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When to use "Script Match" and "All Out Match"

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I tend to use script match as you said, when the workers aren't too good on the psychology. For all out match, I use it pretty often. I typically only use work crowd if I have a match early in the show and I KNOW it's going to be a great one. I haven't seen much harm in using all out match for a couple of midcarders who are going to put on a D+ at best.
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Script generally when the average of the two workers psychology is below c+ and non of the workers has at least B psychology. All out really depends on the length of the show etc with few matches all can go all out. With a lot of matches I town down the middle portion and the 3 most important ones go all out. Only exception if I think there is a possibility that the opening or pre main event match can overshadow the main event then those work the crowd too or no note to that effect.
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To pick a recent example I booked - a four hour show with ten matches. ff the top of my head, I used the following booking notes: 1. All Out for a hot start 2. Work the Crowd for a match between two youngsters 3. All Out for a match between two very good workers 4. Work The Crowd for a squash 5. All Out for a match betwene two guys with pretty good chemistry 6. No instructions for a match between two very good workers (and it ended up being my best match ever - go figure) 7. Work The Crowd for a match I figured might be a bit of a letdown after match 6 - if told to go all out it might have been better 8. No instructions - this was a cooler match that I knew would be the weakest of the night, hence its placement as a toielt break 9. All Out for a climactic battle between two guys whose storyline had been building for a while 10. All Out for a hot finish in the big title match Now, I don't usually use anything like that amount of booking notes. Typically, I might use All Out or Work the Crowd for the opener, depending on what sort of pace I want to set, what will follow the opener, and how good the workers are. I always use All Out for the Main, and often for the semi-final as well - again depending on just how good the competitors are. The better they are, the more likely I am to use AO - unless the best workers are in the semi-final slot, in which case I'll use Work the Crowd to avoid the main event being overshadowed... * As for scripting... If 50% or more of the competitors have C+ psychology, I let them call it in the ring If more than 50% have better than C- psychology, I leave the note blank - in my mind, the road agent will discuss the layout of the match prior to the show, and then they can improvise within the framework If less than that, I'll script. I also rarely use All Out and Script together, as I suspect they're not conducive to having a good match.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;488263]My personal rule of thumb is to go with 'Call in Ring' only when workers have above a C+ Psych at Regional, shading up a grade with each size increment.[/QUOTE] This. Except I start at B- and cap at A. And I use all out notes with every non-scripted match midcard or higher.
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I go in waves. 1) All Out - Open with a hot match usually upper midcard workers 2) Work Crowd - Bring the crowd down to prepare them for a slow build 3) No Note 4) No Note 5) All Out - The first hill generally a title match or a upper midcard or main event match to move forward a story. 6) Work Crowd - Reset the crowd after the big hill 8) No Note 9) No Note 10) All Out - Main event
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I tend to base it on a couple of things. If the matches are one offs and not part of a feud I base it on their skills. If the wrestlers have poor physical skills but good entertainment skills and good overness I often use work the crowd (eg Hulk Hogan in the Motreal Screw Job md). With my less over young up and comers who are nearly always good wrestlers I tend to use all out match as I figure it will be harder for them to get the crowd into it unless they have a good match. If it is part of a feud I tend to use work the crowd for the first couple of matches, no note for the next couple then All Out for the final or last 2 matches. This way you tend to get a constant improvement in the match quality and you can stretch out the feud and avoid the repeat booking penalty
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I script if the workers involved have less psychology than the road agent. If half the participants have more than the road agent I'll go based on who's in the match. If it's Steve Flash vs. someone in a short match, I'll leave it, but if it's marginal and the match is going longer than 6 minutes, I'll script. Any time two guys in the ring have better psychology than the road agent I leave it alone. The only time I ever use Call In Ring is for fued blowoff matches/main event matches between two guys that obviously know what they're doing.
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Why are you all using the all-out notes? I don't think we're meant to use them in each match. Then you're just upping the standard of your event. Normally the game should penalise that, given I would give up bying a product after a while if the action is awesome at one dvd anyways. I mostly use the all-out note at the final match of the card. Always on PPV's, and sometimes at regular A-shows. Work the crowd I put at matches where the participants have [C+]+ charisma, depending on promotion size. And I never use scripted matches, since I don't believe in them. If you can't make a decent match yourself when I'm in charge of the promotion, you're fired. Ask Derek Frost among others. :p Call in ring is almost never used. If 2 A-psychology guys having a 30 min+ match, I might use it.
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Well, it really depends on what you take "All Out Match" to mean. Is it letting the wrestlers go out and do whatever moves they want to do versus limiting their risk-taking aka WWE? Is it telling them to go 110% from the get go and never slow down something like most Ultimate Warrior matches? What does this note actually mean? If it is the first one (how I've always taken it), then you should use it quite often so the wrestlers can do whatever moves will make the match look good (unless you're running the WWE and you can't do that to run it accurately:p). If it is the second one, then I agree wholeheartedly that everyone would stop watching the shows because it would be like running a 33 on 78 (and boy did I just date myself:eek:).
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[QUOTE=smartman;489191]Well, it really depends on what you take "All Out Match" to mean. Is it letting the wrestlers go out and do whatever moves they want to do versus limiting their risk-taking aka WWE? Is it telling them to go 110% from the get go and never slow down something like most Ultimate Warrior matches? What does this note actually mean? If it is the first one (how I've always taken it), then you should use it quite often so the wrestlers can do whatever moves will make the match look good (unless you're running the WWE and you can't do that to run it accurately:p). If it is the second one, then I agree wholeheartedly that everyone would stop watching the shows because it would be like running a 33 on 78 (and boy did I just date myself:eek:).[/QUOTE] It's exactly what it sounds like- the wrestlers should go out there and try to have the best wrestling match they can have, without holding back. Look at WCW: very often they would have their undercard go "all out" to compensate for their lack of overness. At the same time, you wouldn't tell Lex Luger or Buff Bagwell to go out there and have the best wrestling match they can possibly have; you want them to take it easy and let the crowd rally around restholds, back and foorth punching, etc. because of the charisma and overness of the workers involved.
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I use... Match #1: Work The Crowd (sometimes in the pre-show, sometimes not) Match #2: All Out Match #3: All Out Match #4: Work The Crowd Match #5: All Out Match #6: All Out Match #7: Work The Crowd Match #8: All Out Match #9: All Out Obviously sometimes, depending on time, one section is taken out but yeah... works for me. :)
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  • 3 weeks later...
In my ROH dynasty, I normally use all out through the show, except if I have a mid-show match used as a piss break match (ie; Eddie Kingston vs Kenny Omega) I love the opening to be a great match, then slow it down the next match or two, if I ever have a woman's match on the card, I'll toss it in about 5 matches into the show (depending on how long the card is) I personally most of the time like to have the semi-main and the main event wrapped around a storyline that I'm in the process of building.
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