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MAW 2007: Out Of Exile

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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]MAW 2007: Out Of Exile[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]1. In the beginning...[/SIZE][/CENTER] From WrestleRadio archive, January 1st 2007: Johnny Jackson: [COLOR="Navy"]“…Sure I’m young, and sure, I’ve had little experience booking a promotion, but Rip and I have a lot of the same ideas, and are looking to create a real sense of direction for this new year and beyond. I may not have much experience, but I will say that over the majority of the past year, I was doing a great deal of the creative work at 4C, so I’m not entirely clueless. Besides, Rip has confidence in me and I will do anything and everything to repay his trust and faith in me.”[/COLOR] Interviewer: [COLOR="red"]“We know that you are a world-class potential performer, but booking a promotion at this early stage of your career must be like jumping in at the deep end.”[/COLOR] JJ: [COLOR="navy"]“Well, sure, but hopefully we’ll have a lot of fun with it, make money, and most importantly to me, create stars out of the boys in the back.”[/COLOR] I: [COLOR="red"]“And what about Jean Cattley? There have been rumours of tension between you, and also that he could be leaving MAW…”[/COLOR] JJ: [COLOR="navy"]“Let me cut you off by saying that that could not be further from the truth. Jean wanted to concentrate on his in-ring legacy, which made my arrival just right for everyone. As for him leaving, unless the SWF come knocking at his door, he’s not going anywhere. I’ve got big plans for him.”[/COLOR] I: [COLOR="Red"]“Well, thank you for appearing on the WrestleRadio today, and we look forward to checking out the Rip Chord Invitational in a couple of weeks.”[/COLOR] JJ: [COLOR="navy"]“It’s been my pleasure.”[/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] As I left the building, it was truly sinking in that I was now the head booker of Rip Chord’s MAW. Rip had been scouting me for the better part of the year, to try and snatch my wrestling brain from 4C. I’d talked to Rip countless times over the year, and he desperately wanted to bring me in. It was for that reason that I found myself invited to the MAW Christmas party 2006. Rip told me that Jean Cattley wanted to concentrate on his ring work and was burnt out of the booking aspect of the company. Rip offered me the position, but I was reluctant to leave 4C in the lurch, as I’d become one of the cornerstones of the promotion. It was at this point that I had already become quite intoxicated by Rip’s ‘special brew’ (don’t ask) and found myself staring across the table at Rip, with a row of glasses filled with the evil drink. From what I remember, me and Rip were about to partake in a drinking contest, that if I lost meant that I’d have to come work for him and book MAW. Now, it’s a testament to how much I’d already drank to get to the point where I would accept a drinking contest against Rip Chord, a man whose reputation is synonymous with alcohol as much as it is wrestling. I had no chance of winning, and on this night, under the influence of Chordbrau XXX and the watchful eyes of Natural Storm, I became MAW head booker, not that I’d have known it until morning.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]2. ‘Logistical Errors’[/SIZE][/CENTER] January 2nd 2007 I walked into the office, my head spinning equally with the opportunity and the pressure that rested on my shoulders. As I sat in the waiting room, I sipped at my coffee, not because I felt like I needed to, but more from habit and compulsion. I could not get my head around how I was now in charge of one of the most recognisable wrestling superstar of the last generation’s promotion, and the pressure inherent within that was immense. No sooner had I managed to compose myself then I was called into Rip’s office. Take the office of a film noir detective, double it, and you’ll have some idea of the atmosphere of Rip’s office. Bottles of amber liquids lines the walls, and despite the fact that Rip did not smoke, somehow the room seemed to filled with a kind of haze that was inexplicable. All that was missing was that Rip wasn’t wearing one of those hats that the detectives customarily wore. As I seemingly stepped back into the 1940s, I noticed it was just 10 in the morning and already there was a half empty glass of Chordbrau or something equally as evil beside Rip’s right hand. As he picked it up and downed the remainders, I made a mental note that I’d have to talk to Rip about his drinking. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Good morning Johnny.”[/COLOR] Rip kind of slurred as he spoke, years of alcoholic hedonism taking it’s toll on his accent. He awkwardly reached out then grasped my hand to shake it. [COLOR="Navy"]“It’s a pleasure to be working here, Rip.”[/COLOR] I answered. I was already on first name terms with him, but still wasn’t certain that it was appropriate to call him Rip within the business setting that we were in. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“The Invitational is in place for the end of next week…uh…”[/COLOR] he checked his schedule, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Friday 12th January.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Don’t you mean Friday week 2 January?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Yeah, yeah, whatever you kids call it these days. Anyways, you need to have the show written up by Thursday morning so I can go over it with you and then the boys.”[/COLOR] He poured himself another glass of the brew and took a massive draught from it, before carrying on as though nothing had occurred. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I have some goals for you to reach while you work here.”[/COLOR] he continued. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Number 1: make sure we have $100,000 in the bank by the end of 2008. Number 2: no drug users. We are wrestling, not some freak show. And number 3: we should focus on the future - you cannot sign anyone over the age of 42.”[/COLOR] I nodded. The last goal was a bit annoying, as there were a couple of workers just over that age range that I was looking to bring in. Fortunately, I called them yesterday, so if Rip asks I’ll just say it’s a ‘logistical error’. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Anyway here’s the roster list that I want you to look at. I’ve got to go; I’ve…uh…got an appointment.”[/COLOR] He looked uneasily about himself and felt around in his jacket pocket, as if I’d called him out on something he shouldn’t have done. There was something to the shame in his eyes that disturbed me a little. We walked out of the building together and as we did, I gaze at the roster: [CENTER][ROSTER LIST] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] [U]Antonio[/U] Antonio is an underrated worker, but definitely not world calibre. Rip always seems to speak of him fondly, but to me he just screams generic… [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/CurtisJenkins.jpg[/IMG] [U]Curtis Jenkins[/U] I’m not sure how long CJ will last, but I’ll give him a shot. Who knows, he could surprise me… [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [U]DC Rayne (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champion)[/U] Half of the Tag Team Champions, Rayne is a pretty good all-round worker. Him and Howard can definitely carry and prop up the tag division. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [U]Des Davids[/U] Whatever ‘it’ is, this guy has it. A bona fide athlete, an adequate talker, and oozes of superstar presence, Davids will be a star or I might as well shoot myself now. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [U]Eddie Howard (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champion)[/U] Often heralded as the better half of Natural Storm, I am really looking forward to pushing him out of his shell more to see how big this guy can get. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG] [U]Erik Strong[/U] A likeable and talented guy, but is not that great yet. Still, he can be very useful in a number of ways and seems like a good roster guy. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG] [U]Flash Savage[/U] Arrogant and c0cksure in every way, Savage looks like a star. Could probably work on his in-ring game though. Half of the Canadian Blondes tandem with Oscar Golden. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/HueyCannonball.jpg[/IMG] [U]Huey Cannonball[/U] Hangs around with Savage and Golden. Could be useful for jobbing out. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JayFair.jpg[/IMG] [U]Jay Fair[/U] Our great referee. I believe he can talk a little too. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [U]Johnny Jackson[/U] Well, that’s me. I’m a superstar ;). [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [U]Mainstream Hernandez[/U] Another guy with star written all over him. Awesome at every aspect, in line for a push. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarvEarnest.jpg[/IMG] [U]Marv Ernest[/U] Our faithful announcer. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG] [U]Max Mayhem[/U] Give me a J. Give me an O. Give me a B. OK you get the point, but I can see him doing a little more than just the job from time to time. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] [U]Mean Jean Cattley[/U] Formerly The Mean Machine, we’re moving away from that name. Could be the franchise player of MAW. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [U]Nicole Kiss[/U] A beautiful girl who can talk. In wrestling, what more could you want? [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [U]Oscar Golden[/U] The other half of the Canadian Blondes team, is probably the more promising of the two. Might have to do something about that name though. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RickyTurner.jpg[/IMG] [U]Ricky Douglas[/U] Another fairly generic guy, but could be useful for training the others in the basics of the game. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [U]Rip Chord[/U] My boss. Just say no, Rip, just say no… [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RockinRyanTurner.jpg[/IMG] [U]Rockin’ Ryan Turner[/U] C0cky guy, has a nice little team with Stan Manna. Could be fun. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StanManna.jpg[/IMG] [U]Stan Manna[/U] ‘The Man’ is part of comedy midcard team Rock City Stars. [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [U]Steven Parker (Mid Atlantic Champion)[/U] The Mid Atlantic Champion. A wrestling prodigy, Parker will headline a number of our shows provided we can stave off the big leagues.[/CENTER] The roster looked promising, and I felt as though I had a way to utilise just about everyone. I also had a good idea about who I wanted to bring in to bolster the roster somewhat. I was optimistic about this new frontier and excited by what lay ahead. I was far less optimistic about the way Rip dejectedly and remorsefully slumped into his taxi and sped off around the corner.
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[url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn:[/url] MAW Presents: The Rip Chord Invitational 2007 - Friday Week 2 January It’s that time of year again, where the best of MAW come together for the legendary Rip Chord Invitational. Be sure to visit the ticket subsection to find out how you can get involved with the live action. As always, for those that are unable to attend the best wrestling shows in America today, there will be our usual Sunday highlights recap package right here on [url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn[/url]! An exciting night lies ahead as MAW enters a new era. We look forward to seeing you there. There will also be tickets on sale at the concessions stand for next month’s MAW February Fusion. Confirmed for the RCI: - Steven Parker defends his Mid Atlantic Title against one half of Natural Storm, DC Rayne. - The dominating Des Davids will be in action against Antonio. - Three brand new stars will debut. - And of course the Rip Chord Invitational itself will take place, which involves Mainstream Hernandez, Erik Strong, Eddie Howard, Mean Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden as well as new boy Johnny Jackson. The winner will receive a Mid Atlantic Title shot at MAW March Into Battle. [QUOTE]ooc note: This is being played with TEW 07 with 2007 data. Show should be up Saturday. Predictions welcome. Quick Picks: Steven Parker © vs. DC Rayne for the Mid Atlantic Title Des Davids vs. Antonio New stars debut (who will they be?) Rip Chord Invitational participants: Eddie Howard, Erik Strong, Johnny Jackson, Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden.[/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MAW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]The Rip Chord Invitational[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Held at Stanley Hall, Mid Atlantic in front of 62 fans on Friday Week 2 January[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] - The show opens with a shot of the Rip Chord Invitational Trophy. A video package highlights last year’s tournament, won by Mainstream Hernandez and displays some of the spots from last year. The video then shifts gears to concentrate on this year’s tournament, and the competitors entered into it. In particular, the video spotlights the main contenders: Mainstream Hernandez, Johnny Jackson and Mean Jean Cattley. Tonight, one of them will win one of the richest prizes on the American Independent scene, and also earn a Mid Atlantic Title shot at March Into Battle. [I]Invitational Hype: E+[/I] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - Marv Ernest and Nicole Kiss welcome us to the show, and tell us that Rip Chord is to make a statement right now in regards to the tournament. Chord promptly walks out to some generic soft country rock music that is clearly a rip off of his music when he was an active wrestler. The fans applaud politely, to which Chord graciously soaks up. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Rip Chord Invitational! First off, I would like to thank you, the fans, for your continued support of MAW. Without your devotion, we would be absolutely nothing.”[/COLOR] Cheers from the crowd for that. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“But tonight is not only historic because of this tournament. As you probably know, the power system in MAW has been shifting lately, and with that comes something great. You see, tonight is not just a historic night because of the Invitational. Tonight marks the start of a new era in MAW. Tonight is the first of many nights to come in which we shoot for the stars and make a name for ourselves. Tonight, MAW comes out of exile and into the spotlight. Tonight MAW steps into a new age!”[/COLOR] [I]Rip Chord rallies the crowd: C[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarvEarnest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Marv Ernest and Nicole Kiss run down the rules of this year’s Invitational. This year, there are six participants. The semi finals will comprise of two triple threat matches, with the winners advancing to the final. They will then compete in a singles match, with the winner being crowned Rip Chord Invitational winner 2007. The commentary team then outline the first triple threat match, hyping Johnny Jackson, Oscar Golden and Erik Strong in turn. [I]Semi Final 1 Hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Johnny Jackson is backstage. [COLOR="Navy"]“Tonight marks my first night in MAW, and I am more excited than I have ever been. To be involved in the Rip Chord Invitational on my very first night is like a dream come true. When I was growing up and falling in love with professional wrestling, I studied tapes for hours fascinated by the intricacies of every moment in that ring. One man in particular that I admired was Rip Chord, and to be mentioned in the same breath as him is something…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“…blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”[/COLOR] Oscar Golden interrupts. [COLOR="navy"]“Excuse me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Would you please shut up Jackson, you’re so full of it. ‘Oh I watched wrestling for hours‘, ‘it’s like a dream come true‘. Oh, puhleese. The only reason you watched wrestling for all that time was because you couldn’t get a girlfriend to occupy your time with.”[/COLOR][COLOR="navy"]“I’m sorry, I’m new here. Oscar Golden isn’t it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Pfft, keep up. My name is Dorian Rhett.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Really? Jeez. Anyway Oscar, Dorian, whatever it is, listen good. Maybe if you spent some time watching wrestling rather than running other people down you’d be more than just a midcard joke who nobody believes will actually win this Invitational. See you out there, Dorian.”[/COLOR] Jackson walks off as Dorian Rhett looks on bemused. [I]Jackson-Rhett confrontation: E (Notes: Oscar Golden changes name to Dorian Rhett)[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 1: Rip Chord Invitational Semi Final - Johnny Jackson vs. Erik Strong vs. Dorian Rhett[/B][/CENTER] Once all three men are in the ring, Jay Fair gets the first match of my tenure here under way. The match is fairly fast-paced, with each man looking impressive at various points in the match. Strong seems to be the odd man out early on, as Jackson and Rhett look to take each other apart. The match wears on, and it is clear that while Strong and Rhett are decent athletes, Jackson is in a different class. Rhett particularly looks tired as the match wears on, and jadedly turns into a Change of Scenery (RKO) by Jackson for the three count. [CENTER][B]Winner: Johnny Jackson pinned Dorian Rhett in 13.58 to advance to the final Grade: D+[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss has found her way backstage, ready for an interview with MAW new boy, Travis Century, who hides his eyes behind a hood on his cloak. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Travis, how are you feeling ahead of your very first match here in MAW?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“How am I feeling? Just as the tides turn and the bridges fall to the sea, my debut here tonight will mark something inevitable and destructive. I have come out of exile to save you all from yourselves, before His coming. Tonight he goes by another name, but one day, he will make himself known to you all, and then you must repent. Max Mayhem, tonight you learn why I am the seer of the sinful, the oracle of the obscene. I am your Prophet, and tonight I predict a king will go on his throne.”[/COLOR] [I]Travis Century Promo: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 2: Travis Century vs. Max Mayhem[/B][/CENTER] Mayhem looks uneasy as he bears witness to a haunting entrance from his opponent, clad in a dark hooded cloak, and carrying with him a heavy sceptre. Century enters the ring for his debut match, removes the hood, and we witness his face for the first time in MAW. Century makes very short work of Mayhem, throwing him around the ring, and just plainly battering him with vicious clubbing blows. Before too much else happens, Century snaps off the Soul’s Salvation (Double Underhook Suplex), and covers him for an easy three. [CENTER][B]Winner: Travis Century in 4.31 Grade: E[/B] -----[/CENTER] - We cut back to Marv Ernest and Nicole Kiss, who subsequently put over the three other competitors in this year’s Invitational, Mainstream Hernandez, Mean Jean Cattley and Eddie Howard. [I]Semi Final 2 Hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We are shown a clip from earlier today when Nicole Kiss bumped into Mainstream Hernandez on his way into the ‘arena’. We can’t really call it an arena when it can barely hold 100 people, but for the sake of ease, I’m going to call it an arena. That wasn’t really worth it was it? Anyways, back to Mainstream: [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mainstream, tonight you participate in the Rip Chord Invitational, which you won last year. Are you confident going into tonight?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes, Nicole, I am confident. You don’t become Mainstream by not having confidence in yourself, babe. I had a look at the other competitors out there, but they don’t have a patch on me. I think there is a very good chance that I go home with that trophy for second year straight. Having said that, I look forward to competing with the best of the best, because if there’s one thing that brings out the Mainstream in me it’s true competition. So when I win tonight, and go onto March Into Battle and win then too, you will know that it is not just a dream, but that I really am that Mainstream.”[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez confident: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut to somewhere else in the back, where Mean Jean Cattley is preparing for the triple threat. He looks up to the camera. [COLOR="Red"]“A year ago, Mainstream Hernandez won the Rip Chord Invitational. Now, does that concern me ahead of my triple threat match in this year’s tournament? Of course not. 2006 was 2006. This is here and this is now, and right now there is nobody better than Mean Jean Cattley. And Mainstream will go on and on about how he outlasted everyone else, how he won three matches in one night last year to take that crown. Well, this year, everything is different. Mainstream, you can go on and on about how Mainstream you are, but at the end of the day, you are still not Mean Jean Cattley and you never will be. And it is for that reason that you will not be victorious tonight, and I will prove that when I say that I am the very best in this business, that it is nothing but the truth. I will take my rightful place at the top of the food chain, and tonight is the first step toward regaining my Mid Atlantic Championship.”[/COLOR] [I]Mean Jean Cattley promo: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 3: Rip Chord Invitational Semi Final - Mainstream Hernandez vs. Mean Jean Cattley vs. Eddie Howard[/B][/CENTER] This match was the more anticipated of the two semi finals, and it’s clear to see why; the star power is that much more evident in this match. This match was better than the opener in a number of ways, the main one being that you could legitimately believe that any of these men could win. Mainstream won the Invitational last year, Cattley is a former Mid Atlantic Champion, and Eddie Howard has been on the brink for so long that a push tonight would see him reach stardom. Anything could happen in this one, and it was an all out brawl with all the twists and turns you could imagine. In the end, Cattley put Howard away with a Mood Swing (Downward Spiral) while Mainstream was tied up in the ropes, watching his Invitational title slip away while Jay Fair counted to three. [CENTER][B]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley pinned Eddie Howard in 13.47 Grade: C-[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - As the referee unties Mainstream, Cattley gets in his face, taunting him about the loss. Once Mainstream is free from the ropes, he charges at Cattley, who drops to the outside before he can get there. Cattley plays to the crowd and continues to taunt Mainstream, soaking in the crowd’s boos. [I]Cattley taunts Mainstream: D-[/I] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - We cut to a video. It starts as black, in which we see a restaurant slowly become visible with two rockers playing to those eating salmon and the like, who seem somewhat nonplussed. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RockinRyanTurner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StanManna.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"]“Check, Check. Mic Check.”[/COLOR] Rockin’ Ryan Turner and Stan Manna seem to be ready for a gig. [COLOR="red"]“Are you ready for the Rock City Stars, Boston?”[/COLOR] Turner booms. [COLOR="Blue"]“**** you, this is Chicago!”[/COLOR] a fan shouts back. [COLOR="red"]“We love you, Boston!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]“This one goes out to my mom, who I love dearly.”[/COLOR] Manna says. [COLOR="red"]“Dude?! That’s not rock ’n’ roll!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“So? It’s true…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Let’s just get started…”[/COLOR] The duo start to try to play a song called “Rock the Party”, in which the two declare that they love to rock the party, numerous times, to little crowd reaction. They finish the rendition before bowing superfluously. [COLOR="blue"]“Booooo!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Thank you Boston!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Chicago!”[/COLOR] The duo bow again, before the outspoken guest throws the wine bottle from his table, hitting Manna on the head, knocking him out cold. The video fades to black. [I]Rock City Stars gig: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlisonCapone_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RafaelRuiz_capone2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut backstage to new workers, Capone Incorporated watching the monitor of the gig. Capone Inc. is comprised of Alison Capone, AJ Coleman and Ruiz. [COLOR="Red"]“Those guys are such losers. Me and Ru can beat them with our eyes closed. Hey, Alison, I can do a lot of things with my eyes closed…”[/COLOR] Coleman declares, before cheesily winking at her. She ignores him. [COLOR="indigo"]“Yeah, well they’ll be a tune up for anything more serious. Tonight, you and Ru can make a statement that Capone Incorporated are coming for those Mid Atlantic Tag Titles. The best tag team in the world debut tonight - speed and finesse from the ‘Cruiserweight’s Cruiserweight’ AJ Coleman and pain and power from the ‘Raging Bull’ Ruiz. We’re coming for you and those Tag Titles soon Natural Storm, so you better watch your backs boys!”[/COLOR] Capone states their mission directive. [COLOR="red"]“God, you’re so sexy when you’re determined…”[/COLOR] Ruiz rolls his eyes, and walks out, followed by Coleman, leaving Capone flabbergasted. [I]Capone Inc. segment. AJ hits on Capone. Ruiz not impressed: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RockinRyanTurner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StanManna.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RafaelRuiz_bull.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 4: Rock City Stars vs. Capone Inc. w/Alison Capone[/B][/CENTER] This match encapsulated what will hopefully become an exciting and expansive division. Coleman started with Manna, and looked to impress Capone with his technical skills. Coleman and Ruiz controlled the match, with Ruiz looking particularly dominant. The Rock City Stars tried to make a comeback late on, but a brief, spontaneous guitar solo from Turner allowed Coleman to tag in Ruiz and smash Turner with a Raging Bull Suplex (Dragon Suplex with extra snap and force), nearly killing Turner for the three. [CENTER][B]Winners: Capone Inc. in 10.48 Grade: D-[/B] -----[/CENTER] - From that, we cut to another video, this time of Des Davids. The video focuses on his incredible power and athleticism and hypes the fact that he has been undefeated for six months. Davids is dubbed ‘The Dark Destroyer’. [I]Des Davids Hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss is backstage again to interview Des Davids. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Des, you have been undefeated for six months, and have been going through the competition with ease. You’ve been called ‘The Dark Destroyer’ by many, you must be due a Mid Atlantic Title shot soon. Have you spoken to Rip about that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Nicole, when it’s my time, you’ll know.”[/COLOR] With that brief, but meaningful statement, Davids stalks off to the ring. Nicole looks impressed. [I]Davids interview: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 5: Des Davids vs. Antonio[/B][/CENTER] This was a brutal match, in which Antonio got little to no offence in. Des Davids looked quick, sharp and strong, a true force to be reckoned with. Little else to say about this match, except Davids with the w after hitting a Dominator. [CENTER][B]Winner: Des Davids in 4.48 Grade: D[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss runs backstage again to catch a word or two with Steven Parker, your Mid Atlantic Champion. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Steven, tonight you defend your Mid Atlantic Title against DC Rayne, and if you survive that, you could face the winner of the Rip Chord Invitational at March Into Battle in two months time. Who would you like to face, if you do make it through tonight, that is.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Huh, that’s funny Nicole. See, this is the story of my life. I am the Mid Atlantic Champion. I hold the richest prize in this company, but you wouldn’t really know it. You want to know who I’d like to face? Well, I’ll tell you what, I don’t care who I face, because it won’t matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s Johnny Jackson. It doesn’t matter if it’s my good ‘friend’ and mentor Mean Jean Cattley, because the fact is, I am just plain better than them. And apparently me carrying this belt doesn’t seem to make people understand that, even though it should. So, you want to know who I want to face, I say it doesn’t matter, because I will be champion until every last one of my critics and detractors accept that I am the best in the game today.”[/COLOR] [I]A focused Steven Parker tells it as he sees it: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 6: Mid Atlantic Championship Match: Steven Parker © vs. DC Rayne[/B][/CENTER] A determined Steven Parker who feels underrated despite his Mid Atlantic Championship reign looks like he has something to prove, and really takes it to DC Rayne. Parker controls the match for the longest time, before Rayne displays the resilience that has helped make him a 2 time Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champion. Rayne knocks Parker down and ascends the turnbuckles. He dives, attempting a cross body block, but is caught by Parker, who shifts Rayne onto his shoulders and delivers the Future Shock (Cradle Shock) before covering for the successful defence. Good effort from these two. [CENTER][B]Winner: Steven Parker in 14.15 Grade: C-[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - The camera follows Parker into the back where he encounters Mean Jean Cattley waiting for him. [COLOR="red"]“Bravo, Parker, bravo. I’m proud of you, my boy, you almost looked like you legitimately deserve to be carrying my belt for a minute there. Just to let you know, it was nice of you to look after my championship for a while, but after I win this Invitational, I’ll be needing it back, buddy.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]“First of all, you’re going to have to beat Jackson tonight. And if you manage that, you can bet your ass I’m not going to give this up easily. You’re going to have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers if you want this back, pal.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Well, maybe I’ll just have to do that then.”[/COLOR] They engage in an intense staredown, with Cattley clearly thinking he’s got the better of his student, before smugly walking away. [I]Teacher and student reunited: D-[/I] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - Marv Ernest and Nicole Kiss segue to a hype video for the tournament so far, which focuses on the pedigree of the two finalists, Johnny Jackson and Mean Jean Cattley. Who will take the Rip Chord Invitational trophy 2007? [I]Final Hype: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss interviews Johnny Jackson, who is ready for the final. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Johnny, we are minutes away from the final. What are you thoughts as you head into one of the biggest matches of your career?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Well, I’m pretty excited. Cattley is a great athlete, but I know I have what it takes to beat him, and then I’ll go to March Into Battle to see for myself if Steven Parker does deserve that Mid Atlantic Title after all.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] At this point, Mainstream Hernandez walks into the shot, holding an ice pack to his neck. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey, Johnny, I just wanted to say good luck out there, and to let you know that I hope you beat Cattley.”[/COLOR] He extends his hand, and Jackson shakes it before heading off for his match. [I]Jackson interview, and Mainstream respect: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 7: Rip Chord Invitational Final - Johnny Jackson vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/B][/CENTER] The match started with an intense staredown, and it was clear that Cattley was talking trash throughout. Jackson answered with a slap. This encapsulated what this match was, as Cattley was very confident in his own abilities, but Jackson would fire back with something to make him think twice about how easy this match will be. The match goes back and forth throughout, with neither men securing a notable or prolonged advantage. At about the 16 minute mark, Cattley is perched facing the crowd on the turnbuckle. Jackson ascends and tries a belly-to-back superplex, which ends up looking a bit awkward, with Cattley taking quite a nasty fall. He grabs his neck, while Jackson stops worriedly to give the referee time to make a call in case Cattley is seriously injured. Some of the fans are aware that something has gone a bit awry. Fortunately, Cattley is seemingly OK, and the match continues. The finish comes when Jackson attempts a springboard cross body, but misses and tweaks his knee. Jackson stays down, clutching his knee, but Cattley seizes the opportunity, picking up Jackson and laying him out with a Mood Swing (Downward Spiral) and covers for the three. [CENTER][B]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley in 19.53 to capture the Rip Chord Invitational 2007 Trophy Grade: C[/B][/CENTER] - Cattley celebrates, while still noticeably favouring his neck. Jackson stays down while the referee attends to his knee. Cattley walks around the ring, playing to the crowd, while Rip Chord enters the ring to give Cattley his brand new Trophy. Cattley snatches it off Chord, and waves it at the crowd in triumph. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] At this point, Steven Parker walks out and gets in Cattley’s face. The two lock eyes in the middle of the ring, and Parker holds up the Mid Atlantic Title as the show comes to a close. [I]Cattley celebrates while Parker confronts: D-[/I] [CENTER]-E-X-I-L-E-[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Overall Show Rating: C-[/SIZE][/B] - With this show, MAW move up to small size. - On the whole, I was satisfied with how things turned out. [QUOTE]MATCH RUNDOWN: 1. Johnny Jackson def Dorian Rhett and Erik Strong (D+) 2. Travis Century def Max Mayhem (E) 3. Mean Jean Cattley def Eddie Howard and Mainstream Hernandez (C-) 4. Capone Inc. def Rock City Stars (D-) 5. Des Davids def Antonio (D) 6. Steven Parker def DC Rayne (C-) 7. Mean Jean Cattley def Johnny Jackson to win the Rip Chord Invitational (C) [/QUOTE] [B]Coming up: February Fusion and big news.[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]3. Fallen…[/SIZE][/CENTER] I sat in the locker room backstage, exhausted and in pain after my first two matches in MAW. You can tell me wrestling is fake any day of the week, but this pain is definitely very real. I kept telling myself that the show went well, but all that went through my mind is that I hope we have a pretty big internet audience. The crowd of 62 were rowdy and raucous, but we were going to need a hell of a lot more fans than that if we were going to survive. I started unravelling my wrist tape when Erik Strong entered the room, a look of concern plastered over his face. He was white as a sheet, and was even shaking quite severely. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Boss, you might want to get down to the trainer’s room. Something big is going down…”[/COLOR] I looked at him curiously, but the look of shock was stuck on his face, and it was clear I wasn’t going to be able to snap him out of it. I heeded his advice and headed towards the trainer’s room. There was a frantic flurry of wrestlers all gathered around the door. I pushed my way to the front to see Rip and a group of the medical staff huddled over a figure on the floor. [COLOR="Navy"]“What’s going on? Who’s that under there?”[/COLOR] I asked DC Rayne. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’s Jean. He walked in here and just collapsed. The doctors look worried.” [/COLOR]He responded. My stomach turned and my mind flashed back to our match, in particular the blown superplex spot. I became racked with guilt; could it be that I had just seriously injured one of the franchise players in MAW on my very first night? I felt terrible; I’d never injured someone before, let alone someone as integral to a company as Mean Jean Cattley. The doctors carefully and assuredly loaded Jean into an ambulance. He was awake, and gave us a sign that he was OK, but I was still as scared as hell. I looked around for Rip, but couldn’t see him anywhere. I worried about how he was taking the news…
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[SIZE="5"][CENTER]4. Turning the Corner[/CENTER][/SIZE] It was the morning after the night before, and I hadn’t slept a wink. My mind was racing all night long over what had happened, and whether everyone would blame me for the accident. I felt bad enough as it is without the entire locker room turning against me after one show. All the boys in the back love Jean, and I was wondering what the repercussions would be if something really bad had happened. Rip had called me into the office, to meet with him first thing. Well, it sure was fun booking the Rip Chord Invitational. Looks like it’s back to 4C for me. I only booked one show, that must be a record… I walked into Rip’s office, my forehead drenched in sweat. Was this the end of my fledgling booking career? I looked to Rip, who was standing with his back to the door. Upon my arrival, he turned and began to pace back and forth. This can’t be good. His eyes were blood red, he can’t have slept much either. What’s more, there didn’t appear to be any glasses of Chordbrau around his desk. Could it be that Rip was sober? That was the most burning question of all… [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Sit down kid.”[/COLOR] he said gruffly. I hesitated, but he stiffly and roughly gestured me to be seated. I sat slowly, in silence. This was going to take a while. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Listen kid,”[/COLOR] (Note to anyone: any sentence that begins with the word ‘listen’ is not going to be good. No one ever says, ‘Listen, I have too much money. Have a thousand dollars.’. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Listen. In this business, the number one concern should be to help others around you look good, because if you do, they will return the favour. Unless you work for the SWF, that is.”[/COLOR] I couldn’t help smiling at Rip’s little dig. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And as well as that, you need to protect your opponent at all costs, whether that’s helping protect their character or physical well-being. I’ve been following your career for a long time now, and this is the first guy you’ve hurt, correct?”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Just so you know, no one blames you for what happened. What happened to Jean last night was a freak accident. Why are you looking so nervous? You didn’t think I was going to fire you did you?”[/COLOR] I laughed nervously, as a wave of relief flashed through me. [COLOR="Navy"]“And how is Jean?” [/COLOR]I stammered as I spoke. Something about Rip’s demeanour was unsettling to me… [COLOR="darkgreen"]“The hospital said he’d suffered a spinal disalignment. He should be back in a couple of months, maybe even ready for March Into Battle.”[/COLOR] I let out a sigh of relief. I realised I probably shouldn’t have as my plans come secondary to the welfare of the workers. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Just so you know, once upon a time, I injured a guy. Ended his career. His name was James Casey. Never heard from him again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Maybe in a parallel universe you did.”[/COLOR] I muttered under my breath. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Anyway, get out of my office, you’ve got some planning to do. I’ve got an important meeting to get to…”[/COLOR] he said with an edge of remorse, similar to that from our first meeting in this office. Stepping into the cool, crisp air of the January morning, I realised that I’d dodged a bullet. More importantly, Jean had dodged a bullet. March Into Battle should be back on…
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From [url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn:[/url] [SIZE="4"]February Fusion 2007 - Friday Week 1 February[/SIZE] After the exciting conclusion to the Rip Chord Invitational last month, we have one stop before March Into Battle, which will be headlined by Steven Parker taking on Mean Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship. As many of you may be aware, MJC suffered a spinal disalignment injury at the RCI in his match with Johnny Jackson, and so will be unable to appear at February Fusion. The Championship match should still be on for March Into Battle, provided Parker can get past Mainstream Hernandez. February Fusion was set to be headlined by a rematch between MJC and Johnny Jackson, but with MJC’s absence, MAW have been striving to substitute in a match of a similar calibre so as not to disappoint its loyal fans. Steven Parker will take on Mainstream Hernandez, and to up the ante, the Mid Atlantic Title will be on the line, with the winner facing Mean Jean Cattley at March Into Battle! As always, our Sunday highlights recap package right here at [url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn[/url] will supply those who can’t make it out to the show with the highlights of some of the very best action seen in a wrestling ring in 2007. [QUOTE]Scheduled for February Fusion: - Steven Parker vs. Mainstream Hernandez for the Mid Atlantic Championship. - Des Davids and Travis Century in action. - And another 3 debuts![/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MAW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]February Fusion[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Held at Stanley Hall, Mid Atlantic in front of 75 fans [SIZE="2"](well, we assume they’re fans. They paid to get in.)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] - The show kicks off with a video recap package of last month’s Rip Chord Invitational. The video shows the struggles of the six participants, as well as the great main event, brutal as it was, between Mean Jean Cattley and Johnny Jackson. Then the video segues into tonight, wherein Steven Parker defends his Mid Atlantic Title against Mainstream Hernandez for the right to go to March Into Battle to face Mean Jean Cattley next month. Tonight, it’s all on the line… [I]RCI Recap and Parker-Mainstream hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarvEarnest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - The show next cuts to the announcers, Marv Ernest and Nicole Kiss, who introduce themselves for the benefit of the internet Sunday recap show. They discuss the extent of Mean Jean Cattley’s injury from the RCI, and how his match at March Into Battle may be in jeopardy. Switching to tonight, Ernest and Kiss talk about tonight’s main event, with Ernest backing Parker to retain and Kiss believing Mainstream can upset the champion while he is focused upon Mean Jean Cattley. They then put over the fact that Travis Century is in action next. [I]Announcers earn their pay checks: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/CurtisJenkins.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 1: Travis Century vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B][/CENTER] Curtis Jenkins stands almost quivering in the ring as Century, shrouded by his cloak and the mist that follows him, slowly makes his way to the ring. As the druids cease their chanting, Century throws back his hood, revealing the eyes that have seen much suffering and torture. The match itself is essentially elementary, with Century outclassing Jenkins in every way. Century throws CJ around the ring carelessly, and CJ doesn’t even get a shot in before Century seals the deal with a Soul’s Salvation (Double Underhook Suplex). [CENTER][B]Winner: Travis Century in 3.54 Grade: E+[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]- It’s not long after this that Travis Century grabs the microphone. [COLOR="Red"]“Listen to the whispers, filling in your ears. Succumb to the message that they carry, because it is one of infinite divinity and hope for you all. You all sin to try to find your way, but He finds that pathetic. The winds are changing and one day when He comes, you will wish that you were on the path of the righteous all along. Tonight paths will cross and fall away, before flaring up on another day. Tonight He dines on wine and honest human ways, but tomorrow he will feed upon your very beings. So it is written and so it shall be. I am the seer of the sinful, the oracle of the obscene. I am your Prophet.”[/COLOR] [I]Travis Century Promo: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut to a video from earlier today in which we see Nicole Kiss trying to catch up with Mainstream Hernandez upon his arrival to the, um, arena… [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mainstream, Mainstream, can I grab a quick word? Tonight you have a massive opportunity to really make a statement in MAW. My question for you is, do you know how to beat Steven Parker tonight?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Sure I do babe. You don’t get to become as Mainstream as me by not picking up a few tricks along the way. Steven Parker talks the talk about how he is the real deal, and how people should take him more seriously as champion, but to be honest, I still think he has a lot to do to earn that kind of respect. Now it’s not the Mainstream way to underestimate your opponent, but as far as Steven Parker goes, in all honesty, he’s the one that has it all to prove, not Mainstream. Catch you later, babe.”[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream gives Steven Parker something to think about, if he’s watching: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RockinRyanTurner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StanManna.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - The screen goes to black, and then fades up into an airport lounge. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Who likes to rock the party?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“We like to rock the party, yeah.”[/COLOR] Rockin’ Ryan Turner and Stan Manna, the Rock City Stars are performing their unique musical stylings in an airport. They strum a few unnecessary notes, and then stop. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Thank you. Thank you very much to the La Guardia airport lobby. This has been great…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Shut up Stan…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“…And we can’t wait to come back sometime soon. You’ve been a wonderful audience.”[/COLOR] The camera pans round and shows only one person sitting in the lobby, the same guy who caused trouble at the restaurant for the Rock City Stars last month. [COLOR="Blue"]“Booooo!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“Thank you so much…”[/COLOR] The man throws one of his luggage suitcases at the pair. It hits Manna on the head, and knocks him out cold. The video fades to black. [I]I’m done ripping off Flight Of The Conchords now, I swear: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Backstage, Nicole Kiss is alongside the new team of Jeremiah Moose and DaMarcus Speed, Wave of Violence. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jeremiah and DaMarcus, welcome to MAW. What are your goals as you head into your first match tonight?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]“Well, it’s real simple. Me and DaMarcus are here to take what is rightfully ours. See, you got some fools running around, thinking that they’re some kind of superstars. We are the best team you will ever see in MAW, but The Man won’t see that. I would bet you everything that I am that if we were to wait patiently for our chance, we’d never get it. The Wave of Violence is a way of life, and if we get power, we ain’t giving it back. So, The Man is afraid to give us our shot, so from this night forward; Jeremiah Moose, DaMarcus Speed, Wave of Violence; we’re taking our shots, like or not.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Ante up, boys, ante up.”[/COLOR] [I]Wave of Violence interview: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RockinRyanTurner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StanManna.jpg[/IMG][/ [B]- Match 2: Wave of Violence vs. Rock City Stars[/B][/CENTER] The match is a contrast in styles, as The Rock City Stars just look like they want to have a good time, while Wave of Violence look like they want to make a statement. Manna and Turner mess around and get beaten down by the vicious and unrelenting onslaught from the Wave of Violence, who finish off the match with a Drive By (Speed holds the opponent in a side slam position while Moose runs the ropes and hits a blockbuster, driving the opponent’s face into the mat). Moose covers Manna for the three count. [CENTER][B]Winners: Wave of Violence in 9.51 Grade: D-[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlisonCapone_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RafaelRuiz_capone2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Alison Capone, AJ Coleman and Ruiz (Capone Inc.) are backstage having just watched the preceding tag match on a monitor. [COLOR="red"]“I told you they were losers. The Rock City Stars couldn’t even hold my jock. Hey, Alison, you could hold my jock if you wanted, and a hell of a lot more if you… oww!”[/COLOR] Ruiz clips him over the ear. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Thanks Ru. Who do Wave of Violence think they are, saying that they’re the best team in MAW? They’ve only had one match here…"[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]“So have we… oww!”[/COLOR] Ruiz hits him again. [COLOR="red"]“God, you’re so sexy when you get Ru to hit me…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“As I was saying, Capone Inc. are the greatest group in MAW, and we’ll show everyone why that’s not just a saying in due course. In the mean time, I have someone to introduce to you to. The newest member of Capone Incorporated: Grandmaster Phunk!”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Grandmaster Phunk walks into the room, and kisses Capone’s hand, while Coleman actually looks like he’s about to literally turning green with envy. [COLOR="indigo"]“Isn’t he great? We’re going to make this whole company beg at our feet with him on our side…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“And why do you think that me and Ru can’t do that on our own?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Because I am Prime Time, next in line, gee’d up to the feet up, Mr. Marquee, Grandmaster Phunk.”[/COLOR] With that, Phunk turns and leaves the room, with Capone following closely behind. [COLOR="red"]“God, she’s so sexy when she makes me jealous.”[/COLOR] Coleman says to Ruiz. Ruiz rolls his eyes and walks out, leaving Coleman in the room on his own. [I]Capone Inc introduce new member, Grandmaster Phunk: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 3: Grandmaster Phunk vs. Erik Strong[/B][/CENTER] Grandmaster Phunk making his debut tonight against MAW mainstay, Erik Strong. Capone, Ruiz and Coleman are all at ringside, but it’s clear that Phunk doesn’t need their help. Phunk overpowers the smaller Strong and takes firm control throughout, finishing the match with a Bling Bling Drop (Rocker Dropper), while Capone looks on fondly. Coleman is still not impressed. [CENTER][B]Winner: Grandmaster Phunk in 9.34 Grade: D+ (Notes: Great Chemistry)[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlisonCapone_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RafaelRuiz_capone2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - The cameras follow Capone Inc. to the back, where Capone and Phunk are celebrating, while Coleman looks depressed and Ruiz is, well, Ruiz. [COLOR="Indigo"]“See what did I tell you, AJ? We’re going right to the top. Nobody can stop us as long as we have the Grandmaster on our side!”[/COLOR] Phunk smirks at Coleman and ruffles his hair, not in a nice way really, but more of an intimidating one. Coleman grumbles about Capone being so sexy when she’s something something, when Des Davids walks into the shot, and stares down Grandmaster Phunk. Phunk’s celebratory smile dissipates, and the tension could be cut with a knife. Davids carries on the staredown, then skulks away. Phunk looks slightly intimidated, but regains his composure before the camera goes away. [I]Capone Inc. celebrate, Davids punks out Phunk: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - This handily segues into a Des Davids hype video, which again focuses on how dominant he has been within MAW, and how ‘The Dark Destroyer’ hasn’t been beaten in seven months. Pretty standard stuff. [I]Davids hype: F[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss catches up with Des Davids backstage, who is clearly walking toward the ring after walking through Capone Incorporated’s scene in the back. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Des, last month, you said that we’ll know when it’s your time to be the star that everyone here knows you can be. Is tonight the night?”[/COLOR] Davids just stares meaningfully at MAW’s colour commentator and roving reporter and then heads toward the ring. [I]Davids interview gets no answers: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RickyTurner.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 4: Des Davids vs. Ricky Douglas[/B][/CENTER] Ricky Douglas makes his debut under my tenure, and it is quick and brutal. In the early going, Douglas tries some takedowns, and finds some minute success before the size, speed and strength advantage takes over. Davids smashes, bashes and crashes through Douglas, before finishing him off with a vicious lariat and then a Dominator. ‘The Dark Destroyer’ looks impressive. [CENTER][B]Winner: Des Davids in 5.31 Grade: D[/B] -----[/CENTER] - Marv Ernest and Nicole Kiss lead us into a video recapping the disagreement between Johnny Jackson and Dorian Rhett before the RCI semi final match. The commentary team highlights how there’s no love lost here, and that they square off next. [I]Jackson-Rhett Hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Johnny Jackson is preparing backstage, when Dorian Rhett approaches him. [COLOR="Navy"]“Oh hi, Dorian. Long time, no see, eh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Shut up Jackson. You know I deserved to be in that Invitational final, not you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“What, after I pinned you fair and square?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Yeah, well, at least I didn’t choke in the final.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“No, you choked in the semi final instead.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“I told you last month that you were full of it, and you’re just proving me right. I’m gonna tear you apart tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Sure you will. I’ll see you out there, Dorian.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Oh, and one more thing: try not to drop me on my head like you did with Cattley.”[/COLOR] Rhett leaves as Jackson mulls over his words ruefully. [I]Rhett confronts Jackson: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 5: Dorian Rhett vs. Johnny Jackson[/B][/CENTER] This was an entertaining little scrap, in which Rhett definitely surpassed his previous efforts in the ring. Could be interesting to see how far he can go with a little push in the right direction. His only major flaw is his stamina. The match in itself was reasonably short, but Rhett was blown up early on. A nice flow to the match, back and forth action, and a more than competent performance from both saw Jackson score the win with a Change of Scenery (RKO). [CENTER][B]Winner: Johnny Jackson in 11.04 Grade: C-[/B] -----[/CENTER] - From this, the show moves into hyping the main event. The video looks at how Steven Parker is a champion with it all to prove, and how Mainstream Hernandez is a young man faced with opportunity and being in the right place, at the right time. Title on the line, next. [I]Main event hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Mainstream Hernandez is walking to the ring, when Johnny Jackson comes and intercepts him, having just got back after his match. [COLOR="navy"]“Hey, Mainstream, I just wanted to repay the compliment from last month when you wished me luck. So, good luck, I guess. I know you can beat Parker.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Thanks, Johnny. And when I do: any time, any place, that title shot is yours.”[/COLOR] The two fan favourites shake hands before going their separate ways ahead of the big match. [I]More Mainstream-Jackson respect: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Steven Parker is backstage, Mid Atlantic Title strapped around his waist, with Nicole Kiss. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Steven, Mainstream Hernandez said earlier that it’s you who is the one who has something to prove tonight, not him. What are your thoughts on that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Oh, Nicole, you know everyday I have to prove myself to somebody. I don’t get why. I am the bona fide franchise of this company, and this belt around my waist proves that. It is just typical of this place that Mainstream wants to call me out like that, and say that I’m the one who has something to prove. Well, maybe he’s right. But that’s fine, because as long as I have something to prove to someone, I will always be hungrier, I will always last that little bit longer, I will always fight with every last part of my heart and soul to keep hold of my legacy and my title. Mainstream, you want to tell me I’ve got something to prove, that’s fine. Because tonight I prove to you why I am champion and why I am the best.”[/COLOR] [I]Steven Parker, defiant through and through: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 6: Mid Atlantic Championship Match: Steven Parker © vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/CENTER] The two started the match in a tense staredown, which Parker looked coolly confident in throughout. Parker had something about him that seemed to say that he had adapted to his role of proving people wrong, and was letting it fuel him instead of boil up inside him. Parker controlled the early going, showing that without a doubt he was a much better wrestler than Mainstream on the mat. Mainstream used the momentum from the crowd to break out of a painful looking key lock and took control of the match. The pace quickened and from here it was an all out war. The action went back and forth, and no one could confidently say who would leave tonight as Mid Atlantic Champion. The match wore on, and a sudden surge within Parker saw him lay out Mainstream with a brutal lariat, and then set up the Future Shock (Cradle Shock) for the three count. A pretty good effort, Parker should have converted some more of his critics by now. [CENTER][B]Winner: Steven Parker to retain his Mid Atlantic Championship in 17.51 Grade: C-[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - After the match, Parker celebrates with his title, mocking the crowd as if to say ‘I told you so’ and that he had proven himself. Mainstream got to his feet wearily, and walked over to Parker, offering a handshake to show that the better man won. Parker played to the crowd as if he was going to shake it, before slapping Mainstream across the face. This enrages Mainstream, and a brawl ensues, that MAW jobber security tries to break up, as the show closes. [I]Parker shows not respect to Mainstream: D-[/I] [CENTER]-E-X-I-L-E-[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"]Overall Show Rating: C-[/SIZE] - Pretty good show. Might have been better if Cattley had been able to appear. [B]Coming Up: March Into Battle and hopefully a return (fingers crossed). [/B]
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From [url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn:[/url] [SIZE="4"]March Into Battle 2007 - Friday Week 1 March[/SIZE] MAW comes at you once more, with it’s offering of March Into Battle. The inaugural edition will be one not to be missed, and is headlined by a Double Header of stellar match-ups. The main attraction centres around the Mid Atlantic Championship, held by Steven Parker. Parker, the man who supposedly has everything to prove as champion, defends his Title against his Firm stable-mate and mentor, the returning Mean Jean Cattley. MJC particularly has been critical of Parker’s title reign - can Parker prove he’s worthy of holding the Mid Atlantic Championship, or will Cattley prove his own theories right by defeating Parker and returning to his throne? Can Parker finally earn everyone’s respect, or will he forever be recognised as little more than a fluke champion? The second match in our Double Header also centralises around the theme of respect. Pitting two of MAW’s top stars against one another, Johnny Jackson and Mainstream Hernandez already have one another’s respect, but the question will have to settled sooner or later: who is the better man? Also on the show, Natural Storm put their Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles on the line for the first time of the year against the Canadian Blondes, Dorian Rhett and Flash Savage. With Dorian Rhett making quite the impression on the singles scene of late with decent showings in the Rip Chord Invitational and against Johnny Jackson last month at February Fusion, The Blondes will be looking to capitalise on the attention that has been flooding their way. In addition to this, Des Davids is scheduled to take on a member of Capone Incorporated. Word has it that Alison Capone has volunteered AJ Coleman for the match. Coleman was unavailable for comment. March Into Battle is Double Header night, and looks to be an historic showcase for MAW and it’s talent. As always, our recap show will go live on [url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn[/url] on Sunday night, but we encourage you to make the trip and check out some of the finest Indy wrestling in the world today. [QUOTE]Scheduled for March Into Battle: - Steven Parker vs. Mean Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship - Johnny Jackson vs. Mainstream Hernandez - Natural Storm vs. Canadian Blondes for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships - Des Davids vs. a member of Capone Inc. - Travis Century vs. Erik Strong - Jeremiah Moose vs. Stan Manna[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MAW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]March Into Battle 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Held at Stanley Hall, Mid Atlantic on Friday Week 1 March in front of 72 paying customers. They’d better have paid…[/SIZE][/CENTER] - The show begins with a video package highlighting that tonight’s March Into Battle event is Double Header night, with two top class bouts with the best workers in the company today partaking. The video first focuses on the respectful contest set to take place between Johnny Jackson and Mainstream Hernandez, and details how this match is purely in place to find out who is the better man. This then cuts to the main event match between Steven Parker and Mean Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship. This match is more than who is the better man, it is about who is the best man in MAW today. [I]Double Header Hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarvEarnest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We move to the announcers next, Marv Ernest and Nicole Kiss, who talk excitedly about the big night ahead. They highlight all of the factors surrounding the big matches, particularly Cattley’s injury from the RCI, Parker’s desire to prove himself worthy and how the winner of the match between Jackson and Mainstream will surely have sent a message to whoever will be champion at the end of the night. [I]Announcers talk Double Header: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Chanting and mist envelops Stanley Hall, as once more Travis Century makes his entrance. Hidden behind the hood, Century slowly paces his walk to the ring, the tension and dread building with every step. As he steps into the ring, he takes a microphone, and our Prophet has more predictions for us it seems. [COLOR="Red"]“March Into Battle. Only the fools march into battle. Only a charlatan would send his men headlong into a war that cannot be won; you call it bravery, I call it ignorance. A true warrior would never be stupid enough to take a chance of becoming a martyr for his cause. A true warrior picks his opportunities, and waits patiently for his enemy’s mistakes. As I stand here, I am watching, waiting for my moment. I am the Black Scorpion, lingering in the shadows, preparing to strike. I will bide my time, and as your era draws to a close, He will become me for an instant, and I will take what is truly mine. Tonight, respect will be earned, dreams will die and legacies will begin. So it is written and so it shall be. I am the Seer of the Sinful, the Oracle of the Obscene. I am your Prophet, Travis Century.”[/COLOR] [I]Travis Century Promo: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Travis Century vs. Erik Strong[/CENTER][/B] A noticeably nervous Erik Strong makes his way to the ring at this point to take on the Seer of the Sinful. Century sits in the corner enigmatically as Strong enters the ring, and watches his opponent, perhaps waiting for his opportunity as he mentioned in his promo. The bell rings, and Century snaps into action. He pounds on Strong, who is completely outclassed. A stiff belly-to-belly suplex looks like it almost kills Strong. Strong can barely get a lick in on Century before he locks on the Soul’s Salvation (Double Underhook Suplex), and covers Strong for the easy three count. [B][CENTER]Winner: Travis Century in 3.58 Grade: D+ (Notes: Great Chemistry)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - As Century is victorious in the ring, we cut to a video highlighting the blossoming tag team division in MAW. With Natural Storm, Canadian Blondes, Wave of Violence, Rock City Stars and Capone Inc all involved, an exciting division is forming. The video particularly focuses on Natural Storm, the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions, and poses the question how long can they stay on top? [I]Tag Team Division Hype: F[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/HueyCannonball.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - From that, we cut to backstage, where Dorian Rhett, Flash Savage and Huey Cannonball (Canadian Blondes) are situated. Rhett is sitting on a bench looking quite focused and pissed off about something, while Flash Savage looks at himself in the mirror and Cannonball stands patiently to attention at the door. FS: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Hey man, what do you think of my hair?”[/COLOR] DR: [COLOR="Red"]“I think you need to focus on the Mid Atlantic Tag Title match we’ve got coming up next. You should be more concerned with winning the match than your hair, Flash.”[/COLOR] FS: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Yeah, but it looks good right?”[/COLOR] HC: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh, of course, Flash, definitely. Can I get you anything, like a coffee, or something to eat? I could even give you another massage if you want…”[/COLOR] Dorian looks questionably at Flash, who swings wildly away from the mirror for the first time. FS: [COLOR="darkorange"]“Dude, shut up! I was, like, totally wasted and Huey suggested it, and you know what I’m like when I’m drunk…”[/COLOR] DR: [COLOR="red"]“Quiet! I don’t care about your hair or anything else. We’re The Canadian Blondes, the best team in MAW today, regardless what anyone else says. When we win tonight, I will be a champion, and then I can rub that in Jackson’s face. But first, you’ve got to get focused on Natural Storm so we can take those Tag Titles and then Jackson will see who the midcard joke really is.”[/COLOR] Savage looks nonplussed at Rhett’s impassioned speech. He turns back to the mirror nonchalantly. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Dude, there better be some hot chicks out there tonight…”[/COLOR] Rhett rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. [I]Canadian Blondes prepare for their Tag Title match: F+[/I] ----- [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 2: Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match: Natural Storm (DC Rayne and Eddie Howard) © vs. Canadian Blondes (Dorian Rhett and Flash Savage) w/ Huey Cannonball[/CENTER][/B] This match encapsulated the true old guard of the MAW tag team scene, as Natural Storm and Canadian Blondes were set to do battle again. The match started off quickly, with Natural Storm holding the early advantage, making quick tags in and out, and generally displaying why they are the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions. The tide turned when DC Rayne went to whip Savage into the ropes, but was reversed, allowing Cannonball to trip Rayne from the outside. The Canadian Blondes retained control for a long while, cutting the ring in half and preventing Rayne from reaching his partner. With a lucky break however, Rayne got across and gave the hot tag to Howard, who entered like a house on a fire. Natural Storm were in complete control, and finished the match with Howard scoring an Exploder T-Bone Suplex on Flash Savage to cover for the successful defence of their titles. [B][CENTER]Winners: Natural Storm in 7.38 to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships Grade: D[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlisonCapone_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RafaelRuiz_capone2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - From this, we cut backstage to the locker room of Capone Inc, where Alison Capone, Grandmaster Phunk, AJ Coleman and Ruiz are all watching the monitor. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Natural Storm are impressive, right Phunky?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Damn straight, but I could beat their asses on my own.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“And why do you think that? God, ego issues, eh Alison?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’ll tell you why, little buddy. I could beat them on my own because I am Prime Time, Next In Line, gee’d up from the feet up, Mr. Marquee, Grandmaster Phunk!”[/COLOR] Capone claps in admiration for her newest, and perhaps favourite acquisition as AJ looks unimpressed. [COLOR="red"]“God, she’s so sexy when she gets excited…”[/COLOR] Coleman mumbles. [COLOR="indigo"]“Anyways, boys, tonight Des Davids offered an open challenge against any one of us in Capone Inc. Now, Davids is one tough son of a bitch, so it’s going to be a hard match. That’s why I’ve chosen you, AJ, to take on Davids tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“ME?! What did I ever do to you? He’ll kill me! Send out the golden boy over there, Mr. Prime Time, Next In Line, or whatever that was all about!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“Phunky is too valuable of a commodity for Capone Inc, I have to protect him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] “I don’t want to die Alison! What about Ruiz?! He’s the Raging Bull - he’s a legitimate bad ass! He‘s much better suited. Please don’t make me do it!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“Ruiz is my insurance policy. I need him around as protection.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“But…but…I…”[/COLOR] Capone puts her hand on Coleman’s chest, and lowers her voice to a gentle whisper. [COLOR="indigo"]“AJ, I believe in you, you can beat Des tonight. Do it for me?”[/COLOR] she says as she bats her eyelids at the incredulous cruiserweight. Coleman swallows hard, as he tries to regain his composure, and manages to whimper out an ‘OK’. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Great. You stay here and get ready, while me, Phunky and Ruiz go sort out some business.”[/COLOR] Capone, Ruiz and Phunk leave the room, with AJ Coleman nervously pondering his situation. [COLOR="red"]“God, she’s so sexy when she goes to get me killed.”[/COLOR] [I]Capone volunteers Coleman for a one-on-one match with Des Davids: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RockinRyanTurner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StanManna.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - The screen goes to black, and then fades up into a shot of a library. The Rock City Stars, Rockin’ Ryan Turner and Stan Manna, quietly walk into the room, guitars and amps in tow, when an aging librarian looks at them quizzically, before approaching Manna. [COLOR="Blue"]“Excuse me, you’re not thinking of playing those instruments in here are you? You are aware this is a library?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]“Oh of course not, we wouldn’t dream of it. It’s just we were on our way to a gig, but we have to pick up some Chaucer before and it seemed silly to leave our stuff at home, and have to go all the way back and pick it up again before the gig.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Well as long as you’re not going to play them that’s alright.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“Oh of course not.”[/COLOR] At that point, Turner plugs in his amp, and strums a very loud note out of his guitar, disrupting the entire library. [COLOR="Red"]“Woooo! Are we gonna rock, Green Bay?!”[/COLOR] At this point, a book is thrown at the pair, entitled ‘The History of Rock and Roll’, which strikes Manna on the head, and once more knocks him unconscious. [COLOR="red"]“Damn, that one looked like it hurt.”[/COLOR] Fade to black. [I]Rock City Stars rock the library: E-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss is backstage with Jeremiah Moose and DaMarcus Speed, Wave of Violence. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Jeremiah, tonight you face off with Stan Manna one-on-one. Earlier tonight, we saw Natural Storm successfully defend their Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships against the Canadian Blondes. Where in the division do you stand right now?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]“Well, white girl, you’ve got to believe we are the true contenders for those title belts. But of course The Man won’t let us get our shot. You see, I respect that Natural Storm got to where they have, but I don’t respect how they got there. You see, while me and my man DaMarcus here stayed true to ourselves and true to the streets, Natural Storm sold out to The Man. While Rayne and Howard were kissing Rip Chord’s ass to get to where they are, me and DaMarcus were fighting like soldiers, just battling away to be given a shot. Well, we’ve been patient for way too long. We sent a warning last month at February Fusion, that if we weren’t going to be given our shot, that we’d take it, and so The Man better take notice tonight. Once I’m through with Manna tonight, you better believe that MAW will face a Wave of Violence like no other, because we’re taking what we want, when we want, by any means necessary.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Ante up…”[/COLOR] [I]Wave of Violence interview: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StanManna.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 3: Stan Manna w/Rockin’ Ryan Turner vs. Jeremiah Moose w/DaMarcus Speed[/B][/CENTER] Jeremiah Moose displayed the kind of no nonsense performance tonight that has made him the prospect that he is. The match itself was a bit of a disappointment, but allowed both sides the chance to make a statement. Moose dominated the match, just beating on Manna throughout. Manna gained the advantage, but decided to waste that by messing around with Turner in the corner. Moose surprised Manna with the Playa Hater (Gringo Killer) and scored the three count. [CENTER][B]Winner: Jeremiah Moose in 4.55 Grade: E+[/B] -----[/CENTER] - From this match, we cut to a video package of one half of tonight’s Double Header. Johnny Jackson and Mainstream Hernandez’ respect for one another is displayed throughout this video, with the handshakes and well-wishes from the last few months being the lasting images. The question must be answered however: who is the better man? [I]Jackson-Mainstream Hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 4: Johnny Jackson vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/CENTER][/B] No new backstage for these two, as the issue is clearly set up. Jackson and Mainstream have mutual respect for one another, but the MAW hierarchy means that we need to find out which of the two is the better man in the centre of that ring. The match itself was a disappointing affair, but not a bad little match in all due to something not quite seeming to click into place between the two. The match started with a handshake, and a respectful wrestling sequence, which transformed into something more heated as frustration grew for both as neither were able to earn the advantage. Mainstream backs Jackson into the corner, and then fires off a forearm shot instead of initializing the clean break, forming a fire in Jackson. Jackson runs out of the corner, and takes down Mainstream and the true contest is on. The match becomes an all out war, that goes back and forth as each man tries to top the other. When Jackson hits a moonsault, Mainstream works his way back into the match and then scores with a somersault leg drop from the top. The match encapsulates the idea of one-upmanship, with each man trying to prove that he is better. The match breaks down, and a double clothesline takes place at the 10 minute mark, leaving both men down. They slowly get up, and start slugging each other with brutal forearms. Mainstream fires up, and tackles Jackson with enough force to drive them both out of the ring. Mainstream seems to land awkwardly and comes up holding his knee. Jackson spends the next couple of minutes in control, working on the knee meticulously. Jackson looks set to finish it with a Change of Scenery (RKO), when Mainstream pushes Jackson into the ropes, and scores with a Super Kick, almost taking his head off. Mainstream struggles with his bad knee to the top rope to try for his finisher, the Apparition #14 (Shooting Star Press). He takes the chance, but Jackson rolls out of the way, with Mainstream coming down hard on his bad knee. Mainstream struggles to get up again, and when he does, Jackson is waiting, and finishes the match with a Change of Scenery. [B][CENTER]Winner: Johnny Jackson in 16.31 Grade: D+ (Notes: Don’t seem to click. B******s.)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - Johnny Jackson celebrates his hard fought victory in the ring, while Mainstream laboriously makes it up to his feet. Jackson turns around and the two are face to face in the middle of the ring. After an intense staredown, Mainstream wincingly extends his hand, to which Jackson accepts. The two shake hands, and Mainstream leaves the ring to let Jackson celebrate some more. [I]Class from Mainstream: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut to a video of ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Des Davids. 8 months undefeated in MAW, and we are shown some of the dominating manoeuvres which have led to his intimidating streak and nickname. [I]Des Davids Hype: F[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlisonCapone_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RafaelRuiz_capone2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Capone Inc. are in the locker room again, watching the monitor after the Des Davids package. AJ Coleman has gone white with fear. [COLOR="Indigo"]“See, AJ, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You can do it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“I’ve just remembered I forgot to feed my cat, I’d better go…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“No, AJ, wait. Look, you’ve got to do this for Capone Inc. You’ve got to do this for Ruiz, you’ve got to do this for Phunky, you’ve got to do this for you, and most importantly you’ve got to do this for me. And besides I have a surprise for you if you get the win tonight. Come here…”[/COLOR] She whispers something in his ear seductively, and AJ perks right up, and runs out of the room, heading to the ring. Capone just smiles manipulatively. [I]AJ is scared: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 5: Des Davids vs. AJ Coleman w/Capone Incorporated[/CENTER][/B] AJ looks like he has a new lease of life after what Capone said to him in the locker room, but that new found confidence quickly dissolves upon Davids music hitting the sound system. Davids looks more fired up than ever tonight, and it’s a good thing AJ was wearing dark clothing. The match itself has little to it. Davids controls the early going, annihilating Coleman for a while, until Phunk gets involved, and gets in Davids face, which allows Coleman to jump Davids from behind. It doesn’t last long though, as Davids hits a spear from nowhere that absolutely guts Coleman. Davids peels his adversary from the canvas, and all the while glaring at Grandmaster Phunk, nails a vicious Dominator. 1, 2, 3. [CENTER][B]Winner: Des Davids in 6.57 Grade: D[/B][/CENTER] ----- [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Davids rises from the canvas, never taking his eyes off Grandmaster Phunk, and while Phunk looks somewhat intimidated, to his credit, he returns the glare. As Ruiz and Capone scrape Coleman off of the canvas, the two face off intensely until Phunk leaves with Capone Inc. [I]Davids and Phunk staredown: D-[/I] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - A video is shown next highlighting the issues surrounding the main event. Steven Parker is defending the Mid Atlantic Title and striving for respect from his critics, while Mean Jean Cattley believes the title is rightfully his and that he will go back on his throne tonight. Student vs. Mentor, Quest for Respect vs. Quest for the Grail, Champion vs. Challenger, Parker vs. Cattley. Next. [I]Parker-MJC Hype: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss is backstage with the Mid Atlantic Champion, Steven Parker. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Steven, tonight represents your biggest challenge as champion, as you take on your mentor and the man you beat for the championship, Mean Jean Cattley. Are you ready?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Thank you, Nicole. You know, you are actually the first person to acknowledge that I already beat Jean when I won this belt. That seems to be a fact that everyone seems to conveniently forget when they look at this match-up. But you see, that represents the change in me. Last month at February Fusion, I had an epiphany. I’ve been trying so hard to prove everyone wrong and that I am a worthy champion, that I let their criticism of me get to me. Last month, I decided I wouldn’t let their words consume me any more. Instead I will let their words spur me on and encourage me to something greater. I am living my dream right now, and regardless of what any fan thinks, regardless of what any critic, any analyst, any pundit thinks: tonight, I’m going home as Mid Atlantic Champion, and it’s going to happen night after night after night after night until every last one of you becomes a believer in Steven Parker.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mean Jean Cattley arrives applauding sarcastically Steven Parker’s war cry. [COLOR="Indigo"]“Parker, Parker, Parker. That was quite the performance. You’re getting quite good at saying the right words, it’s just too bad I can tell you don’t believe them yourself. You say you beat me for that belt, and that’s true, but I never got my rematch. And that pretty much sums up your title reign. After tonight Parker, your main event career will be defined by one moment of luck, one fluke pinfall, one night when the stars aligned and dreams would come true. But you see, Parker, tonight I will break your dreams, and show the world why I am the rightful champion. I appreciate you holding onto my belt for a while, kid, but tonight I etch my legacy in stone.”[/COLOR] Cattley strides off toward the ring, leaving Parker to mull over the words he left him with. [I]Parker interview interrupted by Cattley: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 6: Mid Atlantic Championship Match: Steven Parker © vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/CENTER][/B] The match started with a staredown between the crafty, confident veteran against the young lion champion with it all to prove. Parker looks incensed by the comments Cattley made earlier. Parker initiates the match with a slap, to which Cattley looks outraged, but it doesn’t really matter, because Parker has taken him down by then anyway, raining fists down on his mentor’s skull. Cattley rolls out of the ring, to compose himself, but is struck with a plancha from the angry champion. Back in the ring, Parker maintains control, until his fury gets the better of him, and MJC drop toe holds Parker across the middle ring rope. Cattley controls from here, working over Parker methodically as the match wears on. He may have been injured for a couple of months, but there were no signs of ring rust on Cattley tonight. Cattley retained control, and scored several near falls, but his frustration was building. He tossed Parker to the outside, perhaps to clear his head somewhat and give the fans a visual that Parker doesn’t even belong in the same ring as him. Cattley taunts the fans, and the referee goes to check on Parker to ensure he is OK to continue. At this point, Cattley removes the second rope turnbuckle pad in one of the corners while the referee’s back is turned before slinging it out of the ring, losing the evidence. Parker gets back in the ring, and after some initial control from Cattley, fires back into the match. Parker starts to look impressive again, and Cattley is reeling. Parker lays Cattley out with three rolling German suplexes, and then looks to set up the Future Shock (Cradle Shock). He hoists Cattley onto his shoulders, but Cattley escapes out the front, and nails a Mood Swing (Downward Spiral) into the exposed turnbuckle in the corner. Parker is out cold, but to make sure, Cattley picks up the champion again and hits another Mood Swing in the centre of the ring, before making the cover. 1... 2... 3. [B][CENTER]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley in 17.40 to capture the Mid Atlantic Championship Grade: C-[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - With his victory, Cattley celebrates as the brand new Mid Atlantic Champion. An unconscious Steven Parker still lies in the ring, surely unaware that his title reign has come to an end. Cattley salutes the vociferous crowd with his new title, and it seems a new era in MAW is set to begin. Fade to black. [I]MJC celebrates: E+[/I] [CENTER]-E-X-I-L-E-[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"]Overall Show Rating: D+[/SIZE] - And a new era begins in MAW. - Disappointing grade for such a big show really. Let down by the Jackson-Mainstream match and the lack of chemistry between the two. [B]Coming up: Quarterly Cornellverse Review and MAW Dreams Come True.[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]5. Rockin’ Out[/SIZE][/CENTER] Me and the boys had gone out to fulfil perhaps the truest tradition in MAW, and that was to get drunk after the show. Maclaren’s Bar was just across the road from Stanley Hall, and so was situated perfectly for us to celebrate a job well done, and had become as much of a tradition in MAW as the Rip Chord Invitational. I’d only been here for three shows now, but already the routine was feeling natural and MAW was feeling like home. There were many warm memories already starting to form such as Travis Century drunkenly telling the younger guys about his DAVE glory days, Antonio’s comical drunken Robot dancing, and even Mainstream’s ability to score with any chick at the bar he wants, without fail. I don’t know how the **** he did it. One of the other traditions was for Rip to become the ‘life of the party’ for about 20 minutes before tipping over the edge. To his credit, when he goes over the edge, he doesn’t cause fights or trouble or become increasingly loud and obnoxious. Instead, Rip becomes rather uncharacteristically withdrawn, and perches himself in the corner of the bar, listlessly scrolling through his cell phone. It was a humbling experience every night to witness one of the greatest wrestlers of all time in this state. He’d reached the tip of the iceberg, and you could tell by his glum and grizzled features that he craved it all back, if only for more night in the limelight. I approached my boss with caution. The boys had told me that it was best to stay away and let Rip do his thing, but I felt compelled to approach him, out of some sort of duty that I felt with my head booker status. I sat down beside him, and I could tell I startled him from the kind of trance he was in by the way in which he clumsily hid his cell phone from my view. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Jesus kid, you scared the **** out of me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Sorry Rip, I just came to see how you were.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Why? I’m fine…”[/COLOR] Rip said unconvincingly. [COLOR="navy"]“What was on your phone that was so interesting?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh…uh…I was just checking my messages…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“You sure? You looked pretty upset.”[/COLOR] Rip looked at me with a sense of vulnerability I’d never seen in his eyes before. It was as though he desperately wished to tell me anything, but some kind of compulsion within him stopped him doing so. The truth evaded us once more, and he simply laughed off my concerns. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Ha, you know how I get when I’ve had too much Chordbrau, haha…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“OK, sure. If you ever need to talk though, you know where I am, right?”[/COLOR] Saying something like that sounds like drunken talk regardless of how sober you actually are, but it seemed to be what Rip needed to hear, as he smiled warmly and thankfully at me. [COLOR="navy"]“Show was pretty good tonight, don’t you think?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Yeah, we’re really going places thanks to you kid.”[/COLOR] At that moment, a crash sounded from the other side of the bar, as Rockin’ Ryan Turner ascended up on top of the bar, subsequently knocking a whole stack of glasses to the floor. He was playing air guitar to the song on the jukebox, while the rest of MAW clapped him on. Someone was living their gimmick. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Actually you need to talk to him anyway; he turned up late to the show. Let’s get hims down and take him to the office here. I know the guy who runs this place, he’ll let me use it.” Rip had sobered up at the first sign of trouble.[/COLOR] Rip and I walked across to the growing scene, and with the help of Jeremiah Moose and a sober DC Rayne, we managed to get Turner into the office. [COLOR="Red"]“The **** are you doing man?! I was rockin’ out, yeehaa!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Calm down, you’ve had way too much to drink…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“**** you, I’m the biggest mother****ing rock star in the world. I live in excess, drinking only the best…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Look, you were late to the show too, maybe you should tone it down a little in the future.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Tone it down? Who the **** are you? You haven’t been here for ****. You’re a fraud Jackson, and you want to target me? This is so unfair. You’re full of **** Jackson.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Ryan, I…”[/COLOR] Before any more words came out of my mouth, Turner lunged at me, scoring a hard shot to my ribs. Luckily, he was so drunk that his co-ordination was shot, but it still hurt like a bitch. Moose and Rayne were able to subdue Turner, and picking Stan Manna up along the way, they took the Rock City Stars home. DC Rayne was your designated driver… [COLOR="navy"]“I don’t think Ryan likes me…”[/COLOR] I stuttered out of my half-winded state. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Welcome to MAW, kid.”[/COLOR] Rip smirked. [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] [I]Ooc notes: Rockin’ Ryan Turner arrived late for March Into Battle. I issued him a warning and he thought I’d made him into a target. He now strongly dislikes me, while I’m fairly indifferent to him.[/I] [QUOTE=theunholyicon;503040]That sucks you got such a bad rating, I thought it was a good show.[/QUOTE] Yeah, me too. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Thanks for reading. [B]Coming up: Quarterly Cornellverse Review, Dreams Come True and more Rockin’ Fun! [/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Quarterly Cornellverse Review - 1st Quarter 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] The Quarterly Cornellverse Review (QCR) is exactly what it says it is - a review of the game world as it is at each 3 month interval of a year. It highlights title changes and so on to give you an idea of how the world is evolving over time. This QCR focuses on the start of January to the end of March 2007. [SIZE="4"][U]1. MAW Contract News[/U][/SIZE] Curtis Jenkins leaves due to contract expiry Jay Fair extends deal with MAW [I]Not much happening over this period of time, except the somewhat notable departure of Curtis Jenkins. He wasn’t really good enough in any aspect, and no amount of jobbing to well-established workers would help him any time soon. Our resident referee extended his deal for 9 more months, which means we won’t have to hunt for another one any time soon. The next contract comes up in about 4 months.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]2. Promotion News[/U][/SIZE] UCR Rise to Cult Size [B]MAW Rise to Small Size[/B] Hinote Dojo Rise to Small Size TCW Rise to International Size RIPW Rise to Small Size CZCW Rise to Regional Size SAISHO Rise to Small Size 21CW Rise to Cult Size ELPF Rise to Small Size [I]Lots of movement, but it is mainly the usual that you expect to see. TCW are the most notable promotion to have risen, and have signed a number of workers to bolster their roster.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]3. New Promotions[/U][/SIZE] ELPF Open CWWF Open [SIZE="4"][U]4. Notable Worker Signings[/U][/SIZE] Nevada Nuclear called up by SWF Jack Griffith signs exclusively with TCW Jacob Jett signs with CGC Whippy the Clown signs exclusively with NOTBPW Queen Emily signs exclusively with SWF Eisaku Hoshino signs a short term contract with BHOTWG Samoan Machine signs exclusively with BHOTWG Shooter Sean Deeley signs exclusively with NOTBPW Valiant called up by SWF Carl Batch signs exclusively with SWF American Elemental signs exclusively with TCW Shane Sneer signs exclusively with TCW Puerto Rican Power signs with USPW William Hayes signs with INSPIRE The Natural signs with CGC Hell Monkey signs with BHOTWG Trent Shaffer signs with 4C Joey Poison signs with CGC Jungle Jack signs with NYCW Mario Heroic joins RIPW under a developmental deal Freddie Datsun signs with TCW Jim Force joins RIPW under a developmental deal [B]Mainstream Hernandez signs with USPW[/B] Guide signs exclusively with TCW Jesse Christian signs with USPW [B]Jay Fair signs with DAVE[/B] The Natural signs with CZCW Bulldozer Brandon Smith signs with CZCW Puerto Rican Power signs with CZCW Buff Martinez signs with 21CW Remmy Skye signs with DAVE Roger Dodger signs with USPW [I]SWF have done a lot of calling up and signing new workers, perhaps to counteract TCW’s rise in power. Most of these are normal signings that happen most of the time, perhaps except Guide signing for TCW, which doesn’t normally occur so early in the game world. The Force is in developmental, and Jesse Christian returns to sign with USPW. Mainstream signing with USPW is just the first problem I see as far as he goes.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]5. New Workers[/U][/SIZE] Cameron Vessey Carlos Gonzalez Bulldozer Brandon Smith Jaime Quine Alicia Strong Tigre Salvaje Jr [I]The usual candidates. Smith was signed up by CZCW, but aside from that, no one else had any luck I believe. Alicia has literally just entered so I suppose she won’t be a free agent for long.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]6. Retirements[/U][/SIZE] The Stomper Takesi Umehara [I]The Stomper is old. Umehara is not. Neither are especially legendary. Not a big loss for the wrestling world.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]7. Relationships[/U][/SIZE] [B]Grandmaster Phunk and Roger Dodger are now strong friends[/B] Britney Hollywood and Sienna DeVille are now strong friends Silver Shark and Koji Kojima are now strong friends Toby Juan Kenobi and Miss Information are now dating Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Honey Golightly now strongly dislike one another [B]Rockin' Ryan Turner dislikes Johnny Jackson. I'm rather indifferent to him to be honest.[/B] [I]Damn The Force; Jed High and Toby Juan Kenobi are players. They must have massive light sabres. And Ryan Turner dislikes me, because I told him off for being late, when he was booked in the first match of the pre show, no less. This is not the last of this little argument that this dynasty will see…[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]8. TV News[/U][/SIZE] NOTBPW Championship Wrestling ends run [I]They don’t need it to be honest. More money in running PPVs.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]9. Notable Title Changes[/U][/SIZE] [B]Mean Jean Cattley won the Rip Chord Invitational[/B] The Specialists (Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson) defeated Youth Energy (Shane Nelson and Lee Rivera) for the CGC Tag Titles Bobby Thomas won the vacant CGC Canadian Title Nate Johnson defeated Bobby Thomas for the CGC Canadian Title (while they were still tag champs no less!) Edd Stone defeated Harrison Hash for his 4th NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title Eisaku Kunomasu won the PGHW Elite Series, defeating Dread in the final Mikey James defeated Valiant for the RIPW Championship The New Originals (Sam Keith and Squeeky McClean) defeated The Biggz Boyz for the SWF Tag Team Titles Puerto Rican Power defeated Jim Force for the USPW National Title Emerald Angel defeated Bairei Yasujiro for the WLW World Level Universal Title [B]Mean Jean Cattley defeated Steven Parker for the MAW Mid Atlantic Championship[/B] The Stone Siblings (Jeremy and Dan Jr) defeated The McWades for the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup Dean McWade defeated Jack Giedroyc for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title Vin Tanner defeated Dean McWade for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Title [I]The Specialists went on a tear in CGC, winning a wealth of belts, sometimes from each other! A good three months for MJC obviously, but a bad one for Jack Giedroyc, who lost to Dean McWade. Got to say I love the team of The New Originals (Sam Keith and Squeeky McClean) in SWF.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]10. A Rated Matches and beyond[/U][/SIZE] Dan Stone Jr defeated Jeremy Stone, A, NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Weds W2 January Dan Stone Jr defeated Jeremy Stone, A, NOTBPW Big City Brawl, Sat W2 January Sean McFly defeated Jeremy Stone, A, NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Weds W2 February (Canadian Title Match) Sean McFly defeated Jeremy Stone, A, NOTBPW Clash Classic, Sat W2 February (Canadian Title Match) Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Nobuatso Tatsuko, A, PGHW Night of PRIDE, Fri W2 March (Glory Crown Title Match) Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Nobuatso Tatsuko, A, PGHW Genesis Tour, Fri W3 March (Glory Crown Title Match) Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Nobuatso Tatsuko, A, PGHW Genesis Tour, Sat W4 March (Glory Crown Title Match) [I]NOTBPW are up 4-3, and there are just 5 wrestlers having participated in the 7 matches to achieve an A rating.[/I] [SIZE="4"][U]11. Random Incidents[/U][/SIZE] Jesse Christian returned from hiatus Sotatsu Sarumara failed a steroid test Canada's economy and industry are at F+ and falling [I]Jesse Christian returned and signed for USPW as mentioned earlier. Sotatsu Sarumara failed a steroid test, despite being unemployed, and there not really being such a thing as an athletic commission in regards to wrestling. And finally, Canada is in serious trouble.[/I] And that rounds up the inaugural QCR. [B]Coming up: MAW Dreams Come True and more Rockin’ issues.[/B]
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From [url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn:[/url] [SIZE="4"]Dreams Come True - Friday Week 1 April[/SIZE] After a shocking title change at March Into Battle, Mean Jean Cattley has ascended back onto his throne, becoming the Mid Atlantic Champion for the second time. Steven Parker was said to be very angry and distraught with how things went down, and after his match, Parker stormed into MAW owner Rip Chord’s office and demanded that he invoke his rematch clause. There is said to be a video of the angry confrontation, and that will be shown on the internet recap show on Sunday after the event. Apparently however, the request was said to be granted and we may see Mean Jean Cattley defending his Mid Atlantic Championship against Steven Parker in what will be a must-see rematch. Can Steven Parker’s dreams come true one more time, or will MJC turn them into a nightmare for his protégé? In addition to this, Dorian Rhett has been causing trouble backstage again, getting in Mainstream Hernandez’ face after he lost to Johnny Jackson at March Into Battle. Mainstream reacted badly to what Rhett had to say, and apparently a brawl almost broke out were it not for several security members and MAW wrestlers interjecting themselves. Rhett has been on a mission to prove himself as more than a ‘midcard joke’ as Johnny Jackson put it, and Mainstream has been on a somewhat bad string of form of late. Both men have a lot to prove in their match, which was made official shortly after the scuffle. Natural Storm are set to be in action as well, along with Travis Century and also another brand new debut. Finally, Des Davids was set to take on Ruiz of Capone Incorporated, but Alison Capone has stated Ruiz will not be in the country for Dreams Come True, as he is ‘taking care of business’ across the border. Capone was slated to be finding a replacement. Perhaps Grandmaster Phunk should step up? Dreams Come True looks like an exciting line-up, and it will be interesting to watch as everyone struggles for position on the card. If you lose, you may as well pack up and go home, but if you win, you may find that your Dreams Come True. Be sure to catch our Sunday recap show right here on [url]www.midatlanticwrestling.crn[/url] for all the action at Dreams Come True. [QUOTE]Scheduled for Dreams Come True: Mean Jean Cattley © vs. Steven Parker for the Mid Atlantic Championship Mainstream Hernandez vs. Dorian Rhett Travis Century in action Natural Storm in action Des Davids vs. an opponent of Capone Inc’s choosing A new star debuts[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MAW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Dreams Come True 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Held at Stanley Hall, Mid Atlantic in front of a gigantic crowd of 65 people[/SIZE][/CENTER] - The show begins with a retrospective of one of the biggest clashes in MAW history, that being the epic Mean Jean Cattley vs. Steven Parker battle last month at March Into Battle. The video highlights all of the variables and notable moments of the match, including the controversial finish that saw Mean Jean Cattley become the new Mid Atlantic Champion. Tonight, it’s payback. [I]MJC-Parker II hype: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarvEarnest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut to the announcers who discuss the Mid Atlantic Championship situation, and talk about the controversial finish, as well as Steven Parker’s furious reaction to the result. Ernest picks MJC to retain because he sees him as the best in MAW today, while Kiss also sides with MJC due to the mental state and frustration that is inherent within Parker’s psyche right now. This segues into the video that follows showing Parker’s breakdown and angry demand for a rematch. [I]Announcers set up Parker video: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - There is a camera following a pissed off Steven Parker as he bursts through a door with Rip Chord’s name on it. This is going to be interesting. [COLOR="Red"]“RIP! RIP! Did you see what happened out there?! It’s bull****! I am the Mid Atlantic Champion, Jean stole my title! I demand you give me my rematch right away! Screw the fans, I want my belt back. If I have to beat Jean in that empty hall to get what is mine back, I will do it. Just make the match.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You might want to take the bass out of your voice, kid. I think you need to calm down and remember who you’re talking to. Listen, I know what it’s like to feel like you’ve been screwed out of a title, but sometimes that’s just the way it goes. But what do you do? Do you cry about it? No, you get up and fight again. You’ve got that rematch clause in your contract, but you have to realise that this business is about the fans first, and you second. You’ll get your title shot, you just have to wait until Dreams Come True. Honestly, Steven, I understand where you’re coming from…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“No, you don’t understand. You don’t understand Rip, and you know why? Because back in your day, every last thing you wanted was handed to you, because you were the poster boy of every promotion you were at. Did you deserve it? I’m not sure you did, but that’s irrelevant. What pisses me off is that you think you understand what I’m going through despite the fact that I have had to work my ass off every day of my life, just like you used to, but I get none of the respect that you did. And now you coast by on your reputation, a shell of the man you used to be, and yet you have the nerve to call me out and tell me you understand what I’m going through? Bull**** Rip. If I got half the respect that you never deserved, I would be a happy and satisfied man. But as it is, I still have to prove myself. How the hell is that fair?”[/COLOR] Parker storms back out of the room, leaving Rip with a scowl on his grizzled face from the lack of respect from the ex-Mid Atlantic Champion. [I]Recap of what happened after hours after March Into Battle: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/FrankiePerez_PP3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut to backstage, where Nicole Kiss is ready to interview the newest member of the MAW roster, Frankie Perez. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Hi, Frankie. How are you feeling ahead of your first match in MAW tonight?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve got to say that I’m very excited. For those of you that know who I am, you will know I am quite the journeyman of the independents, but when it comes down to it, you’ve got to believe that there is no promotion out there with as much prestige and as much name value as MAW. It may not be the biggest of promotions yet, but it is a promotion where the very best gather to test their physical limitations. Even if you don’t know who I am, let me tell you this: what defines me is competition, and that’s why I’m here in MAW, to challenge the finest competition in professional wrestling today. I am here to test everything that I am, and when I get my chance, I will prove that I am the best there is by winning the Mid Atlantic Championship and when I do, MAW will be in a state of Perfect Parity.”[/COLOR] [I]Perez promises Perfect Parity: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/FrankiePerez_PP3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 1: Frankie Perez vs. Antonio[/B][/CENTER] It was clear who was going to win this match from the beginning. Frankie Perez, independent star, versus Antonio, an average and generic technician. It enabled Perez to display some of the hard-hitting offence that made him famous though, and by the end of it, Antonio had been kicked so many times that he may not have known entirely where he was. Perez controlled the match throughout, and finished it off with a Perfect Parity (Fisherman’s Suplex) for the three. The pair put on a good little match, considering how short it was. [CENTER][B]Winner: Frankie Perez in 3.33 Grade: C- [/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - At this point, we cut to a scene backstage taken from earlier today where Nicole Kiss has got to the interview point, standing alongside Max Mayhem. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Max…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Excuse me, my name is Randy Mayhem, not Max. I used Max for a little while because someone thought it would sound better, but that didn’t get me very far. I’m now using my real name, Randy Mayhem.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]“Randy Mayhem? I thought your real name was Randy Maxx…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Yeah well, you thought wrong. I’m Randy Mayhem, the most underappreciated stallion in MAW today. Nicole, did you know that I have the highest vertical leap in MAW today? I bet you didn’t, because no one seems to pay attention to me. Tonight, I need a partner to take on Natural Storm, but it’s not easy when you’re as underappreciated as me…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“STAND AND DELIVER!”[/COLOR] Nicole Kiss and Randy Mayhem look open-mouthed as a masked man with what looks like a plastic pistol advances threateningly toward them. With feathered hat and dramatic cape, Nomad makes his MAW debut. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/Nomad_High.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="navy"]“STAND AND DELIVER! Max Mayhem…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Randy Mayhem.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Mr. Mayhem, I hear that you are the most underappreciated stallion in MAW and I feel for you. I, as MAW’s swashbuckling and most villainous Highwayman, Nomad, must however take all of your possessions, otherwise people will refuse to take me seriously.”[/COLOR] Mayhem and Kiss exchange a look as they wonder in what world anyone would take the feather-hat wearing Nomad seriously. [COLOR="navy"]“Listen to me carefully, Mr. Mayhem and you nor the wench shall be harmed.”[/COLOR] Kiss looks indignant at being called a wench. [COLOR="navy"]“The two of you must hand me your possessions, so that I can sell them for gold and doubloons. Does eBay deal in doubloons do you think? Of course they do. It would be ridiculous if they didn’t. Anyways, STAND AND DELIVER!”[/COLOR] Kiss looks bemused and clearly not frightened by the world’s worst Highwayman, while Mayhem looks thoughtfully at Nomad. [COLOR="red"]“Say, Nomad, as a Highwayman, I assume that you’re looking for the finest of trophies and trinkets for the most worth, am I right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“What are you getting at, sah?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“Well, I know where there are some of the most precious valuables you’ll ever see are. I can get them to you, but you need to do me a favour. I need a partner tonight to take on Natural Storm, and if we beat them, they’ll put their Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles on the line against us at Friday Fight Night. What do you say?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“Sah, I say you have a deal.”[/COLOR] The odd pairing shake hands. [COLOR="Red"]“The most underappreciated stallion and MAW’s most villainous Highwayman, together at last.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“You say you’re a stallion? I’ve been needing a horse for quite some time…”[/COLOR] Mayhem and Nomad walk off to prepare for their tag team debut, while Nicole Kiss just looks bemused by the strangest new team on the block. [I]Randy Mayhem and Nomad form an unlikely alliance: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Natural Storm are walking toward the ring, Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles in tow, in preparation for their match, when Jeremiah Moose and DaMarcus Speed, Wave of Violence, stand in their way. [COLOR="red"]“Well, well, well. Look who it is. Ante up, boys.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]“Eddie, DC, listen. We’re new around here and we were hoping that you’d give us some tips as to how to kiss up to The Man to get a fair chance around here. You know, me and DaMarcus have been fighting all of our lives to get here, and we had to fight hard. But you, that didn’t happen for you. You were handed everything and made into the poster children of MAW, and for what reason? Because you were willing to sell out everything you are for those belts. Well, we’re not selling out, we’re buying everyone out, by any means necessary. You’re facing a Wave of Violence like no other boys, so you better be ready.”[/COLOR] Eddie Howard prepares to retort. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, we’re ready for you Jeremiah, but you’ve got us all wrong. We never sold out. We played by the rules and we fought just as hard as you to earn the status we have right now. Listen to this, because this is very important. We’re Natural Storm, and despite what you, Capone Inc, the Canadian Blondes and everyone else are saying, [I]we[/I] are the best team in MAW, and we have the titles to prove it. We are all about opportunity, Jeremiah, so anytime you believe you can beat us, we will put our belts on the line, because we are fighting champions, and we are here to prove that we are the best team in MAW. So, our advice to you is to stop complaining that you’re not being given a fair chance, and work to actually earn your spot.”[/COLOR] Natural Storm walk off, while Wave of Violence watch hatefully after them. [I]WOV confront Natural Storm: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/Nomad_High.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 2: Natural Storm © vs. Randy Mayhem and Nomad (Non-Title Match)[/B][/CENTER] This was another mismatch, as the experience and ability of Natural Storm was clearly too much for the new team of Mayhem and Nomad. Mayhem looked impressive at times, but it was clear that Natural Storm were the better team. Nomad seemed more consumed by trying to rob the referee at various points in the match, to little success, and it was this that led to his downfall as he walked into an Exploder T-Bone Suplex from Eddie Howard for the finish. [B][CENTER]Winners: Natural Storm in 7.41 Grade: D-[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/HueyCannonball.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut to the back, where Dorian Rhett is watching the monitor of the previous match, while Flash Savage is looking into a mirror held by Huey Cannonball. [COLOR="Red"]“What do they think they proved by beating that freak show? The Canadian Blondes are the best team in MAW, Natural Storm just got lucky last month. What do you think, Flash?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“I think I’m looking good tonight, baby!”[/COLOR] Dorian puts his head into his hands, as any conversation of any kind of depth always evades his team-mate. Flash looks at his team-mate briefly, somewhat sympathetically. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Seriously though dude. I do look awesome tonight.”[/COLOR] He turns back to the mirror. [COLOR="Red"]“Well, that’s great. You stay here and sort out your hair, while I do something that will actually make this team mean something. Mainstream Hernandez wants to call me out for telling him the truth that he’s useless in that ring. I’ll show him. I’m Dorian Rhett, and when I beat Mainstream tonight, then I’ll show Johnny Jackson who the midcard joke really is.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Knock ‘em dead, boss!”[/COLOR] Huey enthusiastically interjects. Dorian is not impressed. [COLOR="red"]“Shut up Huey.”[/COLOR] Rhett walks out. Flash watches him go, and then goes back to the mirror. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“So Huey, where were we? Oh yeah, so, there were these three chicks, no, four chicks and some whipped cream, and they were all like, ‘Hey Flash…’”[/COLOR] The scene fades to black here, leaving the Canadian Blondes to their privacy. [I]Rhett is frustrated by the Blondes’ lack of direction: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole is backstage once more, this time with the ever-popular and charismatic Mainstream Hernandez. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mainstream, people have been slightly critical of you lately, due to the fact that you’ve been unable to score a win yet this year. I know, I mean we all know, that you’re better than that, and is tonight the night that you turn everything around again?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Relax, babe, you stumbled over your words a bit there. Look, babe, I’m not sweating this ‘losing streak’ or whatever you want to call it, because I know that I’m Mainstream, and what that means is that the whole world could be against you or not believing you can win, but I always come out on top after all is said and done. Sure, there have been some blips recently, but tonight I’m back on course, because that’s what being Mainstream is all about.”[/COLOR] At that moment Johnny Jackson walks into the shot. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Navy"]“Mainstream, I want to say that I appreciated your show of class after our match last month at March Into Battle, and any time you want a rematch, you just have to ask and I’d be honoured to wrestle you again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“That’s cool, Johnny. You were the better man last month, but one day, I’ll get you, buddy. As for tonight, I’m going to beat your old friend, Dorian Rhett, and then when I do, I’ll prove to everyone that I’m still Mainstream.”[/COLOR] Mainstream walks off with a determined look in his eyes, while Jackson watches with respect and Nicole watches with a somewhat bashful look. [I]Mainstream restates his mission in MAW: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 3: Dorian Rhett vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/CENTER] This match was an interesting contrast to Mainstream’s match last month when there was a clear level of respect shared between Mainstream and Jackson. Tonight was completely different as Rhett and Mainstream have no respect for one another. Mainstream controlled the early going, as he proved time and again that he had more desire than Rhett throughout. Rhett however was canny and waited to pick his opportunities on Mainstream. Rhett worked over Mainstream for a while, but his lack of stamina came into play again, as Mainstream caught him doggedly off the ropes with a Super Kick. Mainstream ascended to the top rope and hit the Apparition #14 (Shooting Star Press) and covered for three. This was an awesome little match, and Rhett is really showing a lot of promise as a star in MAW. [CENTER][B]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez in 12.24 Grade: C (Notes: Great Chemistry)[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Mainstream’s celebrations cut to a hype video for ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Des Davids. Davids has gone 9 months undefeated in MAW, and tonight he takes on an opponent of Capone Inc’s choosing. [I]Davids hype: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlisonCapone_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/AlColeman_suit.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Alison Capone, Grandmaster Phunk and AJ Coleman (Capone Incorporated) are walking backstage, looking for an opponent for Des Davids later on tonight. [COLOR="Indigo"]“So, we need someone as tough and as mean and as vicious as Ruiz, while having the flair of Grandmaster Phunk. Someone who is as good as Phunky so that we can watch Davids lose.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“I don’t understand why you don’t just have ‘Phunky’ get in there with him and have done with it…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“The lady told you before, AJ: Grandmaster Phunk is too valuable a commodity to be thrown in at the wolves at the drop of a hat. Need I remind you that I’m Prime Time, Next in Line, gee’d up from the feet up, Mr. Marquee, Grandmaster Phunk! Now, next time you question one of Alison’s decisions I’m gonna knock that cheap ass haircut right off your head.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“You heard it Alison, he threatened me! I told you he was horrible. Come on, lets go back to the hotel. I know it’s a double bed, but I don’t mind…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“Shut up AJ.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“God, she’s so sexy when she tells me to shut up.”[/COLOR] At that moment, Capone Inc. stumble across Wave of Violence. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="indigo"]“Ahh, you’re perfect. Jeremiah, DaMarcus, I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet. We’re Capone Incorporated and we have quite the offer for you. How would you like to help us out?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“And what’s in it for us?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="indigo"]“A chance to prove yourself to The Man. You see, me, AJ and Phunky here have been watching you these last couple of months, and we think it’s so unfair that you’ve been victimised in MAW and never given your chance. So here’s what I propose: if one of you takes out Des Davids tonight, Rip Chord will have to take notice of you, and I guarantee that I will get you a Mid Atlantic Tag Team Title shot at Friday Fight Night.”[/COLOR] Moose and Speed look at each other, before nodding in agreement. [COLOR="darkslategray"]“You know what, you have a deal. We’ll take out your boy tonight, and then we’ll take out Natural Storm at Friday Fight Night.”[/COLOR] The two sides shake hands on the deal, while AJ mutters something about Alison being so sexy when she’s negotiating. Once Capone Inc. have gone, Speed has one question left on his mind: [COLOR="Orange"]“Seriously: Phunky?!”[/COLOR] [I]Capone Inc. and Wave of Violence make a deal: F+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We cut to somewhere else backstage, where Steven Parker is walking with a focused look on his face. Out of the shadows steps Travis Century. [COLOR="Red"]“Hello, Steven. It has come to my attention that destiny has not been favouring you much lately. Let me tell you, my son, it could be a lot worse. I’ve been watching you as you slowly slid from grace, and I have to say, I was extremely disappointed. There is a darkness within you that I feel you could nurture to become powerful. I have a suggestion for you, make of it what you will. Perhaps you need to go into exile for some time, and then maybe He’ll forgive you for all your sins. The night is coming, Steven, and I promise you that someone will get hurt very soon for every sin that has been committed. The Black Scorpion may strike tomorrow, it may strike in a month. It could even strike [I]tonight[/I]. Think about these words Steven because I am your Prophet. Mend your ways, otherwise you may find yourself being the one in the pool of blood by the end of the night.”[/COLOR] Century steps back into the shadows and leaves, while Steven Parker is left to ponder over the cryptic, perhaps threatening words of the ‘Oracle of the Obscene’. [I]Travis Century warns Steven Parker: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/ElijahJamesJackson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 4 - Travis Century vs. Elijah James Harris[/CENTER][/B] Elijah James Harris makes his debut in MAW, with a slew of ladies in tow and a swagger in his step. MAW’s resident pimp has arrived, and he’s going to have fun on his way to the top. The fun seems to stop pretty abruptly however, as a chill descends upon the Hall, as Travis Century makes his way to the ring. The match itself is short and to the point once more for Century, as he bullies his opponent in the ring. Harris puts on the most impressive effort to date in combat with Century, mounting at least some offence, but once more, Travis Century displays his powerful dominance in that ring as he finishes the match with a Soul’s Salvation (Double Underhook Suplex), and Century goes 4-0. [CENTER][B]Winner: Travis Century in 5.51 Grade: E+[/B] -----[/CENTER] - We cut next to a video package highlighting the issue between Des Davids and Capone Inc. wherein Capone Inc. are trying to make a name for themselves by defeating the dominant Davids, while Davids wants to smash the group to prove he is main event calibre. [I]Davids-Capone Inc. hype: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss is backstage once more, this time with Des Davids. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Des, tonight you were set to take on Ruiz, but he had to go to Mexico to ‘take care of some business’. It is now stated that you are set to take on Jeremiah Moose one-on-one next. How do you prepare for such a match where you have such little time to study your opponent?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Nicole, it doesn’t really matter who I step into that ring with because when all is said and done, I will destroy my opponent, whoever that may be.”[/COLOR] Davids stalks off again after another short and succinct statement. [I]Davids Interview: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 5: Des Davids vs. Jeremiah Moose w/DaMarcus Speed and Capone Inc.[/B][/CENTER] Moose had a massive amount of support in his corner tonight, but he became very aware early on that he was perhaps out of his depth. Moose is a great athlete in his own right, but Davids smashed his way through the Wave of Violence member through the early going. Moose gained the advantage in the match from outside interference, as Grandmaster Phunk got on the apron to distract ‘The Dark Destroyer’. From there, Moose was allowed to display why he was such a hot property on the independent scene and took Davids to school. The advantage was short-lived however, as Davids used his power and his strength to regain control. Laying Moose out with a Spear, Davids knocked Coleman and then Speed off the apron when they tried to interject, and stared down Phunk before he could become involved, before turning his attention back to Jeremiah Moose. One Dominator later and Des Davids is your victor. [CENTER][B]Winner: Des Davids in 11.47 Grade: D+ (Notes: Great Chemistry)[/B] ----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/DesDavids_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/GrandmasterPhunk_MVP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Davids stares down Phunk again after the bell is sounded. One of these days, Davids will get his hands on Phunk surely. [I]Davids-Phunk staredown: D-[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/TravisCentury_Prophet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - We rapidly cut to the back from Des Davids muted celebrations to a ruckus backstage. Travis Century seems to have assaulted Mainstream Hernandez and MAW security are trying to break up the fight. Mainstream has been busted open, and is almost unconscious, as Century has battered him ruthlessly. Security pull Century away, and medics tend to Mainstream’s prone figure. [I]Travis Century attacks Mainstream: D[/I] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] - A video is shown to highlight the intensifying issue between Mean Jean Cattley and Steven Parker and questions whether Parker has more to prove now that he is challenging for the title rather than defending it. [I]Main Event Hype: E[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Nicole Kiss is backstage with Steven Parker. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Steven, tonight we saw your interaction with Rip Chord from after March Into Battle, and I have to say I’m really wondering if you are in the right mental state to be challenging for this title tonight. I wonder whether you should have taken some time off to get your head straight and properly focused on the belt instead of rushing in headlong.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Let me stop you there Nicole. I’m not going to whine. I’m not going to complain. I’m going to say this simply so that no one can question my motivations tonight. Mean Jean Cattley took something that was mine. Not fairly. Not legally. Now, where I come from, when someone wrongfully takes something from you there is only one thing you can do: take it back. I’ll be the first to admit that my head has been all over the place this past month, but I can tell you this: I am 100% focused on taking my Mid Atlantic Title back, and when I do, you will see a new Steven Parker.”[/COLOR] [I]Parker is focused on the task at hand: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/NicoleKiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Marv Ernest talks about that promo for a few seconds while Mean Jean Cattley joins Nicole Kiss backstage for an interview. [COLOR="Magenta"]“MJC, this is a big night for you. Many people think you didn’t win that Championship fairly and are questioning who the real champion actually is. If you win tonight, it is beyond doubt that you are the true champion, but as it stands right now, people are unconvinced by your methods.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“What, do you see Parker as some kind of ‘uncrowned champion’? If you do, you’re damn wrong. I won this Championship by using my wits and my surroundings, and those are hallmarks of a true champion. If Parker had those wits, he’d still be champion right now, but instead he proved me right. At March Into Battle, I proved that Parker was truly a fluke of a champion, and was doing no more than keep my place warm as champion. As far as tonight goes, I really want Parker to bring everything that he’s got to that ring, because then he will know without a shadow of a doubt that he is not worthy of holding this Mid Atlantic Championship. When I beat him tonight, he will realise why he had so many critics in the first place and more importantly why they call me the very best in MAW.”[/COLOR] At that moment, Johnny Jackson walks into the shot. [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Navy"]“You know what, Jean? I was just speaking to Rip Chord backstage and he said that I have a Mid Atlantic Title shot at Friday Fight Night. For that reason, I hope that you win tonight, so I can wipe that smug look right off your face. If you get lucky enough to get by Steven Parker tonight, I’ll see you at Friday Fight Night, and then no amount of luck in the world will save you from losing that title.”[/COLOR] The two stare each other down, before Jackson walks away, leaving MJC with a lot on his mind. [I]MJC Interview: E+[/I] [CENTER]----- [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/MAW%202007%20OOE/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [B]- Match 6: Mid Atlantic Championship Match - Mean Jean Cattley © vs. Steven Parker [/B][/CENTER] It’s main event time, and the big rematch is in place. Mean Jean Cattley has regained the Mid Atlantic Championship and is looking to begin an era of dominance, while Steven Parker has it all to prove once again. The match starts with a staredown, with MJC arrogantly talking trash to a silent and determined Steven Parker, who treats his swaggering mentor to a slap across the face, similar to the beginning of their March Into Battle match. Parker looks to have learnt from last month’s battle however, as instead of angrily trying to score vengeance on his mentor, he calmly takes MJC down and outwrestles him methodically. Parker holds the momentum of the match for a long while, scoring with a number of suplexes throughout, MJC becoming quite ragged from the onslaught. Considering Parker’s furious confrontation with Rip Chord, his approach to the match itself is composed and assured. Parker looks like a complete and comfortable worker, controlling the match. The turning point is another display of MJC’s cunning, as he lays in wait by the ropes before grabbing the approaching Parker’s trunks and slinging him through the ropes to the floor. Parker seems to have tweaked his knee, and that’s just the kind of opening that MJC needs. Staying on the knee, MJC dominates the next section of the match, with Parker’s title chances slowly drifting away. MJC continues the assault, but soon becomes frustrated with the near falls and his general inability to put the challenger away. Cattley continues controlling the match, but becomes somewhat clumsy in applying a backbreaker hold, and Parker fights out. Parker comes off the ropes, and both men go down after a double clothesline. Both men slowly get up and it comes down to a battle between who wants it more. Trading punches over and over again, Parker seems to gain control and with a burst of life re-enters the match as a new man. He lays MJC out with a lariat and sets up the Future Shock (Cradle Shock) and scores with it. Will MJC’s title reign be over before it begins? 1... 2... Last second kick out! MJC somehow escapes the pinfall, and slithers toward the corner like a snake. Parker can’t believe it, and argues with referee Jay Fair for a while. This allows MJC to create his opening, as he starts to take off the second turnbuckle pad just as he did at March Into Battle. Parker walks toward him to stop him, as does the referee, and it becomes a confusing mixture of wrestler and official. MJC slides out the back of the bundle, and as Parker turns around, nails him with a Mood Swing (Downward Spiral). MJC covers the challenger. 1... 2... 3. [CENTER][B]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley in 17.47 to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship Grade: C-[/B] -----[/CENTER] Mean Jean Cattley celebrates the victory while Steven Parker sits in despair as the show closes. [CENTER]-E-X-I-L-E-[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"]Overall Show Rating: D+[/SIZE] Bit of a disappointing result, as it could have been better. Then again there were still several squash matches in there. Things will pick up soon. Davids was legitimately supposed to wrestle Ruiz tonight. Damn OLLIE. [QUOTE]MATCH RUNDOWN 1. Frankie Perez def Antonio (C-) 2. Natural Storm def Randy Mayhem and Nomad (D-) 3. Mainstream Hernandez def Dorian Rhett (C) 4. Travis Century def Elijah James Harris (E+) 5. Des Davids def Jeremiah Moose (D+) 6. Mean Jean Cattley def Steven Parker to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship (C-) [/QUOTE] [B]Coming Up: Rockin’ Ryan Turner explains himself and MAW Friday Fight Night[/B]
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