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Year 1991 A.D.- Time for a change?

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The year is 1991 and wrestling as we know it is starting to become more mainstream. With WCW merged off of the NWA and Vince McMahon's WWF going National and working on heading into international territory, The days of Territories are winding down. One man is ready to make his mark on Wrestling, he wants to show you there is more out there than the Main Stream. That mans name is Todd Holland. Sit back and enjoy the ride with his new upstart promotion.. Elite Professional Wrestling- A Comedy fed.... Wait Elite... Comedy..... Hmmmmmmmmmm..........
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As I arrived to the old Warehouse that is the offices of Elite PRofessional Wrestling. As I got out of my 1994 Ford Escort with 180,000 miles I could see the ruin that the Warehouse was in. I couldn't even distingush the color of the building for it had plenty of fungus, ivy and bird droppings that gave it a multi-color look. But for the price I paid for the Warehouse I could not pass it up. This run down building will be the future for professional wrestling. I figured using a Warehouse as an office it also gave us room to have a training area, gym and a ring set up to host some shows and keep our guys in shape. As I locked my door on my car and started to approach I wondered where my new secretary was. It was 10:05 AM and I told her to be here at 10 AM Sharp. I find tardiness very unprofessional and makes us look bad. As I was thinking this a 1969 Pinto pulled up beside me and a lady in her mid 30's got out. She had grease on her hands and looked a mess. I looked at her and recognized her as Miss Jones, my new secretary. Miss Jones- Sorry I am late sir, my car is not in the best of shape. As you can see I had to fix something under the hood and become all a mess. Plus the fact that I am a.... As she was finishing her sentence she tripped, her books scattering everywhere. She scrambled to pick them up, looking embarassed. Me- Let me guess, a Klutz. It is ok. Next time call. Anyway what do you think of our building? Miss Jones- To be honest sir, not what I was expecting. Me- I know its not Trump Towers but it will work. Now we have a lot of business to contend to. Go ahead and get a look around and familirize yourself. I have already set up your desk outside of my office. I want you to get me a list of guys we should hire. I am going to work on somethings I need to take care of. And Miss Jones please becareful walking in. I don't know the entire layout and with your...ability... I wouldnt want anything to happen... Plus we don't have insurance. As Miss Jones went inside I couldn't help but say a little prayer that she be careful, paying out of pocket for medical would be bad. As I walked in behind her and headed to my office I couldnt help but wonder how I was going to make this work. $500,000 was my inheritance and granny left it in good hands but I really want to make this thing work but man we are just a speck on the map of wrestling industry. If we are going to be taken seriously we will have to get with the program. As the clock struck 4 PM, I was deep into talking to talent and getting set up for some neogations. I would have keep working had Miss Jones reminded me of the time and asked if we needed lunch. Me- Yes Miss Jones. Head down to the burger joint and get some food for us. Here put it on the company bill. As Miss Jones left and headed outside I looked out the window just in time to see her fall again. I made a note to myself to enforce a no heel wearing rule at the office. Perhaps a flat shoe could help prevent any accidents in the office. I settled in for the rest of the work day trying to get things ready. It was going to be a long ride and I was going to have to buckle in to get things ready. I made my first rule and posted it on the door: EPW Rule #1: No Heels in the office.
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(Out of Character: THis is my first attempt of a Dynasty so please bear with me) [i]EPW.... your first serious comedy wrestling federation just went international!!! Thats right folks on the backs of your favorite EPW Stars, "The Fireman" Bobby Blaze and "Gorgeous" Chris Candido, WWF has be surpassed by the federation that once held its matches in a warehouse in Ohio. Hoisting 7 separate championships, working agreements with AJPW, EPW is your #1 wrestling source. The younger promoter and owner TOdd Holland has done it.... BEEP...BEEP........BEEP[/i] I awoke to the sound of my message machine with a message from Miss Jones. It was all a dream. Miss Jones left a message asking if I wanted coffee or cappuchino when we meet today to go over some contracts. This is where I made another rule. EPW Rules: #1: No Heels in the office #2: No Waking up the boss with stupid questions
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As I headed into the office that morning I realized that today was the day that I would be meeting with a few people that will be the main staples of EPW. I pulled into the parking lot of the EPW Warehouse and noticed a few cars in the lot. Miss Jones was already here, a positive thing now that she is arriving early instead of late, The Mid Ohio Cleaning Company was there working on getting the bird droppings off the side of the building so we can figure out what kind of color we want the building to be. I noticed that there were only 3 workers working on the building that was supposed to be done in 2 days. I always wondered why these business never got the job done in time and now I see why. Shaking my head, I headed inside where I was greeted by Miss Jones who wasn't wearing any shoes. Looking puzzled I just shook my head as she handed me my morning coffee. Miss Jones- Good morning boss. I couldn't find any shoes that were office attire that werent heels so I wore heels to the office but took them off when I stepped inside. I didnt want to break the rules Me- Miss Jones. On your lunch today I would recommend finding some shoes. This building is in such need of a cleaning that you shouldn't be running around barefoot. Miss Jones- Well sir, I wasnt really running around.... Me- Nevermind. What is on the docket today? Miss Jones- You have a few clients here today. Chris Candido, Tammy Synch and Boo Bradley. They are waiting in your lobby of your office. Me- I don't have a lobby outside of my office. MIss Jones- Shhhhhh. They don't know it isnt a lobby. I found some magazines in the trash out back and a folding table with a few chairs out of the basement. It now looks like a lobby. And with the tiny holes in the roof, when it rains you will have a water fountain appeal to it, a very classy touch if I do say so. Well sir, I am heading back to work Me- Thank you Miss Jines As I headed to my office I couldn't help but wonder why I didn't notice that Miss Jones could use some help. Anyway I figured as long as she can get things in order, take care of lunch and my appointments, She would be fine for the job. As I passed through my "lobby" I said hello to my clients and told them to go ahead and head into my office. As they went in I saw the Water Fountain was a oversized tin can that had a hole in the bottom they leaked into the basement. This reminded me to call Miss Jones after my meeting and have a plumber and a basement guy in to give us an estimate. Either way I headed into my office prepared to make some great contacts. But before I entered I wrote on the EPW Rules board a new rule... EPW Rules: #1: No Heels in the office #2: No Waking up the boss with stupid questions #3: No digging in trash cans
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[i]Meeting with Chris Candido and Tammy Synch[/i] Me- Chris, Tammy thanks for coming in. Now I know we are just an upstart company we need some major players to help the ship run and we want Chris Candido to carry our banner. We want Candido to be the first EPW Heavyweight Champion. Now with our federation and what we are doing, we are running a gimmick heavy federation with some funny gimmicks. For you guys we want something that the fans will really hate. With your natural charisma, we feel a heel run would be best for you two. Now Chris, I know in your run of SMW you run a no gimmick needed gimmick but I feel that if we put you as a "Gorgeous" gimmick, with Tammy as your manager, you would get over in the gimmick and be very hated. Chris we are willing to offer you $500 per show and we want to give you a Main Event title run. Chris- Well, it is a new gimmick for me. But I feel that I could work with you guys. Guaranteed title run? $500 per show. Tammy by my side. I guess I could work the Gorgeous Gimmick. I agree to the contract Me- Fabulous. This is fantastic. You are the first signing of EPW and will be at the top. Now Tammy. We want you to run a brat gimmick. $150 dollars per show, manager of Heavyweight Champion. What do you think? Tammy- Sure as long as I am with Chris. Me- Fantastic. Guys it is great to do business with you. The Warehouse is open for you to enjoy. Pick up your contracts to sign at Miss Jones desk. I will have her draw the papers. Guys this is the beginning of the best run of your lifes. As they walked out of the office, I felt like I could take over the world. I felt like dancing.... so I did. As I was getting down with my "bad Self" Miss Jones opened the door to ask me how to make a cover page and she stopped in mid sentence and walked right back out. Now that I was throughly embrassed I decided to gather my paperwork for the next client Boo Bradley. Seeing how he is known for his pratical jokes I knew exactly how to do this. As Boo came in I prepared things... [i]Meeting with Boo Bradley[/i] Boo- Thanks for seeing me Mr. Holland Me- Well thanks for coming but I really need you to know that I am not seeing you. I am blind. But is that how you expect me to do business. You come in here saying nice to see you and here I am, blind is that how it works... Boo- Sorry Sorry... uhhhh..I [i]I really thought about keeping the joke alive. He was white as a ghost and looked like he was about to cry. I couldn't let him go on[/i] Me- Boo relax. Just a joke. You see I knew you were a joker so I figured I would make things easy around here for ya. Anyway lets get down to business. Now with your fun likeness we want you to be our Main Event face. We want you feuding over the title. We want you to be a Cartoon Joker gimmick. We are offering you $350 dollars per month. What do you say Boo- Well feuding for the title is a nice way to start. MAin Event.. classic. Now I think you are a great guy but I think I need slightly more money. How about $450 per month? Me- Well lets try $400 dollars. Meet in the middle. Boo- Well I think we can arrange that. Sounds like fun. Me- Here is to a great relationship. Now Chris Candido and Tammy Synch are out there and Candido will be more adversary to start. You guys will be feuding in the main event. I want you guys to sit down and get to know each other. Miss Jones will draw up your contract and then check in with Candido. I will be meeting with you both tomorrow to work out some details. As he went out, I paged Miss Jones, telling her that Boo needed his contract and to tell Chris Candido that he needs to talk with Boo and about meeting tomorrow. As I hung up with her, I was about to dance again but decided not to. As I gathered up my stuff and head out for the evening. I had more agents to call and needed a place to be myself... yes to dance. I said good bye to all and told them I would see them tomorrow. I made sure one more rule was posted before I left: EPW Rules: #1: No Heels in the office #2: No Waking up the boss with stupid questions #3: No digging in trash cans #4: No walking in on dancing bosses
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