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Pro Wrestling MAXX

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(DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THIS SH*T IS REAL...SO NO NEED OF ANYONE TRYING TO SUE ME!! ENJOY!! GHOST) [quote][center][b][SIZE="4"]Pro Wrestling MAXX: Prologue [/size] Date: January 2008 Alot has happend between the golden age of wrestling and now. Long gone are the days of Hulk-a-mania, and colorful characters and "Good and Evil". Those days are long gone. For the past few years, World Wrestling Entertainment (Formerly WWF) was riding high, being the "King of the Mountiain" in the wrestling world being the sole victor of the "Monday Night Wars". The first casuality was Extreme Championship Wrestling owned by Paul Heyman. ECW was pretty much beaten into submission week after week, until it was forced into bankruptcy in April of 2001. And even though a inevitable fate fell on them...they weren't the only ones. World Championship Wrestling (WCW) was having thier share of problems as well, as like dominoes falling into place, with thier "stars" going over to thier rivals, WWE (especially the well known 4 of Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn, and Malenko) or just quiting the buisness all together. It was ironic that WCW was leading WWE weeks at a time in the Monday night ratings for well over a year, only to have them scramble for someone to purchase WCW and save them from thier inevitable fate. But in the end, they fell into the hands of one Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Company and all. And even though he secured victory between his adversaries, he would soon learn that fate can and usually is cruel indeed. Shortly after the "takeover" of World Championship Wrestling, WWE soon came under fire. There was a "scandal" involving the purchase of World Championship Wrestling. Turns out it was the equivilant of an "insider" type trading situation. The story goes not only did McMahon knew about the problems dealing with the "downfall" of World Championship Wrestling, turns out ..he was behind them. Some of the potential "buyers" of the one prosperous company, suddenly "change thier minds" from deal and backed out at the last minute. (Thanks to Vince's influence of course). Thus resulting in the purchase of WCW alot cheaper than it was being offered. And like a good deal, WWE aquired WCW. After speculation flew around, the U.S. Government stepped in, and WWE started its decent into "Problems-ville". The U.S. Govenrnment investigated and after a lengthy and public trial, Vince and WWE was found guilty of all charges. The punishment? 75 Million Dollar fine. This definately dealt a blow to WWE and slow them down, but it didnt stop them. Over the next couple of years the WWE, began to pick up steam again, but thier string of bad luck would still continue to follow them. On November 13, 2005 former World Champion Eddie Guererro would be found dead in his hotel room, due to Heart Failure. (R.I.P) Although many speculated it to be Steroid or other drugs, this wasn't the case. However, a little over a year and a half later, the Benoit tragedy occured. And after the smoke cleared from that WWE was in the public cross hairs. WWE's stock plummetted almost 60%, and once again they were the target of a political "Witch-hunt". After 6 months this approx. cost the WWE another $50 million dollars and this time, with bad press and publicity, this was probably going to take longer than the "WCW" scandal. This was the equivilant of the "Apocalyspe", so Vince did the unthinkable. He released 30% of the talent of WWE, he dissolved the "Brand's Splits". But the one move that no one in the McMahon family, or anyone in the WWE would have ever expected, he sold back the rights of World Championship Wrestling and Extreme Championship Wrestling to Eric Bischoff (WCW) and Paul Heyman (ECW) for an undisclosed amount of money. Now it seems that the Monday Night Wars have come full circle with history repeating itself. And now with TNA entering the fray and little promotions popping up here and there, its only a matter of time if people will benifit from their "2nd Chances". TO BE CONTINUED.... (NEXT EPISODE: The Birth of Pro Wrestling MAXX)[/center][/b][/quote]
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(OOC- Hey guys..since I couldnt come up of how MAXX came to be....I just said screw it...and didnt make one...so heres the roster. GHOST) [size=4][center][b][font="Times New Roman"] Pro Wrestling MAXX Roster Main Eventers: Chavo Guerrero Finlay Elijiah Burke Nick Dinsmore Sabu Terry Funk Umanga Tajiri Upper Midcarder Kidman Jimmy Yang JTG Nova Paul Burchill Rocky Romero Shad Gaspard Tony Mamaluke Midcarder: Arik Cannon B-Boy Dan Maff Devon Storm Eddie Kingston Elix Skipper Jerry Lynn John Waters Justice Pain Kid Kash Sexxxy Eddy Lower Midcarders: Jason Cross Johnny Kashmere Josh Abercrombie Niles Young Teddy Hart Trent Acid Openers: Caprice Coleman Danny Havoc Xavier Enhancement Talent: Don Paysan (The Non Wrestling positions will be mentioned at another time...due to the fact that I want some of them..to be a surprise!!) [/font][/center][/b][/size]
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[B][center][font="Times New Roman"][size=3][quote][size=5]Pro Wrestling MAXX presents "BOILING POINT" Location: New Alahambra (Tri-State)[/size] Attendance: 2000 (SOLD OUT!) We see a familiar voice in the ring...and its none other than "THE QUINTACENTIAL STUDMUFFIN" JOEL GERTNER!!! He is welcoming everyone to the first show of Boiling Point and he is introducing the Color Commentators. Besides himself a young, unknown British man comes down to the announce table and is introduced as THOMAS CAMPBELL!! And then the song "This Is EXTREME" by Harry Slash and Slashtones, starts to play and its none other than MR. OH MY GOD himself.....JOEY STYLES!!! The crowd begins to chant "Joey, Joey" when all of a sudden some "sinister classical" music begins to play.... Gertner: "It is my pleasure to introduce to you at this time...the General Manager, Mr. DON CALLIS!!! All of a sudden the chants for Joey Styles later change into boo's when Callis comes out behind the curtain and he starts wording "Thank you very much " from his lips. As he gets into the ring, Gertner hands him the microphone and then he leaves the ring, when Callis begins to speak. Callis: "Thank you very much to my LEGIONS AND LEGIONS of fans!! I know there was a long list of potential canditates to fill the prestigous position, but I knew they were going to make the RIGHT choice..." Styles: " Are you KIDDING ME?? I thought we got rid of this crooked SON OF A B*TCH on TNN??!" Callis: "I hope that you guys are ready for some excitement and some action tonight...so without further ado...let BOILING POINT BEGIN!!" Styles looks at Gertner and shakes his head in disapointment while Campbell looks at those with utter confusion, obviously not knowing who Callis is. Rating: D+ MATCH 1: Teddy Hart vs Dan Paysan This match was a pretty solid opener, but surprisingly Hart didnt come out as a heel, but as a face!. Paysan wasnt bad for a vitrual unknown as both men got equal amount of offense in and working the crowd over!. Paysan tried to finish off Hart with his finisher, the "Canoli Crusher" (Modified Minchonku Driver II) but Hart countered into a damaging face buster type move and then he went to the top and hit the "Triple Bypass" (Shooting Star Legdrop) for the pin at 5:56. Rating: C ANGLE: "Painful Announcement" The song, "I dont know Anything" by Mad Season plays and in comes none that newest MAXX Superstar, Justice Pain and he in his wrestling gear. Pain: "Look if anyone of you PUKES dont know who I am ...take a GOOD LOOK! I am former CZW Tag Team, Iron Man , Jr Heavyweight and World Heavyweight Champion, and FUTURE MAXX World Champion JUSTICE PAIN!!!!" The crowd begins to boo him heavily... Pain: Look dont get mad because I am something that you will NEVER be....SUCCESSFUL! But listen the reason I am out here..is because ..I was intrigued to find out that we have another former champion in the promotion....a former ECW Champion...JERRY LYNN!! The crowd then start to pop when Lynn's name is mentioned. Pain: LYNN!!! Lets get something straight...you maybe gold in these people eyes but bottom line...YOUR A P*SSY IN MINE AND THAT THE ONLY OPINION THAT MATTERS IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN BUILDING AND TOWN! The crowd then chants "YOU SUCK" at Pain. Pain: "So Lynn if you got any BALLS underneath that skirt of yours, you can face me tonight..otherwise you would have proven that you are a big B*TCH!!" Pain throws down the microphone..and walks back to backstage, flipping several fans off. Rating: D+ MATCH 2: Urban Legendz ( The Neighborhoodie & SHAD) vs Josh Abercrombie and "The Analmoly" Niles Young The heels team of Young and Abercrombie were trying to draw heel heat from the crowd, but when "Throw some D's" by Rich Boy came thru the speakers...everyone was getting hyped up for the debut of the Urban Legendz!! The Legendz were playing to the crowd, until the song "What you know about that?" by T.I. played signifying that it was none other than EDDIE KINGSTON!! Kingston got the faces attention when Young and Abercrombie tried to get the drop on Legendz early by doing Young doing a suicide plancha on Shad and Abercrombie doing a baseball slide on Neighborhoodie. The heels had an advantage on the faces early on .. isolating 'Hoodie from his partner SHAD. While this is going on, Kingston is doing commentary with Styles and Campbell, telling Gertner "get lost or get your ASS BEAT!!" And Kingston is running down the Legendz saying they aint nothing but "Fake, Wannabe Wanksta's!" The tide turned though when Abercrombie tried to do a a Corkscrew 450 but Hoodie moved out of the way, which led to the big man SHAD coming in and wrecking shop on both Young and Abercrombie. SHAD destroyed Abercrombie with a Full Nelson Slam, which he was already hurt from the missed 450. Young tried to come in and help his partner, but to no avail, he got a nasty SPINEBUSTER for his trouble! Kingston tried to interfere again but Hoodie saw him and did a SENTON SPLASH on to Kingston off the Apron! The finish came when the Legendz did thier new finisher "THROWIN BOWS!!" (SHAD does a Roaring Elbow, while Hoodie does a Legsweep at the same time!!) for the win at 9:08. After the match, Kingston starts walking towards the back, saying "Its ok....I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU MUTHAF*CKERS!!" while SHAD and Hoodie dare him to come back to the ring. Rating: D- ANGLE: "Watch your step..." We see the "Iceman" Nick Dinsmore warming up tonight for his match when he is bumped.... Dinsmore: "Hey ASSWIPE!...Watch where you are going!" The man turns around..with a young lady....and its none other than PAUL BURCHILL!!! Burchill: "Are you talking to me you GRUBBY LITTLE PEASANT? Don't you know ROYALTY when you see it? Dinsmore: " NO....but I see a guy who is about to get his ASS handed to him if he has one more word come out of his mouth!!! Both men get up in each others faces when the lady (known as "Lady Daphine") pulls Burchill away Daphine: "Come on Darling, you dont need to soil yourself stooping to this "commoners" level..." Both men eye each other down....while Burchill is backing off. MATCH 3: "The Duke" Paul Burchill w/Lady Daphine vs Jason Cross Before the match, Daphine gets on the microphone and explains to Dinsmore that he has made a "Royal Mistake" messing with a member of monarchy. Then Daphine begins flirting with the young Cross, when Burchill hits Cross with a SICK LOOKING LARIAT! Then he started stomping on Cross until the ref got him off. Burchill "English" whipped Cross into the ropes and tried for another clothesline, but was countered into a crucifix but only for a one. Cross then tried to mount an offense on Burchill, but Daphine got on the apron and showed her "English Jugs!", once again distracting Cross..and Burchill hit a reverse neckbreaker on Cross!! And then he started yelling "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ROYALTY!!!" He then did the slit throat motion by picking him up and did his finisher "The Monarchy Rule" ( Flipping Uranage) and went for the pin, but he picked him up at the count of two, shaking his head "No", and then to add insult to injury...he did his other finisher, the "Pride of England" (The Curb Stomp) for the win at 6:47. After the match...as if his loss wasnt humiliating enough....Daphine gets in the ring...and ....lifts up skirt...and simulates PEEING ON CROSS!!?? Rating: C- Road Agent Notes: Burchill and "Daphine" make a good paring together. ANGLE: "I AM SOOOO GREAT!!" Styles, Campbell and Gertner cant believe what they seen in the ring... Styles: "Am I hallucinating or did SHE JUST PEE ON CROSS?? Campbell: "That simulates the most vile, disrespectful thing back in my home country!" Gertner: God I wish I was Cross....except for the beating he took. Shes like the British version of R. KELLY!! All of a sudden Callis comes into comes into the ring... Callis: " Is this an AWESOME SHOW OR WHAT!!? I know I am a great GM, and I am gonna do something for all my DESERVING fans out there...since none of you REALLY DESERVE ANYTHING! Tonight...one of the main event tonight it will be, Chavo Guererro vs Billy Kidman!!!! And ..YOUR WELCOME! Rating: D+ We see Justice Pain come back into the ring...in his ring gear........getting warmed up.. after a few minutes..he then get frustrated..and asked for the mic. Pain: You see, I told you this guy was a STRAIGHT PUNK. I dont even know how this guy even BECAME ECW Champion.... Suddenly "The Heretic Anthem" by Slipknot begin to play...and Jerry Lynn comes out... and we have a Match!!! MATCH 4: Justice Pain vs Jerry Lynn Pain start to smile when Lynn comes down, but that smile disapears when Lynn slap the taste out of his mouth! Pain is stunned and then he rushes Lynn but he counters into a arm drag! Lynn is clearly ready to fight! Lynn then goes and throws punches at Pain, but Pain returns the favor and Lynn realizes that Pain is clearly stronger of the two!. Pain then hits some power moves on Lynn with a German Suplex but only for a two, then he tries for a Powerbomb, but Lynn countered into a Hurracanrana. Lynn then goes and gets on the second turnbuckle and takes advantage of the stunned Pain, and hits a Tornado DDT, but only for a 2 count! Lynn tries to finish off Pain with the "Cradle Piledriver" but since his back was hurt from the German Suplex earlier...he couldnt deliever it, and Pain then countered it into a DVD! He tries to pin but Lynn kicks out at 2 and a half! Pain yells to the crowd "ITS OVER!!" and sets him up for the "Pain Thriller" (Angle Slam) but, Lynn slipped out at the last minute and he did a roll up for the win at 10:40! Pain cant believe it!! Rating: C MATCH 5: Chavo Guererro vs Billy Kidman Chavo did the same heel heat that got him over in WWE, and he even took down and ripped up a sign that a fan that said "Eddie > Chavo" Kidman receieved a warm reception to "WELCOME BACK" chants, Kidman looked a little heavier than usual, but he stiill was quick on his feet. Chavo and Billy did some high flying crusierweight moves, with Kidman getting the better of Chavo, which Chavo slid out of the ring to take breather. It didnt do any good when Kidman did a Plancha on Chavo. Kidman slid Chavo back in the ring, and he was complaing to the ref that he injured his shoulder. Of course Chavo was playing possum and took advantage grabbing Kidman and slamming his chest into the turnbuckle. For majority of the match, Chavo was focusing on Kidmans chest and he did the "3 amigos" on Kidman! Its seem to be over for Kidman when Chavo tried to hit the Frog Splash but Kidman moved out of the way, which Chavo rolled through and Kidman kicked him in the gut and did the "Kid Crusher" on Chavo. He then tried to go up on the top rope and do the Shooting Star Press, but Chavo played possum and moved out of the way, which Kidman landed on his already hurt chest. Chavo then picked him up and finished him off with the GORY BOMB at 16:03. Rating C+ MAIN EVENT!!!! MATCH 6: "The Iceman" Nick Dinsmore vs "The Experience" Elijah Burke Burke came out to a bunch of boo's and he threatend to beat up a few people and he got in the ring basically saying he didnt know why he was even wrestling for "a bunch of ingrates not worthy to watch him wrestle". His tirade was interupted when "The Kill" from 30 Seconds from Mars, started to play and Dinsmore starts walking to the ring with a towel over his head and his fists taped up. Clearly Dinsmore means business. When Dinsmore gets in the ring..before the match can start......some "Orchastra music" starts to play and its none other than Burchill and Daphine....coming down to do guest commentary. (and to screw with Dinsmore's head") While Dinsmore is distracted by Burchill, Burke takes advantage attacking him from behind. From that moment, Burke starts to work on the shoulders and chest of Dinsmore but Dinsmore shows his own offense, doing what he calls the "Trifecta" which is a German Suplex, then a Tiger Suplex then a Dragon Suplex, hurting Burke's neck, but he only hit for a two. Dinsmore then sets Burke up for a Camel Clutch in the middle in ring...and a stilleto high heel shoe hits Dinsmore in the head!? Dinsmore releases the hold and goes after Daphine, but he is blindsided by Burchill, without the ref seeing. Burchill then rolls Dinsmore back into the ring. Burke then throws Dinsmore into the corner and signals for the "Elijah Express" but Dinsmore moves and does a reverse suplex on Burke INTO A STUNNER!!! Dinsmore goes for the cover 1, 2, but Burchill puts Burke's foot on the ropes! Dinsmore starts yelling at Burchill and Burchill spits at Dinsmore! Dinsmore is stunned and Burke takes advantage and rolls up Dinsmore while holding the tights for the win at 14:39! After the match, Dinsmore attacks Burke but Burchill comes in and hits the "Monarchy Rule" on Dinsmore!! And then Daphine goes again simulating "urinating" on Dinsmore!!! Rating: D+ Final Rating: C- [/size][/font][/quote]
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Location: Kickers Club House, (Midsouth) , Attendance: 2000/ SOLD OUT Dark Match: Xavier def. John Walters with the X breaker. @ 5:54/ Rating D Kid Cash def. Sexxxy Eddy at 6:54 with the Money Maker. Rating C- [quote][b][font="Times New Roman"][center][size=4]VYNDETTA!!![/size] MATCH 1: The Backseat Boyz w/Donnie B (Trent Acid/Johnny Kashmere) vs. Logan Anthony and Danny Havoc Donnie B was a solid manager for the Acid and Kashmere, not that they really needed him! Despite the valiant effort put by Havoc and Anthony, they were clearly no match for the already developed tag team, and that this being Anthony’s first match (outside of dark matches) you can clearly tell that he was protected in this match, with Havoc being in the majority of the match. The finish came when Havoc tried to hit the “General Oroder # 24” on Kashmere, but Donnie B provided the interference, distracting the ref, which led to Acid hitting the Yakuza Kick on Havoc and then on Anthony. And that led to the “T-Gimmick” for the pinfall @ 5:50. Rating: E ANGLE: “Respect being owed” Justice Pain comes thru the curtain, but he is clearly not the same man from the Boiling Point show from last week, he actually looks “humbled”. Pain: “Ok, so last week I did something that I don’t normally do, I made a mistake. You see I called out Jerry Lynn and questioned his “tenure” as ECW Champion. And last week, he beat me. So tonight I would like for him to come out to the ring right now, so I can talk to him face to face. “The Heretic Anthem” plays throughout the arena, and Jerry Lynn in street clothes still favoring his back from his previous match with Pain. Lynn starts celebrating with fans, shaking their hands on the way down to the ring. When Lynn got into the ring, he was hesitant and was very defensive when it came to Pain. Pain: Look, no need to get paranoid Jerry. I wanted you to come down here and say to your face, eye to eye, man to man that last week, you earned my respect. Pain goes and extends his hand out to Lynn. At first Lynn is hesitant, but he then goes to shake his hand! Pain then goes and raises his and Lynn hands together to play for the crowd…when all of a sudden he hits the PAIN TRHILLER on Lynn!!! Pain: You stupid trusting son of a BITCH!! You think for one second you think that I would ever kiss your ASS!? You were lucky! Pure and Simple! In fact, you got a roll up on me you Punk ASS BASTARD! Pain then spits on Lynn and gives him the finger, before leaving Lynn hurt in the ring, and walking through a sea of boo’s. Rating: F- MATCH 2: Eddie Kingston vs Jason Cross. Before the match begins, Kingston comes out and says the reason why he did what he did last week on Boiling Point was because he was tired of all the “Waterdowned, Cartoon Charactered, Wanna-be Gangsters running around today!” He also went on to say that he was a “Real Thug” and then he went and challenged the Legendz to a match in two weeks, with a Mystery Partner! After his announcement he threw the microphone at Cross by distracting him…and hitting him with a vicious elbow. The force of the impactful blow lands Cross back into the corner, and Kingston hits his “Rapid Fire Chops” on Cross making his chest turn bright red! And then he whips him into the corner and hits him with the “Roaring Elbow!” Afterwards he signals the end and hits him with a very sick looking “Backdrop Driver” for the win at 7:54. Rating: D- ANGLE: “As hard as they come….or so one thinks” Finlay comes out to the ring and say he is one of the toughest fighters in the world today. He deliberately says “fighter” and not “Wrestler” because he will come and fight you to the death. He also says that he would fight anyone any style, anytime, anyplace, anywhere! Then he makes reference on being “hardest of the hardcore”, when suddenly we hear a “whistle blowing” in suchs long successions. And out comes Bill Alfonso! Alfonso says that he thinks that Finlay is a good wrestler but to say that he is the Hardest of the Hardcore is a blasphemous statement made, especially to one person in particular, SABU! Granted that Finlay is tough, but to put himself is the same class as Sabu is down right crazy!! So Fonzie challenges Finlay for Sabu on the next week’s Vyndetta, which Finlay accepts! Finlay said to give Sabu a little message and he kicks Fonzie in the gut and hits him with the “Celtic Crash” (Air Raid Crash)! Rating C- MATCH 3: Jimmy Yang vs B-Boy vs Rocky Romero vs Devon “Psycho” Storm So this match was a crowd pleaser because it had the highflying of Jimmy Yang, the stiffness of Romero and and B-Boy and the perfect balance of highflying and technical from Storm. All four men had equal offense in the ring including an impressive face off between B-Boy and Romero, with those two slapping each other in the chest and doing kicks to each other! This was ended when Storm and Yang did Leg Lariats to both Romero and B-Boy, but that partnership ended when Yang hit Storm with a roundhouse kick to the gut and threw him out the ring with both Romero and B-Boy! Then Yang did a beautiful Moonsault off the top rope to the outside of the ring on the other 3 men to prompt “Holy SH*T” chants from the crowd! After about 2 minutes all 4 men are back into the ring, Yang tried to hit another roundhouse kick on Romero, but he countered into a Dragon Screw Leg whip and then locked in a modified STF on him! Just before Yang was about to tap, out of nowhere, B-Boy hit a sick looking “Shining Wizard” on Romero’s face! The finish came when B-Boy and Romero were battling it out…and Romero hit sick looking German Suplex, and Storm came from behind and hit the “Mindbender” on Romero! Yang took advantage and hit a Flip Kick on Storm knocking him out of the ring, and he went to the top rope and hit the “Yang Time” on Romero, who was already feeling the effects of the Mindbender for the win at 15:37! Rating: C- ANGLE: Not Worthy…. “The Duke” Paul Burchill and the “Dutchess” Daphine are backstage cutting a promo backstage… Burchill: “You see this Daphine? These people don’t have pride for themselves! But I digress, anyway hello people of America, I am your good will ambassador from Great Brittan, the “Duke”. I am here to let you know that I am here only to savages know that I am Royalty. And you silly Americans need to know your place in the hireachy. All of you are beneath me..and the Duchess here! You “peasants” need to know your place in the world, just like your so called “Robin Hood”, Nick Dinsmore. You see Nick, I am Royalty, greatness is in my blood, and you want to get in the ring with me? You not worthy to be in the same BUILDING, let alone in my immediate presence! Get it through your head, peasant, that little “exchange” was nothing. If you get in my way again..I WILL make you RUE the day you came into my GODLY PRESENCE! Rating D MATCH 4: SuperNOVA vs. “The Anarchist” Arik Cannon The Anarchist was looking ready to wrestle when Linkin Park’s “Point of Authority (Re-Animation Re-mix)” starts to play and SuperNOVA shows up in a Black Venom “Spiderman” outfit! NOVA starts to play to the crowd but clearly Cannon is not impressed. The match started with both of them locking up, and Cannon gets the upper hand with a headlock, and then turned it into a hammerlock, but NOVA rolls thru and does a modified leg lock showing that he can match up technically wise with Cannon. After a while Cannon gets frustrated with NOVA and he decks him! At this point his attacks are less technical based and starts to brawl with NOVA. Hitting him with a clothesline and then executed a “Stalling Suplex” for a 2 count! Cannon then knows that the match is in his hands and he then goes and hit a Reverse Death Valley Driver and he almost got the win at 2 and ¾’s! Cannon is getting upset at this point, and he then picks up NOVA at this point and puts him on the top rope and tries for another Reverse Death Valley Driver but NOVA fights him off and winds up knocking Cannon down and NOVA hits the “NOVA Implosion” (Swanton Bomb) for the 2 count! NOVA then mounts an offense with a series of clotheslines and then tried for the “NOVAcaine” but he was countered by Cannon with a T-Bone Suplex ! Cannon then signals for his finisher “The Glimering Warlock” (Shining Wizard) waiting for NOVA to get up, when Cannon tried to hit it, NOVA ducked and countered with one of his finishers, the “Spin Doctor” (Rolling Cutter) for the win at 11:44. Rating C ANGLE: Unexpected….. Terry Funk comes down to the ring unexpectedly and starts to get a good pop from the fans as no one expected him to come out tonight! He waits for the fans cheers to die down before he starts to speak.. Funk: “ I thank you guys for that warm reception. Look I came out here..not to take away from the action of the show, but I needed to make an announcement….” Suddenly before he can finish his sentence, he is rudely interrupted Coachman: “Funk?! What are you doing out here? I mean its bad enough that you are out here wasting people’s time…they wanna see action, not no decrepit old man who is on his last legs! I mean what can you honestly say that the people gonna care about? That you coming out of retirement like for the 15 time? “ At this point the crowd is chanting “SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!” Funk: “You know Coachman, I swear you have one more time to say something, and this old bastard is going to kick the CRAP out of you!!” Coachman: I would love to see you do it….I hope you don’t get a stroke in the process!! At this point, Funk is pissed off at Coachman, and he drops his microphone and he decks Coach! Suddenly an “Alarm” type sound goes thru the arena and Funk diverts his attention from Coachman to the rampway. From behind, a big Samoan guy comes thru the crowd and attacks Funk! And its none other than the wrestler formerly known as UMAGA!! Styles: Now that is just NOT RIGHT!! I mean Funk has got to be in his 60’s and you have to sneak attack him? Funk tries to defend himself by mounting an offense but Umaga is just to strong! Funk ducks a clothesline and starts to hit Umaga again, but Coachman chop blocks him from behind, and makes Funk stumble to Umaga which leads Umaga to hit the “Spinning Uranage!” Coachman is then yelling at him to go up on the top rope while Coach is holding him down!! And Umaga hit a devasting Diving Splash on the helpless old man! Coachman then starts to stomp away on Funk’s injury old body….afterwards, Coach grabs the microphone…. Coachman: Now like I was saying ….I would like to introduce to everyone to the newest superstar in MAXX, the Harbinger of Terror, the Bringer of Death…Ladies and Gentleman I bring to you ….WEAPON!!!! The crowds start to boo heavily and borderline RIOTS, throwing stuff in the ring at WEAPON and Coachman, while medical personal go and attend to Funk… Rating: C MAIN EVENT: “The Belfast Brawler” Finlay VS. “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Yoshihiro Tajiri At the beginning of the match Finlay hit an eye gouge, taking the early advantage, and hitting a clothesline on him. Afterward he began stomping on Tajiri repeatedly until the referee got Finlay off of him! Finlay picked him up and whipped him to the ropes and tried to clothesline, but Tajiri ducked it..and hit the spring board elbow! Then Tajiri went to work on Finlay’s legs with rapid fire kicks! Tajiri later went for a roundhouse kick , but Finlay countered and hit a rolling firemans carry! Finlay finished the match when Tajiri tried to hit the Buzzsaw kick, but Finlay did a dropkick on the leg and he hit the “Blarney Stone” Piledriver (Tombstone)@ 18:56. Rating: B- Final Rating: C+ [/font][/b][/center][/quote]
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[quote][b][i][size=4][center]The MAXX-out Report[/size] Jan 2008 This is a weekly online report for all of our fans out there. And this is the premiere issue for our Pro Wrestling MAXX fans everywhere!! [size=3]"MAXX Expansion” [/size] After having two successful shows, the first being “Boiling Point” and then being followed by “Vyndetta”, MAXX has just been picked up by PPV carrier “Bresnan”. On the next show also named “Vyndetta”, will be our premiere showing on the Bresnan Pay-Per-View network. [size=3]“Pain-ful” Outcome[/size] On last week’s episode of Vyndetta, it seemed that former CZW alumni Justice Pain had a change a heart against former ECW Champion, Jerry Lynn! He called Lynn out and wanted to shake his hands, but at the end of the segment the only thing that was “shaken” was Lynn himself! Calling Lynn a lucky S.O.B. and pretty much saying that his win over him was pretty much a fluke! You can pretty much believe that this isn’t over between these two men. [size=3]“Guess whose back?” [/size] This man’s name is synonymous with controversy! He has been in the WWE, WCW, and just when you think you have all the answers for this guy, he goes and changes up the questions. He is none other than ROWDY RODDY PIPER! That’s right Piper is coming to Pro Wrestling MAXX, and “Piper’s PITT” is coming to MAXX! And who Piper’s first victim um, I mean guest will be none other than the “Experience” himself, ELIJIAH BURKE! [size=3]WEAPON” Usage!![/size] As everyone witnessed the horror that Jonathan Coachman unleashed on Terry Funk! The man formerly known as “Umaga” in the WWE, is now known as “WEAPON” in MAXX! From what was seen on the attack on the legend Funk, WEAPON was cold, ruthless and it shows that “Umaga” was only a mere shadow of how devasting “WEAPON” is! We are happy to report that Funk only sustained only minor injuries from his attack. But it probably not because WEAPON used minor attacks, but probably because of tough Funk is. It is rumored that Funk will be out of action for 2-6 weeks. It is still not known what announcement Terry Funk was going to say before he was attacked by both Coachman and WEAPON. More on this story as it develops. [size=3]“Vengeance served..ICE Cold”[/size] So it’s no secret that the “Iceman” Nick Dinsmore hasn’t been to happy in MAXX the last few days. First he, lost his debut match on Boiling Point against Elijiah Burke. But it wasn’t the fact that Burke was necessarily “better” than Dinsmore, but the fact that the “Duke” Paul Burchill interfered in his match. And then to make matters worse, Burchill’s valet, “Dutchess” Daphine simulated “urinating” on him! Obviously he isn’t gonna take this lying down, as this week Dinsmore opponent is Mr. Non-Stop Attitude himself, Kid Kash! Confirmed Matches: Jimmy Yang vs Teddy Hart Devon Storm vs Xavier B-Boy vs Trent Acid Billy Kidman vs Josh Abercrombie Elix Skipper vs Sexxxy Eddy Tony Mamaluke vs John Walters “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore vs Kid Kash Main Event: Finlay vs Sabu.[/quote][/b][/i]
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(OOC- Ok. so I fell a little bit behind, but I am gonna post the results of the past 2 shows and then go on from there. Thanks for understanding..GHOST) [center][b][font="Times New Roman"] [size=4]Vyndetta Results- Week 1, Febuarary 2008.[/size] Devon Storm def. Xavier with the Mindbender. Rating: D- Dan Maff def. Caprice Coleman with the Burning Hammer: Rating D- B-Boy def. Trent Acid w/Donnie B with the Cross Special Brainbuster. Rating E (These two had awful chemistry) Billy Kidman def. Josh Abercrombie with a Spring Board SSP. Rating C- (These two had good chemistry) Elix Skipper def. Sexxxy Eddy with the "Play of the Day: Rating: D WEAPON Destroys Danny Havoc with the "Swinging Uranage". Rating: D- Tony Mamaluke def. John Walters with the Sicilian Strech: Rating: C- The Iceman Nick Dinsmore def. Kid Kash with the Crossface: C- Main Event: David Finlay drew with Sabu in a Double DQ when both men beat up the referees in order to continue fighting. Rating: C Final Rating: C- Attendance: 8609 PPV Buyrate: .06 [size=4]Vyndetta Results- Week 2, Feburary 2008[/size] Josh Abercrombie def. Don Paysan with the Lungblower. Rating: D+ Backseat Boyz (Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere) w/Donnie B def. Teddy Hart and Jason Cross with the "T-Gimmick" on Cross. Rating: D Devon Storm def. Niles Young with the Mindbender: Rating D- Eddie Kingston def. JTG w/Teddy "T-Lo" Long with a "Roaring Elbow" after interference from Dan Maff. Rating: C- Tajiri def. B-Boy with the Buzzsaw Kick. Rating: C "The Iceman" Nick Dinsmore def. WEAPON with a Crossface. Rating: D+ Chavo Guerrero w/Carmella def. SuperNOVA with the GORY SPECIAL. Rating: C+ Main Event Dave Finlay drew Sabu with a Double Countout...when both men brawled all over the building. Rating: C- Final Rating: C Attendance: 9533 PPV Buyrate:0.13 [/center][/b][/font]
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[center][font="Times New Roman"][size=4][b]MAXX Promoter Entry: Wed. Week 3, 2008[/size] The night of the weekly Pay Per View appropriately called “Vyndetta”. A lot of things has happened since I have opened the door of the southern based wrestling promotion called Pro Wrestling MAXX, or MAXX for short. I always thought that running a promotion would be easy but I am finding out that its a lot difficult than one thinks. One of my prime time players is becoming a problem. “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore. Dinsmore and another wrestler, Johnny Kashmere was popped for drugs during a random inspection last week. This was Kashmere’s first offense, yet its Dinsmore’s second offense. I don’t need this from him. He is a very good talent, but I don’t want to fire him especially with the fued I have going with him and Paul Birchill. But I am afraid if this continues, I am gonna have him drop the fued to Burchill and have him get buried by lower card guys that knows how to keep their nose clean so to speak. So far my promotion has been doing well. I have been getting about 8000 plus attendance in my shows not to mention we have secured a PPV deal with a small company down in the south east called “Bresnan”. We have been doing very well with them. The first month financially we took a loss about 70 grand, but after we secured the PPV deal, I have a funny feeling we will more than make up for it. The Finlay/Sabu fued is developing the way I want it. Its seems like they compliment each other, with Finlay’s stiffness and Sabu’s sheer insanity, I am pretty sure I can make a good match and a memorable fued between the two. I wanna have an insane blowoff match between the two.. but the PPV carrier won’t let me do anything too violent. Also I have some HUGE plans with WEAPON (formerly Umanga) and Paul Birchill. But I guess the result of the show tonight will determine where these plans go. GHOST [/center][/font][/b]
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[center][b][font="Times New Roman"][size=4]MAXX show Episode #5, Vyndetta [/size] Dark Match: [size=3][color="#FF0000"]Jimmy Yang[/color] def. [color="#0000FF"]Danny Havoc [/color][/size] This was a solid opener high flying match between the Martial Artist from Japan and “Hardcore Icon from Iowa”. They had a good back and forth with each other, and both men getting decent amount of offense, but Yang finish off Havoc with the Yang Time (Corkscrew Moonsault) at 5:51. Rating: C Angle: The Iceman says “It aint over….” Nick Dinsmore comes out and tells him that Paul Burchill and Daphine can run, but they can’t hide from him and that they made a huge mistake crossing paths with him. He says that its only a matter of time before Burchill will make a mistake, and it will be all over. He also says that tonight that he says that him and Finlay better heed this warning. If they think Dinsmore is dangerous, what do you thinks going to happen when him and Sabu team up? Rating: D [size=3][color="#FF0000"]Arik Cannon[/color] def. [color="#0000FF"]John Waters [/color][/size] This was another strong opener match this time with technical style base between the two men. It was clear that both men have great chemistry with each other, with both men having counters for the one persons move and maneuvers. The finish came when Walters tried to go for a german suplex but Cannon countered with a Total Anarchy (Burning Hammer) and finished with the “Glimmering Warlock” “Modified Shining Wizard” @ 8:32. Rating: C Main Show: [size=3]Angle: WEAPON strikes again. [/size] We see Sabu drive up to the Arena, and gets his bags out of the car. Then out of nowhere he is blindsided and attacked by WEAPON. He is then thrown through the driver side window busting him open, and then WEAPON finishes him off with a “Spinning Uranage”. Rating: D [size=3][color="#FF0000"]Josh Abercrombie [/color]def. [color="#0000FF"]Teddy Hart [/color][/size] Abercrombie were definitely turning some heads after the last few weeks, but he had his hands full with the 2nd Generatation star, Teddy Hart. Abercrombie was definitely out matched technically and high flying wise against Hart. He tried taking to Hart aerial-wise but he would always have a counter for him! After that didn’t work, he tried to go for a full nelson, but Hart countered with a Sunset Flip pinfall but only for a 2 count. The finish came when Abercrombie tried to hit the “Taliban Backpack Lungblower” (Backcracker), but Teddy countered it. Josh then rolled on top of Hart and got the pinfall after using the ropes for leverage @9:21. Clearly Hart was pissed about the refs decision and he is clearly arguing with the referee. Rating: C [size=3]Angle: Video [/size] Hype video showing the recent battle between the “Fighting Irishman” David Finlay and the suicidal Wildman Sabu! Rating: C- [size=3][color="#FF0000"]T.H.U.G. Unit (Eddie Kingston/Dan Maff)[/color] def. [color="#0000FF"]Urban Legendz (JTG and SHAD) w/Theodore “T-Lo” Long[/color][/size] So this was basically a grudge match waiting to happen between these 4 men, when over the last few weeks, Kingston and Maff have been getting in SHAD and JTG’s business, and seemingly they were always one step ahead of them. Long did some good ringside for SHAD and JTG. The match started off with Kingston and JTG, which Kingston did some stiff strikes against JTG. He then hit him with a “Trap Arm Belly to Belly Suplex”. Then quickly tagged in Maff. Maff did a gutbuster type maneuver, getting only a 2 count. Clearly Maff and Kingston had a plan and isolated on their side of the ring, making it hard for JTG to tag in. Maff threw JTG to ropes and tried for a clothesline but he ducked it..and hit him with a flying lariat. He then made an attempt to tag his partner, SHAD when Maff ran over and hit SHAD just before the tag was made. The tide soon turned when Maff tried to hit the “Burning Hammer” on JTG and he reversed it into an impressive DDT. Then out of desperation, JTG tags his partner and SHAD goes and cleans house! He hits a vicious Spinebuster on Maff, then Kingston comes in and tried to hit him with a Yakuza Kick which he ducked. SHAD counters with the “Assault and Battery” (Forward Modified STO) and then clotheslines Maff out of the ring. The finish came when SHAD tags back in his partner and they do their new finisher the “25 to Life” (Powerbomb/Double Foot Stomp Combo), when Maff used a Pipe on SHAD and knocks JTG off the turnbuckle, which leads Kingston to hit the “Backfist to the Future” to get the pinfall @ 9:54. Rating: D [size=3]Angle: Hype video [/size] Showing a recap video where tonight Main Event will be Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Chavo Guerrero w/Carmella. Rating: C Angle: T’Lo files a grievance! T’Lo starts to storm into Pro Wrestling MAXX’s General Manager, Don Callis office, pissed off! T’Lo: What the hell’s up with this PLAYA? Callis: What do are you talking about Long? I mean are you upset that your “Boyz” lost tonight? T’Lo: You know damn well what I am speakin on ‘Partna’! Your incompetent referee’s conviently didn’t see JTG get hit with a damn pipe? See that some Bullsh*t right there! You see if you aint gonna do anything about this “son”, I am just warning you right now..I won’t be responsible for what happens in the near future. T-Lo storms out of Callis’s office, slamming the door behind him. Rating: D [size=3]Crusierweight Triple Threat Match [color="#FF0000"]Kid Kash[/color] def. [color="#0000FF"]Jerry Lynn[/color] and [color="#FF0000"]Elix Skipper[/color][/size] The crowd seemed into this match, even thought Skipper was clearly off his game tonight. But even though that was the case, Kash and Lynn definitely stepped up on Skipper’s shortcomings. The match barely stayed on the ground when all 3 of these men came into the ring, because all of them took to the air at one time or another. One of the keynote moments of the match was when Skipper did the “Skywalker” to Lynn to the outside of the ring, and then Kash does a suicide Plancha to the outside! The finish came when Lynn hit the “TKO” on Skipper when Justice Pain came out of nowhere and hit the “Pain Thriller” on Lynn. Kid Kash then came in the ring and “Picked up the pieces” and hit the “Bank Roll Piledriver” on Lynn @ 14:47 for the win. Rating: C [size=3]Angle: “Unfinished Business” [/size] After the match, Pain started to fight with Lynn after the end of the match. Lynn then tried to fight back and mount an offense against Pain, and as Lynn was about to set up his finisher the “Cradle Piledriver” Kash attacked Lynn from behind, and then hit the “Money Maker” on Lynn! And then Pain hit another “Pain Thriller” on Lynn! And then to add insult to injury, they hit a “Spiked Bank Roll Piledriver” on Lynn taking him out completely! Afterward they started to shake hands, and start to smile. Rating D+ [size=3][color="#0000FF"]B-Boy[/color] def. [color="#FF0000"]Rocky Romero[/color] with the Death Valley Driver [/size] B-Boy and Romero was in the running for having the “Match of the Night” due to their similar styles and having great chemistry together. With a series of stinging chops being exchanged, the crowd was clearly into this match! It would seem that Romero at first would win this match, due to his various suplexes and strikes, but B-Boy seem to fight out of it. He even got out of one of Romero’s finisher maneuvers, “the Lady of the Lake”. B-Boy then tried to take advantage as he hit the “West Coast Cutter” and the “Shining Wizard” which normally takes out most of his opponents, but Romero got to the rope before the pinfall could be counted. The finish came when B-Boy whipped Romero to the corner and Romero tried to “Hop” over him, but he was caught by B-Boy and got hit with the “Death Valley Driver” @ 10:39 for the win. Rating: B- [size=3]Angle: “Getting Ready for her man….” [/size] We see Carmella DeCeasre is backstage getting ready for her boyfriend’s upcoming match against Yoshihiro Tajiri. But then we see someone peeking through the door. And its none other than…SEXXXY EDDY! Rating: D- [size=3]Angle: Joey Styles In Depth Interview w/Finlay [/size] Joey Styles has an in depth interview with David Finlay with his fued with Sabu. Finlay is clearly getting upset that Styles is putting over Sabu as a suicidal mad man and starts to doubt if even Finlay can beat him. Finlay also then put over his accolades and how he one of the most known, most feared, toughest ever come out of Ireland. All of a sudden, Sabu’s theme music plays, yet Sabu doesn’t come out. Finlay accuses Styles of playing games with him, which Styles swears he has nothing to do with. Finlay punches Styles in the face and then delivers the “Celtic Crash” through the coffee table in the middle of the ring! Rating C- [size=3][color="#0000FF"]Billy Kidman [/color]def. [color="#FF0000"]Devon Storm [/color][/size] Kidman entered the match, even though he was a ‘Face’, the crowd was unmerciful against him giving him chants like “Change your Diaper”! In reference with his “diva” attitude in the backstage rumors. Kidman and Storm have very bad chemistry which showed throughout their match. Basically nothing really to report with a couple of botched “spots” during the match. The finish came when Storm tried for the “Mindbender” and Kidman countered with a DDT and finished him off with the Shooting Star Press @ 14:16. Rating: D+ [size=3][color="#FF0000"]The “Fighting Irishman” Finlay and “The Duke” Paul Burchill w/Daphine [/color]def.[color="#0000FF"]“The Iceman”Nick Dinsmore and Sabu /w Bill Alfonso [/color][/size] This match clearly didn’t disappoint! Dinsmore and Sabu had excellent chemistry together, almost it seemed that they were tagging for years! Burchill and Finlay didn’t do to badly either, even thought Burchill didn’t have a good night tonight, it didn’t have much bearing on the match at hand. Alfonso and “Dutchess Daphine” did a good job managing their respective teams. Dinsmore didn’t back down from Finlay stiff style, in fact Dinsmore gave him as much as he took from Finlay. But when Dinsmore started to tag in Sabu, Finlay played mind games with him and tagged in his partner, Burchill. Burchill tried to overpower Sabu, but Sabu was quicker than Burchill, and he did several aerial offensive moves against Burchill, including his infamous “Triple Jump Moonsault”. Every time that one of the ‘face’ participants would get in the ring, the person who they initially wanted to fight would tag out to their partner, initially irritating the “faces”. The finish came when Sabu hit an “Air Sabu” Plancha out to Birchill and Daphine outside of ring (off of Dinsmore’s back), but Finlay took advantage and from behind, hit a chopblock on Dinsmore and then delievered the “Celtic Crash” on Dinsmore for the win @ 19:32. Rating: C [size=3] [color="#0000FF"]“The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri[/color] def.[color="#FF0000"] Chavo Guerrero w/ Carmella[/size][/color] Both men are in the ring ready to fight, and then all of sudden “Lapdance” by N.E.R.D. plays throughout the arena, and none other than SEXXXY EDDY !!! Eddy has been a thorn in Chavo’s side over the past few weeks, when Carmella came onto the MAXX scene as Chavo’s new girlfriend. The match was clearly the match of the night due to the great chemistry they have together. The match started when Chavo tried to lock up with Tajiri, but the Tajiri went immediately after Chavo’s legs. But that offense didn’t last long with Chavo countering with a Hurracanrana on Tajiri. Tajiri would fire back with a Handspring Elbow and the Tarantula! The tide would soon turn back in Chavo’s favor after hitting a low blow and then hitting the “3 Amigos” but that was only for a 2 count. Carmella slid in a chair and then tried to distract the ref. But as she was doing that, Eddy ran down to the ring and stopped Chavo from hitting Tajiri with the chair, and he hit his finisher, the “SeXXXy Plex” on Chavo, then he steals a kiss from Carmella, who from the looks of it, doesn’t seem to be bothered by it! When Chavo see this, Tajiri then takes advantage and hits the “Buzzsaw Kick” on Chavo for the win@ 23:43. Chavo is yelling at Eddy and at the same time at Carmella! Rating B. (MATCH OF THE NIGHT!!!) Attendance: 8,941 Location: Mellon Arena (Tri-State) On PPV Final Rating: C+ PPV Buyrate: 0.08 [/font][/center][/b]
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[center][B][font="Times New Roman"][quote]“The Ghost-Writings” Edition #1- Week 4, February 2008 By “The GhostDogg” So this is gonna be my semi-weekly, by weekly “internet” blog on what going on in the world of Pro Wrestling MAXX, from my prospective. So without further ado, let begin. “Diva-ish” So its no secret that Billy Kidman is being the “Pre-Madonna” of the company for the last few weeks. Its one thing where he has made it PUBLIC that he isn’t happy about his push in the company, which he is placed as an Upper Midcarder at the moment. The problem is that he usually puts out about a C rating match over his matches majority of the time. His best match was a C+ rating versus Chavo Guerrero. Now fellow Main eventers pull out at least a C+ type matches. (Chavo for example pulls out a minimum of C+ matches with a match rating of at least B- average rating per match.) But that isn’t the reason I am against his elevated push, it’s because he has been troublesome backstage. He has had two incidents back stage, one most recently with Nick Dinsmore. If he keeps this up, I wont be renewing his contract, let alone he wont be working for this company much longer. “Blessing in disguise” So it turns out that I have missed the deadline to pitch my promotion to the T.V. networks. But that might not be such as bad thing. Turns out when I started negotiating with one of a lesser known television company (who I shall not reveal the name at this time), they wanted 90% of the revenue, but they wanted us to pay 100% of production cost. And to make things worse, their primary audience was only in the Tri-State area only, so that won’t give me much exposure. That is not financially smart…now is it? Now before I signed with Bresnan Pay Per View, after the first month, I was in the hole about $160,000, now after signing with them I made $250,000, not only making up for that loss, but also providing a profit as well. So pretty much I have 5 months left on my contract with them…and maybe just maybe I can get some overness thru the Bresnan. Time will tell. “New Signings, Good or Bad?” So I went and did some negotiations, and I have found two notable signings for the promotions. These guys are pretty much well known and I was shocked how eager to sign with the company, even though one of them is currently working for Ring of Honor right now. Both men have been pretty popular with in the wrestling community as of late. One of them was a former TNA and WWE star, the other is a member of the “Big 3” and even a former 4 Horsemen Member! But heres where the problem lies, my roster is extremely bloated. There is a few people I am gonna have to get rid of. Now Kidman is on the top of my “hit” list. Due to his backstage behavior and his outspoken “opinion” against this promotion. Not to mention that his has been putting on “substandard” ratings on in his matches. Especially if he wants to be a Main Eventer, he is gonna have to push out much more. -Ghost [/FONT][/B][/quote][/center]
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[font="Times New Roman"][B][center][quote][size=4]Preview Card for Vyndetta Episode #6[/size] It’s NOW OFFICIAL!! It was rumored on the MAXX website for weeks now on a tournamemt for every title that is at stake! And now it’s going down on the next episode of VYNDETTA!! [size=3]10 Man Battle Royal for the MAXX Crusierweight Title!![/size] Caprice Coleman, Danny Havoc, Dan Paysan, Jason Cross, John Walters, Josh Abercrombie, Trent Acid, Niles Young, Xavier, Teddy Hart are all competeting in a Crusierweight Battle Royal to determine the new Cruiserweight Champion. But this battle royal is with a little twist, you see when it gets down to 4 men then it turns in Fatal 4 Way Elimination match! You can best believe that this match is HARDLY going to stay on the ground! [size=3]Tag Team Match [color="#FF0000"]Justice Pain/Kid Kash[/color] vs[color="#0000FF"]Jerry Lynn and ???[/size][/color] After Lynn got screwed out of his threat match that he almost won, but lost due to interference from Justice Pain, and then the unthinkable happened. Kid Kash teamed up with Pain and brutalized Lynn, giving him a “Pain Thriller” and then a Money Maker Piledriver, and then a spiked Money Maker Piledriver! Now Lynn says that he will bring in a person that he deeply respects and that he will settle the score against the team of Pain and Kash! And he says that the only hint that he will give Pain and Kash is that his partner was an ECW Alumnist, in fact he was one of the members of the most infamous trio in ECW, THE TRIPLE THREAT! And for some of the tournament brackets!! [size=3]Round 1: [color="#FF0000"]Jimmy Yang [/color]vs[color="#FF0000"]WEAPON w/Jonathan Coachman[/size][/color] So its evident that WEAPON has been unstoppable as of late in MAXX, and nothing would solidify his “reign” than to win MAXX World Title. But before that he must go thru the quick martial artist, Jimmy Yang! [size=3]Round 2: [color="#0000FF"]Sabu w/Bill Alfonso[/color] vs [color="#FF0000"]“The Duke” Paul Burchill w/ Dutchess Daphine[/size][/color] Sabu definitely has a score to settle against Burchill as of late. As being part of the losing team with Nick Dinsmore last week, Burchill feels that Sabu should be a “simple stepping stone” to his crowning achievement of being the first MAXX World Champion, but then again, he’s never faced anyone as determined and suicidal as Sabu! [size=3]Round 3: [color="#0000FF"]“The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore [/color] vs [color="#FF0000"]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay[/size][/color] It would be considered either “fate” or either “coincidence” that the man that Dinsmore has to face to qualify in the tournament, is the same man who pinned him last week! If Dinsmore has a shot at advancing in the tournament, he needs to shake those mind games that Burchill is playing with him and get focused on Finlay! Because Finlay has no problems being focused on Dinsmore! All this and so much more including the Tournament brackets for Rounds 4-6 on the next episode of MAXX![/quote][/B][/font][/center]
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[center][b][font="Times New Roman"][quote]Dark Match: [size=3][color="#0000FF"]Yoshihiro Tajiri[/color] def.[color="#0000FF"] L.A. Blades [/color][/size] This match was pretty much a squash match with Blades getting very little offense in. Tajiri stood out in this match as looking good in this match! Tajiri finished off the rookie with the Buzzsaw Kick at 6:42. Rating: D [size=3][color="#0000FF"]Billy Kidman [/color]def. [color="#FF0000"]Elix Skipper [/color][/size] This was a pretty decent dark match between these two former cruiserweights stars. Both men went back and forth with offensive moves. Skipper hit the Play of the Day but Kidman got his foot on the ropes before the 3 count. Then Skipper tried for the “Sudden Death” but Kidman countered with a Bulldog, and then went up for a Shooting Star Press @ 8:43. Rating C. [size=5]Vyndetta Main Show[/size] [size=3]Angle: GM reveals the rest of the tournament participants….[/size] The show opens up with Pro Wrestling MAXX Don Callis coming out and said there will be a 12 man tourney for the MAXX World Title. In addition to the matches that are mentioned prior tonight, the other matches is in the tournament is as follows…. Round 4: [color="#0000FF"]Yoshihiro Tajiri[/color] Vs [color="#0000FF"]Billy Kidman[/color] Round 5: [color="#FF0000"]Chavo Guerrero[/color] Vs ??? (The identity of this person will be revealed in the Pain/Kash vs Lynn Matchup.) Round 6: [color="#FF0000"]Elijiah Burke[/color] Vs ??? ( Mystery Signing #2) Callis then goes on to say that rounds 4 thru 6 will take place on the Next Vyndetta Show. Rating D [size=3]10 Man Gauntlet for the MAXX Crusierweight Title:[/size] The participants were: Caprice Coleman, Danny Havoc, Dan Paysan, Jason Cross, John Walters, Josh Abercrombie, Niles Young, Xavier, Trent Acid, and Teddy Hart. The order of elimination are as follows: 1: Danny Havoc/eliminated by Josh Abercrombie. 2. Jason Cross eliminated by Acid. 3. Caprice Coleman eliminated by Niles Young. 4. Dan Paysan eliminated by both Niles Young and Xavier. 5. Niles Young eliminated by Teddy Hart when Hart tried to clothesline Xavier, but he ducked and hit Young instead. And the final Elimination was Trent Acid when Acid tried to hit the Yakuza Kick on Hart, just to back dropped to the outside. Now it became a Fatal 4 way elimination match. All 4 men were tired which began at the 17 minute mark. Walters wore down his opponents, while Hart did his combination of aerial and technical submission maneuvers, while Xavier and Abercrombie did their basic cruiserweight and brawling type moves. The first elimination came at 19:32, on Xavier when Walters did a Russian Legsweep, then Abercrombie went up high and hit a Phoenix Splash on Xavier. And then Hart locked in the Sharpshooter that caused Xavier to tap. Then at 25:04, Walters was the next when Walters tried to lock in the “Sharpshooter” on Hart, (Which was ironically Walters finisher as well), but then out of nowhere, Abercrombie hit the Taliban Backpack (Backstabber) on Walter for the pinfall. Hart and Abercrombie were the last two remain. Its poetic at this point because 1 week ago in a one on one match up between Hart and Abercrombie where Abercrombie defeated Hart (by shady means anyway). The match went back and forth and it went to the top A LOT! Hart went for the “Stu Hart Special Powerbomb” and then went up for a Hart Attack 2.0. (Shooting Star Legdrop) but Abercrombie moved out of the way! Then Abercrombie hit a Spiked DDT, and then tried to hit Hart with his Phoenix Splash, but Hart put his knees up! It even got even more insane after that, when Hart tried to for a suplex from the top rope, but somehow it backfired and Abercrombie hit the Taliban Backpack from the top rope prompting an “Holy Sh*t” chant at 29:19! Abercrombie went for the pinfall slowly but Hart came up at the last possible second! Both men are obviously are hurt and seriously in pain but the crowd is clearly applauding the two men’s efforts. The finish came at 32:02 , when Abercrombie tried for the Taliban Backpack again, but he countered and hit the Stu Hart Special Power Bomb, and then went up and hit the Open Hart Surgury for the Pinfall and the win to be the first MAXX Cruiserweight Champion!!! Rating: C- [size=3]Angle: Post Match Interview[/size] So after the match, Hart is celebrating his newly won title and Joey Styles walks down to the ring to interview Teddy Hart. Styles: “First off Teddy let me congratulate you on your title victory, that was certainly a hard faught match that you just was in!” Hart: “Thank you Joey, but you know what I knew from the start that I had this match in the bag, why? Because I am a Hart! Look at my wrestling lineage!? Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Jim “The Anvil” Niedhart, The British Bulldog? Need I say more? Styles: That is an impressive resume, but we are talking about you. I mean There were a couple of spots in the match where we thought you were done for, especially with the Taliban Backpack off the top rope! Hart: Well honestly, for a split second I thought I was too, but you noticed I said a “Split Second”! I want everyone to look at this face because the “Human Highlight Reel” Teddy Hart is gonna have this better for a VERY long time! Rating: D [size=3][color="#FF0000"]Justice Pain and Kid Kash[/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]Jerry Lynn and???[/color][/size] So Pain and Kash are in the ring and Lynn is waiting outside, when he grabs the microphone … Lynn: “And my partner, from Tampa, Florida, a former ECW T.V. Champion, Tag Team Champion and one of the first members of the Triple Threat, I bring to you ‘The Man of 1000 holds’, DEAN MALENKO!!!!” Styles: “Dean Malenko? I haven’t seen him wrestle in a while …does he still have it?” Kash and Pain start to laugh at Malenko as he walks down to the ring and gets in the ring with Lynn. Kash got in Malenko’s face and told him “Go Home Old Man before you get hurt!” And Malenko slapped the SH*T out of him! Despite that both men are in their forties, the team of Malenko and Lynn did very well in this match. But Kash and Pain were not to be outdone by the two veterans as they worked on Jerry Lynn’s neck for majority of the match, they even tried to do the same move they do on him last week, the Spiked Money Maker piledriver, but Malenko stopped them and then he got into it with Pain and they went one on one. The finish came at 14:06 when Pain got thrown out of the ring by an hurrancana (even though Pain wasn’t the legal man) and then Lynn did a flying Hurracanrana to Lynn out on the floor and they brawled all the way to the back, while Kash (who was the legal man) tried to sneak from behind and set Malenko up for the Money Maker Piledriver, but Malenko countered and hit his trademark move “The Gut Buster”, which then he locked his finisher, the Texas Cloverleaf, which Kash tapped to @ 14:06. Despite Malenko’s age, he stood out being very good in the match! Rating: C [size=3]Angle: “Hype Video for Ron Killings” [/size] Basically a video showing the former NWA World Champion Ron “The Truth” Killings is coming to MAXX soon! Rating D. Tournament Qualifier: Round 1 [size=3][color="#0000FF"]Jimmy Yang[/color] vs [color="#FF0000"]WEAPON w/Jonathan Coachman[/color][/size] Yang came out and didn’t waste any time with WEAPON. He attacked WEAPON with swift kicks to the legs almost majority of the match, and when he got him down to one knee..and at this point, Yang is looking pretty good, until he tried to hit another drop kicked WEAPON. WEAPON swatted him away and that when the tide started to turn. WEAPON then hit stiff Side Kick. Then he whipped him into the ropes and hit a very devastating Samoan Drop. He then hit a Spinning Uranage to finish off Yang, but he wasn’t done. Then he would go to the top rope to deliever a very sickening TOP ROPE SPLASH for the win @ 7:32. Rating: C- [size=3]Angle: “Chavo’s Revenge[/size] We see Sexxxy Eddy backstage hanging out with fans talking about what he did last week to Chavo, and then out of nowhere, Chavo attacks Eddy with a chair! And then he starts to drag him down to the ring and beat on him some more with a chair and laid him out, busting him open, but he wasn’t done. Then he went down underneath the ring and pulls out a 15 foot ladder, he then puts the chair over Eddy’s body and does a frog splash onto the chair, hurting Eddy badly! Rating D [size=3]Tournament Qualifier: Round 2 [color="#0000FF"]Sabu w/Bill Alfonso [/color]vs [color="#FF0000"]Paul Burchill w/Damphine[/color][/size] Burchill tried to take Sabu down with his technical expertise, but surprisingly, Sabu hung in there with Burchill, and the same could be said about Burchill and his High Flying ability. You can easily tell they have great chemistry with each other. And one of the shockers of the match was that Burchill actually did a plancha outside of the ring out to Sabu! They brawled outside for a bit and then they took the action back into the ring. The finish came when the tide came in Sabu favor when he hit the Triple Jump Moonsault and then tried to go for an Arabian Facebuster, but then Finlay comes down to the ring and distracts Sabu, Burchill took advantage and hit the “Royal Treatment” off the top rope (Flipping Uranage) @10:45 for the win and advances to the semi finals. Rating: C+ [size=3]Angle: “Unfinished Business” [/size] We see General Manager, Don Callis walking around backstage when Teddy “T-Lo” calls him. T-Lo: Hey Playa…we need to talk, we aint done yet! Callis: Look “homie” I’ve already said what I am gonna say to you ..there is nothing more to talk about… Suddenly SHAD and JTG attack Callis from behind and start to stomp on Callis and beats him down. They throw him into walls and hit him with chairs and then they hit their finisher, “Throwin Bows” (Roaring Elbow/Legsweep Combo) on Callis hurting him pretty bad. T-Lo: You see I told what was gonna happen, and THAT’S WHAT SUP!! We see a few minutes later that EMT’s come to look at Callis, and then a few minutes later a Ambulance is called for him. Rating D- [size=3]Tournament Qualifier: Round 3 [color="#0000FF"]“The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore [/color]vs [color="#FF0000"]“The Fighting Irishman” Finlay [/color][/size] Dinsmore is looking more determined to defeat Finlay tonight in this tournament qualifier, due to the fact that Finlay was the same that pinned Dinsmore on the last show. Dinsmore showed a lot of intensity as he didn’t backed down to Finlay, when he did a lot of chops and stiff moves to Finlay, but Finlay easily returned the favor hitting him with chops in the corner as well. Later delivering a back drop and working on Dinsmore’s neck further exploiting his weakness. Finlay then went up on the top rope and hit a double foot stomp from the top rope. He went for a pin and only for a two count. He then tried for a Celtic Crash, but that two was for a two count. He then signaled for the “Blarney Stone Piledriver” but then Bill Alfonso went and distracted the referee, and Finlay, when Sabu came down and cracked the chair across Finlay’s face! Dinsmore then took advantage and did the German Suplex to Finlay to the corner turnbuckle for the win at 17:43! Rating : B- Match of the Night Final Rating : C- Location: Mellon Arena, Tri State Attendance: 9,259[/quote][/b][/font][/center]
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[center][B][i][font="Times New Roman"][quote]“The Ghost-Writings” Edition #2- Week 1, March 2008 By “The GhostDogg” “When it rains it pours” So you would think with the termination of Johnny Kashmere, these guys in the locker room would get the message right? Wrong. I have upped the drug testing from once a month, to after every show. Would you believe that 4 guys got popped? And its not the guys that I don’t have anything going for them, luck would have it, that it’s the people that I currently have in storylines right now. So it would be a little bit difficult for me to get rid of them right now. I have 3 that were popped for Hard drugs right now. Fortunately for me, it all their first offense. The first failure is Trent Acid. That right..the Trent Acid whom I fired his partner not even 6 days ago! And to be honest I was going to drop the belt to him, but I wanted to build a fued up where it would be probably good for both Acid and Hart, because both men are young and talented, and they have years ahead of them. But I didn’t wanna fire him just yet. He seemed remorseful so I gave him a second chance. Second Failure is Sabu. Now this was REALLY disappointing. He is have a extremely hot feud with Finlay right now, for at least a month now, which sucks because if I book it right, I can get a least another month out of them, and I could easily put the belt on Finlay or Sabu. Third Failure was…..NICK DINSMORE! Another guy whose not only has a hot fued with Burchill and not only that he is advanced to the semi-finals. So that has put me in a very bad predicament. And there was another failure. Not for drugs, but for Steriods. Wanna take a guess who? Chavo! This pisses me off but what makes it worse is that when I tried to talk to him…he gives me the “Yeah whatever look”. So I think cause of his recent attitude, this could have a bearing if he makes it advances to the semi-finals. I guess Kidman is not the only one on my sh*t list today…. “ Making Space” So I went and look at my roster, over and over again and see who I could cut lose. The problem is that I had pretty good balanced roster, but I have to let some of these people go. I don’t want to ..but I have to. So what the first thing I have to do? I removed myself from the Active Roster. Reason why I did that because I could free up my spot as an Enhancement Talent on my roster. Because it aint like I can fire myself, can I? Contrary to popular believe..I might not be firing Kidman. If he can keep his act together, I might have another use for him….. Hart….Face/Heel? So the question that people wonder, why did I drop the CW title to Teddy Hart and further more why is he acting like a heel…if he is supposed to be a face? Well as far as the first one, Teddy is very impressive in the ring as well as the microphone, but the primary reason is because ever since I have hired him, HE HASN’T GOTTEN INTO ANY TROUBLE! No Drugs. No Fights, he hasn’t even show up late to a show! I took a gamble on him and to be honest, it paid off..so I am returning the favor, and I gave him the CW title. That should have a lil spark on the feud with Josh Abercrombie. And why is he “being a tweener”? Because I wanted to make his character like Rob Van Dam character back in the early ECW days. I want him to be an @$$hole, but a likeable @$$hole. We will see if that works. “Is he dead…or alive….? (Callis that is)” I did the thing with the Urban Legendz w/T-Lo /Callis on purpose. You see I wanted the story to go that UL has been getting screwed week after week by the T.H.U.G. Unit and Callis does nothing, and they get pissed off and well you know the rest. The REAL reason I did that is because I wanted to remove Callis as General Manager. Now don’t get me wrong. Callis is a damn fine talent on the microphone, but he isn’t connecting with fans as I want him to be. So I think he will be better suited as a Manager. Now to who? That remains to be seen. And whose gonna take over for Callis? Well I will reveal that on the next show. Hopefully that will shock everyone! -Ghost [/i][/font][/quote][/center][/b]
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(OOC- Ok. I don’t know how this happened, but it seems that I have a T.V. Show now “Conflyct”, don’t know how I did that because I could have sworn that I cancelled that application to the network….oh well…the SHOW MUST GO ON!) [font="Times New Roman"][b][quote][center][size=4]Preview Card for Conflyct: [/size] With the last episode of Vyndetta going off the air last week, MAXX gave a text book definition to the term “Cliffhanger” and now with our premiere episode of Conflyct showing on the MSG channel, you can best believe that its only gonna get hotter from there!! [size=3]Pro Wrestling MAXX Crusierweight Title Match [color="#0000FF"]Teddy Hart [/color]© vs [color="#FF0000"]Trent Acid w/ “Mr. 80’s” Donnie B [/color] [/size] So its Hart’s title win was a historic and momentous one at that, but first he is gonna have to defend his newly won against Trent Acid. And he is gonna have to be careful of Acid deadly Yakuza Kick, or it might be the shortest title reign in MAXX History! [size=3]Triple Threat Technical Match [color="#FF0000"]“The Anarchist” Arik Cannon [/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]John Walters [/color]vs [color="#FF0000"]Tony Mamaluke [/color][/size] This is gonna be a technical display of 3 of the hottest indy wrestling technicians in the game today! You have the Sicilian Shooter, Tony Mamaluke! You have the man who patterned his wrestling style after Killer Kowalski, John Walters and you got the Anarchist, Arik Cannon, master of the Glimmering Warlock and the Burning Hammer! [size=3][color="#0000FF"]JTG w/ Teddy “T-Lo” Long vs B-Boy [/color] [/size] JTG has had his problems as of late with his Nemesis's, the T.H.U.G. Unit. B-Boy hasn’t had much of a break either, especially with his hard faught match against Rocky Romero last week. Both men are gonna step into the ring and lay it on the line, Strong Style vs Street Style! [size=3][color="#0000FF"]Jerry Lynn [/color] vs [color="#FF0000"] Justice Pain [/color][/size] So these men have been inside each other heads and down each other’s throats despite having one match against each other! Lynn was a victor of that first match, but there has been so much fall out and bloodshed against these two men, and even bringing in other people into this fued like Dean Malenko and Kid Kash. But now it’s time once again for these two to battle. Will Pain prove that Lynn’s victory was a fluke, or will Lightning strike twice for Lynn? All this plus a couple of questions will be answered, like…. [i]Who will be the new GM for MAXX since Callis is out for an undetermined amount of time?[/i] [i]And which superstar who was injured has now made their return back to MAXX?[/i] All this and more on the premiere episode of Conflyct [/font][/quote][/b][/center]
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[center][font="Times New Roman"][b] [size=5]Conflyct Show[/size] Dark Match: [size=3][color="#FF0000"]Niles Young vs Xavier[/size][/color] This match was probably the worse one ever booked for MAXX. The crowd let the two men know that they did not come to the show to see two jobbers fight with each other. And as if it couldn’t get any worse, these two have absolutely no chemistry at all with each other. And Xavier was off his game tonight with blown spots and clearly messed up moves. The suffering ended when Young hit the “West Nile Virus at 7:31 for the win. Rating: F+ [size=3]Angle: Killings is coming…[/size] Ron Killings did a Hype interview saying that his time was coming and that he would be in MAXX soon. He also said “Forget all the gimmicks, forget all the dancing and the rapping, this is the REAL TRUTH you gonna see in MAXX! Rating: C- [size=3][color="#FF0000"]Finlay[/color] def[color="#0000FF"] L.A. Blades[/color] (Me)[/size] Despite Blades experience, he didn’t back down from the veteran. Although Finlay slapped Blades but then Blades got tired of getting beat and then he slapped him back! Blades then tried to feel the crowd and tried to go for his finisher (Very early in the match I might add) for the L.A.P.D. (Logan Anthony Piledriver) but Finlay being the wily veteran that he is, countered that and hit the Celtic Crash. Rating: C- [size=5]Main Show: Conflyct[/size] [size=3]Triple Threat Match: [color="#FF0000"]Tony Mamaluke [/color]vs. [color="#FF0000"]Arik Cannon[/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]John Walters [/color][/size] This was a pretty solid opener between these 3 technical geniuses! The highlight spot of the match was when everyone got each other in a hammerlock on each other! And it got painful from there. One point Walters locked in the Sharpshooter on Mamaluke while Cannon locked in his version of the “Rings of Saturn” on Mamaluke at the same time! Mamaluke got to ropes…before he can tap..and believe me..he was about to tap! The finish came when Cannon hit the Glimmering Warlock (Shining Wizard variation) on Walters but Mamaluke locked in the Sicilian Stretch on Cannon when he tried to pin Walters@ 7:42. Rating: C- [size=3]Angle: "The New GM"[/size] So we see Joey Styles in the ring…and he is about to announce the new General Manager of MAXX. Styles: It brings me great pleasure to announce the new General Manager of Pro Wrestling MAXX. He is a legend in the wrestling world and pretty sure to cause controversy everywhere he goes…ladies and gentleman I bring to you……. Bagpipes begin to play … Styles: “ROWDY…….RODDY …..PIPER!!!!” The English commentator Thomas Campbell starts to get excited. Campbell: “In the words of my colleague in the ring…OH MY BLOODY GOD!!!” Gertner: “Man…you have been hanging around Styles too long!” Piper starts to slap hands with the fans and play to the crowd as they start to chant his name. He gets in the ring and shakes Joey Styles hands. Piper: “Well well well! I guess you guys were expecting someone else? Like umm Teddy Long? Well no disrespect to Long but the HOT ROD is here! The crowd begins to chant “HOT ROD”! Piper:“Speaking of Long, over the past couple weeks I have been following the so called ‘hippy hop’ feud between the Urban Legendz and G-Unit, B-unit, Thug Unit…whatever they call themselves. You know what I am talking about!! Well anyway, don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree what happened to Callis, but..he did have it coming trying to turn a Blind eye to things! But that right now..is going to change! My first order of business is deal with this Legends/Unit problem! First off involving the Unit and the Legendz in a few weeks time, in a date that I determine, there will be a tag team match between the Unit and the Legendz. But not just any match boys and girls!! This will be a special match between these two! Since both these men claims that they are from the “streets”, they will be in a STREET FIGHT!! The crowd starts to go nuts… Piper: "But that not all, sports fan’s! Because this just isn’t any Street Fight! This is will be a BEST OF 3 FALLS STREET FIGHT! Anything goes! The only reason the ref will be there will be to count the pinfall or submission…THAT’S IT! And believe this, with me being the General Manager of MAXX; nothing will ever be the same again! The bagpipes start to play and Piper leaves the ring slapping hands with fans on the way to the back. Rating: C [size=3]MAXX Cruiserweight Title Match [color="#0000FF"]Teddy Hart [/color]vs. [color="#FF0000"]Trent Acid w/ “Mr. 80’s” Donnie B[/size][/color] This was Hart’s first title defense after he went through the grueling 10 man Battle Royal to win the title. But before the match would begin who would come out? The song “Beat It” by Michael Jackson began to play and “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie comes out …antagonizing the crowd and going to the ladies and rubbing in moustache. Abercrombie distracts Hart and Acid takes advantage of the distraction. Abercrombie sits down with Gertner and Styles and starts to run down Hart saying that he was a “Fluke” champion and that he should be the first in line to face Hart and not Acid, due to the fact that Abercrombie has defeated him before. Donnie B did some good work ringside with Acid. Hart was clearly not on top of his game tonight, possibly due to fatigue from being in a 30 minute match not even a week prior. But still Hart did his best fighting against with the Acid. Acid got an early offense against Hart with the double knee rush while Hart was in the corner. And then tried working on the neck and back of Hart (due to the fact that he has had it hurt due to Abercrombie’s finisher, "The Flashback" (Lungblower), Hart then mounted a comeback by countering a clothesline into a cut throat neckbreaker. He then went up and tried for a moonsault but Abercrombie tried to interfere again, but this time Hart saw it, and he hit the Open Hart Surgery (Corkscrew Moonsault) on Abercrombie on the outside! Hart turned his attention back to Acid on the inside, but Acid kicked him in the gut and put hart up on the ropes and tried for the Acid Bomb, but Hart countered into a rana, and then hit Acid with a Side kick to the face. Afterwards, Hart executed the Stu Hart Special (Gory Special Powerbomb) and went up top and hit the Hart Attack (Shooting Hart Legdrop) @9:56. After the match, Hart looks at Abercrombie and words “If you want this…come and GET IT!” Rating:D+ [size=3]Angle: “Present for the Audience” [/size] So Duchess Daphine comes and in a trench coat and she is greeted with nothing but boos! Daphine: “Now calm down loves… I know that I haven’t been a real good girl to you ‘yanks’ lately, but I figure that I show you why Britain is so much better..” Then some music begins to play and she takes off her coat and reveals a Catholic school Girl outfit! She starts to strip off some her clothing..and the crowd is hooting and hollering and right when she is about to take off her shirt and skirt to reveal and panties, she suddenly covers herself and picks up her coat and grabs the microphone. Daphine: And because you ‘yanks’ are horny little ‘buggers’ you don’t deserve to see this. In fact the only one that will see the finish of this show is my ‘Duke’! Then she walks out of the ring with her nose to the air in a snooty fashion, while fans give her the finger and what not. Rating: D+ [size=3][color="#0000FF"]JTG w/ T-Lo[/color] vs.[color="#0000FF"]B-Boy[/color][/size] JTG showed a more sinister side last week when SHAD and him attacked former General Manager, Don Callis. But JTG showed respect to B-Boy and extended his hand before the match before the match started which B-Boy shook in mutual respect. JTG took the advantage early when he went “Street Style” early with some boxing jabs that stunned the West Coast fighter. He then whipped him down to the ropes and did a drop toe hold on B-Boy and then did a quick boot to the face while B-Boy was down called the “Brooklyn Boot” (made famous by TAZ). The tide turned when JTG tried for a suplex on B-Boy but B-Boy countered, and hit JTG in the ribs with his knee and delivered the “One Hitter Quitter” (Suplex into a Stunner). And that when B-Boy went to work with his “Strong Style” he then hit JTG with several stiff elbow strikes on JTG, with the last one knocking him down in the corner. Then B-Boy went and threw up the “West Coast symbol” and did his patented maneuver, the “Southern California Facelift” (Running Dropkick to the face). B-Boy tried to signal for his finisher, the “Shining Wizard” but JTG was playing possum and hit a Jumping Dropkick to the face! JTG started to gain back some of the momentum he lost when all of a sudden, the song “What you know about that” by T.I. started to play and it’s none other than T.H.U.G. Unit Member Eddie Kingston comes down to ringside and distracts JTG! The referee sees this and order Kingston to leave and the ref goes outside the ring and tells Kingston to leave…and JTG is staring at Kingston, and then out of nowhere, Rocky Romero comes from behind and attacks B-Boy with a sick looking Dragon Suplex right on B-Boy’s neck! B-Boy is out! When JTG turns around and see’s B-Boy out on the ground, he looks around to see who knocked him out..and reluctantly gets the pin for the win at 12:30. Rating: D- [size=3]Angle: "The Setup"[/size] After the match, Kingston knocks runs back down to the ring and this time when the referee gets in the way, he BITCH SLAPS the ref, knocking him down. Then he goes and fights JTG one on one. And just when JTG gets the upper hand, then from the crowd, Dan Maff comes in and attacks JTG. They are doing a sneak attack just like they did a few weeks ago. But then B-Boy enters in the fray and helps JTG! JTG and B-Boy are standing strong until Rocky Romero attacks B-Boy from behind and then he attacks JTG! Just as the three are stomping away on B-Boy and JTG, SHAD comes down with a baseball bat, scaring them off. Kingston and Maff start to laugh at the guys in the ring…while Romero does the cut throat motion. Rating D. [size=3][color="#FF0000"]Justice Pain[/color] vs. [color="#0000FF"]Jerry Lynn [/color][/size] This match has been brewing for weeks now. Lynn is looking at Pain with a certain determination and Pain is returning the staring glance with much more hatred in his eyes. This match is much more important to Pain due to the fact that Lynn has already beaten him already. Before the Bell rings, Pain says that he has a request. He doesn’t want to have a regular “p**sy” fight. So he says that he wants a No DQ match, and he asks if Lynn is man enough. Lynn replies… “Ring the F*cking Bell!” and then all hell breaks loose! Lynn rushes him with an elbow to the face and kicks him several times while he is on the ground. He then goes out to the crowd where they hand him…A FRYING PAN!! He cracks Pain over the head busting him open! He then tries to go up to the top rope with the frying pan but just as Lynn comes off the top rope, Pain counters and does a belly to belly suplex! Pain gets the frying pan and hits Lynn 3 times in the face with it, busting him open! Then Pain takes and advantage and goes under the ring and gets….LIGHT TUBES? He gets 3 light tubes and grabs Lynn and Powerbombs him on top of the lighttubes! (Holy SH*T!!! Chant starts thru the crowd). Pain tries to go for the pin, but Lynn kicks out! Pain goes out and gets a chair, but when Pain comes back in to the ring, Lynn does a drop kick to the chair, hitting Pain in the face doing his version of the Van-Daminator! This bloodies up Pain even more! Lynn then goes under the ring and grabs a table and sets it on the outside of the ring! Then he grabs another chair..Goes back into the ring and as Pain starts to get on his knees, Lynn hits Pain in the face with it! Pain yells “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT YOU F’N P*SSY?!” Lynn throws the chair in Pain’s face which he catches it, and Lynn does a standing dropkick in the face again with the chair in front of it! Both men at this point are very bloody and the ref almost looks like he wants to stop the match, but due to the agreement from both men in the match, it’s a no DQ match. Lynn goes underneath the ring and pulls out a “Do Not Enter” Sign! He then sets up two chair and places the sign in between to make some sort of platform, he then picks up Pain and tries to hit him with a Tornado DDT on the makeshift platform but Pain changes into the “Pain Thriller” out of nowhere through the chair and sign! Lynn is clearly clutching his lower back in pain! Pain doesn’t even go for the cover, he then slowly goes underneath the ring and grabs a big 5 pound bag….that looks like sugar…until he pours it out on the table already set up below. Styles: “Wait a min…is that Salt and THUMBTACKS? He NOT gonna do what I think he gonna do? Pain gets Lynn who can barely walk at this point and does the ultimate humiliation….he goes to the edge of the ring apron and does the “Cradle Piledriver”, Lynn’s own finishing move down onto the table below with the thumbtacks and salt! Styles: OH MY F’N GOD!!! The crowd begins to chant “HOLY SH*T” louder this time! Gertner: Oh my god…PAIN JUST KILLED LYNN! With the last little bit of strength left, Pain goes over to cover Lynn and even though they are outside of the ring, the referee counts the pinfall for the win @ 11:14. After the match, Lynn wasn’t moving and Pain, who can barely stand up, looks down and spits on Lynn. Pain limps back to the locker room where EMT’s and Medical attention had to attend to a bloody Jerry Lynn. A few minutes later, Lynn got to his feet and began to walk out refusing any assistance as the crowd chanted “JERRY F’N LYNN”! This was by far the Match of the Night Winner. Rating C. [size=3]Angle: “A legend returns.” [/size] After the debris in the ring is cleaned up, and interview set is set up. And Joey Styles comes down to the ring! Styles: Ladies and gentleman, please allow me to introduce to you my guest at this time the return of the Hardcore Legend, TERRY FUNK! Terry Funk comes out to the crowd who was hot from that last match, as they chanted, “Welcome Back!” Styles: Welcome back Terry it’s good to see you again, and it seem that you are healed from your injuries that you sustained a few weeks ago. Funk: Thank you very much; it’s good to be back. I had to take a break from some of the scrapes that WEAPON gave me. And speaking of which, I have a message for WEAPON. You think that you can take out the Hardcore Icon? I aint called the Crazy old Bastard for no reason….” Then suddenly from behind Funk is attacked…and his assailant…is KID KASH? Styles: What the hell is wrong with you? What are you doing? Kash: SHUT THE HELL UP STYLES, OR I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS NEXT!! (Kash starts to yell to the crowd) MALENKO! I KNOW YOU ARE HERE! GET YOUR OLD COWARD ASS OUT HERE! No response. Kash: Ok. Since you don’t want to fight me, then I will have someone take you place, this old decrepit piece of trash right here! Give me a ref and ring the bell! And that leads to the next match… Rating: D+ [size=3][color="#0000FF"]Terry Funk [/color]vs. [color="#FF0000"]Kid Kash[/color][/size] Funk was pretty much taken advantage of since the beginning of this match. I mean Funk didn’t even have his wrestling gear on! But after a minute into the match, it didn’t matter what the Funker was wearing because he started to fight back against the young punk. He started throwing jabs against the young punk, when Kash raked his eyes and and hit Funk in the knee. Both Kash and Funk were off their game tonight and it showed in their matches. The finish came Funk was going to do the Funker DDT, when Kash low blowed him and the ref didn’t see it. (OOC- Now why do you need to low blow Funk? I mean the man is 3 years younger than JESUS!!! LOL) Then Kash set him up for the Money Maker Piledriver, when suddenly a voice is heard over the P.A. Voice: “Hey Kash!” Malenko steps outside the curtain to reveal himself. Styles: “It’s MALENKO!! I thought he wasn’t in the building!” Malenko: “So this is what you have to stoop to? You have to go after an old man like Funk, when you couldn’t find me?” Kash: “Why don’t you come down here..and you can take his place!” And when Malenko starts to walks down the ramp way, he turned his attention away from the old man….BIG MISTAKE! Funk turns around Kash and hits him with his own Piledriver for the win at 10:34. After the match, Malenko goes down to the ring and raises the hand of Funk, and gives him a hug, welcoming him back. Rating: D+ [size=3]Angle: “Bringing Sexy Back”[/size] We see Carmella, Chavo’s Girlfriend, getting sexy backstage…and who do we see peeking thru the cracks? SEXXXY EDDY of course! Rating: D- Jonathan Coachman walks thru the Ramp way. Coachman: I am so sorry to be an intrusion of your fine show this afternoon. (The prompts the chant “SHUT THE F*CK UP!”) But my client and I felt a little unappreciated, being left out and all, so WEAPON decided to get a competitor and fight him this evening for the main event tonight! And don’t worry; his challenger is a worthy competitor! And to make sure that everything is on the up and up… Coachman stakes off his jacket, tie and shirt to reveal a striped T-Shirt Coachman: I am the guest referee! So let’s go ahead and get this contest started! WEAPON comes down with a big burlap bag with feet dangling out of it…and dumps it in the ring..Coachman loosens the restraints and it’s revealed to be …SuperNOVA? Styles: Are you kidding me? These guys kidnapped a wrestler just to fight WEAPON? How much lower can you get? [size=3]Main Event: [color="#FF0000"]WEAPON[/color] vs. [color="#0000FF"]SuperNOVA[/color] Special Guest Referee: Jonathan Coachman[/size] Coachman signals for the bell to ring, and NOVA tries to run outside the ring, but Coachman stops him which pretty much sets up for WEAPON to his a vicious side kick! This shouldn’t even be called a match; it should be called an execution, because that was exactly what it was! NOVA got very little offense in, and every time WEAPON would hit a big move and go for the cover, Coachman would do a slow count and WEAPON would pull the shoulder up before the three further taunting NOVA. Later in the match, WEAPON tried to hit a sidewalk slam on NOVA, but he countered and hit his finisher, the NOVA-Caine, on him. Coachman did the count but it was slow to and before Coach would even hit “two” WEAPON launched NOVA off of him! At this point WEAPON is INFURIATED! And he decided to end the match by hitting all of his finishers in succession, the Spinning Uranage, the Samoan Drop and the “Final Option” (Splash from the top rope) for the win at 10:31. Rating: D+ [size=3]Angle: “Better off Dead” [/size] After the match, WEAPON decides that he want to hurt NOVA some more and tries to set him up for another Spinning Uranage, when all of a sudden Yang tries jumps in to the ring and help NOVA. He tries to mount offense against him and starts to set up for a spin kick, when Coachman low blows Yang from behind which leads WEAPON to hit a Rolling heel kick to Yang! WEAPON drags Yang’s lifeless body on top of NOVA and goes to the top rope and delivers the “Final Option” to both Nova and Yang’s Body, destroying them both!! Rating: D Final Show Rating: D Attendance: 2000 T.V. Rating: 0.01 Location: New Alahambra (Tri-state) [/font][/b][/center] (OOC Notes: Ok. this is probably one of the WORST shows I ever booked, but I made up for it by giving this my best writing effort ever! Entry #3 of the Ghost-Writings will be more than likely up today when I get off of work or tommorow. Thanks for reading. GHOST)
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[center][i][size=3][font="Times New Roman"]“The Ghost-Writings” Edition #3- Week 2, March 2008 By “The GhostDogg” “Severing Ties” So it turns out that crappy ass deal that with T.V. Station MSG, was still in place. You can only imagine how pissed off when I get a phone call on Thursday (my sleep in day of all days), and they people at MSG tell me that they expect my format for the show by 6pm that day! Ain’t that some sh*t? Well anyway I gave them a show. It wasn’t a good show, I will be the first to admit that was show was “craptastic”. But there were some good things that came from it, more on that later. After the first show, I called the MSG station and I told them to rip up my contract. This is the first, last and ONLY show that I am gonna do for free. ESPECIALLY FOR FREE! I mean I could half way see if I had country wide coverage or even east coast coverage, I could deal with that, and I would half way honor the deal. But they only have coverage in the Tri-State area only! And what makes things worse, they want me to pay majority of the production costs (90%) and the company gets ALL of the profit. So the relationship between me and MSG is done. But that’s not the only relationship I am ending “Pre-Maturely”. I ended my PPV arrangement with Bressnan Company. The reason why? Because I wanted to do a huge blow off match with Sabu and Finlay, but when I tried to run it through them, they shot me down. Saying that it was too violent, basically that turned me off with them. Now granted they gave me a PPV every week when I wanted, but when a person grows, they have out grow some of the things and people that got them that growth. And Bressnan is one of those things. Nothing personal. “Testing Patience” There are a couple of people in the locker room are pissing me off, its not even funny anymore. Chavo is for starters. So he tested positive for Steroids about 2 weeks back and he gave me “whatever” look. Now being the nice guy I am…did I de-push him? Nope. Did I fire him? Nope. In fact he still has him momentum, and he is still in the tournament for the World title. But the way he has been acting..his chances of winning the title tournament have went down drastically. Now Chavo is a very valuable commodity. So what am I gonna do with Chavo since he is pissed with me? Well I could have Sexxxy Eddy go over him in the Ladder Match with the Carmella storyline that is going on with them, but then he could get probably upset to the point that he will walk out of MAXX. I don’t have a written contract with him. Just a PPA, and he would be hot commodity to any promotion. WWE, WCW, or probably a Japanese Promotion like All Japan or Big Japan. I have an idea how this could play out. If this works out this could give him some space, have him calm down and probably get my promotion noticed a little more, I just have to see how this plays out. Now there is another person who is on my “list”, who is not as lucky. I officially released Trent Acid today. Its funny, because after the first drug test. I gave him one last chance, and he took my words with a grain of salt. Then not even a week later, he was tested right after the Conflyct show, and yes, he pissed “hot” again on another drug test, his response? “I think you are a little harsh”. At least with Kashmere, I didn’t catch him again until 3 weeks later (but then again, I didn’t test workers after every show either, so it’s possible that I might have caught Kashmere sooner, but that is irrelevant.) At least when I fired Kashmere, he was somewhat remorseful and he said he was gonna try and get help. Well there goes my plans to team Acid with Abercrombie. So now the bigger loser out of all of this is…Mr. 80’s Donnie B! I mean he doesn’t have a tag team to manage anymore! And it wouldn’t be wise to fire him because he is decent on the mic , is charismatic and well he is the real life twin brother of Nova! I think I might have something for him. “Shark Infested” So after the last show, it was brought to my attention that several promotions are going after my stars! At least 15 stars have been giving offers. The good thing that one, they are smaller promotions than MAXX so I don’t have to worry about them leaving MAXX for them. And plus that can lighten my wallet, because everyone don’t have to be in the same show, which means I don’t have to pay them. But there is one that is particular a problem. But there is a problem…one of my upper midcarders, Tony Mamaluke got snatched up by Georgia Championship Wrestling (GCW) in a development contract, so basically told me that he was leaving MAXX for them. GCW is owned by Jody Hamilton and booked by Booker T. So since they are trying to screw with me, guess what? They just dropped the gauntlet and about to get war declared by me. But GCW is the least of my worries. I gotta worry about the touring companies..especially the overseas ones in Japan. Rumor has it that one of them already has their eyes on Jimmy Yang. And that truly gonna suck because I have plans for him. I guess this comes with the territory. “Mouth Pieces” Of the past couple of weeks. I learned that I have pretty good talent, probably some of the best in the Indy’s, the problem lies that some have Charisma of BURNT TOAST! But I have took care of problem because I started looking for some Managers. Some that are at least somewhat known. I hope it works out for the guys I am gonna use them for. “Using my allies” For the past month, I realized that over the past month, my overness is going slowly like molasses in the winter. And my talent will get us over so much. So I figured that I am gonna have to use my newly formed alliances, and I have to get some “loans”. I made a few calls, specifically to TNA, PWG and ROH. Hopefully they call me back. TO BE CONTINUED….. [/font][/i][/center][/size] (P.S. I am so sorry for flooding the boards. This diary came from another site..and it was pretty much not been given a chance so I thought I bring it here...I hope you guys enjoy..and sorry again for flooding. Ghost)
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... [quote][center][b][font="Times New Roman"][size=5]MAXX Report By Ghostdogg. [/size] [i][size="3"]“Another one bites the Dust”[/size] It was confirmed yesterday that the ½ of the Backseat Boyz that was still employed looks like he is about to follow his tag team partner! Trent Acid was released from him agreement due to failing his 2nd drug test within one week. MAXX has a very strict drug policy and when Anthony was asked about Acid’s termination, he had this to say. “It’s unfortunate to see a man that talented, to see his tag team partner to be released, just to have him released for the EXACT same thing, it’s a waste. And he was less ‘remorseful’ about this than his partner was. But don’t be surprised if you see the Backseat Boyz back on the roster again. The person is who is probably going to suffer the most out of this is their manager, Donnie B. “It sucks that both of those guys got canned, but for right now I need to worry about me. Even if I am his (SuperNOVA) brother, in this day and age, you can be canned for anything.” An annoynmous backstage source commented on the Backseat Boyz release. “They screwed up at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME. With the locker room being bloated as it is, they are looking for any reason or excuse to get rid of a person.” [size="3"]“#1 on the Hit List”[/size] Chavo Guererro is embroiled in a very well publicized and bitter feud. But the person he is locked in conflict isn’t Canadian superstar, MAXX wrestler Sexxxy Eddy. And it isn’t about a woman like Carmella. The battle that Chavo is he is currently in, is with MAXX Owner/Head Booker Logan Anthony. Not since the falling out with Dana White and Randy Couture, has bad blood been spewing. And the initial cause of it was Steroids, and it went downhill from there. “Now I aint trying to fire nobody, because let’s face it Chavo is damn talented. But when I tried to get at him professional and what not, he then tried to treat me like a “b*tch”. First he didn’t wanna do the storyline with Sexxxy Eddy with Carmella. Then he didn’t wanna put Tajiri over in matches. He needs to understand how this works. He may be one of the main draws in MAXX, but I am his boss, and the audience is the one who write his paychecks. So it won’t do me any good if he is messed up.” Mr. Guerrero was not available for comment. [size="3"]“Sunrise, Sunset”[/size] “The Fighting Irishman” David Finlay went on the radio the other day and there was some “speculation” on the rumor that Finlay was contemplating retirement! By far one of the Franchise Players of MAXX promotion, he did not confirm, nor deny if that rumor was true. Finlay is currently embroiled in a high profile feud with Sabu. More on this story as it develops. [size="3"]“Wish you well” [/size] We regret to inform that Tony Mamaluke will make his final appearance at this week “Vyndetta” show. We would like Tony Mamaluke luck in his future endeavors as he is starting his development position over at Booker T ran touring promotion, Georgia Championship Wrestling Promotion. [/i] [size=5]Preview for Vyndetta, Ep#6[/size] With the first 3 Rounds of the MAXX World Title Tournament out of the way, its full speed ahead on the road to crown the first MAXX World Champion. And with the new GM, Roddy Piper, you can best believe that this is definitely going to be a bumpy ride! [color="#FF0000"]Kid Kash[/color] vs[color="#0000FF"]Jason Cross[/color] To say that Kash has been determined fight Malenko once again is an understatement. He is actually downright OBSESSED with Malenko. And you can’t really blame him. First he loses to Malenko when it was revealed that he was Jerry Lynn’s mystery partner 2 weeks ago. Then he blindsided Terry Funk after he returned from injury, just to be beaten by him later that night (but he was distracted by Malenko, which lead to Funk’s victory). Kash says that he will not rest until he gets Malenko in the ring so he can beat him for sure this time! 6 Man Tag Team Match [color="#0000FF"]Urban Legends (Shad and JTG) w/T-Lo and B-Boy[/color] vs [color="#FF0000"]T.H.U.G. Unit (Eddie Kingston/Dan Maff) and Rocky Romero[/color] It has been all out war between the Legendz and the Unit for weeks at a time, which each time, Unit getting the upper hand! JTG faced B-Boy last week with JTG getting the victory over him (with distraction from Romero, the man that B-Boy beat weeks earlier). It was revealed to be all a set up with the unit trying to soften up JTG. And then Romero came out and he helped beat up both JTG and B-Boy, only to be saved by SHAD. On MAXX.com, interim General Manager Roddy Piper, he made a 6 man tag match! [color="#FF0000"]“The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie[/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]Danny Havoc[/color] Abercrombie has been on a roll as of late going after the MAXX Cruiserweight Title. He has been lobbying to the committee why he should have a shot at the current CW title holder, the Human Highlight reel, Teddy Hart! Although he has a valid point about having a pinfall over the current champion (Although this was a week before Hart actually won the title in a 10 man battle royal). So now the “Trendsetter” is gonna get it on with the “Hardcore Icon” of Iowa, Danny Havoc! [color="#FF0000"]“Primetime” Elix Skipper [/color]vs [color="#0000FF"]Sexxxy Eddy [/color] Eddy has had woman troubles as of late. He’s found a sexy, hot latina woman in Carmella Desceasre in MAXX! One problem …that’s CHAVO’S GIRLFRIEND! And he’s always been one step ahead of dodging Chavo’s attacks and making himself look good for Carmella, until last week! When Chavo viciously attacked Eddy with a ladder! Hopefully, that attack wasn’t too bad, because he has to fight a returning deadly cruiserweight, the master of the P.O.D. , Elix Skipper! Tony Mamaluke [/color]vs [color="#0000FF"]Ron “The Truth” Killings[/color] This match is truly poetic! One man’s debut match and the other’s final match! As mentioned earlier, the Sicilian Shooter, Tony Mamaluke’s final match in MAXX! Will he leave the company with his final win, or will “The Truth” make an impact and secure his first high profile win in MAXX? Handicap Match: [color="#FF0000"]WEAPON w/Jonathan Coachman[/color] vs[color="#0000FF"] SuperNOVA and Jimmy Yang![/color] WEAPON has been dominate as of late destroying EVERYONE in his way! He first put Terry Funk out on the “shelf” for four weeks, then he destroyed Jimmy Yang and then just last week, they “kidnapped” SuperNOVA and forced him to have a match with WEAPON! But Yang tried to help NOVA, but to no avail…the same thing happened! Now it’s a two on one match! Will the 2 victims of WEAPON’s wrath finally get vindication? Or will WEAPON reign of terror continue! MAXX World Title Tournament Round 4: [color="#FF0000"]“The Experience” Elijiah Burke [/color]vs ??? So the last time we saw Burke, he was celebrating his victory over “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore! And even though that was his ONLY MATCH in MAXX, so far, he says that he is pretty much a “Shoe in” for the World title! But Piper says that he has a more than suitable opponent for Burke! Round 5: [color="#0000FF"]Billy Kidman [/color]vs [color="#0000FF"]“The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri[/color] Kidman now has an opportunity to prove his worth! He won his last 3 matches, and now he is gonna try to reach for the brass ring and get the World Title! But he is gonna have to go against probably the most dangerous wrestler of the roster, Tajiri! And Round 6: [color="#0000FF"]"The Man of 1000 Holds" Dean Malenko [/color]vs. [color="#FF0000"]Chavo Guererro w/Carmella[/color] Malenko was revealed not only to be the mystery partner of Lynn 2 weeks ago, but also an automatic entrant in the final round of the World Title Tournament. He looked impressive in his debut against Pain and Kash despite the ripe old age of 47. Now will Malenko’s experience and tenacity get him thru the next round? Or will Chavo employ the old Guererro family motto and Lie, cheat and steal? All this and so much more on the next episode of VYNDETTA![/quote][/b][/font][/center]
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Heres the show. I hope you enjoy it [b][center][font="Times New Roman"][size="5"]Vyndetta Show (2 and 1/2 Hour special) Week 2 March. 2008, Friday [/size] Dark Match: [size="3"][color="#0000FF"]“The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore [/color] def.[color="#FF0000"]“The Anarchist” Arik Cannon [/color][/size] This was a surprise opener match with everyone being surprised that Nick Dinsmore was in the house tonight. These two started to trade move and countermoves with each other, with Cannon scoring an impressive “Glimering Warlock” (Shining Wizard). But that was only for a 2 count! Cannon tried to finish him off with the Burning Hammer, but he slipped out of it and out of nowhere Dinsmore hit a very devastating looking “German Suplex” in which Cannon landed stiffly on his neck. Afterward Dinsmore, locked in a devasting Crossface, causing Cannon to submit @6:55. [i]Winner: “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore Rating: C-[/i] [i][size="3"]Angle: Thanks you for coming! [/size] MAXX General Manager Roddy Piper comes out and thanks the crowd for coming to the show tonight. He give a recap of all the matches tonight and also tells of a few surprises in store! [/i] [i]Rating: C[/i] [size="5"]Main Show[/size] [color="#FF0000"][size="3"]Kid Kash [/color][/size] vs. [size="3"][color="#0000FF"]Jason Cross[/size] [/color] In this match, to say that Kash has gone completely “psycho” would be a complete understatement! He completely dominated Cross during the match, and his symptoms of his deteriorating sanity was made evident, when he started yelling at Cross calling “Dean”, and he taunted him all through the match saying, “Come on Malenko! You suck!” Basically in his mind Cross was Malenko! Cross/Malenko hit him with some innovative moves including a nice looking Shooting Star Press! (Pity that Kash moved out of the way!) It started to go downhill from there, when Kash hit a “Gut Buster” on Cross and locked him in the Texas Cloverleaf, causing Cross to tap out at 7:34. [i]Winner by Submission: Kid Kash Rating: D[/i] [i][size="3"]Angles: “Whose is hotter?”[/size] So we are backstage in the locker room and we see a woman modeling in the mirror obviously liking what she see saying to herself “MAXX obviously can’t handle this!” and its revealed that its none other than the “Asian Sin-Sation” Leia Meow!” But then a mysterious voice speaks out from behind her. “If you think that the guys at MAXX are gonna nuts over you, then obviously they are ready for the ORIGINAL Sex object…..” The camera pans up and its none other than… DAWN MARIE!!! The two divas look at each other up and down and stare at each other. Rating C[/i] [color="#FF0000"][size="3"]“The Duke” Paul Burchill w/ “Dutchess Daphine” [/color]vs. [color="#0000FF"][size="3"]Don Paysan [/color][/size] Burchill came out of this match looking strong against the Canadian lightweight. Burchill basically toyed with Paysan, making him think that he had a chance of defeating Paysan. And it didn’t make things better when Daphine interjected and interfere on her man’s behalf. The Duke finished off Paysan off with a Standing SSP at 6:35. [i]Winner: Paul Burchill Rating: D+[/i] [size="3"]Angle: “Nice Match….”[/size] [i] Backstage, “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore is done watching Burchill match with Paysan on one of the backstage monitors. Dinsmore: “Congratulations ‘Paul’ on your victory tonight. Impressive indeed, but you need to understand something. That guy you fought was a nobody. Let’s face it, this thing between me and you…and your little royal “b*tch” isn’t over, in fact its just beginning. Ever since you got in my business and made me lose to Elijiah Burke, you have been #1 on my hit list. And I understand that you beat Sabu in the Preliminaries for the tournament. Congratulations again. But you need to understand when you face me….you better bring you’re A-Game. Because when you step in the ring with me..I am not gonna pin you. I am not gonna make you even tap out. I AM GOING TO HURT YOU! Remember that Burchill! My soul intent is to inflict harm not to your body…BUT TO YOUR SOUL to the point that you don’t want to even wrestle anymore! Rating D[/i] [size="3"]6 Man Tag Team Match [color="#0000FF"]Urban Legends (SHAD/JTG) and B-Boy [/color]w/vs [color="#FF0000"]T.H.U.G. Unit and Rocky Romero [/color][/size] The battle started before the bell even rang with all 6 going at each other! Kingston went at with JTG. The two big men, SHAD and JTG, and Romero started mixing it up with B-Boy! It was pretty much organized chaos! The Unit started working on B-Boy by Kingston hitting a Corner Yakuza Kick with Maff doing the “Rolling Cannonball” to be B-Boy in the corner. The Legendz got revenged when the tide turned in their favor when B-Boy hot tagged Shad and hit the STO on Kingston. Then JTG got the hot tag and followed it up with Springboard Legdrop! Romero locked up with JTG and hit a nasty “Exploder” suplex on him, but only for a 2 count and then locked him in a “Camel Clutch!” But the faces were having none of that and SHAD ran interference, distracting the referee. While he did that, B-Boy hit his finisher, the “Shining Wizard” on Romero, making him break the hold! Both men are down and they are crawling to their respective corners to get tag out. Romero wound up tagging the big man, Maff while JTG tagged in SHAD. And the two big men began to brawl back and forth with each other. Maff hit a “Stalling Suplex” on SHAD. But a little bit later he returned the favor to MAFF hitting a massive Spinebuster on Maff, which almost resulted in a pinfall, when both Romero and Kingston came in and broke it up! That prompted B-Boy and JTG to come in and brawl with the Heels! B-Boy delieved a massive clothesline to Romero, which resulted in both men going out of the ring! Those two continued to brawl to the back, and now we have the Unit and the Legends fighting each other! The finish came when Maff tried to do a Lariat to JTG, but JTG ducked and ran into the SHAD’s Big Boot maneuver which he likes to call “Read these NIKES!”! That led Kingston trying to hit the “Backfist to the Future” on an unsuspecting SHAD, but JTG stopped him by grabbing his arm, and he hit the “Ghetto Blaster” (Modified Air Raid Crash) on Kingston! That led to JTG and SHAD to hit the “25 to Life” (Powerbomb from SHAD and a Double Foot Stomp from JTG) @ 9:40! [i]Winner: Urban Legendz and B-Boy Rating:D+[/i] [size="3"]Angle: Hype Video [/size] A Hype video is played for the upcoming tournament qualifier match with Billy Kidman vs the “Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri. [i]Rating:C-[/i] [color="#FF0000"][size="3"]“The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie[/color][/size] vs [color="#0000FF"][size="3"]Danny Havoc [/color][/size] Before the match even began, the song “When the music stops” from D12, starts to play and out comes Teddy Hart with the MAXX Cruiserweight title, and he looks like he is going to do commentary for this match! Abercrombie didn’t waste any time and it look like he wasn’t being paid by the hour in this match where he made short work of Havoc! Even though Havoc did get much offense in, him and Abercrombie have good chemistry together! Hart was busy running down Abercrombie and asked “what sup with that thing where he likes rubbing his moustache”, because after every offensive move that Abercrombie did on Havoc, he would rub his moustache and look at Hart’s direction at the announcers table! The finish came when Havoc did a side kick to Abercrombie’s gut and tried for the moonsault, which Abercrombie attacked Havoc, and led to him hitting the “Flashback” (Lungblower) from the top rope for the win at 4:29. After the match, Abercrombie pointed to Hart and did the title gesture around his waist. [i]Winner: “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie Rating: D+[/i] [size="3"][i]Angle: “I want a match”[/size] The scene takes place in Piper’s office where Piper is doing some work, when there is a knock on the door. Piper: “Come In” In comes Finlay, still sore from last week with his match with Dinsmore. Finlay: “Look I aint gonna beat around the bush ‘Pally’, I want Sabu. I don’t care what match we are in, I WANT SABU!” Piper: “Look, I saw what Sabu did to you last week, costing you a spot in the Semi-Finals, but I can’t I book you in a match tonight, because are overbooked. Sorry” Finlay: “Listen ‘Boy-o’. Number 1, I didn’t ask for a match for tonight. In fact, I don’t care when it is ….I just want it to be soon. And number 2, I didn’t ASK you for a match. I DEMANDED one!.” Piper: “I will think about it. But make that the LAST time you come in here demanding ANYTHING! You may be a tough Irishman, but I know a thing or two about brawling myself!” Finlay begins to laugh and grin. Finlay: “Sure you do, pally” Finlay begins to walk out and Piper continues with his work. Rating: C[/i] [color="#FF0000"][size="3"]Elix Skipper [/color][/size]vs.[size="3"] [color="#0000FF"]Sexxxy Eddy [/color][/size] Elix Skipper was more focused in this match with Sexxxy Eddy. Eddy tried to take out Skipper early in the match when he tried to hit the Sexxxy-Plexxx but Skipper countered with a Spinning Neckbreaker. All thru the match, Skipper worked on and focused solely on the head and neck to include a running boot to the head, while he was down! He continued to damaged the neck with a modified Dragon Sleeper. Skipper tried to finish off Eddy with the Play of the Day, but Eddy countered with a new move called the “SEXXX Driver” (Blue Thunder Driver)! Eddy began to regain momentum, with a series of clotheslines and a Hurracanrana. The finish came when Eddy tried to go and execute the “Total Sextacy” on Skipper, but thru the crowd, Chavo hit Eddy in the face with the chair before he could hit the Total Sextacy, busting him open! Skipper took advantage of this and hit his new finisher “The Elix-er” (Suplex into a Cutter) for the win at 12:02. After the match, Chavo got the ladder again, like he did 2 weeks back and laid a bloody Eddy on it. He went to the top rope and did the “Frog Splash” on Eddy on top of the Ladder! [i]Winner: Elix Skipper Rating: D+/12:02[/i] [size="3"] Angle: Hype Video[/size] A Hype Video plays for tonights Main Event: Dean Malenko vs Chavo Guerrero! [i]Rating: C[/i] [color="#0000FF"][size="3"]Ron “The Truth” Killings [/color]vs. [color="#FF0000"]Tony Mamaluke[/size][/color] When Mamaluke was greeted with mixed messages from the crowd, Some being “Please don’t go” others with “You sold out”. Killings didn’t come out with his usual song and dance gimmick. The song “Everyday I’m Hustling” by Rick Ross started to play and he’s got his street clothes on, looking focus for his first match. Despite both men having different styles, the match was pretty good. Mamluke tried to “stretch out” Killings with various maneuvers, but Killings speed and tenacity got the best of Mamaluke. Mamaluke tried to lock in the “Sicilian Stretch” on Killings when he tried to do a Victory Roll, but Killings countered with his finisher the “True Conviction” (Front Goardbuster) for the win at 10:55. After the match Killings shook Mamaluke’s hand, and the crowd gave him a standing ovation for his last match. Mamaluke worded the words “Thank you” and even though he was a heel, he broke “character” and slapped hands with the fans on the way to the locker room, as his theme song played. [i]Winner: Ron “The Truth” Killings Rating: C-[/i] [size="3"]Angle: Funk Challenges[/size] [i]So we see a video from earlier this week taken from Funk’s home in Texas. Funk: “WEAPON, I have dealt with your kind before. You think that you can take out this old man and make a name for yourself? Well you have succeeded, but before I gotta warn you. Plenty of people thought I was a “Stepping Stone” and they got more than they bargained for. Foley. Raven. Sabu. Douglas. Abdullah the Butcher. You name it, I have more than likely fought them. Congratulation for being added to the list! Next week WEAPON. I am gonna finish what you started. Question is, are you man enough to go thru what you have begun? Rating: C-[/i] [size="3"]Handicap Match [color="#FF0000"]WEAPON w/Jonathan Coachman [/color]vs.[color="#0000FF"]Jimmy Yang and SuperNOVA. [/color][/size] Yang and Nova wasted no to time trying to attack the massive WEAPON! They both tried to fight him to a corner but it did nothing to him and he just shoved them off him like they were gnats! WEAPON tried to fight Yang one on one and again Yang started doing swift kicks to his knees to the point that he got to one knee. Then Nova and Yang started to work on his other knee..and down on both knees. They both do tag team moves on him when Yang hits WEAPON with a Enziguri while NOVA hit the NOVA-Caine at the same time! They both try to pin him simultaneously! But he kicks them both off of him! WEAPON Iis infuriated at this point and hit the “Spike” on both Yang and Nova. Then he whips them both to opposite corners and does a running splash to both men. Then the finish came at 10:47 when WEAPON did a Samoan Drop on Nova and then he did a Spinning Uranage on Yang, on top of NOVA! And then like last week he went to the top rope and delievered the “Final Option” on both men for the win! Despite losing, Yang put on a very good showing in this match! [i]Winner: WEAPON Rating:D+[/i] [size="3"][i]Angle: “Finish Him”[/size] After the match, Coachman gets on the microphone and speaks on behalf of his client! Coachman: “Funk are you suffering from dementia or Alzheimers or something? This isn’t 1985, and this ISNT ECW! This is WEAPON! And unstoppable killing machine! The Terminator don’t have SH*T on WEAPON! Did you just see what happen in the ring just now? Both of these men are HALF your age! And are in better shape than you…and YOU WANNA CHALLENGE WEAPON!? I guess that you want him to put you out of your misery. And that’s fine with him. Just remember one thing after all this is said and done. You asked for this…” Rating: C[/i] [size="3"][color="#FF0000"]“The Experience” Eljiah Burke[/color] vs ??[/size] So a ****y Burke comes out to the ring and gets on the microphone. [i]“I can’t believe that these people in MAXX are MAKING me go thru a qualifier, do you know who the HELL I AM? I am the future of this run down company! I should be in the FINALS! Actually scratch that…I should be AWARDED the title! I already beaten one of your franchise players, Nick Dinsmore! Who else do I have to beat to prove myself? In fact it don’t even matter who it is, I will beat him like he stole something! So whoever it is….go ahead and say your prayers, because you are gonna have an “Experience” of a life time! Suddenly “Down with the Sickness” Plays over the P.A. Announcer: “And his opponent, from…the SERENGETI……” Burke begins to mouth the words, “Oh NO!!” Announcer: “He is the ALPHA MALE, MONTYYYYYY BROWN!!!”[/i] Brown comes out and does his “POUNCE” gesture!! And stalks down to the ring. He enters the ring and rub his head against the ropes, and Burke takes the opportunity and attacks Brown with some clubbing blows from behind! He then tries to whip Brown to the ropes and set up for the Elijiah Express but misses, and it was all Brown from there! He grabs Burke and DESTROYS Burke with the Alpha Bomb, and pins him but yanks him up at 2! He whips Burke to the ropes and drills Burke with the POUUUNNNNNCEE!! For the win at 5:49! Brown looked good in his debut match. [i]Winner and advances to the Semi Finals: “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown Rating: D[/i] [size="3"][i]Angle: Hype Video[/size] Showing Tajiri backstage warming up for his match against Billy Kidman. Rating: C+[/i] [size="3"][color="#0000FF"]“The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri [/color]vs [color="#0000FF"]Billy Kidman [/color][/size] Kidman actually tried to hang with the Japanese Buzzsaw and tried to take him down with speed and quickness. But in the end, he was no match for Tajiri. Tajiri tried for a high kick, but Kidman countered with an arm drag, and then followed up with a drop kick on Tajiri knocking him down, and hit a leg drop and delievered a leg drop for a pin fall only at 1 and a half. Kidman whipped Tajiri into the ropes and Tarjiri answered with a Flying Leg Lariat. Tajiri delievered the Tajiri Rush (Rapid Fire kicks and punches ending with a spin kick) shortly after. He tried for a running clothesline, but Kidman “Low Bridged” him and caused him to fall to the outside! Kidman did an “Oh Sh*t” moment when he was on the ring apron and did a Shooting Star Press from the apron to the floor on Tajiri! Soon after they take the action back to the ring and Tajiri is in the corner, and Kidman tries for a running splash, but Tajiri answered back with a “Taratula” but released it before the 5 count! And then he delievered the Buzzsaw Kick, but Kidman ducked and landed a Head scisscors on Tajiri! And then he delievered and nice looking DDT. He went up and tried to hit the Shooting Star Press, but at the last moment, Tajiri moved out of the way. Both men are visibly tired at this point. Tajiri tries to go for a powerbomb on Kidman but he countered it into a “Kid Crusher” but only for a two count. Then Kidman tried to hit the Turnbuckle bulldog but Tajiri countered it into a Powerbomb! And the end came when he waited for Kidman to get up which he delivered a very sick, very stiff looking Buzzsaw kick at 20:51! [i]Winner and Advances to the Semi Finals: Tajiri Rating: C-[/i] [size="3"][i]Angle: Hype Video [/size] A music video for Finlay. Rating: B[/i] [size="3"][color="#0000FF"]“The Man of 1000 Holds” Dean Malenko[/color] vs. [color="#FF0000"]Chavo Guererro w/ Carmella [/color][/size] Chavo was clearly off his game tonight but he still put on an impressive matchup regardless. Chavo and Dean went hold for counter hold and even though Dean is a little older now, he can bust out and occasional drop kick when needed. Malenko worked on the back and legs mostly with moves like the Dragon Screw leg whip and the Boston Crab! But Chavo would not be out done when he bust out the “Lasso from El Paso” and he also busted out his late uncle’s move, The “3 amigos” but only for a 2 count. The tide changed when Chavo cheated and hit a low blow and then tried to work on Malenko’s legs with the Grapevine and the Ankle lock! He even went so far as to hit the Frog Splash on Malenko’s legs! Chavo went down outside the ring and got a chair while Carmella ran interference and he tried to blast Malenko with the chair, but Malenko ducked and hit a DDT on Chavo! The finish came when Malenko hit a drop kick to the knee and then hit a “Brainbuster!” He went up top and just like how Chavo entered Earlier, Eddy actually was UNDER THE RING! He blasted Chavo with a chair shot on the back of the skull! Malenko came up and hit the Gut Buster from the top rope on Chavo! Malenko is looking very With his last bit of strength, Malenko locked in the Texas Cloverleaf, causing Chavo to tap out at 16: 22. After the match Eddy got a ladder and attacked him with it! And then those two start brawl all the way to the back. [i]Winner and Advancing to the Semi Finals: Dean Malenko Rating:C+[/i] [size="3"][i]Final Rating: C Attendance: 8,753 PPV Buyrate: 0.11 [/size][/i] [/font] [/center][/b][/quote]
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[b][font="Times New Roman"][center][size="5"]Vyndetta Ep.#7 Preview Card[/size] After last week’s action packed showing, a lot of surprises were revealed, including the return of “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown! And with the 2nd half of the preliminaries about to finish up, you can best believe it’s gonna get hotter from there! [size="3"]A special announcement for Finlay! [/size] Last week, Finlay wanted to have a match with his nemesis as of late, the Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal Madman, Sabu! And he said that he would think about it. Well it seems that he has thought about it, and he says that he wants to “evaluate” Finlay with a special “surprise”. [size="3"]A Loser Leaves MAXX, Winner gets Carmella Ladder Match! [color="#FF0000"]Chavo Guerrero w/Carmella [/color] vs[color="#0000FF"]Sexxxy Eddy![/color][/size] Over the past few weeks, Eddy has had his eyes on Chavo’s Girlfriend, Carmella DeCesare over the last few weeks. And over time it got VERY PERSONAL! Back and forth, those two would cost each other victories against competitors. But the last two weeks it got personal, because Chavo savagely attacked Eddy with a ladder, both weeks doing the Frog Splash on Eddy while the ladder was on him! Last episode after his attack from Chavo, Eddy got a small measure of revenge, by costing Chavo his spot in the Semi-Finals by interfering in match with Dean Malenko! Now Piper says that he has had enough of the two men and that MAXX isn’t big enough for both of them! So now the stakes couldn’t get any higher, because the winner will not only get Carmella, but will get bragging rights for causing the loser to be EXILED from MAXX! [size="3"]GRUDGE MATCH! [color="#FF0000"]Rocky Romero[/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]B-Boy[/color][/size] On Episode #4 of Vyndetta, Romero put on a very impressive match against the New Age Punisher, B-Boy! Not to be outdone, B-Boy won the match with a Shining Wizard, but contrary to popular belief that this was over, it was only just the beginning. Two weeks later on Conflyct, Romero cost B-Boy the victory against JTG, when after the match when the T.H.U.G. Unit came down to attack JTG, it was reveal to be a set up when both JTG and B-Boy were beat down! The very next week, B-Boy’s team won the match, but Romero and B-Boy brawled thru the crowd and thru the backstage area way after the match! Now General Manager Roddy Piper has decided that they will go at it once again! [size="3"][color="#FF0000"]WEAPON w/ Jonathan Coachman[/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]Sabu w/Bill Alfonso[/color][/size] So WEAPON’s reign of terror has spread across the locker room, attacking anyone he sees fit, to the point that no one is safe. During the 4th episode of Vyndetta, Sabu was attacked by WEAPON, but Sabu hasn’t forgotten this, and now he plans to take his vengeance out on the “Samoan War Machine”. But according to Jonathan Coachman, this couldn’t be any more PERFECT! Because this will solidify WEAPON’s status as a shoe in as contender for the World title….speaking of such….. [size="3"]MAXX World Title Semi Finals!! [color="#FF0000"]WEAPON w/Jonathan Coachman[/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri[/color][/size] It appears that WEAPON will have double duty on Vyndetta because he not only faces Sabu, but he faces Tajiri as well! The Japanese Buzzsaw shouldn’t be taken to lightly because he has defeated such names as Kidman, B-Boy and Chavo! But he has never faced anyone as MASSIVE as WEAPON! [size="3"][color="#0000FF"]“The Alpha Male” Monty Brown[/color] vs [color="#FF0000"]“The Duke” Paul Burchill w/ “Duchess Daphine” [/color][/size] So the Alpha Male has found a new jungle to claim dominion on, and it’s called MAXX! After being the surprise entrant in the Title Tournament, none was more surprised that Elijah Burke! And from his showing on his debut, it looks like Brown didn’t have much ring rust on him, if at all! But he shouldn't dismiss his opponent, Paul Burchill! He has some impressive victories as of late, in fact HE'S UNDEFEATED! With victories over Dinsmore and Sabu in a tag team match, and then a victory over Sabu in a singles match to advance into the tournament, a victory over Brown will score a HUGE upset and gain him some serious momentum to go into the finals! But he has to be careful not to fall victim to the POUNCE!!! [size="3"][color="#0000FF"]“The Man of 1000 Holds” Dean Malenko[/color] vs [color="#0000FF"]“The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore[/color][/size] This match couldn’t be more “Storybook-like”, where it’s “Student vs. Teacher”, and the stakes couldn’t be any higher! Malenko has definitely made his presence felt here in MAXX being the Mystery Partner of Jerry Lynn against Kash and Pain. And then defeated Chavo the following week (with an assist by Sexxxy Eddy), but his protégé hasn’t done that badly here in MAXX with an impressive 5-2 record! Scoring such victories over WEAPON, Kid Kash, Arik Cannon and even the Irish Brawler, Finlay! Will the Iceman make his record 6-2 and surpass his teacher or will Malenko show him that he hasn’t taught his student “everything” he knows? All this and so much more on the next Episode of Vyndetta! Question: -Who do you think will be the surprise for Finlay? Rate/Predict and comment. -GHOST [/font][/b][/center]
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[center][font="Times New Roman"][size="5"][b]MaXX #7[/size] [size="3"]Dark Match: Jimmy Yang vs. Devon Storm [/size] This was a surprising strong opener dark match of the night. Both men were hungry and there were a series of counters that were employed, especially when Yang tried to hit the spin kick and Storm ducked and hit a Super Kick of his own, only resulting in a two. The finish came when Storm tried to hit the “Mindbender” but Yang countered into a DDT. He then went up to the top rope and delievered the “Yang Time” for the win @ 10:39. Winner: Jimmy Yang Rating: C+ [size="3"]Angle: Bikini Contest[/size] There is a Bikini Contest segment over whose hotter between Dawn Marie and Leia! And it’s being hosted by none other than the “Quintessential Stud Muffin” Joel Gertner! To say that Gertner was enjoying this was an absolute understatement! The rules were simple each of the ladies disrobes and whoever had the hottest bikini won. And it was judged by the audience! So Dawn Marie started off and she was wearing a sexy 2 piece, but Leah? Well she was basically wearing “Dental Floss” and Gertner almost had a heart attack! The winner of the contest was Leia ! Dawn was upset with the outcome and she got her robe on and stormed out of the ring! Winner: Leia. Rating: C [size="3"]Main Show Ladder Match Chavo Guererro vs Sexxxy Eddy Stipulation: Winner gets Carmella, Loser leaves MAXX![/size] This match wasn’t like a standard ladder match where you had to retrieve something, but this was a ladder match when it can be used as a weapon! And it pretty much was utilized all thru the match! Chavo went after Eddy’s injuries early in the match, and hit him with a dropkick to the face! He then hit a serious brainbuster in the middle of the ring, and just dropped the ladder on Eddy in a very disrespectful manner! Then Chavo tried to finish off Eddy with a Frog Splash off the top rope with Eddy on the ladder, Eddy at the last moment moved out the way! That surely would have ended the match had it would have connected! The tide turned in Eddy’s favor when Eddy did a running Senton Splash with Chavo still on the ladder! Eddy then went outside the ring and grabbed a chair and started to beat Chavo with the chair now busting Chavo open! Eddy then whipped him into the ropes for a clothesline, but Chavo countered it into a Crucifix, but only for a 2. Chavo is bleeding amount the same as Eddy. Chavo then stomps on Eddy’s fingers and then picks him up and does the “3 Amigo’s but on the 3rd Suplex, Eddy countered with a Brainbuster of his own on the ladder! Both men are battling back and forth with each other, then all of a sudden, Chavo hits a low blow then Carmella runs down to the ring! Carmella grabs a chair and slides it into the ring, but she slides it by Chavo, and into Eddy hands! Eddy grabs the Chair and hits him in the gut with it, and then drops the chair and delivers a MASSIVE Implant DDT on Chavo into the chair! Eddy drags Chavo and sandwiches him between the ladder, and clearly Chavo is out! Eddy goes and grabs another ladder and sets it up in the corner! Eddy climbs up to the top of ladder and delivers the “PORN SPLASH!” (His version of the Frog Splash) off the top of the ladder on to Chavo who is trapped down between the ladder below, prompting a “HOLY SH*T” chant from the crowd! Eddy is clearly in pain and now bleeding from the mouth and he goes and pins Chavo, while Chavo is still sandwiched between the ladder for the win! Chavo is now gone from Pro Wrestling MAXX! When Chavo starts to get up, there is a mixed reaction to the crowd. Some are clapping and some are singing “Na-Na- na-na, na-na-na-na, hey hey hey, GOODBYE!!!” Carmella walks into the ring and she looks at Chavo and Eddy and she looking as if she is sad that Chavo loss the match and she looks like she is going to cry. She walks over to Chavo and gives Chavo and mouths the words “I’m Sorry”. She gives him a hug….and then knees him in the balls!!! She walks over and starts to kiss a very bloody Sexxxy Eddy! Winner: Sexxxy Eddy Rating C+ [size="3"]Angle: “Evaluation”[/size] The ring is cleaned out from all of the carnage from the previous match and the Rowdy Roddy Piper starts to come out. Piper: Ok, so last week Finlay comes to my office and goes on says that he wants Sabu, and wants revenge and BLAH, BLAH BLAH! And I said I would think about it. Well I thought about it. You are NOT getting your match with Sabu this week! In fact, its something so much better! You see, one of our “friends” has given us a “loan” and to be honest, I couldn’t pass this up. So tonight, the main event will be Finlay vs………SAMOA JOE!!! The crowd then starts to chant, JOE JOE JOE!! Piper: And again, thanks for coming out tonight! Rating: B [size="3"]MAXX World Title Semi Finals –Round 1 “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs “The Duke” Paul Burchill w/ “The Dutchess Daphine” [/size] Pretty much, this match was a EXECUTION! Brown pretty much dominated 90% of the match, hitting a powerslam and hitting clubbing blows on Burchill’s back. Brown was showboating majority of the match, until Daphine interfere and Brown turned his attention to her, that when the tide turned into Burchill’s favor. But it wouldn’t stay that way long. Burchill hit him with a European Uppercut and some clubbing blows of his own. He then tried to whip Brown into the ropes and clothesline him but Brown ducked and then hit the POUNCE on Burchill, destroying him @4:45. These two don’t have any chemistry at all. Winner and Advancing to the Finals: Monty Brown Rating: E+ [size="3"]Angle: Thanks for the welcome[/size] Ron Killings cuts a backstage promo thanking the fans for the warm reception that he received last week when he debuted against the departing Tony Mamaluke. He also says that he is going to give everything he’s got week after week for the fans. Rating: C- [size="3"]Grudge Match Rocky Romero vs B-Boy[/size] So this is a rematch between the two strong styled warriors, and the bell didn’t even ring before these two went at it! They were delivering elbows to each other back and forth! The momentum in this match shifted so much it was impossible to predict who was going to win this match! Romero employed more submission moves, especially on B-Boy’s legs. Which was smart, because it would be hard for B-Boy to pull of his finisher, the Shining Wizard! Romero did such submissions such as the one legged Boston Crab, and the figure 4 Leglock! As hard as Romero tried, B-Boy wouldn’t tap out! B-Boy finally rallied some offense when he hit the “One Hitter Quiter” out of nowhere! The tide would later turn in B-Boy’s favor when he started hitting his signatures in succession and almost hit his secondary finisher, The West Coast Driver (DVD), but then an “unidentified” man in a mask came thru the crowd and grabbed B-Boy’s already injured leg, and Romero took advantage and hit a modified neckbreaker for the pinfall. B-boy tried to put his leg on the rope but the “masked” man took his foot off, and therefore he didn’t see it and he counted the pinfall! After the match the masked man came in the ring and picked up B-Boy and delievered a very nasty looking released Dragon Suplex on him! Afterwards, the masked man and Romero looked at each other, and he pulls off his masked to reveal that its none other than RICKY REYES! And they both beat down B-Boy as they signal the re-union of the HAVANA PITBULLS! Winner: Rocky Romero Rating: C [size="3"]Angle: Tajiri hype video.[/size] A video is being shown on The Japanese Buzzsaw’s skills and abilities. Rating C+ [size="3"]WEAPON w/Johnathan Coachman vs Sabu w/Bill Alfonso[/size] This match was pretty much a display of superiority for WEAPON according to Coachman. For as good as they tried to make the match, they don’t have any chemistry and that irritated the crowd. Sabu used his speed to attack WEAPON and for a while it worked, hitting WEAPON with an “Air Sabu” and a Springboard Splash. But the tide turned in WEAPON’s favor when he hit the “Spike” when Sabu tried for a Triple Jump Moonsault, but WEAPON hit it before Sabu tried to execute it! WEAPON then tried to go up top and tried to hit the “Final Option” but Sabu moved at the last possible minute! Sabu then went to attack WEAPON, hitting a running legdrop on WEAPON’s head. And then “Fonzie” threw a another chair into the ring and hit a “Triple Jump Legdrop” on WEAPON. The finish came when Sabu went to the “well” one too many times and tried to utilized the chair to execute a “triple jump” maneuver when WEAPON caught him in mid air and turned it into a Samoan Drop for the win. Winner: WEAPON Rating: D+ [size="3"]Angle: Hype Video [/size] A hype video showing the strengths of both Finlay and Samoa Joe, bringing up the Main Event for tonight. Rating: B+ [size="3"]MAXX World Title Semi-Finals “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore vs “The Man of 1000 Holds” Dean Malenko [/size] This storybook match did not disappoint and once again, even though Malenko is almost 50 years old and yet he STILL looked good in this match! And he hung in there with his protégé hold for hold! This was a technical masterpiece of a match! The crowd was split on who they wanted to win, because half wanted half of them wanted Dinsmore to win and the other half wanted Malenko to win! But not only did both men countered the others ones moves they countered their finishers as well! Dinsmore tried for the German Suplex early in the match, but Malenko flipped out of it and got a pin fall attempt in, only for a 2 count. Dinsmore returned the favor when Malenko tried for a Gut Buster, but Dinsmore countered it into a very nice looking DDT, but again it was only for a 2 count as well! One of the high points of the match was both men went up to the top rope, and Malenko tried to execute a Hurracanrana from the top rope, but Dinsmore countered with a Top Rope Powerbomb! But again only for a 2 count! Almost before a 3 count! Both were eagerly trying to score the pinfall to end the match. Dinsmore tried to hit a Northern Lights Suplex, but Malenko kicked out. Then Malenko ducked a clothesline, and hit a Dragon Suplex on Dinsmore, but he kicked out as well! The finish came when Malenko tried to do a Tiger Driver on Dinsmore but then Kid Kash ran down and stuck his arm in the ring, tripping Malenko, and Dinsmore hit a modified Facebuster on Malenko! Kid Kash then starts laughing and taunting Malenko! Then Dinsmore went and locked in his mentor’s finisher, the Texas Cloverleaf! Malenko tried to fight out of it and tried to crawl over to the ring ropes! The closer he got the ropes and harder Dinsmore locked the hold in! Before he could get to the ropes, Malenko’s body couldn’t take anymore and he was forced to tap out from his own hold! After the match, Malenko accepted that he lost the match to his former student, and he stuck out his hand in respect. Dinsmore shook his hand and hugged him and then raised Malenko’s arm! Winner and advancing to the Finals: Nick Dinsmore Rating: C+ [size="3"]MAXX World Title Semi-Finals “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Tajiri vs. WEAPON w/Jonathan Coachman[/size] So WEAPON has already had wrestled a hard fought match against Sabu earlier in the night so it would be a question if WEAPON would be fresh enough to fight Tajiri. Tajiri clearly took advantage of this and started attacking WEAPON with some rapid fire kicks and chops. WEAPON started to get visibly tired after 5 minutes of being in the match. WEAPON took advantage of this, and definitely used his speed to his advantage! But the tide turned from Tajiri’s favor to WEAPON’s favor when Tajiri tried to hit the Springboard Elbow but WEAPON countered into a Full Nelslon Slam! Then WEAPON took control and did a running Splash on on Tajiri, but only for a 2 count! WEAPON is seriously tiring at this point and it showed when WEAPON was trying to make the pinfall, he was very slow at doing so. He was even slower at doing his trade mark moves. He tried for the “Spinning Uranage” when out of nowhere, Tajiri busted out a head scissor! The finish came when Tajiri ran for the rope and then WEAPON busted out a rolling heel kick, leveling Tajiri! WEAPON was very slow to get up on the ropes and tried for his finisher, the “Final Option”, but then out of the crowd, Terry Funk on crutches came out and distracted WEAPON! Coachman tried and stop Funk, but Funk decked Coachman in the face, which got WEAPON’s full attention! But behind him, Sabu came from behind and when WEAPON turned around, Sabu threw a chair at WEAPON’s face, causing him to fall from the top rope! This was the opening that Tajiri needed, which he took advantage of and kicked WEAPON in the face with “Buzzsaw Kick” for the win! Winner and Advancing to the Finals: Tajiri Rating: C+ [size="3"]Angle: “Expectations”[/size] Finlay is in the backstage lockeroom area and he is looking into the camera, sending a message to Joe and the fans. He is saying that he is looking forward to this match and this. He says that Piper booked this match to “spook” Finlay, but its had the opposite effect! It has EXCITED him. He says that if he can go toe to toe with Joe, then there is no question that he can BEAT Sabu! And he will prove it tonight! Rating: B+ [size="3"]Main Event Special Interpromotional Match Samoa Joe vs Finlay [/size] The tension between the two men was thick! Even though Finlay was about almost 15 years older than Joe he didn’t back down to him! When the bell rings, Joe starts it off when an elbow strike, which Finlay gladly returns! Joe then does a chop on Finlay’s chest, Joe then returns the favor with a Ric Flair-esque type chop! Joe then tries and whip Finlay to the ropes and tries to do a shoulder block which both men are stalemated. Joe then tries to runs to the rope and tries to do a shoulder block on Finlay, but Finlay did a drop toe hold knocking Joe down. Soon after, he gets Joe in a front facelock, but Joe is too big and strong and he gets back on his feet! Finlay continues to hold on, and he attacks Joe with some clubbing blows, but Joe turns it into a Northern Lights Suplex, but only for a 1 count. Finlay starts to nod his head in “approval” and then they start to get real “physical”! Joe then goes up to Finlay and slaps him right in the face very loudly! He causes Finlay lip to bleed, and he puts his hand over his mouth to see that he is bleeding, and then Finlay goes Ape Sh*t! He then gives Joe a stiff forearm strike and Joe starts to go outside the ring! Finlay starts to go after him and then they both brawl outside the ring, as the referee begins to do his count! Both men are going back and forth with each other when all of a sudden the referee calls for the bell, for a double count out…… [i]“NO NO NO!!” yells as Piper runs down the ramp way. “This match is NOT going to end this way! All these fans paid to see a match and they are gonna get one! So now it’s gonna be a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE, NO DQ MATCH! [/i] So the bell rings and the match restarts and both Finlay and Joe look at each other and begin to brawl each other once again! Finlay gives another stiff forearm strike and grabs a chair and tries to hit Joe, who is resting against the ring post. Finlay then tries to hit Joe in the face with the chair, but Joe ducks and Finlay drops the chair after hitting the post. Joe follows up with a short arm clothesline, knocking Finlay down! Joe grabs the chair and grabs Finlay and sets him down ..and walks down to the other side of the opposite side of the ring! All of a sudden, runs and delivers the “Ole Kick” on a sitting Finlay! Finally after brawling outside the ring for 8 minutes, they finally returned back to the ring, and it didn’t get much better from there! Joe tried to Irish Whip Finlay into the corner, but Finlay reversed it, and he tried to hit a running forearm smash, but Joe countered into a Sidewalk Slam type move! Joe then tried for the pin, 2 count! Joe is getting frustrated at this point. Joe picks up Finlay and then delivers a sick looking Powerbomb and then locks in STF on Finlay! Finlay is screaming in pain, but he gets to the ropes which forces Joe to release the hold. Joe goes outside the ring and gets a chair and lays it on ground! He then puts Finlay on the top rope and tries for a Musclebuster, but Finlay counters and turns it into a Tornado DDT off the top rope and on to the chair, busting Joe open! At the 26 minute mark, both men are bleeding across their faces and the crowd is standing on their feet on this war! So both men are fighting on the top rope and they are fighting back and forth! Then suddenly a magnificent feat of strength is shown and Finlay delivered the “Celtic Crash” from the top rope to the chair below, prompting a “Holy Sh*t chant from the crowd!” The war finally ended at 32 minutes when Joe this time puts Finlay on the top rope and delivers a Musclebuster thru a table in the middle of the ring, and then soon after locks in the “Triangle Choke” in the middle of the ring! Finlay tries to fight out of it, and the referee asks if he wants to submit, but he yells no. After a while, Finlay is visibly passed out and the referee raises Finlay’s arms 3 times, which in all 3 times it falls to the ground unresponsively, prompting the referee to stop the match. Both men are visibly tired and bleeding, as the crowd is giving both men a standing ovation. Winner by Stoppage: Samoa Joe Rating: B [size="3"]Angle: Respect is Given [/size] After the match was over, Samoa Joe is visibly exhausted and he barely could stand. But he wouldn’t leave the ring. He waited for Finlay to stand, which would be about 4 minutes later, because Joe LITTERALLY made Finlay BLACKOUT with that choke! After Finlay came to, Joe said that even though Finlay was significantly OLDER than Joe, he wants to shake Finlay’s hand after giving him one of his best matches. Finlay limps over to Joe and shakes his hand out of respect, and Joe raises it. The crowd takes turns in unison chanting either “Thank you Finlay” or “Thank you Joe!” Rating B+ [size="3"]Final Rating: B Attendance: 10.000 SELL OUT!!! PPV Buyrate: 0.15[/size] (Sorry it took me so long ..it took me 3 days to write! comments are appreciated!!-GHOST) [/b][/font][/center]
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[quote][b][FONT="Times New Roman"][center][SIZE="5"]GhostWritings By GhostDogg Saturday, March 29, 2008[/size] [SIZE="3"]So it’s the day after the legendary show Vyndetta #7, where the Main Event was Dave Finlay vs Samoa Joe. But why was it so momentous and legendary? For the simple fact that it was our largest filled and highest rated show. With a attendance of 10,000 people, and a .15 Pay Per View Buyrate. I had to personally call Jeff Jerrett and Dixie Carter and thanked them for loaning me Joe for the show. They used Chavo in the first show earlier this week. Speaking of Chavo…. “Mended Bridges” So both Chavo and Nick Dinsmore tested hot again for drugs again for I believe the 4th time in one month! That was the last straw for both of them. Now for Chavo, he could have cared less. Because I heard on the internet of all places, that he signed for the Japanese touring company, Dragon Gate, and that he was leaving in 4 days. But with all the punishments I gave him, you know de-pushing him and having him job out to Sexxxy Eddy, you think he would get the message. And as for Dinsmore, he was in line for a title shot at the MAXX World Title! I mean honestly, I had Finlay job to him, and this is the thanks I get? So on Friday, I had a meeting with both Dinsmore and Chavo and I told them that I was terminating BOTH their agreements immeadiately. Well that when a shocker came, I knew that Dinsmore valued his job, because he wasn’t working anywhere else, but Chavo said that he didn’t want to get terminated from MAXX, because I guess it would hurt his chances with Dragon Gate keeping him I suppose. So I look deep down in my heart and decided NOT to fire Dinsmore or Chavo, and in returned they pledged Loyalty to me. I told Dinsmore he is to go into rehab, no acceptions. And for Chavo? I couldn’t really do much for him. I just told hom don’t piss me off the last 4 days otherwise I would have no problems fire him. So I have two workers that pledge loyalty, it’s a start… “Retirement” So I talked to Finlay and he confirmed that he would like to retire in the near future. He actually confirmed it for me, yet he didn’t set a date, so the way I figure, he has about 1, possibly 2 months left in him and then he is calling it quits. Finlay has been good for MAXX. Because he has been loyal to the promotion and even though he has had offers from other promotions, he has stayed. It will be a truly sad day when Finlay hang his boots up for the very last time in MAXX. “Bleeding out” So I am gaining popularity in my shows, especially in the Tri-State area but the problem is this, every month, I am losing more money than I am gaining, despite what rating I get on shows. It’s like putting a band aid on a bullet hole. I am gonna have to make some drastic decisions. I tried to release some people, that hasn’t worked. I tried using the most expensive less than usual, that hasn’t work. I think the only thing I will possibly have to do , is have smaller shows thru 3 weeks out of the month, and then on the last week, have a PPV show, maybe just maybe it will might just slow down the “bleeding” until the next T.V. negotiation period starts up. [/size] [/quote] [SIZE="5"]Preview for Vyndetta #8 Card.[/size] [SIZE="3"] So it was a truly historic night for Pro Wrestling MAXX on Vyndetta, episode #7! There were careers ending when Sexxxy Eddy won a Ladder Match and wound up winning the “services” of Carmella and exiling Chavo Guerrero! We saw alliances formed, when Rocky Romero defeated B-Boy in a grudge match, with the assistance of his long time tag team partner, Ricky Reyes, to reform the Havana Pitbulls! when MAXX General Manager, Roddy Piper said that he had a surprise for Finlay and it was none other than TNA superstar, Samoa Joe! We saw progression made as the 6 semi finalist now dwindled down to 3. The “Alpha Male” Monty Brown, the “Iceman” Nick Dinsmore, and the “Japanese Buzzsaw” Yoshihiro Tajiiri! And we also saw a dream match of the year, when MAXX General Manager, Roddy Piper’s “surprise” for Finlay was none other than TNA Superstar, Samoa Joe! And on this week’s episode, its only gonna get better from there! Ricky Reyes vs B-Boy This match was BOUND to happened! B-Boy and Rocky Romero were having a return match from a few weeks back! Now GM Roddy Piper has made a match between these two, but B-Boy says that he is going to return the favor with …. Rocky Romero vs ??? So B-Boy says that since Romero wants to bring outsider’s into their business, B-Boy’s says that he is going to “return” the favor! B-Boy says that he has someone from his past, a former tag team partner as well, the problem is that B-Boy has teamed with A LOT of people in the past from various promotions, so it can be anyone! Jimmy Yang vs Billy Kidman w/Dawn Marie So it seems as if Kidman has a little bit of life in him since he has “reluctantly” taken on the services of Dawn Marie after his loss from Tajiri in the Semi-Finals. So will Kidman’s luck change after taking on her services? Or will Kidman’s losing streak continue? And the Main Event! MAXX World Title Match! “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Yoshihiro Tajiri vs “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore vs “Alpha Male” Monty Brown It started with 12 Stars. Tonight it ends with the final 3, but when it’s all said and done, there can be only one! These 3 men have an opportunity to make history! Who will step up and become the first MAXX world champion? Will it be the Japanese Buzzsaw who cut thru 2 guys to get here? Or will it be the Iceman? Whose ice cold tenacity got him this far? Or will the Alpha Male claim the ultimate prize and be the new king of the jungle? All this and much more on the next episode of Vyndetta Match Card: Jerry Lynn vs Xavier Rickey Reyes vs B-Boy Rocky Romero vs An opponent of B-Boy’s Choosing “The Last of a Dying Breed” Eddie Kingston vs Arik Cannon Ron “The Truth” Killings vs SuperNOVA Billy Kidman vs Jimmy Yang “The Iceman” Nick Dinsmore vs “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs Tajiri (Predict and comment. GHOST) [/font][/b][/size][/center]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[font="Times New Roman"][b][center]Vyndetta #8 Main Show Attendance: 9273 [size="4"]Jerry Lynn def. Xavier [/size] This was Lynn’s return match after that brutal fall count anywhere match with Justice Pain a few weeks back. He is going up against Xavier with a “Model” gimmick. Xavier took advantage of the fact that Lynn was still sore from him match with Lynn, but the tide shortly turned with Lynn getting the advantage and keeping it throughout the match. The finish came when Justice Pain ran down at tried to attack Lynn with a Lariat, but Lynn ducked and hit Xavier instead! Lynn then did a dropkick on Pain knocking him out of the ring. Lynn finished off Xavier with the TKO. Winner: Jerry Lynn Rating: D+ [i][size="4"]Angle: “Bad Luck for the Iceman”[/size] The scene changes from the ring to we see a wrestler on the ground in a bloody mess and we see pieces of a broken table and a chair on the ground next to the body. We see medical personnel run up to the victim and the person is none other than NICK DINSMORE! Roddy Piper runs to Dinsmore and tries to see if Dinsmore is conscious, which he is not. Within a few minutes later, an Ambulance arrives and picks up Dinsmore and drives him away to the nearest hospital. Joey Styles comes over and talks to Piper. Styles: Mr. Piper, what the condition of Dinsmore and is the Main Event going to take place tonight? Piper: I don’t know what happen exactly but according to medics, Dinsmore has a SERIOUS concussion, and he is in no condition to fight tonight. Styles: Ok, so who will be replacing Dinsmore? Piper: I will have an answer to that a later time. If you excuse me, I have to go to the hospital. Piper goes out to his rental car and drives off the same direction that the ambulance went.[/i] Rating: C- [size="4"]Ricky Reyes def. B-Boy[/size] B-Boy didn’t even let Reyes in the ring good, when he took the fight to Reyes! Both men have excellent chemistry and you can hit the stiff chops exchanged from each other all the way to the parking lot! The finish came when Reyes tried to lock in a “Dragon Sleeper” when B-Boy countered and kneed Reyes in the head to get out of the hold, then B-Boy hit Reyes with a vicious elbow strike and hit the “West Coast Driver” when someone no one would expect to interefere…..FRANCINE!! She ran down to the ring and distacted B-boy which Reyes took advantage and executed the “Fisherman Buster” for the pinfall! Winner: Ricky Reyes Rating: C+ [i][size="4"]Angle: “Change in the Card” [/size] Immediately following the last match, Roddy Piper comes out to ringside and speaks into the microphone. Piper: “Ok fans, I have just gotten back from the hospital, and the doctors have confirmed that Nick Dinsmore has suffered a legitimate concussion, so he will not be able to compete tonight…” The crowd starts to boo. Piper: “However, the triple threat match will continue. So tonight it will be Monty Brown vs Yoshihiro Tajiri vs …….FINLAY! The crowd become hot all of a sudden off that announcement! Styles: “Wow that is explosive announcement, but one has to wonder will Finlay be healthy enough to face these two!? I mean last week, he was taken to the limits when he faced Samoa Joe! And he never tapped out nor was he pinned, but he blacked out when he was put in that rear naked choke!” Jordan: “Your absolutely right Joey, but he is at a disadvantaged, but at the same time he is at an advantage as well because, he’s not the only target, so that mean he could form an temporary alliance and gang up on someone!” Campbell: “I see your point, so Tajiri and Finlay could team up to take on Brown, or something like that!” Piper starts walking back to the locker room and starts slapping hand with the fans. [/i] Rating: C+ [size="4"]“The Last of a Dying Breed” Eddie Kingston w/Dan Maff vs “The Anarchist” Arik Cannon [/size] So both Kingston and Cannon went toe to toe with each other and hit a couple of stiff moves on each other, first with Cannon hitting a modified exploder suplex and a twisting neckbreaker, but Kingston came back with rapid fire chops on Cannon while he was in the corner, and then later he hit a trapping arm suplex. The finish came when Cannon tried to hit the Burning Hammer, but Maff kind of took exception to this, because that was his finisher. So he distracted him and Kingston took advantage and hit Cannon with the Roaring Elbow for the pinfall. Kingston stood out as being good in this match. Winner: Eddie Kingston Rating: C- [i][size="4"]Angle: Hype Video [/size] Monty Brown Hype Video, showing Brown’s path of destruction. [/i] Rating C- [size="4"]Ron “The Truth” Killings vs SuperNOVA [/size] So before the match comes out, Nova brings out his new Manager, which turns out to be his REAL LIFE brother, Donnie B! The match goes back and forth with the two men, both getting an equal amount of offense ! Killing was much faster than Nova, ducking a clothesline and hitting a sidekick, and then hitting an spinning elbow smash! But they don’t call Nova the “InNOVAtor of Offense” with Nova hitting the “Spin Doctor” and almost securing a win with the “Kryptonite Krunch” (Reverse Minchoku Driver #2), but Killings got his foot up on the rope at the last possible minute! The finish came when Nova tried to hit the Nova Blast on Killings, but Killings, countered with a “True Conviction” and then waited for Nova to get up and put him away with the Axe Kick. Winner: Ron "The Truth" Killings Rating: C- [i][size="4"]Angle: Aftermath[/size] Joey Styles is backstage with Finlay as he is just arriving in the arena. And he is told that he will be in the triple threat match tonight. He is shocked at the sudden news and he then says that even though he is sore from last weeks battle with Samoa Joe, he says that he is ready to make history. [/i] Rating B- [size="4"] Billy Kidman w/Dawn Marie vs Jimmy Yang [/size] Kidman enters the rampway with his new “Manager” Dawn Marie and he gives her the “stay put” gesture to her. Jimmy Yang comes down to the “Enter the Dragon” theme. Both men went toe to toe with high flying moves, but the difference maker in the match was unsurprisingly with Dawn Marie. Jimmy Yang executed a very sweet looking Spin Kick to the back of Kidman’s head. Yang tried to go up top to deliever the “Yang Time” when Dawn Marie interfered making him lose his balance and wound up making him crash down to the mat. Kidman, not knowing what happen, took advantage and hit the “BK Bomb” on Yang getting the win. Winner: Billy Kidman Rating C-. [i][size="4"] Announcement: Funk will returns to MAXX soon. [/size] The announcers just announced that in the near future, the “Crazy Old Bastard” Terry Funk will make his return back to MAXX!! [/i] Rating: C+ [size="4"]Ricky Reyes w/Rocky Romero and Francine vs “Mystery Competitor” with B-Boy[/size] [i]So we are still in shock over the recent affiliation of Francine joining Rocky Romero. When Romero, Reyes and Francine enter the ring. Francine reveals that she came to MAXX it was all a plan in the making. Contrary to popular belief it was Francine’s doing bringing Reyes to MAXX, not Romero. And she says that she is now reforming this tag team. But not they are no longer the Havana Pittbulls, but in fact they are the “NEW PITTBULLZ” being lead by the Queen B*tch, Francine! (OOC- for those that don’t know, Francine was the manager of the Pitbulls back in ECW, back in the day.) So the song “Real Muthaf*ckin G’s” by Eazy-E starts to play through the P.A. set and B-Boy starts to get on the microphone. B-Boy: “It don’t matter whose responsible for what. Reyes, last week you put your nose into some business with Romero, that didn’t concern you. Romero, you little B*TCH!! It aint over between me and you, not by a LONG SHOT! And since you wanna bring people into our business, I got somebody from my past, just like I promised that’s gonna help me kick your ass! He is none other than…SUPER DRAGON!!!” The song “Gangsta, Gangsta” by N.W.A. starts to play and Super Dragon comes out and taps B-Boy on the shoulder, and whispers in his ear… B-Boy: “What? What you mean DRAGON isn’t here tonight?” “Dragon” starts whispering something else in B-Boy’s ear, while Romero, Reyes, and Francine starts laughing in the ring. B-Boy: “So wait a minute, if your not Super Dragon, then who THE HELL are you?” “Dragon” removes his PWG robe and he reveals a "Tony Montana: Scarface" shirt and shorts, prompting the song, “You aint ready” by 50 Cent starts to playing through the arena, and then he removes the Super Dragon mask. And everyone is shocked who it is! Reyes, Romero and Francine stops laughing soon after when they find out the identity of “Dragon” was none other than THE NOTIRIOUS 187, HOMICIDE!!! Styles: “Homicide is the perfect choice for B-Boy’s partner! Because he has ties with all 3 of these men!” Campell: “That’s right he was with Reyes and Romero as the “Rottreilers” in Ring of Honor, and the has also teamed with B-Boy on several occasions in PWG! [/i] Cide and Romero stared down at each other and then Romero called Cide a “sellout” and slapped him in the face. Homicide took offense and elbowed him in the face knocking him down and spat on Reyes! This match was to say the least hard hitting! It even outdid the earlier match between Reyes and B-Boy earlier tonight! Between slaps back and forth from each other and various suplexes from both men, the finish came when Francine tried to distract the referee, while Romero came into the ring and tried to attack Homicide when Reyes hit the Low Blow. This was thwarted however when B-Boy came and defended his friend and did a “Shining Wizard” on Reyes, taking him out! Romero took his eyes off of Reyes and that led to Homicide to his running version of the “Copkilla”! For the win! After the match, Piper comes out. Piper: “I have an announcement to make, since you 4 men have a grievance with each other obviously, next week, it will be a Tag Team match between the team of The NEW PITTBULLZ, and Homicide and B-Boy!” Winner: "The Nortorious 187" Homicide Rating: C+ [i][size="4"]Music Video:[/size] Showing the accolades and how dangerous Tajiri is. [/i] Rating: C+ [size="4"]Main Event: MAXX World Title Match: Triple Threat Elimination “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs “The Japanese Buzzsaw” Yoshihiro Tajiri vs “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay [/size] It started began with 12 men, but in the end, it ended with these three men and to say these three gave it their all was an understatement! All of these men had an advantage and at the same time a disadvantage because it was a Elimination style match! Between Tajiri’s speed, Finlay’s toughness and Brown’s strength, this was clearly for the history books. Both Finlay and Tajiri tried to go after Brown early in the match, and for a while it was working. Tajiri was working on Brown’s legs, and he took out Brown with a legsweep, while Finlay followed up with double foot stomp/senton splash. But that didn’t stop the freak of nature in Brown. The double team worked for a while, until Finlay was holding Brown, and Tajiri tried to hit a spin kick, and Brown ducked, and hit Finlay instead! At this point there was clearly NO ALLIANCES between these men and it showed, with Tajiri doing a handspring elbow on both Finlay and Brown! Brown then returned the favor by doing a sick looking Spinebuster on Finlay and then when Tajiri tried to attack him, Brown executed an Alpha Bomb, slamming Tajiri on top of Finlay! Which almost resulted in a close pinfall eliminating Finlay. The first person eliminated surprisingly was Brown. After Brown hit the POUNCE!!! on Finlay, which by the way he hit him so hard that Finlay got knocked out of the ring! Tajiri took advantage and hit a swift kick to both of Brown’s legs, bringing him to his knees, and did the Buzzsaw kick, BUT HE DIDN’T FALL!! Tajiri was shocked by this, and he did two more Buzzsaw kicks, making Brown reel over, but not knocking him out! Tajiri then did a running drop kick to Brown’s face, finally knocking him down! Finlay at the time was climbing the top rope and then did a top rope double foot stomp on Brown! Then Tajiri then went up to the top rope and hit a Moonsault and both men pinned Brown to eliminate him at the 14:23 mark, leaving only Tajiri and Finlay left. Both men started to chop at each other, and Tajiri went to Finlay’s legs, but Finlay countered and hit a very nasty Dragon Screw Legwhip and then locked in a impressive looking “Irish Cloverleaf” (Texas Cloverleaf) maneuver in the middle of the ring! He had it locked in for it seem like a long time until Tajiri reached the ropes, causing Finlay to break the hold. That seriously turned the tide of this match as Tajiri couldn’t do his kicks as well as he did, but that doesn’t mean that he would be counted out of this match. Tajiri then tried to hit the “Tajiri Rush” but he couldn’t execute the spin kick, which Finlay took advantage and hit a vicious Lariat. Finlay would whip Tajiri into the corner to hit a clothesline, but Tajiri would move out of the way and lock in a Tarantula, but he released the hold at the 4 count. Both men are visibly tired and sore but at the 24:12 mark, the finish came when Tajiri did a roundhouse kick to Finlay’s gut and tried to hit a Powerbomb on Finlay, but Tajiri’s leg gave out, and even though Finlay’s leg and back are still sore from this match, and last week’s match with Joe, Finlay executed the “Celtic Crash” and drop Tajiri right on his head, but not without clutching his knee! Finlay starts to crawls over to Tajiri and goes for the pinfall, but A 2 ¾ COUNT! How did Tajiri get out of that? Finlay is clearly frustrated, and he picks up Tajiri to the ropes and Tajiri tried to counter with the Handspring Elbow on Finlay, but he saw it coming and countered with a German Suplex and held it with a bridge for the pinfall and the win! Winner and New MAXX World Champion: Finlay Rating B- [i][size="4"] Angle: Celebration[/size] After the match, Roddy Piper comes down to the ring with the MAXX World Title, and gets inside the ring and congratulates Finlay and hands him the title! Finlay then goes to all four of the turnbuckles and raises his arms in victory! [/i] Rating : B- Final Rating: B- [/font][/center][/b]
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[size=4][b][center][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]MAXX Reports and Rumors BREAKING NEWS!! FINLAY RETIRES!![/size] [size=3] March 29th, 2008 Just 24 hours after winning the MAXX World Title, David Finlay shocked the World by announcing that he is RETIRING from Pro Wrestling MAXX! Now this is going to send shockwaves through the MAXX lockeroom due to the fact that the World Title picture is, since there is clearly no number 1 contender announced. General Manager Roddy Piper says that Finlay is the recognized World Champion even though he is announced his retirement, and he will have one more final match on Vyndetta #9. Against who and if any stipulation was not mentioned at this time. [/size] Coutresy: [url]www.MAXX.com[/url][/font][/b][/center]
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[center][font="Century Gothic"][b][size=5]GhostWritings 29 March 2008 (Week 4)[/size] The breaking news may have came to a shock to everyone, even myself. I knew that Finlay was pondering retirement, I just didn’t think that he was gonna do it this soon, just one day after winning the title. But I think the “problem” that the fans and the wrestler’s were thinking that there will be is that since Finlay’s going to retire, who is going to be the champion? And who is the new #1 contender? Well, all those worries can be put to rest. Because I talked to Finlay, and since is STILL recognized as MAXX World Champion, and he has agreed to fight one last match. Now win or lose, he will put the MAXX World Title on the line. Now who he will face, and what type of match he will be in remains to be seen. Now that the MAXX World Title picture has be “resolved’ I now need to focus on the other titles in MAXX. With the cruiserweight title, I need to put more focus back on the Abercrombie/Hart feud. As for the Tag Team titles, I don’t have a strong tag team division….yet. But I have more than 2 teams so I have figure out something. But another title that has been neglected is the MAXX TV title. The question I ask myself is how I am gonna have the TV title decided. I want to have something new and original. I mean what match format should I do to make it memorable? I can’t do a tournament type format, because that how the the World Title was decided. Can’t do a Battle Royal type of format, because that how the Crusierweight title was decided. After pondering what “ground breakin” and memorable format that the title will be decided, I finally came up with a concept. And it will be revealed in the next entry of “Reports and Rumors”. After the World Title picture situation was decided, it was time for me to focus on stuff that really mattered. The undercard. I learned a valuable lesson after being told of Finlay’s emanate departure. Never, ever build your promotion around one star. And I learned that lesson the hard way. Because Finlay was my most popular star on the roster, despite the fact he was a heel. I have a lot of talented guys on the roster (in fact too many), I need to see who can step it up and run with the ball? Speaking of stepping up the undercard, I need to go back to the basics and put my emphasis on these fueds. Like the Abercrombie and Hart fued. Now granted for both of them being lower in the card, we need to spice it up a little bit. Especially Hart, because he I feel that he is INSANELY talented, and he has the name to go far in the business. Abercrombie is absolutely GOLD on the mic and in the ring charismatic wise. Another fued that I want to work on the the Legendz/THUG’s saga. I mean there is SO MUCH potential there. And its involving so many more people than just SHAD, JTG, Kingston and Maff. And another one I neglected was the Lynn/Pain story. Now the reason why I “Paused” this battle, because after that violent hardcore match they had a few weeks ago, I wanted them to rest. The question is after the end of this fued, who is gonna benefit more? But there was a storyline now that I am interested in that is more or less a blessing in disguise. Basically it will revolve around Nick Dinsmore and who attack him. Kind of like a “whodoneit” on who attacked him. And I have the perfect person on who attacked him. And if it plays out, we might have a solidified Main Eventer on the horizon (assuming he don’t get popped for drugs again). GHOST[/b][/center][/font] (I am trying to experiment with the font which would be better on the eyes)
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[center][b][font="Century Gothic"][size="3"]Vyndetta 9: Finlay’s Farewell Billy Kidman w/Dawn Marie def. “The Trendsetter” Josh Abercrombie These two men had excellent chemistry with each other and this was a very solid opener for the historic show. If Abercrombie wanted to get the MAXX Championship committee’s attention, he definitely got it as he went toe to toe, counter for counter with the veteran in some high flying action. The finish came when Abercrombie was hit a Jumping Side Kick on Kidman taking him down and was going to signal for the “Flashback” but Dawn Marie got involved again, like last week, and “distracted” Abercrombie, just long enough for Kidman to recover and hit the BK Bomb (Sitout Powerbomb) for the win. Rating: C- Angle: Declaration Thomas Campbell is walking backstage to the MAXX GM’s office… Campbell: Mr. Piper I understand that you have an announcement in regards to tonights match between Funk and Malenko. Piper: As a matter of fact I do, this message is directly exclusively to WEAPON! If WEAPON interferes in tonight’s match any way shape form or fashion, I will suspend him on the spot! I understand that he is still “Upset” over his loss at the tournament, two weeks ago, but the anarchy here in MAXX ends,NOW!! Rating: C+ “The Man of 1000 Holds” Dean Malenko vs Terry Funk Both men had respect for each other, and before the match started both men shook hands! But before the match even took place, WEAPON along with Jonathan Coachman sat ringside to get a closer “view” of the match. It seemed that Malenko had an edge against Funk, due to him being younger..(still at the ripe young age of 47), and his technical mastery. However, Funk was not going to be outdone, by Malenko, as he fought back against him, and his some of his “Old School” moves against him, to include the Funker DDT, and the Spinning Toe Hold. The finish came when Malenko hit the Gut Buster on Funk, and was gonna put him away with the “Texas Cloverleaf”, but Kid Kash ran down to the ring and hit him from behind with a chair (the ref, Malenko, nor Funk) saw this, and Funk took advantage with a roll up for the win! After the bell Kash got in the ring and still beat on Malenko, but Funk tried to interfere, and got a chair shot for his trouble! Kash then picks up Malenko and did his new finsher, the Ka$h Flow (Inverted Death Valley driver, named after the late wrestler, Chris Ca$h) right on the chair! And then to add insult to injury, he locks in the “Texas Cloverleaf” on Malenko right in the middle of the ring! Winner: Terry Funk Rating: C- Hype video for the promotion, showing a sexy new Manager Crystal Carmicheal, hyping up the Pro Wrestling MAXX promotion. Rating: C Homicide and B-Boy vs The New Pittbullz w/The Queen B*tch Francine These two teams started to brawl even before the brawl with each other the bell rings and its TOTAL CHAOS! All 4 of these men came out of the match. When the referee finally gets order in the ring between the two teams, it still didn’t matter, because there was still stiff shots, and hard hitting moves between the two teams. The Pittbullz took it to Homicide quite early had the former “Rottreiler” alumni gave ‘Cide a Dragon Suplex/ Lariat combination, but B-Boy broke up the pinfall. But B-Boy and Homicide returned the favor when Homicide whipped Romero into the corner, then hit a Yakuza kick in the corner knocking him down, and hit the “Facewash” running kick to the face! Then he tagged B-Boy and hit Reyes in the face with a running forarm, and then ran and hit the “Facelift” on Reyes. By the time the finish of the match, ALL 4 MEN WERE BLEEDING!! And the finish almost came when B-Boy hit the “West Coast Driver” on Romero but before the referee could count the pinfall, Francine pulls him out of the ring before he counts the three! Homicide took exception to this and he walked right up behind Francine and grabbed her and hit the ACE CRUSHER on her! When Francine got hurt, Reyes and Romero came to the outside to check on Francine after she took the Ace Crusher, while both B-Boy and Homicide were both in the ring. The referee starts to count out when all of a sudden both B-Boy and ‘Cide both hit Stereo High Speed Somersault Tope Suicida on both Reyes and Romero at the same time to cause the referee to reset the out of ring count. The finish came when B-Boy hit the “Delikado” on Reyes who wasn’t the legal man, but then Homicide got tagged in and they did their new finisher, “The West Coast Killing Spree” (Homicide’s Copkilla, B-Boy Reverse DDT), on Romero for the pinfall and the win. Winner: Homicide and B-Boy Rating: C+ Angles: “Thanks for the Memories” Roddy Piper comes out of the dressing room to address the fans, and to thank Finlay for everything that he has done in this promotion and then they show a Video Montage of Finlays accolades in the promotion. The crowd starts to chant Finlay’s name as the montage ends. Rating: C MAXX World Title Match Last Man Standing Match “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay © vs “The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu w/Bill Alfonso This was Finlay’s last match in Pro Wrestling MAXX, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. For both men it wasn’t about the title, it was about the fact who was the toughest, who was the hardest of the hardcore! And in their entire storied saga, neither man has scored a pinfall on the other! The only thing that was in Finlay’s favor, was when he pinned Nick Dinsmore when he was in a tag team match with Paul Burchill. Despite Finlay being the heel in the match, he certainly wasn’t treated like it by the fans, in fact both men was cheered for by the fans. This match spilled over EVERYWHERE, and the only reason why the referee was even there was to make the 10 count! The match started in the ring, with Finlay hitting him some hard shots, but Sabu countered a whip into flying head scissor on Finlay! Then Sabu dropkicked Finlay out of the ring! Alfonso then slides a chair into the ring, and Sabu sets it up and he does a triple jump splash on to Finlay, and the ref started to do the count, but only for a 2 count. Sabu tried to whip Finlay into the steel steps, but Finlay countered and whipped him into the steel steps! And then to add good measure, Finlay ran and kicked Sabu’s face against the steps, busting Sabu’s face open, and possibly broken Sabu’s cheek bone!! But he answered the count at 4. Finlay was clearly getting frustrated and he moved the steel steps and tried to piledrive Sabu into the steps, but Sabu countered and did a backdrop, having Finlay land right on the steel steps! So Fonzie starts to set up a table on the outside of the ring, and Sabu puts Finlay on the table…and crawls back into the ring….and to the adjacent turnbuckle. Fonzie throws him and chair, ARABIAN FACEBUSTER FROM THE TOP ROPE!!! The crowd start to chant HOLY ****!!! HOLY ****!!! Both men are down, but Sabu answers the count at 5, but Finlay is slow to get up, but answers the count at 7. Both men slide in the ring slowly, both bloody from the carnage. Sabu happens to bring his chair with him, and waits for Finlay to get up…he hits him with 2 chair shots making him bleed more! But Finlay is gesturing for one more!! Sabu is shaking his head in disbelief and goes for a running chair shot, but Finlay kicks him in the gut, causing him to drop the chair, and hits a Lariat, further hurting Sabu’s face! Finlay sets up the chair..and grabs Sabu, and sets him up for the Blarney Stone Piledriver, but he steps up on the chair to deliever it!!! Sabu then grabs his neck screaming in pain! Finlay can barely stand, as he is using the rope to keep him up, as he waits for the ref to count. Shockingly, Sabu answers at 9!! The crowd starts to chant “THEY’RE HARDCORE!!! THEY’RE HARDCORE!!” Both men are bleeding from the mouth badly as the ref ask Sabu can he continue, Sabu shoves the referee, and Finlay in disbelief cant belive that Sabu is still standing! Finlay, tries to go for the chair but Sabu instinctively drop kicks Finlay in the knee, making Finlay “jar” his throat on to the chair, causing him to drop it…and makes him stumble back to the turnbuckle. Sabu grabs the chair and hit a vicious chair shot on Finlay knocking him back to the corner, but not knocking him down! Sabu sets up the chair, and hobbles to the opposite corner and runs (or more like hobbles) to perform the AIR SABU! Finlay is knocked back into the corner… Sabu yells something to Fonzie and he is digging for something under the ring, while he is doing that Sabu folds the chair and puts it down!, moves Finlay who is “glazed over” and sits on the top rope and grabs Finlay and does a Tornado DDT on the Chair!! The ref begins to count and Finlay answer at 9 as well!! Both men are bloody and bruised! Finlay is motioning for Sabu to “come on’ and both men exchange punches but Finlay ducks the last one and delievers a sick looking Back Drop right on Sabu’s neck!! Finlay then puts the chair over Sabu’s face, and Finlay goes to the top rope, and tried to go for the Double Foot Stomp, right on the chair, but Sabu moved out the way on the last possible moment, and Finlay is showing that it hurt him, Sabu then hits a vicious chair shot on Finlay! Taking no chances, Sabu then puts the chair over Finlay’s face and Fonzie finds what he is looking for underneath the ring, A 15 FOOT LADDER!! Sabu goes to the top rope and Fonzie then hands him the ladder, Sabu is a little wobbly and almost falls down due to the excessive blood loss, but he regains his composure. The ref is counting at 7, when Finlay starts to move, but before he can move the chair off his face, Sabu hit the ARABIAN FACE BUSTER WITH THE LADDER!!!! (HOLY ****, HOLY ****!!!) Styles: OH MY GOD, SABU JUST KILLED FINLAY!!! Both men are down ,and Finlay is convulsing down on the ground, while Sabu is grabbing his neck! The referee starts the count, both men almost get up at the same time, Sabu hangs on to the rope and can barely stand, but Finlay tried to get up, but his blood loss is too excessive and he can’t answer the 10 count! When the bell rings, Sabu passes out shortly after!. Fonzie comes into the ring and congratulates him, and belt is laid out on him. Sabu puts his arms around him and is held up by Fonzie. Finlay is slowly climbing up the ropes, all bloodied up with his crimson mask. He limps over to Sabu, barely able to stand…and extends his bloody hand out to Sabu….which Sabu accepts and gives Finlay a hug… all of the lockeroom comes out to the ring…and celebrate and hoist Finlay on his shoulders as the crowd gives Finlay a standing ovation. (and if you look closely, you can see Finlay crying and smiling ). Winner and New MAXX World Champion: Sabu Rating: B- Final Rating: C+[/font][/center][/b][/size]
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