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[B][SIZE="3"]NBL Never Ending War[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Monday, Week 2, January 1951[/I] [B]Dark Match 1 - E[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E[/B] [B]Misa Akita over Joel Rhodes[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Whole lot of 'E's today...would love to see grades start improving...eventually. I do feel bad for Rhodes, but he put on a great performance, and made Akita look good (kept this match out of the 'F' range. Maybe the kid deserves a push?[/I] [B]Ella Jarvinen over Gerado Cortes[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]There is something about Ella I truely love watching in the ring. She has 'it', the power to sway a crowd. The crowd got on her back, cheered for her. I swear if she wanted them too, they'd dance in the aisles. Yes for us the match was only average, but Ella's shaping up to be a queen of pro wrestling.[/I] [B]Benjamin Maivia over Guillermo Ortega[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]I swear I told Ortega to go over. Must've said it wrong. All in all, was one of the better matches on poor card.[/I] [B]Ignacio Moreno over The Samurai[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]A battle of who the 'insiders' feel will be good, and who I feel will be good. So far Ignacio has shown promise but not much else. Samurai keeps chugging along with Upper Midcard average matches.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Antonio Sheridan[/B] - [B]D[/B] [I]Well, we did win the Match of the Year. Mine as well have a rematch. Both me and Antonio were on form, just not the same form as at Small Problem. Still the match of the the night though.[/I] [B]Shinzo Kaibara over Fernando Lopez[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Well, I'll be, Kaibara's getting over. Good, good. The match itself was bland, as I think Fernando purposely tanks if he is going to lose. A**hole. Stiff clothesline for the win.[/I] [B]Tyler Vessey over Samuel Miller to retain the NBL National Battle Belt[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]Well at least it wasn't an 'E', jeez. Miller and Vessey did a good Main Event match, but I doubt I'll be stupid enough to put them together again anytime soon. Vessey hit a series of crisp German Suplex to get the win.[/I] [B]Overall Show: E+[/B] Yeah, was everyone still smashed from New Year's. What the hell people? Throw me a friggin bone here. In news, we let go of our announcer, as we got a better one, and let go of Oliver Larsen. Remember him? Next Month: [I]The weirdest month so far.[/I]
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL Hands of Death[/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Tuesday, Week 1, February 1951[/I] 300 in attendance. SELL OUT! [B]Dark Match 1 - E[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E+[/B] [B]Ella Jarvinen over Misa Akita[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]We decided to put the ladies together, let them have a match. The result was impressive, both showed fire and spunk, and Ella showed a new mean streak we haven't seen, pulling off German suplexes like Vessey.[/I] [B]The Darkness over Guillermo Ortega[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]Learned something new here: shock the fans with an upset, and you will have pleased fans. Ortega seemed to be in control, but the Superhero stayed around long enough to punch his way to a shock pinfall.[/I] [B]Gerado Cortes over Ignacio Moreno[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Let's just move on, and not talk about this poor booking decision.[/I] [B]Benjamin Maivia over Antonio Sheridan[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]This is just us giving some Main Event momentum to the mid card. Maivia looked good, and Sheridan looked like he was having an off night.[/I] [B]Samuel Miller over Shinzo Kaibara[/B] - [B]D-[/B] [I]More quality goodness from Samuel Miller. I believe this may be our first non-main event D. Not 100% sure on that though, and too lazy to check. What? Oh, the match... yeah Miller was too quick to handle, and got the leaping clothesline. Yup.[/I] [B]Tyler Vessey over Fernando Lopez[/B] - [B]D[/B] [I]No matter how bad his momentum is, Lopez is always considered a legit threat. I love the big man for that. good match that saw no less than ten German suplexes before Lopez tired and took the pin.[/I] [B]Overall Show: D[/B] Notice anything ... missing? That's right, I forgot to book myself in a match. Ah, well the ratings didn't suffer too much. We shall move on. Oh! Our first sell out! Huzzah! Also, more oddities. He hired Marvin Power and Matthew Long. Long then competed in his "last kick boxing match" and got injured for 14 months. So I fired both Long and Power. Why Power you ask? Because I could. Check out my other dynasty ECW Alive: [URL=""]here[/URL]
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