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Strait Shooten With Robert Nigro - No Surrender

The Stallion

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I tell you what, it was been a while since I odered a TNA PPV because of my obligations to the Navy, but man was I glad that I bought the show last night. I really believe that every match, from The Rock n Rave Infection vs. The Prince Justice Brotherhood all the way to the 3 Way To Glory match was excellent. Here is my rundown. The Prince Justise Brotherhood vs. The Rock n Rave Infection I really thought that this match was going to be the down point of the night but I was very suprised by how it went down. Not that the match did not have talent, ever one in that ring was good and they all seemed on point last night. Its just that Rock and Rave have been buried so badly and PJB has been just a running joke so it was hard to see this match going anywhere. However it had good comedy, good action and the anticts between Curry Man and Christy Hemme were priceless. Good job to all those involved. Falls Count Anywhere Awesome Kong vs. ODB This was an OK match. I really thought that there would be some better spots involved but it served its purpose. I think its time for TNA to expand the Knockouts division and bring in girls like Ms Chif and Sara Del Rey. Kong is a great monster heel, but if you put her in the ring with a ok worker like ODB, her weaknessess show. Not that I dont love ODB, she has a great character and is fun to watch but the same can be said about her as for Kong. She needs a strong worker to be in the ring with to look better than she is. Abyss & Matt Morgan vs. Team 3D Matt Morgan where have you been hiding! He suprised the heck out of me last night and I think a tag team between him and Abyss could be money. However I think TNA might blow this one and have a one on one at Bound For Glory between the two big men. Morgan impressed me big time last night and it was good to see Team 3D go up against a team that can match them in size and strength. 3D was, as usual, good in the ring. They put on a good show and put over the two young up and commers. Good tag team match. TNA Knockouts Title match Angelena Love vs. Taylor Wilde I was very suprised at how good Angelena was in this match. She is the better of the two Beautifull People thats for sure, but I never pegged her for someone who could hang with Taylor. Someone tell me though why the heck is TNA waisting Rhino. He should be in a major feud with someone like Kurt Angle or even Samoa Joe. Anyone remember the hour long match he had with Christian and Angle on Impact a few months back. That was a great match and could have been a stepping stone for The War Machine. Instead he is now the "Best Friend" of Taylor Wilde. Shame TNA X-Division Title match Sheik Abdul Bashire vs. Consequences Creed vs. Petey Williams Another fantastic match! However you could tell that the match was very much scripted in advance as Petey was the only truly fluid one in there. I think its a good idea to put the strap on Bashire since he has such a good heel character right now, and we have not seen much of Petey latley. I think Bashire could be the perfect catalist to spark a much needed flame under the ass of the X-Division. Ladder Of Love match Sonjay Dutt vs. Jay Lethal Match Of The NIGHT!!! What an unbeleavible match between these two guys! They put everything on the line in this match and some of those ladder spots were fantastic. You could see the So Cal Val turn coming a mile away but that did not take away that this was one of the best ladder matches I have seen in a long time. TNA Tag Team Title match LAX vs. Beer Money Another good match. As much as I want to see Robert Roode become a singles star, he and Storm make a good tag team. Its a shame that Salenas has left the company to do a movie since she fit in perfectly with LAX. I said it before and Ill say it again. Hernandez is amazing! This guy can do it all and for a man of his size that is very impressive. Looking foward to the rematch at Bound For Glory. MMA Style match Frank Trigg vs. AJ Styles I only got to see the first round of this match since I lost the feed, but from what I can tell the crowd was not into this match at all. Even going so far as to have a audible "Fire Russo" chant going on during the match. When I finally got the picture back, AJ had a black eye and the match was ruled a draw. I'm looking foward to seeing how Trigg preforms in a regular match. World Title match Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe A great match that, if not for the ladder match, would have been the match the match of the night for me. I still dont think TNA is booking Joe as good as they can be but he looked strong throughout so I cant complain too much. Good way to set up a Jeff Jarrett / Kurt Angle match for Bound For Glory. Ok, now for the bad. Where the heck was Mick Foley. After the big "Have A Nice Sunday" teese, I expected them to deliver. No Surrender would have been the perfect time for him to debut but they did not even mention him on the program AT ALL. Come on guys, everyone knows he has joined, just say something about it! As usual most of the matches ended with some kind of outside interference. All of the big matches ended with interference and its started to wear on my nerves. There has got to be a better way to advance the storyline then to have interference in EVERY big match of the night! Also what was with Sting bringing up Bret Hart? Was that just to give a cheap Canadian plug or is there something bigger brewing? All in all a good PPV with some excellent matches. Plus it was great to see ol Double J in the ring again. Let me know your guys' thoughts. Untill next time.
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