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Omega-Alpha Wrestling: Invading the C'verse

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Note: I actually started writing this story in May of 2004 with the original TEW game. At the time a lot of the workers didn't have pictures, or at least I didn't have access to those pictures which is why a lot of my characters have pictures of other workers, or the names I ended up using didn't necessarily "match" with the images I assumed they would. For instance, my Steve Frehley is a bald headed white guy. I'll try to highlight whatever changes I made, but I wanted to point that out to prevent people from telling me that the image I chose doesn't match up with the one from the Cornellverse. I've written 2 years+ of shows and there is a rather large storyline component which prevented me from burning out by writing a bunch of matches with the same guys. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them. Thanks for reading. [quote][b]The Origins of OAW[/b] My name is not important, and neither is what I look like. The only things you need to know are that I'm originally from New YAWK City, I've been a wrestling fan for almost twenty years and decided to embark on this journey after seeing last year's edition of [b]The Supreme Challenge[/b] with my friends. As much as we like the [b]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/b], we also hate a lot of things about it. Over the last three months we've gathered the necessary capital to start up a little company based in the Niagara Falls region that borders the US & Canada. We're still waiting for a permit to hold our first show in the Savage's backyard, but we expect that to happen in the next few days. OAW stands for [b]Omega-Alpha Wrestling[/b]. I came up with the name after seeing a tract on the floor by my parking spot at work. It said that Jesus was the Alpha and the Omega, meaning the first and the last. I won't go into much more details about the thought process, but in reality we're hoping that we can take this little start up gig all the way from last to first, hence the Omega to Alpha moniker. Back in college I pledged a Greek fraternity and I knew a guy who could hook us up with all kinds of promotional materials which we've been holding onto until now. We realize that starting out in the shadows of one of the biggest wrestling promotions ever could be a fatal mistake, but we decided to try and get over on being unique. My boss, who I'll discuss later has been a pro wrestler for over a decade now and opened up a small training school back in '97 or '98 that was shut down until about 6 months ago. He's trained a few guys who went on to have some minor success, but we're going to embellish that a bit with our promotional material. The first little white lie we'll tell is that he's trained all 6 of our other wrestlers, when in actuality only his sons have benefitted from his "expertise". This group shall be known as the [b]Alpha Class[/b]. Every few months or so we'll add another class and thus try to create a history for ourselves. Does the [b]Alpha Class[/b] mean anything in particular? Not really, the only benefit they have is that I can't fire them, although I'd only want to give one guy the pink slip anyhow. If they get a better offer in the future, they can walk. As for me, I've got to at least turn a $10,000 dollar profit to pay Mr. Savage back, or I'll have to dip into my own savings, which I don't want to do. I've got big plans, but fully expect this to go bust in less than a year. We'll see if my brilliant mind can take 6 no names and create a multi-million dollar operation in the next 10 years. All I've got to lose is my sanity and $10,000, sounds like a fair deal to me. [b]ROSTER[/b] [b]'The All American' Aaron Savage[/b] (in game he's Aaron Mustafa, don't recall whose image it is though - 5'10 216, 37 yo) - He's Flash and Jacob's father and was instrumental in getting us our start up money and a ring to work in. He'd spent most of the last 15 years of his life working as a journeyman jobber in other small federations around the Northeast, so he's got fairly solid skills and an excellent grasp of the game. He'll basically be the guy our top heels work with to improve. The highlight of his career was jobbing in a dark match for the [b]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/b]. For now, he'll be our # 1 face. [b]Ace Youngblood[/b] (image is of Big Cat Brandon - 6'1 242, 19 yo) - Ace grew up in Kansas, so he's really just a country bumpkin at heart. He had a chance to play major division I college football, but he blew out his left knee a few weeks before his senior year and decided that he'd rather try to make it as a pro wrestler than sit out a year, go to junior college and then try to sign on with a decent top flight school three years from the time of injury. Ace isn't too bright though, so he didn't mind missing out on "that book learnin'!". We're grooming him to be the top face in the future since Aaron's getting old already and well, we can't have an old man representing us for too long. (Andrew) [b]Flash Savage[/b] (image is of Donnie J - 5'8 170, 18 yo) - He can't wrestle for ****, but is willing to kill himself so people are drawn to him naturally. Imagine Jeff Hardy way back when he was just starting out . . . well if Jeff's dad paid for all of the equipment and that was the only reason he had a job. Quite possibly the world's biggest *******. He's insisted on being the top heel and well I can't really argue with him, or they'd find someone else to do my job. [b]Jacob 'The Jet' Savage[/b] (Jacob Jett with Human Arsenal's face - 5'8 190, 19 yo) - He's Flash's older brother, and Aaron's oldest son. I actually get along with him since he's not arrogant like Andrew. He's more talented than his brother, and easier to deal with. For the time being he'll be working as heel with his brother, but I fully intend to turn him and bury Andrew in the process once we have enough money that I can tell him to go **** himself. I'm hoping that day comes sooner than later. [b]'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner[/b] (image is of Brent Hill, 5'11 223, 19 yo) - Ricky's the exact opposite of Flash, he can't connect with the crowd, but when it comes to wrestling he's a prodigy. The guy only started training 6 months ago and is already a better worker than everyone else! In any case, he'll probably be a tweener since we can use him either way depending on his opponent. [b]Sensational Dragon[/b] (Hirokichi Yoshikawa with Dragons' face - 5'9 193, 23 yo) - Hiro moved here from Japan when he was 14, and we went to school together. His extensive background in martial arts and gymnastics made him a natural high flyer. He's been tooling around with Aaron for about 4 or 5 years now, and will be another good opponent for our youngsters to learn from. He will be a mask wearing face who "no speaky de English". Actually, Hiro's English is better than everyone else who's a wrestler here, but he never felt comfortable talking about himself or badmouthing someone else due to his upbringing. [b]X[/b] (Jorge Wilkes with The Canadian Gangsta's face - 6'0 180, 19 yo) - I really wanted Jorge to avoid playing the angry minority character, but he told me to "**** off and let him represent the streets, son!". The ironic thing is that he grew up in the suburbs, and both of his parents are doctors. In any case he chose the name 'X' since "the hardest niggaz around use X in their names, like Malcolm X and DMX!". He's a good worker, but better on the mic and will fill out the heel side of things.[/quote] Now that I had a roster in place and a venue lined up it was time to create our first card. After talking extensively, we finalized the lineup for our first show and we've got a date as well. [center][b][i]OAW: GENESIS - 6/13/04[/i] WORLD TITLE QUALIFIER 1 Ace Youngblood vs X [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img] WORLD TITLE QUALIFIER 2 Flash Savage vs 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] WORLD TITLE QUALIFIER 3 Jacob 'The Jet' Savage vs Sensational Dragon [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img] WORLD TITLE SEMIFINAL 1 Ace Youngblood or X vs Flash Savage or 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] or [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] or [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] WORLD TITLE SEMIFINAL 2 'The All American' Aaron Savage vs Jacob 'The Jet' Savage or Sensational Dragon [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] or [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img] MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE FINAL [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/world_title.jpg[/img] Semfinal 1 winner vs Semifinal 2 winner[/b][/center]
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Note: This is the shortest show of the bunch and I was just learning how to play TEW at the time so I made a lot of horrible errors in booking/playing the game. --- Since I'm a bit of a historian I've decided to take a handheld video camera and record all of our shows. This will give us a chance to watch the performances afterwards and hopefully improve on some things in the future both in the ring and in terms of the way we produce our events. Our first show is only going to be an hour long, but we've been setting up everything for the last 6 hours, and everyone is ready to go now. I was stunned to see that a line was setting up about an hour and half before the show began, but I guess people are willing to try something new for just $5. In any case, this is what I thought as I watched the show live. [center][b][i]OAW: GENESIS - 6/13/04[/i][/b][/center] [b][center]1 - WORLD TITLE QUALIFIER - Ace Youngblood vs X[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img][/center] As much as I hate the concept of stereotypical race angles in wrestling, I have to admit the inspiration for our first pairing was a direct result of watching this kind of entertainment since I was a kid. I figured the easiest way to get the crowd involved early would be to set up an odd pairing with our two biggest gimmick characters - [b]Ace[/b], who plays a country bumpkin, and [b]X[/b], the street thug. Unfortunately, neither one of these guys really understood how to tell a story, so it was a pretty disjointed effort. X tried to work the match as a brawler since the crowd got behind him while he was pounding on Ace with punches to the face, but other than that Ace was responsible for the majority of the workrate. He had one nice sequence where he executed back to back German suplexes, but missed a big elbow from the top. The next move would have been great had it worked, as X climbed to the top and went for a moonsault, but Ace rolled towards the corner to escape. X was SUPPOSED to land on his feet and get clotheslined, but instead he came down awkwardly on his right foot and shrieked in pain before collapsing to the mat. Ace showed surprising quickness as he delivered the [b]ACE OF SPADES[/b] (an implant DDT) on X for the victory and then helped him to the back. My friend David drove X straight to the hospital with what we thought was a broken leg or even worse, a blown ACL. [b]Ace Youngblood p. X - 10.7/11.2/44.4 (6 min) - lack of psychology ruined the match [center]2 - WORLD TITLE QUALIFIER - Flash Savage vs 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img][/center] We were all a little shaken by X's injury, but as they say, the show must go on. I was a bit hesitant with how the next match would turn out as [b]Flash[/b] is so ****y it's disgusting. I figured the only way to scrape a decent match out of him would be by sending him out against [b]Ricky[/b] who is our most laidback athlete and can deal with Flash's stupidity. Naturally, Flash did exactly what I thought and played spot monkey for the [b]155[/b] people in the audience. 'The Prodigy' tried his hardest to reign him in, but Flash was more concerned with trying to make himself a star by doing unnecessary acrobatics, such as a backflip in order to drop a simple elbow. While the crowd responded to his histrionics, I could see that Ricky was getting upset with being made to look the fool. He put a little bit of extra force behind a Samoan drop, but Flash kicked out almost instantly and then knocked his opponent down with a poorly executed brainbuster. Flash then went into a Karate Kid style stance before rushing up and nailing Ricky with a [b]SHINING WIZARD[/b] that was enough to get the three count. I'm probably going to have to talk to Ricky to make him stay, and I feel bad that he had to deal with Flash's immense ego, but there really wasn't anything I could do. [b]Flash Savage p. 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner - 22.2/9.4/35.6 (7 min) - absolute lack of psychology ruined the match [center]3 - WORLD TITLE QUALIFIER - Jacob 'The Jet' Savage vs Sensational Dragon[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img][/center] Thankfully, the next match had our best worker, and the level headed Savage brother. While [b]Sensational Dragon's[/b] mask would certainly sell if we ever get big enough to move merchandise, the crowd was more impressed with the wrestling involved than the participants here. [b]'The Jet'[/b] held his own in the ring with the much more experienced masked worker, and the two showed that they could handle more time than the opening two pairings. The best part of the match was a well rehearsed series of exchanges and counters that ended with 'The Jet' nearly stealing a pinfall as he rolled Dragon up with a handful of tights AND his feet on the ropes. The near fall drew some applause from the crowd, who appreciated the relative level of excellence in this match compared to the prior efforts. The end finally came when Dragon floored Jacob with a Dragon Screw, which led to a [b]DRAGON (MICHINOKU) DRIVER[/b] for the victory, and a spot in the Semifinals. Just as the match concluded, [b]Flash Savage[/b] entered the ring and waffled Dragon with a chairshot and then a [b]SHINING WIZARD[/b] as the crowd booed him. Flash placed his left foot on Dragon's chest and then flexed for the crowd before tossing Dragon over the top rope, and demanding a mic with his rampant ego running wild as we had not discussed him humiliating Dragon in such a fashion. [b]Sensational Dragon p. Jacob 'The Jet' Savage - 44.3/5.6/61.6, Flash runs in and attacks Dragon (9 min) 4 - FLASH'S EGO CONTINUES TO GROW[/b] [b]Flash[/b]: "As you can see, that masked ninja has nothing on the amazing and talented [b]FLASH SAVAGE[/b]! *points to someone in the crowd* Don't boo me fatty. . . jealousy, much like those clothes you're wearing doesn't look good on you! I can't help it if I look better than everyone here, wrestle better than anyone else you've ever seen, and most importantly KNOW that I am the best thing going today. If any of you ladies want a piece of this, line up at the edge of the driveway at the end of the night, and you MAY have the chance to celebrate my title victory with ME! Damn, I'm great!" *Flash drops the mic and is booed heavily as he awaits his opponent for the next match* [b]Flash Savage int - 27.2% (3 min) - hybrid crowds don't like promos [center]5 - WORLD TITLE SEMIFINAL - Ace Youngblood vs Flash Savage[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img][/center] Our next match began shortly with [b]Ace Youngblood[/b] making his way out to a decent cheer as the crowd decided that ANYONE facing Flash would be their favorite for the time being. This match was poorly done as Ace isn't as grounded in the basics as Flash's first opponent, and by this time in the evening, Flash was more determined than ever to "steal the show". Ace did however manage to get things under control as he bounded off of the ropes with a running clothesline that floored Flash, and followed it up with a belly to belly suplex, which earned a 2 count. Flash then went to the eyes, and slipped behind Ace where he caught him with an inverted DDT. Instead of going for the cover, the ****y youngster then set up for his over the top finisher, and delivered yet another [b]SHINING WIZARD[/b], but Youngblood was close enough to the ropes that he slid his foot on top of one for a break! A stunned Flash then pulled Ace up and blatantly kicked him between the legs before rocking him with a tornado DDT! To ensure that he wouldn't kick out this time, Flash deftly put his feet on the ropes and managed to keep Youngblood down for a three count, earning himself a spot in the Main Event! The crowd hated the finish, but Flash soaked up their boos with another lengthy posing session before finally leaving the ring so the show could continue. [b]Flash Savage p. Ace Youngblood after cheating - 14.7/12.4/35.8 (9 min) - absolute lack of psychology ruined the match [center]6 - WORLD TITLE SEMIFINAL - 'The All American' Aaron Savage vs Sensational Dragon[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img][/center] The next match was the one that probably would have been match of the night had either one of these two been a heel. Since the two were basically our top faces, there was a little bit less of a response than I'd hoped for, but the mat work was very solid as our two most experienced wrestlers met up. The crowd enjoyed [b]'The All American' Aaron Savage's[/b] entrance theme (the national anthem). The fans were also a little more appreciative of [b]Sensational Dragon[/b] as they applauded him while the two men shook hands. Dragon was forced to adapt his style to a slightly more fast paced approach in order to compensate for Savage's relative lack of mobility. Dragon did a hell of a job controlling the pace while making Savage look like a million bucks, especially when people had mostly seen Savage getting his ass kicked in openers around the region for most of his career. Savage used his few great assets, being psychology and a good grasp of basic holds to ground Dragon with a series of moves that focused on his opponent's left knee. Dragon got out of his predicament and tried to lift Savage up for his [b]Dragon Driver[/b], but was unable to put enough weight on his injured knee to complete the move. Savage floated over and pulled Dragon into a pinning position, but the youngster kicked out at 2. A fireman's carry by Savage led to another near cover as Dragon would not relent. The end finally came when Dragon went for a clothesline, missed and got caught with Savage's signature move, the [b]AMERICAN DREAM[/b] (STO) for the 1-2-3, and a spot in the final match. After the bout was over, Savage and Dragon shook hands again, and embraced with Dragon humbly bowing out of the ring after wishing his mentor luck. [b]'The All American' Aaron Savage p. Sensational Dragon - 42.5/10.2/60.4 (13 min) 7 - SAVAGE LOOKS TO END A 15 YEAR JOURNEY[/b] [b]Aaron[/b]: "I've never been one to talk much, since I've lost a lot more than I've won in my career *chuckles to himself* Tonight though I'm one win away from the first championship of my career. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to beat one of my own children to do it. There may have been times where Flash probably should have gotten a spanking, but I vowed never to hit my kids, and by God I never have! Tonight though, I hope the good Lord above understands that what's going to happen next is just part of the job. . . " *At this point someone in the crowd shouted "SHUT UP AND FIGHT OLD MAN!", it turned out to be Aaron's son, and his opponent Flash Savage, who slid under the bottom rope and slapped his father in the face!* [b]Aaron Savage int - 10.7% (3 min) - hybrid crowds don't like promos AND he rambled, ouch [center]MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH Flash Savage vs 'The All American' Aaron Savage[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/world_title.jpg[/img] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img][/center] I think it was a conservative estimate that said at LEAST 150 of the 155 in attendance wanted to see Flash get pummeled here, but it did not seem as though that was going to be the way things went down in the earlygoing as Flash jumped on his father from behind. The fact that the 37 year old veteran had just wrestled the longest match of the night with next to no time to recover didn't help matters a great deal, and neither did the blatant chokeholds his son continued to apply in the center of the ring. The referee threatened him with a DQ, and that allowed Aaron to take his son down with a spear. From there Savage began to punch away at his son's head, drawing a great deal of applause from the crowd. Flash then once again showed his willingness to cheat by thumbing his own father in the eye and clotheslining him to the mat! Flash then climbed to the top where he attempted a ridiculous corkscrew moonsault or a Phoenix Splash. In any case, he missed the mark by a WIDE margin and ended up coming down flat on his face, bloodying his nose in the process. The crowd loved it, but there was a glint of concern from his father, who then shoulderblocked Flash down and went for a cover, getting just a two count. Savage pulled Flash up, and thought about hitting his son again, but opted instead to finish him off with an [b]AMERICAN DREAM[/b] for the victory and the title. The show came to an end with Aaron checking on his son and the audience filing out relatively pleased by what they had just watched. [b]OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH The All American' Aaron Savage p. Flash Savage to become the NEW champion! - 30.1/11.8/42.1 (10 min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25.3 rating, 155 attendance Notes: It turned out that X had a slight fracture of his ankle, but will be good to go in 4 weeks, which is just in time for our next show.[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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A couple of days passed by, and everyone involved with the company came over to my place so that we could watch the show over, and after doing so we came to the conclusion that we did a pretty good job with the exception of the opener and Aaron's horrendous interview. It became obvious to everyone BUT Flash, that Sensational Dragon is our best in ring worker, as he was involved in the two best matches of the evening. Flash decided that it was imperative that he get to wrestle Dragon on next month's show so that he could prove to the "world" that he is the best thing in OAW. Rather than get into an argument with him I told him I'd take care of it. A few minutes later the three Savages left my house, giving me the chance to handle some issues that needed to be resolved. I pulled Ricky & Hiro (Dragon's real name) aside and thanked them for dealing with Flash's stupidity on the show, but they were surprisingly receptive to what I had to say, based on the fact that they really enjoyed participating in a show with 150 or so people in attendance. I found out X should be able to wrestle again on the 10th of July, so I tentatively scheduled our next show for the 11th so we could use him as well, since seven workers gives us a little bit more flexibility than six. Ricky and X are roommates, so they left a little while afterwards. Just as Hiro was going to leave, he gave me a number for a friend of his who was interested in possibly joining us on a short term basis. The guy is pretty well known in New York as he has worked for [b]New York Championship Wrestling[/b]. After crunching the numbers, I figured if we could sign the guy for less than $300 a night it'd be worth the investment. --------------------------------- [center]Be sure not to miss [b]Omega-Alpha Wrestling's[/b] 2nd show on Sunday, July 11th! Tickets for the one hour event are available for just $5, seating is first come, first serve. The door opens at 6 PM, with the show beginning at 7 PM sharp. Celebrate the week after the 4th of July with OAW's unique brand of hard hitting action! [b][i]OAW: FALLOUT - 7/11/04 from New York[/i] 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner vs X [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img] Ace Youngblood vs Jacob 'The Jet' Savage [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] Flash Savage vs Sensational Dragon [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img] # 1 CONTENDER TRIANGLE MATCH FEATURING THE WINNERS OF THE THREE PRIOR MATCHES [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/unknown_blue.gif[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/unknown_blue.gif[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/unknown_blue.gif[/img] MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH 'The All American' Aaron Savage vs # 1 Contender [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/OAWWorldtitle.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/unknown_blue.gif[/img][/center][/b]
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Tonight's the night of our second show, and with one event under our belts, we had a little bit more experience setting everything up, and we even managed to have some time to relax before we starting letting the fans in. To my surprise, well over [b]200[/b] people showed up for the show, which is a fairly large improvement over last month's effort. If this trend continues, we might have to look into booking an actual venue instead of the Savage's ample backyard. In any case, I've got my trusty camcorder ready to document tonight's action. [center][b][i]OAW: FALLOUT - 7/11/04[/i][/b] [b]1 - 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner vs X [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img][/b][/center] Just before the match began, we made sure to tell everyone in the audience that [b]X[/b] had just had a cast removed from his fractured ankle within the last 24 hours. The crowd seemed to admire his toughness but he lost his temper very quickly as he cursed people out as he made his entrance, thus removing all of his temporary good will. His opponent, [b]'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner[/b] headed straight for the ring, just wanting to get down to business. X went straight on the offensive with a series of hard right hands before whipping Turner into the ropes and knocking him down with a beautiful dropkick to the jaw. X then banged his forearms together in an "X" and started trash talking 'The Prodigy', who swept his legs out from underneath and hooked in a tight Fujiwara armbar, but they were too close to the ropes, so X escaped before too much damage could be done. Turner then went for an inverted DDT, but X held onto the top rope and delivered a Flair style mule kick between the legs while distracting the referee! X then signalled to the crowd again and connected with a brilliant [b]X-PLODER SUPLEX[/b] which was more than enough to secure the victory, his first in OAW! Even though he'd just been cheated, the highly professional Turner casually rolled out of the ring, while X was handed the microphone. . . [b]X p. 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner after cheating - 15.5/9/44 (8 min) - not enough psychology 2 - X MARKS HIS SPOT[/b] [b]X[/b]: "Yeah motha****as! They tried to tell X that he shouldn't wrestle tonight. They tried to tell X to rest his ankle. Well X told them to shut the **** up and let X just knock someone the **** out, and that's just what I done, son. I don't give a **** who wins the next two matches, 'cause X is taking the # 1 Contendah spot, and tha title by the end of the night, bitches!" *X then jumped on the turnbuckles and continued his verbal assault of the crowd before finally leaving after they stopped following his baiting tactics* [b]X int - 22.2% (3 min) - the crowd doesn't like promos [center]3 - Ace Youngblood vs Jacob 'The Jet' Savage[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img][/center] As X mentioned in his profanity laced tirade, the winner of this match and the next one would meet him in a 3 Way match with the winner there meeting the [b]OAW World Champion, Aaron Savage[/b] in tonight's Main Event. With a potential title shot on the line, both [b]Ace Youngblood & Jacob 'The Jet' Savage[/b] were determined to win and deliver a solid effort. Their hearts were in the right place, but their relative lack of experience led to a match that saw a major lack of cohesion as neither guy was able to control their offense without abandoning the punishment they had taken earlier. There were also a couple of blown counterholds by 'The Jet', but his quick ability to cover them up held things together. The end came when Youngblood went for his [b]Ace Of Spades[/b] implant DDT, but had it reversed into a snap suplex from 'The Jet'. Jacob then showed his high flying ability as he dropped a slingshot somersault legdrop on Ace before pulling him up and scoring with his [b]SUICIDE-PLEX[/b] (Dragon Suplex). Ace was unable to kick out, and Jacob's victory advanced him into the # 1 Contender's match later in the evening, with a shot at the World title still a possibility for the older Savage brother. [b]Jacob 'The Jet' Savage p. Ace Youngblood - 20.4/8.4/48.6 (9 min) - not enough psychology [center]4 - Flash Savage vs Sensational Dragon[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img][/center] This next match only took place because [b]Flash[/b] was being an insufferable prick and basically threw a tantrum, demanding a match with [b]Sensational Dragon[/b]. We all assumed he would try and make this a showstopping performance in the negative sense of the term, and that's exactly what we got. Flash controlled the early portion of the action, landing a few stiff shots before embarassing himself with a botched cartwheel into a moonsault that saw him land jaw first along Dragon's knees. Flash apparently rang his bell here as he was slow to get up, allowing Dragon to take over and save the match from becoming a total sham. Dragon made sure to work on the head and neck, so that he could keep the flow of the match together and also to set up for his finisher. After another 45 seconds had passed, Flash recovered and ruined the continuity that was building by popping to his feet as though he has not been worked over at all. Flash delivered an elbow to Dragon's abdomen and clotheslined him to the mat. The next spot was a thing of beauty, and showed that Flash could serve a purpose with the company as he was about to attempt an Asai moonsault, only to get dropkicked in the back. The force of the blow, combined with Flash's momentum saw him take a man sized head first bump over the top to the floor below! A small "Holy ****" chant broke out as Dragon fired Flash back into the ring after giving me a signal that Flash was OK. From there, a [b]DRAGON DRIVER[/b] was more than enough to get the job done, and with this victory, our next match was now set as [b]X, Jacob 'The Jet' Savage & Sensational Dragon[/b] would meet for a title shot in the Main! Flash busted his lower lip on the spot that he insisted on throwing in there, but seemed to be in good spirits since the crowd "showed me the love I deserve with that chant!" In any case, I was happy to see him happy and happier that Dragon would provide some leadership in the next match. [b]Sensational Dragon p. Flash Savage - 33.2/11.5/51.6 (11 min) [center]5 - # 1 CONTENDER MATCH[/b] Winners of prior three matches [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img][/center] X and Jacob both looked fresh and told me that they felt great just before they made their way down to the ring where Dragon was waiting for them. It was a good thing that Dragon was able to rest a bit during the middle of the prior match since his two opponents were ready to wrestle with pace and intensity. Most of the first five minutes of action saw X & 'The Jet' team up to try and wear down the immensely talented Dragon, but this tentative alliance went away when X cheapshotted 'The Jet' and tried to cover Dragon! 'The Jet' dropped a big knee across the back of X's head, tore off his bandanna and fired it into the crowd. X responded with a few hard rights and an Irish whip, leading to another nice spot this evening with X leapfrogging Savage, just in time for Dragon to nail 'The Jet' with a gorgeous spin wheel kick right on the button. Unfortunately for him, X tried to steal the pin again, but Dragon made the save, leading to him nearly being pinned when 'The Jet' rolled him up from behind. Dragon rolled out of the ring momentarily, leading to another heated exchange between X and 'The Jet' that the crowd was surprisingly into. X got the better of it as he went low on 'The Jet', and was setting up for an [b]X-Ploder Suplex[/b] when Dragon nailed him with a missile dropkick from across the ring! Dragon fired 'The Jet' over the top rope and wiped X out with a [b]DRAGON DRIVER[/b] for his second straight victory. The crowd was appreciative that each of the three participants gave their all, and it was pretty apparent that they had all made major strides towards maintaining a fanbase when we run our next show here as each was nearly unanimously praised by those who stopped to talk to me after the show. [b]Sensational Dragon pins X to win the 3 way which also featured Jacob 'The Jet' Savage - 35/12.8/51 (16 min) 6 - AND YOU THOUGHT DRAGON COULDN'T "SPEAK"![/b] I knew that the crowd would probably hate this next segment, but I also needed to give Dragon a chance to rest for what would be his third match of the night. The promo that followed was an idea I came up with right before the show, and I figured what the hell, it would either work or it would blow in my face. With that in mind, I walked into the ring to "interview" the masked worker. [b]Me[/b]: "So Dragon, how are you feeling right now after two grueling matches?" *Dragon looks from side to side and then waves his hand indicating "so-so"* [b]Me[/b]: "The fans want to know, do you have anything left in the tank as you prepare to take on the undefeated OAW Champion, [b]'The All Amercian' Aaron Savage[/b]?" *Dragon rubs his chin before giving a thumbs up* [b]Me[/b]: "This is my last question, do you think you'll be walking out of the Main Event with the championship around your waist?" *Dragon looks down to the mat then pulls his left hand out to his side, then his right before making the universal signal for a title belt by his waist leading to a nice pop from the crowd. Although some people hated it, I think that the comedic break was well received, and it gave me a chance to show Dragon's charisma without wasting his mic skills yet* [b]Dragon int (winning three way/title match) - 31.2% (2 min) - hybrid crowds don't like promos as you know by now [center]MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/world_title.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/OAWWorldtitle.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img][/center] The brief promo and Aaron's lengthier than average entrance gave Dragon a chance to catch his breath, which was a necessity since he'd been in the ring and 80+ degree heat for over half an hour already, all while under a hood. Savage handed out a few small American flags to the kids in the front rows since cheap heat is not all that bad when you're still trying to get noticed. The opening part of the match saw Savage try to ground Dragon, but the much quicker Dragon escaping and muscling Savage into the corner, where he hammered away on Savage with a series of chops that drew some mocking "WOOs" from the crowd. Savage then showed his strength by reversing and opening up with a flurry of hard punches to the ribs before butterfly suplexing Dragon towards the center of the ring. The next few minutes saw Savage use an amateur, mat based style to keep Dragon down and let him prepare for one last burst of offense. Dragon eventually made said comeback and nearly won the title with a beautiful tornado DDT that teased the crowd into a false finish. Dragon sold his frustration by slamming his palms into the mat where he tried to lift Savage up into a [b]Dragon Driver[/b], that the champ fought out of with a barrage of elbows to the side of the head. Dragon took an awkward step backward after the 5th blow, and that was all the space Savage needed to deliver his [b]AMERICAN DREAM (STO)[/b] for the victory, and his first title defense! Following the match Savage helped Dragon to his feet, and the two shook hands once again. For the second time in as many months, the 37 year old veteran had defeated Dragon thanks in part to being the fresher man. Should the two ever meet on equal terms, one has to wonder if Dragon will be able to defeat his nemesis, or if Savage simply has Dragon's number. [b]MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH 'The All American' Aaron Savage © p. Sensational Dragon to RETAIN the title! - 45.1/21.2/58.4 (11 min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28.5 (+3.2) rating, 226 attendance[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Much like last month, everyone stopped by during the week following our second show to watch the tape I had made and to discuss our future plans. Unlike last month, everyone was in a good mood as they realized that the matches were crisper and more people showed up to see them work. The main thing that came from the meeting was that I was going to try and sign an eighth wrestler and that our next show would only have 4 matches, with only one worker having to go twice. We figured that the Philly crowd would rather see longer matches without overexposure than a bunch of shorter matches with the guys having to work two or three times each. We decided on August 8th as the show date, and once everyone left my place, I drove down to the nearby Gold's Gym to meet up with what I hoped would be our newest worker. Around a half an hour later I pulled into the gym's lobby and ten minutes later, [b]C.H. Threepwood[/b] came out from the lockerroom area. At 5'11, 229 he was a pretty solid looking guy, certainly bigger than most of the guys in OAW, which would be a major plus since we've got mostly undersized workers with the exception of Ace & Aaron Savage. After thanking him for showing up we discussed terms and what we might do with him should he join. [b]Me[/b]: "I know you've worked for NYCW in the past, so you're pretty well known in the City, so we were hoping to capitalize on that by adding you to our small, but talented roster. [b]C.H.[/b]: "Hiro told me that you guys mix gimmicks and raw talent, and I just want ya to know, that I don't care much for gimmicks. As he probably told you my in ring name was [b]'The Straight Shooter' C.H. Threepwood[/b] in NYCW, and that's pretty much what you're gonna get with me. I don't really care to talk to the fans, I just love to wrestle and hope that it shows while I'm doing my job." [b]Me[/b]: "Hiro did mention you'd probably say something like that, and that you were only asking for about $150 per show. I'd be willing to push that up another $20 a month if you'd be willing to take a bit of a character tweak." [b]C.H.[/b]: "How little of a tweak are we talkin' 'bout here?" [b]Me[/b]: "Well, we already have one "good old country boy" on the roster, so rather than package you as such, I was thinking about having you portray a typical Italian kid from Bensonhurst. You know, a wifebeater, a gold chain, a fairly worn Yankees hat. Nothing too outrageous. We could even keep most of your original moniker and just adjust it to [b]'The Sicilian Shooter'[/b]. All we'd need was an Italian sounding name, and you could wrestle exactly the same way you did in NYCW." [b]C.H.[/b]: "I don't know, I don't think I could pass for Italian, what with my blonde hair and all." [b]Me[/b]: "Yeah, uh. . . would you be willing to dye it black?" [b]C.H.[/b]: "If I'm gonna go through all these changes, then you're gonna have to raise my rate another $40 a month, AND pay for me to get my hair dyed. If yer cool with that, then I got no problem working with y'all. And a buddy o' mine back in Indiana was named [b]Anthony Cusamano[/b], I think he'd get a kick outta me using his real name to work. Whaddaya say?" *I thought about it briefly and then shook his hand* [b]Me[/b]: "Sounds like a good deal to me. Our next show will be on the 8th of next month. Here's my number in case you need to get in touch with me for any reason. We'll probably have a meeting in the next week or two so you can train with the guys and get an idea of what they can do, and to see who you have good chemistry with. Thanks again." *This was a productive month, but the real work had only begun since I still needed to get a venue in Philly in order for us to hold our next show, AND we were still turning up losses despite the increased crowd support. I figured at this rate, we'd have 5 or 6 more shows before we were going to be in trouble, but for the time being I was just worried about the next event which was less than 4 weeks away!* ------- [center] Be sure not to miss [b]Omega-Alpha Wrestling's[/b] first show in the state of Pennsylvania on Sunday, August 8th! Fans who attend our third event will witness the debut of OAW's newest signee, [b]'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano[/b] in addition to all of OAW's existing stars. Tickets for the one hour event are available for just $6, seating as always is first come, first serve. The door opens at 6 PM, with the show beginning at 7 PM sharp, so get there early if you want to sit ringside at this historic event! [b][i]OAW: PHILADELPHIA FREEDOM - 8/8/04 from Philadelphia[/i] WINNER GETS WORLD TITLE MATCH LATER IN THE NIGHT! Ace Youngblood vs Jacob 'The Jet' Savage [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] TRIANGLE ELIMINATION MATCH 'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano vs 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner vs X [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Anthony_Cusamano.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img] HARDCORE REMATCH Flash Savage vs Sensational Dragon [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/world_title.jpg[/img] MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH 'The All American' Aaron Savage © vs Ace Youngblood or Jacob 'The Jet' Savage [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/OAWWorldtitle.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] or [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] [/center][/b]
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I'm posting this write-up just shortly after arriving back home in NY, hours after our first event in Pennsylvania finished. There's a pretty good chance it may be our last as well! Tonight's event got off to a bad start when the gym we were using wasn't opened until about 2-3 hours before the show was to begin, and things continued to spiral downhill when we started 20 minutes late, alienating some of the people who had showed up. The $6 ticket idea didn't work either since we didn't bring enough singles to make change quickly enough to keep everyone in line. Oh yeah, and that doesn't even bring up the fact that two of our workers got into a legitimate fist fight during and after the show. What a horrible day! [center][b][i]OAW: PHILADELPHIA FREEDOM - 8/8/04[/i][/b] [b]1 - WINNER EARNS TITLE MATCH TONIGHT! Ace Youngblood vs Jacob 'The Jet' Savage[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img][/center] The show began with [b]Ace[/b] walking out to a decent pop, while [b]The Jet[/b] was booed except for some squeals from the females in attendance. The match began innocently enough with both men taking a bit of offense as they felt each other out. Unfortunately, their inability to control a match at this point in their young careers showed up and things were not flowing at all. I gave a signal to the ref to tell 'The Jet' to pick up the pace, and hopefully Ace would be able to follow his lead. This went well for about two minutes, until Ace quickly and surprisingly ended Jet's offensive flurry with a spinebuster out of nowhere. The Philly crowd picked up on this and starting booing, as Ace had completely no sold all of Jacob's prior work. At this point, I panicked. Growing up in New York, you learn two things, # 1) New Yorkers are better than everyone else, and # 2) Philly fans hate EVERYTHING, hell they even booed Santa Claus once! Knowing that a bad crowd would ruin this show, I pulled the trigger on a run in and sent [b]X[/b] out to give Jet a hand, and hopefully to take the heat away from Ace who I don't think understood the magnitude of his mistake. It turns out, [b]I WAS WRONG![/b] X ran in and connected with his [b]X-PLODER SUPLEX[/b] on Ace as The Jet faked an injury just long enough for X to roll out of the ring. A few seconds later he magically "healed" and scored with [b]THE BLACK BOX[/b] (a Dragon/Full Nelson suplex). Ace took his loss like a man, and I thought everything was fine, until he went nuts right after the three count and tackled X in the aisle! The crowd hated the finish and I noticed that X and Ace were legitimately throwing blows at each other, which forced the rest of us to split them up. I gave Ace his check and sent him home in his car before telling The Jet to go kill some time with a promo. I don't know if Ace will ever be back since he hasn't returned any of my dozen or so phone calls since the show finished. For all I know, he could still be in Philly, or driving back home to Kansas. [b]Jacob 'The Jet' Savage p. Ace Youngblood with an assist from X - 7.4/7.8/48.4 (10 min) - not enough psychology, fans hated the run in 2 - THE JET BUYS SOME TIME[/b] The crowd was definitely giving him a hard time, but The Jet delivered with the following impromptu promo. [b]Jet[/b]: "Ya know, I didn't need any help from [b]X[/b] to whoop Ace Youngblood's ass, but it was kinda fun watching him spaz out like the redneck he is afterwards! Unlike that hayseed, 'The Jet' is on his way to the top of OAW and the wrestling world as a whole. Unlike my father, I am someone you can actually be PROUD of! I'm not going to come out here and hand you some 99 cent American flags, uh uh, I'm going to come out and deliver the best match each and every night, and look good doing it. A few years from now, you'll look back on these early days and realize that it was 'The Jet' who strapped this whole company on his back and took it from nothing straight into the stratosphere! *The Jet points at a group of about ten females in the front row* Hey, would any of you fine ladies care to join The Jet's [b]'Mile High Club'[/b]? Don't be shy ladies, there's plenty of The Jet to go around." *The females giggled at the attention they and two of them actually headed to the back with 'The Jet' drawing attention away from what could have been a horrible beginning to the show* [b]Jacob 'The Jet' Savage promo - 26.3% (4 min) - the crowd doesn't like promos [center]3 - TRIANGLE ELIMINATION MATCH 'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano vs 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner vs X[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Anthony_Cusamano.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img][/center] This next match wasn't originally intended to go as long as it did, but after our early struggles I told the boys to stretch an extra 2 1/2 minutes or so here to try and settle the crowd down. X had recovered from the earlier incident by now and headed back out where he made some "fans" by trash talking the entire city of Philadelphia. Next out was [b]'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner[/b], who I'm going to have to do something with since playing a non charismatic tweener isn't exactly lighting the world on fire. Lastly, we saw the debut of [b]'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano[/b], who received a decent ovation from the crowd despite the fact he entered the ring wearing a New York Yankees hat. X was inserted into this match to bring the charisma, while the other two could just focus on their wrestling. This formula seemed to pique the fans interest, especially when Cusamano hit a doubledecker belly to belly suplex (he suplexed X while X suplexed Turner). Cusamano tried to make the cover on X, but the street thug took the easy way out and planted his foot on the ropes while The Prodigy dropped an elbow to the back of Cusamano's neck! Another nice spot took place here as Turner scored with a Blue Thunder driver seconds before X launched himself into the ring with a slingshot legdrop to 'The Sicilian Shooter's' throat! The only problem now was that both men went for the cover at the same time, allowing Cusamano to roll out of the ring. A blatant low blow from X on Turner set up an [b]X-PLODER SUPLEX[/b], and the first elimination for the match as he pinned The Prodigy at 9:27. X took a moment to catch his breath while Cusamano re-entered the ring on the opposite side. X charged at his opponent, but Cusamano deftly stepped aside and shoved him into the turnbuckle shoulder first. Cusamano followed that up with an overhead release German suplex, and nearly got the victory, but X slipped his uninjured shoulder off of the mat at 2 3/4. Cusamano then showed his ability to work on a body part by focusing on X's wounded wing, which would help set up for his [b]Sicilian Submission (Crippler Crossface)[/b]. X almost stole his second consecutive fall with a brilliantly timed tornado DDT out of the corner, but Cusamano kicked out and speared him to the mat a few seconds later. A piledriver followed and Cusamano was able to register his first victory after slapping on the [b]SICILIAN SUBMISSION[/b] to which X was forced to reluctantly tap out. [b]X p. 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner 'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano def. X via submission (16 min) - 24.3/10.9/41.7 - fans don't like Cusamano's gimmick, no psychology 4 - FRUSTRATION FOR THE PRODIGY (AND THE FANS)[/b] As Cusamano was celebrating his victory, [b]'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner[/b] jumped back into the ring and waffled him from behind with a knee to the kidneys. Turner then let loose with all of his pent up frustration from taking loss after loss in his first three matches in the company. After beating Cusamano senseless he finally locked in the [b]SERIAL THRILLA FACELOCK (STF)[/b], named for the band Prodigy's song on their "The Fat of the Land" album. Cusamano eventually went limp, and 'The Prodigy' released the hold, only to get no reaction from the crowd who wanted to see wrestling, not an angle with two workers they barely knew. It was a tough day as I said earlier. [b]Turner att Cusamano - 12.8% (3 min) - fans don't like "soap opera" elements [center]5 - HARDCORE REMATCH Flash Savage vs Sensational Dragon[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img][/center] It was now time for a rematch of last month's encounter between [b]Flash Savage & Sensational Dragon[/b]. Flash insisted that the fans of Philly would want to see some hardcore action since an underground hardcore promotion came ohsoclose to making it to the big time before wasting away based primarily on their unique, hard hitting style. With that in mind, we set up four garbage cans and some chairs around the ringside area as the entrances were taking place, and informed the crowd that anything would go in this match. Sensational Dragon wisely kept the action inside of the ring in the first half of the match, selling his fear of being struck with weapons, and/or distaste of using them. With no rules to follow, Flash went to the eyes and then flung his opponent over the top rope to the outside. Flash then risked life and limb once again with a suicidal cannonball plancha over the top rope! He managed to get just enough of Dragon's body on the way down to avoid crashing and burning. Flash nipped up afterwards and rattled Dragon's brain with a trash can. He then continued his completely unnecessary offense by slamming Dragon down on the ground, and planting another can on his chest. Flash then climbed to the ring apron and bounded upwards, launching backwards into a moonsault, that while flashy was not very effective as he took the majority of the force on his own abdomen. Dragon sensed that the crowd was beginning to turn on Flash's offensive style and fired him into the ring where he downed him with a quick DDT. Flash kicked out, and avoided a clothesline by Dragon before nailing him with a sharp back kick to the ribs and a sitout facebuster. Flash then rolled out of the ring and picked up a chair which he then used to strike Dragon across the top of his head twice, dropping the man to a knee. Flash then dropped the chair and ran up to his opponent, connecting with a [b]SHINING WIZARD[/b] for the victory. Instead of walking away, Flash grabbed the chair once more and delivered a final shot to the temple, KOing the masked man! [b]Flash Savage p. Sensational Dragon - 31.6/7.1/44.6 (13 min) 6 - FLASH WANTS ANOTHER SHOT AT THE GOLD[/b] With Dragon unconscious, Flash demanded a microphone and once again posed over Dragon's lifeless body, much like he did back at Genesis. It seems some guys just don't learn. [b]Jet[/b]: "Look at this chump. *points to Dragon who is trying to get up* You people have tried to build this guy up as the best thing going in OAW, but my victory tonight just goes to show you all, that *I* am without a doubt the best thing going today! *Flash tosses Dragon out of the ring* As I was saying, I'm the top draw, AND the best wrestler in the company, and with that should come another title shot. Ya see, my dad CHEATED to beat me a couple of months ago, and I know none of you people want to see a broken down 37 year old man wrestle in the Main Event, when you could be taking a good look at all of THIS!" *Flash was going to continue here, but I cut his mic and gave him the signal to come to the back since we were running short on time, and I could tell that the fan's were going to revolt one last time. Needless to say I got an earful from him after the show, but I'd had a lousy night by then, so it didn't matter all that much* [b]Flash Savage promo - 31.7% (3 min) - crowds didn't like the promo either [center]MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH The All American' Aaron Savage © vs Jacob 'The Jet' Savage[/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/OAWWorldtitle.jpg[/img] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img][/center] We were a little bit short of time, and we had to rush the champion's flag bearing, baby hugging style intro, which diminished the response from the crowd who wanted to cheer [b]'The All American'[/b] but did not really have the time to do so as he slid into the ring and handed his belt over to the referee. His son, 18 years his junior, had one major advantage that he hoped to exploit, his speed. Aaron did his best to try and keep up with The Jet, and avoided a few takedowns before finally getting dropped to the mat with a go behind and a clubbing blow to the back of the head. The Jet quickly went for the victory with a magistrale cradle, but Savage kicked out at 2 and got to his feet where he ducked a clothesline attempt and buried The Jet with one of his own. Savage slowed the pace down with a rear chinlock, and the crowd let him hear it as they chanted "BORING" almost instantly. The veteran was rattled, but The Jet showed his poise as he got to his feet and broke the hold with a bunch of elbows to the ribcage before dropping his father with a spin wheel kick, which earned him a two count. The Jet continued to up the pace of the match with a nice fallaway slam, and picked up another 2 for his efforts. The Jet then climbed to the top and launched himself onto the champ with a flying elbow off the top rope, that saw him get his third near fall in the last couple of minutes. Frustration began to set in with the challenger, and that was what got him caught as he was taking off of his feet by a huge shoulderblock from the champ, who began to "hulk up". The crowd enjoyed the nostalgic reference and actually counted along as Savage peppered The Jet's skull with a half dozen hard right hands before Jacob went down Flair flop style. A running powerslam earned the champion a 2 1/2 count and the support of the fans. Savage pointed to the camera shouted "USA" and then finished the match and this not so memorable show with his [b]AMERICAN DREAM (STO)[/b]. Following the three count, Savage claimed his title belt and then rolled out of the ring and signed some autographs with the fans who stayed behind to meet the wrestlers. All in all, it was a VERY difficult night, but a learning experience that we probably needed nevertheless. [b]The All American' Aaron Savage © p. Jacob 'The Jet' Savage to RETAIN the title! - 35.2/11.6/45.7 (11 min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21.8 (-6.7) rating, 124 attendance Notes: Ace Youngblood & X now officially hate each other thanks to what happened on the show, and I can't say that I blame X for his animosity. In reality, I'm kinda pissed at Ace myself. I guess we'll give him a few days to cool down and then decide what we're gonna do.[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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I finally managed to track down Ace, who did decide to go back home to Kansas as I suspected. At this point in time, I don't know if he'll leave or not, but I booked him for our next show just in case. Morale is fairly low today since our Philly show was by all accounts a disaster. We lost a ton of money, didn't really get a good report from the fans as they left, and two of our workers aren't speaking to each other, so this has been a hectic week. On the bright side, I've got a lead on another worker in case Ace decides not to come back. I'm fairly certain that I'll be able to sign him this week, but the main thing I've been trying to concentrate on is keeping [b]X[/b] around for the future. He called me up at about 4 in the morning last night, and after I threatened to fire him for waking me up in the middle of the night, he told me that he's got a HUGE problem to deal with . . . his girlfriend is pregnant. Now Jorge is only 19, and is still pretty immature despite his private school education, and well to do upbringing. He's always wanted to be a superstar and when he realized he couldn't rap, he turned to wrestling, figuring that would give him the "street cred" he's always sought for reasons I don't know, or understand. His parents will no doubt support him and his kid, but he's not sure if he wants to be a father or not, and with us trying to break into new markets he doesn't know if he'll be able to join us on all of our shows. For selfish reasons, I want him to stay. When he's not in character, he's a great guy to deal with, and is one of our most well rounded athletes, and I don't think there's anyway to replace him. If worst comes to worst, I'll try to get him to stick around and just work our shows in New York, which will be the majority of them for the forseeable future. Another reason I don't want him to go is the fact that he comes from money, and his parents could help us out if we really need it. Who would have thought that three months into this venture we'd go from being featured in the local news one minute, to being on the verge of total failure the next? ------- [center][b]Omega-Alpha Wrestling[/b] is set to hold its first show out of the Tri-State area on Sunday, September 12th as we invade Knoxville, Tennessee! Fans who attend this event will witness the debut of not one, but TWO brand new OAW stars, [b]'The Forever Man' Steve Frehley[/b] and masked sensation [b]Phoenix[/b] as well as all of OAW's existing stars, including both [b]Ace Youngblood & X[/b]. Tickets for the one hour event are available for a mere $5, with seating being distributed on a first come, first serve basis. The door opens at 6 PM, with the show beginning at 7 PM sharp, so get there early if you want to sit ringside as OAW invades the Southeast! [b][i]OAW: TUSSLE IN TENNESSEE - 9/12/04[/i] Ace Youngblood vs Phoenix [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Phoenix_II.jpg[/img] Jacob 'The Jet' Savage vs 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] Sensational Dragon vs X [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img] # 1 CONTENDER MATCH FOR NEXT MONTH'S SHOW Flash Savage vs 'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Anthony_Cusamano.jpg[/img] MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH 'The All American' Aaron Savage © vs 'The Forever Man' Steve Frehley [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/OAWWorldtitle.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Steve_Frehley.jpg[/img] [/center][/b]
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The wrestling business is an amazing industry. As I mentioned last time, we went from a modest media darling back home to near economic and morale collapse all in the course of a week. To my amazement, things turned right back around nearly as quickly as they fell apart. [b]'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano[/b] came up big by getting us in touch with a good friend that he made back when he worked in the Midwest. With basically of the promotions drying up out there, he convinced [b]Steve Frehley[/b] to take a chance and move out here where he could find some work with us, as well as some of the other companies based in the Northeast. I gave him the moniker [b]'The Forever Man'[/b] and basically told him to step up his naturally heelish tendencies and run with a 'Chosen One' style gimmick. In order to cement his status, I instantly promoted him as a threat to our champion by booking him in a World Title Match at our next show. With his old school mentality both in and out of the ring, I think he'll be able to work the Tennessee crowd better than anyone else we have, as well as add a much needed bit of non-Savage flavor to the Main Event scene. The unexpected windfall of blessings continued when another local booker, [b]Phoenix[/b], opted to fold his start up venture and join our little group. The guy is a decent enough high flyer, and obviously influenced by the predominantly Mexican lucha style. Sadly for him, there aren't many Mexicans in upstate NY, so his promotion was doomed to fail before it started. In any event, he's an invaluable asset when it comes to helping me promote the shows, as he's got some extra capital that is at our disposal. He's willing to work for cheap as well, so I think he's a perfect fit for what we want to do. In order to stick with his preferred method of wrestling, I stuck him under a hood setting up a potential money match with Dragon mask for mask in the future, or a marketable team where the two of them work as a duo. But the biggest surprise of the week was that [b]Flash[/b] of all people managed to convince both [b] Ace AND X[/b] to come back for at least another month or two! I know that I've said a lot of bad things about him, and I still believe he's an idiot most of the time, but there's no denying that he's quite charismatic and can get things to go his way when he's motivated. I think it was the fact that he humbled himself and genuinely showed some concern for his two friends that allowed their returns, but I don't really know since none of the three have explained why things worked out the way they did. All I know is that despite the growing debt, things are finally looking up again. If we can just get back to the magic of our second show, I know that we'll be able to last until the end of the year at least. I know that might not seem like a lofty goal to you, but the longer we can survive, the better I like our chances of possibly hitting it big some day. ------- Tonight's a big night for OAW. After our utter failure in Philadlephia, we decided to go all out and advertise this show pretty heavily in Tennessee. To my surprise, a little over [b]300[/b] people showed up, which eased my fears of back to back stinkers. In any case, I was pumped as I pulled out the camcorder to tape tonight's action. [center][b][i]OAW: TUSSLE IN TENNESSEE - 9/12/04[/i] 1 - Ace Youngblood vs Phoenix [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Phoenix_II.jpg[/img][/center][/b] Tonight's event began with one of our newcomers, as well as one of our surprising returnees as [b]Phoenix[/b] made his OAW debut to a decent reaction mainly due to his nifty mask. [b]Ace Youngblood[/b] made his way out to a nice pop from the crowd a few moments later. Even though Phoenix has a good deal of experience, he was unable to get Ace to follow the basic outline of the match we had planned out. Whether this was due to the decision we'd booked, or Ace's inability to tone down his enthusiasm, I'm still not sure. The match wasn't horrible per se, but I think Ace can do a lot better if he'd just learn to pace himself. The crowd though was definitely into the way Ace used his power to ground the speedier lucha style worker. One particular sequence made me smile in excitement as Phoenix attempted to stop short in a corner and launch himself backwards over Ace who caught him in midair, whirled halfway around and spiked Phoenix into the mat to a nice pop. If Ace could learn to harness that strong style with a little bit more patience and finesse he'd easily be our break out star, but he managed to agitate me a few seconds later when he poorly sold a Yakuza kick by Phoenix, popping up at 1 1/2, instead of taking a near fall like he was supposed to. Phoenix then picked up the intensity and took Ace down with consecutive 'ranas drawing a rise from the crowd, especially when Ace barely kicked out. Ace made one last rally, but got drilled with an enzuigiri that may or may not have hit him a little bit harder than it was supposed to. In any case, Phoenix climbed to the top and delivered a gorgeous [b]PHOENIX SPLASH[/b] which was more than enough to get the three count. That high spot instantly made him some fans as the younger kids in the crowd have grown accustomed to seeing a healthy dose of acrobatics in their wrestling. If this continues, I may have to tell him to switch to another finisher since I need him to be a heel at this point in time. Ace took his loss well this time and actually smiled when he got to the back, until [b]X[/b] ruined his good mood by asking him how much it sucks to be a "curtain jerker!" The two nearly came to blows once again, but cooler heads prevailed for now anyway. [b]Phoenix p. Ace Youngblood - 21.4/15/42.4 (11 min) - not enough psychology [center]2 - Jacob 'The Jet' Savage vs 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img][/center][/b] The next match was frustratingly similar to the opener in terms of the lack of psychology, but [b]'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner's[/b] complete lack of a gimmick, charisma and tweener status probably didn't help the putrid crowd reponse. [b]Jacob 'The Jet' Savage[/b] on the other hand continues to gain fans and improve steadily in the ring from month to month, allowing him to remain as my most dependable worker when it comes to giving 100% every time out. The match pretty much tried to get 'The Prodigy's' no-nonsense style across, but even in Tennessee where that kind of approach can get over, it didn't tonight. 'The Jet' on the other hand got the crowd behind him as he chained together a series of different suplexes, which while visually impressive was probably a bit of overkill. Turner was dazed from the flurry and went down to defeat in this relative squash as 'The Jet' did him in with [b]THE BLACK BOX[/b] (a Dragon suplex). Following the three count, Ricky kicked at the bottom rope in frustration. I think he might need to win a match soon, but he's just not connecting with the crowds anywhere, and that's a bigger problem than his rapidly depleting morale. As much as I like the guy, he's GOT to develop a personality, or he's going to end up getting left off of future shows. [b]Jacob 'The Jet' Savage p. 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner (8 min) - 21.7/7/48.5 - no psychology again 3 - ONLY THE GREATS LAST FOREVER[/b] Knowing that we were in a traditional wrestling town, it was time to debut someone who would be the absolute antithesis of our champion, thus setting up tonight's Main Event and also giving us someone new to push to the top of the card. [b]'The Forever Man' Steve Frehley[/b] walked out wearing a black Ric Flair style robe with gold trim and the word FOREVER in script on the back. [b]Frehley[/b]: "All week long, fans have been asking me questions like 'what does 'The Forever Man' mean? Didn't you use to just wrestle as Steve Frehley before, what changed?' The answer is simple, I was never given the opportunity to guide a fledgling promotion to what it should become. I was always a loyal soldier looking to keep a job, but then it dawned on me, unless I did something memorable, I'd never leave an impact on the industry. In other words, I'd have been just like [b]'The All American' Aaron Savage[/b]! Savage is what, 37-38 years old and still clinging to the slightest hopes of becoming a household name. The only problem is he's boring, OLD and did I mention boring! * Frehley smiles as the crowd boos* I'm all for Seniors being able to work and all, but this is a young man's game and considering you've got TWO grown sons wrestling here, I'd say it's time to step aside old man. Tonight, I'm going to show you exactly what happens when someone stands in the way of fate. Five years from now, I'll be leading OAW into worldwide prominence, while you'll be waxing nostalgically about the time you won the title by beating a bunch of young kids you trained. Five years from now, you'll be nothing more than a FOOTNOTE in OAW's title history, while my name will [b]FOREVER[/b] be associated with the greatness that I WILL deliver this company into. Whether you like it or not, only legends last forever, and let's face it, unlike me, you're no legend Savage!" *Frehley left the ring to a nice chorus of boos, with a smattering of cheers due to his old school style delivery* [b]Steve 'The Forever Man' Frehley int - 36.7% (4 min) [center]4 - Sensational Dragon vs X[/b] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img][/center] Everyone in the company expected our next match to be the best of the night, but no one expected it to turn out as well as it did. [b]Sensational Dragon[/b] got the loudest response of the evening to this point, and endeared himself to the crowd by bowing in all four directions before stretching out on the ropes. His opponent [b]X[/b] drew some heat by slapping away some "cracka redneck's" hand as he entered the ring. I've got to give him credit for playing up his gimmick in the heart of the Confederate south, but it was that decision which seemed to draw the fans into the match from the very beginning. I have to give X some more props as he definitely brought his 'A' game tonight, obviously planning to show me and the rest of the boys that he could indeed hang with our best all around worker, and also hoping to tweak Ace a bit by producing a better match than the opener. Dragon also felt up to the challenge of working the longest match of the night once again, and these two hit all three phases of the match well, nicely blending some strong, stiff offense, a bit of high flying and a healthy dose of tight matwork. X in particular impressed with a trio of Germans and a big legdrop off of the middle rope, that earned him a near fall after 7 minutes of non stop action. X's only blemish during the match was a slip up on what would have been a tornado DDT. Dragon saved the move though by holding X up and driving him into the mat with a fisherman's buster! X barely kicked out and seemed to be a bit out of it as he had just hit the mat with some force, but luckily Dragon was able to see this and he slowed the pace down by attempting to stretch X out, all while letting him regain his faculties. About a minute later, X recovered and floored Dragon with a sharp super kick to the jaw, nearly earning him another victory. X pulled Dragon up and slapped him across the face leading to a vicious knife-edged chop response from the masked man. A few more stiff chops followed, and Dragon stunned X with a shoulder to the abdomen and a dropkick to the temple. X kicked out again, but not with nearly as much force as he had earlier in the match. A spin wheel kick to the side of the head staggered X, allowing him to finally fall prey to the [b]DRAGON DRIVER[/b] a few seconds later, ending our best match so far on a high note. Dragon gave the fans another salute before attempting to shake X's hand, but the sore loser would have nothing to do with it, and instead flipped Dragon off, drawing one last chorus of boos. Needless to say, Ace took some delight in X's defeat, and let him know that by pretending to be half dazed and stumbling around just out of the visual range of the fans. Sadly, this led to the second time in the last half hour, we had to separate the two combatants. I don't think they'll ever settle this grudge, but I'm hoping that it'll at least die down over the next few months. [b]Sensational Dragon p. X - 41.5/8.9/57.6 (14 min) [center]5 - # 1 CONTENDER FOR NEXT MONTH'S SHOW Flash Savage vs 'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Anthony_Cusamano.jpg[/img][/center][/b] It was now time for the match which would determine one half of next month's Main Event. If you ask [b]Flash Savage[/b], this match would determine the BEST half of said event, as he gave [b]'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano[/b] no chance to win. Flash told everyone that was within earshot that he'd be the next champion as he walked down the aisle, causing him to get booed for being so ****y. Unfortunately, Cusamano's New York Yankees hat, and Bensonhurst paisan look didn't exactly connect with the Tennessee crowd so he didn't really receive as much of a response as I'd hoped for. As you probably expected, Flash took this opportunity to showboat at every turn, and belittle his opponent with unnecessary taunts and a complete lack of selling Cusamano's offense. At just three minutes in, I was pretty sure Cusamano would just unload on Flash, but he's a professional and took Flash's BS like a man. I suppose after getting X and Ace to return, Flash felt it was his birthright to steal the show again, and that's exactly what he tried to do with a video game style sequence of offense including a belly to belly suplex, a DDT, and a moonsault off of the top, in rapid succession. The final move was obviously in response to Phoenix's [b]Phoenix Splash[/b] earlier in the night, and a not so subtle reminder that he was the true hot dog in OAQ. Instead of doing the common sense thing and pinning Cusamano, Flash continued to bury him by reverting to his extra lengthy set up for his [b]SHINING WIZARD[/b]. Flash then put the figurative cherry on top by arrogantly covering Cusamano by placing just his elbow across 'The Sicilian Shooter's' chest, and posing with his head resting on his fist. Ugh. Things were going so well too, thankfully our New York audience will never see the finish to the match and will just find a short version of the results on our website. As important as the Savages are to the company, I'm really questioning whether it's worth it or not to keep this guy around. I think that I'm developing an ulcer because of him. Yeah, it's definitely an ulcer. [b]Flash Savage p. 'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano - 18.1/13/42.8 (10 min) - no psychology again [center]MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE MATCH The All American' Aaron Savage © vs 'The Forever Man' Steve Frehley [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/world_title.jpg[/img] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Steve_Frehley.jpg[/img][/center][/b] After the earlier promo by [b]'The Forever Man' Steve Frehley[/b], he came out to a largely negative response from the crowd who wanted to see him put in his place. A few moments later, the [b]OAW World Champion, 'The All American' Aaron Savage[/b] walked out and handed some of his trademark mini flags to the fans who responded with a nice ovation for the "old-timer". The match began with Frehley swatting away Savage's outstretched right hand and then spitting in the champ's general direction! Savage responded by quickly sweeping a leg and dropping Frehley with a fireman's carry which led straight into an armbreaker, and a quick trip to the ropes by Frehley. 'The Forever Man' shook some life back into his arm and ducked a clothesline attempt before dropping Savage with a beautiful dropkick. Frehley then showboated for the crowd and continued to mock Savage's age and his inability to keep up with the younger man. Frehley took Savage down with a spinebuster and then slapped on a bear hug in the middle of the ring, continuing his work on the lower back. Almost on cue, the crowd began to clap for the inevitable babyface rally, and Savage delivered with a few elbows to the ribs and a clothesline that dropped Frehley. He quickly popped back up, and the two then began to trade blows with Frehley taking control when he thumbed Savage in the eye. A DDT knocked the champion down, and Frehley quickly took the opportunity to roll out of the ring and demand a chair from a fan at ringside. Frehley grabbed the chair, slid into the ring and laid out the official instantly! Savage was just getting to his feet when he got leveled with a wicked chairshot as well. Savage did a nice bladejob and was a bloody mess as he got to a knee where he was met with another savage blow to the skull! The crowd was upset about the way Savage was being treated and were tossing litter into the ring when suddenly, his youngest son, [b]Flash[/b] emerged from the back with a microphone in hand. [b]Flash[/b]: "Hold up Frehley, what the HELL do you think you're doing to my father?" *Flash enters the ring as Frehley is attempting to pull Savage up* [b]Flash[/b]: "No one spills the blood of a Savage . . . without ME!" *Flash delivers a [b]SHINING WIZARD[/b] right to the wounded part of his fathers face, and the heel duo continued to stomp away at the champion until the good guys finally made the save, and that's how the show ended* [b]'The All American' Aaron Savage © def. 'The Forever Man' Steve Frehley via DQ to RETAIN the title! - 34.4/13.5/36.8 (13 min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25.6 (+3.8) rating, 305 attendance Notes: Amazingly we broke the 300 mark in attendance with our first foray outside of the Tri-State. It did however cost us twice as much money to set up the show due to the rent fee we had to pay, so our next show will be back in New York. Ace & X took separate cars back home again, as did Flash and Cusamano. So many headaches, so few workers, so many antacids floating around in my stomach.[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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It's usually at this point of the month that I sit back and tell you about the millions of ego flareups between the boys, and lament our piss poor financial situation, but this time around, I won't be doing that. You see, I may or may not have just been approached by a member of the Romanian underworld, and he may or may not have just promised me a $25,000 check. All I know right now is that I really, REALLY regret leaving my cell phone number and e-mail address on the flyers for our shows. In a small community like ours, it didn't take him very long to find out where I live and work, and earlier this evening I very nearly had a heart attack as a 6'4 190 pound umbrella wielding man tapped me on the shoulder just as I was about to step into my car. Even now, I don't know too much about this guy, including his real name. What I do know is that he was born and raised in Romania until he turned 11. Up until then he was a hopeful gymnast, but a broken leg due to a bad landing in a floor exercise practice ended his career, forcing his parents to move to the U.S. in hopes of a better life. He's 20 or 21 now, and has the palest skin I've ever seen up close. He spoke with a thick accent that reminded me a bit of a Dracula movie that I saw during a late night battle with insomnia. In fact, most of this guy's movements and attitude reminded me of a character straight out of an Anne Rice novel. In any case, he's coming to pick me up in about 20 minutes, and I just want to take this time to tell my mother, friends and extended family that I love them in case I never get to see them again. Where are my antacids?!? [A few hours later] It's official, I've been "convinced" to let [b]'Vladimir'[/b] buy into the company. When I say convinced, I mean not so subtly threatened by a half dozen or so men you would not like to see in a dark alley. Ironically enough, Vlad was the one I was least afraid of, and well, I already described our initial encounter, so you can understand why I had to allow them to become our majority partner. Vlad told me in no uncertain terms that no harm would come to me, but I don't believe him. I mean we've been bleeding money from day one, and I don't see that changing any time soon. $25,000 might last anywhere from 6-10 months, but I don't see us being able to turn a profit at the end of that time, so I'm doomed unless another miracle falls into my lap. Vlad has also told me that he will start wrestling for us as soon as next month, and I really had no choice but to agree. I'm not upset with him wanting to compete since he has the superstar look our promotion has been lacking, I just wish that I could travel to and from work without being tailed by two of his associates. My ulcer's acting up again, but here's the next card, appropriately describing my situation right now. ------------------------------- [center] [b]Omega-Alpha Wrestling[/b] in association with [b]Petrescu Productions[/b] is proud to announce that our next show, [b]Nightmare in New York[/b] will take place on Sunday, October 10th! Tickets for the one hour event are available for just $5, seating is first come, first serve. The door opens at 6 PM, with the show beginning at 7 PM sharp. Celebrate Halloween a few weeks early by showing up dressed as your favorite wrestler or celebrity. All fans who attend in full costume will be eligible to win a $50 cash prize courtesy of our new promoter. Be sure to join us for a night of ghoulishly good fun, a chance to win cold hard cash, and OAW's unique brand of hard hitting action! [b][i]OAW: NIGHTMARE IN NEW YORK - 10/10/04[/i] 'The Sicilian Shooter' Anthony Cusamano vs Jacob 'The Jet' Savage [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Anthony_Cusamano.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Jacob_Savage.jpg[/img] 'The Prodigy' Ricky Turner vs 'The Forever Man' Steve Frehley [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ricky_Turner.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Steve_Frehley.jpg[/img] Phoenix vs Sensational Dragon [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Phoenix_II.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Sensational_Dragon.jpg[/img] DOUBLE OR NOTHING MATCH - WINNER GETS BOTH WRESTLER'S PAYCHECKS! Ace Youngblood vs X [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Ace_Youngblood.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/X.jpg[/img] MAIN EVENT - OAW WORLD TITLE REMATCH 'The All American' Aaron Savage © vs Flash Savage [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/OAWWorldtitle.jpg[/img] [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Aaron_Savage.jpg[/img] vs [img]http://img71.photobucket.com/albums/v215/naiwf/Flash_Savage.jpg[/img][/center][/b]
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[i]*Sigh* If I had known exactly what I was getting into four months ago, I would have gone on vacation, or moved back to the City. Between being strongarmed into giving up a portion of the business, Flash's out of control ego and the much talked about feud between Ace & X, I didn't quite know what the biggest problem was. Notice I said didn't, as in the past tense. You see, tonight things went to a whole new level! Everyone was over at my house going over the outline for the show this weekend when it happened. Do you remember those old ECW shows where the promoter would try and sell a tape by saying "It was the NIGHT that. . . "fill in the blank)". Using that as a reference, tonight was the NIGHT that Ace shoved his whole leg in his mouth, and OAW may never fully recover! As you already know, I booked a gimmick match between Ace and X at our next show where the winner would receive both wrestler's paychecks. While this wasn't meant to happen in real life, I think that was lost on Ace as we soon found out. While we were determining how to progress their storyline based on their legitimate grudge, Ace went and said something that no one was quite expecting. . .[/i] [b]Ace[/b]: "Are you sure you can afford not to get paid this month, I mean with yer baby's momma and all that." [b]X[/b]: "Don't you worry about my personal bizness Ace. I got more than enough money to raise a family, unlike your poor ass!" [b]Ace[/b]: "Whatever, yer daddy still gives you an allowance boy, and you wanna act like a bad ass, but I ain't buying it. You ain't nothin' but a spoiled brat in need of a whoopin'!" [b]X[/b]: *laughs* "Yo, you just jealous that my family can afford whateva I want, while 13 of your relatives still live in a trailer back in Kansas!" *laughs again* [b]Ace[/b]: "**** you man. Gettin' back to my point, are ya sure ya can work for free this month. I mean yer kind usually get paid NOT to work instead of workin' and not gettin' paid!" *Ace laughs as it gets eerily silent in the room* [b]X[/b]: "What the hell did you just say?!?" *Ace gets to his feet* [b]Ace[/b]: "Ya heard what I said, you negros always got a hand out askin' for somethin' you ain't earned. How else you explain how people on welfare dress better than people who work hard from 9 to 5 to support their families? It's either that or yer dealin' drugs. Either way, it ain't right and it's about time somebody spoke up about it." *By now, X had had enough and lunged out at Ace with hatred in his eyes. The two were eventually separated and I asked Ace to leave* [b]X[/b]: "I'm gonna kill that ************! Just you wait, on Sunday I'm gonna break his neck!" [b]Me[/b]: "Whoa, whoa, calm down. The last thing you need to do is go and get arrested. You'd just be proving Ace right man. I mean we all knew he was ignorant, but no one knew he was a racist. Just do what you need to do on Sunday, and we'll figure out some way to keep you two apart. [b]X[/b]: "I'm not losin' to that *******. I don't give a **** about the show, I want revenge!" [b]Me[/b]: "Dude, I really don't think you want to challenge him to a shoot. He's twice your size AND he fights dirty. I know you want to get even, but think about your kid man. Ace isn't worth it." [b]X[/b]: "I'll take that bitch down, I don't give a **** what you say! Either we fight for real on the show, or I'll get some o' my boys to take him out TONIGHT!" [b]Me[/b]: "You do what you have to, but if you end up in the hospital on Sunday, it's on you." [b]X[/b]: "**** you yo, I handle mines. On Sunday, that cracka's gonna pay!" --------------- [i]Ugh. On top of all my other problems, now I've got a racist to deal with AND someone who might be stupid enough to try and get him jumped if I don't let him have his way on Sunday. The only problem is that Ace is the kind of guy that could REALLY hurt X if he wanted to. It looks like we might be ending Sunday's show with one less wrestler than we have now, and that's if we're lucky and we don't lose them both. Permanently.[/i]
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