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USPW: The Times They Are A Changing

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[B][CENTER][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Blue"]USPW[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Red"]The Times They Are A Changin[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Since it's formation in 2001, United States Pro Wrestling (USPW) has been one of America's fastest rising promotions, offering its fans a family friendly product that is heavily based on 1980's wrestling nostalgia and unabashed patriotism. In August 2006. its then owner Danny Jillefski realised that he had taken the company as far as he possibly could and struck a business deal with his friend, the legendary Sam Strong. Strong's takeover helped the promotion massively with his reputation alone getting the company its first TV deal which resulted in an influx of new fans. Since then the promotion has gone from strength to strength, with its new owner quickly proving himself to be a surprisingly good businessman. Head Booker and Colour Commentator did a great job booking the shows up until January 2008 when he decided that he wanted to focus more on developing his on-screen persona and with the blessing of Sam Strong stepped down from the Head Bookers position. Strong, who had publically stated on more than one ocassion that he wanted to take USPW in a different direction, took his biggest risk as Owner of USPW and hired a man by the name of Thomas Grand to take the reigns of Head Booker. The decision took many by surprise but Strong was confident that Grand could guide USPW to greatness, and finally challenge the big two...SWF & TCW. [B]----------[/B] Looking over the roster, I was happy with what I had but knew that improvements were needed. I began drawing up a list of people that I wanted to bring in to try and freshen things up. Mr Strong had pointed out the importance of dragging the show out of the past. Yes, it got where it is today due to it's tradiotional 1980's nostaligia but if Mr Strong was serious about challenging the 'The Big Two' then he knew changes would have to be made and he trusted me to make the required changes. The first thing that alarmed me while looking over the roster was the number of heavyweights we had on the books. I mean; Hillybilly Al, Anger, Bruce The Giant, Eric The Bull, Giant Redwood, Java, Jim Force, Jumbo Jackson, Nicky Champion, Hillbilly Pete, T-Rex, Tribal Warrior, that's a lot of heavyweight 'talent' to have. Which lead me to my first dilema. Gargantuan. A Canadaian powerhouse of a man with a menacing look who just screamed 'Monster Heel'. Not the most talented when it comes to in-ring ability, far from it, but he had the 'look' to be one of the best heels in the business. However, the roster was already packed with heavyweights and big men, was there really room for him? In my eyes, yes. It was going to take some time to build Gargantuan up and develop his skills so the plan was to get rid of some heavyweight 'dead wood' (or should I say Redwood) while we groomed Gargantuan. Who else did I have my eye on? Well, right at the top of list was Champagne Lover. Not only did he have the look to be a huge star, but he had the talent. Obviously, we couldn't bring him in and throw him straight into the Main-Event...or could we? Another man was Zeus Maxamillion who had c***y heel written all over him. Jungle Jack was someone I admired and figured he had the potential to be a big main-event face but was just waiting for his big break. The Tag Team division definitely needed some attention and one team that sprung to mind were The Dirty White Boys who were unemployed. I loved them in the SWF and thought they deserved another shot at greatness. And with all the heavyweights on the roster, I decided I'd like to bring in some smaller yet hugely talented guys. Jacob Jett, Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye & Davis Wayne Newton were all guys I wanted to bring to USPW. They had time on their side and anyone one them could go on to be the face of the company for years to come. Now, onto the product. USPW had always prided itself on being an 80's nostalgia family friendly product. While that was all good and well the direction had grew stale and simpy couldn't keep up with the alternatives that the SWF & TCW were offereing. What needed was an injection off attitude. If that meant losing some of the people who tuned in for the 'family' product to gain new viewers then that's exactly what we'd do.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"]Show 1[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]T-Rex[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR] & [COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine[/COLOR] all come out to the ring one at a time to talk about the World Title. They all argue about getting a shot at [COLOR="Blue"]James Justice[/COLOR]. Having heard enough, [B]Corporal Doom[/B] comes out and books the main-event. He announces a Four-Way match; [COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]T-Rex[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Chris Caulfield [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine[/COLOR] with the winner getting a title shot. Backstage, Womens Champion [COLOR="Red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] bumps into [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR]. The two argue for a short while before agreeing to meet in the ring in a non-title match. [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="Red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR]. [COLOR="Blue"]The Forces of America[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="Red"]The Towers of Power [/COLOR]to win the USPW Tag Team Titles. [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Jackson [/COLOR]comes out to the ring and talks about his desire to be a champion. He says since his arrival in USPW he's had his eye on one piece of gold...the USPW Television Championship. He calls out current champ, [COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion[/COLOR], and dares him to put his title on the line. [COLOR="Blue"]Champion [/COLOR]doesn't take much persuading and he heads to the ring accepting the challenge. [COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion [/COLOR]def. [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Jackson[/COLOR] despite [COLOR="Red"]Shane Sneer[/COLOR] leaving the announce table and trying to distract [COLOR="Blue"]Champion[/COLOR]. [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR],[COLOR="Red"] T-Rex[/COLOR] & [COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine[/COLOR]. After the match, [COLOR="Blue"]James Justice[/COLOR] comes out and has a staredown with [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR]. Without realizing, [COLOR="Red"]Tribal Warrior[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Java[/COLOR] & [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Jackson [/COLOR]enter the ring through the crowd and beatdown [COLOR="Blue"]Caulfield[/COLOR] & [COLOR="Blue"]The Giant[/COLOR]. Before [COLOR="Blue"]James Justice[/COLOR] can head to the ring to even the numbers, [COLOR="Red"]Eric The Bull [/COLOR]attacks him from behind and delivers a devstating Powerbomb off the stage leaving [COLOR="Blue"]Justice[/COLOR] motionless. [COLOR="Red"]Shane Sneer[/COLOR] leaves his position at the announcers table and celebrates in the ring with the rest of [COLOR="Red"]The Sneer Corporation [/COLOR]as the show comes to a close.[/CENTER][/CENTER] [B]Results;[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR] def [COLOR="Red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] in a non-title match [COLOR="Blue"]The Forces of America [/COLOR]def [COLOR="Red"]The Towers of Power [/COLOR]to capture the USPW Tag Team Titles [COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion[/COLOR] def [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Jackson [/COLOR]to retain the USPW Television Title [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR] def [COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]T-Rex[/COLOR] & [COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE="7"][B]SHOW 2[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]The Sneer Corporation[/COLOR] head to the ring to open the show. [COLOR="Red"]Sneer [/COLOR]runs down [COLOR="Blue"]James Justice [/COLOR]and says his days as champ are numbered after the attack by [COLOR="Red"]Eric The Bull[/COLOR]. He says that after the attack last week there is no way [COLOR="Blue"]Justice [/COLOR]will be able to defend the title and that it will have to be vacated. [B]Corporal Doom[/B] heads to the ring. He says that [COLOR="Blue"]Justice[/COLOR] will not need to vacate the title and although he's not 100% he will be here tonight and also competing. [B]Doom[/B] announces the main-event...[COLOR="Blue"]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR], [COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion [/COLOR]& [COLOR="Blue"]James Justice[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Savage Fury[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Jackson[/COLOR] & [COLOR="Red"]Eric The Bull[/COLOR]. [CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR] def [COLOR="Red"]Nadia Snow[/COLOR]. After the match, [COLOR="Red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] comes to the ring and floors [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR] with a title shot to the head.[/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Darryl Devine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Giant Redwood [/COLOR]ended in a no contest after [COLOR="Red"]T-Rex [/COLOR]came to the ring and destroyed both men. He issues an open challenge to anybody brave enough to face his wrath but nobody answers. [COLOR="Red"]T-Rex [/COLOR]says if nobody is willing to face him then he'll have to take matters into his own hands. Backstage, [COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine [/COLOR]is watching a video of [COLOR="Blue"]James Justice[/COLOR] being Powerbombed off the stage last week. V[COLOR="Red"]alentine [/COLOR]smiles and keeps rewinding the video, repeatedly watching the attack and laughing. [COLOR="Blue"]The Forces of America [/COLOR]def [COLOR="Blue"]The Hillbillys[/COLOR] despite interference from [COLOR="Red"]The Towers of Power[/COLOR]. After the match, [COLOR="Red"]The Towers of Power [/COLOR]challenge [COLOR="Blue"]The Forces of America [/COLOR]to a rematch at the PPV. [COLOR="Blue"]The Forces of America[/COLOR] accept the challenge. [COLOR="blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR],[COLOR="blue"] Chris Caulfield[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]James Justice [/COLOR]& [COLOR="blue"]Nicky Champion [/COLOR]def [COLOR="Red"]The Sneer Corporation[/COLOR]. After the match, [COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine [/COLOR]hits the ring armed with a chair. He takes out [COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR],[COLOR="Blue"] Chris Caulfield [/COLOR]& [COLOR="blue"]Nicky Champion [/COLOR]with savage shots. [COLOR="Red"]Valentine[/COLOR], [COLOR="red"]Jumbo Jackson [/COLOR]& [COLOR="red"]The Tribal Warriors[/COLOR] continue the attack on the three men as [COLOR="Blue"]James Justice[/COLOR] battles with [COLOR="Red"]Eric The Bull[/COLOR]. The fight spills to the outside and up the entrance way. [COLOR="red"]Eric The Bull[/COLOR] overpowers [COLOR="Blue"]Justice[/COLOR] and for the second week running powerbombs him off the stage. [COLOR="Red"]The Sneer Corporation[/COLOR] & [COLOR="red"]Peter Valentine [/COLOR]stand in the ring applauding what has just happened as the show closes.[/CENTER] [B]Results;[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Stong[/COLOR] def [COLOR="Red"]Nadia Snow[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Darryl Devine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Giant Redwood[/COLOR] ended in a no-contest after a [COLOR="red"]T-Rex[/COLOR] interference [COLOR="Blue"]The Forces of America[/COLOR] def [COLOR="blue"]The Hillbillys[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]Chris Caulfield[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]James Justice[/COLOR] & [COLOR="blue"][COLOR="blue"]Nicky Champion[/COLOR][/COLOR] def [COLOR="Red"]The Sneer Corporation[/COLOR].
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From [B][U][url]http://www.uspw.com[/url][/U][/B] USPW.com can exclusively confirm that World Champion, James Justice, was injured last night at the hands of Sneer Corporation member Eric The Bull. For the second week in a row, Bull powerbombed the champ off the stage and sent him crashing to the ground below. Justice, who was on the receiving end of the same powerbomb the previous week, wasn't expected in action but he had been cleared to wrestle and teamed with Bruce The Giant, Chris Caulfield & Nicky Champion to take on the The Sneer Corporation. The severity of Justice's injuries remain unclear and it is not yet known whether Justice will be fit to compete at the PPV to defend his title against Chris Caulfield who won a four-way match against Bruce The Giant, T-Rex & Peter Valentine. We hope to have more information soon.
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[B]Preview For Next Show;[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Giant Redwood[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]T-Rex[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jim Force[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Danny Rushmore[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion & Alicia Strong[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Jackson & Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine[/COLOR] Predictions welcome!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"]Show 3[/SIZE][/B] [I]The show opens with a video recap of James Justice being Powerbombed off the stage twice in as many weeks by Eric The Bull. Then, we cut to Justice in a hospital bed who cuts a promo addressing what happened. Justice confirms that he has suffered a back injury which will keep him out of action for three months which means he will have to vacate the USPW World Title. Justice says that when he returns he will be gunning for Eric The Bull and The Sneer Corporation and promises to get his revenge. Chris Caulfield walks in to visit Justice. He says what Eric The Bull did was 'cowardly' and adds that it's a real shame because he was looking forward to the World Title bout with Justice. Justice says that if Caulfield becomes champ and still is in three months then they can have a match then. Caulfield agrees, wishes Justice well and leaves. Just after Caulfield leaves, a Dr comes to check in on Justice. The Dr turns out to be Eric The Bull in disguise. He destroys James Justice, tipping him out of his hospital bed and assaulting him with hospital equiptment. The Sneer Corporation, minus Eric The Bull, head to the ring. Shane Sneer leaves his position at the announe table and welcomes them. Sneer gets on the mic and says the reason Bull Wrecker (Eric The Bull) is targetting Justice is because he has told him to. Sneer runs down Justice and says he was a disgrace as USPW World Champion. He says that the World Title, aswell as every other title in USPW would be best represented by The Sneer Corporation. He introduces The Corporation's newest member...Peter Valentine. Peter Valentine comes out and says that now James Justice is out of action and has vacated the title Chris Caulfield needs an opponent. He suggests that it be Peter Valentine vs Chris Caulfield for the USPW World Title. Comissioner Doom comes out and says Peter Valentine will face Chrs Caulfield...if he beats Bruce The Giant tonight and that if Bruce The Giant wins he will face Caulfield to decide a new World Champion. Doom turns to leave but adds a final stipulation to the match and says that the rest of The Sneer Corporation are banned from ringside and that should they appear, Peter Valentine will be DQ'd. The Sneer Corporation are clearly upset at the stipulation.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------- [B][COLOR="red"]Giant Redwood [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="red"]T-Rex[/COLOR][/B] This match was made after T-Rex's attack on Redwood & Devine last week. As expected, this is no wrestling classic, just an impressive display of brute force from both men. T-Rex is definitely the bigger threat here and he walks away with the win via pinfall. After the match is over, Darrly Devine walks out and challenges T-Rex to a match next week. T-Rex seems to find the challenge amusing and smirks but it's not the actual challenge that amuses him, it's the fact that Anger is stood behind Devine. Anger attacks Devine and drags him down to the ring. T-Rex beats Devine down further and then accepts the challenge. -------------------------------------------------------- [I]Backstage, Jumbo Jackson bumps into Cherry Bomb. Jackson bitches to Bomb about Nicky Champion and Bomb does the same to Jackson about Alicia Strong. Comissioner Doom passes as they are talking and says that he's glad he caught them because he's just had a great idea for a match. He says that Jumbo Jackson & Cherry Bomb will face Nicky Champion & Alicia Strong in a mixed tag match...tonight.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------- [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jim Force[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Danny Rushmore[/COLOR][/B] We get a preview of what to expect at the PPV between The Forces of America & The Towers of Power. Force & Rushmore put on a physical and powerful display and match each other move for move. It's Rushmore who gets the win after Mick Muscles beating down Captain USA at ringside is enough to distract Force long enough for Danny Rushmore to roll up Force and get the three-count with a handfull of tights. -------------------------------------------------------- [I]We see Bull Wrecker arriving at the show looking pleased with himself having brutally attacked an already injured James Justice earlier.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------- [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Nicky Champion & Alicia Strong[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Jumbo Jackson & Cherry Bomb[/COLOR][/B] This match see's two singles feuds combined to give us a pretty good mixed tag match. Champion & Strong look the better pairing but Jackson & Bomb are the more ruthless duo, using under-hand tactics to their advantage to pick up the win. Cherry Bomb uses her Womens title to hit Champion in the back of the head which leads to Jumbo Jackson getting the win. After the match, Cherry Bomb & Jackson taunt Alicia Strong. Jackson throws her across the ring by her hair and it looks like he's going to attack. He gets on the mic and says he's going to hurt Strong unless he is granted a match against Nicky Champion for the TV title at the PPV. USPW owner Sam Strong comes out and says that Jackson can have his shot, much to the delight of Jackson. As Jackson & Cherry Bomb leave Sam Strong helps Alicia to her feet. He tells a departing Cherry Bomb that she will also be in action at the PPV and putting her title on the line against Alicia. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bruce The Giant[/COLOR][/B] vs [B][COLOR="Red"]Peter Valentine[/COLOR][/B] The theme of the night seems to be 'brute force' as these two put on another very physical and powerful match. Valentine controlls early on, working on the lower body of The Giant trying to take him down but Bruce is just too big and imposing and brings the fight back to Valentine. The match spills to the outside. Both men seem to forget all about the title oppurtunity on the line and concentrate on tearing each other appart. They are eventually both counted out, leaving the title match at the PPV unclear. The two continue fighting and The Sneer Corporation head to ringside. They beatdown Bruce The Giant and roll him into the ring to continue beating him. Valentine gets a chair and wedges The Giant's neck in it. He gets on the mic and says what he is about to do will guarantee him be awarded the title shot. He instructs Bull Wrecker to bring another chair and it looks like he's going to try and snap the neck of Bruce The Giant. But, before he can Chris Caulfield runs out to the ring wielding a chair of his own, followed by Nicky Champion. Caulfield clears the ring of Bull Wrecker and Savage Fury, while Nicky Champion takes care of Jumbo Jackson. As Champion & Caulfield help Bruce The Giant to his feet, Comissioner Doom comes out and says at the PPV it will be Chris Caulfield vs Bruce The Giant vs Peter Valentine to decide the new USPW World Champion.[/CENTER]
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[B][U]From [url]http://www.uspw.com[/url][/U][/B] Here at USPW.com we can confirm that following have been signed to P.P.A. contracts with the company; Jack Marlowe Hells Bouncer Brandon Smith Champagne Lover Jacob Jett Omar Brown Zeus Maxamillion We are also able to confirm that non-aggression working agreements have been reached with SWF, TCW & CZCW.
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[B][U]From [url]http://www.wrestlingrumours.com[/url][/U][/B] According to a number of sources veteran wrestler, Steve Flash, has signed a P.P.A. contract with USPW. There has been no official announcement from USPW with regards to this and the last we heard from them was on their signings of Jack Marlowe, Hells Bouncer, Brandon Smith, Champagne Lover, Jacob Jett, Omar Brown & Zeus Maxamillion but many are predicting Flash will debut at USPW's first PPV of the year, Stars, Stripes & Slams. We also understand that the company are close to agreeing a P.P.A. deal with Joey Poison.
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