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UFC : Superfights

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No Fancy Backstory, Just an openweight division with the best superfights ever UFC 99 : Supreme Fedor Emelianenko (31-1) vs. Wanderlei Silva (35-8-1) Georges St. Pierre (20-2) vs. Masakazu Imanari (16-6-1) for the WW Title Matt Serra (9-6) vs. Cub Swanson (16-2) Cung Le (11-1) vs. BJ Penn (15-5-1) Josh Haynes (11-10) vs. Ben Rothwell (31-7) Gabriel Gonzaga (11-4) vs. Thiago Alves (16-4) Aaron Wetherspoon (10-3) vs. Aaron Meisner (7-2) [I]OOC : I decided to keep all 5 belts to see if one fighter could hold all 5 at the same time:D[/I]
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UFC 99 : Supreme Aaron Wetherspoon vs. Aaron Meisner Round 1 The round begins, and it is Meisner who starts better, energetically bounding straight into action by throwing a three-punch combination and a scything leg kick. Wetherspoon defended all four blows well, but is forced to be on the backfoot right from the word go. Meisner works for an angle, coming in from the left hand side with a high right hand. Wetherspoon ducks under it and nestles a stiff jab in the solar plexus. It doesn't seem to slow Meisner down much though, as he swiftly turns and hits a crisp left to the side of the head, followed almost instantly by a mid-level kick that smacks above the hip of Wetherspoon. Interesting first minute of action, Meisner is looking particularly sharp. Wetherspoon tries to turn the momentum by advancing quickly and driving Meisner back against the cage with a series of jabs and hooks, and they end up clinched. Wetherspoon tries a knee from that position, but it is blocked. Meisner scores with two sharp blows to the ribs, and then they break away from each other. Meisner glances at the referee, not sure why. They square up to each other in the center. Meisner throws a head fake and comes in from low down to hit a rising shot that catches Wetherspoon on the side of the head. Wetherspoon got a shot in too though, although it hit the shoulder rather than the head. Time is running down; Meisner has probably done enough to win the round, but it has turned quite scrappy since the clinch against the cage, both will probably be slightly unhappy with that. Wetherspoon tries a late surge, coming in hard and fast with a leading left, but Meisner defends it well and scores the only meaningful shot of the exchange with a crisp left hand. The first round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Meisner by 10-9. Round 2 Dull first sixty seconds to the round, as neither fighter looks willing to commit much to attack. They're both looking for angles to come in from, but they're constantly countering each other. A crisp jab from Wetherspoon that almost found its way through the guard is the sole highlight as we reach the minute mark. Meisner glances at the referee, not sure why. Meisner ducks out of the way of a punch, then back steps quickly, just in time to avoid the uppercut that was coming. Better from Wetherspoon, although no damage has actually been done yet. Meisner scores with a jab, then another, then comes in fast with a takedown. Wetherspoon scrambles and after an extended period of struggling manages to get himself into north and south position, on top of Meisner. Wetherspoon hits a hard right to the chest, then turns and gets a full mount. Meisner is really struggling, and can barely get his arms up to cover up from the strikes that Wetherspoon is now raining down. A quick transition and Wetherspoon has an arm and applies an americana. Meisner has no choice, there's the tap out. The official time of the americana submission is 2:25 of round 2. WINNER : Aaron Wetherspoon via Submission (Arm-Bar) Notes : Wetherspoon shows that he has submission game Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Thiago Alves Round 1 Alves meets Gonzaga in the center. They exchange tentative long-range punches. Gonzaga steps in to press the action, but gets caught with a right hand. Alves scores with a left too, then a crisp jab. Gonzaga backs off, that exchange did not go in his favour by any means. Alves presses the advantage and gets in a couple more jabs, forcing Gonzaga onto the back-foot, all the way until he is up against the cage. Alves stands just in range and starts throwing occasional straight rights, forcing Gonzaga to try and react in time. Gonzaga parries a few shots away, but also gets caught with a couple. He steps forward and tries to get a clinch, but Alves keeps away from it and continues to flick quick jabs out. Gonzaga is really getting schooled so far, Alves's hand speed and technique have allowed him to completely control everything about this round, Gonzaga hasn't been able to generate anything of note. Gonzaga tries to change that by coming after Alves, but Alves meets him in the center and exchanges punches, again winning the encounter comfortably. The final minute of the round sees Gonzaga try two more times, and in neither can he manage to break Alves's control. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Alves. Round 2 Alves starts brightly by throwing some looping punches. Defended well by Gonzaga. They circle, throwing tentative jabs. Gonzaga goes for a single leg and puts Alves on the floor, but he is up very quickly, preventing Gonzaga from getting on top. Alves definitely seems to want to keep this standing. Gonzaga hits a nice jab, avoids a counter left hook, then comes in low and takes down Alves again. This time Alves isn't able to get up, and has to pull guard. Times ticking away though, Gonzaga will have to hurry to finish. He goes for an armbar, but Alves defends. Gonzaga tries to slip past to get side control, but Alves just about manages to keep guard. A second attempt works though, and Gonzaga has the side. Two big elbows land, and Alves seems in trouble. Gonzaga goes for the kimura, but can't quite get it. The time expires before he can try again, and the referee separates them. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Gonzaga. Round 3 Touch of gloves starts the round. Alves comes in quickly, and unloads with a beauty of a combination, two jabs, a hook, a body punch and an uppercut. One of the jabs and the body shot definitely got through, the others were blocked. Gonzaga backs off, only offering a wayward right hand in response. They circle, then Alves once again comes in with an aggressive rush. They exchange blows in a flurry, with Alves bobbing and weaving excellently while throwing out crisp jabs. Gonzaga got a leg kick in, but his jabs didn't find their mark. Alves is relying on his superior striking skills so far, and it is paying dividends, Gonzaga is getting picked apart and is looking increasingly unable to to contend with his opponent's better technique. Alves throws a low kick, and that is really the first mistake of the round from him, as it is sloppy and allows Gonzaga to move in and grab a clinch. Gonzaga forces Alves back against the cage, and is clearly happy to have gained a position where Alves cannot unload with strikes as effectively. Gonzaga hits a knee, then gets three or four small punches in to the side of the head. Not much power in them though. Alves sneaks in an elbow, and then attempts to get free, to no avail. Gonzaga goes for a trip, but Alves pushes free and quickly gets back to the center. Gonzaga keeps his distance for a few moments to recover his composure, then gets ready to fight again. Alves works an angle, throwing quick jabs all the time, then switches stance and hits a long looping punch that finds gloves. A right hand follows up though, and that does find the mark, causing Gonzaga to throw a wild haymaker in response. Alves tries to capitalise with a further flurry, and hits a nice left hook, but Gonzaga soon has them back in a clinch. That goes on for a while, until the clock runs down. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Alves. The judges scores are unanimous, and give a score of 29-28 to Thiago Alves. WINNER : Thiago Alves via Unanimous Decision Notes : Decisive victory for Alves as he proves that Heavyweights aren't any competition for him Ben Rothwell vs. Josh Haynes Round 1 The two fighters circle. Haynes flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Rothwell easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before Haynes could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Rothwell moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, Haynes is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. Haynes forces Rothwell back up against the cage, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Rothwell in position, waiting to unload a big punch. Haynes does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Rothwell saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. Haynes turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. Haynes is up quickly, causing Rothwell, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but Haynes was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. Haynes throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Rothwell to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. End of round 1. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Rothwell. Round 2 Exchange of punches to start, nothing really hit though. They go into a clinch, and the pace disappears as both fighters try and get the advantage. Eventually the referee separates them. Jab from Rothwell, who then has to react quickly to avoid a right hook that was aimed right at the chin. Rothwell puts on a burst of energy and fires off a big sequence of punches, maybe twelve or thirteen in a row, although not many actually connected. Haynes covered up well, and gets in a couple of shots of his own before moving out of range again. Haynes gets pinned against the cage, and the referee eventually has to separate them. Low kick from Haynes, almost to the groin, although it didn't look intentional. They come together in a clinch again, and it returns to a stalemate. Not a great round by anyone's standard, but that flurry should mean that Rothwell will take the round on points. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Rothwell. Round 3 They start the round with an exchange of strikes, all from fairly long range as they circle and try to work angles. None of the blows did any damage, either missing or being straight into the opponent's gloves. Rothwell is the first to land a worthwhile blow, hitting a straight right that catches Haynes on the side of the cheek. Rothwell follows up by backing him up against the cage, throws a couple of big punches, but gets pulled into a clinch without doing any serious damage. Haynes goes for a trip and almost gets it, but Rothwell is able to regain his footing at the last moment. Haynes has Rothwell against the cage, and hits three right hands to the side of the ribs. Rothwell reaches down and picks up a leg, using that as leverage to topple Haynes, who pulls guard. Rothwell starts pounding away and does some damage before Haynes grapples and pulls him down into a clinch. Haynes has both of Rothwell's arms tied up, preventing much in the way of attacking action. Rothwell uses some shoulder shrugs to the face, but Haynes isn't going to be too bothered by that. Rothwell pulls one arm free. Haynes still has tight control of the other, and brings his legs up, trying to apply an armbar. Rothwell sees it coming and blocks it easily, getting in a couple of punches for good measure. Rothwell steps through the legs and forces Haynes to release the arm so that he can cover up against a series of strikes. Haynes manages to ensare one leg though, and so Rothwell has to make do with being in half guard instead of getting the full mount that he wanted. Rothwell hits a couple of punches, takes one back, then attempts to get side control. Haynes keeps him at bay. Time is ticking away, if Rothwell is going to use this position to finish the match, it had better be done soon. Rothwell pulls Haynes's left arm to one side and straightens it out, perhaps looking to turn it into an armbar. Haynes rolls over to stop the arm getting trapped. Rothwell continues to work for it though. Time expires though, the round is over. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Rothwell by 10-9. The official scores are in; two judges give 30-27, the other 29-28, all for Ben Rothwell. WINNER : Ben Rothwell via Unanimous Decision Notes : Rothwell with another win BJ Penn vs. Cung Le Round 1 Slow start; nearly a full minute of circling, occasional fakes, and long-range jabs. Neither fighter is creating much. Penn works an angle, but takes a low kick to the shin when he advances. They clinch, and end up with Le backed up against the cage. Penn gets a couple of right hands to the body, but his attempts at knee strikes are deflected by Le, who uses his legs well to defend. Penn pulls free and takes a step back, then powers in a right hand. Le gets out the way, ducks under a second right hand, and backs up to the center. Penn follows, and we're back to circling. Uninspiring action so far, they've both been fairly devoid of inspiration. Penn hits a couple of right hands, both hitting gloves, then a left hand to the body that connected. That was the best shot of the round so far. Le tags him with a flicked jab to the cheek, but it had virtually no power on it. Le leans in to a looping left, but it puts him off balance and it's only at the last second that he gets his chin out of the way of a vicious right cross that comes back. If that had hit, we may have had a knock out. Time runs out with them standing, circling again. The first round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Penn. Round 2 Le is the first to score a meaningful blow, tagging Penn with a jab to the cheek. Penn uses a nice straight left to return fire. Le comes in to work the body, but Penn saw it coming and uses a quick takedown to put Le onto the floor, falling into guard. Penn passes guard and gets into side control, but it's an awkward position; Le has the entire right hand side of his body up against the cage, and both his legs wrapped around Penn's left arm. Penn's attacking options are fairly limited. He uses a couple of back fists to strike away at the face, but Le covers up to defend them. Penn tries to pin down one of Le's arms and bring his legs around to trap them fully, but Le uses his free arm to stop that from happening. The ground battle enters a stalemate, as Penn finds himself unable to do any real damage other than occasional strikes, which he doesn't have the leverage to get much power behind, with virtually no chance of gaining a submission thanks to his left arm being trapped. The referee eventually stands them up, and the time expires before anything interesting can happen with them standing. The 2nd round ends. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Penn. Round 3 Quick start to the round from Le, he comes storming in with a flurry of jabs. Penn defends it well, parrying them away. Nice straight right from Penn connects. Le gets in close and hits a pair of nice body shots, then they clinch up. Le pushes Penn back against the cage and goes for a trip, but Penn blocks it. Penn suddenly pushes forward off the cage and uses the momentum to take Le down to the ground, into guard. Penn tries to grab an arm to work a submission, but Le is defending it well by using short, sharp strikes to keep him back. Penn tries to pass the guard, but has no luck. A punch from Penn connects, but there was no real power behind it. Penn fakes Le out cleverly, and slips to a half mount. Le manages to hit a firm elbow, then is forced to defend the full mount attempt. Penn switches tactics and tries to work a kimura on the other arm, but Le blocks it, squirms his leg free, and secures the guard again. Penn looks frustrated at losing the half mount after having worked so hard to get it in the first place. Le is liable to lose the round on points, but he has done a fine job of defending the submissions attempts so far. Penn tries to secure a leglock, but the guard is tight and Le is safe. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Penn. All three judges give a score of 30-27 to BJ Penn. WINNER : BJ Penn via Unanimous Decision Notes : Wow, another big win for Penn, he is on his way back to the title Cub Swanson vs. Matt Serra Round 1 Swanson is quickest out, and comes at Serra with a series of jabs and straight punches. Serra covered up well, and I don't think anything got through. Serra hits a body shot, but it didn't connect solidly. They get in close, and it's Swanson who takes it to the ground. Serra pulls guard. There's a lull, as Swanson tries to pass, and Serra defends it. Punches get thrown every so often, but it's really a stalemate at the moment. Serra almost gets a guillotine, but it's blocked and almost leads to a kimura for Swanson, but that too goes nowhere. The referee stands them up, but the time is almost over. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Swanson. Round 2 An exchange of jabs doesn't go anywhere. Serra fakes a kick, then darts in to score with a straight left before backing out fast to avoid a left-right combination from Swanson. They clinch, and Swanson winds up backed against the cage. A couple of minor blows get exchanged, but it's turned into a bit of a stalemate. Serra tries to push Swanson back, but can't. The referee waits a while, then separates them and gets them to resume. Serra makes Swanson back up against the cage by throwing some looping punches. He comes in closer and hits a right hook to the body, getting a jab to the cheek in return. Serra throws another two punches, both to the body, then steps back to avoid an uppercut. Swanson lets fly with a scorching punch though, and it catches Serra by surprise, putting him down! Swanson follows up and starts raining down right hands. Serra covers up as best he can, but it's not enough as the referee pulls Swanson off, the match is over. Official time of the TKO is 3:28 of the second round. WINNER : Cub Swanson via TKO Notes : Big Win from Swanson as he stops a former champion Georges St. Pierre vs. Masakazu Imanari for the Welterweight Championship Round 1 They meet in the center. Imanari hits a nice jab, a second misses. St. Pierre steps in close and hits a brutal body shot, causing Imanari to back up quickly. That was a really powerful shot. St. Pierre stalks Imanari, flicking occasional jabs. It looks like St. Pierre wants to stand and trade punches with Imanari. St. Pierre gets within striking distance and throws a bomb of a right hand, narrowly missing. Imanari fires off a raking left hook in response, but that is off target too. They meet and exchange punches. Imanari goes for the body, but gets tagged with a left hand to the side of the head. Imanari is rattled by it, but doesn't step off, instead throwing a couple of crisp jabs. St. Pierre throws another big punch, this time thundering it into Imanari's shoulder. They clinch. So far it looks like Imanari simply can't live with the power that St. Pierre has in his hands, you get the sense that if this continues, Imanari is going to wind up knocked out sooner or later. The clinch is broken, but within thirty seconds they are right back in it, this time leaning against the cage. By the time that is broken, the round only has a few seconds left. The round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to St. Pierre. Round 2 Imanari throws a straight right, batted away by St. Pierre. Imanari goes for a second, but gets beaten to the punch as St. Pierre scores with a kick that catches Imanari across the outside of the knee. St. Pierre throws another one, and this time it lands just above the same knee. Imanari backs off slightly. St. Pierre throws a high jab, then head-fakes and comes in with a left hook from low down. Imanari fires back with a crisp right hand that connects to the shoulder rather than the face. St. Pierre throws another fizzing low kick, again connecting with the knee. Imanari tried to check it, but couldn't in time. Those strikes are going to add up soon and start reducing his mobility. St. Pierre throws another kick, this time at chest-height, but it's merely a set-up to allow him to come in fast and start throwing a series of jabs. Imanari covers up, throwing occasional straight rights in return. St. Pierre backs off, but not before cracking another kick into the thigh region. Time is running down, Imanari has failed to deal with those kicks, and it has definitely cost him this round, and possibly done some damage to his knee. The 2nd round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for St. Pierre. Round 3 A touch of gloves to start the round, and we're underway. St. Pierre lets rip with a vicious straight right almost immediately, but it's easily avoided. Imanari sneaks a jab through the guard and catches St. Pierre on the left cheek, but the follow up right hook only finds gloves. They get close to each other and end up in a clinch, from which Imanari manages to get the better position, pushing St. Pierre up against the cage. Right hand to the ribs from Imanari. St. Pierre hits a couple of knees to the side. There's a struggle for supremacy going on, it's difficult to see who is winning it. Imanari tries a knee of his own, but that is the opportunity that St. Pierre was waiting for and he sweeps the standing leg to take Imanari down to the ground, in side control. Excellent takedown. Imanari covers up to defend against a pair of back-hand blows, and even manages to sneak a knee strike in. St. Pierre hits a big elbow to the ribs, Imanari definitely felt that. St. Pierre drives a knee to the near side, then attempts to float-over into a mount. Imanari brought his legs in though, and manages to pull guard. St. Pierre will be disappointed with that. He tries to get a big punch in, but Imanari defends it well and gets a hold of both arms. The fight grinds to a halt, with St. Pierre unable to generate any attacks, and Imanari unwilling to give up a good defensive position. The referee stands them up. St. Pierre will likely be very angry that he didn't make more of that takedown. They exchange half-hearted jabs as the round draws to an end. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to St. Pierre. Round 4 Fast start by St. Pierre, who has thrown three crisp jabs in the first twenty seconds, although none of them got past the gloves. Imanari circles, drawing a lunge from St. Pierre, allowing him to score with a nice low kick to the front leg. St. Pierre ignores that and darts in for a takedown, but only ends up holding one leg, Imanari hopping on the other to remain vertical. St. Pierre tries to push forward to complete the takedown, but Imanari manages to pull them all the way back to the cage before ultimately going down. That's a much better position to be in though, he has his corner right there, and can use the cage to effectively cut off any form of attack to the left hand side of his body. St. Pierre has one leg trapped between Imanari's, and is struggling to get it free. He throws a couple of punches, none of them doing much damage, and then tries to work on one of the arms. It might be a kimura that he looking for. Imanari defends it well, without fully escaping it, St. Pierre can't really do a lot with it due to how much he is having to stretch to apply it, due to his leg being trapped. Imanari suddenly releases the leg and scrambles up, looking to take St. Pierre's back. St. Pierre was ready for it though, and blocks it by pinning a half-standing Imanari up against the cage. It's a precarious position for both fighters. Imanari throws a couple of short-range punches. St. Pierre gets a leg in and trips Imanari, putting him back on the ground, albeit this time in full guard. It was a nice escape attempt from Imanari, at least he can take heart from the fact that it resulted in a better defensive position. Time is running out, it looks like this round will end with them in this position. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 St. Pierre. Round 5 The fighters come together right in the center. Imanari throws out a jab, but St. Pierre bobs out of the way and uses a right hand to glance a blow off the side of the ribs in response. St. Pierre works an angle and storms in suddenly with three crisp jabs and a looping overhand punch, Imanari covered up quickly but at least one of the jabs hit home. St. Pierre is making Imanari look sluggish in comparison, such is the speed and crispness with which he is delivering strikes. Imanari hits a low kick before back-pedalling to avoid a clubbing blow. Imanari looks to be working an angle. They meet in the center to exchange a flurry of strikes that gets the crowd on their feet. St. Pierre got slightly the better of it, he definitely snuck through a right hand that rocked Imanari slightly. Imanari initiates a clinch, and the action grinds to a halt. Imanari looks out of ideas, he is being repeatedly lured into these exchange of strikes, but St. Pierre is clearly winning them. Imanari needs to find some way to deal with them. Not much time left in this round. The referee separates them. St. Pierre tries a speculative high kick, but Imanari saw it coming and was well out of range by the time it came. Imanari tries to work an angle, but St. Pierre is having none of it and fires off a straight right hand to keep him from stepping in. Comfortable round for St. Pierre, he will probably be disappointed not to have done more damage given his dominance of the striking in this round. The round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to St. Pierre. All three judges give a score of 50-45 in favour of Georges St. Pierre. Georges St. Pierre is still the UFC Welterweight champion. WINNER : Georges St. Pierre via Unanimous Decision Notes : Big Win for St. Pierre as he stops top notch featherweight contender Masakazu Imanari Fedor Emelianenko vs. Wanderlei Silva Round 1 Slow start; nearly a full minute of circling, occasional fakes, and long-range jabs. Neither fighter is creating much. Emelianenko works an angle, but takes a low kick to the shin when he advances. They clinch, and end up with Silva backed up against the cage. Emelianenko gets a couple of right hands to the body, but his attempts at knee strikes are deflected by Silva, who uses his legs well to defend. Emelianenko pulls free and takes a step back, then powers in a right hand. Silva gets out the way, ducks under a second right hand, and backs up to the center. Emelianenko follows, and we're back to circling. Uninspiring action so far, they've both been fairly devoid of inspiration. Emelianenko hits a couple of right hands, both hitting gloves, then a left hand to the body that connected. That was the best shot of the round so far. Silva tags him with a flicked jab to the cheek, but it had virtually no power on it. Silva leans in to a looping left, but it puts him off balance and it's only at the last second that he gets his chin out of the way of a vicious right cross that comes back. If that had hit, we may have had a knock out. Time runs out with them standing, circling again. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com gives that one to Emelianenko by 10-9. Round 2 Silva starts out with a few straight rights, range-finding rather than actually dangerous. Emelianenko keeps out of their way. Silva steps forward and tries to unload with a looping left, but Emelianenko moves to the side and fires off a powerful right hand of his own, landing above the left eye. Silva doesn't go down, but definitely felt that shot. Emelianenko moves in closer and fires off two punches to the face and a big hook to the body. Silva parried the first two, but the third hit home hard. Emelianenko begins to stalk Silva, who may be slightly winded. They meet again in the center and exchange blows. Silva hits a high jab but gets caught with another hard punch to the side of the head. Silva clinches up, stopping Emelianenko from following up. It looks like Silva needs to change his game plan, standing up and banging with Emelianenko is playing right into his opponent's hands, as Emelianenko clearly has the more powerful strikes in his arsenal, and Silva is going to get floored sooner or later, judging by this round. The referee parts them from the clinch. Emelianenko continues to look ready to unleash some big punches. Silva takes a takedown, then comes in much closer, throws a jab, and clinches back up. Silva looks like he is going to grapple, stopping Emelianenko from throwing bombs. Silva gets in a few short punches to the ribs. The round ends with them still in the clinch. Emelianenko will take that round on points, having used the threat of a knock out to basically control everything about that round except the clinches. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Emelianenko by 10-9. Round 3 The round starts slowly, with both fighters circling, tentatively throwing out the occasional jab. Silva is the first to make a positive move, stepping in to throw a right hand, although he probably wishes that he hadn't, as Emelianenko picks him off with a crisp jab to the cheek. Silva throws a wild punch as a counter, but Emelianenko ducks and backs off out of range. They meet again in the center for an exchange of punches. Silva gets a clubbing blow to the side of the head in, but takes a hard shot to the stomach in return. The early pattern seems to be that Silva is looking for big punches, Emelianenko is happy to avoid them and use quick counter punches instead. They clinch up, and Silva manages to back Emelianenko up against the cage. Silva takes a half step backward and throws a big right hand to the head, but Emelianenko ducks under at the last second, scores with a pair of punches to the gut, then darts out of trouble before Silva can unload. Silva may need to think about changing tactics, Emelianenko is looking far sharper in these striking battles, and is beginning to control the pace and tempo of the round. Silva fakes a right hand, then shoots out a low kick, catching Emelianenko on the thigh. Emelianenko presses forward for the first time, getting in close and using a couple of jabs to the body. Silva gets a nice left hook in, glancing off the gloves, and then clinches up. Time ticks away and the round ends just a few seconds after the referee separates them. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Emelianenko. All three judges give a score of 30-27 to Fedor Emelianenko. WINNER : Fedor Emelianenko via Unanimous Decision Notes : And another win for Fedor Fight of the Night : Fedor Emelianenko vs. Wanderlei Silva (*****) Knockout of the Night : Cub Swanson Submission of the Night : Aaron Wetherspoon
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