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The Sam Keith Years

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo286/MattloreDee/LuisMonteroJr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]July 3rd[/I] Strategy Meeting. Just me and Sam. Crippler's loss had affected us in a big way. He did so many little jobs for us. Sure, we had hired Rico as a road agent but he only flew in from Hawaii for the shows and so we were really one person down during the month. Finances came in and we had done okay last month. Nothing like May's record profit, of course, but we had made a tidy sum *and* put on a rather good show. [I]July 7th[/I] Rang up Luis Jr today. His original “contract” was about to expire and I wanted to make sure he still wanted to come back. [COLOR="Blue"]“are you kidding me?”[/COLOR] the kid exclaimed, [COLOR="Blue"]“I love working for you guys once a month, its a paid vacation for me and Chica.”[/COLOR] Re-signing him was no trouble at all... [I]July 10th[/I] Strategy Meeting. Sam informed me that Jay is now taking regular bookings up in Canada. We may lose him just as quickly as we signed him. Sam didn't seem too down about it though, I wouldn't be surprised if he had recommended the kid to the DeColts himself. I had to leave early to pick up my kids from school so we didn't really get a chance to make contingency plans but it sure gave me something to think about. One thing is for sure, that kid has a big future ahead of him. Whats not so certain is how long he will stick with us. [I]July 17th[/I] Its that time of the month already. Seems to roll around quicker everytime. We have a pretty good card finalised for Saturday & the debut of a well-known luchador. Pheonix had agreed to participate in the Sam Keith Open but we figured why wait until then and booked him this month as well. [QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Sam Keith presents...The Final Countdown[/SIZE] Saturday 19th July [B]The New Kid in Town[/B] Bart Biggz v Sam Keith [B][U]CMW Californian Championship Match[/U][/B] Fumihiro the Ninja v Ultimate Pheonix [B][U]CMW Tag Team Championship Match[/U][/B] Jay Chord & Luis Montero Jr v The Maryland Alliance [B]Cruiserweight Try-Series[/B] California Love Machine v Surfeador Californiano [B]Sam Keith Open Qualifying Match:[/B] Will Ernie bounce back from last months beating? Ernie Turner v Marc Speed[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo286/MattloreDee/JayChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]19th July[/I] The wife had ended up crashing the car last night and so I ended up spending half the day catching a series of buses to the arena. Damn public transport service. As a result I was in a foul mood and was short with a few of the boys, including Remz. Will have to try and make it up to him later I guess. [SIZE="5"][CENTER]Sam Keith Presents...The Final Countdown![/CENTER][/SIZE] As is pretty traditional Sam wanders – limps - down with a microphone to start the show. [COLOR="Blue"]“Last month we saw two pretty impressive debuts. Jay Chord is a real talent and a sure fire future star. Bart Biggz, as we all know, has been there and done that.”[/COLOR] He pauses. [COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Blue"]“Unfortunately, there fine match was interrupted by the dastardly Maryland Alliance. As punishment I have ordered them to defend there titles tonight, against two of the hottest stars in the game; Jay Chord and Luis Montero Jr. Boys, go out there and make your dads proud.”[/COLOR][/COLOR] Again, his mood turns darker as he reaches his conclusion. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now that brings me to Bart. Bart last week you showed you hand and sided with the Alliance. Now, while your victory last month stands and you will compete in the Open next month, tonight you have to deal with me.”[/COLOR] [C-] [B]Sam Keith Open Qualifying Match: Ernie Turner v Marc Speed[/B] [I]Ernie starts the match like a house on fire with a strong brawling approach. Marc manages to take what hes giving him however and eventually slows the pace of the match down. This allows Marc to rely on his mat based offence and eventually he catches Ernie with a Cross Armbreaker for the win.[/I] Marc Speed defeated Ernie Turner in 13:06 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. [D-] [B]California Love Machine v Surfeador Californiano[/B] [I]A serious disappointment. Despite all my encouragement Surfeador is again off his game. Me and Remz try and cover for the match quality as best as we can but it still brings the mood of the crowd down. He is really trying my patience. [/I] California Love Machine defeated Surfeador Californiano in 11:52 by pinfall with a LAX Departure. [E-] [B][U]CMW Tag Team Championship Match[/U]: “The Second Generation:” Jay Chord & Luis Montero Jr (w/Chica De Partido) v The Maryland Alliance[/B] [I]The match itself was decent. Chica, as always, did some good work at ringside. The finish however took the crowd by surprise. And there was a good reason for that. See, I had been silly enough to sign Jay to a three month contract AND agree to a title run. Silly, silly, silly. So now we have a champion who is scheduled to leave in ten days. Lets hope he is willing to negotiate now he is one half of the Tag champions.[/I] 2nd Generation defeated The Maryland Alliance in 13:43 when Jay Chord defeated Brady Prince by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. 2nd Generation win the CMW Tag Team Champions titles. [D-] [B][U]CMW Californian Championship Match[/U]: Fumihiro the Ninja v Ultimate Pheonix[/B] [I]These two put on a stunner. I had a feeling it was going to be good but it still blew me away. After twenty minutes even Fumihiro, one of the best on our roster, was tired. Pheonix sure can go, now I've just got to work out how long we can keep him around after the Open.[/I] Fumihiro the Ninja defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 20:26 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Fumihiro the Ninja makes defence number 2 of his CMW Californian Champion title. [C+] [B]Bart Biggz v Sam Keith[/B] [I]Of course I hadn't been smart enough to put the Championship match on last. Sam and Bart have totally different styles in the ring and together they didn't mesh at all well. A bit of a let down to end quite a decent show.[/I] Sam Keith defeated Bart Biggz in 14:41 by submission with a Proton Lock. [D] [B]Overall: D+[/B] Crowd: 66 A decent show. The boys in the back were in good spirits, Rico has the backstage humming along nicely. He doesn't say much but when he talks they listen. Sam was nice enough to give me a lift home, which was nice. [I]Next month: The Sam Keith Open[/I]
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--FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-- [B]CALIFORNIA MEGA WRESTLING[/B] is proud to present [B]THE SAM KEITH OPEN[/B] at the Simmonds Center later this month. On Saturday the 23rd of August eight of the best wrestlers of North America will battle for the SAM KEITH CUP. [B]SAM KEITH[/B] is one of the most respected wrestlers on the planet, having won world championships in four different countries. In the 1980's Sam twice lifted the BURNING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in Japan and won the CAMPEON DE HERENCIA DE MUNDO in MPWF on two occasions. The early 1990's saw him move to Canada where he secured the CGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP twice and, alongside ROBERT OXFORD, twice won the CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP. The late 1990's saw him return to the United States where he won the SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP a record equaling four times. Sam has recently completed a farewell tour with BHOTWG and is now looking forward to his retirement from active competition. SAM KEITH and CMW are delighted to be able to name the eight competitors in this years SAM KEITH OPEN: [B]CRAIG GREEN[/B] usually competes in Canada for NORTH OF THE BORDER PRO WRESTLING. There he is a two time NOTBPW TAG TEAM CHAMPION, has won the ED HENSON MEMORIAL TAG TEAM CUP and is the CURRENT NOTBPW NATIONWIDE CHAMPION. Having experienced past success in one night tournaments Craig will be bringing his experience South for one night only. [B]MARC SPEED[/B] is one of the most exciting prospects to come out of CALIFORNIA MEGA WRESTLING. Marc qualified for the tournament by defeating ERNIE TURNER in July and will be looking to carry this momentum into the tournament, [B]HANDSOME STRANGER[/B] is a Mexican wrestler who mainly competes for FREEDOM CARIBBEAN WRESTLING in Puerto Rico. There he is the CURRENT FCW PEOPLE'S CHAMPION. He has also previously held the USPW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP. As the biggest wrestler in the tournament HANDSOME STRANGER will be a serious threat for the title. One man that needs no introduction to California fans is [B]LUIS MONTERO JR[/B]. His father held the prestigious CALIFORNIA PRO WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP on two occasions. LUIS JR has already achieved a remarkable amount back in Mexico, having won the OLLIE MEXICO CHAMPIONSHIP and the OLLIE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP. He is currently one half of the CMW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS alongside fellow second generation superstar JAY CHORD. [B]BART BIGGZ[/B] is competing in the SAM KEITH OPEN hot off a spell with the SUPREME WRESTLING FEDERATION. There he was a SWF SHOOTING STAR CHAMPION and half the SWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP an amazing four times alongside his brother. Bart will be relying on his big match experience to give him the edge in the tournament. [B]ULTIMATE PHEONIX[/B] returns to America for the SAM KEITH OPEN after achieving amazing success in Mexico. He is the CURRENT MPWF WORLD CHAMPION and will be looking to add to his trophy cabinet with the SAM KEITH CUP. [B]JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] is a Brit who has achieved success on the continent. He is a two time UCR EUROPEAN CHAMPION and is also the CURRENT UEW WORLD CHAMPION. Joey will be looking to teach the new world competitors a thing or two when he flys in from Europe for the SAM KEITH OPEN. Rounding out the tournament is a young man from the East Coast, [B]ERIK STRONG[/B]. ERIK competes for MID ATLANTIC WRESTLING where he is the reigning RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL WINNER and the CURRENT MID ATLANTIC CHAMPION. Erik has proven he can already win big one-night tournaments but winning the SAM KEITH CUP would show he could compete with the best in the world. THE SAM KEITH OPEN will take place at the SIMMONDS CENTER on AUGUST 23RD. CALIFORNIA MEGA WRESTLING has been promoting shows in the area since last AUGUST. --ENDS-- [CENTER][IMG]http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo286/MattloreDee/sko4.png[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo286/MattloreDee/MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo286/MattloreDee/GregGauge.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]July 31st [/I] News came in today that Ultimate Phoenix had injured himself in Mexico. The information was a bit sketchy but it was enough to put a frown on my face for most of the day. Tried contacting him but it was impossible to work out what his travel plans were. [I]August 1st[/I] Sam asked me to drop round his place after dinner today. I went over about eight and was met by Matthew who showed me in. Sam was in the living room. He had a concerned look upon his face and I was immediately worried about what had happened. “My boys turned eighteen today” he muttered. “and they're thinking about following my footsteps.” He stopped and I let silence fill the gap, unsure about what to say until I worked out what Sam was thinking about all of this. Eventually he started again, “I'm not sure they know what they are getting themselves in for. Besides, I don't want them stinking up our cards.” I finally decided it was time to weigh in, “Sam, you're boys are phenomenal athletes, they'd be a welcome addition to our shows. They've seen you wrestle fulltime for Supreme, they probably know better than anyone what they are getting themselves in for. Look at Jay, he's handling the pressure of a famous last name okay.” Sam had perked up a bit by now, “do you really think they would be good enough to be booked on our shows?” he asked, sounding unconvinced. “Sam, I haven't seen them in a ring before, but I bet they'd fit in almost anyone's show.” Sam's sons were two of the most talented young athletes I'd ever seen and he was worried about them finding bloody work! After that he seemed much more keen about it and invited the boys in to talk to me. While they both said they were wanting to step into the ring soon they weren't quite ready to take bookings or anything like that. It was a bit of a farce really, them coming to me for advice, they had probably been in more locker rooms in the last two years than I had my entire life. [I]August 4th[/I] At work this morning I got Jessie to ignore his actual work and just send out a press release for the show. As long as our executive producer doesn't hear about it the poor boy won't get into trouble. My heart skipped a beat this afternoon when the phone started ringing and caller ID said it was a Mid-Atlantic number. I was expecting bad news by Jay was cool on the phone. He said he had looked at the offer I'd made him and it was acceptable. I was pretty relieved, sure he was now being paid equivalent to one of our main eventers but I felt it was worth it, as long as he kept himself out of trouble. [I]August 5th [/I] Sam dropped in to my house just after dinner. He hadn't been the same since he had returned from Japan. “Thats it” he quietly muttered “I'm done, I can't keep it up. It's time.” The decision had clearly been weighing him down and I knew inside that it was probably the right one too. Together we wrote up a presser. Sam was pretty down when he left, but I was convinced he wasn't going to change his mind. [I]August 6th [/I] Sam announced his retirement from competition at 10 and it was all over the internet by 10:05. The press release we'd sent out had my phone number on it as a press contact and as a result my mobile was ringing for most of the day. Sam looked a lot happier today than he did last night. He said his body was worn out and he was looking forward to using his backstage experience to help young up-and-comers. Personally I was pretty happy with his decision, for two reasons. Firstly you couldn't plan better PR in the build-up to the years key show. Secondly, since Crippler had departed I really did need Sam in California more than ever. I wouldn't have been able to survive had he accepted another Japanese tour. [I]August 7th[/I] Strategy Meeting. Sam told me that he had heard over the grapevine that Ultimate Phoenix had recovered fully. Bloody wrestlers, why can't they just ring me up and tell me stuff like that straight up? I asked Sam if his kids had thought any more about joining our promotion and he said he wasn't sure. He admitted he had suggested that they work overseas first, really follow his footsteps and all that. [I]August 11th [/I] Went over to Sam's place for dinner tonight. Matthew met me at the door again, seemed happy to see me. He said he had decided he would work a few dates for us. He wasn't keen on going overseas just yet. Naturally, I was ecstatic with the news. Being able to replace one Keith with another, younger, one was just fantastic. Greg didn't say much to me all evening and was noncommittal when I asked if he wanted to wrestler a few dates for us. [I]August 12th [/I] Sam rang me up, apparently Haruki Kudo had agreed that Greg could take over Sams dates on BHOTWG's next tour. Well that explained why Greg seemingly had his mind on other things last night. The kid was going to get a baptism of fire in Japan, that was for sure. I wasn't too cut up about it, being able to secure the twins for our promotion would have been huge but one out of two wasn't bad. [I]August 14th[/I] Strategy Meeting. Our final before the big show. We finalised the card, including the extra matches, and I went down to finish travel arrangements. It was an extensive list, four from Mexico City, one from Puerto Rico, one from Hawaii, two from the Mid Atlantic and one from London. The travel agent's all seem to look forward to me walking into the office these days. [I]August 21st [/I] Had Sam as my guest today. He talked about his career and I pimped the show as much as I could without getting glares from the producer. The feedback we got from the callers was good, while many of them had not seen Sam before in person most had seen footage of him wrestling. Not only was Saturday going to be the Sam Keith Open but it was also going to be one of his last ever matches. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"]THE SAM KEITH OPEN[/SIZE] August 23rd [B]Sam Keith Cup Quarterfinals[/B] NOTBPW's Craig Green v CMW's Marc Speed FCW's Handsome Stranger v CMW's Luis Montero Jr CMW's Bart Biggz v MPWF's Ultimate Phoenix UEW's Joey Beauchamp v MAW's Erik Strong [B][U]CMW California Championship[/U] Final Rematch - Californian Death[/B] Jesse Christian v Fumihiro the Ninja [B]One Keith Ends, Another Begins[/B] Sam & Matthew Keith v The Maryland Alliance [B]Cruiserweight Try-Series[/B] Roderick Remus v California Love Machine [B]PLUS: The Semi-Finals, Finals & Much More![/B] [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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