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What to Do when a worker is getting "Stale"

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Is this a call for a gimmick change or a turn? Right now my most popular star, Steve Austin, is getting stale in his role but he's always in "B" or "B+" segments or matches, his storyline is hot and he just had an "A" match. He's also in the top 5 of "Who's Hot" and "Franchise Players."
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It has to do with his gimmick. You can either turn him or give him a new gimmick. - In my experience, a "stale" gimmick can damage his rating in the long run. So even if he has a good gimmick rating (I even get the message with an overall A* rated gimmick), you maybe should change it.
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Stale doesn't necessarily mean a gimmick OR a turn - it's just a comment that a worker's role has peaked. Think Michaells/HHH DX: Still gets massive pops, still shifts the merchandise, but the days of them being able to run the whole two hour show are done with. Until the worker's segments are visibly affected by this, I wouldn;t bother changing: Just keep it in mind for when you're looking to freshen things up specifically.
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