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[QUOTE=mad5226;504177]I think you can, or at least you could in 07. Just go into the editior then to contracts find his contract with you and their should be a tick box that says reset moral or something like that[/QUOTE] Doesn't exist anymore. Basically, just try and treat him better... with any luck, he'll cheer up after a while.
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[QUOTE=Rawisericho;504066]I would, but [B]I've had him kill everyone on the roster to get him over.[/B] There's a lot invested in him, can I edit morale?[/QUOTE] Remi could go into detail about this, but I'm going to give you the brief comment. When you push a guy too fast, there is a chance they will develop into a Super-Egotistical SOB. That's why you have to watch how you work people in '08. It's one of many different little joyful annoyance's in this version of the game. IF you make a "Hulk Hogan", be prepared to get the attitude with it. Suggestion for Fix: Job him hard. IT will probably get him really ticked off, but down the line there is a possibility it will humble him. Job him back down to the rest of the roster (or at least down to upper mid). If that works, try balancing more people (far as pushing) with him on his comeback. If he's not the "Hottest" thing on the roster, it will help with his attitude.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;504196]Remi could go into detail about this, but I'm going to give you the brief comment. When you push a guy too fast, there is a chance they will develop into a Super-Egotistical SOB. That's why you have to watch how you work people in '08. It's one of many different little joyful annoyance's in this version of the game. IF you make a "Hulk Hogan", be prepared to get the attitude with it. Suggestion for Fix: Job him hard. IT will probably get him really ticked off, but down the line there is a possibility it will humble him. Job him back down to the rest of the roster (or at least down to upper mid). If that works, try balancing more people (far as pushing) with him on his comeback. If he's not the "Hottest" thing on the roster, it will help with his attitude.[/QUOTE] Bingo! You see, in TEW08, you can't effectively Jesus Push people. If you do, you have to deal with the consequences (that being, the person will turn into Big Smack Scott backstage). To paraphrase the Eagles, you're now a prisoner here, of your own device. You've got two options here: either cut out the cancer (fire him) or submit it to radiation treatment (job him). You have to chip away at his ego and humble him. heh and there were people who called Personality Plus a "fluff" feature.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;504504]Bingo! You see, in TEW08, you can't effectively Jesus Push people. If you do, you have to deal with the consequences (that being, the person will turn into Big Smack Scott backstage). To paraphrase the Eagles, you're now a prisoner here, of your own device. You've got two options here: either cut out the cancer (fire him) or submit it to radiation treatment (job him). You have to chip away at his ego and humble him. heh and there were people who called Personality Plus a "fluff" feature.[/QUOTE] I'm really liking the personality pluss feature that '08 has. It makes it easier to "pretend" it's real. Actually, it's second behind the "can't do the same match over and over" again. Not that I don't think there is allot of potential in both area's though. I think the Personalities could get even better, with having some sort of template types, styles the way they talk. I remember playing EWR and ending a fued with the Rock. When he PM'd me back saying something like "That feud went over pretty good. Than again, anything The Rock is in will do good!" Just kind of made me "Feel" like that was a real person. I would like to see something like that implemented in later versions as the personality feature gets' more and more developed. The match feature (can't do the same one over and over) is one I really like, because I believe it to be "realistic". I know there should be some tweaks made, where perhaps as long as your doing a different "Form" of match, it might make and exception (although it's really already there). I don't know, maybe have : Regular, Brawling, High Flying (I'm talking the "Base" Match type, as I think Hell in a Cell and Steel Cage are bassically the same thing. Or maybe have it tweaked with prestige. I'm happy the way it is, but some people have made pretty good points about it, so I'm just offering my two cents. Personality Pluss has such great potential though. I really hope we get some sort of Emails or something that shows even more personality (Like the Rock example).
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