm's Intercontinental Championship defence, and Rene Dupree's victory in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. (Rating: B+) We go to the arena, where Vince McMahon and John Bradshaw Layfield are standing on the stage, each at a podium. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why RAW is by far the superior brand in the WWE." JBL says. "We have the best talent. We have the biggest stars. We have the best management." JBL grins his ****y grin. "The best management? You're joking right? The best talent? The biggest stars? You've watched SmackDown before, haven't you? We blow you right out of the water." Vince argues. "Remember who won the Brand War at Survivor Series? By a landslide? That was me, Vince. That was RAW." "Some wrestling promotor you turned out to be. Haven't you ever heard of the three month rule?" "The what?" "Never mind... It doesn't matter, because tonight, we hit the 'reset' switch." "You're damn right we do Vince, and here's how we're gonna do it. Each brand will be able to draw five wrestlers out of a hat..." "Figuratively speaking, it's all done on computers..." Vince cuts in. "As I was saying... We'll be taking it in turns throughout the night-" "And on Friday Night SmackDown." "Yes Vince, on SmackDown too. Tonight, I'll get three picks, Vince will get two picks, and on Friday, it will be reversed, after all, this is [i]my[/i] show, I should get the most picks." "Yes John, but one of these days, this whole company will belong to me again, I can promise you that." "Not when I pick out all your champions in the draft. Then how will SmackDown look?" (Rating: B+) "Which brings us to the first pick of the night... Who will RAW get from SmackDown? I'll just press this button... And we'll find out." JBL says. The TitanTron shows the standard WWE Draft graphics, before coming up with... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JoeyMercury.jpg[/IMG] Joey Mercury![/CENTER] One half of the World Tag Team Champions steps out onto the stage. "Well Vince, looks like I've already started robbing you of your champions." JBL gloats. (Rating: C+) [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JushinThunderLyger.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] Jushin Thunder Lyger vs Shannon Moore[/CENTER][/B] A nice, fast-paced way to start the show, with the legend showing Moore just how it's done, picking up the victory with a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster. (Rating: C-) *Break* "This is Angel Williams, and I'm here with the World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H. Last night you faced Paul London in a huge match, and you've got to admit, even though he went in as the underdog, he-" Angel begins. "Am I facing Paul London tonight sweetheart?" Triple H interrupts. "Umm, no, you're facing The Undertaker..." "Then how about we stick to that then." "But don't you want to comment on how London almost beat you?" "Almost beat me? You're kidding right? They just let anyone do the interviews over here on RAW, don't they? At least Borash has respect... Tonight, The Undertaker is going to learn what it means to face the biggest star in the world. The one true champion in the WWE... The Game. The Cerebral Assassin. The King of Kings. Tonight, The Undertaker learns the same way Paul London did, that I am that damn GOOD." (Rating: B) Vince McMahon is up at the podium. "Well, it looks like it's my turn to make the next pick... The newest member of the SmackDown roster is..." Vince says, pressing the button. [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] Funaki![/CENTER] Funaki steps onto the stage, and audibly says something about being SmackDown's Number One Announcer. Vince doesn't look impressed. (Rating: C+) Backstage, in JBL's office, the Chairman is sitting back with Randy Orton, watching the show. "Wow, sucks to be Vince." Orton says. "It truly does. You know who else I wouldn't want to be right now?" JBL asks. "Who?" "The Big Show, Rene Dupree and Rob Conway. They're all getting traded to SmackDown at the end of the week, all thanks to you." "Just another legend taken out by the LegendKiller, Randy Orton. That ought to teach the rest of the locker room just who they should respect around here." "And another reminder that it doesn't pay to cross John Bradshaw Layfield." "Now, about my reward... I trust everything is in place?" "Yeah, yeah. Of course." (Rating: B+) [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/resistance.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/reps.jpg[/IMG] The Resistance vs The Representatives[/CENTER][/B] Looks like JBL wanted his enemies to go out with a bang, giving them one last handicap match against the Representatives. Unfortunately, the former Intercontinental Champion and last night's Mr Money in the Bank are too much for the three Representatives, Rob Conway hitting Mr Taylor with an Ego Trip. (Rating: C+) JBL is at the podium. "Well, I guess it's my pick... Let's see if I can top my last choice, because God knows it can't be any worse than Vince's choice..." He says, pressing the button, to reveal the newest member of the RAW roster is... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] Mark Briscoe![/CENTER] Mark steps out onto the stage, hands raised in the air. "And that's another SmackDown team broken up. I'm destroying Vince's tag team division one team at a time..." JBL laughs. (Rating: B) A video plays, highlighting the carnage that was the Buried Alive match for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania, showing all the big moves, and the end of the match. It then goes on to show footage from after the show, when Ken Anderson was dug up, and rushed to hospital, where Joey Styles informs us, he still lays in an induced coma, suffering from internal injuries and broken bones. (Rating: B+) The Undertaker is backstage in a dimly lit room. "Triple H, you have disputed my dominance in this industry for too long. You have long been a thorn in the side of my legacy. The time has come to bring an end to our struggle. You have witnessed the destruction brought upon Ken Anderson, a man who will suffer the rest of his life for attempting to block my path, to build his own legend out of my own. Tonight, you will suffer the same fate Triple H. You will join Ken Anderson. And together... You will... Rest. In. EST. IN: B+) *Break* The camera goes to the SmackDown locker room, where the Hardys are sitting together. "But you don't understand man, I had that match won." Jeff says. "I'm sorry, I just got caught up in the moment. I mean, I had those other guys out of the match, I was just finishing the job, you know?" Matt argues. "I could have that briefcase right now man. I could have a world title shot. But you had to get the spotlight." "Spotlight? I was out there to help you bro. I wanted you to get that title shot. I'm sorry it didn't work out." "Yeah, I'll bet." "Dude, you beat me fair and square to get into that match, you deserved the world title shot." "You mean it?" "Yeah, I'm sorry I screwed up." "Ok." The brothers shake hands, having made up. (Rating: C-) [B][CENTER][COLOR="White"](w/[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/blank.jpg[/IMG])[/COLOR][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JimmyYang.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/RodneyMack.jpg[/IMG](w/[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/MVP2.jpg[/IMG]) Jimmy Yang vs Rodney Mack (w/Banks)[/CENTER][/B] A total squash match, Mack dominates from bell-to-bell, towards the end just toying with Yang's unconscious form. (Rating: C+) Antonio Banks steps into the ring to raise Mack's hand in victory. "Ladies and gentlemen, and of course, those in attendance tonight, I give you the man who should be Intercontinental Champion, Rodney Mack. If that performance isn't proof enough, perhaps he should get into the ring with 'Mr Bland' himself, Lance Storm. Because I promise you, he will wipe the floor with Storm's white Canadian ass. Rodney Mack is the franchise player of the Talent Bank for a reason, and he deserves championship gold!" Banks says. (Rating: B-) JBL appears onscreen. "Antonio, in light of your recent favours, and Rodney's performance tonight, I've decided to give the Talent Bank the chance to win gold. At Backlash, it's going to be Rodney Mack vs Lance Storm for the Intercontinental Championship. Do me proud gentlemen." JBL announces. Banks nods his head. "That's what I'm talkin' about." He says. Rodney Mack even manages to crack a smile. (Rating: B) Backstage, in the interview area, Josh Matthews is standing by with the Big Show. "See Josh, that was the kind of favouritism I was fighting against. That was the kind of crap JBL is going to keep pulling until someone manages to knock him off his throne. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be the one to do it." Show says. "But with your trade to SmackDown on the horizon, you've got to have some plans for the future." Matthews says. "Of course I do. The World Heavyweight Championship for one. If Triple H thinks I've forgotten the war we fought last year, he's sorely mistaken. I'll be happy to reignite that little feud, and show the King of Kings what happens when he stands between a 7 ft, 500 lb Giant. And there's all those other guys that I'd just love to get into the ring with. Shawn Michaels, a legend in his own right. Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Carlito, Booker T, Kane... The list goes on. SmackDown is the place to be, and I'm glad I'm going over there. If anyone knows how to run a wrestling show, it's Vince McMahon. I'm happy to get out of JBL's clutches." (Rating: B) *Break* Kurt Angle's music hits, and he heads out to the ring, to chants of 'You Suck!'. "I suck!?! I suck? You've gotta be freakin' kidding me! I put on a wrestling clinic out there last night! I am the greatest wrestler of my generation! I am the greatest wrestler of any generation! John Cena is nothing but a common thug! He thinks he got the victory because he was better than me?" Kurt pauses, as the 'CE-NA!' chants start. "Chant his name all you want. He's not going to come out. He doesn't care what you want, nobody does. You fans are only good for the money that you bring in, and I'm sure you've already blown your year's salary just getting here tonight. Because you're all just like John Cena. You're poor, white-trash, wigger, retarded freakin' scum! None of you deserve to be in the presence of an Olympic Gold Medallist, a six-time World Champion, a Grand Slam Champion. John Cena is trash, pure and simple." Angle says. (Rating: B+) Apparently Cena doesn't like being spoken about like that, because the techies barely have time to play his music, before he charges out into the ring, but he is closely followed by half the referees and road agents in the company, who manage to get in between him and Kurt before either man can lay a hand on the other. Cena is the first to break free of the throng, managing to get a few blows to Kurt, before being pulled away. Next is Kurt, who hits a cheap shot from behind on Cena, who has his back turned, as the assembled officials try to calm him down. Eventually, Kurt backs up the ramp of his own volition, while Cena challenges him to come back into the ring with him, bringing chants of 'Let Them Fight!' from the crowd. Cena takes this as an order, and KO's Steve Lombardi, before climbing out of the ring and running after Angle, who meets him in the middle of the ramp, the two throwing punches left and right, until the officials separate them one last time. (Rating: B+) *Break* Vince McMahon is back at the podium. "It's time for the last SmackDown pick of the night, don't forget to tune in to SmackDown on the CW Friday Night for the rest of the draft." He says, pressing the button, to reveal the second SmackDown pick to be... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Sylvain.jpg[/IMG] Mr Grenier![/CENTER] Grenier steps out onto the stage, not looking too happy about his change of job... "Well well well... Lets see how you fare without your boss keeping you out of trouble." Vince says. (Rating: B+) [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Ghhh3.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/theundertakerxi1.jpg[/IMG] Triple H vs The Undertaker[/CENTER][/B] Champion vs Champion, Legend vs Legend, the undisputed top guys in the company, if not the industry, facing off on free TV. And they do not disappoint, pulling out all the stops in a brilliant main event. Taker, however, is on the biggest roll of his career, after beating Ken Anderson last night, and it continues tonight, with a victory over Triple H, following a Chokeslam. (Rating: B+) *Break* JBL is back at the podium. "And if that didn't cement RAW as the top brand in professional wrestling, this last pick for the night should do the job..." JBL presses the button, and on screen appears... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JohnCena-1.jpg[/IMG] JOHN CENA![/CENTER] Cena steps out onto the stage, to a huge pop. "The biggest superstar in wrestling today just adds more star power to my roster!" JBL gloats. (Rating: B+) "Oh, by the way, John..." JBL says. "After your performance earlier with Kurt Angle, and the fact that I now have the authority to do this... At Backlash, it's going to be Kurt Angle vs John Cena, Last Man Standing!" The crowd pops, and Cena looks rather happy about it too. (Rating: B+) Overall: B+ Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out) Rating: 3.49
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/PrimeReb.jpg[/IMG] Presents... [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/smackdownlogo.jpg[/IMG] Friday, April, Week 1[/CENTER][/B] We are treated to a highlights package of John Cena vs Kurt Angle, Quicksilver's title retention, The Battle of the HeartBreak Kids, and Triple H vs Paul London for the World Heavyweight Championship. (Rating: B+) In the parking lot, we see Paul London get out of his car with his bag. He walks over to the worker's entrance, and takes a deep breath, obviously disappointed in his performance Sunday night. He steps through the door and finds Shawn Michaels, Carlito, Jeff Hardy and Bob Sapp waiting for him. The four wrestlers start clapping. "Uhh, guys, you do know I lost... Right?" London asks. "Paul, win or lose, you put on one hell of a show. A show worthy of WrestleMania. A match worthy of the World Heavyweight Championship. You did the whole locker room proud. Especially me." Shawn says, shaking Paul's hand in a gesture of respect. "You took Triple H to the limit. That's cool." Carlito agrees, shaking his hand, as Jeff and Sapp both pat Paul on the back. "Thanks guys... It means a lot." Paul says, his spirits obviously lifted. (Rating: B) The shot changes to Vince McMahon standing on the stage, behind his podium. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night SmackDown!" Vince says, to a mild pop. "Tonight will be an inter-brand show, and we will be continuing the Draft from last week, starting with..." Vince pushes the button. The screen's graphic shows... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG] Teddy Hart! [/CENTER] The third-generation Hart comes out and poses for the crowd. (Rating: C+) "You know what? Now that we've got two of the most talented lightweights in the world right here on SmackDown, I'm going to make a match... Teddy Hart, you'll be facing Funaki! Funaki, get out here!" Vince says. (Rating: C-) [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Funaki.jpg[/IMG] Teddy Hart vs Funaki[/B][/CENTER] Not much of a match between two talented workers, I guess it's to be expected considering the post-WM environment is like a completely different world... Teddy Hart puts Funaki away with a Hart Attack. (Rating: D) *Break* Brian Kendrick is walking backstage, when Shawn Michaels walks up to him. "Brian, what you did Sunday night was low. You had a chance to prove to me, once and for all, that you could live up to your hype. That you could maybe make me proud. You could have shown me, Triple H and the entire world that you are the future of the industry. I would have proudly passed the torch, I'd have sung your praises from the roof of this arena. I'd have called you The New Main Event, The New Icon, The New Showstopper. The New... The New HeartBreak Kid. You could have had it all Brian... But you threw it all away with that chair shot. You lost your temper. You ran out of patience. You lost. You couldn't take it. You couldn't handle the spotlight. The whole world was watching, waiting for you to beat me. Waiting for the student to surpass the master. Instead they saw what could have been the greatest match in WrestleMania history end on a disqualification. You ruined your shot at the big time. And that's why I'm still the Main Event. I'm still the Icon. I'm still the Showstopper. And that's why I'm definitely the ONLY HeartBreak Kid. And you're just a kid." Shawn says, and Brian Kendrick actually looks like he's taking it to heart, not meeting Shawn's eyes, and standing in silence. "That's right, you should be ashamed. Paul came in looking like that tonight. He and Hunter had the match we should've had. Sure, Paul lost, but at least he lost the honourable way. He fought until the end. Because he has heart. He has honour. He has respect. You... I don't have anything else to say to you." Shawn walks of in disgust, leaving Kendrick looking hurt. (Rating: B+) In the interview area, Jeremy Borash is standing by with Bob Sapp. "Well, that sure was something... I'm here with Bob Sapp... Bob, tonight you're facing your former partner, Bobby Lashley... Can I get a word?" JB asks. "Bobby is a turncoat piece of trash. He attacked me and left me for dead with those vultures Quicksilver, but tonight, it's his turn to pay. He waited... He wanted me to be tired, weakened, vulnerable, before he struck. He knew he couldn't take The Beast one-on-one, and tonight, I'm going to prove it. Lashley! Tonight, you're going to find out just why they call me The BEAST!" Sapp says, getting more and more worked up. (Rating: C) John Bradshaw Layfield steps out onto the stage. "Well, SmackDown sure is... Interesting. Let's find out who gets the Get Out Of Jail Free Card, and gets to jump over to the Brand of Opportunity, RAW..." JBL says, pressing the button... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/BobbyLashley2.jpg[/IMG] Bobby Lashley![/CENTER] Lashley comes out looking ready for his match. Cole: That man will be facing the man he betrayed Sunday, on their last night on the same brand. Bobby Lashley vs Bob Sapp, No Disqualifications, is next! (Rating: B-) *Break* [B][CENTER] No Disqualifications [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Bob_Sapp.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/BobbyLashley2.jpg[/IMG] Bob Sapp vs Bobby Lashley[/CENTER][/B] A semi-decent, WWE-style brawl between two behemoths. The former partners go at it hard, taking it out into the crowd, beating each other from pillar-to-post. Eventually, Bobby Lashley picks up the win, building momentum for his journey to RAW... (Rating: D+) "This is Jeremy Borash, and I'm here with the World Tag Team Champions, Quicksilver... Guys, you look kind of happy considering you just got split up..." Borash says. "We are happy Jeremy, and you know why?" Nitro asks. "No I don't. Why?" "Because we had a huge party Monday night, so huge it continued on to Tuesday, which was good, because there's nothing else to do on Tuesday*. It was a who's who of wrestling superstars. Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, Edge (*BOOOOOO!!!!*), Batista, Shelton Benjamin, our close personal friend Ken Anderson even sent his regrets he couldn't join us, after what the Undertaker did, and he welcomed us with open arms." Mercury says. "We finally got our ticket out of here. Our ticket to greener pastures. Monday Night RAW, here we come." Nitro adds. "Uhh, guys, only Mercury got drafted." Borash corrects. "We're the Tag Team Champions. You don't split us up!" Mercury says. "JBL has one huge bargaining chip, and two little ones, in the Big Show and the Resistance, and who else would he trade them for but me, Johnny Nitro. He can bring the Tag Team division to RAW, and two of the biggest stars in tag team history, Quicksilver." Nitro says. "Ok, thank you for your time guys." JB finishes. (Rating: C) The Undertaker is backstage... Somewhere. It's kind of dark, we can't tell. "Degeneration X... Tonight you will be forced to atone for your sins. Triple H has already felt the wrath of the Deadman, but now it's time Brian Kendrick learned what it means to reap what you sow. For his pride, for his anger, and his sloth, Brian Kendrick, along with Triple H, will Rest. In. PEACE!" (Rating: B+) *Break* Vince McMahon is back on the stage. "Well, I can't say I'm happy about how JBL has done in the draft, but hopefully I can even the score..." Vince says, pushing the button and revealing the new pick as... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TrishStratus5.jpg[/IMG] Trish Stratus![/CENTER] (Rating: B-) Trish bounces out and poses for the crowd for a while. (Rating: C+) Backstage, in the interview area, we see Jeremy Borash with Sean O'Haire and Dr Bayless. "Rebecca, you requested this time for your client." JB says. "That's right, I feel it is healthy for him to vent his feelings, and Matt Hardy has made Mr O'Haire very angry..." Dr B says. "Haha!" O'Haire laughs that evil laugh of his. "I'm no stranger to Matt Hardy. He knows the rules and so do I. A full body cast is what I'm thinking of. He wouldn't get that from any other guy. Matt, I want to tell you what I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand." O'Haire pauses to laugh again. "Never gonna give you up. ALWAYS gonna put you DOWN. Never gonna run around, just HURT YOU. O'Haire's gonna make you CRY. Your family is gonna say GOODBYE. Because you will DIE when I HURT YOU!" O'Haire storms off, laughing maniacally. "Did you hear that?" Dr Bayless asked. "Yeah... Did he just RickRoll us?" JB looks puzzled. "What? No. He changed the words. That's the most progress he's made since coming back to SmackDown!" Dr Bayless chases after O'Haire. "This is Jeremy Borash, slightly confused..." JB says. (Rating: B-) Elsewhere, The Hardys are walking to the ring. (Rating: C) *Break* [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/hardyz.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/backseatboyz.jpg[/IMG] The Hardys vs The Backseat Boyz[/B][/CENTER] The Hardys go into this match as favourites, and rightly so. Is there a better tag team in the world? The two fight as one, their teamwork is flawless... Until Matt Hardy nails Jeff with a hard lariat while his back is turned, allowing the Backseat Boyz to hit him with a T Gimmick, before Trent Acid scored the pin. (Rating: C+) On Matt Hardy's orders, the Backseat Boyz set up a table in the ring. Matt stands up on the table, and Kashmere and Acid pass Jeff up to him... Twist of Fate through the table!!! (Rating: C-) Matt has a mic. "Jeff, I'm sick and tired of living in your shadow. You left for that backwater southern promotion, and you were still all they could talk about. I almost won the Intercontinental Championship, and you came back, and took the spotlight again! Which is why I offered my services to Brian Kendrick. That's why I interfered on Sunday. It wasn't for you. I made a new alliance. I stopped Sean O'Haire from winning Money in the Bank, but more importantly, I stopped you from stealing my spotlight. I took you out of that match too. And now it's Matt Hardy's turn to become the star. And if you're not down with that, I've got just two words for ya!" Matt drops the mic on Jeff's chest, before leaving, with Kashmere and Acid following behind. (Rating: C) "Teams are splitting left and right, maybe I really should look into that Tag Team Division." JBL says, walking out to his podium. "But maybe I won't have to trade for it..." He presses his button. [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] Jeff Hardy![/CENTER] "Oh great... I get the unconscious guy. Score one for SmackDown." JBL is disappointed. (Rating: C+) *Break* "This is Jeremy Borash, and I'm here with the World's Largest Athlete, and future SmackDown superstar, The Big Show. Show, are you excited to be in your new home?" JB asks. "Borash, I'd like to quote an old saying... 'Free at last! Thank God Almighty, Free at last!'. I'm finally in my real home. And tonight, I get right back into the thick of it. Triple H, I hope you remember what happened last time we were in the ring together. Brian Kendrick, tonight, you get to find out what happens when you're in the ring with a 7-foot tall, 500 lb GIANT! So yeah Jeremy, I'm excited. I'm ready to head straight to the top, and I'm going to take down anyone that gets in my way." Big Show says. (Rating: B) 'Are you ready?' Triple H and Brian Kendrick make their way to the ring, with their pyros going and whatnot. Kendrick looks somewhat subdued, as he grabs the mic for Triple H, and the crowd chants 'Ken-drick SUCKS!' (Original, no?). "Are you ready?" Trips asks, to a resounding boo. "No! I SAID: ARE! YOU! READY!?!" The boo gets louder, as do the 'Kendrick sucks' chants. "Then! For the thousands in attendance... For the hundreds of thousands watching at home... And just because it's going to be good to kick The Big Show's flabby ass all the way around this ring again... Lets get ready to SUCK IT!!!" "And if you're not down with that... I'm really not in the mood for this." Kendrick says. "You're really gonna let Michaels get to you? You proved enough. You left him lying on the canvas. So just put him out of your mind, and get focussed." Triple H says. "You're right." "I'm always right. And if you're not down with that, then we've got just TWO WORDS FOR YA!" (Rating: B+) [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Ghhh3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TheBrianKendrick2.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/theundertakerxi1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/BigShow.jpg[/IMG] Degeneration X vs The Undertaker and Big Show[/CENTER][/B] A good match between four great stars, worthy of the main event spot on any TV taping. Both teams look good, it's an even match up... Until a wayward irish whip on Triple H by Big Show takes out the ref. Within moments, Matt Hardy is on the Big Show's back, and the Backseat Boyz have jumped Taker from behind and are beating him at ringside. Show tosses Matt Hardy aside, but walks into Sweet Chin Music, before getting hit by a Pedigree. Hardy revives the ref to make the three count. (Rating: B) Triple H, Brian Kendrick, Matt Hardy and Johnny Kashmere continue to beatdown Big Show in the middle of the ring, whilst Acid struggles with Taker on the outside. The beatdown is shortlived, as Shawn Michaels leads the cavalry to make the save, Sean O'Haire and Paul London joining him in the ring, as the new, improved Degeneration X stares up at them from the outside. (Rating: B) Vince McMahon steps out onto the stage. "I don't have the energy to deal with you people tonight." He says to the assembled workers. "This draft has been a disaster... I just want to get it over with." Vince pushes the button and reveals the new member of the SmackDown roster is... [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/thReneDupree4.jpg[/IMG] Rene Dupree!!![/CENTER] As Dupree steps out onto the stage, Vince's mood improves. "Looks like business is finally picking up. SmackDown has Mr Money in the Bank!" Vince says, as the show closes. (Rating: B+) Overall: B Attendance: 8891 Rating: 3.56
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They could've watched SWF Supreme TV on Tuesday Night. I hear they just revealed who has been attacking Rich Money. :cool: On a serious note, the thing that makes this really fun is that you can 'hear' the charactors. Even something as small as Carlitos line with London, with Jeff just patting him on the back not saying anything. In other words, youre pretty good at this, kid. EDIT: Geh, phone posting sucks. EDIT2: I had forgotten how awesome O'Haire's gimmick is.
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You know what I reckon would be piss funny? Change the Backseat Boyz to the ... Backstreets Back, ALRIGHT! Oh my god we're back again, brothers sisters everybody sing, gonna bring the flavour gonna show you now gotta question for you better answer now (or maybe at least someone imitate them as the Backstreet Boys... ALRIGHT!) The Paul McCartney of diary writing is back in black.
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[QUOTE=Astil;525976]They could've watched SWF Supreme TV on Tuesday Night. I hear they just revealed who has been attacking Rich Money. :cool: On a serious note, the thing that makes this really fun is that you can 'hear' the charactors. Even something as small as Carlitos line with London, with Jeff just patting him on the back not saying anything. In other words, youre pretty good at this, kid. EDIT: Geh, phone posting sucks. EDIT2: I had forgotten how awesome O'Haire's gimmick is.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, and yeah, I'm a huge fan of my O'Haire. [QUOTE=tristram;526013]You know what I reckon would be piss funny? Change the Backseat Boyz to the ... Backstreets Back, ALRIGHT! Oh my god we're back again, brothers sisters everybody sing, gonna bring the flavour gonna show you now gotta question for you better answer now (or maybe at least someone imitate them as the Backstreet Boys... ALRIGHT!) The Paul McCartney of diary writing is back in black.[/QUOTE] It would be funny... For a little while. But I'll leave the Wrestlecrap to 1998 WCW :P (Just kidding, love your work mate). Also, if I'm Paul McCartney then you're like, Mozart or something.
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[B]From WWE.com[/B] The post-draft trades have been finalized, here are the results: [B]To RAW:[/B] Johnny Nitro Jay Briscoe Azrael Gabriel [B]To SmackDown:[/B] The Big Show Nattie Neidhart Angel Williams OOC: I know, I should have posted RAW, but I'm still getting back into the writing schedule. It will be up sometime this week though... I hope. I'm a little wrapped up in my C-Verse '97 DAVE game though, so it might be a little longer.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/PrimeReb.jpg[/IMG] Presents... [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/rawlogo.jpg[/IMG] Monday, April, Week 2[/CENTER][/B] Our show opens with John Bradshaw Layfield's familiar music, the Chairman of RAW rides out in his limo and steps out, but he's not alone. From behind him emerge Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, the World Tag Team Champions. "I know what you're all thinking... You're thinking JBL is a genius. He managed to trade for Johnny Nitro. And, for once in your miserable lives, you'd be right. RAW further asserts itself as the premier brand in all of Sports Entertainment, bringing the greatest division of tag team wrestlers to the world. And just to prove how much more superior [i]my[/i] tag teams are, compared to Vince McMahon's, I'm going to hold a tournament. 16 teams. 8 established tag teams, and 8 teams of my choosing. The winners become the #1 Contenders to these belts here, at the King of the Ring Pay Per View in May. And that tournament is going to begin right now." JBL says. (Rating: C) [B][CENTER] Tag Team Ranking Tournament Round 1 [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JushinThunderLyger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/UltimoDragon-1.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/IMG] Jushin Lyger and Ultimo Dragon vs Shannon Moore and Frankie Kazarian[/CENTER][/B] A brilliant lightweight match to open the show, and a good debut for Frankie Kazarian, sporting a gothy look to match his partner, the Prince of Punk. However, the two youngsters are no match for the two legends of the division, Ultimo Dragon picking up the pin on Shannon Moore, following an Asai Moonsault. (Rating: D+) Billy the Kid appears on the TitanTron. "Lyger, up here. You can't understand a word I'm saying, but someone will translate... I just thought I should warn you, stay in the Tag Team division. That way you won't have to face the greatest lightweight in the history of professional wrestling. That way you won't be humiliated by the Lightweight Champion, Billy the Kid." He says. Lyger seems to get the idea of the promo, and doesn't look happy. Or does he? I can't tell, what with the mask and all. (Rating: C+) *Break* We are treated to another replay of Ken Anderson getting buried by the Undertaker. Styles and Cornette reiterate that Mr Anderson is in a medically induced coma, to ease the healing process, and doctors expect him to come out of it any day now. (Rating: B+) Rob Conway steps into JBL's office. "Rob, what can I do for you? Don't you have a match toni-" "What can I do for you? Is that a joke? Why the hell didn't you trade me over the weekend?" Rob asks. "To put it bluntly: Vince McMahon didn't want you. He didn't need another tag team, he already had two singles stars in Dupree and Big Show, why would he want you? The tag team division came to RAW. So you're stuck with me. And now I'm going to make your life a living hell." JBL says. "Yeah, good luck with that." Conway goes to leave. "Oh, and Rob. Good luck tonight..." (Rating: B) Josh Matthews is in the interview area with Antonio Banks and Rodney Mack. "Gentlemen, tonight you're facing quite the formidible tag team, the Intercontinental Champion, Lance Storm, and Jeff Hardy... Can I get your thoughts?" Josh asks. "Formidible? Are you kidding me? Look at this man. Look at him." Banks gestures to Mack. "M-Rod is six feet, two inches, two-hundred and sixty-five pounds of pure power. His raw intensity, coupled with my skill and intelligence make us the favourites in this little tournament. At the King of the Ring, the gold is going straight to the Talent Bank." (Rating: C+) [B][CENTER]Tag Team Ranking Tournament Round 1 [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/briscoes.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/lostboys.jpg[/IMG] Briscoe Brothers vs Lost Boyz[/CENTER][/B] The brothers Briscoe put on a clinic out there, and the Lost Boyz, whilst talented, just aren't on their level yet. Jay scores the pinfall after a J-Driller. (Rating: D+) *Break* "This is Josh Matthews, and I'm here with Kurt Angle and William Regal. Guys, you're facing The Undertaker and John Cena in the Tag Team Ranking Tournament... What are your thoughts?" Matthews asks. "John Cena is lucky those officials dragged me away from him last week, because I'd have done things to him that no sane mane would do to another. Tonight, he's going to get a taste of what I can do. He's going to get a preview of what I'm going to do to him at Backlash, in our Last Man Standing match. Tonight, I'm going to break his freakin' ankle." Angle says. "John Cena and The Undertaker may have us cornered in the power department. They're both big strong boys. But Kurt Angle and myself are an entirely different breed of wrestler. We are technicians. We have both spent years training, learning our trade. The fact is, John Cena and The Undertaker don't stand a chance tonight." Regal adds. "Oh it's true. It's DAMN true! Tap or snap time baby!" Angle says. (Rating: B-) The Undertaker appears onscreen, shrouded in darkness. "William Regal. Kurt Angle. While it may be true that you two are among the most skilled fighters in the world, you are no match for my power. I have harnessed the powers of darkness to my will. I have conquered death, and with it, fear itself. I do not fear your technical prowess. I do not fear the crunching of my own bones. Tonight, you will learn what fear is. Tonight, Kurt Angle and William Regal, you will... Rest. In. Piece." (Rating: B+) [B][CENTER]Tag Team Ranking Tournament Round 1 [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/RobConway.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JimmyYang.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/ShawnHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Scotty2Hotty.jpg[/IMG] Rob Conway and Jimmy Yang vs The Representatives[/CENTER][/B] JBL went and found the weakest possible partner for Rob Conway, but the two still put in one hell of a fight. Too bad it wasn't enough to stop The Representatives from cheating, Mr Hernandez using a chairshot on Yang while Conway and Taylor brawled on the outside, distracting the referee. The referee turned in time to see Hernandez pin Yang 1...2...3. (Rating: D) *Break* "I guess Josh Matthews went home. That's ok, I can hold my own mic." John Cena is standing in the interview area. "Kurt Angle wants to run his mouth about how the officials had to drag [i]him[/i] away from me? I must have been at a different show that night, because I could have sworn I saw him running away like a coward. Kurt, you and Regal might be the greatest technicians in the world today. I won't take that away from either of you. But Angle, you had to go and make it personal. So tonight, just like every other night, I'm going to go out there and give it my all, and neither of you will continue in this tournament. Because the future World Tag Team CHAMP... IS HERE!" (Rating: B+) Rob Conway is heading back to his locker room, obviously tired, when Randy Orton comes out of nowhere, hitting him with a lead pipe, before laying the boots into his motionless body. (Rating: B) Lance Storm and Jeff Hardy are heading to the ring, their match is NEXT! (Rating: C) *Break* [B][CENTER]Tag Team Ranking Tournament Round 1 [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/RodneyMack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/MVP2.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Lance20Storm5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JeffHardy.jpg[/IMG] The Talent Bank vs Lance Storm and Jeff Hardy[/CENTER][/B] Two young upstarts face two men who have been around the block more than once, holding their fair share of tag team titles, albiet with different partners. Unfortunately, the experience wasn't enough to defeat the sheer power of Rodney Mack, and the raw talent of Antonio Banks. Rodney Mack defeats Jeff Hardy when he locks in the Blackout. (Rating: C) *Break* The lights go out. Must be time for The Undertaker's entrance, which is good, because it gives you an extra couple of minutes after the commercials to get back from the bathroom. (Rating: B+) [B][CENTER]Tag Team Ranking Tournament Round 1 [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/theundertakerxi1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/JohnCena-1.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/KAngle4_ndp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/WilliamRegal2.jpg[/IMG] The Undertaker and John Cena vs Kurt Angle and William Regal[/CENTER][/B] Four outstanding competitors bring their best to this main event, the power and determination of John Cena, the technical excellence and athleticism of Kurt Angle, the all-around ability and willingness to win at all costs of William Regal, and of course, the experience, talent and menace that is The Undertaker. The four duke it out, until an errant elbow from The Undertaker levels the referee, allowing Randy Orton to sneak in and hit the Deadman with an RKO. Kurt Angle capitalised, of course, hitting an Angle Slam and scoring the pin, the count made by a replacement referee. (Rating: B) It doesn't end there, as the Undertaker sits up. Orton is waiting, punting the Phenom in the head. It's all-around chaos, as Cena tries to save Taker, but is stopped by Angle and Regal, who take turns at beating on the fan-favourite, whilst Orton continues to take it to the Undertaker. The beating continues for over five minutes, before officials and security finally make their way down to break it up. (Rating: A) The chaos continues in the ring. Joey Styles: As if there wasn't enough going on here in the Nassau Colliseum, I've just received word that the former WWE Champion, Mr Ken Anderson, has awoken from his coma! We don't have time to cross live, but next week, live on RAW, he will be issuing a statement to the public... And The Undertaker! (Rating: B+) Overall: B Attendance: 14,335 Rating: 4.66 (USA Network)
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Doogie Howser MD would be proud of that. I think you should definitely include more Doogie moments. That was great, man. It was like Bob Saget being the star of Full House, it was the extra punch that that great story needed. Loved every moment of it. Ava Adore for sure, that was the dogs dim sims for sure.
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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...
[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/pwf.jpg[/IMG] [B]Breaking WWE/AAA News! Thursday, April, Week 2[/B] AAA has just released a press statement announcing their new head booker is none other than Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger. The Japanese megastar has agreed to stay on with WWE for two more weeks, to tie off the Tag Team Tournament, but after that will not be making any more appearances for the company. A recent leak from WWE insiders recently stated that Lyger and Ultimo Dragon, dubbed "The Orient Express" were originally supposed to be the winners of the tournament, with guidance from current RAW colour commentator, and legendary manager of tag teams, Jim Cornette, but that storyline is now down the tubes. Also in the works was a match against Billy the Kid, in order to cement his place as the best lightweight in the world. (OOC: I keep telling y'all, this thing ain't dead. I just need to get over this hump with SmackDown, and get things rolling again.)
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I kinda raped the SmackDown roster in the draft, and I only really have anything for DX and their related feuds (London, HBK and Sean O'Haire), everyone else is just kind of... there. RAW on the other hand, I've got stories coming out from everywhere... Going to be an interesting month. BTW, I started writing up the show, not sure I'll get it up tonight though...
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