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[QUOTE=jw_forever;498300]Another great show there. Really enjoyed the title match, but the best match for me had to be the Butcher/Morishima match. I would soooo loved to have seen it live. You really do make the matches come alive and you make them seem believable and real. I can't say enough good things about this diary. Nice work.[/QUOTE] Thank you again jw, I had a blast writing that show, hell, I have a blast writing all of the shows.
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[U]ROH Gut Check[/U] First Round matches in the ROH Three I's tournament : [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Arik Cannon [B]Roderick Strong[/B] vs former ROH champion Xavier Delirious vs [B]Alex Koslov[/B] Ace Steel vs [B]Noamichi Marufuji[/B] Winner Aries/Cannon vs Winner Steel/[B]Marufuji[/B] Winner [B]Strong[/B]/Xavier vs Winner Delrious/Koslov [B]Marufuji[/B] vs. Strong Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs [B]The Briscoe Brothers[/B] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs the debuting Frankie Thomaselli
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Gut Check[/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][Cut in to a big ROH logo, camera pans back, Brandon & Vito Thomaselli are standing in front of the ROH logo and looking all around in amazement] [/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][I]Brandon : Can you believe this Vito, we’ve made it to Ring of Honor[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Vito : Yeah, what an honor it is to be here too[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Brandon : If only Sal could be here to see this, but [turning to the camera] since Sal can’t be around[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Teal"]Vito : We made a call, because the Thomasellis NEVER go anywhere alone[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] Brandon : So we called up our cousin, Frankie and he decided to join us in Ring of Honor. [/COLOR][/I] [I][Camera pans back again, Frankie “Freak Nastty” Thomaselli is standing next to Brandon, glaring at the camera] [/I] [COLOR="Teal"]Vito : Ya don’t get much nastier than that, boys. [/COLOR] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] Brandon : Thomasellis, going 2-0 tonight boys, let’s make it happen. [/COLOR][/I] [I][All three Thomasellis giving a glare at the camera, cut to ringside, crowd chanting “ROH!”] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] DP : Ring of Honor Gut Check is happening right now Lenny Leonard, listen to this crowd[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : Because they know that tonight, they will see history take place in Ring of Honor, a one night invitation only tournament for the new ROH Three I’s title[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : And just a reminder, those three I’s stand for Independent, International and Invitational, it’s going to be a great night, the ROH Tag Team Champions are in action taking on Brandon and Vito, the Thomasellis[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : The only two non-tournament matches tonight involve a Thomaselli, with Brandon and Vito facing Steen and Generico, their cousin, Frankie will be going one on one with “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson[/COLOR] [B][U]Austin Aries vs Arik Cannon[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Good match to start off the tournament, trading of moves to start out, Cannon’ attempts to put Austin away early are blocked, Aries is still showing signs of fatigue from his brutal attack the previous night when Joey Matthews jumped him after his match with Raven, Cannon takes advantage and tries to put Aries away with a Powerbomb, however, Aries reverses the powerbomb attempt into a rana, hooking the legs and getting the pinfall[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Austin Aries[/I][/B] [B][I]Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [B][U] Roderick Strong vs Xavier[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Xavier got a good reaction and a nice “Welcome Back” chant from the ROH crowd, Xavier and Strong had 3 really good chain spots to start the match, all three ended with a face off, each standing ovation getting louder, match went back and forth for nearly ten minutes, then Roderick caught Xavier up top, floatover suplerplex and Roderick Strong picked up the win[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Roderick Strong Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U] Delirious vs Alex Koslov[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Koslov didn’t really know what to think of Delirious’ opening antics after the ring bell rang, after a tie up and a clean break in the corner by Koslov, Delirious was hell bent on making the referee believe that Alex Koslov gave him a wedgie, even demonstrating the wedgie on the referee, match went on, Delirious really dominated most of the match, finishing off Koslov with the Cobra Stretch[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Delirious Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U]Ace Steel vs Naomichi Marufuji[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Marufuji got a good reaction from the crowd, hard hitting match, Ace Steel, showing signs of his Second City Saints days, trading kicks and chops with Marufuji, however, in the end, Marufuji nailed Ace Steel with a Shiranui[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Naomichi Marufuji Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [B][I] *DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B][I] [Cut backstage, Mark & Jay Briscoe are walking in the back and again run into Sweet & Sour, Inc, Larry Sweeney starts chuckling with Low-Ki standing to his right] [/I] [COLOR="Cyan"] [QUOTE]Sweeney : Well well well, look at this boys, it’s Jay and Mark, The Briscoe Brothers, kind of funny that ever since, “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney called you two out with the challenge from Low-Ki here, we haven’t heard a single word from you two punks[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Mark : Because we let our actions speak instead of our words, unlike little punk bitches like you[/COLOR] [I][Low-Ki steps forward] [/I] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Jay : What, punk? You got somethin? [/COLOR] [I][Austin Aries is walking by, steps in] [/I] [COLOR="Purple"]Austin : Hey, what the hell’s goin on guys? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Mark : Bout to set some examples in this bitch[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Austin : Wait wait wait, isn’t this the thing that we were talking about the other day? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Cyan"]Sweeney : Well, if this isn’t great! So much for a surprise partner, HA HA HA! Boys, I thought you could do a little better than that, this beat up has been? HA! See you at Glory, boys.[/COLOR] [I][Aries starts to step up, but Sweeney cackles and walks off, Low-Ki still glaring down The Briscoes] [/I] [COLOR="Lime"]Jay : Too bad the only Glory we’ll see him at is a Glory Hole[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [I][Mark and Austin chuckle, shaking their head, cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Bryan Danielson vs Frankie Thomaselli[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Thomaselli, impressive physique and all, showed his inexperience here, however, what he lacked in experience, he more than made up for in strength, tossing Dragon around for a little bit in the match, though we soon found out that strength vs Cattle Mutilation = NO MATCH… Cattle Mutilation puts Frankie away[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Bryan Danielson Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [B][U]Roderick Strong vs Delirious[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Pretty good match here, they traded holds throughout the match, the backbreakers started about midway through, but Delirious was able to counter a few, Delirious wound up with Roderick locked in the Cobra Stretch, Shane Hagadorn and Adam Pearce come from the back, referee Paul Turner stopping them from entering the ring, demanding they go back, as this is going on, Chris Hero comes from the crowd, kicking Delirious hard in the back of the head, lifts him off of the mat, Hero’s Welcome, putting Strong on top of him, Strong gets the win. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Roderick Strong Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U] Austin Aries vs Naomichi Marufuji[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Really good match, these two fought back and forth, Joey Matthews and Raven were seen watching the match from high above, this was an obvious distraction to Austin throughout the match, finish comes when Aries went for the 450 Splash, Marufuji got to his feet, knocking the legs of Aries out, then finishing him off with a fisherman suplex from the top rope. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Noamichi Marufuji Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE* [/I][/B][I][Yet again, The Age of the Fall are seen, Jacobs is somberly sitting against a tree, Allison Wonderland is leaning up against the tree, while Tyler Black is sitting on a branch above Jacobs…. And we ALL hope that he falls….. ] [/I] [COLOR="Navy"]Jacobs : I’ve been made fun of, just last night, one of my idols told me that I was pathetic, people have been telling me that for so long, Lacey [/COLOR][I][deep sigh, with a slight smirk][/I] [COLOR="Navy"]oh Lacey, you used to tell me all of the time how pathetic I was, how I pined over you, while I watched you do everything in your power to make me jealous, we all know how that turned out,[/COLOR] [I][a deep look on Jimmy’ face then staring blankly into the camera, as though he’s not really there][/I] [COLOR="Navy"]But even now, I don’t feel the satisfaction that I felt just a short time ago, my satisfaction will not come until our original goal is complete and Glory By Honor, I’m making one last attempt, I’m calling out to you, be there, be the light at the end of the tunnel or never again will Ring of Honor see Jimmy Jacobs or the Age of the Fall again. [/COLOR] [I][Jimmy lowers his head pouting, Tyler and Allison both looking at Jimmy surprised at what he said, then looking at each other, cut back to ringside][/I] [B][U]Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Brandon & Vito Thomaselli[/U][/B] [QUOTE]For some reason, these guys did not have a very good match and the crowd could feel it as well, they weren’t that into the match, luckily it didn’t last long, the tag team work was solid, however, something was missing, finish came with Steen nailing a Package Piledriver on Vito, rolling him into Generico for the BRAINBUSTAHHHH!!![/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners : Kevin Steen & El Generico Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U]Naomichi Marufuji vs Roderick Strong [/U][/B] [QUOTE]Match of the night, easily and it all worked out being that it was the main event, an excellent rematch from Northern Navigation, hard hitting action, neither guy held anything back. Marufuji looked to have Roderick down and out after a hard kick to the face, which seemed to break Roderick’ nose, Marufuji hit Roderick with a double underhook backbreaker and went up top looking to end the match, however Roderick met him up there, taking the advantage, scooped Marufuji onto his shoulders, stood on the second rope and jumped out nailing a Gut Buster from up top, making the cover and the win. [/QUOTE] [B][I] Winner and [COLOR="Red"]NEW ROH Three I’s Champion[/COLOR] : Roderick Strong Match Rating : B- [/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"]DP : Roderick Strong has done it! Retribution from Northern Navigation and this match was just as good, if not better, Lenny Leonard[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : Well, Ring of Honor certainly has made history tonight and it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing Roderick Strong go all over the World, defending that ROH Independent, International, Invitational title. [/COLOR] [I][Marufuji shakes Roderick’ hand, raising his hand and is strapping the title to Roderick] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]DP : And Marufuji shows tremendous sportsmanship, I wouldn’t count out another match between these two in the future for that same title.[/COLOR] [I][Fade out with Roderick still celebrating][/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Card Rating : C+[/COLOR][/U][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/logo_ROH.png[/IMG] [B]ROH Newswire [I][SIZE="1"]September Week 2, 2008[/SIZE][/I][/B] * Backstage word from ROH management has been that Epic Encounter II and Gut Check, while having tremendous responses from the crowd were somewhat harshly criticized, not the talent so much as the presentation of the show. * Roderick Strong, in an exclusive interview with [url]www.rohwrestling.com[/url] was said to be upset over the way that the semi-final match with Delirious took place noting that he did not want to advance to face Marufuji in the finals with a Chris Hero and Sweet & Sour, Inc run in, so Roderick Strong has issued an invitation to Delirious to face him, whether or not he is still holding the newly won ROH International title when Ring of Honor heads to St. Paul, Minnesota in October. * ROH Head Booker, Theodore Thompson, has gone on record as saying that Glory By Honor VII' two night event will be one of the most talked about weekends in ROH history and only one night' line-up has been released and it goes as follows : [B][U][SIZE="5"]ROH Glory By Honor VII Night 1[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC[/SIZE][/I] El Condor vs Pelle Primeau Tyler Black vs Jack Evans [B][U]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/U][/B] Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Shane Hagadorn & Adam Pearce Bryan Danielson vs Sexxxy Eddy The Briscoe Brothers & ??? vs Low-Ki & ???? & ???? [B][U]Non-Title 4-way elimination match[/U][/B] Roderick Strong vs Brent Albright vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Chris Hero Austin Aries vs Raven - No DQ [B][U]ROH World Title[/U][/B] Joey Matthews © vs Delirious Glory By Honor VII Night 2 is in the works at the moment, the only thing that has been 100% verified is that in the "Nigel McGuinness Arena" aka New Alahambra Arena in South Philadelphia, PA, we'll have a word with Nigel McGuinness and be updated on his condition in a special one on one interview with Dave Prazak.[/CENTER]
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ROH Glory By Honor VII Night 1 Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC [B]El Condor[/B] vs Pelle Primeau Tyler Black vs [B]Jack Evans[/B] ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] vs Shane Hagadorn & Adam Pearce [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs Sexxxy Eddy The Briscoe Brothers & ??? vs [B]Low-Ki & ???? & ????[/B] Non-Title 4-way elimination match [B]Roderick Strong[/B] vs Brent Albright vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Chris Hero Austin Aries vs [B]Raven[/B] - No DQ ROH World Title [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs Delirious
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ROH Glory By Honor VII Night 1 Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC [B]El Condor[/B] vs Pelle Primeau [B]Tyler Black[/B] vs Jack Evans ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/B] © vs Shane Hagadorn & Adam Pearce [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs Sexxxy Eddy The Briscoe Brothers & ??? vs [B]Low-Ki & ???? & ????[/B] (ROTWEILERS~!!) Non-Title 4-way elimination match Roderick Strong vs [B]Brent Albright[/B] vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Chris Hero Austin Aries vs [B]Raven[/B] - No DQ ROH World Title [B]Joey Matthews[/B] © vs Delirious
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B][U][SIZE="4"]ROH : Glory By Honor VII[/SIZE][/U][/B][/COLOR] [I][SIZE="2"]Night 1 Hammerstein Ballroom NYC[/SIZE][/I] [I][Fade in outside the arena, one hour before showtime, Becky Bayless is standing by, the ROH faithful are standing in line, the camera goes up and down the line, “ROH” chants are going on] [/I] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]BB : Hi everybody! I’m Becky Bayless and I’m standing outside of the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, where the Ring of Honor fans are in the process of packing the arena as we speak and Glory By Honor Seven is set to take off in just one hour, it has been promised to be one of the greatest weekends in Ring of Honor history! [/COLOR] [I] [Cut to ringside] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] DP : Ring of Honor Glory By Honor Night 1 is set to start, Lenny Leonard, one has to wonder, after seeing Gut Check and knowing the matches that we’ll see tonight, how will Austin Aries pull double duty? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : Well Dave, we have to remember that it was Larry Sweeney who claimed that Aries was the partner of The Briscoes, the Briscoes never verified this, so we’ll have to wait and see until later tonight. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] DP : Glory By Honor Seven is about to come your way! [/COLOR] [B][U] Tyler Black (w/ Allison Wonderland) vs Jack Evans (w/ Julius Smokes)[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Jack Evans receives a tremendous response from the crowd when he comes out with Julius Smokes • Good opening match, these two gelled together pretty well • Evans fights off an early beating from Tyler Black, blocking a suplex, hitting one of his own, Evans takes it to Black, eventually backdropping Tyler Black out of the ring, Evans hits a corkscrew somersault to the outside of the ring, taking out Black and barely missing Wonderland • Match goes on, Evans reverses an irish whip into the corner, follows up with a Cartwheel Elbow in the corner, but as he comes in, Black moves out of the way, sending Evans crashing into the turnbuckle and out onto the apron, Black follows up with a baseball slide taking out the feet of Evans and causing him to smack face first onto the ring apron. • Black pounds on Evans outside, rolls him back into the ring, follows in, Evans tries to get a couple of shots on Black, but Black cuts off his attempted comeback with a knee to the midsection, Black wraps his arm around Evans’ neck, it could be a Proxysm! Black lifts him up, Evans rolls through, leaps up catching Black with his legs, roll up and a bridge, Todd Sinclair in position! ONE… TWO…THREE!!! [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Jack Evans Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Bryan Danielson vs Sexxxy Eddy[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Danielson owned this match, stretching Eddy for the entire time of the match • Eddy mounted a small comeback, but it was cut short with a Danielson Special, Eddy had no choice but to tap out[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Bryan Danielson Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] [I][Cut backstage, Larry Sweeney is standing around looking all around, opened a door behind him, starts waving to someone off screen, opens the door again][/I] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"] Sweeney : Come on, come on, before anyone sees you![/COLOR] [I][closes the door as a shadow walks past Sweeney through the door][/I] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Well sir, I have to say, you came through big time![/COLOR] [I][Starts cackling, hands a wad of cash to someone off screen][/I] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Those Briscoes are NEVER gonna know what hit them, HA HA HA HA! Whatever Larry Sweeney wants, Larry Sweeney gets! HA HA HA HA HA! [/COLOR][I][Turns towards the camera] [/I][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]AND DON’T YOU EVER FORGET THAT! [/COLOR] [I][Sweeney walks off cackling again, cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]El Condor vs Pelle Primeau[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Not a very good match, Condor was favoring his shoulder the entire match • Match lasted five minutes and ended awkwardly after Pelle caught Condor with a small package out of nowhere for the quick pin[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Pelle Primeau Match Rating : D-[/I][/B] [B][U] Kevin Steen & El Generico© vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn[/U][/B] [QUOTE] • This match was no different than any other ones they’ve had recently… Until the end • Hagadorn doing all of the grunt work through the match, has Generico down, Pearce tagging himself in at all of the most opportune moments • Near the end of the match, Hagadorn got out of the Package Piledriver attempt, laying Steen out with a jumping clothesline, looking to finish Steen off, Pearce standing on the bottom rope reaches out and tags himself in again • As Pearce walks past, Hagadorn grabs ahold of him and whips him around, Pearce immediately goes to slap Hagadorn in the face, but the man servant has had enough, slaps Pearce in the face and then spits in his face after, leaving Pearce to suffer the Package Piledriver – BRAINBUSTAHHHH!!!! Combination[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners and[COLOR="Red"] STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions[/COLOR] : Kevin Steen & El Generico[/I][/B] [B][I]Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U] Roderick Strong vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Brent Albright vs Chris Hero[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Referee Paul Turner again reminds all of the competitors that this is a non-title match • Claudio kept the crowd going with his “HEY!” over and over again while Larry Sweeney made Bobby Dempsey massage out Chris Hero’ “Charlie horse” Roderick and Albright got in on the fun getting some “HEY!” of their own, Hero quickly jumped up trying to get in on the action, but got irritated by the crowd when they started “BA” ing at him, Claudio assured Hero that they “HEY” all the time, and went to do it again, but got caught with a hard elbow shot to the jaw and things get underway • Hero with Castagnoli in the corner, choking him, Strong and Albright fightin each other off, stopping holds, Albright stops three backbreakers in a row, Strong gets out of three submissions. • Claudio stops Hero’s assault in the corner catching Hero as he turned around to gloat, nailing him with an uppercut, three more and Hero goes running out of the ring, but running right into Brent Albright, Albright pushes Roderick aside and starts chasing Hero around the ring, Eddie Edwards, who is down at ringside with Sweet & Sour, Inc, sneaks around and jumps up trying to cut off Albright, but gets clotheslined for his troubles, Hero runs directly into a running sick kick outside from Roderick Strong as he turns the corner again. • Match continues, first elimination comes, Roderick nails a Gut Buster on Brent Albright, as it hits, Hero is there, grabbing Albright’ head and hitting him with the Hero’s Welcome, Hero eliminated Brent Albright • Claudio comes from behind on Hero as he gets up, taking advantage of him, Claudio goes for the Ricola Bomb, but Roderick comes from behind, half nelson suplex into a bridge, only gets a two count when Hero pulls Roderick’ leg out from under him • Roderick and Hero start going at it, trading punches, trading chops, Roderick eventually blocks a punch, but gets a thumb to the eye, Roderick staggers back, Hero loads up the pad, he rushes at Strong, but Strong moves out of the way and Hero winds up nailing Claudio in the jaw as he gets up with the Roaring Elbow, Hero quickly whipped around by Roderick, scoops him up on his shoulders, Gut Buster, Roderick covers, and Hero is eliminated • Roderick goes for Claudiom who is still out on the mat, Claudio quickly rolls Roderick up, but Roderick kicks out at two, the two go back and forth, eventually Claudio has Roderick up on his shoulders, but Roderick slips out, landing, Roderick hits the ropes, Claudio turns around right into a sick kick, Roderick quickly gets him off of the mat, double underhook and down in a Gibson Driver, Roderick with the pin, ONE…TWO…THREE and this one is all over[/QUOTE] Winner : Roderick Strong [B][I]Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] *DVD EXCLUSIVE* [I][Outside, Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black & Allison Wonderland are all standing around by the parking lot, Jacobs has a cellphone to his ear and we come in overhearing his conversation] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"] Jacobs : …so I wanted you to know, if you don’t show up, I’ve got people where you live, I will make them go and find you, bring you here to the Hammerstein Ballroom, or even tomorrow night in Philadelphia, I don’t care, I’ve asked you nicely too many damned times, show me the light, lead me in the direction that I’m to be going, I’m not asking anymore, I’m TELLING you now, be here tonight or be there tomorrow night, or it would be the worst mistake that you can make[/COLOR] [I][Jacobs shatters the cell phone against the wall, then looks at Black and Wonderland and heads back into the building, the two of them stare at each other and follow Jimmy back into the building, cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Austin Aries vs Raven [/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]No Disqualification Match[/SIZE][/I] [QUOTE] • Ring introductions couldn’t even be made, these two went at each other right away, Aries pounding on Raven, while Raven absorbed the punishment being dealt out • Early in the match, Raven was busted open wide from a big shot to the head from a chair swung by Aries, Aries showing much aggression in the match • Raven eventually took the upperhand, returning the favor to Aries by busting him open with a hard boot shot while Aries was down in the corner, Raven dug at Aries’ eye and pulled from both sides of his mouth while in a camel clutch position, however Aries came out of it, getting to his feet with Raven on his back, and taking off towards the rope, hitting Raven’ signature lazyman plancha over the top rope with Raven still on his back • The fighting stayed outside for awhile, both men nearing exhaustion from the blood loss and the beatings that they were taking, the action goes back into the ring, Raven goes for an Evenflow, but Aries nails a Northern Lights Suplex, getting a two count, Aries follows up quickly with a front facelock on the mat, and starts nailing knees to the head of Raven, quickly tries to bridge over locking in the Horns of Aries, but Raven is able to work is way out of it • A chair gets brought into the ring after Raven took Aries down with a Russian Leg Sweep, followed up by a spinning toe hold, Raven sets the chair up, kicks Aries in the head, irish whip, reversed by Aries, Aries with a drop toe hold driving Raven face first into the chair, Raven pops up overselling the shot to the face, Aries is there to hook him, BRAINBUSTER! Aries signals for the 450, he starts to head up, as he does, Joey Matthews comes from the crowd, drawing the attention of Austin Aries, Aries and Matthews get into a verbal altercation and as Matthews comes closer to the ring, the crowd starts to make some noise as Delirious comes running from behind through the crowd and tosses Matthews over the guardrail and they start brawling • Aries climbs back up, as he does, Raven gets to his feet, crotching Aries on the top rope, Raven positions the chair closer to the turnbuckles, grabs Aries by the hair, pulling him out, his feet still hooked on the top rope and EVENFLOW DDT ONTO THE CHAIR! Raven covers and one, two, three[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Raven Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [B][U]Joey Matthews © vs Delirious[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"][I]ROH World Title[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]• Still brawling around the ring, they work their way into the ring, Aries and Raven still present, Raven tries to hit Delirious from behind with the bloodstained chair, but Delirious moves out of the way making Raven nail Joey Matthews with the chair • Delirious dropkicks Raven into the turnbuckles, Matthews is in the cross corner after the chair shot, PANIC ATTACK TO RAVEN!!! And Delirious turns immediately towards Matthews, PANIC ATTACK ON JOEY MATTHEWS! Delirious climbs up top, SHADOWS OVER HE-no, Matthews jumped to his back getting his knees up • Match continued, Raven & Aries have both left the ring and are in the back. Matthews and Delirious back and forth nailing each other with chops, kicks, punches. • Delirious looked to catch Matthews napping and attempted to lock in the cobra clutch, Matthews however, turned it into a side Russian legsweep holding onto the arm and rolling through, locking the arm of Delirious in his leg and jumping up, bring all of his weight down on his arm then following up with a standing armbar, and trying to apply pressure using the ropes for leverage. • Delirious favoring the arm for the rest of the match, attempted to mount a comeback, however, at the thirteen minute mark, Delirious again tried for a cobra clutch, Matthews backed him into the corner hard to break the hold, as Delirous staggered out, Matthews scooped Delirious up on his back, hooking the head and ran across the ring, whipping Delirious around into a sitout bulldog like maneuver, Matthews makes the cover and picking up the win in his first title defense[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH World Champion [/COLOR]: Joey Matthews Match Rating : C [/I][/B] [I][Post match, Aries returned going after Matthews, when Matthews attempted to add further punishment to Delirious, ROH logo across the screen and we’re ready for the main event][/I] [I][“More, More, More” hits and out comes Larry Sweeney, along with Sweet & Sour, Inc, minus Chris Hero and Adam Pearce, he gets to the ring, cackling the whole time and we’re treated to Jay & Mark Briscoe coming to the ring for their entrance, as they finish with their entrance, before any ring introductions can be made, Sweeney takes the mic] [/I] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Larry Sweeney : Boys! So glad you could make it tonight! Because, as always, “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney is about to deliver in ways that you’ve NEVER seen before, so, let me just remind you of a little something, there is a couple of things that you should never do, NEVER show your cards before the other person is able to make their bet, the second, is don’t EVER doubt “Super Agent” Larry Sweeney, because when I say it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, dammit! I’ve never let these fans down and I’m not going to start tonight!!![/COLOR][I] [fans are chanting “SHUT THE F**K UP!” at Sweeney][/I] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]So, just like I promised, the first of Low-Ki’ partners, come on out! [/COLOR] [I][“Suavemente” hits and out comes Rocky Romero, the crowd is booing him like crazy, he gets into the ring, nodding at Low-Ki and glares at The Briscoe Brothers] [/I] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Sweeney : Now, the moment that even I’ve been waiting for, would Low-Ki’ and Rocky Romero’ partner, please get out here? [/COLOR] [I][“Ironside” starts playing and the ROH crowd pops, then “The Truth” kicks up and out comes Homicide, followed by Julius Smokes, THE ROTWEILLERS ARE BACK!!!! Homicide and Julius get to the ring, Homicide hugs it up with Romero and Low-Ki, the crowd starts chanting “WELCOME BACK!” Sweeney again with the mic] [/I] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Sweeney : So boys, why don’t you get your broken down partner out here, or did Raven beat him up too bad a little bit ago?[/COLOR] [I][Crowd starts booing Sweeney, starts in again with the “SHUT THE F**K UP” chants][/I][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"] HEY! You fans, and especially you Briscoe Brothers should remember something else, WHATEVER Larry Sweeney [/COLOR]WANTS… Larry Sweeney GET- [B][I]Segment Rating : D+[/I][/B] [I][Just as Sweeney is getting the word out of his mouth, the lights go out, then “Back in Black” by AC/DC hits, the crowd starts clapping along and beating on the metal signs, then the spotlight hits and TAMMY SYTCH IS HERE! The crowd pops at her arrival, Tammy plays to the crowd a bit and then gets to the ring, hugging the Briscoe Brothers, before taking the mic] [/I] [COLOR="Plum"]Tammy : Larry Sweeney [/COLOR][I][chuckles][/I] [COLOR="Plum"]you make me laugh so much, did you know that? I mean, you’re out here, you talk like you know what you’re doing, but then you make probably the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard in my life [/COLOR][short pause] [COLOR="Plum"]and I used to work with Sable, who, WOW! [I][COLOR="black"][crowd laughs, starts a “Sunny” chant][/[/COLOR]I] Exactly where I was going guys [I][COLOR="black"][turns back to Sweeney][/COLOR] [/I]You see, I heard you make a poker reference just a little bit ago and I gotta tell ya, you’re right about not showing your cards until all bets are made, but, what you didn’t take into consideration was “Lady Luck” being on someone else’ side, tsk, too bad [I][COLOR="black"][Sweeney starts chomping his gum harder, glasses are off, real serious look on his face][/COLOR][/I] Good job by the way, you reformed the Rottweilers, that’s fantastic! But the comment that you made afterwards, made me laugh a little bit, what was it again? Whatever Larry Sweeney wants? [/COLOR] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Sweeney : Whatever Larry Sweeney WANTS… Larry Sweeney GETS[/COLOR] [I][His mic suddenly doesn’t work] [/I] [COLOR="Plum"]Tammy : You see, that’s funny, because, there used to be a saying in the World Wrestling Federation, from, oh I don’t know, 1995 through 2000 or so? That saying was, “Whatever Sunny wants, Sunny gets” and she did by the way, in case you were wondering, but looking at who you have here tonight, I have to say, Low-Ki, I’ve never liked you, from the first time we met and you disrespected me, “Sunny” has ALWAYS wanted for someone to just…. “Kill”….. You [/COLOR] [I][As soon as the “you” leaves her mouth, the lights cut out again and we hear “DAAA…. DA DA DA DAAAAAAA… Come on Man!” and the crowd EXPLODES as “Mama Said Knock You Out” hits the spotlight hits the curtains and out comes SAMOA JOE!!! The crowd erupts louder as he comes through the curtain] [/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U] The Rottweilers vs The Briscoe Brothers & Samoa Joe[/U][/B] [SIZE="2"][I]Rematch from Reborn : Completion[/I][/SIZE] [QUOTE]• As Joe is coming to the ring, “JOE’S GONNA KILL YOU” chants start and the Rottweilers go right after the Briscoes, irish whip from Rocky reversed by Jay, nails a big dropkick sending Romero outside, Jay follows up with a flipping plancha on to Romero outside • As soon as they get up, Homicide comes flying outside on to them with a plancha of his own, The Rottweilers double team Jay outside and Mark, escaping a Low-Ki big kick runs to the ropes, jumps up and springboards himself over the ropes with a moonsault to the outside taking all three men out • Low-Ki still in the ring turns around right into a rushing boot from Joe, as soon as it hits, Joe hits the ropes, suicide diving elbow through the ropes on all four men, Joe rolls back into the ring, ducks a roundhouse kick from Low-Ki and jumps up with a facefull of enziguri, Joe winds up on his knees in the center of the ring and the crowd starts with the “WELCOME BACK” chants for Joe, he acknowledges the fans and the quickly flip into a “F**K TNA” chant • Match continues on like this for the whole thing, it’s a six man brawl rather than a six man tag match • Homicide in the ring with Mark Briscoe, gets him up for the Cop Killa and nails it, however, the pin is broken up by Joe, Joe and Homicide start to go at it, Joe tries to get him up in position for a Muscle Buster, however Homicide gets out of it • Joe jumps up with a face enziguiri and knocks Homicide into the corner, knees to the head from Joe, two quick boots across the face and Joe hits the ropes on the otherside and comes back with a big boot across the face of Homicide • Romero attempts to hit Jay with a double underhook powerbomb, but Jay lands on his feet, boot to the gut and hooks Romero for a Jay Driller, Mark on the apron kicks Low-Ki off and springboards across the ring to hit a Spike Jay Driller, nearly gets a pinfall but Homicide breaks it up • Finish comes with all six men in the ring, Homicide tries to get Joe up for a Cop Killa, however Joe turns it around, picking Homicide up on his back, nailing a Cop Killa of his own, Joe gets nailed in the face with a big kick from Low-Ki as they hit the mat, Jay follows up with a big running boot to the side of Low-Ki’s head, knocking him out of the ring, • Romero gets lifted up on Mark’ shoulders, Jay climbs outside, springboard Doomsday Device! Romero hits hard and as he’s sitting up, Joe slides in and locks in the Rear Naked Choke, Romero taps! [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winers : The Briscoe Brothers and Samoa Joe Match Rating : C+ [/I][/B] [I][The crowd comes unglued, “ROH” chants start, Homicide and Joe stare each other down and then shake hands to another pop “ROH” chants increase louder and louder, Larry Sweeney hits the ring screaming at Homicide in his face, telling him that he owned him, Homicide starts to say something but Sweeney slaps him in the face, Homicide snaps and starts beating on Sweeney, picks Sweeney up and delivers a big Cop Killa to another pop from the crowd, “ROH” chants continue and we fade out] [/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]ROH Newswire - Weekend of Glory By Honor VII[/U][/B] ROH officials are reporting that there are still a number of tickets available for Ring of Honor' return to the New Alahambra Arena in South Philadelphia, PA and with only a small list of confirmed competitors, there may be a reason why, ROH officials have released a partial card for the show. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][B][U]ROH Glory By Honor VII Night 2[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] "The Heartbreak Kuzin" Shane Michaels will make his "debut" in Ring of Honor at the event, however, as the ROH faithful know, it's not his first rodeo in Ring of Honor, he will be facing Kenny Omega this weekend in his "debut" After Glory By Honor VII Night 1, two individuals met up with ROH management and decided that they may be more effective as a duo rather than singles action and will put this to the test on Night 2 as Ace Steel and Brent Albright team up to face the "Sweet & Sour, Inc" team of Eddie Edwards and Bobby Dempsey Tyler Black will be in action as he faces off with Arik Cannon in what is sure to be a crowd pleaser SHIMMER and ROH have joined forces for a woman's match for the first time in nearly two months of ROH action, Cheerleader Melissa will go one on one with Amber O' Neal Brandon & Vito Thomaselli have been granted another chance at the ROH World Tag Team Titles, however, they will be joined by a team who will certainly lay claim to the #1 Contendership of those titles, Mark & Jay, The Briscoe Brothers After Larry Sweeney' tirade at the first night of Glory By Honor, Al Snow has made a small challenge to Larry Sweeney, promising that he himself will come through for the fans of Ring of Honor and has told Sweeney to put anyone from Sweet & Sour, Inc to the mystery challenge Austin Aries has been told by Ring of Honor officials that he is to find a tag team partner for the night to face Raven & Joey Matthews in a tag team grudge match And as promised, an interview from earlier in the week with Dave Prazak will be shown as Nigel McGuinness will update us on his condition after his World Title loss at the hands of Joey Matthews In other ROH news, as was evident with Glory By Honor Night 1, ROH has been back in a working agreement with Dixie Carter' Total Nonstop Action company, it's unsure yet if the re-appearances of Samoa Joe and Homicide were a one time event or if they will be working more Ring of Honor shows in the future [/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE="2"][I]Quick Predictions for Glory By Honor VII Night 2[/I][/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="2"]Kenny Omega vs Shane Michaels Arik Cannon vs Tyler Black Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs Bobby Dempsey & Eddie Edwards Cheerleader Melissa vs Amber O'Neal Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs Mark & Jay Briscoe vs Kevin Steen & El Generico © Sweet & Sour, Inc member vs ????? Austin Aries & ????? vs Joey Matthews & Raven [/SIZE]
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Kenny Omega vs [B]Shane Michaels[/B] Arrik Cannon vs [B]Tyler Black[/B] [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs Bobby Dempsey & Eddie Edwards [B]Cheerleader Mellisa[/B] vs Amber O'Neal Thomaselli's vs [B]The Briscoes[/B] vs Steen & Generico I wont predict the other two matches as I am completely useless when it comes to mystery opponents. :p
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Kenny Omega vs [B]Shane Michaels[/B] Arik Cannon vs [B]Tyler Black[/B] [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs Bobby Dempsey & Eddie Edwards [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] vs Amber O'Neal Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs Mark & Jay Briscoe vs [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] [B]Sweet & Sour, Inc member[/B] vs ????? [B]Austin Aries & ?????[/B] vs Joey Matthews & Raven
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Kenny Omega vs [B]Shane Michaels[/B] Arik Cannon vs [B]Tyler Black[/B] [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs Bobby Dempsey & Eddie Edwards [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] vs Amber O'Neal Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs Mark & Jay Briscoe vs [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] Sweet & Sour, Inc member vs [B]?????[/B] (Thinking a shock debut/turn to put a damper on some of S&S's momentum. . . just not sure who. . .) [B]Austin Aries & ?????[/B] (I'm thinking either Christian York or Stevie Richards) vs Joey Matthews & Raven
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]ROH Glory By Honor VII Night 2[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]New Alhambra Arena South Philadelphia, PA[/SIZE][/I] [I][Cut in from the “ROH” chants and logo to Austin Aries, dressed in old school Raven garb, “Sandman” t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, blue jean shorts cut off at the knees, black boots and purple knee pads, his hair is strewn all over his face, the room is darker than normal][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Aries : Glory By Honor VII, it should have been a tremendous night, a night where I was making my way to the ROH World Title again, but then you just had to come and screw with me, didn’t you Raven? You think that you’re the master of mind games? We all know that “The Snake” gave you the DDT, but did he also give you all of his knowledge when it came to playing mind games? I don’t think so, tonight Raven, Glory By Honor Seven, you’ve got the home field advantage, you’re the Yankees, and this is your Yankee Stadium, well, we’ve all seen that even the greatest stories can come to an end with the quick swing of a bat, especially in Yankee Stadium, “At Any Moment, a Great Moment” [/COLOR][I][long pause, then a chuckle][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]think of me as the Red Sox of Ring of Honor and tonight Raven, it’s the bottom of the eleventh, am I going to bring in someone who’s going to throw some heat? Or do I bring in a predictable knuckleballer? I guess we’ll all find out soon enough.[/COLOR] [I] [Aries chuckles and walks off camera, we cut to ringside][/I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] Lenny : It’s Glory By Honor Seven, Dave Prazak!!! Night two and after last night, I really don’t know what to expect tonight![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] DP : Well, we know that one thing is for sure, we can expect a full night of exciting action[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Lenny : Not to mention a face to face interview that you conducted with Nigel McGuinness earlier this week, Dave[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : I did indeed conduct that interview earlier this week and we will see it later on in this show, but enough about everything else, Kenny Omega is in the ring and he’s ready to see his opponent, “The Heartbreak Kuzin” Shane Michaels[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Lenny : This should be interesting[/COLOR] [B][U] “The Heartbreak Kuzin” Shane Michaels vs Kenny Omega[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• The crowd went absolutely psychotic with disgust when Shane Michaels came out, completely mocking the real HBK, from his entrance, to his in-ring pose, to his outfit, the crowd merely shook their head in disgust • “O-MEG-A” chants start up, followed up by “F**K ‘EM UP, KENNY, F**K ‘EM UP” chants • Shane Michaels, in true “HBK” form worked a match very similar to that of his older cousin • The crowd came unglued a few minutes in when Shane ducked under a clothesline from Omega, then hit a flying forearm on the rebound and laid on the mat for a good few seconds before nipping up, hitting Omega with an inverted atomic drop, followed up by a bodyslam, Michaels climbs up top and with a picture perfect elbow drop on Omega, then goes to the corner and starts stomping his foot, Omega to his feet and tastes some Sweet Chin Music, the crowd littered the ring with trash, chanting “F**K YOU MICHAELS!” but Shane picks up the win[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Shane Michaels Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Arik Cannon vs Tyler Black[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Surprisingly good match for how short it was • Allison Wonderland distracted Cannon at the beginning, giving Tyler Black all that he needed to put Cannon away[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Tyler Black Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U]Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs Eddie Edwards & Bobby Dempsey[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Typical ROH tag team squash match to be honest • Dempsey saw most of the time in the ring taking a beating from both Steel & Albright • Edwards got tagged in, but it didn’t matter how fresh he was, Steel nailed a layout face first powerbomb on Edwards, followed up by Albright locking in the Crowbar and Edwards tapped [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners : Ace Steel & Brent Albright Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U]Cheerleader Melissa vs Amber O’Neal[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Decent women’s match, the crowd was pretty into it • Cheerleader Melissa picked up the win after a Fisherman’s(?) Suplex [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Cheerleader Melissa Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [I][post match – nothing really, Melissa takes in the crowd, who treats her well, ROH logo across the screen, then the screams are heard, out come Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black & Allison Wonderland, they get into the ring, Jimmy’ face is covered by the hanging faux hawk and the ultra dark make-up on his face, he looks as though he’s either been crying or hasn’t slept in days] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Jimmy : I beg, I beg, I beg, you never call me back, you never return my emails, my text messages, NOTHING, all I asked was for some kind of sign of hope, some kind of direction, but here I find myself half way through the show and still no word from you! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO D-[/COLOR] [I][“Anarchy in the UK” starts playing, some fans are singing along to the awesome vocals of Green Jelly’ version of the song, the crowd pops when SHANNON MOORE comes walking out from the back, his hair up in multi-colored liberty spikes, a leather vest with spikes on the shoulders, his ceptum and lebret both pierced, goofy face paint covering half of his face, wearing an old school Sex Pistols shirt, he climbs into the ring] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Jimmy : What in the hell are you doing here?! I didn’t call you, I didn’t ask for you, I don’t WANT YOU!!! I NE-[/COLOR][I][Shannon Moore snatches the mic from Jimmy’ hand] [/I] [COLOR="Navy"]Shannon : Jimmy Jacobs, I know you didn’t call me, I know you don’t “want” me, but I just HAD to show up here tonight in Philly to tell you to SHUT THE F**K UP! [/COLOR] [I][Crowd cheers, starts chanting “SHUT THE F**K UP!” *clap clap clap clap clap*] [/I] [COLOR="Navy"]Shannon : Jimmy, honestly, I’ve been, just like all of these fans, spending my hard earned money every single time a new ROH DVD comes out, I get it, I watch it and always somewhere in there I get to listen to little Jimmy Jacobs pissin and moanin about who the hell knows what! [/COLOR][I][pauses, slight chuckle][/I] [COLOR="Navy"]Well, I know what, but I just have to tell you Jimmy, the one that you want, the one that you’re calling to, he doesn’t want anything to do with you, that should be a sign, just do us all a favor, the next time your silly little ultra depressed Emo ass decides to start cutting yourself, just remember to go down the stream, not across the street! [/COLOR] [I] [Fans “ooh” at the remark, Jimmy looks mad as hell, tries to snatch the mic, but Shannon steps away] [/I] [COLOR="Navy"] Shannon : Let’s face it Jimmy, you’ve got nothing to cry about, while you’re busy crying about what could have been or what could currently be, the rest of us are out there living it, while you’re feeling sorry for youself, the rest of us shake our heads and laugh at you, just like all the rest of those cutting cry baby emo b**ches, you’d rather sit and pout instead of getting something done about it, maybe the Age of the Fall is collapsing because their “leader” is letting it all go down the drain while he wallows in his self p-[/COLOR] [I][Tyler Black sucker punches Shannon Moore, while Allison leaves the ring, Jimmy and Tyler start tearing into Shannon, double irish whip and Shannon ducks under a double clothesline, hits the other side of the ropes, comes off with double clothesline of his own, Black up, boot to the gut, double arm DDT on Black, Jacobs comes in, quick elbow to the gut, dropkick to the knee takes Jacobs to his knee, Moore hits the ropes and hits a beautiful Shining Wizard on Jimmy, Shannon scoots out of the ring and jumps into the crowd cheering with the fans while Jimmy & Tyler get themselves together in the ring….. Cut to videotape of earlier this week, Dave Prazak sitting in front of a huge ROH banner, Nigel McGuinness in a chair next to him with a neckbrace on][/I] [COLOR="Red"]DP : Nigel, thank you so much for your time today, I know that all of the fans of Ring of Honor will appreciate hearing an update on your condition.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Nigel : I’m just glad to have the opportunity[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] DP : So tell us Nigel, what have the doctors said? I see that you’re wearing a neck brace[/COLOR] Nigel : Well, honestly, I’m not too sure yet, the MRI didn’t give any conclusive results, my neck was too swollen, so they’ve put me in this neck brace and pumped me full of anti inflammatory in hopes to get the swelling done so that an MRI can be completed and I can have a better idea [COLOR="Red"]DP : Is there any idea how long you’ll be gone?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"] Nigel : The doctors won’t tell me anything until the next set of MRIs are done, there has been talk that it will be a year, there are talks that I may never wrestle again[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : That would be horrible, if, hypothetically speaking, you were to have your career ended, is there anything that you would want to say to the Ring of Honor fans?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"] Nigel : For the fans of Ring of Honor, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, no matter where we went, no matter what happened, the Ring of Honor fans have always stood behind me, I have nothing bad that I can say at this time about the Ring of Honor fans and can only hope they will remember my career prior to that match with Joey Matthews[/COLOR] [I] [Prazak starts to say something, but Nigel sits up, leaning toward the camera][/I] [COLOR="Teal"]Nigel : And Joey Matthews, don’t think that I’ve forgotten about you, sweet heart, even if I never wrestle again, you can be sure that someone, somewhere will make you pay for what you’ve done to me, someone will beat you down and take that ROH World Title from you, my personal hope is that it’s Austin Aries. Austin, mate, go get him, forget Raven, focus on Joey Matthews, focus on the title, be the first to win it for the second time, not just for you, not just for the fans, do it for me.[/COLOR] [I][Nigel gets himself up from the chair and walks off, cutting back to ringside][/I] [B][U]Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs The Thomaselli Brothers vs The Briscoe Brothers[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][I][SIZE="2"]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [QUOTE]• Well, they found out what was missing from the first Thomaselli – Steenerico match, it was The Briscoe Brothers • Full out brawl, there really weren’t any tags, all six men were in the ring, tearing each other apart • Normal multi-personed match, Mark gets tossed outside, Jay nails Brandon with a dropkick sending him outside, Vito leapfrogs over Jay onto the top rope springboarding onto Brandon & Mark, Jay follows suit with a moonsault as they all get up, Generico with a twisting plancha and then Steen with a swanton splash on all 5 • Finish comes with Jay hooking Vito for the Jay Driller, Mark flies from the ropes spiking it, nearly getting a three count, however Generico is there to break up the pin, Brandon turned right around into a boot from Steen, Package Piledriver attempt stopped, Mark up on the top rope, gets a Yakuza kick to the leg, crotching him, Generico climbs up BRAINBUUSTAHHH!!!! Brandon gets another boot, Package Piledriver hits, Generico takes out Jay and Steen makes the cover picking up the win [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners and [B][COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions[/COLOR][/B] : Kevin Steen & El Generico Match Rating : C- [/I][/B][I][All three teams staring each other down after the match, respect shown from The Thomasellis, however, the Briscoes and Steen & Generico had words with each other, ROH logo across the screen cutting to “More, More, More” playing, out comes Sweet & Sour, Inc, Larry Sweeney with that s**t eatin grin on his face, followed by Chris Hero, Bobby Dempsey, Tank Toland, Adam Pearce, Sara Del Ray and Eddie Edwards, they all get into the ring][/I] [COLOR="Olive"]Larry Sweeney : Al Snow! You want to make a challenge to Larry Sweeney and Sweet & Sour Inc? Well let me tell you something, buddy, none of the members of Sweet & Sour, Inc will EVER turn down a challenge, as a matter of fact, accepting your challenge tonight, none other than, "The Knockout Kid" Chris Hero! [/COLOR][I][fans boo, Hero struts around laughing confidently][/I] [COLOR="Olive"]So, why don't you just come out here, bring your little "surprise" and watch him go down! [/COLOR] [I]["Breath" by The Prodigy hits and Al Snow comes out, with Head, much to the delight of the crowd, he plays with the crowd, climbs into the ring and stares Larry Sweeney down][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] Al Snow : Larry Sweeney, for once I would LOVE for someone to shut your mouth, I have to be in the back all the time listening to you go on and on and on and on, frankly, I'm sick of it, it's worse than listening to a certain son-in-law go on and on about how great he is [/COLOR][I][boos from the crowd at the Triple H reference][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]forget the long speeches, forget the back and forth, Chris Hero, meet your opponent![/COLOR] [I]["Clavicle" by Alkaline Trio hits and the crowd erupts as MATT SYDAL comes flying out from the back, he rushes the ring, all of Sweet & Sour, Inc leave the ring in a hurry, Sydal plays to the crowd, who chant "WELCOME BACK!" to him] [/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U] Matt Sydal vs Chris Hero[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• This was one of the best matches of the weekend, hands down, the crowd was hot, the action was hotter • Sydal and Hero feel each other out to start off, test of strength, Sydal taken to the mat, but quickly nips up as he's in the hold, ducks under Hero' arm, trying to maneuver his way around, runs up the ropes, Hero' left hand lets go, pulls Sydal off, Sydal rolls through, still holding onto the hand of Chris Hero, Hero goes over and ends in an arm bar from Sydal • Hero quickly to his feet, elbow to Sydal' head, irish whip, Hero tries for a back drop, but Sydal hits back to back and flips over, runs off the other side, dropkick to the knee smacked away from Hero, drops a knee but Sydal rolls out of the way, Sydal quickly up with a headlock, Hero shoots him into the ropes, quickly tries for the roaring elbow but Sydal held onto the ropes and back drops Hero over the top rope on top of Sweet & Sour, Inc, Sydal readies himself as they all start to get up, Sydal takes off to the other side of the ring, hits the ropes and Matt Sydal with a big leap over the top rope taking out Sweet & Sour, Inc – Larry Sweeney of course cowering over to the left of the crowd, running away from the pack and the ROH crowd is roaring with yet another "ROH" chant • Sydal and Hero back in the ring trading elbows back and forth, a few chops from Sydal are met with overhead chops from Hero, Sydal staggered into the ropes, another irish whip, Hero loads up the elbow pad again, but Sydal holds onto the ropes again, backdrop for Hero again, but Hero lands on the apron, Sydal turns around and blocks an elbow attempt, blocks a second elbow attempt, but Hero holds onto Sydal' arms and drops him throat first across the top rope • Match continues on, the momentum traded back and forth, Hero has Sydal in the corner, elbow after elbow to the side of the face, Hero loads up the elbow one more time, goes rushing across the ring and comes running back ROARIN- Matt Sydal gets the boot up into the face of Chris Hero, layout dropkick floors Hero, Sydal quickly scurries to the outside, jumps up on the top rope, Hero slowly to his feet, Sydal leaps as Hero gets up SWAN DIVE DDT! Sydal tells us it's all over! • Sydal gets Hero to his feet, threads his arm between his leg, is it? HERE IT IS DRIVER! Sydal covers! ONE…. TWO… THR-NO! CHRIS HERO GETS HIS SHOULDER UP! • Hero slowly getting to his feet, he's on all fours, Sydal jumps on his back and MOONSAULT! Sydal points up top, Sydal is going up, Hero laid out, starts to climb – DAVEY RICHARDS! Davey Richard has come out, he climbs up top with Sydal, they're trying to get the position on the other, three quick elbows from Sydal, he hooks him, CYCLORAMA ON RICHARDS! Hero rolled out of the way, Sydal turns ROARING ELBOW TO THE TEMPLE!!! Hero covers! ONE…TWO…..THREE!!! [/QUOTE][B][I]Winner : Chris Hero Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [I] [Post match all of Sweet & Sour, Inc hits the ring and on the orders of Larry Sweeney pulls Sydal to his feet, Pearce and Edwards hold the arms of Sydal, while Tank and Sara Del Ray hold his head back, getting their slaps in, Hero loads up his elbow pad again, he's about to deliver another Roaring Elbow to the Sydal but the crowd goes ballistic as "Ironside" hits, out come Homicide and Samoa Joe! Sweet & Sour, Inc scatter, Chris Hero is long gone, Joe and Homicide help Sydal up, Joe grabs a mic][/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Joe : Hey hey hey hey HEY! Where you goin boys? You wanna jump all over some people, let's do this ROH style, tag match NOW, me & Homicide against any of you two punks![/COLOR] [I][Crowd starts chanting "ROH!", Sweeney points out Adam Pearce and Davey Richards and tells them to destroy Joe & 'Cide, they hit the ring and the match is on][/I] [B][U]Samoa Joe & Homicide vs Adam Pearce & Davey Richards[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]Impromptu Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] [QUOTE]• Full out brawl that lasted all of about eight minutes • Joe and Homicide dominated the match, Hero tried to sneak back in, but was cut off by Matt Sydal, who was still at ringside and we've got a 6-man brawl going on in the ring, Joe & 'Cide hit all of their signature moves • Finish comes with Homicide hitting Pearce with the Cop Killa, Joe takes out Richards with a big running boot to the face, Homicide covers quickly and picks up the three count[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners : Samoa Joe & Homicide Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [I][Post match, Joe, Homicide and Matt Sydal are in the ring, crowd chanting "ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH!" Joe gets on the turnbuckles, gives the "Superfly" fingers out, chants slowly fade into "F**K TNA!" and then again slowly fade into "PLEASE DON'T GO!" All three go start going around ringside slapping hands, hugging fans, and quickly cut through to a…. [/I] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] [I][Door goes slamming open, Joey Matthews and Raven have their backs to the camera, obviously huddled over something, a Raven starts pulling on a chain, then Joey & Raven back away to reveal Delirious tied up, gagged and hanging upside down knocked out cold, we hear the unmistakable "Scotty" chuckle as Raven turns to Joey] [/I] [COLOR="Purple"]Raven : Let's see him find a partner tonight[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Joey : Looks like an easy win for us tonight, Boss.[/COLOR] [I] [Raven looks at Joey][/I] [COLOR="Purple"]Raven : What did you just call me?![/COLOR] [I] [Raven with a big open handed slap to Joey' face, then slams him against the wall][/I] [COLOR="Purple"] Raven : Don't EVER call me that again![/COLOR] [I][Raven storms out of the room and cut back to ringside, in time to hear "Come Out and Play" start up, out come Raven & Joey Matthews to a huge amount of jeers from the crowd – Normal intro, then "Personal Jesus" hits and out comes Austin Aries still dressed like Raven, the crowd erupts… Aries gets to the ring, he takes the mic][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] Austin : So I couldn't help but notice that everywhere I looked around the back, I couldn't find Delirious anywhere, anyone know where he might be? Raven? Joey?[/COLOR] [I][both men sit in opposite corners with their stone faces on, Aries chuckles][/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]So, we're going to play that game, huh? Ha… Well, then I guess Raven, you win, you found out my partner, no wait, hold on a second, I was supposed to find a "partner" for tonight, well, I really looked hard and I couldn't find anyone that would fit that bill who wasn't already on the show, so, when I saw Matt Sydal in the back, I had to talk to him and he gave me someone' phone number, I made a call and unfortunately, my first choice for a partner was a little "tied up" so, he gave me another number and when he answered, I told him who I was facing, he jumped in his car and hauled ass to the arena just to see… YOU! [/COLOR][I][points at Raven and "Nitro" by The Offspring hits, the fans are on their feet waiting when STEVIE RICHARDS comes running out, still in street clothes, he hits the ring and goes right after Raven, who scurries out of the corner][/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : D-[/I][/B] [B][U]Raven & Joey Matthews vs Austin Aries & Stevie Richards[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Aries and Raven start out, Aries teases a tag to Stevie numerous times, which sends Raven over to his corner threatening to tag in Joey Matthews, they tease this a few times, each time getting cheers for Stevie, boos for Joey • Aries plays the face in danger quite well, taking a beat down from Raven & Joey both, they’re communicating like a team that’s been together for years. • Matthews tries for a leaping DDT, but Aries is able to stop it, whips Matthew’ arm around and gets a hard shot to the jaw for his troubles. • Matthews looks to finish Aries off about 10 minutes in, goes for a suplex, but Aries puts the breaks on, struggles with Matthews but gets him to the ground in a front face lock, starts nailing knees to the head and then tries to flip himself over to lock in the Horns of Aries, but Raven is there to kick his legs back over, bringing Stevie in to chase Raven off, but Referee Paul Turner cuts Stevie off, blind tag and Raven is back in • Raven and Matthews double team Aries, Raven holds Aries in the corner while Matthews hits a big dropkick to the back, as he staggers up, Raven catches him with a boot, goes for the Evenflow DDT, but Austin grabs onto the ropes, Raven hits hard on the mat, Matthews rushes, Aries drops down pulling down the top rope, Aries starts the slow crawl over, Raven gets his boot as he’s almost there, Aries slowly up to his feet and enziguiri, Aries hits the mat, jumps up and HOT TAG to Stevie! • Stevie comes in right after Raven with Raven backing off, Matthews back in gets a hip toss, quickly back up, another hip toss, Raven tries to come from behind, but Stevie turns around, Stevie pulls his fist back and Raven drops to his ass, scooting himself into the corner, Stevie pursues, Matthews grabs Stevie from behind, Stevie clubs him in the face with a left hand, hits and pops back up and gets a right hand, irish whip, Stevie with a HIIIIIIIIGGGGHHH back body drop on Matthews, Stevie challenges Raven to come towards him in the ring, but Raven just wipes his nose, smirks and rolls out of the ring • Joey Matthews slowly gets to his feet, Stevie watches out of the corner of his eye, STEVIE KICK! Stevie keeps yelling at Raven to get his ass back into the ring, but Raven is walking back up the aisle backwards, Matthews slowly to his feet again, STEVIE KICK AGAIN! • Stevie tags in Austin Aries who climbs up top, 450 SPLASH! COVER, COUNT… ONE… TWO…THREE!!! [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners : Austin Aries & Stevie Richards Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"] DP : Austin Aries has just pinned ROH Champion Joey Matthews, there’s no denying that he’s in line for an ROH World Title shot now! [/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Lenny : There was no deying before, this feud with Raven and Joey Matthews just keeps getting better, what a weekend! Samoa Joe, Homicide, Matt Sydal, Shannon Moore, Stevie Richards! Who else can show up in Ring of Honor?! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] DP : I have no idea Lenny Leonard, but I’m sure we’ll find out at Survival of the Fittest in Jacksonville! [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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Good show man, its been a while since Raven and Stevie have been around together. Lots of fresh possibilities there even though it'll be nostalgic at the same time. The influx of ROH trueborns seems interesting to me, though. . . wondering if they are mostly one/two-off shows or if something is brewing. . :confused:
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[QUOTE=falling_star;504127]Good show man, its been a while since Raven and Stevie have been around together. Lots of fresh possibilities there even though it'll be nostalgic at the same time. The influx of ROH trueborns seems interesting to me, though. . . wondering if they are mostly one/two-off shows or if something is brewing. . :confused:[/QUOTE] I had to use Stevie, he's still employed by WWE in my data, but with the working relationship, he wasn't too hard to borrow! The only thing sure about me is, nothing is for sure... May have been just a way to mark some people out, could be that I just wanted to work them all in one of my shows... Only time will tell, I suppose... By the way.... in case you haven't heard yet (everyone!) I GOT MY TICKET TODAY FOR THE ROH PPV TAPING IN CHICAGO 11/22/08!!! WOO HOOO!!!! [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/1007080005-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/1007080005a.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Section C - Row 2 - Seat 15.... It's going to be SWEET... Main Event is Nigel vs Danielson So, yeah, I'm a big dork, but I don't give a damn.... I'm going to see ROH 11/22/08 I haven't been to an ROH show since... 2003! Damn! That was when I was living in Philly... The Great Muta & Arashi vs Christopher Daniels & Dan Maff... what a show that was...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG] [B][U]Ring of Honor Update[/U][/B] [SIZE="2"][I]The ROH Newswire LITE, full edition released later this week[/I][/SIZE] ROH Head Booker, Theodore Thompson was said to be happy with the crowd reactions this past weekend at Glory By Honor VII, the returns of Samoe Joe, Homicide and Matt Sydal, as well as the appearance of Stevie Richards, along with the ROH debut of Shannon Moore were said to have all of ROH management very happy, Samoa Joe made it a point to talk with ROH owner Cary Silkin and Head Booker Theodore Thompson and has expressed much interest in working numerous shows in the future, much like The Murder City Machine Guns, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin have done in the past with Ring of Honor, however, the amount of money that Joe is looking to be paid is said to be out of Cary Silkin' ball park, however, negotiations are on going. Theodore Thompson has also made a decision that is likely not to be a popular one, he has decided to push the Survival of the Fittest card out sixty days, ending the year of Ring of Honor with back to back big cards being Survival of the Fittest, followed up by Final Battle 2008, while ROH faithful have been upset by this taking place, many are agreeable that it would be a great way to end 2008. As much as the crowd despised the appearance of the "Heartbreak Kuzin" Shane Michaels, he is said to be very happy with his first appearance in Ring of Honor, stating that he's "doing the family name justice, by honoring the greatest wrestler in the world" ([B][I]his words[/I][/B], [B][I][U]not[/U][/I][/B] [B][I]ours![/I][/B]) Brandon, Vito & Frankie Thomaselli were recently approached by the man whom had made numerous appearances with Larry Sweeney in scouting their matches in the past few weeks, what the outcome of their meeting was is unknown to us at this time. The next weekend of Ring of Honor action will be in three weeks in Jacksonville and Orlando Florida, no cards have been finalized, however, Stevie Richards has been in contact with Theodore Thompson and after the actions that took place at Glory By Honor VII, a match may be set up that weekend between Stevie Richards and Raven, however nothing has been confirmed. Check back later this week for the official release of the ROH Newswire, where we will hopefully have the final cards for the next weekend of ROH excitement! [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"]ROH Newswire[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] As has been obvious recently, Ring of Honor and World Wrestling Entertainment have been trading talent, most recently, current ROH World Champion Joey Matthews has appeared in WWE working dark matches against WWE developmental worker TJ Wilson taking the win at the Smackdown!/ECW Tapings, and only the night before working a dark match with Paul Burchill, doing the job. The next ROH weekend in Florida will be another great weekend of action, a few debuts will take place this weekend as well, with workers in the area getting their chance to impress the ROH faithful in hopes of landing a spot on the ROH roster Roderick Strong will also be making a defense of the ROH International title The cards for the weekend are as follows : [B][U][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]ROH Symphony of Destruction[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/B] El Condor vs Matt Sydal Shannon Moore vs Tyler Black Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs The Vulture Squad vs Eddie Edwards & Shane Hagadorn [B][U]ROH Three I's Title[/U][/B] Roderick Strong © vs Total Nonstop Action' "Super" Eric Young Necro Butcher vs Bryan Danielson Matt Cross vs Low-Ki Rocky Romero vs Takeshi Morishima - the winner receives a World Title shot the next night at ROH Onslaught in Orlando Stevie Richards vs Raven - Steel Cage Match [B][U][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]ROH Onslaught in Orlando[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/B] Go Shiozaki vs Franky The Mobster "The Heartbreak Kuzin" Shane Michaels vs Claudio Castagnoli Ace Steel vs Jimmy Jacobs [B][U]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/U][/B] Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs The Briscoe Brothers Johnny Jeter makes his ROH debut vs Pelle Primeau "The Idol" Aaron Stevens vs Delirious vs Justin Credible vs Jack Evans Austin Aries vs Chris Hero [B][U]ROH World Title[/U][/B] Joey Matthews © vs winner of SOD' Rocky Romero/Takeshi Morishima match Also this weekend, Larry Sweeney will be introducing the Florida crowd to the man in the yellow suit in hopes of finding out who he is and what his intentions in Ring of Honor are, especially regarding The Thomaselli Family [/CENTER]
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ROH Symphony of Destruction El Condor vs [B]Matt Sydal[/B] [B]Shannon Moore[/B] vs Tyler Black [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs The Vulture Squad vs Eddie Edwards & Shane Hagadorn ROH Three I's Title [B]Roderick Strong ©[/B] vs Total Nonstop Action' "Super" Eric Young Necro Butcher vs [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] Matt Cross vs [B]Low-Ki[/B] Rocky Romero vs [B]Takeshi Morishima[/B] - the winner receives a World Title shot the next night at ROH Onslaught in Orlando Stevie Richards vs [B]Raven[/B] - Steel Cage Match ROH Onslaught in Orlando [B]Go Shiozaki[/B] vs Franky The Mobster [B]"The Heartbreak Kuzin" Shane Michaels[/B] vs Claudio Castagnoli Ace Steel vs [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] vs The Briscoe Brothers [B]Johnny Jeter[/B] makes his ROH debut vs Pelle Primeau "The Idol" Aaron Stevens vs Delirious vs [B]Justin Credible[/B] vs Jack Evans Austin Aries vs [B]Chris Hero[/B] ROH World Title [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs winner of SOD' Rocky Romero/Takeshi Morishima match
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[U]ROH Symphony of Destruction[/U] El Condor vs [B]Matt Sydal[/B] [B]Shannon Moore[/B] vs Tyler Black Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs [B]The Vulture Squad[/B] vs Eddie Edwards & Shane Hagadorn ROH Three I's Title [B]Roderick Strong ©[/B] vs Total Nonstop Action' "Super" Eric Young Necro Butcher vs [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] Matt Cross vs [B]Low-Ki[/B] Rocky Romero vs [B]Takeshi Morishima[/B] - the winner receives a World Title shot the next night at ROH Onslaught in Orlando Stevie Richards vs [B]Raven[/B] - Steel Cage Match [U]ROH Onslaught in Orlando[/U] [B]Go Shiozaki[/B] vs Franky The Mobster [B]"The Heartbreak Kuzin" Shane Michaels[/B] vs Claudio Castagnoli Ace Steel vs [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] vs The Briscoe Brothers [B]Johnny Jeter[/B] makes his ROH debut vs Pelle Primeau "The Idol" Aaron Stevens vs [B]Delirious[/B] vs Justin Credible vs Jack Evans Austin Aries vs [B]Chris Hero[/B] ROH World Title Joey Matthews © vs winner of SOD' Rocky Romero/[B]Takeshi Morishima [/B]match
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[SIZE="2"][I](OOC : The next few shows are going to be partially just recap shows, I'm going to start saving the more detailed shows for the bigger shows, let me know how you guys like the new idea, if you want details like I've been doing, I'll gladly do that as well) [/I][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"]ROH Symphony of Destruction[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Jacksonville, Florida[/SIZE][/I] [I][Fade in from the ROH logo, to Shannon Moore outside of the arena with a group of ROH fans, all standing around a 1980 Chevy pick-up truck with Black Flag blaring out “Family Man” they’re all having a good time, beers are drinking, people are yelling, a mini mosh pit is going on, they all spot the camera, turns into an “ROH” chant from the fans, Shannon Moore looks into the camera as it zooms in on him and holds up a PBR tipping it to the camera and yells out [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]“Hey Jimmy! This is what we call fun! What’s there to be depressed about?!”[/B][/COLOR] and goes back to the crowd of fans and joins in the “ROH” chants – cut to ringside] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] DP : ROH Management has made some changes, normally Survival of the Fittest and now it has become a “Symphony of Destruction”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : And while a lot of the ROH faithful have not responded well to the idea, some are saying that it makes the beginning of the new year more interesting with there being a new contender to start out the year[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : And this weekend alone we’re going to see a lot of new faces in action, Lenny, let’s get things underway[/COLOR] [B][U]Matt Sydal vs El Condor[/U][/B] Good opening match, a lot of high spots throughout the match, however, Matt Sydal picks up the win after a good fifteen minutes with the Cyclorama. [B][I]Winner : Matt Sydal Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U][SIZE="2"]Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs The Vulture Squad vs Shane Hagadorn & Eddie Edwards[/SIZE][/U][/B] Hagadorn & Edwards are seemingly the new team of Sweet & Sour, Inc after the fall out with Adam Pearce, Larry Sweeney at ringside with the man in the yellow three piece suit, Tampa native, Paul Roma was spotted out in the crowd and received a “generous” ovation from the crowd, despite spending a majority of his career as a jobber. The match itself was decent enough, it kept the crowd into the action with some good high spots from Jigsaw & Ruckus, the end came with Eddie Edwards crotched on the top rope by Jigsaw when he did a springboard shooting star press to Hagadorn outside, Brent Albright climbed up, he and Steel pointed out to Paul Roma, then up to the Heavens in honor of his former tag team partner, Hercules Hernandez, Albright brings Edwards off with a Superplex, as they’re in the air Ace Steel comes flying off of another corner with a big splash, all three hit at the same time and Steel & Albright pick up the win. [B][I] Winners : Ace Steel & Brent Albright Match Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U]Necro Butcher vs Bryan Danielson[/U][/B] Necro & Dragon did NOT get along well in this match, Danielson tried to make it work to the best of his ability, however, nothing just seemed to go together at all, finish came when Necro decided to try to put an end to Danielson, grabbing a chair and whacking him across the head more than a few times, resulting in a disqualification. [B][I] Winner : Bryan Danielson Match Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U]Matt Cross vs Low-Ki[/U][/B] Not a bad match at all, Low-Ki was in trouble a few times in this match, almost tapping out to a modified ankle lock/sharpshooter combo which had the fans cheering for, however, Low-Ki managed to escape and wound up hitting a Ghetto Stomp for the win. [B][I] Winner : Low-Ki Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] [I][Backstage Kevin Steen & El Generico are standing around, the camera gets there at the tail end of their conversation, then Steen turns to the camera] [/I] [COLOR="Indigo"] Kevin Steen : It’s about time you got here, Generico and me, we’ve been talking, well, The Briscoes have been talking too, they talk all the damned time[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Generico : Si[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]Steen : That’s right, they claim that they’re the best tag team in Ring of Honor and that they were the best tag team champions ever, well, we’ve got a challenge ourselves, we’re issuing a challenge, this leg of the tour is going to be called “Steen & Generico vs The World”, we want ROH management to bring in tag team champions from ANY other companies, TNA, WWE, FIP, Pro Wrestling Guerilla, even CZW, we just don’t give a damn, we want to prove that we’re the best damned Tag Team Champions ever in Ring of Honor! [/COLOR] [I] [Generico and Steen high five and then walk off camera, cutting back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Tyler Black (w/Allison Wonderland & Jimmy Jacobs) vs Shannon Moore[/U][/B] Decent enough match, Tyler Black held his own against Moore, but wasn’t able to hold off too much, as he fell victim to the Moore-skin (Sliced Bread #2) and Moore got the pinfall [B][I]Winner : Shannon Moore Match Rating : D [/I][/B] [B][U]Roderick Strong © vs “Super” Eric Young[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] Eric Young was not over very well with the ROH fans on appearance, a lot of “F**K TNA” chants, as well as pro-Roderick chants. The match was pretty good and actually thought to be one of the better two matches of the night, however, in the end, Super Eric was no match for the Messiah of the Backbreaker and was put away after 22 minutes with the Gutbuster. [B][I] Winner and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH Three I’s Champion[/COLOR] : Roderick Strong Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE* [/I][/B][I][All we see in this DVD exclusive is a black screen, then 2 eyes open up, they close a couple of times, open back up, the head tilts, eyes close again and the screen is splattered with a green funk of some sort, then as the green slides down the screen it makes out the New Japan Pro Wrestling logo, and is followed up by the words[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]“Coming…. To HELLBOUND”[/COLOR][/B]] [B][U]Takeshi Morishima vs Rocky Romero[/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Winner receives World Title shot at Onslaught in Orlando[/SIZE][/I] These two, just like Danielson – Necro, did not get along well, the match was surprisingly short for what it was, Morishima seemed to get to Romero as he was not co-operating with the match very much at all, then after some very stiff looking shots from Morishima, a big Lariat followed up with a very hard looking Backdrop Suplex and Morishima is going to challenge for the World Title. [B][I] Winner : Takeshi Morishima Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U]Raven vs Stevie Richards[/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Steel Cage Match[/SIZE][/I] Everyone knows the history of Raven & Stevie Richards and tonight, they did not disappoint, Raven tried to be the typical chickens**t heel, but when Austin Aries & Delirious showed up at ringside forcing him into the cage, it was on from there, this was bloody, it was brutal and it rivaled the Tommy Dreamer – Raven Steel Cage Brawl in ECW, the action did stay in the cage however, thanks to Austin Aries and Delirious, until Justin Credible got another night off from Olive Garden and showed up whacking both Aries & Delirious with the Singapore Cane, tossing the cane into the ring, only for it to be intercepted by Stevie, Stevie got a few whacks in, but Raven eventually sucker punched him, then used the cane to his advantage, stealing Sandman’ White Russian Legsweep, and generally tearing Stevie’ back apart. Finish came with Raven trying to climb out of the top of the cage, Stevie and Raven on the top turnbuckle fighting it out, Raven crotched on top, Stevie for a Superplex, but Raven holds onto the cage stopping himself, Stevie nails a few shots to the ribs and Stevie lifts Raven for the superplex, Raven shifts his weight landing on top of Stevie, and grabbing some tights, Todd Sinclair makes the cover, one-two-three [B][I] Winner : Raven Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [I]After the match, Raven attempted to handcuff Stevie to the cage, but Austin Aries and Delirious, who had taken care of Justin Credible outside, got into the cage, causing Raven to run, climbing the other side and retreating through the crowd [/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Overall Card Rating : C[/COLOR][/I][/B] [I]Show was a complete success should have increased popularity[/I] [/CENTER]
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