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[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] In Your BackGarden 5:[SIZE=4] [B]The[/B] [B][COLOR=red]St.[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=red][B]Valentines Day [COLOR=black]Massacre[/COLOR] in Danville[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Saturday, February 14th 2008 [/SIZE][B]Streamed on Pay-Per-View on a tape delay on [FONT=Courier New]WLCWrestling.com[/FONT] for $2[/B] [B]From[/B] Jim Barlett's 2 acre backyard, Danville, VA The Pay-Per-View comes straight on for those watching on a tape delay on WLCWrestling.com. 30 or so backyard wrestling fans are hyped for this event which is of course the last Pay-Per-View before the big one ... WrestleStarr. The PPV kicks off with the tag champs High School Redemption making their way to the ring along with their manager Shelly and Shelly's friend, Isabel. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Mark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shaun.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MiguelTag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Chico1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championships[/B] High School Redemption (c's) w/. Shelly and Isabel vs. Miguel and Chico w/. Maria Shaun of High School Redemption and Miguel start off as the legal men in this match. Shaun works over Miguel, kicking him in the legs getting him down to one knee. Shaun then pushes off of the ropes and takes Miguel out shockingly with a kind of "shining wizard" type move. Shaun makes the cover but Miguel kicks out at one. Clearly this match is going to be high charged and with moves like that in the opening moments from High School Redemption it's very clear that both Shaun and Mark want to end this match as soon as possible. Back to the match Miguel shakes off his kick to the head from Shaun and gets stuck right back into this match. We carry on for another minute with both Miguel and Shaun getting in an even amount of offense on each other trading moves. Miguel then tags in Chico, as soon as Chico gets in the ring he does a chessy thumbs up to the crowd and then goes after Shaun however Shaun tags in Mark. Mark goes straight for a closeline on Chico however Chico moves out of the way and catches Mark on the rebound and does a giant slam to him - which gets a pop from the crowd. [SIZE=2]We carry on for the next couple of minutes with both Shelly and her friend Isabel shouting on instructions from the outside to High School Redemption. Shelly clearly wants this match finished as soon as possible as well. Back in the ring at this time Miguel and Mark are both the legal men. Miguel is taking charge and really getting the crowd behind him as he now works over Mark hitting him with rights and lefts and receiving a babyface reaction from the crowd because of it. On seeing Miguel getting the better of Mark an irate Shelly gets up on the ring apron and starts distracting referee Mike Tony. Shaun on the ring apron then gets in the ring and hits Miguel from behind. Maria on the outside goes to get in the ring however Isabel runs round to her and pulls her off of the ring apron and slaps her around the face knocking her down. Isabel then gets in the ring and low blows Miguel. Mark then rolls up Miguel as referee Mike Tony turns around and starts to count the fall however Miguel kicks out at two. The match then continues on with some near falls being shared between both teams as Miguel and Chico really prove their worth here tonight however it doesn't last long. The match comes to an end when Mark and Shaun take now legal man Chico out with a double DDT while Shelly and Isabel distract Miguel and referee Mike Tony. At that point legal man Shaun covers Chico as referee Mike Tony turns around to count the fall. Shelly and Isabel both grab Miguels legs as Shaun gets the win for High School Redemption with his pinfall over Chico. [SIZE=2]After the match the WLC Tag Team Champions High School Redemption along with Shelly and Isabel leave ringside to loud boos from the crowd as both Miguel and Maria check on Chico who is holding his head. [B]Winners and STILL [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] High School Redemption (c's) w/. Shelly and Isabel [B]Promo [/B]A promo airs hyping [B]Danville's Known Arsonist[/B] Josie Bell. The promo features Josie Bell playing with a lighter with a tag line coming up on screen saying "The WLC ..... Where The Fire Burns"! Before the next match a graphic comes up on screen hyping tonight's main event as[B] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman takes on The Phantom! [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Brickhead-1.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=red]W[/COLOR]/.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/AntoneDeLaffe1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JakeHoun.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B]Match[/B] Chris [B]"Brickhead"[/B] w/. Antone De Laff vs. Jake Houn Brickhead and Houn kick this one off pretty much like their first match a week ago on Friday Night Brawl. Jake is just too much for the out of shape Brickhead who is known for his cigarette problem back in the UK. Just like a week ago on Friday Night Brawl the crowd start up a "[I]Get A Doctor[/I]" chant directed towards Brickhead who is literally gasping for breath. The red-faced Brickhead just hasn't been pushed to such limits before. His cousin and fellow Abbey Wood Social member Antone De Laff on the outside is trying his best to will his cousin on however it just isn't working. After about 7 minutes of this one sided match Jake Houn decides to end it by kicking Brickhead in the gut and going for his now trademark piledriver. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BarryMarshall.jpg[/IMG] At that point Barry Marshall comes running down and it's at this point that Jake Houn lets go of Brickhead and goes towards Marshall who is standing on the outside. Brickhead then gets into postion for his finisher on Houn who then turns around and is met with a spear from Brickhead after Barry Marshall then retreated to the back after seemingly just running down to cause a sudden distraction. Brickhead then covers Jake Houn but shockingly Houn kicks out much to the pleasure of the crowd. [SIZE=2]Antone on the outside then grabs Houn's leg as he stands up it's then this distraction which allows Brickhead to nail another spear on Houn for the successful pinfall. With Houn laid out in the ring Antone helps his cousin Brickhead to the back. Brickhead is finding it hard to breath and is sweating like a pig as Antone calls to the back for help as we fade to a promo. [B]Winner[/B] Chris "Brickhead" w/. Antone De Laff [B]Promo[/B] a promo comes on screen hyping [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr[/B] which airs on Pay-Per-View Saturday, March 28th 2009. The Backyard Wrestling Spectacle is only 42 days away! [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/kevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LucyRackley.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Backstage [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]WLC Champion Drex Eman is talking with Lucy Rackley and the [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] What a night, I mean think about it. Tonight David Vice is going to lose his shot at my title at WrestleStarr and I'm going to beat that burns victim The Phantom. Tonight truly is ours for the taking. [B][COLOR=blue]WLC Staple Kevin Jones:[/COLOR][/B] Damm straight it is. Drex I promise you man there is no way David is winning his match with me tonight. [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] I'm glad to hear that but just in case things don't go to plan tonight I think it's probably best Lucy goes to the ring with you tonight. [COLOR=magenta][B]Lucy Rackley:[/B][/COLOR] I can't wait to see David get beat once again. [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] She's learning isn't she Kevin? .... I tell you what you better get ready for your match because I need to get ready for mine. My match with The Phantom tonight has been changed a little bit that's why I need to make sure i'm really ready for this one. After all it's now me and The Phantom in a No-Holds-Barred match. [COLOR=blue][B]WLC Staple Kevin Jones:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah, that sounds good. We'll see you after Drex and remember The Danvillians won't be to far away tonight if you need us. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JustinMarks.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/EricLind.jpg[/IMG] Justin Marks and[B] "Danville Posh"[/B] Eric Lind are out next. Their opponents [B]"The Korean One"[/B] Korean Joe and Tuma are out after them and they get many cheers from the crowd. Tuma gets in the ring looking dead straight at Justin Marks who has a smug smile on his face. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Joe1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Tuma2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JustinMarks.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/EricLind.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B]Tag Match[/B] [B]"The Korean One"[/B] Korean Joe and Tuma vs. Justin Marks and[B] "Danville Posh"[/B] Eric Lind At the start of this match Tuma is clearly worked up and wants a piece of Justin Marks however Justin refuses to start the match and makes a worried looking Eric Lind start things off. Tuma can be seen heavy breathing as he eyes up Eric Lind who looks around at ringside at the crowd who start up a "[I]F*ck him up Tuma, ... F"ck him up[/I]"! chant. The bell rings but at that very moment Eric Lind pulls out some cash and tries to give it to Tuma in the hope Tuma won't kick his ass however it doesn't work and the match kicks off with Tuma beating the hell out of Eric Lind with rights and lefts. Lind goes to tag in Justin Marks but Justin won't have any of it and drops down from the ring apron and backs off. Korean Joe then drops down from the ring apron as well and grabs Justin Marks and throws him under the ropes into the center of the ring. A hurt Eric Lind then rolls to the outside as Tuma then grabs Justin Marks by the throat and has a look of total anger on his face. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Mark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shaun.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]The WLC Tag Team Champions High School Redemption then comes running down and hits Korean Joe from behind on the outside and then nails him with a double DDT as the crowd boo. Shaun and Mark of High School Redemption then head off to the back as Korean Joe lays out on the outside having not even had a chance to officially get into the match. Back in the ring Tuma sets Justin Marks up for a samon drop however Eric Lind gets back in the ring and hits Tuma from behind with a gold chain. Referee Mike Tony has seen enough and calls this one a DQ. Tuma lays in the middle of the ring laid out as Justin Marks and Eric Lind stand over him with smiles on their faces. Eric Lind then gets out of the ring and heads to the back returning moments later with a spray can. Justin Marks takes the spray can off of Eric Lind and then tells him that he is ok and wants to be left along with Tuma now. Eric smiles and then heads off to the back as Justin Marks puts the boots to Tuma as the 30 or so in the crowd boo their heads off. Justin Marks then sprays [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"VICTIM"[/FONT][/B] on Tuma's back. Justin stands their laughing to himself and then heads off to the back as Tuma is still laying out in the middle of the ring as Korean Joe is also still laid out on the outside. [B]Winners "The Korean One"[/B] Korean Joe and Tuma [B]by DQ[/B] [B]Promo[/B] A poorly editied WLC advert airs featuring [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman telling viewers "This is where it's at"! [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WayneEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MichaelClaytonBlackheartMCB.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Backstage [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]Wayne Eman is with [B]"The MCB"[/B] Michael Clayton Blackheart ready to interview him. [B]Wayne Eman:[/B] Michael you and your tag partner Warren Banks are not in action tonight on the PPV but you are still here supporting the WL...... [B][COLOR=red]"The MCB" Michael Clayton Blackheart:[/COLOR][/B] I'm not here supporting anyone man, I came here tonight because I thought Warren would be hanging around in the back. You know if he is watching this I want him to know that last night I did what I had to do. I got the referee to stop the match between him and BB Thug because it was the right thing to do. Warren man we've been friends for too long for this to be thrown away because you think i'm considering joining Krazy Kris and his boys in his little gang, i'm NOT! Man we got to talk! [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/KrazyKris.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BBThug.jpg[/IMG] At that point Krazy Kris and his bodyguard BB Thug come along. Krazy Kris has a smile on his face as he looks at Michael. Krazy Kris then smirks to himself and leaves shot with BB Thug as Michael Clayton Blackheart looks annoyed. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JamesRacket.jpg[/IMG] Back at ringside James Racket makes his way to the ring. Next out is the WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright who has Danny Buck with him. Clearly Lee and Danny are making no secrets of the fact that they are working together tonight. As they get in the ring Lee Cartwright can be seen giving Danny Buck instructions whispering in his ear. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JamesRacket.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/dannybuck.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] National Championship[/B] Lee Cartwright (c) vs. James Racket vs.[B] "The Jew with a View"[/B] Danny Buck As the bell rings to start the match off Lee Cartwright signals to Danny Buck to get James. Danny on seeing this runs at James and starts pounding down on him with left and rights as Lee Cartwright stands back taking it easy. James Racket soon gets a hold of Danny and throws him down on the mat. It's at this point Lee Cartwright takes James Racket down with a close line knocking him over the top rope. Lee then helps up Danny and tells him to go on the outside and beat on James, which he then does. For the next ten minutes Lee Cartwright bascially has Danny Buck do all of his bitch work beating down on James Racket so it allows Lee to take well needed breathers as well as allowing him to get in a few cheap shots now and then on James. James is more than capable of taking on Danny but sorting Danny out is proving to be a distraction when you have someone like Lee Cartwright capitalizing on the whole thing and looking for an easy win. [SIZE=2]After yet another five minutes of the same old stuff James starts to put on a fight and takes both Danny and Lee out with close lines. James then goes up top and does a diving crossbody onto both Danny and Lee which gets a huge cheer from the crowd who are now firmly behind James. Both Danny and Lee then roll to the outside as James gets yet another cheer from the crowd. Lee then starts arguing with Danny on the outside, this distraction then allows James to get up on the top rope. James then does another dive from the top turnbuckle to the outside. Lee however see's this and pushes Danny out of the way as well as moving back in time himself. James then hits the outside with a thud as the crowd go "Ohhhhhhh". Lee then gets Danny and throws him into the center of the ring and starts shouting at him. Danny and Lee exchange words in the ring and then Danny pushes Lee. The crowd once again go "Ohhhhh" and at that point Lee takes Danny out with a Cartwright Stunner. Danny is flat out and on seeing this Lee just starts to laugh. Lee then picks Danny up one more time and nails him with yet another Cartwright Stunner. Danny is now flat out in the ring as Lee turns to the crowd and taunts them. While Lee is taunting them James Racket makes it back to his feet and climbs up on the ring apron and then climbs up on the top rope and does a swanton bomb on Danny. The crowd go crazy as James then covers Danny however just as referee Mike Tony gets to a two count Lee turns around and breaks up the count. Lee then pushes James out of the ring and covers Danny for the win. [SIZE=2]After the match Lee Cartwright leaves ringside with his WLC National Championship celebrating as James Racket looks angry at ringside and as Danny Buck lays laid out in the middle of the ring. [B]Winner and STILL [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] National Champion[/B] Lee Cartwright [B]Promo[/B] A WLC Brand advert airs, in this one a drunk Leopold Jeffrey tells fans to drink responsibly and to not try this stuff at home unless they have a backyard and about 30 or so people they know at hand who are willing be apart of their roster. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/PhillipMora.jpg[/IMG] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Backstage[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] "YouTube's Dirty Little Secret"[/B] Phillip Mora is throwing up in the back as Ryan Rimmer and Nick Combs look concerned standing behind him. A calm, yet also drunk Leopold Jeffrey is sitting down drinking a can of beer while all this is going on in front of him. At ringside The Abbey Wood Social make their way to the ring. Next out are their opponents [SIZE=2]Leopold Jeffrey, [B]"YouTube's Dirty Little Secret"[/B] Phillip Mora, Ryan Rimmer and Nick Combs. It should be noted that Phillip Mora can hardly walk to the ring, he's drunk and he looks very ill, clearly he is back drinking again. Ryan Rimmer and Nick Combs help Phillip to the ring as Leopold Jeffrey follows on behind without a care in the world, holding a case of beer in one hand and drinking from a can of beer in the other.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ArmenAgopian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BarryMarshall.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/PetePurcell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/CoCalliham.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [/SIZE][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeopoldJeffery.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/PhillipMora.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/RyanRimmer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/NickCombs-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B]Eight-Man Tag Match[/B] Armen Agopian, Barry Marshall, Pete Purcell and Co Calliham of The Abbey Wood Social w/. Shavin Garashankur vs. Leopold Jeffrey, [B]"YouTube's Dirty Little Secret" [/B]Phillip Mora, Ryan Rimmer and Nick Combs How this match is even happening is beyond many. Armen, Barry, Calliham and Purcell of the social are loving this as they can see that Phillip Mora is clearly in no shape to take part in this match. As usual Leopold is drunk but somehow he always manages to pull it out of the bag and he does in this one as he starts the match off against Armen Agopian. The match itself lasts around ten minutes, a number of times throughout the match Phillip Mora falls off of the ring apron and both Ryan Rimmer and Nick Combs have to help him up. [SIZE=2]The ending to the match see's legal men Pete Purcell and Ryan Rimmer trading lefts and rights in the middle of the ring while Barry Marshall, Armen Agopian and Co Calliham fight with Nick Combs and Leopold Jeffrey on the outside while Phillip Mora is slumped over on the turnbuckle. While Rimmer and Purcell are trading lefts and rights somehow Purcell catches Rimmer with a good right and knocks him into Phillip Mora. Referee Mike Tony counts that as a legal tag. Rimmer then falls to the outside as Purcell pulls Phillip into the ring and then does a DDT to him. Purcell pins a very drunk Phillip Mora for the win. [SIZE=2]The Abbey Wood Social all then round up and steal Leopold Jeffrey's case of beer at ringside. All members of the social open up a can and leave ringside celebrating with the beer drinking it as Rimmer, Combs and Leopold check on Phillip Mora who is throwing up in the ring. Clearly Phillip should not of been in a ring tonight. [B]Winners[/B] Armen Agopian, Barry Marshall, Pete Purcell and Co Calliham of The Abbey Wood Social [B]Promo[/B] Another WLC advert airs featuring the [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones hyping how "Backyard Wrestling" is what wrestling is all about in this modern era of Pro-Wrestling. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/kevinJones.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=red]W[/COLOR]/.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LucyRackley.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG] [B]David Vice's [SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr main event shot on the line[/B] [SIZE=2][B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones w/. Lucy Rackley vs. David Vice The fact that Lucy Rackley has joined Kevin Jones at ringside for this one has seemingly made David Vice focus more. Clearly David is up for this one as he starts this match right away beating down on Kevin Jones who seems to just be taking the beating. Kevin at times manages to fight back but the ever strong David Vice continues to look strong in this one. During the next ten minutes both David and Kevin exchange moves, both of them look equal at this point and are giving as good as they get. On the outside Lucy Rackley has a concerned look on her face as David continues to get cheers from the crowd. Lucy then starts shouting at Kevin to fight back which he then starts to do. Kevin hits David again and again and then does his trademark standing dropkick to him which knocks David against the ropes. Kevin then hits a codebreaker on David and covers him but only gets a two count. Kevin then gets back up and starts putting the boots to David however David gets back up and hits Kevin with a full on punch to the face which can be heard by all those in attendance. Kevin hits the mat and referee Mike Tony warns David about the use of a fist. David smiles at the crowd and then pulls out Josie Bells' lighter from his pocket. David lights the lighter up and the crowd start to cheer. At this point Lucy Rackley gets in the ring and starts shouting at David Vice this distraction then allows Kevin Jones to quickly get up and push the lighter in towards David's face, David drops the lighter which Lucy picks up as it falls to the outside. The shock of nearly getting burnt sends David into the ropes which then allows Kevin Jones to get a roll up on David. Much to the delight of the crowd David kicks out at two. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosieBell1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]By now the match is 15 minutes old and it's at this point that both Kevin and David start trading near falls. Kevin Jones gets David in yet another roll up but David kicks out then as David gets up Kevin Jones hits him with yet another dropkick which sends David into referee Mike Tony. With the referee down Lucy Rackley quickly gets in the ring with Josie Bells' lighter and lights it up. At that point [B]"Danville's Known Arsonist"[/B] Josie Bell comes from the crowd and gets in the ring. Josie Bell comes from behind Lucy and does an inverted DDT on her much to the surprise of the crowd. However Josie's inverted DDT on Lucy shocks David as well. Kevin Jones see's this and then nails a distracted David with a superkick. Kevin then close lines Josie Bell out of the ring and then covers David. Referee Mike Tony then comes too and counts the three count as Josie Bell is just too late to break the count up. Kevin Jones then gets to his feet and helps Lucy out of the ring. An extremely happy Kevin Jones then leaves ringside with a dazed Lucy Rackley as an angry David Vice looks up at an emotionless Josie Bell. [SIZE=2]Once Kevin Jones and Lucy Rackley disappear to the back David Vice gets to his feet and leaves ringside taking no notice of Josie Bell in the ring. David Vice is nolonger in the WrestleStarr main event and clearly David looks to be blaming [B]"Danville's Known Arsonist"[/B] Josie Bell for it. [B]Winner "WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones w/. Lucy Rackley [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [B]Promo[/B] After the match a promo comes on screen hyping [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr[/B] which airs on Pay-Per-View Saturday, March 28th 2009. The Backyard Wrestling Spectacle is only 42 days away! Back at ringside a focused Drex Eman makes his way to the ring with his WLC Championship around his waist. The Phantom is out next and he makes his way out to the ring from the crowd. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ThePhantomoftheWLC.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B]Non- [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Championship Match[/B] [B]No-Holds-Barred[/B] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman vs. The Phantom Before the match both Drex Eman and The Phantom stare at each other. The match is delayed by this stare down as both Drex and The Phantom continue their intense stare down. The match soon gets underway with The Phantom coming for Drex in the early stages. Drex tries to focus on getting in cheap shots and then backing off. The Phantom is clearly over big with the WLC faiithful here. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/kevinJones.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]For the next ten minutes Drex Eman is in control. Drex is focusing in on taking out The Phantom's legs and grounding him because on his feet The Phantom is just too much for Drex at this point. The match soon goes to the outside as both men fight in among the crowd. The Phantom has a limp from the attacks to the legs from Drex but somehow The Phantom manages to hold his own while fighting with Drex in among the crowd. While fighting in among the crowd WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright and the [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones come running down and start to beat down on The Phantom. Drex, Kevin and Lee bring The Phantom into the ring and continue their beat down on him in this now nearly 20 minute long main event. The Phantom somehow manages his fight back. A furious Phantom grabs Kevin Jones by the throat and chokeslams him right in the middle of the ring. Lee Cartwright then goes to run at The Phantom however The Phantom takes Cartwright out with a big boot. Drex then goes to hit The Phantom but it's blocked. The Phantom then grabs Drex by the throat and chokeslams him too. The Phantom then covers Drex but Kevin breaks the count up at two. Lee Cartwright then gets back in the ring and once again Drex, Lee and Kevin start yet another beat down on The Phatom. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosephOlawoso.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]This now brings out Joseph Olawaso who comes running down to the ring in aide of The Phantom. Olawaso takes Lee out with a flatbottom and then close lines Kevin out of the ring. Joseph then turns around and goes to close line Drex but Drex ducks and Joseph accidentally hits a close line on The Phantom. Drex then pushes Joseph out of the ring and then does a pedigree to The Phantom. Drex covers The Phantom but only gets a two count as shockingly The Phantom kicks out. At this point Kevin Jones on the outside picks up the WLC Championship and brings it into the ring. Joseph Olawaso gets back in the ring as does Kevin Jones and on seeing Kevin with the WLC Championship Olawaso goes in pursuit of him. Joseph takes Kevin out with left and rights, Kevin drops the championship belt and then Joseph does a flatbottom to Kevin Jones. Meanwhile The Phantom tries to make it to his feet after receiving the pedigree from Drex. Joseph goes to hit Drex with the WLC Championship belt but once again Drex ducks and Joseph accidentally hits The Phantom with the belt. Lee Cartwright then gets up and does the Cartwright Stunner to Joseph. Drex then picks The Phantom up and hits another pedigree on him. This time Drex covers The Phantom and gets the pinfall win over him. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/kevinJones.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]The PPV goes off the air as the WLC Champion Drex Eman, WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright and Kevin Jones leave ringside celebrating as Joseph Olawaso looks annoyed on the outside and as an irate Phantom makes it to his feet in the ring realizing he has just lost his match thanks to Joseph Olawaso who continues to look annoyed on the outside. [B]Winner [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
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[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [B]Friday Night Brawl[/B] [SIZE=1]Friday, February 20th 2009[/SIZE] [B]Streamed ONLY on[/B] [FONT=Courier New]WLCWrestling.com[/FONT] [B][COLOR=black]From[/COLOR][/B] Jim Barlett's 2 acre backyard, Danville, VA [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000]Main[/COLOR][/FONT] Titles[/B] ....The theme music for [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]WLC [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Friday Night Brawl[/FONT][/B][FONT=Verdana] is "Out of Control" by Hoobastank[/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LucyRackley.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]We kick tonight's show off with WLC Champion Drex Eman and Lucy Rackley making their way to the ring. Once in the ring Drex holds up his WLC Championship as the crowd furiously chant "You Fat Whack" back at him. The chants arn't really getting at Drex although Drex starts shouting at someone whose in the ring, maybe someone commented on his bi*ch tits or something. Drex then hands his WLC Championship to Lucy Rackley who puts it around her waist as Drex turns towards the crowd - looks like he has something to say. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC [/COLOR][/FONT]Champion Drex Eman:[/B] In six weeks time it'll be the pinnacle in backyard wrestling, WrestleStarr. And I don't have an opponent! I guess I have myself to blame really, I just can't help taking the competition out of the running at any chance I get. It's the way I am it's what I do. People look down at backyard wrestling like they do it's champions but the fact is we work hard, or should I say I at least work hard. Some people even look down at the WLC. I hear you all talking about how can a promotion five months old go on and hold a spectacle like WrestleStarr. In the WLC we do what we want to do, we celebrate backyard wrestling and we appreciate those who are champions, like myself. Now seen as I have the night off come WrestleStarr because I have no opponents and seen as it is our biggest show of the year .... then .... i'm proud to announce that the main event will be for .......... the WLC Tag Team Championships. Thank You! ... THANK YOU ALL![/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Drex Eman and Lucy Rackley then go to leave the ring but as they do David Vice comes out at the entrance area and receives tons of cheers from the crowd. David then slowly walks to the ring as he has something to say to Drex.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=red][B]David Vice:[/B][/COLOR] You've changed Drex, you've become a former shadow of yourself. We're cousins yet you broke that bond when you had my fiancee Lucy turn on me and now here you stand champion in your own promotion and yet you don't have the balls to stand up on your own two feet and defend your title at your biggest show of the year. When you ........[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] NO! shut up![/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=red]David Vice:[/COLOR][/B] No ... you shut up! you listen to me. When you started this promotion I thought you was nothing more than a fool yet god damm it every week people actually show up to this backyard thing of yours. You're a champion, you're at the very top of a community that believes in having good matches, ok it's in a backyard but it means something and you stood by that when you started up World League Championship Wrestling and to be honest I actually started to believe in you right before you turned on me, took my fiancee and set up your little group of Danvillians. You know Drex you didn't just turn on me and funny enough you didn't just turn on these fans you turned on backyard wrestling as a whole. The moment you turned on us you became just another guy like a Triple H or an Edge or a Hulk Hogan who has to have the title all the time. At least those guys defended the belt, you don't even do that. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] You're wrong David[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=red]David Vice:[/COLOR][/B] No, i'm right. You turned your back on backyard wrestling and the wrestlers of that scene the moment you became big headed. You turned on the history, you turned on Crossen and Charley Lane of the Kids pro wrestling, you turned on the infamous CWF. You turned on the greats of the backyard like Butcher Knife, Master Kevin Blake, Nick Knightengale. You turned on guys that actually made it out of the backyard like Rob Van Dam and AJ Styles! Drex if you don't defend your title like a man at WresteStarr then you're nothing more than a MARK and an ASS![/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]David Vice gets a huge cheer from the crowd but the cheers soon turn to boos as Drex takes a cheap shot at David. David soon manages to fight back and both Drex and David start hitting each other with rights and lefts. Lucy Rackley then hits David in the back with the WLC Championship belt however it has no effect, maybe David forgot to sell or maybe he truly is a badass who knows but one thing that is for sure is that the crowd are loving this. David squares up to his former fiancee Lucy Rackley but this distraction allows Drex to hit David from behind. Drex low blows David and then sets him up for the pedigree. Drex then goes to do the pedigree but David reverses it and uses his back strength to propel Drex over the top rope to the outside. A shocked Lucy Rackley picks up the WLC Championship and gets out of the ring to help up Drex. Drex and Lucy then leave ringside as David Vice stands tall in the ring.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Promo[/B] a promo comes on screen hyping [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr[/B] which airs on Pay-Per-View Saturday, March 28th 2009. The Backyard Wrestling Spectacle is only 36 days away! [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/kevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LucyRackley.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Backstage [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]WLC Champion Drex Eman is being calmed down by WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright, [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones and Lucy Rackley. [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] Where were you guys out there? .... and where the hell is Logan and Hotdog? [SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][B]"WLC Staple" Kevin Jones:[/B][/COLOR] Drex me and Kevin only just got here and I just got a phone call from Logan saying that he has something big tonight that he and Hotdog are going to "unleash" on the backyard community. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] They got something big going down tonight huh? ... well i've got something big planned tonight as well. Tonight David Vice is going to pay![/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Drex then storms off as we go to ringside.[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JustinMarks.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MiguelTag.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Match[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Justin Marks vs. Miguel w/. Chico and Maria[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Justin Marks brings it to Miguel full on in the opening few moments of this match. Justin seems to be going as stiff as he can on Miguel punching down on him in the face. Maria tries to point out to the referee that Justin Marks is using his fists and is going against the rules. After a few more moments Justin hits Miguel with a hard right to the head which opens Miguel up, it's this that causes head WLC referee Mike Tony to end the match via a DQ. With the match now over Justin Marks kicks Miguel out of the ring to the outside where Maria and Chico check on him. Justin Marks then turns to the camera at ringside and looks to have something to say.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Justin Marks:[/B] Looks like Miguel just took a beating, that reminds me of something. How you doing Tuma? .... you still acting the victim? You kn.........[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Justin Marks gets cut off as Chico then gets in the ring and starts shouting at Justin for beating on Miguel. Justin Marks then starts beating down on Chico with hard rights and lefts which opens him up too just like Miguel. Justin Marks then kicks Chico to the outside. Referee Mike Tony and Maria can be seen checking on Miguel and Chico as Justin continues his promo.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Justin Marks:[/B] Like I was saying. You know Tuma it's time I came out with what I have been holding back on for the last five months. You remember when I made my debut here Tuma and you was in the crowd? .... You started this Tuma, you brought the history back up again and so be it. Next week on Friday Night Brawl i'm going to tell everyone what the truth is, i'm going to fill everyone in on our long history. Tuma make sure you're here next week. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]A smug Justin Marks then gets out of the ring looking back at a beaten Miguel and Chico at ringside before then heading to the back.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Winner[/B] Miguel by [B]DQ[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Promo [/B]A promo airs reminding viewers that the WLC St. Valentines Massacre in Danville event is available on PPV only on [FONT=Courier New]WLCWrestling.com[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Back at ringside all seven members of The Abbey Wood Social make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Barry Marshall:[/B] Oi Oi, what up? Last weekend me and the boys beat Leopold Jeffrey, Ryan Rimmer, Nick Combs and Phillip Mora proving that we can handle ourselves. It's a shame Phillip wasn't in good shape though, seems like he is drinking again. We here at The Abbey Wood Social were so happy for him when he stopped drinking and it's a shame he has let himself and you guys down. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]At that point Armen Agopian goes to the outside and looks under the ring. Armen pulls out a case of beer and brings it into the ring. Armen hands out the beer to all members of the social except for Antone De Laff who doesn't drink. The social members with a can of beer then start drinking Stone Cold esque as the crowd boo. However at that moment The Phantom comes from under the ring and goes to attack all members of the social. However all the members of the social bail out of the ring except for Antone who is too slow. The Phantom grabs Antone by the throat and chokeslams him in the middle of the ring much to the crowds approval. Chirs [B]"Brickhead"[/B] - the leader of The Abbey Wood Social and the cousin of fellow social member Antone De Laff - puts his hands under the bottom rope and drags Antone De Laff to the outside. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]The seven members of The Abbey Wood Social back up the entrance area to the back as WLC Champion Drex Eman comes out with something to say.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] You angry Phantom? yeah I bet you are because after all Joseph Olawaso cost you a pinfall victory over me last week. You know I was actually going to give you a championship shot against me at WrestleStarr had you of beaten me. It's true guys ..... You know Phantom I bet you wanna let some steam off tonight huh? ... so how about tonight you go one on one with David Vice? ... Infact it's booked as of right now tonight you will go one on one in a No-Holds-Barred match with David Vice. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]A smirking Drex Eman then heads to the back followed on by The Abbey Wood Social as The Phantom looks angry in the ring.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LoganMcCormack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Hotdog.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LucyRackley.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Backstage[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] Logan McCormack and Brandon [B]"Hotdog"[/B] James III of The Danvillians are shown arriving and are greeted by Lucy Rackley who tells them that Drex is looking for them. Logan says that he'll see Drex when he see's him because tonight is going to be huge. Lucy pulls a confused face and Logan tells her that tonight both he and Hotdog have a huge announcement to make regarding WrestleStarr! [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MCartwright.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][SIZE=3][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]Backstage[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [/SIZE]WLC Interviewer Marssia is with [B]"The MCB"[/B] Michael Clayton Blackheart. The WLC's newest interviewer Laurene is standing in the background clearly learning the ropes on how to interview someone by Marssia. [SIZE=2][B]Marssia:[/B] Guys you heard it, tonight's main event will be The Phantom going one on one with David Vice in a No-Holds-Barred match however with me at this moment in time is [B]"The MCB"[/B] himself, Michael Clayton Blackheart who tonight along with his tag partner Warren Banks will face the WLC Tag Team Champions High School Redemption in a mandatory Friday Night Brawl tag team title defense. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=red][B]The MCB Michael Clayton Blackheart:[/B][/COLOR] Tonight me and Warren do have a shot at the tag titles but the thing is Warren isn't even here yet and I don't know if that match is even going to happen. Regardless of all this talk created by Krazy Kris the fact is I am sticking by my friend and I do have his back, lets just see if Warren has my back tonight because I am going out there tonight to face High School Redemption with or without Warren as my tag partner. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MCartwright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LaureneWLC.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Michael then walks off as Marrsia turns to Laurene[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Marssia:[/B] Maybe Michael wasn't the best person for me to demonstrate the whole interview thing on but Laurene I think you're going to get the hang of it anyway, it's simple really.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=green][B]Laurene:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah, i'm sure i'll get the hang of it. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/IKandi.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]At that point Shelly and Isabel come along. [/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=magenta][B]Shelly:[/B][/COLOR] Hey look it's Marssia and her trainee interviewer Laurene. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Marssia:[/B] What do you two want? [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=magenta]Shelly:[/COLOR][/B] Want? we don't want anything. We're just seeing how Laurene is getting along at her new job. Are you even supposed to be here anymore Marssia? ... I thought you left.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Marssia:[/B] I am leaving, that's why i'm showing Laurene the ropes. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=magenta]Shelly:[/COLOR][/B] Oh ok, well will you be here next week?[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Marssia:[/B] Yeah[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=magenta][B]Shelly:[/B][/COLOR] Good because I just spoke with the WLC Champion Drex Eman who is the mood for making some big matches and he just agreed for a match to take place next week between yourself and my lovely friend Isabel. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=darkred][B]Isabel:[/B][/COLOR] Marssia I think your time is up and come next week i'm going to slap you right out of the WLC for good. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=green][B]Laurene:[/B][/COLOR] Hey what is wrong with you both. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=magenta][B]Shelly:[/B][/COLOR] Nothing Laurene ... see you too next week. Oh and Laurene[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=green][B]Laurene:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah?[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][COLOR=magenta]Shelly:[/COLOR][/B] Keep your nose out of this in future ok.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]Shelly and Isabel then walk off as the camera pans in on an annoyed looking Marssia.[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Out next to ringside is that jewish wonder kid Danny Buck. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/dannybuck.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/RyanRimmer.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Match[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]"The Jew with a View"[/B] Danny Buck vs. Ryan Rimmer[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Rimmer comes across strong in this match and leads the way for the opening moments however as the match continues [B]"YouTube's Dirty Little Secret"[/B] Phillp Mora makes his way to the ring stumbling around at ringside and clearly very drunk. Phillip then stands at ringside shouting instructions to Rimmer who is trying to blank a drunk Phillip out. Danny Buck at this point see's an opportunity to get at Rimmer here and decides to invite Phillip into the ring. Rimmer starts shouting at Danny and pushes him away from Phillip as Phillip gets in the ring. The momentum of the push on Danny sends him into referee Mike Tony who then falls to the ground. A drunk Phillip then starts offering a bottle of beer to Rimmer who doesn't want it. Phillip then gets angry with Rimmer and starts thrusting the bottle of beer into Rimmer's chest who still doesn't want any of it. At that point Danny grabs the bottle of beer and smashes it over Rimmer's head. Danny then close lines a drunk Phillip out of the ring and then Danny covers Rimmer as referee Mike Tony makes it to his feet and counts the fall. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JamesRacket.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]After the match Danny Buck celebrates in the ring standing over Rimmer as Phillip Mora lays laid out in the ring. At that point James Racket comes running down to ringside, gets in the ring and jumps on Danny and starts hitting him with rights and lefts. James then gets Danny to his feet and does a twist of fate to him. WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright then comes out at the entrance area and looks annoyed as James Racket helps up Ryan Rimmer in the ring.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Winner "The Jew with a View"[/B] Danny Buck[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Joe1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shelly.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Backstage [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]the WLC Tag Team Champions High School Redemption, Shelly and Isabel are walking out of a room on their way towards the ring as they pass [B]"The Korean One"[/B] Korean Joe. Korean Joe has a serious look on his face as a smug High School Redemption walk on past him. Isabel follows HSR on as Shelly then squares up to Korean Joe. Shelly laughs and then walks off as we fade to a promo. [B]Promo[/B] A WLC Brand advert airs, in this one a drunk Leopold Jeffrey tells fans to drink responsibly and to not try this stuff at home unless they have a backyard and about 30 or so people they know at hand who are willing be apart of their roster. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/PhillipMora.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/RyanRimmer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeopoldJeffery.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Backstage [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]A drunk Phillip Mora is shown crying to himself while laying on the floor as Ryan Rimmer talks with Leopold Jeffrey and Nick Combs about getting Phillip some help for Phillip's drink problem and quick. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Mark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shaun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shelly.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]The WLC Tag Team Champions High School Redemption along with Shelly and Isabel make their way to the ring next. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champion Shaun:[/B] You know it's a shame that WLC Champion Drex Eman isn't defending his WLC Championship on the biggest backyard wrestling stage of them all, WrestleStarr. However it seems Drex hasn't forgot about the other champions here in the WLC and myself and Mark of High School Redemption just want to take this moment to say thank you to Drex Eman for giving High School Redemption the chance to main event WrestleStarr....[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champion Shaun and Mark ([/B][I]together[/I][B])[/B] We won't let you down boss![/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=magenta][B]Shelly:[/B][/COLOR] Drex it does mean alot, my boys won't let you down on the biggest stage of them all. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]The crowd boo loudly as they just can't believe for one minute that the tag titles will be the main event for backyard wrestlings biggest show of the year, WrestleStarr.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]"The MCB"[/B] Micahel Clayton Blackheart is out next without his tag partner Warren Banks who seemginly hasn't arrived yet. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Mark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shaun.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MichaelClaytonBlackheartMCB.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WarrenBanks.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championships[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]High School Redemption w/. Shelly and Isabel vs. [B]"The MCB"[/B] Michael Clayton Blackheart and Warren Banks[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Warren Banks hasn't joined Michael at ringside for this tag match so it looks like the opening moments are going to more or less a handicap match. The match kicks off with Shaun of HSR taking on Michael. As both Shaun and Michael start the match off a[COLOR=red][B] "Breaking News"[/B][/COLOR] news ticker comes up at the bottom of the screen and says..... [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]"[I]Stars of their own YouTube hit talk show and members of The Danvillians, Logan McCormack and Brandon [B]"Hotdog"[/B] James III have a huge announcement to make regarding backyard wrestlings biggest event, WrestleStarr[/I]". [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WarrenBanks.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]The match carries on for a few moments before Warren Banks slowly makes his way to the ring and gets up on the ring apron. Warren tags himself in and then starts clearing house taking out both Shaun and Mark of HSR then Michael gets back in the ring but shockingly Warren Banks turns around and hits Michael out of nowhere with a reverse neckbreaker. The crowd are shocked as a serious Warren Banks then backs out of the ring as referee Mike Tony rules the match out on a DQ. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WarrenBanks.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Warren Banks then bails out of the ring and walks up to the entrance area where Krazy Kris and BB Thug come out and join him. Warren Banks looks back at the ring with a smile on his face as his former friend Michael Clayton Blackheart lays in the ring looking cheated and angry. The tag champs High School Redemption along with Shelly and Isabel stand at ringside as Michael tries making it to his feet.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Winners[/B] No-Contest[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LoganMcCormack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Hotdog.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Backstage [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]Logan McCormack and Brandon [B]"Hotdog"[/B] James III are with fellow Danvillians Lucy Rackley, [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones and WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright. Lucy, Lee and Kevin are trying to get out of Logan and Hotdog what their big announcement is however a smirking Logan tells them they will have to wait and see but not for too long because the big announcement is next! Logan and Hotdog then walk off as we fade to another promo. [B]Promo[/B] In this promo Logan McCormack and Brandon [B]"Hotdog"[/B] James III of The Danvillians tell fans that the WLC is the only backyard wrestling promotion worth watching. Logan McCormack also reminds fans that "[I]The Logan and Hotdog Show[/I]" on YouTube is also the only light-hearted entertainment show worth watching... [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LoganMcCormack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Hotdog.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]We return from the promo with Logan McCormack and Brandon [B]"Hotdog"[/B] James III already in the ring receiving tons of boos from the crowd.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Logan McCormack:[/B] You know i'm not a wrestler, I don't wrestle and neither does my best friend and fellow Danvillian Hotdog. But you see, things sometimes change. Change is good but it's not always good. Like for instance the recent change on YouTube. As some of you may know myself and Hotdog have a little talk show on YouTube which pulls in more viewers than any other wrestling talk show. But recently a change started to happen, you guys ever heard of those TNA lovers and bloggers [B][COLOR=red]"Bill and Doug"[/COLOR][/B]. Well you see the thing is these two guys are taking our viewers, their taking the viewers from a pair Danvillians and that's not good, not good for them! [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=blue]Hotdog:[/COLOR][/B] Like Logan said not every change is good, our viewers leaving us and watching Bill and Doug isn't good but it won't last. You see there is something we can do about this. Tell em' Logan[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Logan McCormack:[/B] I'm not a wrestler, Hotdog's not a wrestler and neither is Bill or Doug. And I heard that Bill and Doug are going to Wrestlemania this year to watch the event live in Texas, well how about this. Bill .... Doug .... if you're watching this how about before going to Wrestlemania you come on down to Danville on March 28th for WrestleStarr .... for a FIGHT![/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I]The crowd respond with a mixed reaction before Logan goes back to talking .......[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Logan McCormack:[/B] We expect an answer boys. You're taking our viewers with your lame wrestling talk show and it stops now. Nobody messes with The Danvillians and at WrestleStarr if you have the balls then you'll learn that out the hard way. Thank you for your time. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Logan McCormack and Brandon [B]"Hotdog"[/B] James III then leave ringside as we head to the back.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Backstage[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Wayne Eman is with his son and WLC Champion Drex Eman already for an interview [B]Wayne Eman:[/B] Drex as a WLC Interviewer and as your Father I have to ask you are you still dead certain about now defending your WLC Championship at the pinnacle in backyard wrestling coming up in six weeks at WrestleStarr? [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC [/COLOR][/FONT]Champion Drex Eman:[/B] Of course i'm sure, I have no oppponents. I've beat David Vice, I've beat The Phantom and Joseph Olawaso. There is nobody. [B]Wayne Eman:[/B] In all those wins though you had help [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman:[/B] Whose side are you on? An angry Drex then walks off out of shot. It's the main event next on Friday Night Brawl. [B]Promo[/B] After the match a promo comes on screen hyping [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr[/B] which airs on Pay-Per-View Saturday, March 28th 2009. The Backyard Wrestling Spectacle is only 36 days away! [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][B][COLOR=red]V[/COLOR]S.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ThePhantomoftheWLC.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B]Main Event[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]No-Holds-Barred[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]David Vice vs. The Phantom [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]The match is odd as this is the first time two babyfaces have gone at it in such a big main event in the WLC. Both David and The Phantom put on a great match but it doesn't last long as WLC Champion Drex Eman, [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones and WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright run down and interfere and start a beat down on both The Phantom and David Vice. Joseph Olawaso then comes running down and takes Drex Eman out with a close line. At that point [B]"Danville's Known Arsonist"[/B] Josie Bell comes running down and goes straight for Kevin Jones who was just about to super kick David Vice. Drex, Lee and Kevin then retreat as Joseph Olawaso, David Vice, The Phantom and Josie Bell stand tall in the ring. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosieBell1.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosephOlawoso.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]After there problems at the PPV this past week The Phantom and Joseph Olawaso nod to each other approvingly and both David and Josie shake hands as Friday Night Brawl goes off the air with WLC Champion Drex Eman looking really angry by the entrance area.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Winner[/B] No-Contest[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][FONT=Tahoma]Noah[COLOR=blue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]s[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=blue][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]News[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][B]Reported by[/B] Noah Taylor[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Joe1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=4][B]The Korean One[/B][/SIZE] is back and is taking names![/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Joe Kim better known as Korean Joe to the [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red][B]WLC[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] backyard faithful didn't really have a great ending to his 2008. With last year now in the past Korean Joe is looking on to a great 2009 as he eyes up "The Big One", [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr[/B] on Saturday, March 28th. [/CENTER] [CENTER]Thanksgiving 2008 was supposed to be special for Korean Joe. Joe was planning on spending his Thanksgiving day with his All-American girlfriend however things changed and Joe was dumped out of the blue. At the time Korean Joe was so depressed that while writing a blog for the WLC's website he posted the news that he had been dumped. The news spread and the [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] High School Redemption along with their manager Shelly decided to use Korean Joe's recent heartbreak to their advantage. At the time Korean Joe along with the WLC's only samoan Tuma were challenging for the [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championships[/B]. In those matches the tag champs came out on top as Korean Joe wasn't able to compete at his usual level.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Korean Joe's heartbreak became too much for him and he decided to leave the WLC a former shadow of his Korean self.[/CENTER] [CENTER]However back in January Korean Joe made his return much to the utter shock of the [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] High School Redemption and Shelly. Now fully recovered from his recent heartbreak Korean Joe is back and is here now to set the record straight on a few things. [/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=3][B]On why he left the WLC at the end of Last Year[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [I]"Ooooo very simples, I have personal demons that much needed to be tended to. High School Redemption and Shelly become too much for me. Now I am back and my English is better than ever"[/I] [B]said Korean Joe[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=3][B]On his big return at The Not So Royal Rumble back in Janurary[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [I]"Right time to return, don't you think? I wanted a big stage to return at. I want High School Redemption and taking them on for the WLC Tag Titles seemed like the perfect opportunity for my return, however I did not win. Those tag champs are cheaters, but I will have my revenge".[/I] [B]said Korean Joe[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=3][B]On his feelings on the [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC [/COLOR][/FONT]Tag Team Champions High School Redemption and Shelly.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [I]"Veeeerrry bad people, evil I must say. They take my heartbreak and use it against me. But now as I say I am back and better than ever. WLC is where it is at and the only thing which will make it better is for there to be a Korean with some gold around his waist. I will take Tag Titles yes!"[/I] [B]said Korean Joe[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=3][B]On who he wants as a tag partner[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [I]"Someone who I can trust and who wants to kick High School Redemptions butt as much as I do. Tuma is busy at the moment taking on Justin Marks, so I must find someone else A.S.A. to the P. Whoever that person may be I hope they are ready and I hope they have my back like I will have their back"[/I] [B]said Korean Joe[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=3][B]On his plans for[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr[/B] [I]"I want a WLC Tag Team title shot, I will have my Rocky Balboa ending"[/I] [B]said Korean Joe[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Catch Korean Joe's quest for the [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championship[/B] right here as we get closer and closer to the big one, [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ffa500]W[/COLOR][/SIZE]restle[SIZE=3][COLOR=orange]S[/COLOR][/SIZE]tarr [/B]on Saturday, March 28th[/CENTER]
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  • 8 months later...
[CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=6][FONT=Tahoma]Noah[COLOR=blue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]s [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=blue][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]News[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [CENTER][LEFT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][B]Reported by[/B] Noah Taylor[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WayneEman1.jpg[/IMG] ([SIZE=1][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman pictured [B]left[/B], Drex's Father, Wayne Eman pictured [B]right[/B])[/SIZE] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [B] World League Championships Open up about why the promotion suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth.[/B] Earlier this year backyard [I]rasslin[/I] promotion World League Championship Wrestling suddenly disappeared with out so much as a "Goodbye!" or a [I]"Hows Your Father"[/I]. It was revealed late last night by current [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] champion[/B] and founder Drex Eman that his backer and 'par', Wayne Eman, was having some money issues which brought an end to the promotion prior to the summer of this year. "Dad ([I]Wayne Eman[/I]) had money issues and because of that we had to cut the WLC without any notice, we even had to cut HBO from our cable subscription" [B]said Drex Eman[/B] late last night while on MSN Instant Messager with myself. It appears that Drex's father, Wayne Eman, was suffering with depression as well as financial issues at the time of the WLC's sudden disappearance. At the time Wayne had been dealing with his divorce to Drex's Mom who had ran away with Danville's finest milkman early last year. The marriage issues along with Wayne funding Drex's backyard wrestling promotion, which was spending money like it was going out of fashion, seems to be the reasons for the sudden disappearance of the backyard fed. However, with all that now behind the Eman's, it has now officially been confirmed that World League Championship Wrestling better known as the WLC will return in the coming weeks with a return show. [B]More news is expected to be announced in the coming weeks building up to the first show back. [/B] [/CENTER]
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[LEFT][SIZE=6][FONT=Tahoma]Noah[COLOR=blue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]s [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=blue][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]News[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][B]Reported by[/B] Noah Taylor [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][SIZE=4][B]Since the WLC has been away, a lot of crazy Shizzle has happened![/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [LEFT]In the months away from the spot light many changes have happened within the world of World League Championship wrestling. Characters have moved on, and new ones are about to come into play. Let's take a look at just some of the main WLC related stories that has gone down in recent months. [B]May he rest in piece![/B] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Bob1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1]([B]Bye, Bye Bob![/B] but sadly you never got over as a supporting character in this diary. [I]Bob, when he was alive[/I] [B]pictured above[/B]) [/SIZE] In the months that the WLC disappeared out of the spotlight many crazy things happened, the first being the tragic loss of Bob Rackley. After Bob's daughter accepted David Vice's hand in marriage in real life late last year, Bob was pushed over the edge. Seeing his daughter become a main character in a backyard [I]rasslin[/I] promotion run by the very family he hated didn't make things better either. In August of this year, after believing he failed his daughter, Bob was found hanged in his house wearing a Batman costume of all things. A note left at the scene stated that Bob felt he was doing the right thing by those around him. For those wondering, the Eman's did not attend the funeral and nor did Lucy Rackley. [B]True love is over![/B] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LucyRackley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1](Lucy Rackley pictured [B]left[/B] with David Vice pictured [B]right[/B])[/SIZE] We all thought it was true love, but maybe it wasn't after all. Shortly after the suicide of her dad, Bob Rackley, Lucy went off the rails a bit and left David Vice for a black English guy named Wesley. Lucy and Wesley are now married and live in Brixton, in London, England. Lucy currently is living the dream working in a cleaning job for five pound eighty an hour, two hours a day, five days a week. Wesley however is currently unemployed but plans on getting a job real soon. Lucy recently announced that she is expecting her first baby by Wesley due out in 2010 and is very much enjoying her role of being a wifey. [B]Don't diss the foot wear!!!! ... or, you'll die!!!!![/B] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WarrenBanks.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1]([I]What You Talkin' Bout[/I], reader!)[/SIZE] [I]'Rude Boi'[/I] Warren Banks is currently under police custody after ending the life of a retarded individual who only wanted to inform Warren of his bitching foot wear. It appears that the retarded individual, who also had a speech problem, apparently wanted to say to Warren "Your sneakers are the sh*t!". However, due to the speech problem the retarded individual, named Malcom, referred to Warren's sneakers as 'Yoouuurrr sneakers arrr sh*t". Warren then proceeded to end Malcom's life right in front of his helper, Jane, 61. [B]A lifestyle change........[/B] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/CraigKeel1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1]([B]Craig Keel[/B] changes lifestyle)[/SIZE] Known for bringing a gun to WLC events, Craig Keel is now currently being vetted to work with kids at a school in Danville. The WLC wish Craig all the best in the vetting process. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER]_________________________________________ [LEFT][B]In other news[/B], World League Championship Wrestling are expected to announce soon who from the WLC's past will be a part of the WLC's return to the backyard. [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=1]World League Championship Wrestling Presents[/SIZE][/B] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=6]S[COLOR=Blue]ur[/COLOR]vi[COLOR=Blue]vor S[/COLOR]ea[COLOR=Blue]so[/COLOR]n [/SIZE][/FONT] The backyard promotion is back and this time they are ripping off WWE ppv names and traditions. Who will survive the backyard. Find out as more news is confirmed in the coming days. ___________________ The WLC are set to make some big announcements in the coming days concerning it's roster, champions and future event dates. [/CENTER]
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[LEFT][SIZE=6][FONT=Tahoma]Noah[COLOR=blue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]s [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=blue][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]News[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][B]Reported by[/B] Noah Taylor [SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue][B]The Roster Rumours Begin[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][LEFT][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Joe1.jpg[/IMG] Korean Joe has expressed some feelings on possibly returning to the WLC once it gets going again in the next few weeks. Korean Joe, real name Joe Kim (26), has reportedly been telling friends that he may come back to the WLC if the storylines are to his liking and aren't to demeaning. Korean Joe became a somewhat backyard [I]'fav'[/I] for some when he first appeared with the WLC in 2008 last year after answering a WLC MySpace account advert, looking for backyard wrestlers. Korean Joe immediately became an underdog in the WLC and was last seen going for the WLC Tag Team Championships which he failed to win on a number of occasions. [COLOR=Blue][B]The Champs![/B][/COLOR] Since the WLC has been away all three WLC championships including the [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Championship[/B], [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] National Championship[/B] and [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championships[/B] have all been defended at numerous backyard wrestling events in the virginia area by their current holders. The most title defences have come from [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman who defended his championship 12 times over the course of the summer. At no point has any of the WLC's champions lost their titles, meaning all championship reigns remain intact since the WLC's last backyard wrestling event. [SIZE=6][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B][COLOR=Red]THE[/COLOR][/B][/FONT] [B]CHAMPIONS[/B][/SIZE] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC [/COLOR][/FONT]Champion[/B] Drex Eman [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Drex Eman[/B] - [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] (1) - [B]Reign[/B] October 14th 2008 - Present Founder of the WLC, and current WLC Champion. Drex has been champion since the WLC's very inception, awarding himself the title on October 14th 2008. [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] National Champion[/B] Lee Cartwright [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lee Cartwright[/B] - [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC [/COLOR][/FONT]National Champion[/B] (1) - [B]Reign[/B] December 20th 2008 - Present Lee Cartwright made history when he become the first WLC National Champion when he defeated his friend and fellow Danvillian Kevin Jones at WLC[SIZE=2][B][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff0000] E[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=#000000]ND G[/COLOR][SIZE=4][COLOR=red]A[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=#000000]ME [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE] on Saturday, December 20th 2008. The WLC's National Championship serves to the WLC much like the WWE Intercontinental championship serves to the WWE. Lee Cartwright spent a lot of the summer defending the championship at various backyard wrestling events in a campaign he described as [I]'getting the belt out there'[/I]. [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] High School Redemption [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Mark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shaun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shelly.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1](High School Redemption - [B]Mark, Shaun[/B] and [B]Shelly[/B] pictured from [B]left[/B] to [B]right[/B] above)[/SIZE] [B]High School Redemption[/B] - [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] (1) - [B]Reign[/B] November 28th 2008 - Present Making their debut for the [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] at [SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=4][COLOR=orange][B]ARSON[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [B]in Danville [/B]on Thursday, November 6th 2008[/SIZE]. Both Shaun and Mark of High School Redemption made a name for themselves becoming the first ever [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] on Friday, November 28th 2008. Along with their manager Shelly, both of Shaun and Mark of High School Redemption are considered to be good [I]'rasslers[/I]' of the backyard kind - even though they are complete idiots in person. [COLOR=Blue][B]Confirmed Return Date[/B][/COLOR] In other news, World League Championship Wrestling have confirmed that they will return to action on Thursday, November 26th 2009 with Survivor Season. Matches for the event are expected to be announced over the next couple of days while the event itself has already been confirmed to take place in Drex Eman's backyard. [/LEFT]
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[LEFT][SIZE=6][FONT=Tahoma]Noah[COLOR=blue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]s [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=blue][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]News[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][B]Reported by[/B] Noah Taylor [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER][B][SIZE=1]World League Championship Wrestling Presents[/SIZE][/B] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=6]S[COLOR=Blue]ur[/COLOR]vi[COLOR=Blue]vor S[/COLOR]ea[COLOR=Blue]so[/COLOR]n [/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday, November 26th 2009 [SIZE=3][B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]S[COLOR=Blue]i[/COLOR]x-[COLOR=Blue]P[/COLOR]ac Elim[COLOR=Blue]ina[/COLOR]tion [COLOR=Blue]Ma[/COLOR]tch f[COLOR=Blue]or[/COLOR] t[COLOR=Blue]h[/COLOR]e[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Championship[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ThePhantomoftheWLC.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/kevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosephOlawoso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeopoldJeffery.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] [/SIZE][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR]rex [COLOR=Blue]Ema[/COLOR]n (c) v[COLOR=Blue]s[/COLOR]. The Ph[COLOR=Blue]ant[/COLOR]om vs. Da[COLOR=Blue]vid[/COLOR] Vi[COLOR=Blue]c[/COLOR]e vs. [COLOR=Blue]Kev[/COLOR]in J[COLOR=Blue]one[/COLOR]s vs. [COLOR=Blue]J[/COLOR]oseph O[COLOR=Blue]lwa[/COLOR]so vs. Le[COLOR=Blue]opol[/COLOR]d Jef[COLOR=Blue]f[/COLOR]rey[/SIZE][/FONT] The main event for the biggest backyard event of the year is on! Drex Eman, from his own backyard, defends his WLC championship against some of the craziest men in the WLC. David Vice, Drex'c cousin and the man Drex turned on last year is in the match and will no doubt be looking for revenge. The drunk alcoholic that is Leopold Jeffrey is in the match as well and is looking for a reason to celebrate all night long. With a visa passport in one hand, and a dream to be a professional wrestler in the other, Joseph Olwaso will represent Nigeria and all that is good as he fights for the championship as he bids to not just win but survive the match. Serving as back up for Drex in the match is fellow Danvillian stable mate, 'WLC Staple" Kevin Jones. Then, finally, there is the Phantom! Formely Dustin Whitestock, but due to a face burn late last year the now angry and partially masked 'Phantom of the WLC' will be in this match as well and is looking for a reason to set the night alight. [I]Who will survive at Survivor Season?[/I] [B]Find out this Thursday! [/B] [B]More matches to be confirmed.[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=1]World League Championship Wrestling Presents[/SIZE][/B] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=6]S[COLOR=Blue]ur[/COLOR]vi[COLOR=Blue]vor S[/COLOR]ea[COLOR=Blue]so[/COLOR]n [/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday, November 26th 2009 [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][U]N[COLOR=Blue]ew Ma[/COLOR]tches A[COLOR=Blue]dd[/COLOR]ed[/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Blue]8[/COLOR]-Man (....and [COLOR=Blue]no[/COLOR]w) Tr[COLOR=Blue]aditi[/COLOR]onal Elim[COLOR=Blue]inatio[/COLOR]n Tag M[COLOR=Blue]atc[/COLOR]h[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ArmenAgopian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ShavinGarashankur.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BarryMarshall.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]T[COLOR=Blue]e[/COLOR]am C[COLOR=Blue]artw[/COLOR]right [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] National Cha[COLOR=Blue]mpi[/COLOR]on Lee Cartwright, and Ar[COLOR=Blue]me[/COLOR]n Agopain, Shavin Ga[COLOR=Blue]rashankur and Barry Mar[/COLOR]shall of the Abbey W[COLOR=Blue]o[/COLOR]od Social vs. Te[COLOR=Blue]am R[/COLOR]acket Jam[COLOR=Blue]e[/COLOR]s Racket, Jak[COLOR=Blue]e H[/COLOR]oun, "Dan[COLOR=Blue]ville's Kno[/COLOR]wn Ars[COLOR=Blue]on[/COLOR]ist" Jos[COLOR=Blue]ie Be[/COLOR]ll and "Danvil[COLOR=Blue]le Po[/COLOR]sh" Eric Lind[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JamesRacket.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JakeHoun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosieBell1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/EricLind.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]A[COLOR=Blue]nothe[/COLOR]r, [COLOR=Blue]8-M[/COLOR]a...P[COLOR=Blue]ers[/COLOR]on (....an[COLOR=Blue]d no[/COLOR]w) Tr[COLOR=Blue]adit[/COLOR]ional Elimi[COLOR=Blue]nation T[/COLOR]ag Mat[COLOR=Blue]c[/COLOR]h[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Mark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shaun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BBThug.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]Team R[COLOR=Blue]edem[/COLOR]ption [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] Tag Team Champ[COLOR=Blue]ions High[/COLOR] School Red[COLOR=Blue]em[/COLOR]ption, Sh[COLOR=Blue]elly a[/COLOR]nd BB Th[COLOR=Blue]u[/COLOR]g vs. T[COLOR=Blue]ea[/COLOR]m Geek The G[COLOR=Blue]ee[/COLOR]ky Boyz, Mel[COLOR=Blue] Ge[/COLOR]ek and " [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]The [COLOR=Blue]M[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR]B" Mic[COLOR=Blue]hael[/COLOR] Clayton Black[COLOR=Blue]hea[/COLOR]rt[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/StevenGeek.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/EugeneGeek.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MelGeek.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MichaelClaytonBlackheartMCB.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5][COLOR=Blue]Ma[/COLOR]tch[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/KTLoud.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]KT L[COLOR=Blue]oud vs. T[/COLOR]B[COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=5]Nu[COLOR=Blue]mber 1[/COLOR] Conten[COLOR=Blue]ders T[/COLOR]ag Ma[COLOR=Blue]tch f[/COLOR]or t[COLOR=Blue]h[/COLOR]e [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] Tag T[COLOR=Blue]ea[/COLOR]m Cha[COLOR=Blue]mpion[/COLOR]ships[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MiguelTag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Chico1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Maria-11.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]Mig[COLOR=Blue]uel and Ch[/COLOR]ico w/. [COLOR=Blue]M[/COLOR]aria vs. C[COLOR=Blue]hri[/COLOR]s "B[COLOR=Blue]rickhea[/COLOR]d" an[COLOR=Blue]d Antone [/COLOR]De L[COLOR=Blue]af[/COLOR]f[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Brickhead-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/AntoneDeLaffe1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Final Card[/B] [B]Six-Pac Elimination Match for the WLC Championship[/B] Drex Eman (c) vs. The Phantom vs. David Vice vs. Kevin Jones vs. Joseph Olawaso vs. Leopold Jeffrey [B]8-Man[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black] (....and now) Traditional Elimination Tag Match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B]Team Cartwright[/B] WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright, Armen Agopain, Shavin Garashankur and Barry Marshall vs. [B]Team Racket[/B] James Racket, Jake Houn, "Danville's Known Arsonist" Josie Bell and "Danville Posh" Eric Lind [B]Another, 8-Ma...Person[/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][B] (....and now) Traditional Elimination Tag Match[/B] [B]Team Redemption[/B] WLC Tag Team Champions High School Redemption, Shelly and BB Thug vs. [B]Team Geek[/B] The Geeky Boyz, Mel Geek and Michael Clayton Blackheart KT Loud vs. TBA [B]Number 1 Contenders Match for the WLC Tag Team Championships[/B] Miguel and Chico w/. Maria vs. Antone De Laff and Chris "Brickhead"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][B][SIZE=1] World League Championship Wrestling Presents[/SIZE][/B] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=6]S[COLOR=Blue]ur[/COLOR]vi[COLOR=Blue]vor S[/COLOR]ea[COLOR=Blue]so[/COLOR]n [/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday, November 26th 2009 [/CENTER]
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[LEFT][SIZE=6][FONT=Tahoma]Noah[COLOR=blue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]s [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=blue][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]News[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][B]Reported by[/B] Noah Taylor (on the scene) [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER][B][SIZE=1]World League Championship Wrestling Presents[/SIZE][/B] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=6]S[COLOR=Blue]ur[/COLOR]vi[COLOR=Blue]vor S[/COLOR]ea[COLOR=Blue]so[/COLOR]n [/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday, November 26th 2009 [LEFT][COLOR=Blue][B]The ring is set![/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Blue]... And so is the WLC for their return event![/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/16FootRing.jpg[/IMG] It cost Wayne Eman, the father of [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman, a ton of cash and nearly cost the WLC everything, but a full size ring will grace the Eman's backyard tomorrow night for Survivor Season at the total annoyance of near by neighbours who no doubt, whether they like or not, are going to get some [I]rasslin[/I] tomorrow night. Below are some of the facts going into to tomorrow night's Survivor Season. [U][B]What's known so far[/B][/U] *The ring is up and Wayne Eman has been testing it out all morning with his son and a few other hangers on. As I speak Wayne Eman just did a pump handle slam to an underage kid which looked pretty sweet on impact. The kid is crying following the move however Wayne Eman remained a total professional and simply kicked the crying kid out of the ring and moved on with testing the ring out. *The event will be filmed via handheld digital cameras, and later uploaded onto YouTube and WLCWrestling.com tomorrow night. The event will be for free, and not the usual $2 rip off charge that the Eman's used to hand out for their events. *The event will be filmed in the evening and will be up late night for those who care and are super excited. *Wayne Eman is expected to address the fans tomorrow, as if anyone cares, in an attempt to say sorry for the WLC's near destruction caused by himself earlier in the year. He is also expected to commend his son, WLC founder and champion, Drex Eman, for his vision and total grit and determination to get the WLC name out there to the peeps - [I]all 30 of them[/I]. *It's unknown if many people will be in attendance tomorrow night or if the WLC have any surprises in store for their return show. It should be noted that a lot of these questions will probably be answered tomorrow night. [COLOR=Blue][B]Spend a Thanksgiving with a drunk[/B] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeopoldJeffery.jpg[/IMG] Danville's resident drunk Leopold Jeffrey blogs his thanksgiving ass off tomorrow, for you! A quick note for those who care, much like last years 'Spend a thanksgiving with Korean Joe', Leopold Jeffrey is expected to blog his daily activities right here, for all you guys, while he drinks, drinks some more and tells us his thoughts on being back in the WLC, learning to speak spanish, and flying the flag for all drunk Dad's out there who won't be spending Thanksgiving with their kids this year. Don't feel sorry for Leopold though, he did have an invite to spend Thanksgiving with his kids, however, he decided to spend it drinking and getting ready for a backyard [I]rasslin[/I] event, again all of this is for you..... [I]This stuff brings a tear to ya eye.[/I] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=6]S[COLOR=Blue]ur[/COLOR]vi[COLOR=Blue]vor S[/COLOR]ea[COLOR=Blue]so[/COLOR]n [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][B]Date:[/B] Thursday, November 26th 2009 (Thanksgiving) [B]Venue:[/B] Danvile, VA [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT] [B]Show Start[/B] Windows Movie Maker is getting a dust off as the WLC open their pre-taped event with poor, lame graphics. Survivor Season has never looked so special! We kick off with our first match of the night, one of those [B]8-Ma...Person[/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][B] (....and now) Traditional Elimination Tag Matches[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]. Around 22 people are in attendance in Drex Eman's backyard, and they look ready for some WLC action. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Mark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shaun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Shelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BBThug.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/StevenGeek.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/EugeneGeek.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MelGeek.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MichaelClaytonBlackheartMCB.jpg[/IMG] [B]8-Ma...Person[/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][B] (....and now) Traditional Elimination Tag Match [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][B]Team Redemption[/B] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] High School Redemption, Shelly and BB Thug vs. [B]Team Geek[/B] The Geeky Boyz, Mel Geek and Michael Clayton Blackheart We kick off with Shelly and Mel opening up the match. A brief chant of "[I]Get Your 'T*ts Out![/I]" starts up as both girls get into, what was, an intense stare down. Shelly at that point walks over to one of side of the ring and mockingly goes to pull up her shirt to mess with the guys in attendance however as she does this Mel Geek quickly goes behind Shelly and rolls her up for a surprising quick pinfall. [B]Shelly Eliminated[/B]. Shelly looks shocked with her loss, and in anger slaps Mel Geek around the face and kicks her in the gut before leaving the ring to the back as the crowd laugh at her. BB Thug then gets in the ring and boots Mel Geek in the back and pins her straight away leaving the crowd in shock. [B]Mel Geek Eliminated[/B]. In anger the Geeky Boyz and Michael Clayton Blackheart storm the ring and go for BB Thug. High School Redemption then get in the ring to help out BB Thug as a three-on-three brawl in the ring breaks out. Mel Geek rolls to the outside and looks in a lot of discomfort, however the crowd try to lift her Spirits by chanting once again, "[I]Get Your T*ts Out![/I]". Order is soon restored in the ring, however, the Geeky Boyz are not happy with the cheap, big boot to the back of the head from BB Thug on their sister Mel Geek. Michael Clayton Blackheart is now in the ring trading moves with Shaun of High School Redemption as BB Thug looks smug on the ring apron. We carry on for a bit with a typical backyard wrestling match [I]i.e loads of bad dropkicks[/I]. Shaun then tags in Mark who then goes for Blackheart. Both men put on a great fight until Blackheart nails Shaun with a shocking, devastating punch to the heart for the pinfall. [B]Shaun Eliminated[/B]. BB Thug then gets in the ring and starts beating down on Blackheart as Shaun of High School Redemption can be seen walking to the back looking in a lot of discomfort. On the ring apron a worked up, red-faced Eugene Geek demands to Michael Clayton Blackheart to tag him into the match. Blackheart does so, and in comes Eugene. Eugene starts laying rights and lefts on BB Thug however they have no effect. BB Thug is built like a total '[I]brick sh*t house![/I]", along with the big sarcastic grin on his face, this man looks incredibly intimidating. BB Thug at this point grows tired of Eugene's near [I]asthmatic[/I] rage and decides to take Eugene out with a powerful clothesline for the pinfall. [B]Eugene Geek Eliminated[/B]. Steven Geek then gets in the ring to get some vengeance for his brother. Steven goes for BB Thug but his attacks have no effect. BB Thug then takes Steven Geek out with another clothlines and pins him. [B]Steven Geek Eliminated[/B]. Michael Clayton Blackheart gets in the ring slowly knowing full well that he is outnumbered two-on-one. Mark of High School Redemption stands on the ring apron with a grin on his face as BB Thug looks on to Blackheart with a serious intense look about him. Blackheart walks up to BB Thug and suddenly boots him in the knee sending BB Thug down to one knee. Blackheart then springboards off of the ropes and dropkicks BB Thug into the face. Mark of High School Redemption then gets in the ring and Blackheart punches him in the chest. Blackheart then turns around and is met with a huge bodyslam from BB Thug. Thug then covers a laid out Blackheart for the win. [B]"The MCB" Michael Clayton Blackheart Eliminated[/B]. Following the match Michael Clayton Blackheart lays in the ring in pain as BB Thug carries Mark of High School Redemption over his shoulder to the back.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][B] Winners Team Redemption[/B][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red] WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Champions[/B] High School Redemption, Shelly and BB Thug[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LaureneWLC.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MiguelTag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Chico1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Maria-11.jpg[/IMG] [B]Backstage [/B]new WLC backstage interviewer Laurene is with Miguel, Chico and Maria. Laurene hypes to those watching that tonight Miguel and Chico take on Chris [B]"Brickhead"[/B] and Antone De Laff of the Abbey Wood Social in a number one contenders match for the WLC Tag Team Championships. Strangely though, Miguel, Chico and Maria have some cleaning equipment in hand, including mops and cleaning gloves. Laurene makes note of this and asks Miguel what the cleaning equipment is all about. Miguel says that with the WLC being away over the summer he, his brother and his sister set up their own cleaning business as a way to make money. Miguel says that his family have been making Mexico proud with great cleaning throughout Danville, and now that the WLC is back Miguel says that his family are going to make Mexico proud once again by becoming the number one contenders for the WLC Tag Team Championships. Chico then turns to the camera and in a cheesy way says that both he and his brother are going to clean up tonight. Chico then does a cheesy grin, and thumbs up towards the camera, as the segment comes to an end. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/KTLoud.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Scarecrow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Match[/B] KT Loud vs. The Scarecrow KT Loud stands in the ring awaiting his TBA opponent. The Scarecrow is then announced, and makes his way to the ring. KT Loud stands in the ring with a somewhat confused and, "[I]i'm secretly sh*tting myself[/I]" look about him as the Scarewcrow walks towards the ring looking like a cross between [B]Tom Petty[/B] [I]of the heartbreakers[/I], and [B]the Scarecrow[/B] from the[I] Batman comics[/I]. Scarecrow gets in the ring and is met with worried, frantic rights and lefts from KT Loud however the Scarecrow, all of a sudden, shouts out "[I]Get the f*ck off of me, c*nt![/I]". KT Loud stops in sudden disbelief as to what he has just heard, while the crowd laugh in shock. Scarecrow looks high, but nonetheless he seems on the ball enough as he is able to then capitalise on KT Loud's sudden stop by spitting at him in the face, kneeing him to the gut and then applying what can only be said to be some kind of tazzmission hold. KT Loud taps out but the Scarecrow refuses to break the hold. "[I]He's going to kill him![/I]" shouts out a sarcastic fan in relation to the Scarecrow's hold on KT Loud After a few more seconds the Scarecrow breaks the hold and stands over KT Loud before then flipping off the fans. The Scarecrow then leaves the ring as a shot is shown of KT Loud looking in pain in the ring. [B]Winners[/B] The Scarecrow[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][B] Promo [/B]A poorly made promo airs hyping the return of Friday Night Brawl to WLCWrestling.com and YouTube on Friday, December 4th. [B] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ArmenAgopian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ShavinGarashankur.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BarryMarshall.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JamesRacket.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JakeHoun.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosieBell1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/EricLind.jpg[/IMG] 8-Man[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black] (....and now) Traditional Elimination Tag Match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B]Team Cartwright[/B] [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] National Champion[/B] Lee Cartwright, Armen Agopain, Shavin Garashankur and Barry Marshall vs. [B]Team Racket[/B] James Racket, Jake Houn, [B]"Danville's Known Arsonist"[/B] Josie Bell and [B]"Danville Posh"[/B] Eric Lind [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black] The match kicks off with an earlier elimination as Lee Cartwright takes out Eric Lind with a Cartwright Stunner. Lind was to busy posing in the ring with some cash he brought with himself to the ring, which proved to much as a distraction. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][B]"Danville Posh"[/B] [B]Eric Lind Eliminated[/B]. For the next five minutes the match continues with four-on-three. James Racket is liked by the crowd and seems to have them behind him in this one. They seem to like his style which mainly focuses in on risk. Racket attempts a lot of highflying moves throughout the match. It should be noted that Lee Cartwright at no point gets in the ring with James Racket by this stage, it's as if Cartwright wants to avoid Racket. Racket ends up taking Shavin Garashankur out with a twist of fate for the pinfal at this point. [B]Shavin Garashankur Eliminated[/B]. James Racket then tags in Jake Houn, at this point Lee Cartwright decides to come back into the match and begins to trade some moves with Houn. Both Houn and Cartwright look great in the match, a few moves actually flow together at this point which prompts the crowd to start up a passionate [I]"This is OK!"[/I] chant. Josie Bell then gets tagged into the match. Cartwright sarcastically laughs at Josie and tags in Armen Agopain. Armen charges at Josie however as Armen charges towards Josie, Josie pulls out a lighter from his pocket which frightens Armen and gets a pop from the crowd. "[I]Set his ass on fire Josie![/I]" shouts some crazy fan on the outside as Josie has a sick and twisted grin on his face and the flame from the lighter becomes the center piece of the ring for a few moments. A frightened Armen Agopain then steps back however as he does Josie clotheslines Armen and then hits a leg drop on Armen for the pinfall. [B]Armen Agopain Eliminated[/B]. Barry Marshall then gets in the ring and starts putting the boots to Josie Bell. The crowd start to chant for Josie though which sparks a fight back from Josie who then hits Barry with a knee to the gut followed up with a bodyslam and a leg drop. James Racket then goes up top on the top rope and hits the first top-rope move of the night with a swanton bomb on Barry Marshall. Racket then rolls out of the ring as Josie Bell then pins Barry Marshall for the pinfall. [B]Barry Marshall Eliminated[/B]. Lee Cartwright then gets in the ring and is met with the realization that it's now three-on-one. Josie tags in James Racket and then stands on the ring apron, as Racket and Cartwright lock up for the first time in the match. Cartwright takes Racket down with a head lock down to the mat, which then turns into some kind of sleep hold. Racket looks to be out but comes back with an elbow to the gut on Cartwright. Cartwright then gets out of the ring and says to the fans that he's done with this crap. Cartwright then attempts to leave ringside however Racket goes to the outside and throws Cartwright back into the ring. Racket then goes up top once again on the top turnbuckle and hits a missile drop kick from the top rope on Cartwright. Racket then tags in Jake Houn. Houn then picks up Cartwright and goes to hit him with a move however, out of nowehere, Cartwright stuns Houn. Cartwright then rolls out of the ring, grabs his WLC National Championship, and leaves ringside as the crowd boo. The referee, Mike Tony, then counts Cartwright out, awarding the match to James Racket, Jake Houn and Josie Bell. Following the match James Racket and Jake Houn drink some beer with Josie Bell arms raised [B]Winners Team Racket[/B] James Racket, Jake Houn, [B]"Danville's Known Arsonist"[/B] Josie Bell and [B]"Danville Posh"[/B] Eric Lind [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WayneEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Backstage[/B] David Vice is shown outside the front of Drex Eman's house. David looks to be in deep thought, ready for tonight's main event later tonight. Vice is on the Eman's front lawn looking out into the distance before then getting up and doing some stretching. David then walks into the street and starts deep breathing in and out. Suddenly a really crappy looking car comes out of nowhere speeding along and runs down David Vice. It looks pretty real as David hits the ground with a thud. The car speeds off in a scene which resembles that of WWF/e Survivor Series 99', the driver of the car can't be seen or made out. David Vice looks in a lot of pain, but worryingly seems completely out cold. At this point Wayne Eman then comes running out of his house looking in total shock, with cell phone in hand dailing 911. Wayne shouts at the guy holding the camera, wanting to find out what he saw, however, the guy holding the camera saw nothing. Wayne then checks on David as he calls for an ambulance as we then fade out to black. The camera then fades back on as Wayne Eman is still tending to David Vice while still talking on the phone to the ambulance crew who are on their way. By now a few of the fans who were at ringside have heard about what has happened at the front of the house and have come by to see what is going on. WLC Champion Drex Eman along with fellow Danvillians Kevin Jones, Logan McCormack, Brandon "Hotdog" James III and WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright come by. Wayne Eman hangs up on the ambulance crew and starts shouting at his son, demanding to know why he would do such a thing to his own cousin. Drex shouts back at his Dad, saying it wasn't him and that he and the rest of the Danvillians were in the back talking '[I]game plan[/I]' for the main event. Wayne Eman shouts at his son some more before then going back to check on David Vice who is still laid out and is not responding to anything. The camera then pans in on Drex Eman and his fellow Danvillians who all look pretty concerned as the camera fades out again. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LaureneWLC.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/WayneEman1.jpg[/IMG] Backstage Laurene is with an upset looking Wayne Eman who makes reference to the fact that tonight's show isn't live, and that's it's pre-taped. Wayne states that moments ago an ambulance came by, while the show was temporally stopped. Wayne said that the ambulance picked up David who was run down by a car. Wayne says that his son has a lot to answer for but everyone hear tonight came to see a six-pack challenge and that's what they are going to get. Wayne says that tonight he is making sure someone gets added to the match and that next Friday, when Friday Night Brawl returns, Drex Eman will answer for what has gone down tonight. Wayne Eman then walks off as the shot fades out. [B]Promo [/B]A poorly made promo airs hyping the return of Friday Night Brawl to WLCWrestling.com and YouTube on Friday, December 4th. [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/MiguelTag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Chico1.jpg[/IMG]w/.[IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Maria-11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/Brickhead-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/AntoneDeLaffe1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Number 1 Contenders Match for the [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championships[/B] [B]"MCA: Mexican Cleaning Agency"[/B] Miguel and Chico w/. Maria vs. Chris [B]"Brickhead"[/B] and Antone De Laff Miguel and Chico make their way to the ring along with Maria, all three of them are carrying with them to ringside some mops and buckets, clearly carring on their '[I]cleaning agency[/I]' gimmick from earlier tonight. Out next to ringside is Brickhead along with his cousin, and fellow Abbey Wood Social member, Antone De Laff. As they make their way to the ring Antone clearly looks worried, while Brickead looks intense and clearly up for this match. Brickhead seems to be trying to reassure his cousin Antone as they make their way to the ring. The match kicks off with Chico and Brickhead looking each other up and down. Chico attempts to start up some chain wrestling, however it doesn't work due to the fact that Chico is fat, and has never chained wrestled in his life. Brickhead in a fit of anger takes off his England shirt and starts whipping Chico with it before then putting the boots to him like a right Enlish [I]'chav'[/I] on a Saturday night out in Woolwich, South London. Brickhead then turns to his cousin, Antone, and asks him if he wants to be tagged in, however Antone won't have any of it and steps away from the ring in fear. Clearly Antone is a "P*ssy!". Brickhead carries on the match for the next five or so minutes taking on both Chico and Miguel at different points during the match. A tired Brickhead though seems to of had enough of his idiot cousin, so Brickhead decides to tag Antone in. A worried Antone then gets in the ring and lets out loud 'Norman Smiley' type scream as he puts the boots to Miguel. Miguel mounts a fight back though and goes all '[I]Hulk Hogan[/I]' on Antone with a '[I]Hulkster[/I]' like '[I]Hulk-up[/I]'. Antone completely sh*ts himself and tags in his cousin Brickhead back into the match. Brickhead gets in the ring and in a fit of rage attempts his finisher, the spear, on Miguel however, Miguel moves out of the way and Brickhead ends up spearing the turnbuckle. Miguel then covers Brickhead and gets the big win for his team. Miguel and Chico then celebrate in the ring following their win along with Maria as Antone checks on Brickhead on the outside. Brickhead clearly is unhappy with Antone following their loss and leaves ringside. On leaving ringside Brickhead turns around to his cousin Antone and says "F*ck off!" quite loudly. Brickhead then storms off as Antone bows his head and walks off as well. [B]Winners "MCA: Mexican Cleaning Agency"[/B] Miguel and Chico w/. Maria[B] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/ThePhantomoftheWLC.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JamesRacket.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/kevinJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/JosephOlawoso.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeopoldJeffery.jpg[/IMG] Six-Pac Elimination Match for the [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Championship[/B] Drex Eman (c) vs. The Phantom vs. James Racket vs. [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones vs. Joseph Olawaso vs. Leopold Jeffrey Drex Eman makes his way to the ring, followed out next by the [B]"WLC Staple"[/B] Kevin Jones. Jones gets in the ring and shakes Eman's hand as Joseph Olawaso makes his way out to ringside next, followed out by Leopold Jeffrey - who brings with him to ringside some beer. The Phantom is out next, who is then followed out next by the surprise edition of James Racket who is replacing David Vice, after Vice of course was run down earlier tonight. The match starts off with Drex Eman locking up with Joseph Olawaso, as Kevin Jones takes on James Racket. With all this going on Leopold Jeffrey stands in the ring drinking his beer while staring at an emotionless Phantom. Eman and Olawaso take their fight to the outside as does Jones and Racket. The crowd then start to laugh at Leopold and Phantom who are standing in the ring, Phantom emotionless, while Leopold drinks his beer. A curious Leopold then walks over to the Phantom and asks him if he wants a drink however the Phantom grabs Leopold by the throat and chokeslam him right in the middle of the ring. The Phantom goes for the pinfall however Drex Eman dives back into the ring and breaks up the fall. Drex then starts putting the boots to the Phantom however the Phantom brushes Eman away and clothesline him out of the ring. On the outside Joseph Olawaso beats down on Drex Eman while back in the ring the Phantom is met with Leopold Jeffrey who throws beer into his face. The beer seems to effect the Phantom who holds his face and seems to be in a lot of discomfort. Leopold then kicks the Phantom to the gut and takes him out with a DDT. Leopold gets a huge pop from the crowd who are really behind him by this point. Leopold then covers the Phantom but only gets a two-count as the Phantom kicks out. Kevin Jones then gets back into the ring and starts putting the boots to both Leopold and the Phantom. James Racket gets back into the ring as well and gets up on the top turnbuckle. Racket then hits a missle drop kick on Kevin Jones. On the outside Drex Eman is still fighting with Joseph Olawaso however the action has now spilled into the crowd. Olawaso rips Eman's shirt off, revealing Eman's '[I]b"tch t"ts[/I]' to the crowd who start laughing their heads off. Back in the ring Kevin Jones starts putting the boots to the Phantom however the Phantom gets up and grabs Kevin Jones by the throat and chokeslams him right in the center of the ring. Leopold Jeffrey then goes to the outside and grabs himself another beer. Leopold brings the beer into the ring, takes a swig off it, and then spills the rest of it all over Jones' face. James Racket then goes back up on top of the top rope. Racket then nails a [I]swanton bomb[/I] on Kevin Jones and covers him for the one, two, three. The crowd are stunned as the well-placed, WLC superstar, is elimanted first in the match. [B]Kevin Jones Eliminated[/B]. Kevin Jones looks in total shock to being eliminated from the match. The Phantom, Leopold Jeffrey and James Racket stand in the ring looking at him as the crowd start up a sing-a-long of '[I]Na, na, na, hey, hey, hey ... Goodbye[/I]" over and over again as Kevin Jones heads to the back looking angry. Then in a shocking moment the Phantom grabs Leopold Jeffrey by the throat and chokeslams him in the ring befoe then kicking James Racket to the outside. The Phantom then covers Leopold Jeffrey for the pinfall, eliminating him from the match. [B]Leopold Jeffrey Eliminated[/B]. The crowd don't seem to happy with Leopold getting eliminted and immediately start booing the Phantom. James Racket then gets back in the ring and starts fighting with the Phantom as Leopold heads to the back, drinking some of the beer he brought to ringside with him. Leopold doesn't seem to care that he was eliminated and leaves ringside quite happily. WLC Champion Drex Eman and Joseph Olawaso are still fighting on the outside through the crowd as James Racket and the Phantom continue their fight in the middle of the ring. Joseph and Drex's fight soon moves back towards the ring though. Drex staggers back into the ring and is followed by Joseph Olawaso. The Phantom then clotheslines James Racket out of the ring and follows him to the outside as they take their action to the crowd. Back in the ring Drex Eman takes a flat bottom from Joseph Olawaso, which is like the [I]rock bottom[/I], however it's a poor rip-off. Joseph makes a cover on Drex however Drex kicks out. At this point the Phantom gets back into the ring and chokeslams Joseph Olawaso who makes it back to his feet. James Racket then gets back into the ring and hits the Phantom from behind and takes him back to the outside. Drex Eman then gets to his feet and hits the pedigree on Joseph Olawaso before making the cover and getting the three. [B]Joseph Olawaso Eliminated[/B]. The Phantom then chokeslams James Racket on the outside which causes the crowd to start up a "[I]Holy Sh*t![/I]" chant. The Phantom then gets back into the ring and is met with a kick to the gut from Drex. Drex then pedigrees the Phantom in the ring and makes the cover however, the Phantom kicks out at two which shocks Drex. The Phantom then gets up and stares at a worried looking Drex. The Phantom looks extremely angry and grabs Drex by the throat however James Racket gets back into the ring and drops kicks the Phantom into the back. Drex then kicks the Phantom in the gut once again and pedigrees him, this time getting the pinfall. [B]The Phantom Eliminated[/B]. [I]The match now comes down to James Racket and Drex Eman.[/I] Drex and James start hitting each other with rights and lefts. The crowd begin a '[I]Let's Go Drex, Let's go James[/I]" chant. James attempts a twist of fate on Drex, however, Drex manages to get out of it. Drex then kicks James to the gut and goes to pedigree James however, James reverses it into a pinfall attempt but Drex is able to kick out at two. Drex goes to the outside and looks under the ring. James makes it to his feet in the ring as Drex pulls a hockey stick from under the ring. James then springboards from the ring to the outside which get the crowd cheering. James then picks up the hockey stick and throws it into the crowd, before then picking up Drex, and then throwing him back into the ring. Drex and James trade some moves, and some more lefts and rights as the action starts to really turn up. James looks to have the better of Drex and hits Drex with a leg sweep. James then goes up top and attempts the swanton bomb however Drex see's this and stops it from happening, pulling James by his leg off of the top rope back down to the mat. Drex then hits the pedigree on James for the....... [SIZE=3][B]1, 2, KICK OUT![/B][/SIZE] James manages the kick out and slowly staggers to his feet. Drex then goes to kick James to the gut once again however James catches Drex's foot and throws it back down. James then hits the twist of fate on Drex and covers Drex....... [B][SIZE=3]1, 2[/SIZE][/B], [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/LeeCartwright.jpg[/IMG] WLC National Champion Lee Cartwright then comes running down and breaks up the pinfall attempt at two and bit. James Racket looks angry and goes to get out of the ring however Lee jumps up on the ring apron and hits James in the head with the WLC National Championship belt. Drex then manages to get to his feet and hits the pedigree on James Racket for the ........... [B][SIZE=3]1, 2, 3...[/SIZE][/B] Drex regains his WLC Championship, and the crowd boo, some applaud the win though. Lee Cartwright then gets in the ring with Drex and the pair celebrate as WLC Survivor Season goes off the air, fading to black, as James Racket lays in the middle of the ring while Drex Eman and Lee Cartwright stand over him celebrating as the crowd boo. [B]Winner and STILL [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion[/B] Drex Eman .... an hour after uploading the event on YouTube Drex Eman is said to be happy with it's 17 views so far, 6 of which where refreshers!
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[LEFT][SIZE=6][FONT=Tahoma]Noah[COLOR=blue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]s [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=blue][FONT=Impact][SIZE=5]News[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana][B]Reported by[/B] Noah Taylor [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER][IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/BigDVDavidVice.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Blue][B]WLC 'rasslin' Left In Total Shock! ..... David Vice Run Down At Survivor Season![/B][/COLOR] David Vice was supposed to be in the main event at Survivor Season last Thursday, fighting for the WLC championship, however all changed when he was run down by an unknown driver earlier on in the night in a hit-and-run incident much like the [I]'Stone Cold' Steve Austin hit-and-run incident from WWE Survivor Series 99'[/I]. David Vice was tended to on the scene by ambulance staff before being taken to hospital where he is said to now be in a stable condition. No one from the WLC at this moment in time has stated what actual injuries David Vice may of sustained during the hit-and-run however rumour has it David's back is in a bad way due to the way he hit the curb following the impact of the car. Wayne Eman, the Father of WLC Champion Drex Eman, claimed earlier today that everyone within the WLC is a suspect including his own son. Shockingly enough Wayne Eman has also claimed that his son is most likely to of been behind the wheel and will be treated like everyone else in the process to find out who was behind the wheel. Wayne Eman also stated that no police will be involved and the matter will be dealt with by the WLC [I]....... Go Figure![/I] More news is expected in the coming days as the WLC gear up for the return of Friday Night Brawl this Friday, sadly without David Vice for the time being. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red][SIZE=6]WLC[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Friday Night Brawl [SIZE=2][SIZE=4]Confirmed for Friday[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/Network_guy/DrexEman1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion Drex Eman under the spotlight! ..... Did the [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Champion run over his cousin David Vice? ...... Does anyone even care? ...... Can you even believe this storyline is even going a head? [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]Also[/COLOR][/FONT] Confirmed [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] National Championship [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Lee Cartwright (c) vs. James Racket[/SIZE][/FONT][B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]Plus[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championships [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]High School Redemption (c's) w/. Shelly vs.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][B]"MCA: Mexican Cleaning Agency"[/B] Miguel and Chico w/. Maria[SIZE=5][B][FONT=Verdana][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=red][SIZE=6]WLC[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Friday Night Brawl [/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Uploaded Tomorrow[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][B][FONT=Verdana] [SIZE=2]Confirmed Card[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] National Championship [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Lee Cartwright (c) vs. James Racket[/SIZE][/FONT][B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] Rematch from Survivor Season [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]The Scarecrow vs. KT Loud[/SIZE][/FONT][B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]WLC[/COLOR][/FONT] Tag Team Championships [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]High School Redemption (c's) w/. Shelly vs.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][B]"MCA: Mexican Cleaning Agency"[/B] Miguel and Chico w/. Maria [SIZE=5][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [B]"The Jew with a View"[/B] Danny Buck vs. Co. Calliham of the Abbey Wood Social [B]Plus[/B] Wayne Eman sets out on his quest to find out who ran down David Vice at Survivor Season! [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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