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ROH : Wrestling Reinvented

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The Steenerico challenges has so many possibilities!! Great show man. . . hopefully I'll have some time to get Motor City Madness (and maybe Chi-Town Showdown) up tomorrow. Just started working full time on the managment schedule at work and its quite draining over the weekend. :( Gotta admit, though, I'm not a big fan of all of the talent trades being brought in. . . . I mean, obviously the ROH guys like Sydal, Joe, 'Cide give that nostalgia pop when done right (ROTTWIELERS~!). . . but Eric Young? Really, unless you're trying to break into their market (where their overness can help), the TNA guys won't really serve a purpose any better than people on your own roster; especially when you consider that most of the pople worth bringing in from TNA on their in-ring merit are guys from ROH at one time or another anyway. Still a very good show, the talent trades aren't taking anything away from the dynasty right now. . . just a little word of advice from my train of thought. But if you're enjoying the talent trades, by all means continue because this is YOUR Ring of Honor not mine. Mine is [URL=""]here[/URL] (cheap plug~!) :p
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[QUOTE=falling_star;506619]The Steenerico challenges has so many possibilities!! Great show man. . . hopefully I'll have some time to get Motor City Madness (and maybe Chi-Town Showdown) up tomorrow. Just started working full time on the managment schedule at work and its quite draining over the weekend. :( Gotta admit, though, I'm not a big fan of all of the talent trades being brought in. . . . I mean, obviously the ROH guys like Sydal, Joe, 'Cide give that nostalgia pop when done right (ROTTWIELERS~!). . . but Eric Young? Really, unless you're trying to break into their market (where their overness can help), the TNA guys won't really serve a purpose any better than people on your own roster; especially when you consider that most of the pople worth bringing in from TNA on their in-ring merit are guys from ROH at one time or another anyway. Still a very good show, the talent trades aren't taking anything away from the dynasty right now. . . just a little word of advice from my train of thought. But if you're enjoying the talent trades, by all means continue because this is YOUR Ring of Honor not mine. Mine is [URL=""]here[/URL] (cheap plug~!) :p[/QUOTE] I know what you mean, but EY was used only as a challenger for Roderick Strong' Invitational, Independent, International title and was only for that one show. But I agree that the talent trades are bringing things down a little bit, the talent trades will be done with soon enough (like one or two cards) and a majority of the talent trades that I've done have been run through dark matches except for the obvious ROH originals who I did use for a nostalgic purpose, but I do agree with you and I appreciate the critiscm, hopefully I don't lose too many readers with these next few cards, because the best is yet to come, gotta go through some build up before you get your big pay off kids, don't forget that! BTW - Onslaught in Orlando will be up tonight, with the line-ups being out tomorrow some time. Thanks for hanging in there with me everyone, please, PM me, find me on MSN Live (todd_vanrooyen@hotmail.com), Yahoo Messenger (tvrkicksarse) or even leave feedback on the board if there's something that you hate, something that you love, something you want to see more of or less of, I'm all ears and won't hate on any kind of critiscm.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"]ROH Onslaught in Orlando[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][Fade in from the ROH logo and chanting to the ring, "More, More, More" is playing and Sweet & Sour, Inc has come out, Bobby Dempsey is holding the ropes open for Larry Sweeney at the demands of Tank Toland, Sweeney gets into the ring] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]DP : Onslaught in Orlando is starting and Lenny Leonard, we're graced with the presence of Larry Sweeney, along with Sweet & Sour, Inc could we finally find out about the man in the yellow suit? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : It's been promised that we would find out his identity as well as his intentions in Ring of Honor[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Larry Sweeney : Tonight, I have the pleasure of introducing you fans, as well as you people in the back to a guy that I've known since getting into this business, you've seen him out here time after time with me as well as talking to a few of you guys in the back, so fans, without further ado, allow me to introduce to you, "East Side" Dave Easton! [/COLOR] [I][Fans are booing, Dave Easton comes out, wearing his trademarked yellow suit and yellow fedora, he climbs into the ring and shakes hands with Larry Sweeney] [/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]Dave Easton : Larry Sweeney, thank you for that kind introduction and allow me to introduce all of you fans to the start of something FANTASTIC in Ring of Honor [/COLOR][I][boos, "Who the f**k are you" chants][/I] [COLOR="sienna"]Larry Sweeney, no disrespect to you at all, but we all know that every great company has another company that, well, they may not see eye to eye, they may not get along, but they co-exist greatly[/COLOR] [I][still boos from the crowd][/I] [COLOR="sienna"]Larry Sweeney, we've never seen eye to eye one hundred percent on things, but I'm kind of glad that you're out here so that you can see the start of the next great Enterprise in professional wrestling, I've been working as the Executive Consultant as well as the Financial Advisor to one of the hottest free agents on the market right now, so, allow me to now introduce you to the Chairmen of J.J.E. he is, Jonathon Jeter! [/COLOR] [I]["Loyal to No One" by The Dropkick Murphys starts to play, Johnny Jeter comes walking out wearing a business suit, a pair of sunglasses, the crowd booing him, he walks to the ring and shakes hands with Dave Easton, looks at the members of Sweet & Sour, Inc and chuckles a bit] [/I] [COLOR="sienna"]Dave Easton : Soon enough, you will all see the formation of one of the greatest empires in pro wrestling, J. Jeter Enterprises and right now we're offering a great opportunity to three men in the back, Brandon, Vito and Frankie Thomaselli, J. Jeter Enterprises wants you to come into part of the family, we'll wait to hear your answer, but I did hear that Mr. Jeter has an opponent tonight, so why don't we bring him on out here? [/COLOR] [I][Larry Sweeney shakes hands again with Easton, as well as Jeter, Jeter refuses to shake hands with anyone else though, Sweet & Sour, Inc leaves the ring][/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U]Jonathon Jeter vs Pelle Primeau[/U][/B] [I]Pelle was impressive in Jeter’ Ring of Honor debut. Pelle and Jeter traded off some offense, but the end came after Jeter hit Pelle with a sitout brainbuster (reminiscent of an Orange Crush). [/I] [B][I] Winner : Jonathon Jeter Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U]Franky The Mobster vs Go Shiozaki[/U][/B] [I]A VERY impressive showing by the big man, Franky The Mobster almost picked up the win after hitting Go with a Running Powerslam, however, in the end, Franky The Mobster was no match for the Go Flasher[/I] [B][I]Winner : Go Shiozaki Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs The Briscoe Brothers[/U][/B] [I]Not that great of a match as it is the 3rd time in a month that they’ve faced each other, however, the crowd seemed to be into it quite a bit, the finish came with Kevin Steen catching Mark Briscoe with a package piledriver and getting the three count while El Generico was outside with Jay Briscoe. [/I] [B][I]Winners and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH Tag Team Champions[/COLOR] : Kevin Steen & El Generico Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U][SIZE="2"]Ace Steel (w/ Brent Albright) vs Jimmy Jacobs (w/Tyler Black & Allison Wonderland)[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Pretty good match, Jacobs had control a good portion of the match, with Steel getting his offense in after blocking some moves, Steel Spike did not do any good, Jacobs was able to kick out, Jacobs was able to hit the Contra Code and pick up the win[/I] [B][I]Winner : Jimmy Jacobs Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] [I][Brandon, Vito & Frankie Thomaselli are all hanging around opening up manilla envelopes, they pull out a bunch of things from the envelopes with the inscription “JJE” on the back of the last sheet of paper, they read it over amongst themselves, then look at each other, scoff, toss the papers into a trash can, Frankie pulls out a bottle of Lighter Fluid dumping it in the trash can, Vito pulls out a match, lights it off of his tooth and tosses it in, the can goes up in flames and they all three walk away – Cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]“The Heartbreak Kuzin” Shane Michaels vs Claudio Castagnoli[/U][/B] [I]Claudio was the first one out, with Shane Michaels again attempting to be his older cousin, with the intro, as Michaels came into the ring to do the stretch out pose, Claudio started things off with a huge European Uppercut to Michaels, Claudio showing a bit of a mean streak in this match, Michaels hit the flying forearm and nipped up, as Claudio got up, he no sold the inverted atomic drop and hit a big uppercut again, Claudio wasted no time, hitting the Ricola Bomb and picking up the win. [/I] [B][I]Winner : Claudio Castagnoli Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U]Jack Evans vs Justin Credible vs Aaron Stevens vs Delirious[/U][/B] [I]Aaron Stevens was revealed to be the second member of the new J. Jeter Enterprises, as he was accompanied by “East Side” Dave Easton, the match itself was probably the second best of the night, the eliminations came somewhat fast, with Jack Evans falling first to “That’s Incredible” from Justin Credible, JC was the second one out of the match after tapping out to the Cobra Stretch from Delirious, Stevens & Delirious had a fantastic encounter that lasted the rest of the match, Stevens nearly had Delirious finished off and was attempting a pump handle bomb, however, Delirious slipped out over his shoulder, got Stevens on the mat, locked in the Cobra Stretch and was forced to tap out. [/I] [B][I]Winner : Delirious Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] [I][“The Heartbreak Kuzin” Shane Michaels is backstage, obviously upset over his win, he’s taking off his arm bands when the door to the room he’s in opens up and in come Johnathon Jeter & “East Side” Dave Easton, Michaels stands, ****y look on his face] [/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]East Side : Calm down Michaels, calm down, we’re not here to cause any trouble, we’re here to talk to you, well, really, Mr. Jeter is here to talk to you. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Jeter : Shane Michaels, I worked closely a couple of years ago with your older cousin and I have to tell you, what you’re doing here, I’m not impressed[/COLOR] [I][Michaels starts to step up][/I] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Hold on now, before you lose your cool, just like your cousin would, let me make an offer to you, because in you, I see the “HBK” passion, you’re more passionate about this business than just about anyone that I can say that I’ve personally met in the last ten years or so, let’s face it, I worked with all of the top guys in New York and they didn’t even have the drive that you have, Randy Orton? Pfft.. He’s got nothing on you! Kurt Angle? HA! The guy is a hack and should be DONE in this business! But you? You’re the future of wrestling, you’re the future of Ring of Honor, but just like your cousin, you need to pace yourself, did Shawn Michaels become the Heartbreak Kid overnight? NO! So think about this offer, I’m offering you an opportunity to come on board with one of the most prestigious Enterprises the world has seen, we’ve already been turned down by three guys, who will soon find out that it’s not nice to say no to J. Jeter Enterprises, think it out Shane, we’re in no rush to have your answer, but the sooner you give it to us, the sooner your possibilities open up my friend. [/COLOR] [I][“East Side” Dave Easton hands Michaels a business card, then pats him on the shoulder – cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Chris Hero vs Austin Aries[/U][/B] [I]As Delirious was coming back from winning his match, Sweet & Sour, Inc were coming out, Delirious & Chris Hero had a stand off, yelling back and forth, Delirious of course, making no sense with his gibberish, pushing started, but Larry Sweeney got Chris Hero to the ring, away from Delirious while the rest of Sweet & Sour, Inc stared down Delirious as they walked out…. Aries & Hero had the match of the night, fantastic back and forth action, every one of Hero’ attempts at the Roaring Elbow smash were ducked or countered in some way, Aries attempt at locking in the Horns of Aries was thwarted when Larry Sweeney tripped his leg from underneath him, in the end though, Chris Hero went again for a Roaring Elbow after rocking Aries with a boot to the side of the face, Aries blocked it and rolled him up with a small package for a quick pinfall. [/I] [B][I]Winner : Austin Aries Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [B][U]Joey Matthews © vs Takeshi Morishima [/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"][I]ROH World Title[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]This was not only the worst match of the night, but the worst match in recent ROH history and the crowd let everyone know, does anyone remember the Lex Luger – Bruiser Brody cage match from Florida many years ago, when Brody no-sold everything that Luger threw at him? Pretty much what happened here, Morishima refused to sell EVERYTHING that Matthews threw his way, Matthews attempted to leave the ring, however, was informed that if he did not return to the ring, it would be considered a forfeit, therefore forfeiting the ROH World Title, Matthews eventually returned and after taking nothing but hard shots from Morishima (Takeshi caused Matthew’ mouth and nose to bleed after a big boot to the face) Matthews grabbed a chair and shoved Paul Turner out of the way smashing Morishima with the chair three times, Turner called for the bell and Matthews smashed the chair of Morishima’ head, he wore it like a necklace for a few minutes, Matthews grabbed his ROH title and got the hell out of the ring while the crowd showed their disapproval of the match. [/I] [B][I]Winner via DQ : Takeshi Morishima Match Rating : E+[/I][/B] [B][I]Final Card Rating : E+[/I][/B] (should have increased popularity) [SIZE="2"][I](OOC : I’m not that upset over the card rating based on the overness in the South East [I think] )[/I][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Newswire[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] Coming off of a mildly successful weekend in Florida, Ring of Honor looks to head back home for the next weekend of action. Ring of Honor Head Booker Theodore Thompson has been discussing with several people backstage, as well as some of the talent, the possibility of running a weekly show, that will be used to highlight some of the lower card talents, while also using some of the Main players in Ring of Honor, however, nothing has been decided yet, Thompson has been in negotiations with the Hammerstein Ballroom as a place to host these weekly shows, but again, nothing has been set in stone. J. Jeter Enterprises seems to have some of the Ring of Honor faithful semi-upset, as well as some of the talent, The Thomasellis for one, who torched the contract offers from JJE at Onslaught in Orlando. Rocky Romero had a sit down with Ring of Honor Management after the last weekend of shows and discussed his future in Ring of Honor, it appears that CMLL has offered Romero a guaranteed deal and Romero is on the verge of accepting this deal. Ring of Honor management have been listening to the fans of Ring of Honor, it appears that some fans feel that the showcasing of the WWE and TNA stars in the company tend to hurt the smaller promotion, however, everyone was very happy to see Samoa Joe, Homicide, Matt Sydal and Stevie Richards in Ring of Honor, ROH management have declared that they will keep their talent trades to a minimum using them only when the "time is right". Speaking of Samoa Joe, as earlier reported, he was very interested in working more shows for Ring of Honor, but Cary Silkin could not come to an agreement on a price per show for Joe, it appears now that Joe wil be making one last appearance for Ring of Honor, as TNA officials have declared that Joe should be focusing his time on his TNA career at this time. Another TNA tandem who have appeared for Ring of Honor in the past will also be making their final ROH appearance, due to TNA declaration, the next weekend will be the final appearance of The Murder City Machine Guns, their opponents are not yet known. The next weekend of shows are almost finalized, as of right now, the cards look to be as follows : [B][U]Suffocation[/U][/B] Annie Social vs Sara Del Ray Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs Sexxxy Eddy & Pelle Primeau Shannon Moore vs Claudio Castagnoli Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs Alex Koslov & Josh Abercrombie "The Idol" Aaron Stevens vs Arik Cannon Frankie Thomaselli vs Jonathon Jeter [B][U]8-Man Elimination Match[/U][/B] Austin Aries, Stevie Richards, Delirious & Samoa Joe vs Joey Matthews, Raven, Chris Hero & Low-Ki [B][U]Irresistable Forces[/U][/B] The Murder City Machine Guns will make their final ROH appearance Jimmy Jacobs vs Shannon Moore Roderick Strong © vs IWA : MS World Champion Dingo Delirious vs "The Idol" Aaron Stevens Samoa Joe in his final ROH appearance issuing an open challenge Joey Matthews © vs Austin Aries [/CENTER] [I](OOC : I'm hoping to have everything done up to Survival of the Fittest and Final Battle, which will hopefully be ready to post by this time next week, a lot of cards to come up with, but I'm sure that I can get it done) [/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/logo_ROH.png[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"][I][B][FONT="Verdana"]BREAKING NEWS[/FONT][/B][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] The wrestling world is in mourning today as they have lost another one of their own, last night at 11:45 pm, Tracy Smothers was found in his apartment, paramedics were called to the scene, but were unable to resuscitate Tracy, he was pronounced dead at the scene, the details of the death are unknown at this time, our prayers and heartfelt sympathies go out to the Smothers family. [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/tracysmothers.jpg[/IMG] In other breaking news, ROH Superstar and Sweet & Sour, Inc member, Chris Hero has signed a developmental contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. Chris Hero will be finishing his commitments with Ring of Honor before reporting to Florida Championship Wrestling, his final show with Ring of Honor will be the originally titled "Hellbound" which has now been renamed to [COLOR="red"][I]"A Hero's Farewell"[/I][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [I](OOC : Suffocation & Irresistable Forces will be up later today, more than likely, get your predictions in while you can!) [/I]
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Sorry to hear about Tracy Smothers! He was a decent veteran! Long live the Southern Boys! Suffocation [B]Annie Social[/B] vs Sara Del Ray [B]Brandon & Vito Thomaselli[/B] vs Sexxxy Eddy & Pelle Primeau [B]Shannon Moore[/B] vs Claudio Castagnoli [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs Alex Koslov & Josh Abercrombie [B]"The Idol" Aaron Stevens[/B] vs Arik Cannon Frankie Thomaselli vs [B]Jonathon Jeter[/B] 8-Man Elimination Match Austin Aries, Stevie Richards, Delirious & Samoa Joe vs [B]Joey Matthews, Raven, Chris Hero & Low-Ki [/B] Irresistable Forces The Murder City Machine Guns will make their final ROH appearance [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] vs Shannon Moore [B]Roderick Strong ©[/B] vs IWA : MS World Champion Dingo [B]Delirious[/B] vs "The Idol" Aaron Stevens Samoa Joe in his final ROH appearance issuing an open challenge [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs Austin Aries
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Suffocation Annie Social vs [B]Sara Del Ray[/B] [B]Brandon & Vito Thomaselli[/B] vs Sexxxy Eddy & Pelle Primeau [B]Shannon Moore[/B] vs Claudio Castagnoli [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs Alex Koslov & Josh Abercrombie [B]"The Idol" Aaron Stevens[/B] vs Arik Cannon Frankie Thomaselli vs [B]Jonathon Jeter[/B] 8-Man Elimination Match Austin Aries, Stevie Richards, Delirious & Samoa Joe vs [B]Joey Matthews, Raven, Chris Hero & Low-Ki[/B] Irresistable Forces The Murder City Machine Guns will make their final ROH appearance Jimmy Jacobs vs [B]Shannon Moore[/B] [B]Roderick Strong ©[/B] vs IWA : MS World Champion Dingo Delirious vs [B]"The Idol" Aaron Stevens[/B] Samoa Joe in his final ROH appearance issuing an open challenge [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs Austin Aries
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Suffocation[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [I][QUOTE]ROH logo fades out and we’re greeted outside of the arena by Larry Sweeney and Sweet & Sour, Inc, Larry Sweeney yelling at Bobby Dempsey & Shane Hagadorn, berating them for being “worthless, lazy and stupid” Sweeney tells Hagadorn to apologize to Adam Pearce for what happened between the two of them, when Hagadorn refused, Sweeney told Tank to hold him, Hagadorn struggled but was then held by Tank, Low-Ki and Sara Del Ray, Pearce takes a few shots on Hagadorn, slapping him around, then when he finishes, Hero ends it all with a roaring elbow to the temple, Sweeney yells back at the camera that NO ONE crosses Sweet & Sour, Inc. [/QUOTE][/I] [B][U]Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs Alex Koslov & Josh Abercrombie[/U][/B] Good opening match, Koslov & Abercrombie had some issues teaming together, however, it didn’t matter, Steel & Albright finished Abercrombie off with the Superplex – Flying Splash combo. [B][I]Winners : Ace Steel & Brent Albright Match Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U]Jonathan Jeter vs Frankie Thomaselli[/U][/B] The match itself wasn’t bad, Frankie showed off his power, in the end, Jeter caught Frankie with a floatover DDT, putting his feet on the ropes for leverage and picking up the win. [B][I]Winner : Jonathan Jeter Match Rating : E+[/I][/B] [I]After the match, Jeter and Aaron Stevens, at the direction of “East Side” Dave Easton started to beat on Frankie, Brandon & Vito Thomaselli came down to save their cousin, however, as they got into the ring, backing Jeter & Stevens down, Shane Michaels and Matt Cross came out from the back and attacked from behind, the four men put the boots to all three Thomasellis, after the beatings took place, Dave Easton took the microphone and told The Thomasellis that J. Jeter Enterprises had been in contact with someone to be their own “Eraser” and introduced none other than Salvatore Thomaselli[/I] [B][I](Attack Rating : E – Reveal Rating : E)[/I][/B] [I][COLOR="red"][SIZE="2"]The turns of Brandon & Vito Thomaselli both did not go over well with the crowd[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] [I]Our first DVD Exclusive was none other than Raven and Joey Matthews, talking about teaming up with two members of Sweet & Sour, Inc tonight, Raven tells Matthews not to worry, his spot his secure as ROH World Champion, that with Raven, he would be protected, he then tells Austin Aries that no matter what he had to do, he would keep Aries from ever regaining the ROH World Title. Matthews finished off the interview with Raven’ own catchphrase of “Quote The Raven, Nevermore” [/I] [B][U]Sara Del Ray vs Annie Social[/U][/B] Annie Social had a few good moves in the match, however, Sara Del Ray picked up the win rather easily in this one, defeating Annie Social with the Death Ray after nearly five minutes. [B][I]Winner : Sara Del Ray Match Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U]Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs Sexxxy Eddy & Pelle Primeau[/U][/B] Brandon & Vito selling the attack from earlier in the night, this was a pretty decent match all around, Eddy & Pelle hit a nice looking Powerbomb/Elbow Drop combo on Vito, however, in the end, Brandon put Eddy away with an F-5 like maneuver picking up the win. [B][I]Winners: Brandon & Vito Thomaselli Match Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U]Arik Cannon vs “The Idol” Aaron Stevens[/U][/B] Really good match here, Cannon and Stevens were matching each other move for move, Cannon hit Stevens with an Exploder into the corner, climbed up top and went for a Guillotine Legdrop, however, Stevens rolled out of the way at the last second and followed up with a Running DDT spiking Cannon’ head into the mat and picking up the win. [B][I]Winner : Aaron Stevens Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [I]Backstage for our second DVD exclusive and we’re treated to a promo from Delirious, as he’s talking to El Condor again, the only thing that can really be made out is that he’s pretty upset and wants to get his hands on Chris Hero. Condor as well was left scratching his head. [/I] [B][U]Claudio Castagnoli vs Shannon Moore[/U][/B] Good match, Claudio and Moore complimented each other well in this match, Claudio went for a big swing near the end, however, Shannon got his hands on the ropes stopping it from taking place, finish came with Moore blocking a big uppercut from Claudio, dropkick to the knee from Moore drops Claudio, Moore quickly to the second rope and comes off with the Mooregasm and picks up the win. [B][I]Winner : Shannon Moore Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [SIZE="2"][B][U]Austin Aries, Stevie Richards, Delirious & Samoa Joe vs Joey Matthews, Raven, Chris Hero & Low-Ki [/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="red"][I]8-Man Elimination Tag Team Match[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] Really good match here, lots of action, Joe & Ki tore into each other throughout the match. Eliminations were as follows : 1. Delirious by Low-Ki after a missed Shadows over Hell on Hero, Low-Ki hit a Ghetto Stomp immediately following for the pinfall 2. Stevie Richards by Raven with an Evenflow DDT 3. Low-Ki by Samoa Joe after hitting him with the Muscle Buster 4. Raven by Austin Aries when Raven passed out locked in the Horns of Aries 5. Chris Hero by Samoa Joe with a spiked Muscle Buster with Aries’ help 6. Joey Matthews by Austin Aries after Aries and Joe double teamed him hitting all of their signature moves, Joe hit a Muscle Buster, Aries followed up with the 450 Splash. [B][I]Survivors : Austin Aries & Samoa Joe Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [I]Show goes to black with Joe & Aries celebrating, Joe hands Aries the ROH World Title and tells him that he’s going to be champion tomorrow night. [/I][/CENTER] [B][I][COLOR="red"]Show Rating : C-[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]ROH Irresistible Forces[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] [I] Show opens up with The Motor City Machine Guns and Samoa Joe in the back, they cut a small promo talking about their time in Ring of Honor, their time away and the fact that this is their last show for awhile with Ring of Honor, they go through the list of guys that they worked with and also thank the office for the opportunity to come back and show their love for the ROH fans, cut to ringside for the opening match. [/I] [B][U]The Vulture Squad vs The Enterprise[/U][/B] After the things that went down at Suffocation, we’ve been informed that J. Jeter Enterprises’ newest members, Shane Michaels & Matt Cross had formed the tag team known as The Enterprise. This match was pretty good, Cross & Michaels obviously getting used to one another, which Jigsaw & Ruckus used to their advantage on a couple of occasions, however, in the end, Cross pinned Ruckus after a Superkick-German Suplex ccombo. [B][I] Winners : The Enterprise Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Delirious vs Aaron Stevens[/U][/B] Really good match, Stevens showed that he can really hold his own with ROH’ Head Trainer, Delirious got some early match antics going, but they were short lived, Stevens was having none of it. Both men saw some good offense, after about fifteen minutes of a good match, Delirious locked Stevens into the Cobra Stretch leaving him no choice but to tap out. [B][I]Winner : Delirious Match Rating : C [/I][/B] [B][U]Shannon Moore vs Jimmy Jacobs[/U][/B] Good match between these two, pretty intense, Jacobs was dropping some pretty serious shots on Moore, Moore’ lip was busted open, match went on and Moore was about to hit a Mooregasm on Jacobs, however, Allison Wonderland distracted him as well as referee Paul Turner, allowing Tyler Black to hit the ring and hit Moore with a Burning Hammer and Jacobs is able to pick up the win, the fans shat all over the finish of the match. [B][I]Winner : Jimmy Jacobs Match Rating : C- [/I][/B] [I]The first DVD EXCLUSIVE tonight has J. Jeter Enterprises in the back discussing plans for the future, Michaels & Cross are formally inducted to the group, Jeter thanking Michaels for dropping his HB-Wanna Be gimmick. They then focus on what’s important, ending the Thomasellis, of course with the help of Salvatore Thomaselli, who now wants to be referred as only Mr. Salvatore, claiming that his brothers abandoned him in his time of need, so he’s leaving them when they need him, Jeter then comments that the ROH World Title is in his sights, he doesn’t care who is wearing it, the segment ends with “East Side” Dave Easton assuring Jeter that he got him the biggest, baddest bodyguard for all of the associates of J. Jeter Enterprises – Cut back to the ring [/I] [B][U]Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs The Murder City Machine Guns[/U][/B] Fans chanting throughout this one in huge favor of the MCMG, my favorite part of the match was easily seeing Brent Albright lock the crowbar in on Alex Shelley, only to have Chris Sabin break it off with a dropkick to the face of Albright. Finish came after about 20 good minutes of tag team action, Albright was hit with a Future Shock from Sabin, Steel met the ASCS Rush and was pinned. [B][I]Winners : The Murder City Machine Guns Match Rating : C- [/I][/B] [I]Post match – the fans give a standing ovation to Sabin & Shelley, mixed chanting back and forth from “ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH!” to “PLEASE DON’T GO! PLEASE DON’T GO!” [/I] [B][U]Roderick Strong © vs Dingo (IWA-MS Champion)[/U][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"][I]ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] Good Match, Roderick showed off his skills with the backbreaker, Dingo on the other hand was just all out fighting, finish came after about 25 minutes, Roderick hit the Gutbuster for the win. [B][I]Winner : Roderick Strong Match Rating : C- [/I][/B] [I]Post match – Roderick takes the mic, tells Dingo that he was a great opponent, shakes his hand again and then tells the fans that in December, just over a month away, ROH would be back in New York City at the Hammerstein Ballroom where Final Battle 2008 would be taking place, if, no WHEN he has a match for the ROH Three I’s title, he was going to extend the invitation to a member of the Ring of Honor roster, this got a good reaction from the crowd, starting an “ROH” chant, Roderick then tells the fans that he is going to openly offer an invitation right then and there, the first weekend of December and the first of two double shots for Ring of Honor, they’re going to be in Chicago, Illinois for the Chicago Spectacular, Roderick Strong wants to make his next appearance in Chicago a memorable one and extends an invitation to the longest reigning ECW Television Champion, Rob Van Dam, the crowd of course goes nuts with this announcement, Roderick goes as far as to say that he hopes that he can drag RVD away from his bong long enough to get his back broken by the Messiah of the Backbreaker [/I][B][I]Segment Rating : D+[/I][/B] [I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE* follows Roderick’ rant, Austin Aries is taping up his wrists, he then makes some comments directed at Joey Matthews and Raven stating that tonight would be the last title defense of Joey Matthews, Austin Aries was finally going to fulfill his destiny and become the first ever two time ROH World Champion. – Cut back to ringside [/I] [B][U]Joey Matthews © vs Austin Aries[/U][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"][I]ROH World Title[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] If the fans were upset over the finish to the Jimmy Jacobs – Shannon Moore match, then they were nearly rioting with this one, Matthews and Aries fought each other off, biting, kicking, chopping, slapping, punching, they went at each other like two horrific rivals, which was all fine and well until Raven decided to stick his nose in their business, again, and brought along Justin Credible, Raven & Credible attacked Austin, and it wasn’t until after Justin Credible cracked Aries with his cane did Todd Sinclair call for the bell, ending the match. [B][I]Winner via DQ : Austin Aries Match Rating : D [/I][/B] [I]Post match the attack was about to get worse until Samoa Joe hit the ring to make the save, bringing the crowd alive, Joe grabbed a mic and said that he made an open challenge to anyone in the back who wanted a piece of Joe on his last night, did Raven or Justin Credible want some? Of course not, they’re too big of p**sies that they have to run away, the challenge still stands, Joe wants a match NOW! – The crowd taunted the person who took Joe up on his challenge, starting a “JOE’S GONNA KILL YOU” chant when Sal Rinauro came out to accept the challenge [/I] [B][U]Samoa Joe vs Sal Rinauro[/U][/B] This was nothing more than a brutalization on poor Sal Rinauro, he took a few stiff kicks from the Samoan Submission Machine, then met his fate when he tapped to the Rear Naked Choke. Winner : Samoe Joe Match Rating : D+ [I]-Joe again grabbed the mic after the match, saying that he would’ve hoped that Ring of Honor would have given him a better opponent for his final match, maybe he was better off staying in TNA and not showing back up if this was the way he was going out, the fans started to turn on Joe, he apologized to them and made the comment that he has $1500 in his trunks, which he pulled out and threw down on the mat, if Ring of Honor would just quit holding out on him, as soon as he made that comment, “Holding Out For a Hero” starts playing and out come Sweet & Sour, Inc with Larry Sweeney, they all start to get into the ring, Joe starts to go after them, but Larry Sweeney stops him, tells him that if he had an agent like Larry Sweeney, he wouldn’t be worried about competition, he’d have the best that ROH has to offer, under normal circumstances, Larry Sweeney would never allow one of his guys to get into the ring without a contract, but with the pot sweetened the way that it was, Sweeney pockets the $1500 from the mat and tells him that he just paid for the best that Sweet & Sour, Inc had to offer, Joe, hearing enough knocks Larry Sweeney out and Chris Hero jumps on Joe from there, starting the Main Event. [/I] [B][U]Samoa Joe vs Chris Hero[/U][/B] FANTASTIC match, these guys were all over the place, Joe took out Sweet & Sour, Inc with a big elbow drive suicide dive, Hero wound up with the advantage at one point, the match went nearly 40 minutes, through out the match the chants were crossed between Hero & Joe, finish came with Hero setting Joe up for the Roaring Elbow, three times it was attempted and all three times Joe was able to block it, finally, Adam Pearce tripped up Joe while Low-Ki jumped up on the apron and grabbed Joe’ arms, Hero hit the other side, BIG ROARING ELBOW COMING, Joe ducked out of the way and Low-Ki flew into the metal sign behind him, Joe with a face full of Enziguiri on Hero, places Hero on the top rope, picks him up, runs around the ring and BIG MUSCLE BUSTER! Joe covers and picks up the win in his final ROH appearance. [B][I]Winner : Samoa Joe Match Rating : B- [/I][/B] [I]After the match, Joe soaked in the crowd chanting “ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH!”, then “THANK YOU JOE! THANK YOU JOE! THANK YOU JOE!” after this, the Murder City Machine Guns came out, Joe & The MCMG all took a final bow in the ring, listening to the “Please don’t go” chants, the ROH locker room is out in the entrance way as well applauding for the three men in the ring- fade to black[/I] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Final Card Rating : C[/COLOR][/I][/B] [SIZE="2"][I]Complete Success, it should have increased our popularity[/I][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]ROH Newswire[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] *November 2008 - Week 1 [CENTER]Ring of Honor officials have been meeting over the past couple of weeks after the Suffocation/Irresistable Forces Double Shot and have made some decisions regarding the future of Ring of Honor : [QUOTE]* As of January 2009, Ring of Honor will be holding a weekly show alternating weeks between The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City and The New Alhabrama Arena in Philadelphia, PA. * On the weeks where a DVD or Pay Per View taping will take place, the show will not be taking place as the shows will be going on Friday nights. * After numerous meetings with Pay Per View distributors, an agreement has finally been reached that Final Battle 2008 will be the first ever LIVE Ring of Honor Pay Per View, DirecTV and Dish Network have not come on board with this, however, all major Cable outlets have signed on to carry the first ever ROH Live Pay Per View. * After Final Battle 2008, Ring of Honor officials have agreed that the roster will be trimmed down some and they will be evaluating talent in the coming two months with nobody from the Ring of Honor roster being exempt from the possibility of release from their obligations in Ring of Honor. [/QUOTE] The upcoming cards are going to be fantastic, as we say farewell to easily one of the best workers to ever come through Ring of Honor, Chris Hero. [B][U]A Hero's Farewell[/U][/B] [I]Already scheduled to take place:[/I] Ruckus vs Sexxxy Eddy vs Go Shiozaki vs Alex Koslov Delirious vs Bobby Dempsey [B][U]The first match in the Steen & Generico vs The World challenge : [/U][/B] Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs [SIZE="1"]current IWA : MS Tag Team Champions[/SIZE] The Age of the Fall, Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs Josh Abercrombie vs Jay Briscoe Mr. Salvatore vs Jack Evans Low-Ki vs Austin Aries Claudio Castagnoli vs Davey Richards Chris Hero vs The Great Muta [I][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Chris Hero's Farewell Match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I] [B][U][COLOR="red"][FONT="Impact"]Severe Punishment[/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/B] Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs Erick Stevens & Eddie Kingston Vito Thomaselli vs J Jeter Enterprise' new Bodyguard Jigsaw vs Adam Pearce Delirious vs Eddie Edwards Jimmy Jacobs vs Shannon Moore Takeshi Morishima vs Claudio Castagnoli [B][U][COLOR="red"]ROH World Title[/COLOR][/U][/B] Joey Matthews © vs "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson The Great Muta vs Low-Ki[/CENTER] Get your predictions in while you can! I'm hoping to have the shows up tomorrow some time.
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A Hero's Farewell Already scheduled to take place: Ruckus vs Sexxxy Eddy vs [B]Go Shiozaki[/B] vs Alex Koslov [B]Delirious[/B] vs Bobby Dempsey The first match in the Steen & Generico vs The World challenge : [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] vs current IWA : MS Tag Team Champions The Age of the Fall, Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs Josh Abercrombie vs [B]Jay Briscoe[/B] Mr. Salvatore vs [B]Jack Evans[/B] [B]Low-Ki[/B] vs Austin Aries [B]Claudio Castagnoli[/B] vs Davey Richards [B]Chris Hero[/B] vs The Great Muta Chris Hero's Farewell Match Severe Punishment [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs Erick Stevens & Eddie Kingston Vito Thomaselli vs [B]J Jeter Enterprise' new Bodyguard[/B] Jigsaw vs [B]Adam Pearce[/B] [B]Delirious[/B] vs Eddie Edwards Jimmy Jacobs vs [B]Shannon Moore[/B] Takeshi Morishima vs [B]Claudio Castagnoli[/B] ROH World Title Joey Matthews © vs [B]"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/B] [B]The Great Muta[/B] vs Low-Ki
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A Hero's Farewell Already scheduled to take place: [B]Ruckus[/B] vs Sexxxy Eddy vs Go Shiozaki vs Alex Koslov [B]Delirious [/B]vs Bobby Dempsey The first match in the Steen & Generico vs The World challenge : [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] vs current IWA : MS Tag Team Champions The Age of the Fall, Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs Josh Abercrombie vs [B]Jay Briscoe[/B] Mr. Salvatore vs [B]Jack Evans[/B] Low-Ki vs [B]Austin Aries[/B] [B]Claudio Castagnoli[/B] vs Davey Richards [B]Chris Hero[/B] vs The Great Muta Chris Hero's Farewell Match Severe Punishment [B]Ace Steel & Brent Albright[/B] vs Erick Stevens & Eddie Kingston Vito Thomaselli vs [B]J Jeter Enterprise' new Bodyguard[/B] Jigsaw vs [B]Adam Pearce[/B] [B]Delirious[/B] vs Eddie Edwards Jimmy Jacobs vs [B]Shannon Moore[/B] Takeshi Morishima vs [B]Claudio Castagnoli[/B] ROH World Title [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson [B]The Great Muta[/B] vs Low-Ki
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"]ROH A Hero's Farewell[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]-Cut in from the normal logo opening and we see Larry Sweeney and Chris Hero standing by, Larry Sweeney starts cutting a promo about how he got Chris Hero everything that he deserved, a bigger contract with a much bigger company, no more small town crowds for the "Knockout Kid", after tonight, after The Great Muta, after Sweet & Sour, Inc paints the town red with Chris Hero, he'll be packing up and headed down to Florida, now his paychecks would read "McMahon", Hero follows up the statement by telling Larry Sweeney that tonight, he wanted to leave Ring of Honor the same way that he came in, alone and with a bang, he told Larry Sweeney that if Ring of Honor was paying him so much money for his last night with the company, neither Larry Sweeney nor any of Sweet & Sour, Inc would be allowed at ringside, he would face The Great Muta on his own – Cut to Ringside[/I] [B][U]Delirious vs Bobby Dempsey[/U][/B] Dempsey only out with Tank Toland tonight, as Larry Sweeney is getting Chris Hero ready for his final ROH match, Delirious makes quick work of Bobby Dempsey, after making fun of his weight by trying to bodyslam, suplex and backdrop him (obviously not making too much of an effort to do so) and claiming that his back was thrown out, Delirious eventually hit Shadows over Hell and put Dempsey away. [B][I]Winner : Delirious Match Rating : D-[/I][/B] [B][U]Ruckus vs Sexxxy Eddy vs Go Shiozaki vs Alex Koslov[/U][/B] Good match, Koslov and Eddy seem to have something with each other as they worked on each other through most of the match, Koslov was first eliminated after Eddy caught him with a roll-up, Eddy was next gone after falling victim to a Bridging Fallaway Slam from Go, Ruckus and Go had a good one on one trying to get the last elimination, but in the end, a Go Flasher was enough to put Ruckus away. [B][I]Winner : Go Shiozaki Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Josh Abercrombie vs Jay Briscoe[/U][/B] Pitifully short match, Jay Briscoe showed no remorse and didn't allow Abercrombie any chance at some offense, Jay Driller puts Abercrombie away in 3 minutes. [B][I]Winner : Jay Briscoe Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE* follows the match, Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black are in the back with their IWA: Mid South Tag Team Titles, Jacobs goes on about how tonight, they finally get their rematch for the ROH Tag Team Titles and Tyler Black tells him that Shannon Moore is no where near the building tonight, that he had to go somewhere else tonight, so this would be a perfect time to take back the ROH Tag Team Titles, Jacobs cackles, says that tonight Steen & Generico's versus the World challenge turns into Steen & Generico, in a world of pain! [/I] [B][U]Mr. Salvatore vs Jack Evans[/U][/B] Jack Evans surprised Mr. Salvatore and "East Side" Dave Easton coming right out of the gate tearing at Mr. Salvatore, Evans almost had the match won, however, when he went for the 630, Mr. Salvatore was able to get his knees up, he quickly wraps Evans up with a modified Rings of Saturn, Evans has no choice but to give. [B][I]Winner : Mr. Salvatore Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [B][U]Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="red"][SIZE="2"]Steen & Generico vs The World Challenge – ROH Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] Good match, both teams showed great tag team work, Jacobs & Black seemed to be close to winning back the ROH Tag Titles, Jacobs almost had the match won after hitting Generico with the Contra Code, however, in the end, the BRRRRAINNNBUUSTAHHHH!!! On the turnbuckle was enough for Generico to pick up the win covering Tyler Black. [B][I]Winners and [COLOR="red"][B]STILL ROH Tag Team Champions [/B][/COLOR]: Kevin Steen & El Generico Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Claudio Castagnoli vs Davey Richards[/U][/B] Good match, Richards and Claudio got around on the mat, it was a great match on the mat, Richards started flying and soon after, the match was over. Richards hit a D.R. Driver and followed up with a Kimura, Claudio fights off the urge to tap out and eventually gets to his knees, and lifts Davey Richards off of the mat, while his arm is still in the hold, runs into the turbuckles slamming Richards’ back into the buckles, the hold is released, Claudio turns around and hits Richards with a modified Ricola Bomb and picks up the win. [B][I]Winner : Claudio Castagnoli Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE* follows for the second time tonight, we’re backstage where Daizee Haze and Cheerleader Melissa are talking with the newest member of the ROH Women’s Division, LuFisto. Daizee tells LuFisto that there are a few women to watch out for, one being Allison Wonderland, the others being the most manipulative bitch, Amber O’Neal and then Ms. Chif, she’s told, is one to just steer clear of completely, Daizee turns around when LuFisto is looking over her shoulder, the camera pans back and “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus is standing, smiling big, Daizee tells LuFisto and Cheerleader Melissa both to stay away from Rhett Titus, especially if they don’t want to catch some kind of disease, Titus looks offended and they all three walk away[/I] [B][U]Low-Ki vs Austin Aries[/U][/B] Match of the night – not to take anything away from the main event, but this one had the people on their feet through most of it, a lot of good counters, near falls through out, finish came reminiscent to the Savage – Steamboat Wrestlemania III classic with about 14 near falls leading to the finish, Low-Ki knocking Aries around, going up top to hit the Ghetto Stomp, but Aries shakes the top rope crotching Low-Ki up top, Aries climbs up for a Superplex, as they go, Low-Ki tries to shift his weight, but Aries is able to hit the Superplex, Aries holds on and rolls Low-Ki over, locks in the front face lock and starts nailing knee shots to the dome, locks Low-Ki in and flips over with the Horns of Aries, Austin refuses to let go and keeps grinding the hold in, Low-Ki eventually submits after he is unable to do anything else. [B][I]Winner : Austin Aries Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [I]Post Match- Standing Ovation, Aries offers a handshake after the match, but Low-Ki walks out refusing[/I] [B][U]Chris Hero vs The Great Muta[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="red"]A Hero’s Farewell[/COLOR][/I] Crowd was all over Hero at the start of the match chanting “You Sold Out” and “HE-RO SUCKS DI**!” (Clap clap clap clap clap) Muta got a good reaction from the crowd, Hero and Muta did a few chain spots, both ending up on their feet getting standing ovations from the crowd, Muta tries for a Shining Wizard, but Hero is able to block it and lock Muta in a half Boston Crab, match goes on, nearly 35 minutes of match in total, finish comes with Low-Ki hitting the ring, Low-Ki waits for Muta to get up, grabs Muta from behind, quick elbow from Muta, three quick shots to the stomach and one to the side, Muta hits the ropes, goes for a Shining Wizard, but Low-Ki hits the mat, he sits up, turns his head and gets Mist in the face! Larry Sweeney is also out, he hits the apron MIST FOR SWEENEY, Hero whips Muta around, three quick elbows, irish whip, Muta flips him self down, upside down on the ropes and comes back with a big elbow to the face of Hero, Hero hits the mat, as he’s sitting up Muta hits the ropes and BIG SHINING WIZARD, Muta covers in the middle of the ring ONE-TWO-THREE! [B][I]Winner : The Great Muta Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [I]Muta celebrates a second, helps Chris Hero to his feet, he offers the handshake that Hero refused before the match, Hero accepts the handshake this time, Muta raises Hero’s hand, the crowd is chanting “Please Don’t Go” (seems to be a pattern these last couple of cards) then works their way into a “THANK YOU HE-RO!” (clap clap clap clap clap) Hero takes his final bow, then leaves on his own, fade out with Muta spitting mist in the air again after the match while he celebrates. [/I] [B][I][COLOR="red"]Card Rating : C-[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR="red"][I][SIZE="1"]Should have increased popularity[/SIZE][/I][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]ROH : Severe Punishment should be up later today or early tomorrow[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]ROH : Severe Punishment[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/U][/B] [I]Fade from the normal logo intro with the chanting, Bryan Danielson welcomes us to the new DVD, The American Dragon cuts a promo on Joey Matthews, telling Matthews that tonight, he faces the "Best in the World" and that he wasn't going to take it easy on him, he's got a date with Marufuji in a week and wanted to be there as ROH World Champion, tells Matthews to get himself ready, because tonight he's going down. [/I] [B][U]Adam Pearce vs Jigsaw[/U][/B] Not a very good match, no chemistry between these two at all, Pearce hits Jigsaw with a Rack Bomb after about 10 minutes of action. [B][I]Winner : Adam Pearce Match Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U]Ace Steel & Brent Albright vs Erick Stevens & Eddie Kingston[/U][/B] Stevens & Kingston had some good chemistry with each other, saw some really good tag team work from both teams, however, the final result was one that was seen by every one when Brent Albright made Stevens tap out to the Crowbar. [B][I]Winners : Ace Steel & Brent Albright Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U]Delirious vs Eddie Edwards[/U][/B] Delirious dominated this match, Edwards had no offense and after a Chemical Imbalance II, Delirious picked up the win. [B][I]Winner : Delirious Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [I]-cut from the end of the Delirious “celebration” to “East Side” Dave Easton coming to the ring with Jonathan Jeter, Easton talks his talk about Ring of Honor and all of the men that want to get their hands on the “Untouchable” Jonathan Jeter and the rest of the associates of J. Jeter Enterprises, so to prevent this from happening, he went out and found the biggest, baddest man that he could find to protect the “assets” of J. Jeter Enterprises, that man’s name is simply “Robert” – from there, “Robert” (aka Bob Sapp) walks out, so-so reaction from the crowd, gets in the ring and the next match is about to get underway[/I] [B][U]Vito Thomaselli vs Robert[/U][/B] Vito got his licks in on Robert, however, most of them were no-sold as Robert barely even wobbled to look like he was about to go down, Robert started to dominate and it was all over from there, Vito thrown around like a rag doll, Robert picked up the win after catching Vito with a quick jab and following up with a big hook to the jaw, Vito Thomaselli was knocked out cold. [B][I]Winner : Robert Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [I]*DVD Exclusive* follows up showing a small recap video of Chris Hero and his final ROH match with The Great Muta, as the video is ending with Chris Hero walking out, the camera pans back and Davey Richards, Low-Ki and Adam Pearce are all standing around a monitor, Richards chuckles, then looks to the others and asks who Larry Sweeney’s next “meal ticket” is going to be. – cut back to ringside[/I] [B][U]Claudio Castagnoli vs Takeshi Morishima[/U][/B] Good hard hitting match, these guys threw everything that they had at each other, Morishima came out on the short end of the stick this time though, falling to Claudio after a Ricola Bomb. [B][I]Winner : Claudio Castagnoli Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Jimmy Jacobs vs Shannon Moore[/U][/B] Good match, better than there last contest, Tyler Black and Allison Wonderland are out with Jacobs, Moore gets rid of Black early though, hitting him with a Mooregasm from the ring apron while he wasn’t paying attention, finish of the match came with Jimmy Jacobs trying to hit the Contra Code, Shannon Moore stopped it by crotching Jacobs on the top rope, pulling Jacobs down into the tree of woe and hitting a dropkick to the face, as soon as Jacobs got to his feet, a brainbuster was delivered and Moore climbed up waiting for Jacobs to get up, hits the Mooregasm and picks up the win [B][I]Winner : Shannon Moore Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U]Joey Matthews © vs Bryan Danielson[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]ROH World Title[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] Another title defense that the fans hated, I’m starting to think that the ROH fans aren’t liking Joey Matthews as the World Champion, either that or they’re tired of Matthews escaping on a screw job, which is what happened here, the match got to the end (after a grueling 15 minutes of watching these guys not work very well together), Danielson locked Jacobs in the Cattle Mutilation, just as it seemed that Matthews was about to tap, Raven appeared, pulling Danielson’ leg out and breaking up the hold, Raven and Danielson get into it, start slapping each other around, enabling Joey Matthews to whip Danielson around and catch him with a Double Arm DDT and picking up the win. [B][I]Winner and [COLOR="red"]STILL ROH World Champion[/COLOR] : Joey Matthews Match Rating : D [/I][/B] [I]After the match, Raven and Matthews were about to start at Danielson again, however, Austin Aries hit the ring at that time and instead of running, Aries backed Raven into a corner, as he got closer to the corner, Raven dropped to the mat, rolled to the outside and caught Aries with a thumb to the eye as he tried to reach for him, Raven grabbed Aries’ arms and held his arms through the ropes trapping him in the corner, Matthews on the other side of the ring was about to take off at Aries, however, Claudio Castagnoli came running down to make the save for Aries and nearly took Matthews head off with an uppercut – Matthews and Raven took off running, Claudio checked on Danielson & Aries – cut screen with the ROH logo across and we’re ready for the main event [/I] [B][I](Segment Rating : D)[/I][/B] [B][U]Low-Ki vs The Great Muta[/U][/B] Easily match of the night here, Low-Ki came out with Sweet & Sour, Inc and Larry Sweeney, it was revealed to the live crowd that just less than a week prior to this show, Low-Ki had won the GHC Junior Heavyweight Title, which he was wearing to the ring, however, this is not a match for that title. Muta and Ki start off hard at each other, chops, kicks, neither man backing down, Muta went for his trademark elbow drop, but met the mat, Ki tried one of his own, but met mat, locking hands, they each try for an advantage, Muta spit the mist trying to take the advantage, but Low-Ki ducked it go underneath and a northern lights suplex, Muta bridges out of it, both men up, still locking hands, Low-Ki kicks a hand away, Muta kicks the other hand apart, both men throw a chop at the same time, twice in a row, both men hit the ropes, Low-Ki ducks a clothesline, Muta hits the ropes upside down, comes back but Low-Ki catches him, Release German Suplex and Muta lands on his feet, Low-Ki nips up and we’re at a stand off, both men get a standing ovation. The match itself went on, everytime Sweet & Sour, Inc members tried to get involved Low-Ki himself would make sure that they didn’t, finish came with Muta taking out Sweet & Sour, Inc members Dempsey, Hagadorn, Edwards & Pearce with mist and some stiff kicks while he was outside, Sara Del Ray came from behind to try to hit him, but Muta whipped around, went to spit the mist and Del Ray ducked, causing Larry Sweeney to get hit with the mist, Muta rolls back in, ducks a kick from Low-Ki, tries a kick of his own, but it’s blocked, Muta and Low-Ki get into a chopping contest again and Muta gets distracted by Davey Richards who tries to jump up on the apron, Low-Ki with a stiff kick to the chest of Muta, Low-Ki follows up with an attempt of a Ki Krusher, gets Muta up, starts going center ring and Muta uses the momentum and rolls Low-Ki through! Referee Paul Turner is in position! ONE-TWO-THREE!!!! [B][I]Winner : The Great Muta Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [I]The crowd is going nuts with the end of the match, chanting “ROH”, Larry Sweeney and Sara Del Ray are yelling at each other outside the ring, she storms off, we fade out on Muta and Low-Ki shaking hands after the match, showing obvious respect for each other. [/I] [B][I][COLOR="red"][SIZE="1"]Card Rating : D[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Newswire[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] We’re getting down to the final card before the STACKED December line-up. Killing Point will be coming to us, after that, we hit the home stretch for Final Battle 2008, with our annual “Chicago Spectacular” double shot, as well as Survival of the Fittest taking place just one week before Final Battle 2008, it should be a spectacular month of action, one to be talked about. Speaking of Final Battle 2008, after all that has happened for the last couple of months in Ring of Honor, we’re finally going to see the match that we’ve all been waiting for, Final Battle 2008 will finally see Austin Aries vs Joey Matthews, one on one inside a STEEL CELL so that no one can get out or get in, and if Matthews is able to hold on to the ROH World Title until then, the match will be for the ROH World Title. The card for Killing Point has shaped up very nicely, we’ll be seeing a return to Ring of Honor by none other than international star, CIMA, as well as a SHIMMER 6-woman tag team match. [B][U]Killing Point[/U][/B] Mark Briscoe vs Eddie Kingston CIMA vs Mr. Salvatore Kevin Steen & El Generico vs [SIZE="2"]The ECWA Tag Team Champions Dan Eckos & Sean Royal[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Cheerleader Melissa, LuFisto, Daizee Haze vs Sara Del Ray, Ms Chif & Amber O’Neal[/SIZE] Roderick Strong © vs KENTA for the ROH Three I’s Title Davey Richards vs El Condor vs Takeshi Morishima vs Shannon Moore Johnathan Jeter vs Brandon Thomaselli Joey Matthews © vs Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH World Title[/CENTER] [SIZE="1"]Get your predictions in while you can, I plan on having Killing Point finished and posted before I leave work today! (6 pm Central Time) Also - to let you guys know, in case there is a small delay in Chicago Spectacular Night 1 & 2, Survival of the Fittest and Final Battle 08, I just got the Bret Hart & Chris Jericho books in, I might be reading like a mad man after today.... Happy f'n Birthday to ME[/SIZE]
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[B]Mark Briscoe[/B] vs Eddie Kingston [B]CIMA[/B] vs Mr. Salvatore [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/B] vs The ECWA Tag Team Champions Dan Eckos & Sean Royal [B]Cheerleader Melissa, LuFisto, Daizee Haze[/B] vs Sara Del Ray, Ms Chif & Amber O’Neal [B]Roderick Strong ©[/B] vs KENTA for the ROH Three I’s Title Davey Richards vs El Condor vs Takeshi Morishima vs [B]Shannon Moore[/B] [B]Johnathan Jeter[/B] vs Brandon Thomaselli [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH World Title
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Killing Point[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]-Show opens inside the locker room, "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus is talking to Al Snow, telling him that he's all healed from his "injury", Al tells him that he's all covered for the show tonight, but he might be able to use him on a couple of shows in the future, Titus gets angry, stands in Al' way as he tries to walk past, tells Snow that Rhett Titus is the FUTURE of Ring of Honor, that he should be booked on every show, regardless of who else needs their "exposure" Snow tells Titus that again that he's all good for tonight's show, but may use him on a couple of shows in the future, Titus again cuts off Al Snow as he tries to walk out of the room and tells him that he BETTER be on the next Ring of Honor show, or Al Snow will be responsible for what happens, Al comments that an outbreak of gonorrhea would hardly be his fault and walks off – cut to ringside[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]CIMA vs Mr. Saslvatore[/COLOR][/U][/B] Decent match, they unfortunately were not gellin' like a felon, CIMA hit some of his trademark spots, had Mr. Salvatore down and ready for the big finish, had him positioned for a powerbomb like move, Mr. Salvatore slipped out from behind, scooped CIMA up on his shoulders in a torture rack and spun him out into a neckbreaker, Mr. Salvatore picks up the win. [B][I]Winner : Mr. Salvatore Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Eddie Kingston vs Mark Briscoe[/COLOR][/U][/B] With Jay working a match for TNA tonight, Mark is set to go alone with Eddie Kingston, good hard fought match, back and forth quite often, finish came with Mark blocking a big boot, catching it, pulling Kingston in with a capture suplex into the turnbuckle and following up with a flying leg drop for the pin. [B][I] Winner : Mark Briscoe Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="Red"][U]Brandon Thomaselli vs Jonathan Jeter[/U][/COLOR][/I][/B] Good match, Vito & Frankie were out, as were the rest of J. Jeter Enterprises, Brandon and Jeter went back and forth, Brandon hitting a big powerbomb mid-match catching a near fall off of it. In the end, Shane Michaels' attempt at interfering resulted in Frankie & Vito to storm the ring, all the associates of J. Jeter Enterprises hit the ring and it's a full out brawl, Referee Paul Turner calls for the bell, disqualifying both men, as J. Jeter Enterprises overpowers The Thomaselli Family, Brent Albright and Ace Steel come down from the back to try to even things up, however, as soon as they hit the ring, Robert clubs them both with a big right hook to the jaw, and they hit the mat, leaving J. Jeter Enterprises standing tall in the middle of the ring. [B][I]Double Disqualification Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"][B][U] Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Dan Eckos & Sean Royal – ECWA Tag Champions[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Steen & Generico vs The World! ROH World Tag Team Titles There really was no match here, Steen & Generico dominated the whole match, which lasted less than ten minutes, in the end a Package Piledriver rolled through to a BRAAIINNNNBUSSSTTAAHHHHH!!! On Sean Royal and the champs retain. [B][I]Winners and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions [/COLOR]: Kevin Steen & El Generico Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE* Austin Aries is backstage with a beaming smile on his face, he cuts a promo on Joey Matthews, talking about how he will FINALLY get his hands on Joey without the possibility of Raven interfering, one on one, FINALLY, Austin goes on to say that at Final Battle 2008, Joey Matthews will endure the greatest beating of his life, he's not doing it for himself, he's doing it for all of the Ring of Honor fans, who have had to put up with his reign as the ROH World Champion, not only that, but for ALL of the former ROH World Champions, Low-Ki, Xavier, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Homicide, CM Punk, James Gibson, Morishima and Nigel McGuinness, all who have been disgraced by the World title reign of Joey Matthews. Austin says that Final Battle 2008 is a very fitting name for a show, because he will see to it that, at the Hammerstein Ballroom, Joey Matthews has HIS Final Battle – cut back to Ringside[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]Cheerleader Melissa, Lufisto & Daizee Haze vs Sara Del Ray, Ms Chif & Amber O'Neal[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]SHIMMER 6-Woman Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/I] Great match that really got the crowd back into things after intermission, both teams had great chemistry and worked together really well, all signature spots were hit, in the end, Amber O'Neal and Sara Del Rey were double teaming Lufisto, O'Neal hit the ropes while Delray held Lufisto, O'Neal on the rebound and hits a hard elbow to the face of Del Rey, blood starts coming out of Del Rey' nose, O'Neal open mouthed takes a big boot to the gut from Del Rey and then gets hit with a Piledriver, Del Rey leaves the ring allowing Lufisto to climb up top, hit a Diving Star and make the pinfall. [B][I]Winners : Cheerleader Melissa, Lufisto & Daizee Haze Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [I]After the match, Larry Sweeney is screaming at Del Rey to get back in the ring, Del Rey keeps shrugging him off, finally, he grabs ahold of her shoulder and whips him around, only to be met with a big punch to the jaw, knocking Sweeney to the ground. [/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : D+[/I][/B] [I][SIZE="2"](the babyface turn of Sara Del Rey was a complete success)[/SIZE][/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Roderick Strong © vs KENTA[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] Quite simply put, AWESOME MATCH! This was the best match of the night by far, Strong and KENTA worked well together, awesome exchanges between the two, chopping contests, kicking contests, match nearly ended when KENTA hits Roderick with a hard stiff shot to the back of the head, then followed up with a bridging powerbomb, Strong was able to kick out at a near three count, finish of the match came with KENTA again getting the upper hand on Strong, hard kick to the chest, followed up by a hard kick to the spine, KENTA picked Strong up off of the mat, scooped him up, going for GTS! Lifts Roderick off and GO TO SL-NO! Roderick caught KENTA’s knee, leg whips him down, locks him up in a single leg crab, KENTA works himself to his feet, Roderick still with the leg, Enzuguiri try, Roderick ducks it, still holding onto the leg Roderick with a hard shot to the gut of KENTA, scoops him up, Gutbuster on KENTA, Roderick covers and picks up the win after a hard fought battle. [B][I]Winner : Roderick Strong Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]Davey Richards vs Shannon Moore vs Takeshi Morishima vs El Condor[/COLOR][/U][/B] Not a very long match, but not a bad match at all, El Condor was the first out of the match after suffering a Mooregasm, Shannon Moore left the match next after being brutalized by Morishima, who seems to be on a mission of destruction, Richards and Morishima went at each other HARD for a good ten minutes, Morishima rocked hard by a kick to the back of the neck from Richards, Richards tries to hook Morishima for the D.R. Driver, but Morishima gets around it and knocks Richards into next month with a short arm lariat, as Morishima is readying himself for a big boot, “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus hits the ring, getting in Morishima’ face, he shoves the big man, who answers with a few quick elbows to the jaw, irish whip in and catches him with a big lariat, Rhett Titus is laid out, Richards gets to his feet and Morishima plants him into the mat with a backdrop suplex, picking up the win [B][I]Winner : Takeshi Morishima Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]Joey Matthews © vs Claudio Castagnoli[/U][/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]ROH World Title[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] Raven came out with Joey Matthews, but Referee Todd Sinclair wasn’t having it, he sent Raven back to the back. Claudio came out and he and Matthews put on a great match, 2nd best match of the night honestly, lots of counters, lots of high impact moves, Claudio hit all of his trademarks, finish comes with Claudio nailing the Ricola Bomb, Matthews kicks out at two and three-quarters, Matthews stops Claudio from uppercutting him as he got to his feet, quick jab to the eye, Matthews blocks another uppercut, Matthews tries a backslide but Claudio flips over, big boot to the gut from Matthews and quizkly nails Claudio with a leaping DDT, slamming Claudio’ head into the mat, Referee Todd Sinclair makes the count – ONE… TWO….. THREE!!!! [B][I]Winner and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH WORLD CHAMPION[/COLOR]: Joey Matthews Match Rating : C [/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Card Rating : D[/COLOR][/I][/B] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=dtrot021;511849]lmao, just recognized you jobbed out Hero on his last appearance. That's a nice way to get into WWE's developmental! What a jerk you are! lol. :P[/QUOTE] It was unintentional. When I started the game and made changes to the schedule (to set up for a stacked December) Hellbound/Severe Punishment were early November, while Killing Point was at the end of November, after the double shot was run, I didn't plan on Hero signing a developmental with WWE before I had a chance to run Killing Point and use him again, so unfortuantely, I had to live with the departure of Chris Hero the way that it was.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Newswire[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] Ring of Honor officials are ready for December, a HUGE month as we bring 2008 to a close. In unfortunate news, Erick Stevens has decided that he would rather focus on his career with Full Impact Pro and loyalty to Gabe Sapolsky and has left Ring of Honor, we wish Erick well in his future endeavors Tickets for Final Battle 2008 have sold out after the announcement of a live Pay Per View as well as the Austin Aries vs Joey Matthews Steel Cell match, this promises to be a great show with more matches being discussed on a daily basis. The Chicago Spectacular promises to be an awesome prelude to Survival of the Fittest and Final Battle 2008 and both nights of the double shot are completed, they are as follows : [B][U][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="red"]ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 1[/COLOR][/FONT][/U][/B] Frankie Thomaselli vs Mr. Salvatore Kevin Steen & El Generico vs Current CZW & PWG Tag Team Champions Cheech & Cloudy - Up in Smoke Brent Albright vs Jonathan Jeter Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs The Enterprise (Shane Michaels & Matt Cross) [B][U]ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title[/U][/B] Roderick Strong © vs "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam Bryan Danielson vs Raven Austin Aries vs Go Shiozaki [B][U]ROH World Title[/U][/B] Joey Matthews © vs KENTA [B][U][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="red"]ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 2[/COLOR][/FONT][/U][/B] Jack Evans vs "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus Franky The Mobster vs Ace Steel Ruckus vs CIMA Kevin Steen & El Generico vs current NJPW Tag Team Champions Sara Del Rey vs Amber O'Neal El Condor vs Delirious Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson vs Joey Matthews & Raven [/CENTER] [I][SIZE="2"]Get your predictions in, hoping to have these shows finished and posted by Saturday morning! Thanks to all my readers, I'm open for suggestions from anyone how to improve things! [/SIZE][/I]
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ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 1 Frankie Thomaselli vs [B]Mr. Salvatore[/B] -Coin toss really between these two. [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/b] vs Current CZW & PWG Tag Team Champions Cheech & Cloudy - Up in Smoke -Steen and Generico get a big win to move them up the tag team rankings. Brent Albright vs [B]Jonathan Jeter[/B] -Jeter due to heel debauchery. [B]Brandon & Vito Thomaselli[/B] vs The Enterprise (Shane Michaels & Matt Cross) -Thomasellis for the win, because I have a deep irrational hatred for Matt Cross. ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title [B]Roderick Strong ©[/B] vs "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam -As much as I mark out for RVD, I think Strong's going to get the duke here. Bryan Danielson vs [B]Raven[/B] -Like both, but think Raven is going to get the win here. [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Go Shiozaki -Aries wins, to hopefully set him up for a future title run. ROH World Title [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs KENTA -I think tonight will be a big victory to add to the title reign for Joey Matthews ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 2 Jack Evans vs [B]"Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus[/B] -Titus for the win just because. [B]Franky The Mobster[/B] vs Ace Steel -Franky puts the screws to Ace Steel Ruckus vs [B]CIMA[/B] -Time to give one to the Japanese representatives. Kevin Steen & El Generico vs [b]current NJPW Tag Team Champions[/B] -Steen and Generico just fall short, but give a competive match. [B]Sara Del Rey[/B] vs Amber O'Neal -By virtue of her being the only one I've seen wrestle. El Condor vs [B]Delirious[/B] -Because it's Delirious blast it. [B]Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson[/B] vs Joey Matthews & Raven -Most likely with Aries pinning Matthews to set up a future title match somewhere down the line.
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ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 1 [B]Frankie Thomaselli[/B] vs Mr. Salvatore [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/B] vs Current CZW & PWG Tag Team Champions Cheech & Cloudy - Up in Smoke Brent Albright vs [B]Jonathan Jeter[/B] Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs [B]The Enterprise (Shane Michaels & Matt Cross)[/B] ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title [B]Roderick Strong ©[/B] vs "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam Bryan Danielson vs [B]Raven[/B] [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Go Shiozaki ROH World Title [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs KENTA ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 2 Jack Evans vs [B]"Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus[/B] Franky The Mobster vs [B]Ace Steel[/B] Ruckus vs [B]CIMA[/B] [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/B] vs current NJPW Tag Team Champions [B]Sara Del Rey[/B] vs Amber O'Neal El Condor vs [B]Delirious[/B] [B]Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson[/B] vs Joey Matthews & Raven
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ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 1 Frankie Thomaselli vs [B]Mr. Salvatore[/B] [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/B] vs Current CZW & PWG Tag Team Champions Cheech & Cloudy - Up in Smoke Brent Albright vs [B]Jonathan Jeter[/B] Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs [B]The Enterprise (Shane Michaels & Matt Cross)[/B] ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title Roderick Strong © vs [B]"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam[/B] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs Raven [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Go Shiozaki ROH World Title [B]Joey Matthews ©[/B] vs KENTA ROH : Chicago Spectacular '08 Night 2 [B]Jack Evans[/B] vs "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus Franky The Mobster vs [B]Ace Steel[/B] [B]Ruckus[/B] vs CIMA [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/B] vs current NJPW Tag Team Champions [B]Sara Del Rey[/B] vs Amber O'Neal El Condor vs [B]Delirious[/B] Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson vs [B]Joey Matthews & Raven[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/ROHWrestlingReinvented1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"]ROH : Chicago Spectacular Night 1[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="1"]Friday Week 1, December 2008[/SIZE][/I] [I][Fade in from the ROH logo and chanting, night time, snow is all over the ground, the camera pans back and we can see Austin Aries standing in the middle of a snow pile wearing a tank top and shorts, camera zooms in on him] [/I] [COLOR="Navy"]Austin : Three weeks away Joey, three long weeks, aside from our tag match tomorrow night, I'm going to abstain from smacking you around until Final Battle, I'm going to let you anticipate the beating that you're going to get at Final Battle, as a matter of fact, tomorrow night I may even keep myself out of the ring for the time that you're in the ring, you never know, the only thing that I know for sure is that tonight, Go Shiozaki is the unfortunate one to have to face me, Go, don't expect anything fun tonight, I'm going to have to make an example out of you tonight, an example of the beating that Joey Matthews will get at Final Battle and as far as Raven is concerned, get THIS through your head Raven, NOTHING that you can do will stop me from being at Final Battle against Joey Matthews. [/COLOR] *cut to ringside* [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny Leonard : We're ready for the Chicago Spectacular! And what a way to kick off the month of December! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Dave Prazak : Lenny Leonard, you're speaking the truth, the month of December is going to be FANTASTIC for Ring of Honor, our first live Pay Per View at the end of the month with a HUGE Main Event, inside a Steel Cell, Joey Matthews taking on Austin Aries and hopefully it will be for the ROH World title, depending on what happens tonight. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] LL : Well, that's for sure, he's got a tough match ahead of him where he'll be taking on KENTA tonight[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : And speaking of KENTA, Lenny, we just received word earlier tonight that at Final Battle 2008, we’re going to see a rematch from Glory By Honor five, Bryan Danielson is scheduled to go one on one with KENTA. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]LL : What a fantastic match that should be, Dave Prazak, I can hear the music, it’s time for Mr. Salvatore to come to the ring! [/COLOR] [B][U]Mr. Salvatore vs Frankie Thomaselli[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Frankie and Sal started off the match being cautious of each other, feeling each other out and then it happened • Frankie nailed Mr. Salvatore with a hard haymaker right in the jaw, Mr. Salvatore spit out his own blood, then smiled • From there it was a hard hitting match, Frankie catching Mr. Salvatore with a big powerslam, picking up a two and a half count, Mr. Salvatore catches Frankie with a thumb in the eye, follows up with a big kick to the chest, sending Frankie into the turnbuckles • Mr. Salvatore follows Frankie in, slapping him three times across the face, cross corner irish whip, Mr. Salvatore follows in with a big kneelift to the middle of the chest, Frankie staggers out a bit, Mr. Salvatore with a front legsweep slamming Frankie into the mat, Mr. Salvatore follows up with a modified Anaconda Vice and Frankie taps out after nearly two minutes in the hold. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Mr. Salvatore Match Rating : D-[/I][/B] [B][U]Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Cheech & Cloudy : Up in Smoke[/U][/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Steen & Generico vs The World challenge[/SIZE][/I] [QUOTE]• Crowd enjoyed seeing Up in Smoke again, a small "Welcome Back" chant started off the match, handshakes and it was underway • The match did not last very long, with Kevin Steen putting in a lot of the work, tossing the stoners around the ring • Finish came after a failed attempt of a double suplex on Steen, with Generico getting involved and we get stereo Package Piledrivers from Steen & Generico and Steen makes the cover on Cloudy for the win. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions[/COLOR] : Kevin Steen & El Generico Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U]Jonathan Jeter vs Brent Albright[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Started out kind of slow with Jeter not allowing Albright to lock up with him, as soon as they did finally lock up though, Albright had Jeter in just about every submission hold that he could, Jeter weaseled his way out of every one of them, whether breaking the ropes or gouging the eye • Jeter took advantage of the match at the eight minute mark, doing everything that he could to try to put Albright down, chops and kicks, Jeter hit a beautiful snap suplex and floated over into an armbar like hold, only to have Albright get to his knees and lift Jeter off of the ground, dropping him on the back of his head • Finish came with Albright catching Jeter as he hit the ropes, throwing him up in the air, then walking over to the other set of ropes waiting for Jeter to hit the ground, as soon as he hit, Albright was on top of him, locking in the Crowbar, wrenching it harder and harder every time Jeter tried to get out of it, Jeter managed to get his leg up and tried to take Albright over into a roll-up, but Albright shifted his weight, sitting Jeter' shoulders on the mat, picking up the one-two-three [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Brent Albright Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] -[I] We see a door, hear a little bit of commotion, some coughing and then the door kicks open and Fonzie comes out chuckling, smoke billows out of the room, Cheech & Cloudy come out afterwards, all laughing, Fonzie spots the camera and starts blowing his whistle [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Fonzie : That’s right daddy! Mr Monday Night, Mr Pay Per View, the Four Twenty King! The Whole F**KIN SHOW is here baby! [/COLOR] [I][RVD comes walking out, carrying the TNA X-Division Title, big smile on his face, then pats Fonzie on the shoulder] [/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]RVD : Relax Fonzie, relax, remember what I told you before? Embrace the feeling[/COLOR] [I][RVD takes a deep breath, Fonzie follows suit][/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Do you know where we are Fonzie? We’re in Chi-town baby! We’re in Ring of Honor, the “Whole F**kin Show” is here to add to his already growing collection of belts, really, I mean how stupid was someone to actually invite ME, challenge ME, don’t they know who I am? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Fonzie : You’re the Whole F**KIN SHOW DADDY! [/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]RVD : That’s right, the longest reigning ECW TV Champion in the history of the company, a former WWE Intercontinental, World and Tag Team Champion[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Fonzie : Don’t forget Hardcore, Daddy! [/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]RVD : The Hardcore Title too and I’m the TNA X-Division champion too, ya know Fonzie, looks like someone tonight is going to find out what RVD 4:20 means [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Fonzie : HE’S GONNA SMOKE YOU’RE A$$ RODERICK! [/COLOR] [I][RVD smiles at the camera and nods as Fonzie yells the last line and blows his whistle – cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Bryan Danielson vs Raven[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Unfortunately, these two had no chemistry at all and we had to suffer through twenty minutes of missed cues and blown spots. • Danielson locks Raven into the Cattle Mutilation about five minutes in, however, Raven was right at the ropes, breaking the hold • Raven toyed with Danielson' mind on more than one occasion, playing possum as Danielson went to pick him up, inside cradle and Raven nearly gets a three count • Leading up to the finish, Raven had the advantage, brings a chair in and sets it up, whips Danielson in and hits the drop toe hold into the chair, Raven rolls over, trying to catch Danielson in a headlock, Danielson slips through locking Raven' arms in and starts nailing elbows all over Raven' head and neck • Danielson follows up with a Butterfly Suplex, cover, only gets a two count, Raven with a face rake, hits the ropes and rushes Danielson with an elbow shot, fast boot to the gut from Danielson, Danielson hooks him up, double underhook into a DANIELSON SPECIAL! • Raven gets to the ropes, Danielson picks Raven up, three hard elbows to the face, irish whip reversed, Danielson ducks under a clothesline, Raven tries a hip toss but Danielson stops it, wraps Raven' arm around his head and drops him down in a big neckbreaker. Danielson covers and picks up the win [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson Match Rating : D[/I][/B] [B][U]Roderick Strong © vs “The Whole F’n Show” Rob Van Dam[/U][/B] [I][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]ROH Independent, International, Invitational Title[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] [QUOTE]• The crowd was ELECTRIC when the infamous guitar chords hit and “Walk” by Pantera started blaring, the ovation lasted for nearly three full minutes, “WHOLE F**KIN SHOW” chants deafening throughout the arena, ring announcer starts the introduction of Rob Van Dam and can barely be heard over the crowd, especially when it came to the “ROB – VAN – DAM” part of the introduction. • Strong and RVD shake hands to start out the match and as soon as the bell rings the crowd is into it right away • Nice chain spot to start the match, lock-up, arm drag by Strong, arm drag by Van Dam, Strong gets up, blocked hips toss, tries one of his own, it’s blocked as well, shot to the gut and Van Dam with a leg on Strong’ head and flips himself over, clothesline ducked by Strong, roundhouse kick ducked by Strong, Strong with a shot to the gut, irish whip to the turnbuckles reversed and Van Dam chases in, Strong up and over, charges, Van Dam up and over, Strong with a baseball slide between the legs of Van Dam, Van Dam goes for a leg sweep, but Strong jumps over, Strong for a clothesline, blocked, Van Dam quick shot to the gut, irish whip in, Van Dam down in the splits, Strong for a legdrop, Van Dam out of the way, tries to kick Roderick, but Roderick rolls through, Roderick trips up Van Dam, goes for an elbow drop, but Van Dam out of the way, Van Dam follows up with an elbow drop attempt of his own, Roderick rolls over, both men nip up at the same time in a stand off, the crowd explodes, Strong and Van Dam shake hands again, “ROH” chants start up • Van Dam and Strong tie up and Strong takes an early advantage, starts stretching Van Dam early, working the midsection with every hold that he can • Trading the momentum back and forth, Roderick has Van Dam in a Boston Crab applying pressure to the back, Van Dam slowly reaches the ropes to break the hold, Strong signals that the match is over, picks Van Dam up, but RVD with three quick shots to the face, European uppercut and hits the ropes, nailing a leg lariat on Strong, Van Dam picks him up quickly and puts him on his shoulders, running around the ring, then a rolling fireman’s carry, Van Dam over Strong, hits the ropes and ROLLING THUNDER! Van Dam covers but only gets a two count • The match continues, they’re nearing 25 minutes, Roderick stops a Van Dam enzuiguiri attempt, picks Van Dam up on his shoulders, going for the Gutbuster, Van Dam rolls Roderick to his back with a crucifix, Todd Sinclair counts, but only gets a two, Roderick quickly up and nails Van Dam with a hard kick to the side of the head, Fonzie starts jumping around, jumps up on the apron and throws a chair across the ring, which Roderick catches, as soon as he catches it, Van Dam quickly to his feet and jumps up with a VAN DAMINATOR! Strong takes the shot hard and falls back into the corner, Van Dam kicks the chair back out to Fonzie, which he covers Roderick’ face with it, Van Dam to the apron and he springboards up and all the way, VAN TERMINATOR! • Van Dam pulls Roderick center ring, then climbs outside as the crowd gets to their feet, Van Dam hops up top and FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! The crowd pops, Todd Sinclair in position… ONE…. TWO… THREE!!!!! [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner and [COLOR="Red"]NEW ROH THREE I’S CHAMPION[/COLOR] : “The Whole F’n Show” Rob Van Dam Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [I] RVD celebrates with Fonzie and goes into the crowd to celebrate, hoisting both the TNA X-Division Title as well as the Three I’s Title, as we cut away [/I] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] [I]Cut backstage to Kevin Steen & El Generico walking backstage, they run into The Briscoe Brothers, the two teams get into a heated argument that the camera can’t pick any audio up on, the camera man opens up a door and all we can hear is Mark Briscoe yell “How bout we re-visit ‘Man Up’ at Final Battle, punks?” as Steen & Generico are walking away – back to ringside[/I] [B][U]Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs The Enterprise [/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Good match here, but not very long • Robert tried to get involved a few times, but was sent to the back by Referee Paul Turner • Finish came not even ten minutes into the match with Shane Michaels being knocked silly with a punishing powerbomb from Brandon Thomaselli while Vito hit a Shooting Star Press to pick up the win [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners : Brandon & Vito Thomaselli Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Go Shiozaki vs Austin Aries[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Good match with these two • Austin and Go played slap back with chops throughout the match, everytime Go hit Aries with a hard stiff chop, Aries gave him a receipt twice as hard either across the chest or the face • Go attempted a Go Flasher, but Aries dropped out behind him, hard jumping kick to the back of the head and Go was down on the canvas • Aries climbed up top, hitting the 450 Splash and picking up the win [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Austin Aries Match Rating : C-[/I][/B] [B][U]Joey Matthews © vs KENTA[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"][I]ROH World Title[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]• Possibly the best match so far in the title reign of Joey Matthews, KENTA threw everything at him except the kitchen sink and Matthews kept responding to everything that he was hit with • KENTA at one point tried for the GTS, but Matthews slid out, hitting a side Russian legsweep, then rolling backwards, rolling KENAT to his stomach and grabbing KENTA in a front face lock and starts nailing knee shots to the top of the head, Matthews got huge heat from the crowd for this and even more heat when he locked in his own version of the Horns of Aries, however, it was released quickly • Finish came with KENTA hitting three fast hits to the face, couple of chops, then a back roundhouse kick, KENTA hits the ropes and goes for the Busaiku Knee Kick, but Matthews hits the mat, KENTA hits hard, but gets up quickly, turns around into a boot in the gut and a Leaping DDT, spiking his head in the mat, Matthews covers and gets the one-two-three. [/QUOTE][B][I]Winner and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH World Champion[/COLOR] : Joey Matthews Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [COLOR="Blue"] LL : Dave Prazak, what a night it’s been, what a surprising main event and[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : What a way for Rob Van Dam to make his entrance to Ring of Honor! Taking out the “Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong for the first ever title change for the ROH Three I’s Title! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"] LL: Can Night Two hold up to the same standards as this phenomenal night?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : I guess everyone better tune in themselves and find out! [/COLOR] [I]Fade out with Joey Matthews taunting the Chicago crowd, holding the ROH Title high[/I] [B][I]Card Rating : C-[/I][/B] [/CENTER]
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