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Don't forget the Wiki!

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The TEW wiki is amazing. But it's not being updated much any more. If everyone updated something for their favourite wrestler, we'd have 5 entries! But seriously - use it, love it. It's a really good resource and could be even better. [url]http://tew.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page[/url]
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I could add some more wrestlers in the next day or so, however I don't know how others are distinguishing the hometown's, height, weight, etc. Is it just as the person thinks and then if others disagree they can change it? Also, I don't have the other wrestling sim that allows you to know what a certain wrestler's finisher really is (in the sense of what move it is). So really, If i were to create a profile it would be pretty much what anyone would get out of reading their bio while in game.
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You can download the demo for WS2 and get all the info there. As for the rest, invent as much as you want. I got a lot of Rip Chord's info from his bio, the title histories on the Cornellverse site and one or two of the stories there - but a lot of the rest was inferred from self evident sources (made up). Of course, Rip has a lot of info available about him, comparatively speaking - but then, I wouldn't expect bios for people like Tempest Appleby, Byron or whoever to be anything like as long. Do what seems appropriate, really :)
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Download the trial version of WreSpi2 if you want to look up finishers and the like. You can still play around with the editor and that's all you really need if you're going to be looking stuff up anyways. :) EDIT: Damn you Casey, you beat me to it!!
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