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Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams [C-Verse '97]

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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW Battle Lines Pennsylvania Park 1618 in attendance Show Date: Monday Week 4 June 1997[/B] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] Brent Hill vs. Deano Machino[/CENTER] A remarkably strong opener here; no real surprise, with the Complete Package in complete control, but Deano Machino is able to go with Hill at all points, getting in just enough offence to keep the crowd interested – something that, say, Karloff and Cahill have failed to do in each match – and despite the fact he doesn't quite seem to have the pace he usually pulls out, despite the fact his coming out on the losing side seems to irk him, Deano gets it, really gets it, and works with Hill. For the undercard, this is an intensely satisfying match that kicks things off well before Hill backflips off the second rope, landing behind Deano to lock in the Complete Package submission. [U]Brent Hill defeated Deano Machino by submission[/U] Rating: [B]C-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JohnMaverick.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Moments later, the Gold Guarantees music hits again. Goldworthy emerges, flanked by the Silent Threat, and flourishes the microphone, looking around the crowd. “The Immortal Driver,” he begins. “You've heard it called idolatrous. And that's maybe not fair. But it's nothing special; Deano Machino has his flavour of it, and look what just happened to him, destroyed by submission. “And, really, that brings me to my point. Jimmy Cox – you're a man with only one move. My client here is a man with thousands. “Let's prove the superiority of submission over slams, shall we? Next month. I'll look forward to it.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] New music to Philadelphia hits next, heard only through TV speakers from SWF shows in the 1980s. The Professor appears atop the ramp; Goldworthy, leaving the ring, offers a half-ironic bow of salute before handing off his microphone. Nero's cane clicks loudly with every step as he makes his way down to the ring. “I know Horatio Dangerous of old,” he begins. “Effete little devil, so wrapped up in dreams of being British he misses what's good about his own heritage. “Which is why, over and over, I've beaten him to a pulp down in Texas. “And I hear you had a Texas Death Match over here not so long ago. With Dangerous in it. “I hear he won. I hear he took your champion and beat him til the ambulance needed to take him away. I heard that, and I thought... I thought, this I've gotta see for myself. So Whistler – that's the name, right?” An inquiring look toward Action Jackson, who nods. “That's good,” Nero continues. “Hate to get that wrong. Whistler, I figure if he put you in hospital, getting in a Texas-style match with me would kill you. Tonight we play by this place's usual sissy rules. And tonight I'm going to show you fans what a pathetic sad sack this idiot is.” [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/29.jpg[/IMG] Bryan Holmes vs. Richard Dangerous[/CENTER] After months, the blowoff match. There's something that's almost reached the level of expectations in the crowd here, despite Dangerous' stature as effectively a newcomer. He and Holmes collide, both full of fury, full of vigour, and the opening minutes are a brawl more than they're anything else., before things settle down, the initial adrenaline burns out, and both men begin, more or less simultaneously, to realise that strategy will be needed. The comparison to human chess is a strong one here, and Holmes seems to have taken most of Dangerous' power pieces off the board early. A smart player can still mount a spirited defence with pawns, but against equal savvy they'll find themselves on the back foot. Holmes starts looking for the German suplex again, but Dangerous has the move scouted; after the third counter Holmes goes for the Cyclone Shock kick, sees it ducked, and Dangerous scores with a shock schoolboy, proving the old adage that it ain't over 'til it's over... [U]Richard Dangerous defeated Bryan Holmes by pinfall[/U] RATING: [B]D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Scarah.jpg[/IMG] Krusher Karloff (w/ Floyd Goldworthy) vs. Mean Jean Cattley (w/ Scarah)[/CENTER] This one's awkward from the off, with Karloff and Cattley having serious timing issues. While Cattley is happy to sell for the former champion, his timing on the chokeslam lift means that the whole move looks awkward; a powerbomb nearly fails as Cattley puts too much into the jump and almost falls over Karloff's back; but they muddle through, and the basic story doesn't suffer too badly – that story being that Karloff is a destructive terror. The Horror Hammer eventually lays Cattley out, but this was too long for what it was. [U]Krusher Karloff defeated Mean Jean Cattley by pinfall[/U] RATING: [B]E[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Scarah.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Karloff isn't finished yet; he stays right on top of Cattley after the bell rings, and Goldworthy grabs a microphone, rolling into the ring and getting into Cattley's face. “Son,” he begins. “I'm gonna give you one simple chance to avoid a world of pain. D'you respect my man here?” Before Cattley can answer, Karloff hurls him to the ropes, hitting him on the rebound with another Horror Hammer, then scooping him up for a gutwrench powerslam. Goldworthy watches on, smiling. “You might wanna answer quick,” he calls. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] That's enough to start a war; Pistol Pete Hall scrambles down to the ring on crutches, rolling in and setting his back to the turnbuckle, using that to keep him upright as he fends Karloff off with the crutches. In the background, Scarah helps a bloodied Cattley out of the ring and begins leading him up the ramp; meanwhile, the crowd bay for Karloff's blood. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Referees and wrestlers alike hit the ring to separate Hall and Karloff, leading them away in turn. One of those wrestlers remains, snatching the microphone from Goldworthy as he does so; The Hype is in the house. “Two weeks ago,” he begins, “I started a job that I'm looking to finish. I took on Jackie Giedroyc, the pipsqueak of the Invasion, and I beat him. “I started the job of proving that their way isn't the only way. And I'm going to keep doing that; one by one, I'm going to go through the Invasion until I've proved my point. And I'll have the Tri-State championship around my waist from beating Tommy Cornell. “You can bank on that, ladies and gentlemen. I'm telling you. Believe the Hype-” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] William Blake's Jerusalem sounds again, and Horatio Dangerous appears, making his way to the ring, snatching a microphone of his own. The Hype watches, smiling slightly. “We can go now, if you want,” he tells Dangerous. “I'll pass,” he says. “I've got a belt in my sights myself, kid. And that's tonight's job. “But all right – so you beat my boy Jack. So? My kid beat Bryan Holmes, don't mean he's better than him.” “He beat him twice,” the Hype points out. “Anyway, my point's simple. “I want a shot at you.” Dangerous laughs. “You reckon you've earned that, do you?” “I reckon you have more to prove than I do,” the Hype fires right back. Dangerous' face clouds over. “You want to watch your mouth, throwing mud like that.” “Put your money where your mouth is,” the Hype shrugs. “I reckon I can beat you. Remember – Hollyweird only came calling for one of us.” Dangerous snarls. “All right,” he snaps. “You get your chance to prove yourself. “Get ready to fail.” He stalks off, leaving the Hype smiling confidently toward the audience. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] Professor Nero vs. Whistler[/CENTER] Ouch. Maybe it's Nero's age. Maybe it's the fact they tried a ludicrously ill-advised technical sequence partway through – but with all the ring savvy in there, this was still awful. Nero got many of his signature moments in – the chair into the ring at the start distracting the referee, allowing him to yank Whistler clear of the ring and slam him into the steel crowd barrier, his wrist tape around Whistler's neck for a vicious-looking choke – but even as Whistler fought free of each one in turn, battling back and finally scoring with the Rebel Yell, the crowd were still colder for the veterans than they had been for Holmes and Dangerous. [U]Whistler defeated Professor Nero by pinfall[/U] RATING: [B]E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stately and his client Cahill as the debacle clears from the ring. Herb has a clipboard in hand and a confident smile. “Good news for everyone,” he begins. “The good news for Pennsylvania Park is, apparently this time around one person in attendance has balls. “The good news for Barber is that means he doesn't have to sacrifice one of his employees at the altar of the Man Mountain. “And the good news for us is that, once again, we get to show the world what we can do. “So without further ado, the man who's going to put his body on the line...” Stately consults the paperwork on the clipboard with a flourish... “calls himself 'Boy Wonder' Sammy Bach! Step up, sir, and see what you can do...” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SammyBach_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"](alt by FINisher)[/SIZE][/CENTER] The youngster hops the barrier, slips off his leather jacket – to reveal shirtless ring-rat bait – and rolls into the ring, looking Cahill up and down. The Man Mountain takes a step forward and raises his boot – and Bach ducks clear! A dropkick barely fazes Cahill, however, and Sammy pauses to reassess, springing off the ropes into a flying crossbody – and the Man Mountain catches him, shrugs, and sinks him with the Cahill Crunch. Bach just lies there and the crowd go insane once again... [CENTER][B]PPPW Maximum Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Tom Gilmore © vs. Horatio Dangerous (w/ Jack Giedroyc)[/B][/CENTER] A close-run match that keeps the crowd almost as hyped as the Cahill's Corner instalment directly preceding it. Dangerous and Gilmore both do their level best to put the other away quickly, only to find that neither man can achieve a genuine advantage. After the ten-minute mark a frustrated Dangerous gives the nod to Giedroyc and gets into referee Jay Fair's face; Giedroyc slides into the ring and delivers a Crashing On to the surprised Gilmore that leaves him down. Suddenly no longer interested in squabbling with the official, Dangerous makes the cover – only to find it broken up when someone splashes the pin from the top rope... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/29.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...It's Richard Dangerous! As Jay admonishes him he rolls out of the ring and a flustered Dangerous watches his son in total disbelief. Gilmore capitalises, whipping Dangerous to the ropes and scoring with what we now know as the World Shatters. The three-count is academic, and Gilmore escapes into the crowd in celebration. One woman in partticular catches the eye of the modern-era fan as Gilmore begins his now-standard come-on routine: [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/Jessie.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Tom Gilmore retained his title[/U] Rating: [B]C+[/B] [CENTER][B]PPPW Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AlexBraun_alt.jpg[/IMG] Tommy Cornell © w/ Wanda Fish vs. CZCW's Alex Braun[/B][/CENTER] Another good solid match, not quite on the level of the previous contest but still highly entertaining. Cornell and Braun seemed to go at this as a direct homage to the famous SWF brawl, with Cornell in the Nemesis role; a number of spots are clearly ripped right from that match, and Braun looks to be having a whale of a time playing the plucky babyface and clearly revels in the shock that his appearance here, on the other side of the War from his RPW contract, has caused. The slightly smarky crowd catch on to what the pair are doing early, which is perhaps why the crowd response is slightly weaker; they're not so keen on the clear implication that Cornell will retain. Nonetheless, the contest does well and all involved seem to enjoy it. [U]Tommy Cornell retained his title[/U] Rating:[B] C[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AlexBraun_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The fight doesn't end there, however; Wanda wants a piece of the fallen Braun, which leads to the Ice Man battling back, which leads to Cornell assaulting him from behind. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tom Gilmore hurdles the crowd barrier to save Braun. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] In response, Dangerous charges the ring flanked by Giedroyc, and the tide turns in the Invasion's favour until... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...Brent Hill injects himself into the mix! The brawl builds into a series of vicious spots, ending only when Brent Hill and Alex Braun are the last men (barely) standing, much to the crowd's approval. A surprisingly solid show throughout, marred by a main event received slightly less well than you might have hoped. Next on SWF 24/7: Declarations of the War! Show Rating: [B]C-[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AlexBraun_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Alex Braun is relaxed, at ease, leaning back in the bar with his feet up at the table. He wears the most artful piece of merchandise PSW has yet come up with, a 'New Jersey Devil' shirt with a prominent PSW logo but artfully pre-worn and designed to look like an old, loved DaVE shirt. “Yeah,” he says. “I loved doing that. The internet freakin' exploded. Hardly anyone on the damn thing yet, but we near as dammit broke it in two. “The whole thing... Dangerous had got himself a deal with the Coastal Zone, but he was using it as a pipeline into the War. He was careful, from what I heard. He just listened to Brent and Clark when they talked about the other places they worked – and I found out, when I got to the locker room for Battle Lines, that Dangerous made a point of talking to everyone he worked with about everywhere else. There's this trick that David Blaine guy does, where he plays like twenty chess masters and just remembers what each of 'em were using for moves and throws them back at someone else? “From what I saw, something like that is what Dangerous does. He's got some ideas of his own, but his main thing is just knowing the business. He listens, he hears what works, he hears people's ideas and he just lets 'em all boil away in his head until he comes up with what he's doing. “And, you know, that's why they make veterans into bookers, am I right?” He grins. “But Dangerous listened, and I think he used that to suss out who wouldn't throw a fit if Cliff told them to go down and work a match for the other side of the War. We got Cornell in for King of the Indy, I went down and wrestled him in probably the silliest idea for a match I've ever seen work. “Thank God Tommy had the memory too, you know? I've compared the tapes since and it's close to move for move, and that's all down to Tommy calling the spots.” He laughs. “It was just that little bit extra for the crowd, I think. I know there was crazy tension at Rapid the moment the posters went up, the moment the guys found out. The only guys who really understood were Preston, who knew it was coming on account of his connections backstage at the Zone, and Steve, who always loves a good joke. “Steve was doing this tag championship run with Jeremy Stone at the time, and really for him the East Coast was kind of a sideshow. He was just good enough that he could afford to be that way, you know?” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/Jessie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tom Gilmore is joined at his kitchen table now by his wife of ten years, Jessie. It's something of a surprise; Jessie's relationship with Gilmore has never been publically referenced in the SWF, and for it to happen on what is, essentially, a side project covering a dead promotion stands as testament to the backing Jerry Eisen was prepared to put into this project, the love he clearly developed for the promotion. It's rare to see this kind of smile from Gilmore; the 'Angry' persona has a very different agenda. The hedonist gimmick Philly Pro gave him smiled a lot, but that was the grin of a man immersed in the moment, a man who just loved life. This is... contentment. This is happiness. “Most people probably remember Battle Lines as the night Horatio started trying to make some noise inside the War, instead of just booking good stuff and letting the crowd come to it. “And it... well, I guess it was.” He glances across the table again. “But I really don't think about it that way. “It was just where I met someone. And that wasn't that unusual in Philly Pro at that point. I gave her my number, and she called me. And that wasn't that unusual either. “But...” He chuckles. “Hell, I'll be honest. I turned around a week later and I was finding myself flying down to Philly to hang out with her, despite the fact I was busy getting my ass handed to me in Canada most nights. I don't know what happened – she probably does,” and Jessie chuckles, smiling softly, “but it just stuck. She grabbed onto me, I guess, and made me realise what I had. “So I made plans to hook up with her after the next show – she was driving out to New England to catch it -” “Which was kind of weird,” Jessie cuts in. “I was only at the show because a friend dragged us all there for his birthday, and I didn't care much for the wrestling. But there was just something about Tom, and I guess after he won I tried to catch his eye, and it worked...” The pair share a moment's silent smile before Gilmore continues. “Anyway, I was down to work Johnny the next show and beat him to keep the belt, part of what we'd been teasing. I had to fly down the day of the show because I had the main event for Dan Stone the night before, wrestling Duane. And...” He pauses, and the scene shifts. [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/AndrewBarber.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Barber nods reflectively. “I just remember the locker room door opening and Tom came in with his foot in a cast. “I couldn't believe he'd actually flown down on a broken ankle.”
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[CENTER][B]COMING SOON [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW: Devil May Care SHOWCASE MATCHES INCLUDE PPPW Tri-State Championship TOMMY CORNELL vs.BRENT HILL [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] PPPW Maximum Championship TOM GILMORE vs. JOHN McCLEAN [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG] WHISTLER vs. CZCW's KING OF THE INDIES PUERTO RICAN POWER [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG] THE SKID ROW CLUB, RHODE ISLAND, NEW ENGLAND SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH CATCH US AT PENNSYLVANIA PARK, PHILADELPHIA LAST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH [/B][/CENTER] Prediction Key: Coleman & Ferdinand vs. Black Jack Marlowe & The Natural Jimmy Cox vs. John Maverick (w/ Floyd Goldworthy) PPPW Maximum Championship Pistol Pete Hall vs. Bryan Holmes (A change from advertised) Rich Money vs. JD Morgan Puerto Rican Power vs. Whistler Horatio Dangerous & Jack Giedroyc vs. The Hype & Richard Dangerous PPPW Tri-State Championship Tommy Cornell (c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. Brent Hill
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[B]Coleman & Ferdinand[/B] vs. Black Jack Marlowe & The Natural Jimmy Cox vs. [B]John Maverick[/B] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy) PPPW Maximum Championship [B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] vs. Bryan Holmes (A change from advertised) Rich Money vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] Puerto Rican Power vs. [B]Whistler[/B] [B]Horatio Dangerous & Jack Giedroyc [/B]vs. The Hype & Richard Dangerous PPPW Tri-State Championship [B]Tommy Cornell [/B](c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. Brent Hill
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Coleman & Ferdinand vs. [B]Black Jack Marlowe & The Natural[/B] [I]Ferdinand's one of my favourite guys, but Coleman is a whiny little piece, so I'll go with JJ and The Natural[/I] Jimmy Cox vs. [B]John Maverick (w/ Floyd Goldworthy)[/B] [I]Because Maverick is badass[/I] PPPW Maximum Championship Pistol Pete Hall vs. [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] (A change from advertised) [I]Why take McClean out of the equation? Either way, Holmesy gets this one[/I] [B]Rich Morgan[/B] vs. JD Morgan [I]Even though I can't remember who he is[/I] Puerto Rican Power vs. Whistler [B]Horatio Dangerous & Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. The Hype & Richard Dangerous [I]Because neither Dangerous or Giedroyc will be high during this match[/I] PPPW Tri-State Championship Tommy Cornell (c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. [B]Brent Hill[/B] [I]Because Brent is RPW, and therefore better than you.[/I]
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;536519] [B]Rich Morgan[/B] vs. JD Morgan [I]Even though I can't remember who he is[/I] [/QUOTE] He is a brain fart - it's Rich Money. And when you consider the original title history, Brent is considerably more Philly Pro than RPW. Remember, in canon C-Verse he's already returned and won the Tri-State belt by this point...
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Prediction Key: Coleman & Ferdinand vs. [B]Black Jack Marlowe & The Natural[/B] [I]Both guys you have plans for, while Coleman & Ferdinand are simply filling space.[/I] Jimmy Cox vs. [B]John Maverick[/B] (w/ Floyd Goldworthy) [I]Give the Gold Guarantees some strength.[/I] PPPW Maximum Championship Pistol Pete Hall vs. [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] (A change from advertised) [I]Keep Pete free to feud with Karloff.[/I] Rich Money vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]Debut! Debut win![/I] Puerto Rican Power vs. [B]Whistler[/B] [I]Whistler's one of yours. PRP... isn't.[/I] [B]Horatio Dangerous & Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. The Hype & Richard Dangerous [I]British Invasion FTW.[/I] PPPW Tri-State Championship [B]Tommy Cornell [/B](c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. Brent Hill [I]It's not time yet.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW Devil May Care The Skid Row Club 1000 in attendance Show Date: Monday Week 2 July 1997[/B] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tom Gilmore limps down to the ring, Maximum Championship around his belt for the first time. He wears jeans and T-shirt rather than his usual tights, and looks sombre as he collects the microphone from Barber before climbing gingerly into the ring. “So it turns out the Stones are dangerous guys to get in the ring with,” he begins, and lets the smarks in the crowd get off a first chuckle of appreciation. “Yeah, I never guessed either.” A broad grin. “The docs say I'll be out a while and they aren't willing to make a bet on how long.it'll take. Which... means I've got to give up the belt.” “WHAT?” [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] No surprises who comes marching down to ringside after that bombshell's been dropped. John McClean is clearly not happy; not bothering with a microphone, he rolls into the ring and goes straight nose-to-nose with Gilmore. “I'm not having this,” McClean begins. “You're just going to march about saying no one ever beat you for this belt. And that's going to mess up my title reign. It's going to take away from what I deserve.” Gilmore shrugs. “Sorry, man,” he says. “What can I tell you? I'm a lover and a fighter, but I'm supposed to stay off this foot for the next little while so I guess it's clear which one I've gotta concentrate on-” “You have to stay off your foot?” “Yeah.” “Let me help.” McClean headbutts Gilmore then grabs the champion as he falters and sinks him with a DDT. Rolling back to his feet, McClean aims a couple of kicks at the champion's head- “That's enough!” Andrew Barber has appropriated Action Jackson's microphone to interrupt. “John, you would've been facing Pistol Pete Hall for that belt tonight. Congratulations – you just cost yourself that opportunity. Bryan Holmes hasn't had a great time of late, but you've just given him a chance to get right back on the horse. He gets your spot!” A surprisingly decent reaction to the sequence of events thus far. Rick 'Generic Face Doing Generic Face Duties' comes down to help Gilmore back to the back. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/NathanColeman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/StuartFerdinand.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JungleJack_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheNatural_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Coleman & Ferdinand vs. Black Jack Marlowe & The Natural[/CENTER] A burgeoning bond is becoming more clear between the Burning Hammer man and the GCG stalwart; on this third tag outing, the connection in styles is becoming more visible, and while they've had ups and downs as regards their winrate, they're definitely showing signs of something. Marlowe and the Natural did well against them, presenting a formidable if unsuccessful combination. Marlowe in particular is showing development as a wrestler from his tag experience; unfortunately, the Natural's affinity for this environment is not yet so pronounced, and when Nathan Ferdinand scores with the Pioneer Twist the Natural is a hair too late to break up the pin and rescue his colleague. Nonetheless, this is one of the best tag matches in 1997 Philly Pro. [U]Coleman & Ferdinand defeated Black Jack Marlowe & The Natural[/U] Rating:[B] D[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JohnMaverick.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG] Jimmy Cox vs. John Maverick (w/ Floyd Goldworthy)[/CENTER] If anything, this match was better than many at the time expected. Due to exposure within Philly Pro, of course, it's widely known to the IWC that Cox and Maverick's timing and understanding of each other is notable, with both men able to rise to greater heights than one would expect while facing off – and this was the start of the feud that proved that. Maverick spends some time working Cox over but feeds his comeback well, as the brawler battles back and eventually scores with a neat Immortal Driver. The Gold Guarantee has not been fulfilled – a fact that will not sit well with Maverick or with Goldworthy. [U]Jimmy Cox defeated John Maverick by pinfall[/U] Rating: [B]D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next to come toward the ring is the genial giant, Pistol Pete Hall. Collecting a microphone once again, he beams around the crowd. “It's good to be back in the ring,” he says. “I mean, knowing I'm going to get to fight tonight. An itch I haven't scratched in years.” He chuckles. “Now, first of all, I wanna thank Mr Barber for giving me a match before I have to wrestle Karloff. The way I feel about that young... well, those ain't words to be saying here... it might have me make a mistake if I haven't gotten back into my game. “I wanna thank Bryan Holmes. He's a good kid who's done some pretty amazing stuff so far, and getting in the ring with him – with a title on the line – should tell me where I stand. “And I wanna thank you guys out here – for being here. If there wasn't a Philly Pro I might never have come back to wrestle.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hall is replaced by Cornell as he retreats. The Tri-State Champion's customary sneer is in place as he strusts – and Wanda sashays – past the big man. Cornell snatches the microphone from him as he goes. “Hello, Brent,” he begins. “Looks like we're back to this, then, huh?” He smirks. “I gotta give it to you, you're persistent. And you ain't bad, either. You've been champion here before. And if it wasn't for me, I guess you might one day be champion here again. “Thing is... I kinda doubt that'll happen. “Because I am here, Brent. I'm undefeated here. And I'm undefeated in Hollyweird. “A place which hasn't even looked twice at you. “So it goes. You step up, and you try me, and you hope against hope that you can get the win you need. “And you know... I just don't think you can. And after tonight, nor will you.” Cornell drops the microphone and leaves, while Wanda, who's been smiling the whole time, struts behind him. [CENTER]PPPW Maximum Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] Bryan Holmes vs. Pistol Pete Hall[/CENTER] Not a long match, this one, only a little above five minutes as Pete shows that, against all the odds, he's not picked up any ring rust worth noting. Bryan and Pete go at it, the big powerhouse against the lightning-fast, cheating technician, and the contest stays even until five and a half minutes in, when they get a visitor... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Karloff hits the ring and goes straight after Pete. The two big men face off and exchange blows before Karloff gets the advantage with a headbutt, then drills Pete with the Horror Hammer. The bell has long since rung for disqualification. [U]Pistol Pete Hall won when Bryan Holmes was disqualified after Krusher Karloff ran in[/U] Rating: [B]D[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RichMoney_alt1.jpg[/IMG] JD Morgan vs. Rich Money[/CENTER] The first-ever DaVE champion gets less of a reception than a Philadelphia crowd might have given him. But he uses what he gets well and, by the time he's done, there's no question but that the reception will be better next time. Money does his level best and looks like a level equal with Morgan on skill and skill alone; unfortunately, JD cheats, often and almost undetectably. Jay Fair's just never in the right place; a true testament to Morgan's experience. Money battles back and goes for a traditional face comeback – actually does pretty well with it – but a clothesline is cut off and the Cross Atlantic Stretch locks in to make Money tap. A solid if unremarkable match. [U]JD Morgan defeated Rich Money[/U] Rating: [B]D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The elder Dangerous, flanked by his lackey, head to the ring. Dangerous grins as Giedroyc collects a microphone and tosses it in; Morgan waits, quizzically. “JD,” Horatio begins. “I'm glad you got my call. DaVE... it's not a bad place at all. But it's where Chris Rockwell ran because he couldn't handle the competition here. You've held their gold three times, man! “I figured you'd enjoy a place where there's a challenge. A place where being a champion means something. And a place where, well...” He laughs. “Where a man who proved himself learning to wrestle in the right place can make a name for himself, can prove to these people that our way's the best. “What do you say?” Morgan looks at him for a long while, then throws his head back and bellows his cracked smoker's laugh, before reaching out and shaking hands with Dangerous. The British Invasion, it seems, is growing... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG] Whistler vs. CZCW's 'King of the Indies' Puerto Rican Power[/CENTER] The visiting big man has made a major splash on the West Coast, beating Philly Pro's own Brent Hill in the finals of the recent tournament. On the strength of that performance, he was brought in here and faces the man who, more than anyone else, has come to emblemise Philly Pro, the tough-as-nails Whistler. For the second time in as many weeks Whistler finds himself up against a fellow brawler and the two demonstrate just what they can do by uncorking with – at times – almost legitimate fury. Power goes for every trick he has; in his homeland, the big man has beaten legends on the order of Rip Chord – but this is Whistler's territory, and the San Juan Rush finds itself blocked, Whistler rising from a kneeling position into a modified – and utterly devastating – Rebel Yell. Power shows remarkable capability, almost folding in half on the sell – and once Whistler covers, that's all she wrote, much to the fan's delight. [U]Whistler defeated Puerto Rican Power[/U] Rating: [B]D+[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The man mountain and his manager emerge once again, loping easily down to the ring to the accompaniment of much disgust. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Stately begins. “It's good to see you all. Now, I remember telling you boys not so long ago that New England didn't have anyone with the balls to take on my client, and that pretty much hasn't changed; when we were looking around for volunteers, we had to take the next one on the list for Pennsylvania Park. So sit back, and if by some intensely unlikely chance you find yourself thinking that this seems like your thing – we'll be back in a month. Plenty of time to sign those liability waivers, take your upcoming destruction on your own head and man up for the pride of this entire piss-yellow state.” With a flourish, he consults his clipboard. “So please welcome a youngster with more balls than all of New England, not that that's saying much – wait a minute, this has to be a typo. Says here Sammy Bach, but the Boy Wonder got his chance-” [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SammyBach_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bach is indeed back, vaulting the crowd rail from a standing start. “I signed up again,” he calls, and the crowd respond well to it. “You ain't keeping me down!” Stately regards Bach with some thought. As the 'Boy Wonder' slides into the ring and rises, one knee almost buckles and he has to grab the ropes to stay upright, a sign of the damage done two weeks ago. Stately's reaction is almost cartoonish in its intensity, but it serves a necessary purpose; everyone knows he's seen a weakness even if they missed it themselves. The chicken**** in the manager stands out as he calls “Give him hell, Ronnie,” and climbs out of the ring. Cahill closes in with an overhand right, but Bach ducks clear. A few fists do nothing; he dodges the clothesline that Cahill offers as retaliation, goes for a couple of kicks, and hits the ropes. Unfortunately, the youngster is clearly not yet used to the wrestling ring, and as he comes off the ropes he smashes straight into a big boot that looks like Superman decided to stomp Lex Luthor's face off his skull. Bach looks dead. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/29.jpg[/IMG] Horatio Dangerous & Jack Giedroyc vs. The Hype & Richard Dangerous[/CENTER] It's pretty clear, as these four men work, who the best worker in the ring at the moment is; Horatio tries to keep it even, and between that and the fact the other three are all notably solid for this era of their career it stays relatively interesting; but there's never any real question who will win, and that hurts it, as does the fact that Giedroyc and the younger Dangerous are very new to the area. Richard Dangerous shows willing, falling to his father's half-nelson suplex at the end of a match that probably should have been earlier in the show. [U]Horatio Dangerous & Jack Giedroyc defeated The Hype & Richard Dangerous[/U] Rating: [B]D-[/B] [B][CENTER] PPPW Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] Tommy Cornell © w/ Wanda Fish vs. Brent Hill[/CENTER][/B] It's no surprise that this contest is the best of the show; the last time these two locked up was the best match in Dangerous' Philly Pro to that point, and this contest's on that same level, if not, perhaps, marginally better. Ten minutes into the contest, Wanda hops on the apron and delivers a vicious superkick to the back of Hill's head to prevent a victory; Brent battles back once again and once again establishes true dominance over Cornell, looking like he should win it. He eventually drops the champion with a smooth running DDT and goes to the ropes for the King of the Hill; Wanda pops up once again and by the time he's kicked her free Cornell's back on his feet, springing up to the top rope and applying an arm drag that sends both men out of the ring, Hill straight into the crowd barrier. Both men are down as Jay Fair begins the standing count; Cornell pauses to try and do more damage on the outside with a running charge and Brent Hill backdrops him over the announce desk and into the front row – incredible height. Hill rolls into the ring, but Cornell grabs his belt and leaves through the crowd, taking the count-out loss. [U]Brent Hill defeated Tommy Cornell but did not win the title[/U] Rating: [B]B- [/B] Another excellent main event keeps Hill and Cornell looking terrific, while the rest of the card shows promise and problems in roughly even quantities. Next on SWF 24/7: Stealing from DaVE. Show Rating: [B]C-[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] JD Morgan is a sharply-dressed guy, something which almost never comes across in his wrestling appearances. Here is a man who's taken the 'dress for respect' code that, in the 1970s and 1980s, led people like Sam Keith, Crippler Ray Kingman, and Christian Faith to cut promos, make appearances, and travel in expensive (or at least expensive-looking) suits to garner respect for the business, and merged it with a spectacular degree of taste and co-ordination. The respect is his own, the latter traits belong definitively to his wife. Nonetheless, the combo's in full effect in downtown Pittsburgh today. Morgan takes a sip of water, nodding thoughtfully, hacks a cough to clear his throat, and begins. “I came over to the States, really, about when Phil was getting the ball rolling to start DaVE. I was in the Tri-State area so I made a point of checking out the competition, which was just NYCW then. I figured I could maybe get bookings for multiple companies, earn more money that way. But the Stomper's boys didn't wrestle the way I did – still do, mostly – and I didn't think I'd get anywhere. Hell, the main reason I figured Phil had faith in me was he told me up front I'd be the first champion. Anyway, Philly Pro came along and the advertising basically said heroic patriot against evil foreign patriot. So I never gave it a second thought. “Time went by, things happened... Phil gave me the strap a couple more times, but I could tell it was out of duty and respect – I gotta say this, Phil was really good about respect when you'd earned it, he's a damn good man and he pays his dues – and by the time ninety-seven rolled round I could tell I wasn't a priority anymore. Which was the smart thing to do with DaVE fans going the way they were going. But I felt I still had something to offer, and I was still getting a lot of work, still getting booked well. I didn't have any complaints. “End of January ninety-seven and they sign Chris, Chris Rockwell as DaVE and Philly both called him. The way I heard it, Chris was pissed off that Philly Pro weren't letting him near the top. I know Phil put him right up there, no title but he was doing well against Johnny Martin – who was still the arrogant overbearing ******* then, this being way before Jim Force visited DaVE – trying for the title. “Chris was doing well, but his speciality was going to the mat and out-wrestling people. I felt that if we weren't giving him the strap, you know, just yet that there was time to show the fans what he could really do. “Basically, I wanted to get in the ring with him, work a couple of really nice matches and let him beat me clean. You know, I'm not winning much anyway, but they'd be good matches, we'd have fun, and I'd help Phil make Chris our new star.” He pauses. “Six months go by. Phil gave me a shot at Johnny myself – never mind the fact I'd been losing all year, never mind Johnny and I aren't much of a match – and the tag champs beat the hell outta me and a few random guys, over and over. Like, twice in the Double-Header for starters. “I was still making the new guys, OK? I didn't have a problem with that. Did the best I could in all of those matches. But I never once – not once – got in the ring with the guy I felt I could've helped the most, or who needed to show his stuff right then and there more than anyone else. “I didn't feel unappreciated. I didn't feel hard done by. I just felt I wasn't being used right. “And I worked – and I bet, I just bet, you hear this sentence a lot doing these interviews – I worked for Cliff Anderson over on the West Coast. I kept hearing things. I think it was Brent, in the end, was talking to me about the British Invasion, 'cause that was his bread and butter in Philly at the time, and it was him who actually said I should think about joining it. “Got the accent, got the skills, got the trunks with my initials on, ready to go, right?” That harsh laugh again. “I kinda made a joke of it. This was a couple months before I made the jump, and I was happy with what I was doing. “Two things really happened at once to change that. First off, Alex made the appearance, and Power said he'd been approached to do the next couple shows. Second, I got told the plans for the Double-Header. “I basically thought screw that, called Brent, asked him to suggest me to Dangerous. What I hear, Dangerous was already thinking about it.”
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dangerous smiles slightly, glancing down at the desk, away from eye contact. “No... JD was someone I'd thought about approaching, not someone I was planning on getting. You see a guy who's been with the same company since he came out of the little leagues, a guy who's won three championships there, you see a guy who isn't budging. “I thought it was a shame. JD had a lot in common with what I wanted to do with Philly Pro. But nowadays...” He shrugs. “I was down at Rhode Island the other day talking to the kids there about the little details you can add into a match. There's a little Q&A to get started whenever you go down, helps them get used to you being there. “One of them asked me if it was true I'd planned to do the British Invasion with JD instead of Tommy before the whole Nemesis fight. Mike Nero actually fell over laughing.” He grins. “Mike knows the score, like he should – he's been figuring stories out for longer than I have. Really, Mike was the guy who told me how to make a story stretch past just one match when we were both down in Texas. “People forget it now. It's weird. Jack got big when Nemesis listened to him about the wrath of God thing way more than he got big working with me. Tommy made his name with Two Eagles in Supreme and in HGC. And even after everything I did with JD we're, what, ten years and change later and if you ask people they still think of him as a DaVE man. Now part of that's because he started with them, part of that's because in the end Phil won. But the British Invasion's more famous as a concept, these days, than as a storyline – so people forget. I brought Tommy in because in my eyes you would've had to be crazy not to when he was fired. I brought Jack in because we were all big on developing youngsters. “I put Jack with me to play off what I was doing with Ricky. But all of a sudden I had three Brits on the same side, came time to put together the match with Brent and it just seemed like the right thing to do. “So when Brent called...” Dangerous grins again, half-shrugs. “Mike always said the best wrestling stories come out of accidents. For all that people talk about what we did like I was smart, most of the time I was just riffing off what was going on around me. Making signings I would be crazy not to make. “The thing I want to say about signing JD... There were so many arguments. It was the smart thing to do after we did what we did with Alex. “Now, the thing about Alex was it did as much for Rapid as it did for us. People showed up to our show and they showed for Rapid just to find out what was going on. I might be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure the next Rapid show had him win in the main event. Point is, Preston cashed in. Preston was working for Anderson, too, so he knew it was coming the moment we arranged it, had plenty of time to cash in. Alex had had a crappy year with Rapid and showing for us turned it around. I'm pretty sure that's why Power agreed to do the same thing. “So there were no problems there. With JD...” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/29.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Richard Dangerous shifts uncomfortably. Hard to say how much of that is the stitches and how much of it is the question he's been asked, but he won't look at the camera or the interviewer. “I... all the signings Dad made in the second half of ninety-seven, starting with JD... We kept hearing the word 'raid.' :I really don't think that was fair.” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/DuncanKendall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Duncan Kendall is looking away, raising a tall glass of beer to his lips, when the question is asked. The glass is half-empty, the interview clearly having gone on for some time even if this is the first time he's been shown. The question's import hits as the clip begins, giving the SWF fans a perfect view of a textbook spit-take. “It was a raid,” he says hotly. “Pure and simple. Whole bunch of them. The talent was all over the place and Barber set about getting as much of it signed as possible.” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Phil Roberts smiles reminiscently. “This whole thing... You know, I go back and forth on this kind of argument. 'Raid' makes it sound like you're trying to put the other guys out of business. If you're in the middle of a 'war' it's kind of unnecessary, you know? “But... I don't think that was it. Dangerous looked for talent wherever he could find it. If it was going on now, he'd be looking at the youngsters behind me.” His colleague, back in the ring, executes a gorilla press slam on one of his trainees. “Not bad,” he remarks, his voice still far from the characteristic on-camera forceful tones. “Safe, too. Watch those wrists.” Phil glances over his shoulder at the action. “Try and land on palms and toes,” he calls. “Much less long-term risk.” He turns back to the camera. “It was the same thing Supreme did in the seventies, only they were smaller so the operation was smaller.” [CENTER] -- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/PhilVibert.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Vibert shakes his head. “Raid,” he says. “Raid was the word I used then – there was plenty of swearing in front of it, especially when I called him up, but raid was the word I used then and it's the word I use now. The key thing is, it was smart of him to do. He bought Philly Pro more time just by doing it, and he hurt the other companies.” [CENTER] -- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “With JD,” Dangerous completes his thought, “I was pissing off Phil in a major way. I was hurting DaVE. It was the start of our raids, and no amount of revisionist best-intentions crap changes that.” He sits back and sighs. “It was... what I felt I had to do.”
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[CENTER][B]COMING SOON [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW: Fight With Honor SHOWCASE MATCHES INCLUDE PPPW Tri-State Championship TOMMY CORNELL vs.THE NATURAL [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheNatural_alt1.jpg[/IMG] SUBMISSION MATCH BRENT HILL vs. HORATIO DANGEROUS [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] TEXAS DEATH MATCN PISTOL PETE HALL vs. KRUSHER KARLOFF [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG] PENNSYLVANIA PARK, PHILADELPHIA LAST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH CATCH US AT THE SKID ROW CLUB, RHODE ISLAND, NEW ENGLAND SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH [/B][/CENTER] Prediction Key: Professor Nero's Open Challenge Strap Match Professor Nero vs ???? (A member of the PPPW roster not otherwise involved) Travis Century & Clark Alexander vs. Rick Sanders & Richard Dangerous Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah vs. Yosuke Narita w/ Kit Hatoyama Whistler vs. The Punisher Texas Death Match Pistol Pete Hall vs. Krusher Karloff w/ Floyd Goldworthy PPPW TRI-STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Tommy Cornell (c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. The Natural Submission Match Brent Hill vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc
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Prediction Key: Professor Nero's Open Challenge Strap Match Professor Nero vs [B]????[/B] (A member of the PPPW roster not otherwise involved) [I]DQ win or some such - Nero's here to train and pass on overness, not be a big star.[/I] [B]Travis Century & Clark Alexander[/B] vs. Rick Sanders & Richard Dangerous [I]Pinning Sanders after Dangerous gets an awesomely good showing.[/I] Mean Jean Cattley w/ Scarah vs. [B]Yosuke Narita w/ Kit Hatoyama[/B] [I]Cattley's a jobber these days, while Narita? He's got the chops to get in higher.[/I] [B]Whistler[/B] vs. The Punisher [I]Idaho! YOU WILL BE AVENGED![/I] Texas Death Match [B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] vs. Krusher Karloff w/ Floyd Goldworthy [I]Pete FTW![/I] PPPW TRI-STATE CHAMPIONSHIP [B]Tommy Cornell [/B](c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. The Natural [I]Because he's Tommy Freakin' Cornell, that's why![/I] Submission Match [B]Brent Hill[/B] vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc [I]Brent's doing well right now - he needs to be kept strong to keep on producing Best Matches Evar.[/I]
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Professor Nero's Open Challenge Strap Match [B]Professor Nero[/B] vs ???? (A member of the PPPW roster not otherwise involved) Travis Century & Clark Alexander vs. [B]Rick Sanders & Richard Dangerous[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] w/ Scarah vs. Yosuke Narita w/ Kit Hatoyama [B]Whistler[/B] vs. The Punisher Texas Death Match [B]Pistol Pete Hall [/B]vs. Krusher Karloff w/ Floyd Goldworthy PPPW TRI-STATE CHAMPIONSHIP [B]Tommy Cornell (c)[/B] w/ Wanda Fish vs. The Natural Submission Match [B]Brent Hill [/B]vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc
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[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW Fight With Honor Pennsylvania Park 1656 in attendance Show Date: Monday Week 4 July 1997 [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] As the show opens, the man who appears on the ramp is Professor Nero. Attached to one wrist is a long leather strap which he carries the bulk of, coiled, in that hand. The other hand already boasts a microphone. “I suppose,” he begins, “that you're all expecting me to admit I was wrong. That your old champion Whistler is tougher than I expected. I suppose that you expect this because, at the end of the day, he defeated me. “But let's face it; anyone can take advantage. Anyone can cheat. And the fact Whistler did that doesn't make him tougher than I expected. Just smarter. A little. “Well, it's time to see if there actually is someone tough enough here. Sissy rules like Philly plays by – these aren't the rules I want to see. Truth be known, they piss me off. Mollycoddling wasn't necessary down in Texas and it shouldn't be here. “So it's time. Anyone out there think they can take me in a strap match? We'll make it easier on you, for your first time; four corners touched and you might even win. “I won't be so easy next time. And I will be a living hell if no one volunteers.” There's a moment's pause. And then music begins to play. AC/DC. Back... in Black. [CENTER]Strap Match [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ProfessorNero.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JungleJack_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Professor Nero vs. Black Jack Marlowe[/CENTER] A definite improvement over Nero's debut as he focuses on the brawl. Marlowe gives him everything Nero offers back and the two men play evenly-matched the whole time; Marlowe has the strength advantage, Nero has a clear experience gap and uses the familiar stipulation to its fullest advantage, tangling the strap to slow Marlowe, tripping his opponent. Whipping, of course, occurs from both sides. In the end, Nero spills artfully out of the ring following a Marlowe headbutt, then feigns unconsciousness. Marlowe tries to touch all four in sequence, but can't reach the fourth with Nero so far away. Frustrated, he steps outside, hoists Nero onto his shoulders, and begins to make the rounds with no issues. Nero, playing possum, slaps each turnbuckle just behind Marlowe and, as they come up on the fourth corner, drops down having looped the strap across Marlowe's neck. A low blow to a choking man later, Nero lunges forward, hits the fourth corner, bounces off the ropes and delivers something very like a mafia kick to the kneeling, choking Marlowe as a last gesture of disrespect. The fans seemed to enjoy it, considering. [U]Professor Nero defeated Marlowe after cheating.[/U] Rating: [B]D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JohnMaverick.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Gold Guarantees music hits next and, for the first time, Goldworthy emerges flanked by both clients. Not bothering to go down to the ring this time, he licks his lips, biding his time in the rising swell of the crowd's distrust, smirks, then begins. “Let me just start out by saying, Jimmy Cox, that one match won by one move proves nothing,” he says. “If you're up to the challenge, we have a silent threat to your single noteworthy approach, a silent threat that will end your special allure immediately. Now... “The main reason we're here, obviously, is something that started back in January. Pete Hall seems to think that men who have solid gold guarantees in their contracts aren't worthy of respect. He seems to think that it's OK to disrespect my clients. And, judging by what I see about me, he seems to be fostering that attitude. “We won't stand for that. Tonight, Pete... Tonight you find out just how badly wrong this can go for you.” [CENTER] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/29.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TravisCentury.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/ClarkAlexander_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Rick Sanders & Richard Dangerous vs. Travis Century & Clark Alexander[/CENTER] Another weak tag team match, as has become a recurring theme through Philly Pro's recent history. Neither side are spectacular to any real degree, and the tag theme rapidly takes second fiddle to the feud Century has been waging with Sanders almost without Rick's involvement. Alexander is just as willing to cheat, and the end result very rapidly turns into two distinct brawls counterpointed by Century's bellowing about sins – Dangerous' sin, for the record, being 'failure to honor thy father'. Referee Jay Fair rapidly finds himself trapped between the question of which pair is legal after a number of unusual changeovers; when Century drops Sanders with Salvation, he opts to count the pin there, leading to an irate reaction from Dangerous. [U]Travis Century & Clark Alexander defeated Rick Sanders & Richard Dangerous[/U] Rating:[B] E+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/29.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Tom Gilmore limps down to ringside as Dangerous and Fair snap at each other. He places a consoling hand on Dangerous shoulder and the pair exchange muted words. After a long moment, Dangerous apologises to Fair and Gilmore and Dangerous head back up the ramp together. There's no microphone but by the hand gestures Dangerous is telling an extremely dirty joke; by the time they're out of sight, Gilmore is laughing uproariously and clapping Dangerous on the back. [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Scarah.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/YosukeNarita.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] Mean Jean Cattley (w/ Scarah) vs. Yosuke Narita (w/ Kit Hatoyama)[/CENTER] Narita and Hatoyama play off each other very well; Hatoyama barking instructions to her man from ringside in Japanese. The pair of them seem amused by their rivals more than anything else; Cattley goes with the Japanese veteran, however, keeping the match mostly grounded, staying in control as much as he can, and only loses to Narita after Hatoyama hooks an ankle. The Thunder Shock catches Cattley unawares and Burning Hammer's legend wraps up his first win in Philadelphia. [U]Yosuke Narita defeated Mean Jean Cattley[/U] Rating: [B]D-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Whistler.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Out next is Whistler, who exchanges a muted word of consolation with the retreating Cattley before acquiring a microphone. “Seems tonight, I'm fighting for the honour of Idaho,” he begins, which garners a laugh from the smarkier portions of the crowd. “The Punisher... he's a tough guy. Fights hard. Man made out of self-hatred, I've gotta figure; if it's something else, I'm kind of worried. But he's got something to prove, there's no question of that. “I just tell you this – he ain't proving it tonight.” Whistler receives his usual strong support from the crowd; he knows exactly how to play the character... [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg[/IMG] Whistler vs. The Punisher[/CENTER] As one might expect, the fan reaction during the match is weaker. There's a good solid story to the match – one Texas Wrestling League fans will recognise as a cut-down variant on the old Two Eagles/Nero standard, with less cheating and more power on the part of the Punisher – and the two men have sufficient skill to keep the crowd interested as they execute it. But Whistler is Whistler and the Punisher is the Punisher; the Rebel Yell finishes around the eighth minute. [U]Whistler defeated The Punisher[/U] Rating: [B]D[/B] [CENTER]Texas Death Match [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/FloydGoldworthy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] Krusher Karloff w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Pistol Pete Hall[/CENTER] So much emotion going into this match. So much build. Hall and Karloff go at it hammer and tongs; Pete in particular actually has some worthwhile wrestling credentials, but the blood rising in this match means that none of those are displayed. It is, pure and simple, two monsters crashing against each other, and considering that fact, it ain't too bad. The interesting thing becomes the psychology of running the ropes; both the Pistol Whip Lariat and the Horror Hammer begin with a man hitting the ropes, and in this match, in both cases, that man is Krusher Karloff. Each time either man goes for an Irish whip either one of those hard-hitting shots is abruptly and threateningly in play, and after the first Horror Hammer gets a six count, Pete spends as much time tensing to dodge as he does prepping for the Lariat – but eventually, the Lariat is what scores most effectively, finally securing the ten count. [U]Pistol Pete Hall defeated Krusher Karloff[/U] Rating: [B]D+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Once again Herb Stately and his client make their way down to the ring. For the first time in a while, Stately looks pissed off. He takes his time collecting the microphone, testing it, and getting into the ring, drawing out the audience's anticipation like a master. “It seems,” he says, “that we've collected an unwanted hanger-on. This moronic speck calls himself Sammy Bach. And for the third straight time, he's volunteered to have the crap kicked out of him. “Well, Sammy, maybe this time we'll hospitalise you. But I warn you, we're not in the business of catering to perverts. If you're getting off on this, understand me; the party ends here.” [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SammyBach_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bach hops the barrier and slides into the ring once more – and Cahill charges before Stately even has a chance to get clear. For a minute or two Bach stays out of his way, using the ropes and turnbuckles to full advantage, even tags Cahill with a dropkick – but in the end the Man Mountain catches hold of him, and moments later a truly horrific beatdown ensues. Bach is bloodied seconds in, battered moments later, and literally tossed back into the front row as a finale. Stately nods, satisfied, and both men head back up the aisle. [CENTER][B]PPPW Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/Wanda-Fish-goth.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TheNatural_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Tommy Cornell © w/ Wanda Fish vs. The Natural[/B][/CENTER] A heavily weighted championship match here that was, in many ways, a gauge to see how the Natural's coming along. It's a good enough contest; the crowd reacts on a better level than they did when Cornell won the title from Whistler. It is, however, probably good that it's not a main event, as this match is a little weak to be worthy of that; the crowd all know that this is a filler defence, and while the Natural comes close on a couple of occasions, fan reaction is still weak. The champion, however, manages to win clean, showing off the Rough Ride as he does so. [U]Tommy Cornell retained his championship[/U] Rating; [B]C-[/B] [CENTER]Submission Match [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Brent Hill vs. Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc[/CENTER] Both Hill and Dangerous rely primarily on submissions from the rear, and as such positioning is key; what we see early on is not designed so much to win as simply to weaken the opponent, and while it's a remarkable display of both men's skills, it's not received as well as it might be after so many stipulation contests. Giedroyc does some remarkable work at ringside, but Hill eventually takes him out with a King of the Hill to the outside; coming back in, he ends up battling Dangerous from a slight disadvantage, battles back to take the lead – and then Cornell is on the apron. Hill lunges for him, Cornell drops down, and Dangerous takes advantage, slapping on the full nelson, dragging Hill back to the centre, and then beginning to spin the marginally shorter man until submission is – finally – achieved. It's a hard-fought match that continues to help Brent shine even in defeat, and the fans buy into it. [U]Horatio Dangerous defeated Brent Hill after interference from Tommy Cornell[/U] Rating: [B]C+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/AndrewBarber.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Andrew Barber takes the microphone next. “Ladies and gentlemen – before you leave, a moment of your time. Next month, when we return to Pennsylvania Park, Philly Power Pro Wrestling will hold the inaugural Pride of Philadelphia tournament. The winner of this tournament will not only receive the Pride of Philadelphia trophy, but will also receive a guaranteed title opportunity against the Tri-State champion. “Look for all the biggest names in Philly Pro to compete – and we've been told that the King of the Indies Puerto Rican Power has agreed to enter, so we hope to make the winner of this tournament a definitive winner through more than just our company.” Another solid show thanks to the success of the double main-event. Next on SWF 24/7: Managing the monsters. Show Rating: [B]C-[/B]
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[QUOTE=foolinc;541023]I don't know what I was thinking picking Brent Hill. It's not for a title, how could Horatio lose! ;)[/QUOTE] Heh. Actually, the plan is to shunt Horatio down shortly, and I'd have been working on doing that by now were it not for Gilmore's ankle. Brent is likely to become more dominant yet soon enough...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/SWF_247.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Herb Stately lights a cigarette, hands cupped, under the grey New York sky. Sitting at a bench in a public park, he stares off at an angle to the camera, eyes hidden still by his characteristic shades. “I was travelling with Ronnie in those days,” he says. “I'm still not sure how long it took him to realise that the whole Cahill's Corner thing wasn't about him as much as it was about using him to get a bunch of the others over – look at what we did for Sammy, say. Before he ever wrestled a match for Philly Pro he was getting calls from DaVE. “Considering how that ended up for him, you've gotta assume he wishes he'd gone now.” Herb smiles. “Easy E was already there. But he stuck with us a while. Good kid, and the fans loved that he could take that kind of beating. “I always figured Dangerous wasn't a big fan of the monsters. You look at his career, it kind of looks like he tried to avoid getting into feuds with giants. I was kind of worried when I heard he was coming for just that reason; out of me and Floyd, the smart guy keeps Floyd if he has the chance.” He shrugs. “But when you look at what we had when he came in, we had Billy Jack, we had Ronnie, we had Dead Bolt.” He allows himself half a smile. “Who I don't seem to be able to shake off my career. And then before the first show he put together we had Pistol Pete, too. “He knew what he had to do to make the place successful. Well, more or less.” [CENTER] -- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Billy Jack nods. “I was kind of kept busy with the Pete thing for a while, and after that I was only a minor attraction for a bit. There wasn't room for both the big guys and the British Invasion to be huge, and to be honest Ronnie had Cahill's Corner down to a degree I'm not sure we could have equalled with Floyd. I was kinda bugged that I wasn't getting so much work, especially as I still didn't have work somewhere else I could bug out to if the War went wrong. But I could see his point, and I knew there were plans for me. I was looking forward to them; there was this thing with Jimmy Cox and I reckoned I was looking at being the scariest thing in the company once that was done. “Plus, you know, there was the whole thing we had coming to remake me and get me out of the damn Russian thing.” He ****s a crooked smile. “Dangerous knew how to keep me and Ronnie happy, and to be fair, he more or less knew how to use us. I was kind of worried that my future was in the midcard, but I figured at least me and Pete got to wrestle. Ronnie was basically playing a P.T. Barnum trick, and Dead Bolt...” He throws up both hands. “I have no ****ing clue why Dead Bolt stayed on the roster with two bigger names who were better workers doing the exact same thing.” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/LobsterWarrior_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “I don't think Dangerous liked letting people go,” Morisette says thoughtfully. “He hated it when we left, but you couldn't blame him for that. He didn't like having to cut people loose, either. What the hell was Dead Bolt on the roster for?” He shrugs. “Same thing as Jean Cattley, learning his craft, doing his best.” A half-smile. “Now sure, Cattley was doing better. But look at where they've got to now. “The big guys were a pain in the ass when I was with Philly Pro. Major players and major egos to go with it. They didn't do as much work inside the ring as the rest of us, and they had their mouthpieces to talk for them. Sure, they made money, but...” Another shrug. “That's the business. It's not like DaVE didn't have people doing the same thing. And Ronnie did his job a lot better than Cousin Ezra. “But it meant that when Dangerous started changing the face of the main event, he had to handle them really carefully. Ronnie had the rep after a few months that he probably deserved a title shot, he even had the standing issue with Cornell, but it got to the point where he was screwed by a simple equation.” [CENTER] -- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HerbStately.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] “Cahill's Corner,” Stately elaborates, “worked by making Ronnie look unstoppable. The first time he lost, he lost to Tommy Cornell, but you look at what Dangerous did the next couple of shows; he took the time to make Ronnie even scarier than he started. But we both knew Ronnie wasn't the right choice to beat Tommy for the belt. And if Ronnie loses, we have to work at it again. There are only so many times you can beat the unbeatable before you kill the idea.”
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “I think,” Jimmy Cox says, head tilted judiciously, “that Floyd was a little pissed off when John ended up working with him. It wasn't about having to talk him up, because, really, here's the deal when you manage someone like John Maverick or me or, I dunno, Phil Roberts; [i]you do all the talking[/i]. It's down to you. You actually look at the feud I had with John, the first one, and it's actually just a bunch of matches. People talk about it like we were out for blood the whole way, they talk about the story – and that story was all Floyd, him running his mouth because me and John neither could “But every time you walk down to ringside for a match you've got to be ready to play off what goes on in the ring, whether you get involved properly or not. You want to know the story. And I think Floyd expected he'd have to be a major part in putting another set of matches together, when he didn't really know either me or John well enough. “I remember sitting down with John to plan things for the first time. I had this list of stuff I wanted to do, I'd been thinking about, and John had done the same. We just... hit it off right there. We went through each other's lists and figured out what we needed in the first match, what to do in the next, stuff we could do if this turned tag, all kinds of things. Pretty soon we were just coming up with new stuff, and Floyd... he was sitting there listening, and he had this quiet smile on his face. At the time, no question – the guy was the best manager in Philly Pro. He helped me as much as he helped John, I think. “At the other end we had the chick with the corset collection, whatever the hell she was called. She was basically there because she was dating Jean. “She knew how to show herself off, that was pretty much it. Ask her to take a bump, she'd have no idea, and she wasn't much on the stick. She was trying on that score, but as far as the rest of it was concerned, I wasn't impressed.” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fish rolls her eyes. “God, Scarah... I practically forgot about her. Yeah, that was bad stuff. Credit where it's due, she was doing some stuff with Jean before the shows started that got people to pay attention to him. But at ringside, she was a total waste. You could've brought in anyone else and just rented her corsets off her, they were her biggest asset. “When the big list of girls in the promotion was her and me, I was kind of worried. It wasn't what I'd been promised, and so what if I ended up looking better when that was the competition, you know? “I heard later he'd tried Cat and Cherry and a bunch of them and couldn't get hold of them. That was when he called me up and asked me if I could talk to Kit next time I was over with Five Star.” She smiles. “She came in, and Narita got brought in. First time I ever heard of someone being brought in just so their manager could debut, but that was what was going on there. I mean, no complaint getting Narita, he had a bunch of good matches before his short-term ran out but he was mostly there as an excuse to show off Kit. “That was about when I realised just how deeply Dangerous planned this stuff. She did well with Narita, but the story he started building to...” A whistle of appreciation. “Everything he did was layers in layers.” [CENTER]-- [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/SWF%20Footage/Random_Female07.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “She said what?” Kate Dangerous asks, eyes wide. She bursts out laughing. “That is so not how Dad worked. I guess the case she's talking about you could say he made the most of it, since he was bringing Kit in anyway. But that wasn't some deep plan or anything, y'know? Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Life gives you an excuse to hire Awesome freakin' Thunder, you damn well do it. He's Awesome Thunder.” A grin, wild, impulsive. “I guess if you weren't there when he's stressing about this stuff it looks like he was smart about it.”
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[CENTER][B]COMING SOON [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] PPPW: Neighbourhood Threat SHOWCASE MATCHES INCLUDE PPPW Tri-State Championship TOMMY CORNELL vs.PISTOL PETE HALL [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/PistolPeteHall.jpg[/IMG] BRENT HILL vs. BRYAN HOLMES [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] HORATIO DANGEROUS vs. THE HYPE [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/HoratioDangerous.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Dangerous/JackAvatar.jpg[/IMG] THE SKID ROW CLUB, RHODE ISLAND, NEW ENGLAND SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH CATCH US AT PENNSYLVANIA PARK, PHILADELPHIA LAST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH [/B][/CENTER] Prediction Key: JD Morgan w/ Wanda Fish vs. Richard Dangerous w/ Tom Gilmore Black Jack Marlowe vs. Dead Bolt Henry Bennett & Clark Alexander vs. Jimmy Cox & Rick Sanders Whistler & Rich Money vs. Deano Machino & Sandy Townsley Horatio Dangerous w/ Jack Giedroyc vs. The Hype Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes PPPW TRI-STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Tommy Cornell (c) w/ Wanda Fish vs. Pistol Pete Hall
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