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PWE...it's coming.

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[CENTER]After months of build up, the match between Eric Eisen & Runaway Train was set to take place at October's PPV, Let The Games Begin in the Main-Event. Train, who was aligned with Richard Eisen at the time, was slowly sliding down the ranks in the SWF and had already lost his place as resident monster to former DaVE star, Vengeance. Richard Eisen wasn't quite ready to let Runaway Train die a death yet and came up with a storyline to build him towards one last run as World Champion. The man handpicked to put Train over was none other than Richard Eisen's son, Eric. Eric, one of the company’s top performers, wasn't happy with his father's plans and went public on a number of occasions with his concerns. Eric stated that he didn't understand his fathers plans to put a has been over a would be. This only served to annoy Richard Eisen further and instead of putting Eric over without making him look weak, he changed his plans to have Train dominate Eric, making him look weak. During the much-hyped match, Eric continually no sold Train's moves, and instead of the match being praised it was ridiculed. At one point in the match, Train slammed a chair into the face of Eisen and went for a cover but Eisen kicked out on one, making the chair shot look more than weak. As planned, Train did win the match but not in the manner Richard Eisen had intended and Eric's constant no selling totally killed the momentum the feud had built up which at the same time killed pretty much all of Train's momentum. The events that followed on from Let The Games Begin took place on the very next edition of Supreme TV. Richard Eisen booked a rematch between Eric & Runaway Train and promised that this time the match would deliver. And deliver it did. Maybe not in terms of wrestling, but certainly in terms of controversy. Throughout the match, Train was stiff with Eric, which meant that even if Eric did want to no sell, he wouldn't be able to. The conclusion of the match saw Richard Eisen head to the ring as Train was beating on Eric. At first, it seemed like Richard was coming out to put a stop to Train's heavy hitting. However, this wasn't the case. Richard Eisen entered the ring and Runaway Train restrained Eric. Richard then proceeded to punch his son in the face a number of times, busting his nose. He left the ring and brought a steel chair back with him. He then wedged Eric's leg in the chair and instructed Runaway Train to bring some steel steps into the ring. Train obliged and then slammed the steps down onto the chair, and Eisen's leg. The broadcast was eventually cut short. For a few days, it remained unclear whether this was all a work or whether Richard Eisen had snapped. It was revealed by an unnamed member of the production team that this was far from a work and that Richard had planned for it to happen after Eric had the audacity to ruin the Main-Event of Let The Games Begin. Eric Eisen spoke publicly on the matter and also confirmed that this was not a work. In the same interview, he also confirmed his departure from the SWF and promised that he would extract revenge on 'Richard' saying that he can't bring himself to call him 'Dad' ever again. While what happened did increase ratings for SWF, Richard Eisen's actions didn't go un-punished. A number of SWF stars, disgusted at Eisen's antics, quit the company. These stars included the High Concept duo, Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson, Robbie Retro, Jack Giedroyc and perhaps their biggest loss, Tom 'Angry' Gilmore. Richard Eisen's eldest son and SWF announcer, Jerry Eisen, also confirmed his departure from the company. In November 2007, Eric Eisen was interview and asked questions about rumors of him starting his own wrestling promotion. Eric said that the rumors that had been circulating were infact true and that he had already spoken to a number of 'stars' about joining him and that they seemed more than keen. Later in the month, Eisen revealed that Pure Wrestling Entertainment (PWE) would aim to topple 'the big two' of SWF & TCW and become the No.1 wrestling promotion in America and across the world. Helping him achieve this dream would be DaVE mastermind, Phil Vibert, DaVE legend, Nemesis, and Eric's elder brother, Jerry Eisen. The rest of November and all of December was spent enduring a huge recruitment drive, with the aim of having the first show ready to go by January 2008. PWE…it’s coming. [IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/PWE.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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The following banner is from [url]http://www.pwe.com[/url]... [CENTER][B]January[/B] [CENTER][B]PWE will present...[/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/PrideGloryPain.jpg[/IMG] More PPV's to be announced throughout the month of December... PWE...it's coming[/CENTER]
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Sorry, guys, really wasn't aiming to use cheap tactics. Was going to tease by announcing four of the years PPV's then start the backstory from there and add bits as I go along. I was hardly bumping. I mean, look at the times I posted the PPV logos, all within the hour. If I was doing like one every day or one every twelve-hours then fair enough but the plan was to have all my PPV logo posted with segments of backstory every four logos then get the diary started. Sorry :(
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From [url]http://www.pwe.com[/url] (December 2007) [CENTER]The month of December has been a busy month for Eric Eisen, Phil Vibert & Nemesis. Since the announcement of their new wrestling promotion, PWE, the three men have been hard at work trying to get things ready for January 2008. Today, we spoke to Eric Eisen who told us he was in talks with a TV network over a TV deal for their weekly show... [IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/OverloadTV.gif[/IMG] Eisen told us that talks have been going well and that they're close to an agreement. Eisen said expect the two-hour show to be airing every Monday. It's also expected that some kind of deal for PWE's monthly PPV's will be confirmed in the coming weeks. Keep checking back here for more upto the minute information.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]From [B][B][url]http://www.pwe.com[/url][/B][/B] All this month we've been posting teasers for PWE's PPV's. Today, we spoke exclusively to Eric Eisen about the PPV he has planned for the month of April... [IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j17/TomTheTurtle/CagedCraziness.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eisen[/B] 'Caged Craziness' is something Phil Vibert came up with. Basically, every match on the PPV card will be held in some kind of metal structure. It could be a cage, a cell, an elimination chamber. The cage, cell or elimination chamber could be made using barbed wire, could be full of weapons or could help contain a TLC match. Either way, we expect this to be one hell of a PPV full of action.[/CENTER]
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