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[I][CENTER]Since starting the third brand of WWE, the ECW brand has been called "a joke", "a ripoff", and many other names. In it's glory the three letters of E-C-W stood for extreme. They stood for hardcore. They stood wrestling! Mr. McMahon has granted General Manager Teddy Long free reign over the extreme brand, with hope that Long can try and bring the original glory of the EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING! [/CENTER][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/ECW.bmp[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci-Fi[/B]: October 7, 2008 -The Miz and John Morrison defend the WWE Tag Team Titles against unknown opponents! -Mike Knox vs the Boogeyman! -ECW Champion Mark Henry defends against GM Long's personal pick U.S. Champion Matt Hardy! -All this and more on ECW! [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=tizzyt;494341]with a name like BoSox, you gotta be alright, I'll give this one a chance and check it out... Good Luck man.. and GO SOX!!!! (too bad they got their arses handed to them tonight)[/QUOTE] [I]Thanks man. I am hoping that the Sox can pull it together with only what? Two weeks left. Sox= World Champions Again![/I] [SIZE="3"][CENTER] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/ECW.bmp[/IMG] [B][U]October 7, 2008: ECW on Sci-Fi[/U][/B] [I]General Manager Teddy Long's entrance music hits and the Extreme GM makes his way down to the ring. He climbs into the ring and grabs a mike.[/I] Teddy Long: [COLOR="Blue"]Holla Holla dawgs. You see Mr. Vinny Mac has named your homeboy T-Lo as the new Extreme GM, holla! Now I'm gonna shake things up around here homies. First things first. No more "talent exchanges" with RAW or Smackdown! This is ECW and we don't need nobody else's playas coming to our show. Second thing. The ECW Heavyweight Championship is the top title in ECW and will be treated with some respect, holla! And the final thing. WELCOME TO THE EXTREME!!![/COLOR] [I]The crowd cheers as GM Long makes his way out of the ring and to the back.[/I] Mike Adamle: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Wow! Do you hear that Tazz? We're going to the Extreme! Wooo![/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="seagreen"]Shut up! Of course I heard it, I was sitting right next to you. Listen guy. This is ECW. We're hardcore around here, and if you don't watch out. The fans are gonna eat you up. Now let's go to the ring to see who is gonna challenge the WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison for the titles. [/COLOR] [I]We cut to the ring, where the WWE Tag Team Champions, The Miz and John Morrison, are standing with some mikes.[/I] John Morrison: [COLOR="Red"]Last week, we put out a challenge for anyone brave enough to step into the ring with us, the greatest tag team champions ever! Who dares to challenge the Sharman of Sexy? Who?[/COLOR] [I]John Morrison's rant was cut off by the entrance theme of Stevie Richards! Stevie comes flying down to the ring with James Curtis in tow and the match is on![/I] Mike Adamle: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]It's Stevie Richards and James Curtis! Wooooo!![/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="seagreen"]They got no chance in hell of winning the WWE Tag Team Championships from the more exprienced team of the Miz and John Morrison.[/COLOR] [B][U]WWE Tag Team Championship[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/John_Morrison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/Mike_Mizanin.jpg[/IMG](c) vs. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/Stevie_Richards.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/KC_James.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]The Miz and John Morrison really gel well as a team. They double-teamed the hell out of James Curtis to the point where most fans thought he was dead. Double Suplex. Double DDT. Double Hiptoss. This match was to showcase the champions and it did it's job. Stevie Richards tried to get involved but was held back by the ref. John Morrison ends it with the Moonlight Drive. [/QUOTE] [B]Winners: The Miz and John Morrison Retain the WWE Tag Team Championships[/B] [I]Backstage we see Armando Estrada and his new client the ECW Champion Mark Henry![/I] Armando Estrada: [COLOR="Red"]My name is Armando EEEEEESSSSSTTTTRRRRRAAAADDDDAAAA! And I am the new manager of the ECW Champion Mark HHHHHHHEEEEENNNNRRRRYYYY! As long as Mark Henry has me in his corner, he will never lose the belt! A new reign of terror is going to be unleashed upon the ECW roster! Tonight it starts with you, Matt Hardy! General Manager Long personally picked you to challenge my client for the ECW Championship. Tonight you get to get in the ring with the World's Strongest Man! Once he locks in the Bear Hug, you will be done! HAHAHA! I promise you that! Because my name is Armando EEEEEESSSSSTTTTTRRRRAAAADDDDDAAAAA! [/COLOR] Mike Adamle: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Wow! Mark Henry has Armando EEEEESSSSTTTTRRRR--[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="seagreen"]SHUT UP! It's bad enough listening to him do it.[/COLOR] [I]We cut back to the arena as The Boogeyman makes his way down to the ring, where Mike Knox is waiting for him.[/I] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/BoogeyMan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/Mike_Knox.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]The Boogeyman wiggled his way around the ring until Mike Knox clotheslined him down and started stomping away on him. Knox picked him up and began to just own the Boogeyman. The Boogeyman was unable to do anything but kick his butt kicked by Knox. Knox ends the murder with the Knox Out.[/QUOTE] [B]Winner: Mike Knox[/B] Tazz: [COLOR="seagreen"]I like this new ultraserious Mike Knox. I think if he keeps this attitude he will climb up the ranks fast.[/COLOR] Mike Adamle: [COLOR="seagreen"]Do you know that the Boogeyman eats worms?[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="seagreen"]Shut up.[/COLOR] [I]We cut backstage to where The Familia's Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely are.[/I] Chavo Guerrero: [COLOR="Red"]ECW be ready for the Familia to start its Reign of Pain over the Extreme Land! Be ready![/COLOR] Bam Neely: [COLOR="red"]Rrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhh![/COLOR] Mike Adamle: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]The Familia! Familia is spanish for Family.[/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="seagreen"]Shut up. Chavo Guerrero is not joking around. The Familia's Reign of Pain is something the ECW Superstars need to be ready for![/COLOR] [I]We head to the ring for the main event of the night![/I] [B]ECW Championship[/B] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/Mark-Henry2.gif[/IMG](c) w/[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/Armando_Estrada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/Matt_Hardy.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]The World's Strongest Man tried and tried to put down Matt Hardy for the count, but Hardy would not die. Henry hit the World's Strongest Slam but Hardy was able to kick out. Hardy then fought back and set up Henry for the Twist of Fate, but Armando Estrada jumped onto the apron with a chair, distracting Hardy. Henry then pushed Hardy off and right into the range of Estrada, who cracked Hardy over the head with the steel. Henry then picked up the unconscious Hardy and locked in the Bear Hug for the win.[/QUOTE][B]Winner: Mark Henry Retains the ECW Championship[/B] Mike Adamle: [COLOR="seagreen"]Looks like Mark Henry's never going to lose the title![/COLOR] Tazz: [COLOR="seagreen"]That little bit of trash Estrada is the reason why Matt Hardy lost. With these two together, I have a feeling that Mark Henry is gonna be ECW Champ for a while. See you guys next week![/COLOR] Mike Adamle: [COLOR="seagreen"]SEE YEAH![/COLOR] [I]We fade to black with ECW Champion Mark Henry standing over the unconscious Matt Hardy with Armando Estrada holding his arm up.[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/tcw210/greydog/ECW.bmp[/IMG] [B]ECW on Sci-Fi:[/B] October 14, 2008 -Evan Bourne with his hottie valet Kelly Kelly will face Super Crazy in a battle of the high flyers! -Finlay and his little buddy Hornswoggle vs. Elijah Burke. -WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison will defend against Tommy Dreamer and his protege Colin Delaney! -How will Matt Hardy react to the voilent attack the ECW Champion Mark Henry did upon him in the aftermath of last week's show. -All this and more![/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=DZ-3479;501308]How are you managing to only do one brand. I'd love to do that but haven't figured out how to.[/QUOTE] There's some TEW07 data out there that could have been converted that had the three brands as their own entities
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