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Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams [C-Verse '97]

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[QUOTE=foolinc;562514]:eek: :D[/QUOTE] Punchline suggested by a fellow reader. But afterward, I could hardly resist. (I'm not sure what was going on that I dreamed up the shibari joke originally, mind). As a side note, my favourite 'wrong definition' is Travis Century's. And this will probably not be the only time I spoof the Ultimate Warrior E DVD.
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[CENTER][B]COMING SOON [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW: OLD SCHOOL ROCK SHOWCASE MATCHES INCLUDE PPPW TRI-STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOMMY CORNELL vs. PISTOL PETE HALL [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] JD MORGAN & HORATIO DANGEROUS vs. THE HYPE & TOM GILMORE [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] BRENT HILL vs. MAN MOUNTAIN CAHILL [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG] PENNSYLVANIA PARK, PHILADELPHIA LAST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH CATCH US AT THE SKID ROW CLUB, RHODE ISLAND, NEW ENGLAND SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH [/B][/CENTER] Prediction Key: 'Boy Wonder' Sammy Bach & Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah vs. Clark Alexander & Dead Bolt The Natural vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Horatio Dangerous Travis Century w/ Professor Nero vs. ???? Brent Hill vs. Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately JD Morgan & Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc & Wanda Fish vs. The Hype & Tom Gilmore w/ Kit Hatoyama PPPW Tri-State Championship LAST MAN STANDING Tommy Cornell (c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. Pistol Pete Hall
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Prediction Key: [B]'Boy Wonder' Sammy Bach & Mean Jean Cattley[/B] w/ Scarah vs. Clark Alexander & Dead Bolt [I]Sammy's hot off his re-entry and Mean Jean has been getting work. Dead Bolt and CA, however, have not.[/I] The Natural vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] w/ Horatio Dangerous [I]Jack gets a win and some work.[/I] [B]Travis Century[/B] w/ Professor Nero vs. ???? [I]The Dark Preacher keeps the Disciples strong.[/I] [B]Brent Hill[/B] vs. Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately [I]Brent wins over the useless monster.[/I] JD Morgan & Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc & Wanda Fish vs. [B]The Hype & Tom Gilmore[/B] w/ Kit Hatoyama [I]Faces are kept strong to set up feuds.[/I] PPPW Tri-State Championship LAST MAN STANDING [B]Tommy Cornell (c)[/B] w/ Wanda Fish vs. Pistol Pete Hall [I]Pete may be going to Japan full-time soon, so he's not taking the belt.[/I]
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[B]'Boy Wonder' Sammy Bach & Mean Jean Cattley[/B] w/ Scarah vs. Clark Alexander & Dead Bolt The Natural vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] w/ Horatio Dangerous [B]Travis Century[/B] w/ Professor Nero vs. ???? [B]Brent Hill [/B]vs. Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately [B]JD Morgan & Horatio Dangerousw/ Jack Giedroyc & Wanda Fish[/B] vs. The Hype & Tom Gilmore w/ Kit Hatoyama PPPW Tri-State Championship LAST MAN STANDING [B]Tommy Cornell (c)[/B] w/ Wanda Fish vs. Pistol Pete Hall
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[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW Old School Rock Pennsylvania Park 1694 in attendance Show Date: Monday Week 4 November 1997 [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RichMoney_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] As the show begins, Rich Money is in the ring, microphone in hand, smiling at the crowd. “I want you guys to know something,” he says. “You've all seen Herb Stately messing around with Sammy Bach. You've all seen him try to control what could be a hell of a career. “Now I think you guys would agree with me that the kind of fighting spirit the Boy Wonder has deserves to get its chance in a great company like Philly Pro.” He pauses, allowing the crowd to respond favourably. “Well, the people need a voice, and you know what? Money talks. Backed for a Philly Pro contract by yours truly, Sammy's finally got a chance to show us how he rolls in an actual match. I'm gonna get out of your way now – everyone enjoy the show.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SammyBach_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Scarah.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ClarkAlexander_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/DeadBolt.jpg[/IMG] 'Boy Wonder' Sammy Bach & Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah vs. Clark Alexander & Dead Bolt[/CENTER] It's a short contest and the two young faces have real difficulty meshing their different styles, but they do their best. On the heel side, Alexander supplies the skill, Bolt supplies the power; opposite, the youngsters use speed and flash to keep out of Bolt's way and match the Ice Man in what is possibly the only Philly Pro match where Dead Bolt can legitimately serve as a monster – but one who has a weak ending; after a little while all four men find themselves brawling in the ring. The one moment where Bach and Cattley connect comes right at the end; Bach blocks a chokeslam, shoves Bolt back a step and lands the Bach Off; as Clark comes in to intercept, Cattley cuts him off, going for the Mood Swing uranage – and Bach drops to one knee, converting it into a nasty-looking double team backbreaker. As Bach swivels back to make the cover on Dead Bolt, it's clear that the minds behind Philly Pro were considering these two youngsters as a tag team; what we see here most likely put paid to that. [U]'Boy Wonder' Sammy Bach & Mean Jean Cattley defeated Clark Alexander & Dead Bolt[/U] Rating: [B]E[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [i]The Man In Black[/i] sounds and Pistol Pete Hall emerges to the loud approval of the Philly fans. “Evening,” he says. “I'm here to do business. Seems I'm always here to do business right now. I never have a free minute to just be a fan, like I came here as at the start of the year. But I can't complain – tonight I've got a title shot. “Now I know that Professor Nero and his stooges are gonna want to interfere with that just like the Krusher did when I was still having those arguments. But last week I got talkin' to a feller in my bar, and this is a feller who knows his stuff in the ring. More'n that, he's a man who knows what Travis Century has been talking about, an' he knows it well enough that he's got a couple bones to pick with him. So Travis – prepare yourself, 'cause by the time I get my match you're not going to be in any state to interfere. The man I'm talking about is a true Survivor. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheRev.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “I give you... The Rev!” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheNatural_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] The Natural vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Horatio Dangerous[/CENTER] Damian Carvill has been busy since his last turn in Philly Pro and the moves he's using here are new to the crowd. In the long run, that's probably a good thing; here, however, we see two wrestlers who aren't well known using moves the crowd isn't used to. Watching with hindsight the match is probably better than the Philly crowd would let it be, and Horatio's antics at ringside are entertaining – but it's nothing special; two youngsters figuring out their characters. Dangerous tries to interfere at one point, leading to the Natural finally actually using the hockey stick in a match – though only to stand the veteran off, not as a weapon. Giedroyc jumps to defend his mentor, and for a moment it looks like the Crashing Off will lead to a victory – but the Natural manages to get a foot on the ropes, and as Giedroyc backs off he launches out with the Nature Calls, scoring a quick win. [U]The Natural defeated Jack Giedroyc[/U] Rating: [B]E+[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TroyTornado_wog.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Professor emerges, flanked by the silent Tornado. Without coming down to the ring, they look down on the crowd from the entrance ramp. “God's judgement has come,” Nero begins, then looks across to Tornado, whose impassive face slowly shifts through a smile into a full-on smirk. One hand curls into a fist, smacking into the other open pal. “We will judge you all soon enough,” Nero smiles. “And then my colleague will carry out that judgement upon you all. “The dark preacher has given you wisdom, and you have not yet seen the light. You have yet to heed his words. “Do so soon. This man is a true force, and I can promise you that once he begins, you will all feel his wrath.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TravisCentury.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheRev.jpg[/IMG] Travis Century w/ Professor Nero vs. The Rev[/CENTER] Whistler takes up position at the announce table as these two prepare to face off. The Rev is a remarkable talent for one who came to wrestling so late in life; and Century's schtick plays against his real-life background well. A survivor of AMW, the Rev shows the same promising start as Tom Gilmore, defeating his rival speedily – despite much loud commentary against 'false idols' from Century – with the Benediction, a beautifully-executed slingshot butterfly suplex. [U]The Rev defeated Travis Century[/U] Rating: [B]D[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next to appear is the champion, trademark smirk and strut firmly in place around the Tri-State championship belt. “Third time unlucky tonight, Pete,” he begins. “You know that too, right? “But there's been some issues when we've fought before. You actually won, the first time. That was a DQ, but they call it a win. And you used that to talk your way into match number two. How the hell you got this one, I don't know; apparently the idiots in charge think being the best in Japan actually counts for something. But one thing I do know – there ain't gonna be a match number four. “Anyone comes in this time, I'm sure Pete's gonna get pissy with 'em. And they might even care about that. But I promise you this – you screw this up and put me through working with the big lug again, I come after you too, capisce? And you do not want that. “So that's that. I don't want any other kind of copout, either, so Petey boy – let's go Last Man Standing. Let's make sure you have no excuses, get me? “See you at the end of the show, when you get yours.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG] Brent Hill vs. Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately[/CENTER] This is unquestionably the best match Man Mountain Cahill has worked to this point in his career; some TCW fans watching the show repeated online may well feel it's up there with anything he's done since. Hill works hard enough for four or five men, and both men make heavy use of the image of the Man Mountain as an unstoppable, indestructible monster that months of Cahill's Corner sequences have. The Pride of Philadelphia works from underneath throughout the match despite his undisputed skill and the level of dominance he's shown throughout his latest Philly Pro run; it seems, however, that he can't get Cahill down. A big boot by the Man Mountain is ducked by Hill, dropping Fair; Herb Stately senses a chance to help his client, ducking into the ring with the ring bell in hand. The swing also sees Hill evade smoothly and also hits someone else; Cahill teeters, a concussed look settling into his eyes, and Hill snap suplexes Stately into the big man, finally taking him off his feet. With Stately ejected, Hill revives the ref, ascends to the top, and unleashes the King of the Hill, getting three – with Cahill throwing the former two-time champion off the cover an instant too late. [U]Brent Hill defeated Man Mountain Cahill[/U] Rating: [B]C (!)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stately scrambles into the ring and begins talking to a furious Cahill. Without a microphone in range, we can't hear him, but it's clear what he's working on; trying to make amends. The Man Mountain is furious, and Stately doesn't seem able to calm him... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/EmmaChase.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] No one sees exactly where she comes from. Maybe she hopped the guardrail, maybe she was backstage. Everyone was busy waiting for Stately to get what they must have felt he had coming to him. Dressed in a very, very skimpy T-shirt – an old DaVE shirt with the arms cropped off, a deep cleavage-revealing cut instituted, and the logo strategically assaulted with scissors – East Coast mainstay and DaVE stalwart 'Easy' Emma Chase is in the ring. Her hand on Cahill's shoulder sets the big man whipping round, and she smiles; his stance freezes, then relaxes out of combat readiness. After a moment, Stately interposes himself between his client and Easy Emma; the two of them leave the ring and Chase watches them go, smiling faintly. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG] Horatio Dangerous & JD Morgan w/ Jack Giedroyc & Wanda Fish vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] Tom Gilmore & The Hype w/ Kit Hatoyama[/CENTER] The real stars of this one are Wanda and Gilmore, with Wanda's hijinks being a highlight of a surprisingly lacklustre match. It's difficult to see what really hinders this one – no obvious clashes of style, and everyone in the ring is both talented and committed. Regardless, after twenty minutes' hard work bell to bell the match just hasn't been all one could hope for. Gilmore and the Hype are beset quite heavily by the numbers game; Hatoyama neutralises Fish effectively, with the two female valets carrying out what's effectively a mini-match during the slow periods of the tag competition, but Giedroyc is active, and that extra little aid keeps the British Invasion with their best foot forward. The Hype eventually knocks him off the apron and nails a suicide dive into a tornado DDT on the outside, but that leaves Gilmore against two men. With Jay Fair checking the welfare of Giedroyc and the Hype, it gets worse... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...McClean is in the ring! A headbutt by Morgan staggers Gilmore and McClean capitalises, wiping him out with a vicious clothesline. As Fair restores order, Morgan slaps the Cross Atlantic Stretch on – and Gilmore is already out cold. His arm falls once, twice... three times! [U]Horatio Dangerous & JD Morgan defeated The Hype & Tom Gilmore[/U] Rating: [B]D+[/B] [CENTER]PPPW Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] Tommy Cornell © w/ Wanda Fish vs. Pistol Pete Hall LAST MAN STANDING[/CENTER] Cornell's most famous match to date is an intense brawl. Pete Hall is one of the most celebrated tough guys in Japanese wrestling. The two men start as hard and fast as that would lead you to expect, and it doesn't slow down even for a moment – though after a while, Cornell changes gear. Hall's right hand has been delivering some astonishing punishment and is an integral part of the Pistol Whip Lariat, and Cornell begins working on the right shoulder, systematically weakening the arm to avoid that offence. As that strategy takes hold the champion begins to move back into control of the match, and after a while, in satisfaction, he ducks out of the ring and collects a chair, swinging for the fences. Hall drops hard, blood issuing from his forehead, and as Fair begins the count it looks bad for him. At six he stirs, attempting to pull himself back to his feet with the ropes – only for his right arm to fail, and it's all he can do to be back upright before ten. Sensing victory, Cornell swings again, and Hall raises his right arm in instinctive defence. Going down again, he's less dazed but in clear agony. This time, however, he uses only his left arm to pick himself up. Cornell comes in with the chair again; holding onto the ropes for stability, Hall gets his boot up and kicks the chair back into the champion's face. Cornell drops, struggling back to his feet by seven. He turns around and the waiting Hall, somewhat recovers, scoops him up under his left arm and steps out into a sidewalk slam. Cornell is quickly back to his feet but the veteran has control now, whipping Cornell left-handed into the turnbuckle and splashing into him. The impact is clearly massive; Cornell begins to slump, but Hall cuts him off, hoists him to the top rope with one arm and climbs up after him. The superplex leaves both men down and in pain; with no other option, Jay begins the count. At nine Wanda Fish hops up onto the apron, distracting him, buying time for an obviously agonised Cornell to recover; by the time Tommy's on his feet, however, Hall is almost back up himself. Furious, the champion rushes in before Hall can rise off one knee, unloading a vicious left hook, locking in a front facelock, and dropping into a DDT. Fair begins to count again... ...and Hall looks ready to make it up, with the aid of the ropes, at eight; Cornell charges in with a chop block, taking him down but breaking the count. Concentrating an assault on him, Tommy makes the mistake of backing up a little too far before charging; Hall intercepts with his left hand, seizing the champion by the throat. As he pulls himself, with an effort, to his feet, he hurls Cornell to the opposite ropes, meeting him on the rebound with a Pistol Whip Lariat – and collapsing immediately afterward from the pain. Jay Fair once again begins the count... With the strength of his left arm the only thing left, Hall pulls himself to his feet at nine and three-quarters. The Tri-State Championship has changed hands... [U]Pistol Pete Hall defeated Tommy Cornell[/U] Rating: [B]B[/B] A very solid show caps off with an excellent main event and title change, ushering in new respectability to the Tri-State Championship. Next on SWF 24/7: Questions of respect. Show Rating: [B]C[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/PhilVibert.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Vibert frowns in memory. “Stealing JD hurt. Rehiring Chris hurt. We lost Eddie, we lost the Rev... I could cope with all of those and say OK, we took some of yours, you took some of ours. And then he stole Emma. “Now that made perfect sense – all of them made perfect sense. We had the talent but Dangerous was in position to take them, and he wasn't stupid enough to pass up on that opportunity. If he had been that stupid, he wouldn't have been in that position – look at Preston Holt, who'd let himself get so carried away working with the Coastal Zone that he forgot to take advantage of that link. “Eddie fitted better there than in DaVE. So did JD, and Chris, and for that matter so did John Anderson who I got from them a year before. I liked to have one or two guys who could go like that in the lineup. It got us a few fans we wouldn't have had otherwise, and someone who can do what JD or John or Chris already could – and they're all far better now than they were then – gave us credibility with a certain type of fan. They did exciting stuff, too – that arm wringer into the Ammo Dump John loves so much he invented in DaVE and the crowd loved it. “I couldn't believe it when he stole Emma; she was so good at what she did, we had people just come along to the shows to see her. And suddenly there she was screwing with the status quo on Philly Pro. If I'd thought JD leaving made the fans sit up, I wasn't prepared for this. “What I never got about it – he made a point of calling me when the contract was done.” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “I have a lot of respect for Phil Vibert,” Dangerous says. “He won the War, he showed he could outthink any of us. But I had a lot of respect for him even back then. Coming into the War when I did, it was already going full-tilt. It took me a while to work out how it had happened, what with Rapid and Philly Pro offering completely different things to the others. But eventually I'd spoken to enough people and I pieced it together. “Phil Vibert manufactured the East Coast War. He did it to put pressure on XFW's talent, getting a lot of them to jump to DaVE, and to get the fans to choose sides so he could get more of their dollars per month. “He did it to create loyalty, and interest, and make the wrestlers work twice as hard for their jobs each week. And eventually, it got out of hand. “But the East Coast War was invented out of whole cloth, and the Tri-State found out the hard way that if you lie often enough it becomes the truth. Before Phil got started, New York and Philadelphia barely supported one monthly show apiece. By 2001 the Tri-State was the single most important hotbed of wrestling talent and news, bar none – and that with Tommy Cornell head-to-head with Christian Faith. It didn't hurt that by 2001 so much of that war had grown out of the East Coast, either. “I knew that signing Emma would put Phil into aggression overdrive. Couldn't help but do anything else. So I did what I could to keep things on the level.” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/AndrewBarber.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Barber nods weary agreement; his face shifts to a tired, fraught expression just from thinking back to that time, that moment. “The War was good for wrestling fans. It was hell on everyone else, but by November ninety-seven, the companies it was hurting least were us and Phil. You could actually argue it had become good for both of us – but for that to keep happening, we had to keep stepping up the shocks. I didn't like that much because I didn't know how long I could keep going bigger for, but we didn't have a whole lot of choice. Once you've started, you're dead in the water if you stop for a second. We were basically all fighting for the remnants of XFW's audience then, and once we had all of it between us things were going to get worse.”
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[CENTER][B]COMING SOON [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW: IN THE LIMELIGHT SHOWCASE MATCHES INCLUDE PPPW TRI-STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PISTOL PETE HALL vs. HORATIO DANGEROUS [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] BRENT HILL vs. JD MORGAN [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] PPPW MAXIMUM CHAMPIONSHIP RICK SANDERS vs. TROY TORNADO [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RickSanders_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TroyTornado_wog.jpg[/IMG] THE SKID ROW CLUB, RHODE ISLAND, NEW ENGLAND SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH CATCH US AT PENNSYLVANIA PARK, PHILADELPHIA LAST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH [/B][/CENTER] Prediction Key: PPPW Maximum Championship Rick Sanders (c) vs. Troy Tornado w/ Professor Nero Black Jack Marlowe vs. Krusher Karloff Whistler & The Rev vs. Coleman & Ferdinand Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately vs. Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Rockwell Brent Hill vs. JD Morgan w/ Wanda Fish PPPW Tri-State Championship Pistol Pete Hall (c) vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc
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Prediction Key: PPPW Maximum Championship Rick Sanders (c) vs. [B]Troy Tornado[/B] w/ Professor Nero [I]Rick's had his run, and with interference, he can lose without shame.[/I] Black Jack Marlowe vs. [B]Krusher Karloff[/B] [I]Krusher is a monster. Jack is a young 'un.[/I] Whistler & The Rev vs. [B]Coleman & Ferdinand[/B] [I]The Dark Preacher runs in to grant the heels the win.[/I] [B]Man Mountain Cahill[/B] w/ Herb Stately vs. Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah [I]He's a monster. Come on.[/I] Bryan Holmes vs. [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] [I]No real reason.[/I] Brent Hill vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] w/ Wanda Fish [I]Sets up a JD/Pete match next month.[/I] PPPW Tri-State Championship [B]Pistol Pete Hall (c)[/B] vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc [I]Because the champ doesn't lose to Horatio Dangerous on his first defence.[/I]
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PPPW Maximum Championship [B]Rick Sanders (c)[/B] vs. Troy Tornado w/ Professor Nero Black Jack Marlowe vs. [B]Krusher Karloff[/B] [B]Whistler & The Rev[/B] vs. Coleman & Ferdinand [B]Man Mountain Cahill[/B] w/ Herb Stately vs. Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah Bryan Holmes vs. [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] [B]Brent Hill[/B] vs. JD Morgan w/ Wanda Fish PPPW Tri-State Championship [B]Pistol Pete Hall (c)[/B] vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc
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I just downloaded this mod...so I'm not 100% familiar with the data but this looks like a good diary to learn from. PPPW Maximum Championship Rick Sanders (c) vs. [B]Troy Tornado w/ Professor Nero[/B] [I]Rick will retain[/I] Black Jack Marlowe vs. [B]Krusher Karloff[/B] [I]Higher on the card[/I] [B]Whistler & The Rev[/B] vs. Coleman & Ferdinand [I]As you can tell from my avatar, I love Whistler. If there is any hope for him to be useful, it's 1997.[/I] [B]Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately[/B] vs. Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah [I]Much like Karloff, big guy who distroys people.[/I] [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] vs. Chris Rockwell [I]I'll go against the crowd and pick Holmes for the sake of being different.[/I] Brent Hill vs. JD Morgan w/ Wanda Fish [I]I'll go with a draw, maybe to set up a JD/Hill/Pistol Pete match[/I] PPPW Tri-State Championship [B]Pistol Pete Hall (c)[/B] vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc [I]Love Pistol Pete being champ. Another guy I love.[/I]
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[QUOTE=randomfreeze;569607]I just downloaded this mod...so I'm not 100% familiar with the data but this looks like a good diary to learn from.[/quote] Welcome on in! I can also recommend foolinc's NYCW '97 diary, eayragt's CZCW '97 diary, and for outside the US, FINisher's BBW '97 diary and 1PWFan's NOTBPW '97 diary. We're pretty well stocked on 1997 diaries right now, which is fantastic. [quote][I]As you can tell from my avatar, I love Whistler. If there is any hope for him to be useful, it's 1997.[/I] [/QUOTE] I've got a real soft spot for Whistler myself, and at the start of the mod he's one of Philly Pro's crown jewels. The shifts I've made across 1997 have caused him to be less so, but I like the guy (along with Travis Century, the amount of use they get is not proportional to their skill levels compared to the rest of the roster) and he's not going to be forgotten.
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;569624]hey Phantom have you put Destined to Fail on hold or what?[/QUOTE] Nope. It's just that any given D2F show takes about an hour to book and sim, and then a concentrated four-to-six hour window to write. (Yes, I realise that this is a ludicrous amount of time for the results.) Of late, finding that window's been tricky, and experiments in the past with leaving off partway through and coming back to it haven't worked. Compare to Philly Pro, where a given show tends to take me half an hour to book, tops, an hour to two to write, and a behind-the-scenes piece takes between twenty minutes and an hour. Philly Pro moves faster as a result, and when my schedule gets cramped, it's easier to fit in. D2F is continuing. I'm hoping to get the next show written up by Firday. Hopefully, I'll soon have sorted my times to the point where I can get it up and running at full speed again.
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PPPW Maximum Championship [B]Rick Sanders (c) [/B]vs. Troy Tornado w/ Professor Nero Black Jack Marlowe vs. [B]Krusher Karloff[/B] [B]Whistler & The Rev [/B]vs. Coleman & Ferdinand [B]Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately[/B] vs. Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah Bryan Holmes vs. [B]Chris Rockwell[/B] Brent Hill vs. [B]JD Morgan [/B]w/ Wanda Fish PPPW Tri-State Championship [B]Pistol Pete Hall (c)[/B] vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc Caught up this morning. Still top, top drawer, Stranger. Keep it up. :)
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[B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW In The Limelight The Skid Row Club 1000 in attendance Show Date: Monday Week 2 December 1997 [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/B] [i]Breakin' The Law[/i] is playing as the show starts, Cornell and Wanda in the ring. The former champion, needless to say, does not look happy. “You're going to have noticed I'm not carrying gold right now,” he tells the New England audience. “I'd love to say Pistol Pete cheated, but you know something? He didn't. Somehow he found what it took and he squeaked out the win. That wasn't cheating – if anything, I'd say it was the ref's fault. He's new to the business; he's not well-trained like a British ref would be, his count was maybe a bit quick. “Point is – I was champion here, and as far as I'm concerned, that comes with some prerogatives. Like a rematch.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] That brings out the champion. The belt over one massive shoulder, Pistol Pete Hall walks down to the ring and gets face to face with Cornell. Wanda takes a step back carefully, her fists balling; Pete recognises the motion and raises a hand, open-palmed. “Remind me, Tommy,” he smiles. “When did Whistler get his rematch?” “What's that got to do with-” “You beat him in May,” Pete continues. “Time I got this off you we were finishing out November. Few shows in between you didn't even have a title match. Why didn't Whistler get a rematch?” “Hey,” Tommy returns, stung, “that was completely different. In my contract-” “This would be the contract you got as a charity case to Wanda, right?” Hall laughs. “Come on, Tommy, you know as well as I do that out of the pair of you Whistler's gonna have the better contract. You screwed him out of his rematch, so as far as I'm concerned, you have to earn yours.” He nods again and backs out of the ring, keeping a close eye on Cornell all the way... [CENTER]PPPW Maximum Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RickSanders_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TroyTornado_wog.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG] Rick Sanders © vs. Troy Tornado w/ Professor Nero[/CENTER] Sanders continues to have issues with his opponents, once again finding himself unable to get on the same page as his opponent. They do their best not to let that slow them down, but the result is clear; this contest just isn't pretty. Sanders is on the defensive from the off, with Tornado springing into a vigorous assault, slams, throws, and kicks being the vast bulk of his arsenal here, with his power – a surprising level given his small frame – breaking any hold Sanders attempts to slow him down with. Nonetheless, Troy finds Sanders unwilling to be put away, kicking out of everything. In the end, sighing, he signals to Nero – who throws his signature steel-tipped cane into the ring, leaving Tornado to concede defeat by levelling Sanders with a vicious shot to the head. The champion retains by disqualification, bleeding on the canvas. [U]Rick Sanders defeated Troy Tornado by DQ[/U] Rating: [B]E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TroyTornado_wog.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RickSanders_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As Fair calls for the bell, Tornado grins, scooping Sanders up again and whipping him to the ropes. The groggy champion is promptly dropped by a cane-assisted lariat as he rebounds, and Tornado looks to settle down and continue the assault. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RichMoney_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rich Money appears fast, intercepting Nero as he attempts to enter the ring and suplexing him from the apron to the floor. The crowd bay for the Disciples' blood but, as Money enters the ring, Tornado backs off, collecting the Professor and keeping Money at bay with the threat of the cane. Rich turns to Sanders and the two talk together in low tones, before Money shakes Sanders' hand and leaves. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A prior unsuccessful challenger to the Maximum Championship appears next; John McClean arrives, microphone in hand. Unusually for him – in fact, to those watching the SWF archived footage of the show, it's the first sighting – he has around his waist the tag team title he's held, alongside the Punisher, since late 1996. “I keep hearing that the fans here don't see why I get so angry about Gilmore,” he begins. “I keep being told that. And I don't believe it. I don't get how that's true. “Here you've got a man who comes in here from a dead company that was so much flash it turned into a flash in the pan. He can't be bothered to stay in the ring. He doesn't dedicate himself. Doesn't train hard. “Say what you like about the British Invasion, they hunker down. They work hard. They train. And when the bell rings they concentrate on the match. And that's what you guys are supposed to be here for, right?” Working himself up into a rage, his voice gets louder and louder, crescendoing at the end of his next outburst. “I don't get it! I do not understand you people. What the hell do you want from us? We're [b]wrestlers[/b]. We're here to wrestle. And you cheer for Gilmore, who can't be bothered to give you what you pay for! Here I am, a decorated champion with no respect from you people because I don't party, I don't drink, I don't clown around and act like the Patriots just scored a touchdown – I give you whar you came for. What the hell is your problem?” McClean goes silent for a long moment, looking down at the mat, then shakes his head. “I just pray you'll come to your senses,” he mumbles into the microphone, and he leaves. A camera close-up picks up an actual tear running down his cheek. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JungleJack_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG] Black Jack Marlowe vs. Krusher Karloff w/ Floyd Goldworthy[/CENTER] It's a hard-fought match; Karloff has the reach advantage and the strength advantage, but Jack has speed. Very quickly this becomes an all-out brawl, and for a while it seems to hang in the balance. Seeking to redress this, Goldworthy hops up on the apron to grab at Marlowe, who isn't there; his lunge is met with a lumbering shoulder block by Karloff, who pauses to consider the sight of the downed Goldworthy. Marlowe comes off the second rope with a leaping headbutt and, in what will be one of the highlight images of ninety-seven even if it's part of only a weak match, takes the bigger man up into the jackhammer. The cover is met with bated silence by the crowd – but when Fair reaches three they explode into approval. [U]Black Jack Marlowe defeated Krusher Karloff[/U] Rating: [B]D[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JungleJack_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Furious, Karloff grabs Marlowe as he goes to leave. A Horror Hammer is swiftly followed by a powerbomb; with Marlowe down and out, Karloff and Goldworthy leave. Goldworthy spits on Marlowe as he does. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Whistler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheRev.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/NathanColeman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/StuartFerdinand.jpg[/IMG] Whistler & the Rev vs. Coleman & Ferdinand[/CENTER] A cynical man might note the symmetry here; two team with one talented individual, one less so who's learning. The results, needless to say, aren't great – but the Rev continues to gain steam, as does Whistler, as the Benediction fells Coleman – who has nothing particular to do until a worthwhile tag division emerges. [U]Whistler & the Rev defeated Coleman & Ferdinand[/U] Rating: [B]D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JD Morgan appears next, smirking slightly. “Seems like your buddy's issues cost you, Toddy boy,” he begins, staying atop the entrance ramp. “I guess that's not your fault, except that you made a dumb pick – which shouldn't surprise any of us. “Don't think I'm done with you yet, boy. By the time I'm through with you, me and mine will have gold for ourselves again – I can promise you that. “Be seeing you...” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Scarah.jpg[/IMG] Man Mountain Cahill w/ Herb Stately vs. Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah[/CENTER] Surprisingly, Cattley manages to help Cahill produce a match just as good as Harvey despite the lack of that fluid, instinctive understanding between the two men. Short and sweet, Cattley's latest outing is painful for him, but good for the Man Mountain, who rolls forward happily with a Cahill Crunch without coming near the end of his gas tank. [U]Man Mountain Cahill defeated Mean Jean Cattley[/U] Rating: [B]D[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stately, beaming wide, hops into the ring. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he begins, “this has been a reminder. Inside six minutes, the Man Mountain is capable of destroying just about anyone. Do not make the mistake of imagining that you would do any better – and do not make the mistake of assuming that the Man Mountain won't be back at the top soon.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/EmmaChase.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “Yes, but for you?” another voice inquires. The crowd's attention shifts to the entryway once again, where Easy Emma leans against the doorway provocatively, smirking, a microphone in hand. “I've just had a bad break-up,” she continues, somehow managing to slink with voice alone. “My ex – Dave – just wasn't exciting enough. “Time for new horizons, new pastures. New projects. And that means I'm going to need willing... and big... men. “Play your cards right, Ronnie,” she winks, and is gone. Stately glances back to the big man nervously. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/LobsterWarrior_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Rockwell[/CENTER] It really hasn't been Holmes' year, and it continues not to be – though this is by no means a bad match, as Holmes and Rockwell both settle into a steady technical showcase. What tips it ends up being Holmes' frustration; he adjusts slightly, beginning to emphasise the brawling aspects of his repertoire, and eventually a lariat finds itself converted into an opportunity for Rockwell to flip him into a Fujiwara armbar and pick up the win. [U]Chris Rockwell defeated Bryan Holmes[/U] Rating: [B]D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG] Brent Hill vs. JD Morgan w/ Wanda Fish[/CENTER] A fast-paced fifteen minutes between the two Coastal Zone workers; Hill and Morgan return to the age-old story of their matches, the question of whether Wigan-style or American mat work is superior. Hill eventually gets the upper hand, eventually going up to the top rope to hit the King of the Hill – but Morgan's ready as he comes down and rolls the impact through into the Cross Atlantic Stretch. Brent struggles still, staying the sheer force he's been throughout his return to Philly Pro – but as he inches toward a rope Wanda's there to pull it out of reach; as Fair orders her to the back, Morgan rolls the hold back to the centre of the ring. Faced with the certainty of a broken neck if he doesn't, Hill reluctantly submits. [U]JD Morgan defeated Brent Hill[/U] Rating: [B]C+[/B] [CENTER]PPPW Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Pistol Pete Hall © vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc[/CENTER] A short and simple match here, by main event standards; Dangerous and Hall battle hard and fast, with Hall showing an unprecedented level of technical expertise. Frustrated, Dangerous turns the match into a brawl, faring less well as a result. He perseveres, with Giedroyc providing regular distractions, and for a moment it looks like he might have the upper hand - [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tommy Cornell is in the ring with the Tri-State belt in hand, and as Dangerous steps back in shock, Cornell levels Hall with the belt. The second title match of the night ends with a disqualification victory for the champion, and the vocal reaction of the crowd is huge... [U]Pistol Pete Hall defeated Horatio Dangerous[/U] Rating: [B]B[/B] A sterling outing by Philly Pro shores up their support in what has become their second home as the new champion continues to produce sterling results. Next on SWF 24/7: Gold calls to Gold... Show Rating [B]C+[/B]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;569828] Caught up this morning. Still top, top drawer, Stranger. Keep it up. :)[/QUOTE] Thank ya kindly - and I intend to, for as long as I can. Congratulations are also* due to NoNeck for this show's prediction contest; our merchandise representative's been feeling a little smarky lately, so please accept a 'The Trigger Has Been Pulled' Pistol Pete Hall sweatshirt. * - I mean, seriously, dude's got a new baby in the house. That pretty much comes first.
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;569961]I've been spending the past couple of days reading up on this. Holy cow, man. It's almost enough to put me in retirement! This is excellent, excellent stuff.[/QUOTE] Umm... please don't retire, I like your diaries! I've been astonished throughout at the feedback this thing has generated, and (needless to say) very happy about it. The one real stumbling block is that I find myself having to rewatch WWE history discs a lot to get the attitude right - but then folks who know the right discs may well spot the occasional direct homage to either an anecdote or a appropriate clip, from time to time.
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Trying to keep up with this one, PS. Great writing and booking. It makes me want to do a game - any game, really - in the CornellVerse '97 mod. I think thats one of the greatest thigns any diary can do make - make you want to try it yourself. Well that, and entertain continuously. This one does both.
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