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XCC 1 : The Beginning of it All Main Event Sean Morrison (TLMA) v Charles Stiles (LM) Lightweight Bout Middleweight Bouts Jerezo (LM) v Andrew Rush (TFAI) Jim Carpenter (TLMA) v Fernando Amaro (TDC) Maarten De Vries (UFC)v Juro Fukazawa (FCR) Buddy Garner (FFC) v Patrick Thomas (TM) Lightweight Bouts Go Yamamoto (TFAI) v Atep Of Indonesia (FCR) Giovanni Silva (UFC) v Luke Hilton (TM) Carlos Da Guia (TDC) v Paulo Roberto Bezera (FFC)
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]XCC 1 : THE BEGINNING OF IT ALL[/SIZE] KING : Welcome to everyone here tonight, today we have the Middle and Lightweight Grand Prix Quarter-Finals AUTHORITY : Yup, so are first fight will be Undisputed Fight Club's Giovani Silva vs. Team Mongoose's Luke Hilton, so let's get it started. [I]Luke Hilton enters first carrying the American Flag and Team Emblem, with some classic rock in the background, as on the other side of the arena, Giovani Silva enters to some classic Brazilian Music carrying the Undisputed Fight Club Logo on a Brazilian Flag[/I] GIOVANI SILVA (20-9) vs. LUKE HILTON (4-1) Round 1 Silva leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Hilton deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Hilton uses a knee to the ribs before backing Silva up against the ropes. Right hand from Silva connects though, that was well timed. Hilton breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, Silva was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Hilton sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. Silva fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. Hilton throws a ragged jab, missing by a mile as Silva simply ducks under and unloads a vicious hook from below. It catches Hilton square on the jaw, and he goes down! Silva mounts and starts firing off punches, rapid-fire. The referee waits to see if Hilton can recover, decides that he can't, and pulls Silva off. The match is over. Official time of the TKO is 3:24 of the first round. ** KING : Wow, That shows us why Giovani is a top notch contender, he moves on in the tournament with a TKO AUTHORITY : That definitley shows us why he's a top contender in the tournament, Undisputed Fight Club has to be happy about this. KING : Alright now we have Team Legit Martial Arts Jim Carpenter and Team Discovery Channel's Fernando Amaro [I]Fernando Amaro enters to a slow Spanish song that soon builds up into hard rock music, as Carpenter enters to a classic gladiator song[/I] FERNANDO AMARO (15-3) vs. JIM CARPENTER (20-5-1) Round 1 Amaro starts brightly, almost hunting Carpenter down by stalking him around the ring. Carpenter throws some jabs, but they don't have the range to hit. Amaro hits the first good strike, slicing a nasty-looking kick to the hip area. Carpenter throws a left hook in response, but it is easily parried. Amaro hits another kick, this time to the calf of Carpenter's front leg. The kicks that Amaro has been throwing are looking really good, they're sharp, accurate, and difficult to see coming. Carpenter will need to figure out a counter, as currently he is being picked apart. Carpenter moves in quickly and grabs a clinch. They struggle like that for a full minute, exchanging short, sharp blows, but without doing any real damage. The referee gets them to part. Carpenter tags Amaro with a straight left. Amaro ducks a second one, hits a jab, then whips out a quick kick that hits perfectly to the inside of the knee of the front leg. The leg buckles, and Carpenter is down to one knee briefly, but quickly up before Amaro can take his head off with another kick. Carpenter is limping slightly, that kick was beautifully judged. Carpenter throws a couple of big right hands, but they're easily avoided. Amaro starts working angle to throw more low kicks, Carpenter is keeping away from them. Amaro seems content not to push the action too much, he looks a bit tired from throwing all those kicks. The round ends without further major action. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Amaro by 10-9. Round 2 Carpenter and Amaro circle to start. Amaro throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Carpenter sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Amaro comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Carpenter to slip a nice jab in, catching Amaro just underneath the right eye. Carpenter comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Amaro misses with a right cross, then backs off. Carpenter stalks him, forcing Amaro back up against the ropes. Carpenter doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Amaro throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Carpenter pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Amaro covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the ropes, Carpenter in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Carpenter throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Amaro comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Carpenter parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Carpenter's favour. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Carpenter. Round 3 Amaro starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Carpenter on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Amaro to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Carpenter, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Amaro, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Carpenter is looking a little lost so far, Amaro is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. A looping left from Amaro, but it's wide of the mark. Amaro leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Carpenter was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Carpenter comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Carpenter is that although Amaro clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. The 3rd round ends. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Amaro. The official scores are: 29-28 from all three judges for Fernando Amaro. ** KING : Close fight, but Fernando etches out a decision. AUTHORITY : Yeah it should be a good tournament, and Fernando is possibly at the top. KING : Now Lunch Munch's Jerezo takes on Team Forget About It's Andrew Rush AUTHORITY : Rush is undefeated at 12-0 but Jerezo is the more experienced one. [I]Jerezo enters with a traditional Brazilian Ballad as Rush comes in very fast and upbeat[/I] ANDREW RUSH (12-0) VS. JEREZO (21-8) Round 1 Rush meets Jerezo in the center. They exchange tentative long-range punches. Jerezo steps in to press the action, but gets caught with a right hand. Rush scores with a left too, then a crisp jab. Jerezo backs off, that exchange did not go in his favour by any means. Rush presses the advantage and gets in a couple more jabs, forcing Jerezo onto the back-foot, all the way until he is up against the ropes. Rush stands just in range and starts throwing occasional straight rights, forcing Jerezo to try and react in time. Jerezo parries a few shots away, but also gets caught with a couple. He steps forward and tries to get a clinch, but Rush keeps away from it and continues to flick quick jabs out. Jerezo is really getting schooled so far, Rush's hand speed and technique have allowed him to completely control everything about this round, Jerezo hasn't been able to generate anything of note. Jerezo tries to change that by coming after Rush, but Rush meets him in the center and exchanges punches, again winning the encounter comfortably. The final minute of the round sees Jerezo try two more times, and in neither can he manage to break Rush's control. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Rush. Round 2 Jerezo is forced onto the backfoot almost immediately, having to retreat to avoid a series of sharp jabs. He ends up with his back to the ropes, with Rush advancing. A sharp right misses, and Jerezo takes the opportunity to pull Rush in to a tight clinch against the ropes. Rush tries to break free, but cannot. It looks like we know the strategies for this round already; Rush wants to stand and bang, Jerezo wants to keep things at close quarters. Rush tries for an elbow, but only succeeds in getting turned around so that he is now the one against the ropes. Trip from Jerezo, and we're down to the ground. Jerezo has side control, but Rush has landed with his left hand side against the ropes, so that side of the body is basically safe for now. Jerezo will have to try to work the right-hand side, and starts by ramming a knee into the ribs. Rush tries to squirm into a better position, but Jerezo puts a stop to that with a stiff elbow to the stomach. Jerezo tries to work a kimura on the right arm, but Rush defends it. Rush manages to bring a knee up and catch Jerezo in the side, something of a cheeky move given his position. Jerezo responds with five or six rapid-fire right hands to the face, but Rush covers up and doesn't take any serious damage at all. Time is ticking away though, and so far Jerezo may be easily winning the round, but he is not taking full advantage of this great position. Jerezo tries to float over into a mount, but Rush uses the ropes to push away and manages to unbalance Jerezo enough to get to a kneeling position, then standing, albeit back into a clinch. A knee from Jerezo is the last action of the round. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Jerezo by 10-9. Round 3 Rush doesn't exactly disguise his intentions for this round, going right to the center and motioning for Jerezo to come and trade blows. Jerezo wisely keeps back for the time being, content to throw long-range jabs. Rush isn't quite as content though, as he begins to stalk Jerezo. They meet near the ropes. Jerezo hits a nice jab, then goes to clinch. Rush stops that with a powerful right hand to the body, then a fizzing left hook that glances off the side of the head. An attempt at a knock out right hand finds nothing but gloves. It is clear that Rush believes that he has the power to get a knock out here, his game plan appears to be to look for the one punch finish. Jerezo is trying to keep moving, to not let Rush get set to throw a bomb. Rush is controlling this round by virtue of the knock out threat, as Jerezo is being forced to fight somewhat defensively. Rush throws another big punch, narrowly missing, but does score with a follow up jab, landing just above the right eye. Jerezo returns fire with a pair of jabs, both finding gloves. Time begins to tick away. It hasn't been the most exciting round, but Rush has controlled it and managed to land the better shots. End of round 3. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Rush. The official scores are in; two judges give 29-28, the other 30-27, all for Andrew Rush. ** KING : Exactly as advertised, Andrew Rush takes a unanimous decision AUTHORITY : Alright now we have Fury Fight Club's Buddy Garner vs. Team Mongoose's Patrick Thomas [I]Thomas enters quickly with some heavy metal, as Garner walks in slowly[/I] PATRICK THOMAS (6-1) VS. BUDDY GARNER (8-0) Round 1 Garner makes Thomas back up against the ropes by throwing some looping punches. He comes in closer and hits a right hook to the body, getting a jab to the cheek in return. Garner throws another two punches, both to the body, then steps back to avoid an uppercut. Thomas lets fly with a scorching punch though, and it catches Garner by surprise, putting him down! Thomas follows up and starts raining down right hands. Garner covers up as best he can, but it's not enough as the referee pulls Thomas off, the match is over. The official time of the TKO is 1:18 of round 1. ** KING : Now that's an upset !!! AUTHORITY : Big stoppage from Thomas, Who saw that coming ! KING : Next we have da Guia from Team Discovery Channel vs. Bezerra from Fury Fight Club, this fight should end in a knockout [I]Both men enter to quick Brazilian drum beats[/I] PAULO ROBERTO BEZERRA (9-1) vs. CARLOS DA GUIA (5-0) Round 1 The round begins, and it is da Guia who starts better, energetically bounding straight into action by throwing a three-punch combination and a scything leg kick. Bezerra defended all four blows well, but is forced to be on the backfoot right from the word go. da Guia works for an angle, coming in from the left hand side with a high right hand. Bezerra ducks under it and nestles a stiff jab in the solar plexus. It doesn't seem to slow da Guia down much though, as he swiftly turns and hits a crisp left to the side of the head, followed almost instantly by a mid-level kick that smacks above the hip of Bezerra. Interesting first minute of action, da Guia is looking particularly sharp. Bezerra tries to turn the momentum by advancing quickly and driving da Guia back against the ropes with a series of jabs and hooks, and they end up clinched. Bezerra tries a knee from that position, but it is blocked. da Guia scores with two sharp blows to the ribs, and then they break away from each other. da Guia throws out a few jabs, nothing too dangerous though, Bezerra easily avoided them. They square up to each other in the center. da Guia throws a head fake and comes in from low down to hit a rising shot that catches Bezerra on the side of the head. Bezerra got a shot in too though, although it hit the shoulder rather than the head. Time is running down; da Guia has probably done enough to win the round, but it has turned quite scrappy since the clinch against the ropes, both will probably be slightly unhappy with that. Bezerra tries a late surge, coming in hard and fast with a leading left, but da Guia defends it well and scores the only meaningful shot of the exchange with a crisp left hand. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 da Guia. Round 2 There's a few minor exchanges of punches to start the round, and da Guia gets the better of them. Neither fighter is throwing any bombs, but da Guia is showing the better technique, and has hit a few nice body shots. They come together again, and da Guia shows quick hands to get in three nice shots. Bezerra definitely felt them. Neither fighter seems interested in taking this to the ground, they're just circling, throwing a few punches, then regrouping. Bezerra is struggling to inflict much damage. He may need to switch tactics, as so far da Guia is looking very comfortable. Bezerra comes in with left, but da Guia saw it coming and slipped in a great right hand counter punch. Bezerra is getting frustrated. The remainder of the round is no different, as the occasional exchanges of strikes are clearly go the way of da Guia's superior technique. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for da Guia. Round 3 da Guia starts with a high kick, but Bezerra was well out of range. da Guia with a body shot. da Guia steps in and exchanges strikes with Bezerra, neither fighter gets a particular advantage from it. Bezerra parries away a nice right hand and gets in a crisp counter punch that catches da Guia on the shoulder. The round has been a little flat so far, neither of them is really forcing the issue. They enter into a clinch, which doesn't help matters, and that seems to last for an eternity before the referee separates them and tells them to get on with it. da Guia finally shows some fire, putting together a combination of two jabs, a cross, and an uppercut. Bezerra did well to defend it, bobbing and weaving out of the way and using his gloves to parry away anything that was too close. He uses a low kick to the thigh as a response, then steps in and unloads with two fine punches, although da Guia blocked them. da Guia scores the best punch of the round so far, coming in fast, ducking under a dangerous right hand, and catching Bezerra square in the face with a lunging overhand right. Bezerra backs off and covers up, clearly having felt that one, and unfortunately da Guia's attempts to follow up and thwarted as he gets tied up in a clinch near the ropes. The time expires, with da Guia probably having stolen that round thanks to that one big punch. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for da Guia. Carlos da Guia wins the match, getting a score of 30-27 from all three judges. *** KING : Now, that's an upset due to the fact that we should have seen a KO AUTHORITY : Well Team Discovery should be happy that they are 2 for 2 tonight KING : Next it's Yamamoto from Team Forget About It and Atep of Indonesia from Fight Club Revolution [I]Some more upbeat music from both men[/I] GO YAMAMOTO (13-1) VS. ATEP OF INDONESIA (2-0) Round 1 Atep hits a jab. Yamamoto responds with a huge kick that takes out Atep's legs, sending him crashing awkwardly to the ground. Yamamoto gives on top of him and fires off a barrage of punches. Atep tries to cover up, but he is getting obliterated by the sheer number of punches coming down. The referee pulls Yamamoto off, it's over! Yamamoto wins via TKO at 1:43 of the first round. *** KING : Now there is the KO I Have been looking for ! AUTHORITY : Yup, now let's check out De Vries from the Undisputed Fight Club vs. Fukazawa from Fight Club Revolution [I]And again with the speedy entrances[/I] JURO FUKAZAWA (7-0) VS. MAARTEN DE VRIES (13-4) Round 1 De Vries hits a low kick, then moves in for a jab. Fukazawa saw it coming and unloads with an enormous punch to the jaw. De Vries goes down immediately, he has been knocked clean out by the power of Fukazawa. Fukazawa wins via 1st round knock out with the official time being 0:34. *** KING : Fukazawa, with a huge upset ! AUTHORITY : Hey, at least it was a KO KING : Now the main event, this happened a long time ago, Now Charles Stiles vs. Sean Morrison II AUTHORITY : Now Morrison is from Team Legit Martial Arts and Stiles is from Lunch Munch KING : Now let's get this started... [I]The lights dim as we hear some slow Brazilian ballad in the background, the fans immediatley react as they see Charles Stiles enter the arena to a chorus of boos from the majority of the audience, Then, Guns and Roses starts blasting through the speakers, the fans immediatley know that Sean Morrison, The man with no nickname, is entering the arena, the fans go crazy, Sean Morrison is definetley the favorite to win[/I] SEAN MORRISON (12-3) VS. CHARLES STILES (8-1-1) Round 1 A touch of gloves to start the round, and we're underway. Morrison lets rip with a vicious straight right almost immediately, but it's easily avoided. Stiles sneaks a jab through the guard and catches Morrison on the left cheek, but the follow up right hook only finds gloves. They get close to each other and end up in a clinch, from which Stiles manages to get the better position, pushing Morrison up against the ropes. Right hand to the ribs from Stiles. Morrison hits a couple of knees to the side. There's a struggle for supremacy going on, it's difficult to see who is winning it. Stiles tries a knee of his own, but that is the opportunity that Morrison was waiting for and he sweeps the standing leg to take Stiles down to the ground, in side control. Excellent takedown. Stiles covers up to defend against a pair of back-hand blows, and even manages to sneak a knee strike in. Morrison hits a big elbow to the ribs, Stiles definitely felt that. Morrison drives a knee to the near side, then attempts to float-over into a mount. Stiles brought his legs in though, and manages to pull guard. Morrison will be disappointed with that. He tries to get a big punch in, but Stiles defends it well and gets a hold of both arms. The fight grinds to a halt, with Morrison unable to generate any attacks, and Stiles unwilling to give up a good defensive position. The referee stands them up. Morrison will likely be very angry that he didn't make more of that takedown. They exchange half-hearted jabs as the round draws to an end. End of round 1. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Morrison. Round 2 Morrison scores with a kick to the outside of the thigh, but it didn't have a great deal of power on it. Stiles returns fire with a jab, and then tries for a takedown. Morrison doesn't pull guard, but instead tries to spin out of it and get back to his feet, but it proves to be a mistake as he isn't able to get free and only ends up giving his back to Stiles! Morrison turtles up, and takes a few heavy shots to the ribs. Stiles gets his legs around Morrison and uses them to roll him over. Exposed, Morrison tries to turn so that he is on top, but Stiles has already rammed one arm around his throat and has a tight choke-hold applied. Morrison is in big trouble, and obviously can't see a way out as he taps out pretty quickly. Stiles wins via 2nd round rear choke submission with the official time being 0:48. ** KING : OH MY GOD !!!, THE BIGGEST UPSET OF THE NIGHT, THE FANS DO NOT SEEM TO LIKE THIS AT ALL AUTHORITY : Sean definitley has to be pissed right now, as does Team Legit Martial Arts KING : Yeah this is gonna be an interesting tournament... --------------------------------------------------------------- Fight of the Night : da Guia vs. Bezerra KO Of the Night : Juro Fukazawa Submission of the Night : Charles Stiles ----------------------------------------------------------------- Team Standings : Team Discovery Channel: 5 Team Forget About It: 4 Undisputed Fight Club: 2 Team Mongoose: 2 Fight Club Revolution: 2 Lunch Munch: 2 Fury Fight Club: 1 Team Legit Martial Arts: 0 [/CENTER]
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XCC2: Insurrection XCC 2 : Insurrection Main Event Anthony LeToussier v Zvonimir Asanovic Light Heavyweight Bout Welterweight Bouts Bakin Sakamoto v Julio Reguiero Alan Kendall v Jack Humphries Will Kane v Gabriel Gallego Luis Basora v Fumiaki Hayashi Ligh Heavyweight Bouts Leon Banks v JJ Reid Mike Watson v Aleksei Chekhov Tadamasa Yamada v John Rivero
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[CENTER]~XCC2: Insurrection~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Watson (2-0)(FFC) v Aleksei Chekhov (8-2)(TM) Light Heavyweight Bout Round 1 They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Chekhov, providing the first moment of real action. Watson hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Chekhov side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Watson is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Watson. Round 2 The round starts slowly, with both fighters circling, tentatively throwing out the occasional jab. Chekhov is the first to make a positive move, stepping in to throw a right hand, although he probably wishes that he hadn't, as Watson picks him off with a crisp jab to the cheek. Chekhov throws a wild punch as a counter, but Watson ducks and backs off out of range. They meet again in the center for an exchange of punches. Chekhov gets a clubbing blow to the side of the head in, but takes a hard shot to the stomach in return. The early pattern seems to be that Chekhov is looking for big punches, Watson is happy to avoid them and use quick counter punches instead. They clinch up, and Chekhov manages to back Watson up against the ropes. Chekhov takes a half step backward and throws a big right hand to the head, but Watson ducks under at the last second, scores with a pair of punches to the gut, then darts out of trouble before Chekhov can unload. Chekhov may need to think about changing tactics, Watson is looking far sharper in these striking battles, and is beginning to control the pace and tempo of the round. Chekhov fakes a right hand, then shoots out a low kick, catching Watson on the thigh. Watson presses forward for the first time, getting in close and using a couple of jabs to the body. Chekhov gets a nice left hook in, glancing off the gloves, and then clinches up. Time ticks away and the round ends just a few seconds after the referee separates them. The second round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Watson. Round 3 Watson starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Chekhov on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Watson to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Chekhov, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Watson, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Chekhov is looking a little lost so far, Watson is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. Chekhov throws out a few jabs, nothing too dangerous though, Watson easily avoided them. Watson leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Chekhov was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Chekhov comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Chekhov is that although Watson clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. End of round 3. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Watson. The judges scores are unanimous, and give a score of 30-27 to Mike Watson. ** Leon Banks (11-3)(UFC) v JJ Reid (12-0)(LM) Light Heavyweight Bout Round 1 Quick start to the round from Banks, he comes storming in with a flurry of jabs. Reid defends it well, parrying them away. Nice straight right from Reid connects. Banks gets in close and hits a pair of nice body shots, then they clinch up. Banks pushes Reid back against the ropes and goes for a trip, but Reid blocks it. Reid suddenly pushes forward off the ropes and uses the momentum to take Banks down to the ground, into guard. Reid stands into a half-crouching position, dragging Banks's guard with him. Banks reaches up, parries away a couple of strikes, and tries to grab an arm to apply an armbar to. Reid knocks the attempt away and nails a hard shot to the ribs before reaching over and trying to nail a downward punch to the chin. Banks blocks it. Reid floats over and gets into side control. Banks scrambles to try and get back up, but is too close to the ropes, which works against him. Reid lays in a couple of punches to the chest to soften Banks up, then tries to move up and isolate one of the arms. Banks makes sure to bring his body around to give him as much protection as possible. It works, as Reid can't get either arm isolated properly. Reid changes tactics and tries to get into crucifix position. Banks fights it for as long as he possibly can, but eventually gets caught. The length of struggle is, in itself, a good defence though, as the round ends before Reid can do anything with the position he has achieved, which will frustrate him enormously. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Reid. Round 2 Nice fast-paced start from Reid, who gets right in Banks's face from the beginning of the round, throwing some crisp jabs and then a vicious uppercut. The two jabs got parried, the uppercut missed as Banks side-stepped. Banks fires back with a left hand, then a right to the body. Reid steps in, but only into a waist-high kick from Banks. Reid is quick though, and manages to catch it around the knee. Using it as leverage, Reid sweeps Banks's standing leg and takes them to the ground. Banks quickly pulls guard. Reid tries to pass guard, but Banks doesn't allow it. Banks throws a couple of punches, but they're parried away. He breaks his guard to bring a leg across and try to kick Reid in the face, but it's a mistake as Reid pushes the leg aside and gets side control. Reid pushes them closer to the ropes, near his own corner so that they can give him instructions. Following what they say, Reid throws some heavy blows to the unprotected stomach of Banks, then tries to isolate the closest arm. Banks frantically tries to stop that happening, but does indeed give it up. He does manage to roll to the side, giving himself some good leverage and preventing Reid from extending the arm. Reid continues trying to apply an armbar, but Banks is not allowing it. Eventually Reid turns and tries to get a crucifix position instead. Banks fights that off too. The round ends with Reid still doggedly trying to get an armbar submission, and Banks tenaciously stopping it. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Reid. Round 3 The round starts with some tentative striking. Both fighters look to be using their strikes merely to keep the opponent off-balance while they work for an angle for a takedown, rather than actually trying to inflict too much damage. Reid goes for the first takedown, but Banks has it well-scouted and they merely end up in a clinch. They tussle, ending up all the way back against the ropes. Both fighters try trips, but neither gets anything. Finally, the referee steps in and separates them. Banks storms back in almost immediately and takes Reid down, into guard. It's hard to say whether that was just a good takedown or whether Reid just had a lapse in concentration. Banks tries to pass the guard but can't, with Reid employing a rubber guard now. There's a definite stalemate, Reid is defending very well but isn't really offering any attacking threat or really trying to get out of this predicament. Banks makes a big effort to pass, and manages to get to half guard, but Reid has him tied up pretty well all the same. Time is ticking away, what has been a very tame round looks set to end without much in the way of highlights. It'll have to go to Banks on points, the takedown is really the only noteworthy thing that has happened. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Banks by 10-9. JJ Reid wins the match, getting a score of 29-28 from all three judges. *** Luis Basora (7-0)(FFC) v Fumiaki Hayashi (13-4)(FCR) Welterweight Bout Round 1 Basora hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Hayashi to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Basora hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Hayashi tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Basora having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Hayashi. Hayashi misses a right hand and gives Basora an angle, allowing him to come in from the side. He tries to take Hayashi over with a type of suplex, which is partially blocked. Basora tries a second time, this time completing the move by slamming Hayashi down onto the mat stomach-first. Basora briefly has his back, but Hayashi scrambles and manages to turn and get into guard. Hayashi has a very loose guard applied, almost daring Basora to pass. A right hand from Basora, then he does pass into side control, but Hayashi immediately scrambles as soon as Basora started moving, and they end up struggling for position. Hayashi manages to slip behind Basora and get his back. Basora tries to turn, but gets flattened and Hayashi sinks in a choke. It isn't in fully yet. Basora tries to work free but Hayashi uses his legs to stretch out Basora's entire body, and that's enough, Basora has no escape and has to tap. Hayashi wins via rear choke submission at 4:13 of the first round. ** Will Kane (7-0)(FAI) v Gabriel Gallego (12-0)(TM) Welterweight Bout Round 1 Gallego starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Kane on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Gallego to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Kane, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Gallego, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Kane is looking a little lost so far, Gallego is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. Gallego looks to be working an angle. Gallego leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Kane was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Kane comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Kane is that although Gallego clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. The first round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Gallego. Round 2 The round starts slowly, with both fighters circling, tentatively throwing out the occasional jab. Kane is the first to make a positive move, stepping in to throw a right hand, although he probably wishes that he hadn't, as Gallego picks him off with a crisp jab to the cheek. Kane throws a wild punch as a counter, but Gallego ducks and backs off out of range. They meet again in the center for an exchange of punches. Kane gets a clubbing blow to the side of the head in, but takes a hard shot to the stomach in return. The early pattern seems to be that Kane is looking for big punches, Gallego is happy to avoid them and use quick counter punches instead. They clinch up, and Kane manages to back Gallego up against the ropes. Kane takes a half step backward and throws a big right hand to the head, but Gallego ducks under at the last second, scores with a pair of punches to the gut, then darts out of trouble before Kane can unload. Kane may need to think about changing tactics, Gallego is looking far sharper in these striking battles, and is beginning to control the pace and tempo of the round. Kane fakes a right hand, then shoots out a low kick, catching Gallego on the thigh. Gallego presses forward for the first time, getting in close and using a couple of jabs to the body. Kane gets a nice left hook in, glancing off the gloves, and then clinches up. Time ticks away and the round ends just a few seconds after the referee separates them. The second round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Gallego. Round 3 They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Kane, providing the first moment of real action. Gallego hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Kane side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Gallego is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The round ends. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Gallego. The official scores are: 30-27 (twice), 29-28 for Gabriel Gallego. ** Tadamasa Yamada (13-1)(TFAI) v John Rivero (7-0)(FCR) Light Heavyweight Bout Round 1 Rivero starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Yamada on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Rivero to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Yamada, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Rivero, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Yamada is looking a little lost so far, Rivero is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. Rivero glances at the referee, not sure why. Rivero leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Yamada was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Yamada comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Yamada is that although Rivero clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Rivero by 10-9. Round 2 Yamada comes out quick and immediately starts pressing Rivero back toward the ropes. Yamada tries to use the position to his advantage, pinning Rivero in to prevent him from moving freely, but the exchange of punches that follows is clearly won by Rivero, who catches Yamada with a wicked right cross during the flurry of blows. Yamada tries again, but Rivero is looking sharp and parries away any dangerous shot, getting in a few crisp jabs of his own along the way. Yamada finally backs off, realising that this isn't working. Rivero is showing superior ability with his hands, they're fast and accurate, Yamada isn't able to cope with them at close quarters, being made to look slow and ragged in comparison. Yamada switches to using raking right hands and looping punches, keeping Rivero back, but its effectiveness is limited as Yamada's punches are easily parried away, and Rivero can still hit the occasional right hand. The round ends with that being the pattern. Rivero has used his better punching technique and hand speed to confound Yamada, and has controlled this round almost entirely. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Rivero by 10-9. Round 3 The round begins with Rivero taking the iniative, coming in quickly with a straight right and a leg kick. Yamada replies with a snap jab and a wild left that misses by a long way. Rivero goes for the takedown, but Yamada sprawls. Rivero tries to power through, but Yamada uses that against him and turns it into a takedown of his own. They're quite close to the ropes, which may help Rivero defend this. Yamada is in guard. He throws a couple of half-hearted jabs, then tries to pass, but Rivero isn't allowing it. Rivero pulls Yamada in tight, locking up both his arms. Yamada pulls free and again tries to pass guard. This has turned into a bit of a stalemate, the referee may be thinking of standing them up if nothing happens soon. Yamada tries a big right hand, which Rivero defends well. He has quite a high guard, Yamada has to be wary not to fall into a triangle when leaning in like that. Rivero once again drags Yamada down into a clinch, and this time even tries to work a guillotine, but Yamada easily deals with it and hands out two solid right hands to the ribs along the way. We're back to Yamada trying to pass guard. Rivero tries to throw a big punch and almost hands an armbar to Yamada, but he realises the danger in time and manages to recover. The referee finally gets them back to their feet due to the lack of progress that has been made. Yamada scores with a jab, then a second. Rivero goes for a sweeping kick to the right knee, but it isn't fast enough and gives Yamada enough time to take him down again. Yamada quickly goes to pass guard, looking for side control, but Rivero once again defends it. It looks like a frustrating round will end with them on the ground, and almost certainly has to go to Yamada on points due to him being the aggressor and getting two takedowns in. End of round 3. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Yamada. The official scores are: 29-28 (twice), 30-27 for John Rivero. ** Alan Kendall (10-2)(LM) v Jack Humphries (12-2)(TDC) Welterweight Bout Round 1 Humphreys hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Kendall to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Humphreys hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Kendall tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Humphreys having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Kendall. Humphreys throws a big head kick, but Kendall ducks and back pedals to safety. If that had hit, this was all over, because Humphreys wasn't holding anything back on that missile of a kick. Kendall regains his composure and advances, throwing a pair of looping rights. Humphreys throws a kick to the legs, then a range-finding left hand. Kendall steps to the side to get a better angle, then steps in...and this time the scorching head kick that comes his way catches him unaware and lands flush to the side of the jaw! Kendall goes completely limp as he crash-lands to the ground, that was a brutal knock out kick. Official time of the knock out is 3:30 of the first. *** Bakin Sakamoto (12-5)(TLMA) v Julio Reguiero (9-0-1)(UFC) Welterweight Bout Round 1 Fast start by Regueiro, who has thrown three crisp jabs in the first twenty seconds, although none of them got past the gloves. Sakamoto circles, drawing a lunge from Regueiro, allowing him to score with a nice low kick to the front leg. Regueiro ignores that and darts in for a takedown, but only ends up holding one leg, Sakamoto hopping on the other to remain vertical. Regueiro tries to push forward to complete the takedown, but Sakamoto manages to pull them all the way back to the ropes before ultimately going down. That's a much better position to be in though, he has his corner right there, and can use the ropes to effectively cut off any form of attack to the left hand side of his body. Regueiro has one leg trapped between Sakamoto's, and is struggling to get it free. He throws a couple of punches, none of them doing much damage, and then tries to work on one of the arms. It might be a kimura that he looking for. Sakamoto defends it well, without fully escaping it, Regueiro can't really do a lot with it due to how much he is having to stretch to apply it, due to his leg being trapped. Sakamoto suddenly releases the leg and scrambles up, looking to take Regueiro's back. Regueiro was ready for it though, and blocks it by pinning a half-standing Sakamoto up against the ropes. It's a precarious position for both fighters. Sakamoto throws a couple of short-range punches. Regueiro gets a leg in and trips Sakamoto, putting him back on the ground, albeit this time in full guard. It was a nice escape attempt from Sakamoto, at least he can take heart from the fact that it resulted in a better defensive position. Time is running out, it looks like this round will end with them in this position. The round ends. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Regueiro. Round 2 Regueiro doesn't waste any time and throws two jabs to the face, but Sakamoto easily side-steps both and circles to the left. Sakamoto throws a head fake, then comes in fast from an angle with a looping punch, but misses and takes a glancing shot to the shoulder from a left hand counter. They clinch. Sakamoto hits a knee. Body shot from Regueiro. Sakamoto goes for a second knee, but gets shoved away. He seems to stumble as he steps backward, and falls to the floor in an awkward moment. Regueiro is on him fast, and scores with a big punch that landed sweetly. A clubbing blow from Regueiro connects, hitting home across the left cheek. Regueiro gets into full mount, Sakamoto is in enormous trouble from this position. Right hands rain down, and Sakamoto can only cover up. One or two got through though, and there's blood coming from a cut below his left eye. Regueiro pulls back and throws an absolute bomb, Sakamoto brought his hands up to block but could do almost nothing against it, that had power to spare. Sakamoto looks groggy, and that allows Regueiro to start throwing a barrage of rights and lefts to the face. The referee has seen enough, he doesn't think Sakamoto can defend himself, this match is over. Official time of the TKO is 1:21 of the second. ** MAIN EVENT Anthony LeToussier (13-5)(TLMA)v Zvonimir Asanovic (10-1)(TDC) Welterweight Bout Round 1 Exchange of punches to start, nothing really hit though. They go into a clinch, and the pace disappears as both fighters try and get the advantage. Eventually the referee separates them. Jab from Asanovic, who then has to react quickly to avoid a right hook that was aimed right at the chin. Asanovic puts on a burst of energy and fires off a big sequence of punches, maybe twelve or thirteen in a row, although not many actually connected. LeToussier covered up well, and gets in a couple of shots of his own before moving out of range again. Asanovic pushes LeToussier up against the ropes and clinches. Nothing comes from it. Low kick from LeToussier, almost to the groin, although it didn't look intentional. They come together in a clinch again, and it returns to a stalemate. Not a great round by anyone's standard, but that flurry should mean that Asanovic will take the round on points. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Asanovic. Round 2 The round starts slowly, with both fighters circling, tentatively throwing out the occasional jab. LeToussier is the first to make a positive move, stepping in to throw a right hand, although he probably wishes that he hadn't, as Asanovic picks him off with a crisp jab to the cheek. LeToussier throws a wild punch as a counter, but Asanovic ducks and backs off out of range. They meet again in the center for an exchange of punches. LeToussier gets a clubbing blow to the side of the head in, but takes a hard shot to the stomach in return. The early pattern seems to be that LeToussier is looking for big punches, Asanovic is happy to avoid them and use quick counter punches instead. They clinch up, and LeToussier manages to back Asanovic up against the ropes. LeToussier takes a half step backward and throws a big right hand to the head, but Asanovic ducks under at the last second, scores with a pair of punches to the gut, then darts out of trouble before LeToussier can unload. LeToussier may need to think about changing tactics, Asanovic is looking far sharper in these striking battles, and is beginning to control the pace and tempo of the round. LeToussier fakes a right hand, then shoots out a low kick, catching Asanovic on the thigh. Asanovic presses forward for the first time, getting in close and using a couple of jabs to the body. LeToussier gets a nice left hook in, glancing off the gloves, and then clinches up. Time ticks away and the round ends just a few seconds after the referee separates them. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Asanovic. Round 3 The round begins, and it is Asanovic who starts better, energetically bounding straight into action by throwing a three-punch combination and a scything leg kick. LeToussier defended all four blows well, but is forced to be on the backfoot right from the word go. Asanovic works for an angle, coming in from the left hand side with a high right hand. LeToussier ducks under it and nestles a stiff jab in the solar plexus. It doesn't seem to slow Asanovic down much though, as he swiftly turns and hits a crisp left to the side of the head, followed almost instantly by a mid-level kick that smacks above the hip of LeToussier. Interesting first minute of action, Asanovic is looking particularly sharp. LeToussier tries to turn the momentum by advancing quickly and driving Asanovic back against the ropes with a series of jabs and hooks, and they end up clinched. LeToussier tries a knee from that position, but it is blocked. Asanovic scores with two sharp blows to the ribs, and then they break away from each other. Asanovic is looking the slightly more fit of the two fighters. They square up to each other in the center. Asanovic throws a head fake and comes in from low down to hit a rising shot that catches LeToussier on the side of the head. LeToussier got a shot in too though, although it hit the shoulder rather than the head. Time is running down; Asanovic has probably done enough to win the round, but it has turned quite scrappy since the clinch against the ropes, both will probably be slightly unhappy with that. LeToussier tries a late surge, coming in hard and fast with a leading left, but Asanovic defends it well and scores the only meaningful shot of the exchange with a crisp left hand. The third round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Asanovic. All three judges give a score of 30-27 in favour of Zvonimir Asanovic. *** Fight of the Night : Zvonimir Asanovic vs. Anthony LeToussier KO Of the Night : Jack Humphreys Submission of the Night : Fumiaki Hayashi Upset of the Night : John Rivero New Camp Points Team Discovery Channel: 5 Team Forget About It: 0 Undisputed Fight Club: 2 Team Mongoose: 2 Fight Club Revolution: 4 Lunch Munch: 2 Fury Fight Club: 2 Team Legit Martial Arts: 1 TOTAL Camp Point Standings Team Discovery Channel: 10 Fight Club Revolution: 6 Team Forget About It: 4 Undisputed Fight Club: 4 Team Mongoose: 4 Lunch Munch: 4 Fury Fight Club: 3 Team Legit Martial Arts: 1 2 points for win, 1 pt for fight of the night [/CENTER]
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Main Event KIKUCHI v FOSTER Heavyweight Bout Lightweight Semi Final Bouts Charles Stiles v Carlos Da Guia Go Yamamoto v Giovani Silva Middleweight Semi Final Bouts Andrew Rush v Fernando Amaro Patrick Thomas v Juro Fukazawa Heavyweight Bouts Hassan Fezzik v Tim Boyer Tony McCall v Lefter Oktay Ari Peltonen v Jeff Carlton
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Main Event KIKUCHI v [B]FOSTER[/B] Heavyweight Bout Lightweight Semi Final Bouts [B]Charles Stiles[/B] v Carlos Da Guia [B]Go Yamamoto[/B] v Giovani Silva Middleweight Semi Final Bouts [B]Andrew Rush[/B] v Fernando Amaro [B]Patrick Thomas [/B]v Juro Fukazawa Heavyweight Bouts Hassan Fezzik v [B]Tim Boyer[/B] [B]Tony McCall [/B]v Lefter Oktay Ari Peltonen v [B]Jeff Carlton[/B]
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Main Event Kunimichi Kikuchi vs. [B]James Foster[/B] Heavyweight Bout Lightweight Semi Final Bouts Charles Stiles v [B]Carlos Da Guia[/B] Go Yamamoto v [B]Giovani Silva[/B] Middleweight Semi Final Bouts Andrew Rush v [B]Fernando Amaro[/B] [B]Patrick Thomas[/B] v Juro Fukazawa Heavyweight Bouts [B]Hassan Fezzik[/B] v Tim Boyer Tony McCall v [B]Lefter Oktay[/B] Ari Peltonen v [B]Jeff Carlton[/B]
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Main Event KIKUCHI v FOSTER Heavyweight Bout Lightweight Semi Final Bouts Charles Stiles v [B]Carlos Da Guia[/B] Go Yamamoto v Giovani Silva Middleweight Semi Final Bouts Andrew Rush v [B]Fernando Amaro[/B] Patrick Thomas v Juro Fukazawa Heavyweight Bouts Hassan Fezzik v Tim Boyer Tony McCall v [B]Lefter Oktay[/B] Ari Peltonen v Jeff Carlton Reply With Quote thats all that matters :)
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Main Event [B]KIKUCHI [/B]v FOSTER Heavyweight Bout Lightweight Semi Final Bouts Charles Stiles v [B]Carlos Da Guia[/B] [B]Go Yamamoto [/B]v Giovani Silva Middleweight Semi Final Bouts [B]Andrew Rush[/B] v Fernando Amaro Patrick Thomas v [B]Juro Fukazawa[/B] Heavyweight Bouts [B]Hassan Fezzik[/B] v Tim Boyer Tony McCall v [B]Lefter Oktay[/B] Ari Peltonen v [B]Jeff Carlton[/B]
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[CENTER]XCC 3 : HEAVY HITTERS Patrick Thomas (7-1)(TM) v Juro Fukazawa (FCR)(8-0) Middleweight Semi Final Bout Round 1 The fighters come together right in the center. Thomas throws out a jab, but Fukazawa bobs out of the way and uses a right hand to glance a blow off the side of the ribs in response. Fukazawa works an angle and storms in suddenly with three crisp jabs and a looping overhand punch, Thomas covered up quickly but at least one of the jabs hit home. Fukazawa is making Thomas look sluggish in comparison, such is the speed and crispness with which he is delivering strikes. Thomas hits a low kick before back-pedalling to avoid a clubbing blow. About thirty seconds pass without any contact, and the crowd become a little restless. They meet in the center to exchange a flurry of strikes that gets the crowd on their feet. Fukazawa got slightly the better of it, he definitely snuck through a right hand that rocked Thomas slightly. Thomas initiates a clinch, and the action grinds to a halt. Thomas looks out of ideas, he is being repeatedly lured into these exchange of strikes, but Fukazawa is clearly winning them. Thomas needs to find some way to deal with them. Not much time left in this round. The referee separates them. Fukazawa tries a speculative high kick, but Thomas saw it coming and was well out of range by the time it came. Thomas tries to work an angle, but Fukazawa is having none of it and fires off a straight right hand to keep him from stepping in. Comfortable round for Fukazawa, he will probably be disappointed not to have done more damage given his dominance of the striking in this round. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Fukazawa. Round 2 Not the most interesting of starts to the round, it's mainly a lot of circling. The referee apparently gets bored, as he tells them to get on with it and fight. Thomas complies, firing off a dangerous right cross, narrowly missing. Fukazawa throws a couple of stiff jabs, but they only find gloves. Thomas fakes left, then comes in from the right, hitting a nice body blow. Fukazawa steps forward and unleashes a big kick, thundering it into Thomas's ribs. He felt that one for sure. Fukazawa follows up by hitting a right hand too. Thomas finds himself backed up against the ropes. Fukazawa advances, and throws a scythe-like kick to the legs. Thomas can't get out of the way, and almost gets felled by the impact. Fukazawa steps in and scores with a high head kick. Thomas partially blocked it with his hands, which was probably the only thing stopping it from being a knock out blow. Thomas gets a right hand jab out in response, then pulls Fukazawa into a clinch. Knee strike from Fukazawa. They break. Thomas still looks hurt from that first kick. Fukazawa gets in close and gives a receipt for that earlier body blow, nailing a right hand to the gut. Thomas hits a jab to the cheek in response, then clinches again. Time runs down, the round will end before anything more can happen. Fukazawa has used those powerful kicks to dominate this round. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Fukazawa. Round 3 Fukazawa starts brightly by throwing some looping punches. Defended well by Thomas. They circle, throwing tentative jabs. Thomas goes for a single leg and puts Fukazawa on the floor, but he is up very quickly, preventing Thomas from getting on top. Fukazawa definitely seems to want to keep this standing. Thomas hits a nice jab, avoids a counter left hook, then comes in low and takes down Fukazawa again. This time Fukazawa isn't able to get up, and has to pull guard. Times ticking away though, Thomas will have to hurry to finish. He goes for an armbar, but Fukazawa defends. Thomas tries to slip past to get side control, but Fukazawa just about manages to keep guard. A second attempt works though, and Thomas has the side. Two big elbows land, and Fukazawa seems in trouble. Thomas goes for the kimura, but can't quite get it. The time expires before he can try again, and the referee separates them. End of round 3. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Thomas. Juro Fukazawa wins the match, getting a score of 29-28 from all three judges. *** Andrew Rush (FAI)(13-0) v Fernando Amaro (TDC)(16-3) Middleweight Semi Final Bout Round 1 Very, very slow start to the round. Over a minute has gone before the first meaningful strike connects. It's Rush who hits it, scoring with a shot to the chest. Amaro fires back with a couple of jabs, both of which connect with the shoulder rather than the face where they were aimed. The two fighters come together in the center and exchange punches, neither getting the clear advantage. Amaro suddenly shoots in and goes for a takedown, but Rush manages to sprawl long enough to get them all the way back to the ropes, which keeps him upright. Amaro tries to complete the takedown, but realises that the leverage isn't there and instead stands and clinches. Rush hits a couple of shots to the back. Amaro hits a stomp. Rush lifts his leg to go for a knee, but that gives Amaro the opportunity to lift him and slam him down to the ground. That was a hard slam! Amaro is on top, almost sitting on top of a balled-up Rush. He throws some hard downward punches, Rush defends most of them, although one hits hard above the eye. Amaro leaves his arm in for a second too long and Rush reaches up and almost gets an armbar. Amaro gets free though, although the effort puts him off-balance enough for him to stumble, giving Rush the opportunity to scramble back up. There's a nasty mark above the eye where the earlier punch connected though. They go back to circling each other. There's not much time left. Rush tries one last big attack, swinging for the fences with two bombs, but Amaro avoids both, adding a nice shot to the stomach after the second dodge. The round ends there. End of round 1. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Amaro. Round 2 Amaro is forced onto the backfoot almost immediately, having to retreat to avoid a series of sharp jabs. He ends up with his back to the ropes, with Rush advancing. A sharp right misses, and Amaro takes the opportunity to pull Rush in to a tight clinch against the ropes. Rush tries to break free, but cannot. It looks like we know the strategies for this round already; Rush wants to stand and bang, Amaro wants to keep things at close quarters. Rush tries for an elbow, but only succeeds in getting turned around so that he is now the one against the ropes. Trip from Amaro, and we're down to the ground. Amaro has side control, but Rush has landed with his left hand side against the ropes, so that side of the body is basically safe for now. Amaro will have to try to work the right-hand side, and starts by ramming a knee into the ribs. Rush tries to squirm into a better position, but Amaro puts a stop to that with a stiff elbow to the stomach. Amaro tries to work a kimura on the right arm, but Rush defends it. Rush manages to bring a knee up and catch Amaro in the side, something of a cheeky move given his position. Amaro responds with five or six rapid-fire right hands to the face, but Rush covers up and doesn't take any serious damage at all. Time is ticking away though, and so far Amaro may be easily winning the round, but he is not taking full advantage of this great position. Amaro tries to float over into a mount, but Rush uses the ropes to push away and manages to unbalance Amaro enough to get to a kneeling position, then standing, albeit back into a clinch. A knee from Amaro is the last action of the round. The second round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Amaro by 10-9. Round 3 Rush hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Amaro to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Rush hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Amaro tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Rush having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Amaro. Rush looks for an opening. Amaro throws a looping punch, Rush is forced to back up for a moment to avoid it. He is backed up against the ropes. Amaro follows in and they get in close for an exchange of punches. Amaro goes down! Amaro is down on his back! Rush dives on top with a mount and starts raining down punches, and the referee stops the match after the third, Amaro only had one arm free and couldn't do anything in the way of a good defense against those punches. The replays shows that Rush scored with a big right hook to the jaw during that earlier exchange of punches, a lighting-fast 'swing for the fences' type of shot that caught Amaro totally by surprise. It didn't knock him out, but it did leave Amaro stunned, and when Rush mounted, he manages to use his left leg to trap the right arm of Amaro, preventing any effective blocking. It'll go down as a TKO for Rush. Official time of the TKO is 3:41 of the third round. ** Ari Peltonen (TLMA)(14-3) v Jeff Carlton (UFC)(16-3) Heavyweight Bout Round 1 Carlton is forced onto the backfoot almost immediately, having to retreat to avoid a series of sharp jabs. He ends up with his back to the ropes, with Peltonen advancing. A sharp right misses, and Carlton takes the opportunity to pull Peltonen in to a tight clinch against the ropes. Peltonen tries to break free, but cannot. It looks like we know the strategies for this round already; Peltonen wants to stand and bang, Carlton wants to keep things at close quarters. Peltonen tries for an elbow, but only succeeds in getting turned around so that he is now the one against the ropes. Trip from Carlton, and we're down to the ground. Carlton has side control, but Peltonen has landed with his left hand side against the ropes, so that side of the body is basically safe for now. Carlton will have to try to work the right-hand side, and starts by ramming a knee into the ribs. Peltonen tries to squirm into a better position, but Carlton puts a stop to that with a stiff elbow to the stomach. Carlton tries to work a kimura on the right arm, but Peltonen defends it. Peltonen manages to bring a knee up and catch Carlton in the side, something of a cheeky move given his position. Carlton responds with five or six rapid-fire right hands to the face, but Peltonen covers up and doesn't take any serious damage at all. Time is ticking away though, and so far Carlton may be easily winning the round, but he is not taking full advantage of this great position. Carlton tries to float over into a mount, but Peltonen uses the ropes to push away and manages to unbalance Carlton enough to get to a kneeling position, then standing, albeit back into a clinch. A knee from Carlton is the last action of the round. The first round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Carlton. Round 2 Peltonen doesn't waste any time and throws two jabs to the face, but Carlton easily side-steps both and circles to the left. Carlton throws a head fake, then comes in fast from an angle with a looping punch, but misses and takes a glancing shot to the shoulder from a left hand counter. Carlton aims high with a right hand, then storms in for the takedown. Peltonen sprawls to stop it, and succeeds, but does get driven all the way back against the ropes. Carlton has one leg trapped, but is having trouble completing the takedown. The referee warns Peltonen not to grab the ropes. Carlton improves his stance, and that gives him the added leverage to power Peltonen to the ground. They're up against the ropes though, which will work to Peltonen's advantage. Carlton breaks the guard and stands up, leaving Peltonen on his back. Peltonen tries to keep Carlton back with some up-kicks, Carlton has to be careful not to get caught with them, they have power. Carlton fakes a dive, pushes the legs to one side, and gets side control. Peltonen tries to turn into it so that he can pull guard, but Carlton isn't allowing it, and traps both arms, creating a crucifix position. Carlton starts throwing punches to the face, Peltonen having no arms free to block them. Big shot from Carlton, that caught Peltonen on the chin as he momentarily lifted his head while trying to struggle free. Peltonen is out like a light. The referee jumps in, this is over. Carlton wins via knock out at 1:36 of the second round. *** Go Yamamoto (FAI)(14-1) v Giovani Silva (UFC)(21-9) Lightweight Semi Final Bout Round 1 Silva starts out with a few straight rights, range-finding rather than actually dangerous. Yamamoto keeps out of their way. Silva steps forward and tries to unload with a looping left, but Yamamoto moves to the side and fires off a powerful right hand of his own, landing above the left eye. Silva doesn't go down, but definitely felt that shot. Yamamoto moves in closer and fires off two punches to the face and a big hook to the body. Silva parried the first two, but the third hit home hard. Yamamoto begins to stalk Silva, who may be slightly winded. They meet again in the center and exchange blows. Silva hits a high jab but gets caught with another hard punch to the side of the head. Silva clinches up, stopping Yamamoto from following up. It looks like Silva needs to change his game plan, standing up and banging with Yamamoto is playing right into his opponent's hands, as Yamamoto clearly has the more powerful strikes in his arsenal, and Silva is going to get floored sooner or later, judging by this round. The referee parts them from the clinch. Yamamoto continues to look ready to unleash some big punches. Silva takes a takedown, then comes in much closer, throws a jab, and clinches back up. Silva looks like he is going to grapple, stopping Yamamoto from throwing bombs. Silva gets in a few short punches to the ribs. The round ends with them still in the clinch. Yamamoto will take that round on points, having used the threat of a knock out to basically control everything about that round except the clinches. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Yamamoto by 10-9. Round 2 Not much happening at first. Silva is the first to make a move, coming in with a right hand that narrowly misses. Yamamoto gets in a jab that landed on the left cheek of Silva, and leaves a mark. Quite a slow paced round so far. Silva takes another jab and moves in to retaliate, but it was a set-up and he gets creamed with a high right kick to the side of the head! Silva stumbles but doesn't go down, and has to cover up as Yamamoto comes in with a series of punches to try and finish the job. Silva somehow manages to hold on long enough to get his senses back, and buys some time by clinching. Hard knee from Silva from the clinch, and Yamamoto felt that, he looks a little tired from unloading that barrage. They break, and Silva gets in a nice right hand. They tangle near the ropes, and the referee has to come in and pull them apart. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Yamamoto by 10-9. Round 3 Silva starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and Yamamoto manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. Yamamoto uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and Silva is forced back against the ropes. Yamamoto picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. Silva uses a couple of looping punches to make Yamamoto keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as Yamamoto bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. Silva scores with a low kick. Other than a few half-hearted jabs, there's been a definite lull over the past minute. Yamamoto unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Yamamoto. All three judges give a score of 30-27 to Go Yamamoto. *** Charles Stiles (LM)(9-1-1) v Carlos Da Guia (TDC)(6-0) Lightweight Semi Final Bout Round 1 They circle to begin the round. da Guia throws two short jabs, then a long-range looping right hand. Stiles had to be on his toes to get out of the way, and does. da Guia goes to follow up, and narrowly avoids walking right into a right cross. He bobs underneath it, then comes in fast with a right hand. Stiles parries it with his gloves, then shoots in and scores with a nice takedown. da Guia tries to sprawl, but was too late and can only pull guard as he crash-lands to the ground. Stiles passes guard and gets into side control, but it's an awkward position; da Guia has the entire right hand side of his body up against the ropes, and both his legs wrapped around Stiles's left arm. Stiles's attacking options are fairly limited. He uses a couple of back fists to strike away at the face, but da Guia covers up to defend them. Stiles tries to pin down one of da Guia's arms and bring his legs around to trap them fully, but da Guia uses his free arm to stop that from happening. The ground battle enters a stalemate, as Stiles finds himself unable to do any real damage other than occasional strikes, which he doesn't have the leverage to get much power behind, with virtually no chance of gaining a submission thanks to his left arm being trapped. The referee eventually stands them up, and the time expires before anything interesting can happen with them standing. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Stiles. Round 2 da Guia comes out fast and quickly backs Stiles up, all the way up against the ropes. da Guia throws a series of rights and lefts; none of the strikes to the head got through, but two nice body shots did. He doesn't follow up though, instead keeping a few steps back, clearly not wanting to get tied up in a clinch. Stiles throws a low kick, then advances with some jabs, forcing da Guia to back off a little. They meet in the center and exchange strikes, with da Guia looking the crisper striker of the two, although without doing any real damage. Stiles shoots in for the takedown, but da Guia sprawls and eventually pushes free. Right hand from da Guia, then two jabs which both find their mark. Stiles bats away a third, then comes in hard and fast for a second takedown attempt. da Guia sprawls again, but gets pushed all the way up against the ropes. Stiles has a leg, but is low down to the ground and doesn't have the leverage to complete the takedown. He works to a better standing position, but has to lose the leg and grab a clinch instead. They both fire off some small punches from there. Stiles tries for a trip, but da Guia avoids it and works free from the clinch. He returns to the center, clearly wanting a striking battle rather than a grappling match. Stiles follows, hands held high, and throws a couple of jabs. da Guia connects with one instead though, and then with a looping right hand that catches Stiles above the eye. He felt that, but doesn't go down. Best strike of the round so far. Stiles throws a low kick. da Guia comes in to strike again, but this time cannot sprawl quickly enough and gets taken down. da Guia pulls guard. Unfortunately for Stiles, now that he has finally gotten the takedown, there's less than thirty seconds left. He tries to pass guard to get to side control, but da Guia comfortably defends it until the round is over. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 da Guia. Round 3 da Guia is the first to score a meaningful blow, tagging Stiles with a jab to the cheek. Stiles uses a nice straight left to return fire. da Guia comes in to work the body, but Stiles saw it coming and uses a quick takedown to put da Guia onto the floor, falling into guard. Stiles stands into a half-crouching position, dragging da Guia's guard with him. da Guia reaches up, parries away a couple of strikes, and tries to grab an arm to apply an armbar to. Stiles knocks the attempt away and nails a hard shot to the ribs before reaching over and trying to nail a downward punch to the chin. da Guia blocks it. Stiles floats over and gets into side control. da Guia scrambles to try and get back up, but is too close to the ropes, which works against him. Stiles lays in a couple of punches to the chest to soften da Guia up, then tries to move up and isolate one of the arms. da Guia makes sure to bring his body around to give him as much protection as possible. It works, as Stiles can't get either arm isolated properly. Stiles changes tactics and tries to get into crucifix position. da Guia fights it for as long as he possibly can, but eventually gets caught. The length of struggle is, in itself, a good defence though, as the round ends before Stiles can do anything with the position he has achieved, which will frustrate him enormously. The round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Stiles. All three judges give a score of 29-28 in favour of Charles Stiles. ** Tony McCall (LM)(20-4) v Lefter Oktay (TDC)(6-0) Heavyweight Bout Round 1 They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from McCall, providing the first moment of real action. Oktay hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but McCall side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Oktay is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The round ends. Blurcat.com gives that one to Oktay by 10-9. Round 2 McCall starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and Oktay manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. Oktay uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and McCall is forced back against the ropes. Oktay picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. McCall uses a couple of looping punches to make Oktay keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as Oktay bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. McCall scores with a low kick. Both fighters circle. Oktay unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. The round ends. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Oktay. Round 3 The two fighters meet in the center with an exchange of jabs, but neither gets anything but gloves or air. They go right into a clinch, with only a few seconds of the match gone. McCall gets a knee to the ribs in, but it wasn't particularly hard. They break. Oktay pushes McCall up against the ropes in a clinch. Oktay throws a knee, then a couple of short punches to the side of the head. McCall pushes him away and steps in to score with an uppercut. Oktay took it flush on the chin and is rocked! Another right hand drops Oktay against the ropes, and McCall follows up by unloading with a barrage of punches. The referee gets in and pulls McCall away, he wins the match by TKO. McCall wins via 3rd round TKO with the official time being 1:31. *** Hassan Fezzik (FCR)(25-0) v Tim Boyer (FAI)(16-3-2) Heavyweight Bout Round 1 Boyer throws the first punch of the round, a high searching jab that didn't carry a great deal of threat with it. Fezzik throws a one-two combination in return, neither connecting, then steps in and delivers a hard kick to the outside of the thigh. Boyer steps back, throwing a right hand as he does to buy himself space. They circle, then move in again to exchange strikes, neither fighter getting a clear advantage. They come together again and the same result. It has become something of a stalemate at the moment. They come together to exchange strikes for the third time, and this time they wind up in a clinch. Fezzik hits a knee to the ribs. A couple of shots to the back from Boyer. They struggle all the way back, with Boyer ending up backed up against the ropes. Fezzik hits another knee, but there wasn't much power behind it. Boyer stomps downward onto his foot. Boyer manages to reverse their positions, but that only lasts about thirty seconds before it gets reversed once more. Fezzik gets an arm free and tries to throw a big shot to the cheek, Boyer ducks under it and gets the arm back under control. The referee finally breaks them up, and we're back to where we started. Boyer tries a high kick to start, but Fezzik saw it coming and easily avoids it. They come back together in the center, and it's Fezzik who gets the first sustained attack of the round, hitting two hard body shots and a jab that caught Boyer on the nose. Boyer hits a straight right, enough to stop Fezzik from following up any further. The time expires with them standing. Not a great round for either of them or the crowd, it was very scrappy. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Fezzik. Round 2 Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. Boyer is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Fezzik blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from Boyer is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Fezzik is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before Boyer can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give Boyer some problems later on. Boyer moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Fezzik is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of Boyer before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown Boyer off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. Boyer goes for a trip, but Fezzik cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Fezzik may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Fezzik. Round 3 Fezzik throws a nice series of straight rights from the start, bobbing and weaving to keep Boyer from landing anything in return. None of the punches got through though, Boyer parried them away. Nice crisp start to the round though. Boyer throws a jab while coming in quickly, it doesn't hit, but it does allow him to clinch up. They struggle for supremacy. Boyer steps backward out of it...but gets caught with a bomb of a right hand! Boyer goes down like a ton of bricks, and Fezzik is on top of him within seconds. Fezzik starts throwing punches, teeing off on a stunned Boyer. The referee sees that it's one-way traffic and covers up Boyer, signaling the end of the fight. Official time of the TKO is 1:13 of the third round. *** Kumimichi Kikuchi (FFC)(20-2) v James Foster (TM)(16-2) Heavyweight Bout Round 1 Fast start by Foster, who has thrown three crisp jabs in the first twenty seconds, although none of them got past the gloves. Kikuchi circles, drawing a lunge from Foster, allowing him to score with a nice low kick to the front leg. Foster ignores that and darts in for a takedown, but only ends up holding one leg, Kikuchi hopping on the other to remain vertical. Foster tries to push forward to complete the takedown, but Kikuchi manages to pull them all the way back to the ropes before ultimately going down. That's a much better position to be in though, he has his corner right there, and can use the ropes to effectively cut off any form of attack to the left hand side of his body. Foster has one leg trapped between Kikuchi's, and is struggling to get it free. He throws a couple of punches, none of them doing much damage, and then tries to work on one of the arms. It might be a kimura that he looking for. Kikuchi defends it well, without fully escaping it, Foster can't really do a lot with it due to how much he is having to stretch to apply it, due to his leg being trapped. Kikuchi suddenly releases the leg and scrambles up, looking to take Foster's back. Foster was ready for it though, and blocks it by pinning a half-standing Kikuchi up against the ropes. It's a precarious position for both fighters. Kikuchi throws a couple of short-range punches. Foster gets a leg in and trips Kikuchi, putting him back on the ground, albeit this time in full guard. It was a nice escape attempt from Kikuchi, at least he can take heart from the fact that it resulted in a better defensive position. Time is running out, it looks like this round will end with them in this position. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Foster. Round 2 Kikuchi leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Foster deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Foster uses a knee to the ribs before backing Kikuchi up against the ropes. Right hand from Kikuchi connects though, that was well timed. Foster breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, Kikuchi was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Foster sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. Kikuchi fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. Foster advances, right hand looking ready to strike, but Kikuchi isn't giving him the angle that he wants. Kikuchi darts in unexpectedly but misses with a left cross, and takes a hard body shot from Foster. That's enough to put him down, although replays show that he already seemed to be stumbling when it hit, it's hard to say for sure whether he wasn't already on his way down anyway. Either way, Foster follows up, smelling victory. Foster drills Kikuchi with a right hand, that was an absolutely monster hit, right on the button. Kikuchi's head snaps back violently. Another two punches hit before the referee can get in there and pull him off. Replays show that Kikuchi was out cold from the right hand, it's a good job the referee got in there quickly to stop further damage. Foster wins via 2nd round knock out with the official time being 3:43. **** Location: California Attendance: 4,439 Fight Of The Night: Kumimichi Kikuchi (FFC)(20-2) v James Foster (TM)(16-2) New Camp Points Team Discovery Channel: 0 Team Forget About It: 4 Undisputed Fight Club: 2 Team Mongoose: 3 Fight Club Revolution: 4 Lunch Munch: 4 Fury Fight Club: 1 Team Legit Martial Arts: 0 TOTAL Camp Point Standings Team Discovery Channel: 10 Fight Club Revolution: 10 Team Forget About It: 8 Lunch Munch: 8 Team Mongoose: 7 Undisputed Fight Club: 6 Fury Fight Club: 4 Team Legit Martial Arts: 1 2 points for win, 1 pt for fight of the night[/CENTER]
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